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Uniface DLM

Installation and Configuration Guide

Release 9.0.3
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Copyright © 2015 Uniface B.V.. All rights reserved.

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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Documentation Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Customer Support Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Uniface DLM: What's New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Chapter 1 ∙ Introduction to License Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Uniface DLM Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
License Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Node-Locked Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Concurrent License Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
License Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Chapter 2 ∙ Installing and Configuring Uniface DLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

License Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
License Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Configuring Uniface DLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Chapter 3 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Installing Uniface DLM on Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Configuring the License Environment on Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Chapter 4 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on Unix Platforms . . . . . . . . . 21

Installing Uniface DLM on Unix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Configuring the License Environment on Unix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Uniface DLM Components on Unix Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Chapter 5 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on iSeries Platforms . . . . . . . . 27

Installing Uniface DLM on iSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Configuring the License Environment on iSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Client License Environment on iSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Uniface DLM Components on iSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 3


Chapter 6 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on OpenVMS Platforms . . . . . 35

Installing Uniface DLM on OpenVMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Configuring the License Environment on OpenVMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Uniface DLM Components on OpenVMS Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Chapter 7 ∙ License Installation and Configuration for Windows CE . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Uniface DLM LicenseSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Adding and Removing License Keys on Mobile Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Uniface DLM License Administration Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Uniface DLM Windows Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Uniface DLM Command Line Version (DLMCV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
DLMCV Command Line Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Configuring the License Environment with DLMCV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

4 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide


The Uniface DLM Installation Guide provides information and procedures to obtain, install,
and configure the license environment for Uniface products.

Who Should Read this Guide

This guide is intended for administrators who are installing Uniface products.
You can find information about the product and how to use it in the Uniface DLM Online Help.

Documentation Conventions
The following font conventions are used throughout documentation:

This font Indicates

Bold Terms, commands, and references to names of screen controls and user
interface elements.

Citation Emphasized text, inline citations, titles of external books or articles.

Documentation Links to Internet resources and linked references to titles in Uniface and
Conventions [p. 5] Uniface DLM documentation.

Fixed width Cited contents of text files, inline examples of code, command line inputs or
system outputs. Also file and path names.

Fixed width bold User input in console commands.

Fixed width italic Place holders for values of strings, for example as in the command:
cd directory_name

Menu ➤ Item Menu items.

Text screen shots.


Code block Blocks of code or fragments of text files.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 5


Related Publications
The Uniface DLM includes an Installation Guide and Users guide in PDF format, and online
help in the product.
The documentation is available from the product installation disk and, after installation, from
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Compuware.
The online help describes how to use the following Uniface DLM Windows application and
Command Line Version (DLMCV).
To access the online help from within a licensing component, you can:
• Click F1 to open the Help menu.
• From the Help menu, choose Index to browse for help for the licensing component being

Customer Support Information

Uniface Product Information
Uniface.info is an Internet-based support service that provides real-time access to a wealth of
Uniface product and technical information. Features include online product documentation,
technical tips and articles, up-to-date platform availability and product fixes. You can access
uniface.info 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Contacting Customer Support

Uniface Customer Support is available for maintenance-paying customers and can assist you
with all your technical problems, from installation to troubleshooting. Prior to contacting
customer support, please gather the following information:
• Name and release number of the DLM version you are using. For example Uniface DLM
9.0 or Compuware DLM 4.5.
• Name, version and patch/maintenance level of Uniface. For example, Uniface 9.6.06 X601.
This information is displayed when you select the About command from the Uniface Help
• The location of the problem in the product and the actions taken before the problem occurred.
• Exact error message, if any, and any other information pertaining to the error.
• The operating system on which your product is installed.
Uniface Customer support can be contacted on [email protected]
Priority Issues
For urgent, high priority issues, we advise to contact us via telephone. The various contact
details around the world are published on uniface.info.
Support Escalatation
If you have a Uniface issue which you feel should be escalated, please contact the relevant
member of the Uniface management team. Details are available on uniface.com.

6 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide


Corporate Web Site

For information about Uniface customer support offerings, see the Uniface corporate web
site at uniface.com, or contact us at [email protected].
Uniface B.V.
Hoogoorddreef 60
1101 BE Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Uniface DLM: What's New

Uniface DLM is Uniface's license management software.

Table 1. What's New in Uniface DLM 9.0.3

Feature Description

Windows 10 support This release of Uniface DLM is supported on Windows 10 and fixes
some issues on Unix and Linux platforms.

Table 2. What's New in Uniface DLM 9.0.2

Feature Description

DLMInfo utility The DLMInfo utility has been enhanced to provide additional system
information about the machine for which a license is requested, such
as the number and type of processors.
The file that is generated by the DLMInfo utility is required when
requesting new licenses, and may also be requested by Uniface to ensure
that you have the correct licenses for your needs.
For more information, see Uniface DLM Components [p. 9] and
Requesting a License File from Uniface in the Uniface DLM Online

Table 3. What's New in Uniface DLM 9.0.1

Feature Description

Name and Version Number The name has been changed to Uniface DLM and the version is
changed to 9.0. It replaces Compuware's Distributed License Manager
Uniface DLM is based on Compuware's DLM and provides the same

This version of Uniface DLM is completely compatible with the
Compuware DLM, so a Uniface DLM Client can run against a
Compuware License Service, and vice versa.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 7


Table 3. What's New in Uniface DLM 9.0.1 (continued)

Feature Description

Customers who are currently using the Compuware DLM do not have
to install Uniface DLM. You can continue to use your existing licenses,
managed by the Compuware DLM License Service.
If you are a new customer, you will need to install the Uniface DLM
in order to use Uniface.

Documentation The documentation delivered with Uniface DLM has been updated and
consolidated to ensure that the information provided in PDF guides
and online help is consistent and accurate.

8 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

Introduction to License Management

The Uniface Distributed License Management (Uniface DLM) system protects Uniface software
products from unauthorized usage and enables you to administer licenses for your Uniface
Licenses are provided as XML files that, depending on the license, may be installed on the same
workstation as the Uniface product or feature, or on a central server that will check out and
serve licenses to client workstations. When a central license server is used, client machines or
servers running Uniface products must connect to a license service to obtain their license.
Uniface DLM must be installed on any machine that acts as a license source, whether an
individual workstation or a central server, and on every workstation that will act as a client of
a license server. The Uniface DLM components that are installed depend on the platform and
the type of license.

Uniface DLM Components

The core components of the Uniface DLM system are the license file, various administration
tools, and the License Service.

