Optimization of The Concentration of Tomato Juice by Freeze Concentration
Optimization of The Concentration of Tomato Juice by Freeze Concentration
Optimization of The Concentration of Tomato Juice by Freeze Concentration
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“I hereby declare that I have read this dissertation and in my
opinion this dissertation is sufficient in term of scope and quality for the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Chemical Engineering.”
Signature : ________________________________
Name of Supervisor I : AP. DR. MAZURA BINTI JUSOH
Date : 16 FEBRUARY 2022
Signature : ________________________________
Name of Supervisor II : DR. AISHAH BINTI ROSLI
Date : 16 FEBRUARY 2022
Signature : ....................................................
Date : 16 FEBRUARY 2022
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Gracious. Alhamdulillah, all
praise to Allah the Most Kind in giving me strength, patience, and guidance to
complete this dissertation. Nothing can be accomplished without His help. First of all,
I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all the people involved who were
directly or indirectly giving help through their motivation and support.
Kepekatan beku (FC) dikenali sebagai salah satu kaedah yang digunakan untuk
memekatkan larutan dengan membekukan molekul air menjadi hablur ais supaya
larutan yang sangat pekat tertinggal. Matlamat kajian ini adalah untuk mencari kesan
keadaan operasi ke atas pemalar partition berkesan (K) dan mengoptimumkan keadaan
operasi untuk kepekatan jus tomato melalui kepekatan beku progresif (PFC). Dalam
kerja ini, sistem PFC telah dipilih untuk menumpukan jus tomato dan
mengoptimumkan dengan metodologi permukaan tindak balas (RSM). Reka bentuk
PFC yang dipanggil sebagai sistem kepekatan krio berbilang probe (MPCC) telah
digunakan sepanjang proses ini. Kesan keadaan operasi yang berbeza, termasuk suhu
penyejuk, masa operasi, kelajuan pengacau pada pemalar partition berkesan (K) telah
disiasat. Kecekapan sistem optimum akan memaparkan nilai terendah pemalar
partition berkesan (K) dalam kajian prestasi yang berikut menggunakan kepekatan jus
tomato. Pengoptimuman proses menggunakan Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
dalam perisian Design Expert telah digunakan untuk menyiasat interaksi antara
pembolehubah proses dan mengenal pasti keadaan optimum untuk setiap respons.
Lima tahap reka bentuk komposit pusat (CCD) yang berbeza telah digunakan untuk
mencari kepekatan optimum jus tomato pekat. Model kuadratik penuh untuk K telah
diwujudkan dengan menggunakan kaedah kuasa dua terkecil. Pekali penentua n (R2)
model ini didapati 0.71. Keadaan optimum didapati untuk suhu penyejuk = -9.4 °C,
masa operasi = 49 minit dan kelajuan pengacau = 375 rpm. Eksperimen pengesahan
telah dijalankan untuk menilai ketepatan prosedur pengoptimuman dan nilai K terbaik
ialah 0.282 telah dicapai di bawah keadaan yang dioptimumkan.
1.1 Background of Research 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Objectives of Research 4
1.4 Scope of Research 5
1.5 Significance of Research 5
2.3.2 Progressive Freeze Concentration (PFC) 14
2.4 Progressive Freeze Concentration Exist Design 14
2.4.1 Tubular Ice System 16
2.4.2 Spiral Finned Crystallizer 17
2.4.3 Vertical Finned Crystallizer 18
2.5 Effective Partition Constant, K 19
2.6 Solute Recovery (Y) 20
2.7 Factors Affecting Efficiency PFC System 20
2.7.1 Effect of Coolant Temperature 21
2.7.2 Effect of Stirrer Speed 21
2.7.3 Effect of Operation Time 22
2.7.4 Effect of Initial Concentration 22
2.8 Design of Experiment and Optimization 22
2.8.1 Response Surface Methodology (RSM) 23
2.8.2 Central Composite Design (CCD) 27
2.8.3 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 29
3.6 Optimization Process 43
3.6.1 Design of Experiment (DOE) 45
3.6.2 Model Generated 46
3.6.3 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 47
3.6.4 Determination of Optimal Condition 48
Figure 2.5 Tubular ice system for scale-up of PFC (Miyawaki et al.,
2005) 15
Figure 2.7 General schematic diagram of VFC a) side view and b) top
view of VFC (Amran et al., 2018) 18
Figure 2.9 Different types of contour plot of RSM generated from the
quadratic modelling a) maximum b) plateau, c) maximum
outside the experimental region, d) minimum and e) saddle
surface (Bezerra et al., 2008) 26
Figure 2.10 CCD for the optimization of (a) two variables and (b) three
variables (Amran, 2015) 27
Figure 3.1 Flowchart of methodology 33
Figure 3.8 Concentrated tomato juice collected from cylindrical tank
after freeze concentration 39
X2 - Operation time
X3 - Stirrer speed
α - Distance from centre of design space to a star point in CCD
Tomato is one of the easiest types of fruit that can be found anywhere. In
addition, tomato also commonly used widely in food industry and variety of forms,
from a daily fresh consumption to the food product like sauce, ketchup, and juices.
Other than that, tomato also used in many traditional dishes especially at
Mediterranean cuisine as they said it’s their symbol of cuisine. Nowadays, food
industry is a one of the most important and lasting in the world because related to the
humans’ food chain. As we know, Tomatoes are widely consumed as fresh vegetables
across the world because of their high quantity of important nutrients like vitamin C,
potassium, folate, vitamin K and antioxidant-rich phytochemicals (Bjarnadottir, 2019).
In tomato content about 95% of water and 5% of nutrients (Barbie Cervoni MS, 2021).
Increasing demand on the tomato juices in industry has brought to research about how
to optimize the concentrate of concentration tomato juices. So, in order to maintain the
flavour, nutrients, functional properties of concentrated fruit juices and colours in
tomatoes, we need to choose the right technology for it.
et al., 2009). The basic steps of the FC system are depicted in Figure 1.1. The formation
of proper numbers, sizes, and shapes of ice crystals in a crystallizer is the initial stage
in this process (Samsuri et al., 2015). A crystallizer is an equipment that removes heat
from a sample liquid and converts it into ice crystals
concentrated product will be gain. Scraped surface heat exchangers (SSHE) are used
to start the creation of seed ice crystals and a stirrer is used as an agitator to speed up
the agglomeration process. But, SFC process more complicated due to the size of the
ice crystals formed in the process is limited and requires a lot of cost especially on
SSHE (Samsuri et al., 2018).
Nowadays, many FC process have switched to PFC due to lower cost and easier
to do (Samsuri et al., 2015). PFC is a type of FC method in which just a single ice
crystal is created on a moving ice front on a cooling wall (Samsuri et al., 2018). PFC
creates a big single ice block by layering a single ice crystal over a cold surface.
Concentration can be achieved by adhering to the increasingly developing single ice
front and withdrawing water molecules from the liquid meal (Jayawardena et al.,
2021). After that, by using the correct operational conditions and a slow crystal growth
rate, high concentration efficiency is able to achieve by PFC. Because the concentrated
solution may be drained out of the system to separate the two phases, PFC avoids the
requirement for a complex separation system to remove the ice crystal block.
Furthermore, this method is cheap and affordable due to the only a single large ice
crystal forms in the system and grows on the cooling surface, allowing for simple
separation of the ice crystal from the mother solution. Furthermore, PFC has a low
energy need and a low process temperature which is prevents undesired biochemical
and chemical changes (Rosdi et al., 2020). Thus, PFC is chosen as method of freeze
concentration in this study.
