Essentials of N Ms
Essentials of N Ms
Essentials of N Ms
. .. .." .
. ."
Essentials of
Edited by
William B . Hladik 111, M . S . , R .Ph.
Associate Professor of Pharmacy and Director of Radiopharmacy
College of Pharmacy
University of New )Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Edimr: John Butler
Associare Ediror: Victoria M.Vaughn
Copy Ediror: Bill Cady
Design: Bob Och
illusrrarion Plalmirlg: Lorraine Wrzosek
Prodrdorz: Raymond E. Rcler
To our wives:
Accurm indicatlons. adverse reactions, and dosage scheduIes for drugs arc provided in this
book, but i t is possiblethat theymay change. The reader is urged to reviewthepackage
information data of the manufacturers of the medications mentioned
Printed at the 87 88 89 90 91
Waverly Press. Inc 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Science in the service of the clinical practiceof nuclear medicine oftenutilizes a variety
of problem-solving techniques. The biodistribution of a radioactive tracer can provide
significant physiologic, biochemical,and anatomic information regarding the health status
of a patient. However, many parameters can influence the biodistribution of a radiotracer
and confound the diagnostic information. In addition to theintrinsic biological factors that
determine the basic distribution pattern, thereare extrinsic factors (e.g., procedural errors,
instrumentation errors, and adverse reactions) which can influence the presentation of the
data and, thus,theultimateoutcome of the study. By knowing what these potential
confounding factors are and how they operate, tough diagnostic questions can often be
When examining an individual study, we are often faced with the problem of differ-
entiating what is unique from what is a repeated pattern. As more experience is gained, the
once unique event becomes a known and repeated, but often rare, pattern. The sharing of
information from various branchesofnuclearmedicinescience is a powerful way to
improve our skills in dealing with these day-to-day unusual patterns. In turn, the diag-
nosticpotential of radiotracerstudies is improved.The objective of collectingand
organizing the idormationwhich helps us to recognizeand understand the quirks of tracer
biodistribufons (and external variables which influence data capture) has been a major
undertaking-an undertaking essential to the preparation of thisvolume. The various
authors have done well to provide the reader with this collection of data and its synthesis
into a basic reference.
The task which culminates with this book was started many years ago. In 1977, the
faculty and staff of the University of New Mexico (UNM) Radiopharmacy realized that
there was a critical needto teach radiopharmacy students theclinical side of their specialty
practice more effectively. Theefforttoachieve a more clinicallyoriented teaching
program required that data be collected from the various scientific specialists who serveon
nuclear medical teams. As theinformation grew and waspassedon to studentsand
associates in the field, its value became increasingly apparent. Thisinformation has been
shared via informal telephone exchange fora number of years. What the staff of the UNM
Radiopharmacy was doing was also being done by other professionals at various nuclear
! medicine institutions. In time, itbe.came more and more evident that there was a real need
to compile the information that was being networked into a reference book. A number of
authors have combined their efforts and information into a collection of manuscripts which
will serve well those who are faced with the task of interpreting biodistribution studies-
studies which may have been influenced by possible, and sometimes rare, confounding
M. Annette Cordova, M S . , R.Ph. Allan H. Gobuty, Pharm,D., M.S. Jack L. Lancaster, Ph.D. Brookhaven NationaI Laboratory
Assistanl Director Assistant Professor of Radiology Assistant Professor of Radiology and Upton, NewYork
Department of Pharmacy Medical School Head of Diagnostic Radiology Physics Section
Northeast Community Hospital University of Texas Health Science Center at University of Texas Health Science Center at San James A. Ponto, M.S., R.Ph., B.C.N.P.
Sedford, Texas Houston Antonio Nuclear Pharmacist
Houston, Texas San Antonio, Texas Department of Radiology
John J. Coupal, Ph.D. and University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Assistant Clinical Professor of Radiation Medicine John C. Lasher, M.D. Iowa City, Iowa
of Medicine Assistant Professor of Radiology and
Texas Houston,
of Kentuckv University of Texas Health Science Center at San ClinicaI Associate Professor
Lexington,Kentucky Antonio College of Pharmacy
and Ned Gregorio, R.Ph., B.C.N.P. San Antonio, Texas University of Iowa
Nuclear Pharmacist Nuclear Pharmacist Iowa City, Iowa
Nuclear Medicine Service Radiopharmacy David L. Laven, C.R.Ph. F.A.S.C.P.
Veterans Administration Medical Center College of Pharmacy Director,NuclearPharmacyService David F. Preston, M.D.
Lexington,Kentucky University of New Mexico Nuclear Medicine Department F’rofessorof Diagnostic Radiology
Albuquerque, New Mexico Veterans Administration Medical Center Division of Nuclear Medicine
Bay Pines, Fbrida Departrnenl of Diagnostic Radiology
Robert J. Cowan, M.D. Ned D. Heindel, Ph.D. University of Kansas Medical CenteI
Professor of RadioIogy Professor, Department of Chemistry and KansasCity,Kansas
Division of Nuclear Medicine Brian C. Lentle, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C)
Director, Center for Health Sciences Director, Departmenl of Nuclear Medicine
Department of Radiology Lehigh University Bock A. Rhodes, PhD.
Bowman Gray School of Medicine Vancouver General Hospilal President
Bethlehem,Pennsylvania Vancouver, BritishCoIumbia
WakeForest University and RhoMed, Inc.
Winston-Salem, North Carolina and Albuquerque, New Mexico
Adjunct Professor Head, Division of Nuclear Medicine
Department of Radiation Oncology and Nuclear Department of Radiology
Medicine Gopal B. Saha, Ph.D.
Frederick L. Datz, M.D. University of British Columbia Staff Radiochemist
Associate Professor of Radiology and Hahnemann University Vancouver. British Columbia
Philadelphia,Pennsylvania Department of Nuclear Medicine
Clinical Director of Nuclear Medicine The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
School of Medicine Geoffrey Levine, Ph.D., B.C.N.P. Cleveland, Ohio
University of Utah
B. Hladik 111, M S . , R.Ph. Associate Professor of Radiology
LakeSalt of Pharmacy
and School of Medicine Pranlika Som, D.V.M., Sc.M.
Director of Radiopharmacy University of Pittsburgh Scientist
College of Pharmacy Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania Brookhaven Nalional Laboratory
Natalie Foster, Ph.D. University of New Mexico
AssistantProfessor and Uplon, NewYork
Albuquerque, New Mexico Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical
Department of Chemistry and
Center for Health Sciences Sciences Research Associate Professor of Radiology
Robert Hodges, PharmD. School of Pharmacy School of Medicine
Lehigh University Staff Pharmacist
BethIehem,Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh HeaIth Sciences Center
Washington Regional Medical Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania State University of New York at Stony Brook
and Fayetteville, Arkansas
Adjunct Assistant Professor and Stony Brook, New York
Department of Radiation Oncology and Nuclear Director of Nuclear Pharmacy
Karl F. Hubner, M.D. Presbyterian-University Hospital Michael G. Stabin, M.E.
Medicine Professor of Radiology and
Hahnemann University Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania Radiopharmaceutical Internal Dose Information
Director of Research Cenler
PhiladeIphia,Pennsyivania Department of Radiology
University of Tennessee Hospital
Zvi €I. Oster, M.D. Manpower Education, Research and Training
Professor o€ Radiology Division
John E. Freilas, M.D. Knoxville.Tennessee School of Medicine Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Nuclear Medicine Deparhent Health Sciences Center Oak Ridge, Tennessee
William Beaumont Hospital Xobert C. Jost, M.S., R.Ph. State University o€ New York at Stony Brook
Royal Oak, Michigan Pharmacist Stony Brook, NewYork Victor J. Slathis, B.S., R.Ph.
and University of New Mexico Hospital and Nuclear Pharmacist
Clinical Associate Professor Albuquerque, New Mexico Co-Chief, Division of Nuclear Medicine Pharmacy Department
University of Michigan Medical SchooI Department of Radiology N . T. Enloe Memorial Hospital
Ann Arbor, Michigan E. Edmund Kim, M.D., M.S. University Hospital at Stony Brook Chico,California
and Professor of Radiology and Medicine, and Stony Brook, NewYork
Clinical Associate Professor Direclor, Division of Nuclear Medicine and Kenneth T. Study, B.S., C.N.M.T.
School of Medicine University of Texas Health Science Center at Research Collaborator and Medical Accounts Manager
Wayne State University Houston Visiting Clinician Digital Equipment Corporation
Detroit,Michigan Houston, Texas MedicalDeparlmenl Albuquerque, New Mexico
xvi I Contributors
Chapter 1
Normal Biodistribution of Diagnostic Radiopharmaceuticals
G o ~ n l B . S r r h a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 2
Radiopharmacokinetics in Nuclear Medicine
JeffreyA.Clanton .................................................. 20
Chapter 3
Biodistribution and Structure in Radiodiagnostics
N e d D . Heildei m d N a t a l i eF o s t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Chapter 4
Metabolic Fate of Radiopharmaceuticals
RoberiC.Josi ............................. 44
Chapter 5
Radiopharmaceutical Absorbed Dose Consideralions
Jack L . Coffeer, E v e l y n E. Watson, Karl F. Hubrrer, arrd Michael G . Stabin . . . I 51
Chapter 6
Considerations and Controversies in the Selection of Radiopharmaceuticals
Henry M . C h i l t o n and Robert J. ConIan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Chapter 7
Therapeutic Applications of Radiopharmaceuticals
William J. Baker, F r e d e r i c k L. Dalz, and Robert W.Beightol x4
Chapter 8
Preparation and Clinical Utility of Labeled Blood Products
Willirrm J. B a k e r and F r e d e r i c k L . Dalz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Chapter 9
Nuclear Medicine Procedures for Monitoring Patient Therapy
Alla?~H . Goblrty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Chapter 21
Chapter 10 Regulatory Problems in Nuclear Medicine
Interventional Studies in Nuclear Medicine James F. Vandergrifl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 1
Gopal B . Saha, Dennis P. Swar~son,and William B . Hladik III . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Chapter 11
Medical Decision Making III
David F. Preston and Larry T. Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Considerations for the Preclinical and the Clinical Investigation
of New Radiopharmaceuticals
Chapter 12
Computer Applications in Nuclear Medicine Chapter 22
Jack L. Larrcaster, John C . Lasher,and Ralph Bllrrnhardr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Animal Models of Human Disease
Prantika Son1 and Zvi H . Oster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
I1 Chapter 23
Problems and Pitfalls Encountered Considerations in the Assembly and Submission of the Physician-sponsored
with the Use of Radiopharmaceuticals Investigational New Drug Application
Geoffrey Levine and Neil Abel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Chapter 13
Iatrogenic Alterations in the Biodistribution of Radiotracers as a R e d of Drug
Therapy: Theoretical Considerations
Interactions among Nuclear Medicine
RobertHodges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Health Care Professionals and Patients
Chapter 14
Iatrogenic Alterations in the Biodiswibulion of Radiotracers as a ResuIt of Drug Chapter 24
Therapy: Reported Instances Radiopharmaceutical Information and Consultation Services
William B . Hlodik lli, James A . Ponfo, Brian C. Lentle, William B . Hladik iii, Ned Gregorio, Terry L. B r a m , Victor J. Stathis, and
and David L . Laven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 JamesA.Ponto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Chapler 15 Chapter 25
Iatrogenic Alterations in the Biodistribution of Radiotracers as a Result of Issues of Patient Education
Radiation Therapy, Surgery, and Other Invasive Medical Procedures Donald A . B i l k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Brian C . Lenfle and Colin B . SijJles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Chapter 26
Chapter 16 Patient Preparation for Nuclear Medicine Studies
Normal Clinical Variation in Anatomic Structure and Physiologic Function and Its Victor J. Stathis, Doyle W. Canrrell, and Teresa J. Cantre11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Effect on Radiopharmaceutical Biodistribution
John J, Coupal and E . Edn~undKim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
Chapter 17
Unusual or Unanticipated Alterations in the Biodistribution of
Radiopharmaceuticals as a Result of Pathologic Mechanisms
E . Edtnrcnd Kin? arzd John J. Coupal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Chapter 18
Clinical Manifestations of Radiopharmaceutical Formulation Problems
James A . Ponto, Demis P. Swanson, ami John E. Freilas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Chapter 19
Instrumentation and Procedural Problems in Nuclear Medicine
Kenneth T, Study and Roger W. Taff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Chapter 20
Adverse Reactions Associated with Radiophannaceulicals
M . Annette Cordovn, William B . Hladik i i I , Brrck A . Rhodes, and
HaroidL.Atkim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Normal Biodistribution of Diagnostic
The administered dose varies with the type of 99mTc07is trapped in the thyroid but, unlike choroid plexus and, thus, has an advantage over ment and certain enzymatic action in the lungs
study: 10-20 mCi for brain imaging, 1-5 mCi iodide, is not organified. Administration of per- 99mT~O;as a brain imaging agent. break down the aggregated particles into smaller
for thyroid studies, and 20-25 mCi for in vivo chlorate, Lugol's solution, and thiocyanate re- ones which are then removed by the reticuloen-
red bloodcelllabeling for gated bloodpool duces the 9 9 m Tuptake
~ by the thyroid glands. ""Tc-GLUCEPTATE dothelial system (RES) (12, 13). Some radioac-
sludies. In brain and thyroid studies, imaging is Normalthyroiduptake of 99mTc0, isonly
""Tc-gluceptate (GH)? is used for brain and tivity is excreted bythe kidney,and urinary
performed about 20-30 minutes or longer after 0.3-3 .O% at 20 minutes after administration. A
renal imaging. After intravenous administra- excretion is about 42-46% in 48 hours (14).
injection, whereas in gated blood pool studies, normal scintigraph exhibits a homogeneous dis-
tion, it is excreted by both glomerular filtration In normal lung scintigraphs, labeled particles
it is performcd 5-10 minutesafterinjection. tribution of radioactivity in both thyroid lobes
and tubular secretion. A comparative study of are evenly distributed in anterior and posterior
Brain imaging with 99mTc0, is governed by whichhave a butterflyor a wide "V" ap- projections.Somewhatless activity is seen in
theblood-brain barrier(BBB) which prevents 99mTc-labeledGH, DTFA, and dimercaptosuc-
pearance. The size of the isthmus vanes from the upper zones due to less lung voiume. The
wmTcO, from entering normal brain cells. The cinic acid (DMSA) has been made by Arnoldet
thin and barely visible, to wide with an intense well-defined defecl due Lo the heart is seen on
BBB breaks down, however, in abnormal cells ai. (8). Its plasma clearance is very rapid for the
image. The pyramidal lobe can be visualized in anterior and lateral views. The lungs look rela-
such asoccurintumors,infarcts, and other first 2 hours and becomes slower thereafter. The
a small percentage of norma1 scans. A normal tively smaller in obesepatients.Minor varia-
conditions, and thus the tracer localizes in le- 99mT~-GH is loosely bound to proteins initially
thyroidscintigraphobtained with 9 9 m T ~ 0is4 tions in thedistribution of particles,due to
sions. 99mTcO; localizes in the choroid plexus, and increases in binding to about 75% after 6
shown in Figure 1.1. slight abnormalities in the pattern of blood flow,
and thus artifacts are seen in normal brain im- hours. Approximately 12% of the administered
dose accumulates in the kidney, largely in the particularly in the right lung, are observed in
ages; this is prevented by oral administration of about 20-25% of apparently hearthy subjects
250 mg potassium perchlorate topatients just 99mT~- cortex.Urinaryexcretionisnearly 50% in 2
DIETHYLENETRIAMJNEPENTAACETIC hours and 70% in 24 hours. The brain and renal (15). Perfusion defects also are seen in elderly
prior to injection of thetracer (3). Potassium
ACID scintigraphs show a distribution of activity sim- subjects, which is perhaps related lo undetected
perchlorate saturates the choroid plexus and obstructive airway diseases (16, 17). The posi-
leaves no binding sites for 99mT~O;I 99mTc-diethylenetriaminepentaaceticacid ilar to that of DTPA. Like DTPA, GH does not
accumulate in the choroid plexus. tion of thepatientalso affects the distribulion
The normalbrain scintigraphs do notshow (DTPA) isprimarily used for brain andrenal
pattern of MAA particles. If patients in an up-
activity within thecerebrum itself due to the imaging and for measurement of glomerular fil-
""Tc-LABELED MACROAGGREGATED right position are given injections, particles set-
blood-brain barrier. The periphery of the hemi- tration rate (GFR). After intravenous injection,
it is excreted entirely by glomerular filtration. ALBUMIN OR ALBUMIN tle at the bottom of the lungs and less activily is
spheres, however, is outlined by increased ac-
Hauser et al. (4) andAtkins et a!. ( 5 ) have MICROSPHERES seen in the upper part of the lungs. Normal lung
tivity in the subarachnoid space, calvaria, and
studied the pharmacokineticcharacteristics of scintigraphs are shown in Figure 1.2.
softtissues of the scalp. Increasedactivityis 9mTc-labeledmacroaggregatedalbumin
also seen in the sagittal and transverse sinuses. this radiopharmaceutical in dogs and humans. (MAA) or albumin microspheres commonlyare
On h e posterior views, the transverse sinuses The plasma disappearance curve consists of used for lung perfusion imaging. The particles 99"T~-LA3ELED
aregenerally symmetric. Onlateral views, ac- threecomponents with tms of 12 minutes, 98 are about 10-90 prn in size, and in a dose of 99mTc-labeledsulfur colloid is the most com-
tivity is seen in the suprasellarandsylvian minutes, and 14.8 hours. The protein binding is 3-4 mCi, approximately 100.000-500,000 par- monly used radiolabeledcolloidinnuclear
regions. approximately 5-10% at 1 hour. Maximum re- licles are administered per injection. The parti- medicine. The size of these particles varies be-
nal uptake (5%)occurs 5 minutes after adminis- cles are lodged in capillaries and precapillary tween 50 rm and 500 nrn, with a mean of 150 -
tration.Urinary excretion isabout 90% in 24 arteries during the first transit of blood circula- nm, and [hey are removed bythe RES (liver,
hours. tion through the lungs. Larger particles (> 150 spleen, and bone marrow).
Because DTPA is entireIyfilteredby pm) should not be administeredbecause they After intravenous injection, about 80-85% of
glomeruli, GFR can be determined by use of may occlude precapillary arteries and cause re- the dose accumulates in the liver; lo%, in the
this radiopharmaceuticd (6, 7). Plasma protein gional pulmonary embolism. spleen; and the rest, in the bone marrow. Vari-
binding of DTPA yields somewhaterroneous Theclearance of particles fromthelungs ousfactorssuch as hepatic blood flow, RES
GFR values, however. 99mT~-DTPA also is used depends onthesize andnumber of particles integrity, the size and the number of parlicles,
for renal imaging. Because of this radiopharma- administered. Approximately 50% of 50- 100 and the physical characteristics of particles af-
ceutical'srapid elimination by filtration,early million MAA partides in the 10-70-pm range fect the in vivo distribution of the colloid (18,
images of the kidney allow good demonstration is cleared from human lungs in about 4-6 hours 19). Theparticles are lodged permanently in the
of the parenchyma primarily due to blood sup- (9, IO). Albumin microspheres are cleared more reliculoendotherial cells and the effective half-
ply in the kidneys (8). slowly than are MAA particles, because they are life is almost equal to the physical half-life of
Brain imaging with 99mTc-DTPAhasbeen more rigid and their clearance is slower (of the 99111T~. The plasma clearance half-time is about
successfully accomplished by many investiga- order of 12-24 hours) (11). Mechanical move- 2-5 minutes, and themaximumliver uptake
tors and is now accepted as a routine procedure, occurswithin10-15minutes.Theclearance
Figure 1.1. A normal thyroid scinligraph obtained at The mechanism of localization is governed by rate of colloid particles depends on the blood
60 minutes after administration of 5 mCi of the blood-brain barrier, as isS9mTcO; uptake in ? Glucep~ateis the official (USAN) name for what was
previously known as glucoheptonate; the commonly used volume perfusing the liver and on the number of
9 9 m ~ ~ o ~ - . thebrain. DTPA does not accumulate in the abbreviation "GH" comes from this latrer lenn. particles. As the number of particles increases,
6 I Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Science Normol Biudisrribulion of Diagnostic RatliopkarmacelrticnEs 1 7
the clearance rate falls, reaching minimum val- of estrogen,endotoxin,heparin, and perhaps
ues withprogressivesaturation of the pha- other substances(22). Normal liver scintigraphs
gocytic capacity. In normal adults,themax- obtained with use of 3 mCi of 99mTc-labeled
imum clearance in each passage is about 94% sulfur colloid are shown in Figure 1.3.
(20). Anothercolloid of importanceis94mTc-la-
In normal subjects, there are wide variations beled antimonysulfidecolloid whichis com-
in the distribution of radioactive colloids due to monlyused forlymphoscintigraphy.The par-
various contours of theliverand spleen. In ticle size of this colloid ranges between 10 nm
decreased hepatocellularfunction, Ihe colloid and 20 nm. Subcutaneous injections are made Figure 1.3. Norma1 liver scintigraphs obtained in different projections after administration
of 3 mCi of WmTc-
uptakeis shifted toward thespleenandbone betweenthefirstandsecondmetatarsalsfor labeled sulfur colloid. ANT, anterior; POST posterior; ANTIMARK, anteriortmarker; RL, right lateral; LL, left
marrow. Often, the uptake at the junction of the imaging of lymphatic flow in the legs, between lateral; RAO, rightanterioroblique; LAO, left anterior oblique; RPO, rightposterioroblique; LPO, left
poslerior oblique.
right and left lobes is diffuse dueto the thinness the first and second metacarpals for imaging of
of the connective tissues. The densityof spleen the arms, and at both sides of the xyphoid pro- -~ phomaorpartialblockade ofthe lymphatics. Indroxymethylene diphosphonate (HDP)are com-
activity usually is the same asor somewhat less cess for imaging o€ the parasternal nodes. Ap- parasternal lymphnodescintigraphy, 96% re- monly used for this purpose. Approximately 20
than that of right posterior activity. The most proximately 80%of the colloid is transported by producibility was obtained by Ege (23). mCi of *"Tc-MDP or WmTc-HDP are admin-
commonlyencounteredartifact is dueto the thelymphaticsystem. At 24 hours after and istered intravenously to the patient, and scinti-
scatter of 140 keV y-rays of 9 9 m T in~overlying depending on the site of injection, the inguinal, 99mT~-LABELED PHOSPHATE graphic
obtained 2-3 hours after
structures,suchasfemalebreasts.Another iliac,andperiaorticregions,severallymph COMPOUNDS in-jection. Immediately
prior to imaging, the
common linding is the lung uptake of colloids. nodes in the parasternal region, and other lymph Several99n'Tc-labeled phosphatecomplexes patient should void in-order to reduce the back-
This uptake has been atlributed to phagocylosis nodes are seen.Discontinuity in the flow of havebeen investigated for bone imaging; cur- ground from the bladder activity.
by macrophages in thelungs (21) or by RES radioactivity may result from metastasis; in- rentiy,however, only99mTc-Iabeledmethylene A comparative study of four phosphate com-
cells migrated into the lungs under the influence creased activity in any area may be due to lym- diphosphonate (MDP) and 99111Tc-labeled hy- pounds(wg"Tc-labeledpolyphosphate,pyro-
8 1 Esseutials of Nuclenr MedicineScience Normal Biodistributiotg of Dingnostic Rndiophart?lace;lficaIs I 9
humans, the blood clearance of HEDP is some- PYP accumulates in myocardial infarct to such
what slower than that of MDP for the first 6 an extent that meaningful imaging could be
hours, but at 24 hr the blood level of HEDP is made of the infarcts. It has alsobeen shown that
slightly lower than that of MDP. Theblood [here is reasonable accumulation of 99mTc-HDP
clearance was much slower forPYP than for in myocardial infarcts (28). In the canine, the
either diphosphonate. The 24-hour urinary ex- uptake values of 99mTc-HDPand 99mTc-PYPare
cretion of HEDP and MDP is about 7s-8095, 5.1% and4.4%, respectively, of theadmin-
while that of PYP is about 60%. Protein-binding istered doseper 1 g m of body weight in in-
of MDP and PYP has been reported to be ap- farcted myocardium, compared with 0.15% and
proximately 22% ( 2 5 ) and 42% (26), respec- 0.13% in normal myocardium.
tively, 2 hours after injection. Theprotein-bind-
ing of HEDP is aboul 30% at 3 hours (24). ""Tc-LMELED IMINODIACETIC ACID
Recently, 99mTc-HDP has been inlroduced DERIVATIVES
and shown to have better bone localization than lminodiacetic acid (IDA) derivatives labeled
does MDP (27, 28). Rib uptake values of HDP with 99n1T~ are routinely used for evaluation of
and MDP in dog are 5.4% and 4.3%, respec- hepatocytic function.LobergetaI.(31) first
tively, ofthe administereddose per 1 gm of introduceda 99mTc-Iabeled derivative of IDA ANTERIOR BONE IMAGES
body weight. Urinary excretion inrdog is about for this purpose. Wistow et al. (32) developed
59% in 24 hours.The relativelylow urinary andevaluated such IDA derivatives as 2,6-di-
excrelion of HDP compared with MDP, how- ethyl, p-ethoxy, andp-iodo-DA and found that
ever, is primarily due to skeletal uptake rather all hadexcellenthepatobiliaryspecificity and
than to protein binding. A comparative study of differed primarily in blood clearance and urin- minutesafteradministration ( 3 3 , 34). As 99mTc-diethyi-IDAhasprovedtobevery
whole-body retention reflecting skeletal uptake ary excretion. Newer derivatives are p-isopropyl hepatocellular funclion decreases and bilirubin useful as a hepatobiliary agent (38-40). In rab-
of threediphosphonates(HEDP,MDP,and (PIPIDA) and diisopropyl-substituted iminodia- level progressively increases, hepatobiliary ex- bits, its blood content is about 1.2%, and urin-
HDP) has been made in humans by Fogelman et cetic acid (DISIDA) that have been shown to cretion decreases and renal excretion increases. ary excretion is 9.0% of the administered dose
al. (29). This study has shown that the whole- have belter hepatobiliary characteristics. Lenglhening the alkyl chain on the benzene 30 minutes after administration (35). The subse-
bodyretention of thesethreecompoundsis Approximately 3-5 mCi of a 99mTc-labeled ring of the IDA molecule resuits in increased quenldevelopment of DISIDAderivalives,
18.4%, 30.3%, and 36.696, respectively, which IDA derivativeisinjected intravenously into hepatobiliary excretion and reduced urinary ex- however, has addedsignificantly io hepalobil-
indicates greater uptake for HDP. Clinical stud- humans who have fasted for 2-4 hr, and irnag- cretion.PIPIDAbehavessimilarlytoHIDA, iaryimaging, and currentlyit is the agent of
ies also have proved this material to be some- ing is performed at different time intervals up to except that it gives slightly better visualization choiceforthispurpose.Thirtyminutesafter
what superior to MDP. 1-4 hours, which indicates liver function and of the biliary system when the biIirubin level is intravenous administration,nearly 8% of the
Increasedblood flow, reactive boneforma- biliary patency. The liver activity is seen within 20-25 mgldl (35). The common bile duct isnot dose remains in the circulation. Approximately
tion, and extraction efficiency of the bone min- a few minutes, is cleared rapidly, and appears in well visualized by PIPIDA, however. Its urinary 9% is excreted in the urine in the first 2 hours
eral are the determining factors for bone uptake thegallbladderandthenintheintestine. In excretion in rabbits is about 7.5% of the dose 30 after injection. In fasting individuals, maximum
of %"'Tc-labeled phosphate complexes. Uptake dogs, the blood clearance half-time of WmTc- minutes after administration (36).99mTc-labeled liver uptakeoccursby 10 minutes,and peak
ishigher in thegrowing skeleton of children HIDA is only a few minutes, with only 3% of butyl irninodiacetic acid (BIDA) has somewhat gallbladder activity, by 30-40 minutes after in-
than in the skeleton of adults.Boneuptake the injected dose remaining in the blood at 30 slower plasma clearance and liver uptake and jection (41). 99mTc-DISIDAprovidessuperior
decreases with increasing age. Symmetric areas minutes,andcumdativeurinary excretion is muchlessrenalclearancethanhasPIPIDA images when the bilirubin level is 20-30 mgldl.
of increased concentration are seen in the meta- about 17% of the administered dose at 2 hours (37). Urinary excretion is of the order of 0.7% In normal scinligraphs, the liver is well vis-
physeal zones in the growing skeleton. Ankles, after administration. The hepatobiliary system of the injected dose 30 minutes after adminisIra- uaIizedwithin 5 minutesafteradministration.
knees, elbows,wrists, shoulderjoints,pelvic is visible with a bilirubin level as high as 5-8 tion (36). It is useful when the bilirubin level is Afler this, the tracer is cleared from the liver
bones. and vertebrae are all seen with increased rng/dl. The gallbladder could b e seen within 30 10-20 mgldl (35). andexcretedinto thebiliarytree,the hepalic
'_- -
. , -
10 I Essentials of Nncleur Medicine Science Normal Biodistriburion of Dingrzosiic Rndiophar?naceuticols t Ii
ductsand, later, the gallbladder. In normally tainedwith""Tc-DISIDA are showninFigure quently been made by Subrarnanian et al. (8). pool, whereas a separation of the heart from the
f u n c t i o n i n hg e p a t idc u c t sa,c t i v i t w
y i l1l . 5 . After intravenous injection, it is excreted in the surrounding lung blood pool by more than 2 cm
promptly flow into the duodenal sweep and urine by both glomerular fiitration and tubular raises the probability of effusion (48).
proximalsmall bowel. The total timefor this 99"TC~D1MERCAPT~SUCC1N1C secretion. In humans, the renal uptake is about When99mTc-labeledRBC are denatured by
complete flow of IDAcompoundsshould not 99mTc-dimercaptosuccinicacid (DMSA) isa 12% of the administered dose at 1 hourafter heating at 50" for 15 minutes, they accumulate
exceed 45-60 minutes in normal patients. Nor- renal agent which was first introduced by Lin et injection, with most of the dose localizingin the selectively in the spleen. Twenty minutes after
mal scintigraphs of the hepatobiliary system ob- al. (42); a detailed study of this agent has subse- cortex, which results in a very high cortex-to- injection, blood radioactivity falls below 50%
medulla activity ratio. This value is somewhat of its maximum value (49). The plasma clear-
lower than the 48% quoted by Kawamura et al. ance curve is biphasic, and the ratio of unit area
(43). The blood clearance of 99mTc-DMSAin spleen-to-liver activity at the body surface ex-
humans is slow Itl? = -10 minutes), and there ceeds 4:l in normal patients (49).
is no diffusion of the tracer into red cells. Ap-
proximately 75% of 99mTc-DMSAisloosely 99"T~-ALBUMIN
bound to plasma proteins initially. The amount Humanserumalbuminlabeled with 99mTc
of 99mTc-DMSA bound increases to 90% at 24 was introduced by McAfee et al. (50) for imag-
hours.Urinaryexcretion is about 37% at 24 ingpracenta. A15-mCidosegiven by intra-
hours. venous injection has been used for blood pool
Approximately 2-5 mCi of %"Tc-DMSA is imaging. McAfee et al. (50) has observed that 5
ANT(5') ANTCIO') ANTCIS) injected intravenously, and renal images are ob- minutes after injection, the first biological half-
tained at theposteriorposition. Bothkidneys life of 99mTc-albumin is about 6 hours, with a
arewell visualized, with defectsseenascold subsequentcomponent with ahalf-time of 3
spots. A number of investigators (43-46) have days. In normal humans, less than 0.5% of the
usedthis agent and havefound that excellent injected radioactivity isrecovered in the urine or
renalimagesusedtoassessthedifferenlial feces within the first 24 hours after injection.
slatus of both left and right kidneys have been The placenta contains about 1% of the admin-
obtained. istereddoseper 1% of thematernalbody
99"T~-LABELEDRED BLOOD CELLS Cardiacchambersarewellvisualized by
Red blood cells (RBC) are labeled with ssmTc 99mTc-albumin.This tracer is not as goodas
byboth in vitro and in vivomethods.99mTc- WmTc-labeled RBC for cardiac imaging, how-
labeled RBC are primarily used for bIood pool ever, because albumin has a larger extravascular
visualization and asdenatured red cellsfor comparlment of distributionthandoRBC,
spleen imaging. which compromises the resolution of cardiac
ANT(30'1 LAOC30'1 R L (30'1 The biodistribution of 99mTc-labeledRBC in images. It has been pointed out by Rhodes (51)
humans has been studied by Larson et al. (47). thal various methodologies in the preparationof
The blood disappearance curve has two compo- 99mTc-albumininfluencethedistribution of
nents: onewitha tlr,of 29hours(95%)and 99mTc-albuminprimarily due to the presence of
another with a t @of 20 minutes. Approximately free and reduced technetium.
5% of the activity is observed in the spleen due
to either sequestrationof damaged RBC or equi- SODIUM [luI] OR ['3'I]IODIDE
libration with splenic blood pool. The cardiac Iodide normally is absorbedfromfoodinto
chambers are well visualized. In most cases, a the blood through the gastrointestinal tract, and
myocardial halo of decreasedactivity is seen, its bloodcontent reaches maximumwithin 3
lying between the left ventricular chamber and hours. Radioiodide in blood is found mostly in
the lung blood pool. The ratio of the left ven- plasmaandto a lesserextent in RBC.The
tricular activity to background activity is about plasma clearance of iodide is exponentiai and
2.5-2.7.Thenormalcardiacblood pool oc- rapid.
M45') POST(2-h r) cupies less than half of the total diameter of the For thyroid studies, approximately 50 pCi of
Figure 1.5. Normal scintigraphs of the hepatobiliary system obtained after adminislration of 5 mCi of WmTc- chest at its widest dimension. Cardiomegaly is Nal3]I or 300 p,Ci of Natz3I isadministered
DISIDA. ANT, anterior; LAO, left anterior oblique; RL, right lateral; POS7; posterior. seenasanenlargement of thecardiacblood orally, and uptake and imagingare performed at
12 t Esserltials of Nuclear Medicine Science Normal Biudistribution of DiagnosticRadiopharmaceulicals I I3
24 hours.The thyroidgland extracts aImost Hippuraniseliminatedbythekidneys lz5I-LABELEDFIBRINOGEN A normal thallium image is characterized by
20% of the iodide in asinglepassfromthe through glomerular filtration(20%) and tubular 1251-labeledfibrinogen is primarily used for uniform distributionof ?OIT1activity throughout
blood that perfuses the gland. The iodide trap or secretion (80%). The plasma clearance is very the left ventricular myocardium.A Iarge area of
thedetection of venousthrombus.Approx-
pump concentrates iodide almosl 25 times the rapid (about 30 minutes). Normal adult hip- decreased activity in the center is dueto the left
imately 100 pCi of this agent are injected intra-
plasma level, but the concentration may be in- puran clearance approximates 500-600 ml venously, and venous thrombi are detected by ventricularcavity. Decreased activity may be
creased asmuchas 500 timesundercertain plasma per 1 minute, and 70% of the injected external counting at various sites over the lower seen in the cardiac apex due to thinness of the
conditions, such as iodide deficiency. The trap- dose is excreted in the urine 35 minutes after extremities. The biological half-life normally is posterior basal areaof themyocardium.The
pediodide is oxidizedbyan enzyme to form injection. Depending on the degree of hydration proximal portions of the septum and posterior
about 3.5-4.1 days, but about 33% of the ad-
iodine which then iodinates tyrosine to produce of the patient, the peak renal concentration oc- lateral wall, as seen in the LAO images, show
ministereddosehasahalf-life of about 12
moniodotyrosine (MIT) and diiodotyrosine curs in 2-5 minutes after injection (54-56). A somewhat nonuniform distribution ofactivity.
hours. Almost 80% of thebody'sfibrinogen
(DIT).Thisprocess of iodination is called dehydrated patient will demonstrate peakpar- pool is within the circulating plasma volume. Its The right ventricle often is seen on the exercise
organification. MIT and DIT further condense enchymalactivityslightlylater andmayhave images, withIittle or no activityseen on the
uptakeis not specific for venousthrombosis
toform T, and T4 which are then bound to deIayedclearance.Proteinbindingisabout redistribution views.
because it alsoaccumulates in surgicalinci-
thyroglobulin, part of which is reIeased in the 60-70%, but the bond is very weak and thus The quality of zolTl images can be greatly
blood circulation under the influence of thyroid- dissociates rapidly. Whenever renal function is of lower extremities (61). Detection of thrombi enhancedby computerprocessing.Thecom-
stimulating hormone (TSH). to be measured, free iodide in the 1311-hippuran with this agent is more accurate in postoperative mon methods involve background subtraction,
The normal 24-hour thyroid uptake of iodine shouldbeless than 3%; otherwise,effective patients than in patients with overt clinical man- contrast enhancement, and image filtering. An-
is 10-35%, butuptakevaries because of the renaI plasma flow would be reduced consider- other approach has beento define quantitatively
"cold" iodine content in food in different en- ably (57). Anactivetransportmechanism ac- the relative distribution of 201T1 in the myocar-
demic areas. Thehigh plasma level of iodide, or countsfortheexcretion of hippuran by renal [ 201T~JTHALLOUS CHLORIDE dium as a function of space and/or time. This
the presence of perchlorate, thiocyanate, chlo- tubules (58). Variouscardiovascular diseases are detected method has been accomplished with use of the
rate, or iodate, or theadministrationofmeth- by several radiotracers, depending on the type computer and is called the washout technique.
imazole or propylthiouracil can reduce the thy- 6P-I'311]IODOMETHYL-19-
of physiological handling of each radiotracer. With this technique, one can assess the change
roid uptake of iodide, whereas the administra- NORCHOLESTEROL (NP-59) of activity in a given area of the myocardium
Functioning myocardial celIs can be imaged
tion of TSH would increase the uptake. Thecompound 6P-11311]iodomethyl-19-nor- with time or the rerative distribution of activity
with radiopotassium or its analogs, such as43K,
Other glands, such as salivary andgastric cholesterol (NP-59) isavailable from the Uni- s2Rb, 129Cs,13NH4+,and zO'Tl. Of these, 20'T1 in different segments of themyocardium in a
glands, concentrate iodide about as efficiently versity of Michigan and is used in a dose of 2 has been the radiotracer of choice (62-64) be- givenprojection.Anewapproach to to-
as the thyroid, although iodide in salivary and mCi for adrenaI gland imaging. In dogs, 5%kg cause Kt and T1+ are both monovalent cations mographic imaging with use o€ a seven-piahole
gastricsecretionsis not lost from the body, dose/gm$ accumulates in the adrenal cortex as of the same ionic size and therefore concentrate collimator, with which multiple tomographic
since it is reabsorbed from the intestinal tract early as 2 days after the dose; the peak value of equally in the myocardium. slices of the heart can be obtained, has been
(52). Iodide alsoaccumulates in thekidneys, 8%kg doselgm is reached at 10 days (59). Most Approximately1.5-2mCi of 20'T1 in the suggested. Positioning of theheart(i.e., the
sinceitis fiiteredby thekidneys,andabout accumulates in the cortex of the adrenal gland. form of thallous chloride are injected intra- patient) and loss in depth resolution are major
73% normallyis reabsorbedbythe tubules. The highest concentration of NP-59 is found in venously. Imaging is performed with a camera disadvantages in the tomographic technique.
Urinary excretion is 37-75% (53), fecal excre- thethyroidglandsandamounts to about at different projections (mostly anterior, left an- The extraction of thallium ion bymyocytes
tion is about lo%, and sweat excretion is almost 12-14%kg doselgm at 1 0 days. Urinary excre- terior oblique (LAO), and left lateral) with the requires that the cations traverse the capillary
negligibIe in 24 hours. The morphological dis- tion is about 29% in 9 days. patient under resting and stress conditions. The wall, interstitial space, and myocyte membrane.
tribution of iodide in the thyroid glands is sim- Images are obtained at 4-8 days after injec- blood clearance exhibits a biexponential curve The barrier at the capillary wall is dependent on
ilar to that of pertechnetate. tion. Adrenal glands are seen as ovoid areas of consisting of components with t M of 5 minutes blood flow, and cations are transported across
persistent and fairly equal activity near the mid- (92%) and 40 hours (8%) (65). The24-hour the cell membraneby the active transport rnech-
u-~'~'I]IODO~IPPURATE (HIPPURAN) line. Liver uptake is seen superior and lateral to urinary excretion is about 3-8% of the admin- anism via the Na+-K+-ATPase pump (68, 69).
The primary use of I3'I-hippuranis in the the right adrenal gland. The gallbladder also is istered dose (64, 65). The myocardial extraction Since the viable cells take up these radiotracers,
assessment of renal function. When renography seenprior to 7 daysafteradministration. A efficiencyfor201Tlindogsisapproximately myocardial infarcts would be seen as cold spots.
is perfonned, approximately 40-50 pCi of I3lI- repeat scan after a fatty meal helps clarify most SS% in asinglepassunderbasalconditions Myocardialimaging during peak exercise and
hippuran is administered intravenously. If both of these situations. Often bowel activity, partic- (66). Maximum myocardial uptake is about 4% then at rest can distinguish between infarcts and
renography and renal imaging are intended, ularly that seen on early images, can be elimi- of theadministereddose10-25minutesafter ischemicregions. A coldarea in both sets of
however, about 250-300 pCi are injected. Re- nated by laxatives (60). injection (67). Thethyroiduptake isabout images would indicate an infarct, while a cold
nograms are obtained by tracing the flow of 0.2%, and the activity disappears in 24 hours. area that fills in at rest would suggest ischemia.
activitythrougheach kidney againstthetime $ %kg d o s e l g ~ ~ ~ Approximately 0.15% of the dose accumulates The thalliumuptake is decreased in ischemic
afterinjection.Imaging is performedevery 5 X body weight in kg in the testicles; 3%, in the kidneys; and3-7% in hypoxia resulting from a decreased blood flow
- pCi in organlgm
- X 100
minutes or so over a period of 45-60 minutes. pCi administered dose the liver (65). (70).
14 f Essenriols ojNuclear Medicine Science
[47G~]GALLIUMCITRATE the tracer is excretedover the first week, and the (79) proposed that 'j7Ga binds 10 the lactoferrin theconventionally used SICr-labeledplatelets.
remaining two thirds is distributed in the liver present in body tissues and polymorphonuclear The in vivo kinetics and distribution of Illln-
(6%), spleen (l%), kidney (2%), skeleton (in- leukocyles and that the 67Ga-bound lactoferrin Iabeled platelets in humans have been reported
[67Ga]galliumcitrate is most commonly used cluding marrow) (24%), andother soft tissues pcrhaps is responsible for gallium Iocalization by several investigators (S8-93). The mean sur-
for the diagnosis of neoplasms, Hodgkin's dis- (34%). Relatively high concentrations are also ~ I I tumors, inflammatorydiseases,andab- vival time of [ I 'In-labeled autologous platelets,
ease,andabscesses. For imaging,approx- observed in the adrenals, the large bowel, and scesses. Larson (SO), however, proposed that the based on h e a r fitting of the data, is 8.S days
imately 2-10 mCi areinjectedintravenously, the lungs.Undercertainphysiologicalcondi- 'I'Ga uptake is mediated by transferrin-specific (91)which is thesameasthatreportedby
and whole-body imaging is performed at 24, 48 tions, intense localization may occur within the receptors on the cell membrane. Wahner et a1 (90). Shorter survival times are
and,sometimes, 72 hours later to obtain un- breast and long bones, and these variations may obtained if the data are fitted with an exponen-
equivocal information.Thebiodistribution of mimic malignant tumors (75). Slight uptake of "'IN-LABELED LEUKOCYTES tial function.Themean recovery of l['Jn-la-
67Ga has been studied extensively by Hayes and 67Ga in normal lungs has been noted by Braude ' I ] In-labeled leukocytes are used for the de- beled pIateIets varies from 57% to 75% (88, 92,
his group (71-73). et al. (76). The normaldistribution of 67Ga is tection of inflammatorydiseasessuchasab- 93). Much of the variation is due to differences
When carrier-free [67Ga]galliumcitrate is ad- affected by various agents, such as iron dextran, scesses (81-84). Autologousleukocytesare in methodoIogies applied to measure the platelet
ministered intravenously, most of 67Ga is bound deferoxamine, chemotherapeulic agents, antibi- labeled with [IIIn-oxine (85), and 200-500 pCi recovery.
to plasma protein, specifically totransferrin. otics, and estrogens (77). A normal distribution of labeIedcellsareinjectedintravenously. Immediately after injection, *"In activity de-
Urinary excretion is nearly 15% in 24hours, of [67Ga]gallium citrate is shown in Figure 1.6. lmaging is commonly performedat 24 hoursbut creases rapidly in the blood but increases in the
fecal excretion is nearly 10% in 24 hours, and Subcellular fractionation studies by Hayes can be performed asearly as 12 hoursafter spleen and the liver to relatively plateau values
the remainingaclivity stays in thebody (74). and Carlton (78) showed that 67Ga is primarily injection. within 20-30 minutes (90). Thelattervalues
Gallium is secreled by the large bowel and be- bound to two proteins with molecular weights of The plasma disappearance half-time is of the change only a little over a long period of time.
comes prominent after 1 or 2 days. During the about 100,000 and 50,000 daltons in rat tumor order of 5-7 hours (81, 86). Urinary excretion The spleen uptake is found to be approximately
scanning period (i .e., between 24 hours and 72 and liver. The 'j7Ga uptakeisinfluencedby is negligible (86). The in vivodistribution of 40% at 7-9 days, while the liver uptake ranges
hours), thehighestconcentrations are seen in vascularity, increasing permeability, andrapid ll[In-labeled leukocytes reflects thenormal pat- between 13% and 25% (90, 91). The liver ac-
the bone, liver, and spleen. About one third of proliferation of thetumor cells. Hoffer et al. tern of distribution of leukocytes.Approx- tivity is due to sequestration of damaged plate-
imately 50% of the cells accumulate in the liver; lets. There is no discernible accumulation in the
about 1 I % , in the spleen; and about 8%, in the lungs or in the abdomen outside the spleen or
lungs. Most of the activity in the lungs repre- liver. At a latertime (9 days afterinjection),
sents background activity over the entire chest slight visualization of bone marrow is observed.
area and does not appear on the scan as a focal
A variety of inflammatorydiseasescanbe P a n c r e a si m a g i n g is p e r f o r m e dw i l h
detected by the use of I 'In-labeled leukocytes. [7SSe]selenomethionine; theusualintravenous
Abdominal abscesses, renal inflammation, and dose is 250 pCi. Approximately6-7% of the
active colitis, among others, are the most com- adminislered dose accumulates in the pancreas
mon. Disadvantages in the use of lllIn-labeled within 1 hourafter administration (94). The
leukocyles are long time of preparation (-2 biologic half-life is about 47 days. Urinary ex-
hours) and high radiation dose to the liver and cretion and fecal excretion are about 80% and
spleen (4 rad and 24 racUmCi) (86). 1.57'0, respectively.
The leukocyte uptake in the abscesses or in- Selenomethionine is utilized in the synthesis
flammatory diseases is effected by the migra- of pancreatic enzymes in the pancreas. As an
tion of these cells through the capillary waIl lo amino acid, however, it accumulates in the sali-
the point of injury or infection. This migration vary glands, liver, and small intestine. For these
is caused by the release of a polypeptide known reasons, often the pancreatic image is obscured
as leukotoxine which increases the capillary by the liver and surrounding activities.
1111~-LA3ELED PLATELETS l3jXe is an inert gas relatively insoluble in
lL[ln-labeledplatelets have been used in hu- water but slightly soluble in blood and fat. 133Xe
mans for the deteclion of thrombi, measurement gas is used for thelung ventilalion study in
of platelet survival, and other kinetics, and in order to delemine the ainvaypatency of the
Figure 1.6. A normal 67Ga scan at 48 hours. A . Anterior. B . Posterior. severallaboratories,this methodhas replaced lungs. Ten to 15 mCi of 133Xegas are mixed
I6 I Esselzrial.7 of NrrcleorMedicineScience
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Radiophar.macokinetics in Nuclear Medicine
Jeffrey A ClantonI
i lntravosculor\
Radiopharmacokineticsisthestudy of the This chapter is focusedon the details of the first
time course of radiopharmaceutical distribution andthird steps of kinetic analysis, withintro-
in the various fluids, organ systems, and excreta duclory informalion provided on step 2. I
of the body and the use of mathematical rela-
1 1 I I I I I 4 I J
lionships to mode1 and inlerpret these data. The Single Compartmental Analysis I’ I
IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 2.4. A semitogarithmic graph of drug levels in a single-compartment modef that exhibits Michaelis-
Menlen kinetics as a function of time.
24 I Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Science Radiopllnr.rnacokillefics in Nuclear. Medicine I 25
macokinetic model based on data obtained from Since the introduction of the IDA compounds, Butyl and dimethyl substitutions on the ben-
lower animals by invasive techniquesiscon- much information regardingthepharmacoki- zene ring have been used to study steric effects
structed and the model is then modified to ac- netics of these compounds has been established. and the rate of hepatobiliary clearance (K4J (14,
cept the compartmental masses, interconnecting VASCULAR VASCULAR Once the kinetic information fora radiophar- 3 1, 32). Whensubstitutions are made in the
pathways, and rate constants applicable to man, Inaceutical has been established, in vitro models ortho position, changes in radiochemical com-
accurate results may be obtained. can be created to test new compounds prior to position as well as in increasedhepatobiliarp
Loberg and Buddemeyer (10) haverecently heir introduction and kinetic study in animals. transit time occur as the alkyl chain length of
demonstrated this approach with the 99mTc-IDA The time, effort, and monetary advantage de- thesubstitution is increased (33-35). Inail
compounds for hepatobiliary imaging. With use rived from use of this type of approach is ob- cases, meta-subslituted derivatives perform the
of indwelling catheters for collection of blood, vious. Nunn (15) established a method of test- best (35). Substitutions made between the ring
bile, andurinefrom dogs (1 I , 12), a four- ing IDA derivatives by using high-performance and the amide group have no effect on in vivo
compartment model was constructed (Fig. 2.5). liquid chromatography (HPLC). distribution (36). If the chain length between the
Then, with use of limited blood and urine data When the radiopharmacokinetic model for amide and imino nitrogen is increased, however,
in combinalion with gammacameraimaging h e 99mTc-labeled compounds is care€ulIy stud- muhiple radioactive species that adverselyaf-
data obtained from normal subjects, the elim- Figure 2.5. Schematic of the pharmacokinetic model ied, severalimportantprinciplescan be ob- fect distribution are produced (14, 36).
for the biological distribution o€ 99mTc-IDA com-
ination rate constants were modified to fit the pounds. served. If there is an increase in the rate con- As with many other compounds, the distribu-
human experimental data (Table 2.1). stant K,, or a decrease in the rate constant K,, tion of the IDA derivatives are affected by net
(Fig. 2.5), hepatobiliary specificity is im- electrical charge.Loberg(37)has shownthat
Table 2.1. Ihe IDA-benzenering. With these biological proved. Further, theprincipaldeterminant of hepatobiliary clearance ( K I 2and K d 2 ) is de-
Inkrspecies-related Variations in the Elimination of changes induced by drug modificalion, an in- hepatic transit time (which is affecled by olher creased,whilerenalclearance ( K 3 , ) isin-
SmTc-HIDA crease in the liver extraction rate constant and a rate constants) is theratefunction K,, (16). creased, when the molecule has a net positive
reduction in the renal excretionrateconstant With use of the kinetic model, the problem of charge (Fig. 2.5). ChiotellisandVarvarigou
Rate Constants
could be obtained to calculate radiation dosime- [he chemical structural requirements can be ad- (14) demonstrated simiiar results with nega-
Species K,? Kza X,? try if the proposed alkyl-substituted IDA com- dressed, In order to achieve hepatobiliary excre- tively charged groups or substilutes capable of
pounds were used in man. lion, the IDA compound must have the follow- hydrogen bonding.
Normaldogs 6.0 14.4 0.56 1.1
Normal man 2.0 6.0 0.49 1.6 ing: (a) diacetatesubstitution on theamine With thisradiopharmacokineticinformation
Radiopharmaceutical Design nilrogen,(b)anelectron-pullinggroupsub- used in conjunction with the SDRs, athird-
In thepast,radiopharmaceuticalstended to stituted beta to the amine, and (c) a lipophilic generation IDA compound (mebrofenin) has
With this type of approach, much of the am- be discovered by trial and error rather than by group separated by substanlial distance €rom the been described by Nunn et al. (38). This com-
biguity of lraditional pharmacokinetics can be careful design. More recently, however. radio- hydrophilic group (29). poundexhibits kineticproperties that enhance
eliminated. Even though the data obtained from pharmacokinetics and structure-distribution re- As the dilferenl sections of the compound are clinical imaging.(Mebrofeninisdiscussed in
humanscannotbeascomplete,therelative lationships (SDRs) h a x become important for changed, the effecls onits pharmacokinetics more detail in Chapter 3 . )
clearance from [he major organs of accumula- thedevelopment of morespecific anduseful can be determined. Results of these studies Unfortunately,theuse of radiopharmaco-
tion,blood,and urinecan beexternallyana- drugs.(SeeChapter 3 foradditionaldetails.) should lead to the development of an agent with kinetic modeling for the development of radio-
lyzed for comparison with the previously con- Recentexamples of radiopharmaceuticals de- high hepalobiiiary specificily, rapid liver transit pharmaceuticals is not without pitfalls. First, it
structed animal model. signedinthisfashionincludehepatobiliary times, and good radiochemical stability. In ad- must be assumed or experimentally proven that
Another advantage of lhis approach, in addi- (14-19), heart (ZO), brain (21-23), and adrenal dition, the agent should be only minimaIly af- the compound does not undergo melabolism in
tionto the increasedaccuracy fordosimetry agents (24, 25). Of these,thekinetics of the ~- fectedby
as vivo and the observed distribution is not that of
calculations, isthe ability to alter theknown hepatobiliary agents have received lhe most bilirubin levels. a metabolite (39). Second, as demonstrated and
kinetics in order to anticipate the changes in comprehensive study and provide the best ex- It is accepted that nonspecific protein binding described by Nunn (15), proteinbindingand
dosimetry that would occur if thedrug were amples for discussion. influences the renal clearance (K31),and is asso- other pharmacokinetic data cannot be modeled
pharmacoIogically improved or if the excretion Hepatobiliary agents have been used in nu- ciated with the lipophilicity, of the drug. Nunn with absolutecertaintywhensubtlechemical
ofthe drug were changed due to disease. Loberg clearmedicinesince1955when Taplin et al. (15, 30) has demonstrated that para-substituted changes are made. Presumably,this isdue to
and Buddemeyer (10) demonstrated this ability (26)introduced 1311-Iabeledrosebengal. De- IDA compounds show the most protein binding. unpredicted steric effects or radiolabeling dif-
withtheirfour-compartment model of 99mT~- spite its limitations, this iodinated agent found When the lipophilicity was compared wilh the ferences. FinalIy, because radiopharmaceuticals
dimethyliminodiacetic acid (HIDA). widespread clinical use (27) as investigators renal clearance, a predictablemodelcouldbe aretypically labeled with “no-carrieradded”
Severalinvestigators (12, 13) havereported strove to discover an agent with better imaging generatedforpara- and diortho-substituted (nnnomolar) radionuclides, it is difficult or im-
thepharmacodynamicchangesseen in animal characteristics (16). In 1975, thefirst 99mTc- cornpounds, but therenal elimination of the possible to directlydeterminethestructure of
models if molecular modifications are made to labeled derivative of IDA was introduced by monoor~ho-substituted compounds couldnot be the resultant compound and isolate a single radi-
the IDA compounds by alkyl substitutions on Harvey etal. (28) forhepatobiliaryimaging. predicled ex vivo. ochemical for injection (34).
26 / Essentials of NldenrMedicineScience Rodiophannacokinefics in NtlcIectr Medicine 1 27
level, the radiopharmaceutical and the bilirubin the mathematical modeling of radiolabeled
will compete for hepatocyte function. The result drugs.
will be a decreased K,, and an increased K,,. If Radiopharmacokineticresearchhas the po-
the patient has severe liver disease, K,,and K4, tential €or improving diagnostic roles and dos-
are decreased and K31is increased. In short, the imetry calculations as well as thedesignand
actual radiopharmacokinetics are the phenome- evaluation of radiopharmaceuticals. To date, the
non observed during a nuclear medicine proce- most significant realization of this polential has
dure. been in improved diagnostic techniques and
Another exampleof diagnosis based on kinet- dosimetrycalculations.
Due to the
polential .~
ics is the radionuclide renogram. The distribu- problems cited previously, radiopharmaceutical
tion andkinetics of radioiodinated o-iodohip- design based on radiopharmacokineticmodel-
puric acid (OIH) is a six-comparhnentmodel ing has been disappointing. With the introduc- Figure 2.6. A normal hepatobiliary scan performed with 5'9mTc-disofenin.There is promptuptake of the drug
(40) too complex to present in detail in this tion of new analytical tools, however, this ave- in the hepatic parenchyma, with visualization of the gallbladder and rhe duodenum within 25 minutes of
chapter. The normalkinetics observedduring nue may soon prove its potential. injection.
28 f Essentials ojNlrclear MedicilwScielzce i n Nuclear Medicine
Rndio~harrr~acokinetics I 29
15 min 20min '_
. -
Figure 2.7. An abnormal hepatobiliary scan performed with SmTc-disofenin. Then: is prompt uptake of the
drug, but the gaIlbladder is not visualized (possible acute cholecys~itis),and there is persistent activity in Ihe
conlmon bile duct (possible partial obstruction). In addition, activity is seen in the region of the stomach,
which suggests duodenal-gastric reflux.
I ,
I .
30 / Essemials of Nuclenr Medicirie Science Radioyhnr~t~ncokir~erics
i17 N?lrdenrMedicine I 31
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32 I Essenlials of Nuclear Medicine Scierrce
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38. Nunn AD. Lobcrg MK. Conley RA: A structure-dis- pounds and their pharmacological potencies. steric parameter (E5), and a constant &). Sim-
Academic and corporate pharmaceutical devel- ply stated, drug effects relate to membrane par-
opmentgroups employthe underlyingstruc- tilioning,polarity, and the size of themole-
tural correlates of molecules-compared in a cule.
standard biological assay-as predictive guides In the full form of the Hansch equation, not
to dictate the synthesis of the optimally potent all termsactuallyare as equallyimportant.
member of a series. Although there are several Often. log P andlor(log P)*, where P isthe
quantitative structure-activity relationships partilion coefficient measured between oclanol
(SARs), the most widelyexploitedsystemis and saline layers, shows a more significant cor-
that developed by Hansch (1). Formulated from relalion with the biological potency than do the
pharmacological empiricism, a molecular-lever other terms. For example, the activity of a se-
view of transmembrane passage by small mole- ries of alcohols as inhibitors of Slaphylucocclts
cules, and enlightenedintuition, the Hansch aweus maybeexpressedas log (1IC) =
methodhasbeenlested experimentally in sev- 0.67(1og P ) + 0.07, with a correlalion coeffi-
eral hundred sets of drugcandidatesand has cient of 0.964 (4). The data from a study of the
becomeacornerstone of drug discovery.Sev- localization of fourteen arylboronic acids in
eral key reviews of its utility have appeared (2, mouse brainsfit theexpressionlog (IIC) =
3). -0.53(log P): + 2.47(log P) - 1.05, with a
When the Hansch hypothesis is expressed as correlation coefficient of 0.9 15 ( 5 ) . Correlated
an equation, it may lake several forms; the €01- in a simple bioassay, electronic and steric fac-
lowing is one of the more common: torsoftenappearlessimportantwithina
limitedset of similarstmctures.The relalive
log -
= -k,(log P)' + kz(IOg P) solubility of a drug for lipid or blood phases
(P) constitutes the major factor not only in po-
+ pcI + k,E, + k4 tency but also in transport andlor distribution.
Quantitative SARs have made the discovery
This equation statesthat there is a relation-
of therapeutic drugs easier for more than LWO
ship within a series of compounds of the meas-
decades but have been applied to imaging ra-
ured concentration to produce a defined biolog-
diopharmaceuticals only recently. In the devel-
opment or radiodiagnostics, the goal is not en-
* This work was supported. in part, by grants from the hancing therapeutic actionbut rather optimiz-
Elsa U. Pardeeand W. W. SmithFoundations (0 Ned D.
Heiltdel and by PHs Grnnl CA31426horn rhe National ing target site delivery. WieIand has called this
Canccr Instime, DHHS. to Natalie Foster. objective a structure-distribution relationship
34 I Esserdnls of Nuclear. Medicirw Science Biodistriburion and Strrtciure inRodiodingnosrics I 35
(SDR) and has pointed out h a t often there is a A RATIONAL GROUPING OF Table 3.1. A few circumstances are known in which the
markedparallelbetweenthe SAR inphar- RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS Classes of Radiopharmaceuticals* radiotracer is scavengedfromtheblood and
macologically active agents and the SDR of a Substrate-specific Agents trappedwithina target tissue as a metabolite,
Subsfrate specific?
radiolabeled analog (6). Several radiopharma- which therebyestablishes a concentration of
In a modem classification system for radio- Isotopically substituted biochemical
ceuticalresearch groups have recently shown [ llC]palmitic acid nuclide against the blood gradient. This mew
pharmaceuticals, which is merely the most re-
that with use of aHansch-like approach, in cent of a number of proposed codifications, the [ LT]glucose bolic trapping has been observed for 2-deoxy-
vivobiodistributioncanbecorrelatedwilh Metabolic trapping D-[ 14C]glucose and for- the clinically useful 2-
pharmacologicaIly derived agents and receplor- 2-deoxy-2-[ laF]fluoro-~-ghcose
structure within a molecular set (7, 8). deoxy-2-[ lsF]fluoro-~-giucose, both of which
binding drugs are referredto as subsirate spe- Enzyme inhibitor or enzyme substrate
Most of the current clinically successful ra- experience the biotransport of glucose but be-
cific (11). Theseagentsparticipate in definite [IT]isoxazole
diopharmaceuticals are theproducts of en- (?)
6-[1~~I]iodomethyl-l9-norcholesterol come trapped within the cell apparently as the
chemical reactions or in specificligand-sub-
lightened serendipily. Those investigators who stratebindingwithinthetargetlocus.Fatty [Yjelselenomethionine (?) nonmetabolizable6-phosphates (15). TheI8F
have searched for new radiopharmaceuticals Receptor-binding biochemical or drug sugar,withitspositron-emittingfluorine
acids forheartimaging,carbohydrateanalogs Steroids
have often entered the field from classical me- nuclide, allows a tomographic visuaIization of
for brain or tumorimaging,steroidsfores- Adrenergic blocking agents
dicinal chemislry and are atluned lo using ther- regionsofhigh glucoseuptake:metabolically
trogenorandrogenreceptortissues,and a Cholinergic blockingagents
apeuticallyactiveagenls as likely modelson Antibodies to tumor-associated antigens active brain, tumors, and funclioning well-per-
plethora of enzyme inhibitors for delineation of
whichto base new imaging candidates. There CEA antibody fused myocardium (16).
nonubiquilousenzyme sites-when converted
are'severalinstancesinwhichcompounds The designation of a specificradiopharma-
to radiolabeled analogs-constitute the sub- Substrole uorlspeciJic$
known to produce a biological effect in a target ceutical as a receprur-binding biochemical
strate-specific class of radiopharrnaceuticaIs Diffusion
tissue concentraie within that tissue lo a suffi- S m T c 0 ~for brain tumor imaging must, ofnecessity, be somewhatarbitrary in
(see Table 3.1).
cient degree to permit imaging (when these 133Xe
and for lung
studies that undoubtedly many of those agents whose
An isotopically substituted biochetnical,
substances bear a y- or positron-emitting radio- Compartmentalspace partilioning mechanisms class them as enzyme
most often bearing a I T for anative I2C,can WmTc-DTPA for ECF measurements
tracer). Counsel1 and Ice (9) called the applica- inhibitors andlor substrates or as metabolically
track a metabolic pathway and then image ana- WmTc-labeledRBC for red cell volume
tion of this concept the"pharmacological ap- trappedtracersalsoexperience a specific
tomica1 lociknownastargets for thatbio- 13II-labeled human semm aIbumin for plasma vol-
proach'' toradiopharmaceutical design.Oth- ume ligand-receptorinteraction in vivo. It is, how-
chemical. For example, the incorporation of
ers, however, have cautioned against assuming Capillary blockade and cell sequestration ever, the prime objective of the receptor-bind-
aminoacids into pancreaticaIly produceddi-
that simply because a pharmaceutical produces 99nlTc-labeIed rnacroaggregaled albumin for re- ing class of radiopharmaceuticals to probe only
gestive enzymes providesawell-characterized gional perfusion studies
a biologicaleffect in a specifiedbiological the binding phase of the receptor action.
metabolic pathway, and the use of ~ - [ " C l t r p Damaged 99mTc-labeled RBC for splenic se-
tissue,itsconcentration in thattissue is ele- Typical receptor densities vary, but the con-
lophan (andother ]IC aminoacids)for pan- questration studies
vated above that of any proximalbackground Phagocytosis centration of a-adrenoceptors in the heart is
creas imaging is a derivative development (12).
tissues (IO). This nole of caution nolwithstand- 99mTc-labeled sulfur coIloid for phagocytic func- indicated in femtornoles (lO-I5 moles) per mil-
Whentheagent employed is not anative
ing, radiolabeled small molecules such as tion measurements ligram,while the concentration of muscarinic
biochemical but a close structural analog capa- WaTc-labeledantimonysulfurcolloid for
drugs, natural metabolites, and enzyme inhib- cholinergic receptors is indicated in picomoles
ble of serving as an enzynte substrafe or inhib- lymphoscintigraphy
itors have been a fruitful class for discovery of (10-12 moles) permilligram of protein. Simi-
itor. there can still be marked target uptake in
valuable radiodiagnostics. * From W. C. Eckelman and R. C. Reba: The Iarly, bindingavidities of Iigandscanvary
tissue in which enzymes utilizing thal analog
Theapplication of quantitativestructure- classification of radiotracers. J . Nrtcl. M e d . widely but for most pharmaceuticals are in [he
are found. m - [ 1311]iodobenzylguanidine( l3lI-
distribution correlationsis likelyto make fu- 19:1179-1181, 1978, wilhpermission of the Soci- 108-10~oM - ' range. Low receptor densities
mIBG) (Fig. 3. I ) was proposedasan adre- ety of Nuclear Medicine.
ture radiopharmaceutical development much andhigh bindingaffinities dictatethatcandi-
nomeduIIary imagingagentbecause it repre- 7 The substrate must participate in a definite
more effective, but it is unlikely to be applica- date imaging radiopharmaceuticals must be of
sented a structuralapproximation of aralkyl- chemicalreaction or in a definiteligand-substrate
ble to all imaging diagnostics. Fundamentaily, interaction. high punty and high specific activity and must
guanidine known to display antiadrenergic
agents may be divided into two groups on the effects (13). Recentevidenceshowsthat l3lI- $ The compound does not participate in a specific containnegligibleconcentrations of non-
basis of their mechanism of localization: those chemical reaction. radiolabeled contaminants competing for these
agents that demonstratetruechemical avidity NH receptor loci. Ultimate imagequalityappears
for the target tissue and those agents that parti- II mIBG has a similar uptake and retention mech- to depend on high specific activity (17, 18).
tion by physical processes. It is necessary lo O C H * - NH-C -NH* anism tothat of norepinephrine (14). The ra- Specialradiolabelingmethodsandchro-
understand these differing mechanisms in order tionale for use of labeled enzyme substrates or matographic purification techniques have been
to apply successfully the quantitative structure-
)=/ inhibitors,usually tagged with radiohalogens, developed to producethesehigh-specific-
distributiontheory to the design of potential Figure 3.1. Structure of m-[1311]iodobenzylguani- has been a valuabledesignconcept in radio- activity products.Choice of suitable radionu-
imagingagents. dine (mIBG). pharmaceutical science. clide for attachment to a potential receptor-spe-
36 I Essentials of NuclearMedicineScience
Biodisiribution nnd Siruciwe irr Radiodioglmiics I 37
cific imaging diagnostic has been a major con- radionuclides are conveniently available on site
nabletoquantitativestructure-distribution cor- kidney fall into three categories as a function
cern.Priorresearchinradioimmunoassay at high specific activities as eIuants from gen-
relations in a Hansch-styIe approach, with the of their mode of elimination: those that are fil-
development had shown h a t the substitution of eratorsand,onchelation to a carrierligand,
possible exception of labeled antibodies and tered (99mTc complexes of diethylenetriamine-
halogen(usually 1251) forhydrogenseldom are readily purified from unbound tracer.
macromolecules. The labeled small molecules pentaacetic acid (DTPA) and ethylenediamine-
negated the utility of the modified tracer as an Perhaps the ultimate in the substrate-specific
can take part in definite chemical reactions or tetraaceticacid(EDTA)),thosethatare
in vitro probe of an analyte concentration. Al- class of radiodiagnostics will be those based on
engage in a specific molecule-receptor binding secreted (99mTc-N,N'-bis(mercantoacetyl)ethyl-
though in vivoreceptors are expected to be labeled antibodies raised to targetassociated
and therefore should b e sensitive to the same enediamine (wmTc-DADS)), and those that ex-
more complex and more demanding of spatial antigens. The potential antigens can be tumor
factorsthatHanschidentifiedinthequan- perience filtration, secretion, and binding to
geomelry andmatched lipophilicity, [he dem- markers, normal organ-associated proteins
titative SAR studies of therapeutic pharmaceu- the kidneys (among others, 9 9 m T ~
complexes of
onstration that radiohalogenated estrogens con- such ascardiacmyosin,cocci,or otherbac-
ticals, i.e., Iipophilicity, electronicpoiar fac- mannitol, citrate, tetracycline, and dirnercapto-
centrate in breast tumors and radiohalogenated leria,orhormonalregulatorssuchashuman
tors, and molecular size. succinic acid (DMSA)) (26). In general, those
dopamineantagonists display favorablebrain chorionicgonadotropin.Antibodiescanbe
uptakehas convincedmost radiophmaceuti- raised as the ciassic poIyclonals or may be the Substrate-nonspecific Agents membrane must be relatively small molecules.
cal investigators that the halide-for-hydrogen m o n o c l o n a lp r o d u c t so fc o n t e m p o r a r y
Substratenonspecificagents do notrequire A modestamount of proteinbindingcanbe
substitution can be successful (19, 20). hybridoma technology. Radionuclidescan be
chemical events to provideattachment 10 the tolerated,butthe charge on thecompound is
In the search for synthetic models to be la- the halogens (usually l3II) or metal ions (such
ultimate deliverysite. In fact, no technetium critical. For example, neulral dextran can cross
beled as imaging diagnostics, the usua1 proce- as 9hTc,"'In, or 67Ga) chelated to ligands
attachedto the IgG backbone.In two recent chelate has yet been shown to engage in sub- the membrane, whereas dextran sulfate is com-
dure has been toevaluate firstthe tritium-la-
strate-specific binding to a receptor protein, al- pletely rejected (29).
beledcandidates in vitrobycompetitive articles, the background and the clinical prom-
lhough manyattempts IO developsuchagents Few definite conclusions on the mechanisms
bindingassaysperformedonisolated receptor ise of this emerging field of radioimmunoimag-
have been made (26, 27). Nevertheless, such of localization have been drawn, and very few
protein. In theory,thecompoundwiththe ing have been reviewed (22, 23).
radiopharmaceuticals-in particular 99mTc che- predictions have been made with use of quan-
highestbindingavidity shouldconstitutethe Although the most significant application of
lates-may have a biodistribution that is rnark- titative SDR, even in tightly controlled experi-
best in vivo candidate(aftertaggingwith a labeled antibodies currenlly is in tumor detec-
edly sensitive to relative lipid-TFersus-blood sol- ments.Forcorrelation of thestructureof
radiohalogen) for imaging that receptor sys- tion in animal models and humans, impressive
ubility and for that reason may display an SDR 99mTc-labeledcomplexestotheir biodistribu-
tem. The use of tritialed compounds with iso- uptakes of a wmTc-labeledantibacterial anti-
that correlates with eitherthe P term of the lion, the actual structure of the complex must
lated receptor preparations aIIows avoidance of body in an endocarditislesion and of l 3 I l - ,
Hansch equation or with a quantity derived be known, andthe assumption must be made
extensive screening in animals which would l 1 h - , and wmTc-labeled antimyosin fragments
from it. that this structure does not change in vivo (26,
otherwise be required. A recent editorial points ( h b ) in acute myocardial infarctionsindicate
The net elimination patterns of radiopharma- 30). Neither of these concerns is lrivial, since
out how theuse of in vitrobindingdataon that antibody transport of nuclides will have far
ceulicals are often viewed as a competition be- structuralstudies(massspectroscopy, x-ray
triliated compounds (haloperidol and spiroperi- widerdiagnostic possibilities thanjusttumor
tween the renal and hepatobiliary systems. The diffraction) are impossible under the conditions
dol)can lead (and has led in at least onein- imaging (24, 25). Thisarea, however, is too
factorsdetermining biliaryversus urinary ex- prevailing i n thesolutionsasadminislered
stance) to incorrect conclusions about the rela- nascent to yield quantitative structure-distribu-
cretion of agents are not clearly definable, but and conclusions about structure can only be in-
tive site-directed behavior in vivo (21). Several tion studies, butseveral conclusionsdoseem
four properlies-polarity, molecular size, mo- ferred from mass level experiments irl which a
explanationshavebeenadvanced;onepos- possible. Nonspecific targeting of the labeled
lecularweight, and molecular structure-are carrier is used. Many 9 9 m Tchelates
~ used for
sibility is a differential metabolic exchange of antibodiesand highbloodbackgroundlevels
most influential (28). The first breakthroughs renal studies are mixtures thathavenotbeen
tritium from the ligand. Despite this caveat, it can be partially overcome by computer enhan-
in the application of quantitalive SDRs to ra- fully characterized chemically.
seems certain that extrapolations from high-af- cement through subtraction of the nontarget ac-
diopharmaceuticalshavecomewiththose For example, the high-performance liquid
finity, tritium-labeled ligands tested in vitro to tivitywith a dual-tracertechnique.Further-
agents that can evaluate the excretory organs, c h r o m a t o g r a p h y (HPLC) e v a l u a t i o no f
radiohalogenatedcandidatesprobed i n vivo more,smallerantibodyfragments(Fab)
presumablybecausetheHanschpartitionco- "mTc-N,N'-bis(mercaptoacetyl)-2,3-diamino-
will continue to be made. produced by papaindigestion of theoriginal
efficient-a paramount factor in drug trans- propanoate (wmTc-CO,-DADS) (Fig. 3.2) has
Unfortunately, forreasonsto be discussed IgGs oftenretain target specificity, reduce the
port-is exceedingly sensitive to the same fOUT shown thepresence of twocomponents,one
shortly,noradiopharmaceuticalscontaining nonspecific binding, and provide a more rapid
factors that dictate excretion pathway. with a specificity for renal excretion higher
metal ion nuclideshaveyetdemonstrated re- blood background clearance.Sincemore than
Forextensive biliary excretion tooccur, a than that for ~ - [ ' ~ ~ I j i o d o h i p p u r (OIH)
a t e and a
ceptor-specific uptake in vivo.High-specific- 50% of the publications in 1983 on new fumor-
moleculeseems to require a criticalbalance secondwithcomparablespecificity butwith
activity radiopharmaceuticaIs should, in the- seekingradiopharmaceuticals dealt with anti-
between polar and nonpolar aspects of its char- slightly slower renal excretion kinetics (31).
ory, be more readily obtainable by complexa- body transporl,analogs withinthis classifica-
acter. The molecular size seiectivity for either These two majorcomponents are thought to
tion of imaging candidates 10 cationic radionu- tion of site-directedtracers seemdestinedto
urine or biliary excretion appears to be inherent result from chelate ring isomerization. Knowl-
clides such as indium, gallium, and technetium increase markedly.
intheorgansthemselves,andmanycom- edge of theirindividualmolecularstructures
than by radiohalogenation with lSF, lZ3I, l3II, Intuitively, one expects that all the substrate-
pounds appear to have equal affinity for both will aid in understanding how these complexes
77Br,or other suitable halogens. Most metallic specific classes (see Table 3.1) might be ame-
routes. Those compounds cleared through lhe are handled by the renal tubular system, which
~ .