Uniface DLM Core Components

Uniface DLM software consists of the following key components:
License file
An XML file that contains information about the license for one or more of your Uniface
applications or features. It is generated by Uniface for a specific customer and specific
machine. For more information, see License Files [p. 11].
Uniface DLM Application
A Windows-based administration tool that can be used by both administrators and users
to view and manage Uniface licenses. It can also be used to obtain host information before
requesting a license, administering the license server, and monitoring license usage and
generating usage reports. For more information, see Uniface DLM Windows Application
[p. 43].

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 9

Chapter 1 ∙ Introduction to License Management

Uniface DLM Command Line Version (DLMCV)

The command line version of Uniface DLM provides most of the functionality provided
by the Uniface DLM Windows application. It is available on all supported platforms. A
simple menu interface enables you to use it interactively, but it can also be used for
script-based configurations. For more information, see Uniface DLM Command Line
Version (DLMCV) [p. 44] and DLMCV Command Line Options [p. 45].
License Service
A process that manages requests from clients for a concurrent license. On Windows, it is
automatically installed . On Unix, it must be manually installed. For more information,
see License Service [p. 13].

Additional Tools and Utilities

Depending on the platform, Uniface Distributed License Management includes the following
Uniface DLM LicenseSync (Windows)
A desktop synchronization tool that enables end users to transfer license keys between a
desktop computer and an attached mobile device It supports the communication protocols
currently supported by Microsoft ActiveSync. For more information, see Uniface DLM
LicenseSync [p. 39].
A command line utility that generates a file containing information about the host ID,
operating system, and processors of the machine where it is run. This file is used when
requesting a new license, and may also be requested by Uniface to ensure that you have
the correct license for your needs.
A command line utility used to generate license usage reports. It can be run in interactive
mode or used with parameters in script files. For more information, see UMFilter in the
Uniface DLM Administrators Guide.
Usage reports can also be generated from the Uniface DLM application.
License Proxy Service
A proxy service that provides licensing support for platforms that support Uniface but
which are not yet supported by Uniface DLM. For more information, see License Proxy
Service in the Uniface DLM Administrators Guide.

License Models
Uniface offers two license models—node-locked for single users, and concurrent for multiple

Node-Locked Licenses
A node-locked license allows the product to run on a single workstation, and does not require
a License Service to manage license checkout.
Uniface issues node-locked licenses only for the trial version of Uniface.

10 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 1 ∙ Introduction to License Management

A node-locked license is characterized by the absence of a count tag for the licensed feature.
It is bound to the workstation by its NIC MAC Address or a hard disk signature.

Concurrent License Model

A concurrent license allows the product to run on more than one workstation so that multiple
users can access the product at the same time. It is server-based and requires the use of the
License Service to manage license requests.
Instead, licenses are checked out by users on a first-come, first- served basis when they access
the product. When all available licenses are issued, no additional users can run the product until
another user exits and a license is checked in. This request-and-issue process is managed by the
License Service.
Concurrent licensing allows you to purchase a specific number of licenses without assigning
these licenses to particular clients or having to obtain their unique node identifiers. Instead, the
License Service running on a server handles requests for licenses from client workstations.
When all available licenses are checked out, no additional users can run the product until a
license is checked back in.
A concurrent license is defined by the count tag for the licensed feature in the license file.
Other tags in the license file determine the type of concurrent license model.
There are several types of concurrent license model.
• Borrow-Enabled License Model—allows a user to borrow a feature or product for a specified
amount of time, up to a maximum of 365 days.
• User-Manage License Model—allows the license administrator to control user access to
specific options or features.
• First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)—limits the number of physical users to a defined set.
• User Duplication License Model—allows the user to run an unlimited number of instances
of an application as long as it is the same user on the same machine. The net usage in this
case is always one for the individual user, regardless of the number of instances running.
• Redundant Server License Model—provides limited protection against license server failure.
It disperses the responsibility for managing the license files over a predetermined number
of servers.

License Files
Uniface generates a license file based on your contract and on the machines where the license
will be located.
A license file is an XML file that contains a single license object that includes one or more
license keys, each of which corresponds to a specific feature or application. The license file is
keyed to a specific host machine, and can only be provided by Uniface when you know where
it will be installed. For more information, see Requesting a License File from Uniface in the
Uniface DLM Online Help.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 11

Chapter 1 ∙ Introduction to License Management

License Keys
Each license key specifies the limits or behavior of a product based on the purchase agreement.
If an end user modifies license keys, the purchase agreement is invalidated and the associated
application or feature will not work.

License File Format

B The license is defined by the license object that contains at least one key object that
licenses a specific application or feature.
C If the license supports redundant servers, it will have one or more redundant objects, and
each license key that supports redundancy will have a Redundant parameter that references
a specific redundant object. For more information, see License Key Parameters for
Redundant Servers in the Uniface DLM Online Help.
D The key specifies the security key in its protected attribute. The key element contains
parameters that define the application or feature it applies to, and specify the details of the
usage extent. For more information, see License Key Parameters in the Uniface DLM Online

Figure 1. License File Format


<-- A redundant concurrent license contains a <redundant> object -->

C <redundant protected=’SecurityKey’>
<!-- Omitted parameters ... -->

D <key protected='SecurityKey'>
<Description> ProductDescription </Description>
<App> ApplicationName or undefined </App>
<Vers> VersionNumber or undefined </Vers>
<Start> StartDate or undefined </Start>
<End> EndDate or undefined </End>
<Count> NumberOfCurrentUsers | unlimited | undefined | infinite </Count>
<Eth> Ethernet address of licensed system </Eth>
<Softkey> Softkey ID of licensed system </Softkey>
<Serial> Disk serial number of licensed system </Serial>
<Ip> IP address of licensed system </Ip>

<!-- A key can have only a <hostid> (lowercase) or a <HostId> (mixed case)
<Hostid> Host Id </Hostid>

<!-- A concurrent license may specify the license model using the following
<Redundant> Policy Id </Redundant>

<Parameters> Application-specific parameters </Parameters>


12 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing and Configuring Uniface DLM

The licensing process varies based on the Uniface product being installed, your agreement with
Uniface, and the platform on which the Uniface License Service is installed.
On each platform, the basic steps are the same:
1. Install the Uniface DLM on the server where the License Service will run, and on each
Uniface client.
2. Obtain a license file from Uniface and copy it to the Uniface DLM installation for which
it was requested.
3. Start the License Service.
4. On both the license server and each Uniface client, use the appropriate license administration
utility (the Uniface DLM Windows application or DLMCV) to add the license or specify
the License Service that is serving the license.