Fruit juices are frequently concentrated in order to eliminate the water and
produce juice concentrate, which is a thinner solution like syrup. removal water from
fruit juice helps in reducing the bacterial growth and make the solution doesn't spoil
easily like juice. For the concentration of liquid foods, traditional thermal processes
like evaporation are most frequently used. However, they result in considerable losses
of the original aromatic compounds, and the concentrations that are produced are
frequently regarded as being of inferior quality. High temperature operating conditions
will induce nutrition degradation and damage the biological structure, especially the
total phenolic content (TPC) of the tomato juice itself because evaporation engages
high temperature in the process (Rosdi et al., 2020). Additionally, heat concentration
uses a lot of energy. Freeze concentration uses a lot less energy than evaporation, thus
it will use less electricity. In addition, freeze concentration uses low temperature which
not harm the important substances in tomato juice like flavour, nutrients and functional
properties of concentrated in fruit juice. There is no heat abuse of sensitive food
constituents or components throughout the process.
efficiency of FC system. The factors are of efficiency of FC including coolant
temperature, operation time and stirrer speed (Jusoh et al., 2013). Previously, the
classic one-variable-at-a-time technique was the most widely used method for
identifying the optimal or best state of any reaction evaluated (Keshani el al., 2010).
The conventional optimization method is modifying one variable at a time while
maintaining the amounts of the other variables constant. The experiments are simple
and easy to execute but the result will not be accurate and efficient. One factor cannot
be optimized by conducting one factor-at-a time experiments. this situation cannot be
because one-factor-at-a-time analyses ignore the interactions between elements that
are present at the same time. So, the findings do not represent actual changes in the
environment. Furthermore, it will take more experimentation than a factorial design of
experiment, and there is no guarantee that the data will be accurate and presentable
(Montgomery et al., 2001).
(b) To optimize operating conditions for concentration of tomato juice
through PFC.
(a) The range for coolant temperature will be used from -6 to -14 °C
(b) The range of operation time will be used from 20 to 60 minutes
(c) The range of stirrer speed will be used from 200 to 450 rpm
(d) Design Expert Software will be used to carry out response surface
methodology (RSM) to generate experimental design. RSM is used to
define the optimal parameters conditions, which can generate better
Tomato juice which is famous as beverage that rich with many useful nutrients,
mineral and antioxidants. In tomato content around 95% of water content and balance
of 5% consists of carbohydrates and fibre. Nutrients content for 100-gram raw tomato
include calories, protein, carbs, sugar, fibre and fat (Bjarnadottir, 2019). Furthermore,
tomato juice also a good source vitamin and mineral like vitamin C, potassium, vitamin
K1 and folate (B9). These vitamins and nutrients are use as antioxidant, blood pressure
control, important for blood clotting and normal tissue growth and cell function
(Bjarnadottir, 2019).
Tomato juice can be obtained manually by squeezing the fresh tomatoes. It can
be made by blending or prepare from tomato paste concentrate. For manufacturing
process of tomato juice involve fresh tomato raw materials selection and cleaning,
manual fruit sorting, tomato crushing, tomato pulp preheating, tomato juice extraction,
tomato juice blending, degassing, sterilization, filling and sealing, tomato juice
container secondary pasteurization, cooling, packaging. The processing technology by
using concentrated tomato sauce as the raw material is relatively simple, and you can
refer to the tomato sauce/ketchup processing line. The end products of the tomato juice
can be filled into bottles, tin cans or cartons.
Generally, there are three common methods use in concentration fruit juice in
food industry which are evaporation, reverse osmosis and freeze concentration
sugar, jams and canned foods. Evaporation typically uses steam or another process
stream as a driving energy source to heat a solution and with the energy being delivered
at constant pressure until the temperature reaches saturation. The heating is continued
until the solution begins to evaporate, at which point the vapour pressure of the
solution equals that of the surrounding air. As a result of the volatile component being
separated from the original solution, the concentration of the solution increases
(Monceaux & Kuehner, 2009). Furthermore, evaporation also has slower operating
cost but can risks destroying vital components of the solution fruit juice such as
fragrance, taste, and nutrition due to the high temperature (Samsuri et al., 2015).
Because of this flaw in the evaporation process, the resulting juice may be considered
poor quality.
Evaporation can be performed at the boiling point of food liquids wh ose quality
is not determined by their aroma composition. However, the scent qualities of most
food liquids are what determine their quality. Low-boiling volatile chemicals make up
almost all aroma and flavour components in foods. As a result, depending on their
thermal stability, they may be eliminated before water removal or destroyed altogether.
The loss of these chemicals is nearly precisely proportionate to the loss of vapour in
this operation, if the liquid has to be concentrated fourfold or more (Thijssen, 1970).
lower concentration area to a higher concentration area. Initially, two solutions of
varying concentrations will come into contact with one another until a final uniform
concentration is achieved. The uniformed solution is then divided by a semipermeable
barrier, through which the fluid with lower solute concentration flows into the fluid
with greater solute concentration (Binnie et al., 2002). After a short time, the level of
water on one of the medium separated by the membrane will be higher. Osmotic
pressure is the height difference between the two separated solutions at this time. A
reverse effect occurs when an external pressure greater than osmotic pressure is
applied to a concentrated solution. Reverse osmosis is the process. The water will flow
back to the lower-concentration medium on the opposite side of the membrane, leaving
the highly concentrated solution behind. The difference in size or osmotic pressure of
the components in the solution causes the separation of substances. The used
membrane is meant to be semipermeable for allowing just some compounds to flow
through while blocking the rest. Other tiny molecules, usually gases, might travel
through the membrane in addition to water (Binnie et al., 2002). Based on Figure 2.1
shows the difference between normal osmosis and reverse osmosis.
Figure 2.1 The difference between normal and reverse osmosis (Dhapare, 2022)
Figure 2.3 The difference between normal and reverse osmosis (Dhapare, 2022)
molecular compounds. With operate with ambient temperature will not cause the
thermal damage to the products. Thus, maintain the higher nutritional, arom a, and
flavour compounds. Furthermore, processing and energy costs are cheaper and high -
quality goods are obtained as a result of the preservation of fragrance and flavour
components as well as those responsible for nutritional properties (Couto et al., 2011).
Freeze concentration is useful for food industry. One of the advantages for
freeze concentration is being able to control bacterial growth. Freeze concentration
helps to keep them safe by inhibiting harmful germs. They shouldn't be able to cause
food poisoning as long as they are handled carefully at room temperature. In addition,
freeze concentration is cost beneficial for separation process than other method and
avoid corrosion. Freeze concentration has lower cost because needs less maintenance
and with less precipitation. For corrosion, due to low temperature operation cause the
corrosion not significant.
There are two types of freeze concentration method which are Suspension
Freeze Concentration (SFC) and Progressive Freeze Concentration (PFC).
2.3.1 Suspension Freeze Concentration (SFC)
Figure 2.2 Illustration of (a) SFC and (b) PFC system (Samsuri et al., 2015)
Figure 2.4: Schematic suspension freeze concentration system (Sánchez et al., 2009)
Figure 2.5: Illustration of (a) SFC and (b) PFC system (Samsuri et al., 2015)
SFC has a high capital investment cost since it uses a scraped surface heat
exchanger (SSHE) to manufacture ice crystal seeds, which is quite costly and accounts
for around Figure
30% of2.6:
the entire investment
Conventional expenses
design in an
for PFC FC process
(Samsuri et al.,(Jusoh,
2015)2010). SFC
requires big cost due of its large surface area, separate the ice crystals from the
concentrated liquid. Therefore, this makes SFC is one of the complicated and
Figure 2.7: Schematic suspension freeze concentration system (Sánchez et al., 2009)
expensive method to do.
2.3.2 Progressive Freeze Concentration (PFC)
PFC is a kind of freeze concentration (FC) method that develops a huge single
ice block by forming a single ice crystal layer by layer on a cold surface. Concentration
is achieved by adhering to the increasingly developing single ice front and
withdrawing water molecules from the liquid food (Jayawardena et al., 2021). The
concentration efficiency has been demonstrated to be high under proper working
circumstances with a low crystal growth rate. Furthermore, the PFC produces ice
crystals of exceptional clarity. The sluggish pace of development contributes to a better
separation of water and solute (Pham, 2008). Because there is only one block of ice
crystal, separating it from the mother solution is significantly easier and thus resulting
in cheap maintenance costs (Jusoh et al., 2008).