-. .
38 I Esaenfiais of Nuclear Medicine Scieltce
lene diamine (99"mTc-DADS)which has been was a linear relationshipbetween the netbili- G -H - CH3 655.56 -I 6.49
H -ti -H 627.52 -I 6.44
suggested as a potential replacement for OIH. ary excrelion found for 9 9 n i Tcomplexes
~ of I x = -H Y =-C02H 671.52 -2 5.62
The source of the improved characteristics of IDA derivatives and the nalural log of the mo- X" - CH3 yl. H -
(he new carboxylate analog is thought to b e the lecular weight divided by the charge (Fig. 3.3).
a Unless olharwira indicated X = X' and Y = Y'
increasedprotein binding of the agent, which Withinalimitedconlpound series, in which
vastly decreases its glomerular filtration. variations in molecular weight are obtained by
Another interesting aspect of the biodistribu- simple functional substitutions (H, CH,, I, Br,
tion of these mixed agents is the effect of slan- NO,) at a site remote from the metal ion-bind-
now ion (often used in kits to reduce the high inglocus, increases in the overall molecular
oxidation states of the available Tc to the Iower weight would be expected to reflect increasing
states needed forcomplexformalion)on the lipophilicity.Furthermore,increases in overall
retention of the radiopharmaceutical in the re- charge would be expecled to parallel decreases
nal corlex. For a series of chelating agents, an in lipophilicity. Thus, for some limited series
increase in divalent tin concentration causes an of radiopharmaceuticals the log P or log (OC-
increasedretention in thekidneysapparently Ianollsaline) as employed in the Hansch equa-
by altering the permeability of the membranes tion canbeapproximatedby log (molecular
(32). weightholecular charge).
Nunn et al. {X) tested 33 IDA derivatives
anddrew correlations between physicochemi-
HepatobiIiary Imaging Agents cal parameters,structuraleffects,andinvivo
Radiopharmaceuticalsthatlocalizewithin characteristics.They showed that lipophilicity Figure 3.3. Biliary excretion of IDA analogs as 99mTc compIexes in mice. MW, molecular weight; 2.
charge. (From H. D. Burns et al.: Design of technetiumradiopharmaceuticals. In N , D. Heindel et al.
the hepatobiliary system are a noninvasive di- can be used to predict protein binding and in reds.): The Chernisfy ofRndiupharmacellticuI. New York, Masson Publishing, 1978, pp. 268-289, with
agnosticmeans of evaluatingmanyclinical vivodistribution of 94mTc-IDAderivatives. permission of Masson Publishing.)
problems.Unlike the excretion of many com- Their linear SDRs were used to develop a new
pounds by thekidney,(hepassage of com- compound with excellent properties as a cho-
pounds through the hepatobiliary system is an lescintigraphic agent. The resultant compound,
activesecretoryprocess (33). A number of mebrofenin(Fig. 3.4) or3-bromo-2,4,6-
generalizationsregardingtheproperties neces- trimethylphenylcarbamoylmethyliminodiacetic
sary for a highlevel of biliary ralher than acid, exhibited: (a) high specificity for the hep-
kidney excretionhavebeen proposed: amini- a t o b i l i a r ys y s t e m , ( b ) rapidtransittime
Figure 3.4. Structure of 3-bromo-2,4,6-tri-
mum ~nolecularweight of around 500 daltons through the hepatobiliary system, and (c) high acid
(thisnumber is speciesrelatedandmaybe resistance to competition from compounds (mebrofenin).
40 I Essenriais of Nlucleur Medicilse Scieme Biodisrribution and Structure in Rodiodiagnosfics I 41
such as bilirubin. In the context of the study it nates studied in rats(amino acid moieties in- activity 30 min postinjection and both the van chemical and structural configuration of the
was shown that orthosubstituentscontributed cludedphenylalanine,tryptophan,and 5- derWaalsradiusandthePaulingelec- compound (38). In general,forthepolyphos-
less to the measured lipophilicity than the clas- methyltryptophan), use of the5-methyltrypto- lronegativity of the substituent in the 5"posi- phate agents (pyrophosphate, tripolyphosphate,
sicHansch-approachtheoryhadpredicted. phanderivative (9qmTc(Sn)-PHMT)(Fig. 3.6) tion was shomln. It was noted also that the more polyphosphate),uptakeinboneisinversely
IDAderiviativeswithsmall alkylsubstituents resulted in the highest biliary excretion, lowest polarizablethehalogen,the slower the liver proportional to chain length (39). Only a single
in the ortho position had faster hepatoceilular blood and renal retention, and the smallest uri- clearance (Fig. 3,s). phosphate moiety appears necessary for good
transit times than did their unsubstituled coun- nary output. Thus, as hasoften been seen in bone uptake by candidate imaging agents, even
Bone Imaging Agents though most currently utilized radiopharma-
terparts. slruclure-distribution studies of melallonuclide
In a study of the SDRs in 9 9 m Tcomplexes
~ radiopharmaceuticals, subtle differences of SDRs havealsobeenstudiedfor 9 9 m T ~ceuticals havemorethan onesuchfunction,
of pyridoxyiidenephenylalanine (Fig. 3 . 5 ) , structure canproducemajorallerations in in bone-imaging agents. From the original reports e.g., methylene diphosphonate (MDP) and hy-
Kato-Azuma (34, 35) noted thatthe halogens vivo behavior and can frustrate quanlitative in 1971 by Subramanian and McAfee (37) and droxymethylene diphosphonate (HDP) (40)
or alkyl groups placed on phenyl ring positions SDRs . manysubsequentevaluations,thecriteriafor (Fig. 3.9). The importance of additional func-
on the phenylalanine moiety increased the total A radiohalogenatedfamily of hepatobiliary uptake have been determined. These structure- tional groups may lie in theirability to keep
lipophilicity and invariably decreased the urin- imagingcandidates, however, displayed more affinity relationships depend on both the proc- the stannous ion, which was used to reduce the
aryexcretion.Suchsubstituentsinthepara regular SDRs. Reiffers et al. (36) prepared five essesinvolved in bonemetabolismand the pertechnetate, in solution (26).
position, however, delayed hepatobiliary tran- indotricarbocyanines labeled with I 3 l 1 in the 5-
sit, while those in the ortho position appeared positionand H, F, C1, 3r, and I in the 5'-
to accelerate it. If both ortho andpara posi-
tions were occupied by lipophilic substituents,
positions (Fig. 3.7). A small change in the 5'-
substituenthad a pronouncedeffect on the
the effect of the ortho substituent (acceleration)
predominated over the effect (inhibition) of the
liverclearance of themolecule in mice.
Whether the conwolling mechanism was due to r I
0 40
para substituent with regard to thehepatobil- steric andlor electronic effects was not obvious m
iary transit. Among the three pyridoxplami- from the results, but a correIation between liver
I H I I 1
lo I
1 - I I
1.0 1.5 2.0, 2.0 3.0 4.0
Figure 3.8. A . Correlation of the 30-min retention of the 1311 monohalo-bis salts in mice with the van der
Waals radius of the 5-halogen substituent. B . Correlation of the 30-min retention of I3l1monohalo-bis salts
in mice with the PauIing electronegativily of the 5-halogen substiluent. (From S. Reiffers et al.: Cyclotron
Figure 3.5. Structure of pyridoxylidenephenylala- Figure 3.6. Structure of pyridoxylaminate Of 5- isolopesand radiopharmaceuticals-XXXIII. In!. J . Appl. i s o t . 34:1383-1393, 1983, withpermission of
nine, methyltryptophan. the Brookhaven National Laboratory and Pergamon Press.)
0 RI 0
131 H I II
I I 1
MOP (rnethylenediphosphonate 1: RI = H I R e = H
HEDP (hydroxyethylidenediphosphonate):RI=CHSRfOH
HDP (hydroxymethylenediphosphonate): R I =H, R2=0H
Figure 3.7.Structurc of indotricarbocyanine radiolabeled with I"I at the 5-position and substituted a1 the
5'-position. ~~
Figure 3.9. Structure of diphosphonate ligand for 9gmTc-labeIed bone imaging agents.
SUMMARY men1 of ""Tc-mebrofenin:an improvedcholescinti- 27. Dannals RF, Bums HD, Marzilli LG, et ai: The use of Spencer RP (ed): Radiopharrnaceuricals: Slructure-
graphic agent. J N~rclMed 24:423-430. 1983. T c and 99mTc in the development and characteriza- Activily Relariorzships. NewYork, Gmne t Slratton,
Whether it be in myocardial agents,bone- 9. Counsel1 RE.Ice RD: The design of organimaging lion of new radiotracers for diagnostic nuclear rnedi- 1981, pp 539-556.
affiniccompounds, eswogen receptor-specific radiophannaceutlcak In Ariens El (ed): Drub D e - cine. In Lambrecht RM, Marcos N (eds): Applicalions 34. Kato-Azuma M: WmTc(Sn)-N-pyridoxylaminates:a
tracers. hepatobiliaryradionuclide chelates, or sign. New York, Academic Press. 1974. vol 6, pp of Nuclear arrd Radiochcmislq?. New York, Fergamon new series of hepatobiliaryagents. J N d Med
any of the myriad of other radioactive in vivo 172-259. Press,1982, pp127-138. 23517-524, 1982.
diagnostics, more and more investigators have IO. Andrew GA, KniseIey RM. Wagner HN Jr: (Editors 28. Chervu LR, Nunn AD, Loberg M D Radiopharmaceu- 35.Kato-Azuma M: Lipophilicderivatives of 99"Tc(Sn)
remarks). In: Radioactive Pharmocertriculs. USAEC ticals for hepatobiliary imaging. Sernirz N'ucl Med pyridoxylidene phenylalanine: a structure distribution
beentestingtheprinciples of SDR in their Publication,CONF-651111.SpringCield,VA, 125-17, 1982. relationship (SDR) study on 9"'lechnetium complexes.
search for improved radiopharmaceuticals. USAEC,1971, p 116. 29. Blaufox MD, ChervuLR:Analysis of structure-ac- lrrl J Appl Rodiar Isor 33:937-944, 1982
When the structural variationsacrossa com- 11. EckelmanWC, Reba R C The classification or ra- tivity relationship or renal Imaging agents. In Spencer 36. Reiffcrs S , Lambrccht RM, Wolf AP, et al: Cyclorron
pound set are not exlensive, a linear correlation diotracers. JM,clMed 19:1179-1181, 1978. RP [ed): Rndioplrar~nacr.u~ica~s: ~ r r ~ 4 c l ~ ~ ~ eRe-
- A c ~ ~ ~ ,isotopes
i r ~ and radiopharmaceulicals"XXXII1. Syn-
may be observedbetween one or more phys- 12. Washburn LC, Hubner KF, Sun T T , et al: ~'C-L- lationships. New York. Grune & Stratton,1981,pp them and structural eIIects 01 seleclive biliary excre-
tryptophan,apotential agent for diagnosis of pan- 521-537. tion of halogenated indotricarbocyanines. In1 J Appl
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36). When the compound set is structurally di- 13. Wieland DM. Wu JL. Brown LE, el al: Radiolabeled Vavouraki H: Structure-activity relationships of some 37. Subramanian G . Mc Afee JG: A new complex of P 3 m T ~
verse, however, it is thefortunate investigator adrenergic neuron-blocking agents: adrenomedullary Wechnetium labeled thioethylaminocarboxylates. J for skeletalimaging. Radiology 99: 192- 196, 1971.
who can make even a qualitativecorrelation maging with l~~I-iodobenzylguanidine. J h'zrcl Med M e d Chem 25:1370-1374, 1982. 38. HosainP,Wang TST: Bone imaging compounds w i t h
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Metabolic Fate of Radioplrarmacerrtica!s I 45
in conrrolling glucose metabolism. It is bound inorganiciodine pool.Inorganiciodinecircu- melanoma (24). portalhypertension (25), and theprecapillaryarterioles of thelungs.Al-
in a complexligandknownasthe"glucose lales as iodide (I-) until it is taken up by the cirrhosis (21). buminmacroaggregates, being looselyjoined
tolerance factor" (GTF) (IO). Chromium also thyroid where it is enzymatically oxidizedto Notingthe in vitro instability of sulfur col- fragments of smallerparticles, are malleable
is found in ribonucleicacid (RNA). It is not iodine (17). Thyroid uptake accounts for about loid particles in the presence of serum, Frier et and may change shape. With use of cinemicro-
known whelherinjectedchromiumiscapable 70 pg of iodine per day. The remainder is ex- al. (26) examined the biodistribution of sulfur scopic techniques in the capillary beds of rab-
of being incorporated into GTF or RNA. cretedthroughthekidney,except for small colloid labeled with both 9 g m Tand
~ 35S. It was bit omentum, it was shown that MAA particles
Seventy to eighty percent of the pertechne- amounts excreted in thefeces.Thyroid hor- found that the biodistribution of the two labels are forced through thearteriolesbyconslant
(ate anion (TcO;)is protein bound in plasma mone synthesis is inhibited by thiourea or thio- differed considerably.With 99mTc-labeled sul- cellular bombardment and continuous forward
(11): with the majority being bound to serum amide-lype drugs(propylthiouracil,methima- fur colloid, liver uptake was more than 80% of and backward movement due to changing intra-
albumin (12).The 20-30% that isunbound zole). Thyroid trapping of iodide is blocked by therecovereddose,withalmostcomplete arteriolar pressure (28), Similar conditions un-
actsas a highlydiffusiblesmallmolecule thiocyanates and perchlorate. Increased dietary blood clearance of activity occurring by 10 doubtedly occur in the pulmonary vasculature
which can be found in many organs including iodine decreases the thyroid uprake of I3'I- or minutes after injection. On the other hand, 35S and, along withmechanical movement of the
thethyroid,salivaryglands,gastricmucosa, 1231- during nuclear medicine procedures. showed slowand incomplete blood clearance lungs and proteolytic action, result in fragmen-
andthe choroid plexus of the brain.The un- and no specific concenlration of activity in any tation of the macroaggregates. Phagocytosis
bound pertechnetate is removed from the blood 99mTc-labeledCompounds tissue examined. The authors believed that the and enzymatic digestion of these smaller parti-
by loss to the extracellular fluid or to specific The use of 99mTc-labeled sulfur colloid for differingbiodistributions of thetwotracers cles in a manner similar to digestion of colloid
tissue entrapment as in the thyroid. As the con- imaging the spleen, liver, and bone marrow is could be duetoeither loss of sulfurcontent particles results in the release of ionic 9 9 m T ~
centration of free TcO; decreases, ihe equi- basedonthepremisethatcells of the re- from the particles before they reached the liver andlor 99mTc-labeled albumin fragments. With
librium shifts torelease more TcO, from its ticuloendothelial system (RES) are able to re- or loss of sulfur from particles following pha- I3'I-MAA, free iodide and iodinatedalbumin
protein-binding sites until equilibrium is re- move colloid particles from the circulation. gocytosis in the liver. It appears that the pres- breakdownproductsarereleased intothe cir-
established. Pertechnetate is excretedinthe Fixed macrophages are believed to be the pri- ence of 9 9 m Tmay~ modify the in vivo behavior culation (23). Labeled human serumalbumin
urine, feces,saliva, andlacrimal fluid.The mary RES cell responsible for colloid uptake. of thesulfur coIloidcarrier.Alternatively, the has been used for measuring blood volume and
administration of perchlorate ((30;) results in Autoradiographic techniques were unable to in vivo environment may alter the physical and cardiac output. A significantfraction of al-
tissue redistribution of TcO;. This result may demonstrate *'"Tc activity within KupFfer ceIIs chemical properties of theradiopharmaceuti- bumin is lostintothe gut where it is digested
be due to eilher release of TcO, from plasma (18). Evidence that macrophages do, in fact, cal. These observations do not appear to have (29). After digestion, thelabel (99mTc or I3'l)
protein-binding sitesandredistribution to ex- phagocytize 99mTc-labeled sulfur colloid parti- any major clinical significance. could be redistributed into the body.
tracellular spaces or a partial intracellular shift cles, however, has come from studies that have The intracellular handling of sulfur colloid 99mTc-labeledphosphateandphosphonate
of TcO; (13). I n the presence of perchlorate, demonstrated osmium-stained colloid particles particles is no1 well understood. In general, compounds are used in bone imaging and myo-
TcO; moves into RBC. with liver macrophages of the rat (19). This engulfed material is containedwithin a pha- cardialinfarctimaging.Thesecompounds in-
Phosphorusisfound in organicandin- result is in contrast to the results of studies gosome or phagocyticvacuolewhichfuses clude pyrophosphate (PYP), l-hydroxyethyl-
organic forms in all tissues. Ninety percent of whichshowedthat neulrophils are not labeled with a lysosome L O form a phagolysosome. idene diphosphonate (HEDP), methylene di-
the body's phosphorus is found in bone as by phagocytosis of 99mTc-labeled sulfur colloid The ukimatefate of the colloid particlede- phosphonate (MDP), and hydroxymethylene
in thehydroxyapatitecrystalwhere its but are labeled by adhesion of colloid at their pends on its susceptibility to enzymatic diges- diphosphonate (HDP). These compounds have
turnoverisnormally slow (14).Phosphorus external surface (20). tion. Lysosomes are known to contain a wide replaced the polyphosphale compounds used
alsois found in nucleicacids,phospholipids, Factors affectingthephagocytosis of suifur variety of hydrolyticenzymesincluding both earlier in nuclear medicine.
plasma, and extracellular fluids. The biological colloid particles have been divided into (a) par- acid and alkalinephosphatases,ribonuclease, *"Tc-labeled phosphate and phosphonale
half-life ( t 3 of 32P in bone is 1155 days, and ticlefactors and (b) host factors (21). Particle deoxyribonuclease, nucleotidase, sulfatase, ca- compounds are metastable in vivo (30). Com-
the tl/?for thewhole body is257days.The factorsincludecharge,surfacecharacteristics thepsins, andglucosidases.Colloids may re- plex stability increases in succession from tri-
biological tw for soft tissues is approximately (foreignness), size,anddose.Sizeappears to main within the macrophages indefinitely, polyphosphate, to PYP, to MDP, and to HEDP.
90 days (14). Additionalinformation on phos- have the most influence on the biodistribution probably many times longer than the half-life Stability is associated with more protein bind-
phates is presented in the section of this chap- of sulfur colloid particles. With a mean parti- of the radiolabels (23) or until the cell dies. It ing.Complexbreakdownoccurs primarily in
ter on bone imaging agents. cle size of 100 nm, 80-90% of the activity is has been reported, however, that 99mTc-labeIed the extravascuIar space. Studies have shown
The metabolism of iodine has been studied seenintheliver,with 5-10% seen in the sulfur colloid may be metaboli7,ed and digested that in rats, hydrolysis of 99mTc-labeledphos-
extensively (15, 16) and, therefore, is not dis- spleen and the remainder seen in the bone mar- by the lysosomal enzyme sulfatase (27). phate complexes leads to the formation of two
cussed in detail. Cerlain aspects of iodine me- row (22, 23). Largerpartidesresultinin- The use of 49mTc-labeledmacroaggregated compounds (31). Thefirst,thoughtto be hy-
tabolism,however,arepertinent to nuclear creased splenic uptake, whereas smaller parti- albumin (MAA) is a w.11-established technique drated 99'1'Tc-dioxide, has no affinity for bone,
medicine studies. cleslocalize in thebone marrow (23). Host for the assessment of pulmonary perfusion and is notproteinbound,andisexcretedby
Theaveragedailyiodineintakeisapprox- factorsincludeorgan blood flow andre- the deteclion of pulmonary emboli. After intra- glomerularfiltration. The second compound,
imately150pglday.Degradation of thyroid ticuloendothelialcellintegrity.Increased venous injeclion of MAA, particles ranging in whichisderived from thefirst, is a charged
hormones contribules another 70 pglday to this splenicuptakehasbeenseen with malignant diameter from 10 pm 10 100 pm are trapped in 9 9 m T(1V)
~ compound which is protein hound.
48 I Esseutials of NuclearMedicineScience Metabolic Fare of Radiopr~rr~laceu&icalsI 49
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or therapeulic benefits are imporlant factors in cally, the polential somatic and genetic effects
determiningwhethertherisks are acceptable. of this exposure are the main concern. The risks
The risks involved in the clinical use of radio- from lherapeutic applications of radionuclides
pharmaceuticals are essentially the consequence are more easily accepted than are those resulting
of radiation exposure and, to some extent, the from diagnostic nuclear medical procedures.
potential side effects of complications resuIting The additional radiation load to the popula-
fromthechemical,biological, or physical tion fromnuclearmedicalproceduresis less
nature of the radiopharmaceuticals. than 10%. There is no epidemiologic evidence
Manyrisks that are of concern withother that this 10% increase would result in somatic
diagnosticprocedures play only a secondary damage withinthe population. So we are lefc
with the general genetic risk which is primarily
a collective risk and not of much concern to the
* This workwas perfomledunderInleragcncyAgree- individual.
ment No. FDA 224-75-3016, DOE 40-286-71, Oak Ridge
Associated Universities pedorms complementary work for Although the somatic risk is extremely low
the U.S. Department or Energyundercontrac[ DE- and thegenetic risk is negligibre with use of
AC05-760R00033. radionuclides in nuclearmedicine,the physi-
Radiopharrnaceutical Absorbed Dose Considerafiorls I 53
52 I Essmrials of NuclearMedicine Science
tions, such as acceptance of a linear dose-effect new drug provisions was ended, radiopharma-
cian who orders these tests should always weigh fect the pharmacokinetic pathways and, conse- relationship for low doses and the use of a statis- ceuticals have been regdated in the sameway as
the resuks of the test against the radiation ex- quently, change the dose distributionand possi- tical approach for measuring the benefit from all other drugs. Review groups in the Center for
posureriskto the patient. The dose from the bly the target organ dose. nuclear medicineanddeterminingtheproba- Drugs and Bioiogics(formerlythe Bureauof
radionuclide should be as low as possible, and The patient's age andweightare important bility of the development of radiation-induced Drugs) of the FDA evaluateapplicalionsfor
the optimal test would always b e one in which a considerations when a decision on [he amount
neoplasticdiseases,aremade.Thebenefits marketing (NDAs) and investigationalnew drug
radionuclide with a short half-life is used. On of activity to be administered is to be made. gained from nuclear medical tests outweigh the exemptions (INDs) of radiopharmaceuticals. An
the other hand, too small an amount of activity Age,especially in children,is a determining risks, however, provided the indication for the NDA is approved only if the applicant shows
results in insufficient information and a repeti- factor in thisdecision.Simply to adjustthe test is justified and modem principles of radio- that thedrugissafe,effective, andproperly
tion of the test, which in the long run increases activity on the basis of body weight is not satis- pharmaceutical applications and high-standard manufactured. Substantial evidence of effec-
the radiation exposure. It is much easier to de- factory and could resull in unnecessarilyhigh quality control procedures are used. tiveness is required by law and must consist of
fine ageneticaliy significantdoseasonefor radiation-absorbed doses in children, since the adequate and well-controlled investigations, in-
whichnuclear medicineprocedure is clearly mass of certain organs relative to the body over- RESPONSIBILITIES AND VIEWS OF cluding clinical investigations, conducled by
indicated. If the decision of whether or not to all is quite different in a small child than in an REGULATORY AGENCIES persons considered to be qualified to evaluate
order a nuclearmedical test is basedon this adult. Furthermore, children have an overall in- Licensed physicians can use any method or the effectiveness of the drug when used accord-
principre, the number of nonproductive tests or creasedradiosensitivityandincreasedfunc- agent they believe would help in managing their ing tothe proposedlabeling(package insert).
noninformative tests will be reduced and the usetionalandphysiologicactivities in certain patients, including devices or agents that have In addition to the FDA which regulates the
of higher doses may even b e justified. tissues of the growingbody(i.e.,bone, thy- risks associatedwith their use. The physician manufacture and use of radiopharmaceuticals,
The radiation exposure in nuclear medicine is roid). A safer approach to calculating a reason- has the responsibility of weighing the benefits the U.S. NuclearRegulatoryCommission
withinthe samerange as theexposurefrom ableradiopharmaceuticaladministrationfor to be derived from a device or agent againstany (NRC)hasauthorityoverby-product,special
conventional radiographic examinalions, and children is probably the body surface area, or risks in order to determine whether its use is nuclear, and source material but not over natu-
some diagnostic radiotracer studies result in a Webster's rule (the pediatric dose = x + 1 over warranted. Although regulatory agencies do not rally occurring and accelerator-produced radio-
much lower exposure than do radiographic pro- x -I-7 times the adult dose, where x = age in prevent physicians from practicing medicine ac- active materials. By-product material is material
cedures. It may be said thatthe riskis lower years), or a simple and practical ruIe of thumb cording to their judgment,the agencies do have made radioactive by exposure to radiation from
withlowerdosesandthatasthedoseap- approach (children under5 years receive 25% of responsibility for issuing guidelines for the use the use or production of special nuclear mate-
proaches zero, the risk also comes close to zero. (heactivity thatwould begiven toanadult; of drugs, biologic products, and devices and to rials and uranium mill tailings. Special nuclear
Even the small fraction of additional radiation those 5-10 years old, 50%; those 10-15 years ensure that these guidelines are safe and effec- material is 233U or plutonium or uranium en-
dose froma nuclear medicinetest may represent old, 75%; andthoseolder than 15years,the riched with 233U or 235U; source material is
a risk, however, andwe shouldmakeevery same activity as adults). For manyyearsafter World War 11, radio- uranium or thorium in any form. Because ura-
efforttoreducethatrisk as much as possible Otherfactors that may affecttheradiation pharmaceuticals were exempted from the reg- nium and transuranics are not used in nuclear
and practical. During the past 15 years, short- dose from radiopharmaceuticals to patients are ulationsthat applied to nonradioactive drugs medicine, only radiopharmaceuticals that con-
lived radionuclides havebeen used Lo reduce the thepatient's physicalconditionand abilityto
and were distributed under the regulatorysuper- tainby-product material are subject to NRC
radiation exposure to patients, to the point that cooperate. If a nuclear medicine study cannot vision of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. regulations.
now it is even possible to use nuclear medical be completed because of those reasons, the This exemption began with the introduction of Thevariousstatesalsohaveregulalory
procedures with children. study may have to be repeated, which leads to radioactive drugs containing by-product radio- powers overtheuse of radioactivematerials.
A key question concerned with reducingradi- addilional radiation exposure of the patienl. nuclides and became official in 1963 (1) when The kind of control that is exercised depends on
ation exposure to the patient is whether another Poor or inadequate preparation in general, and the Investigational New Drug Regulations were the individual state; the state programs can be
test can givetheanswer withouttheuse of forspecifictestsin particular, may result in put in force. In 1971, the Food and Drug Ad- divided into three basic types, however. Agree-
radiation and without the undue risks associated unsatisfactory studies and unnecessaryradiation
ministration (FDA) which is the federal regu- ment states have reached an agreement with the
withotherkinds of invasive diagnostic ap- doses. In addition, poor quality assurance pro- latory agency that has responsibility for the NRC to license by-product, source, and special
proaches. In many instances, nuclear medical or cedures and sloppy techniques in the radiophar-
safety of foods, cosmetics, drugs, and medical nuclear material. Licensing sfares license natu-
radiographic information, albeit of marginal maceuticallaboratory(doseprescribing,dose devicesbecamemoreinvolved in theuse of rally occurring and accelerator-produced radio-
value by itself, can give conclusive complemen- calculation,anddosecalibration) and during radiopharmaceuticals and called forthe submis- acfve materials. Registration states register nat-
tary or confirming information needed for the administration of the activity (mislabeling sy- sion of new drug applications (NDAs) for the urally occurringand accelerator-producedra-
diagnostic, prognostic, or therapeutic manage- ringes, wrong patient, etc.) result in avoidable "welI-established" radioactivedrugs (2). This dioactivematerials.Thedifferent policies of
men1of a patient. If a nuclear medical proce- misadministrations. Most of the misadministra- resulted in theapproval of a large number of these agencies that have regulatory powers tend
dure is indicated, we have to decide which ra- tionsandunnecessaryexposuresaredue to NDAs for radiopharmaceuticals that had been to make fhe use of radiopharmaceuticals partic-
diopharmaceutical to use.In this regard we need human factors in nuclear medicine quality con- used routinely by clinicians for several years. ularly difficult.Anyonewishing to use radio-
to consider the pharmacokineticsof a particular trol. Since 1975, w h e nt h ee x e m p t i o nf o r pharmaceuticals must obtain information from
radiopharmaceulical,bearing in mind that the Benefit-risk ratios can be calculated for nu-
radiopharmaceuticalsfromthe investigational the state radiological health department about
patient's disease or altered physiology may af- clear Inedical procedures if certain assump-
Radiopho,.}}7ncettficnlAbsorbed Dose Considernriorrs I 55
the applicable regulations as well as become TheFDArequests that the radiation dose formation will be obtained. The FDA generally called a Radioactive Drug Research Committee
familiar with NRC regulations (see Chapter 21) calculations be made in accordance withthe requires dose estimates for the organ or organs (RDRC), is approved by the FDA to act on its
and FDA requirements (see Chapter 23). schema (3) of theMedical Internal Radiation receiving the highest radiation dose,forthe behalf. An RDRC can approve a research study
Dose (MIRD) Committeeof the Society of Nu- gonads, for the bone marrow, and for the total wilh the radiopharmaceutical if it is shown that
Investigational New Drugs clear
Medicineor with
a comparable technique.
body. Techniques for calculating cumulated ac- the radiation exposure to the patient is less than
Beforetesting any new drug,whether it is The basic equationforthe MIRD technique is .~ tivities have been describedinmanydifferenl the
prescribed maximums(simiIar to the max-
radioactive or not, the investigator must comply publications, two of which are MIRD Pamphlet imumpermissibleexposures for occupational
withthe Equirements that certainsafeguards
D(rl) = S(r,+ r h ) Equation 5.1
h No. 1, Revised (3), and MIRD Pamphlet No. 12 workers); that the active ingredients in the phar-
are used in the studies. One method ofdoing (10). These are helpful in understanding the maceutical are known not to cause any clinically
where fi is the mean dose, A is the cumulated
this is to file a “Notice of Claimed Investiga- general principles of calculating the number of detectable pharmacologicaleffect in humans;
aclivity, and S is the absorbed dose per unit of
tional Exemption for a New Drug, ” commonly nuclear transformations h a t will occur in a that the rights of human subjects will be pro-
cumulated activity. The symbolsrk and r,?repre-
called an IND. Details of the IND process are source organ over a particular time period but tecled through review of theresearch by an
sent a targel region and source region, respec-
given in Chapter 23; those areas of the IND do not give guidance on techniques for extrapo- institutional review board; that the radiopharma-
tively. Theequationdescribingtheabsorbed
which are pertinent toradiation dose calcula- lating animaldata to humans.Severaipapers ceutical meets chemical, pharmaceutical, radi-
dose per unit cumulaled activity, S, is
tions, however, arealsobrieflycovered here.
The primary requirements of an IND are: S(r, t T,,) = x 1
t r-,J Equation 5.2
presented at the Third International Symposium
on RadiopharmaceuticalDosimetry and pub-
ochemical, and radionuclidic standards of iden-
lity,strength,quality,andpurity; that the
1 . Complele information about the composition lished in the Proceedirlgs are helpful in analyz- researchprotocol is scientificallysound; and
where Ai is the mean energy of the ith type of ing data from animal studies and in using them that theinvestigators are qualifiedtoconduct
of the drug
radiation emitled perunit cumulated activity, for estimating radiation dose in humans the proposed study and licensed to handle radio-
2. Results of all preclinical investigations of the
and @! is the specific absorbed fraction of en- (11-17). aclive materials,
Activities RDRCof an must be
d w ergy. The A value is the productof the factors k,
3. The prolocol for the investigation After lhe sponsor of a ne” drug submits the reporled periodically to the FDA for review.
n , and E for each type of radiation, where k is a IND to the FDA, the responsible staff in the Phase I1 studies are conductedby two or
4. Qualifications of the investigators
constant based on the units to be used (2.13 in Center forDrugsandBiologics of [heFDA more independent investigators andare intended
5. Information on any adverse effects
MIRD schema for traditional units of radiation must review thedocument.Theprimary pur- toevaluate the safety and effectiveness of the
6. Submission of annual progress reports
dose in rad), n is the fractional abundance of the pose of this review is to evaluate the potential radiopharmaceulical under conditions of clini-
Of these requirements, the second (results of radiationemissions,and E is theenergyin problems in the proposed clinical trial; this re- cal use of the drug.Thesestudiesshouldbe
all preclinical investigations) is ihe one that is MeV. The specific absorbed fraction, @, is the viewisperformedby a chemist, a phar- designed to collect sufficient evidence to docu-
most relevant tothischapter. Beforehuman +,
absorbed fraction, divided by the mass of the macologist, and a physician. If the FDA does mentthenature of anyadverseeffects or the
studies can be initiated, studies in animals must target organ. The absorbed fraclion, +,
is the not notify the sponsor to the contraryin 30 days absence of such effects and to demonstrate the
be carriedouttodetermine the biologic dis- fraclion of the total energy emitted in a source after receipt of the IND, the sponsor may initi- reliability of the diagnostic information ob-
tribution and retention as well as the toxicity of organ which is absorbed by a targel organ. A ale [he clinical trials. tained with use of the agent.
the malerial. The phrase “biologic distribution
and retention” takes into account the excretory
mathematical model of the body and its organs
is needed to calcdale absorbed fractions, spe-
Theclinicalinvestiration is conducted in Phase 111, the last portion of the investiga-
three phases. Phase I consists of asludy in a lion, is needed to provide statistically reliable
pattern of the radionuciide, and these factorsare cific absorbed fractions, and S values. limited number of humansubjects to obtain information on the safety and efficacy of the
essential to making a meaningfu1 estimate of the Values of S for a mathematical model of Ref- pharmacokinetic data on the radiopharmaceuti- drug. For [his reason, much larger numbers of
radiation dose to the patient. These initial esti- erence Man have been published by the MIRD cal. These studies should demonstrate the nor- patients are used. Once the clinical evaluation of
matesusually are derived from studies in rats Committee (4) and others (5-9). Although ra- mal biodistribution, clearance half-time, routes a new drug is completed and the drug is found
and mice, with some limited data coming from diopharmaceuticals are administered to women of excretion, the organs that show the highest to havepotential use in medicine, the sponsor
largeranimalstoevaluateinterspecies dif- and children,the radiation doseestimatesfor concentration of the radionuclide, and the op- will seek to have the drug approved for market-
ferences.Theactual design of thepreclinical Reference Man have been accepted by the FDA timum imaging or sampling times. Children and ing. In order to accomplishthis, a new drug
studies is left to the discretion of the investiga- as representative of the dose to any patient. If S pregnanl or lactating women are excluded from application (NDA) is filed with the FDA.
tors; the studies should be planned, however, so values for childrenbecomereadily available, phase I studies. Patients with selected diseases
that virtually all of the administered activity is radiation dose estimates for chiIdren of various may be studied to evaluate distribution and ex- New Drug Applications
accounted for at severaldifferent timesafter ages may be required for radiopharmaceuticals cretion alterations that maybe caused by the The new drug application is an extremely
administration. Distribution and retention stud- thal could have potentia1 value in children, diseaseprocess.Thesechangesmay signifi- voluminous document and details all of the in-
ies in animals with induced disease conditions The cumulated activities, 2, usuallyare de- cantly affect the radialion dose received by the formation thal has been compiled on the drug,
represenlative of those for which the radiophar- terminedfrompreclinicalstudies and may re- patient. including all the manufacturing and conlrol in-
maceutical is intended may also be required to quire extrapolation from values obtained in ani- An alternative mechanism to the submission formation as well as the preclinical and clinical
show how [he radiation dose differs in abnormal mals to values expected in humans. Conse- of an IND for performing a limited number of dala. Individual case reports are required. The
conditions. These studies also serve to demon- quently, [he animal sludies should be carefully clinicaltrials is toobtainapproval by a local information that will be includedin the package
stralethe effectiveness of theproposed agent. planned and executed so that the necessary in- institutional committee (IS). Such a committee, insert must be submitted. Adverse effects must
56 t Esserrrinls of Nuclear MedicineSciem-e Radiopharmacerriica!AbsorbedDose Considerations I 57
be well documented. The FDAmust analyze the characteristic decay modes of the radioisotope, calculated, however, S values may be generated maturation, but clearly the quantitation of the
information to ascertainthe safetyandeffec- the frequency of each type of emission, and the for any given radionuclide. An early attempt to changes would help to improve the accuracy of
tiveness of the drug and establish that the label- geometry in which the energy is releasedand generate thesespecificabsorbed fractions for dose estimates generated for childrenof various
ing (package insert) information is documented deposited. children involved shrinking of the human phan- intermediateages.Forshort-livedradionu-
by the studies that have been performed. Thephysicalparameters are muchmore tom, until the weight matched lhat of the human clides, however, variations in the biologic half-
The approval of new drug applications in the easily understood and, consequently, are better at the various ages, by factors related to theratio time are often unimportant in the final outcome
United States has been quite slow. In fact, the studied, so they will be considered first. In the of the cube rootof the masses (20).This resulled of effective half-time and absorbed dose.
average time for approving a radiopharmaceuti- MIRD technique for calculating internal radia- in significant distortion of the true size, shape, Some radionuclide studies performed in chil-
cal NDA has been about 2 years (19). Usually, tion dose ( 3 ) , a single factor describes the en- andorientation of manyorgans.Similarly, S dren include renal studies, lung scans, thyroid
the blame for thelong lag time from initiation of ergydeposited in aregion of thebody. This values for 62 radionuclides, based on scaling of scinligraphy, splenicscintigraphy,bonescans,
clinical studies to approval of the drug for mar- factoriscalled the S value,and valueshave the adult S values by factors related to the dis- cardiac studies, and gastric emptying studies.In
keting is placed on the FDA; the fault must be been calculated for a geometric model designed tancebetween the centers of mass of target- renal studies, 99"Tc(Sn)-diethylenelriaminepen-
shared, however, with the manufacturers and the to approximate the size, shape,and composition source organ pairs, were published for five pe- taacetic acid (DTPA) may be used to evaluate
nuclearmedicinephysicians.Accordingto of the adult human (4). The basic units of the S dialric age groups (21, 22). Other investigators renal perfusion,functioning renal mass,and
Frankel and Kawin (19), many of the phase LII value are absorbed dose per unit of cumulated (23-25) remodeled the adult phantom to repre- glomerular filtration rate, as well as to visualize
studies arenot adequateand well controlled. activity. The S value itself may be broken down sent thenewborn,the 1-year-old, the 5-year- various anatomic structures. 99mTc-gluceptale is
Even though the studies can be used for suppor- into two parts, one being the decay data for the old, and the 15-year-old and generaled specific used to visualize the renal corlex and the pel-
tive evidence, they are not sufficient for ap- radionuclide (decay energy and branching) and absorbedfractions for several energies.Cristy vicalyceal collecting systems. 99mTc-dimercap-
proval of an NDA. Frankel suggests two ways the other being the fraction of energy emitted in (26) has designedphantomsrepresenting the tosuccinic acid (DMSA) is used to outline renal
to avoid this: (a) to have an adequate protocol a sourceregionwhichisabsorbed in atarget newborn, the 1-year-old, the 5-year-old, the 10- morphology andto differenliatefunction. In
followedcarefullyafter it hasbeen developed region per unit mass of the target region (spe- year-old, andthe 15-year-old which arebased addition, follow-up cystographystudiesoften
and agreed on by the FDA and theinvestigators cific absorbed fraction). on the changes in organ system size and place- are performed with 99mTc-pertechnetate or sul-
and (b) to have a meeting between manufactur- For convenience in calculating S values, the ment with age, not simply on size scaling of the fur colloid. slmKrand 133Xeare used for lung
ers and reviewers so that everyone understands radiations emittedby a radionuclide are oflen aduh phantom. Cristy and Eckerman (27) have ventilation studies in children, with the latter
[he protocol and the agreements that have been grouped according to thepenetrability of the generated specificabsorbedfractions for the being either inhaled or given in a saline injec-
reached. radiation. If essentially all of the energy would various organs in the phantom, using 25 source tion. Lung perfusion studies may be performed
After a NDA is approved, the drug can be be deposited in the source region, the radiation regions and 25 target regions. S values can be with 99mTc-labeied macroaggregated albumin
distributed to licensed nuclear medicine facili- is called nonpenetrating radiation. If the radia- easily calculated for specific radionuclides. (MAA) or wmTc-labeled albumin microspheres.
ties for use. The package insert accompanying tion could be deposited in other regions, it is Biologic data describing radionuclidicbehav- Thyroidstudieswillcommonlyemploysome
the drug contains the caution that it should not called penetrating radiation. Typically, the spe- ior in children are lacking. Most biodistribulion radioactive iodineasNal.Spleenscans have
be used in pregnant or lactating women or chil- cificabsorbed fraction forthenonpenetrating data used to generate pediatric absorbed doses been carried out with use of 99mTc-labeledheat-
dren unless the benefit to be gained outweighs radiation is 1 divided by the mass of' the region, arebased on informationfromeither healthy treatedredbloodcells(RBC).Liver-spleen
the risk of the study. Absorbed dose calculations whenthesourceandtargetregionsarethe human adults or animals. Consequently, the ac- scans usually are performed with 99mTc-labeled
for pregnant or lactating women or children are same, and is 0, whenthesourceand target curacy of thegeneratedestimates is open to sulfur colloid. The ""Tc-labeled phosphate
not included in the package insert. These cal- regions are different. For penetrating radiation, question. Some information is known about the compounds areused widely for bone studies,
culationspresent specialproblems becauseof regardless of whether the source and target re- variation in biokinetics with age. For instance, with methylene diphosphonate (MDP) currently
differences in organ size and location as well as gions are the same or are separate, the specific newbornshavelowerrenalbloodflow, beinglhemostpopular. In cardiacsludies,
total body size. absorbed fraction is the fractionof energy origi- glomerular filtration rate, and transportof hepa- 99mTc-labeIed RBC, pertechnetate, or human
nating in the source region that is absorbed in tobiliary agents, more rapid washout of radioac- serumalbumin (HSA) may beemployed.In
PEDIATRIC RADIATION DOSE thetarget, divided by themass of thetarget tive gases, and greater uptake of bone-seeking gastricemptyingstudies,usuallysome 99mT~
ESTIMATION region. These fractions usuallyare calculated by radiopharmaceulicalsthan do adults (28), a compound suchas sulfur colloid taggedto some
The problem of estimating radiation dose to generating Monte Carlo photon histories for poorly formed blood-brainbarrier, and an in- fooditemisemployed.Carrier-free 67Ga is
childrenfrominternallydepositedradio- several photon energies for each of the (20 or complete enzyme complement (29). The num- widely used to image soft-tissue and bone ma-
nuclides, as with any radiation dose estimate, more)sourceorgansand by correlatingthe ber of alveoli increases rapidly during the first lignancies.
breaks down into two simplerproblems:(a) point of absorption with the geometries of the year of life and then more gradually, reaching Therefore, a large amountof distribution data
quantifying the biologic parameters and (b) target organs. the number found in adults at about 8 years of is needed to quantify the radiation dose to chil-
quantifying the physicalparameters.The for- Becausethe
data €or the different ra- ~~
age (30). Thenumber of pulmonaryarleries dren from these procedures. Li et al. (32) have
mer refers to the sum of the information regard- dionuclidesarefixed,onlythespecificab- also increasesrapidlybetweentheages of 4 listed dose estimatesfor 1-year-oldsand 15-
ing the distribution and retention of the radioac- sorbed fractions will change for the various age monthsand 3 years(31).Thesephysiologic year-olds to the lungs, gonads, and total body
tivecompound.Thelatterdescribesthe groups.Oncespecificabsorbedfractions are
~ __
parameters become closer to adult values with for SlnlKr and '33Xe gas used for ventilation
58 t Essenfinls of IVuclenr Medicine Science RadioF
studies. The S values used, however, were di- Table 5.2. chose exposedafter age 50. Theyoungerage may eventually reach the nursing baby's system
rectly from absorbed fractions for the adult. The Comparison of the Age-specific Dose Estimates for groupsalso seemedtohave a shorter lalent and present a radiological hazard.
distribution dala also came from adult studies. the Thyroid from 1311 as Determined by Kereiakes period.
Kereiakes et al. (33) generatedradiation dose el al. (33) and Henrichs et ai. (22) There are some indicationsthat persons under Radionuclides Transmitted to Breast Milk
estimatestothethyroid for 123i,1251, l3II, and age 20 have a higher risk of thyroid cancer per Evidence has been reported of the appearance
'j21as iodide for newborns, 1-year-olds, 5-yea- rad than do those in olderagegroups.The of b7Ga, 9 9 m T1311,
~ , 1251,and 113mln in the breast
Age (yr) Kerciakes e l al. Henrichs et 01.
olds , 10-year-olds , and 15-year-olds . Their bio- numbers from the atomic bomb survivors indi- milk after administration of compounds labeled
logic data came fromseveral sources; they con- 0 16.0 13.0 cate this trend but are based on a small sample with one of these radionuclides. Quantitation of
cluded thal the biologic half-time (68 days) did 1 10.9 13.0 size. Medical findings among the Marshall Is- theamount of activilyin themilk at various
not vary significantly with age and that a mean 5 5.I 7.5 landers show a rale of incidence of benign thy- timespostinjection (PI) is ralher easy (usually
uptake of 27% of theadministeredactivity 10 3.0 4.1 involvingcounting of a standardquantily of
15 2.1 2.7
roid lesions in children under age 10 to be four
could be used for all except the newborn, for times that in the older exposed population. milk in a well gamma counter and comparing
which they used 70%. They noted that thyroid Olher observations of the atomic bomb sur- the result to that of a knonln radioactive slandard
uptake in the first 2 weeks of life can be very these age groups, considering only organ self- vivors show thal the risk for breastcancer is in the same volume) and is widely reported in
high. Wellman et al. (34) found that values in irradialion. highest amongfemales in the 10-19-year-old the lilerature. Quantitation ofthe radiation haz-
this age span could approach loo%, although Although advances have been made in quan- group, declines with age until age 50, and then ard to the infant, however, has been hampered
the average for all other age groups was around tifying the physical parameters involved in cal- increases again. For those under age 10, abso- by the lack of age-specific distribution and re-
30%. The biologic half-time and generated dose culating radiation dose to children of various lutely no incidence of breastcancer was ob- lention data and by the lack of a widely accepted
estimates for the adult agreed well with the ages, there is little information available cur- served.This pattern is understandable,since phantomfor the infant.Thelaller need has
values found in MIRD Dose Estimate Report rently aboul the biologic parameters. Age-spe- majorhormonalchangesareoccurringin perhaps been met by Cristy and Eckerman (26,
No. 5 (35). Henrichsetal.(22) quotedage- cific radiation dose estimates are of great impor- women in the second decade of life, 7), with their pediatric phantoms and associ-
specific effective half-times for I3lI in the thy- tance to the physician who wants the adminis- ated specificabsorbedfractionsforphotons.
roid, from which age-specific biologic half- tration of activity to be as low aspossible lo The lack of distribution and retention data prob-
timesforiodide may be inferred (Table 5.1). achieve a suitable scan image. Both enlhusiasm RADIATION HAZARDS INVOLVING ably will not be resolved in the near future;
The age-specific dose estimates for the thyroid in the medical professional community and sup- RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL almost all radiation dose estimates are based on
fr0rnI~~1, which are calculated .by using the pori from the regulatory agencies are needed to ADMINISTRATIONS TO LACTATING the assumption that the infant's metabolism ei-
scaled S values of Henrichs et al. (22), agree formulate and execute studies thatwill establish MOTHERS ther parallels or equals [hat of an adult.
fairly well with the values of Kereiakes et al. the metabolic properties of these radionuclides Breast milkiscomposed of water, fat, lac- 67Ga has been observed in human breasl milk
(Table 5.2). Ball and Wolf (36) generated dose in children. tose, casein, other proteins, and ash. The con- after administration of [67Gajgallium citrate(48,
estimates €or a variety of agents for newborns, sistency is that of fat droplets surrounded by a 49), Tobin and Schneider (48) studied the con-
1 -year-olds, 5-year-olds , 10-year-olds , and 15- Radiation Risks membrane, in a suspension of transudate con- cenlrationsinenough delailto determine an
year-olds, consideringoniyorgan self-irradia- In virtually all animal studies, life-shortening sisting of milk, proleins, sugar, salts, and water. effeclive retention half-time. In their study, the
tion and usinggeometricfactors of Hine and hasbeen shown to be more pronounced when Immediately after birth, the loss of eslrogen and concentrations decreased monotonicallywith an
Brownell (37). James et al. (38) also published irradiation occurs earlier in life. This difference progesterone secretion by the placenla removes effective half-time of 57 hours. In the study by
doseestimatesforseveralradionuclidesfor may, however, be accounted for in part in that the inhibiting effect of these hormones on pro- Larson and Schall (491, samples taken al 96 and
the latent period for deaths resulting from can- lactin productionby [he pituitarygland.The 120 hours showed the same concentration. Both
Table 5.1.
cer induction exceeded life expectancies atirra- prolactin stimulates synthesis of large quanlities sludiesindicate thatthe effectivehalf-time is
Age-specific Values of the Biologic Half-time (tb) diation forsome of theolderagegroups.In of fat, lactose, and casein, and breast milk pro- close to the physical half-life of %a. The max-
of Iodides in the Thyroid*
human studies, a generalpattern of increased duclion becomes copious within 2 to 3 days. imum reported concentrations, expressed as the
susceptibility to cancer induction with increas- Milk production may continue for several years fraction of injected activity per unit volume of
ing age is observed in those over age 20, and
~ ~~ ~
if the mother continues to breast feed, but typ- milk, were 5.0 X 10-5/ml and 2.3 X 10-s/ml
0 14.0
0.5 23.6 lrends in those below age 20 vary with the type .~ ically
lasts only 7-9 months. (Table 5.3).
1 25.3 of cancer (39). Typically, Iatent periods are Calcium and phosphate are needed in large The mostdatareported in the literatureon
3 29.1 somewhat longer in younger age groups. quantities for milk production; 2-3 gm of cal- radionuclides in breast milk have been collected
5 29.1 Analysis of the atomic bomb survivors has cium phosphate may be lost from the mother's on "'"Tc-labeled compounds (50-57). Admin-
10 44.1 shown that persons irradiated before age 15 had
15 48.7
body each day. Fifty g m of fat and 100 gin of islralions of 99n1Tc-labeledpertechnetate or mac-
the highest incidence of both chronic and acute lactose(thelatter derivedfromthe mother's roagreggated albumin (MAA) were followed by
* Extrapolated from the age-specific cffective leukemia and a higher number of excess deaths glucose) also are used each day. Thus, any ra- measurements of w m T activity
~ in the breast
half-times for I'Jl
as dctcnnined by Henrichs et al. per million persons per year perrad to the bone dioactive element that maysubslitutefor ele- milk at various Limes PI. Table 5 . 3 lists !he
(22). marrowlhan did all olheragegroups except ments required in the production of breast milk results reported by the various authors. An inter-
~ ; . ~
r ,
60 I Essentials of A'uclearMedicine Science RndiopkflrmacellricalAbsorbedDoseConsiderations I 61
Table 5.3. for study of suspected venous thrombi (54, 58) is as small as at birth, whereas the milk intake
Maximum Concentrations and Effective Half-times (teff)Reported in the Literature for Various showed a mean fraction of injected lZ5I in the has increased. . . . However, the maximum ra-
Radionuclides Appearing in Breast Milk after Radiopharmaceutical Administrations breast milk of 2.2 X IO-Vml, wilh a standard diation dose mapnot coincidewiththe max-
deviation of 1.9 X 10-s/ml. The half-time for imum hazard[ ,] since gIand radiosensitivity
Maxlmum Reported Marimurn Concentralion
RadionuclideCompound Conccnlration* Time (hr)i at 5 hr+ l,, (hr) Relerencc disappearanceforthe 1251was 73.5 +- 9.2 may be greaterat birth." What is clear from the
hours. Two patients receiving l3lI-MAA for di- observeddatais that theamount of activity
5.0 X72 10-5 57 48 agnosis of suspectedpulmonaryemboli (53) entering the breast milk will be highly patient-
2.3 X 10-5 96 - 120: 78f 49
had measured fractions of injected activity of 8 specific, although theparameters involved in
4.0 x 10-5 -5 4.0 X 10-5 4.6 54 X 10-5/mI 2 8.5 X 10-5/mI, with an effective the variability are not clearly defined. It is diffi-
-1.0 x 10-4 -6.5 1.0 x 10" 3.6 54
half-lime of 19.5 ? 0.7 hours. In both patients, cult to advise a woman about how long to inter-
1.5 x 10-5 4 1.5 x 10-5 2.8 51
3.5 x 10-6 6 3.5 x 10-6 5.61 52 however, the time of maximum activity was rupt breastfeeding after a radiopharmaceutical
around 30 hours.Withboth of thesecom- study, because fractionaluptakespublished in
8.3 X 10-6 10 1.8 x 10-5 5.5
5.1 X 10-5 2 5.1 x 10-5 3.6 53 pounds, at least in thelimitednumber of pa- the literature may tell little or nothing about lhe
1.1 X 10-5 22 1.4 X 4.6 56 tients,thepattern seen with the99mTc-labeled behavior of thematerial in thepatientunder
I .4 x 10-211 2 1.4 X 10-2 3.4 55 compounds, of better agreementbetweenthe study. It appears that theaveragesgenerated
5.4 X 10-311 2.4 5.4 x 10-3 3.9 55 reported effective half-times than between the here for effective half-times, which were calcu-
2.0 X 10-5 5 2.0 X 10-5 57 uptake fractions, was reproduced. laled from the various studies, will be reliable
8.2 x 10-6 108 67 54 One further study from the literature de- for most patients, unless there is a known, spe-
3.5 x 10-5 40 ao 58 scribes a patient who received 0.65 GBq (17.5 cial biophysical condition. Because of the un-
1.4 x 10-4 23 20 53 mCi) of an 113m1n chelate complex for abrain certainty in the estimates of fractional uptake,
2.0 x 10-5 14 19 53 scan (60). Activity concentrations measured at however, recommendations should be on the
2.0 x 10-5 24 59 I .67 and 21.5 hours PI were 2.5 X 10-7/ml and conservative side; i.e., they should be based on
1.3 x 10-5 24 59 1.4 X lO-'/rnl, respectively. Thesedataalone longerrather than shorterinterruptiontimes.
3.9 x 10-5 6 6.5 59 would suggest an impossible effective half-time
2.5 x 10-7 1.7 23** 60 of 23 hours (no mention was made of the data Radiation Dose Estimation
beingdecay-corrected),whichwould indicate The variability of the data regarding the frac-
* Units are fraction of injected activity per milliliter of milk. that more datamust beconsideredbefore a tion of injected activity appearing in the breast
i'Time at which listed maximum was reported.
$ Same concentration reported at 96 and at 120 hours. Physical half-life for 67Ga reported for talf.
quantitative assessment of effective half-time milk suggests that a general value for absorbed
5 Curve had a shoulder similar to that reported in Reference 54. can be made. dose to themother or infant per unitinjected
!I Patient admitted for study of enlarged thyroid. In conclusion,severalradionuclideswill activitywould be unreliable. In situationsin-
1 Same patient, treated while nursing 4-month-old infmt, at two times, 2 months apart. appear, to some degree, in the breast milk of volvinglactatingmothersforwhichradi-
** Suggested from the data, but impossible; most likely Thio. lactatingmothers.Althoughthefractional onuclide administrations are unavoidable,reli-
uptake usually isvery low, on the order of able dose estimates will result only from actual
esting contrast emerges between the extremely shon4ed a clear pattern of ingrowth, often with a mI-10-4/mI, theradiation doseto the infant measurements of theactivity in the patient's
broad range of breast milk concentrations and shoulder. Therefore, it is not possible to decay- may be considerable for two reasons. First, the breast milk. Although the variability of the ef-
the rather narrow range of effective half-times correct ail of the values to time 0, and a time of infant may consume as much as 800-1500 ml fective half-times is not as great, the sampling
of the activity in themilk.Berkeetai.(51) 5 hours was chosen (Table 5,3), since itwas past of milk per day, which, in a worst case, might should be designed to measure this parameter,
studied chromatograms of the sampled milk the shoulder of the ingrowth curve in all cases. result in the infant consuming a significant per- since some patient-to-patientvariation isseen
afleradministration of ""Tc-MAA and con- Thedecaycorrection was carriedout so that cent of the injected activity. Second, on a per and the activity does not always follow a pre-
firmed that the g 9 m Taclivity
~ was: indeed, free valuesreported at longtimes PI could be in- unit activity basis, the radiation dose to an in- viouslyobservedpattern. An example of this
pertechnetate.Therefore,thefraction of in- cluded with the other values to obtain a more fant will be considerably larger than that to an deviation is the appearance of activity in breast
jecled activily appearing in the milk should be reasonable value for the average maximum frac- adult because the internal organs are in closer milk after injection of 12SI-labeledfibrinogen,
less for the MAA group than for the free per- tion of injected activity appearing in the breast proximity, which results in more cross-irradia- as described in the previous section, "Radionu-
technetate group, sincethetaggingefficiency milk. Although the average concentration in pa- ~~ tion,andbecausetheorgans are smaller, which clides Transmitted toBreastMilk."The 15-
for the MAA should be at least 90%. tients seemed to be higher €or 99mTcO; than for results in larger doses per unit activity for self- year-oId phantom of Cristy (26) is a reasonable
For all of thetechnetiumcompounds, the the ~ ~ " ~ T C - M Athe
, vari- irradiation. Both iodine and technetium will representation of ReferenceWoman, andthe
concentrate to some degree in the
variation in the reported effectivehalf-times was ability was so large that any difference between -.~ specificabsorbed fractions generatedfor this
low; the meat1 andstandard deviation of all the means was obscured at the 0.1 significance
noled by Wayne et aI. (61), "The maximum phanlom (27) include values forphoton self-
valuescombinedwere4.2hoursand 0.96 level. -~
._ - thyroid irradiation would occur at the age of 6 absorption in the breasts.Therefore,once S
Two patients receiving lZ51-labeIedfibrinogen __
hours, respectively.Sometimes,thecurves ~-.~
c _~
monthst,]since the size of the glandat that age valuesare generated forthebreasts, absorbed
~~ -=. ~~
Rodiopharmaceztricol Absorbed Dose Considernrims I 63
62 t Esselztials of Nucleor Medicim Science
Table 5.5.
dose estimates for the breasts may be approxi- MIRD Dose Estimate Report No. 8 (41) for the
mated.Specificabsorbedfractionsforthe nonresting population, are shown in Table 5.4. Dose Estimates for the Newborn Reported in the Lilerature for SmTc Ingested in Breast Milk
breasts as a source organ may also be used to The valuesare given on aper unitingested Esumakd Radiation Dose [mCp!,lBq)
calculatethe radiationabsorbeddose toother activity basis, with 100% absorptionintothe
Targel Organ Rclcrence 50 Rekrsnce 5 1 Relerencc 54 Relerencc 57 Relerence 38
organs of the body from activity in the breast infant's bloodstream and biokinetics identical to
milk by the standard MIRD lechnique (3). that of an adult assumed. Table 5.5 shows some Stomach 0.32 1.2
For calculation of the radiation dose tothe publisheddose estimates for the newbornfor Upper large inlestine 0.57
infant in situations in which breastfeeding was 99mTc(38, 50, 51, 54, 57). All of the aulhors Lower large inkstine 0.22 0.54
Gonads 0.048
inadvertently continued soon after a radiophar- cited in Table 5 . 5 assumed thatactivity in the Thyroid 0.95 0.8 1 1.2 0.64 0.92
maceutical adminiswation, one must determine breast milk was free pertechnetate. Rumble (50) Total body 0.038 0.041 0.048 0.026 0.038
the retention of the activity in the breast milk assumed that the kinetics were the same as those
over the interva1 during which feeding occurred. of adults, that 50% of the pertechnetate ingesled
If the situation is discovered after feeding has was absorbed, and that 2% of the activity in-
ach wall. They used theSnyderand Ford S also calculated a dose estimate for thethyroid of
occurred, samples of the milk should be taken gested went to the thyroid, with only self-irra-
values for the gonads (67). O'Connel and Sut- 5.7 X lo3 mGylMBq (2.1 X lo-' radlmCi) for
immediately and regularly until a pallern is es- diationof the target organsconsidered.The
ton (57) and James et al.(38) generated S values the newborn, with a 30% thyroid uptake at 24
tablished. The times at which the infant fed and authorslisted in Table 5.5 used thespecific
from absorbed fractions for geometric shapes hours and a 68.1-day effective half-time in the
the approximate amount of each feeding should absorbed fractions of Hwang et al. (63) fora 10-
from MIRD Pamphlet Nos. 3 and 8 . thyroid assumed. This half-time is in agreement
be established, and the observed pattern should week-old infant, except for the thyroid and gas-
CristyandEckerrnan's phantom and theresi-with the 65-day half-time used for the longest
be back-projected to estimatetheamount of trointestinal organs,for whichthey generated
dence times predicted bythemodel in MIRD compartment in themodeldescribed in MIRD
activityavailable €or uptake at eachfeeding. pholon-absorbed fractions from thegeometric
Dose Estimate Report No. 5 (35) were usedto Dose Estimate Report No. 5 . James et al. (38)
The genera1 formulafor calculatingthe total models in MIRD Pamphlet Nos. 3 and 8 (64,
eslablish the dose estimates for I3lI for the new- quoted dose estimates of WellmanandAnger
activity ingested by the infant on the basis of a 65). Berke et al. (51) scaled adult dose esti-
born that are listed in Table 5.6. For these esti- (6s) for the thyroid from I3'I administration of
monoexponential decay process would be: mates by a faclor of I O to obtain infant dose
mates, a maximumthyroiduptake of 25% was 4.3 X IO3 mGylMBq (1.4 X 10' rad/mCi).
n estimates; they assumed that the thyroid would
A, = A, exp ( - A f i ) V i Equation 5.3 receivearadiation dose 20 times higher than assumed; Wellman et al. (34)found that theCristyand Eckerrnan's phantom (27) andthe
i=l literature forNorthAmericanchildren reflected residencetimespredictedbythemodel in
that received by the total body. Mattsson et a].
where A, isthe totalactivity ingested (Bq or a mean of about 30%, except during thefirst 2 MIRD Dose Estimate Report No. 2 (69) were
(54) used S valuesfor the stomachcontents
pCi), II is the total number of feedings, A, is the weeks of life when values can approach 100%. used to establish the dose estimates for 67Gafor
irradiating thestomachwall, as calculatedby
maximum activityconcentrationinthebreast If we assume that the elimination kinetics do not the newborn that are listed in Table 5.7. James
Henrichs et al. (66), and adultvaluesfor S
milk, which is projected from [he observed data changewith an uptake of more than 2595, these el a1. (38) generaled dose estimates for 67Ga,
values for the stomachwall irradiating the stom-
(Bqlml or pCi/ml), A is the observed effective estimates may be scaled to calculale dose esti-
decay constant for the radionuclidein the breast Table 5.4. mates for these situations. Wellman et al. (34)
Table 5.7.
milk (0.693 divided by the observed effective Dose Estimates for the Newborn' for Ingested
half-time)(hour"), fi is thetime betweenthe Is'lmTclPertechnetale Dose Estimates for the Newborn* for Ingested
Table 5.6.
['JGa]Gallium Citrate
occurrence of the maximum activity concentra-
tion and feedinglime i (hours),and V , is the ~~
=- Organ
Dose (mCy/MBql Estimates
Dose for the Newborn* for Ingested 1311
Esrimarcd Radlatlon
volume of milkingested at feedingi.(milli- as Sodium Iodide Targcl Organ Dose (~nGy/blBq)
creased with age. I n the liver, activitylevels tween injection anddelivery was 35 days, so : ~ I t n l h C i ) ,and 4 pGp/MBq (15 mrad/mCi), many of the organs in the abdominal area will
varied from about 0.07%to 2.3% from 9 weeks (hispattern is onlyclearlyestablishedfor l~.\lw~~lively, l3]I-,
for and 99"'Tc-labeled be somewhat repositioned as thefetusgrows,
to 22 weeks; and in lhe spleen, activitylevels feiuses older than about 7.5 months.The au- I I Y A ; 1 n d [113"'In]indiumchloride. Their respec- and the fetus will come considerably closer to
varied from 0.0017~lo 0,03% from 13 weeks to thors generated dose estimates for the fetal thy- II\C cs~imatesfor the fetal thyroid for the KSA many of theseorgans.Therefore,quantitative
22 weeks. The authors generated dose eslimates roid and gonads for I3[l,assuming no biologic Ilrlbpounds were 98 pGylMBq (360 mrad/ estimates of the changes in specificabsorbed
forthefetusand fetal organsapparentlyby removal from the fetal organs. Their dose esli- III('II. 35 pGylMBq(98mradlmci), and I2 fractions formanyorganswill be difficultto
using [he geometricalmodels in MIRD Pam- mateswere 260 mGy/MBq (980 rad/mCi) foI I I ! i\!'MBHq (45 mradlmCi).This dose estimate make. A phantom representing the pregnant
phlet No. 3 (64) for photonself-absorption in the thyroid and 0 . 3 8 mGylMBq (1.4 radlmCi) I 21 I Ill-labeled HSA is almost 3000 times lower
I female is required for Monte Carlo estimationof
small volumes and by adding the nonpenetrat- for the gonads, Since these estimates consider :~I,III t11:1( of HibbardandHerbertandseems the absorbedfraction forthe fetus at various
ingconlribution as well assomepenetrating only physical decay, the resuit for the fetal thy- I a t ( I c J 1 more reasonable. stages of development.
conlribution from themother. Theirestimated roid can be directly compared to those of Wat- K ; u l et al. (90) listed dose estimates for the If the amount of activity that crosses the pla-
radiation dosesforthewholefetus(perunit son (77) (for 8 and 9 monthswith t e f f = lP). [c.[w, lor 99mTc-labeled microspheres, sulfur centa is known,doseestimatesforthefetus
injected activity in the mother) ranged from 7.8 With Hibbard and Herbert's estimate (88),it is I o l l \ l i d . ghceptate, and polyphosphale and for from self-contained activity are not difficult to
mGylMBq to 10.5 rnGylMBq (29 rad/mCi to predicted that the dose per unit injected activity I ' (i:llplliurn citrate. The generated dose esti- obtain,andtheabsorbedfraclionfornon-
39 rad/mCi); estimates for the liverranged from as R E A is about 40% of that per unit injected 111.tlc5 IO !he whole fetus were 1.6 pGy/MBq (6 penetrating radiations may be assumed to be I .
65 mGylM3q to 120 mGylMBq (240 radlmCi activity as sodium iodide. Since theplacental IIII;KI/IIIC~), 1.5 pGy/MSq (5.6 mradlmci), 1.9 MlRD Pamphlet No. 3 (64) givesvaluesfor
to 430 rad/mCi); and estimates for the spleen crossover was assumed to be only from iodide ~a(iy/MBq(7 mradlmci), 3.5 KGylMBq (13 photonself-absorption for spheres andellip-
ranged from 16 InGylMBq to 51 rnGy/h?Bq (60 released from the RISA moIecule, the dose esti- tllr:ldklCi), and 0.075 mGy/MBq (0.28 rad/ soids of various masses, filled with water and
radlmCi to 190 rad/mCi). mates for RISA are probablytoohigh.Thc ! [ I ( ' I ) . respectively.Neitherthisarticlenor the containing a uniform distribution of activity
Hibbard and Herbert(88) studied feta1 uptake maximum uptake used by Watson for 9 months I )Il p i n a l source document (9 I), however, reveals throughout. The S values for the whole fetus,
o€ radioiodine following administration of iodi- was 3.4% of the sodium iodide administered to I H W these estimates were derived. once a geometric model is chosen, can rhus be
nated serum albumin (RISA) to the mother near themolher;therefore,thepredictionthatas obtained from a knowledge o€the decay scheme
term. Althoughthere was no activity in the much as 2 % of the activity administered to the I'tlysical Parameters for [he radionuclide. If uptakein individual
amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord plasma con- mother as RlSA could reach the fetal thyroid is For very earlystages of pregnancy, when organs of the fetus is known, dose estimates for
centration ranged from about 1.5% to 2.5% of probably unjustified. I ;~rliopharrnaceuticalsmay be administered in- these organs may also be derived in a similar
the mother's plasma concentration at delivery, Sastry el al. (89)generated radialiondose dvcrtenlly, a detailed geometric model maynot manner.
with time intervals between injection and deliv- estimates for l3II-HSA, '23I-HSA, 99mTc-HSA. 1 % nccessary
~ to provide a reasonable picture of If aclivity is known to localize in the pla-
ery ranging from 2 hours to 78 hours. Although and [113mIn]indium chloride, four radiopharma- [ I I C dosimetry. First, the placental permeability centa, the model of Sastry et al. (89) will proba-
separate determinations of free and protein- ceuticals formerly used in radionuclide placen- 1 5 low in rhe earlymonths (46). Second, the bly give a good approximation of the doseto the
bound iodine were not made,theauthors as- tography. The doseestimates were derived from I V I L I ~ itself growsslowly at first, witharapid fetus from penetrating radiations. They do not
sumed that the low aclivity levels indicated lhat a geometricmodelrepresentingthefetusa[ tlpwing occurring after about3 monlhs (92), so actually give absorbed fractions or specific ab-
placental crossover was realized only for iodine about midterm. Theirestirnales included contri- flrc geometry of theregion is not greatlyaf- sorbed fractions, bui they describe the general
liberated from the albumin in the mother's sys- butions from activity in the placenta and uterinc I r c ~ c r l in theearlyweeks.Therefore, normal geometric model that can be easily adapted to a
tem. In a study of the fetal thyroid uptake from wall, for which they developed their own mathe- Illctabolic parameters are probably appropriate, specific situation.
administrations of RlSA 0.1-35 days before matical models. They assumed that for the iodi- . d a n approximatedose tothefetusmay be Cloutier et al. (94) have generated estimates
delivery, tbey observedan asymptotically in- nated compounds, 5% of the iodine was re- Ill>(:linedby caiculating the dose to the uterus. for absorbed fraclions for photon aclivily in Ihe
creasing uptake pattern, when corrected for ra- leased per day from the RlSA molecule, 2% of '['IIc best model for [his application is probably urinary bladder duringpregnancy. They genera-
dioactive decay. which would appear to reflect the total injected activity crossed the placenta, 1111: 15-year-old phantom of Cristy (26). ted a detailed geometric model to simulate the
the steady degradation of RISA in the mother. and 5% of the free iodide in either the mother's Ailer the fetus begins to grow, the specific fetus at eachmonth of pregnancy,then ran
This uptake would result in the release of free or the fetus'bloodstream was taken up in thc ;Itwrbed fractions for the fetus from maternal Monte Carlo simulations for a urinary bladder
iodide and increase fetal thyroid uptake to some thyroid. For all of the HSA compounds, a 13- Lwgans that arenotmoved from their original model designed to fill and void at regular intcr-
maximum. The equation describing the uptake day biologic half-time in the bloodwas as- pi>sitionwill probably not change significantly. vals. Their results were expressedforseveral
was: sumed. For wn'Tc-labeled HSA, 13.4% of the Snyder (93) has shown that the absorbed frac- discrete photon energies. If the amount of radi-
v ( t ) = 2.05(1 - exp(-0.58t))exp(-hr) injected activity was assumed to appear in thc ~ i u nvaries directly with the mass of the target oaclivity in the urine can be determined, esti-
fetalbloodstream.Placentalcrossover 01' r u p n for photon energies above about 50 keV mates of the dose to the fetus can be oblained
Equalion 5.4 ["3Tn]indiun~chloridewasassumed to bc 1111' combinations ill which the distance between with relative ease.
where y ( f ) is [he fetal thyroid uptake, in percent O.S%, with an effective half-time of 100 min- lllc wurcc and the target organ does not vary In summary, current models are adequate to
of activity injected as RISA, r is the timein days utes in the blood. Their estimates for the whole p x t l y as the mass of the target changes. This estimate fetal radiation dose from maternal ac-
PI, and h is theradioactivedecaycons(ant fetuswere 0.57 mGy/MBq (2.1 rad/mCi), 24 IIIU:IIIS that the sprciJiic absorbed fraction wil! tivity during the early stages of pregnancy, at
(day-]). As mentioned, the maximum lime be- pGy/MBq(87 mradlmCi), 4.9 pGy/MBq (18 11111 change. In the pregnant female, however, leas1 up to 6-8 weeks. For later stages of preg-
1: 5.
,$: 1;
[; ]j nancy,
that be
can used give
to Table 5.9.
: ?
> . the radiation dose
from activity contained in
the ministration of radioactiveiodine to pregnant rnalities, radiopharmaceutical formulation er-
Some Specifics of Organogenesis in the Human
! '
' ;
placenta, or the
urinary bladder, fetus
for Fetus women, however, the children exhibited only rors,misadministrations, and drug alterations
., subtle behavioral abnormalities, oflen with hy- are considered in this section.
. i.
. .
are not significantly af-
Time (days) Event pothyroidism and low protein-bound iodine lev-
!: fected by the growing fetus
brain, thy- Normal Variation
. ~
. ,:
roid), dose estimates based on the dose to the 20-21 Heart appears els. These cases alsooften involved much larger
'I I
Circulation of blood
apparent administered activities to the mother. Most nuclear medicine physicians recognize
. . nongravid uterus
constitute a first approx- 21-22
32 Limb buds appear Theplacentaisreadilypermeable to in- the differences in the appearance ofthe same
! :' irnation.
32-35 Major differentiation of heart struc- organic sodium, potassium, cesium, stronlium, type of scanindifferentpatients. Usually, a
In this area of nuclear medicine, the informa- tures and phosphorus. Animal studiesindicate that pattern of distribution is observed in the "nor-
' tionaboutthebiologic parameters needed for 37 Arm, forearm, and hand recognized
adminisbation of radioactivephosphorusand mal" studies. Within this patternof distribution
radiation dose estimationis in approximately 22-40 Development of eye
40 Digits on hand
recognizable strontium in sufficiently high amounts may re- theuptakes by specificorganswilldifferas
equal abundance to that about physical param-
! I
sult in fetal death. discussedinChapter16.These variationscan
,i . eters. Although information about the metabolic causesignificantdifferencesintheabsorbed
behavior of someradiopharmaceuticalshas Relating the quanlity of radiation which will
cause a certain endpoint in animals to a similar dose from a radiopharmaceutical. Two common
been obtained,many remain to bestudied,and very long,themostfrequent observations in-
. .-.' ...,
thequestionaboutaltered maternalphysiologyvolvemicrocephaly,whenexposureoccurs value in humans is virtuallyimpossible.The examples are the doses from 9 9 m Tas ~ sodium
.I patterns of results related to stage of gestation pertechnetate and 1231or I3'I as sodium iodide.