For advanced configuration, such as configuring redundant license servers and license borrowing,
see the Uniface DLM Online Help.

License Service
The License Service is a long running process that manages and services requests for the licenses
for multiple client machines. It is required for concurrent licenses.
The License Service can serve all Uniface features. It keeps track of licenses as they are checked
out and checked in by users. Licenses are checked out by users on a first-come, first-served
basis when they access the product. After all available licenses are issued, no additional users
can run the product until another user exits and a license is checked in. Your license determines
how many users can access the product at one time.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 13

Chapter 2 ∙ Installing and Configuring Uniface DLM

Figure 2. Typical Configuration for a Concurrent License

The License Service must be running on a computer or server that is always available to all
clients needing access to the product. In many cases, it is recommended that you co-locate the
License Service with the server-based components of one of the Uniface products you are
If a large number of licenses are governed by a single license server, you should set up redundant
servers so that if one server goes down, the License Service can still function. In this case the
license file must support server redundancy. For more information, see Redundant License
Servers in the Uniface DLM Online Help.
On Windows, the Uniface DLM application will automatically start the License Servicewhen
a concurrent license is to the license environment.
On non-Windows platforms, the License Service must be explicitly started after a concurrent
license is added to the license environment.

License Environment
Every Uniface DLM installation has a client license environment that defines the available
license sources. If one of the license sources is a locally-available license file that includes a
concurrent license, there is also a server license environment for the License Service.
A license environment can include multiple sources, including locally-installed license files
and license servers. When a request is made to check out a license for a Uniface feature, all
sources in the client license environment are scanned until a valid key is found.

If there are old or obsolete license sources in the environment setting, you should delete them
to improve product response time. Only currently operating servers should be specified in the
license environment setting.

Information about the license environment is managed using the Uniface DLM administration
tools (the Uniface DLM Windows application or DLMCV), and stored in a configuration file,

14 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 2 ∙ Installing and Configuring Uniface DLM

which is created the first time a license source is added. The configuration files are XML-based,
so they provide a similar heterogeneous methodology for component configuration. The location
of these files on clients and servers is similar for all supported platforms.
• For a concurrent license, the license environment is maintained in the config directory of
the Uniface DLM installation. For more information, see Server Configuration File in the
Uniface DLM Online Help.
• For a node-locked license, the license environment can be defined globally for all users of
a machine, or locally for individual users. If end users have a local configuration, it overrides
a global configuration. The location of a configuration file determines whether it is global
or a local. For more information, see Client Configuration File in the Uniface DLM Online

Global and Local Client License Environments

The client license environment is maintained in a .compuware directory. The location of this
directory determines whether it is shared by all users or processes on the system (global
environment), or whether it is applicable on to specific users (local environment).
By default, the client license environment is global, but this can be changed when configuring
the client license environment.
• Depending on the Windows platform, the global .compuware folder may be in \Documents
and Settings\All Users or in \Users\Public\. For example,
• On Unix, the global .compuware directory is located in the root directory of the system
• On iSeries, the global .compuware directory is located under the directory defined by the
DLM_ROOT data area.

On Unix and Windows, a local .compuware directory is located in a user’s login directory.
For more information, see Configuring the License Environment on Windows [p. 18] and
Configuring the License Environment with DLMCV [p. 47].

Configuring Uniface DLM

Once Uniface DLM is installed, you need to add one or more valid license sources. A license
source can be a local file or the address of the License Service. The procedure for adding a
license source is the same on both the server that hosts the License Service, and for client

License Server
For a concurrent license, the license file must first be added to the licensed server. This is any
system that has been authorized by a valid license file to provide remote start-up authorization
for Uniface applications.
When a valid concurrent license file is added on the licensed server machine, the License Service
must be started. This is done automatically on Windows, but must be done explicitly on other

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 15

Chapter 2 ∙ Installing and Configuring Uniface DLM

platforms. The address of this License Service can then be added as a license source to the
Uniface DLM clients.
Depending on the licensed functionality (such as license borrowing and user manage licensed)
the organization's requirements, it may be necessary for the license administrator to configure
license borrowing, define authorized users, configure redundant servers, create license pools,
and define usage log files.

License Client
A license client is any system that runs a Uniface application and connects to a License Service
to obtain licenses for Uniface features.
In most cases, adding license sources is all that is required to configure the client license
environment. If required, the license administrator may assign a pool ID to a client.

16 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

License Installation and Configuration on

Installing Uniface DLM on Windows

Uniface DLM must be installed on any client workstation that will run a Uniface product. For
a concurrent license, it must be installed on a host server that is accessible to the client machines.

When installing Uniface 9.6.06, Uniface DLM is installed automatically if no other version of
DLM is detected. There is no need to install Uniface DLM if Compuware DLM is already

For best results, close all programs before installing your Uniface product and the Uniface DLM

1. From installation media, select Install License Server to start the installer.
The installer guides you through the installation process, requesting information and copying
files to the specified location.

If the Installer reports the error the msi file is not a valid installation package, use Microsoft's
Fixit program, which can be run from

2. After the files are copied, click Finish to complete the installation. Reboot the machine, if
3. Start Uniface DLM.
From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs ➤ Uniface ➤ Uniface Distributed
License Management.
The Uniface DLM Windows application is opened to the Local Environment tab.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 17

Chapter 3 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on Windows

4. If you don't yet have a license and need to gather the machine information to request one,
click the Show System link in the lower left corner of the application window. For more
information, see Requesting a License File from Uniface in the Uniface DLM Online Help.
5. If you have a license file, or have been given the address of the license server, click Add
to specify the location of the license, then click OK.
For more information, see Configuring the License Environment on Windows [p. 18] and
Configuring the License Service on Windows in the Uniface DLM Online Help.

Configuring the License Environment on Windows

Configuring the license environment requires you to copy the license to the Uniface DLM
installation on the host server, and configure the configure each client to access the License
Service on the server.

Before You Begin

Obtain a license file from Uniface. The license file is based on your contract and on the machine
where the license will be located. For more information, see Requesting a License File from
Uniface in the Uniface DLM Online Help.

1. Copy the license file to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Compuware\License.

You can add the license file directly to the License\ folder, then start up the License
Service to install a license.