Large ice crystals have less contaminated impurities or quantities of solute than
small ice crystals, hence the purity of ice crystal in PFC is better than in SFC. Despite
the potential for PFC to replace SFC as the main technique of concentration, it is less
efficient than SFC. As a result, several researches have exp lored various aspects of
PFC are required in order to increase PFC efficiency. When assessing the efficiency
of a PFC system, the effective partition coefficient, K is always utilized as a reference
(Samsuri et al., 2015). The effective partition coefficient represents the ratio of solute
concentration in the ice and liquid phase (Gu et al., 2008).
The PFC method had been studied since the 1960s. It has been demonstrated
by several studies that PFC can be used to concentrate the liquid solution (Matthews
and Coggeshall, 1959). Analysing the contaminants present in organic molecules is
necessary. Impurities may be concentrated even at low quantities using common
processes like distillation and extraction. These methods, however have certain
limitations (Matthews & Coggeshall, 1959).
In the conventional design of PFC system as is illustrated in Figure 2.4, which
includes a stainless-steel cylindrical sample vessel, a cooling bath, and a driving
system are all parts of the system. The stainless-steel sample vessel is slowly
submerged into the cooling bath. Additionally, the system has a propeller to mix the
solution, particularly at the ice solution interface, and an exterior hot wire heater to
regulate the level of the ice front of the sample solution, which rises from the bottom
of the sample vessel. To avoid supercooling and assist in the creation of crystal seed
for crystal development, a thin stainless-steel plate with tiny holes is integrated at the
bottom of the sample vessel (Liu et al., 1997).
2.4.1 Tubular Ice System
In this study, ice seeding was done by adding pure water into the system. The
sample solution was precooled to near-freezing temperature before being introduced
into the tubular system. A tiny drain linked to a fine tube was built at the top of the
system due to the volume increase caused by the phase shift of water to ice. The
drainage capacity of this tiny tube was used to compute the volume of ice generated
(Samsuri et al., 2015). Figure 2.5 shows the schematic of tubular ice system for scale-
up of PFC (Miyawaki et al., 2005)
Figure 2.5 Tubular ice system for scale-up of PFC (Miyawaki et al., 2005)
A spiral finned crystallizer has been created and designed to improve the
performance of the
Figure 2.11: PFC process
Tubular by increasing
ice system theofsurface
for scale-up area whichetcan
PFC (Miyawaki al., impacts
2005) the
rate of heat transfer. The spiral finned crystallizer's development is quite similar to that
of the Vertical finned crystallizer (VFC), but the finned configuration is different. The
contact surface of the heat transfer will be increased by adding spiral fins to the
crystallizer. One of the ways to increase performance is to use a spiral fin based on the
Figure 2.6 below. The contact surface area increased by up to 106.67 percent using a
spiral fin (Samsuri et al., 2015). The spiral fin design was used in vertical circulation
to increase the heat transfer rate between the solution and the coolant and to create
turbulent flow from the inlet to the outlet. This is due to increasing the heat transfer by
improving the flow of the solution (Samsuri et al., 2015). Stainless steel was chosen
as design material because of its excellent resistance to corrosion by some solution
compositions (HANIM et al., 2016).
Figure 2.6 Schematic diagram of spiral finned crystallizer (Samsuri et al., 2015)
Figure 2.7 General schematic diagram of VFC a) side view and b) top view of
VFC (Amran et al., 2018)
𝐶𝑆 (2.1)
where 𝑉𝐿 stand for volume of the liquid phase, 𝑉𝑂 stand for initial volume of the
solution, 𝐶𝐿 stand for concentration of solute in the liquid phase and 𝐶𝑂 stand for initial
solute concentration of solution.
The concentration of solutes in the liquid section of the crystallizer will grow
as the freezing process continues. Depending on the process circumstances, some of
the solutes may be trapped in the ice phase at the same time. As a result, the solute
recovery (Y), which reflects the quantity of solute recovered in the concentrated liquid
from the original solution, may also be used to determine for the process success
(Amran & Jusoh, 2016). The formula for solute recovery (Y) given by Equation (2.3)
𝑀𝑠,𝐿 (2.3)
where 𝑀𝑠,𝐿 is the mass of solute in the concentrated liquid and 𝑀𝑠,𝑜 is the mass of
solute in the initial solution.
2.7.1 Effect of Coolant Temperature
Stirrer speed is also one of the methods that can be affect the performance of
the concentration system. Since solute inclusion in the ice phase is usual occur at lower
coolant temperatures, a high or appropriate stirrer speed is required to remove trapped
solutes from the crystal and get a highly purified ice and concentrated solution (Amran
& Jusoh, 2016). It's also been proved that a higher stirrer speed results in a layer of
highly pure ice crystals (Ramos et al., 2005). When the target liquid's stirrer speed rate
is sluggish, the content ratio of solute to ice crystals increases, resulting in high
contamination of solutes in the ice crystal produced, raising the value of K (Miyawaki,
2005). In theory, Increased solution flowrate supports higher heat transfer rate for ice
crystallization. The development of planar ice crystals from the cooling wall can be
stimulated under these conditions, therefore rejecting contaminants from the solid-
liquid interface. Furthermore, the trapped solute can be carried away from the ice's
dendrites structure and into the concentrated solution by strong shear force produced
at high flowrate. As a result, the concentrate concentration was increased, resulting in
a reduced K value and increase Y values (Amran & Jusoh, 2016).
measurement and multiple responses. As a result, in order to achieve the highest end
result and product quality, careful observation of the process and system performance
is required (Yahya, 2020). The first step in the optimization process is to develop and
design experiments which you must analyse the results. According to prior research,
the optimization method is widely employed in analytical chemistry procedures as a
function for identifying conditions that apply and achieving the greatest possible result
(Yahya, 2020). Optimization involves determining the settings for the important
process variables that result in the best obtainable set of operating conditions for the
process (Montgomery et al., 2021). The selected parameter condition would enable
analysing the response based on the interactions of various factors with one or more
response variables (Aydar, 2018).
Despite this, response surface methodology (RSM) is the most often used and
relevant method of experimental design for optimization (Yahya, 2020). RSM is a
more efficient approach when compared to other instruments of technique for
determining the ideal parameters for numerous elements and specifying the ideal range
of parameters to get the right output or intended response for the specific process in
the system (Eng, 2013).
to be able to improve and overcome the disadvantages of previous techniques. RSM is
a mathematical and statistical collective approach for developing empirical models.
Essentially, the fundamental goal of each experiment is to maximise an output
variable, which is influenced by a number of independent factors (input variable). An
experiment series of test or called runs is investigated and proceed with different forms
of selecting in the RSM tools in order to find the response utilising the change of input
variable. STATISTICA and Design Expert are two typical software applications for
RSM techniques. The RSM step technique was handled as shown in Figure 2.8 in order
to find optimization without any measurement mistake. Furthermore, the adoption of
RSM aims to reduce the high cost of analytical methods. The smooth function of RSM
improves the convergence of optimization processes and allows for the employment
of derivative-based algorithms, reducing the influence of numerical noise in the
process (Aydar, 2018).
used to create a second order model. When it comes to the curvature of the response
surface, the three-level factorial design is used. First order demonstrates lack of fit,
therefore identifying function curvatures and creating solutions is insufficient (Akçay
& Anagün, 2013). while for second order have the capability and potential to
demonstrate how to conduct quality characteristics of interest on a response surface
and to determine the finer parameter values. As a result, the second order model must
be used to compensate for the first order model's shortcomings. The three-level
factorial can then be used as an alternate strategy if the number of components grows
bigger. Although the three-level factorial design is successful because it allows
researchers to collect data on main effects and low-order interactions, it has a problem
when the number of variables is big since it becomes difficult to distinguish aliased
effects and determine their importance. As a result, the second order model is more
popular among researchers (Bradley, 2007).