. ,
during pregnancy has not beenfullyaddressed,early in pregnancy;central nervous system dis-
-. I
although the animal data from Wegst et al. sug- orders, when exposure occurs in the first 2 tri- when irradiation occurs show remarkable sim- In MIRD Dose Estimate ReportNo. 8 (41), two
, ~I ,
ilarities between animals and humans, however, populations weredefined as having different
gest thatthis is an important area for study. A mesters; and growth retardation. Studies on the
I. : I so qualitative results may be studied with some dislributions of NaggmTcO,. The absorbed doses
few of the current geometric models cangive
offspring of the Japanese bomb survivors who
F: confidence. Because of the large amount of ge- calculated from these distributions reflect these
f :
some answers about fetalradiation dose in early were irradiated while pregnant (39) showed an
i .
pregnancy; much
to on, netic and environmental variables, a threshold differences.Themoststrikingdifference is a
1 .
incidence of microcephaly which was 4 times
._ I ~
at which [eratogenic effects will not occur also factor-of-5 increase in the dose to the stomach
however, to improve the dose estimates in the higher(28%)for irradiation occurringduring
~ ~
! ' _
I- L is difficult to establish, but paitems in animals walI of the resting population over the nonrest-
, _ = middle and late stages of gestation. weeks 4 through 13 of gestation lhan for that
i ;-: andhumansindicatethatthereprobablyare ing population. Other differences in doses are
-~ ;.
f (7%) occurring later. For weeks 6 through 11,
Radiation Risks such thresholdsandthattheyare higherfor given in this report but are less than a factor of
:, :,1 -i the measured incidence was 11%for air doses
I, ._.- . .. Duringthefirst 2 weeks of development,the of 1-9 rads, was 17% for air doses of 10-19 prolracted exposures than for acute exposures. 2. MIRD Dose EstimateReport No. 5 (35)
gives the dosesfrom different isotopes of iodine
. !*, .
.~ fetus is not susceptible to teratogenic effects rad, and increased upward to 100% for air doses
administered as sodium iodide. The dose to the
i:, madefortheReferenceManphantom which The radiation absorbed dose, as a result of
z . 1 :, the remaining time may result in physiological tion were only observed when doses reached 25
5: ,.~: I-
:/ has standard bodyand organ masses (40). These changesindistributionbroughtabout bydis-
i .~. defects
i .i
$ ~
j; 1;. Jj,. internal radiation dose from administered radio-exhibitedcharacteristics consistent with
~ ':<'
pharmaceuticals is even lower, with the bulk of tinism. These authors related another case of a tion. The recognition of this variability has led Nos. 3 and 4 (42, 43) for *"Tc-labeled sulfur
j, <.
, ,- i
theinformation involvingexternal irradiation of mother who received radioiodine in the fourth to the listingof subpopulationsorranges of colloid and LY8Au-labeledcolloid. For these two
$1 ;. ).: the fetus. Although the Iist of abnormalitiesweek of pregnancyandwhose infant diedsoon values based on uptake for some radiophama- liver disease states, the size of the organs and
:i I:_ ccuticals. In adclilion to these normal variations, the distribution of the radiopharmaceuticals
i, ,.,'i
II ' resulting from in utero radiation exposureisafterbirth.In severalother casesinvolvingad- theeffects of anatomic or physiologic abnor- change. The organ receiving the highest dose
70 / Esserztials of Nuclear Medicine Science Rodiopharnzaceurical Absorbed Dose Co>rsidernrions / 71
changes, from theliver in the normal state to the suggests the instability of thebinding to the the arm vein was the intendedsite,the particles tinely performed, probably because the ab-
spleen in intermediate-to-advanced diffuse par- beads. A test of the stability of this batch per- are trapped in the capillary bed of the hand. The sorbed doses are within the diagnostic range and
enchymal liver disease. The magnitude of formed in rats indicated that, indeed, about 50% dose equation (Equation 5.3) can be used for thebenefitto be gainedoutweighs the risk asso-
change for 9 9 m Tand ~ 1 9 k Ais~different because of theactivity leached off thelabeledbeads. calculatingtheabsorbeddose,providedthe ciated withtheradiation dose.
of the physical parameters of the lwo radionu- Half of this activity (25% of the total admin- cumulated activity and mass of the target area
clides. istered activity) was assumed to deposil in the .~ are known, F~~nonparticulate radiophmaceu-IatrogenicAlterations by Drug Interaction
For a radiopharmaceutical such as [67Ga]gal- bones and bone marrow, which results in a bone ticals,the intraarterial injection usuallydelays or Invasive Medical Procedures
liumcitrate, the dose tonormaltissues is re- marrow dose of about 7 rad/mCi. The injected the appearance of the activity in thearea being The distributions fromdrug interaclion or
duced when the activity is taken up by tumor, activities of 90Y ranged from 45 mCi to 85 mCi, studied. vary proceduresmedical invasive considerably
abscess, or a metaslalic process. The dose lo a with possible totalred-marrowdoses of up to Injection of thewrongradiopharmaceuticalfromone individualto another. These varialions
tumor from a diagnostic procedure is rarely, if 400-600 rads,Seven of the 8 patientsdied ~~
does not fall under the headingofaltered dis- can evenmask disease or cause a fake positive
ever, calculated. In the case of tumor, abscess, within 3 weeks, but these were all terminally ill tribution, since the distribulion may be normal scaninterpretation. For diagnostic studies, USU-
or metastatic process, the dose to normal tissues patients who had already undergone various for the radiopha~aceutica]given, but is an- allythe absorbed doses will be quite low, but
is assumed to be themaximum received from therapeutic procedures, such as chemotherapy, other type of administration error. Usually,the doses in individual patientscan be significantly
the study. before the W Y was administered. In summary, doseestimatehas alreadybeencalculated fordifferentbecause of changes in distribution
The absorbed dose from studies such as those formulationerrors can be a seriousproblem the misadministered drug, so the absorbeddosebroughtaboutby theseialrogenic alterations.
performed with 99mTc-labeled red blood cells with therapeuticradiopharmaceuticals and can determination is not a problem, The problem is As for all dose calculations, the doses are de-
are affected little by decreased perfusion in cer- cause differences in absorbed doses from diag- that organs have been irradiated and no informa- pendent on the cumulated activities for the dif-
tain areas. If there is an abnormality, theab- nostic radiopharmaceuticals. (Chapter 18 deals tionbeen
has ferent organs. If these
are available, [he
sorbed doses can be calculated by modifJhg the more €uHy with formulation problems and (he Injection of too muchor too little of the general dose equation (Equation 5.1) can be
distribution.These calculations, however, are clinical manifestations.) proper radiopharmaceutical usually is caused by used. The uptake and mention in organsare no1
rarely performed on a routine basis. a misreading of the dose calibrator. Because the available or are sketchy, at best, for these and
Adminisiration Errors
absorbeddose is directlyproportional to the often fornormaldistributions.
Radiopharmaceutical Formulation Error The most common administration erroris [he ~-~ administered activity, the absorbed
dose esli- The
For 99mTc-labeled compounds, the errors in infiltrated injection; i.e., the radiopharmaceuti- mate for the misadministralion is made accord- (radionuclide emissions, phantoms representing
fonnulation result in untagged compounds (free cal is injected into the tissue around a vein ingly. The administration of too littleactivity man, etc.), comparedwilhthebiologic data
pertechnetate) or undesired compounds that rather than intothe vein itself. Theabsorbed initially can be as serious as the administration available, are relatively well known. Collecting
cause analteration in the uptake in the target dose to this tissue can be calculated from the of too much; e.g., the administration of 50% of adequate biologic data is difficult and time con-
organ. Generally, these alterations are only an- dose equation, the required activity that results in a poor study suming but is necessary if the dose estimates are
noyances in nuclear medicine studies, but [hey andnecessitates arepeatstudy has thesame toreflectthesiluation for a given population.
can cause the absorbed doses to the organs to be effect as giving 150% of therequiredactivily (These topicsare discussed in more delail in
altered. If the preparation contains some amount initially. Chapters 14 and 15.)
of freepertechnetateandthepercentage is
known, the dose estimates for the amount of if thecumulated activity, A,,, in theinjection Drug Intervention SUMMARY
pertechnetate can be easily obtained. In these site is known or can becalculated from the half- An increasingnumber of nuclearmedicine From the discussion in this chapter the reader
situalions, h e absorbed dose to the target organ time and the amount infiltrated and the mass of studies are being cornpIemented with drug inter- may get the impression that absorbed dose cal-
probably will be reduced and a higher absorbed the infiltrated dose site, mk,is also known. The vention,asisdiscussed in Chapter 10. These culations are primarily guesswork. Admittedly,
dose may be delivered to organs no1 under in- othertermsinEquation 5.5 are thesameas studies are designed to cause an alteration of the assumptions must be made in some calculations
vestigation. those in Equations 5.1 and 5.2. These absorbed radiopharmaceutical distribution corresponding when there are gaps in the available data. These
In radiopharmaceutical therapy, formulation doses to theinjectionsitecanbequite high to a specific condition. Because the distribution cakulations, however, represent an estimate of
errors can haveamoreserious impact. A for- (-100 rad) if the administered activity is high is changed, the absorbed dose also is changed in thetrueabsorbeddose with reasonably suffi-
mulation error involving V-labeled poly- and the mass of the injection site is small. The proportion to the amount of change in distribu- cient accuracy to assure the physician and reg-
styrene beads for treatment of metastatic liver calculationbecomesmorecomplicated if the tion. Calculation of the absorbed dose requires ulatory agencies that patients are not receiving
disease resulted in high red-marrow absorbed radiopharmaceutical slowly diffuses inlo a lhese altered dislributions of activity tobe deter- excessively high absorbed radiation doses. The
doses ( 4 4 , 45). During this procedure, the larger area and thus constantly changesthe mass mined for individual patients. After the cumu- MIRD techniqueappears to be an acceptable
labeled beads were trapped in the capillary bed of the injection site. lated activities are calculated, the general dose method of dosecalculations, with individual
after injection in the hepatic artery. Eightpa- Anothertype of administrationerror is the equation (Equation 5.1) could be applied. De- calculations being only as good as the input
tients suffered a rapid drop in white blood cell injection of particles such as M A A or albumin termination of the altered distribution is diffi- information. All possiblesituationshave not
count shortly after injectionof the beads, which nlicrospheres into an arlery instead of a vein. If cult, and calculations of this type are not rou- been modeled, nor will they ever be, but ab-
Rudiophar~?laceuriculAbsorbed Dose Considerations I 73
72 t i h o ~ z r i o l uof Nrrckwr M d i c i r r e Science
~. 2 5 . Jones R, Poston J, Hwang J, et al. The Developnxnr and MIRD Dose Estimate Report No 3. J Nncl Med
mon sense, and a few reasonable assumptions. Cloutier R (eds): Proceedings of Third Inrernoriorzol "
2 ==
f- the fetus. Healrlr P11y.r 29:874-877. 1975. 94. Cloutier R , Smith S , Warson E, et al: Dosc to the felus
ferent radionuclides. Because nuclear properties decay by nonparliculate emissions, such as iso-
77. Watson E Radiation dose eslimates to the human retal Irom radionuclides in the bladder. Henllh P h y s
,.; Ii , ::l significantly influence patient radiation dosime- meric transition or eleclron capture, are prefera-
i" 8: i:. thyroid at various stagesdevelopment.
of J Nucl Med 25:147-161,1973.
$ i! I try as well as clinical suilability (l), these areas ble for clinical use, since relatively lesser local
I' ;: , : .
I ./
78. Aboul-Khair S. Buchanan J, Crooks J, Turnbull A:
95. Gmen H , Gareis F, Shepard T, Kelley V: Cretinism
associatedwithmaternalsodiumiodide 1-131 therapy are of primaryimportance in the selection ofa tissue irradiation occurs with these decay
f ! ! ,
I.: .: j ;:
, Stmcturc function
and of the human fetal thyroid. C h during prcgnancy. Arlr J Dis C l d d 122:247-249. 197 1. modcs radiopharmaceutical. .
1: ., .
76 f Essemitrls of Nucleor Medicim Science Considerations and Controversies in the Selection of Radiopharmaceuricais f 77
Table 6.1. BIOLOGICAL FACTORS AFFECTING bengal, a lipophilic dye, was employed for hep-
Nuclear Properties of Selected Radionuclides and Photopeak Efficiencies in 0.5-inch Sodium Iodide THE CHOICE OF atobiliarp imaging ( 5 ) . Recently,I3lI-labeled
RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS rose bengal has been replaced by 99mTc-labeled
Radionuclide Physical Hall-lilt Prmcipal Emission (keV) Mean Disintegration (%) Photopeak Efficiency (%I* derivativesof iminodiacetic acid (IDA) which
In additionto nuclear properties, other fac-
99mTc 6.0 hr 140 88 91 torsinvolved in radiopharmaceuticalselection have superior imaging and biologic distribution
"'In 2.8 days 173 89 82 pertainto biologic distribution characteristics. properties (6-8).
247 94 50
1311 8.1 days 364 82 30 These properties, which include tissue uptake
rates, rates of biologic clearance, and other ki- Kidney (Renal Imaging)
* Photopeak efficiency, shown for the 0.5-inch NaI (TI) scintillation crystal, represents the percentage of netic-type factors, significantly affect radio- Since renal function consists of several corn-
pholons striking crystal which are compIetely absorbed. pharmaceutica1 usefulness and radiation dos- plex mechanisms, the careful selection of the
imetry. These characteristics are largely influ- radiopharmaceutical is essential in order to ob-
encedbythelocalizationmechanisms of
tain the desired diagnostic information.
For use with most currentIy availablescin- relatively low abundance (Table 6.2) limits their specific radiopharmaceuticals (refer to Table Someradiopharmaceuticals, such as 9 9 m T ~ -
tillation camera systems, a principal photon en- usefulness forimaging.Forthisreason, 201T1 3.1, page 35). Some organs contain more than diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) are
ergy of 150 keV is near ideal. Higher energy imaging is performed with use of the Hg x-rays one physiologic pathway or tissue characteristic filtered by the kidneys and do not undergo lu-
photons (Table 6. I ) have much lower photopeak which, although of lower energy than the that can be utilized as a mechanism for radio- bular reabsorption or secretion.Thistype of
efficiency (2), while verylow energy photons gamma emissions, are available in sufficiently pharmaceutical localization. With these organs, agent is particularly suitable for evaluation of
are attenuated by body tissues and are less ac- high abundance for imaging. therefore, it is essential that the correct radio-renalblood flow and for theestimation of
cessible for external scintillation detection. Ad- pharmaceutical that enablesgeneration of the
9 9 m Tversus
~ Other Radionuclides glomerular fihation (9). Sodium [99mTc]per-
ditionally, these photons should be mono- desired diagnostic information is chosen. technetate is also useful for renal blood flow
energetic. A radiopharmaceuticalto be em- Although wmTchas nertr-ideal imaging prop-
imaging. The urinary excretion of sodium
ployed in a patient in the presence of another erties (Table 6.3), it cannot be employed to label Mechanisms of Localization [99mTc]pertechnetate is relatively slow, with
radiopharmaceutica1shouldhave a slightly somecompounds useful forimaging (3). For of Selected Organ Systems
about 85% of the filtered activity being reab-
higher energy emission to allow detection with thisreason, aitemativeradionuclidessuchas Liver (Relicuioendothelial System versus sorbedbythe renaltubules (10); therefore, it
minimal energy interference from the initial ra- 67Ga, "'In, 1231,and 12'Xe have been used to fill HepatobiliaryImaging) cannot be employed efficiently for renal func-
diopharmaceuticd. clinical voids. Nevertheless, more than 90% of
In theliver, two celltypes-Kupffer and hep- tion studies.
Since the number of photons emitted during all diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals are labeled
atocytes-provide different organ uptake mech- Radioiodinated o-iodohippurate (OIH) also is
decay(i.e.,theabundance)influencesthe with 9 9 m TThe
~ . majority of these 49mTc-labeled
anisms for hepatic localization. The hepatic useful for renal imaging; its distributionproper-
amount of radioactivitythat muslbe adrnin- agentsareprepared byaddinggenerator-pro-
reticuloendothelia1 (RE)KupfferceIIs,which ties are markedly different from that of WmTc-
istered, radionuclides withuseful photons of duced 8 9 m T(as ~ sodiumpertechnetate) to re-
phagocytize particles in blood,removeintra- labeled DTFA or pertechnetate, however. Radi-
high abundance are most desirable for scintilla- agent "kits" that contain the nonradioactive
venously injected colloids. Since Kupffer cells oiodinated (either lZ3I or I3lI) OIH is approx-
tion imaging.Forsomestudies, however, the compound to be Iabeled as well asanyother
are uniformly distributed in healthy liver, their imately 80% secreted and 20% filteredand is
radiopharmaceuticals that have suitable biologic additives required in the radiolabeling process
appearance,asdepictedbyscintillationimag- virtually totally extracted from the blood pass-
distributionpropertiesmaynothave a high andlor maintenance of the radiolabeled product.
ing, yields information about liver size, shape, ing through the kidney (1 1). This efficient renal
abundance of usablephotons. For example, Considerations involving the selection of 9 9 m T ~
and position. The Kupffer cells constitute the clearance makes it a very desirable radiophar-
while the myocardial perfusion agent 201TIhas kit-typeradiopharmaceuticalsarediscussed
Iargest proportion of the RE system ( 8 5 8 ) ; maceutical for estimation of effectiverenal
gammaemissions at 135 and 167 keV,their later in this chapter.
since phagocytic R E cells are also found in the plasma flow (ERPF) (12).
spleen (10%) and bone marrow (5%), however, Static images of renal anatomy can be ob-
intravenously injected radioactive colloids will tained with radiopharmaceuticals that accumu-
Table 6.2. also be taken up by these organs (4). late in the renal cortex (13). Both 99mTc-labeled
Nuclear Properties of Myocardia1 Perfusion Agent, Table 6.3. Alternalively, hepatic parenchymal cells dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and glucep-
[*O~TI]ThallousChloride* (hepatocytes) actively remove blood breakdown tate have significant cortical retention and can
Nuclear Properties of 99mTc
Principal Emissions Mean Disintegration(%) products and toxins which are subsequently ex- be used for static renal cortical imaging. h a g -
Physical half-life of 6.0 hr creted in bile.Radiopharmaceuticals removed ing with either radiopharmaceutical usually is
Hg x-rays (68-80 keV) 94.4 Generator product from decay of 99M0 by hepatocytes provide diagnostic information performed approximately 2-3 hours postinjec-
Gamma-4 (1 35 keV) 2.7 Isomeric transilion decay mode
Gamma-6 (1 67 keV) 10.0 on hepatocyte function and on the palency and tion. Generally, the fraction of injected dose of
Monoenergetic 140-keV emission (88% abundance)
Low radiation dose constant (0.303 gm-rad/pCi-hr) integrity of the biliary drainage system. In the 99mTc-DMSAwhich localizes in the renal cor-
* Decay mode = electron capture; tm*y = 73.1 hr. early days of nuclear medicine, 13*1-labeledrose lex is much greaterlhan that of 99mTc-gluceptate
78 I Essentials of Nuclear MedicineScience Coruiderafiorls and Conlrove,v i e s ill rhe Selection of'Radiophormacerrricals t 79
and persists for a much longer period of time 1960s for lung ventilation imaging, is less tlwn I I ~ considerations are presented be-
E T ~ I tllcse Differences in Target Uptake Rates
(13, 14). ideal, since its principal photon emission of 8 I Although two radiopharmaceuticals may
keV cannot readily be distinguished from99n11'c share the same uptake pathway, there may be
Lung (Perfusion versus Ventilation Compton scatter when the ventilation study lo1 slight variation in absolute target tissue uptake
Imaging) lows lhe 9 9 m Tperfusion
~ study. For this reasol!. orrates of uptakewhichaffecttheclinical
Because gaseous exchange in lung is a com- 133Xeventilation imaging usually is perforrncrl usefulness of these radiopharmaceuticals. Usu-
posite function involving both blood flow and either immediately prior to h e 9 9 m Tperfusion
~ ally, differences in basic pharmacologic proper-
ventilation, pulmonarynuclear medicine studies study or on the following day (17). Both I?% ties are responsible for such alterations inlocal-
employ radiopharmaceuticals that depict either (17-19) and *ImKr (20) haveprincipal photon ization kinetics.
perfusion or ventilation. energies higher than that of 99mTc and can hc
Pulmonaryperfusion imaging is performed used for ventilation imagingimmediately fol- Thyroid Imaging
with use of radiolabeled particles such as 99mTc- lowing an abnormal 99mTcperfusion study. Boil1 As previously mentioned, both radioiodides
labeled macroaggregated albumin (MAA) or Iz7Xe and 81mKrdecaybydesirable electroll and sodium[99mTc]pertechnetatecan be used
human albumin microspheres (HAM). These capture and provide minimal radiation eA forthyroidimaging.Radioiodide requires 24
parlicles are larger than red blood cells and will posure. The relatively long physical half-life (>I hours or more for maximum thyroid accumula-
be filtered and trapped in the lungs (by capillary IZ7Xe(36.4 days), however, prohibits direct lr tion, at whichtime it is relatively specific for
blockade mechanism) immediately following lease of expired IZ7Xetoatmosphere, whicl~ the thyroidtissueand provides high target-to-
intravenous injection. The appearance of these thus requires the use of some type of gas-tlap- Gji.lhruclivity commonly present in the lower backgroundratios.Sodium[99mTc]pertechne-
radiolabeled particles in lungs, provided the ping system for physical decay. 81mKr,on 1 1 ~ tate, however, reaches maximum uptake as soon
particlesare homogeneouslymixed in blood other hand, is a generator-producedradiorw as 20 minutes after administration but is much
and almost entirely extracted by the lungs dur- clide with a 13-second physical half-life m t less specific for thyroid tissue.
ing first passage, provides images of regional may be safelyexhaled by the patient directly Although both sodium [ 99mTc]pertechnetate
pulmonary perfusion (15). Areas of lung which into the room. Multiple lung views can be 011- and radioiodine areinitially "trapped" in the
do not receive blood appear as areas of dimin- lained, since thepatient breathes the gasdireclly thyroid by similarmechanisms,onlyradi-
ished activity. Although perfusion imaging with from its generator, but the short physical hall- oiodineentersfurtherintotheorganification
radiolabeled particles is a sensitive indicator of life prevents assessment of "washout" which 13 cycle by which thyroid hormone is produced.
regional lung blood flow, it is of limited specif- a sensitive indicator of obstructive airway d i h - Tissue accumulation of radioiodineisconsid-
icity, since changes in pulmonary perfusion can ease. Each generatormust be replaced daily duc ereda more specificindicator of functioning
be seen with many diseases of the lung. Greater to the relatively short parent (*'Rb) physicill thyroid tissue. Clinically useful images may be
diagnostic specificityforlungdisease usually half-life of 4.7 hours. Radioaerosols made 1ro111 obtained with either sodium [49mTc]perlech-
can be obtained by combining lung ventilation commonly available radiopharmaceuticals, SLICI~ nelateorradioiodine(especiallysodium
imaging with pulmonary perfusion imaging. as 99mTc-DTPA,also can be used to image lull; [lL3I]iodide),and selectionisoften basedon
sincepulmonaryembolioftencanbedistin- ventilation function (21). After inhalation, radii factors such as availability, cost,route of ad-
guished from most other types of lung disease oaerosol residence time in lung is sufficiently ministration, and time of maximal uptake. Be-
whichalsoproduceperfusiondefects (16) long to permit imaging in multiple views, a l ~ r l cause of its betterspecificity forfunctioning
(Table 6.4). since relatively inexpensive radiophamaccuti. thyroidtissue, however, radioiodineusually is
Among clinicians there is some controversy cals are used, the cost for the agent is rninirna preferred in the search for functioning metas-
as 10 which radiopharmaceutical is superior for RadioaerosoIspreparedfrom 9 9 m Tare~ 1101 tatic thyroid tumor, in the attempt to locale ecto-
ventilation imaging. r33Xe, used since the early ideal, since the lung perfusion agent is also iu pic thyroid tissue, and in the evaluation of func-
99mTc-labeled radiopharmaceutical. tioning thyroid nodules (24).
99mTc-gluceptate(1.4 radlmCi for49mTc-DMSA suspectedacutecholecystitis,sincerapidly mercial products, or limitations in their supply tisic acid, on the bone imaging radiopharmaceu-
versus 0.3 radlmCifor 99mTc-gluceptate). For clearingagents may not always reachaslow- and availability, or cost. tical, 99mTc-oxidronate, is shown in Figure6.1.
this reason,when99mTc-DMSAisused,the filling gallbladder. Stabilized formulations of 99mTc-labeled radio-
amount of activity to be administered is limited Product Formulation pharmaceuticalsresult in preparationswith
to 5 mCi. Since dynamic blood flow imaging Differences in Rates of Excretion
Today, mosl 99mTc-labeledradiophmaceuti- longer radiolabeled shelf lives and can be eco-
oftenrequires theinjection of at least 10-15 The amount of radiopharmaceutical remain- calsareavailable in "kit" form. Thesekits nomicaIly significant, since kits can be used for
mCi, 99mTc-gluceptate is preferred whenever re- ing in blood and soft tissues can seriously de- contain the compound to be labeled as well as longer periods of time before serious degrada-
nal blood flow imagingisperformed in con- grade image qualily by lowering the target to any necessary reagents that enhance the labeling tion which might affect image quality occurs.
junction with delayed renal imaging. nontarget ralios.Generally,radiophamaceuti- reaction or maintain product integrity (i.e., pre- Over the past several years, there has been
cals that clear rapidly frombloodpermit(a) vent breakdown of the "tagged" radiopharma- increasing interest in the minimum number of
Hepatobiliary Imaging higher qualityimages and (b) imaging to be ceutical). Slight differences in kit formulation particles that must be injected to obtain an ac-
During the pastfew years, several 49mTc-IDA performed much sooner after radiopharmaceuti- cansignificantlyaffectradiopharmaceutical ceptable quality lung perfusion study and, con-
derivatives have been developed (Table 6.5). All cal administration than do some slower-clearing usefulness. sequently, in the kit formulation of the lung
these agents share the same hepatobiliary clear- agents. For example,antioxidanlssuchasgentisic perfusionradiopharmaceuticals 99mTc-MAA
ance pathway, yet have different rates of excre- acid (32) or sodium ascorbate slow the rate of in and 99mTc-HAM.Initially, Duley and Heck (33)
tion. To date, there isnoclearconsensusas Bone Imaging
vitro oxidative degradation of certain 99mT~-la- reported that no less than 65,000 particles were
to which 99mTc-IDA agent is superior forhepa- SinceSubrarnanianintroducedthefirst beledradiopharmaceuticals,whichthus main- necessary for optimal lung imaging. More re-
tobiliary imaging, and it hasbeensuggested ""Tc-labeled boneseeker in 1971 (27), other tain the preferredradiolabeled form. The in cently, however, it hasbecome apparenl that
that actual selection of a 99mTc-IDA agent might improved bone-seeking radiopharmaceuticals vitro stabilizing effect of the antioxidant, gen- improvedresolution of currentscintillation
be basedontheclinical problem at hand. Al- havefollowed. The 99mTc-Iabeled diphospho-
though therapid clearance of these 99mTc-la- nates are the agents of choice for skeletal imag-
beled agents from the liver is largely dependent ing; compared with previous 99mTc-labeledra-
on hepatocelluIar integrity, slight structural dif- diopharmaceuticals,theseagentshavegreater 401
ferences among these agents critically affectthe
rate of excretion from the hepatocytes into bile
(25). In one study (26) in which five different
uptake in bone'and more rapid blood clearance
(28, 29). The fraction of 99mTc-labeledbone
seekers not taken up by bone is rapidly removed
Aa (Both p r o d u c t s
without stabilizers)
99mTc-IDA agents were evaluated in a total of from blood and excreted via glomerular filtra-
115patients, it wasbelieved thatagents that tion. Presently, the ""Tc-labeled diphospho-
clear the hepatobiliary system slower may be nates, medronate (MDP) and oxidronate (HDP),
most suitable for gallbladdervisualization in arethe most widelyused 99mTc-labeledbone
imagingradiopharmaceuticals, with 9 9 m T ~ - ~ x -
idronateshowing slightlybelter boneuptake
Table 6.5. and blood clearance (30). Thus far, no major Tc.99m HEDP
Chemical Structures of' Several 99mTc-labeled clinical differencehasbeen demonstrated be- Tc-99m HOP
Derivalives of Iminodiacetic Acid Which Are tween oxidronate and medronate. One study has
Useful for Hepatobiliary Imaging s h o w that their ability to detect skeletal lesions
is similar (31).
cameras requires an increase in the minimum cost 11. Tubis IM.Posnick E, Nordyke R A Preparation and use applications: evaluationof diseases of the thyroid gland
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150,000 and 250,000 for an adult. Among the worthwhile consideration, is becoming even 12. Zielinski FiV, Holly F E , Robinson GD Jr, et al: Total 25. Bobba VR, KrishnamurthyGT,KingstonE, et al:
several available commercial preparations of more significant. Since the amount of radioac- and individual kidney function assessment with 1-123 Comparison of biokinetics and biliary imaging param-
i . . M A A and HAM, there is a wide variation in the ortho-iodohippurate. Radiology 125:753-759,1977. eters of four Tc-99m iminodiacetic acid derivatives in
. i tivity that may be added to a single vial deter-
number of MAA or HAM particles standardly 13. Arnold RW, Subramanian G, McAfee JG, et al: Com- normal subjects. Clin Nucl Med 8:70-75, 1983.
mines the number of studies that may be per- parison of Tc-99m complexesfor renal ~maging.J Nucl 26. Williams W, Krishnamurlhy GT, Brar HS, et al: Scinti-
contained per vial. For larger nuclear medicine formed, cost effectiveness cannot be based only Med 16357-367, 1975. graphic variations of normal b i I i q pathology. J Nucl
departments, the selection of a particular prod- on vial cost. Subsequently, kits that contain 14. Handmaker H, Young B, h e n s t e i n J: Clinical experi- Med 25:160-165, 1984.
uctthat contains a relativelysmall number of Iargeamounts of ligand or complexingagent ence with Tc-99m DMSA (dimercapto succinic acid) a 27. Subramanian G , McAfee JG: A new complex of %Tc
particles might necessitate the daily preparation new renal imaging agent. J Nucl Med 16:28-32, 1975. forskeletalimaging. Radiology 99:192-196,1971.
usually allow the addition of larger activities of
15. Davis M A ParticulateradiopharmaceuticaIs for pul- 28. Subramanian G , McAfee JG, Blair I u , et a1 Tech-
of several vials in order to perform the desired wmTcduringpreparation,whichpermitsa
. . monary studies. InSubramanian G, Rhodes BA, netium-99m-methylene diphosphonate-a superior
studies in a single day. In this situation, the cost larger number of studies to be pedormed. In Cooper JE Sodd VJ (eds): Rudiopl~mfoceuriculs.New agent for skeletal imaging: comparison with other tech-
for several vials can be significant. these situations, the actual cost per study per- York, Society of NuclearMedicine.1975, pp netium complexes. J Nucl Med 16:744-755, 1975.
Sometimes, however, it may be beneficial to formed drops substantially. Manufacturer pack- 267-281 29. Davis MA, Jones AG: Comparison of BmTc-labeled
use a lung perfusion product that contains small 16. McNeil BJ: A diagnosticstrategyusingventiIation- phosphate and phosphonate agents for skeletal imag-
age inserts usually specify suggested maximum
perfusionstudies in patientssuspect for pulmonary ing. Semin Nucl Med 6:19-31, 1976.
numbers of particles.For example,newborns levels of [99mTc]pertechnetate which can be embolism. J Nlucl Med 1 7 6 1 3 4 1 6 . 1976. 30. Bevan JA, Tofe AJ, Benedict JJ, et a1 Tc-99m HMDP
and infants up to 1 year of age have not fully added to each vial during kit preparation. 17. Coates G, Nahmias C: Xenon-127, a comparison with (hydroxymethylene dipbosphonate): a radiopharmaceu-
developed the number of pulmonary capillaries xenon-I33forventilationimaging. J Nucl Med tical for skeletal and acute myocardial infarct imaging.
found in the adult, and for this reason, it is REFERENCES 18:22 1-225, 1977. II. Comparison oi Tc-99m hydroxymethyIene diphos-
necessary to giveinfantsinjections of propor- 1. Wagner HN Jr, Emmons H: Characteristics of an ideal 18. Hoffer PB, Harper PV, Beck Rh!, et al: lmproved phonate(HMDP)withotherlechneliurn-labeled
radiopharmaceutical. In Andrews GA, Knisely RM, xenon images with Xe-127. J N d Med 14:172-174, boneimaging agents in a canine model. J Nzrcl Med
WagnerHN Jr (eds): Radioaclive Pharnraceuticuls, 1973. 21:967-970,1980.
500,000 particles are consideredsafeforan Atomic Energy Commission Symposium Series No 6. 19. Atkins HL, Susskind H, Kloppcr JF, et al: A clinicaI 31. Van Duzee BE Schaelfer JA, Ball JD, et al: Relative
adult, lung perfusion scans in newborns should Springield, VA, US AtomicEnergy Commission, comparison of Xe-127 and Xe-133 for lung ventilation lesiondekctability of Tc-99m HMDP and Tc-99m
be performed with no more than 50,000 parti- 1966, pp1-32. sludies. J Nfrcl Med 18553-659, 1977. MDP: concisecommunication. J N ~ c lM e d
cles, and infants up to 1 year of age should be 2 . Bell EG, Maher B , McAfee JG, etal: Radiopharma- 20. Fazio R, Jones T Assessmenl of regional ventilation by 25:166-169. 1984.
ceuticals for gammacisternography. In Subramanian conrinuous inhalation of radioactive krypton4 1m. Br 32. Tofe AJ, 3evan IA, Fawzi MB, et 81: Gentisic acid: a
given injections of no more than' 165,000 parti-
G, Rhodes BA, Cooper JF, Sodd VI (eds): Rudiophnr- Med J 3673-676. 1975. new stabilizer for low tin skeletal imaging agents. Con-
cles (34, 35). mflcesliculs. New York, Society of Nuclear Medicine, 21. Taplin GV, Poe ND, Isawa T Radioaerosol inhalation cise communicarion. f Nucl Med 21:366-370, 1980.
1975, pp 399-410. scintigraphy. In Subramanian G. Rhodes BA, Cooper 33. Heck LL. Duley JtV Jr: Statisticalconsiderations in
3. McAfeeJG:Radioactivediagnosticagents:current JF, Sodd VI (eds): Radioplfan~faceuficals. New York. lung imaging with wmTc-albumin particles. Rodiology
Ease of in Situ Preparation problems and limitations. In Subramanian G , Rhodes Sociely of Nuclear Medicme, 1975, pp 305-315. 113675, 1974.
BA, Cooper JF, Sodd VI (eds): RadioplrarrlfaceuricaIs. 22. Froelich JM', Swanson DP: Imaging of the infiam- 34. Heyman S: Toxicity and safety factors associated with
Allbough the ease of in situ preparation may
New York, Society of NuclearMedicine,1975, pp matory process withlabeled cells. Sernirz Hucl Med lung perfusion sludies with Jadiobdbeied particles (lel-
initially appear to be a superficial consideration, 3-14. 14:128-I40, 1984. ter to the editor). J A'ucl Med 20:1098-1099, 1979.
a review is important, since time and handling 4. Larson SM, Nelp WB: Radiopharmacotogy of a sim- 23. Lanlieri RL, Fawcett HD, McKillop IH, et al: Ga-67 or 35. Davis MD,Taube RA: Re: toxicilyand safety factors
of radiopharmaceuticals during their preparation plified *mTc-colloid preparation for photoscanning. J In-1 1 1 white blood ccIl scans for abscess deteclion: a associated with lung perfusionstudieswithradiola-
is likely lo, even with extreme precautions, in- N r d Med 7:817-820, 1966. case of In-1 1 1 , C h Nircl Med 5: 185- 188, 1980. beledparticles(lettertotheeditor). J Nrrcl Med
5 . Taplin GV, Meredith OM, Kade H The radioactive 24. Task force on short-livedradionuclides for medical 201099, 1979.
crease personnel radiation exposure.
('311-tagged) rose bcngal uptake: excretion teslfor liver
function using external gamma-ray scintillation count-
Patient Preparation Requirements ing lechniques. J Lab Clin Med 45665, 1955.
6. Loberg MD, Cooper M, Harvey E, el al: Development
The optimal use of some radiopharmaceuti- of new radiophannaceuticals based uponN-substitution
cals may require patient preparationorsome of iminodiacetic acid. J NucI Med 17533-638, 1976.
type of drug pretreatment to either enhance ra- 7. Van Wyk AJ, Fourie PJ, Van Zyl WH, et al: Synthesis
diopharmaceutical uptake or prevent radiophar- of five new gmTc-HIDA isomers and comparison with
WmTc-HIDA. Eur J Nucl Med 4:445-448, 1979.
maceutical accumulation by certain tissues. Ad- 8 , Cbervu LR, Nunn AD, Loberg MD: Radiophamlaceu-
ditionally, some preexisting clinicalsituations ticalsforhepatobiliaryimaging. Semin A ' d Med
may obviate the use of certain radiopharmaceu- 125-17, 1982.
ticals; e.g., radioiodide thyroid imaging cannot 9. Klopper JF, Hauser W, Atkins HL, et al: Evaluation ol
be performed satisfactorily in patients receiving SmTc-DTPA Tor the measuremenl of glomerular filtra-
tion rale. J Nftcl Med 13:107-110, 1972.
antithyroid drugs such as propylthiouracil 10. Dayton DA, Maher F T , Elveback LR: Renal clearance
(PTU). In these situations, however, pertechne- ~ )pertechnetate. M Q ~ Clin
of technetium ( g P m Tas O Proc
tate thyroid imaging is less affected. 44:539,1969.
Therapeutic Applicarions of Radiopharmaceuticals I 85
body pool of inorganic phosphate and is distrib- thep-emission.Silver (5) haslistedseveral of thetumorand are about 0.3-0.5 mCilgm Synonyms: SodiumIodide I 131 Cap-
uted fairly uniformly throughout the body over possible mechanisms of action: (a) mesothelial (20). sules and Solution Thera-
the first 3 days. Only 12% of the dose decays fibrosis, (b) fibrosis of small blood vessels, (c) peutic by Mallinckrodt
duringthisperiod.After 3 days,preferential direct action on tumor seedlings, and (d) direct Toxicity Iodotope I 131 Capsules
depositionoccurs in bone marrow,liver,and radiation killing of free tumor cells in fluid. Therapy with chromic [32P]phosphate is gen- and Solution by E. R.
spleen, with accumulation of up to ten times as Previously, 1 9 8 Acolloid
~ wascommonly erally well tolerated by most patients, but un- Squibb & S O ~ S
much sodium [32P]phosphate in these tissues as used.Chromic[32P]phosphatehas greater de- toward effects have been associated with its use.
in the rest of the body. structive action per disintegration than does These effects include bone marrow depression, Description
Therefore,thesecompartmentsreceive a gold and avoids the problems of radiation safety pleuritis, nausea, and abdominal cramping. Se- Sodium [1311]iodideisavailable in capsules
greater amount of radiation-absorbed dose (4). associated with the high-energy y- as well as 6- vere necrosis may occur if chromic phosphate is and aqueoussolutionfor oral administration
The kinetics of sodium [32P]phosphate require emission of Ig8Au. Although the literature con- accidentallyinjectedinterstitially or intoa (26-29). The physical half-life of l3II is 8.08
multicompartmental analysis and may differ tains extensive references to its use, 1 9 8 Acol-~ loculation (20). days. Themajory-rayemissionis 364 KeV
from patient to patient due to variations in bone loid is no longer commercially available in the
Pharmacodynamics (80%); the predominant p-emission is 608 KeV
accretion, metabolism, and renal excretion (4). United States. (87.2%). The finaldisintegrationproductis
The kinetics do not lend themselves to estab- The physical half-life of chromic [32Pjphos-
l3lXe. Radioactive iodine (l3II)is produced by
lishing a pharmacokinetic dosing regimen. Indications phate is 14.3 days; the effective half-life is ?he
the fission reaction of 235Uor by irradiation of
Chromic [32P]phosphate is used for the treat- same.
tellurium dioxide. The specific y-ray constant
Monitoring Parameters ment of peritoneal or pleural effusions caused Following the removal of fluid from the ap-
for l3Il is 2.2 WmCi-hr at I cm. The half-value
Inclinicalsituationsinwhichsodium by metastatic disease and, occasionally, for propriate cavity, the prescribed dose of radiocol-
layeris 3 mm of Pb.There is nosterile,
[32P]phosphate is being used therapeutically. [he treatment of primary malignancy. Chromic loid is instilled. Care should be taken to ensure
most important parameters to be monitored are phosphate is employed by either intracavity in- that the needle or catheter is in the proper loca-
available for intravenous administration. The
hematologic (4, 10, 17). stillation (for effusions) or injection directly tion and that free-flowing fluid is in the cavity.
pH of the commercial solution may differ from
In polycythemia vera, the drug should not be into the tumor for treatment of the primary ma- In many institutions, technetium sulfur colloid
the U.S.P. limit of 7.5-9.0. The oral solution
administered if the leukocyte count falls below lignancy. is given first, to be certain the 32P wiII not be and the glass container may darken due to the
50001cu mm or the platelet count is less than Radiocolloids have been used in a Iarge num- injected into a locuiation. Immediately follow-
effects of radiation (27, 29).
100,000-150,000/cu mm (4, 17, 18). ber of malignant diseases, including prostatic ing administration and for several hours there-
The solutions are shipped in lead containers
In the treatment of bone pain from skeletal (21), bladder (22), lung (23),and cervical carci- after, the patient should be asked to move from
(referred to as "pigs") to decrease the external
metastases,sodium[32Pjphosphateusuallyis nomas (24). The only current significant use of one position to another to help achieve a more
radiation. The shielding provided by the manu-
not given when the leukocyte count is less than jZPis in the management of malignant effusions homogenousdispersionwithin thecavity.For
facturer is generally not adequate, so the ''pigs"
2,000-5,000/cu mm and/or theplatelet count (6). It should be emphasized that radiocolloids thebest response,theparticlesshould"plate
should be stored behindadditionalshielding
falls below 50,000-100,000/cu mm (14-16, are palliative agents that have no specific effect out" on the surface of the cavity and irradiale
until the radioactive substanceisused.Oral
18, 19). on thecausative malignantprocess.Chromic the metastatic implants responsible for fluid ac-
solutions of sodium [1311]iodideshould be han-
[32P]phosphate therapy is indicated in those pa- cumulation. Treatment with chromic phosphate
dled with extreme caution, as contaminalion on
Generic Name: Chromic Phosphate P 32 tients whose effusions failto respond to conven- should not be repeated sooner than 3 or 4 weeks
the surface of the containers and volatilization
(U.S.P.); Chromic Phos- tional radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Ther- if the effusion recurs. Some investigators be-
can occur (19, 30). In order to decrease radia-
phate P 32 Suspension apy is restricted to patientsin whom centrifuged Iieve that four instillations should be attempted
tion dose to personnel, it is good practice to
Synonym:Phosphocol P 32 by Mal- effusionspecimens have demonstratedmalig- before the malignant effusion is considered re-
handle allvolatile radiopharmaceuticais in an
linckrodt nant cells, since radiocolloids areof no value in fractory (4).
approved fume hood (30).
the treatment of nonmalignant effusions (4). In
Description Monitoring Parameters
bloody effusions, the treatment with radiocol- Mechanism of Action
Chromic [32P]phosphate is commercially loid may be less effective (20). Palliativesuc- All contaminated equipment and intravenous
lines used in instillation of the radiopharmaceu- Sodium [1311]iodide isreadily absorbed by the
available as asterile,pyrogen-free suspension cess with adequate control of fluid accumulation gastrointestinal tract and is handled by the body
in a 30% dextrose solutionwith 2% benzyl is reportedly achieved in 5040% of cases (4). tical should be handled according to good radia-
tion protectionmeasures.Thecontaminated in the same manner as stable iodide, being re-
alcohol as apreservative (20). The suspension is movedfromthe blood streamalmostex-
ablue-greencolorwithaparticlesize of Dose supplies should be placed in a safe place and
storeduntilthe radioactivityhasdecayed to cIusively by the thyroid and kidney. Iodide is
0.5-1.5 W , Thesuggesteddoserangeemployed in the
background or should be disposed of with other concentratedto alesser extent inthesalivary
average 75-kg patient is 10-20 mCi for intra- glandsandstomach;itreenterstheintestinal
Mechanism of Action radioactive waste in an accepted manner (25).
peritonea1 instillation and 6-12 mCi for intra- tract in secretions from theseorgansand is
The therapeutic action of chromic [3ZP]phos- pleural instillation. Doses for inlerstitial use Gcneric Name: Sodium Iodide I 131 Cap- again absorbed into the circulation. Radioiodine
phate is accomplished by local irradiation from should be based on the estimated gram weight sules a n d Solution (U.S.P.) can also be found in nasal secretions, nlouth,
88 I Essentinls of NuclearMedicineScience Theropeutic Applications oSRadiophormacelcticaIs I 89
trachea, female breast (including the nonlactat- ministered from the lead container with several 3. ParkerRP, Smith PHs, Taylor DM: Basic Science of 21. Rusche C, Jaffc HL: Palliatative meatment of prostatic
ing breast), gallbladder, liver, and intestine (28). rinses of the vial with water. Nuclear Medicine. New York, Churchill Livingstone, cancer with radioactivecolloidalchromicphosphate:
The dosage for hyperthyroidism varies with 1978. three yearsexperience and resulls. I Urol 74:393,
Indications its cause. For Graves' disease, a range of 3-10 4. Blahd WH: Nrtcleor Medicine. New York, McGraw- 1957.
Radioactive iodine therapy is indicated in cer- mCi is used. Although some clinicians attempt Hill, 1971. 22. Christensen WR, Weaver RG: Transcystoscopic
5. Silver S: RadioacriwNuclides i f fMedicirle and B i d - tion of tumors of the bladder wilh radioactivecolloldal
tain patients with carcinomas ofthe thyroid. to calculate a dose basedon the sizeof the gland ogy: Medicine, ed 3. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, chromicphosphate. J [!I? Coli Surg 28:138,1957.
Well-differentiated carcinoma of the thyroid, and the percentuptake of atracer amount of 1968. 23. Hahn PF, Memeely GR, Carlson RI, Alsobrook W :
papillary or follicular carcinoma, usually accu- iodine, many physicians find a fixed dose to be 6. Maynard CD: Clinical Nuclear M e d i c i m Philadel- Adjuvant use of silver-coated radioactive gold in treat-
mulate radioiodine. Akhough this accumulation justaseffective.Patientswithtoxicmulti- phia, Lea & Febiger, 1971. men1 of bronchogenic carcinomaby pneumoneclomy. J
is generally significantly less than that in nor- 7 . ShtaseI P Speak IO M e in Nuclear Medicine. Hagers- N d Med 1:273. 1960.
nodular goiter are more resistant to therapy and
town, MD, Harper & Row, 1976. 24. Allen W M , Sherman AI, Amcson AN: Further results
mal thyroid, large doses of radiation can still be doses in the range of 15-30 mCi are commonly 8.Subramanian C, Rhodes B A , Cooper JG, Sodd VJ: obtained in the trealrnenl of cancer or the cervix with
delivered by orally administered radioiodine used. Radiopharmacelrfical. New York, Society of Nuclear radiogold: a progress report. Am J Ubster Gyrrecol
when the normal thyroid is ablated by surgery The most common side effectof a radioactive 1975. Medicine, 70386, 1955.
or radioiodine therapy. Radioiodine will also be iodine therapy is thegradualdevelopment of 9 , Title 10: Code of Federal Regrrlutloru. Washin$on, 25. Title 10: Code of Federal Reg~rlu/iufrs.Washington,
accumulated by a small percentage of anaplastic DC,Nuclear Rcgulalory Commission, Chap 1,Par1 35, DC, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Chap 1 , P a l20.
hypothyroidism. There is no increasedinci-
Secc 35.1-35.100. 26. ER Squibb & Sons: MedotopeDivision. New
tumors. dence of thyroid carcinoma. In fact, treated pa- 10. Wasserman LR, Brown SM: Polycythemia vera. In Bmnswick, NJ.
Radioactive iodine isaIso used to treat benign tients have a lower risk of cancer than the gen- HollandJF,Frei E I11 (eds): Currer Medicine. Phila- 27. ER Squibb & Sons: Technical Data Sheel:Iodotope.
thyroid disease, primarily hyperlhyroidism. In eralpublic.Radioiodineadministrationis delphia. Lea & Febiger, 1974, pp 1359-1374. Sodium Iodide 13'1 Capsules and Solution, April 1969.
fact, l3]I is an excellent alternative to Iong-term contraindicated in pregnant or nursing mothers. 11. Gardner FH: Treatment of polycythemia vera (p. vera). 28. PochinEE:Radioiodinelherapy of tbyroidcancer.
antithyroidtreatmentand has virtually elimi- Sernirr Hernarol 3220, 1966. Semi?!Nncl Med 1(4):503, 1971.
Toxicity 12. Gilbert HS: Problems relating to control of polycythe- 29. MallinckrodtNuclear:Sodium Iodide 131-1 Capsules
nated surgery as a form of therapy in patients
mia vera: the use of alkylatingagents. Bbod 32500, and SolulionTherapeutic. Technical ProductReport,
with Graves' disease and toxic multinodular Potential side effects, although not common, 1968. 1178. 117
goiter. includebone marrow depression,blooddys- 13. Kenny JM, Marinelli LD, \Voodward SQ: Tracer stud- 30. Rubin LM, Miller KL, Schadt WW: A solution to the
crasias,chromosomalabnormalities,andpul- ies with radioactivephosphorus inmalignant neoplastic radioiodinevolatilizationproblem. Henllll Phys
Dose monary fibrosis (28, 29). disease. Radiology 37:683-687, 1941. 32:307,1976.
14. Tong ECK, Finkelstein P The lreatment of prostalic 31. Hanslen P D Drug hrteractions. PhiladeIphia, Lea &
The dosage required for a patient usually is bone metaslases with parathormone and radloaclive Febiger, 1976.
determined by the distribution of metastatic dis- phosphorus. J Urol 109:71-75, 1973. 32. McCowen KD, Adler RA, Ghaed N, e l al: Low dose
ease on an I3'I scan. Since uptake of iodine by After oral administration of radioiodine, ap- 15. Tong ECK: Parathormone and P-32 therapy in proslatic radiodine thyroid ablation in postsurgical patients with
the [urnor tissue is low, patients are allowed to proximateiy 40% of the activity has an effective cancer with bone metaslases. Radiology 98:343-351, lhyroid cancer. Am J Med 61 5 2 , 1976.
half-life 6 0 . 3 4 days, and 60% has an effective 1971, 33. 3ienualles JW: The treatment of thyroid cancer with
becomehypothyroid so that theirendogenous radioactive iodine. SeminNrrcl Med 8:79, 1978
half-life of 7.61 days (29). The main route of 16. Convin SH, Malament M, Small M: Experiences with
TSH will stimulate iodine uptake by the tumor P-32 in advanced carcinoma of the prostate. J Urol 34. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measure-
cells. Recent exposure Lo stableiodine in arty excretion is via the kidneys; therefore, the pa- 1W745-748, 1970. ments: Precauriom i n the Managemen/ ofPurients Who
form(especiallycontrast agentsused in radi- tient should be adequately hydrated to ensure 17. ER Squibb & Sons: Technical Data Sheel. Medotopes. Have Received Theraperrtic Amounts ofRadiornuclides.
ology) or to thyroid medications will decrease rapid elimination of the iodine that is not incor- Squibb Hospital Division,PO Box 4000, Princeton. NJ Report No. 37. Nalional Council on Radiation Protec-
porated into the tumor. 08540. lion and Measurements, 1970.
[he amount of iodine uptake (31). Therefore, a 35, Brodsky A: Principles and Prucrices fur Keepirzg Oc-
18. Mallinckrodt: Technical Product Data. Mallinckrodt. S I
thorough history should be obtained before Louis, MO 63184. crrpariuml Radiarim Elposures a1 Medical Insrilurions
Monitoring Parameters
scanning or treatment. 19. SiIberslein EB: Radionuclide therapy of hemalologic as Low as Reasonably Achiewble, NUREG0267.
If the scan shows activity only inthe surgical Depression of the hematopoietic system may disorder. Sernird Nucl Meed 9:100, 1979. Washington, DC, Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
bed, it is difficult to determinewhether this occur when large doses of sodium [1311]iodide 20. MallinckrodtNuclear: Phosphocol P-32. Technical 1977,
represents local tumor or residual thyroid. Some are administered. The patientshouldbefol- Product Data Report 8/76.
clinicians will treat with 30-mCi doses, assum- Iowed with appropriatebloodtests.Stringent
ing that the activity is residualthyroid (32).The enforcement of all health physics precautions is
30-rnCi dose allows the patient to be treated as imperative for protection of personnel and pa-
an outpatient. A more aggressive approach is Lo tients. Excellent government publications con-
give doses in the range of 100-1 50 mCi. Usu- cerning these precautions are available (34, 35).
ally, palients thal show activity in the lungs are REFERENCES
trealed with 175 mCi, and those with bone me-
1.Hendee WR:Medical Radiation I'hpics. Chicago,
tastases are treated with 200 mCi (33). YearBook Medical hbiishcrs, 1970.
The dose should always be checked immedi- 2 . Mladjenovid M: Karliuisotope arld Radiariorl Pl~ysics.
atelyprior to administration. It should be ad- Ncw York, Academic Prcss, 1973.
Preparaiion and Clinical Uriiily $Labeled Blood Products I 91
,i ,
Preparation and Clinical Utility of Labeled 2, Add 25 c~Ciof sodium [Wrjchromate toeach
3. Incubate (with rotalion) for 20 minutes. RADIOLABELED RED CELLS:
, .
Blood Products 4. Add approximately 50 mg of ascorbic acid (0.1
ml of Cervalin, 500 mg/rnl) to each vial to stop
the reaction. 51Cr-Iabeled red cells are used infrequently at
5 . Spin in a cenlrifuge for 5 minutes at 450 x g. the present time. They are restricted to studies
6 . Vent the vial with a needle. of red cell survival, red cell mass, and splenic
7. Draw offplasmawithasyringe (top half)and sequestration. In some patients, red cells seem
save the plasma.
Among thesignificantadvances in nuclear half-life is 14.2 days. It should be noted that the 8. Dilute cells with saline up to the 10-ml markin a to be destroyed at an accelerated rate. By injec-
medicine over the past decade, the one that has biological half-life of red bloodcellslabeled vial and mix. tion of 51Cr-labeled red cells and then drawing
9. Spin again in the centrifuge for 5 minutes. of samples at various times, a curvecanbe
had probabIy the greatest clinicaI impact is the with W r is significantly longer when the half- 10. Draw off thesalineportion (top half) with a constructed that indicates the average survival
use of radiolabeledred cells, leukocytes, and life is delemined by whole body counting than syringe. time for a red cell. The true mean half-life span
platelets. Labeled red bloodcells(RBC) are when it is determined by counting samples of 11. Measure the wash and plasma (from step 7) in
used daily in mostnucIear medicinedepart- peripheral blood. This implies that the 51Cr la- the dosecalibrator and calculate labeling effi- of the normal erythrocyte is 50-60 days. How-
ciency. ever, the W r study gives a normal mean half-
ments. bel is not promptly excretedat the endof the red
12. Resuspend the cells in saline up to an approxi- life valueof only 25-35 days, because about
cell life-span and that it is probably sequestered
PREPARATION OF RADIOLABELED mate 50% hemalocril (packed cell voIume). 1% of the label elutes from red cells each day
in reticuloendothelial organs such as the spleen. 13. Dispense the twovialswithappropriatepaper-
RED BLOOD CELLS In Table 8,1, the procedure for radiolabeling work,
(1 8).
The agcnts available for tagging red cells are red blood cells with 51Crin current use at the For a determination of whelher the spleen is
s'Cr, %"Tc, and Illln. These agents are indis- Intermountain Radiopharmacy, University of * Squibb ACD solution modified, list 10320. sequestering red cells, SICr-labeledred cells are
criminate and label circulating cells of all ages. Utah, is detailed. 51Cr-labeled red cells can be injected and then activityismeasured with a
51Cris the isolope most commonly employed utilized for spleen sequestration studies byheat- probe placed over the heart and spleen. Increas-
for the measurement of red cell life-span and ing the labeled cell for20 minutes at 49.5" C. A the injection of 99mTc-pertechnetate* alters the ing countsfrom the spleenover several days
mass, Red cell labeling with 51Cr has been in recentreport indicates that thechromium-la- in vivo distribution of the 99nLTc-pertechnetate indicatepreferential sequestration of red cells
use since the early 1950s when Gray and Sler- beled red cellsheated in saline have shorter (9). Although99n1Tc-pertechnetatealonedoes (18).
ling first described its use (1-4), 51Cr is avail- clearance times than thoseheatedaspacked not bind strongly to red blood cells in vivo, the 99mTc-labeledred cells are used far more fre-
able as sodium chromate. Because the product cells or in plasma (5). pre-tinning of red cells allows the administered quently than are Wr-labeled cells. The primary
has such high specific activity, adequate red Redbloodcellslabeledwithlllln-oxine 99mTc-perlechnetate to enter into the cells, be use of 99mTc-labeledred cells is for cardiovascu-
blood cell tagging can be obtained with a mini- (oxyquinoline)are used occasionally.Thead- reduced, and become firmly bound to cellular lar studies. With use of a gamma camera inter-
mal incubation time. Chromium is available in vantage of lilIn-oxine-labeled red blood cells is components (10). The in vivo method requires faced to a computer, a "motion picture" of the
the hexavalent ( + 6) state, in which form it that the physical half-lifeof lllIn of 2.8 days two injections,andnohandling of blood is heart ejecting the radiolabeled red cells can be
readily penetrates the red blood cell, attaches to (67.2hours)allows for serialimaging (6-8). involved. Labeling efficiency ranges from 60% obtained. The function of the walls of the heart
the hemogIobin, and is reduced to the trivalent ) j 1 h decays by electron capture with 173-keV
to 90% with use of this method. and the amount of blood ejected can be meas-
( + 3) state, The chromium forms a moderately and 247-keV photons. The radiolabeling of red If higher labeling efficiencies are necessary, ured. These studiesare useful in diagnosing and
stable label within the red cell until the cell is bloodcellswith IIlIn-oxine is relatively easy in vitro radiolabeling may be used. The in vitro evaluating patients with atherosclerotic coro-
sequestered. The radiolabel then can elute from and requires only that thecellsuspensionbe method (see Table 8.2) requires the removal of n a r ya r t e r yd i s e a s e ,c a r d i o m y o p a t h i e s ,
the cell and is excreted, mainly in the urine. In incubatedforapproximately 15 minuteswith bloodfromthepatient,radiolabelingwith adriamycin cardiotoxicity, valvularheart dis-
the trivalent state, Y r is not reutilized in the the lllIn-oxine solution. 9 9 m Tand ~ , reinjection into the patient ( I I , 12). ease, cardiac shunts, ventricular aneurysms,
body for radiolabeling red cells in vivo. Several methods to radiolabel red blood cells Thecombinedmethodutilizes an in vivo and myocardial contusions (19).
The physical half-life of 51Cr is 27.8 days, with 99n1Tc are currently available. These meth- tinning procedure followed bytheaddition of Theother area in which 99mTc-labeledred
and the decay occurs mainly byK-capture. Nine ods usually are classified as in vitro, in vivo, or 99"1Tc-pertechnetateto a samplewithdrawn cells are frequently used is in diagnosing sites of
percent of total emissions is in the form of a a combination of both. gastrointestinal (GI) hemorrhage (13). GI
320-keV y-ray which,although not ideal for The in vivomethod of radiolabeling red bleeding is often intermittent in nature. There-
*Allhough sodium [~mTcIpcrtechnclaleis preferred by
imaging, allows measurements with use of a blood cells is based on the observation that the IUPAC, wmTc-pertechnetate is slandard, and bolh are used fore, having 99mTc-labeiedred cells constantly
properlyshielded well counter. Theeffective administration of stannous compounds prior to lhroughoul this chapkr. circulating in the body is an excellent way to
92 1 Essentials of N d e a r Medicine Science Preparahn and Clinical Utiliry of Labeled Blood Producis I 93
hematocril is low. Ficoll-Hypaque separations have been used ex- cells to a sufficient degree. Unfortunately, some
3. Mix immediately to dissolve [he freeze-dried solids in the bloodand gently rotale the tube for 5 minutes at tensively, some studies have indicated that this of the lipophilic chelates eluted from the cells
room lemperature. mixture may diminish leukocyte viability (21). before intracellular labeling occurred. One that
4 . Add1 ml ofa 4.4%EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid,disodiumsalt)solution.Drawanequal
Thishas led some investigators to use a more did not, yet radiolabeled cellsefficiently, was
volume of air to avoid pressure buildup in the tube.
5 . Mix briefly by gently inverting about five times, and centrifuge the tube upside down for5 minutes at 1300 innocuous gradient material, Percoll. "'In-oxine.Since"lln-oxine wasfirstdeter-
X g (2900 rpm for a 14-cm spin radius; full-speed setting on InternalionaI Clinical Centrifuge CL Model Thepioneering work inleukocytelabeIing mined by McAfee and Thakur to be the best
20928m). was performed by McAfee and Thakur in 1976 radioIabeling agent, it has gone on to become
6. Maintain the tube in the inverled position to avoid disturbing the packed RBC. With a standard 20-gauge (22, 23). These investigalors looked at a large the most widely used agent for leukocyle label-
sterile needle and a 2'/2-3-m1 sterile disposable syringe, withdraw 1.25-2.0 ml of RBC (depending on
number of both soluble and particulate agents ing.
volume of whole blood used) and transfer to the premeasured lechnelium prepared in step 1. To remove the
RBC from the upside-down Vacutainer tube, make sure the plunger of the 3-ml syringe is pushed all the for labeling neutrophils.In these studies, partic- Several methods for radiolabeling leukocytes
way into (he syringe barrel before puncturing (he Vaculainer stopper-injection of air into the settledRBC ulate agentspresentedseveral problems, with with ll1In have been reported (24-27). In Table
will resuspend [he cells, Once the needle has just penetrated the Vacutainer stopper, remove [he RBC in one the major one being that of separating unbound 8 . 3 the method for radiolabeling leukocytes
smooth plunger withdrawal movement-ejection of cells from the syringe back into the Vaculainer tube radioactive parlicles and cells with particles ad- with ]"In-oxine used at lhe University of Utah
will resuspend the remaining cells, and (he operation cannot be continued without recenlrifugation.
herent to (he surface from those cells that have Medical Center is described.
7.. Incubate the 99mTc-RBC mixture for 10 minutes at room temperature wilh gentle mixing.
8 , Assay and dilute appropriately for injection. Cell separation and yield determination at this point consis- !
tently give yield of 98% or more.
9. The described procedure yields an excellent agenr for blood pool imaging and red cell mass studies.
Table 8.3.
Subslitution of the following for step 7 produces an ideal splenic agent: lncubate the technetium RBC
mixture 15 minutes at 49" C with gentle mixing. Procedure for LabeIing Autologous Leukocytes with tllIn-Oxine
1, Collect 40 cc of whole blood in a 50-cc syringe containing5 cc of ACD solulion and mix well. Add 1 part
Hespan (6% Hetastarch, a settIing agent) to 10 parts whole blood in the syringe.
2. Place the syringe in a clamp at an 80" angle, with the needle up, and allow the RBC to settle.
3. Remove the needle from the syringe and replace with a buttemy catheter.
4. Take a 50-mf sleriIe propylene centrifuge tube with a screw top and express the supernatant containine the
leukocyte-rich plasma from the syringe into the centrifuge tube, be& careful not to collect any f B C .
5 To obtain the while blood cell(s) (WBC) button, centrifuge the supernatant collected in step 4 a1 450 X g
diagnose GI hemorrhage. The other radiophar- PREPARATION OF llJI~-LABELED for 5 minutes.The WBC buttonwillcontainsomeRBC.Thisisnormalandwillnotaffectthe
maceutical used for GI bleeding studies, 99mT~- LEUKOCYTES preparation.
labeled sulfurcolloid,hasbeen shown to be Since the radioactive agents currently avail- 6 . Pour of€ the leukocyle poor plasma (LPP) and the supernatant into an identical sterile centrifuge tube and
much less effeclive. This is because the clear- able radiolabel all cell types indiscriminately, it 7. Resuspend the WBC button by gently adding 5 ml of sterile saline. Agitate very genlly to resuspend the
ance half-time for sulfur colloid isso short and, is necessary first to separate the leukocytes WBC button. Spin down and discard the wash.
therefore,intermittentbleeds will bemissed. from the remainder of the blood cells. Manip- 8. Resuspend with 5 ml of saline and add 650 FCi of '[]In-oxine to the concentrated cell suspension and
, . The red cell study is most useful in evaluating ulation of the blood in vitro can decrease leuko- incubale for 20-30 minutes. Gently agitate the mixture three or four times during incubation to ensure
adequate mixing.
lower GI bleeding (colon). Bleeding sites in the cyte viability, so extremecaremustbe taken
9. After the incubation is compIeted, use a 10-mI disposable syringelo withdraw 5 mI of LPP from the tube
upper GI tract (esophagus and stomach) are best during cell separation. or step 6 , gently add [his lo the labeled WBC-saIine mixture, and agilate gently to resuspend the labcled
diagnosed by endoscopy ratherthan by radionu- For clinical examinations such as for abscess celIs. Centrifuge the mixture for 5 minutes at 450 X g. Four the supernatant into a separate container and
clide studies. detection,mixedleukocytepreparationsare counl each fraclion for labeling efficiency.
Occasionally, ""Tc-labeled red cells are heat adequate. McAfee et al. (21) compared the con- 10. Assay the wash and cells in the dose calibrator. The labeling efficiency is calculated by the formula:
damaged before injection, which causes them to centration of a pure preparation of radiolabeled +
E = [C/(C W)] X loo%, where C i s the activity associated wilh thecells, W is the aclivity associated
with the wash, and E is [he Iabeling efficiency.
be preferentiallytaken up bythespleen (20). leukocytes to a mixed cell suspension in experi- 1 1 . Using a 10-mI syringe, withdraw 6 ml of LPP saved from step6 , add this to the IabeIed WBC button, and
Sludies of heat-damaged red cells areused to mental abscesses and found no significant dif- agitalc gently lo resuspend the labeled cclls.
diagnosesplenomegaly,splenicinfarction, tu- ference. The simplest way to obtain mixed leu- 12. The 1"In-labeled leukocytes are now ready for injection back inlo the palient. Save the small amount of
mors of thespleen,hematomassecondary to kocyte populationsis with gravitysedimenta- labcled celIs remaining in the tube for a WBC countand microscopic examination. The amountof activity
trauma, and accessory spleens. tion of erylhrocyles. For hastening of sedimen- in the find product should be limited to 500 pCi.
94 I Essentials of Nuclear MedicineScierrce Preparariou and Clinical Ufiliry of Labeled Blood Products f 95
The clinical utility of ll'In-oxine-labeled leu- oxine, reduces cell viability. In studies in which GI tract. Less commonly, abscesses result from cumulation of lllIn-labeledleukocytesinthe
kocytes has stimulated the development of other "'In-oxine-labeled leukocytes are directly com- complications involving the genitourinary sys- lungs and 10% of patients with diffuse pulmon-
labeling agents, especially tropolone. Tro- paredwith ll'ln-~opo~one-labeledleukocytes, tem. A mortaIity rate of 35% or higher is asso- ary uptake of radiolabeled leukocytes actually
polone is another lipophilic chelating agent that, however, no significant difference in their clini- ciated with untreated intraabdominal abscesses; have an infection.
like oxine, forms 3:1 complexes with lllIn and calability to detect abscesseshasbeen noted therefore, theimportance of prompt, accurate Finally, the scan doesnot appear to be helpful
can be used to radiolabel neutrophils (28). The (7-9). detection is obvious. Because an abscess is an indiagnosinginfectedheart valves (subacute
radiolabeling technique for lllIn-lropolone is lllln-oxineisstillthe prevalent method in accumulation of leukocytes, radiolabeling of the bacterial endocarditis (SBE)) (40). This is sig-
. .. similar to that for "'In-oxine (although some- use. This agent is no longer an investigational patient's own leukocytes with y-emitting radio- nificant because SBE is often considered in the
what simpler and quicker) with one major ex- radiopharmaceutical(since January 1986), and nuclides is a (theoretically) logical way to detect differential diagnosis of fever of unknown ori-
ception:thecells do not need to be removed therefore,itis available to all physiciansli- these focal infections. Clinical trials have con- gin.
from ulasma for cell labeling. One method cur-
censed to receive Il'In. firmed that leukocytescanning is a sensitive
rentlyinuseforlllIn-tropolonelabelingis means of detectingsites of infection.Sen- PREPARATION OF "'IN-LABELED
given in Table 8.4. RADIOLABELED
LEUKOCYTES: sitivities as high as 95% have been reported for PLATELETS
The advantages- of "'In-lropolone over IlLIn- CLINICAL UTILITY scans with "'In-labeled leukocytes (30, 31). "'In-labeled platelets offer several advan-
oxine as a labeling agent are controversial. Pro- The primary useof "'In-labeled leukocytes is In addition to intraabdominalabscesses, tages over5'Cr-labeled platelets: (a) higher pho-
.. ..
ponents of tropolone argue that it is less loxic
than oxine (28). More importantly, they believe
for the diagnosis of intraabdominal abscesses.
These frequently occur as cornplicalions of sur- ..
imaging with "'In-labeled leukocytes is helpful
in evalualing a number of other disorders. Ra-
, ton yield, (b) more desirable imaging energies,
: . and IC) less blood required for labeling. These
that depriving cells of plasma, as required with gery, injuries, or inflammatory diseases of the diolabeled leukocytescanbe used to evaluate advantages make "'In a more desirable radionu-
patients with inflammatory bowel disease (32). clide for imagingplatelet distribution and quan-
Attemptsto use [67Ga]gaIliumcitrate in these tifying organ uptake. The radiolabeling of plate-
'I .
patients have been suboptimal,since W a is letswithillInpresentsgreatertechnical
Table 8.4.
normally excreted in the GI tract. Leukocytes, problems thanthe radiolabeling of leukocytes
Preparation of 1I'In-Tropolone-labeled Leukocytes on the other hand, normally are not excreted in with I1'ln. In orderto ensure that platelets retain
the bowel and, therefore, have a much greater theirviabilityand do notaggregate prior to
1. Collect 40 cc of whole blood in a 50-cc syringe containing 5 cc of ACD solution and mix well.
2. Add 1 part Hespan (6%Hetastarch) to 10 parts whole blood in the syringe. potential for evaluating these diseases. In addi- reinjection, care must be taken during their ra-
3. Invert and place the syringe in'an incubator (37" C) with the needle up and allow the mixture to settlefor tion Lo imaging patients, stools can be collected diolabeling. Since the original article by Thakur
30 minules. and counted to follow the activity of the disease (41), various methods for radiolabelingplateIets
4 . Express leukocyte-rich plasma (LRP) through a 19-gauge buttemy into a 50-ml centrifuge lube. (33). have appeared in the literature (42-44). The
5 . Centrifuge [he LRP for 5 minulesat 450 X g.
Scans with "'In-labeled leukocytes are occa- radiolabeling of platelets has been the subject of
6. Pour off the supernatant into anorher 50-1111 centrifuge tube labeled platelet poor plasma (PPP).
7. Centrifuge thelubelabeled FPP for 5 minutesat 1600 X g. sionally used to diagnose transplant rejection of several symposiums (45, 46). The University of
8. Add 0.1 ml of topolone solution*(26 pg/O.1 d in HEPES buffer) to the cell button left over from step 4. both the kidneys and the hearl, since there is a Utahcurrenlly utilizesa modification of the
9. Add 700 pCi of Il'In-chloride to the bullon and tropolone solution and resuspend. leukocyte infiltrationassociated with rejection method reported by Heaton et al. (43) for the
10. Incubate the cells in the incubator at 37" C for IO minules. (34,35). In addition,radiolabeledleukocytes labeiing of autologous platelets (Table 8 , 3 .
11, "Wash" the cells with 6 ml of the supernatant in (he centrifuge tube labeled PPP. This will "scavenge"
have been used for diagnosing prosthetic graft
any free Illln-chloride left in solulion. RADIOLABELED PLATELETS:
12. Centrifuge the cells and PPP for 5 minutes at 450 X g. infections (36).
13. Pour off the supernatant into a tube labeled "wash" and assay i l for activity. The use of lllIn-labeled leukocytes in bone CLINICAL UTILITY
14. Resuspend the cell button in 6 r n I of PPP. and joint infections iscontroversial. With use of The utility of radiolabeled plalelets has been
15. Assay the cells for activity. "'In-labeledleukocytes,someinvestigators examined in a variety of diseases. At thepresent
16. Delemine tagging efficiency. havereported very high sensitivities for these
17. Dispense 500 pCi of activity associated with the leukocytes. time, however, the role of platelet scintigraphy
18. Count the number of WBC in a hemocytometer and examine microscopically. infections,whereas others havereported only in routine clinical practice has not been estab-
about 50% sensitivity in their patient popuia- lished. Because platelets are an important part
* Preparation of tropolone solution is carried out by following these steps: tions (37, 38). All investigators, however, have of the body's clotting mechanism, it is not sur-
I . Dissolve 238.3 rng of HEPES buffer (MW 238.3; Aldrich Chemical, Milwaukee, W1 53201) in 40 ml of found that when there is bone or joint uptake of prising that the main interest in using radiola-
normal saline. radiolabeled leukocytes, it is quite specific for beled platelets has been in the diagnosis of deep
2. Add 10 mg of tropolone (MW 122.12; Aldrich Chemical, Milwaukee, N'l53201) and dissolve completely infection. venousthrombosis in thelegs.Studies have
in MEPES solution. Imaging with "'In-labeled leukocytes is not indicated[hat L1lIn-labeledplateletsare a sen-
3. Adjustto pH 7.6 with 0.1 N NaOH. useful in suspected pulmonaryinfection (39).
4. Add normal saline up to a volume of 50 ml. sitive technique for diagnosing fresh clot (47).
5. Filter 20 ml into a 20-ml sterile evacuatcd vial with 0.22-p. Milliporc Alter. Unfortunately, numerous noninfectious disor- The degree of uptake of ll'ln-labeled platelets,
6 . Solution is stable for a( leas13 months; 0.1 ml of this solution yields20 pg of tropolone in a 20-ml solulion ders result in leukocyteuptake in thelungs. however,decreasesasthethrombusages.
of HEPES buffer. Onlyabout 50% of patientswithfocalac- Therefore,thescanis lessuseful in patients
96 1 Essenfiuls of Nuclear Medicine Science Prepororion and Clinical Utilig of Labeled Blood Prodrtcts t 97
Table 8.5. osclerosis in the carotid arteries.The results Deleclion of gaslrointestina1 bleeding with 99mTc-la- 31, Datz F L , Jacobs J, Baker W,et al: Decreased sensitivity
beled red blood cells. Senzin Nucl Med 12139, 1979. of early imaging wilh In-1 1I oxine-labeled leukocytes
Preparation of ~1~In-labeled Platelels with'"In-labeledplateletshave beenmixed. 14.Armas R , Thakur ML, Gottschalk, A : A simple indetection of occultinfection. J N u c l Med
Despitehighexpectations, "'In-labeledplate- method of spleenimagingwith99mTc-labeled 25:303-306,1984.
1. Draw 43 rnl of whole blood in 7 m l of ACD. lets have added little to our understanding of the erythrocytes. Rudiology 132215, 1979. 32. Saverymuttu SH, Peters AN, Hodgson HJ, et al: 1%-
2. Cenkifuge at 200 X g for 15 minutes. pathogenesis,diagnosis, or treatment of athe- 15. Armas RR, Thakur ML. Gottschalk A: A simplified dium leukocyte scanning in small bowel Crohn's dis-
3. Separate pIatelet-richplasmaandcentrifugeat method of selective spleen scintigraphy with Tc-99m- ease. Gustruintest Radio[ 8:157-161, 1983.