Configure the License Environment

Define a local license environment by adding one or more license sources. When adding licenses,
you must run Uniface DLM as administrator.
2. Start the Uniface DLM application from the Windows Programs menu. (Right-click and
choose Run as administrator.)
If this is the first license being installed, use the Local Environment tab.
If you have previously installed a concurrent license, the License Service should already
be installed and running, and a Server Environment tab will be present in the Uniface
DLM application. You can use it to add another license source.
3. Click Add to open the Add License dialog box.

18 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 3 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on Windows

4. Specify the location of a license.

On a license server, the source must be a file, not another license server. If a license file is
available locally, it is usually located in the License\ folder of the Uniface DLM
If the license is available on a server, enter the of the host server, in the format port@host.
The port number is typically 7188. For example [email protected].
5. Click OK to add the license source to the environment.
If the license file is located on this machine and it is a concurrent license, the License
Service is automatically started and installed. A Server Environment is added to the
Uniface DLM application, which can be used to administer the License Service.

What to Do Next
For more information, see Configuring the License Service on Windows in the Uniface DLM
Online Help.
In some circumstances, additional configuration may be required for the client. In most cases,
you should only change these options if instructed to do so by a license administrator or a
Uniface representative.
1. Go to the Advanced Configuration tab.
2. In the Client Configuration section, modify settings as required. For more information,
see Advanced Configuration Tab in the Uniface DLM Online Help.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 19

Chapter 3 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on Windows

20 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

License Installation and Configuration on Unix

Installing Uniface DLM on Unix

Uniface DLM must be installed on any client workstation that will run a Uniface product. For
a concurrent license, it should be installed on a network server that is accessible to the client

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have root access permission so that you can load the installation media and
create the DLM installation directory.

1. Load the installation media on your system, then change to the mount directory.
For example, if /cdrom is the mount directory, type the following:
cd /cdrom

2. Navigate to the directory on the installation media that contains the Uniface DLM installation
3. Run the install.sh script to install the Uniface DLM components on your system.
For example: install.sh install_bundle {target}
If you do not specify a target, the installation will be placed in /opt/compuware/dlm. If
you specify a directory, the License Service files will be installed directly into the target
directory. Root access may be required to create the directory.
You are notified when the installation is completed.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 21

Chapter 4 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on Unix Platforms

If the installation has a problem creating the directory, you are notified of the error and are
forced to exit.

DLM Installer (install.sh) - Copyright (c) Uniface B.V.

All Rightes Reserved

Installing build 9.0.03

sensing platform and IS version ...

using HP-UX

extracting supporting binaries from dlm-2015-15-Sep.....

extracting setup script
extracting 32 bit support...
estracting 64 bit support...

verifying installtion......

creating initial server configuration file.....

creating launch script.....
cleaning up.....

To complete the install you will need to append the following

environment variable(s):
SHLIB_PATH with /home/abcweb0/dist/dlm.HP-UX/HP-UX/32 for 32-bit applications
LD_LIBRARY_PATH with /home/abcwec0/4001/dist/dlm.HP-UX/HP-UX/64 for 64-bit


<abcwec0@svblhp1-HP-UX> ?

4. Add the installation path to the appropriate environment variable for your system:
• 32 bit: SHLIB_PATH
• 64-bit: LD_LIBRARY

5. If you have received the license file from Uniface, copy it to /target/license.

Configuring the License Environment on Unix

Configuring the license environment requires you to copy the license to the Uniface DLM
installation on the host server, start the License Service, and configure the License Service and
configure each client to access the license.

Before You Begin

Obtain a license file from Uniface. The license file is based on your contract and on the machine
where the license will be located. For more information, see Requesting a License File from
Uniface in the Uniface DLM Online Help.

1. Copy the license file you received from Uniface to the /license directory in the DLM
installation on Unix

22 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 4 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on Unix Platforms

Start the License Service

You can configure the License Service to start automatically (each time the server boots) or to
be started manually.
You cannot run more than one License Service at a time. If one is already running, you must
shut it down before starting a new one.
2. To start the License Service manually (required each time the server reboots), type cpwr.sh
3. To start the License Service automatically each time the server reboots, follow the suggested
procedure below for the appropriate platform.
Platform Action

AIX In etc/rc.local, type the following command on one line:

/DLMInstallDir/cpwr.sh -start

HP-UX In /sbin/rc3.d, create a file named s95cwlm.server and add the

following command to the file:
/DLMInstallDir/cpwr.sh -start

Linux In /etc/rc.d/rc2.d, create a file named s95cwlm.server and add the

following command to the file:
/DLMInstallDir/cpwr.sh -start

Sun Solaris In /etc/rc2.d, create a file named s95cwlm.server and add the
following command to the file:
/DLMInstallDir/cpwr.sh -start

4. To stop the License Service, type cpwr.sh stop

Configure the License Environment
Use the DLMCV License Administration Utility to configure a license for use by Uniface. It
enables you to add a license file to a License Service and then to configure each client to access
the License Service.
The DLMCV provides a simple text interface for configuring both the License Service and
Uniface clients. It also provides support for script-based configurations. For more information,
see Uniface DLM Command Line Version (DLMCV) [p. 44] and DLMCV Command Line
Options [p. 45].
5. Start DLMCV by entering the following command:

The DLMCV Main Menu is displayed. It contains two submenus: Client and License
6. Choose the license environment you are configuring.
• Enter C to start the Client menu. For more information, see Client Menu in the Uniface
DLM Online Help.
• Enter L to start the License Service menu. For more information, see License Service
Menu in the Uniface DLM Online Help.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 23

Chapter 4 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on Unix Platforms

Both menus include a License path command.

7. Enter L to start the License Path menu.

Figure 3. License Path Menu

Current setting(s):

not set

---[License path ]
Command list---


Hit enter to return to the previous menu or key

in a command. Commands can be abbreviated using
the first N unique characters which are denoted
by the leading uppercase characters.

8. Enter A to add a license.

9. At the prompt, specify the port@host to your license server, or the fully qualified path to
a local license file, then press [Enter].
If a license file is available locally, it is usually located in the License\ folder of the
Uniface DLM installation.
If the license is available on a server, enter the of the host server, in the format port@host.
The port number is typically 7188. For example, [email protected].

If you are installing a concurrent license on a License Service, you will need to (re-)start
the License Service.

10. Press Enter again to return to the previous menu.

11. Enter v to choose Verify.
You can now test whether a license checkout would work using the current setting. It is
important that you do this, because if you cannot successfully verify a license, then Uniface
cannot check out the license.

Uniface DLM Components on Unix Platforms

The installation directory on Unix includes the following files:

Table 4. Uniface DLM Components on Unix Platforms

Component Description

Readme Additional License Service information.