Figure 2.8 Step by step procedure for RSM (Aydar, 2018)
Figure 2.17: Different types of contour plot of RSM generated from the quadratic
modelling a) maximum b) plateau, c) maximum outside the experimental region, d)
minimum and e) saddle surface (Bezerra et al., 2008)Figure 2.18: Step by step
procedure for RSM (Aydar, 2018)
Figure 2.9: Different types of contour plot of RSM generated from the quadratic
modelling a) maximum b) plateau, c) maximum outside the experimental region, d)
minimum and e) saddle surface (Bezerra et al., 2008)
Figure 2.19: Different types of contour plot of RSM generated from the quadratic
modelling a) maximum b) plateau, c) maximum outside the experimental region, d)
minimum and e) saddle surface (Bezerra et al., 2008)Figure 2.20: Step by step
procedure for RSM
26 (Aydar, 2018)
Figure 2.9 Different types of contour plot of RSM generated from the quadratic
modelling a) maximum b) plateau, c) maximum outside the experimental region, d)
minimum and e) saddle surface (Bezerra et al., 2008)
+α in this design, the interactions between factors as well as quadratic effects
(curvature) are noted and quantified, making CCD a very effective statistical technique
(Lotfy, 2007). The precise value of relies on the design's preferred properties and the
involvement of the 73 experimental elements. The computation of and the
experimental number for CCD is shown in Equations (2.4) and (2.5) (Amran, 2015).
𝛼 = 2(𝑘−𝑝)/4 (2.4)
𝑁 = 𝑘 2 + 2𝑘 + 𝑐𝑝 (2.5)
where k is the factor number and c p are the replicate number of the central point. The
value of α for two, three and four variables are 1.41, 1.68 and 2.00 respectively. Figure
2.10 illustrates the graphical view of a full CCD for optimization of two and three
experimental variables (Amran, 2015), while Table 2.1 shows the coded values of the
experimental matrices for CCD of two variables.
Figure 2.10: CCD for the optimization of (a) two variables and (b) three variables
(Amran, 2015)
Figure 2.22: Flowchart of MethodologyFigure 2.23: CCD for the optimization of (a)
two variables and (b) three variables (Amran, 2015)
Figure 2.28: Flowchart of MethodologyFigure 2.29: CCD for the optimization of (a)
two variables and (b) three variables (Amran, 2015)
Table 2.1 Experimental matrices for CCD of two variables (Bezerra et al., 2008)
X1 X2
Factorial design -1 -1
+1 -1
-1 +1
+1 +1
Axial points -α 0
+α 0
0 -α
0 +α
Central points 0 0
or Sum of Squares," "DF for degree of freedom," "MS for mean square," "F-value,"
and “F0.05” (Samsuri, 2016).
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Flowchart of Methodology
For this study, there were nine stages that need to be done for the optimization
of the concentration of tomato juice by freeze concentration. The first stage is literature
review which the purpose for this to show the importance of optimizatio n for tomato
juice based by PFC. The next stage is problem statement that related to the freeze
concentration process and crystalliser fundamental design.
Experimental setup was done after problem statement by running the multiple
probe cryo-concentration. After that, experimental testing was preparing to ensure that
the crystalliser is able to form ice. But, if this stage is failing, some adjustment towards
the equipment shall be done such as motorized stirrer and cooling bath. If the ice
formation occurs, raw materials preparation for tomato juice.
Next, actual experimental testing was run to investigate the desired parameters
for coolant temperature, stirrer speed, and operation time. For optimization,
experiments was conducted according to a series of experimental arrangement called
a Design of Experiment (DOE) which provide by Design Expert software. The result
was used for optimization process by using 3D surface plot and mathematical model.
Then, optimum condition for operating parameters will be obtain to give. Figure 3.1
illustrates the flowchart of methodology in this study.
Figure 3.1 Flowchart of methodology
Materials and apparatus that involved in this experiment were 3 litre of tomato
juice as sample, ethylene glycol water-based as coolant. For apparatus involved in this
experiment were the cooling system (gas), solution tank, motorized stirrer, insulator, and
probe, refrigerated waterbath, UV-VIS spectrometer, and refractometer. Figure 3.2
shows the apparatus needed for the experiment and analysis for concentration tomato
juice as shown in Figures 3.3 and 3.4.
Figure 3.2 Set up for MPCC in the lab
3.3.1 Sample Preparation
For the materials in this research, tomato was used as concentration of fruit
juice. The tomato was purchased at nearby shop and then tomato juice was extracted
by the juicer in about 3 litres to be put in the target solution tank before being fed to
the crystalliser (Yahya et al., 2019). Next, the concentration of tomato juice was tested
using a refractometer and the concentration will be set at 1.5 ºbrix (Yahya et al., 2019).
Table 3.1: Freezing point of ethylene glycol at different volume percentage (Amran,
3.3.3 Total Phenolic Content (TPC) Determination
In this study, the new design called MPCC was used as apparatus for
progressive freeze concentration. Based on the Figure 3.5 shows the design with each
other part specification of MPCC (Mohd Rosli et al., 2022). The basic components of
the MPCC system are a number of probes, a cylindrical stainless-steel solution tank
with a 0.1 cm thickness, and a jacketed water-ethylene glycol solution for cooling
(cucumber). As a result, the solution in the tank can be kept at a temperature just below
freezing (at 2 °C). To prevent a shift in the ambient temperature toward the system,
polyurethane foam was employed as insulation on the tank's outermost surface layer.
The bottom of the tank had a motorized stirrer attached to it. 5 stainless steel hollow
probes were included in the kit and supplied with coolant gas inside the hollow part in
the probe (Mohd Rosli et al., 2022).
Figure 3.5 The design with each other part specification of MPCC (Mohd Rosli et
al., 2022)
The probe set was made to be able to rotate the probes 180 degrees apart at a
suitable speed, while the stirrer at the bottom of the tank had an adjustable speed range
of 200 to 400 rpm in order to maximize the formation of ice on the probe's outer surface
and ensure that the solution was thoroughly mixed. The set up for cryo concentration
is shown in Figure 3.6. In order to carry out the concentration process, a probe set was
installed at the top of the tank. This probe set has the ability to rotate at a 180-degree
angle in both directions, allowing for an appropriate distribution of the solution at the
interface while preventing solutes from becoming trapped in the ice that is produced.
When ice crystallization was carried out in the solution, refrigerant was delivered
through a copper tube to give chilling to the submerged probe (Rosdi et al., 2020).
Figure 3.6 The set up for probe cryo-concentration (Mohd Rosli et al., 2022)
By adjusting the cooling rate, stirrer speed, duration, and beginning concentration of
the juice solution, the experiments were conducted under the appropriate operating
conditions. Eventually, the coating of ice crystal was thawed and the concentrated
tomato solution was collected as shown in Figure 3.7 and Figure 3.8 below.
After certain period, stop the operation and motorized stirrer and tomato juice
was collect from tank and ice formed on the probe. Before collecting samples, the
volume of ice layer forming and concentrate was measured for analysis purpose. Next,
the collecting sample of ice and concentrate for their tomato juice concentration were
analysed by using a refractometer and UV-VIS spectrophotometer. A summary of the
PFC work and for consistent findings, the experiment was carried out two times.
Figure 3.8 Concentrated tomato juice collected from cylindrical tank after freeze
During this experiment, three operating parameters include coolant
temperature, stirrer speed and operation time, were tested in the range between -6 to -
14°C, 200 to 400 rpm, and 20 - 60 minutes. Experiments were conducted out for varied
values of operation time, coolant temperature, and stirrer speed during the efficiency
research where the influence of operational parameters is analysed. While one
parameter is change, the other two remained unchanged. The parameters along with
their range of investigation applied in the experiments are presented in Table 3.2.