2000 X g for 10 minutes. roscleroticdisease(48).ll'In-labeled platelets
labelederythrocytes:clinicalapplications:concise 33. Saverymultu SH, Peters AN. Lavender P, et aI: Quan-
4 . Retainplasma. have not been found to be of much help in the
communication. JNrtcl M e d 21:413, 1980. titative fecai indium-111 labeled leukocyte excretionin
5. Resuspend plalelels in 6 ml of ACD/saline.' diagnosis of other vascular abnormalities, such 16. Callahan RJ, Froelich JW, McKusick KA, e[ al: A the assessment of disease in Crohn's disease. Gastroen-
6 . Centrifugeat 2000 X g for 10 minulesand as aortic aneurysms (49). modified method for the in vivo labeling ofred blood lerology85:1333-1339.1983.
discard the rinse solution. lllIn-labeled platelets appear LO be useful in cellswithTc-99m:concisecommunication. J &cl 34. Forstrum LA, Lahcn MK,Cook A, et al:In-111 la-
7. Resuspend in 5 ml of ACDlsaline and add 800 Med 23315, 1982. beledleukocytes in thediagnosis of rejectionand
&Ci 1 11 In-oxine .
detecting sites of GI hemorrhage in patients
17. Porter WC, Stuart MD, Freilas JE, el al: Acid-citrale- cylomegaIovirus infection in renal lransplant patients.
8. Incubate at room temperature for 20 minutes. who have very low bleeding rates (50). In addi- dextrose compared with heparin in the preparation of in Clin Nucl Med 6: 146- 149, 198I .
9. Add 6 ml of ACD plasma from step 4. tion, radiolabeled platelets are used to evaluate vivolin vitro technetium-99m rsd blood cells. J Nucl 35.Oluwale F, WangT.Fawwaz R, etal: Evaluation of
10. Cenlrifuge at 2000 X g for 10 minutes. the thrombogenicity of various man-made mate- Med 24:388. 1983. cardiac allogralt with indium-I 11 labeled cells. Trans-
11. Save the wash and caIculate labeling efficiency. rials that are used in the human body, such as 18. McIntyre P, Dubos PE: The blood.In Rocha AFG, planr Proc 13:1616-1619, 1981.
12. Resuspendin 5 ml plasmasaved from step 4. Harbert JC (eds): Te.rrbook ofNucleur Medicine: Clini- 36. McKeown PP, MillerDC, Jarnieson SW, etal: Diag-
Radiolabeled platelets are ready for patient use.
catheters (48).
catApplicurions. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger,1979, nosis of arterialprostheticgraftinrection by in-
REFERENCES pp 388-434. dium-1 11 oxinewhite blood cellscans. Circztlnriorl
* ACDlsaline is a 1:7 dilution of Squibb-modified 19. Berger HJ, Zarel BJ: Radionuclide assessment of car- 66(SuppI I): 130-134,1982.
ACD solution with 0.9% NaC1 and pH adjusted lo 1. Gray SJ, Sterling K: Determination o l circulaling red
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2. Gray SJ, Sterling K: The tagging of redceIlsand 3. New York, GNne & Slratton,1984, pp 364-478. AJR 139:1077-1082,1982.
clumping during centrifugalion. It is difficult to esti- 20. Srivaslava SC, Chewu LR: Radionuclide-labeled red 38.Coleman RE, WeIch DM, Baker WJ, et al: Clinical
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mateplaleletviabilityin vitro, butaggregation to blood ceIls: current stalus and future prospects. Senzin experience using indium-I 11 labeledIeukocytes. In
ADP is somewhat recovcrable by adding MgCI, . bves! 29: 1604, 1950.
3. Ebaugh FG lr, Emerson CP, Ross JF: The use or radio- N ~ t c Med
l 1468, 1984. Thakur ML, Gollschalk hlL (eds): Indium-IfI Labeled
active chromium-51as an erythrocyte-tagging agenllor 21. McAfee JG, SubramanIan G, Gagne G: Technique of Nenlrophils, Plateleis andLymnphocyies. New York,
the determination of red cell survival in vivo. J Clin leukocyle harvealing and labeling. Problems and per- Trivirum,1980, pp 103-118.
Invest 32:1260,1953. spectives. Sernin Nucl Med 1483-106, 1984. 39. Riba AL, Thakur ML, Gottschalk A, et al:Imaging
who have clots that are several days old. Platelet 22. McAfee JG, Thakur ML: Survey o l radioactive agents experimental infectious endocarditis with indium-1 1I
4. Read RC. Wilson GW, Gardner F H The use of radio-
uptakeappearsto be very specific for throm- active sodium chromate lo evaluale !he life span of the for in vitro labeling of phagocytic Icukocytes. I . Solu- labeledbloodcellularcomponents. Circulation
bosis. Theoptimal time forimagingradiola- redcell in health andincerlainhematological disor- bIe agenls. J Nucl Med 17:480, 1976. 59:336-343,1979.
beled platelets is 24 hours after injection. The ders. Am J Med Sci 228:40. 1954. 23. McAfee JG, Thakur ML: Survey of radioactive agents 40. Cook PS, Datz FL, Disbro M A , et al:Pulmonary
for in vitro labeling of phagocytic leukocytes. 11. h r t i - uplake in indium-1 11 leukocyte imaging: clinicaI sig-
effect of heparin therapy on thescan in deep 5 . Valk PE, Guille J: Measurement of splenicfunction
with heat-damaged RBCs. effecl of heating conditions: cles. J Xucl Med 17:488. 1976. nificance in patients with suspected occult infections.
venous thrombosis is not clear in humans, al- 24. Thakur ML, Coleman RE, Welch MJ: Indium-I 1 1 la-
concisecommunication. J Nucl Med 25:965,1984. Radiology 150557-561,1984.
lhough there is evidence that it may cause false beled leukocytes for [he localization of abscesses: prep-
negative studies (48).
6 . Winzelberg GG, Castronovo FP, Callahan RJ. el al:
aration,analysis,[issuedistribution, and comparison
41.ThakurML, Welch MJ, Joist JH,et al: Indium-Ill
lglln oxine labeled red cells for delection of simulated labeled platelets: studies on preparation and evaluation
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in thelungs.One might think that platelets cyles wilh indium-I1 I oxine. d m J Hosp Phunn tropolone, a new high affinity pIalelet label: prepara-
with In-1 11-labeled red cells in intermittent gaslroin-
would be justas useful in thisdisease as in 37:847,1480. tion and evaluation of labeling parameters. J Nltcl Med
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venous thrombosis of the extremities. Attempts 8. Beckman RL, Pitlenger GL, Swanson DP, et al: Blood 26. Danpure HJ, Osman S: Cell labeling and cell damage 22:981-987,1981.
to diagnose pulmonary embolism with radiola- loss measured with indium-11 I-labeledred blood cells with indium-I I 1 acetylacelone-an allernative IO in- 43. Heaton WA, Harmon HD, Weich MJ, el al: In-
in dogs. Rodiology 148243, 1983. dium-1 1 I oxine. Br .!Radiol 54:597, 1981. dium- 1 1 1 : a new radionuclide label for studying
beled platelets, however, have been disappoint-
9. McRae I. Sugar RM, Shipley, BA, et ab Allerations in 27. Danpure HI, Osman S , Brady F: The labeling of blood human plalelel kinetics. Br J Huemar 42:613, 1979.
ing (48). It appears that heparin does interfere cells in plasma with I1 1-In-lropolonale. Br J Radiol
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with uptake of lllIn-Iabeled platelets in pulmon- stannous tin. J Nucl Meed 15:151, 1974. 55:247, 1982. new indium-I 1 I agent for efficient labeling of human
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heparin is a major disadvantage for clinical use of rcd blocd celk wilh 99mTc: a new approach to blood of inflammation with indium-1 11 lropolonate labeled oxide). J Labelled Compd Radiuphum 19: 14 11, 1982.
pool visualizalion. J Nrtcl Med 18:305, 1977. lcukocyles. J N N C I Med 2439, 1983. 45.Thakur M , Gollschalk A (eds): indium-Ill Lnbeled
of thistechnique.'llln-Iabeledplatelets have
11. Hill IC, Dworkin IH: Syringeapparatus Cor radio- 29. DM7. FL, Bnkcr WJ, Bcdonl M ,et al: No difference Nerrrropkils. Plafelets. mzd Lymphocytes. NewYork,
been used occasionally in patients with blood between lropolone and oxine labeled In-111 lcukocytes
labeling cells. J. Nucl Med Tech 5:32, 1977. Trivirum,1980.
clols in other areas, such asin the renal vein and 12, Smith TD, Richard P: A simple kit for [he preparalion Tor delecling infcclion. .!Hfrcl Med 26:469, 1985. 4G. Wahner H, Goodwin D (eds): Ill-Indium Loheled
the superior sagitlal sinus of the brain (48). of 99mTc-labeled red blood cells. J Nucl Mcd 17:126, 30. Baker WI, Datz FL: heparalion and clinical utility of Plnrelefs clnd Letrkocyres. Rochester, MN, Society o l
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13. Winzclberg GG, McKusick KA, Froclich JW, el al: 1984. 47. Fenech A , Husscy JK, Smith FTV, et al: Diagnosis of
sively to examine patients wilh suspected alher-
98 I Essenrials of Nucleor Medicine Science
Nuclear Medicine Procedures fur Monitoring
Patient Therapy
Allan H,Gobuty
One of the most useful endeavors we engage The thought that the new idea should be tested
in is LO reflect on the quality of our work. This againstwell-establishedmethods of accom-
predisposition of lookingcritically at our ac- plishingthe samegoal was not fully appreci-
complishmentshasassumedimportance in ated, probably because it was painfulto look for
medicine only since aboul1900 when it became flawsand because the process of looking ap-
possible to routinelyperformserial measure- peared totake an inordinateamount of time.
ments of blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, It hasbeenobserved (3) that a significant
andbodytemperature.Theadvent of car- advance in pharmacology occurred when thera-
diopulmonarybypasssurgeryandthe period peutics was first correlated with clinical effects.
. !
.. -. ,. that followed required more accurate assessment Therefore,itappears thatwhatwasneglected
of the cardiovascular and pulmonary status of for so long has in medicine today assumed the
the patient (1). This requirement ledto the clini- importance due it. There is now a zeal for com-
caluse of more sensitivemethods of patient paring new and old techniqueswhich more lhan
evaluation in the late 1950s. compensates for the earlier neglect. Today, ev-
We expect a greater degree of exceIlence from erything is being tested, including the tests
those who perform tasks repeatedly or who are themselves.Thevalue of an innovation may
certified as experts. Until recently, however, now b e appreciatedbyassessingitsconse-
there was little notion that we should hold peo- quences over a defined period of time. This is
ple legally accountabIe for the proper perform- accepted today as one concept of monitoring.
ance of theirwork.This was necessarily so, Authoritative dictionaries give 10 Lo 15 defini-
since technology hadnot yet made it possibIe to tions for the term. Themost appropriate for this
delemine how well innovative tasks were being discussion is, "a device for observing a biolog-
performed until somecatastrophicevent took ical condition or function. " In many cases, one
place. For example, we couldalwaysassume can monitor the effect of intermittent drug ad-
that a ship was constructed safely so long as it ministration, the performance of a surgical pro-
remained afloat. In medicine, we may point to cedure, or thestate of organfunction. Used
[he dynamic view of chronic disease described judiciously, the results have the potential to in-
by Bircher (2) as another example. In that ac- form the clinician about the stage and progres-
count, a long period of time is passed in a stage sion rate of disease long before clinical decom-
referred to as compensated dysfunction. Failure pensation occurs. This chapter discusses moni-
occurs afterthediseasehas progressed to the toring with use of radionuclides; i.e., how they
, -
. '
stage of decompensated dysfunction which, in are being used to assess surgery, drug therapy,
the most serious instances, ends in death (Fig. organ function, and nutritional procedures. Fur-
9. I). Historically, therefore, task analysis lagged thermore,thechapterisdesigned to place in
behind innovation. It appeared reasonablethat a perspective the rationale for the use of radionu-
new idea or technique should capture the day. clidesasprognostictoolswheneverimporlant
;:- 99
100 f Essentials oj Nrrclear Medicine Science Nuclear hredicim Procedures for Monitoring Theram I 101
A Complete remission bone surveys to monitor therapy of bone metas- to determinetheefficacy of anytherapeutic
tases, renal studies to monitor renal function protocol. For instance, in the treatment of thy-
I '
after transplant surgery, and radioisotope stud- roid carcinoma for which thereare several alter-
, 1
Compensaled ies to monitor changes in myocardial function natives, clinicians have sought readily available
.. .. Dysfunction duringdrug therapy.AdditionaIly, the nuclear indices of therapeutic benefits. Here scintigra-
(silent diseose) physician can use his monitoring position dur- phy has come to be regarded as an indispensable
Copadty ingconsultation as a springboard to better in- prognostic tool and as an arbiter of the appropri-
and 50 - form his nonnuclear collegues about other pro- ateness of treatment (7). Thus, adequate moni-
IWl cedures that might be indicated to further clarify toringrequires a multidisciplinaryapproach
Decompensalion the clinical picture. For instance, he frequently oflen including MM inpul in which the nuclear
hasreprintsavailable as handouts to increase physician is called on to assess the attributes of
confidence in the study result.It appears appro- the scan as well as other data that may be re-
Life incompotibie
priate, therefore, to consider the monitoring quired to make a diagnosis. Figure 9.2 suggests
Y - function of NM to be a potentially significant a scheme that depicts the probable areas where
TIME AFTER DiSEASE ONSET one worthy of increased future effort on the part various members of the health careteam, in-
of the nuclear physician. cluding the nuclear physician, may interact with
Figure 9.1. Widely accepted stages in the progression of chronic disease in both previously healthy subjects The [rend today is loward more careful scru- the patientand each otherto minimize or re-
(solid line) and those wilh preexisling disease (broken line). The time frame between points A , B , and B' tiny of new and complex monitoring methods. solve such lherapeutic challenges.
represents the stage after disease onset during which prognostic monitoring has been most helpful. (Adapted This is necessary because of federally mandated
from I. Bircher: Quantitative assessment of deranged hepatic function: a missed opportunity? Sernin. Liver The clinicianmust recognize that NM may
Dis. 3:275-284, 1983.) cos1 control measures, matters related to juris- successfullybe called on formonitoring and
prudence, and the greater need to include data that the methodology is frequentlyuncompli-
that will permit useful comparisons wilh estab- cated.The clinician should also become well
diagnostic or therapeutic decisionsare at stake. appropriate and useful for a given clinical con- lished methods. Such conservatism is, in part, a acquainted with the capabilities of the local NM
Suchtestsmaybe caHed forwheninvasive dition. consequence of inadequate and misleading service. An aggressive nuclear physician should
diagnostic procedures are indicated, when ma- The literature andclinicalexperience have knowledge of bothpractical drug use and the have at his disposal a cadre of monitoring ca-
jor surgical or medical therapy is contemplated, both documented a place for nuclear medicine sequencing of palhology which occurs during a pabilities determined by the combined talents of
or when a decision must be made aboutinstitut- (NM) in monitoring. First, we now recognize a disease process. For example, in NM a patient his co-workers, their available time, the present
ing nutritional therapy. It is a complex subject. close correlation between increased awareness with suspected GI bleeding is evaluatedwith state of technology, and priorities that have been
It should appeal especially to practitioners who of how the body responds to disease and the use use of 99mTc-labeledred blood cells (RBC), and established within the service.
seek guidelines and references that will assist in of radionuclidic methods for monitoring drug, radioactivity isdetected in thecolon.Duod- Three of theimportant areas in NM today,
determining the appropriateness of using radio- nutritional,and surgicaltherap>>. Second,the enoscopy, however, subsequently identifies radioassay,imaging,andradiobiology,face
tracers as monitoring devices. choice of an appropriate NM moniloring test blood in the small bowel. The decision is then practical limitations as to the types of monitor-
depends on knowledge of how the substrate is made to intervene surgically in the small bowel, ingthat may be performed. These limitations
CONCEPT OF MONITORING IN handled by the orgaa or system to be tested. A which contradicts NM findings. It should have are technical and result from imperfectly con-
NUCLEAR MEDICINE recent review listed over three dozen ways in been known that the intravenous use of gluca- structed systems for detecting radioactivity.
Radiotracersrepresentanimpressive poten- which NM andnonradioactive drugs areused gon would have assisted in such cases (6) and Measures aimed at addressing them are continu-
tial formonitoring.Untilrecently,creative together for monitoring purposes ( 5 ) . NM mon- that repealed NM studies would have identified ously being devised. For example, as a count
thinking and the availability of personnel were itoring now assists in identifying patient non- the small-bowel bleed. The example points out rate approaches background, one may question
the only practical limitations to development of compliance with prescribed therapeutic reg- the complexity of NM monitoring of surgical whether true counts or random background vari-
moniloring techniques.There wasa growing imens. Two examples are (a)thyroidfunction and drug therapy and the rewards made in- ation is being observed. In NM monitoring, the
demandfor new monitoring methods,which testsfor monitoring thyroidmedicationcom- creasingly available by pharmacologic interven- detection of nuclear events is basic to the per-
was fueled in part by a growing legal awareness pliance and (b) gastrointestinal (GI) protein loss tion. formance of the studies. In imaging, the mini-
of the indefensibility of not judiciously using all studiesformonitoringglucocorticoidmedica- Complicationsas a result of therapyarise mumspecific activity of the tracer should be
available clinically proven diagnostic and prog- tion compliance. Life-threatening situations are when it is not possible to predict the effect on such that sufficient counts can be obtained dur-
nostictools (4). Their rapid introduction led moreeffectively dealtwith whenearly trends organ andtissuereserves.Contributionsfrom ing a reasonable performance time of the study.
initially to discrepancies, since results of two or toward organ system failure can be identified. many disciplines arerequiredto addresssuch The information obtainable from high specific
more monitoring modalities did not always cor- The intrinsic sensitivity of NM permits detec- conditions. A less-than-appropriate response to activity radiopharmaceuticals requires less
relate. There soon came recognition of the im- Lion of many abnormalities at an earlier stage therapy may result because ofan inability to countingtimeper study than that obtainable
parlance of evaluating groups of monitoring de- than is possible usingequivalent effort with adequalely monitoror evaluatethe result. A with Iow specific activity.
vices 10 determinewhichwouldbemost other methods. Examples include scintigraphic statistical labyrinth must be negotiated in order Withtheseconcepts in mind, wc can now
102 1 Essentials of Nuclear MediciueScience Muclear Medicixe Procedures for MonitoringTherum f 103
workup; i
17,900 pg of caffeine, used as a marker of NM can be used for monitoring. Knowing what
whm to Data collection
base PATIENT Adequucy of therapy, toxicity) and that propranolol decreased it dra-
monitor, and of monitoring to include and what to exclude is one challenge
when to Services. NP. N,NP,D,Nt maticaIly. Thus it wasshown thattherapeutic with such lists. In this regard, the large number
adjust N+,D. N concentrations (as far as can be determined) of
therapy of uses forradionuclidesastools in research
NP. WJI thethree drugs,whenplaced in conlactwith havebeen omitted because they are not clini-
motile sperm under theseexperimentalcondi- calIy relevant, exceptindirectly as aids in ob-
F1N N,Q tions, have effects on sperm motility that can be taining experimentaldataaboutbiologicalor
Figure 9.2. Multidisciplinary approachto the application of therapy and subsequent monitoringof the resull. evaluated quantitatively and monitored serially. chemicalprocesses.AnotherchaIlengearises
Emphasis is placed on areas of interaction with NM personnel. P, nonnuclearphysician;NP nuclear physician; To what extent these effects would manifest because of the different perceptions aboui what
D, drug specialisl; i V , nurse; hil, nutritionist. themselves in vivohas not yet beensatisfac- constitutes a relevant NM monitoring test. Im-
torily determined. A report by Zipper et al. (9), parliality and completeness are best served by
however, demonstrated that an 80-mg tablet of including tests that are offered across a world-
consider theways in which NM has fit construc- toring modalilies have been only marginally ex- propranolol is an effective conlraceptive when it widespectrum of NM clinical practice. Liver
tivelyinto the monitoring continuum. It will plored.Theircontinuedsuccessful utilization, is insertedvaginally or takenorally.Itwas function testing is included in Table 9.2 not
become apparent that NM is most useful when il however, promises 10 maintain NM monitoring found to act, in part, by immobilizingsperm for because of popularity but because it is an exam-
is providing quantitative data. within the mainstream of medical diagnosis. at least 12 hours. If evidence of the sensitivity ple of a group of tests that are of considerable
From a historical standpoinl, the introduction Althoughtheexamples citedare of in vivo of the radiometric method of evaluating the ef- interest and potentia1 importance (2). Such tests
of four NM sludies have providedthe mile- NM, there have been many practical and inter- fects of chemical substances on sperm metabo- are discriminated against because there is a
stones on which the modernpractice of NM esting recent developments in in vitro NM. For lismcontinuestoaccumulate,and if a more widespreadbeliefthatwiththepresenttech-
monitoring rests. A fifth milestone may soon be instance, radiolabeled metabolic substrates complete understanding of the relationship be- nology their utility is iimited and their use may
reached. The earliestwas the introduction of the (RMS) have been used to evahale the effectsof tween lhese test results and the fertilizing poten- constitute an excessive radiation hazard.
thyroiduptake test.Thisstudypermitted, for substances on sperm motility. Other RMS, in- tial of sperm can be confirmed, the test may
the first time, measurements of the functional cluding [14C]glucose and [14C]fructose, have prove useful as a new monitoring device. RADIONUCLIDES AS
slate of an individual organ. A1 appropriate in- also been used in other in vitro NM procedures. All of these methods provide information PHARMACODYNAMIC TRACERS
~ervals thetest could be repeated, which would For some time there has been interest in the about organ and system function, about specific The concept of utilizing radioactive tracers to
(hereby permit the documentationof changes in use of drugs for interrupting human fertility (9) aspects of bioavailability, and about the effects optimize lhe benefits from drug therapy is not
function that may have occurred as a result of to prevent implantation (10) and for determining that therapy may have on these parameters, all new. Suchpharmacokineticstudies havebeen
surgical or drug therapy. Bonescanning with their effect on sperm metabolism (1 1, 12). An of which are recognized monitoring functions. performed on animals since 1970 (13) and in
humans since 1973 (14). The goa1 of the thera- environmental conditions, nutrition, drugs, and ing arterial infusion of chemotherapeutic agents Theusualobjections,basedonorganand
pist is to maximizedrugbenefits,andsince disease as predisposing factors. In classical in cancer (17), the developmentof kinetic (time- whole-body radiation,shouldbeminimal for
intimate knowledge of biodistribution is impor- pharmacokinetics,thegoalis to approximate related Compartmental distribution) models patients whoserisk-benefit ratio isconsidered
tant €or many reasons (minimizetoxicity, evalu- the biological system, with consideration given (15), and the likelihood that radiotracer forms of acceptable.
ate site penetration and biotransformation), opti- to a series of discrete compartments, and then to drugs may be used to evaluate target penetration Other examples of the use of radionuclides to
mization of therapy requires information unique focus on the rate at which the drug enters and andhost resistance phenomena. The purposes explorepharmacodynamicsmaybecited. Of
to each patient at a specific stage of the disease. exits them and the rate at which it undergoes of such methods are to assess: special importance today is the potential use of
Manaka andWolf (15) statedthat the goal of chemicalchange. As a practical matter, how- 1. the presence of collateral circulation around drugslabeledwithshorthalf-livedpositron
radiopharmacokinetics is the characterization ever, it has been difficult to closely approximate the target area, emitters. In institutions in which there are pro-
and control of drug kinetics as much asis prac- actual conditions because of technical difficul- 2. collaleral circulatory changes that may occur duction facilities, tests of predictive value might
tical with the view toward maximizing benefits tiesassociatedwiththepreparation of true over a specific time frame, beperformedwhen a determinationmustbe
and minimizing adverse effects. The complex- tracers I
3. thepatency of vascuIar distribution intoa made about whether or not there is an adequate
ity of these interactions is such,however, that it To consider how facets thathavebeendis- particulararea and how h i s changes with drug concentration at the desired site. Also of
is possible to characterize only a part of drug cussed have had animpact on NM, we may 1."
importance is the use of radioDharmacokinetics
behavior.Forexample,belweenindividuals consider how pharmacokinetic methods have 4. the extent of arteriovenous shunting in this for enhancing the emerging area of chronophar-
there are large variations in hepatic biotransfor- been and are now being utilized clinically. For area, macology (19).
mation of drugs. Baker et al. (16) lists genetics, the most part, these have been limited to guid- 5. whethertherehasbeenmovement of the
Compilation of C u r k i M N o n i t o r i n g Capabilities'
catheter tip during a course of intraarterial
6. thepotential of adjuvants(suchasstarch
NM physicians frequently are presented with
microspheres) to optimize treatment effects, opportunities to participate in research and to
Rcicrence Primarily Discose-related 7. the extraclion fraction of a compound in an develop research skills. Theymay collaborate in
organortissue of interestandhowthis the design and interpretation of investigational
Brain bIood flow 46
Gastricemptying changes during disease, studies, such as clinical trials of new drugs and
Adulls 36 8. therateandextent of biotransformation diagnostictests.Thesemustbecarefully
Children 51 within a particular organ or region. planned and executed to ensure that only accu-
GI bleeding 35 rate,reproducibleinformationisadded to the
Heart As a recent promising approach 10 the indi-
pool of medical knowledge.
size Infarct 37 vidualization of drug dosages,Bayesianfore-
myocardium infarcted versus ischemic 39 Kerlinger (20) characterizes the scientific ap-
casting (18) offers an example of thetype of
with capacity
Functional use of dipyridamole 52 proach as, "a special systematized form of all
information obtainable with use of radiolabeled
tabolism Intermediary reflective thinking and inquiry." He charac-
disease Legg-CalvC-Perthes 3s drugs. Applied to drug therapy, Bayesian fore-
terizesthe scientificmethodasincludingthe
Liver function 16 castinginvolves techniqueswhoseessence is
following process:
embolism Pulmonary 42, 43 the use of both kinetic data from the patient
Prinlarlty DIU: Therapyrrlarcd Reference
abouttoundergodrugtherapy and data avail- 1. Problem-obstacle-idea-the clinician or in-
ablefromotherpatients.Thedataobtained vestigator experiences a vague unrest about
tis in treatment Antibiotic 55 from these sources is fit to an equation contain- observedandunobservedphenomena.His
response therapy, with
Aslhmafunction 54 ing two terms that represent these variables. The or her objectivethen is to express the idea in
Chemotherapy, drug perfusion
in 17
goal is to use the equation to more appropriately a clear and manageable form.
response Chemotherapy, to 39
in use dipyridamole
Coronary 47 individualizedrugdosage.Themethodholds 2. Hypothesis-formulation of a conjectural
disease pulmonary Drug-induced 40, 41 promise in dealing with arbitrarydosage and statement or proposition about therelation
dosing insulin before
Insulin 4s sampling patterns. Its utility, however, could be between two or more phenomenaor vari-
to response
Methacholine 44 extended to those patients about to be placed on ables. The clinician may say, "If patient A
Primarily Surgical Therapy-related Rcrercncc
therapyon whom there arenodata available continues on totalparenteralnutrition
(whichfrequently occurs). In suchpatients, a (TPN), theremay result bonedisease that
i _- Breast
internal mammary lymph
scintigraphy 49, 50 radioactive analoev ol the druev could be used to will be monitorable at an earlv statre with
'1 with use of furosemide 56 I Y
f_ : Nephroureteral
2 "
~, ~'
, . Portal-systemic shunt,
degree of after
therapy 45 ~.
provide dataabout the Fraction o€ theadmin- use of NM techniques."
?I-: ,. Pulmonary
surgical 53 ..~.
istered dose extracted by a organ
specific or 3. Reasoning-deduction-deducingcome-the
I! :'
I. tissueand to show how changes in thisvaluequences of the hypothesis.Deductive rea-
lj I
f i:
* For a review of pre-1482 publications, see Reference 5. may be monitored duringthecourse of therapy. soning was added to thescientific method in
106 I Essentials of Nuclear MedicineScience Nuclear Medicim Procedures for Muniloring Theramp I 107
the seventeenth century(21). Without it, cer- 1. Static stimulusdesigns (SSD). All units or design may be cited. In this regard, reliability Table 9.3.
tainbehavioralresearch problems,suchas members of the selected patient population andvalidityarematters of degreefor which NM Monitoring Checklist for Human
testing the interactive effect of TPN, bone are exposed to the same manipulation (ther- exactness is an unachievable goal. ExperimentationCommittees
disease,andchanges in radioactivecount apy), so-called one-shot studies. Monitoring Whentheproposed NM studyisone of a
battery of tests for a particularprocess,with Evaluate the need for the proposed study.
rates, would be insoluble. is performed once before and once after the Evaluate the efficacy of the proposed study (statis-
4. Observation-test-experiment--an investiga- manipulation. what weight should it contribute to a positive tics). the appropriateness
Consider of the reference popula-
tion of the varidity of the relation expressed 2 . Nonstaticstimulusdesigns.Someunits or prognosis, a negativeprognosis, or arequire-
by the hypothesis. Hypotheses are not tested members of the selected patient population ment for furthertesting?Thatis,whatis the tion and the relation between the technicaI sen-
are exposed to a zero amount of a manipuia- prognostic effectiveness of the proposed study? sitivity and specificity of the test. Consider also
in reality; their deduced implications are. the "noise levels," Le., the false positives and
tion (therapy); the balance are exposed to a Sequentialdataanalysismaybeemployed in
The clinician then has the challenge of fur- false negatives.
non-zero amountof the manipulation. Moni- order to pennit early termination of the study if Evaluate the testing value. How effectively will the
ther developing the NM knowledgebase.Al- the new method quickly proves to be superioror new lest justify its cost in relation to established
toring is performed as in SSD. This is the
though all NM physicians do not have the re- inferior. In these cases, criteria must be estab- Joint probability, i.e., expected proportionof cor-
most frequently used design in NM.
sources or opportunitytoparticipatein lished before the study is begun such that it may
3. Mixed designs. These consist of some com-
scientific research, they can make a valid contri- be terminated at the point when, with the pre- rectly diagnosed subjects (true positivesand true
bination of the designs discussed previously. negatives),
bution by bringing to the fore the problems that assigned level of confidence (say 95%), there is
4. Serial designs. Patients are exposed to ma- Cost values, i.e., retesting cost versus the risk of
they encounter in their practices. They may also a significant difference in efficacy between the treating a nondiseasedsubject;costassociated
nipulations(therapies) as describedpre-
be involved with research activities in collab- twostudies as measured by x2. it shouldbe with the risk of depriving a diseased subject of
viously. Monitoring is performed, however,
oration with other health care practitioners. emphasized that the investigator may either be treatment; costof the time delay associated with
more than once before andlor after exposure
Much could be said aboul the importance of
to the manipulation. This type includes the
precisely defined a priori research questionsand
so-called crossover design.
hypotheses in the design, data collection, and
interpretive stages of new NM monitoring meth- The most appropriatechoice of a NM re- cumulation,tabulation,categorization, review,
ads. Three characteristics that distinguish good search design will result from knowledge o€ the and analysis (interpretation) of the data. Each of
hypotheses are: (a) they are declarativesen- possible extraneous sources of variation that these processes has its associated mathematical The final phase in the process is the prepara-
tences that express a relationship between two may occur during data collection (measure- concepts and methods of measurement, most of tion of a report to disseminate the datato others.
or more variables, (b) they have clear implica- ment). which are beyond the scope of this chapter. A A good report will successfuully address the
tions for testing, and (c) the variable must be The scope of measurement includes the as- recent review of these subjects which is perti- facets of (a) organizing thoughts logically and
measurable(22).With regardto our TPN il- signment of numbers to objects or events ac- nent for NM purposes has appeared (26). (b) expressing thoughtsclearly. As apractical
lustration, the following statement illustrates cording to rules (24). For NM monitoring, this As theforegoingdiscussionimplies,the matter, il often is most difficult to deal properly
these points: definition makes sensebecause in everycase manyfacets [hat define the appropriateness of with the organization of the report. In this case,
events (counts)are measured. In reality, how- new NM studies should be dealt with on more clear concise advice to authors may be foundin
:fl "Nuclear medicine may b e used to monitor
ever, NM measures events that are only indica-
'I theprogression of bonediseasein patients tors of the characteristics of events, i.e., labels
than one level. It is one thing for a clinician to the Corcncil of BioLogy Editors (CBE) Style
;, undergoinglong-termTPN."Thishypoth- justify to various committees the proposed use Manrial (27), which is used as a stylebook by
or symbols. For example, Spielberg et al. (25) of a new NM study on the basis that there is a many biomedical journals. Further information
I esis is declarative and expresses a relationship
reported the assessment of toxicityto human
J betweenvariables.Thevariablescanbe
measured. The minimum criteria for a good
?! hypothesishave,therefore,beenmet.The
lymphocytes and of changes in organ distribu-
tion as a result of increasing plasma concentra-
clear need for it and that statistically it stands in
a favorable light when it is compared with pres-
ent methods. Other factors should be taken into
about writing final reports, as well as a checklist
may be found in Zellmer (28).
power of hypotheses lies in the possible gen-
tions of two analgesics.Theseauthors devel-
account, however, so that more fundamental
committee concerns will not delay the study's
counts) to the underlying unobservable and di- inauguration. These are listed in Table 9.3 and
L of data that has been collectedduringthe
ourse of a particular experiment.
rectlyunmeasurableviability of thelympho-
cytes.The measurement focusedonthe rela-
should be considered before human use com-
mittee authorization (26) is sought.
Medical care is different from other goods
and services. The deep historic commitment to
health careworldwide is reflected in institu-
As important as a useful hypothesis is, a valid tionshipbetweenthe observableresponse and
When the basic design and method of execu- tional arrangements thathave encouraged its
research design or planof studycontrolsthe the underlying concept. The stronger the rela-
tion of a new NM monitoring project have been growlh and development. These include income
investigation of the hypothesis. A good research tionship, the moreusefulthepossiblein-
dealt with and there has been appropriate con- tax deduclions for medica1 expenses and insur-
design eslablishes good comparisons of the ef- ferences. Therefore, there must be due concern
sideration given to the utility of the study from ancepremiums and governmentfinancing of
fect of an independent variable and reduces the with the measurement process and its relation to
all possible perspeclives, themost difficult parts heahhcare for the poor andelderly. Broadly
numbcr of competingexplanationsfor an ob- the concept being tesled. Similar cautions about
of developing and exccuting the research pro- speaking the differences can be grouped under
served result.Several research designs are ap- the need to verify the reliability and validity of
tocol are behind Ihe investigator. the following headings (modified from Ref. 29):
plicable for NM monitoring (23). measurements taken as part of a NM monitoring
108 t Esserltinls of NuclearMedicineScience NuclearMedicineProcedures for Monitoring Tlteraml t IO9
1 . social concern attached to the need for serv- These valuesmay beexpressedasshown in 7. For each candidate test, substitute these val- Table 9.5.
ices; Table 9.4 (30). ues into Equation 9.1 to compute the cost of Economic Factors to Be Considered When Any
2. positionofproviders as determiners of the The five outcomes, F, N , L , D ,and X , are the test. Thetest of choice will be that which New NM Diagnostic Procedure Is ImpIemented*
level of patient care, assumed to be mutually exclusive categories of gives the minimum total cost.
3. modifiedprofit-seekingbehavior of pro- the testresult. The value, of the testmay be Personneltrainingrequirements: How extensive are
represented as One difficully with this sequence lies in the they?
viders; fact that there is an absence of weighing of the Protocol formulation:Should protocol be designed to
4. risks associated with random occurrence of X
V = D i- + P,(1 - R)F + P,(R)N + PLL terms in Equation 9.1 for such things as human maximize test utility?
illness; Projected frequency of use of the test: Will the fre-
Equation 9.1 suffering, societal burdens, and the recent ad- quency justify developmental costs,or is the test to
5. lack o€ knowledge on the part of consumers vent of home health care and hospice services
about the services; be viewed as an “orphan”?
The quadralic equation which have made home recuperation an appea1- Maintenancecosts of theprocedure: What a e the
6. free-market modifying effects of provider li- projectedcosts of qualitycontrolmeasures
censure. P, = A + BP, 4- CPF2 Equation 9.2 ingalternativetoprolongedhospitalization.
One strength of the sequence is that health care signed to maintain efficacy?
maybeusedtoapproximatethe relation be- Patient safety during the test: Will test performance
These differences help to explain the unique providers are encouragedtobe more alertto jeopardizecare thatthe patienlwouldotherwise
organization of the medical care industry with tween FA,and P , . The test is optimized when discovering adverse effects of therapy early in receive in an emergency situation?
its associated governmental and nongovemmen-
tal restrictions and the fact that health care has PF = ’ - F(l - R,
2c Equation 9.3
the NM monitoring sequence. There wouldthus
result in a reduced incidence of complications
and more timely hospital release.
What will be replaced by this study? The queslion,
“How will this test complement others,” may no
longer be appropriate.
come to represent a heavy financial burden for
Implementation of the test selection method In conclusion, this discussion has several im- Patient cooperation: Can the test be successfully per-
the private sector. The uniqueness in health care formed with minimal patient cooperation?
thus encompassesalllevelsof planningfrom isaccomplished by performing the following plications for health care economics in general Goal definition.
federalexpendiluresto bedsidedecisions. A steps: and for NM monitoring in particular: Likelihood of future third party payment.
focus on bedside costs is thesubject of this Appropriateness of the setting:Inpatient or outpa-
1. Estimate D ,F, N , L , and X. 1. Strategic planning ismore important now for tient? In thefuture,outpatientsettings may be
section. 2. Estimate R , clinicians.From the presentcost-contain- most appropriate for instituting new tests.
Itis noteworthythat thereismore at stake 3. Set the desired technical sensitivity and spe- rnent climale (for areview of 1983 Medicare
thanthe new procedure’simmediatecost.Its cificity trade-off as shown in Equation 9.2. * If the answers to two or more of these factors
legislation,seethe Federal Register, Sep-
cost must be considered as part of a continuum 4. Determine the optimum P, fromEquation reflectpoorlyontheproposed test, there may be
tember I , 1983, p. 39746ff),moreag-
of servicesdesignedforeachcase,sincethe difficulty in justifying its use.
9.3. gressive economic competition for new tests
results of anyprocedureanditsperceived 5 . Compute PA, fromtheoptimum P, (use will likely emerge.
efficacy affects the course of diagnosis and Equation 9.2). 2. Directors and managers will keep closer tabs
treatment. The results of a well-estabrished, ap- 6 . Estimate P,. area. Radioimmunoassay permitted quantitation
on operational expenses.
propriately timed and performed monitoring in microvolumes of serum. The complexity of
3. Clinicians will have lo develop their political
study may convince the clinician about the pa- the methodology, however, has limited its wide-
tient’s condition. No other tests may be needed. spread application.
As laboratory service costs increase,it becomes Consideration of economic factors will help Whenthereare choices for monitoringdis-
imperative to ensure wise spending of the health maintain NM at the forefront of monitoring ease or the results of therapy, there arises aneed
care dollar. The paramount expense is the cost services in medicine (see Table 9.5). to compare modalities. The ability to select the
of tests. What makes a good test? Most often most appropriate monitoring tool from the avail-
there is a trade-off between operational proper- EFFICACY OF NM MONITORING able armamentarium can thus be preserved.
ties (ease, speed, cost) and conceptual charac- COMPARED WITH OTHER METHODS When, for instance, information about hepatic
teristics (reliability, validity, effectiveness, and The advent of the concept of monitoring, its blood flow is required, an indicator infusion and
value). A selecl few tests are best by both crite- subsequentacceplance,anditsinfluence on extraction technique should be considered (31).
ria. pharmacology can be attributed to radioisotope Drugs withhigh first-passextractionmaybe
For any new NM monitoring study, the ele- methodology. Earlier in this chapter, we dis- usedwhen informationaboutportalsystemic
ments of cost and their associated frequencies cussed the use of pharmacodynamic tracers. blood flow isdesired.Finally,radioisotope
are (a) the cost of retesting or therisk of treating Studies correlating serum drug concentration breath tests provide useful information about the
a nondiseased subject(falseposilive), (b) the with therapeutic effect were initially performed metaboliccapacity of the liver. Theneedfor
cost associatedwilh depriving a diseased sub- with use of ullraviolet (UV) spectrophotometry appropriateselectioncriteriaamongsuch
ject of treatment (false negative), (c) the cost and, later, with gas-liquid chromatography closely related modalities may not be satisfiable
causedbythe time delay associated withper- (GLC). Therequirement for large samples for when political or economic factors interfere or
forming a lest and reporting its results, and (d) use of UV spectrophotometry and the complex- when there is a stong bias in favor of one tech-
thecostassociatedwiththeradiationdose. ity of GLC equipment tempered advances in this nique.
110 I Essetftiols of NuclearMedicineScience Neclenr MedicineProcedures .for Monitoring Therap f I 1I
If such obstacles can be overcome, what fa- tainty stems froma lack of reliable information. ested reader is referred lo chapters dealing more into the target and decrease of radioactivity
vorable factors should NM possess in order that For instance, it is not known whether doses of specifically with radiopharmaceutical quality frombackground are describedbyfirst-order
serious consideration will be given to starting y- or x-rays of 100 mradlyr are detrimental to and its effect on imaging and laboratory proce- kinetics and then to change Equation 9.4 to the
. clinical trials? man the whole organism (32), since there are dures. The readershould be reminded, however, more familiar form,
many factors that have made risk determination of the absolute importance of using documented
I - Preclinical Testing with Appropriate Models for low-dose, low linear energy transfer (LET) high-quality radiopharmaceuticals in the most
The eliminationofdifficult-to-controlvari- radiation difficult. These include uncertainty appropriate settingduringthepreclinicaland
ables will serve to satisfy the expectation that about the shape of the dose-response curve for clinical stages of evaluation of a new NM proce- Since rg = 4 minutes (approximate half-time
results can accurately predict the success or cancer induction, the effect of age, the masking dure for monitoring. for liver extraction of blood radioactivity), and
failure of later clinical trials. The efficacy of a effects of theenvironment, andthe genotypic Probablynowherehastheimportance of since l A depends on the volume of blood being
NM study and the way in which clinicians view effect on susceptibility to injury.Therisk of high-quality, freshly prepared radiopharmaceu- lost at the bleedingsiteand so maybe dis-
test results may depend on the adequacy of the genetic effects from low-dose, low LET radia- ticals been as effectively demonstrated as in the regarded here at 10 minutes, it can be seen that
model used during preclinical trials. In most tionhavealsobeendifficult to measure. It is use of 99mTc-labeled sulfur colloid and 9 9 m T ~ -there will be 3l.'Y1 or 7 times as much back-
cases,modelselection presents seriousprob- estimated from animal datathat 1 rem of partial labeled RBC for moniloring the results of sur- groundradioactivity at 10 minuteswhenthe
lemsbecauseofquestions raisedabout rele- exposure throughout the general population will gical and pharmacologic treatment of GI bleed- preparationcontaining 3% radiochemicalim-
vance. For example, a suggestion to use normal result in the first generation in an increase of ing,especially of the lower GI tract (35). In purity is used. Furthermore, because of the
human plasma at 37" C as a suspending medium 5-75 additionalseriousgeneticdisorderslmil- those sludies,sincebleeding may be transient asymptotic nature of the line describing the de-
when the stability of a radiopharmaceutical is lion liveborn offspring. Radiation-induced and the rate of blood loss may be low (less than crease in background radioactivity, it may never
being tested wouldevoke minimalcriticism. transmitted geneticeffects, however, have not 1 mlhnin), an adequatecontrast betweenthe be possible to achieve a comparably low back-
However, testingthe efficacy of a modelfor been demonstrated in humans, and itis not bleedingsite andthe background is essential. groundradioactivitywiththe 3% product.
inflammation is more likely to draw criticismno expected that usefulinformationwill soon be The relationship between uptake of radioactivity Some may observe that if thereis substantia1
matter which of the available models is chosen. forthcoming. at the bleeding site and decrease in background bleeding at thesite of thedefect,therate of
The difficulty arises because of theneedto The question of leukocyte damage resulting radioactivity with elapsed time canbe described disappearance of background becomes insig-
identify the relative contribution of nonspecific from NM studies has been addressed (33). It can by use of the following rate constant: nificant. Such an argument, however, disregards
uptake due to increased blood flow. Of the avail- be concluded from the reports that L1lIn-oxine one strength of this procedure-the ability to
able choices, early chronic osteomyelitis seems maycauseaberrationsintissuedistribution detect changes in slow but significant GI bleed-
most appropriate,since blood flow complica- when these leukocytes are compared with non- ing and to monitor the results of therapy over
tions are largely eliminated. radiolabeled leukocytes. The clinical impor- where dNA/& and diVBtdt represent the rate of long periodsof time with use of a minimally
There will be even more difficulty on both lance of these cellular effects, however, has not change of radioactivity at the bleeding site and invasive procedure.
scientific and moralgrounds, however, when been placed in perspective against the rapidly in theblood background, respectively. There- Other examplesof the importanceof optimiz-
the clinician is faced with the need to determine increasing use of l1]ln incell-labelingproce- fore, the absolute conkast, C, is a function of ing [he characteristics of the radiopharmaceuti-
lo what extent a new chernicai or a series of its dures. The problem will no1 go away when, in these rates n~ultiplied by the elapsed time after cal could be included here. Baker et al. (1 6)
homologs is effectivein monitoring the progres- the near future, cells can be labeled in vivo by injection of the radiopharmaceutical. The rates has, for instance, provided a list of 12 charac-
sion of necrotic tissue in patients admitted to the specifically targeted radionuclides, since the ef- may be closelyapproximatedin an animal leristics possessed by an ideal breath test sub-
emergency room as a result of electrical injury. fects on cell f u n d o n are believed to be caused model by counting the radioactivityin each area strate for measurement of hepatic function (see
Symposia that address the challenges associated mostly by the radioactivity, not so much by the over some period of time. Table 9.6). Of these characteristics,adequate
with this aspect of NM monitoring have been cell isolation procedures (34). This information makes it possibleto demon- qualily control of the substrate (the radiophar-
convened (Society of Nuciear Medicine Annual Absenl from these studiesare data that would .. strate theusefulness ofa radiopharmaceutical maceutical) is essential. If even a small fraction
Meeting, 1982) anda publicationwhich ad- relate the cellular effects of radiation to short- that has minimal amount of radiochemical con- of the substrate is a radiochemical contaminant,
dresses this topic recently appeared (31a). It is a andlong-termeffectsonorgansandindi- tamination. In the case of ""Tc-labeled sulfur extrahepatic metabolism may occur, which ren-
focus of our attention and a subject of impor- viduals. What should be remembered is the no- colloid, since a normal liver removes radiocol- ders the test useless as a measure of liver func-
tance in other areas of our society. In the milieu tion that some tissue damage probably occurs loid from the blood at a rateapproximately tion.
o€present ethical constraints, properly modeled during the course of these studies. So long as equal to the denominator in Equation 9.4, and
preclinical [rials will promote authorization for whole-body and crilical organ doses remain be- since insignificant amounts of unreacted 9 9 m T ~ PITFALLS AND PROBLEMS IN NM
human use, while those which are faulty will be low therisk-benefit threshold, any proposed from the radiopharmaceutical wiIl be removed MONITORING
set aside. (See also Chapter 22.) NM monitoring study should be acceptable for from the blood during the firs1 10 minutes after Even if it were possible to limit one's practice
human use. injection, it is possible to predict the difference toasingle entity, such asthestate of renal
Low Radiation Doses in effectiveness between a radiopharmaceutical function after renal transplant surgery, effective
Thequestion of radiationriskinvariably Radiopharmaceutical Effcacy with 1 % rree pertechnetate and one containing monitoring would be adifficulttask for NM.
arises when the use of radioisotopes is proposed Much has already been written in this volume 3% free perlechnelale. It is necessaryonlyto These difficulties arise because it is not possible
as Dart of a new monilorine device. The uncer- aboutradiopharmaceutical efficacy. The inter- maketheassumption thatthe rates of uptake to effectivcly characterizepatients into broad
112 1 Esselnials of Nrrclear Medicine Science Nuclear MediciueProceduresfor Mof1iroring Therun> I 113
Table 9.6. which may form the basis for study protocols.
Characteristics of an Ideal Breath Test Substrate for The omitted information is unknown to those
Measurement of Hepatic Function (Adapted from who try to duplicate the reported technique, and
A. Baker et aI.: Clinical utility of brealh tests for therefore, lengthening of the time required for
hepatic function assessment. Semin. Liver Dis. the study to come into clinical use may occur.
3:318-329, 1983)
The gastric emptying studies recently reported
Cleavage of thelabelistherate-limiting,directly byMalmudetal. (36) are oneexample. AI-
measurable step though the article remains an important contri-
Liver melabolism only bution to the NM literature, there is no mention Suboptimal
Little or no pharmacologic effecl by the substrate in it of theimportance of patientmovement (Dealhl
Rapid metabolism
Rale of excretion appropriate lo permit timely sam-
duringthestudybetweenperiods of data ac- 0.3 I 3 to x) 100
dipg ( 14C02) cumulation.It would bereasonable toexpect
Negllglble binding to plasma proteins some clinicians IO perform the entirestudy with
Safety (toxicity, radiation safety) the patient supine. Results in such cases could Figure 9.3. Result of a given therapeutic procedure for a serious disease on subjects of increasing age. The
Infinite dislribution in total body water deviate greatly from reported literature values, czrrwd line represents the expected effect over a range of palient ages.
Low hepatic extraction efficiency
High water solubility
and some reconsideration and reflection would
Absorption rapid and consistent be necessary before further trials to obtain ac- ~
ceptable data would b e attempted. Difficulties .. theselectedtest cost effective? (d) Does the 7. Sisson J: Applying Ihe radioaclive eraser 1-131 to ablate
such as these should be resolved by the pub- selectedtest stand on solid experientialand/or normal thyroid tissue in palienls from whom thyroid
categories of disease and hearth, If one attempts lisher and the author before publication. factual ground? (e) How can the data obtained CA has been resected. J N d Med 24:743-745,1983.
to base amonitoringpractice on the basis of 8. Ganalra R , Buddemeyer E, Deadhar M, el ab Modifi-
. ~ _ best be handled?
~ cation in biphasic liquid scintillation vial system for
disease diagnosis, difficulties quickly arise be- SUMMARY ? >
. ~~-
. The widespread acceptance of these monitor- radiomeby, J N Med
~ 21:480-483,
~ ~ 1980,
~- .
cause of factors that may not have been consid- The demands of present biomedical lech- <:
" ~~
~~ ing tests indicates that the available rewards are 9. Zipper J, Wheeler R, Potts D. Rivera M: propranolol as
ered relevant. A list of factors that can interfere nology are not trivial. Such technology has c
". ~
perception of the outcome. As an example, the This chapter was designed to provide as- z= ~~
.: The
author is grateful
to Stephen E. Long,
1 2 . Ruzevich M: A radiometric method of evalualing the
effect of patient age on the results of a therapeu- sistance in testassessment withlhefollowing effects of isoprolerenol, propranolol and caffeine on
-? _ ~ :
M . D . , Baylor
College of Medicine,St. Luke's sperm melabolism. Masters Thesis, University of Knn-
tic procedure is shown in Figure 9.3. It is ex- temporalsequence: (a) Whatquestionscan -~-
~- Episcopal Hospital,
Houston, TX, for review sas, 1981.
these tests answer? (b) Which test appears to be
"~ manuscript
preparation. Doctorate Thesis, Michigan State University. 1970.
a i
Performance of NM Monitoring Studies I . Del Guerico L PrincipIes of Surgery. New York, Developmenrs. New York, Academic Press, 1980, pp
leading because the important differences be- McGraw-Hill, 1979, p 533. 271-283.
tween youth and age are the kinetics of meta- Age -~ 2. Bircher J: Quantitative assessment of deranged hepatic 16. Baker A , Kotake A, Schoeller D Clinical utility of
bolic processes andorganfunction.Because Sex i
f- function: a missed opportunity? Semirz Liver Dis breath tesls for hepatic function assessmenl. Senzin
these are to be considered norma1 variants, how- Abnormal metabolic and physioIogic variants g- 1983.
3:275-284, Liver Dis 3:318-329, 1983.
Incompletely willen journal articles 3. Pippinger C Therapeuticdrugmonitoring: an over- 17. Bledin A, Kim E, Haynie T: Technetium-99m mac-
ever, the validity of the figure becomes appar- Concurrent food and drug intake ~~ view. Therap Drug Monir 12-9, 1979. roaggregaledalbuminangiography a n d perfusion
ent, since disease is listed separately among the Lack of appropriatcness of what is being monitored 4 . Mason J: Law andMedica2 Erhics. London, Bulter- JAMA 250:941-943, 1983.
factors that can interfere withNM monitoring in '3 7 worths, 1983, p 129. 18. Sheiner L, Beal S , Rosenberg B, hlaralhe V: Forecast-
Di~ficolty in obtaining informalion
Table 9.7. Statistical difficulty 5 . Hladik W , Nigg K , Rhodes B: Drug-induced changes ing individual pharmacokinelics. CiifrPlrannacol Tlrer
A difficulty with some mulliple NM monitor- Absence of quantiriable variables among subjects I-
i in the bioIogic distribution of radiophannaceubls. 26~294-305,1979.
Semirt Nacl Med 12:184-218, 1982. 19. Halberg F, Kabat H, Klcin I? Chronopharmacology: a
ing procedures, in which all studiesmustbe Inadequate communication with physicians
and pa-
1 "
6 . Frodich J, Juni 3: Glucagon in the scintigraphicdiag- therapeutic fronlicr. Am J Hosp P ~ U T37:101-106,
performed identically, involves information that Presencc of disease nosis or s n n l l bowel hemorrhage by Tc-99m labeled 1980.
is uninlentionally omitted from journal arlicles z red blood cclls. Radiolog)' 151:239-242, 1984. 20. Kerlinger P: Fuurtdulions of B e h d o r n l Resewch. cd
J14 f Essentials of Nuclear Medicirle Sciewe
2. Sew York, Holt. Reinhartand Winston,1973. pp 40.Balikian J, lochelson M. Bauer K, et al: Pulmonary
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24. Stevens S : Handbook of Experimenlal Psychok?gy.
42. Dalen I,AIpert J: Natura1 history of pulmonary embo-
lism, Prog Curdiovasc Dis 17:259-270. 1975.
43. McNeil B: A diagnostic strategy using ventilation-per-
Interventional Studies in Nuclear Medicine
New l'ork, John Wiley & Sons, 1951, p 22. fusion studies in patienls suspect for pulmonary embo-
25. Spielberg S , Gordon G , Blake D: Predisposition lo lism. J N~rclMed 17513-616. 1976.
phenytoin hepatoloxlcity assessed ~n vitro. N E/dgl J 44. Byrom E, Chausow A, R p U, et al: Quantifica!ion of
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clear medicine. J N r d Med 2433-88, 1983 45. Tonami N, Nakajima K, Watanabe N . et al: Posl- ~~.
Pharmacological interventions in nuclear excessivelevel can act on the pituitary gland to
27. Council of Biology Editors: Corrncil oJBiology Edirors therapeutc change in portal-systemic c~rculat~on inves- .~
medicine studies havebeen in practicefor shul
a off the release of TSHwhich, in turn,
Sryle Murzual, ed 4 . Arlington, VA, American Institute ligated by TI-201 per rectal administration.JNucl Med 5"
tracer Design. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1983. Science 2 2 2 1337- 1339, 1983. entiate the information obtained from conven- thesis in the thvroid glands, soon after [he inlrn-
32. Handler P The Eflecrs on Popnlalions ofExposure lo 49. Collier B , Palmer D, Wilson J, et al: Internal mammary tionalnucIearmedicinediagnosticstudies. duction of the yodineuptake test for the thyroid,
Low Levels of Iortizing Radiarion (BEIR). Washington Iymphoscinligraphy in palients with breast cancer. Ra-
Pharmacologic interventions involve the admin- hom~onalmanipulation was employed to com-
DC, National Academy Press, 1980, p 3. diology 147:845-848,1983.
33. Watson E Cell labeling: radiation dose and effects. J 50. Ege G . Elhakim T The relevance of inlernal mammary istration of a specificdrugbefore,during, or plement the normal iodine uptake test in order
N~rclMeed 24:637-640, 1983. lymphoscintigraphy in the management of breast carci- after the administration of radiopharmaceutical to delineatefunctionalstates of thethyroid
5 4 . McAfee J, Subramanian G , G a p e G : Technique of noma. Clin U w o l l0:3,1984. for a given study. Thechange in information gland.
Leukocyte harvesting and labeling: problems and per- 51. Rosen R, Hall W : Anatysis of gastric emptying studies due to intervention of the drug offers clues to The T, suppression test is one of several hor-
speclives. Sefnin N t d Med 14:83-106, 1984. in a pediatric population. J Nucl Med 24:p33, 1983. differentiatingvariousdiseaseconditions.
35. Alavi A Detection of gastrointestinalblecding with 52. Kowcy P, Friedman P, Podrid P, et al: Use of radionu-
monaf maneuvers thatinvolves adminisiration
P~mTc-sulfurcolloid, Senfir1 NucMed 12:126-138, clideventriculographyforassessment of changes in These changes can be brought about by phys- of T3 in order to determine h e autonomy of a
1982. myocardial performance induced by disopyramide iologicinterventions also, e.g., exercise in ra- functioning hot nodule or a diffusely enlarged
36. Malmud L, Fisher R, Knight L, Rock E Scintigraphic phosphate. Am Heart J 104:769-774, 1982. dionuclide ventriculography. In the latter inler- gland. In thistest,aninitial24-houriodine
evaluation or gastricemptying. Senrift N u c l Med 53. Lopez-Majano I, Britt T: Pulmonary hypertrophic 0 5 - ventions, the physiologic functionof an organ is uptake is obtained, followed by administration
12116-125, 1982. teoarlhropathy:itsmodificalionandtherapy. Ef?rJ
enhanced or decreased by physical maneuvers, of 75- 100 p g of T, in three divided doses daily
37, Marshall I, Tillisch I, Phelps M, et a1 Identification A'ucl Med 7419-421, 1982.
and differentiation of resling myocardial ischemia and 54. Chopra S, Taplin G , TashkinD: Imagingsites of and the changes observed can be used lo differ- for 7-10 days. The residualactivity is deter-
infarction in man with positron computed tomography, obs~ruction and measuring function response to therapy entiate various disease conditions. mined on the eighth day, and then a repeat 24-
18F.deoxyglucoseandN-13 ammonia. Circlth!ion in asthma. J Nucl Med 18606, 1977. hour uptake is obtained after correction for re-
67:766-788.1983. 5 5 . Graham G , Lundy M,Frederick R, el a\: Predicting the THYROID
sidual activity. Innormalthyroidglands,the
38. Conwvay J, Weiss S, Maldonado V:Scintigraphic pat- cure of osteomyelitisundertreatment. J Nucl Med Triiodothyronine
lerns in Legg-Calve-Perthesdisease. Radiolog)' 24:llO-113,1983. repeat 24-hour l3II uptake value falls to 50% of
149(P):102,1983. 56. Koff S , Thrall J, Keyes J 11: Assessment of hydro- Triiodothyronine (T,) is a hormone produced the presuppression value or lower. The adminis-
39. Yeh S , Rosen G , Caparros B, Bcnua R: Semiquan- ureteronephrosis in children using diuretic radionuclide by (hethyroidglandthroughiodination of trationof exogenous T, produces a negative
titative gallium scinligraphyin patients with osteogenic urography. J Urol 123:531-534,1980. tyrosine. It is bound withinthestored thyro- feedback to the pituitary which, in turn, results
s;rrcolna. Clitz Nucl Med4:175-183, 1984. globuIin of the intrafollicular colloid. It is liber- in cessation of TSHproduction and release.
ated by enzymaticproteolysisinloblood cir- This diminishes the thyroid function; hence
culationwhere i t isboundspecificallyto there is less l 3 I I uptake. Most, if not all, non-
proteins. The serum level of T3 is governed by toxic goiters suppress normally. Failure of thy-
the TSH secreled by the pituiiary gland, and an roid uptake to diminish by more than 50% indi-
116 I Essentials of Nuclear MedicineScience IniervelLlionaI Studies in hkclear Medicine / 117
- -~
-_ ~
. .
* .
by inhibition of adenosine deaminase in the observed
a 60% increase in '*'Tl concentration ._-.- vasodilation with dipyridamole.
Demanpeat et the coronary blood flow and the myocardial
1 .
"i blood, which thus allows accumulation of ade-
nosine, potent
a vasodilator (23).
in the left ventricle. Gouid et aL (25) compared
the effect of dipyridamole with that of treadmill
- ,~
al. (28) and Josephson el al. (30) found intra-function (34, 35). Inotherwords,these
venous dipyridamole to be a reliable alternative determine how a patient's coronary vessels
p i ..~- ~~
Because of its vasodilatingeffects on coro- stress on scintigraphywith ?''TI. At an intra- ., the for20'T1studies
to exercise in accuratefunction
de- cardiac will respond to increases in
i -. L,
myocardial scintigraphy with 201T1
beenused in
to differenti-
venousdose of dipyridamole of 0.14 rngkgl
min,given 4 minutes prior to administration of
-, -
ate cardiac perfusion abnorrnarities from normal 201T1, they observed images of superior or equal -~ place exercise in the ?O'TI study, particularly in coronaryvesselsrespond tophysiologicstress
;I:, perfusion as an alternative IO exercise stress. An quality to stress images. Several studies on the -..=
- patients either at risk or having
a in withincrease
significant and
example is illustrated in Figure 10.2. Hamilton
topic carried
out (24-30). al. et the exercise.
blood whereas
flow, patients with car-
et al. (24) studiedtheeffects of dipyridamole (26), Sochor et al. (27),andSchmoliner et al. -_ may
diac ability
disease the not have or "re-
. . , I
" .~
.~.. (0.5 rng/kg intravenously) in normal dogsby (29) successfullydetectedcoronaryartery dis- ~-
exact mechanism is not known, but it acts di- normal cardiovascular radionuclide studies.
.~ ~ .
5 .
" from its use. stressed,andthesedefectsappearas
Sale1 et al. (31) employed pharmacologic in- deficientareasontheresulting
image. In radio-
~ .~ tervention with nitroglycerin in cardiac bloodnuclide ventriculography, areas of wall motion
-=. .
I -
rz viability of abnormally contracting
ventricular ercise. Global ejection fraction may fall in pa-
- segments in patientswith clinicalcoronary dis- tients with coronary artery disease but typically
-_" _
~ ~~
ease. Responses of disordered wall motionand will increase in normal patients (34).
" alterations in cardiacpumpperformance to sub- Otherforms of stress testing,such as iso-
r .~
~~. lingual
dys- metric exercise (36), cold pressor testing (37),
_c ~..
"" synergic areas of infarction andischemia. Ni- and atrial pacing (38), are available for nuclear
.- troglycerin produced significantly grealer re- cardiology. These teslshave been reviewed in
ductions in end-systolic volume in patients delail by Buda in a recent publication (34).
k ==
increase in ejection
fraction in the former
rather hrosemide
g% -,=~
ex- than lhe latter group. Rosanski et al. (32) could Furosemide, a sulfonamidederivative, is a
S"=j make accurate scintigraphic differentiation of high-ceilingdiureticthat exerts its action by
- ~- -e- reversible and nonreversible asynergic areas of inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium and chJo-
: myocardium by gated blood Pool studybefore ride ions from the ascending loop of Henle and
and after pharmacologic intervention with nitro- the distal renal tubules. Furosemide also inhibits
I glycerin. In a studyby Borer et al. 1331, nitro- the reabsorption and promotes the excretion of
- glycerin
assessed re- potassium ion. The peak diuresis obtained with
-, gional asynergy in myocardium. furosemide is greater than that observed for
InrerventionalStudies ill NuclearMedicine I 121
E +
! i
teria regarding the levels of serum creatinine or bylerian Hospital, Albuquerque, NM.)
122 I Essenrids of NuclearMediiciue Scie>m ir? NuclearMedicirle
Irnervc~~riu~~alStudies I 123
Side effectswith oral or subcutaneous admin- esophageal reflux have been directly evaluated tone of the LES. It does not stimulate gastric, GASTROINTESTINAL BLEEDING
istration are usually mild and may include ab- andquantitatedwith use of gastroesophageal biliary, or pancreatic secretions; nor does it sig-
dominal cramping, diarrhea, nausea or vomit- scintigraphy and have been compared with its nificantly affect the moliiity of thecolon or Glucagon
ing, headache,sweating,andsalivalion.The effects on LES pressure (49, 50, 53). A signifi- gallbladder. MetocIopramide can produce cen- Glucagon is a single, straight-chain polypep-
agent is contraindicated in patients with bron- cant (p < 0.01) decrease (from 11.2 ? 1.3% to tralnervous systemeffects via antagonism of tide that is produced by the (Y cells of the pan-
chial asthmadue toitsbronchial constriction 7.7 i 1.0%, n = 15) in thegastroesophageal dopaminergic receptors (54). creatic islet or Langerhans and is isolated during
effects, in patients with peptic ulcer due lo the refluxindex did no1 occur until 30 minutes Metoclopramide-induced side effects are rare the commercia1 production of insulin. Since the
stimulation of gastrointestinal secretions, and in following administration, which corresponded and are primarilyassociatedwiththe central hormonal actions of glucagon are opposite to
patients with hyperthyroidism, since it may in- to a significant (p < 0.01) decrease in LES. nervous system(dopaminergic)effects of the [hose of insulin,glucagon is traditionally ad-
duce atrial fibrillation (48). drug.Theseadversereactionsincludesom- ministeredtoincreaseblood glucose levels in
Gaviscon nolence,fatigue,lassitudeand, in thesevere
The efficacy of bethanechol for the treatment the emergency treatment of diabetic insulin
of gastroesophageal reflux has been directly Gaviscon, a preparation containing alginic form, extrapyramidal symptoms including acute overdosage. As an interventional agent for nu-
evaluated and quanlitated by gastroesophageal acid and a combination of antacids (sodium bi- dystonicreactions. In view of theselatter ef- clear medicine and/or radiology studies, how-
scintigraphywilh a solidmealcontaining carbonate, aluminum hydroxide, magnesium fects,thedrugiscontraindicated in patients ever, glucagon is administered (0.1-1 U intra-
99mTc-labeledsulfurcolioidandlor a liquid lrisilicate), is indicated in the symptomalic treat- with epilepsy and in patienls on active pheno- venously)because ofits secondaryability to
mealcontainingll‘ln-DTPA or 99mT~-DTPA ment of gastroesophageal reflux (54). Its dual thiazinetherapy. Metoclopramidemayinduce inhibit gastrointestinal perislalsis by causing re-
(49-52). After subcutaneousadministration of mechanism of action is believedto be due to extensive catecholamine release in the presence laxation of the smooth muscle of the stomach,
5 mg of bethanechol,thegastricesophageal antacid-induced reduction of intragastric pH and of pheochromocytoma. I1 should be noted that duodenum, small bowel, and colon. After intra-
refluxindex (percent of totalgastric activity the formation of an alginic acid barrier to reflux narcoticsand otheranalgesicsormechanical venous injection (0.5 U), its actions in this re-
refluxed into the esophagus) decreased from a which is associated with its floaling, viscous obstruction can counteract the effects of meto- gard are rapid in onset (1-2 minutes) and tran-
mean (n = 10) of 11.9 & 2.4% to means of 8.3 properties (55). clopramide on gastric motility (54). sientinduration (9-17 minutes). The duo-
? 1 . 3 8 (p < 0.05), 6.0 k 1.3% (p < 0.01), Quantitative gastroesophageal scintigraphy That there must be some cholinergic activity denumismostsensitive to theeffects of
and 5 . 8 ? 1.7% (p < 0.01) at 15, 30, and 45 demonstrated a significant (p < 0.05) decrease for the expression of the pharmacologic actions glucagon;thestomach is least sensitive (59,
minutes,respectively.Simultaneousdirect (from 9.9 2 1.3% to 6.5 2 0.8%) in the of meloclopramideexplainsthefailure of the 60).
measurements of LES pressure revealed corre- gastroesophageal reflux index at 5 minutes fol- drugto stimulate gastric emptying in certain Adverse reactionsfollowingtheintravenous
sponding significant increases from 8.9 k 0.08 lowingtheoral administrationof 4 Gaviscon subjects. The scintigraphic evaluation andlor injection of glucagon are infrequenl and may
mm Hg to 14.3 2 1.9 m m Hg (p < 0.01), 18.5 tablets (49, 50, 53, 55). There was no corre- quantification of gastric emptying rateswith use include nausea, vomiting, headache, and metal-
? 1.9 mm Hg (p < 0.001), and 17.4 +- 2.1 sponding increase in LES pressure. Additional of radioactive solidorliquidmeal, which is lictaste. For inhibition of gastroinleslinal par-
mm Hg, respectively,which thus corroborated studies,performed with 87mSr-labeled alginic performed prior Lo and following the adminis- istalsis,theinjeclion of glucagonisprobably
(he proposed mechanisms of action of this agent acid, revealedthatthe majority of the admin- tration of metoclopramide, provides a direct associatedwith lessadverseeffects than the
in reducing reflux (50). These resulls were sub- istered preparation remained at [he top half of method of monitoring the effectivenessof meto- adminisiration of anticholinergics. Commercial
stantiated when directly oppositeeffects were the stomach andthat the alginicacid appeared to clopramideand of prediclingresponseto glucagon is a foreign protein that can produce
notedfollowing intravenousadministration of be refluxedpreferentially to the gastricliquid chronic oral lherapy (56-58). Such rationaliza- hypersensitivity reactions. The injection of glu-
theanticholinergic(bethanechoiantagonist) contents (55). Thus it was demonstrated in vivo tion of therapy is important in consideration of cagon should, of course, be avoided in palients
agent,atropine.Hence,anticholinergicdrugs that Gaviscon reduces reflux due to its “bar- thepotential for relatively severecentral ner- with diabetes and in patienls with pheochromo-
are contraindicated in patientswith heartburn rier”(floating,foaming, and viscous) nature vous system side effects. In a study by Domstad cytomasorinsulinomas,dueto its ability to
due to gastroesophageal reflux. and prevents the associated symptoms by being el al. (561,intravenous meloclopramide(10 mg) stimulate catecholamine and insulin release, re-
refluxed preferentially to gastric acid. significantlyshortenedthebiologicgastric spectively. Glucagon can enhance the hypo-
Antacids emptying time in 9 of 12 patients with severe prothrombinemic response to warfarin (59).