/bin For Uniface use only.

24 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 4 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on Unix Platforms

Table 4. Uniface DLM Components on Unix Platforms (continued)

Component Description

/config Directory containing the server configuration file


cpwr.sh License Service.

dlminfo.sh Generates a file containing system information.

install.log Contains data from the installation process.

dlmcv.sh Uniface Distributed License Management -

Command Line Version.

libdlm32.so Runtime library used by clients.

libdlm64.so Runtime library used by clients.

/license Directory containing license files.

os Multi-platform support.

vlog.sh License Service log file.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 25

Chapter 4 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on Unix Platforms

26 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

License Installation and Configuration on iSeries

Installing Uniface DLM on iSeries

The Uniface DLM components for iSeries are delivered in a self-extracting zip file. You need
to extract the contents of this file to an IFS (Integrated File System) share on iSeries and restore
the installer, before running it.
If you are installing a complete Uniface version from CD or electronic distribution, the Uniface
DLM components are included in the self-extracting zip file for the complete Uniface installation.
For complete installation instructions, see the Uniface Installation and Configuration Guide
for iSeries.
If you are installing a service pack on top of an existing Uniface installation, the license
components are provided in a separate self-extracting executable.

1. Extract all the files on a Windows PC and transfer the files to an IFS directory on your
a. Use iSeries Navigator (or Client Access) to create a share on the iSeries, or use an
existing share.
b. Map this share as a drive to your Windows PC.
c. Run the self-extracting zip file on the PC, extracting the Uniface distribution into the
iSeries IFS.
d. Make a note of the exact location in the IFS into which you have extracted the Uniface
distribution; you will need it to restore and run the Uniface installer.

In the following instructions, this location is assumed to be /dlmsetup, but in a
complete Uniface installation it could be uniface/AS3 ( for IBM i 6.1 and 7.1) or
uniface/AS2 (for i5/OS V5)

2. On the iSeries command line, restore and run the installer.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 27

Chapter 5 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on iSeries Platforms

a. Copy the savefile (.SVF) into library QTEMP.


b. Restore the AS400INS program and its display file into library QTEMP:

This extracts the installer from the savefile.

3. Start the installer:

CALL PGM(QTEMP/AS400INS) PARM('src=/dlmsetup')

AS400INS is a wizard-like installer that takes you from screen to screen during the
installation process. Press Enter to proceed to the next screen, F12 to go to the previous
screen, or F3 to stop the installer immediately without installing anything.
4. In the Welcome screen, press Enter to continue.
5. Specify the library and IFS directory into which the Uniface DLM product and configuration
files are to be stored.
For example, DLM as the library name and /.dlmsetup for the IFS directory.
6. Select or deselect Uniface DLM components.
Since there is currently only one component to install, press Enter to accept the defaults.
7. Review and confirm the information you have provided thus far.
Press Enter to proceed with installing Uniface DLM.
The DLM programs and service programs are copied into the specified library, and the
Uniface DLM configuration files are copied into the specified IFS directory.

What to Do Next
If you do not have a valid license file yet, you need to request one, providing Uniface with the
host ID (machine serial number) of the iSeries machine.
If you already have a license file, you can configure the license environment. For more
information, see Configuring the License Environment on iSeries [p. 28].

Configuring the License Environment on iSeries

Configuring the license environment requires you to copy the license to the DLM installation
on the host server, start the License Service, and configure the License Service and each client
to access the license.

Before You Begin

Obtain a license file from Uniface. The license file is based on your contract and on the machine
where the license will be located. For more information, see Requesting a License File from
Uniface in the Uniface DLM Online Help.

28 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on iSeries Platforms

1. Copy the license file you received from Uniface to the /.DLM/license IFS subdirectory
of the Uniface DLM installation.
You can do this by using FTP in ASCII mode (the license files are text XML files).

Start the License Service

Before a client can access a served license, the host server must have the License Service installed
and running.
To be able to start it, you need to be authorized to submit the CPWR program in the installation
2. Check whether a License Service is running using WRKACTJOB.
You cannot run two License Servers simultaneously and must shut one down before starting
a new one.

A job called CPWR will be shown under subsystem QBATCH.

For more information regarding the syntax and available command line options, perform
the following command:

3. Start the License Service:


To start the License Server in debug mode, use the following command:

Configure the License Environment

Use the DLMCV License Administration Utility to configure a license for use by Uniface. It
enables you to add a license file to a License Service and then to configure each client to access
the License Service.
The DLMCV provides a simple text interface for configuring both the License Service and
Uniface clients. It also provides support for script-based configurations. For more information,
see Uniface DLM Command Line Version (DLMCV) [p. 44] and DLMCV Command Line
Options [p. 45].
4. Start DLMCV by entering the following commands:

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 29

Chapter 5 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on iSeries Platforms

The DLMCV Main Menu is displayed. It contains two submenus: Client and License
5. Choose the license environment you are configuring.
• Enter C to start the Client menu. For more information, see Client Menu in the Uniface
DLM Online Help.
• Enter L to start the License Service menu. For more information, see License Service
Menu in the Uniface DLM Online Help.
Both menus include a License path command.
6. Enter L to start the License Path menu.

Figure 4. License Path Menu

Current setting(s):

not set

---[License path ]
Command list---


Hit enter to return to the previous menu or key

in a command. Commands can be abbreviated using
the first N unique characters which are denoted
by the leading uppercase characters.

7. Enter A to add a license.

8. At the prompt, specify the port@host to your license server, or the fully qualified path to
a local license file, then press [Enter].
If a license file is available locally, it is usually located in the License\ folder of the
Uniface DLM installation.
If the license is available on a server, enter the of the host server, in the format port@host.
The port number is typically 7188. For example, [email protected].

If you are installing a concurrent license on a License Service, you will need to (re-)start
the License Service.

9. Press Enter again to return to the previous menu.

10. Enter v to choose Verify.
You can now test whether a license checkout would work using the current setting. It is
important that you do this, because if you cannot successfully verify a license, then Uniface
cannot check out the license.
For a typical iSeries installation, you can verify license feature USRVDB2, or UDB2, and
version 09.01. If everything works correctly, you will see a screen similar to this:
This feature is working properly

30 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on iSeries Platforms

source : [email protected]
feature/app : USRVDB2
requested version : 09.06
actual version : 09.06
expires : 40 days
type : concurrent

Client License Environment on iSeries

On the iSeries, login directories are not required so not every user has a login directory to define
a local configuration. To provide similar functionality, an administrator can define data areas
within DLM.LIB, naming them after user login names that contain the parent directory locations
in which local configuration folders reside.
iSeries administrators can set up local client configurations by using the following series of

CPY OBJ('/.uniface') TODIR('userdirectory') SUBTREE(*ALL)

• DLM—root directory in the root file system that contains Uniface DLM configuration files.
• USERNAME—login name of a user.
• The userdirectory—parent directory where the .uniface folder resides.