Parameter Range
Coolant Temperature -6 to -14°C
Stirrer Speed 200 - 400 rpm
Operation Time 40 - 60 minutes
Table 3.3 Value of varied and constant parameter
Based on (Miyawaki et al., 2005), The lower the coolant temperature, the better
the heat transfer from the crystallizer wall to the coolant which is necessary for
crystallisation to happen. This is one of three characteristics that contribute to the
system's performance when the temperature varies from -6 to -14 ºC (Samsuri et al.,
2015). The coolant temperature was adjusted at an intermediate point in order to
manage ice development at a sufficient and best rate, resulting in a high-performance
system with high purity of ice crystal formation. The coolant temperature was varied
while the other three parameters were kept constant in this part for coolant temperature
test (Safiei et al., 2016).
3.4.2 Stirrer Speed Test
200 to 400 rpm stirrer speeds were used to cause the solution to move (Liu et
al., 1999) as tabulated in Table 3.3. According to earlier study, the formation of a pure
ice layer and the likelihood of protein breakdown are both influenced by stirrer speed.
The other two parameters include operation time at 30 minutes and probe temperature
at -8 °C, were held constant for the purpose of examining the impact of stirrer speed.
Analysis of the yield of the finished tomato juice solution was made possible by the
study on the impacts of stirrer speed (Yahya, 2020).
Knowing the appropriate time for an experimental run can help a PFC process
achieve its best performance. The operation time was altered from 40 to 60 minutes in
this study, whereas the constant value of operation time for the other three operational
parameters is set at 30 minutes. With suitable operation time can produce lowest value
of K which is shows the best efficiency for experiment.
The effectiveness of the PFC process was assessed using the crucial parameter
which is the effective partition constant, K (Miyawaki et al., 2005). The response/trend
of these determinant parameters to changes in the three operational parameters
investigated in the study was notice. The sections that follow give further details on
how the K values for this investigation will be calculate.
3.5.1 Effective partition constant, K
The efficiency of the PFC system was evaluated based on the value of effective
partition constant, K as defined by the previous Equation (2.2) in Chapter 2.
𝐾 = 𝐶𝑆/𝐶𝐿 (3.1)
where, CS and CL are the concentration of total phenolic content in the ice and
concentrate of tomato juice, respectively. In this study, the data obtained from the
experiment were used to calculate the value of K by using an Equation (3.2) shown
where Co, Vo and VL are the initial tomato juice concentration in the solution, initial
volume of the solution and volume of concentrate, respectively. The values of C L and
CO is calculate using Equation (3.2) and the concentrations of phenolic content in the
concentrate and starting solution which are measured using a UV-VIS
spectrophotometer after the experiment. Based on the research, that a lower value of
K is preferred in the PFC process since it indicates a greater separation efficiency of
the system. To put it another way, the quantity 𝐶𝑆 in Equation (3.1), which denotes the
solute concentration in the ice phase (ice purity), should be as low as feasible. As a
result, the method will result in improved ice purity and a solute increase in the
The Design Expert software for Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was
used in this study to find the best parameters for tomato juice concentration and to
improve the process's operating conditions. The trend of the effect of operating
conditions may be seen in the performance research. The optimum performance of the
system may also be determined by knowing the value of each parameter. The
experiment from this study, on the other hand, is based on one element at a time
(Samsuri, 2016). Only one parameter is changed, while the others stay the same. As a
result, the interaction of other parameters is hidden. As a result, the optimization will
be carried out using RSM's central composite design (CCD) (Samsuri, 2016). The
CCD experiment was constructed based on the arrangement of combined components
at five separate levels, allowing for a more precise prediction of the optimal value.
3.6.1 Design of Experiment (DOE)
CCD was used to investigate the interactions between variables and predict the
best process conditions for the PFC process. In this study, DOE was carried out using
CCD which is a common class of second order designs that is more adaptable than
other designs (Langhans, 2000). Table 3.4 shows the range and coding level of the
PFC process variables. Coolant temperature (X1), operation time (X2) and stirrer speed
(X3) were the three variables. Each variable is divided into three levels: low (-1),
medium (0), and high (+1) (Samsuri et al., 2018). The central composite design (CCD)
was used to perform the extreme measures and presented by –α and +α (Safiei, 2016).
In addition, CCD requires five levels if α≠1, for lower limit, low, centre, high and
upper limit which are coded as -α, -1. 0. +1 and +α which are shown in Table 3.4
(Yahya, 2020).
Table 3.5 Arrangement of experiment using central CCD
Manipulated variables
Run Coolant Operation time, Stirrer speed, Response, K
temperatures, X1 X2 X3
1 -12.4 28.1 290.5 -
2 -7.62 52.0 409.5 -
3 -10.0 20.0 350.0 -
4 -10.0 40.0 350.0 -
5 -12.4 28.1 409.5 -
6 -7.6 28.1 409.5 -
7 -10.0 40.0 250.0 -
8 -12.4 52.0 290.5 -
9 -10.0 40.0 450.0 -
10 -10.0 60.0 350.0 -
11 -12.4 52.0 409.5 -
12 -7.6 52.0 290.5 -
13 -6.0 40.0 350.0 -
14 -14.0 40.0 350.0 -
15 -10.0 40.0 350.0 -
16 -7.6 28.1 290.5 -
17 -10.0 40.0 350.0 -
The second polynomial model equation for three independent variables was
used to generate the regression model. The complexity and quantity of the influences
determine the order model. Equation (3.3) was used to determine a predicted response
when the chosen parameters are substituted into the final model (Amran, 2015).
where Y is the predicted response of K-value and Y, βo is the regression coefficient at
centre point, β1, β2, and β3 are linear coefficient; β12, β13, and β23, are second order
interaction coefficients and β11, β22, β33 and β44 are quadratic coefficients.
Meanwhile, X1, X2, X3 and X4 are the factors influential in the process as mentioned
in Table 3.5.
From the Table 3.6, the significance of regression (F-value) was evaluate by
the ratio between the mean square of regression (MSreg) and the mean square of
residuals (MSres). This ratio shows how accurately the components account for the
statistical variance (Samsuri, 2016). The Fisher distribution (F-test) approach was then
used to compare the variation sources. The statistically significant value for the ratio
must be greater than the tabulated value for F in order to show that the mathematical
model fits the experimental data effectively. Additionally, the model's applicability
may be checked using the coefficient of determination (R-squared) which measures
how well the model captures the true relationship between the components under
analysis. If the value of R2 is near 1 that shows the model in real situation well (Keshani
et al., 2010).
To reject the null hypothesis, when all the regression coefficients are zero, the
computed F-value should be bigger than the tabulated F-value. The ratio between mean
of square regression (MSSSR) and mean of square residual (MSSSE), where MSSSR and
MSSSE are determined by dividing sum of squares (SSR) and sum of residual (SSE) by
degree of freedom (DF), respectively, yields the estimated F-value. For regression and
residual, tabulated F-values are derived from F distributions based on DF at a particular
level of significance, which is indicated as α-value.
To understand the interactions of the factors tested and to identify the critical
point for the anticipated model as maximum, minimum, or saddle, a response surface
and two-dimensional plots (contour plots) was constructed. Minimum point
coordinates are considering the optimal values for K response, because the goal of this
study is to have the lowest K response. Exact optimum values are generated from
critical points in the software based on the Table 3.7. Finally, an experiment was run
under the projected optimal condition, using the K value as the major response
parameters, to test the optimization findings as shown in Table 3.8.
Table 3.7 Predicted analysis of optimum condition for K
Operation time, - - -
Stirrer Speed - - -
Plotting the response surface is the primary analytical step following regression
analysis (model adequacy check) and ANOVA. The effect in a 2k factorial design can
be readily converted into a regression model and used to forecast the response surface
at any moment. The response and the independent variables (X1, X2, and X3) have
been plotted on a three-dimensional response surface on the Y-axis and the interaction
between the independent variables has been plotted on the Z-axis with several
permutations for each representing. There were three forms of graphing available
include horizontal axis, perpendicular axis, and vertical axis. Only two-factorial can
be presented at a time with a single response. In the ideal situation, the second -order
model explains the response surface to allow for a more extensive analysis (Yahya,
2020). The second order also illustrates the wide variety of shapes of response surface
such as maximum, minimum, plane, ridge, saddle, bowl, bell and cradle.