The predominant pharmacologic action of diabeticgastroparesis. In a similarstudy per- Gastrointestinal bleeding sites are detectedby
antacids is the reduction of inlragastric pH. Metoclopramide formed on patientswithscintigraphically abdominal scintigraphyfollowingintravenous
Hence, the efficacy of antacids in the manage- Metoclopramide, a derivative of procain- proven gastroparesis, administration of oral me- administration of 99mTc-labeledsulfurcolloid
ment of gastroesophageal reflux may be dueto a amide, promotes gastric emptying by increasing toclopramide (10 mggivenfourtimesdaily) (61) or 99’nTc-labeledred blood cells (62). Inter-
direct increase in LES pressure resulting from the tone and amplitude of gastric contractions, resulted in an improvement in gastric emptying pretation of scintigraphs, however, may become
reduced stomach acidity(53), the relief of reflux relaxingthepyloricsphincterandduodenal in 60% of patients wilh no previous surgery and difficultdue to diffusebackgroundactivity
symptoms associated with the irritating effects bulb,andincreasingperistalsis of theduo- in 75% of surgical patients (57). Significant caused by perislalsis (58). Hence, transient in-
of acid, or a combination of these ormay be due denum and jejunum. It apparently exerts these improvemenls in the gastric emptying rate fol- terventionalinhibition of gastrointestinal peri-
to alternale mechanisms. effccts by sensitizing the gastric smooth muscle lowing oral or intravenous metoclopramide have stalsis may improve the scintigraphic deteclion
As with bethancchol, the effecls of oral ant- to the actions of the neurotransmitter, acetylcho- been scintigraphicaIly demonstrated in palients of the gastrointestinal bleeding sites.
acid (30 In1 aluminum hydroxide gel) on gaslro- line. Mctoclopra~nide also increasesthe resting with gaslroesophageal reflux (59). In gastroinlestinalbleedingstudiesper-
_. ~
-. Medicine Nuclear lnrerve?trioml
in Sttrdies I 125
124 I h e n r i a l s of NuclenrMedicitleScience - .
% -
l_.~ -~
_ ~
formedbyFroelich et al. (62), 12 of 24 patientsScintigraphic gastrointestinal bleedingstud- c- therclinicalevaluation of thistechnique is tion bycompetitivelyinhibitingthe action of
a-. based
on animal
which have demon- $ I s t a w
werenoted to have abnormallyincreased, dif- iesprovide a convenient, noninvasive method -
hepatic, and biliary disease (67). strated that the excretion of sodium [44mTc]per- organic anions (83).
effects including hypertension, bradycardia, I lechnelate from the gaslricmucosaintothe gas- Theadverseeffects of phenobarbitalon the
and arrhythmias. The drug is, therefore, conlra- It hasbeen reportedthatthe subcutaneous
administrationofpentagastrin (6 m g k ) 15 lric conlents is inhibited by prior administration central newous system include lethargy, drow-
indicated in any patient with a history of cardio-
vascular disease. Water retention and electrolyte minulespriorto theintravenous injection of of cimetidine (70). siness, vertigo, headache, and depression. Hy-
sodium [99n'Tclperlechnetate pemitted the Vis- Cimetidine, a guanidinederivative,blocks persensitivity reactions to barbiturates occur
imbalance typically occur after vasopressin ad-
ualization of a Meckel's diverticulum that was both basal and slimulated (i.e., food, betazole, most frequently in patients with asthma, uai-
minislralion, as do minor abdominal cramping
I L" IL1, nnt observed Dreviously (68). Support
for fur- 1 ~ penlagastrin,caffein,insulin)gastric acid secre- caria, or angioedema. Phenobarbital apparently
126 f E s s e n f i d s of Nuclear MedicineScience
causes rashes more often lhan do other barbitu- Cholecystokinetic Agents which may result in nonfilling of the gallblad- lion is observed (or, preferably, quantitated)
rates. Gastroinlestinal side effects include nau- der. Thisnonfillingusuallyisassociated with (Fig. 10.4). Patients with acute acalculous cho-
sea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation (72). Although cholecystokinin (88-93), sincalide thepresence of excessiveIy viscousbile and lecystitiswiil havea distinctlyabnormalre-
The safety of Iong-term phenobarbital therapy (3, 94-110), andceruletide (11 1) have been sludge secondary to chronic cholecystitis (113), sponse, usually with a gallbladder ejection frac-
in children and infants, including newborns, has used in nuclear medicine to induce contraction prolonged fasting (IOO), or long-term parenteral tion of much Iess than 20% (80, 106).
been established (84, 85). and subsequent filling of the gallbladder, only nutriliontherapy (114). The usefulness of this Theusualdose of sincalideis 0.02 p g k g
Phenobarbital is used in conjunction with sincalide is readily available to clinicians prac- intervenlion depends on the time, in relalion to given intravenously. Although mostinvestiga-
hepatobiliary imaging primarily to increase the ticing in the United States. Therefore, sincalide the injection of the radiopharmaceutical and torshaveadministeredthe drug by slow (1-3
diagnostic accuracy of differentiating between will be discussed as being representative of the subsequentimaging, that sincalide is admin- minutes) intravenous push,Sarva et a].(107)
neonatal hepatitis and biliary atresia. Decreased cholecystokinetic agents. istered. Two approacheshave beensuggesled have found that more conlplete emptying of the
morbidity and decreased mortality are obtaina- Sincalide (Kinevac) is the synthetic C-termi- (95). gallbladder is obtainable with a 45-minute infu-
ble when extrahepatic biliary obstruclion is di- nal oclapeptide of the hormone cholecystokinin With one approach, patientsare premedicated sion of the drug.
lagnosed and surgically corrected within the first andissimilartocholecystokinininphar- with sincalideprior to injection of theradio- The peak conkactile response after an intra-
' 2 months of life (86). Without the administra- macologic action. J t causes gallbladder contrac- pharmaceutical. This intervention promotes ear- venous push dose is usually seen at 5-15 min-
tion of phenobarbital, ht-radoi- tions resulting in both reduction of gallbladder lier visualization of the gallbladder in patients utes, with the gallbladder returning to the basal
tracer through the biliary system is very slow in sizeandevacuation of gallbladderconlents with patent cystic ducts, which thus decreases size within 1 hour (112); therefore, it is neces-
neonales with hepatitis, a l t f i o m i a r y (112). The administration of this drug also re- theimagingtime required to diagnose or ex- sary to wait approximately 30-60 minutes after
tracl is patent. If radioactivity in the bowel is not sults in decreasedesophagealsphinctertone, clude acute cholecystitis (from 4 hours to less sincalideadministrationbeforethe99mTc-IDA
C visualized within a reasonable time (24 hours), decreased intestinaltransit time, inhibitionof than I hour)andsimultaneouslyavoidsfalse compound is injected (104).
it is virtualiy impossib-ils gastric secretions, stimulation of pancreatic se- positivesthatmayoccur if theabbreviated Sincalide has essentiallyreplaced the use of a
from atresia on i h e r a d i o n u c l i d e i m a c cretions, anddelayedgaslric emptying(112). imaging procedure (withoul sincalide) is used. fauymealas a means to inducegallbladder
-ing. y-W neh is inconclusive, Adverse effects of sincalide are usually asso- There is some concern, however, that sincalide, contraction, primarily because the response to
s&geons musl resort to laparotomy in order to ciated with the pharmacologic action of the drug if routinely given prior to imaging, may obscure the drug is more predictable (80).
make the diagnosis; this is particularly unfortu- and include nausea, abdominal pain or discom- the diagnosis of chronic cholecystitis or mask
nateforthose babies who arefound tohave fort, dizziness, flushing, and an urge todefe- the smallpercentage of casesin which acute SPLEEN
jaundice unassocialed with atresia. Because of cate. These effects usually occur almost imrne- cholecystitis may present as delayed gallbladder Epinephrine
thissituation,anytest that couldhelp avoid dialely after injection and may last for several visualization (95). Among its many other pharmacologic ac-
unnecessary surgery is certainly useful. In h i s minutes ( 1 12). Another approach is 10 administer sincalide tions, epinephrine causes h e spleen to decrease
regard, the interventionof phenobarbital with Withuse ofnoninterventional methods,the only if thegallbladderdoes not initiallyfill in volume (1 15), a phenomenon which may be
cholescintigraphy has significantly improved diagnosis of cholecystitis can be made with an within 1 hour, followed by another injection of related to "expulsion" of contained blood ele-
the sensitivity and specificity of thetest for extremely high degree of accuracy when imag- 99mTc-IDA.If the gallbladder still does no1 fill ments (1 16). Since the spleen does not have a
determining the cause of neonatal jaundice, sim- ing is carried out for at least 4 hours following after an additional hour, the patient is consid- muscular coat in the splenic capsule, the con-
ply by increasing the rate of excretion of 99mT~-the administration of a 99mTc-IDAcompound ered to have acute cholecystitis; if the gallblad- tractile responsemaybemedialedwiihin Ihe
IDA and thus by allowing earlier visualization (1 13). Persistent nonvisualization of radioac- der is observed now, chroniccholecystitisis spleen and its blood vessels (1 16). More specifi-
of bowel in the presence of patent biliary ducts tivity in lhe gallbladder over this 4-hour period suspected (95). This method has been shown to cally, it may be due to variable rates of blood
(83). is suggestive of acute cholecystitis, whereas de- be as effeclive as delayed imaging (without sin- flow as the smooth muscle of terminal arteries
Phenobarbital used as a pharmacologic inter- layed visualization of the gallbladder at 1%-4 calide) in detection of chronic cholecystitis and arterioles respond to epinephrine ( 1 17). A
vention with radionuclide hepatobiliary studies hours is more typical of chroniccholecystitis (95). A disadvantage of the procedure, however, d e c r e a s h bloodflow, alongwith normal si-
is administered in doses of approximately 5 mg/ (1 13). Alternatively, some physicians prefer to is that the radiation-absorbed dose is doubled in n u k d a l and capsular elasticity, couldexplain
kglday for at least 5 days prior to the imaging conclude imaging at 60-90 minutes after injec- those patients who receive a second dose of the th'e volurnetrlc-change (117).
procedure ((83). lmaging is carried out to at tion of radiotracer, with theattendant risks of radiopharmaceutical (80). Although more clinical studies are necessary
least24hoursfollowingtheinjection ofa making a few false positive diagnoses when the It has beenobserved that in somepatients to confirm the truevaIue of epinephrine, the
"'"Tc-IDA derivative. The clinician shouldlook gallbladder is not seenwithinthisshorlened with acute acalculouscholecystitis,thegall- intervention with epinephrine in splenic imag-
not only for the appearance of bowel activity but lime frame and of missing chronic cholecystitis
also forpoor hepatic uptake of the radiotracer as which otherwise would havepresented asde-
bladder is visualized on cholescintigraphy stud-
ies (94, 96). Sincalidehas beenused as an
. __
method to assesssplenicinvolvemen7
a noninvasive
evidence for neonatalhepatitis (83). Alterna- laycd gallbladder filling in some patients. adjunct to the examination of these patients H-ms' disease. Two groups of a u t h z h a v e
tively, somephysicians prefer 10 measure the The rationale for use of sincalide with choles- who, despitc normal filling of the gallbladder, shown that the volume response to epinephrine
presence or absence of radioactivityin the cintigraphy is to empty the gallbladder and remain suspect of having acutecholecystitis, appears to bc significantly less in abnormal
bowel by taking samples of duodenalfluid a1 thereby remove any functional resistance to the due totheir clinicalpresentation. In these pa- spleens than in normal spleens (117, 118). The-
various time inlervals postinjection (87). flow of radiolracerthroughthecysticduct tients, the cfFecliveness of gallbladder contrac- oretically,neoplasticinfiltration of red and
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with intercurrentdisease. Radiology 151:763-769, 110.Krishnamurthy GT, Bobba VR, Kingston E, el al:
1984. Measuremenl of gallbladder emptying sequentially
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100. Larsen MJ, Klingtnsmith WC 111, Kuni CC: Radionu-
1 1 1 . Krishnamurthy GT, Turner FE, Mangham D, et al:
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112. American Hospiroi Formulaq Service-Drug Infur-
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dipity in technetium 99m dimethyl iminodiacericacid MD, American Society of HospitalPharmacists, David F, Preston and Larry T. Cook
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102. Williams W, Krishnamurlhy GT, Brar HS, et ai: Scin- 113. Weissmann HS, Sugarman LA, Freeman L.M The
tigraphicvariations of normalbiliary physiology. J clinicalrole of technetium-99miminodiaceticacid
Nuci Med 25:160-165, 1984. cholescintigraphy. In Freeman LM,Wesssman HS Making decisions is a central partof a physi- with a range between 0.0 {it will never happen)
103. Weissmann HS, Frank M S , Bernstein LH, e l al: (eds): fluclear Medicine Annual 198I. New York, cian's work. We wouldlike to believethat, to 1.0 (it will always happen). The probability
Rapidand accuratediagnosis of acute cholecystitis Raven Press, 1981. given a specific set of circumstances, our deci- of encounteringaspecificdiseaseinagiven
with99m-TcHIDAcholescintigraphy. AJR 114. Shuman WP, Gibbs P, Rudd TG, et al: PIPIDA scm- sions are correct, appropriate and optimal. The
tigraphy for cholecystitis:Falsepositivesinalco-
patient population before any testing isper-
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104.Mesgarzadeh M, Krishnamurthy GT, Bobba VR, el holism and total parenteral nutrilion. AJR 138:l-5, complexity of medicine, however, is such that formed is the prior probability of that disease
al: Filling, postcholecystokinin emptying, and refill- 1982. most of our decisions are made with incomplete and will vary from practice to practice. The a
ing of normalgallbladder:eflects of two different 115.Spencer RP, Lange RC, Schwartz AD, elal:Radi- information. Even if the total data on a specific priori or prior probability of disease is desig-
doses of CCK on refilling: concise communication. J oisotopic studiesof changes in splenic sizein response clinical situation were available, there is every nated P(D). The prior probability P(D) could be
N I Med
~ 24:666-671, 1983. to epinephrine andotherstimuli. J Xucl Med
reason to believephysicianswoulddiffer in determined from the medical records, but many
105. Weissmann HS, Sugarman LA. Freeman LM: Atlas of 13:211-214, 1972.
Tc-99m iminodiacetic acid (IDA) cholescintigraphy. 116. Spencer R p : Splenic response IO exercise and medica-
their approach to seemingly identical problems. times it is not available and must be estimated
Clir~Nfrcl Med 7:231-239, 1982. lions. In Spencer RP (td): Inrerven!ional Nnclear At this time, physicians are asked to demon- by experiencedclinicians.Differences in the
106. Doherly PW, Schlegel P, King "4, el al: Abnormal Medici~re.New York, Grune & Stratton,1984, pp stratetheapproprialeness of theirchoices of prior probabilities account for a major cause of
gallbladder emptying in response to cholecpslokinin 309-319. diagnosticandtherapeuticmaneuvers.Blue disagreement in conclusionsbetweenmedical
(OP-CCK) in patients with acalculous gallbladder dis- 117. Rosen PR, Lasher IC, Weiland E, et ai: Predicting
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ease (abstract). d Nucl Med 24:P8-P9, 1983. splenic abnormality in Hdgkin disease using volume
107. S m a RP, Shreiner DP, van Thiel D, et al: Gallbladder response to epinephrine administration. Radiology other third-party payers now question the physi- entinstitutions.
function: methods for measurring filling and empty- 143:627-629,1982. cian's choice of action. In the near future,we in When the prior probability dataare not avail-
ing. J Nucl Med 26:140-144. 1985. 118. Osadchaya TI. Vasilo NI, Baisogolov GD: Diagnosis nuclearmedicinewill berequired to compare able, one approach is to create a list of diag-
108. Krishnamurthy GT, Bobba V R , Kingston E: Radionu- of splenic involvement in Hodgkin's discase by radio- our diagnosticabilitieswithotherdiagnostic nostic possibilities from previous experience
clideejectionfraction:alechnique [or quantitative nuclide evaluation or splenic contraction in response
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Goslroenrerolugy 80:482-490, 1981. 119. Americrra Hospiral FormuIary Service-Drug i:for- the hope that the most cost-effective course may each disease in a particular group. Ideally, the
1 0 9 . Knshnamurthy GT, Bobba VR, McConnell D, el a!: marion '85. Sympathomimeticagents(12:12).Be- be taken. Frequently, the data are found to be disease states should be mutually exclusive.
Quantitative biliary dynamics: inlroduclion of a new thesda, MD, AmericanSociety of HospitalPhar- little more than opinion and often that opinionis Thisrequiresthatthepriorprobabilities must
noninvasivescintigraphictechnique. J Nucl Med macists, 1985, pp 474-478. not accepted by physicians in other specialties. sun] to 1.0. At the University of Kansas Divi-
24:217-223,1983. Despitesuchdifficulties,anumber of formal sion of Nuclear Medicine, the measured prior
methods, proven in the areas of business, psy- probabilities for thyroid status are .05 for hypo-
chology,andstatistics,have been found to be thyroidism, .X4 foreuthyroidism,and . l I for
appropriateforcomplexmedicalproblems. hyperthyroidism. These are objeclive rather
These techniques make it possible to identify, than subjective or personal probabilities.
simplify, organize, and measure the important The validity of subjective or personal proba-
variables of a problem and are considered the bilitiesisdiscussedbyLusted ( I ) andothers
tools of medical decision making. The purpose (2-4). Despitethewell-knownproblems of
of this chapter isto present several clinical prob- human investigators estimating subjective prob-
lems, demonstrate their resolution through the abilities so they are correctly ranked and lheir
use of InedicaI decision techniques, and point total adds 10 1.O, with practice and experience
out sources for more advanced study. in the subject matter, useful results may be ob-
tained (5).
Conditional probabilities P(T I D ) de-
Probability is the chance that a given event scribe the frequency with which a test is posi-
will occur. It is expressed as a decimal fraction tive (T t-), given ( I ) the presence of a specific
MedicaI Decision Making I 135
patients with the disease and with abnormal test Table 11.3.
results (positive for the disease) to all the pa- Sensitivity and Accuracy Values for Variable
tientswith thedisease.Sensitivity = #TP/ Thresholds
(#TP + #FN). This is the same as the condi-
tional probability P(T 1 D i- ) or 67/(67 + 31) Figure 11 1 Flgurr I I .2
enceorabsence of disease. The most simple Table 11.2. Sensitivity is defined as the ratio of both groups, and eachgroupissymmetrical
about its mean. The overlappingzone of the two
Table 11.2. (V), varying from V1 to V15, which could be
2 X 2 DecisionMatrix chosen to separate normal from abnormal. The
threshold, V8, at the crossing poinl, intuitively
Hyperthyroid (D +) Nonhyperthyroid
(D - is the point where feu8est incorrectclassifica-
tions will be obtained. Calculation of sensitivity
Elevated T4 (T + ) 67 (#TP) 10 #FP) 77 elevated lest results and accuracy for each of the 15 threshold poinls
5 appears in Table 11.3. The maximum accuracy
Nonelevated T4 (T - ) 31 (#FN) 771 (#TN) 802 nonelevated test results VI V8 \i occurs at threshold V8 whichisthecrossing
98 total hyperthyroid 781 total nonllypcrthyroid 879 lotal palicnts and Figure 11.1. Distribution of test resuIts from dis- point. If the distribution were less clearly sepa-
palienis paticnk total tests eased (D+)and noodiseased (D-) patients, w i t h rated as in Figurc 11.2, there would be greater
Tittle ovcrlap of populations. overlap; nevertheless, the crossing point would
I36 I EssentidsoJhiuclearMedicitseScience MedicalDecision Making t 137
5 .93
Table 11.4.
Sensitivity TPR,Accuracy, FPR Changes with
Threshold Valuation for Figure 11.3
Stnsilivily (“R)
.o 1
, 00
Problems of utility, Le., the relationship of
fahe positive costs to false negative costs, are
discussed by Hill (4), Behn andVaupel (5),
McNeil et al. (6, 9), Pauker and Kassirer (13),
Bell (14), Gorry et al. (15), Thornbury et al.
(16), Galen and Gambino (17), and Pauker and
Pauker(18).Bell’s articleisespecially clear,
concise, and readable for those intimidated by
mathematics.Thisarea is quitedifficult.The
tient usudly will be in disagreement as to the
“best” outcome. Should money costs be mini-
mized, or should Iife expectancy,healthout-
come at 10 years, years of gainful employment,
or diagnostic efficacy be maximized?
be the optimal threshold (6, 9). Now consider (11 , 12). At threshold (V l), all diseased patients 15 .26 .92 .00 A diagnosis is often revised with the addition
Figure 11.3 which is a modification of the thy- 16 .19 .9 1 .00
are identified, but 28% of normal patients are 17 .15 .91 .00 of new data. Consider the prior probabilities of
roid data in Table 1 1.2. There are almost 8 times falsely classified as abnormal. This is a highly hypothyroidism (P(DI) = .05), euthyroidism
as many normals (D +) as abnormals (D - ). In sensitive threshold. At the crossing point (VX), * Crossing point. (P(D2) = .84, and hyperthyroidism (P(D3) =
this asymmetrical and unequal disuibution, the 82% of diseased patients are identified and only
threshold defined by the crossing point again 2% of normal patients are falsely classified as
produces the greatest accuracy, as is shown in diseased.
Table 11.4. Selection of the optimal cutoff point requires
knowledge of the prior probability of diseased
P(D +) andnondiseased P(D - patients. The
D- probability of hyperthyroidism is P(D + ) = .11
and, for the absence of hyperthyroidism, is
P(D-) = .89. Whentheslope of the ROC
curve equals the ratio of P(D- )/P(D +), the
maximum accuracylies in that vicinity of the
curve (Fig. 1 1.4).
The optimum threshold is also influenced by
the ratio of the cost of a false positive ($FP)
diagnosis to the cost of a false negative diag-
nosis ($FN). If the cost of afalsenegative
diagnosis is high and the cost of a false positive
diagnosis is low, the optimal threshold will shift
up the curve to the region of greater sensitivity
and less specificity. If, on the other hand, the
cos1 of treating a normal patient for the disease
is high, the optimal point will shift down the
curve to the more vertical and left-most portions
of [hecurve. In screening programs,this op- lot
timal threshold is the region of lower sensitivity
V1 V8 V14 and greaterspecificity. If thecost of afalse
Figurc 11.3. Modilication of thyroid data from Klble positive ($FP) result is twice h a t of the cost of a
I 1.2. D + has almost 8 times the number of patients false negative ($FN)resuIt, theslope at the
as D - . optimal threshold will be 16 (Fig. 11.4). Figurc 11.4. ROC curve from Figure 1 1.3. See text for explanation
138 1 Enerrrids of1Vucleor MedicineScience Medical Decision Making t 139
,11) obtained at the University of Kansas Divi- PIT4+) = P(Dl)P(T,+ / D l ) of hyperthyroidism is 499times that of eu- with theprevious results by utilizing theele-
sion of NuclearMedicinefrom1975through +
+ P(DZ)P(T,+ I D2) P(D3)P(T,+ I D3) thyroidism{(.998/.002) = 4991.It is, nev- vated T, data from Table 1 1 . I .
1980. Can we improve our diagnostic classifica- ertheless, a probabilisticdiagnosiswhich, in
tion over the prior probabilitiesof disease by the P(T,+) = (.05)(.00) theory, cannot givetotal diagnostic assurance of P(D 1 T,+) = P(D)P(T4 + 1 D)/P(T, +>
addition of laboratory testresults from Tables
+ (.84)(.014) + (.11)(.684) = ,087
P = 1.00. P(T,+) = (.33)(.00) + (.33)(.014)
11.1 and 1 1.2? Bayes'lheorem providesthe P(D1 IT,+) = (.00)(.05)/(.087) = 0 It is possible to rankeachtestandeach + (.33)(.684) = .23
melhodtorevise thediagnosticprobabililies P ( D 2 \ T , + ) = (.014)(.84)/(.087) = .14 unique group of test results to obtain the combi- P(D1 IT4+) = (.33)(.00)/(.23) = 0
based on the new data. P(D3 IT4+) = (.684)(.11)/(.087) = .86 nation of tests which yields the highest proba- P(DZ[T,+) = (.33)(.014)/(.23) = .02
The probability of hypothyroidism, given an bility for identifying each disease. From Table P(D31T4+) = (.33)(.684)/(.23) = .98
P(T+ ID+)P(D+) 1 1.1, Lhere are 5 tests for each disease state,
P ( D t IT+) = elevakd T,, is 0.0. Theprobability of eu-
P(T+ thyroidism,given anelevated T,, is .14. The there are 3 states for each test. There are 243 = Previous calculation produced P(D1 1 T4 ) +
35 possible combinations. Many of the combi- = 0, P(D2IT,+) = .14, and P(D31T4+) =
P(D+ IT+) is the probability of disease, probability of hyperlhyroidism,givenanele-
nations will be quite unusual. The combination .86.
given a positive test. P(T+ I D + ) is the proba- vated T, , is .86. Given anelevated T,, the
of low T,, low T3 resin, low T, RIA, high Comparison of P(D I T, +), with use of arbi-
bility of a positive test, given the presence of patient is more than 6 timesaslikely Lo be
effective thyroid ratio (ETR), and high 24-hour trarypriorprobabilities,shows a definite
disease, P(D+) istheprobability of finding hyperthyroid as to be euthyroid. Bayes' theorem
I3'I uptakewould be unusual. Except for the changefromtheKansas and Floridaresults.
disease in the population,and P(T + ) is the has revised thepriorprobabilities,based on
high ETR,the testresults mightindicate the Thischangeindicates that priorprobabilities
probability of finding an abnormal test in the finding an elevated T,.
recoveryphase of subacutethyroiditis.Hun- can influence probability of disease calcula-
population. For determination of the probability of hypo-
dreds of thousands of studies would have to be tions, but as wehave shown with use of real
For example, Bayes' theorem permits us to thyroidism, euthyroidism, and hyperthyroid-
analyzed before the rare combinations had ade- data, different institulions may have similar
determinetheprobability ofthe presence of ism, when both T, and T, RIAs are elevated,
Bayes' theorem is expanded as in Figure 11.5. quate numbers for meaningful analysis. Overall prior probabilities.
roidism, given knowledge of an elevated T 4 . P(D1 1 T4+ ,T,RIA 4-) is the probability of hy- and Williams (19) obtained useful results from
In Table 11.2, there were 67 of 98 patients pothyroidism, given an elevated T4 RIA and an less than 900 patients by using the more fre- DECISION ANALYSIS
with a n elevated T, andhyperthyroidism elevated T, RIA. Nole that the denominators are quently occurring combinations. In laterwork
Optimal therapy is the successful conclusion
P(T,+ lD3) = 67/98 = .684.Don'tconfuse identical and are composedof the sum of all the (20, 21), their accuracy in classifying patients
of diagnosis. The path from problem identifica-
numbers of tests or numbers of patients with numerators. The formulais long but is simple if was between that of a general internist and an
tion to diagnosis and through therapy is com-
probabilities. There were no elevated T,s in the broken into its components. When both T4 and endocrinologist specializing in thyroid disease.
plex, with conflicting perceptions, opinions,
( D l ) group, i.e., P(T,+ I D l ) = 0. Ten eu- T, RIAs are elevated, the probabilily of hypo- Whal is important is their use of the inexpensive
images,tests,risks,probabilities, patient val-
thyroidpatients (D2) had elevated T,s, ; . e . , thyroidism is 0, the probability of euthyroidism historyandphysicalexaminationasthe
ues, physician values, and third-party payer val-
PIT, I D2) = .014. The probability of an ele- is .002, and the probability ol hyperlhyroidism modalityfor achieving impressivediagnoslic
ues.Decisionanalysis ( 5 , 23)permits an or-
vated T4 in the entire population is is ,998. Withboth tests elevated, the probability derly approach to these problems and has been
Theprobability of correct classificalion is successfully applied to numerous compiex real
P(Di)P[T,+JDl)P(T,RIAt 101)
influenced to some extent by the prior proba- world medical problems. All reasonable varia-
P(D1 IT4+,T3RIA+) = bility of disease.Inourinstitution, between
P(Dl)P(T,-IDl)P(T3RtA;[D1) + P(D2)P(T4+JD2)P(T,RIA&1D2) t P(D3]P(T4t\D3)P(T3RIAtlD3) tions OF the diagnostic pathway canbe explicitly
1976 and 1980, P(DI) = .05, P(D2) = .84, outlined,clinicaldecisionsidentified, proba-
and P(D3) = . l I . In the Division of Nuclear bilistic and value judgments considered, and an
Medicine at the University of Florida, Gaines- optimal course of events identified.
ville, from 1958 to J967, priorprobabilities Thedecision tree (Fig. 11.6) is a graphic
P(D3]T,t .T,RlA i) =
P(Di)P(T4+~D1)P(T,RIA+101) f P(D2)P(T4+lD2)P(T,RIAt~D2) + P(D3JP(T,cID3)P(T,RIA+103) varied fromP(D1) = (.04 to .06), P(D2) = method that can demonstrate the logical se-
(.79 to .87), P(D3) = (.IO to .15), depending quence of diagnosis including test results, com-
on the patient population and method of deter- plications of tests, the effect of treatment, the
mination(22).Thesefiguresareessentially effect of withholding treatment, and the ranking
identical to those a1 h e University of Kansas, of finaloutcomes so thatthepathway with
even though they are separated by 20 years and greatestutility maybeidentified. By conven-
1000 miles. tion, the initial problem appears on the left and
Suppose thcpriorprobabilities were P(D1) subsequent actions flow to the right. Decisions
= .33,P(D2) = .33, and P(D3) = .33. Calcu- under the physician's control are represented by
Figure 11.5. Bayes' theorem expanded to include resullsof an clcvaled T,RIA and an elevated T, KIA. 111 this
lalethe Probabilities of disease,usingthese squares (decision nodes), and events not under a
figure, T, RIA is labeled as such to distinguish it from the T, rcsin uptake test. priorprobabilities, and comparethese results decision makers control (chance nodes) are rep-
140 I Essentials of NuclearMedicineScience Medical Decision Making / 141
No Disease No Disease
No EIfect
of Disease No Comp-
I No R x
Disease 01 Disease 35 of Oisease
-x@- ,Rx
SuspiciorI Suspicior
of of iicaled
Disease I Comolication Disease
No Disease El- No Disease
4 .7
No Health Effect
No Health Effect
r. 1
Health Effect
Health Effect
Figure 11.6. Decision lree.
Figure 11.7. Decision tree with probabilities of disease, comphcalions of test, complications or therapy, and
outcomes added.
resented by circles. Final outcomes appear at The probabilityof disease (.3), complicalions
the farright. In Figure 11.6, thesuspicion of of the test (.05), and complications of therapy
disease results in a decision (Dl) to perform a ( . 2 )are then added as in Figure 11.7. The util-
test or to perform no test. The testmayhave ities or value of eachoutcome must thenbe No Disease go
effects but only the cos1 of the test. The test may Pauker (18) show Ihe usefulness of question- Uncomp- 85
Rx 8 llcated
identify disease, in which case a square decision naires 10 elicit patient values. Pauker and Kas-
Suspicior Comp- 20
node (D2) is encounlered, at which time a deci- sirer (13), in their example concerning pulmon- of licated
sion to treat or not to treat Ihe patient must be ary embolism, utilize a more complex method Disease .05 Complication 0
made. Treatment may be complicated or uncom-
plicated.Thebranchingandmultiplication of
of estimating utilitiesthat is based on life expec-
tancyandexpectedtimefree of morbidity,
while Sisson et al. (24) estimate the remaining
El- .?
No Disease 100
possibilities may become unwieldy. Note that in
Figure11.6there are somesimplifications al- years of life expected. In Figure 11.8, the utility
readymade but thatthe major pathways are values are empiric estimations. The worst out-
described. come is a complication of thetest (death), while No HealthEffect 70
Simplification is a must, especially in com- the best outcome is to do no test and have no r.1
plex business problems (5). The sheer complex- disease.
ity of the exhaustive complete decision tree will The next step is to calculate theexpected
inhibit understanding and analysis. Sisson (24) utility ateach node.Expectedutilitiesare in Health
Effect 10
and Pauker and Kassirer (13) use well-done and ovals close to theappropriatenode(Figure .9
complex decision lrees that are minimally sim- 11.9). Reading from theright of Figure 11.9,
plified. the sum of the products of the utility and proba- Figure 11.8. Decision lree with empiric ulilitics added
142 / EsserlfiuZs of hiucZear MedicineScience MedicalDecisionMaking I 143
Utitity From P(D) = 0 to P(D) = .23, the decision to of medical decision making, and wilh education
No Disease 90 not test is superior. of the referring physician.
.7 Sensitivityanalysiscandefine athreshold In the past 6 years, the Society for Medical
65 above which one action is optimum and below Decision Making has been formed. It is a multi-
which another action is optimum. disciplinary group composed of scientists, phy-
.95 sicians,administrators,andeducators who
85 work toward the development and applicationof
Jest An organized, logical, and probabiiisiic ap- techniques to optimize diagnostic and therapeu-
20 proach to medical management is not new. The tic medical decisions. For example, the value
Qf recognilion that heaIth care resources are finite judgments of medicine have been reinvestigated
.05 Complication 0
Disease is not new. The concerted effortto limit medical with the development of techniques that can aid
No Disease 100 expenditures, already accepted by the medicaf in synthesizing values related to health, money
r community, is new. The current reimbursement (25), and malpractice.Thediscipline is in a
plan is mostlikelyjustthebeginning of en- developmental stage. We in nuclearmedicine
forced attemptstocontrolexpenditureswhile must learn to speak this mathematical and log-
quality heaIth care is maintained. Nuclearmedi- ical language in order to estabIish the value of
No HealthEffect 70
cine must now show its cost-effectiveness to the functional and physiological capabilities of
third-party payers, hospital administrators, pa- nuclear medicineunique to patient care. We
tients, and referring physicians. This task wilI must demonstrate to all the value of identifying
no1 be easy. It must start with our own educa- and treating specificfunclionalabnormalities
1.9 Health Effect 10 tion, with our willingness to work at quality prior to the development of anatomical abnor-
assurance, data base acquisition, and techniques malities. The cosls of diagnosisbyvarious
Figure 11.9. Decision tree with expected utilities calculated for each node.
modalitiesmustbemeasured.Thecosts of
missing the diagnosis must also be measured.
The problems are complex, but progress ispOS-
sible byusing techniques of medical decision
15 12
REFERENCES Computer Applications in Nuclear Medicine
1, Lusted LB: Imrudldcrr’ofj10 Medical Decision 44uking.
Springfield. IL, Charles C Thomas. 1968, pp 4-5.
2. Edwards JV, Lindman H, Savage U: Bayesianstatis-
tical inference for psychological research. Psycho! Rev
7 0 193-242, 1963,
3. Kotz S , Slroup D F Edfrcured Gvessing. NewYork, Digital computers were introduced to nuclear
Marcel Dekker, 1983, pp 21-22. putersystem lies in thecombination of hard-
4. Hill PH, Bedau H A . Chechile RA, el al: Making Deci-
medicine research asan imaging modalityin the ware and software. To utiIize this power, a user
mid-1960s. Widespread use of imaging comput- generally needs to become knowledgeable
ers (scintigraphiccomputers) wasnot seen in about the capabilities as well as the limitations
5. nuclearmedicineclinics until themid-1970s. of the hardware and sofhvare. Software devel-
For the user, the ability to acquire scintigraphic oped for generalpurposeuse(suchasword
images into thecornpuler for quantitative pur- processors,databasemanagers,andspread-
poses, with accurate selection of regions of in- sheets) oftenhastutorials included to provide
I. terest (ROIs), promisedalmostendlesscom- training and practice such that users can become
putational capabifities. Investigators quickly proficienl quickly. Computer users need io be
developed many new methods for quantitating educated in computer basics as well as in the
the distributionpatterns of radiopharmaceuticals proper operation of sofhvare. Without both lev-
9. within the bodyboth spatiallyandlemporally els of (raining, users willnot be able to reap [he
(1-3). The computer was used to acquire data maximum benefits from their computer system.
on practically every organ that could be imaged Usersshouldkeepup withnewer andbeller
10 by means of gamma camerasor rectilinear scan- versions of sofrware to make optimum use of
ners.Methods of imageprocessing borrowed their hardware.
I1 from other disciplines were applied to scinti-
graphic computer images in an attempt to im- COMPUTER BASICS
prove image quality (4). Image processing in The basic elements of a cornpuler system are
nuclear medicine hasevolved into a relatively illustrated in Figure 12.1. Of primary interest to
extensive set of tasks that can be called on by nuclear medicine users are the input and outpul
the user to provide additional clinical informa- (VO)capabilities of the system, sincea majority
lion rather than lo improve image quality. of the Lime that the user spends at the computer
Digitalcomputersareutilized in nuclear is dedicated to these tasks. This is true whether
medicine departments for nonimaging applica- the computer is used to acquire images andlor
tions also. Patient scheduling, archiving, radio- textual data. Once the data are acquired by the
pharmaceutical inventory, radioimmunoassay computer and depending on lhe desired output,
(RIA), and health physics are just a few of the various forms of processing may be performed.
areas in which the digital computer has proven The overall purpose of a computer system is to
helpful. The computer is useful in any area in acquire data, process data, and provide the de-
which a large quantityof data needs to be accu- sired output.
rately managed, especially over a long period of The inputs to a digital computer include ana-
lime. log voltages from imaging devices, data in digi-
Since the 1nid-I960s,thedigitalcomputer tal format, and keyboard entry (Fig. 12.1>. For
has evolved to the point where desk-top micro- scintigraphic computer syslems commonly uti-
computers are now morepowerfulthan early lized in nuclear medicine, the inputs are gener-
syslerns used for imaging. The power of a corn- ally “X” and “y” posilional signals,isotope
Computer Appiicotions in Nuclear Medicine I I47
ditionally, input is a~ailable through hardware digital values acceptable to the computer (Fig.
devicessuchasjoysticks,light pens, track 12.1). Additionally, each I/O device has to be
balls, and “mice. ” These devices can provide supported by software (commonly called device
interactionwith either a menu or image data. drivers) such thatdata are passed to the com-
Use of the keyboard is required for input of puter in a meaningful fashion.
alphanumericinformation. Patient data,study There are many possible output devicesused
data, operator name, and the date and time are with computers. In nuclear medicine, the most
common examples of this type of information. common output devices include a display screen
Somemicrocomputershaveatouchscreen for text, a display screen for images and graph-
menu selection, while others require a keyboard ics,andaprinter.Thedisplayscreen for text
selection from a menu. For entering of precise should provide a text font (dot pattern to pro-
positional information, such as the outlining of duce text characters)whichiseasy to read.
a ROI within an image, hardware devicesin- Addilionally, it is desirable for the text display
cluding lightpensandothersdescribed pre- to have attributessuchas reverse videoand
viously are used. Many devices have a digital bIinking, to help prompt the operator for input.
output and connect with the computer through a A printershouldproduceroughly 40 words/
serial orparalleldigitalinterface(Fig.12.1). minute and may be either a dot matrix or a daisy
All analog input devicesrequire an ADC to wheel type. If the printer is a dot matrix type
lransform the input analog voltages to discrete and is ulilizedwithmicrocomputershaving
Figure 12.1. Block diagram of computer system illustrates the input, output, storage, and cpu components
commonly connected by the system bus.
unblank signals (indicating that x and y signals y coordinates from the gamma camera field of
are due to the correct energy),andmultiple view (Fig. 12.4). This mode of acquisition fur-
physiologic signals(Fig.12.2).Thesesignals nishes instantimages for storage and display
pass through operational amplifiers which con- (no reformatting asfor list mode). In frame
dition their gains and thereby provide voltages mode acquisition, the x and y coordinate data
acceptable to the computer circuits. Within [he are sorted into arrays of 32 x 32, 64 x 64, 128 X
computersystem, analog-to-digital converters 128, 256 x 256, or 512 x 512 elements, The
(ADCs) transform the analog voltages to digital elements arereferredto as “pixels,” meaning
numerical values for binary storage and subse- picture elemenis. Most nuclear medicine frame
quent use by the cornpuler. During acquisilion mode acquisition utilizes 64 x 64 to 128 x 128
of gamma camera images, the input can be in pixel images. Additionally, the mode of acquisi-
the form of a “list” mode or a “frame” mode. tion is commonly referred to as byle mode or
With list mode acquisition, digitized positional word mode indicating how many counts can be
informalion lrom the ADCs, timing marks from stored at apixel.Bytemodeimages allow a
a real-time clock, and other data, such as phys- range of from 0 to 255 countslpixel, while word
iological triggers, can be stored in the order of modeimages allow from 0 to 65535 counts/
receipt as a form of high-speedrecording of pixel. There is some variability in the range of
gamma camera data (Fig. 12.3). List mode data counts which can be slored in pixels for various
can then be reformatted into images, with selec- computers. A 64 x 64 byte mode imagerequires
tion of various parameters such as time andlor a total of 4096 byles (4K byte) of memory for
image, isotope A or 3 , and physiological gat- storage. The storage requirements and common
ing. The most common mode of acquisition of uses for various modes of acquisilion are given
g a ~ n ~ ncamera
a images is [he “frame” mode in in Table 12.1. Figure 12.2. Block diagram of ADC and line amplifier used IW interface thc analog signals from gamma
which the data arc sorled into a frame such that The keyboard is the most common methodof cameras and physiological monitors to the computer. The line amp provides for adjustmen1 of the x and y
addresses in the frame array correspond to x and operator inpul to a scintigraphic computer. Ad- galnlna camera coordinate signals to provide image size and centering of the signals lorwarded to the ADCs.
Cowpurer Applicafions in Nuclenr Medicine / 149
I48 I Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Science
Table 12.1.
Memory Requirements and Common Uses for Nuclear Medicine Jinages
Matrix Size and Type Memory Requirement (Bytes) Common Use
pass data from one location to another (see Fig. allow users to select which programs to execute Gated Ventriculography images. This form of acquisition was unique to
12.1). The bus contains a number of electrical in order to perform the desired tasks, such as
One of the most frequently requested param- the computer in that images were acquired rela-
linessufficient for addressing (16-20 bits or acquirean image, displayan image,select a
eters of cardiac performance is the ejection frac- tive to the onset of cardiac contraction rather
lines), for data transfer (8-16 bits or lines), for ROI, and generate a curve. In older computers, than for preset counts or time as with a gamma
tion(EF) of theleftventricle. The EF isthe
control signals(variablewith CPU), and for the system was started by “booting” the moni-
amount of volume ejected from the heart (stroke camera only. Typically, 16-32 separate images
electrical power (variable with CPU) to support tor program from disk. The booting procedure
volume (SV)), divided by its initial resting vol- were acquired, with eachimagerepresenting
devices connected to it. The CPU has access to involved setting some switcheson the computer
ume (end diastolic (ED) volume). The SV can different time intervals within the cardiac cycle
alargequantity of random access memory and manually starting the computer by execut-
be determined by subtracting the minimum vol- (Fig.12.5.)Geometricalassumptionsfor the
(RAM) for use in storing dataand programs. ing asmall ROM program.Thesmall ROM
ume during contraction (end systolic (ES) vol- EF calculations were not used; instead, the very
The CPU also has access to read only memory program, when executed, would load a Larger
ume) from the ED volume. In the early 1970s, powerful and unique scintigraphicassumption
(ROM) which contains a setof programs andlor program from a specific location on a specific that counts are directly proportional to volume
the EF was calculated primitively by use of an
data that cannot be altered and that remain intact disk drive and start execution of that program. was theunderlying basis forthe EF calcula-
electronic gating device that allowed the sepa-
whenthecomputerpoweris turned off. The The program loaded was usually the monitor. tions.
rateacquisition of ED and ES images ofthe
CPU has a limited vocabulary with regard to the Systemsofiwareisintendedtoprovide
blood pool within the heart chambers. The rela- Presently, this procedure typically is accom-
actions that it can perform. This vocabulary is smoothoperation of the hardware associated
tiveventricular long-andshort-axeschanges plished by injectingthe patient intravenously
referred to as the instruction set for the CPU or with a computer system aswell as many utilities
were measured between ED and ES and used LO with a small amountof nonradioactive stannous
microprocessor. A computerprogram is a se- to allow for development and management of
determine the EF. This method is exactly analo- pyrophosphate. After a proper amount of time
quence of commands from this instruction set, higher levels of software. Clinical software is
gous to the presentmethods used in single-plane (approximately 20 minutes), 15-30 mCi of
withdata insertedwhereappropriate. A pro- commonly developed in computer languages
contrast ventriculography, including allofits [wmTc]pertechnetate is injected intravenously,
gramcan be slored in ROM to providethe suchas FORTRAN, BASIC, and C. These
associated geometrical errors. whichresults intheradiolabeling of the red
computer withthe capabilityto read a key- high-level software development languages
In 1977, Bacharach and Green (6) introduced blood cellswithintheintravascularcompart-
board, to display on a screen, to load files from have to be supported by specialized libraries to
a method for acquiring gated cardiac blood pool ment (blood pool). Gatedcardiac blood pool
disk, to executeother program, and to perform perform tasks associated with hardware specific
many other menial tasks. A collection of com- to a particular computer system. Clinical soft-
puter programs for a commoa purpose is called ware is distinguished from system software in
“software.”The software stored in ROM is that it utilizes the computer system to perform
sometimesreferred to as a “monitor”ora some clinical task. Generally, clinical software
“commandinterpreter.” This software allows is categorized as togeneral purpose,whether
the user to load and execute other programsthat that be acquisition, processing, or display. The
are stored on disks. It would be impossible to quantity and quality of clinicalsoftwareisa
have all the programs necessary in clinical nu- major factor in selection of a computer system.
clear medicine reside in the computer memory
at the same time; therefore, most of the pro-
grams called into use are read from disk. The
process of loadingandexecuting a program The mostsuccessfulclinical application of
initialry entails the lransfer of the program from the scintigraphic computer has been in the area
a disk to RAM. Once the program is in RAM, of nuclearcardiology (5). Thisapplication
the CPU is informed of the location, and the clearly justifies the use of compulers in nuclear
CPU proceeds to interpret and execute the se- medicine, since in most cases it would not be
quence of instructions that comprisethe pro- possible to acquire and process these clinically
gram. A system of operation in which part of important studies without them.
the system software (Le., the monitor) remains Noninvasive methods of assessing cardiac
in RAM, but most system programs are loaded function are greatly needed, since clinical ques-
from disk and executed when desired, is called tions frequently arise about cardiac performance
a disk operating system (DOS). under varying conditions of rest, exercise, and
When the computer is first turned on, a pro- pharmacological therapy, With the possible ex-
gram in ROM isautomatically executed. This ception of echocardiography, these questions
program may load another program, such as the cannot be answeredwithout resorting to more
invasive procedures, such as contrast angiogra- Figure 12.5. Sixteen-image gated blood pool study taken from a 24-frame MUGA study. The imagcs wcrc
main menu, into RAM and start that program ncquircd in a LAO projection from a normal patient. The ED image is in frame 1, and the ES image is in frame
running.The mainmenu program is used to phy. 10.
152 I Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Science Complrrer Appiicafions itz Nuclear Medicine I 153
images are then obtained in the anterior (ANT) acquired data that picture the heart in various
and left anterior oblique (LAO) projections stages of contraction and relaxation. The next
(Fig. 12.6). The patient can either beat rest or at R-wave signals the computerto start over inthe
exercise equilibrium. firstframe of memory. It is this “multiple-
Thecomputer is required to correctlysyn- gated” process that results in a series of frames
chronize the collection of data with the onset o€ that are representative o€ an average heart beat.
cardiac contraction (Fig. 12.7). The eiectrocat- This method often is called MUGA (multiple-
diogram (EKG) “R-wave” is an acceptable ref- gated acquistion) whichis atrademark of the
erence of the beginning of cardiac contraction Medical Data Systems WDS) Corporalion.
and can be sensed electronically and sent to the The averaging process required to obtain sta-
computerasa timing reference or“trigger.” tistically significant images brings some disad-
Two or more triggers are used by the computer vantages to the technique. Patients must possess
to determine the period of time between heart an unvarying heart rate in order to generate R-
cycles.Thisperiodisdivided by thedesired wave triggers separated by a constant period. If
number of gated images or memory frames to the heart rale is allowed to vary, the frames will
find the time interval to allocate to each frame notrepresent discrete segments of the cardiac
(aproximately 20-100 msec). For the first inter- cycle; instead, an averaged picture. of many dif-
val of time following a trigger, all of the gamma ferent heart cycles results. A minimum acquisi-
camera dala sent to the computer are stored in tion time of 2 minutes is required to produce
the firs1 frame.Subsequent intervals of time clinically useful frames, and whenpossible,
within the first cardiaccyclehaveframes of acquisition of up to 10-20 minutes is obtained.
Figure 12.7,Multiple-gated acquisition illustrates the development of a single set of images representing the
average heart beat.
154 I Esserzrials of h’ucleor MedicineScierlce
of perfusion and metabolic activity. Like po- The regional differences are expressed as a per-
30-60 seconds, and within 10 minutes follow- LAO, and lateral (LAT) projections (Fig. 12.9).
Thallium is a potassium analog that, follow- tassium, itisrapidlyclearedfromtheblood cent washout which can be used objectively to
inginjection,thepatient was moved to the stream through an active pumping mechanism differentiateischemicfromnormalandin-
gamma camera. Imaging was performed in sev- ing intravenous injection, distributes itself to all
cells of the body in accordance with the balance and concentratesin actively workingmuscle farctedmyocardium (Fig. 12.10). This method
era1 projections,althoughusuallyin ANT, cells (myocardium) as well as other cells of the is particularly useful, since it is unlikely to give
body. Therefore, the concentration of radioac- a false negative examination in patients having
tive thalIium within the intial postexercise im- balanced mullivessel disease.Inaddition, h e
ages of the heart muscle represent the reIative computer is usedwithvariousforms of to-
amount of perfusion and metabolic activity of mographicimaging.There havebeen special
the myocardia1 cells. Areas of relatively de- collimator methods such as the 7-pinhole and
creased activity represent areas of diminished rotatingslanthole (RSH) m e t h o d s ( F i g .
perfusion, as in ischemic myocardium second- 12.10B).More recently, 201T1 rotating camera
ary to CAD, or areas of reduced demand, as in tomographic imaging has proved to be useful.
scar tissue secondary to a myocardial infarction
(MI) (Fig. 12.98). Additional Clinical Uses
The distinction between ischemia and MI is Early in the history of clinical applications,
important, because early recognition of ische- ihe scintigraphic computer was used for quan-
miamay lead totreatmentpreventingan im- tification of patterns produced by h e transit of
pending MI. Identical images obtained immedi- radionuclidesthrough various organsystems.
ately following and approximately 4 hours after Amongtheseapplications was cerebral blood
theinitial stress injection are useful in differ- flow analysis whichwasused to evaluate the
entiating these two disorders. This is because of timing and symmetry of blood flow patterns in
the phenomenon of "redistribution," which is the carolid arteries, the middle cerebral arteries,
the cellular exchangeof 201T1so as toreflect the and the cerebral hemispheres. These studies
changing state of perfusion over time. The pa- were acquired in a dynamic frame mode with I
tient with myocardial ischemia during exercise framelsec for roughly 60 seconds following the
usually demonstrates near-norma1 perfusion in a bolus injectionof 20 mCi of g 9 m Tas~ pertechne-
resting situation, whichresults in the "filling- tate or of a renal imaging agent to provide rapid
in" of a defect seen on the initial stress image, clearance from the blood stream. Data analysis
whereas the patient with MI wouId continue to included a time of peak count anda comparison
demonstrate an area of relatively decreased per- of total counts between corresponding left and
fusion in a resting situation, which would result right anatomical regions (16).
in the persistence of a defect seen on the initial Computer processing of the lung during ven-
stress image. The sensitivity and specificity of tilationandperfusionstudieshasbeen per-
the planar imaging methods for the detection of formed to provide a form of functiond image in
CAD are considerablyhigher (85-95%) than which each pixel is the ratio of percenl counts
are those of the ETT only. Planar imaging is not during ventilation to percent counts during per-
very good at determining the extent of the dis- fusion (17). Thesefunctionalimages are re-
ease, however. In fact, it may appear normal in ferred to as V/Q images. The ventilation sludy
patients with balancedmultivessei disease, a is performed with 133Xe,whiletheperfusion
diagnosis that, due to its poor prognosis, should study is performed with 99mTc-labeledmacroag-
not be missed. gregatedalbumin (MAA) or albuminmicro-
The computer presently is used by many in- spheres. A functional image of the lung in
stitutions to acquire planar images. Digital im- which eachpixel of theimagerepresents the
age processing such as background subtraction clearance half-time or mean transit time (1 8) of
and filtering have proven to be of some diag- 133Xeduring the washoul portion of the ventila-
noslic value. A very important use of the com- tion study can be produced.
putcr hasbeen the quantitative comparison of A number of computer methods havebeen
the stress andredistribution 201Tl images (13, utilized to quantitate kidney function. The ma-
14). The activity of the images is individually jor problem associated with kidney evaluations
maDDed and comuared on a repima1 hasis (15) is hnrkornllnd rllhtrirrtkn T h e G;rIn-v ;r P - I O ~ ~ >
Cornpurer Applicotiorrs i>z Nucleor Medieirge I 159
phy has proven to be clinically useful in evalua- iothalomate which is primarily cleared from the REFERENCES 18. Nosil J, Hughes J M . Hudson FR, etal: Functional
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cedures. In this role, the computer takes results (usually paper tape) that the computer can read, N w l Meed 22309-3 17, 198 1 , positronemissiontransaxialtomograph for nuclear
from a gamma counter in a prearranged order the whole process can be automatedin terms of 14. Meade RC. Bamrah VS, Horgan JD, el al: Quantitative medicine imaging (PETT). Radiology 114:89-98,
data entry. A report can be generated that sum- methods in the evalualion of thallium-201 myocardial 1975.
perfusion images. J Nucl Med 19:1175-1 178, 1978. 31, Goodwin P N Recenl developments in instrumentation
patient samples to convert from raw counts to marizes the results of the wipe tests. 1 5 . Llaurado JG: Review: a comparison of computerized for emission computed tomography. Sendin Nucl Med
units of microgram per milliliter (or whatever Althoughthecomputerhas not metwith quantitative methods for interpreting TI-201 myocar- 10327-331, 1980.
units were givenfor the standard samples). With much success in providing interpretation of clin- dial scintigraphs. Int J Biomed Cornput 14:183-194, 32. H ~ l lCH, DworkinHJ:Computers in theradioim-
proper curve fitting algorithms (32), thecorn- ical images, it has proven useful in providing 1983. munoassaylaboratory. In Lieberman DE (ed): Cow
16. Colvin J : Cerebral blood flow analysis on a nuclear purer Methods: The Fundamenfals of Digital h'uclear
putercanproducequick and reproducible re- suggesteddiagnosisbased on laboratorytest
medicinecomputersystem. In Lieberman DE (ed): Medicine. St Louis,CV Mosby, 1977, pp 114-129.
sults for RIA. results fromareas such as blood gas evahations. 33. Herron DS: A computerizedradioactivematerial in-
Cornptrer Methods: The Furfdamerrtals of Digiml A1w
The computer has also been used to evaluate If a logical approach for interpreling a test or a clearMediche. St. Louis,CV Mosby, 1977, pp ventory systcm. Heulrh Phys 37598-600. 1979.
plasma clearance rates of various radiopharma- combination of tests is known, the computer can 99-1 13. 34. Richards L A small-scale computerized isotope record
ceuticals by analysis of the plasma concentra- be useful. For some in vitrotestssuch as the 17. Arnold JE, Wilson R C Computer processing or perfu- monitoring systcm. Heulrh Phys 36540-642, 1979.
tion curve as a function of lime. GFR can be Schilling test, inlerpretative reportingof labora- sion, vcntilalion, and V/Q images to highlight pulmon- 35. Hoory S, Levy LM, Moskowirz G, er al: A compul-
ary cmbolism. Efrr J N r t d Meed 6:309-315, 1981, erized system for conlrol and management of radionu-
assessed from counting plasma samples of lZ51- tory data is possible (36).
Iatrogenic Alterations in the Biodistribution of
Radiotracers as a Result of Drug Therapy:
Theoretical considerations
Robert Hodges
For many years, radioisotopetracers were the by thethyroid (2), as we11 asthe nature of
exclusive tool of researchers for study of bio- sali\Fary secretion (3, 4), gastric and inteslinal
dislributionandphysiologicfunctionwith secretion ( 5 , 6), and the mode of excrelion (7,
highly controlled experimental prolocols, As 8).
their use in humans proliferated, it was found As thesestudiesproceeded,journals were
that theseagents behaved in quite unexpected increasingly publishing reports by clinicians of
ways in [he generally uncontrolled clinical set- the bizarre behavior patternsof pertechnetate in
tings. In theseearlydays, only the naturally theirpatients.Manytimes, i I was a phar-
occurring radioactive isotopes of I , P, Ca, etc. macologicagent that was responsible for the
were available. These were elements whose bio- unexpected behavior of the tracer. This opened
logical dislribution had been fairly well estab- the eyes of practitioners to the fact that many
lished.Moreover, imaging with theseagents factors, including disease states, surgical proce-
was intended to identify gross physiological dures, radiation therapy, drug therapy for con-
manifestations such as bone demineralization or trol of tumor growth, and drugs for supposedly
thyroid physiology. unrelated conditions, could affect the distribu-
The advent of 99n’Tc providedthe first tool for tion of kacers (9).
convenient and extensive labeling of a variety of Anychemicalagentor other influence (in-
molecu\es. After questions of safety were re- cluding a drug) which alters either the nature of
solved, its acceptance was so rapid and its use the tracer or the biochemical milieuto which the
so diverse that there waslittle timelo investigate tracer is exposed may result in unexpecled be-
just how the bodydeals with thisunfamiliar havior of the tracer (10). Because “abnormal”
metal. radiotracer behavior suggests some biochemical
Although labeling of biologic molecules with anomaly which may reflect underlying pathol-
99mTcwas becoming a common practice, what ogy: it is necessary to rule oul the possibiliiy of
effect labeling would haveon biodistribution of an arti€act, or a physiological alteration that is
the molecule was not known. Even the nature of drug-induced, before diagnosis and subsequent
the pertechnetate ion was a puzzle long after it therapeutic decisions can be made with confi-
became a workhorse of nuclear medicine. dence.
Although pertechnetate was similar to iodine In addition, becausemost drugs exert (heir
in much of its biologicbehavior, researchers lherapeulic effect by altering ongoing physio-
recognized the importance of elucidation of its logical processes,someeffects of drugs can
behavior, Evenas it wasbeingwidelyused, mimicdiseasesymptomsor, in certain in-
studieswerelaunched to investigateprotein stances,induce disease. Such induceddisease
binding (1) and organification of pertechnetate due to d i m 1 drug toxicity, such as acute tubular
Drug-irlduccd Alterations: Theoretical Consideratiom I 167
166 I Essentials of NuclearMedicirleScieme
necrosis, or more indirect effects, such as sys- concept will also account for the fact that op- inglysosomal enzymes and cause releaseof and nonactin, interact with lipid bilayer mem-
ticalisomers of the same molecule hequently histamines, prostaglandins, or their precursors, branes and increase their permeability to small
temic lupus erythematosus, may also affect ra-
diotracer distribution and interfere with the dif- have different bioactivity and perhaps will help or they may initiate chaotic activation of the ions via a carrier mechanism comparable with
to explain some mechanisms of tracer uptake. complement cascade with intense ramifications that in thehighly ion-permeablenerve mern-
ferential diagnosis.
Receptors have been identified for cholinergics, for membrane function. branes. Olher membrane-modifying molecules,
angiotensin 11, gonado- SeIective membrane permeability isan essen- such as gramicidin A and alamethicin, facilitate
BIODISTRIBUTION OF glycogen, prolac tin, TSH , estrogen,
topin, his- tial characteristicof the living cell. The most the passive diffusion of ions by creating a path-
and Of these, essential active functions of membranes include way through the membrane through which ions
selective control of the movements of ions and canmovedownan electrochemicalgradient.
Physicalandchemical properties of radio- steroidreceptors appear to b e withinthecell,
other solutes,packagingandtranslocation of Other pore-forming antibiotics are nystatin and
tracers determine, in part, how the radiotracerswhilethe othersarelocalized oncellular sur-
macromolecules, groupingandorientalion of amphotericin B (20).
will localize.Binding to plasmaproteins or faces.Receptors might beexpectedtobepoly-
enzyme systems, and transmission of extra- There is extensive literature on the effects of
intracellular constituents of blood cells, relative mers or portions thereof and would include pro-
teins and nucleic acids (12). cellular informationto the ceIl interior(16). anesthetic drugs on the transmembrane flow of
lipidandlor water solubility, extraction by the
Examples of radiotracers that are thought to Sevenleen glycoenzymes havebeen identified ionsandneutral solutes. It appears h a t the
reticuloendothelial system (RES), ionicsize and
have specific receptors are the cationic isotopes on cell surfaces. Some are involved directly in aneslhetics can increase or decrease passiveand
mass, active or passive transport systems, cel-
and the metabolically active tracers. Lysosomes transport across membranes, and some prepare aclive flows. Facilitated diffusion or carrier-me-
lular metabolism, and binding to receptors may
contain an excess of anionic groups and should their substrates for transport by converting them diatedtranslocation of glucose is inhibited by
play a role in radiotracer Iocalization (10).
demonstrate a considerable capacity for binding to ploducts [hat can be handled by other trans- halothane,methoxyflurane, ether, and various
Radiotraceruptake in disease states can be
of divalent cations which mighl reach the vesi- port systems (17). alcohols and detergents. Edcilitated transfer of
conceptualized i n terms of aIteredregional
Although membranes are much less permea- amino acids is inhibited by ethanol. It appears
physiology. Neoplasms,inflammation,and in- cleinterior(13).Onegroup of compounds
ble tocations than to anions, it is known h a t that neutral anesthetics increase passive cation
farcts are characterized by microvascularization called asialoproteins are known 10 bind to recep-
immunologicalreactionsalterlhelowcation diffusion, while positively charged anesthetics
which increases perfusion and capillary bed per- lors found only on the hepatocyte membranes.
membrane contains lipids in both the gel and stimuiate guanyl cyclase, and regulate the phos- the presence of acidic groups within the bilayer esterase,aldehydedehydrogenase,carbonic
liquid-crystalline phases, the addition of anes- phodiesterase regulator protein (27). increase permeability to cationsanddecrease anhydrase, dopa decarboxylase, monoamine
lhetic could, by lowering the lipid phase transi- Calciumand acidicphospholipids are inti- permeability to anions. The interactions be- oxidase, and xanthine oxidase.
tion temperatures, trigger a change from thegel matelyinvolved in excitatory mechanisms of tween liposomesandcellscan haveprofound
phase to the liquid-crystalline state resulting in biological membranes, and Ihe displacement of effech on the properties of cell membranes
anincrease in fluidity of the membrane (22). membraneouscalcium results in a funclional (31).
It is not yet possible to document the precise
Whenalipid undergoes a phasetransition, inslability of the membrane (27).
otherphysical parameters,inaddition tothe It is likely that in biological membranes, effect that [he previously discussed factors may
fluidity, change, i.e., both lipid packing density Ca+2 conlrol of permeability involves specific play in membrane transport, especially with re- [ 99mTc]Pertechnetate
andpolarhead groups arealtered (19). Mem- interactions of Ca+2 with proteins. Conforma- gard to radiotracers. Technological advances After intravenous injection of pertechnetate,
branes undergoing a phase transition have tional changes in theprotein by itself or in are,howeler,makingpossible a muchmore a I a g e fraction of the activity leaves the blood
shown increased binding of proteins and fluo- concert with surrounding lipids couldbe re- detailedunderstanding of membrane per- within 1 or 2 minutes and equilibrates in various
rescent probes as well as enhanced membrane sponsible for permeability changes (28). meability and transport of a variety of charged compartments (5). It is selectively taken up by
wansport of dyes andincreased enzymatic ac- ThedivalentandtrivalentcationsMn+2, andneutral molecules and particulates. A few the stomach, thyroid gland, salivary glands,
tivity (24). Thedegree of membranefluidity Mg+l, Co+l, Lai3 andthe organicmolecules suspected drug interactions with radiotracers mucosal lining of the nasal sinus, and choroid
affects enzymeactivitysuchasCa+2-ATPase, methoxyverapamil andnifedipineare calcium will be considered later in the chapter in light of plexus (32).
Na+-K+ATPase and lhe P-galactoside transport channel antagonists. Some data suggest that the the previous discussion of membrane transport. The effecliveness of pertechnetate for tradi-
system (25). The resuitant effect on the trans- calciumchannels may possessgating mech. tional brain imaging depends on its distribution
port of tracers is open to speculation. nismsinvolvingphosphatidylinositolbreak- Blood Components in the extracellular spaces and on its exclusion
Following the discovery that cationic, amphi- down as the initial event required to open cal- Concern about alterations in the lransport of from normalbraintissue (33). It is generally
philic drugs such as chlorpromazine (CPZ) en- cium channels following agonist-receptor inter- tracers must focus not only on theeffects on believed that it is the blood-brain barrier (BBB)
hance 32P incorporation into phosphatidic acid actions.Theorganic calcium antagonists that membrane permeability but also on interactions that is responsible for the exclusion of perlech-
and phosphatidylinositol, results of subsequent havebeendeveloped may block entry of cal- of the tracer in particularcompartments.For netate from normal brain [issue. Uptake of per-
studies have led to the realization that CPZ and cium ions from the outside to the inside of the instance,manymolecules and bloodcompo- technetate by the choroid plexus, salivary
otherdrugssuchaslocalanesthetics,im- cell and modify the effects of various calcium- nents found in the circulatory system can inter- glands, andoral mucosa interfereswith brain
ipramine,amphetamines, and kvorphanolact dependentagonists. Quercitrin anddantrolene act with tracers. No1 only can plasma proteins scan interpretation. The use of oral perchlorate
on phosphatidate phosphohydrolase in intact are also Ca+2 antagonists. In the Ca+' channel, bind with the Lracer, but body tissue may pro- to block uptake in the choroid plexus is routine
cells. These agents modify the pattern of incor- divalent cations wilh ionic Iadii similar to Ca+* duceantibodies to the tracer. The tracer may practice in nuclear medicine departments that
poration of labeled glycerin into glyceroIipidsof may be expectedtosubstitute for or act as also interacl with red blood cells, platelets, and ulilize pertechnetate for brain scans. Perchlorate
liver lymphocytes.Theultimateeffect is an antagonists of CaT2 permeation. Both Sr+' and neutrophils. The fateof the tracer is therl depen- works by competitively inhibiting the uptake of
increased cellularphosphatidylinositolcontent Bat* can substitute €or Cat2 (29). denton the destiny of the blood component. periechnerate by the choroid plexus and salivary
( 16). Hormone-receptor interactions may result in Fewer binding sites may be available to tracers glands, thus preventing an increased discharge
Phosphatidylinositol, a membrane phos- direct changes in thephysical, electrical,and that bind to serum prolein if therapeutic doses of intothecerebrospinalfluid (CSF) andsaliva.
pholipid, binds divalentcalionsavidly,but biological properties of the ceil membrane. drugs that are highIy protein bound are present The synthetic anticholinergic drug glycopyrro-
without great specificily for individualionic These alterations in membrane structure may in the blood pool. Their presence could be ex- late has been used in place of perchlorate for
species.Affinityformonovalentcationsis have implications in h e transport of other mole- pected to alter the biologic half-life of the tracer, almost complete eliminationof activity from the
much lower (16). cules (30). as larger numbers of the tracer molecules are choroid plexuses and mouth and for moderate
Great strides are beingmade in the under- Liposome-cell interactions have induced free of binding and are available for elimination reduction in parotid gland activity (34).
standing of the multiple roles that the Ca+2ion changes in cell membrane composition anda or for interacting with cell membranes or with The ability of perchlorate and other agents to
plays in ihe regulation of cellfunctionand variety of cellular activities. Charged liposomes olher agents in the blood stream. atrenuale or block the uptake of pertechnetate at
membranefluidity.Ionized calcium may be a alter the carrier-mediated transport of divalent its usual uptake sites has generaIly been advan-
anions. Data have indicated a specific effect on Enzymes tageous. Since these agentsblock several secre-
mediator for a number of cell functions, such as
cellular and organellar motility or microtubule thecarrierand not anonspecific increase in Becausecellsareenzymaticallycontrolled, tion routes, tissue concentrations in blood, tu-
fluxes, and may reflect surface membrane membrane permeability. Membrane micro- that drugs havean effect on enzyme function mor, and brainare generallyincreased. These
changes or othereventscloselyrelated to cell viscosity and such properties as osmoticfra- suggests a possibleinterference. Several en- levels decline more slowly, which results in pro-
funclion (26). gility, glycerol, and K t permeability have been zymes regulating synthesis of criticalcellular longed tissue concentrations. This effect may or
Calciumplays acritical role in contro1 of altered byliposome interactions with erylhro- constituents have been shown to be affected by may no1 be advantageous,depending onthe
intracellularcyclicnucleotideconcentration cytes, platelets, normal lymphocytes, andleu- drugs at clinically obtainable bloodand tissue tissue ratio and the type of tumor being imaged
through itsability Lo inhibitadenylcyclase, kemiccells.Liposomestudiesalso showthat levels. These enzymes include acetylcholin- (35).
Drug-i>gducedAberarions:TheoreticalConsiderations I 171
170 I Esselztials of Nuclear MedicineScierrce
Pinocytic activity in brain capillaries in those parathyroid extract prior to aluminum ingestion blood sinuses of the liver, lung,spleen, and
11 has been shown that in rabbits, perchlorate
increases intestinal absorption of aluminum in bone marrow (51). The RES is a complex sys-
causes a major tissue redistribulion of pertech- areas protected by the BBB is known to operate
rats (47). Thisobservationshould raise some tem and is far from being understood; never-
netate, probably resulting from release of per- at very low levels under normal conditions. In
question as to the degree of aluminum absorp- theless,wideuseismade of itsreactionto
technetate from plasma protein-binding siles contrast, in almosteverystudy ofpathologic
tion in hyperparathyroid patients. radiolabeled sulfur colloid and albumin colloid.
with redistribution to tissue extracellular spaces damage of the BBB during which the capillary
With use of pertechnetate in brain scans, ill- Liposomes and vesicies are coIloid dropIets
and a shift intracellularly. With regard to blood macromolecular transfer is enhanced, a consid-
defined, diffuse activity may be observed fol- which may, someday, be foundto play a signifi-
plasma, the pertechnetate contentof scalp, lum- erable increase in the numberof pinocytic vesi-
lowing contrast cerebral angiography with Re- cant role as carriers of radioactive labels (53).
bar skin, skuil, muscle, and brain is increased cles has been reported (42). That capillary ade-
nografin 60. Contrastmaterialusedforan- The physiological activities of the RES and
significantly. Pertechnetate also moves from nylcyclasecouldbeactivatedbyhistamine
giographyalterstheBBBandpermits a the factors that influence this diffuse system of
plasma into red cells within 2 or 3 minutes after receptors reflects an important pathologic phe-
detectable concentration of radioacdvity to lin- fixed and mobilemacrophages are numerous.
perchiorateadministration, and the degree of nomenon. It hasbeen proposed that in patholog-
ger in cerebral parenchyma up to 6 hours after The involvement of the RES in lipid metabo-
protein binding drops from 80% to 40% during ical cases, effectivepinocytosis giving rise to an
increase in certain lransporl processes of brain injection. The greater concentration of activity lism, protein metabolism, iron metabolism, tu-
this time (36). has been reporled to be at the perimeter, which
capillaries could be derived from the enhanced mor growth, shock,radiation therapy, infection,
Practitioners, in attempting to explain unex- would indicate that the cortex is most sensitive
pected uptake of pertechnetate-labeled ligands, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP) pro- anda variety of immunoIogica1 processes has
to Renografin 60 (48). Vascular endothelial in- been adequately documented (51).
sometimes discount the possibility of dissocia- duction occurring due to the activalion of capil- jury produced by antigen-antibody complexes
tion of tracer from the ligand because they do lary adenyl cyclase (43). Since brain CAMP can In addition, activation of the RES during bac-
may result in blood coagulation,fibrinolysis, terial infectionanddiseases of autoimmunity
not observe stomach or thyroid uptake of per- be increased by a variety of means, including and the generation of bradykinin (49).
catecholamines, histamines, serotonin, elec- has been suggested to be a physiological host
technetate.However, a rapid red bloodcell When tin comp1ex (cilrate or pyrophosphate)
(RBC) uptake of the liberated pertechnetate, as trical impulses, andother depolarizingagents defense response, while depression of the RES
suchas high potassiumconcenlration,CAMP is administered prior to perlechnetate, the dis- associatedwith circulatoryfailuresmay be a
is observed with tin during in vivo labeling of tribution of the tracer is altered, the concentra-
RBC: could conceivably occur under the right mayplay an importantrole in situations in crucial factor in the development and progres-
which the BBB breakdownoccursviapi- tion in cerebral pathology is reduced, the con- sion of a disease process (51).
conditions. cenlration in mucouscells in thestomach,
The protectionafforded by the BBB is lost nocylosis (44). The RES, as a constituent of the vascular
thyroidand salivaryglands, andthe choroid system, can be affected by at least two routes:
when tumors, cerebrovascular accidents, ab- S h d y of mammalian cell cultures define pi-
plexuses is increased, and thereis a shift of (a)vasomotorsystemand(b)substances cir-
scesses, and other abnormalities break down the nocytosis as the cellular ingestionof fluids. The pertechnetatefromplasma to the RBC. These
BBB and allow abnormal tissue accumulation of uptake of solutes during pinocytosis is due to culating in the blood and lymph. In the former,
kinetics appear to be affected by [he action of theautonomicnervoussyslem,vasoactive
radioiracers (37). The uptake of tracer often is their presence in the fluid ingested. It may be
Sn+* which seems to localize preferentially at amines, or vasotropic tissue substances may di-
much higher in brain tissue adjacent to tumors that pinocylosis takes part in the nutrition of the the sites listed, forming stable complexes capa-
than in distantareas of the brain.Thislocal cellandalsoserves as a means of recycling minish transport of substances bound forthe
ble of reducing pertechnetate anion and fixing it RES. In [he latter, shortage of plasmafactors
uptake may be as much as or evenmorethan membrane components utilized during ex-
at the tin-binding sile (50). promoting phagocytosis, blockage of pha-
that of the tumor itseif. Uptake of radioaclivity ocytosis. Agents reported to induce CAMP-me-
by edematous tissue could explain lhe widening diated pinocytosis include inorganic salts, pro- gocylic sites by cell debris or fibrin products,
RES-imaging Agents and the appearance of endotoxins or lysosomal
of the radioactivity zone surrounding some tu- teins, biological stains, macroglobulins, and
In 1924, the term reticuloendothelial system enzymes that damage the RES cells may reduce
mors (38). It is known that excessive amounts of albumin (45).