Uniface DLM does not provide a user interface to add user data areas because the iSeries already
provides APIs and commands to perform this task.

During application startup, Uniface DLM checks for a local configuration by checking for the
presence of a username-based data area within the DLM.LIB library object.
• If the data area exists, the client environment is loaded from the directory defined in the
user’s data area.
• If a matching data area is not found, the Uniface DLM runtime loads the client environment
from /.uniface/config.xml.

The following diagrams illustrate the DLM.LIB library object and the Uniface DLM root folder
in which configuration information is stored.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 31

Chapter 5 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on iSeries Platforms

Figure 5. DLM.LIB Library Object on the QSYS.LIB File System.

Figure 6. DLM Data Files on the ROOT File System

Uniface DLM Components on iSeries

The IFS installation directory for the iSeries platform includes the directories and files for
Uniface DLM.

Table 5. IFS Installation Directory for iSeries

Directory Description

/DLM/bin For Uniface use only.

/DLM/config Directory containing server configuration file config.xml. For more

information, see Server Configuration File in the Uniface DLM Online

/DLM/license Directory containing license files.

/DLM/logging Directory containing log files.

32 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 5 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on iSeries Platforms

Table 5. IFS Installation Directory for iSeries (continued)

Directory Description

/DLM/audits Directory containing audit reports.

The IFS directory /.compuware includes the file /.compuware/config.xml, the global client
configuration file. DLM license clients use this if the current user profile does not have a local
configuration file.

Table 6. Uniface DLM Installation Library on iSeries

Object Description

CPWR *PGM License Service the serves licenses to clients. For more information, see
License Service [p. 13].

DLMINFO *PGM Generates a file containing system information.

DLMCV *PGM License Administration Utility - Command Line Version for configuring
the License Service or client license environment. For more information,
see Uniface DLM Command Line Version (DLMCV) [p. 44].

UMFILTER Usage Database Filter. For more information, see UMFilter in the
Uniface DLM Administrators Guide.

LIBDLM64 *SRVPGM Runtime library used by clients.

DLM_ROOT *DTAARA Data area containing the IFS path to all server files required or created
by the DLM server.

DLM_VERS *DTAARA Contains the full DLM version number.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 33

Chapter 5 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on iSeries Platforms

34 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

License Installation and Configuration on
OpenVMS Platforms

Installing Uniface DLM on OpenVMS

If you are installing DLM from a CD, you can run install.com in the DLM directory on the
CD to install license components. If you are installing from a service pack, you first have to run
the self-extracting executable.

1. If necessary, run the self-extracting executable and restore the backup save_set.
a. Run the self-extracting executable.
b. Restore the save_set in a temporary directory with the following commands:
create/dir [.dlm]
backup filename /save_set /select=[packages.CCC...] [.dlm...]*.*

where CCC is the compatibility code for the VMS platform such as VI1 or A82.

The triple dots are necessary.

If you omit the /select flag, extra directory levels PACKAGES.CCC are created into
which the save_set is extracted.

2. Run the install.com program.

Configuring the License Environment on OpenVMS

Configuring the license environment requires you to copy the license to the DLM installation
on the host server, start the License Service, and configure the License Service and each client
to access the license.

Before You Begin

To be able to start a License Service you need to be authorized to set the SYSPRV privilege.
When you start the license server detached, this privilege should also have been set.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 35

Chapter 6 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on OpenVMS Platforms

Obtain a license file from Uniface. The license file is based on your contract and on the machine
where the license will be located. For more information, see Requesting a License File from
Uniface in the Uniface DLM Online Help.

1. Copy the license file you received from Uniface to d$user:[dlminstalldir.license]

Start the License Service
Before a client can access a served license, the corresponding server must have the License
Service installed and running. To be able to start it, you need to define an external command
and then run it.
If you are using the DLM License Service on OpenVMS, start the service (or ensure that it is
running), then use the DLMCV to configure the license.
2. Define an external command:

3. Start the License Service:

cpwr /start

or, start the License Service in detached mode:

set proc/priv=sysprv
run /det cpwr

To start the License Service in debug-mode, enter:

cpwr /d

For more information regarding the syntax and available command line options, enter:
cpwr /h

You cannot run two License Services simultaneously and must shut one down before starting
a new one.

Configure the License Environment

Use the DLMCV License Administration Utility to configure a license for use by Uniface. It
enables you to add a license file to a License Service and then to configure each client to access
the License Service.
The DLMCV provides a simple text interface for configuring both the License Service and
Uniface clients. It also provides support for script-based configurations. For more information,
see Uniface DLM Command Line Version (DLMCV) [p. 44] and DLMCV Command Line
Options [p. 45].
To get option help on the command line, you can define a external command and then call the
help function:

36 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 6 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on OpenVMS Platforms

4. Start DLMCV by entering the following commands:

define/nolog LIBDLM d$user:[dlminstalldir]LIBDLM.EXE
run dlmcv.exe

The DLMCV Main Menu is displayed. It contains two submenus: Client and License
5. Choose the license environment you are configuring.
• Enter C to start the Client menu. For more information, see Client Menu in the Uniface
DLM Online Help.
• Enter L to start the License Service menu. For more information, see License Service
Menu in the Uniface DLM Online Help.
Both menus include a License path command.
6. Enter L to start the License Path menu.

Figure 7. License Path Menu

Current setting(s):

not set

---[License path ]
Command list---


Hit enter to return to the previous menu or key

in a command. Commands can be abbreviated using
the first N unique characters which are denoted
by the leading uppercase characters.

7. Enter A to add a license.

8. At the prompt, specify the port@host to your license server, or the fully qualified path to
a local license file, then press [Enter].
If a license file is available locally, it is usually located in the License\ folder of the
Uniface DLM installation.
If the license is available on a server, enter the of the host server, in the format port@host.
The port number is typically 7188. For example, [email protected].

If you are installing a concurrent license on a License Service, you will need to (re-)start
the License Service.