4.1 Introduction
In this experiment, the outcome presented in this chapter was based on the
objectives and parameters of the suggested study. The coolant temperature, rotation
time, rotation speed, and beginning concentration are the three key variables in
progressive freeze concentration. However, the purpose of this study was to predict,
using just two factors, the experimental values of the effective partition constant (K)
of a MPCC system. This chapter contains every justification and explanation possible
to support up the results of the PFC process by using MPCC crystallizer. In addition,
the response analyses for this study are reviewed in light of the findings from
refractometer and UV-vis data, and their interpretation is based on the determination
of effective partition constants (K) for each operational parameter to enable monitoring
of the process performance.
The result for optimization of tomato juice by PFC process are shown in this
chapter to analyse the optimum value of 3 parameters including coolant temperature,
operation time and stirrer speed. RSM was used to determine the best value for each
operational parameter that would produce the best value for the effective partition
constant (K) as well as to create a regression model that could mathematically describe
the process parameters.
4.2 Analysis of Performance of PFC System
Figure 4.1 Comparison between final concentration, initial concentration and ice
Because removing the water content from the solution requires cooling, the
effect of coolant temperature during the freeze concentration process was a crucial
element that required discussion. For this parameter, all three of the other operational
parameters which are operation time, stirrer speed, and initial concentration were
maintained constant at 30 minutes, 300 rpm, and 1.5 ºbrix, respectively, to allow for
the evaluation of the impact of coolant temperature on the process's performance.
Based on the Figure 4.2 shows the result for K-values at different coolant temperatures.
Figure 4.2 Changes of TPC increment and effective partition constant, K with
Coolant Temperature
Coolant temperature is a crucial factor that has a significant impact on the PFC
system as it influences the rate of ice front growth and the creation of ice crystals. At
temperature -6˚C to -10˚C, shows the K values decrease due to the decreasing
temperature of probe in the tomato solution. Lower coolant temperature produces
larger size of ice crystal formed (Rosdi et al., 2020). However, a too low coolant
temperature will cause the ice growth rate per unit time increase. Then, when there is
a significant temperature difference between the probes where the coolant gas is
channelled and the solution entering them, the rate of ice development is accelerated.
This circumstance will make it more likely that the solute will become stuck in the ice
front's outward motion (Rosdi et al., 2020). This will result the PFC system will not
perform well since the effective partition constant K will be high. This justification
demonstrates why the K value spiked when the temperature approached -12 to -14 °C.
Low temperature of the coolant could improve heat transfer within the probe
wall and the coolant for the concentration process through ice crystallisation. Or, to
put it another way, low surface temperatures might offer the initial supercooling that
is required for ice nucleation (Amran, 2015). This situation demonstrates the increase
in process efficiency by explaining in detail the decrease in K value when the coolant
temperature declined from -6 °C to -10 °C. According to this data, the process was
most effective at -10 °C, where the most solute was also recovered.
However, lowering the coolant temperature further more can result in the ice
crystal's inclusion of solutes (Jusoh et al., 2008). Ice formation rate increased as the
temperature differential between the crystallizer wall and the entering solution
increased (Flesland, 1995). A part of the solute may become trapped inside the ice
crystal created if the crystal development rate is higher than the solute's outward
movement under certain circumstances. The best explanation for this case is that the
solute's inability to overcome the rate of ice crystal formation. As a result of the solute
contamination, the quality of the ice generated decreases.
Figure 4.3 Changes of effective partition constant, K and TPC Increment (%)
From the graph shows, K-value was found to be higher at 200 rpm and slightly
decreased when the stirrer speed was increased to 250 rpm with K-value 0.383 which
shows the highest efficiency of the system in this study. Then, K value increased back
at 300 rpm. This case happened as a result of a decrease in the driving force needed to
remove the solute from the ice crystal layer and a tendency for the ice p hase to
accumulate more solute than the liquid phase (Gunathilake et al., 2014). Additionally,
at that temperature, the solute is heavily accumulated at the ice-liquid interface causing
a higher concentration of solute in the ice formed and necessitating swift washing from
stirrer speed in order to avoid poor separation as a result of the low purity of the ice
produced (Robles et al., 2016). Stirrer speed that is too high would wash away the ice
and increase the amount of solute in the liquid phase (Moreno et al., 2015)
amount of solute was recovered in the concentrate when the amount of trapped solute
in the ice was low at a higher shaking speed.
A stirrer was utilised in this study specifically to evenly distribute and blend
the solutes in the target solution, which afterwards might improve the manufacture of
highly concentrated concentrate and highly purified ice. In general, a higher stirrer
speed led to a higher separation efficiency. The solute will be dispersed evenly
throughout the solution if a higher stirrer speed is used because it can stimulate mass
transfer at the interface. As a result, the quantity of solute trapped in the ice could be
decreased. Therefore, less solute will be transferred into the ice, proper mixing helps
to lower the amount of solute and contaminants at the solid-liquid interface. This
occurrence provides a clear explanation for both the drop in K value and the rise in Y
value as the shaking speed was raised from 200 to 250 rpm. It also demonstrates that
a large amount of solute was recovered in the concentrate when the amount of trapped
solute in the ice was low at a higher stirrer speed.
Using a similar process, the impact of operation time on the efficiency of this
technique is examined. The range for operation time uses in this analysis is between
20 to 60 minutes. The remaining operational parameters are kept constant at -8 °C for
the coolant temperature, 350 rpm for the stirrer speed, and 1.5 ºbrix for the initial
concentration. As previously noted, the value of the effective partition constant (K)
and represent the performance of the VFC in this research. Theoretically, Longer
operation times could boost the PFC process's concentration efficiency (Rosdi et al.,
2020). Figure 4.3 shows the changes in K values at different operation time.
Figure 4.4 Changes of effective partition constant, K and TPC Increment (%)
Based in Figure 4.4 shows the change on K value at different operation time.
Based on the graph, it can be seen that the K value decreases from 20 to 40 minutes of
operation times. However, after 50 minutes of operation, the trend changed and the K
value began to rise. The increased K-value was caused by the impurity of the ice which
grew with increasing concentration over time. For 20 minutes was not enough time for
the freezing process to produce complete ice layer creation during the first period and
the ice fraction had an impact (Moreno et al., 2015). Due to an incomplete freezing
process, this situation would be regarded as an unstable state for the solid ice phase.
Then, the best K-value obtained from the graph at 40 minutes among the
various operating times which is 0.201. The mass and heat transfer of the process was
at an equilibrium phase at the time which corresponds to the solute inclusion limitation,
and thus caused the initial concentration to evolve (Yahya, 2020). The steady state of
ice growth on the probe’s cold surface and fraction of solute must be balanced by
diffusion of solute away from the interface into the bulk of solution (Flesland, 1995).
The ice crystal lattice typically rejects solute because of their excessive molecular size
when crystallised ice first appears and begins to expand (John et al., 2019). the
impurities are expelled to build up pure ice crystal lattice (Nakagawa et al., 2010).
However, after 40 minutes the value for k is increased over the time. At 50 and 60
minutes, the graph shows K value are 0.215 and 0.219. this situation happens because
solute was lost more in the ice than in the liquid phase.
In general, a longer operation time could give the PFC process a higher
concentration efficiency. When the freezing process began, the generated ice layer had
a low degree of crystallinity due to the presence of dendrites. By allowing for more
time for operation, the ice layer thickens and leaving the unfrozen solution in a
condition that is getting close to saturation. in another way, the procedure needs
enough time to obtain the high concentration of the unfrozen fluid which is
concentrated (Amran, 2015).
However, excessive operation time may cause the saturation of the solute in
the concentrate to change the trend of solute concentration in the ice. This situation
can be explained by the development of ice layers that have almost completely taken
over the crystallizer's interior area, especially after 40 minutes of concentration.
Hence, high number of solutes in the concentrate can easily be trapped into the ice
layers if the concentration process continued, thus lowering the amount of solute
recovered in the concentrate as well as process efficiency.