Elevated plasma aluminum has beenreported (RES) was introduced to describe abody of the ability of the RES to respond in an expected
protein may pass from the capillaries into tissue
in vivodistribution of [99mTclper- mesenchymal-derived cells that form a diffuse manner (54).
and contribute tothe localedemaand, in the toalterthe
system of sessileandwanderingmononucIear The functional state of the macrophage is a
process,transport prolein-bound pertechnetate technetate (46). In the hemodialysis patient, in
macrophages that havetheability to rapidly majorfactordeterminingtherate of intra-
LO the tumor site. Capillary damage due to the parlicular, there is the potential for interference
ingest foreign particulate matter (51). vascularphagocytosisbythe RES. Glucan,
release of loxins and to the developmentof local with pertechnetatedistribution.Hyperalumin-
RES constitutes an important part of cellular zymosan, estrogen, endotoxin, and Bacillus
lactic acidosis also contribute to the vasogenic emia sufficient to cause encephalopathy has
host defense in the removal and degradation of Cabnetre-Gukrin (BCG) are potent RES stim-
edcmaandproteinextravasation (39). Dex- been reported to result from the presence of
aluminum in the dialysate solution.In addition, bacteria,endotoxin,tumor ceIIs, andforeign ulanls, while corlisone, methyl palmitate, ethyI
amethasone has been shown to be superior to
material from the blood (52). This removal and palmitate, and antilymphocyte serum are potent
other steroids in reducing cerebral edema sec- aluminum-containing antacids are frequently
degradationprocessisaccomplished by fixed RES depressants. There are differences between
ondary to intracranial lunlors (40). It should be prescribed as phosphate binders for patients
macrophages of the RES whose anatomical negativelychargedcolloidsandpositively
noted that steroids reduce the Lumor accumula- with chronic renal disease.This situationaf-
proximity to thecirculationenablesthem to chargedcolloids,asmeasured in vitro, with
tion of 99n1Tc-dielhylenetriaminepentaacetic fords additional opportunity for development of
have direct contact wilh such blood-borne mat- respect to both the rateof vascuIar clearance and
acid (DTPA) which is not significantly protein hyperaluminemia in the dialysis patient. It has
been lurlher observed that the administration of ter. 11 includesmacrophages Iocalized in the relative hepatic distribution. Although it is rec-
172 I Essenfials of NuclearMedicine Science Drug-induced Alterurioru: Theoreiical Considerations I 173
ognized thal the chemical and physical proper- andlor the presence of specific receptor sites on pathwaycanbeactivatedwithoutinvolving oxygen are generated by granulocytesduring
ties of the surface of the entity being pha- the macrophage (51). antibodies, however, by diverse materials such complement interaction. These radicals are re-
gocytized will have significant effects on its rate Theoretically, heparin may affectthe RES as lipopolysaccharide(endotoxin),inulin, and sponsiblefortheendothelialdamage,as has
of removal, the relationshipbetween the in vitro funclion by at least four mechanisms: (a) inter- zymosan.Thesecompoundstrigger activation been shown by the inhibition of damage in
measurements of the charge of a particle and the action with the surface of the particles directly, of C3 directly and generate peptides that potent- cultured cellsbyfreeradicalscavengers. Al-
actual charge of a particle circulating in vivo (b) interaction with plasma opsonins, (c) bind- ly affectleukocyte,especiallygranulocyte, though endotoxin alone has no deleterious ef-
remains to be ascertained, since particles with ing to the cell surface of the macrophages, and function (57). fects,significantdamageoccurswhenitis
differentelectrophoreticmobilitiesin the ab- (d) influencing the lysosomal enzyme activity Some drugs may cause histamine release added with granulocytes, especially in the pres-
sence of serum have been shown to exhibit sim- of the macrophages. Heparin injected intra- from mast cells withoul antibody mediation in a ence of complement fresh serum (57).
ilar charge characteristics when h e y have been venously has been shown to accumulate mainly prediclable dose-relaled fashion. This includes The mechanism of leukostatic plugs and the
incubated with serum (51). in the RES, suggesting that heparin may affect opiates and radiographic contrast agents. These nonmicrobialactivation of complement(e.g.,
Data suggest that adherence of particles on phagocyticactivity at thecellular level. The contrasl agents also aclivate complement via the by pharmacologic agents) should be considered
phagocyte membranes maybe a passive process possibility thal heparin bindsat a specific recep- alternate pathway. A few cases of disseminated in the assessment of any unusual lung uptake of
not dependent on a metabolic energy expendi- tor site on the macrophage is suggested by the intravascular coagulation have been reported in radiotracers.
ture, while ingestion of the particle by the re- observation that heparin depressed the inter- humans followinginjection of contrastagenls Experimental evidence suggests that the se-
ticuloendothelial cellis anactive process. i n nalization of microaggregated albumin particles (49). cretion of lysosomalhydrolasesfromhuman
this regard, metabolicinhibitorsseverely limit by the RES, whichcouldbe attribuledtoan Various eiements of the complement system polymorphonuclear leukocytes can be modified
the ingestion phase of phagocytes. In addition, increase in the negative charge density of the areresponsible forendothelialadherenceand by agents that affect cyclic nucleotides and mi-
variation in age, organ size, body weight, blood macrophage cell surface and could result in an chemotaxis of granulocytes as well as opsoniza- crotubules (59). There also is evidence that
flow,temperature,cellularmetabolism, hor- impaired attachment of the negatively charged tion. One complement component is thought to agenls that activate a lymphocylecyclic nu-
monal levels, and reticuloendothelial cellular albuminparlicles (52). Otherstudiessuggest activate granulocytes to producemicrobicidal cleotide (CAMP) such as isoproterenol, nor-
population dynamics can profoundly influence that heparin increases the pinocytic activity of oxygen radicals (superoxide and hydrogen per- epinephrine, aminophyilin, and some members
intravascular phagocytic activity (5 1). cells such as fibrobIasts (51). oxide). It is believed that these radicals may act of the prostaglandin family interfere with anti-
Phagocytes have the ability to discriminate Intravenouslyinjectedcolloidsusuallydis- as atlraclants for other phagocyles in the area. gen-induced transformation of human lympho-
foreign macromolecules and tissue debris from tribute withinthebodyaccording toregional Data suggestthat complement is activated in cytes in vitro (60). Thus, any tracer localization
healthy endogenous matter. The ability of mac- blood flow and phagocytic activity of the liver shock states incited by sepsis, hemorrhage, and mediated by leukocytes may be affected if the
rophages to distinguish “self’ from “nonself” and spleen.Occasionally, however, uptake is Irauma. A serious and frequently fatal conse- transformation is altered.
appears IO be mediated by aplasma protein observed in the lungsand kidneys. Animal stud- quence of shock thought lo be due to prolonged Agents that increase intracellular cAMP have
(opsonin)thatinteractswithforeignmac- ies have shown that injection of thromboplastin activation of complement is a condilion known beenimplicatedintheflow of subcellular
romolecules, making them susceptible to pha- or production of intensive burnsresulted in a as“shock lung.” One of the features of this organelles in various systems and may interact
gocytic ingestion ( 5 1). marked increase in uptake of colloidal carbon syndrome is a unique plugging of the lung mi- withmicrotubule protein. Sludies indicate that
The clearance of blood-borne particulate ma- bythelungs.Pretreatmentwithheparin pre- crovasculature by granulocytes and monocytes. the release of enzymes from phagocyles after
terial has been shown to be mediated through ventedthis increaseduptake,suggestingthal Pulmonaryabnormaliliesoccurring in hemo- parlicle ingestion is a selective process which
interaclion of particulate matter with opsonizing intravascular coagulation and fibrinformation dialyzed patients produced similar but less pro- does not necessarily involve generalized mem-
proteins in the plasma. The removal of bacleria played a role in lung accumulationof colloid or, nouncedpulmonaryabnormalities. It wasre- brane damage. cAMP acts as the second mes-
appears to be mediated by the action of a spe- alternatively, that heparin prevented the attach- portedthatinanimalstudies,virtuallyall senger for the effects of many polypeptide hor-
cific antibody complement conlponent. In con- ment of colloidalcarbontothemacrophage circulating granulocytes were removed from the monesontargettissuesandmediatesthe
trast, removal of nonbacterial colloid andpartic- membrane. Pulmonary microcirculation studies circulation and were found to be in leukocytic rearrangement of the vacuolar apparatus ob-
ulate matter has been shown to k mediated by have shown that following the injectionof endo- plugsinpulmonarymicrovasculatureinthe served in stimulated organs. It mediates (a) glu-
an aspecific opsonin. Consumptive depletion of toxin, damaged endothelium can be detected by early stages of hemodialysis. This finding sug- cagon-induced formation of autophagic vac-
both specific andnonspecific opsonic protein progressive adherence of intravenously injected gests the possibility of complement aclivation, uoles i n liver,(b)endocytosisinthyroid
has been documented and has been shown to be colloidalcarbon to its surface.Subsequently, asplasma flows overthecellophanediaIyzer following stimulation with TSH, (c) induction
the major determinant of RES function during the endothelial cells swell and the colloidal car- coils of the hemodialysis apparatus (57). of exocytosis in osteoclasts, parotid, and pan-
reticuloendothelial blockagerather than phys- bon appears within the cells, suggesting phago- It is not surprising that dialyzer cellophane creasbyparathyroidhormone (PTH), cate-
ical saturation of reticuloendothelial cells ( 5 5 ) . cytosis (56). could activate complement, since cellophane is cholamines,andinsulin,and(c)melanocyte-
SeIectivemembraneadherenceprobablyis Theplasmacomplement (C) system is in- a polysaccharide such as zymosan, inulin, and stimulating hormone (MSH)-induced granule
associated with the physical and chemical prop- volved as an antimicrobial defense mechanism. endotoxin, all of which are capable of inducing dispersion in melanocytes (61).
erties of theopsonizedparticles,the charac- The usual succession of evenls in compIement complemenl activation (58). Human leukocytes possess specific and sepa-
teristics of the membrane of the macrophages, activation begins with antibodies;analternate As mentionedpreviously,freeradicals of rate receptors for endogenous hormones includ-
174 I Essentials of NuclearMediche Science
ing P-adrenergic catecholamines, histamines, leukocytes completely at low concentrations are known to cause acute tubular necrosis (67). its chemotaxis for PMN leukocytes. PMN leu-
and prostaglandins. Each of these stimulate ac- and decrease their hexose monophosphate shunt Blood platelets, under normal circumstances, kocytes release prostaglandin (PGE,) during
cumulation of cAMP in suspension of mixed activity and myeloperoxidase-mediated iodina- circulate as smooth,disk-shapednonadherent phagocytosiswhich is also chemotactic for
human leukocytes. It has been reported that a- tion at even lower concentrations. General anes- cells. When endothelium is brokenor disruption PMN cells (72). Thromboxane A, is the most
adrenergic agents, which decrease cAMP lev- thetics hamperbothphagocytic and catabolic of vesselsallows blood to comeinto contact potent aggregator metabolite of arachidonic acid
els, and cholinergic agonists enhance the immu- reticuloendothelial functions and impair im- with elements of the vessel wall or perivascular which has been identified (73). Prostacyclin is
nologic release of histamine and SRS-A from mune response by leukocytes. The plasma ex- space, platelet adhesion occurs which initiates a the most powerful substance known to prevent
lung fragments (59). panderdextran,whichis a largecolloid,is secretory response during which subcellular aggregation; it increases cAMP Levels in plate-
Other agents have the ability to increase in- knowntobepartlyengulfedbyreticukoen- granules extrude substances from the cell. This lets (71). Prostacyclinreleased intothe blood
tracellularCAMP. Prostaglandin E not only is dothelial cells. Total parenteral nutrition with extrusion processresemblesthesecretory ac- stream by pulmonary circulation constantly ac-
associated with increases in cAMPbut also has hypertonic amino acids and dextrose can result tivity of other cells such as endocrine cells and tivates platelet adenyl cyclase and increases
been associated with the movement of sub- in a 50% reduction of chemotactic phagocytic mast cells (68). platelet CAMP, thus decreasingaggregability.
cellular organelles andmay interact with micro- andbactericidal activity of granulocytes. Pro- Blood platelets have been implicatedin medi- Phosphodiesterase inhibitors could potentiate
tubuleprotein (61). Inaddition,cAMPis tein deficiency also has been shown to result in ating not onlyhemostasisandthrombosis but the effect of circuIating prostacyclin on platelets
thought to impair RNA or protein synthesis in a diminished uptake of colloidal carbon by also various types of inflammatory and immu- (74).
macrophages during enzyme formation (60). Kupffer cells. Extracorporeal circulation, as in nologic processes, vascular permeability, host-
Chloramphenicol and tetracycline have been renal dialysis, also may depress RES function defense responses, and transplant rejection reac- Bone-imaging Agents
shown to affect phagocytosisbyblockage of (54). tion (69). Pyrophosphate (PYP) has been found to be
DNA and RNA synthesis (54), perhaps by the The administration of natural or synthetic es- Increased sensitivity of p!ateleis to aggregat- present in normal plasma, urine, and saliva and
samemechanism.Otheragentssuch as the trogens markedly stimulated the phagocytic ac- ing agentssuch as ADP, epinephrine,and in bone and teeth.Because of its presence in
methyl xanthines have an indirect effect. These tivity of the RES in experimental animals and collagen occurs in heart disease, type Ila hyper- calcified tissuesandsurroundingfluids,PYP
agents are potent inhibitors of phosphodies- can result in pronounced RES organ hypertro- betalipoproteinemia, transienl attacks of cere- may protect soft tissue from mineralization,reg-
terase needed for deactivation of cAMP result- phy. Other studies demonstrating a dose-related bral ischemia,hyperlension,anginapectoris, ulatetheonset of calcification,andinfluence
ing in sustained high levels of CAMP. Thus data increase in reticuloendothelialphagocytic ac- myocardialinfarction,andfactorssuchas the rates of entry and exit of calcium and phos-
suggestingcAMPas a secondmessenger in tivity without RES organ enlargement appear to smoking and the use of oral contraceptives (70). phate in bone.Hydroxyapatite (HA) crystals
many humoral systems of the body; especially suggest that RES stimulation following estrogen Manyagents that causeplatelets torelease have a marked ability to absorb PYP. This af-
in the RES, raisethepossibilitythatphar- can be the result of increased RES cell activity their granule contentsactivate phospholipase A? finity mayinhibit nucleationand subsequent
macologic agents known to alter cAMP levels rather than RES proliferation (63). of the platelet membranewhichfrees arach- growth and aggregation of crystal nuclei of HA.
may affect RES function and hencethe distribu- Some drugs used for diverse therapeutic ef- idonicacid from platelet membrane phos- Other modes of action for inhibition of miner-
tion of colloids (67). fects are estrogenic. Spironolactone, a diuretic pholipid. The arachidonic acid is converled to alization, besides direct action on crystals, are
One possible interference in phagocytosis is agent, has knownestrogeniceffectsandhas proslaglandin endoperoxides and thromboxane possible (75).
thealtered state of microtubules that develops been known to produce gynecomastia in males A?. These agents can cause platelet aggregation Electron microscopic observations indicate
between phagocytic vacuoles andlysosomes. (64). and the release of granule contents (70). Sub- the presence of extracellular membranous ma-
Drugs with thiscapability are colchicineand Under normal conditions, there is only mini- slances released from plarelel granules include trix vesicles in epiphyseal cartilage. The very
vinblastin.Thesedrugs have been shown to mal uptake of 99mTc-labeledsulfurcolloid in serolonin, a protein that can neutralize heparin, first crystals of HA appear to be associated with
inhibit urate crystal phagocytosis, intracellular kidney tissue, and data donot suggest migration acid hydrolases,andfactors that canmodify these vesicles. They containmost of the alkaline
digestion,redistribution of granule-associakd of reticuloendothelial cells to the kidney.Sev- vascular permeability and integrity. These fac- phosphatase, ATP, and pyrophosphatase activity
hydrolases, and antigen-induced release of his- eral theories have been proposed to explain the tors can have wide biological implications (68). of the epiphyseal cartilage. It has been postu-
tamine (61). incidence of renal localization of radiocolloid. Indomethacin and phenylbutazone inhibit re- lated that because of the enzyme content, mem-
Phagocytosis of zymosan particles by rabbit The most likely of these suggests that changes lease andaggregalion of plateletslemporarjly branous nature, and location of these vesicles,
polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes was in- in renal flow could induce phagocytic activity in (69), while aspirin effects last longer due to the they may be involved in the calcification pro-
hibited by hydrocortisone, methyl predniso- the proximal convoluted tubular cells. Reduced irreversible acetylation of cyclo-oxygenase in cess. Thus hydrolysisof ATP by ATPase present
lone, and chloroquine. The concentration of blood flow to the kidneys could occur in con- platelets (71). Other drugs thal can inhibit plate- in the matrix vesiclesforms orthophosphate and
drugsinhibitory to phagocytosis was substan- gestiveheartfailure (65) orpotentiallyas a let functionincludetricyclicantidepressants, facilitates Ca+Zuptake, resulting in the cal-
tially higher than that of drugs required for inhi- result of drug therapy that causes cardiac output antihistamines,ethylalcohol,clofibrate, car- cification process.Similarvesicleshave been
bition of chemotaxis in vitro. Thus these agents to be reduced. benicillin, dextran, high doses of penicillin, ni- seen in immature bone, dentine, and calcifying
inhibit the inflammatory process by preventing Renal accumulalion of 99mTc-labeledsulfur trofurantoin, pyrizadine compounds, phenothia- aorta (76).
the response of leukocytes to chemotactic stim- colloid has also been reported in renal transplant zines, and volatile anesthetics (69). Hydroxyethylidenediphosphonate (HEDP),
uli (62). patients during rejcction and during episodes of Theenzymelipoxygenase,isolatedfrom used therapeutjcally, couldinterferewith the
Miscellaneous other agents have been shown acute tubular necrosis (66). Several ol the com- human platelets, gcncratcs a derivative of arach- functioning of these vesicles. It has been sug-
10 affect the RES, Localanestheticsparalyze monly used antibiotics, especially kanamycin, idonic acid which, during inflammation, exhib- gested that low concentrations of PYP promote
176 I Essentials of NrtclearMedicineScience Drug-inducedAilerariom:TheoreiicalConsidera;ior~s I 177
theearlierstages of calcium accumulationby significant effect on 99mTc-diphosphonateclear- the presence of appropriatedihydroxyglycols ubilization, A 1 + 3 could be absorbed(93). It has
the vesicles, perhaps by actingas a substrate for ance from blood, i.e., an increased rapidity of other than gluconate, such as gluceptate, man- been suggested that should there be an altered
the calcium pump. HEDP might compete for blood clearance of the tracer. Bladder activity nitol,and ethylene gIycero1, givesessentially distribulion of wmTc-HEDP, theA 1 + 3 content of
PYP at thissiteandblockcalcification. was observedearlier in the calcitonin-trealed the sametissuedistributionasobserved with 9 9 m T ~ and the patient’s serum be checked
Changes in thecellpopulations of skeletal patients than in the non-calcitonin-treatedpa- 99mTc-gluconate (88). (94).
tissues, including epiphyseal cartilage and pag- tients, possibly due to a decrease in the prox- Other glycols are present in pharmaceuticals. An atypical bonescan with use of 9 5 m T ~ -
etic bone, and in the morphology of bone cells, imal renal tubular reabsorption of electrolytes in Polyethyleneglycol is presentinGris-PEG diphosphonale was reported in a patient receiv-
especiallyosteoclasts, are seenwhendiphos- patients with Paget’s disease (79). (griseofulvin), and propylene glycol is present ing Phospho-Soda. The scan was characterized
phonates are given therapeutically (75). Calcitoninhasbeenshown to convert the as a slabilizer agent in poorIg soluble injecta- by poorskeletaluptake with increased tracer
Anextracellular fluid (ECF) space liesbe- lower and upper part of the small bowel from an bles such as phenytoin, digoxin, phenobarbital, activity in the stomach, thyroid, and lungs. The
tween the capillaries and the bone surface. The absorbing organ to one thal secretes water, so- and hydralazine. poor bone uptake of the tracer mightresult from
rate of tracer transfer from the ECF to osteoidin dium, chloride, and potassium (80). AgentscontaininggluconateincludeKaon saturation of bonebinding sites byphosphate
relation to the rapid diffusion from capillariesto The administration of 1.25 mg of vitamin D, (potassium gluconate),quinidinegluconate by ions from thePhospho-Sodapreparation (95).
the ECF is slow. Increasing velocity of blood intravenously in ratscauseda significantde- injection, and Quinaglute Dura-Tabs (quinidine Phospho-Soda contains 0.14 g m of phos-
flow is without significanteffect on tracer depo- crease in the uptake of 99mTc-PYPand 9 9 m T ~ - gluconaletablets). A product that contains a phorus per ml. The recommended purgative
sition on osteoid surfaces. If sympathetic ner- diphosphonate by bone. Administration of 1.25 congener of gluconate is guaifenisin which is dose is 10-20 ml ( 1 . 5 - 3 . 0 gm of phosphorus).
vous control of microvasculature is blocked, mg of dihydrotachysterolbystomachtube found in some cough preparations. Phosphatecan lower serumcalcium with no
however, vessels that are normally closed will caused a significant increase in the ratio of in- Uptake of 99mTc-labeledphosphates at the increased fecal or urinary excretion of calcium.
open, and areas of osteoid not normally exposed farcted myocardium-to-bone uptake of 9 9 m T ~ - site of intramuscular injections of an iron dex- This lowering may be dueto extraskeletal depo-
to tracerwill beable to participate in tracer PYP (81). Observations such as this led to the tran complex has been reported (89). One expla- silion of calcium phosphate salt. Extensive cal-
uptake.Computerperturbationstudiesshow search €or agents that would favorably influence nation for this phenomenon is the combination cificationhas beenreported with orallyand
that bone is highly sensitive to changes in ex- the tracer distribution (82-86). of ferric hydroxide and reduced technetium, as inlravenously administered phosphate prepara-
traction efficiency resulting from hormonal al- Parathyroid hormone (PTH) elevation in this combination is released from Ihe iron dex- tions (96). Whateffect. if any, this may have
terations. Thus, both hyperparathyroidism and serum hasbeen observedtoincreaseurinary tran complex (90). played in the case cited above (95) is unknown.
hyperthyroidism result in high-contrast “super- excretion of 99mTc-PYP(87). This observation Additionalreports of theeffect of iron on Since most radiotracers must cross biological
scans” (77). suggests at least the potential that drugs which tissue distribution of phosphorus-containing membranes sometime during their biodistribu-
A direct role for Iysosomal enzymes in col- influence PTH levels may have some effect on bone agents suggests a relationship between the tion, a consideration of pharmacological mem-
lagendegradationhas been suggested. Lyso- excretion of %“Tc-PYP or other hone-imaging degreeof ironoverload and thedecrease in brane akerations seems appropriate.
somal proteases may complete the degradation agents. skeletal uptake. Patients with a history of trans- Calcium is intimateiy involved in many as-
o€ collagen and may benecessary to cleave Altered distribution of theboneagentsdi- fusionand hemochromatosisshowedreduced pects of cellular metabolism including glycoly-
intermolecularcross-linksbetweencollagen phosphonateandpyrophosphate,inthe pres- skeletal uptake of bone agent, which correlated sis, mitochondrial metabolism, junclional com-
molecules,makingthemsusceptibleto colla- ence of C a k 2 and Fe+2, hasbeenobserved. with thedegree of expectedironoverload in munication between ceils, cell proliferation,
genase.DibutyrylCAMP(DBcAMP), a bone These metal ions may facilitate the dissociation these patients (91). celladhesion, and numerousotherprocesses.
reabsorptionstimulator,causesanincreased of 9 9 m Tfrom
~ the carrier ligand, resulting in Liver uptake of 99mTc-Sn-HEDP has been Calcium can induce major structural changes in
lysosomal enzymerelease.Otheragents that both 59mT~ deposition at the reaction site aswell demonstrated in the presence of A 1+ j ions pos- model lipid bilayers (97).
increase lysosomal enzyme release and 45Ca re- as translocation to other tissues, possibly with sibly leached from thetechnetium generator. Primaryinteractions of calciumwithphos-
leaseincludeisobutylmethylxanthineandcal- the migrant wmTc boundto another ligand. The This uptake was believed to be due to the fonna- pholipids result in secondary effects on proteins
cium ionophore A23187 (78). formation of Ca-HEDP complexes in the pres- tion of a colloidal complex, although particles embedded in the lipid phase of biological mem-
Decreased release of lysosomal enzymes oc- ence of calcium gluconate could release 9 5 m T ~ , were not visibleunder light microscopy (92). branes. In general, absorptionof Ca+* and other
curred in parallelwith decreased 45Ca release followed by scavenging of the liberated 9 9 m T ~ Tissue burdensof aluminum have been foundto bivalent cations to negatively charged bilayers
caused by inhibitors of bone resorption such as by gluconate to form a ligand with renal imag- be increasedin a number of conditions. AI- reducesthesurfacecharge,“stabilizes”the
cortisone,colchicine,andsalmoncalcitonin. ing properties. In the absence of gluconate the though the gastrointestinal tract is a formidable membrane, reduces its fluidity, anddecreases
Otherinhibitors of lysosomalenzyme release Ca-HEDPreactionproduces a significant hamer to the entry of aluminum, it cannot be its permeability. In membranes of mixed phos-
that were also found to inhibit bone resorption amount of liveragent,possiblycolloidal considered to be impervious. Plasma aluminum pholipids, however, Ca+2can induce phase sep-
in culturesystems were stilbamidine,chloro- 9 9 m T ~ 0Such
2 . transchelation may account for levels have been reported to rise markedly dur- aration and formation of solid phospholipid is-
quine, and dapsone (78). the fact that pyrophosphate and diphosphonate ing ingestionofaluminumhydroxide,alumi- lets at theinterface between fluidand solid
Calcitonin is a hormone thatinhibitsbone are effective imaging agents for myocardial in- num carbonate, and aluminum aminoacetate. In phases (98).
resorption and is known to cause suppression of farction (88). conlrastto a l u n ~ i n u ~phosphate,
n these alumi- Evidence strongly suggests that psychotropic
elevated urinary hydroxyproline excretion. Ki- Otherpotentialdruginteractionsaresug- num compounds are soluble at the pH of the drugsinduce avariety of alterations in mem-
netic studies indicate that calcitonin may have a gested by the fact that 99”Tc(Sn) at high pH in proximalduodenumorstomach.With sol- brane transport ~nechanisms. These drugsinter-
178 I Essenrinls of NuclearMedicineScience Drug-induced Allerations: Theoreticalconsiderations / I79
acl with the sodium pump, the cyclic nucleotide andlor intracelluIar binding of gallium by neo- liferation and secretory function of lympho- Cerrain moietiesknownas Iysosornotropic
system,microtubules, and membrane calcium plastic and inflammatory cells (103). cytes. Agents that increase CAMP decrease this agents are known to be taken up selectively into
Several factors may influence leukocyte func- function. The transfer of Ca+Zinto lymphocytes lysosomes. The antimalarial drug chloroquine
It has been demonstrated that loca1 anesthet- tion. The clinical significance of theseinflu- by A23 187 bypasses physiologic membrane can reach such concentration in lysosomes that
icsandtranquilizers suchaschlorpromazine ences is only speculative; the controversy as to events,resultinginproliferation of normal it may seriously affect the aclivily of some of
cause a dramatic decreasein the ATP content of the physiological behaviorof gallium, however, human lymphocytes (108). There are otherpath- the lysosomal enzymes and thus impair lysoso-
chicken erythrocytes which is accompanied by may be rooted in the effects of suchoutside ways for A23187 action. A23187 can stimulate mal digestion. Chloroquine has been known to
an increase in membraneparticleaggregation influences on neutrophils. For instance, activa- the movement of Mg+2and K+ in mitochondria inhibit the breakdown of endogenous proteins
and exposure of membrane phospholipids (100). tion of oxidative metabolism in PMN leuko- and induces a CaT' influx and concurrent hypo- and mucopolysaccharides in fibroblasts and that
As noled previously, Ca+2mayinteractwith cytes results in increased oxygen consumption, polarization of cell membrane. The latter effect of exogenousproteinsinmacrophages. Dex-
membrane phospholipid. I n addition, arach- glucose oxidation, and generation of oxidative is not solelyduetoCa+*movement,since tran, a polysaccharide,alsoaccumulates in
idonic acid is produced from membrane phos- intermediates (superoxide anion, hydrogen per- measurements of Nat, K + , and PO;3 indicate lysosomes. Dextran has a toxicity that may be
pholipid. Arachidonic acid is converted to pros- oxide, and hydroxyl radical). Thisoxidation that A23187 also alters the fluxes of these ions related to its accumulation and very slow clear-
taglandinendoperoxides PGG,, PGH,, and "burst" can be stimulated by opsonized parti- acrossthe membrane (97). Entry of K + into ance from lysosomes.
thromboxane A,. These agents can cause plate- cles or concanavalin A (con A), cytochalasin E, lymphocytes is one of the earliestevents of Agents entering lysosomes can act by modi-
let sensitivity to aggregation and the release of and thecalciumionophoreA23187.Theab- lymphocyte activation (109). Parallel experi- fying the properties of the lysosomal membrane
granulecontents. Increasedplatelet sensitivity sence of oxidativeintermediatesis associated ments with con A reveal a similar redistribution and thus increasing or decreasing its abilily to
to aggregation by collagen has been described with depressedmicrobicidalactivity (104). of Na+, Kt,PO,3, and Cat2 (97). Levamisole containlysosomaldigestion.Anti-inflam-
in a variety of altered physiological states, sug-False negative [67Ga]gallium citrate scans may is an anthelmintic, irnmunoshulating drug ca- malory agents such as cortisone exerl their ef-
occur in chronic abscess in leukopenic palients
gesting the possibility of platelet participation in pableofalteringintracellular levels of cyclic fect, at least partly, by modifying the lysosomal
uptake in bone associated with collagen (70). (105, 106). nucleolides,which modulateslymphocyteac- membrane, rendering it less fragile and perhaps
Other studies suggest that gallium associates livation. It is known to enhance catabolism of less capable of fusing wilh plasma membranes
[ 67Ga]Gallium Citrate primarily and tenaciously with the plasma mem- CAMP and to inhibit the catabolism of cGMP to allow exocyticdischarge of thelysosome
Afterintravenous injection, 67Ga isassoci- branes of lymphocyles and that uptake appears which is implicated in lymphocyte activation contents. Investigators have extracted a sub-
ated with [ransferrin. Subsequent tissue localiz- to be associatedwith changes in the plasma (108). stancefromkidneylysosomes wilh a strong
ation may occur as a result of migrationof membrane,suchasthose that occur in phy- Acidosis, ketosis, and hyperlipidemiamay affinityfor cationic compounds which could
gallium from transferrin to other metal-binding tohemagglulinin-stimulated cells. Lymphocytes act together or independently to alter lympho- account for kidney binding of [67Gajgallium cit-
molecules, such as lactoferrin which is similar are known to be abnormal in lymphomas which cyle membrane or the internal metabolism of rate.Carrageenan, used as a food emulsifier,
to transferrin in molecular weight but differs in accumulate gallium avidly. T-lymphocytes are lymphocytes, resulting in depressed reaction to and polyvinylpyrrolidone are also known to be
tissue distribution. Tissues and secretions with ableto be transformed readily wilh mitogens. mitogens, impairedbactericidalcapacity, and slored in lysosomes (112).
highlactoferrincontent are known to concen- The degree of uptake of gallium was not associ- impairedlocalexudativecelfularresponse Incontrast to thelysosomallocalization
trate gallium (101). These include neutrophilic ated with any aspect of cell division but rather (1 IO). mechanism,anotherset of ultracentrifugation
leukocytes, bone marrow, colon, tears, and gen- with some aspect of the cell membrane which Suppression of Kt entry into lymphocytes by studies showed gallium in tumortissueto be
ital, salivary, and nasopharyngeal secretions is known to be different in normal and neo- ouabain will prevent mitosis, blastogenesis, and located in the nucIeifraction (113). More re-
(102).Increased lactoferrin isseen in breast plastic tissues.Supporlforplasmamembrane increased protein DNA and RNA synlhesis. Hu- cently, researchers have demonstratedactivity
tumorsandinthespleen of patientswith localization is provided by the observation that mans receiving 60 mg of prednisonedevelop in organelles thatare smaller than lysosomes.
Hodgkin's disease. In inflammalory lesions, 50% of the gallium can be digested from the cell lymphopenia within a few hours. Lymphocytes These granules were isolated with use of a dif-
lacloferrin is deposited by PMN leukocytes and by proteolytic enzymeswithoutincurrence of obtained after drug administration respond ferent homogenization process. Morphologi-
binds to the surface of monocytesandmac- letha1 cell damage (107). Other studies, in con- poorly to mitogens. Either circulatory lympho- cally, these particles were predominantly rough-
rophageswhere it appearstoinhibit bacterial trast to the previouslymentioned observation, cytes are being inactivated by the corticosteroid, surfaced endoplasmic reticulum fragments;
growth by removing available ferric ion needed indicate that chronic lymphocytic leukemia in a orthoselymphocytesthatrespondwell to however, small single-membrane electron-dense
by the invading organisms (101). patientwith enlargedlymphnodesfailed to mitogen have been sequesteredoutside of the granules also were present (114).
Estrogen-stimulatedplasmaproteinsare yield a positive scan (103). circulation. This sequestration prevents migra- As has been observed earlier, high tissue pro-
transporlproleinsresponsibIe for smallmole- Lymphocyte activation by mitogens such as tion into areas of inlmunologic challenge (109). lactinlevelshave a potentinfluenceon
culessuchassteroids, thyroid hormones, and con A and cytochalasin E appears to be depen- Some studies suggest that gallium localizes in [ "Ga]gaflium citrate accumulation in mammary
metals.Ceruloplasmin and transferrin are in- dent on calcium influx via endogenous calcium subcellular organellesmorphologicallyidenti- and other tissues. Hyperprolactinernia can occur
creased by eslrogen (102). ionophores that actas a signal for cyclic nu- fiable as lysosomes, phagolysosomes, or related in pituitary adenomas, primary hypothyroid-
Observation of galliumactivity withinneu- cleotides to trigger cell proliferation; therefore, particles. Recently, electron microscopic auto- ism,chestwallinjuries,carcinoma of lung
trophils of inflammatorylesionssuggeststhe agents that increase cellular levelsof cyclic gua- radiography has shown %a 10 beassociated (which secretes ectopic prolactin), emotional
possibility of a common mechanism of uptake nosine monophosphate(cGMP)promotepro- with lysosomes ( I 1 I). andphysical stress, andadvanced renal failure
180 t Essentials of h'uclearMedicineScience Drrrg-ir1ducedAlierations:TheorericalConsiderntiom 1 181
and may be induced by many drugs. Included scanning has resulted in radionuclide accumula- target usually is dead or dying myocardial cells Hydrogenion accumulation is oneimportant
amongthese are reserpine,methyldopa,oral tion in thelungs.Histologicchangesinthe but could b e interstitial substance or anothercell end result of glycogenolysis in ischemic tissue
contraceplives, antidepressants, and phenothia- lungs of animals and in thelymphnodes of type,such as granulocyteorfibroblast(121). which aggravates cell damage. cAMP also ac-
zines ( 1 15). humans following contrastlymphangiography That several chelate complexes show localiz- celerates lipolysis, resulting in accumulation of
In the use of [67Ga]gallium citrate for brain havebeen reported, suggesting the possibility ation in all infarcted or necrotic tissueof varied acelyl coenzyme A which blocks energy trans-
tumor scanning, pretreatment with anti-inflam- of irritant effects of contrastmaterial on pul- pathogenesis suggests that the concentration ferfrommitochondria to cytoplasm.Agents
matory steroids showed either a disappearance monary parenchyma as a cause for lung uptake process is mediated by influx into the damaged that inhibit cAMP accumulation such as p-ad-
or a reduction of gallium uptake (116). ( 1 19). area due to increased vascular permeability, fol- renergic blockers and agents which promote in-
Administration of iron dextran has been dem- Thereismuch controversy as to theactual lowed bybindingtodamagedcomponents tracellular destruction of cAMPmay prevent
onstrated to lower the whole-body retention in mechanism of uptake of [67Ga]gallium citrate ( 122). metabolic alteration in ischemictissue (125).
intactand abscess-bearinganimals.Whenad- into cells, and it has been suggested that with An essential step in the identification of po- cAMP playsa role in the modulating effectof
ministered 24 hours after tracer injection, iron elucidation of the exact mechanism we may tential effects of drugs on uptake in myocardial cardioactive drugs. Potent stimulators of adenyl
dextran decreases background activity, resulting identify a set of processes of major biological tissue is an understanding of thebiochemical cyclase and inhibitors of phosphodiesterase are
in more apparent lesions. Thus, the kinetics of importance. Similar cellular enlry pathways are adaptations of hypoxicandotherwise stressed cardiotonic agents. The biological effects of
[67Ga]gallium citrate distribution can be re- suspected for t 'In, the rare earth elements, and cells as well as abetter understanding of the cAMPareassociatedwiththeactivation of
markably altered by administration of iron dex- the actinides-all of which show considerable biochemicalchangesinducedbycardioactive CAMP-dependentprotein kinases which phos-
tran which displaces the gallium from transfer- similiarities to 67Ga in their biological behavior drugs. For example, the inotropic effectof digi- phorylate a number of substrates. There is a p-
rin andother binding proteinsand enhances (111). talis on cardiac muscle can be attributed to its receptor-adenyl cyclase complex that can act as
galliumexcretion, resulting in ahigh abscess- Use of agenls such as the mitogens, con A action on thesarcolemmacellmembraneto a mediator for some cardiotonic drugs.The sar-
to-muscle ratio ( 1 17). andcylochalasin B or calciumionophore stimuhte Ca+Z influx, thus providing a greater coplasmicreticulum (SR) may functionas a
Ethanol and benzyl alcohol have been shown A23187 provide a model for the better under- quantity of Ca'2 to coniractile proteins, result- receptor for CAMP-dependent functions. Canine
to produce a tenfold increase in cAMP in human sianding of drug interferences with radiotracers. ing in a more forceful contraction. It is believed SR fractionsrespond to CAMP, epinephrine,
leukocytes.Significant but lessmarkedaug- that digitalisbindslospecificsarcolemma-tu- and glucagon with augmentation of Cai2 up-
mentation of cAMP was observed in human Nuclear Cardiology bulesyslem receptors thought to be Na+-Kt take. Protein kinase was needed for this effectto
plaleletsandgranulocytes. Themechanism is Three categories of nuclear imaging used for i ATPase. Thissystem is coupledwitha Na+- be observed. Further evidencesuggests alink
believed to be alcohol-induced membrane per- noninvasiveevaluation of coronaryheartdis- Ca+2 exchangesyslemwhichtransportsNa+ between intermediarymetabolismandexcita-
turbalion and activation of adenyl cyclase. Par- ease have been described: (a) study of regional out of the cell in exchange forCa+2brought into tion-contraction coupling.Ischemiceventsor
enteral drugs as well as bacterioslatic water and perfusioncanbe used to detecteitherfixed the cell. When digitalis interferes with Na+-K+ sympathetic stress may alter intermediary me-
salinefor injection, as diluents for parenteral alterations in bloodflowcaused by infarction ATPase,there is an increase in intracellular tabolism and SR glycogen concentration with a
drugs, often contain benzyl alcohol as a preser- and cardiomyopathy or transient changes in per- Na+ whichactivates theNat-Ca+zexchange directeffecton SR Cat2 accumulation or re-
vative. Although the amount of benzyl alcohol fusion whenthe tracer isadministered at the system withaugmentalion of Ca+? influx to lease through alerations in membrane structure
administered under normal circumstances is time of transientischemia; (b) the totaland conlractile protein (123). or by affecting the kinetics of cardiac enzymes
low, unusualtherapies may result in a larger regional funclion of bolh right and left ventri- : It has been demonstrated that in digitalized (I 26).
benzyl alcohol exposure. One example is that of cles can be evaluated with tracers which reside animals,the 43K myocardium-to-blood(MIB) Methylprednisolone has been shown to accel-
"methotrexaterescue"therapyinwhich in the blood pool of the hearl, eilher from ac- ratio was enhancedduetoslowermyocardial eratepyrophosphate blood clearance, thus
100-150 mi of methotrexate with 0.9% benzyl livity curves recorded during the initial passage clearance after digoxin. Administration of iso- lowering blood and normaI myocardial pyro-
alcohol can deliver 0.9-1.35 gm of preser- through the heart or from gated images of the proterenol prior to 43Kinjection reduced myo- phosphate levels ( 127).
vative. Several processes irnporlant in inflam- heart at end systoleand end diastole; ( c ) acutely cardial clearance. Although the initial myocar- Theanthracyclineantibiotics,suchasdox-
mationand immunity are known to besup- damaged muscle can be evaluated with agents I dialConcentrationwaslower,the slower orubicin, are widely used as anticancer agents.
pressed by increases of intracellular CAMP: (a) that concentrate in zones of acute severe injury washout resulted in higher MIB ratios (124). Use of theseagents tendstoresult in serious
lysosomal enzyme release fromPMNleuko- (120). cAMP is thought to play an important role in myocardial damage (128), including pericardial
cytes and macrophages, (b) hislaminerelease Threesequential processesare requiredfor cardiac function. Increased concentralion of effusion, subpericardial edema, myocarditis,
from mast cells and basophilic leukocytes, (c) cerlular localization of tracers. First, some per- cAMP within cells appears to accelerate Ca+* cytoplasmic vacuolization, and nuclear changes
antibody-dependent lymphocyte-mediated fusion mustbe present in the vicinity of the inflow, causing an inotropic effect on ischemic in rabbits within 24 hours of administration of
cytotoxicity,(d)lymphocyteactivation,(e) target site to transport the tracer from ils injec- cells and increasing oxygen demand in faceof a 20 mgdoxorubicinper kg (129).Abnormal
platelei aggregration, (f) PMNleukocyte and tion site;second, thetracermust beable to limited s ~ p p i yduring ischemic disease. A met- 9g"'Tc-PYP accumulation has been observed in
macrophage motility,and (g)PMNleukocyte diffuse from the intravascular space lhrough the abolicgradientbelweenischemicandnon- patientsundergoingtreatment for neoplasia
adherence (1 I X). interslitid space to the site of localization; and ischemic zones would increase.During isch- with this drug (128).
Use of oily lymphangiographic contrast ma- third, the tracershouldbecomefixed a1 the emia,cAMP would accelerate glycogenolysis The cardiotoxic effects of the anthracycline
terial preceding Lolal-body [67Ga]gallium citrate targetsite. In myocardialinfarction (MI) the to an extent related to the severity of ischemia. agents are enhanced by prior irradiation of the
182 I Essenrials of Nuclear MedicineScience Drug-induced Alrerntions: Theoretical Cmsideralioos f I83
precordium. Doxorubicin is known to aggravate plained by the fact that T1+, unlike the alkali (138). In addition to its vasodilatory effect, di- Increased endogenous TSH induced by pro-
radiation-induced heart disease, resulting in metal cations,possesses 6s electronsand is pyridamole is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor and pylthiouracil (PTU) resulted in a significant rise
myocardial damage at lower doses of radiation capable of more appreciable associationwith potentiates endogenous prostacyclin (PGI,) re- in thethyroid-to-serumratio for ,OITI, while
(128). It is noteworthy that doxorubicinis anions and of complex formation (137). sulting in antithromboticactivity (74). PGI, is TSH inhibitionwith 1-thyroxine resulted in a
known to induce peroxidation of cardiac lipids T1’ influx across erythrocyte membranes can themajor product of arachidonic acid in the decrease in the ratio (142).
by theformation of free radicals(130).Free be explainedby a model consisting of two com- walls of the arteries and veins of humans (140).
Whether this effect of dipyridamole is responsi- Thyroid-scanning Agents
radical-lipid peroxidation occurs undera variety ponents: a saturable ouabain-sensitive “active”
of circumstances, including vitamin E defi- influxand a ouabain-insensitive “passive” in- ble for the observed alteration of *OIT1uptake is Thyroid-scanning agents can be used for de-
ciency, intoxication with carbontetrachloride, flux that is much less saturable and is not influ- open to speculation. termination of thyroid size as we11 as for func-
exposure to ionizing radiation, carcinogenesis, enced by potassium concentration (137). In the same study,propranololaltered dis- tional assessment of thyroid nodules. Pertech-
the aging process and, possibly, hyperlipidemia Since myocardial uptake of 201Tl appears to tribution to a statislically significant degree but netate,sodium[1311]iodide,andsodium
accompanying atherosclerosis (131). Peroxida- be dependent on both blood flow and cellular resulted in only minor change to the myocardial [ 1231]iodideare the primary tracers used in thy-
tion is also observed in degranulation of Ieuko- ion transport, assessment of the effect of drugs image. It shouldbe noted, however, that this roid function studies and diagnosis. Since most
cytesandplatelets,ashasbeennotedpre- commonly used by cardiac patients on the dis- study was performed on resting animals without of theinfluence of pharmacologicagents on
viously. tribution of T1+ is important (138). coronary artery disease.Propranolol may alter pertechnetate are discussed earlier, this section
201TIoften is referred to as a potassium ana- In animal models of both ischemia and in- regional blood flow duringexerciseandde- deals with iodine radiotracers.
logbecausethemonovalent Tlt ioncan farction, levels of radioactive potassium and crease myocardia1 oxygenconsumption for a Usually, diagnostic procedures in which ra-
substitute for polassium on the Na+-K+ trans- thallium uptakehavecorrelated well with mi- given level of exertion. Either one of these fac- dionuclides are used give an accurate picture of
membrane exchange system (1 32). The extrac- crosphere estimates of regional myocardial tors couldchangetheregionaldistribution of the thyroid gland and the extent of the pathol-
tion of TIt by the myocardium is probably due blood flow in exercise imaging. Under circum- ”’TI in theexercisinghuman with coronary ogy. Anything that interferes with the uptake of
to activation of the Na+-K’ ATPase system in stances of increased flow such as reactive hyper- disease (138). the iodine or blocks its release from the thyroid,
which T1 appears to bind to twosites on the emia, cationuptake will besubstantiallyless If,‘as was suggested(138), T1’ can activate however, gives a false indication. Several drugs,
enzyme whereas K binds to one site. This bind- than that expected from microsphere flow esti- Nat-K+ ATPase, competitive inhibitors of this some of which are used daily by diabetics, epi-
ing may account for the prolonged clearance of mates. Under other circumstances, extracted enzyme system would be expected to decrease leptics, and allergy sufferers, have a propensity
T1 rather than K from the myocardium (133). cations can be significantly altered while flow the participation of T1+ in the enzyme system. forobscuringthesethyroidtests.Other drugs
Thus, 2otTlcan replace potassium in the activa- remains unchanged. Thus, alterations in intra- Sodium bicarbonate hasbeen used to enhance are iodine-containing contrast media, anti-
tion of pyruvate kinase and Na+-K+ ATPase cellular active transport of cations due to altered the myocardial concentration of 20’TIin rabbits thyroidmedications,andthyroidsupplements
(134). cell membrane-enzyme function must be con- and dogs, resulting in an increase in myocardial (143).
,OIT1 transporl is facilitated by depolarization sidered. Studies with canine gracilis muscle uptake of 1 E-2 times thal observed without use It might b e expected that any pharmacologi-
and repolarization of the myocardial cell mem- demonstrated thal adrninisuation of propranolol of sodium bicarbonate. This change in uptake caI agent that affectsthyroidfunction might
brane. During each beat of the normal aerobic reduces muscle uplake of radiopotassiumand occurred with an arterial pH change of only 0.1 alter the uptake of thyroid-scanning agents.
contraction, about 3% of the intracellular K+ is thallium by 2 - 2 s times normal. This alteration U (141). Thus,antithyroiddrugssuchasmethimazole
exchanged for extracellular Ki and T1+. With in cation uptake can be reversed by administra- Insulin and 20% glucose given with radioac- and PTU would invalidate measurements of ra-
anaerobic metabolism, there is little or no T1” tion of isoproterenol. This phenomenon is inde- tive potassium, rubidium, and cesium results in dioiodine uptake (144). Administration of phe-
incorporated into the cell despite high flow rate pendent of locaI blood flow or force of contrac- a significantincrease in myocardialuptake of nylbutazoneresults in a reduction of sodium
(135). tion and appears to representanalteration in these radionuclides and also prolongs the myo- [13’I]iodide uptake by inductionof a temporary
The ability of ions topassthrough mem- local intrinsic membrane function. If this same cardial half-life of 1311-labeledoleicacid. In- partialsuppression of TSH.Thissuppression
branes is associatedwiththeir crystalradius, behavior occurs in cardiac muscle, it couid limit sulin in hypertonic glucose has been used clini- subsidesas treatment continues(145).Other
while their mobility in solution is associated the usefulness in quantitative imaging of myo- cally to alter the extracellular-to-intracellular nonsteroida1 anti-inflammatoryagents may be
with their hydratedradius(136). Therate of cardial distribution of these radionuclides(I 39). potassium distribution in patients and to amelio- suspect. It has been reported that morphine in-
passive influx into erythrocytes has been shown A study hasbeenperformedto assessthe rate the effects of ischemic myocardium. There terferes with TSH (146). Results of studies sug-
to increase with increasing pH. The erythrocyte effects of drugs such as dipyridamole, digoxin, is evidence that the combination of hypertonic gest that antihistaminesreduce 1 3 1 1 uptakein
membrane barrier to TI+ contains positively furosemide, and propranolol on myocardial dis- glucoseand insulinplay independentroles in euthroidpatients by 50% (147). In humans,
charged R-NH: groups capable of repelling ca- tributionof 201TIin cardiac patients. Of these altering K+ distribution.Rapid injection of 20% ACTH and cortisone diminish the thyroidal ac-
tions. An increase in pH could be expected to drugs, only dipyridamole showed a marked in- glucose can quickly lower circulating K+ levels cumulation of l3lI. Thesehormonesabruptly
decrease the number of positive charges in the crease in myocardialuptake of 20’T1,possibly and has a direct effect on transmembrane poten- diminishtheprotein-boundiodide (PBI), but
barrier and perhaps facilitate cation penetration due toincreasedblood flow in(hecoronary tial. Insulin may alter myocardial ion transport they do notaltertheturnover of thyroxine in
in both directions (137). arteries to 3-4 limes the resting level; however, and does enhance inorganic phosphate uptake in peripheral tissues (148).
Part of‘ the observed differences between the the increasedlocalizationwasnot associated the liver, which may be accou11panied by intra- A variety of drugsincludingsulfonamides,
behavior of T I ’ and K t can perhapsbeex- with myocardial blood flow in a linear manncr cellular K’ migration (124). sulfonylureas, p-aminosalicylate (PAS), p-ami-
184 I Essentials of Nlrclear Medicine Science Drug-induced Alierations: Theoretical Consideratiom I 185
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likely to occur.
Thallium-201imaginginthyroidcdrdinoma-ap- intravenous cobaltous chioride on thyroid function. J preceding items (1). This classification
pearance ol lymphnodemetaslasis. J Hucl M e d Clilr EndocrinoI Merab 18:850, 1958.
3. Effect on image: the appearance of the image
will form the basis for discussion in the
19:195,1978. 153. ntbis M , Krishnamurlhy GT, Endow JS, Bland WH: (or the effect on diagnostic data) which re-
135. Pierson RN, el ai: Cardiovascular nuclear medicine; wmTc-penicillamine, a new cholescinligraphic agent. suhs from the interaction.
an overview. Semin Nucl Med 9224, 1979. J N‘acl Med 13:652, 1972.
5 . Mechanism: theproposedmechanism by
4. Signzflcunce: thepotential clinicalsignifi-
136. Gehring PI, Hammond PB: The interrelationship be- 154. Whalen JJ, Merck. Sharpe & Dohme. Personal com- which thedrug alters thekinetics of the
cance of the interaction. The significance of
lweenthalliumandpotassium in animals. J Plrarm munication.1980. radiopharmaceutical, i.e., the mechanism
E.rp Therap 155:187, 1967. any given inleraction depends on several fac-
through which the interaction occurs.
6 . Mnnagernent: possible preventive or correc-
”whether the clinician is awarethatthe tive management of the situation, not simply
interaction hasbeenpreviouslyreported. an awareness of theinteraction.
“whether the clinician is awarethat the 7. How documented: thespecies in which(he
appropriatecircumstancesforthe interac- altereddistributionandlordiagnoslic daia
i90 t Essentials of Nuclear MedicineScience Drq-bsduced Alteraiions: Reporred Inslances f 191
have been reported (or the means by which lowing the completion andlor discontinuationof ing virilizing androgen therapy for chronic ane- Significance: Sincethoriumdioxide has not,
the interaction has been documented). therapy. mia and 13 controlpatientsalso with chronic for many decades, been used as a radiopaque
8. References: literature references reporting How documented: Study of 15 patients receiv- anemia, all monitored with bone marrow imag- contrasl media, this eFfect is very rarely seen.
theinteractionand supporting (or conflicl- ing single-agent or combination chemotherapy ing (4). M e n il does occur, however, it may interfere
ing) data. (1); also study of patients receiving methotrex- with the differential diagnosis of functiona1 as-
ate for treatment of psoriasis (2). REFERENCES plenia.
Staum MM: Incompatibility of phosphatebufferin
REFERENCES Mechanism: a-Particles emitled in the decayof
REFERENCES "mTc-sulfurcoIloidconlaining aluminum ion. J N~rcl
HIadik M'B 111. Ponto JA, Slathts VJ: Drug-radiophar- Med 13:386-387.1972. lhoriumdeliverahighradiation dose tothe
maceutlcalinkeractions. In Thrall JH. Swanson DP 1, Kaplan WD, Drum DE, Lokich JJ: The eKecl of cancer Mikhael MA, Evens RG:Migration and embolizatton of spleen, resulting in splenic atrophy.
(eds): Diagnostic Irllerverrrrons in Abclear Medicine chemolherapyagents on the liver-spleenscan. J Nncl macrophages to the lung-a possiblemechanlsm for Management: None.
Chicago, Year BookMedicalPublishers, 1985, pp Med 2I:84-87, 1980. colloid uplake in the lung during liver scanning. J N'ncl How documented: Case report (1).
226-246. 2. Geronemus RG. Auerbach R , Tobias H: Liver biopsies hfed 16:22-27,1975.
Lentle BC.Scot[ JR, Noujaim A A , el al:Iatrogenlc vs liver scans in metholrexale-treated patientswith psori- Bobinel DD, Serrin R, Zurbriggen MT, et a1: Lung REFERENCE
alteralions in radionuclide biodistributions. Sernin A'rd asis. Arch Den?farol I18:649-651, 1982. uplake ol Tc-99m sulfur colloid in palienl exhbiling 1 . Burroughs AK, Bass NM, Wood J, et al: Absence of
Med 9:131-143, 1979. presence of AI3+ In plasma. J N r d Med 15:1220-I?22, splenic uptake of radiocolloid due to Thorotrast in a
Hladik WB 111, Nigg KK, Rhodes BA: Drug-induced 1974. palienl with Thorotrast-induced cholangiocarcinoma. 8r
changes in lhe biologic dislribulionof radiophannaceuli- Interfering drug(s): Antacid therapy; virilizing Sayle B A , Helmer RE 111, Balachandran S , el al: Lung f Radio/ 55:598-600, 1982.
cals. Senrirl Nucl Med 12184-218, 1482. androgen therapy. uptake of Tc-99m sulfur colloid secondary lo androgen
Nuclear medicine study affected: Liver and/or therapy in patients with anemia. Nucl Med Curttmurl w"T~-LABELEDIMINODIACETIC ACID
spleen scintigraphy; bone marrow scintigraphy. 2:1289-1293,1981. DERIVATIVES
99mT~-LA3ELED COLLOIDS Effect on image: Diffuse pulmonary accurnula- Interfering drug(s): Narcotic (opioid) anal-
Interferingdrug(s): Short-termtherapy with tion of radiocolloid. Interfering drug(s): General anesthetic agents,
gesics (e.g., morphine, meperidine);pentobar-
cancer chemotherapeutic agents,notably the ni- Significance: Multiple disease states as well as e.g., halothane.
trosoureas, e.g., carmustine, lomustine. formulation problems with radiocolloid have Nuclear medicine study affected: Liver andlor
Nuclear medicinestudyaffected: Cholescin-
Nuclear medicine study affected: Liver andlor been associated with diffuselung uptake ob- spleen scintigraphy.
spleen scintigraphy. served on liver andlor spleen studies. This pat- Effect on image: Shift of radiocolloidfrom
Effect on image:Deiayed biliary-to-howel tran-
Effectonimage: Reported to causetransient tern of distribution most frequently is associated liver 10 spleen.
sit time (i.e., delayedvisualization of radio-
changes in radiocolloid distribulion sometimes; with intrinsicliverdisease.Majordiagnostic Significance: Colloidshift is commonly ob-
tracer in intestine) with radioactivity remaining
the specificchanges observedhavebeen (a) inlerference does not result from the interaction, served in patients with intrinsic liver disease,
in the gallbladder or in the common bile duct
inhomogeneous or irregular distribution of ra- however. e.g., cirrhosis.
but not released into the duodenum.
diocolloid in the liver, (b) hepatomegaly, and (c) Mechanism: With antacid therapy, inteslinal Mechanism: Generalaneslheticagentscan
Significance: This pattern of distribution may
a shift of radiocolloidfrom the livertothe absorption of abnormally high levels of alumi- cause a decrease in hepaticbloodflow and.
mimic that observedwith mechanical obstruc-
spleen and/or bone marrow num (from aluminum-containing antacids) has therefore, may reduce hepatic extraction of ra-
tion of thecommon b i b ductorwitholher
Significance: Since metaslases to the liver From occurred in patients with boweI obstruction or diocolloid. In addition, these drugs are hepato-
nonspecific gallbladder disease. The signifi-
other primary cancers may, at times, be man- renal disease. Aluminum probably thenreacts toxic in some patients which may contribute to
cance of thisinteractionisincreased,since
ifested as helerogeneoushepaticuptake of ra- with the sulfur colloid to cause radioactive mac- decreased hepatic uptake of radiocolloid.
many palients with right upperquadrant pain
diocolloid, [his drug-induced pattern of dis- roaggregates which are capable of blocking the Management: Monitor patient closely for signs
are treated with narcotic analgesics in the emer-
tribution may be misinterpreted as malignancy. pulmonary microcirculation (1). of hepatotoxicity.
gency roomprior to referral to nuclear medicine
Distinctfocal defects onliver andlorspleen The androgen therapy (or estrogen degrada- How documented: Colloid shift documented in
for examination.
scans (which is the more common paltern seen tion products from the androgens), on the other 14 of 20 patientswith a hislory OF surgery
Mechanism: Narcotic analgesics increase intra-
wilh metastases)have not been observedas a hand, may stimulate the reticuloendothelial sys- within the previous month (1).
biliary pressure and cause spasm of the sphinter
result of chemotherapy. tem, resulting in mobilization of large numbers of Oddi, thus preventing the movement of radio-
Mechanism: No1 known; but presumably toxic of phagocytic cells from their storage sites, lracer into the small bowel. (Neostigmine may
1 . Lentle BC, Scott JR, Noujaim AA, et al: Iatrogenic
effects of chemotherapeutic agents on hepato- whichare subsequently irapped in the pulmo- alteriltions in radionuciide biodislributions. Serrti?! Nucl enhance the effect of narcotic analgesics.)
cytes andreticuloendothelial cells could cause nary capillary bed (2). At this new location, the Med 9:131-143, 1979. Management: An alternative type of analgesic
the changes observed. cells sequester intravascular radiocolloid. may he given butusually is less effective for
Management: Perform baseline liver and/or Management: Not usually necessary; monitor Inlerfcring drug(s): Thorium dioxide. pain that is olien associatedwith gallbladder
spleen studies prior to initiating therapy, if it is plasma aluminum levels in selected cases. Nuclear medicine study affected:Liver andlor disease. When it is clinically feasible, the study
anticipaled that additional studies wi11 be per- How documented: Case report of liver andlor spleen scintigraphy. may be delayed for several hours until the effect
formed at any time during the courseof therapy. spleen study in individual receiving high-dose Effect on image: Absence of spleen localiza- of the drug dissipates, although this time varies
If necessary, repeat the sludy several weeks fol- antacid thcrapy (3); study of 13 patients rcceiv- tion. from patient to patient.
Drug-induced Aleralions: Reported Insiomes f 193
I92 f Essentials of N'nclenr Medicine Science
7. Choy D. Murray IPC, Hoschl R: The effect of iron on chiIdren treated with chemotherapeutic drugs for rnalip- liver uptake of radioactivity occurs when alumi- 2. Hoogland DR, Forstrom L, Madhal AF, et al: Effects or
h e biodistribution of bone scanning agents in humans. nant disease. Radiology 128:165-167, 1978. num is mixed with bone-seeking radiotracers in pH on tissuedistribution of 99m-Tc-pyrophosphate
Radiology 140:197-202. 1981, vitro. The phenomenon also occurs when bone- (PUP) in bone imaging (abstract). Med Imuging 239,
8 . Saha GB. Herzberg DL, Boyd C M Unusual In vivo Interferingdrug(s): “Cytotoxic”cancer 1977.
distribution of Tc-99m disphosphonate. CIin h’rrcl !Wed
imaging agents are injected into rats with ele- 3. Crawford JA, Gumeman L W Alteration oT body dis-
2:303-305. 1977 chemotherapy. vated plasma levers of aluminurn. tribution of WmTc-pyrophosphateby radiographic con-
Nuclearmedicinestudyaffected: Skeletal Management: None; if liver uptake occurs on a trast material. CIin NucI Med 3:305-307, 1978.
scintigraphy. bonescan, it may be helpfultomeasure the
Interfering drug(s): Iron-containing com- Effectonimage: Diffuse activity around cal- concentration of aluminuminthepatient’s Interfering drug@): Regional chemoperfusion;
pounds; amphoterecin B ; gentamicin; cyclo- varium whichhasbeentermedthe“sickle plasma. injections of calciumgluconate, iron dextran,
phosphamide; vincristine; doxorubicin. sign. ’’ How documented: Studiesinrats (1-4) and heparin calcium, meperidine.
Nuclearmedicinestudyaffected: Skeletal Significance: This pattern of distribution can be case studies resulting from preparation of radio- Nuclearmedicine study affected: Skeletal
scintigraphy. distinguished from meningeal carcinosis and pharmaceuticals using generator eluate with ele- scintigraphy.
Effect on image: Increased renal retention of skullmetastasesonlywhen avertex view is vated aluminum levels (4). Effect on image: Extraosseous accumulation of
radiotracer. taken.Withthe vertex view, the diseasepro- radiotracer.
Significance: The presence of radiotracer in the cesses are seen as localized uptake or hetero- REFERENCES Significance: At times, the drug-induced extra-
kidneys on a bone scan may be confused with geneous distribution, whereas the drug-induced I . Jaresko GS, Zjmmer AM, Pavel DG, et a]:Effect of osseous localization of 99mTc-labeled phospho-
disease processes such as renal vascular disease changes are manifest as homogeneous distribu- circulating aluminum on the biodistribution of Tc-99m- ‘nates may be indistinguishable from disorders
or urinary tract obstruction. Sn-diphosphonateinrats. J A ’ d M e d Technol
tion of the radiotracer. of the bone, e.g., the extravasation of calcium
8:160-161, 1980.
Mechanism: With iron-containing compounds, Mechanism: Unknown. 2. Zimmer A M , Pavel DG: Experimental investigations of gluconate has been reported to simulate osteo-
an in vivotranschelation may form a 9 9 m T ~ -Management: A vertexviewshouldbein- the possible cause of liver appearance during bone scan- myelitis.Regionalchemoperfusioncauses an
labeled kidney-seeking agent. cluded in skeletal imaging protocol in patients ning. Radiology 126813-816, 1978. increase in activity in local skeletal structures
With antibiotics and cancer chemotherapeutic in whom this confusion may arise. 3. Chaudhuri TK: The elcect of aluminum and pH on al- and the surrounding soft tissue which may be
agents, the renal localization may be due to a How documented: Prospectivestudy of skel- rered body distribution of Tc-99m EHDP. Z r z f J Nrrcl >Wed
Biol 3:31, 1976.
confused with
a malignant process.Sites of
nephrotoxic effect of the drugs, i.e., tubular or etal imaging in patientsundergoingintensive extraosseous radiotracer uptake may also be
4. Chaudhuri TK: Liver uptake of Tc-99m-diphosphonate.
vascular damage. cytotoxic therapy for breastcancer, compared Radiology 119:485-486,1976. confused with other pathologies not related to
Management: None; skeletal imaging itself with patients taking hormonal therapy for pros- drug therapy.
may be a means to monitor nephrotoxic effects tatic cancer (1). Mechanism: With regional chemoperfusion of
Interfering drug(s): Sodium diatrizoate.
of drugs (I).
REFERENCE Nurlcar medicine study affected: SkeletaI cancer drugs, the resulting hyperemia may con-
How documented: Studies in rats (1,2); case tribute to increased uptake of tracer locally.
reports (3-5); retrospective study of bone imag- 1. Creutzig H . Wolfgang D: The“sickle-sign” in bone With iron dextran, the mechanism may be a
scinligraphy. Eur J Nfrcl M e d 6:99-101, 1981,
EfTect onimage: Marked renaland hepatic
ing in children receiving cancer chemotherapy local complexing of 99mTc-diphosphonatewith
localization of radiotracer.
(6). Significance: As discussed previously,several iron dextran or,alternatively,a combination of
Interfering drugls): Aluminum-containing
diseases induce this samepattern of distribution reduced technetium with either ferric hydroxide
REFERENCES antacids. or dextran afterrelease of thesecomponents
1 . hlcAfee I G , Singh A. Roskopf M, et al: Experimental Nuclearmedicinestudyaffected: Skeletal from the iron dextran complex,
phosphales and phosphonates).
drug-induced changes in renal function and biodisuibu- scintigraphy. With extravasation of intravenous calcium
Mechanism: The osmotic effeci of the contrast
tion of Tc-99m MDP. Invesr Radio1 18:470-478, 1983. Effect on image: Appearance of liver on bone gIuconate or injection of subcutaneous calcium
2. McRae J. Hambright P, Valk P, et al: Chemistry of
material may cause the increased renal activity
Tc-99m tracers. 11. In vitro conversion of tagged HEDP by inhibilion of the normal tubular reabsorption heparin, if the concentration of calcium in the
Significance: Interaction is of minimal clinical tissue exceedsthecapabilities of local sol-
and pyrophosphate (bone-seekers) into gluconate (renal of the 99mTc-phosphate.Thehepaticandthe
significance. However, metastatic liver disease,
agenl). EIfectsof Ca and Fe(I1) on in vivo distribution.J renal uptake of thetracer could be due to an ubiiity,precipitation of calcium, which could
amyloidosis, hepatic necrosis,hypercalcemia,
Nucl Med I7:208-211, 1976. elevation of the local in vivo pH as a result of elicit an inflammatory reaction, may occur.
3. Glass EC, DeNardo GL, Hines HH: Immediate renal and a few other diseases sometimes are associ- Management: None.
imaging and renography with WmTc methylene diphos-
the administration of contrast media (1,2).
ated with this same pattern of distribution; thus,
phonate to assess renal blood flow, excretory function, Management: On any given day, perform skel- How documented: Study in rabbits (1); case
there may be some interference with the differ-
and anatomy. Radiofogy 135:I87-I90, 1980. etal scintigraphy study prior to procedures re-. reports (1 -9).
4 . Trxkler F T , Chinn RYW: Amphotericin B therapy-a ential diagnosis.
quiring the injection of contrast media.
cause of iocrcased renal uptake oi Tc-99m MDP. Clin Mechanism: It has beenproposedthat a sub- REFERENCES
How documented: Case report (3).
Nucl Med 7:293, 1982. micron (submicroscopic) colloid is formed as a Planchon CA, Donadieu A, Perez R, et al: Calcium
5 . Siddiqui AR: Increased uprake ol lechnetium-99m la- resalt of a complexingphenomenonbetween hcparilldle inducedexlraosseous uptake in bone scan-
beled bone imaging agents in the kidneys. Semin N~rcl REFERENCES ning. E u r J ~ r ~ c l M e d 8 : 1 1 3 - 1 1 1983.
aluminumandtheradiopharmaceutical, al- I . Clrdudhuri TK: The cffcct of aluminum and pH on 31- Surkin SJ, Horii SC, PassaIaqua A , et al: Augmcnted
Med 12:lOl-102, 1982.
6 . Lulrin CL, McDougall IR, Goris ML: Intense concentra- though this has never been verified. Case stud- lcrcdbody distribution of 99m-Tc-EHDP. Irrr J Nucf activity on bone scan following iocal chemoperlusion.
. _ . . in the kidneys 01
tion or technetium-99m wrophosphale ies(andanimal expcriments)have shown thal Med B i d 3 3 7 , 1976. Clirr Nucl Med 2 4 5 I , 1977.
Drug-inducedAlterations:ReportedInsrnnces I 197
196 I Essentials of NuclearMedicineScience
c. '
_. Effect on image: Administration of ammonium Mechanism: When renal perfusion pressure is thrombosis which may result in pulmonary em- num ion concentration in theserumadversely
chloridemay substantiaIly decrease renal dis- reduced by renal artery stenosis, effective filtra- boli. affects the biodistribution of [ 99mTc]pertechne-
lributionand increase hepatic distribution of tion pressure and glomerular filtration normally Management: Heparin should be discontinued tale.Renalandgastrointestinaldisorders, as
q9mTc-DMSA; administration of sodium bicar- are conservedby constriction of efferent ar- immediately in palients with delayed-onset, se- well as chronic ingestion of aluminum-contain-
bonate and mannitol may also decrease the dis- terioles. This efferent arteriolar constriction is vere thrombocytopenia with heparin-dependent ingantacids,canresult in elevated levels of
tribution of theradiopharmaceutical to the mediated by angiotensin 11. Since captopril in- antibody and should be replaced with oral anti- aluminum in the blood.
kidney. hibits the formation of angiotensin 11, the drug coagulation. Both stannous ion andsulfonamidescause
Significance: The possibility that drugsmay may induce a reversible, functional renal insuf- How documented: Although this phenomenon radiolabeling of red bloodcells;stannousion
~..= . induce
dehydration docs this by reducing the pertechnetate ion in-
" ficiency.Therefore,diminished 99mTc-DMSA has not been reported in the nuclear medicine
:& and thereby affect
the distribution of 9 9 m T ~ - uplake in a stenotic kidney during captopril ther- literature, clinicians should be aware of its pos- tracellularly, whereasthemechanism for sul-
DMSA shouldbeconsidered
this radiopharmaceutical.
in patients
receiv- apy may bedueto a loss of effective trans-
of se- membrane filtrationpressure on theinvolved
sible occurrence (1-3). Fonamide-induced erythrocytelabeling is un-
, -
~~ ~ quential renal studies may be impaired if drug side. REFERENCES Management: When it is clinically feasible,
.) Chong BH, Pitney WR, CastaIdi PA: Heparin-induced
3. -5> therapy is initiated at some pointafter theinitial Management: It may be necessaryto replace disconlinue therapy several days prior to imag-
thrombocytopenia: association of thrombotic compIica-
- ?
L1 study is performed. In addition, false overesti- captopril with another antihypertensive agent, lions with heparin-dependcnl IgG antibody that induces ing or, alternatively,useagentsotherthan
.. ~.
mates of righl renal kidney activity may occur e.g., minoxidil, prior to performance of renal thromboxane synlltesis and platelet aggregation. Lancer [9mTc]pertechnetate for brain or thyroid imag-
_= 5- when there is an increased hepatic contribution scintigraphy. If a low or absent renal uptake of 1:1246-1248. 1982. ing.
3 f
I , to count
therate. the radiolracer is noted in a patient with proven Kapsch D N , Silver D: Heparin-inducedthrom- How documented: Study in rabbits (1); studies
*E'i bocytopeniawiththrombosis and haernorrhage. Arc11
~- -~
a; _.
i Mechanism: Arnmoniunlchloridemay exert its or suspected renal artery stenosis on captopril in rats ( 2 , 3 ) ;prospective clinical studies (43;
r-zz acidification of urine;
thesodium bicarbonate or [13'I]iodohippurate) may be warranted to de- syndrome: peripheral vascular complications of hepartn
- =.
= _- inducesalkalinization of theurine,whereas termine whether the apparent functional loss is therapy. Arch S w g 114:372-377, 1979. REFERENCES
mannitol can
cause dehydration, both of which reversible and drug-related 1. Chervu LR, Castronuovo JJ, Huq SS, el al: Alleratious
$ r-
~ .- In red celltagging with sulfonamides. J Nfrcl Med
5 t
._ may affectthedistribution of the radiolracer. How documented: Case report (I). [99mTc]PERTECHNETATE
i.L 7'
22:P70, 1981.
" _, Mannitol also may decrease the extractionfrac- Interfering drug(s): Aluminum-containing 2. McRae J, Sugar RM. Shipley 8 , et a1 Alterationsin
tion of 99mTc-DMSAthrough its effect on tran- REFERENCE antacids; sulfonamides; stannous ion-containing tissue disbibulion of Tc-99m pertechnetate in rats given
~= ~~
sit time. I , Kremer Hovinga TK, Beukhof JR, van Luyk WHI, e l a[: drugs and radiopharmaceuticals. stannous tin. J Nuci Med 15:151-155, 1974.
c -=
5% Management: Discontinue drug therapy and Reversible diminished renal wmTc-DMSAuptake during 3. Khenligan A, Garrelt M, Lum D, et al: Effects of prior
Nuclear medicine study affected: Brain scin- administration of Sn(1I) complexes on in vivo distribu-
L :-
the is adequalely hydraled converting-enzyme inhibition in a patient with renal ar-
-~ tigraphy; thyroid scintigraphy; Meckel's diver- tion of Tc-99m perlechnetate. J Nrtcl Med 17:380-384.
- How documented: Study in rats (1). Effect on image: The noted drugsmay result in 4. Ancri D, Lonchampt M, Basset I: The effect of tin on
_,-, -=- the tissue distribution of Tc-99m sodium perlechnctale.
""Tc-LABELED MACROAGGREGATED a failure of [99mTc]pertechnetatetoleavethe
~- uptake:
influence of blochemical and physiologic
fac- MICROSPHERES tivity isseenon the image. For example, in- pertechnetate imaging following slannous pyrophos-
x >.
tors. J Nrrcl Med 22:1054-1058, 1981. Interfering drug(s): Heparin. creased activity has been observed duringbrain phate boneimaging. J A'ncl Med I6:518-519. 1975.
n =
l i
Nuclearmedicinestudyaffected: Pulmonary scintigraphy in the superior sagittal sinus,the 6. Wang TST, Fawwaz RA, Esser PD, el at: Altered body
transverse sinuses, and Lhe region of the choroid distribution of Tc-99m pertechnetate in iatrogenic hyper-
5 _
i _
drug(s): Captopril. perfusion scintigraphy.
I c--
: aluminemia. JA'uclMed 19381-383, 1978.
~~ ~
affected: Renal scinti- Effect on image: Appearance of perfusion im- plexus (when scintigraphy has been performed 7. Montelibano EB, Ford DR, Sayle BA: Altered Tc-99m
.~ ~~ graphy. age is that typically observed with pulmonary following bone scintigraphy). perlcchnetate distribution in a thyroid scan after Tc-99m
_ -
- x_
1 Effect on image: In paiients
with hypertension emboli. Significance: Decreased or absentuptake of Snpyrophosphateadministration. Clirl Nucl Med
l i
s;- and unilateral renal arterystenosis, there may Significance: Since thromboembolic disease [99n'Tc]pertechnetateintonormal tissue (e.g., 4277-278,1979.
" -
- ~= be a decreased renal
uptake of 99mTc-DMSA by associatedwithheparin-inducedthrom- thyroid) or diseased tissue (e.g.,brain disorders
bocytopenia is a relatively rare occurrence, the or Meckel's diverticulum) may result in missed 9mT~-LABELEDRED BLOOD CELLS
the affected
(reversibIe following
,= _
E _
7 -
continuance of captopril). paradoxical deterioration on perfusion scans in diagnoses in theseorgans.Thereis, however, Interferingdrug(s): @-Adrenergicblockers
conflictingdata concerning the efrect of prior
= -
+ >~.~<
Significance: This pattern of distribution may patients receiving heparin therapy may come as (e.g.,propranolol);calciumchannel blockers
indicate a deterioration of glomerular filtralion a surprise to the clinician. slannous ion administration on the distribution (e.g., verapamil); nitrates (e.g., nitroglycerin).
- ,
as a result of drug therapy, ratherthana worsen- Mechanism: The presence of a heparin-depen- of [9ymmTc]per~cchnetate into the thyroid and Nuclear medicine study affected: Radionu-
~ -~
=.e ing of theunderlying diseaseprocess;thus,con- dent IgG antibody in patients with delayed- stomach, i.e., whether il causes an increasedor clide ventriculography.
l i_
decreased uptake into these organs.
I $' fusion may arise as lo the cause of the dimin- onset, heparin-induced thrombocytopeniahas Effect on image: Therapy with @-adrenergic
. ~~~
1;i. ished radiotracer uptake. beenreportedtopredispose these patientsto Mechanism: It is not known how excess alumi- blockers, calciulu channel blockers, or nitrates
D'rug-inducedAlterdonstReportedInstarsces 1 201
200 t Esseniials of NuclearMedicilreScience
tion, regionalwall molion, lactate metabolism, and vivo, thus decreasing the reductive capacity of
may result in normal exercise radionuclide ven- Discontinue calcium channel blockers and ni- hemodynamics. Am J Cardiol48:536-544, 1981. tin.
triculograms even in the presence of significant trate therapy prior to radionuclide ventriculog-
Quinidine and methyldopa are medications
coronary artery disease (CAD). raphy in patients beingevaluated for CAD. The Interfering drug(s): Heparin; methyldopa; which have been associated with RBC antibody
Significance: The presence or severityof CAD recommendedtimeintervalsbetweenwith- hydralazine; quinidine; digoxin; prazocin; pro- formation; the presenceof these RBC antibodies
may be missed andlor underestimated. drawal of medications and the nuclear medicine pranolol;doxorubicin;iodinatedconlrastme- may be responsible, in part, for poor labeling of
Mechanism: Two possible mechanisms may be study is 48-72~hours for the calcium channel dia. RBC in vivo with wmTc.
responsiblefortheeffectsofP-adrenergic blockers and 12 hours for the nitrates (2). Nuclear medicine study affected: Radionu- Conflicting data are available on whether di-
blockingagents.First, the effectsmayresult How documented: Letter to editor (1); review clideventriculography;gastrointestinal (GI) goxin has an effect on labelingyield; the mech-
from dmg-induced changes in the exercise per- (2); clinical studies (3- 11). blood loss scintigraphy. anism is unknown.Likewise,themechanism
formance of patients. The administrationof a p- Effect on image: Poorradiolabeling of red for the effects of prazocin and propranolol is
blocker blunts the normal rise in heart rate and blood cells(RBC) with 9 9 m T ~ opostlabeling
1 . Ponto JA, Holmes KA: Discontinuarion of beta block- unknown. Apparently propranoiol causes an in-
systolic blood pressure which occurs with exer- dissociation of 9 9 m Tfrom
~ the RBC can cause a creased rate of release of 9 9 m Tfrom
ersbefore exercise radionuclidcventriculograms. J ~ the RBC
cise, resulting in a reduction in myocardial oxy- Nucl Med 23~456-457, 1982. deterioration in the distinctness of the cardiac back intotheplasma but does not inhibitthe
gen consumption. In addition, P-blockers may 2. Rabinovitch MA: Pharmacologicintervenlions in nu- chamber border on ventriculograms and can in- initial radiolabeling process
increase rnvocardial oxvren extraction and aug- clearcardiology. InThrall JH, Swanson DP (eds): crease the likelihood that free [g9mTc]pertechne- Although it is not clear how doxorubicin
tate will appear as gastric or bowel aclivity on causes a decrease in labeling efficiency, it ap-
GI bleed studies. pears that the effect of the drug is dependent on
Significance: The diminution in ability to vis- its concentration in the blood at the timc that the
ualize the cardiac chamber border can compli- study is performed.
tientswith CAD and impairedleft ventricuhr j t u r d i d 44:i18-324,1979. cate the diagnosis of wall motion abnormalities
4. Marshall RC, Wisenberg G , Schelberl HR, et al: Effect The mechanism for interaction of iodinated
function typically show a greater and more con- and the calculation of ejection fraction. Further- contrast media with RBC labeling by 9 9 m Thas
of oral propranolol on rest, exercise and postexercise ~
sistent increase in exercise performance than do more, progressive loss of 99mTc from the RBC not yet been determined. Possibilities include:
left ventricularperformance in normal subjects and
individuals without CAD. The net effect of P- patients wmith coronaryartery disease. Circularion can particularly affect stress tests which usually (a) alterationofredoxpotential of eitherthe
blockade therapy on exercise radionuclide ven- 63572-583, 1981. are performed toward the end of the scanning stannous ion or technetium species present,
triculography is to postpone the point at which 5 . Rainwater J, Steele P, Kirch D, el aI: Effect ofpro- period. If by this time the counting rate over the (b) a change in stannous ion distribution, e.g.,
myocardialischemiaoccursbeyondthat at pranoloI on myocardial perfusion images and exercise
heart chambers has faIlen considerably, a useful an alteration intheintracellularstannous ion
ejection fractions in men with coronary artery dtsease.
which exhaustion limits the exercise test. As a scan can be obtained only by keeping the patient concentration, (c) a competition for RBC-bind-
Circulafioll 65:77-81, i982.
result, exercise may need to be stopped before 6. Borer IS, Bxharech SL, Green MV, el al: Effect of under stress for a long period of time. ing sitesbetween 99mTcand iodide, or (d) an
perceptible wall motion abnormalities (or a de- niltoglycerine on exercise-induced abnormalitiesof lell Additionally, thegastricand boweI activity alteration of RBC-binding sites by iodide.
crease in ejection fraction) can be induced. ventricularregionalfunctionand ejection fraction in seen on GI bleed studies may be confused with Management: Whenever it is possibk, avoid
Calcium channel blockers predominately act coronaryartery disease: assessmen1 by radionuclide
sites of bleeding. injection of Sn-pyrophosphate and [99mTc]per-
cineangiography in symptomaticand asymplomatic pa-
byimprovingthe ratio of myocardial oxygen Mechanism: Although therapywiththe drugs technetate through a heparin lock. Do not per-
tients. Circularion 57314-320, 1978.
supply to demand, butadditional mechanisms 7 , Pem MA, Crawford MH,Sorensen SG, et a1 Short- listed above may produce the same net result form radionuclide ventricuIography or GI bleed
such as changes in perfusion or myocardial me- and long-term ellicacy of high-dose oral dillianem for (reducedlabelingefficiency of 99mTc-labeled studies on thesameday that doxorubicin is
tabolism may be involved. anginadue to coronary artery disease: a placebo-con- RBC or dissociationof the label from theRBC), administered. Schedule procedures requiring
With nitrates four different actions may be trolled, randomized, double-blind crossover study.Cir-
the proposed mechanisms are widely varying. RBClabelingpriortostudiesrequiring iodi-
With heparin, a 99mTc-IabeIed heparin com- nated contrast media. If it is clinically feasible,
plex may be formed as 9 9 m T is ~injected through discontinue use of potentially interfering drugs
a heparinizedcatheter(which waspreviously prior to performing RBC labeling.
pressure resulting in reduced oxygen demand, Am J Cardio/49:425-430, 1982. used for injection of pyrophosphate containing How documented: Studies with in vitro models
(cl relaxalion of smoothmuscletone in the 9. Pfislerer M,Glans L, Burkart F Comparative effecls of stannous ion). It is not positively known at this (1-4); study in rats ( 5 ) ; study in dogs (6); pro-
time whether therapeutic levels of heparin can spectiveclinical studies (1,7,8);case reports
be radiolabeled in a similar manner in vivo if 19).
slannousion is present.Onestudyindogs
showed that red cell labeling may be marginally
affected bythe previous injection of a single REFERENCES
lherapeutic dose of heparin. I . h i t 1 GP, Drew HMN. Kelly ME, et al: Interference with
It is proposed that methyldopaandhydra- Tc-99111 labeling of red bloodcells(RBCs) by RRC
antibodies. J N w l Med 21:P44, 1980.
lazinemayaffectthelabelingefficiency of 2. Zimmer AM, Spies SM, Majewski W: Eirect of drugs
99mTc-l;~bcled KBC by oxidizing stannous ion in onin vivo RDC labeling: a proposed rnechanisn~of
202 t Esselgtinls of Nrrcleor Medicirle Science Drug-induced Alterations: Reported Instances I 203
inhibition. Presented at the SecondInternationalSym- dose-dependent changes in ejection fraction determined "'IN-LABELED LEUKOCYTES 4. Thompson L, Ouzounian TJ, Wcbber MM,el al: In-1 1 I
posium on Radiopharmacology, Chicago,September by radionuclide angiography after anlhracyclinetherapy. WBC imaging in rnuscuIosLcleta1 sepsis. J Nucl Med
Interferingdrug(s): Antibiotics;cortico-
1981, C m c r r Treat Rep 62945-948, 1978. 25:PS2, 1984.