9. Press Enter again to return to the previous menu.

10. Enter v to choose Verify.
You can now test whether a license checkout would work using the current setting. It is
important that you do this, because if you cannot successfully verify a license, then Uniface
cannot check out the license.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 37

Chapter 6 ∙ License Installation and Configuration on OpenVMS Platforms

Uniface DLM Components on OpenVMS Platforms

The installation directory for the VMS platform includes the following files:

Table 7. Uniface DLM Components on OpenVMS Platforms

Component Description

readme.txt Installation information.

bin.dir For Uniface use only.

config.dir Directory containing the server configuration file


cpwr.exe License Service.

dlminfo.exe Generates a file containing system information.

dlmcv.exe Uniface Distributed License Management -

Command Line Version.

libdlm.exe Runtime library used by clients.

umfilter.exe Processing of log data

license.dir Directory containing license files.

logging.dir Contains data from the installation process.

audits.dir Directory containing audit reports.

38 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

License Installation and Configuration for
Windows CE

For applications that can run on Windows CE mobile devices, Uniface DLM LicenseSync can
be used to transfer licenses to mobile devices.
The mobile implementation supports both single-user and, to a limited extent, concurrent license

Uniface DLM LicenseSync

Uniface DLM LicenseSync is a desktop synchronization tool that enables end users to transfer
license keys between a desktop computer and an attached mobile device.
Uniface DLM LicenseSync is automatically installed when Uniface DLM is installed on Windows
Both single-user license keys and borrow transactions are transferable (that is, they can be
synchronized) between a mobile device and any desktop that supports Uniface DLM. For license
borrowing, connectivity must exist between the license server and the hosting desktop.
Due to the nature of mobile devices (the uncertainty of persistent network connectivity),
concurrent licensing is limited to explicit borrowing. This requires that all concurrent keys
designated for mobile device access be borrow-enabled.
License installation occurs automatically when the Uniface CE product is installed on the mobile

Adding and Removing License Keys on Mobile Devices

To run a Uniface mobile application, license keys must be transferred from a client workstation
to an attached mobile device.

Before You Begin

License keys must be available on the client workstation, either in a license file or borrowed
from a License Service.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 39

Chapter 7 ∙ License Installation and Configuration for Windows CE

For borrow-enabled license keys, the keys must first be borrowed from the License Service.
LicenseSync checks periodically for borrowed keys and automatically imports them for transfer.
Once imported, borrowed keys are selected for synchronization just as normally imported keys
Borrowed keys that are transferred to a device cannot be returned to the desktop computer.
Instead, borrowed transactions are returned directly to the server from which they were initially

Borrowing across time zones can affect the actual amount of time your borrowed license is
available for use. The start of the borrowing period is defined by the time zone of the server
from which the license is borrowed.

Adding a license key to a mobile device

1. Select the keys to be transferred.

2. Click Add. The status of the transferred key(s) will change to "On Device" and the
location/device will change to the device name.

40 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 7 ∙ License Installation and Configuration for Windows CE

3. Select the features to be removed from among the keys with a status of On Device.
Removing a license key from a mobile device
Borrowed keys that are transferred to a device cannot be returned to the hosting computer (the
computer to which the mobile device is attached). Instead, they are returned directly to the
License Service from which they were initially borrowed.
4. Click the Remove button.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 41

Chapter 7 ∙ License Installation and Configuration for Windows CE

Uniface Licenses
To run Uniface on a mobile device, you need:
• UWCE—Windows CE
• UCLIENT— Uniface Client
• UCLTSRV—Client Remote Server Connector
• UCLTSRVDB—Client Remote Data Connector
• Database connector license for the database you are using; one or more of:
◦ UDBE—DB2 Everyplace
◦ UEDB—Windows Local Embedded Database
◦ UMSM—Microsoft MS-SQL Mobile
◦ UORL—Oracle Lite

42 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

Uniface DLM License Administration Tools

Uniface DLM Windows Application

The Uniface DLM application is used on both Windows servers and clients to interactively set
up and manage license sources, and to configure and manage the License Service (if there is
one installed).

A command line interface is also available. For more information, see Uniface DLM Command
Line Version (DLMCV) [p. 44].)

The Uniface DLM application displays the Uniface license information available on both the
client and server environments. It is used for license configuration and it provides current
information about the system and local environment.
When Uniface DLM is started on a configured system, it immediately analyzes the license path
and checks license sources. This determines the information displayed and the functionality
available in the application.

User Interface
The following tabs are available on both server and client machines:
• Local Environment—displays the license sources and license keys available in the local
environment, and enables you to add, remove, and sequence license sources.
• Advanced Configuration—enables you to configure the license environment. The contents
vary depending on whether the License Service is installed in the local environment.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 43

∙ Uniface DLM License Administration Tools

Figure 8. DLM Application on Windows Server

On a server machine, the following additional tabs are available:

• Server Environment—lists the license sources and licensed features served by the License
Service, and enables the license administrator to manage the License Service.
• Borrow License Server (if there are license features that support borrowing)

On a client machine, the following additional tabs may available

• Borrow License Client (if there are license features that support borrowing)

Uniface DLM Command Line Version (DLMCV)

The DLMCV is the command-line version of Uniface DLM, and is available on all supported
platforms. It provides both a text menu interface for interactive use and command-line options
for script-based configurations.
DLMCV provides most of the functionality provided by the Uniface DLM Windows application.
Some functions can only be accessed in menu mode, others only via the command line. For
more information, see DLMCV Command Line Options [p. 45].
The DLMCV application is located in the license installation directory on the same directory
level as the License Service.
The interactive DLMCV consists of a series of text-based menus, called command lists. Each
menu label begins with one or more uppercase letters. Entering either the label of a menu or its

44 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

∙ Uniface DLM License Administration Tools

abbreviated character set (denoted by the uppercase characters) provides access to the menu
item. Menu items are either references to submenus or commands. Clicking the Enter key from
any submenu returns you to the next highest menu level.
When the DLMCV is launched, the Main menu is displayed. It contains two submenus: Client
and License Service. The following figure shows the Main menu.
To launch DLMCV run it from the platform's command line. For example, on OpenVMS run
dlmcv.exe or on Unix, run dlmcv.sh.

Figure 9. DLMCV Main Menu

dlmcv - Copyright (C) 2015, Uniface B.V.

All rights reserved

Last compiled Sep 15 2015 13:31:47

---DLMCV Main---

License service

Hit enter to return to the previous menu or key

in a command. Commands can be abbreviated using
the first N unique characters which are denoted
by the leading uppercase characters.