In this research, central composite design (CCD) by RSM was used as a method
to determine the optimum conditions by predict the suitable value for effective
partition constant (K). RSM was applied to find the optimum values for the three
operating conditions include coolant temperature, stirrer speed and operation time by
using multiple probe cryo-concentration (MPCC) system. The suitable range for each
process parameters has been yielded by the investigation the effect of parameters done
by previous subtopic which are -8 to -14 °C for coolant temperature, 250 to 450 rpm
for stirrer speed, 20 to 60 minutes for operation time.
Central Composite Design was used in this experiment to conduct
experimental design in order to collect sufficient data for the subsequent optimization
phase (Samsuri, 2016). RSM was used to generate regression model that would
mathematically describe the process variables the best and to predict the ideal value
for each operating parameter that would produce the best value for the effective
partition constant (K). ANOVA was used to evaluate the model whether the equation
is significant or not. Then, optimum values will be generated from the critical points
by the software and one experiment will be conducted to validation value of K.
The effective partition constant (K), which represents the degree of solute
separation that may be completed by the process is typically used to assess the
efficiency of a PFC process. A lower K value means a greater separation efficiency.
Choosing the range of variables based on the minimum and maximum value, as well
as the middle and extreme values, was the first step in the RSM process. Design of
experiment (DOE) was the procedure used to determine the appropriate experimental
value to be used in the experimental section. From the DOE the combinations of three
parameters will be generated as shown in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 shows the experimental
values of K for each run.
Table 4.1 Experimental result of K value for Design of Experiment
Where X1, X2, and X3 are independent variables or factors that have an impact on K-
value, and Y is the predicted response (K-value). One-factor coefficients show the
specific factor or linear coefficient interaction, two-factor coefficients show the
quadratic influence of the factor, and three-factor coefficients show the interaction
effect of those three factors. In contrast, the constant is the coefficient without the
factor. The greatest order of polynomials that provide a significant model for the
response K-value as a function of each variable and are not aliased were used to derive
the regression models (Yahya, 2020).
The synergistic impact is represented by the positive sign in front of these four
phrases, and the antagonistic effect is represented by the negative sign (Samsuri,
2016). The highest order of polynomials that provide a significant model for the
response K-value as a function of each variable and are not aliased were used to derive
the regression models (Jusoh, 2010). The effects of each individual factor are shown
by the coefficients with one factor for coolant temperature, operating time, and stirrer
speed. The coefficients with two factors show the interaction between the two
components, while others with second order terms reveal the quadratic effect.
Based on the data gathered from the experiments at the Table 4.1, the Design
Expert software created the regression model shown in Equation (4.1). The effects of
interaction between each factor were then examined to determine the significance or
acceptability of each combination of variables using the K-value. When analyzing the
data from a DOE, the results of numerous trials in terms of an empirical model would
be helpful. Additionally, it offers recommendations for the validity and reliability of
the findings which can be used to demonstrate that the tests were likely to contain
errors or to provide a degree of confidence to a statement.
The first thing to check in this study is the value of R2 which serve for
evaluating the accuracy of the produced model. The R-squared or R2 is a significant
criterion that was initially assessed in connection to the model's dominance and
suitability in order to calculate the regression coefficient and gauge the strength of the
linear relationship. The nearer the R2 number is to 1.0, the more accurately the response
may be anticipated by the model (Myers and Well, 2003).
In this MPCC system, the value of R2 for the regression model is 0.71. This
shows that the experimental variables under study explain s for 71% of the entire
variation in K and for balance 29% indicates for total variation that not explain ed by
the model. For equation 6.1, the R2 of 0.71 is regarded as moderate to justify the fit,
which could result in significant variation in the K predicted from this model. The R2
is still acceptable since it greater than 0.7. The R-Squared above 0.7 would generally
be seen as showing a high level of correlation7 would generally be seen as showing a
high level of correlation (Fernando, 2022). Based on the Table 4.2 show the predicted
value for response K in each run of the experiment using the regression model and
illustrated by graph as shown in Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.6.
Table 4.2 The experimental, predicted and residuals for Response K
Figure 4.5 Predicted versus actual data
The residuals show how well the model satisfies the ANOVA assumptions by
comparing the predicted and actual values at each point. Figure 4.6 shows the graph
for raw residuals versus predicted values. The residuals are displayed as a randomly
formed plot and demonstrating that the variance of the observed values is constant for
all response values. Based on the graph, the residuals are shown randomly scattered
around 4.82% in the plot of the raw residuals versus expected values. However, some
residuals fall between -0.29 and 0.31, indicating 95% degree of confidence. An
operating error in the experimental data or a potential model error results from any
residual outside of this range. The residuals show a random distribution, proving that
the model is a good fit for the process (Samsuri, 2016).
Figure 4.6 Raw residuals versus predicted data
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) method was used to further assess the
adequacy of the generated prediction model. Table 4.3 shows the ANOVA table for
this analysis. The F-value, which shows the ratio of mean square regression to mean
square residual, must be observed when using the method. The estimated F-value must
be higher than the tabulated number displayed in Appendix B in order to accept the
prediction model as appropriate. Calculated F-value for the response K-value was 3.77,
while tabulated F-value for 95% confidence level (F9,7,0.05) was 3.68. Thus, the
prediction mathematical model is considered to have a good agreement based on the
data obtained.
Table 4.3 ANOVA table
The variables that have a significant impact on the process for each variation
factor were then identified in the subsequent study after verifying and assessing the
validity and suitability of the regression model. Table 4.4 shows the arranged multiple
regressions result which lists all the significant or insignificant values for each factor
and the interaction between factors that involved in the model. the F-value refers to
means of Fisher’s test (F-test), which was used to determine the signif icance of the
regression coefficients of the parameters (Amran, 2015). Then, the p-value was used
to evaluate the importance of each component and the interaction between factors. The
factors with bold values have a considerable impact on the process, with the top factor
having the biggest influence.
X 2X 3 3.16084x10-19 0.0266 0.01775 0.6824
According to Table 4.4, the variable or factor with the highest F-value and
lowest p-value is regarded as the most significant factor, and the other variables or
factors are arranged in decreasing order of significance which starting with the most
significant factor and ending with the least significant factor. The influence of a factor
is considered significant if the p-value is less than 0.05 in accordance with the
confidence level set for the ANOVA analysis that was used.
The effects of any two process variables or factors on the response of K were
also evaluated by plotting a three-dimensional (3D) surface plot of the response against
the two selected factors, while the other two unselected factors were kept at the middle
of their range. The middle values for operating time, stirrer speed, and coolant
temperature are, respectively, -10 °C, 40 minutes, and 350 rpm. This 3D surface
graphic is frequently used to show how many elements interact. An ellipse contour
plot accurately depicts a process variable's interaction with other variables. The surface
was also used to create a regression model that depicts the interaction between the two
chosen variables. A reasonable range for the displayed variables that would produce
the best value for the K value is then recommended in a two-dimensional (2D) fitted
response profile known as a contour plot.
Based on the Figure 4.7 shows surface plot of K value as a function of coolant
temperature (°C) and operation time (min). Figure 4.7 shows the effects and
interactions of coolant temperature and operation time on the K-value at a constant
stirrer speed of 350 rpm. From the Figure, the K-value start decrease after 30 minutes
of operation time. The pattern has changed to an increasing K value after more solution
iterations above 50 minutes. The solution is saturated with solutes after 30 minutes,
which results in some inclusions of the solute in the ice that has formed. For this PFC
procedure, operation times more than 50 minutes are not appropriate. The K-value is
high anywhere outside of this range due to the decreasing coolant tempera ture and
operation time. This can be seen by the contour plot in Figure 4.8, a two-dimensional
(2D) fitted response profile. The equation 4.2 shows the regression model for the trend
of the graph that describes the interaction between the coolant temperatu re and
operation time.