3. Feiglan DH. Gulenchyn KY, McLaughlinPR, etal: steroids; hyperalimentation; lidocaine; pro- 5 . Aschner NL. Ahrenholz DH, Simmons RL, et al: In-1 11
3. Zanelli GD: Effect of certain drugs used in the treatment
of cardiovascular diseaseon the 'In vitro' labeling of red Adriamycin cardiotoxicity:correlation of radionuclide cainamide. autologous tagged leukocytes i n the diagnosis of intra-
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4. Pauwels EKJ, Feitsma RIJ, Blom I: Influence of ment of doxorubicin cardiotoxicity with quanlitative ra- rhythmic drugs on In-1 1 I-labeled leukocytes: chern-
Effect on image: Reduced or absenl uptake of
adriamycin on red blood cell labeling: a pitfall in scinli- dionuclideangiocardiography. N Engl J M e d otaxisandadherence to nylon wool. J Nucl Med
300278-283, 1979. radiotracer into abscess. 23:131-135,1982.
graphic blood poolimaging. Nucl M e d Comnfzm
4:290-295,1983. 5 . Dmck M, Bar-Shlomo 5 , Gutenchyn K. et al: Radionu- Significance: Interferencefromantibioticand 7. Goodwin DA: Clinical use of in-1 11 leukocyte imaging.
5. Lee KB, WexlerJP, Scharf SC, et al: Pharmacologic clideangiography and endompcardlal biopsy in the corLicosteroid drugs as well as hyperalimenta- Clin Nucl Med 8:36-38. 1983.
alterations in%-99m binding by red blood cells: concise assessmenl o i doxorubicin cardiotoxicity. Am J Cardiol tion may result in fake negative studies. It is
communication. J A'ucl Med 24:397-401, 1983. 47:401, 198I . obvious, however, that drugtherapy does not Interfering drug(s): Antibiotics ( e . g . , pen-
6. Rao SA. Knobcl J, Coflier BD: Effect of therapeutic 6. Morgan CW. Mcllvecn BM. Freedman A. et al: Radio-
nuclide ejection fraction in doxorubtcio cardiotoxicity. always alter the distributionof radiolabeled leu- icillin).
dose of heparin on the i l l vivo labeling of red blood cells
with technetium99m for blood poolimaglng:impor- Cancer Trear Rep 65629-638, 1981. kocytes, since many positive scans are obtained Nuclearmedicinestudyaffected: Inflam-
tance of slannous ion concentralion. J NuclMed 7 . McKillop IH, Bristow MR, Goris ML. et a]: Sensitivity in patients receiving antibiotics or steroids. matory process scintigraphy.
26:P95-P96, 1985. and specificily of radionuclide ejection fractions in dox- With respect to lidocaine and procainamide, Effect on image: Visualization of colon.
7. Hegge FN, Hamillon GW, Larson SM, etal: Cardiac orubicincardiotoxicity. Am Hem/ J 106:1048-1056,
a clinical study reported that a number of nega- Significance: Drug-induced accumulation of
chamber imaging: a comparison of redblood cells la- 1983.
8. Berger HJ, Choi W. Alexander J, et al: Serial radionu-
tive imagingprocedureswereobtained in pa- lllIn-labeledleukocytesinthecoloncould
beled with Tc-99m in vitro and in vivo. J Nncl Med
19:129-134.1978. clide evaluation of doxorubicin cardiotoxicity in cancer tients, all of whom had received antiarrhythmic mimic a pattern of distribution observed in pa-
8. Seawright SJ. Maton PI. Greenall I, et a[: hctors affect- patients with abnormal baselme resting left ventricular drugs. A subsequent in vitro study, however, tients with inflammatory bowel disease not re-
ing in vivo labeling ol redblood cells. J Nncl Med ejeclion fraction. J Nucl Med 22:P40: 1981. demonstrated no effecton leukocyte. function at lated to drug therapy.
Tcch?!ol 11:95,1983. normal therapeutic drug concentrations. Mechanism: Certainantibiotics are known to
9. Talum JL, Burke TS, Hirsch 11, et al: Pitfall lo modified
in V I V O method of technetium-99m rcd blood cell label- llll~-DTPAAND 169Y~-DTPA Mechanism: Drugtherapywithantibiotics, cause pseudomembranous colitis, an inflam-
mp-iodinatedcontrastmedia. Clin ~Vfrcl M e d 8: corticosteroids, or hyperalimentation mayresult matory disease that may attract lllln-labeIed
Interfering drug(s): Acelazolamide
585-587,1983. in a reducedchemoattractantstimuliforthe leukocytes.
Nuclear medicine study affected:Cistemogra-
radiolabeledleukocytes.Additionally,cationic Management: None; however, the drug respon-
lnterfering drug(s): Doxorubicin. PhY. antiarrhythmic drugs in higher-than-therapeutic sible for inducing the colitis should be discon-
Effect on image: Delayed parasagittal migra-
Nuclear medicine study affected: Radionu- concentrations have been shown toinhibita tinued and replaced w)ith alternative therapy.
tion of radiotracer with reflux of tracer into the
clide Ventriculography. number of granulocyte functions including How documented: Case report (1).
ventricles (in the absence of disease).
Effectonimage: Abnormalejectionfraclion, chemotaxis (1).
Significance: This pattern of dislribution mim- REFERENCE
reduced left ventricular function. Management: None.
ics that typically observed in patients with nor- 1. Bushnell DL: Deteclion of pseudomembranouscolitis
Significance: RadionucIide ventriculography How documented: Observations made in clini-
mal pressure hydrocephalus. with indium-1 I 1 labeledleukocytescintigraphy. Clirr
often is used to monitor doxorubin-induced car- cal studies and in vitroexperiments (1-6); a Nucl Med 9994-295, 1984.
Mechanism: Acetazolamide induces a vaso-
diactoxicity. Thiseffect, however, may inter- re\)iew editorial (7).
contriction of thechoroid plexusarteriesand
fere with the differential diagnosis of abnormal
inhibitsthe enzymecarbonicanhydrase.Both "'IN-LABELED PLATELETS
cardiac function. of these phenomenon tend to decrease the pro- REFERENCES
Mechanism: Doxorubicin causes a dose-related Interfering drug(s): Heparin.
duction of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) which, in I . MacGregor RR, Thomer RE, Wright D M Lidocaine
cardiotoxicity (cardiomyopathy). inhibils granulocyte adherence and prevents granulocyle Nuclear medicine study affected: Pulmonary
turn, alters CSF kinetics. The reduced outflow
Managemenk None; a baselineradionuclide detiveryto inflammalorysites. Blood 56:203-209, embolus scintigraphy.
of CSF from the ventricles results in net reflux
ventriculogram should be performedprior to 1980. Effect onimage: Full-dose heparin therapy may
of radiotracer into the ventricles. 2. Loken MK, Forstram LA, Cook A, er al: 111-111 labeled
initiation of doxorubicin therapy to identify un- result in the failure of il'ln-labeled platelets 10
Management: D i s c o n h u e therapy with acela- leukocytes for diagnosing inflamrnatorp diseases of the
diagnosed heart disease. abdomenand retroperitoneum. In Wahner HW, Good-
identify sites of pulmonary emboli.
zolamide several days prior to performing the
How documented: Study in rabbits (1); clinical win DA (eds): I I I-lndirm Lobeled Plarelefsond Lertko- Significance: Theability of heparin to cause
cistemography study.
studies (2-8). c p s , Crystal Lake, 11, Society of NuclearMedicine, false negative studies decreases the usefulness
How documented: Case report,beforeand 1981, pp 145-159. of lllIn platelels for the deteclion of pul~nonary
REFERENCES after discontinuation of acetazolamide ( I ) . 3 Daker WJ-Beighlol RW, Datz FL, et al: 1 I I-Indium emboli.
1. Gorton SI, Wilson GA, Sutherland R, el al: The predic- oxinc labcled leukocytes: a discussion orthe preparation
REFERENCE and use at Ihe Univcrsily of Ulah. Presented at Ihe 128th
Mechanism: Heparin inhibits the adherence of
Live value of myocardial radioisotopescanning in ani-
mals [reatcd with doxorubicin. J N d Med 21:518-522, 1. hpanicolaou N, McNeil BJ, Funkenstein HH,el al: Annual Meeting ol' the American Phnrmaceulical Asso- platelels to experimental pulmonary emboli,
1980. Abnormalcislemogramassociated with Diamox [her- cialionAcademy of Pharmacy PrdCliCe, SI. Louis, possibly due to interference with the thrombin-
2. Singer JW, Narahara KA. Ritchie JL, el al: Time- and apy, J Nucl Med 19:501-503, 1978. March 198I . platelel interaction (I).
Drrtg-induced Aliera!ions: Reported instances I 205
204 I Essentials of N d e a r Medicine Science
How documented: Various animal and clinical 18. Kohn LA, Nichols EB: Interference wilh uptake of
Management: Perform scintigraphy prior toin- circulating body pool. Iodinated contrast media
studies {l-27); review articles and chapters radioiodine tracer during administration of vitamin-
itial anticoagulation or in conjunction with in- release iodide over a period of time, resulting in mineral mixlures. N Engl J Med 253:286-287, 1955.
terruption of heparin therapy. the same type of effect. 19 Clark RE, Shipley Iw: Thyroidal uplake of '311 after
How documented: Study in dogs (2); observa- Chronic salicylate administrationcauses a de- iopanoic acid (Telepaque) in 74 subjects. J CIirl Endo-
pression of thyroid function, presumablyvia the REFERENCES crinol 17:1008, 1957.
tions made in dinical studies (2,3).
Thomas ID, Oddie TH, Myhill J: A diagnoslicradi-
pituitary or higher centers. 1 . Greer MA: The eIfect on endogenous thyroid activity
REFERENCES of feeding desiccaled thyroid to normal human sub-
oiodine uplake test in patients receivingantithyroid
Sodium nitroprusside lowers uptake of radi- drugs. J ClfnErfdocrrnol Merab 20:1601-1607, 1960.
1 . Thomas DP, Gurewich V, Ashford TP: Platelet ad- jects. N Ens1 J Med 244:385-390, 1951.
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27. Hankins JH, Heise CM, Cowan RJ: Iatrogenlc hyper-
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30. Metller FA, Guibertcau MJ (eds): Essenrials uJNuclmr
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Medfcine Irmgirzg. ed 2. New York, Grune & Smatton,
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Mechanism: Antithyroid drugs inhibit the met- Expectorants,vitamins 2 weeks 167:983-985, 1958,
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in decreased iodide transport, Specifically, they Salicylates 1 week of thyroid-stimulatinghormone in rals. ~ V a r u r e Interfering drug(s): Spironolactone; other di-
interfere with the incorporation of iodide into Steroids 1 week 181:845-846, 1958.
1 week uretics.
tyrosyl residues of thyroglobulin and inhibit the Sodium nitroprusside 1 week
13. Yohalem SB: Use of meprobramate (Equanil) in hyper-
Miscellaneous agents: thyroidism. NY Stare J Med 57:2518, 1957. Nuclear medicine study affected:Adrenal cor-
coupling of the iodotyrosylresidues to form Anticoagulants 14. Nourok DS, Glassock RJ. Solomon DH, et al: Hypo- tex scintigraphy.
iodothyronine. Moreover, these drugs may inter- Antihistamines thyroidism Iollowing prolonged sodium n~troprusside Effect on image: Bilateral adrenaluptake of
ferewiththeoxidation of iodideionand Antiparasitics therapy. Am J Meed Sci 248:129-136, 1964. radiotracer (in patients with unilateral disease).
iodotyrosyl groups. Penicillins 15. Wyngaarden JB, Wright BM, Ways R: Theeffect of
Sulfonamides certain anions upon the accumulation and retention of
Significance: Bilateral uptake of radiotracer
Natural or synthetic thyroid preparations act
Tolbutamide iodidebythethyroidgland. E n d o c r i n o l o g y frequently occurs in patients with aldostero-
bysuppressingthesecretion of thyrotropin Thiopental 50537-549, 1952. noma who are receiving chronic spironolaclone
(TSH). Phenylbutazonealsomay inhibit TSH Benzodiazepines 4 weeks 16. Godley AF, Stanbury JB: Preliminary expericnce in thc or other diurelic therapy. Therefore, administra-
release. iodides Topical 1-9 months trcalment of hyperthyroidism with potassium perchlor-
Intravenous contrast agenls 1-2 months
lion of thesedrugs may result in anincorrect
Vitamins,antitussives,expectorants,and ate, J Clin Endocrirrol 14:70, 1954.
differentiation between unilateral adenoma and
topical medications that contain various iodide Oral cholecystographic agents 6-9 months 17. Kelsey FO, Gullock AH, Kelsey FE: Thyroid activity in
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thespecificactivity of theradioiodine in the
206 I Esserdriais of Nuclear Medicine Science Drrrg-induced Alterations: Reporled Insionces f 207
Mechanism: Diuretics decrease serum sodium tion is, indeed, outside of the adrenals, the early mIBG. There are, however, conflicting animal 5. Shapiro R , Wieland DM, Brown LE, el al: "'I-nlcla-
and plasma volume, resulting in increased ac- bilateral visualization of radioactivity in the data concerningtheeffect of desrnethylirnip- iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) adrenal medullary scinti-
rarnine. In dogs, the uptake of 1311-mlBGwas graphy: interventional studies. In Spencer R (ed): ilzwr-
tivity of the renin-angiotensin system. A spe- adrenalglands may be falsely interpretedas
verz~ionalNlfclear Medicirle. New York. Grune 6r
cialized diuretic, spironolactone, competitively bilateraladrenalhyperplasia. Thispattern of markedly affected by desmethylimipramine. Slratton, 1984. pp 451-481.
inhibits the sodium and chloride reabsorplion distribution could also maskanadrenal ade- but in rats, an effect was not observed. Pretreat- 6. Sisson JC, Frager MS, Valk TW. et al: Scintigraphic
action of aldosteroneontherenaltubules, noma, which could be a source of excess an- ment of ratswith sympathomimeticdrugs re- localization of pheochromocytoma. N Engl J Mcd
which also results in increasedactivity of the drogen production. sults in large decreases in radiotracer concentra- 305:12-17. 1981.
renin-angiolensinsystem.Thisincreasein Mechanism:Oral contraceptives increasethe tion in adrenergic-richtissues such as the left
atrium,leflventricle,spleen,andparotid [zolT~]THALLOUS CHLORIDE
plasmareninactivitystimulatesthezona adrenaluptake of ['3'I]iodome~hylnorcho-
glomerulosa to synhesizeandsecreteal- lesterol by producinganelevation of plasma glands. Interfering drug(s): P-Adrenergicblockers
dosterone which results in an increased localiza- reninactivitywhichresults in adrenal cortical Significance: The diagnosis of pheochromo- ( e . g . , propranolol); nitrates (isosorbide dini-
tion of radiotracer in the normal adrenal gland. stimulation, increased cortisol secretion, and a cytoma with use of 1311-dBGscintigraphy may trate).
In thepresence of an aldosteronoma,the in- "functional hyperplasia. 'I be adversely affected if these drugs do inhibit Nuclear medicine study affected: Myocardial
crease in uptake induced by diurelics would be Management:Discontinue oral contraceptive uptake of the radiotracer into the tumor; more perfusion scinligraphy.
in the contralateral gland, resulting in bilateral therapy if i t isnecessary to use [i3'I]iodo- dalaare necessary, however, lo determine lhe Effect on image: Clinically, these drugs tend to
uptake of the radiotracer and, therefore, a false methylnorcholesterol for determining the con- true significance. Moreover, the effects of these decrease the number and size of exercise-in-
negative scan.(Spironolactonealso a d s as a tribution of theadrenal glands to excessan- drugs on 1311-mlBGscintigraphy of the heart duced [201Tl]thallous chloride perfusion defects.
directadrenal glomerulosaantagonist. If the drogen output, must be considered. (?O'TI studies performed in resting dogs indicate
drug isgivenover along enoughperiod, it How documented: Clinical observations re- Mechanism: Sludies indicatethat 13'I-mIBG h a t propranololfavors a redistribution of
would suppress aldosteronebiosynthesis and se- ported in review arlicles (1,2). enters adrenergic tissue and is stored in granules ['alTl]thallous chloride in ischemic myocardial
cretion and, lherefore, probably suppress uptake of the adrenal medulla by mechanisms similar regions toward the subendocardial layers, which
of 113111iodomethvlnorcholesterol into the adre- REFERENCES to thosefor the neurotransmitternorepineph- is beneficial, since myocardial ischemia always
rine. Reserpine and tricyclic antidepressants in- originates in the subendocardial layers and sub-
terferewithuptake of norepinephrine(and sequently spreads ouI 10 the epicardium (1). I f
mIBG) by adrenergic tissues and, theoretically, propranolol has the same effect at exercise, il
continuediuretic therapy prior to, performing Press, 1980, pp 127-175. may reduce the detectability of pheochomocy- may help to explain the phenomenon observed
adrenal scintieraDhv. 2. Gross MD, Valk TW, Swanson DP, el al: The r0k of tomas.Sympathomimeticagents may act by clinicaliy.)
U I ,
H , , ~ documente& ~ospective clinical pharmacologic manipulaLion in adrenal cortical
scinli- causing a release of norepinephrine (and d B G ) S i g n i f i c a n c e :F a l s en e g a t i v ee x e r c i s e
graphy. Sernin Nzrcl Med 11:128-148, 1981. fromstoragesites,thusdecreasingtheac- [20'Tl]thallouschloridescanscan occur in pa-
(I); observations reported in review article (2).
cumulation of mIBG in adrenergic neurons. tientsreceivingp-blocker or nitraleIherapy
REFERENCES m-['3'I]IODOBENZYLGUANIDINE Management: I f it is clinicallyappropriate, who arebeingevaIuatedforCAD. Under-
(mIBG) discontinuedrugspriortoperformingadrenal estimation of the severity of CAD can result in
1. Fischer M. Vettern', Winkrg B , et ai: Adrenai scinligra-
phy in primary aldosleronism. Spironolactoneas a cause Interfering drug(s): Tricyclic antidepressants; medullary scintigraphy. inadequate or inappropriate therapeuticmeas-
01 incorrccl classification betweenadenoma snd hyptr- reserpine; sympalhomimetics. How documented: Study in rats (1,2); study in ures.
plasia. Eur J N I Mcd ~ 7222-224, 1982.
Nuclearmedicinestudy affected: Adrenal Mechanism: Two possible mechanisms may be
mice (2); studies in dogs(2-5); case reports ( 5 ) ;
2. Gross MD. Valk TW, Swanson DP, etal: Therole of
phamdcologic manipulation in adrenal cortical scinli- medullary scintigraphy. observations from clinical sludy (6). responsible for the effecls of P-blocking agents.
graphy. Sernirz Hucl Med 11:128-148, 1981. Effect on image: An absence of uptake by the First, the effects may result from drug-induced
salivary glands and the hear1 has been observed REFERENCES changes in the exercise performance of patients.
Interfering drug(s): Oral contraceptives. in a few patients taking either imipramine, dox- Shcrman PS, Fisher SJ, Wieland DM, el al: Over the The administration of a P-blocker blunis [he
Nuclear medicine study affected: Adrenal cor- epin, or Entex, a nasal decongestant containing counter drugs block heartaccumulattono l MIBG . J Nucl normal rise in heart rate and systolicblood
both phenylephrine and phenylpropanoiamine. Med 26:P35,1985. pressure which occurs with exercise, resulting
tex scintigraphy.
Guilloleau D, Baulieu JL, Huguel F, el a l : Meta-
Effect on image: Early bilateral visualization of For the most part, however, patients taking tri- in a reduction in myocardial oxygen c o n s u n p
iodobenzplpanidine adrenal mcdullalocalizalion: Au-
the adrenals is observed in individuals with no cyclic antidepressants (or reserpine) have been Lomdiographicand pharmacologicstudies. Eur J Nrd tion. In addition, @-blockers may increase m y -
adrenal disease or with unilateral disease only, inlentionallyexcludedfromscintigraphic pro- Med 9:278-281, 1984. cardial oxygen extractionand augmentstroke
despite dexamethasone suppression. tocols during clinical trials with 1311-mIBG. Wleland DM, Brown LE, Tobes MC, et al: Imaging the volume despite a tendency for [he cardiac nu-
Therefore, the effectof these drugs on uptake of primateadrenal medullawith1-123 and 1-131 mela- putto decrease. The overalleflect 01' Ihcsc
Significance: This interaction must particularly
iodobcnzylguanidine: concise communication. J Mrcl
be considered in the evaluation of women with 1311-dBGinto human pheochromocytomas has changes on exercise ability depends on h c 1111-
Mer1 22358-364, 1981.
hyperandrogenism, since oral contraceptives no1 been established. M'ieland DM, Brown LE, Marsh DD,et al: The mecha- derlying function of the left ventricle. hlicnts
are often incorporated into their therapeutic reg- In animal models, reserpine consistently re- nism of MIBG in localization: drug intervention sludies. with CAD and impaired leftventricular lunctirm
imen. If the site of abnormal androgen produc- ducestheadrenomedullaryuptakeof l3'l- J Nfrcl Mer1 22:P20, 198 1 , typically show agrealerandmore consistcnt
208 I EssentiaIs of Nrrclear MedicineScience Drug-induced Alterations: Reporred Insranees I 209
increase in exercise performance than do indi- myocardial images and absolute tissue dishbution. J chloridescintigraphy, when it is clinically ap- pharmacological agents on the dishbution of T1-201. J
vidualswithout CAD. The net effect of P- Nucl Med 19:lO-16, 1978. propriate. Nuci Med 19:973, 1978.
3. Z m t B L Radionuclide imaging of myocardial ische- 2. Schelberi H,Ingwalls J, Watson R, el al: Factors intlu-
blockadetherapy on exercise[m'Tl]thallous How documented: Prospective clinical study
mia and Infarction. Circularion 53(Suppl): 1126-1 128. encing the mpcardial uptake of TI-201. J NMCI Metl
chloride scintigraphy is to postpone the poinl at 1976. (1). 18:598. 1977.
which myocardial ischemia occurs beyond that 4. Shclberl H, Ingwall J, Watson R, et al: Factors influenc-
REFERENCE 3. Schachner ER, Osier ZH, Cicale h%, et al: The effect or
at which exhaustion limits the exercise test. As a ing the myocardial uptake of thallium-201, J Nucl Med diphenylhydantoin(Dilantin) on thallium-201chloride
18598, 1977. 1 . Davison R, Kaplan K, Bines A , etal:Abnormal
result, exercise may need to be slopped before thallium-201scinligraphydunnglow-dosevasopressin uplake. Eur J Nucl Med 6585-586, 1981.
5. Costin JC, Zaret B L Effect of propranolol and digitalis 4. Forsl D, Sorensen S, O'Rourkc R, et a1: Reversibility ol
perceptibleperfusiondefects can be induced. infusions. Presented at theAmericanCollege of Car-
upon radioactivethalliumandpotassium uptake in adriamycininducedreductioninmyocardial
Nitrates may cause a beneficial redistribution myocardialand skeletal muscle. J Nucl Med 17:535, diology Meeting. Atlanta. April 1982.
thallium-201 uplake by intravenousdigoxin. Clirr Res
of coronary blood flow, resulting in decreased 1976. 27:727A,1979.
myocardialischemia.Nitroglycerin, for in- 6. Weich HE, StraussHW, Pit1 B: The extraction of Interfering drug(s): Propranolol; cardiac gly- 5 . Weich HF, Strauss JW4, Pitt B: The extraction of
stance, has been shown to preferentially in- thallium-201bythemyocardium. Circularion cosides; procainamide; lidocaine; phenytoin; thallium-201 by themyocardium. Circirlrrrrurr
56:188-191,1977. doxorubicin.
creasesubendocardialblood flow. Redistribu- 56:188-191,1977.
7. Waschek J, Hinkle G, Basmadjian G. et aI: Effect of
tion of coronary blood flow may occur because cardiac drugs on imaging studies with thallous chloride
Nuclear medicine study affected: Myocardial 6. Costin IC, Zaret B L Effect of propranolol and digilalis
perfusion scintigraphy. upon radioactive lhaliium and potassium uptake in myo-
the nitrates preferenlially dilate the large con- T1 201. Am 3Hosp Pharm 3831726-1728. 1981. cardial and skeletal muscle. J Nucl Med 17535, 1976.
ductance vesselsrather than b e arteriolar re- 8. Hockings B, Saltissi S, Croft DN, et al: Effect of beta Effect on image: These drugs tend to slightly I. Hamilton GW, Narahara K A , Yee H, et a1 Myocardial
sistancevessels, which results in shunting of adrenergic blockade on thallium-201 myocardial perfu- decreasemyocardial localizationandincrease imaging with thallium-201. Effect of cardiac drugs on
sion imaging. Br Hearr 34953-89, 1983. liverlocalization of zOIT1.Thus, evaluation of
blood to the ischemic myocardium. In addition, mpcardial imagesandabsolutetissue dishbution. J
9 Henkin RE, Chang W. Provus R: The effecl of beta Nucl Med 19:lO-16, 1978.
collaleralvesselswhich developsecondary to blockers on thallium scans. J Nrtcl Med 23:P63. 1982.
images that already have a relatively poor tar-
myocardia ischemia may be dilaled bythese 10 Pohosl GM, AIpert NM. Ingwall IS. el al: Thallium get-to-background ratio may be further compro- 8. Waschek J, H i d e G , Basmadjian G , et al:Effecl or
cardiac drugs on imaging smdies with thallous chloride
drugs. redistribution:mechanismsandciinicalulility. Semin mised. TI-201. Am d Hosp P h r m 38: 1726-1728, 1981,
Management: Discontinue P-blockertherapy NucI Med 10:70-93, 1980. Significance: The effectof these drugsin possi-
11 Albro PC. Gould KL, Weslcott RJ, et al: Noninvasive bly decreasing myocardial uptake of 201Tlis not
48 hours prior to performance of study (by ta- RADIOCYANOCOBALAMIN
assessmenl of coronary stenoses by mqocardial imag-
pering dosage); also discontinue nitrate therapy ing duriog pharmacologiccoronaryvasodilation: LII
likely to be clinicaIly relevant, since it is global
and would not be expected to resultin a change Interfering drug(s): Parenteralvitamin B12;
prior to study. Clinical trial. Am J Cardid 42:751-760, 1978.
in regional ,OIT1 concentration. Moreover, the colchicine;neomycin;p-aminosalicyclicacid;
How documented: A sludy in dogs investigated 12 Osbakken MD. Okada RD, Boucher CA, et al: The
effect of Inderal, exercise level, and subcritical disease magnitude of the effect often is so small that it calcium chelating agents; biguanides; anlicon-
the distribution of [m'Tl]thalIous chloride in
on the specificity of exercise thallium-201 imaging. J is not significant. In some cases, e.g., pheny- vulsants (phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone);
normaland ischemic myocardium(1). Several
Nucl Med 22P41, 1981.
toin,heart-lo-blood and heart-to-muscle ratios potassium;cholestyramine;cyclohexamide;
researchers have used various animal models to 13 Wolf R, Pretschner P, Engel HI, et al: Errect ol isosor-
are changedonlyslightlybydrugtherapy, daclinomycin; oral contraceptives.
study the effect of propranololonuptakeof bide dinilrale on 201-thallium myocardial imaging in
which further minimizes the cIinical signifi- Nuclear medicine study affected: Schiliing
[201Tl]thaIlous chlorideinto the normal myocar- coronary hearl disease. Am J Curdid 43:432. 1979.
dium; results rangefrom a slight decrease in cance. It has been noted, however, that decreas-
ing myocardial uptake can be associated with Effect on study:Decreased absorption of radio-
uptake to no significant change caused by the Interfering drug(s): Vasopressin. cyanocobalamin.
drug (1 -6). One retrospeclive clinical study Nuclear medicine study affected: Myocardial increasing numbers of medications used in com-
bination. Significance: Reduced absorption results in de-
showed that propranolol apparently did not alter perfusion scintigraphy. creasedexcretion of theradiotracer. In some
the myocardial-lo-background ratio of zOITl (7). Effectonimage: Appearance of myocardial Mechanism: The cardiac drugs probably exert
instances, the study result may still be within
Otherclinicalstudies, however, havedocu- perfusion defects (reversible on discontinuation their effects (if any) by aItering coronary blood
normal limits; however, abnormal study results
mentedthatthesensitivityofexercise of drug) in patients without coronary artery dis- flow and delivery of 20'T1 to themyocardial
cells. may be misinterpreted as pernicious anemia or
[2D1Tl]thallouschlorideimagingisreduced in ease. other causes of malabsorption.
patients taking propranoloI (8-12). At least one Significance: Interactionisprobably of mini- Phenytoin and doxorubicin exert their effects
by direct actions on the sodium-potassium acti- Mechanism: Drugs variably interfere with the
clinical studyhas reported a similar loss of malclinicalsignificance,since[201Tl]thallous absorption of the radiotracer.
sensitivity followingisosorbide dinitrate ther- chloride imaging rarely is performed in patients vated ATPase pump and the active transport of
20'TIinto the myocardial cells. Parenteral vitamin BIZ:this effect is thought
apy (13). on vasopressin therapy. In those instances when to be related to high concentrations of B,, in the
this may occur, however, the ciinician should b e Management: None.
bile diluting the radioactive B,, and salurahg
REFERENCES aware of the polential for false positive results. How documented: Studies in mice (1 ,Z), rats
ileal-binding sites.
van dcr Wall EE, JVeslera G , van Eenige MJ, el al: Mechanism: This phenomenon most likely re- (31, rabbits (4), and dogs (5-7); retrospectivc
clinical study (8). Aminosalicylic acid, biguanides, colchicinc,
Influence of propranolol on uplake of radioiodinated flectsthecapacity of vasopressinto increase
hepadecanoic acid and lhallium-201 in the dog heart. ethanol,anticonvulsants,cyclohexamide: his
Eur J Nucl Med 8:454-457, 1983. coronary vascular resistance. REFERENCES effect is thoughtto be a direct action on the ilcal
Hamilloik GW,Narahara KA, Yee H, et a1 Mpcardial Management: Disconlinuedrug therapysev- I , Bossuyt A, Jonckheer MH: Noninvasive dclerminalion transportof BIZ, possibly by disturbing some
imaging with Iha1liun1-201: effect of cardiac drugs on eral hoursprior to performingf20'Tl]thallous of the reglonal disiribulion of cardiac output: e l k t of folate-dependent enzyme system.
Drug-ind1rced Alrerarions:Reported Insiances I 211
Antibiotics: this effect is thought to be related iks reversal by calcium ions. Scalld J Clin Lab I~rvesr vitamin B,, duringtreatment with slowrelease po- Management: None.
10:448, 1958 tassium chloride. Acta MedScurfd 187:431-432. 1970. How documented: There are no known reports
to decreased ilia1 mucosal binding of 3,? sec- 29 PalvaIP. Salokannel SI, Timonen T. et al: Drug-in-
ondary to inflammatory reactions (enteritis). 10. Webb Dl, Chodos RB, Mahar CO. el al: Mechanism of of drug-induced hepatic uptake of radioxenon,
vitamin B,? malabsorption in patientsreceivingcol- duced malabsorption of vitamin B,?.IV. Malabsorption
Other possible mechanisms include gastritis and dehciency of B , 2 duringtreatmentwithslow-re- bul theoretical considerations strongly supporl
chlclne. N Engl J Med 2792745-850. 1968.
(decreased inirinsicfactorproduction and re- l e a s ep o t a s s i u mc h l o r i d e . A c t a M e d Scund this concept (1-3).
11. Lindenbaum l, Lieber CS: Alcohol Induced malabsorp-
19135-357, 1972.
Iease), increased intestinal motility, chelation of tion of vitamm B I 2in man. Narrrre 22.1306, 1969.
12 Mailloux LE, Street0 JM: The effecl of prior vitamin 30 PalvaIP, Salokannel SJ, Palva HLA, et al:Dmg-in-
calcium ions, and bacterial superinfection. duced malabsorptlon of vitamin B I Z .VU. Malabsorp-
BII admlnlstration on the Schilling test. Am J Med Sci I . Kitant K . Winkler K: I n vitro determination of solubility
Calcium chelating agents:this effect is due to tion of B 1 2 during treatmen1withpolassrumcitrate. of "'xenonand855krypton inhumanlivertissuewith
sequeslration of ionic calcium, an ion required 13 Chow B E Okuda K: Urinary excrellon test for vitamin
Acta Med Scarld 196525-524, 1974. varyingtriglyceride content. ScaJld J Clin Lab ilnwsr
in the absorptive mechanism for BIZ. B,?.Fed Proc 14:430, 1955. 31 Lees F Radioactwevitamin E,, absorption in mcga- 291173-176. 1972.
loblastic anemia caused by anticonvukant drugs. Q J 2 . Brown R O Total parenteral nutrition-induced liver dys-
Potassium:slowreleasepotassiumtablets 14. Ellenbogen L, V " m s WL, Rabiner SF, etal: An
improved urinary excretion test as an assay for intnnsic Med 30231-248. 1961. function: a review. Nurr Sup Sew 2:14-16, 1982.
cause acidification of intestinal contents to a pH 32. Coronalo A. Glass GBI: Depression ol theIntestinal
factor. Proc Sue Exp Biol M e d 89:357-362. 1955. 3. Sharer RB, Bianco JA: Implications of hepaticxenon
lower than [hat required in the absorptive mech- uptake of radio-vitamin B,: by cholestyramine. Prur activity in ventilation scans. J Nucl hied 20450-452.
15. Breuel HI', Fischer P: Theinfluenceofvltamin BL2
anism for B,?. premedication on theresult of the Schilling test (au- Soc E r p BiolMed 142:1341-1344. 1973. 1979,
Cholestyramine: effect caused by drug bind- thor's Uanslalton). Ntrkleumledizih 18:186- 188, 1979. 33. ReisnerEH Jr, Rosenblum C, MorganMC: Urinary
excretion of orally administered Co-60 labeled vitamin
ing IO B,,-binding sites on intrinsic factor and 16. Gmrnes GM, Reiswig R. Jansen C, et al: Feasibility or Interferingdrug(s): Diazepaminsedalive
consecutive-daySchilllnp tests. J Nfrcl M e d B12 in normalsubjects and patients with pernicious
preventing the formation of the intrinsic factor- anemia and sprue. Clin Res Proc 256, 1954. doses; general anesthetic agents.
B,? complex needed for absorption. 34. Herbert B: Detecrion of malabsorption of vihmin B,! Nuclear medicine study affected: Pulmonary
17. Heinivaara 0, Palva lP Malabsorption and deliciency
Management: Discontinuedrug therapy sev- of vitamtn B,? caused by treatment with para-ami- due to gastric or intestinal dysfunction. Senzin Nucl ventilation scintigraphy.
eral days prior to iniliation of Schilling test. In nosalicylic acid. Acta Med Scnrtd 177:337-341, 1965. Med 2220-234. 1972. Effectonimage: Thenormaldistribution of
18. Paaby P, Norvin E: The absorption of vitamin B I I 35. Cohcn MF. Vilamin B I Zdeficiency. Semin Nrrcl Med
somecases, reversal of malabsorptioncanbe radioxenon in the lung (top to bottom) is shifted
duringtreatmentwithpara-aminosalicylicacid. Acta
I 1 :226-227, 198 1 ,
achieved by the administration of folic acid. 313 Silberstein EB: Causes of abnormalities reponed in slightly, wilh more activity in the top of the
Med Scand 180:561-564, 1966.
How documented: Studies in rats (1-4); case nuclearmedicine tesung. J Nlncl Med 17:229-232, lungs and less in the bottom as a result of the
19. PalvaIP, Rytkonen V , Alatulkila M, et al: DIU&-
reports (5-7); clinical studies(3,6,8-33); re- induced malabsorption of vitamin BIZ.V. lnlestinal pH 1976. drug therapy.
views (34-36). and absorption of vitamin B I I dunng treatmentwith Significance: Postoperativepatients may pre-
para-aminosalicylic acid. Scand J Haernalol 9:5-7, RADIOXENON
sent with changes described above,
REFERENCES 1972. Interfering drug(s): Total parenteralnutrition Mechanism: Sedativeandanestheticdrugs
1. Yell SDJ, Shils ME: Effect of actinomycin D and col- 20. Toskes PP, Deren J J Seleclive inhibition of vitamin B12 (TPN) therapy; clofibrate.
malabsorption by para-aminosalicylicacid. Gaslroew cause a reduclion in the gradient of ventilation
chicine on intestmal absorption in rats. Fed Proc Nuclear medicine study affected: Pulmonary
25(21:322. 1966. rerology 62:1232-1237, 1972. from nondependent to dependent lung.
21. M'illrns B,Creutzfeldi W: Contribution to the intestinal ventilation scintigraphy. Management: None.
2 . Findlay J. Sellers E, Forslner G: Lack of eUect of
alcohol on small intesrinal blnding of the vitamm 8,?- resorptlon ol vttamin BII (SchilIingtest) and of D - Effect on image: Appearance of radioactivity How documented: Clinical studies ( 1 , 2).
intrinsicfactorcomplex. Can J Phy.~iolPlra~macul xylose in bigudnide treatment. Diaberdogia 6:652, in liver during washout phase of ventilation
54469-476. 1976 1970. study. REFERENCES
3. Okuda K , Sasayama K : EfIects of ethylenedlam- 22. Berchtold P, Dahlqvist A , Gustafson A, et al: Erfects of Significance: Manydisorders associatedwith I . Pralo FS, Knill RL: Diazepamsedationreducesfunc-
inelelradcetale and metal ions in inteshnal absorption of a biguanide (metformin) on vitamin B,? and iolic acid
fatty liver infiltration, such as hyperlipidemias, tionalresidual capacityand altersthedistribution of
vitamin B,,in man and rats. Proc Sur € - ~ pB i d Med absorptionandintestinal enzyme activities. Scand .l
obesity, and diabetes mellitus, can promote ac- venhlation in man. Anesrh Analg 61:209-210,1982.
12017-20, 1965. Gasrroer~rerolh:751-754, 1971.
2. Rchder K, Sessler AD, Marsh HM: General anesthesia
4 . Yeh SDJ.Shils ME: Cycloheximideefrecl on vitamin 23. Tomkin GH, Hadden DR, Weaver JA, et al: Vitamin cumulation of radioxenon in the liver. There- and [he lung. Am Rev Respir Dis 112:541-562, 1975.
B,?absorption and intrinsic [actor production in the rat. B I I slatus or patients on long-term metformin therapy. fore, some confusion may arise with regard to
Proc Soc Elrp Biol bled 130:1260-1264. 1969. B r Med J 2(5763):685-687, 1971. thereason for the hepatic activity noted on a
5 . Halsted CH, McIntyre PA: Intestinalmalabsorption 24. Tomkin G H Malabsorplion of vilamin BIZin diabetic
ventilation study. [67G~]GALLIUMCITRATE
caused by aminosalicylic acid therapy.Arch Inrenr Med patientstreated with phenronnin: a comparisonwith
130935-939, 1972. metformin. Br Med J 3(5882):673-675, 1973. Mechanism: Xenon is quite lipid soluble; he- Interfering drug(s): Phenytoin.
6. Heinivaara 0. Palva I P Malabsorption of vitamin Blz 25. lounela AI, Pirtliaho H, Palva I P Drug-induced malab- patic retention of 133Xe hasbeen correlated wilh Nuclear medicine study aEected: Tumor and
duringtreatmentwithpara-aminosalicyllc acid. Acta sorption or vitamin B I 2during Lrcatment with phenror- the fat and trigIyceride content of the liver (1). abscess localization scintigraphy.
Med S c a d 175:469-471, 1964. min. Acta Med Scarad 196267-269, 1974.
Moreover, TPN therapy is known to cause he-
7. Rcynolds EH, Hallpike JR. Phillips EM. et al: Revers- 26. rjloon WW. Chodos RB: Vitamin B,?absorption stud-
patic dysfunction, including fatty liver disease,
Effect on image: Localization of radiogallium
in the mediastinum and pulmonary hilar struc-
lble absorplwe defects in anticonvulsant megaloblastic ies using colchicine, neomycin and continuous T o B,!
ancmia. J C l i ~Parlrol 18:593-598, 1965. administration. Gasrruerrk=roloRy56:1251,1969. in some patients (2). In addition, ceriain authors tures(inpatientswithoutclinicalevidence of
8. Jacobson ED, Chodos RB, Falcon JWV Experimental 27. Rdce TF, h e s IC, Moon WW: Inteslinalmalabsorp- havespeculated that drugssuch as clofibrate, lymphadenopathy).
malabsorptioninduced by neomycin. Am J Meri tion induced by oral colchicinc. Comparison with neo- which prevent hepaticbreakdown of triglycer- Significance: The induction of pseudolym-
28524-533, 1960. mycin and cathartic agents. Anr I Mer1 Sci 259:32-41,
ides, could be responsibIe for hepatic retention phoma by phenyloin may infrequently cause
9. Gasbcck R, Nyberg W: Inhibition of radiovitamin B I Z 1970.
absorption by e~hylenediam~netetraaceta~e (EDTA) and 28. Salokannel SI. Pdlvn IF, Takltunen J T Malebsrlrplion of of radioxenon (3). false positive [67Ga]galliurn citrate scans mim-
Dmg-bzduced Alterations:ReportedInstances f 213
212 f Esseniiuls of Nucleor Medicille Science
sis. Long-termintravenous injection of addic- Effect on image: Localization of [67Ga]gallium same plasma protein-binding sites in a manner
icking a pattern of distribution sometimes ob-
tive drugs of abuse is associated with vascular’ citrate in breasts (men and women). similar to thatof carrier gallium, resulting in
served in patients with true lymphoma. If con-
talc granulomatosis. Significance: Probably of little clinical signifi- moreunbound67Ga.Otherantimetabolite
s i d e r e df r o m a d i f f e r e n tp e r s p e c t i v e ,
Management: Discontinue therapy when drug- cance, aIthough this type of distribution is more drugs, such as 5-fluorouracil, cytarabine, and 6-
[6’Ga]gallium citrate imaging may be useful in
i n d u c e dd i s e a s ei sd e t e c t e d .S c h e d u l e commonly observed in postpartum or pregnant thioguanine, may haveaneffectlike that of
identifying patients at risk from the serious side
[67Ga]gallium citratestudiesprior to contrast women. methotrexate on the kinetics of iron.
effects of phenytoin.
lymphangiography. Mechanism: These drugs induce gynecomastia Mechlorethamine and vincristinemay also
Mechanism: The administration of phenytoin
How documented: Studies in mice (1-3j; case andhyperprolactinemiawhichmayaltract decrease plasma protein binding of [67Ga]gd-
has beenassociatedwiththe development of
reports (4-10); prospective clinical study (1 1); [67Ga]gaIliurn citrate. lium citrate, although the exact mechanismis
local or generalized lymphadenopathy including
relrospective clinical studies {12,13). Management: None. not known.
benign lymph node hyperplasia, pseudolym-
How documented: Case reports ( 1 , 2); retro- Themechanismtoexplaintheeffect of
REFERENCES spective clinical study (3). cisplatinurn has not been elucidated. In vitro
Hodgkin’s disease.
Management: None; if this patlem of distribu- 1. Shpsh A, M a l l e t - k t S , Lentle BC, elabAltered studiesindicate, however, that reducedtumor
biodistribulion of radiogalhum folImvin_eBCG treat- uptake of [67Ga]gallium citrate may be a result
tion (indicating lymphadenopathy) is noted on a ment in mice. Int J Nucl Med B i d 8:349-356, 1981.
1. Stepanas, AV, Maisey MN: Hyperprolactinaemia as a of intracellular biochemical changes inducedby
[67Ga]galliurn citrate scan, however, the condi- 2. Shysh A, Mallet-Paret S, Lentle BC, el al: lnflucnce of
tion should be differentiated from other lypes of intrademal BCG on tbe biodistribution of radiogallium cause of gallium-67 uptake in the breast. Br d Radio1 prolonged exposure to cisplatinum rather than
in mice. 6 1 I Nucl Med Bioi 7333-336, 1980. 49379-380,1976. by any affect on protein binding. This concept
lymph node pathology and the patient observed 2. Ajmani SK, Pircher FJ: Cia-67 ciuate in gynecomastia. J
for an extended period. Whenever possible, al- 3. Sasaki T, Kojima S,Kubodera A: Uptake of %a in the may b e applicable to other drugs. For instance,
lung of mice during bleomycin lrealmenl. Eur J lVrrc1 Nucl Med 19560-561, 1978.
ternative lherapy should be used. certainantineoplaslicdrugsmaydamage the
Med 457-61. 1984. 3. Kim YC. Brown ML, Thrall JH: Scintigraphic patterns
How documented: Case report and prospectil7e of gallium-67uplake i n thebreast. Radiology specific cellular organelles that accumulate gal-
4 van Rooij W J , van der Meer SC, van Royen EA, et al:
124:169- 175, 1977. lium.Another possibility is that chemothera-
clinical study (1). Pulmonary gallium-67 uptake in amiodarone pneumo-
nitis. J NuciMed 25:211-213, 1984. peuticagentsmayinhibittheuplakeof
REFERENCE 5. Joelson I,Klugcr J, Cole SI et al: Possible recurrenceof Interfering drug(s): Methotrexate;cisplati- [67Ga]galliumcitratethrough a competitive
amiodarone pulmonary toxicity following cor- num; gallium nitrate; mechlorethamine; vincris- blockade of specific receptors forgallium in
1. Lentle BC. Slarreveld E. Catz 2 , et al: Abnormal bio-
ticosferoid therapy. C h a r 85:284-286, 1984. certain organs and tumors.
distribmion of radiogallium in persons treated with phe- tinesulfate;othercancerchemotherapeutic
6. Crook MJ, Kaplan PD, Adatepe MH: Gallium-67 scan-
nytoin. J Curl Assoc Radio1 34: 1 14- 1 15, 1983, agents; iron. Management: Whenever it is possible, do not
ning in nitrofurantoin-induced pulmonaryreaction. J
Nucl Med 23690-692, 1982. Nuclear medicine study affected: Tumor and administer [67Ga]gallium citrate within 1 week
Intcrfering drug(s): Amiodarone; bleornycin; 7. Richman SD, Levenson SM, Bunn PA, etal: W a of the last dose of a cancer chemotherapeutic
abscess localization scintigraphy.
busulfan;nitrofurantoin; Baciilus Cairnetle- accumulationiopulmonarylesionsassociatedwith of iron. It may
Effect on image: Althougheachreport of al- agent or pharmacologic doses
Guirirr; multiple cycles of combinalion chemo- bleomycintoxicity. Cuncer 36:1965-1972. 1975. also be helpful to measure the patient’s serum
8. Manning DM, Strimlan CV. Tbrbiner EH: Early detec-
tered biodislribution in thiscategoryvaries
therapy; lymphangiographic contrast media; ad- iron and iron-binding capacity before injecting
tion of busulfan lung: report of a case. Urn Nfrcl Med slightly,the following items seem to be com-
dictive drugs of abuse.
5:412-414,1980. mon factors observed in most instances: (a) in- [67Ga]galliurncitrate when potential problems
Nuclear medicine study affected: Tumor and 9. MacMahon H. Bekerman C: The diagnosticsignifi- creased skeletal uptake of [67Ga]gallium citrate, are suspected.
abscess localization scintigraphy. cance ot gallium lung uptake in palients with normal (b) increased renal elimination of [67Ga]gallium How documented: In vitro study (1); study in
Effect on image: Diffuse pulmonary localiza- chesl radiographs. Radiology 127:189-193, 1978.
10. Bekerman C, Hoffcr PB, Bitran JD, et ai: GaIlium-67
cilrate,(c)reducedhepaticaccumulation of rats (2); studies in mice (3,4); study in rabbits
tion (and sometimes local pulmonary uptake).
citrate imaging studies of the lung. Scrnin Nncl Med [67GaJgallium citrate,and (d) reduced tumor or (5); case reports (6,7); clinical studies (8-10);
Significance: This pattern of distribution mirn- review (1 1).
10286-301, 1980. abscess uptake of [67Ga]gaIljum citrate.
ics [hat observed with other diffuse pulmonary 11. Bilgi C, Brown NE, McPherson TA, et al: Pulmonary Significance: If tumoror abscess localizationof
diseases not relatedto drug therapy, e.g., sar- manifestations in patientswithmalignantmelanoma the radiotracer is, indeed, decreased as a result REFERENCES
coidosis. If the examiner is not familiar with during BCG immunotherapy. Chest75:685-687, 1979.
12. Lenlle BC, Castor WR, Khaliq A, et al: The effect of
of cerlain antineoplastic drugs or iron, the de- Noujaim AA, Tcmer UK, Turner CJ, el al: Alterations
toxic effects of drugs, this uptake of radiotracer
contrast lymphangiography on localization of %a-cit- tectability of theselesions with [67Ga]gallium of gallium-67 uptake in tumors by cispIalinum. I w J
in the lungs may cause some slight confusion in Nucl Med Bioi 8289-293, 1981.
rate. J Nucl Med 16374-376, 1975. citrate will b e diminished.
determining the cause of the pulmonary disor- 13. Gupta SM. Sziklas JJ, Spencer RP, et al: Significance Fletcher JW, Herbig FK, Donali R M 6’Ga citrale dis-
Mechanism: Galliumnitrateaffectsthe
der. This is especially true considering the non- of dillusepulmonaryuptake in radiogalliumscans: tribution foilowing whole-body irradiation or chemo-
[67Ga]galliurn citrate localization through a car-
specificity of [67Ga]galliumcitrate for diagnos- concise communication. J Hucl Mcd 2l:328-332, therapy. Radiology 117709-712, 1975.
rier effect, i.e., competition for plasma protein- Nickel R, Levine G: A study of the effects of melho-
ing any particular pulmonary disease. At limes,
bindingsites, resulting in the distributionde- lrexnfc and iron dextran on the distribution of GR-67
there has been poor correlation between radio- citrate in mice. Monthly Scan June 1981.
graphicfindingsand results of [67Ga]galliurn Interfering drug(s): Metoclopromide; reser- Chillon, HM, Witcofski RL, Watson NE. et al: Altera-
Methotrexate temporarily inhibits the incor-
citrate studies, which complicates matters fur- pine; phenothiazines; oral contraceptives; di- tion or gallium-67 distribution in tumor-bearing mice
poralion of iron into erythrocytes, which results
ther. ethylstilbestrol. foIlowing lreatmenl with methotrexate:concise com-
Nuclear medicine study affected: Tumor and in anelevation of serumiron.Theiron then munication. J Nucl Med 22: 1064- 1068, 198 1 .
Mechanism: These drugs are known to induce
abscess localization scintim-aphy. competeswith[67Ga]galliumcitrateforthe 5 . Osler ZH,Larson SM , Wagner H N Possible enhance-
nulmonarv interstitial Dneumonitis andlor fibro-
214 I Essentiols oJNucleor Medicine Science Drug-inducedAlterations: Reporied instances / 215
men1of "Ga-citrate imaging by iron dextran. 3 ~Vrtcl Effect on image: Soft tissue accumulalion of Furthermore, renal [67Ga]galliumcitrate activity Effect on image: Localization of [67Ga]galliurn
Med 17.356-358.1976. [67Gajgallium citrate. citrate in the thymus.
has been reported to occur relatively often even
6 . Lentle BC. Scott IR. Noujaim AA, et al: Iatrogcnic
alterations in radionucIide biodisbibutions. Semin Nrrcl
Significance: Extravasation of intravenous cal- in palientswithnorenaldisease ( 3 ) , and Significance: This pattern of distribution is of
Med 9:131-143. 1979. ciumgluconatesometimescanresult in a [67Ga]gallium citrate does not reliably identify minimal clinical significance, since it has been
7. Blei CL. Born ML, Rollo FD: Galliumbonescan in [67Ga]gallium citrate scan that is indistinguisha- cases of noninfectious interstitial nephritis (4). reportedto be a normal variant in children. It
myelofibrosis: case report. J Nucl Med 18:445-447, ble from osteomyelitis unless the region of ab- Therefore, the clinica1 significance of drug-in- may, however, mimic an image similar to that
1977. normal uptake can be clearlyseparated from duced [67Ga]gallium citrate renal uptake is un- observed in patients with direct tumor invasion
8. Bekernan C. Pave1 DG, 3itran J, et al: Inadverlenl
administration of antineoplastic agents to patients pnor
bone. certain. of the thymus.
to Ga-67 injection:recognition of a specific radionu- In addition, a patient with unexplained radio- Mechanism: Apparently,[67Ga]galliurncitrate Mechanism: Depletion of thymic elementsmay
clidedisrribution pattern and its diagnostic signifi- nuclideaccumulation in large musclemasses uptake in the kidney is due to acute interstitial occur, in part, as a result of therapy with chemo-
cance, J Nucl Med 24P.50, 1983. should be examined to rule out local complica- nephritis induced by drug Iherapy. therapeuticagentsorantibiotics.Ithas been
9. Bekernan C , h v e l DG. Bitran J, et al: The eflects or tions from intramuscular injections. theorized lhatfollowingtheadministration of
Management: None; the drug responsible for
inadvertentadministration or antineoplasticagents
Mechanism: Pattern of radiogallium distribu- inducing the nephritis, however, should be dis- these drugs, a period of thymic recovery occurs
pnor LO Ga-67 injection: concisecommunication. J
N d Med 25430-43.5, 1984. tioncaused bylocalcomplications associated conlinued and replaced with allernative therapy. with rapid proliferation of thymic lymphocytes
IO. Sephton R, Martin JJ: Modification of distribution of with injection of drugs. How documented: Case reports (1,5-9); study andincreasedmedullaryepithelial activity. It
galiium67 inmanby administration of iron. Br J Management: None. in rats in which a nonassociation of [67Ga]gal- maybeduringthisreparativephasethat
Radio1 53572-575. 1980. How documented: Case reports (1-3). [67Ga]galliurn ciwate accumulates in the thy-
hum citrateuptake is reportedwith antibiotic
11.Hoffer P: Gallium:mechanisms: J NuclMed
2 I:282-285. 1980. therapy (2). mus.
REFERENCES Management: None.
1 . Sty JR, Starshk RJ, HubbardAM:Ga-67scinligra- How documented: Case report (1) and retro-
Interfering drug(s): Anlibiotics (e.g., clin- REFERENCES
phy-calciumgluconateextravasation. Clin Nucl Med
damycin). 7:377, 1982. Linlon AL, Clark WF. Driedger AA. et al: Acute inter- spective clinical study (2).
2. Carler JE, Joo KG: Gallium accumulalion in intra- stitialnephritisduetodrugs. A n n inrern Med
Nuclear medicine study affected: Tumor and
muscularinjectionsites. Clin Nlrcl Med 4:304,1979. 93735-741, 1980.
abscess localization scinligraphy. Taylor A. Nelson H , Vasquez M. el al: Renalgallium REFERENCES
3. Bekeman C , Hoffer PB. Bitran JD. etal:Gallium-67
Effect on image: Localization of [67Ga]gallium citrateimagingstudies of the lung. Semin Nucl Med accumulation III ratswithantibiotic-induced nephritis: 1. Spencer F W , Suresh PL, Karimeddini MK: Acquisition
citrate in the bowel. 10:286-30 1, 1980. clinicalimphcations.Concise communicalion. J N'rd of thymic uptake of radiogallium in a child after therapy
Significance: Drug-induced accumulation of Med 21:646-649,1980. for inrection. Clin Nucl Med 7:407-408, 1982.
Garcia JE, NostrandDV,Howard WH 111, etal: The 2. Donahue DM, Leonard JC, Basmadjian GP, et al: Thy-
[67Ga]gallium citrate could mimic other causes Interfering drug(@: Ampicillin; sulfonamides; spectrum of gallium-67 renal activity in patlents with no mic gallium47 localization in pediatricpatients on
of inflammatory bowel diseaseoreven intra- sulfinpyrazone; ibuprofen; cephalexin and other evidence of renaldisease. J Nncl Med 25575-580. chcrnotherapy: concisecommunication, 3 N'ucl Med
luminal [67Gajgallium citrate activity which is cephalosporins; hydrochlorothiazide; meth- 1984. 22:1043-1048, 1981.
being eliminated from the body via the bowel. icillin, erythromycin; rifampin; pentamidine; Graham GD, Lundy MM, Moreno AJ: Failure of gal-
Mechanism: Certainantibioticsare known to phenylbutazone; gold salts; allopurinol; furose- lium-67scintigraphy to Identifyreliablynoninfectious
interstitial neptuitis: conclse communication. J N r d
cause pseudomembranous coltis, an inflam- mide;phenazone;phenobarbital;phenytoin; Interfering drug(s): High-doseheparin ther-
Med 24568-570, 1983.
matory disease that may accumulate [67Ga]gal- phenindione. Kurner D, Coleman RE: Significance of delayed 67-Ga apy.
lium citrate. Nuclear medicine study affected: Tumor and localization in thekidneys. 3 N d Med 17372-875, Nuclear medicine study affected: Renal Lrans-
Management: None; the drug responsible for abscess localization scintigraphy. 1976. plan1 rejection.
inducing the colitis, however, should be discon- Effect on image:Increasedaccumulation of Frankel RS, Richman SDI Levenson SM. et al: Renal E f f e c t on image: Failuretoaccumulate
localization of gallium-67citrate. R o d i o l o g g
tinued and replaced with alternative therapy. [67Ga]gallium citrate in kidneys. [67Ga]galliurn citrate in transplantedkidney dur-
How documented: Case reports (1,2). Significance: Drug-induced renal radiogailium Sherman !+A, Byun KJ: Nuclear medicine in acute and ing acute rejection.
uptake could possibly be mistakenfor glomeru- chronic renal failure. Semin ~ V u c Med
l 12:265-279, Significance:[67Ga]galliurncitrateisrarely
REFERENCES Ionephritis,pyelonephritis, or the nephrotic 1982. used in the evaIuation of renal transplant rejec-
1. F'echman R, Tetalman M , Antonmamei S , et al: Diag- syndrome. On the other hand, it has been sug- 8. Lin DS. Sanders JA. h t e l BR: Delayed renal localiza- lion. If it is used, however, a normal study in a
nostic significance of persistent colonic gallium activity: lion of Ga-67: concise communication. J Nucl Med
gested that [67Ga]gallium citrate imaging actu- patientwith acute rejection wouldresultin a
scinligraphicpatterns. Radiology 128691-695, 1978. 24394-897,1983.
2.Tcdesco FJ. Coleman RE, Siege1 BA: Gallium citratc ally may be useful in separating patients with 9. Kleinknecht D, Kanfer A , Morel-Maroger L, et al: Im- missed diagnosis of rejection and potentially
Ga-67acculnuIation in pseudomembranous colilis. drug-induced interstitial nephritis from those nmnologicallymediateddrug-inducedacuterenal severe consequences.
JAMA 235:59-60. 1976. with acute tubular necrosis due to shockor failure. Corrrrib A'ephrol 1042-52, 1978. Mechanism: It is suggested that heparin inter-
trauma (1). To c.omplicate matters, however, re- rupls the inlravascularcoagulationcycle that
Interfering drug(s): Calcium gluconate; intra- sults of studies have shown that short-term ther- Interrering drug(s): Chemotherapeulic agents; results in fibrin thrombosis, and may exerl an
muscular injections. apy with aminoglycosides or amphoterecin 3, antibiotics. anti-inflammatory effect, thus inhibiting the
Nuclear medicine study affected: Tumor and both known to be nephrotoxic agents, does not Nuclear medicine study affected: Tumor and formation of assumedaccumulationsitesfor
abscess localization scintigraphy. induce [67Ga]gallium citrate uptake in rats (2). abscess localization scintigraphy. 67Ga in rejecting kidneys.
Drug-inducedAl?era!ions:Reported Inslmces I 217
216 I Essentials of NuclearMedicineScience
MISCELLANEOUS and 94mTc-DTPA for renal graft evaluation). 3. McAree JG. Subramanian G , Schneider RF, et al: Tech- REFERENCE
netium-99m DADS complexes as renal function and
RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS USED TU Effect on image: With cyclosporine, there typ- 1 . Clorius JH, Dreikom K , &It J, et at: Renal graft evalua-
imaging agents:TI. Biologic comparison with 1.131 hip-
ASSESS RENAL FUNCTION ically is good perfusion of transplanted kidney tion with pertechnetate and 1-131 hippuran. A compara-
puran. J Nucl ,Wed 26:275-286, 1985.
with 99"Tc-DTPA butreducedrenaltubular tiveclinicalstudy. I Nucl Med 201029-1037. 1979.
Interfering drug(s): Iodinated contrast agenls;
aminoglycosides(e.g.,gentamicin,tobra- functionwith [1231] or[1311]iodohippurate. Interfering drug(s): Furosemide.
Cisplatin is reported to decrease urinary excre- Nuclear medicine study affected: Renal func-
mycin). Interfering drug(s): Probenecid.
Nuclear medicine study affected: Radionu- tion. tion scintigraphy (['231] or[[3'I]iodohippurate Nuclear medicine study affected: Renal func-
clide renal function studies {[1231] or [1311]i~do- Significance: Thepattern of dislribution ob- and [99mTc]pertechnetate for renal grafi evalua- tion scintigraphy ([[231] or [ 13'l]iodohjppurate,
hippurate;[1251jiothalamate). served in patientson cyclosporine therapy mim- Effect
tion). on image: Relatively large increasesin 99mTc-gluceptate).
Effect on image: Reduction in effective renar ics that observed in patients with acute tubular Effect on image: Decreased renal accumulation
plasma flow (ERPF) values. The degree of re- necrosis (ATN); therefore, the differenliation of dosage of furosemide can improve renal func- and excretion.
duction dependson the degree of preexisting ischemic ATN from cyclosporine nephrotox- tion to the extent that misleadinglygood re- Significance: May give the false impression 01
renal disease,theamount of contrast material icity often is difficult in renal transplant recip- nogram and flow curves are obtained, resulting renal tubular dysfunction.
administered, andlhe route of administration. ientstreatedwithcyclosporine.Similarly, in false negative studies; relatively largede- Mechanism: Probenecid is an inhibitor of renal
Aminoglycosides may also cause a decreased cisplatin may interfere in the differential diag- creases in dosage may have [he opposite effect, tubular transport mechanism for organic acids.
nosis of renal tubular dysfunction. resulting in flow patterns suggesting slighl graft
glomerular filtration rate. Management: Discontinue probenecid prior to
Significance: Renogramsperformedimmedi- Mechanism: Nephrotoxiceffects of cyclo- deterioration. How documented: Rat study(11, rabbit study
ately following arteriography or contrasl-en- sporine may become apparent early in the post- Significance: It is important to account for the
hanced CT scans should not be used as baseline operative course as acute renal failure or, later, effects of furosemide on renal funclion studies, (2), mouse study ( 3 ) .
studies forcomparison with futureexamina- as a gradualdecrease in glomemlar filtration since it is a commonly used diuretic in the
tions. Aminoglycoside-induced decrease in rate; these nephrotoxic effectsalter scinligraphy management of patientswhohaveundergone
glomerular filtration rate may inlerfere with the as described above. renal transplantatim. REFERENCES
differential diagnosis of rend dysfunction. Nephrotoxicity, which is dose related and can Mechanism: Furosemide increases renal blood 1. Lee HB, Blaufox MD: Tc-99m glucoheplonale (GHA)
be severe,mayoccur in patientsreceiving renal uptake: influence of biochemical and physiologic
Mechanism: Direct effect of contrast agents on flow by reducing renal vascular resistance
cisplatinand is associated with renal lubular factors. I N u d hied 25:P75-P76, 1984.
renal function; aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity. through vascular dilationresultingfrom stirn- 2. Antar MA. Jones AN: Effect or probenecid on renal
Management: The effect of the contrast mate- damage. dation of the prostaglandin syslem. extraction of three renal radiopbarmaceulicalsat 15 and
rial usually persists no longer than 2 weeks, at Management: Nephrotoxicity usually isrevers- Management: Avoid large changes in furose- 30 minutes. J Nucl Med 26PI31, 1985.
which timethere is a return to baseline renal ible on discontinuation or dosage reduction of mide dosage within 24 hours of performing ra- 3 . Frilzberg AR, Whitney WP, Kuini CC, et al: Bio-
cyclosporine. Clinical findings, timing with re- distribution andrenal excretion of Tc-99m N. N'-
function;therefore, if baselineradionuclide dionuclide renal function studies.
spect to transplantation, patient history, e k . bts(mercaptoacetamido)ethplenediamine. Effect of renal
study is needed, it should be performed 1-2 How documented: Retrospective clinical study tubular lransporr inhibitors. I r ~ r J Nucl ,Wed B i d
weeks following any study in which iodinated mustbeclosely correlatedwith radionuclide (1). 9:79-a2. 1982,
contrast material is used. study results in order to help make a distinction
A baselineglomerular fillration ratestudy
between ATN and drug-induced disease. In ad-
should be obtained priortoinitiationof ami- dition,hyperbilirubinemia invariably is a sign
noglycoside therapy, when clinically appropri- of high blood cyclosporine levels and, thus, is a
ate. reasonable indicatorof nephrotoxicity in light of
How documented: Clinical studies (1,2) worsening graft function. Graft biopsy may be
usefui in distinguishing drugtoxicity from other
REFERENCES transplant complications.
1 , Gales GF, Green GS: Transientreduction in renal func- How documented: Clinical studies in small
lion following arteriography and contrast enhanced CT numbers of renaland h e r uansplant patients
scanning. Scientific exhibitpresenied a[ the 28th Annual (1,2); study in rats (3).
Meeting of the Sociely of Nuclear Medicine, Las Vegas,
lune 1981. REFERENCES
2. Keys TF, K u m SB, Jones JD, e[al: Renal tonicity
1. Kim EE, Guticrrez C, Sandler CM, el al: Radionuclide
during therapy with gentamicin or tobramycin. M a w
deteclion of cyclosporin A nephrotoxicity in renal trans-
CIirr Proc 56556-559, 1981 I
15 leftchestwallirradiationin a d o s e of Liver
1800-5000 rad ontheaverage of 32 months
Iatrogenic Alterations in the Biodistribution of earlier. Such uptake was attributed to the myo-
cardium, pericardium, or both (4).
Inreviewingtheevaluation of Iiverand
spleen injury with radionuclides, Usselman (10)
andGilday and Alderson (11) have described
Radiotracers as a Result of Radiation Therapy, Lungs the geometricdefects in colloidliverimages
due io irradiation in amounts in excess of 3500
Surgery, and Other lnvasive Medical Korsower et al. (5) studied the effectsof 3000
radapplied to the hemithoraces of a group of
rad. This finding is so characteristic as to allow
a “spot diagnosis” and was described as early
rabbits. Two hours folIowing irradiation, 5 2 8
as 1965 (12). The same authors noted that liver
of the experimental group had a moderate de-
recovery may occur following as much as 5500
crease in pulmonary perfusion as studied with
rad. Radiation has been reported to have a more
L311-labeledmacroaggregated albumin (MAA).
markedeffectonthe liver Kupffercells, as
After 24 hours,pulmonaryperfusionbecame imaged with radiocolloids, than on the hepato-
normal, but 2 months later the animals demon- cytes, as imaged with 99mTc-iminodiaceticacid
stratedabnormallungperfusion. The early
(IDA) analogs or ‘j7Ga-citrate* (13). The chang-
changes were attributed to either edema or vas-
In this chapter, we describe those changes in THERAPEUTIC IRRADIATION ing patternof uptake of liver imagingradiophar-
ospasm, whereasthelatechangeswereat- maceuticals has been described by Herbstet al.
radiopharmaceutical biodistributions which re- The changes occurring in an organ following tributed to vascular occlusion and fibrosis.
sult from physical insults to the body. It would therapeuticirradiationcanbesummarized as (14). The hepatocytes, being more acutely radi-
Bateman and Croft (6) have reported on the osensitive, may show deficient function earlier
be gratuitousto refer, for example, to the lackof follows: effects of 3000-3400 rad on the human lung as after irradiation, while the Kupffer cell effects
uptake of radiocolloid by the spleen after splen- observed with 133Xe gasventilation and 9 9 m T ~ -
ectomy, however. Thus it is only those effects 1. Cell death and damage have a different temporal evolution.
2. An acute inflammatory response MAA perfusion scans. The patients had been
which are unexpected or incidental that will be Thisdissociationbetween the Kupffer cell
3. Latevascularchangeswith obliteration of irradiated between 6 months and 12 years pre-
described. and the hepatocyte may also be noted in imag-
the vascular bed viously. Ventilation to perfusion mismatches in
Much of the experiencethat is being accumu- ing with 99mTc-labeled sulfur colloid and 67Ga-
4. Healing, including fibrosisand cell death patientsnotbelievedtohave hadpulmonary
lated in this context is, of necessity, anecdotal citrate (Fig. 15.1, A and B). Otherwise, the
thromboembolism were attributed to irradiation.
and the subject only of case reports. From the These effects are dependenton radiation dose various patternsdetectedbycolloid scintigra-
Sarrecketal. (7) reportedonapatientwith
number and diversity of reports, however, the and fractionation, type of radiation, volume of phy that follow irradiation of the Iiver have been
histologically confirmed radiation pneumonitis
clinician should be alerted to the potential for tissue irradiated,mitotic activity of cells ex- reported in several publications but tend to be
(6000 rad I year earlier) who demonstraled ab-
scan findings to reflect not only the disease bul posed, and degree of specialization of cells (3). predictable if the radiation beam dimensions are
sent perfusion on a 99mTc-MAA perfusionlung
also his or her investigation and treatment. All of these variables influence the impactof known (15-17).
scan of the irradiated area. Increased activity in
Although chemicals oftenarepotentmodi- such irradiationonradionuclide scintigraphy. this area was also noted on a 99mTc-pyrophos- Kidneys
fiers or thebiologicaldistributions of radio- This impact may be demonstrated in differing phale bone scan, an observation we also made Radiation in amounts in excess of 3000 rad in
tracers (1, 2), changes in such distributions can ways with different radiopharmaceuticals. It (1). A probable explanation for these changes typicaltreatment schedules has been found to
result from a variety of other causes. An under- may be important not only in the avoidance of may be thelatevascular changesinducedby cause an increase in the renal uptake of both
standing of these causes is essential before diag- erroneousscaninterpretations but also in the radiation while the airways remain patent. The 99mTc-labeIedpyrophosphate and methylene rli-
nostic inferencescanbemade From ascinti- assessment of organ damage by radiation. uptake of 99mTc-pyrophosphateislessreadily phosphonate (MDP) (18, 19). In one of the
graph. MoEover, the observations documented The effectsof radiation, being complex, can- explained. reports, this increased uptake, found berween 5
in this chapter reemphasize the importance of not always be readily predicted. Thus, in this Freeman et al. (8) studiedtheuptake of and 6 monthsafter renalirradiation, did nor
understanding the whole patient rather than of review the effects on each organ are considered [67Ga]gallium citrate in irradiated lungs to de- persist at 10 monthsafter treatmentandwas
approaching a scintigraph as an existential exer- separately. termine whether this tracer might contribute to presumed to reflect radiation-induced renal tu-
cise in detecting disease. thediagnosis of radiation pneumonitis. AI- bular damage (18).
No description of our understanding of the lhough uptake of radiogallium in the lungs of
effects of physical insults on radiophamaceuti- Uptake of 99mTc-pyrophosphate has been ob- Bone
some of their 12 patients was noted, there was
cal biodistributions is, however, likely to remain served in the hearts of a group of patients with- The effects of radiation on the distribution of
no overall consistentcorrelation between the
exhaustive for long. out obvious cardiac disease who had received bone-seeking radiopharmaceuticals has been
clinical and radiographic manifestations of radi-
ation pneumonitis and the gallium scan. Siem-
* Although [“Galgallium citrate is preferred by IWPAC.
sen et aI. (9) have alsoobservedoccasional 6’Ga-cirrate is standard, and both are used throughout [his
uptake of radiogallium in irradiated lung. chapter.
Alrered Biodistributim:Rndiariorrllnvnsive Thernpies I 223
222 I Essentinls of Nuclear Medicine Scier7ce
Thyroid Gland
Scintigraphic abnormalities of the thyroid
after irradiation of the gland have been reported
(36) but are due to nonpalpablenodules and
merely reflect the known incidence of radiation-
associated nodular thyroid disease.