DLMCV Command Line Options

DLMCV can be run with options from the command line. This is especially useful in script-based

Command line Options for Adding and Removing License Sources

Add client license source
dlmcv –cl –add license_source
Remove client license source
dlmcv –cl –del license_source
Add server license source
dlmcv –srv –add license_source
Remove server license source
dlmcv –srv –del license_source
List client license sources
dlmcv –cl –plist
List server license files
dlmcv –srv –plist
Import a license file onto a remote server
dlmcv –import license_file –host hostname
List features supported for local client
dlmcv –cl –flist
List server supported features
dlmcv –srv –flist [-host hostname ]

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 45

∙ Uniface DLM License Administration Tools

Verify a feature
dlmcv –verify –feat feature_name –vers feature_version

Command line Options for License Borrowing

Borrow a license
dlmcv –brw –feat feature_name –vers feature_version [[-days]|[-hrs]
period ]
Return a borrowed license
dlmcv –rbrw –feat feature_name
Show borrow usage
dlmcv –brw –usage [-host hostname_of_server ]

Command line Options for License Service Configuration

Probe a system for a License Service
dlmcv –probe –host hostname [-prange start:end ]
Server status
dlmcv –stat [-host hostname ]
Show server port number
dlmcv –pget
Set server port number
dlmcv –pset port_number
Set server timeout
dlmcv –tmset timeout –srv
Get server timeout
dlmcv –tmget –srv

Command line Options for Client Configuration

Set client timeout
dlmcv –tmset timeout –cl
Get client timeout
dlmcv –tmget –cl

Command line Options for Monitoring Usage

Get hostid information
dlmcv –id [-host hostname ]
Show feature usage
dlmcv –usage –feat feature_name [-host hostname ]
Get log file
dlmcv –log [-host hostname ]

46 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

∙ Uniface DLM License Administration Tools

Configuring the License Environment with DLMCV

On non-Windows platforms, you can use DLMCV to add and remove license sources with
DLMCV from the License Path menu.
If the License Service is required (concurrent license), each client must be configured to access
the license key database. If the License Service is not required (node-locked license), a license
file is required on each client machine.
The DLMCV application is located in the license installation directory on the same directory
level as the License Service.
When the DLMCV is launched, the Main menu is displayed. It contains two submenus: Client
and License Service.

Adding a license source

1. Start DLMCV from the platform command line.
2. Choose the license environment you are configuring.
• Enter C to start the Client menu. For more information, see Client Menu in the Uniface
DLM Online Help.
• Enter L to start the License Service menu. For more information, see License Service
Menu in the Uniface DLM Online Help.
Both menus include a License path command.
3. Enter L to start the License Path menu.

Figure 10. License Path Menu

Current setting(s):

not set

---[License path ]
Command list---


Hit enter to return to the previous menu or key

in a command. Commands can be abbreviated using
the first N unique characters which are denoted
by the leading uppercase characters.

4. Enter A to add a license.

5. At the prompt, specify the port@host to your license server, or the fully qualified path to
a local license file, then press [Enter].
If a license file is available locally, it is usually located in the License\ folder of the
Uniface DLM installation.
If the license is available on a server, enter the of the host server, in the format port@host.
The port number is typically 7188. For example, [email protected].

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 47

∙ Uniface DLM License Administration Tools

If you are installing a concurrent license on a License Service, you will need to (re-)start
the License Service.

6. Press Enter again to return to the previous menu.

7. Enter v to choose Verify.
You can now test whether a license checkout would work using the current setting. It is
important that you do this, because if you cannot successfully verify a license, then Uniface
cannot check out the license.
8. If there are multiple (redundant) license servers available, repeat the previous steps to add
each server as a source.
9. To initialize the redundancy policy, launch the product that uses Uniface DLM from one

If redundant servers have been set up and one or more of these servers goes down, you can
continue to operate licensed Uniface DLM features without interruption for as long as the
policy specifies, provided the number of redundant servers does not fall below a failsafe
count. No action is necessary after the downed servers are brought up again.

What to Do Next
For more information, see License Borrowing in the Uniface DLM Online Help and License
Pools in the Uniface DLM Online Help.

48 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide



borrow-enabled license
A type of concurrent license model that allows a user to borrow a feature or product up to a
specified number of days.

concurrent license
A license model that allows the product to run on more than one workstation so that multiple
users can access the product. When all available license are checked out, no additional users
can run the product until a license is checked back in.
network license
floating license

counted license
Any served license that limits the number of licensed clients authorized to run a licensed product
concurrently. The limit is enforced by a combination of the License Service and its clients.
concurrent license
floating license

Domain Name System. A database system that translates an IP address into a domain name.

Host ID
Any identifier that uniquely identifies a workstation. For Windows machines, this would be the
Ethernet address of the network interface card or MAC address.

Host Name
A unique name that identifies a computer on a network. A single computer can have several
host names, also called aliases.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 49


license file
An XML file that contains a single license that includes one or more license keys, each of which
corresponds to a specific feature or application.

license key
A sub-component of a license object that defines the extent to which one or more associated
applications or features can run.
Synonyms: license

license object
A definition in a license file that contains one or more license keys.

license server
A single networked node that hosts the License Service.

license service
A service that runs as a background process on a licensed server. It provides a searchable database
of license keys to facilitate the process of networked licensing.

license source
A license file or a reference to a licensed server.

license token
A copy of a valid key that is issued in response to a successful license request. In the case of
counted keys, license tokens are like virtual toll tickets, returned to the License Service when
the licensed product no longer needs it.

licensed client
Any workstation authorized, through a license source, to run one or more Uniface products.

licensed product
A purchased Uniface program, server, feature, or connector that is licensed by a license source.

network license
See Concurrent License.

Network Information Service. A client-server protocol for keeping track of user and host names
on a network.

A single workstation in a network. Networks consist of one or more nodes.

node-locked license
A license model that allows the product to run on a single, specified workstation (node). The
product cannot be used on any other workstation. Permanent, temporary, and trial licenses are
types of node-locked licenses.
Synonyms: single-user license

50 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide


redundant license server

A redundant server license is a type of concurrent license model that provides limited protection
against license server failure by dispersing the responsibility of managing client licenses over
three independent servers.

served key
Any licensed key that is loaded into the License Service database for networked licensing.

On a local area network (LAN), a computer running administrative software that controls access
to the network and its resources. In this case, the product licenses and provides resources to
computers functioning as workstations (client machines) on the network.

uncounted key
Any key associated with a Uniface feature or product that places no predetermined limit on the
number of users.

Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide 51


52 Uniface DLM Installation and Configuration Guide

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