Figure 4.7 Surface plot of K-Value for coolant temperature and operation time
The contour plot in Figure 4.8 shows an appropriate range for the plotted
variables that would produce the lowest K-value. The optimum ranges for coolant
temperature and operation time are -9 to -11 °C and 34 to 45 minutes, respectively.
This shows how a lower coolant temperature would promote better ice crystal
formation whereas a lower coolant temperature would cause the solute to become
trapped in a dendritic ice crystal due to the cold environment (Yahya et al., 2017). To
ensure that the ice is formed in a place and to prevent supercooling phenomena, good
ice creation requires a lengthy operation time (Jusoh et al., 2014). It is important to
keep in mind that the longest operation time may not always produce the best K-value.
This is because the ice contains a lot of solute since the coolant temperature is too low.
Therefore, the combination of these factors causes the process to keep a lot of solute
in the solution and reduce the response of K-value.
Figure 4.8 Contour plot of K-Value for coolant temperature and operation time
The 3D surface and contour plot of K against coolant temperature and stirrer
speed was generated with operation time being held constant at 30 minutes in order to
visualize the interaction of coolant temperature and operation time and their effects on
K. Figure 4.9 and Figure 4.10 shows the 3D surface for coolant temperature and Stirrer
Speed and contour plot. From the Figure 4.9 and 4.10, it is shown that the range of -9
to -11 ˚C for the X1 factor and range of 320 to 380 rpm with the lowest response of K-
value are appropriate for the interaction between coolant temperature (X 1) and stirrer
speed (X3) towards the response of K-value. A lower K-value would result from a
higher stirrer speed and a lower coolant temperature given the relationship between
the two main factors that affect that temperature. The Equation (4.3) shows the
regression model for the trend of the graph that describes the interaction between the
coolant temperature and stirrer speed.
Figure 4.9 Surface plot of K-value for coolant temperature and stirrer speed
Based on the observation, it can be stated that the separation process would
become less effective if the highest X1 and X3 or the lowest X1 and X3 caused an
increase in K-value (Yahya et al., 2019). This indicates that based on the observation,
the appropriate range is at a value that falls halfway between the two components that
were noticed. If the stirrer speed is too slow and the coolant temperature is too high,
the ice on the probe will not form properly. However, because of the tremendous sheer
force of stirrer speed, the ice would be washed out and combined with the bulk
solution. Meanwhile, as soon as the coolant temperature began to fall to the lowest
temperature, the solute could be confined in the ice form (Yahya et al., 2019). Given
that the value and trend are quite similar to the parameters, the considerable interaction
between the variables and K-value in those ranges demonstrates the ability of the
MPCC process to be used to produce the best output.
Figure 4.10 Contour plot of K-Value for coolant temperature and stirrer speed
Figures 4.11 and 4.12 show a 3D response surface and a 2D contour plot,
respectively which to analyze each combination of variables and identify the ideal
condition. The effects and interactions of operation time and stirrer speed while
keeping coolant temperature which -10 °C. Figures 4.11 and 4.12 show that the K-
value increases when the operation time is either too short or too lengthy. Similar to
stirrer speed, K-value is high when the PFC process is using an excessively low or
excessively high stirrer speed. When the operation time is in the range of 34 to 45
minutes and the stirrer speed is between 290 and 350 rpm, the high efficiency of the
process shown by the lowest value of K can be seen. The best value of K in these
interactions was produced by both. In addition to mixing the solute in the target
solution, stirrer speed also spreads heat transfer and induces mass transfer at the
interface. Meanwhile, a more stable ice layer can be attached to the probe thanks to
longer contact time between the cooled probe surface and the solution due to larger
operation time. The Equation (4.4) shows the regression model for the trend of the
graph that describes the interaction between the operation time and stirrer speed.
Figure 4.11 Surface plot of K-Value for operation time and stirrer speed
Based on the observation, the optimum range of the factor for stirrer speed is
290 to 350 rpm while for the factor of operation time is 34 to 45 minutes to reach the
lowest response of K-value. This explains the relationship between stirrer speed and
operation time, which is consistent with the trend from the previous chapter. A strong
effect of heat transfer distributed by increasing stirrer speed and longer operation time
could accelerate the growth rate of ice and prevent the inclusion of solute in the ice.
However, if the stirrer's speed and operating time are too slow and short, the solution's
solubility will decrease, which will result in an inadequate washing action for the
solute trapped in the ice (Osorio et al., 2018). Otherwise if stirrer speed is too fast and
operation time is longer, the crystal ice is believed to be enlarged due to the interface
between ice and solution and as a consequence, the ice morphology would entrap the
solute (Miyawaki et al., 2016)
Figure 4.12 Contour plot of K-Value for operation time and stirrer speed
The Table 4.5 generated by the statistical software reveals the best range for
each factor with respect to K-value. The optimal range of the three independent
variables was effectively identified and predicted using the developed re gression
model. The trend of the 3D response surface and 2D contour plot related to the
interaction of two elements at once was used to determine the ideal range of conditions.
The lowest K-value response is actually not all that different from the predicted and
actual results. According to the statistical software, it is found that the best value of K
the system could achieve is 0.267 when the process is operated at coolant temperature
of -9.4 °C, operation time of 49 minutes, and stirrer speed of 375 rpm.
Table 4.5 Optimum Range for Operation Parameters of K-value
The best effective partition constant (K) value was accurately predicted using
regression models created based on the chosen experimental design (DOE).
Additionally, the optimization of the response variables has been examined using
multiple suitable RSM phases. The optimum value for each parameter concerned is
summarized in Table 4.6 accordingly. Confirmatory tests were run in order to validate
the anticipated values, and the results are shown in the table as an experimental
5.1 Conclusions
(a) For effect of coolant temperature, the K value decrease from -6 °C to -10 °C
and recorded the best K value at -10 °C which 0.307 and rise back at -12 °C to
-14 °C. the decrease of K value due to lower coolant temperature promotes
larger size of ice crystal formed. Meanwhile, increase of K value due to the ice
formation rate increased as the temperature differential between the probe wall
and the entering solution increased. This will cause solute will become stuck
in the ice front's outward motion.
(b) For effect of operation time, the K value decrease from 20 to 40 minutes and
recorded the best K value at 40 minutes which 0.201 and rise back at 50
minutes of operation. the decrease of K due to the ice layer thickens
and leaving the unfrozen solution in a condition that is getting close to
saturation. Meanwhile, increase of K value caused by the impurity of the ice
which grew with increasing concentration over time.
(c) For effect of stirrer speed, the K value decrease from 200 to 250 rpm and
recorded the best K value at 250 rpm which 0.362 and rise back at 200 to 250
rpm. the decrease of K due the solute is dispersed evenly throughout the
solution if a higher stirrer speed is used because it can stimulate mass transfer
at the interface. As a result, the quantity of solute trapped in the ice could be
decreased. Meanwhile, increase of K value caused by solute is heavily
accumulated at the ice-liquid interface causing a higher concentration of solute
in the ice formed
(d) Through the use of RSM, the process parameters were successfully optimised
and the optimum conditions for generating the optimum K value were found to
be a coolant temperature of -6.4 °C, an operation time of 49 minutes, and a
stirrer speed of 375 rpm, the K-value reaches 0.282 which represents the high
efficiency of the FC process. An effective experimental design method was used
to optimise the process parameters, and then a regression model and model
analysis were used to fit the response data. Each response's computed R 2 and
f-value showed that the regression model produced a good approximation. The
results and discussion in the previous performances analysis, as well as the
theory, were determined to be consistent with the effects and interactions
between process factors. As a result, the use of RSM in this optimization
procedure is reliable. When the best scenario for K value response was
validated, there were little differences between the validated and predicted
values for both answers and proving the viability of the prediction model.
5.2 Recommendations
(a) MPCC system could be improved with the installation of fully automated
version for easier monitoring of the product.
(b) MPCC system should be installed with efficient cooling gas system that can be
set with different decimal temperature range for cooling process.
(c) The tank could be place with suitable position to ease the cleaning process after
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Appendix A Gant Chart
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Appendix C Standard F-Table