Oxford GlobeScan Corporate Affairs Survey Highlights Presented Webinar 2023-04-19
Oxford GlobeScan Corporate Affairs Survey Highlights Presented Webinar 2023-04-19
Oxford GlobeScan Corporate Affairs Survey Highlights Presented Webinar 2023-04-19
Affairs Survey
Flow of our discussion
1. Key findings from our 2023 survey and interactive panel discussion
1. The big picture: risks and opportunities for global business
2. Meeting the moment: trust, purpose, advocacy
3. Building capacity: evolution of the Corporate Affairs function
Your Hosts Today
3 X
Our Panellists today
4 X
About the
6 X
1. The Big
Picture: Risks &
8 Q40. What are the top three areas that are the biggest risks for global businesses over the next two years? Please list below in order X
of biggest risk, where 1 is the biggest, 2 is the second, and 3 is the third biggest risk. (n=109)
Verbatims for Short-term Risks to Global Business
9 Q40. What are the top three areas that are the biggest risks for global businesses over the next two years? Please list below in order X
of biggest risk, where 1 is the biggest, 2 is the second, and 3 is the third biggest risk. (n=109)
Short-term Opportunities for Global Business
Corporate Affairs professionals believe innovation and AI, climate change adaptation, and just energy
transition offer the biggest opportunities to global businesses
Short-term Opportunities for Global Businesses, Open-ended, Total Mentions, 2023
Q41. What are the top three areas you see that offer the biggest opportunity for global businesses over the next two years? Please list below
10 in order of biggest opportunity, where 1 is the biggest, 2 is the second, and 3 is the third biggest opportunity. (n=109) X
Verbatims for Short-term Opportunities for Global Business
Q41. What are the top three areas you see that offer the biggest opportunity for global businesses over the next two years? Please list below
11 in order of biggest opportunity, where 1 is the biggest, 2 is the second, and 3 is the third biggest opportunity. (n=109) X
Top ESG Issues for Your Organisation
Climate change tops list of ESG issues for businesses, followed by net-zero carbon emissions and
creating more inclusion and diversity within businesses - Confirming trend tracked since 2021
Top ESG Issues, Open-ended, Total Mentions (Selected up to Three), 2023
12 Q1.3 There is ongoing discussion on ESG (environment, social, and governance) issues for business. What are the top ESG issues for X
your organisation? Please list up to three ESG issues. (n=109)
2. Meeting the
Moment: Trust,
purpose, advocacy
Drivers of trust can be divided into two aspects: character & capabilities, Total Mentions, 2023
14 X
Q6. What do you think drives trust in your company today? Please select up to five. (n=109)
Drivers of Trust in Business
Perceived subtle shift to competence factors (business-related drivers) while culture, values, and
relationships, which were more prominent in 2020–2021, slip down the order
Drivers of Trust in Company, Top Five Total Mentions, 2023 Compared to 2020 and 2021
15 X
Q6. What do you think drives trust in your company today? Please select up to five. (2020 n=202; 2021 n=228; 2023 n=109)
State of Corporate Purpose
Over nine in ten Corporate Affairs professionals claim to have an established corporate purpose at
their company, and a further 3 percent are in the process of defining one
4 4 4 6
11 3
13 13
2020 2021 2022 2023
16 Q7.1 Does your company have a stated corporate purpose in place or are you in the process of defining one? Or do you not X
have one at present? (n=108)
Attitudes on Corporate Purpose
There has been a strong increase since 2021 in the belief that there is both strong stewardship from
leadership and understanding from employees on delivering on corporate purpose
Attitudes around Corporate Purpose, “Strongly Agree” (6+7 on a 7-point Scale), 2020–2023
72 My organisation's corporate purpose is clearly articulated
59 There is strong stewardship from leadership on the company’s
corporate purpose
55 58
My organisation’s corporate purpose plays an important role in its
major business decisions
45 46
My organisation's corporate purpose is effectively communicated
across all corporate communication channels
Employees understand how they help to deliver on the company’s
2020 2021 2023
Q7.2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements related to your company’s corporate purpose? Please
17 move the slider to the point on the scale corresponding with your opinion. Subsample: Asked only to those who have a corporate purpose or X
are in the process of defining one. (2020 n=202; 2021 n=228; 2023 n=101)
Risk of Political Populism to Business
Increasingly, political populism and polarisation is seen to be a risk for business
Extent of Risk of Political Populism to Your Company, “High Risk” (6+7 on a 7-point Scale), 2020‒2023
20 Your company
2020 2021 2022 2023
Q2.1 There has been increasing attention paid to political populism across the world, and to a growing trend toward polarisation within
18 society. To what extent do you consider this evolution to be a risk for… ? (2020: n=195; 2021: n=228; 2022: n=221; 2023: n=109) X
Appetite for Corporate Advocacy
Trend remained stable with less than three in ten companies having a strong appetite for advocacy
Strong appetite for advocacy (8+9+10) Neutral (4+5+6+7) Low appetite for advocacy (1+2+3) DK/NA
Q2.3_1 How would you describe your organisation’s appetite for corporate advocacy (sometimes referred to as corporate activism) and
19 their level of active involvement? – Appetite for corporate advocacy (2021: n=228; 2022: n=221; 2023: n=108) X
Planned Advocacy: Key Themes in 2023
Climate change and inequality are the main corporate advocacy topics planned for the coming year
while there is overall a greater balance between environmental and social themes
20 Q2.4. What topics, if any, is your organisation planning to advocate around in the coming year? (n=99) X
Concern about Greenwashing Allegations
Growing concerns amongst Corporate Affairs professionals about being accused of greenwashing
with two-thirds in 2023 concerned opposed to half in 2022
Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not very concerned Not at all concerned
29% 37% 24% 9%
Q23. How concerned are you about your organisation being accused of greenwashing (that is, over-communicating or exaggerating
21 about social and environmental commitments or performance)? (2022: n=221; 2023: n=107) X
Actions Arising from Greenwashing Concerns
Over half of greenwashing accusations have resulted in an increased focus on social and
environmental performance
Actions Resulting from Greenwashing Concerns, Those Who Are Concerned about Greenwashing, Total Mentions, 2023
22 Q23.1 Has concern about your organisation being accused of greenwashing resulted in any of the following? (n=97) X
3. Building
Evolution of the
Affairs Function
Some – Significant impact (5+6+7) Neither here nor there (4) Low – No impact (1+2+3) DK/NA
2023 91% 3% 4% 2%
Q12.2 And thinking about your organisation, how would you rate the impact that Corporate Affairs has on creating and protecting business
26 value? (n=104) X
Reasons Why Corporate Affairs Has a Significant Impact on Creating Business Value
The biggest impact of Corporate Affairs is on protecting and promoting reputation, followed by
connecting organisations to their stakeholders, while less so in the area of influencing public policy
Effective lobbying 1%
Q10.4 Base: Those rating impact of CA on business as significant. What do you believe Corporate Affairs is getting right in creating and
27 protecting business value? (n=102) X
Verbatims on Why Corporate Affairs Has a Significant Impact on Creating Business Value
Q10.4 Base: Those rating impact of CA on business as high. What do you believe Corporate Affairs is getting right in creating and
28 protecting business value? (n=102) X
Summary Findings
29 X
GlobeScan Contacts
Chris Coulter
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correct any misinterpretation.
Leeam Goss-Layani
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30 X
31 X