Figure 15.2.Sequential scans (BmTc-labeled poIyphosphate) in a patient with metastatic breast cancer. The
first scan reveals the initial evidence of metastatic disease in the atlas, confirmed radiographically. After local Salivary Glands
palliative irradiation, the lesion first shows increased uptake of [he lracer and then shows less marked uptake, The clinical manifestations of radiation sial-
although by the time of this last scan in June 1973 the patient had demonstrated evidence of disseminated adenitis, namely tenderness progressingto a dry
metastatic disease.
mouth, are well known. Salivaryglands that
have been irradiated show an often-intense up-
one limbas a controland both 99mTc-labeled received belween 4000 and 4400 rad to varying take of 67Ga-citrate ( 3 7 , 38); this finding may
sulfur colloid and S9FeCl, to evaluate differing fields in the treatment of lymphoma. Some de- persist for at Ieast 3 years (39).
marrow components. A fractionated dose of gree of marrow expansion,depending on the In our experience, salivary glands subjecled
200-5000 rad was administered. With doses in volume of bone marrow irradiated, was noted 3 tither to external beam irradiation or to sodium
excess of 1000 rad, there was an acute drop in monthsaftertreatment.Suppression of irradi- [1311]iodide givenin doses intended to be thera-
erythropoietic activity, with maximal drop OC- ated marrow activity, with incomplete recovery peutic €or thyroidcancer will showimpaired
cumng 7 days after irradiation and with partial 1 year after such irradiation, was evidenl; such uptake of [""Tclpertechnetate.
recovery occurring in 2 weeks. This finding was recovery does occur, however (31).
not paralleledbythe reticuloendothelial (RE) Rubin and Scarantino (32)have reviewed the
Figure 15.3. A [ ll'ln]indium chloride bone marrow Gallium Biodistribution and 'hmor
component of bone marrow activity, a dissocia-' subject of radiation-induced bone marrow scan, posterior view, in a patient who received axil- Imaging
tion similar to that described previously for the damage and reported on theirexperience.In laryandmediastinalirradiationinthetreatment of
patients with lymphoma treated with between The effects of whole-body irradiation on the
lefl breast cancer. The sharply demarcated defective
liver. The RE activitydecreased more slowly
4000 and 4500rad,the RE marrow activity uptake o€ the lracerinirradiated biodistributionandexcretion
parts is clearly of 67Ga-citrate
after 2 weeks, to parallel that of the erythropoi-
examined with 99L1'Tc-labeled sulfur colloid did evident. havebeenstudied in rats andmice (40-42).
etic cells.Thereafter,theextractionefficiency
not recover in the 6-12 months after treatment. Fletcher et al. (40) irradiated rats with a whole-
of both cell lines continued to fall for 2 months,
Thereafter, there was a gradual return to approx- to suggest that marrow repopulation derives body dose of 720 rad before giving injections of
and [hen, depending on dose, varying degrees
imately 66% of normalactivityafter 2 or 3 fromlocallysiluatedundifferentiatedmes- %a-citrate.Theynotedreduced whole-body
of return to normalcy were observed. It may be
years and to 75% of normal activity after 4 or 5 enchymal cells. retention of the radiotracer but increased uptake
that recovery is due to stem cell repopuIation of
years. Bone marrow expansion took 1 year to In a study of a smallnumber of children, in the bone in these rats compared with a control
erythropoietic marrow in irradialed marrow.
developaftertreatment. In other experiments, Siddiqui et al. (33) found recovery of marrow group of ani~nals.It was suggested that irradia-
Clinically, Knospe et al. (30) sludied the dis-
trihlltinn nf 52Fp-tmncfprrin in nntientshaving Rubin and Scarantino(32) found some evidence RE aclivity (as detected with 99mTc-labeIedSUI- tion interfered with the binding of 67Gato trans-
226 I Essentials ofNucIenr Medicine Science
portplasmaproteins. Similarexperiments wereported as a cause of 67Ga uptake and hence Delayed Consequences of Surgery and Foreign substances introduced into the body
carried out by Bradleyetal. (41) OR rats with "falsepositive"imagesin tumor diagnosis Prostheses at surgery may predictably cause local inflam-
Walker-256 cervicosarcomas. In addition to the(56). The effectsof surgery are not limited to those mation and, apart from the use of radionuclides
- noted previously,they observed that
findings related to local tissue damage only. E k m a n et 10 diagnose the complications of such pros-
therapeutic irradiation reduced the tumor uptake IATROGENIC TRAUMA al. (70) have reported 67Ga-ciirate uptake in the theses as those which replace joints, have been
of radiogallium. Bradley et al. also reported on stomach of patienls with postoperative gastritis, found to cause uptake of both phosphate deriva-
Biopsy and Open Surgery
evidence thal they thought might be explained and we have suspected a similar explanation for tivesand'j'Ga-citrate (71-76). Thus radi-
by the saturation of transferrin with iron avail- It is well recognized that surgical incisions, the samefinding in patients withnausea and ogaIIiumhasbeen found to localize in tissues
able as a result of marrow suppression by radia- before [hey are healed, cause a local uptake of a vomiting following chemotherapy. involved with starch-peritonitis (71, 72) as well
tion. Interestingly, Sephton et ai. (.43,44) have variety of tracers such as 99mTc-labeled phos-
found that the detectability of tumors by galljurn phates and 67Ga-citrate, which presumably re-
is enhanced by theintramuscularinjection of flects the local increase in the extravascular ex-
iron 3 hours following the intravenous injection tracelldar space as wellasincreasedblood
of 67Ga-citrate. supply (1, 57-59). Silberstein et al. (60) have
Results of clinical studies have compie- shown that i n postlarninectomy patients,
mented these observations by demonstrating the changesinradiotraceruptakedueto surgical
limitations of the use of Wa-cilrate in deter- trauma occur less frequentlywith 94mTc-diphos-
mining theresponse of lumors to therapeutic phonate than with 67Ga-citrate.
irradiation (45, 46). Kondoetal. (46) have Relativelytrivialinsults such as biopsy and
found that irradiation of esophageal tumors with injeclionsitesmayalsocauserecognizable
more than 2000 rad significantlyreduced lhe changeson a scanmadewithsuchagents
uptake of radiogallium. (61-63) (Fig. 15.4). The localization of 9 9 m T ~ -
In animalexperiments,similar results have MDP at, for example, sites of injection of iron
been reported for 203BgC1,with both radiation dextran (64, 65) may occur for some time fol-
. . .
and cyclophosphamide(47),although this tu- lowingthe injection and may involvea local
mor-seeking radiotracer has no1 come into gen- chemical reaction between the injectate and the
eralusebecause of the radiation dose to the radiopharmaceutical, as described by Van Ant-
kidneys (48). werp et ai. (64). Extravasated calcium gluconate
from atlempled intravenous injection is associ-
Spleen ated with soft-tissue localization of 67Ga-citrate 67Ga-cit.
Bolh iherapeutic irradiation of the spleen for (66).
Hodgkin'sdisease (49) andirradiationfrom Nevertheless, in a prospectivestudy Tyler
Thorotrast adrninislered long before has resulted and Powers (67) did not find evidence, on sub-
in functional hyposplenia or asplenia as diag- sequent bonescansmade with %"Tc-hydrox-
nosed by imaging with 99mTc-labeled sulfur col- ymelhylene disphosphonate, o€ reaction to bone
loid (50-53). marrow biopsies performed with Jam Shidi 11-
gaugeneedles.Similarly, Alazraki et al. (68)
Lymph Nodes have suggested, through extrapolation from ani-
In keeping with the effects of irradiation on mal data, that needling or drilling metaphyseal
RE cell activity documented previously, Eng et regions in chiIdren probably will not affect the
al. (54) have found that radiation compromises results of later bone scans. This information
the uptake of 99mTc-labeIedanlimony sulfur col- may be of particular importance in the clinical
loid by lymph nodes. setting where an abnormal bone scan performed
following needle aspiration to help in the diag-
Gastrointestinal Tract nosis of osteomyelitis may be (falsely) assumed
Irradiation, when combined with chemother- to be the result of aspiration trauma.
apeutic drugs, in parlicular with adriamycin, Abnormal findings in the skull on both brain
Figure 15.4. A 67Ga&trete scan obtained 48 hours after injection of the radiotracer. The patient had a splenic
has been reporled to cause an esophagitis (55). (with[99mTc]pertechnetate or BmTc-labeled abscessdiagnosed bythistechnique and accounting for the intcnseactivity in the left upper a b d o ~ n i ~ ~ a l
Indeed, other mucosalsurfaces may respond chelates) and bonescanswillbefoundlong q u a h n l . Note, however, the smaller foci of increased uptakc in the left iliac crest at a biopsy site and in the
similarly,and thispolymucositishasbeen re- after a craniotonly (69). lerl deltoid at il site of uncomplicated injection of the pain-relicving drug "Talwin."
Altered BiodistributioH: Radiationllnvasive Therapies / 229
228 I EaselltialsoJNuclearMedicine Science
affected limb (77). The finding is not different analogs labeled with 9 9 m Tin~ the myocardium
as in a capsularcontracturearound a breast (76). Such reports will almost cerlainly prolif-
from those due to sympathetic denervation of (82).
implant. Presumablysuch findingsreflect no
whatever origin (78). Ege (79) hasdescribed
more than a chronic low-grade inflammatory Theeffects of surgery neednot a h a y s be External Cardiac Massage
how surgery may impair lymph node visualiza-
response (73). wmTc-pyrophosphateand its ana- proximate to the surgical site. We havenoted
tion in h e corresponding draining Iyrnph nodes, Rib trauma commonly accompanies this pro-
logs have been found adjacent to both breast and that retroperitoneal dissections may result in a
presumably by blockade rvilh surgical debris. cedure such that the fortunate survivor, if then
cardiac valve prostheses (74, 75) as well as a surgical sympathectomy, with resultant in-
subjected to a bone scan, demonstrates findings
paraffin pack used in relation lo a thoracoplasty creased uptake of radiotracer in the bones of the
thatare obviously iatrogenic although a small
Cardioversion price to pay for survival (Fig. 15.6).
Defibrillation has been found to result in in-
creased uptake of bone imaging agents in the Intubation
tissues of the chest wall at the site of application Tissues subjected to trauma by the passage of
of the electrode (80, 81) (Fig. 15.5), and direct anasogastrictubehave been found to show
current transthoracic countershock has likewise increased uptake of a wmTc-labeled phosphate
been reported to cause localization of phosphate derivative (83).
Figurc 15.6. A 99mTc-MDP bone scan in a patient who had received cardiac massage after an arrest. The
Figure 15.5. A wlllTc-pyrophosphatescan of the thorax in a palient who hadbeensubjectedtocardiac uptake at bilateral anterior riband sternal fractures, although thesewere not inilially detected radiographic:ally,
defibrillation. The supcrflcial and, hence, noncardiac locnlizalion of the abnormal uptake is clearly evident in is typical of this form of iatrogenic trauma.
the tangential view ( f o p righr). The uplake was in a defibrillation bum.
230 I Esseurials of NuclearMedicineScience Alteyerl Biodistriburion: Rndiarioldlrwmive Thernpies I 231
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polyphosphaleskelelnlimaging. AJR 121:739-747, M a s of Torn/ Body Radior~aclideImagir~g.Phila-
1974. dclphia, Harper & Row, voi 1, 1982, p 256.
58. Wells LD, Bcrnier DR: Kutliorzrrclide Imaging Arri- 77.LentleBC.Glazebrook GA, Percy IS, et al: Sym-
E j j h of Clinicd V‘rjnrion OII Biodistribrrrion I 235
16 n
Norma2 Clinical Variation in Anatomic
Structure and Physiologic Function and Its
Eflect on Radiopharmaceutical Biodistribution
J0h.n J. Coupal and E,Edmund Kim
The diagnos;ician nlust be familiar. with normal variation
if Ire
is not to give his patients diseases which they do not have.
John Caffey (I)
Table 16.1. readily seen in the brain scan made of a young Table 16.2. The quality of the 99mTc-phosphateor phos-
Anatomic Causes of False Positive Radiocolloid child. They may not beseen in skullroent- Anatomic or Physiologic Causes of False Positive phonate bone scan is partially dependent on the
Liver Scan* genograms made of the same child. The normal Brain Scan* age of the patient:the older the patient, the
torcular angle formed by the transverse sinuses lower the quality of the scan (1 8-20).
Intrinsic anatomical variatior,
Enlargedhepaticfossa for porta hepatis, hepatic
and seen onthe posteriorviewis 162 * 8".
Coronal or lambdoidal suture
Middle meningeal veins anlerior to the sella
Accumulation of Done-seeking radiophanna-
vein,inferiorvenacava,ligamentumteres Holmes and Golle (12) havereportedthat the Asymmetry in [he lateralsinuses(therightusually ceuticals innormalosseous or extraosseous
hepatis, and gallbladder transverse sinuses in normal patients were sym- shows greater radioactivity than does the left) structures may show as false positive scans
Thin lefl hepalic lobe metrical in only 32 of 212 patients (15%). The Draining surface veins (Table 16.4). For example, hepatobiliary excre-
Large left hepatic lobe right was larger than the left in 56%, and the Choroid plexus if perchlorate is no1 given tion of bone-imaging radiopharmaceutical may
Riedel's lobe of liver SaIivary glands
left was larger than the right in 30%. occur as an alternate route to urinary excretion
Liebermeister's grooves on liver Large occipital sinus
Juxtahepatic structures attenuating liver radioactivity Normal separation of sutures or the presence (Fig. 16.3).
Prominent rib cage of an open fontanelle in an infant does not yield * Adapted from Reference 16. Radioactivity concentration in the anterior
Pendulous breast an abnormal brain image (13). lower neckon a 99mTc-phosphatebone scan
Rightkidney Noninvasiveregionalcerebral blood flow BONE sometimes is attributedto pertechnetate from
Lordotic spine
Prominen1 right psoas muscle
(nrCBF) was measured in 15 normal humans by Each of 150 female patients with breast carci- the radiopharmaceutical in the thyroid gland. In
Dilaled or displaced stomach Meyer et al. with use of 133Xe(14). The subjects noma receiveda whole-bodybonescan with reality, such uptake can be due to the presence
included 9 men and 6 women who rangedin age 99mTc-etidronate(HEDP) (17). The bone scan of radiopharmaceutical in thyroidcartilage
* Adapted from References 3-7. from 23 LO 62 years (mean, 36 years). Flow in was negative for all patients,and this group (22-23) or cricoid cartilage (23-24). A deter-
graymatter was 85.4 mll100 gm braidmin at comprisedthecontrol. A region of inlerest mination of the actual site requires consideration
age23 anddeclinedlinearly thereafter at the around the second lumbar vertebra (bone) and of shape of uptake, location of uptake (revealed
nuclide imaging study of the stomach (oral so- rate of 0.53 mlllO0 gm brainlminlyr of age (r = in an area just below the kidney and clear of the by comparison of scan with roentgenogram of
dium[""'Tc]pertechnetate) andspleen(intra- -0.59, p < ,051. Flow in white matter al age spine andpelvis (soft tissue) were isolatedon the neck), and presenceof ancillary uptake char-
venous y9n1Tc-SC).It was thereby shown that the 23years was approximately 19 mlllOO gm the CRT display of the lun~bosacral spine, The acteristic of pertechnelatebiodistribution.The
spleen was invertedand that theV-shaped brainlminand did not change with advancing ratio of bone to soft tissue (BIST) was computed reason for variablility in incidence of carlilagi-
splenic defect was filled in by q9mTc-pertechne- age ( r = -0.42, p 5. .OS). The relative weigh1 with use of relative counts in the respective nous radioactivity is unclear.
tate* located in the horizontal fundus of the of gray matter was 46.3% at age 23 years, and regions of interest.TheaverageBIST ratios
stomach. progressively declined at the rate of 0.32Wyr THYROID
partitioned by age of patients are shown in Table
thereafter (r = -0.62, p < .02). Cerebral 16.3. The normal thyroid gland has a butterfly ap-
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM vascular resistance increased progressively after pearance on a radionuclide scan.Sometimes,
When theratios from the age decades were
The normal brain scan in older children and age 23 years, although none of the subjects (a)
compared, the only statistically significant dif- the isthmus connecting thetwo lobes may not
preadolescents does not differmarkedlyfrom was hypertensive, (b) had evidence of arterio- ferences were between the 51-60-yeargroup be seen. A pyramidal lobe exlending from the
[he norn~albrain scan in adults (1 I). In infants sclerosis, or (c)had any arteriosclerosis risk and each of the 61-70- andthe 71-SO-year medial aspect of one of the upper poles is seen
and very young children, however, the skull is faclors. This study shows that gray matter blood groups (p < .01). The authors stale that a lower occasionally.Infrequently,onelobemay be
thin with few osseousirregularities,and the flow and the weight of gray matler progressively BlST ratio in patients over 60 years of age is substantially larger than the other and may dom-
scan has a delicate appearance. The small di- decline with advancing age. Such observations understandable in light of reduced bone mass inate thescanpattern(25). Rarely, anentire
mensions and relatively low mass of y-photon- agree weil with the progressive loss of cortical and of histologic evidence of reduced osteo- thyroid lobe may be missing as a m u l l of agen-
attenuating tissue in the infant's skull make neurones noted in normal individuals of advanc- blastic activity as one grows older.
"shinethrough" of distantorcontralateral ing age who came to autopsy (15). A venous
structures more pronounced, especially when a reflux of radioactivity is oftenelicitedbythe Table 16.4.
Table 16.3.
rectilinear scanner is used. Since the infant skull Valsalva maneuver. Anatomic and Physiologic Causes of False Positive
Ratio of Bonc to Soft Tissue by Age of Patient* BoneScan*
mayhave a triangularappearance in vertex Certainanatomic or physioIogicvariants
view, difficulties in diagnosis may arise.A thick cause false posilive brain scans. Examples of Ratio ai Bone to So€[ Tissue
skull may yield symmetricalwidening of the these variants are shown in Table 16.2. No. or epiphysis
Growing apophysis and
Age Range (yr) Palienrs Median Observed RaoW Cartilage
marginal rim of radioactivity. ShouIder uptake increased on side of dominant
The torcular herophili (evolved from the an- PANCREAS 30-40 I5 3.90 2.08-5.40 handedncss
teriorduralplexus) and [he lateral sinuses are Cerlain nonpathologic structures cause 41 -50 51 4.10 2.70-5.80 Mulliple
51 -60 43 4.30 3.20-6.00 uptake
€alsely abnormalpancreaticscans (16). These 61 -70 34 3.90 2.40-5.90 Deltoid
lubcrosjty .
* AlthoughI"n~Tc]pertechnelate is preferred by are (a)thinning of theareawherepancreas 71-80 7 3.70 Hyperostosis
IUPAC, wml'c-pertechnetate is standard, and both are passes over [he spine and (b) obscuring of the
used throughout this chapter. pancreas by overlying organs. * Adaptcd from Rcference 17. + Adapted
Eflecr of CZiuicul Vnriarion OII Biodismribution f 239
Figure 16.4. Anterior (ANT) and left lateral ( L LAT) views of the neck made with 99mTc-pertechnetateshow a
single lobe of the thyroid in the midline of middle neck.
probably would be normal.If there is any exten- Absolute levels of radioactivity in milk and
sion of radioactivity on the 99mTcO;image be- resultant breast radioactivity on image vary
low or above the thyroid gland (especially along from person to person,depending on (a) the
the left lobe),oneshouldsuspect tracer ac- efficiency of the concentrating mechanism for
cumulation in the esophagus (28). Verification the radionuclide (which is possibly under hor-
of this phenomenon could be achieved by ante- monal influence): (b) the stageof lactation (i.e.,
rior scintigraphyperformedwhile thepatient during theperinatal period or a laterperiod),
swallows a dilute pertechnetate solution (Figs. and (c) the resulting volume of milk flow.
16.5 and 16.6). For example, in two lactating women receiv-
Analogous to this situation, three false posi- ing sodium[99mTcjpertechnetate intravenously
tive 13'1 total-body scans have been reported for thyroid imaging, the concentration of WmTc
(29). Radioiodide in salivary secretions within in milk reached a peak at 2-3 hours postinjec-
the esophagus has the potential to indicate meta- Lion and thereafter displayed biologic half-lives
staticdisease.Havingthe patientdrinkwater of 7.6 and 9.1 hours,respectively (34). The
removes the esophageal radioactivity. biologic half-life for 67Ga in human milk is
Figure 16.3. Anterior ( A N T ) and posterior (POST) whole-body bone images with99mTc-pyrophosphate show reported to be 9 days (33). Therefore, in lactat-
unusual activities in the liver and probably the large bowel. Note that there is no activity in the stomach but BREAST ing women receiving [67Ga]gallium citrate it is
significant activity in the genital organ. There was no history of previous radionuclide study. No liver or Breast radioactivity on images resulls from especially prudent to periodicaIly withdraw and
intestinal disease was found. concentration of radionuclides by mammary discardmilk from the breasts by breast pump
tissue.Thisphenomenon is most pronounced before total-body imaging.
during lactation. There is considerable variation
esis; agenesis of theleft lobe is morecommon. vary secretion of pertechnetate may yieldan between women, .however, in excretion of a ra- KIDNEY
A sublingual or single lobe in the midline canarlifactthat could suggest a substernal thyroid. dionuclide in the milk. This has been shown for In the human fetus, the number of nephrons
be idenlified occasionally(Fig. 16.4). In contrast,
secretion of iodide w'nTc-pertechnetate (30, 31) and [67Gajgallium increases steadily from the sixth to thirty-sixth
Since 99nlTcO; is taken up andsecretedbyoccurs to a lesserdegree than doessalivary citrate (32, 33). week of gestation. From 36 weeks until 12 years
the salivary glands, esophageal retention ofsali- secretion of pertechnetate (26-27), an I3lI scan
240 I Esserzfials of Nzrclenr MedicineScicrrce
of age, growth of the kidney resuits from matu- about 0.4 in the neonate (37). Other investiga- theapex of themedullarypyramids.Since queslioned whether such altered blood flow
ration of existing nephrons (35). By 22 weeks tors report thal extraction of PAH during pas- bloodpassesthroughtheglomerulibefore would affectparameters of standardradionu-
gestation,all renal glomeruliarenearto or sage through the kidneys is 60% and 91%, re- reachingthe medulla, renal radiopharmaceuti- clide renal function tests.
adjoiningthe medulla (36). As timeelapses, speclively, in infants 3 months old and in older cals must reach the medulla after transversing A renalnormalvariantwillaccumulate
development of glomeruli procedes toward the children (38). The revealed filtration fraction of the cortex. Such [ransit pattern is altered in the 99n1Tc-gluceptate after a shortvascularphase
capsule. During development, there are always 0.23 remains slightly higherthan that in the neonate due to the greater medullary blood flow (Fig. 16.7). A true masswilldemonstrate no
more mature nephrons near the medulla than in adult.Although maximal tubular transport of during that stage of life. Bell et al. (39) have radioactivityandwillbeconsidered a “cold
the outer cortex. PAH is much lower in the newborn infant than
Functionally, thereisdecreased renal blood in [he adult, adult values are reached by approx-
flow in the perinatal kidney. This decrease may imately 7.5 monlhs of age (39).
be associatedwithlower arterial pressures as In the older child and adult, the renal cortex
well as with enhanced renal vascular resistance. (representing 70% of renal mass) receives
Measurement of effective renal plasma flow 75-95% of total renal blood flow (39). Medul-
(ERPF) with use ofp-aminohippuric acid (PAH) lary blood flow is one-third to one-sixth that of
reveals normal values of2O-40% of those found cortical blood flow and diminishes progres-
in the adult. The resulting filtration fraction is sively from thejuxtarnedullary region toward
Figure 16.5. Anterior image o€99mTc thyroid scan ( A ) with thc patient in supine position shows a focal oval-
shaped activity simulating a hot nodule just below the isthmus ( o p d arrow). Subsequent ‘311 thyroid scan ( E )
fails lo show any abnormaIity. Anterior neck image(C) o€ the palient aftcr swallowing some Cream of Wheat
cerealmixedwithmmTc-pertechnetate shows focal activity retained in the esophageal scgmenl. Repeated Figure 16.6. Oblique (ieft) and frontal (righr) views of the barjum swallow for the same patient as in Figure
SmTc thyroidscan (D) with the patient in the uprightposition shows less activi!y accumulatedinthe 16.5 show slight exirinsic indentation of the esophageal segrncnt duc to an anomalous aortic arch. No evidence
esophagcal scgment (ope11 arrow). of Zenker’s diverticulum is noted.
Effeci of Clinicnl Variufion on Biodistribution / 243
r -~-
244 I Esssenriais of NuclearMedicineScience
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Alrered Biodi,rtriburimas a Resulr of Pathologic Meckmisnls I 249
Unusual or Unanticipated Alterdons in the
Biodistribution of Radiuphurmuceuticuls as a
Result of Pathologic Mechanisms
E. Edmund Kiln and John J, Coupal
RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS FOR ing wilh 99mTc-pyrophosphateshowed increased
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM activity inthesamearea in one patienl and
IMAGING decreased activity in theother (4). Metastatic
Radionuclide Brain Imaging intracranial neuroblastoma was detected in a
child undergoing bone scintigraphy with 9 9 m T ~ -
In imaging of the normal brain with sodium
methylene diphosphonate (MDP) (5).
The most common intracranial cysts, poren-
inepentaacetic acid(DTPA). or 99mTc-gluceptate Figure 17.1. Selective anterior ( A N T ) and right lateral ( R U T ) views of the static brain images obtained with
cephaly, generally produce no abnormalilies on
(GH),* thecerebral hemispheres appear sym- use of SmTc-GH show two melaslatic melanomas in the right frontal lobe which were developed 6 months
the staticbrainimages.Leptomeningealcysts
metrical and nearly free of radioactivity. These later.
may, however, produce increased peripheral ac-
radionuclides concentrate within and around
tivity thal simulates a chronic subdural hema-
brain lesionsbecause of local tissue and vas-
toma. The “ring or doughnui” sign on the brain
cular alterations. Leveille et al. (I) have sug- ciated with [he presence or the absence of ven- also interfere with the trapping of perlechnetate
image is commonlyassociatedwith cerebral
gesled tha! the accumulalion of 99mTc-GH in lricularrefluxandtherelalive rate of cerebra1
tumor, hemaloma,infarction,andabscess. It which is not organified. Thereported discrepant
brain tumor (Fig. 17.1) may occur by active spinal fluid (CSF) clearance. If the mechanical
has, however, rarely been seen in adrenoleuko- images obtained with the use of radioiodine and
transport in the form of a glucoseanalog in block is higher over the convexity of the CSF
dystrophy,sebaceouscyst, and metastatic sodium [ 99mTc]pertechnetatewere from certain
metabolically active neoplastic cells. Very well space, a combinalion pattern is seen, i.e., ven-
Wilms’ tumor (6-8). patients with chronic thyroiditis, benignnod-
differenlialed aslrocytomas, grades 1 and 11, tricularrefluxandvariably delayed flow over
The static brain images do not become posi- ules,or malignantnodules (16). There was a
may give negative brain images, possibly due to the convexities (14), depending on the degreeof
live before 7-10 days following the stroke. Oc- report of an unusual selective accumulation of
little or no breakdown of the blood-brain barrier compensation. With normal pressure hydro-
casionally, increased perfusion about some in- WmTcin the thyroid during in vivo labeling of
(2). farclionduringtheearlyphasesofthe cephalus (Fig. 17.2), there is usually persistent redblood cells (RBC) for gated blood pool
Brain imagingwith99mTc-GHoccasionally activity refluxed into the lateral ventricles. The
radionuclide angiogram is observed in the “hol imaging;thisaccumulation could not be satis-
demonstratesmultifocalcerebrallesions of most commonpattern of cerebral atrophy is factorily explained (17).
stroke” (9). Focal radionuclidebrainimaging
acute lymphocytic leukemia (3). There has been delayedmigration of the radioactivity with or
abnormalities may rarely appear after seizure in A cold nodule (Fig. 17.3) on thyroid imaging
a reporr of multiple myeloma involvingthe skull without various convexityblocks and wilhoul
patientswithprolongedidiopathicepilepsy is commonly associated with adenoma, colloid
that demonstratedincreased activity on brain ventricular reflux.Oftenthepattern may be
(10). Visualization of cerebral ventricles during cyst, and carcinoma. Rare causes of a cold thy-
imaging with 99mTc-perlechnetate.i Bone imag- normal, however, and transientventricular re-
brain imaginghas been unusually associated roid nodule include lymphoma, paraganglioma-
with intraventricularhemorrhage,anoxia, and flux usually does not persist at 24 hours (15). tosis,andarteriovenous fistula (18-20). Most
chemotherapeutic neurotoxicity (1 1-13). malignanl thyroid nodules are photopenic due to
* Gluccp1;ltc is the orficial (USAN) name for what was RADIOYHARMACEUTlCALS FOR poor radioactive uptake relative to normal thy-
previously known as glucohcplondte; the commonly used THYROlU IMAGING
abbrcviarion “GH” comes froom this laller l e m . Radionuclide Cisternogram roid tissue, but there has been a report of imag-
t Allhough [~mTcjpcrtcchnelateand [~~Ga]galliumcil- The perlechnetate ion is trapped by the same ing of primary thyroid carcinoma with 13’1 (21).
Thechanges in thecisternographic pattern mechanisms thal trapthe iodideion,andall
rate are preferred by IUPAC, WmTc-pertechnetale and 6’Ga- Ryo el al. (22) recentlynoted areas of extra-
cilrate are staudard, and buth arc used throughout this chap- oblainedwithuse of “Iln- or I6YYb-labeled conditions that interferewith iodidetrapping lhyroidal uptake on thyroid scans obtained with
ter. DTPA in palients with hydrocephalus are asso-
250 t Esserrriafs of Nuclear Medicine Science
Alrered Biodistribufiorl as a ResuIr of Parhologic Mechanisms f 251
Figure 17.2. Anterior (ANT),left laleral (L LAT), and vertex ( K T ) views of the head at 24 and 48 hours
following [he injection of IIIIn-DTPA show persistent activity refluxed into lateral ventricles, consistent with
normal pressure hydrocephalus.
tivity has been less commonly associated with gregated albumin (MAA) often shows collateral was acase of pulmonary venousobstruction lary phase in that lobe and late opacification of
cerebral arteriovenous fistuIa and rarely associ- venous pathways alongthe chestwalland is producing V/Q mismatchdue to stagnating thecorrespondingdrainingvein (45). V/Q
ated with a right pulmonaryarteryoriginated commonly associatedwith lung cancer and lym- blood flow reflected by a delayed intense capil- mismatch was also reported to be due to aber-
from the aorta (32-33). phoma. It hasbeenrarelyassociatedwith
Documented transmural infarctions appear to t h r o m b o p h l e b i t i s ,a t r i a lm y x o m a ,n e u - _.
result in abnormaluptake of 99mTc-pyrophos- roblastoma,andleukemia (41). Infusion of
phate, gluceptale, or tetracycline in more than 99mTc-MAAinto the hepatic artery catheter has
90% of the patients (34). A false positive myo- been utilized for monitoring of catheter position
cardial scintigram obtained with use of 9 9 m T ~ - and tumor perfusion. Lung uptake of the MAA
pyrophosphatehasbeenuncommonlyassoci- due to arteriovenous (AV) shunt at the tumor
ated with cardiomyopathy and rarely observed bed (Fig. 17.5) may be useful in prediction of
in patients with secondaryhyperparathy- the therapeutic response of hepatic tumor. ....
roidism, pericarditis, chronic myocarditis (Cha-
gas' disease), metastatic tumor to the heart, and ANT POST R LAT L LAT
calcifiedcostalcartilages (34-38). Intense RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS FOR LUNG
myocardial uptake on a ggmTc-MDP bone scan
also was demonstrated in a p a k n t with hyper- 133Xeventilation and 99mTc-labeled human
calcemia or amyloidosis of unknownmecha- albumin microsphere (HAM) perfusion VlQ
nism (39, 40). mismatch unassociated with pulmonary embo-
lisnl has beenrarelyfoundinintrathoracic
Xadionuclide Vascular Imaging stomach (Fig. 17.6, A and B), pulmonary artery
Superior vena cava obstruction imaged with sarcoma, hemangioendotheliomalosis, and
99mTc-labeled sulf~wcolloid (SC) or macroag- lymphangitiscarcinomatosa (42-44). There A
Figure 17.6. A , Multiple lung images with BmTc-HAM show sharply outlined perfusion defect in [he right
lowcr lobe preuperatively (upper row) due lo herniated stomach. Posloperative images are in the lower row
Figure 17.5, Antcrior image of the chesr and upper abdomen after infusion of Y9nlTc-MAA shows significant B . Prcoperalive venlilation study after l33Xe gas inhalalion shows markedly elevaied Iefl hemidiaphragm and
artivitien i n both lunes due to AV shunt a[ the tumor bed (T).
X denotes marker on xiphoid process. rnininlal dilfuse obstructive airway disease.
254 f Essentiols of ATuclear Medicine Science Altered Biodis/ributio!z n Resuli oJPofhologic Mechonistns f 255
rantarterialsupply from a systemicvessel RADIOPHARMACEUTlCALS FOR SC liver scan and visualized on a hepatobiliary Focal splenic defect oftenhas been associated
ratherthan frompulmonary circulation (45). GASTROINTESTINAL IMAGING scan obtained with use of 99n1T~-pyridoxylidenewith infarctionsand rarelyhasresulted from
The presence of 99mTc-HAMin areas other than glutamate (57). Absence of hepatic uptake of splenicarteriovenousmalformationand
lung suggests the presence of a right-to-left Focal increased radioactive uptake in the sali- 99n1Tc-labeledSC in aninfantwith Coxsackie amyloidosis (62). Functional asplenia (anatomic
shunt. Eisenmenger physiology may be shown vary gland is commonly associatedwith War- B, viral infection has been described and may presence of the spleen but without the ability to
with reversal of a left-to-right shunt following thin’s tumor, probably due to secreting 99mTc- be associatedwithmarkedimpairment of accumulate intravenously administered radio-
the development of severe pulmonary hyperten- pertechnetate not being excreted as quickly as Kupffer cell function in the liver (58). colloid) has been unexpectedly noted in SCzary
sion. the saliva. An oxyphilic adenoma has been re- UsualIy, nonvisualization of thegallbladder syndrome(alymphoma of cutaneous origin)
Myocardial activity was visualized on a per- ported to show these same findings (50). Focal on cholescintigraphy is due to obstructive cho- (63) andchronicaggressive hepatitis (64).
fusion lung scan in a patien1 with primary pul- “hoi” spots on the colloidal liver scan usually lecystitis, but an adenocarcinoma of the cystic There was a report that the spleen in a patient
monary hypertension and a right-to-left shunt have been associated withsuperior vena caval or duct has been reported to show these same find- with Sezary syndrome could not be visualized
through a foramen ovale (47). There was a re- hepatic vein obstruction.There have been re- ings (59). There has been a report of a palient with use of a 99mTc-labeledtin colloid (SnC) but
port of marked retenlion of 133Xeby the skeletal ports, however, of hot spots on the liver scan due who hadclinicalandpathologicfindings of was visualized with useof a 9mTc-SC, although
structure (largely in the intraosseous fat), proba- to inferior vena caval obstruction, isolatedin- acute cholecystitis but normal visualization. the samereticuloendo~helialsystem (RES) is
bly associatedwiththepatient’sprolonged nominate vein obstruction, and tricuspid insuf- This situation may occur in patients with recent involved in the phagocytosis of both radiophar-
steroid therapy that alters systemic lipid metab- ficiency (51-53). Hemangioma, hamartoma. relief of cystic duct obstruction but persistence maceuticals (65). A “hot” spleen on the 9Yn1T~-
olism by increasing the quantity of intracellular and abscess have been reported to cause a focal of the acute inflammatory response (60). Metas- SC scan (Fig. 17.7) has been described in pa-
lipidsynthesizingenzyme (48). Pulmonary area of increaseduplake of radiolabeled SC, tatic pulmonary nodules from a well-differenti- tientswith melanomaandmay be associated
hydatid cyst evidenced by a [67Ga]galliurn cil- probablydue to increasedlocalvascularity ated hepatoma were demonstrated by 9 9 m T ~ - with increasedphagocytosissecondary to the
rate scan that showed an oval area of homoge- (54-56). There was a case of primary hepato- paraisopropyl iminodiacetic acid (PIPIDA) with unique antigenicity of the tumor (66).
nous uptake has been reported (49). cellular carcinoma appearing as adefect on a unknown mechanism (61). Diffuselunguptake of 99mTc-SChas been
Figure 17.8. Antcrior image of the chest during the liver-spleen scan shows marked uptake of sulfur colloid
Figure 17.7. Postcrior image of theupperabdomen with ~9mTc-labeled sulfur colloid in a patient with (S.C.) in the left lung. ‘I‘here were pleural effusions bilaterally. Liver and spleen images were negative.
melanoma shuws 110 focal defect but a hot spleen.
Altered Biodisrributiorr as a Resulr o j Parhologic h f e c l m l i s m s ! 257
256 I EsserItials of NuclearMedicineScience
.= L LAT
Figure 17.9.Posterior (POST) and leftlateral ( L)". images of the upper abdomen with 99mTc-labeled sulfur
colloid show markedrenaluptake of radioactivity in a patientwithcongestiveheartfailure.Note (he
significant reduction of renal activity after 10 days or treatment.
m Figure 17.11. Anterior and posterior whole-body images with 9P111Tc-diphosphonate show markedly increased
activities diffusely in [he long bones due to active osteoporosis.
Altered Biodisrriburim as a ResuIt ofPofhoiogic Mechanisms I 259
258 I Esserlrinls of Nuclear Medicine Science
Figure 17.13. Anterior images of the upper leg with use of99mTc-MDP and I11In-labeled leukocytes show a
focal lesion in the right femoral shaft. At surgery, sclerosing osteomyelitis was found.
Altered Biodistributioft as a Result of Pathologic Mechmisms I 261
260 I Essentials o{Nuclear Medicine Science
Radionuclide Bone Imaging
Increased activity of bone-imaging agenls
(Figs.17.11,17.12,and 17.13) isassociated
with bone blood flow and osteoblastic activity.
Myelofibrosis usually has been presented as a
metrically increased activity, especially around
the knee joints, possibly due to increased bone
blood flow orperiostitisobserved on myelo-
fibrosis ( 8 3 , 84). Decreasedboneuptake of
99mTc-labeled polyphosphatewas seen in a pa-
tient with thalassemia major (85). In rare cases
in which thebonehas beenreplaced by ag-
gressive malignant disease, the bone scan may
be negative. “Cold” Iesions (Fig. 17.14) have
been reported in palients with metaslatic carci-
nomas,osleomyelitis (X@, myeloma (87), fi-
brosarcoma (88),and Ewing’s sarcoma (89). An
abdominalaorticaneurysm was demonstrated
on static bone images as a photon-deficient re-
gion (90). A “cold spot” was noted in all three
phases Of bone Scan in a patient with gas gan- Figure 17.15. Anterior whole-body image obtained
grene Of the foot (91) and may result from de- with use of 9YmTC”Dp shoxv diffuse abnormal ac-
Figure 17.16. Posterior image of the iumbar spine which was obtained with use of SmTc-MDP shows intense
StruCtiOn of blood Vessels in the=ea Of myo- tivilies in the left chesl. A malignan1 pleural effusion
was found. uplake of radioactivity i n both kidneys. The patient received multiple courses of chemotherapy.
necrosis, with resultanl absent perfusion of the
262 I Essenrials of NuclearMedicineScience Altered Biudisrriburim as n Result o j P d ~ o l o g i cMechonisnrs I 263
Figure 17.18. Anterior whole-body images at 48 hours following the ingeslion of Wa-citrate show marked
abnormal activities diffusely in both lungs, associated with bleomycin toxicity.
77. Sauerland BA, Rosen PR, Weiland FL, el ai: Uptake of 96. Sarmiento AH, Alba I. Lanaro AE, el al: Evaluation and clinical features of intramedullary fat necrosis in 121. Glynn TP Jr: Marked galliumaccumulationinneu-
Tc-99m glucoheptonate in cervical lymph node metas- of soft tissuecalcificalion in dermatomyositis with bones inacule and chronicpancreatitis. Am J Med rogenicarthropathy. I NuclMed 22:1016-1017,
task fromlarge-cellbronchogenic carcinoma. ClitT 93mTc-phosphale compounds. Case report.J N l d Med 36:96-105, 1964. 122. Rashad
1981. FA. Miraldi R3, Bellon E M Gallium-67 up-
Nrrcl Med 8 3 - 3 3 , 1983. 16:467-468, 1975. 11 6. Marta JB. Williams HJ, Smookler R4: 67Ga uprake in
78.Sacks G A , Sandler MP, Parlain C L Renalallograft 97.Fitzcr PM: Renalimaging in %mTc polyphosphate a slress frachm. J A'ncl Med 23:271-272, 1982. Lake in tuberous sclerosis.Clin h'zrcl Med 4:242-243,
recovery subsequenl l o apparent"hyperacute" rejec- bone scanning. Focal increased renal uptake in metas- 117. Deysine M, Rafkin H , Teicher I, et al: Diagnosis or HW, Goellner JR, Hoagland HC: Giant
123. Wahner 1979.
tion based on clinical scintigraphic and pathologic cri- talic carcinoma of the lung. JNurl Med 16602. 1975. chronic and postoperative osteomyelitis with%a cit-
lera. Clin Hlrcl Med 8:60-63. 1983. 98. Lantieri RL, Lin MS, Marlin W, et al: Increased renal rake scans. Am J Srrrg 129532-635, 1975. lymph nodehyperplasiaresembling abdomina1 ab-
79. George EA, Codd JE. Newton WT, et al: Furlher eval- accumulation ol SmTc MDP in renal arlery slenosis. 118.Kim EE: Diffuse pulmonary pallium concenrratjon. scess on gaIlium scan.Clin~VudMed319-21, 1978
uation or""Tc-sulfur colloid accumulation in rejecling C/ifl Hrrcl Med 5:305-309, 1980. Sernin Nucl Med 1 0 108- 1 10, 1980. 124. AIavaki N , Slerkel 8. Taylor A Jr: Renalgallium
renal transplants inman and a canlne model.Radiolog! 99.Lulrin CL, Goris ML: Fyrophosphaleretenlion by 119. Jensen SR. RaoBR, Winebrighl JW, el al: Gallium67 accumulation in the absence o l renal pathology in
116121-126,1975. prevlouslyirradlaledrenalIissuc. Radiology I33: uptake in a benign thymic cyst. Clin Abcl Med 5:67, patients with severe hepatocellular disease. C h I J r d
80.Marlin-Comin J, Roca M, Grino JM, el al: In-111 207-210. 1979. 1980. Med 8:200-204, 1983.
oxine autologous labeled platelets in the diagnosis of 1 0 0 . Front D, Hardoff R, Mashour N: Splenic accumuk- 120.Schor R A , Massie BM, Bolvinick EH, et al: Gal- 125. Ang JGP, Gelfand MJ: Decreased gallium uptake in
kidney graft rejection. Clin N'ncl Med 8:7-10, 1983. [Ion of AmTc dlphosphonale in thalassemia major. J lium-67 uplake in silent myocardial infarction: a case acute hematogenousosteomyelilis. Clin Nucl Med
81, Thrall JH, Freitas JE, Beienvaltes WH: Adrenal scinti- Nzrcl Med 19:974-975. 1978. reporr. Radiology 129:117-118,1978. 8:301-303. 1983.
graphy. Sefnirl A'ucl Med 8:23-41, 1978. 101. DeGraaf P, Schicht IM,hnwels EKJ, etal: Bone
81. Holder LE, Matire JR, Holmes ER 11, et al: Teslicular scinrigraphyinuremic pulmonarycalcification. J
radionuclide angiography and static imaging: anatomy Nucl Med 20:201-206, 1979.
scinrigraphic inlerprelationand clinical indications.Ro- 102. Moyle J W , Spies SM: Bone scan in a case of
didogy 125~739-752. I977, amyloidosis. Clin Hucl Med 5:5 1-52, 1980.
83. Kim EE, DeLand FH: Myelofibrosis presenling as hy- 103. Lym KP,Kuperus J, Green H W : Localization of symTc
permetabolic bone disease by radionuclideimaging in a pyrophosphate in [he liver due to massive liver necro-
patlent w l h asplenia. C h N I Med~ 3406-408, 1978. sis: case report. J Nucl Med 18550-552, 1977.
84. Mason BA. Kressel BR, CashdollarMR. et al: Per- 104. Goy JV, Crow WJ: Splenicaccumulation of Y9mTc
iostitgs associaledwithmyelofibrosis. Cawel. 43: diphosphale in a palien1 with sickle cell disease: case
1568-1571.1979. report. J Nncl Med 17:108-109, 1976.
85. Valdez VA. Jacobstein JG: Decreased bone uptake of 105. Rosenthal DI. Chandler HL. Azizi F,et al: Uptake of
lechnetium-99m polyphosphatein thaIassemia major. J bone imaging agenrs by diffuse pulmonary metaslatic
A'ncl Med 21:47, 1980. calcification. Anr J Roenrgenol 129871-874.1977.
86. Kim EE, DeLand FH. Maruyama Y, etal: Decreased 106. Shigeno C, Fukunaga M , Yamamoto 1, el al: Ac-
uptake in bone scans (cold lesions) in melastatic carci- cumulation ofWmTc pyrophosphate in a muscle hernia
noma. J Borle Joint Snrg 6OA:844-846, 1978. of the thigh. E ~ r rJ R'ucl Med 6:425-428, 1981.
87. Woolfenden J M , Pitt MJ?Durie BGM, et al: Com- 107. Poamers TA, Tonya JJ: *Tc pyrophosphate bone scan
parison of bone scintigraphy and radiography in multi- in calcinosis universalis. Clin N w l Med 5302-304.
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88. Makhip MC: Fibrosarcoma:pholopeniclesion on a 108.Lunia S, Chodos RB, \redder DK: Localization of
bone scan. Clirl Nucl Med 8265-266, 1583. ""Tc MDP in skin lesions of pseudoxanthoma elas-
89. Bushnell D , Shirazi P, Khedkar N. et al: Ewing's sar- ticum. C h Nucl Med 4:196-197, 1979.
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Clinicd Mmifesrations of FormilationProblems 1 269
Clinical Manifestations of
Radiopharmaceutical Formulation Problems
James A, Ponto, Demis R Swarzson, and John E , Freitas
biodistributionusually provoke a flurry of in- purities will, therefore,result in increased ac-
quiries regarding (he quality of the administered livity in the lungs (Fig. 18.3).
agent. Although this unexpected biodistribution In this chapter, common formulation factors
may be relaled to nonradiopharmaceutical fac- whichaffectthelevel of theseimpuritiesio
tors (discussed in other chapters of this book), wmTc-labeledradiopharmaceuticalsaredis-
past experience hasshown that an improperly cussed. In addition, formulation factors that
formulaled radiopharmaceulical may be to mayproducealternateeffects on thebio-
blame. distribution of 99mTc-labeled tracers and other
The clinical manifestations of most w m Tra- ~ radiopharmaceuticals are presented. These clin-
diopharmaceuticalformulationproblems are ical manifestations of common radiopharmaceu-
generally associated with increased amounts of ticalformulation problems are summarized in
[9yn1Tcjpertechnetate,99mTc-labeledcolloid, Table 18.1.
andlorwmTcparticulateimpurities in the de-
siredY9'11T~ agent. Free pertechnetate is dis-
tributed throughoutthe vasculalure and inter-
slitial fluid and is concentrated in the stomach, 99mTcundergoesisomerictransition Lo the
intestinaltract,thyroidgland,andsalivary very long lived isotope 99Tc (half-life, 200,OoD
glands; the presence of free 99mTc-pertechne- years),whichcan, for practical purposes,be
tale* impuritieswill,therefore,resultinin- considered stable in comparison to its metasta-
creased activity in theseorgans(Fig. 18.1). ble isomer. The decay of 9 9 m T therefore,
~, re-
Colloid particles are phagocytized by cells of sults in a rapid buildup of carrier technetium
the reticuloendothelial system (RES) which are with corresponding depressionof 99mTc-specific
Iocated primarily in the h e r and spleen;lhe activity. Excessivecarrier 99Tc is commonly
presence of y9mTc-labeIed colloid impurities present in the eluate of a generator which has
will, therefore, result in increased activity in the not been eluted for several days. Expressed as a
liverand spleen(Fig. 18.2). Large (>lo p) percentage of total technetium atoms (99mTc
particles administered inlravenously become plus%Tc)obtainedin the generatoreluate,
physically lodged in the pulmonary capillaries; wmTccomprises 28% of the total at 24 hours,
13% at 48 hours, and only 8% at 72 hours after
prior elution ( I , 2).
* Although [%mTc]pcrtechnetate is preferred by 9 9 T ~which
, is chemicallyidenticaltoall
IUPAC, 99"lTc-perlecbnetate is slandard, and both are other technetiumisotopes,cancompete with
used throughout this chapter. 9 9 m Tfor
~ the reductive capacity and the ligand-
2 68
270 I EssehalsojNuclear Medicine Science Clinicol Mnruj!esfarioluof Forrnularion Problems I 271
Table 18.1.
Clinical Manifestations of Common Radiopharmaceutical Formulation Problems
Formulation Clinical
Radiophannaceulical Problem Manifcslation Reierrence
99mTc-labeledmacro- Soluble protein t blood pool activity 80, 81 Improper pH T free pertechnetate 40
aggregaledaIbu- Smallparlicles t liveruptake 80, 90 Impropermixingorder t free pertechnetate or 1 40
min and albumin Clumping of particles Focal hot spots in lungs 90, 93 liver uptake
hadequate number of Perfusion defects, especially 94, 95 Radiolylicdecomposition T free pertechnetate 40, 127,133, 135
parlicles peripheral patchiness and/or oxidation
Excessive number of par- f risk of toxicity 94, 95 AlkalinepH Rapid urinary excretion 5 1-54
ticles Radiolyticdecomposition 1 free pertechnetate; 1 kidney 53, 104,123,197
Radiolyticdecomposition 7 free pertechnetate 80 and/or oxidation uptake; T liver uptake
and/or oxidation Low ligand concentration I kidney uptake; 1 bone up- 53
Seltling of parlicles Inadequate number of parti- take
cles in suspension Inadequaleincubation 1 kidney uptake; ? bone up- 53
Carrier 99T~ t free pertechnelate 6-8 time lake
~1+3 RBC agglutination 27 Commercialsource Differences in adsorption 111
Very acidic pH RBChemolysis 27 onto walls and stoppers of
hadequate stannous 1 free pertechnetate 7, 36,192 glassvials
Excessivestannous t piasmaactivity 7, 35-38,193 Carrier 99Tc t free pertechnetate 4
1 spleenuptake 194 Impropermixingorder t liver uplake 4
Improper mixing order f liveruptake 7 Radiolyticdecomposition f free pertechnetale 33
Low cell concentration 1 rate and extent of labeling 37 and/or oxidation
Radiolyticdecomposition T freepertechnetate 36, 193 ['3lI]iodohippurate Radiolyticdecomposition I thyroid uptake; 1 urinary 118, 134, 198
and/or oxidation andlor oxidation excretionrate
Inadequateincubation f free pertechnetate 36, 37, 71,72, Sodium['3lI]iodide AcidicpH t thyroid uplake in person- 168-170,172,
time 193 nel 174,175
InCubalion at lower than 1 rate of iabeling; f free 37, 72 Radiolyticdecomposition f thyroid uptake in person- 171, 173, 174
37" c perlechnetate andior oxidation nel
Heparinversus ACD 1 labeling efficiency; 1 exlra- 8 Metalions f thyroid uptake in person- 168, 175
vascular activity; f urinary nel
excrelion Chlorinated tap water for t thyroid uptake in person- 171
Excess ACD Sequeslation in spleen 155 dilution nel
99mTc-labeled Low heating lemperature 1 spleen uptake; t blood pool 62, 64 Storage above room tem- t thyroid uptake in person- 174,176
damaged RBC activity perature nel
Highheatingtemperature I spleen uptake; 1 liver up- 62, 64 Carrier iodide 1 thyroid uptake 137. 138
lake Encapsulation 1 thyroid uptake; retention of 156, 157
Inadequate heating time 1 spleen uptake; t blood pool 62-64, 69 abdominalactivity
activity Radionuclidiccontamina- 7 radiationdose;errorsin 178,180-186
Excessive heating lime i spleen uptake; f liver up- 62-64 tion dose calibration; image
lake degradation
Heating large volume 1 spleen uplake; t blood pool 68 201T1-chIoride Radionuclidiccontamina- lmage degradation 187-189
activily tion
Low specificactivity 1 spleen uptake; 1 blood pool 68 To-labeled Carrier cyanocobalamin 1 absorption and urinary ex- I40
activity cyanocobalamin and cretion
SmTc-IDAderivatives pH > 5.5 1rate of labelin@ 43 intrinsic factor Encapsulation J absorption and urinary ex- 159-161
Radiolyticdecomposition 1 free pertechnetate 43, 124, 195 cretion
andlor oxidation Isotope exchange Spurious resulls 163- 165
Inadequateincubation f free perlechnelate; 1 blood 43, 70 Commercialsource Uptake vs. no uptake in ce- 1 OS
time p o l aclivity rebralinfarct
L o w ligand concentration L rate of labeling 43 Carrier gallium f bone uptake; J uplake in 141, 142
99mTc-DTPA Carrier ' T c 1 free pertechnetate 9 usualorgans
lnadequate stannous f free Dertcchnetate 9, 113, 115 133Xe solution benzyl alcohol preser- Spurjous regional blood flow 154
Impropermixingorder f free pertechnetate 57 vative measurements
Radiolytic decomposition 1 free pertechnctate 59, 115, 117, 121, Iodinated cholesterd ? t liver,spleen,andbone 199
andlor oxidation 196 derivatives '
marrowuptake ,
Commercialsource Iifferences in renal cxcw 101-103 Limited solubility in Lung uptake 148
tion rates vehicle
274 I Essednls of Nudeor Medicine Science
as,over a period of hours.aluminum ion is ical form of 49mTc-labeled radiopharmaceuli- formed under acidic conditions with relatively
As early as the 1960s, it had been reported
hydrolyzed (26). cals. With regard to the effects of pH on radi- high Sn+Z concentrationswasretained in the
that Al+j interacts with smTc-labeledsulfur col-
also acts as an erythrocyte-agglutinating ochemicalpurily, it hasbeen shownthal (a) renal cortex, while another distinct complex
loid to form a flocculent precipitate (12: 14). In
decreased labeling of 99mTc(Sn)-HSA and elec- formed at an alkaline pH withrelativelylow
later studies, it was shown that this flocculation agent. Results of in vitro studies indicate a criti-
cal concentration of about 5 pg Al+3/mlat a pH trolyticallyprepared99mTc-gluceptateoccur Sn+2 concentrations exhibiled rapid urinaryex-
could result with concenirations
as lowas
range between 4 and 5 . Since necessary condi- above or below the optimal pH ranges between cretion and moderate uptake in tumor and bone
1 pg(ml(17). Although h e precipitate was orig-
tions for red cell agglutination by Al+3 do not 2 and 3 and 6.7 and 7.2, respectively (39, 40), (5 1-54). Several factors may be involved in the
Inally thought to be aluminum hydroxide (13),
occur in vivo, intravascular agglutination with (b) 99mTc-labeled sulfur colloidbreaksdown formation of these diffenmr complexes. For ex-
it waslaterdetermined thal combineswith
administration of generator eluate containing and liberates free 94mTc-pertechnetateat a neu- ample, the ratio of DMSA to Snt2 at pH 4 is
thephosphatebuffer to form insoluble dumi-
tral or alkaline pH (41, 42): and (c) decreased 2 : l ~whilethe ratio at pH 8 is 1 : I (51, 52).
num phosphate (18, 19).A flocculent aluminum AIi3 appears highly improbable (27).
labeling rates of 99mTc-iminodiaceticacid (IDA) Furthermore,thekidneylocalizingcomplex
phosphateprecipitate may beformed in vivo
STANNOUS ION derivatives are observed at pH valueshigher formed at acidicpH is probably Tc(II1)-DMSA,
when 99mTc-labeled sulfur colloid is adrnin-
The importanceof an optimal amount of stan- than the optimal pH of 5.5 (43). while that formed at alkalinepH is probably
islered to palients exhibitingelevated plasma
levels of AY3 (20). In both cases, the 9 9 m T ~ -nous ion (Sn+?) as a reducing agent in the prep- Stannous ion solutions become insoluble and Tc(V)-DMSA (54). Tc(V) maythendissociale
aration of *"Tc-labeled radiopharmaceuticals is form colloidalprecipilates at neuual and al- from the DMSA complex as TcO,-~ and, as a
labeled sulfur colloid is coprecipitaled with the
widelyrecognized. Too little Sn+2 limits the kaline pH. If 99mTc-pertechnetateis present, the structuralanalog to PO,-3, maylocalize in
aluminumphosphateprecipitateandresults in
lung localization, since these flocculated parti- reductive capacity, whichleads to decreased 9 9 m Tcan~ coprecipitate andlor complex with the some tumors and bones (54).
cles become lodged in the pulmonary capillaries labeling efficiency and increasedfree 9 9 m T ~ - tin colloid, which would result in a radiocolloid Different complexes of 99mTc-IDA com-
(13, 17,20,21). Avoidance of this problem may pertechnetate impurity; too much Sni2 may re- impurity that would localize in the RES ( 3 2 , pounds have also been observed at different pH
be achieved with theaddition of EDTA, a sult in the formalion of 99mTc-labeledcolloid 44). values. Rapid conversion in vivo to a common
chelatingagent for to the sulfur colloid impurities andlor decreased labeling efficiency. Good bone uptake and urinary excretion re- form probably occurs, however, since the bio-
formulacion (17, 19). Additionally,it has been Most 99mTc"kits"star1with sufficient, and sult from use of acidic formulations of 9 9 m T ~ - distributionpatiems are essentially the same
shown that sulfur colloid preparations formu- usually excess, amounts of Sn+2. This reducing pyrophosphate,whereasnegligibleboneaf- (55).
lated with an acetate buffer instead of a phos- capacity may be drastically decreased, however, finityand concentrations in the kidney result
phate buffer do not flocculate in the presence of by avariety of factors including loss of Sn'2 from use of neutral and alkaline formulations
during manufacture, deterioration andlor oxida- (45, 46). Imaging with alkaline99mTc-pyro- MIXING ORDER
(18, 19).
A second radiopharmaceutical affected by lion duringstorage, and oxidationduring kit phosphate formulations rather than with slightly The order of mixing components in the for-
is g9mTc-diphosphonate.Visualization of preparation (28-32). Furlhermore, excessive acidic formulalionsdemonstratessignificantly nlulation of 99mTc-labeled radiopharmaceuticals
liver and spleen backgroundactivity have re- amounts of carrier 99Tc decrease theapparent inferior bone scan quality (47). High liver and can have dramatic effects on the resulting bio-
sulledfromphagocytosis of a radiocolloid reducing capacity by cornpeiing with *"'Tc. kidney uptake have been demonstrated when distribution. In general, the reducing agent and
formed by the interaction of 9gmTc-diphospho- (See also seclions entilled "Carrier "Tc" and 9 9 m T c - h y d r o x y e t h y l i d e n e d i p h o s p h o n a t e ihe chelating agent should be mixed priorto the
nate in the presence of elevated Al+3 concentra- "OxidalionandlorRadiolyticDecomposi- (HEDPj is prepared at alkaline pH (24). It is not addition of 99mTc-pertechnetate in order lo ob-
tions (22-24). Thiseffect was not seen with tion.") clear,however,whetherthese pH effects on lainhighlabelingefficiencies.If Sn+i and
AI+' concentrations of <10 p@d,but liver Addition of excessiveamounts of Sn+2 to 99mTc-labeled phosphates are solely associaled "mTc-pertechnelate are combinedfirst, an in-
localizationand bonescanimagedegradation 99mTckits is a common practice for counteract- with the formation of radiocolloid or free 99mTc- soluble99mTc-labeledtincolloidmaybe
progressed with increasing A P 3 concentrations ing the effects of oxidants and inhibiting radia- pertechnetate impurities, since thereis evidence formed, withresullant increased liveractivity
tion-induced decomposition (29, 33). Although that suggests that the alteration in biodistribu- (4, 7, 56).
above this level (22).
tion may b e a result of differing chemical com- lmprovedlabeling of several 99mTc-labeled
The biodistribution of pertechnetate may b e this practice does effectively inhibit the €orma-
plexes formed at different pH values. For exam- radiopharmaceuticalscanbe achieved with a
altered by excessive Al+3.Failure of 99mTc-per- tion of free "'"Tc-pertechnetate impurities, hy-
ple, Tc(IV)-HEDP has been identified in acidic simple alteration in the mixing order during kit
technetate to leave the vascular space was ob- drolysis of theexcessSn+2can result inthe
solution, whereas Tc(V)-HEDP was formed in formulation.Instead of reconstituting thekit
served in apatientwithaplasma aluminum formation of wmTc-labeled siannous colloids
with resultant RES and other soft-tissue localiz- neutral or alkaline solutions (48). Similarly, with the required volume of 99"Tc-pertechnetate
level of 65 @g/l (25). Moreover, 99"Tc-pertech-
several components showing markedly different diluted previously with normal saline, themodi-
injections containing in concentra- ation (32, 34). On the other hand, some 9 9 m T ~ -
bone uptakes and soft-tissue localizations have fied procedure calls for reconstitution with con-
tions of 4 pglml or more may result in reduced labeledradiopharmaceuticals may display de-
been separatedfrom99mTc-methylene diphos- centrated 99n'Tc-pertechnetate, incubation for
thyroidal uptake of pertechnetate (26). Al'3 in creased labeling in the presence of excess Sn+'
(35-38). phonate (MDPj mixtures prepared at different 3-5 minutes, and then dilution with an appro-
these higher concentrations apparently interacts
with pertechnetate to form neutral andionic
pH ranges (49, 50). priate volume of normal saline (57).
PH A number of different complexes of 99mTc- The radiopharmaceuticalmost affecled by the
pertechnebto-aluminumcomplexeswhich re-
Alteralions in pH can have marked effects on dinlercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) have been ob- mixing order is 99mTc-labeled sulfurcolloid.
main in soft tissues. These complexes are rela-
served at different pII values.Thecomplex 99mTc-pertechnelate,hydrochloricacid,and
tively unstable and slowly release pertechnetate the radiochemical purity andlor the final chem-
276 I Exsenrials oJNuclear MedicineScience
thiosulfatesolutions must be combinedbefore HEATING biodistribution. Optimal duration of healing is measurable deterioration in bonescanquality
beingheated in order to ensure a high yield. The distribution of radiopharmaceuticals that variable, depending on the type ofapparatus. (withandwithoutgastricvisualization)has
Addition of 99mTc-pertechnetateor the acid so- require heating as part of their preparation may volume,andsuspendingmedia (62, 66-69), been reported to occur sporadically with use of
lution after heating andlor addition of the buffer be influenced by a number of factors involved in The optimal lenglh of heating time with use of incubated 99mTc-MDP(77). In thesecases, a
solution before heating results in negligible la- the healing process. These factors include tem- the Brookhaven National Laboratory procedure chemical form of 99mTc-MDP with analtered
beling and alterations in biodistribution reflect- perature, duration of heating: and volume appears to be 10-15 minutes (63, 66). affinity for bone isapparenllyformedduring
ing free 99mTc-pertechnetate(17, 58). heated. The third heating-related factor is the volume incubalion.Similarly, abnormalsoft-[issue lo-
Temperature plays an important role in the to be heated. Heating of small volumes is more calizalion of -"Tc-HDP and 99mTc-MDP has
formation and labeling of 99mTc-labeledsulfur uniform than is heating of large volumes. Sulfur beenassociated with long makeup-to-injection
LIGAND CONCENTRATION colloid. Because the reactionbetweenthiosul- colloidpreparationsconlaining > l o ml show limes (78, 79).
The ligand concenwadon is inversely propor- fate and acid is slow at room temperature, the inconsistentlabelingefficiencies,whencom-
tional to the final preparation volume. Low sulfur colloid reagents are heated in a boiling pared with smaller volume preparations boiled
ligand concentrations may necessitate longer in- water bath.Forconsistentlyhighlabeling for the same length of time (17). Similarly, Iage PARTICULATE SIZE AND NUMBER
cubation times andlor result in complexes hav- yields, the temperature of this water bath should volumes of radiolabeled RBC may demonstrale The biodistribu1ion of particulate radiophar-
ing different biodistribution patterns.Therefore, be 95-100" C. Heating at temperatures of less insufficienl damageforsplenicsequestration, maceutical~occurs as a function of their size.
preparationvolumesshouldnotbeun- than 95" C may result in poor labeling of the when compared with small volumes heated for Particles so small as io be consideredsoluble
necessarily large. colloidand increasedfree99mTc-pertechnetale the same length of time (68). (e.g., 99mTc-labeledHSA and some other pro-
Use of a DMSA kit prepared with 2 ml of impurity (61). teins) remain in the blood pool and soft tissue
perlechnetate yields about 90% of the kidney- The temperature used to damage 9 9 m T ~ or- INCUBATION and may degrade image quality (EO, 81). Parti-
localizingcomplex in 15minutes, whereasa 51Cr-IabeledRBC for splenic sequestrationstud- AIthoughmost99mTcchelalesareformed cles in the colloid size range demonstrate RES
preparation volume of 10 mi yields only about ies is critical. Too low of a temperature results in very rapidly, some complexation reactions re- localization;maximal bonemarrowuptakeis
70% in 15 minutes. In both cases, [he remainder insufficient RBC damagewithsignificant ac- quirea substantialincubationtime. In these conelaled withsmallercolloid size (82-86),
of the preparation consists of a different com- risity remaining in the blood pool; toohigh of a latter reactions, labeling usually follows an ex- with progressive splenic localization occurring
plex which is moderately localized in the bone temperatureresults in excessive RBC damage ponential curve, with plateauing achieved after as the colloid size increases (87-89). Particles
and rapidly excreted in the urine (53). Similarly, anddecreasedspleenuptakewithincreased severalminutes.lncubationtimes of approx- of even larger size ( > l o p) become physically
94mTc-IDA derivatives prepared in a volume of liver uptake (62). The recommended tem- imately 10-15 minutes arerequired to reach trapped in capillaries and precapillary arlerioles
10 ml compared wilh those prepared in a vol- perature for optimal red cell damage is 49-50" plateaulabelingforwmTc-DMSA(53)and (90).
ume of 2 ml show a decreased rate of labeling C (7, 62-64). 99mT~-IDA derivatives (43, 70), anda IO-min- The particle size of 99mTc-labeled sulfur col-
(43). Moreover, it has beenfound that in a A second imporlant factor is the duration of Ute incubation time is needed for both in vitro loid can be influenced by a number of factors
number of commercially available kits, diluied heating.When99mTc-labeledsulfur colloid is and in vivolabeling of RBC with 99mTc(36, (discussed hereandelsewhere in this chapter)
99mTc-DTPA injection becomes unstable and heated at 90-100" C, its labelingefficiency 71 -73). Use of the agenls before maximal Iabel- including aluminum ion concentration, healing
produces unacceptably high levelsof free 9 9 m T ~ -initially increasesrapidly andthenplateaus at ing may result in increased levels of free 99mTc- time and temperature, and aggregation.After
perlechnetate (59). 3-10 minutes (14, 17, 61, 65). Heating for an pertechnetate impurities. preparationand duringstorage,99mTc-labeled
In addition, the rate and extent of labeling of insufficientlength of timemaydecrease the The in vitro particle size of 99mTc-labeled(in sulfur colloid particles may aggregate over time
RBC with 9 9 m Tare ~ affected by cell concentra- labeling efficiency and increase free 99mTc-per- colloid preparation increases with the lenglh of toform clumpslargeenough to lodge in the
tion. The incorporalion of 9 9 m Tinto ~ RBC is technetate impurities. The lengthof heating also incubation time after reconstitution and affects pulmonary capillaries and to produce lung vis-
directly related tohematocrit, not to cell number affects the colloid particle size, with the mean Ihe relative organ uptakes (74) (also discussed ualization (41, 91). Theuse of stabilizing or
(37). colloid particle diameter increasing as a func- elsewhere in this chapter). protecting agents, such as gelatin, in the sulfur
Solutions of 99mTc-pyrophosphate diluted in tion of heatingtime(14, 41). If the 9 9 m T ~ - The chemical form andlor nature of a radio- colloid formulation markedly improves particle
viwo and, lo a lesser extent, in vivo demonstrate labeled sulfur colloid is heated for an insuffi- pharmaceutical may change during the incuba- size stability (91, 92). In contrast, small radio-
decreased bone uptake and increased soft-tissue cient period of time, poor splenic upiake can tion period, with resultant alterations in the bio- colloids may underestimate splenic function and
andkidneylocalizalion (46). Similarly, 9 9 m T ~ -result,whereas if it is heated for an exlended distribution. With 99mTc-MDP,ratios of bone to possibly result in a misdiagnosis of functional
HEDP diluted in vitro demonstrates decreased period of time, lung uplake of large "colloidal" soft tissue are reportedly higher after a 31-60- hyposplenia. This problem has been observed
bone uplake and increased soft-tissue and per- particles may result. minute incubation period than after shorter in- with 99'nTc-labeled phytate colloid, which fre-
technetale localization (60). The altered bio- The degree of radiolabeled RBC damage var- cubation times, even though the percent label- quenlly demonstrates insufficient splenic uptake
distribution of these two radiopharmaceuticals ies directly withthelengthof heatingtime. ing efficiency remains unchanged (75, 76). Ap- lo provide images of diagnostic quality (87,89).
with dilution has been ascribed to the formalion lnadequate or extended healing of RBC results parently, a chemical form of 99n1Tc-MDPwith a The splcnic uplake of 99mTc-phytate can beim-
of different complexes andliberation of free in insufficient or excessive damage, respec- different renal clearance is slowly formed from proved by the addition of ionic calcium to in-
pertechnetate (46, 60). tively, with resullant alteration in the expected the initial labeled producl. On the other hand, duce colloid aggregation (89).
278 i Essenlials oIA'wlear Medicine Science
The particle size of perfusion lung imaging is prepared with 9 9 m Tfrom~ one generator sup- calizesincerebralinfarctions bul does not netium labeling process. Ionization of water in
agents may have undesirable effects on pulmo- plier may demonstratedecreasedlabelingand localize when obtained from another manufac- the generator column produces hydrogenperox-
nary localization. High blood pool activity has increasedfree99mTc-pertechnetateimpurity turer (108). This phenomenon may be reIated 10 ide (H20Z) and, in the presence of oxygen,
beenreported following the administration of when it is prepared with 9 9 m Tfrom~ an alternate differingcitrate concentrations in the prepara- hydroperoxy free radicals (.HO?) (9, 114). Both
99mTc-labeledmacroaggregated albumin prepa- supplier. This phenomenon has been reported in tions ( I 09). of these compounds are strong oxidizing agents
rations containing significant amounts of soh- the preparation of various 99mTc-Iabeled sulfur Incompatibilities between radiopharmaceuli- and react with S ~ Ito+produce
~ Sn+4. In some
ble protein (80, 8 1). Small particles and particle colloid ( 3 , 98), 99mTc-HSA (.98), and cal solutions andrubber-stoppered glassvials cases, the number of peroxide molecules added
fragments < I O p may pass lhrough Ihe pulmo- 99mTc-DTPAproducts (59). The biodistribution have also been reported. For example, signifi- toa reagent kit may b e of the same order of
narycapillariesandbephagocytizedbythe of labeled kits may be affected by the source of cantdifferences in thestability of stannous magnitude as the number of Sn+2 ions (9). Re-
liver and spleen (80, 90). Macroaggregated al- 9 9 m TFor~ . example, abnormal soft-tissue local- chloride solutions havebeen observed in vials ports of decreased labeling efficiencies and in-
bumin andalbumin microspherepreparations izationisseenmuchmorefrequenllywhen stopperedwith differenttypes of elastomeric creased free 99mTc-per~echnetate impuritiesare
may demonstrateclumping of theparticles at 99"Tc-MDP and 99mTc-HDPare prepared with closures (1 10).Similarly, significant differences cornrnonly associated with these larger-than-ex-
storage, Injectedintravenously, large particles instant (melhyl ethylketoneextraction)tech- in the adsorption of 99mTc-DMSAon the walls pected concentrations of peroxides and hydro-
or particulate clumps > 100 p lodge in pulmo- netium than withtechnetium fromgenerators and stoppers of glass vials from different manu- peroxy radicals (9, 39, 115).
nary arleries and result in focal hot spots on the (79, 99). faclurers have been observed with siorage (1 I 1 j. Of a similar natureis the reporl of poor label-
lung image (90, 93). Even with comparable labeling, reagent kits ing and rapid unbinding of 99mTc by iodinated
The number of injected particles of macroag- from different commercial sources may resultin antiseptics, with resullant 99mTc-pertechnetate
gregaled albumin and microsphere preparations significant differences i n biodistribution and impurity. Iodinated antiseptics are good oxidiz-
is important in lerms of both image quality and eliminalion kinetics. Various w"Tc-HSA kils In theformulation of 99mTc-labeledradio- ing agents and, if inadvertently introduced into
have showndifferences in plasmaclearance pharmaceuticak, avariety of factors may pro- the vial afier sterilizationof [he septum, may
toxicity. Too few injected particles may result in
rates of up to fivetimes (loo), andvarious duce delrimental effects on the inilia1 labeling inhibit labeling with or may release previously
degradalion of lung images, with definite perfu-
preparations of 99mTc-DTPAexhibitsignifi- process and subsequent stability. Many of these bound 9 9 m T(116).~ With theuse of alcohol
sion abnorlnalities. especially peripheral patchi-
cantlydifferentglomerularfiltrationrates factors are related to oxidationandradiolytic ralher than iodinated compoundsfor steriliza-
ness,demonstraled (94, 95). Theminimum
number of particles that should be administered (101-103). Similarly, although lhe renal con- decomposition which lead to increased levels of lion procedures, this effect can be avoided.
for a lung scan is 60 particleslgm of lung tissue centrations of two 99mTc-DMSApreparations free 99mTc-perlechnetale andlor 99mTc-labeled Oxidation of reduced and chelated 99mTcmay
or 60,000 particles for an adult patient (94, 95). are equivalent,values for liveruptakesare colloid impurities and subsequent image degra- also be associatedwithphysical factors.For
markedly different (1 04). Moreover, hepatic, dation. example, ultrasonic nebulization of 99mT~-
Injection o€ >250,000 parlides improves image
gallbladder, and/or intestinal localization is re- In order for 9 9 m Tlo~bind to most chelaling DTPA for radioaerosol lung studies reportedly
quality little (95), while it increases the risk of
portedly more frequenl with unstabilized 9 9 m T ~ - reagents, it must be reduced from the + 7 val- results in the liberation of >50% free pertechne-
Ioxiciiy (see Chapter 20).
MDP products than with 99mTc-MDP products ence state of perlechnetate to a lower valence (ale (117). Thus, since 99mTc-pertechnetateand
Particulate radiopharmaceuticals tend to set-
conlaining antioxidants (105). stale. This reduction usually is accomplished by -"Tc-DTPA have different clearance rates from
tle or sediment withtime. Therefore, beforea
dose is withdrawn, the vial shouldbe gently At least four different complexes of 9 9 m T ~ - the stannous ion (SnY2) in the reagent kit.Sn+2 the lung, ultrasonicnebulization may result in
MDP havebeen demonstraled by eleclropho- is readilyoxidized byatmosphericoxygen to variable, inconsistent lung studies.
invertedseveral limes toresuspend (heparti-
retic analysis of MDP kiis from different manu- stannic ion (SII+~) which is no longer capable of Decomposition of radiopharmaceuticals is
cles. Failure to resuspend particles may result in
facturers (106). One of these complexes results reducing pertechnetate. Therefore, reagent solu- characterized by four mechanisms: internal ra-
withdrawal of a larger-than-expected volume, a
in accumulation of activity in the liver. Results tions and lyophilized kilsusually are purged diation effects, direct radiation effects, indirect
somewhat higher percentage of soluble free
of in vitroand in vivostudies have suggested wilh nilrogen andlor have nitrogen atmospheres radiation effects, and nonradiolytic chemical e[-
99mTc-pertechnetate in the withdrawn dose, and/
that this liverlocalization is associatedwith in order to remove the atmospheric oxygen re- fects ( 1 18). Of significance in radiopharmaceu-
or an inadequale number of particles for lung
methylphosphate, a degradation producl formed sponsible for this oxidation (7, 2 8 , 2 9 , 32, 112). tical solutions are the indirect radiation effects
imaging. wmTc-labeled sulfur colloid has a ten-
dency to adsorb over time on the surfaces of the from the hydrolysis of MDP (106). The results Furthermore,siorage at refrigerator or freezer resulting from theionization of waterwhich
glass vial, which thus necessilates withdrawal of of further studies have suggested thal variations temperatures has been shown lo inhibit the rale produces the strong oxidants, hydrogen perox-
a larger-than-expected volume for the required in image quality obtained with differenl prepa- of oxidation (28). Trace amounts of oxygen may ide and, in the presence of dissolved oxygen,
ralions of MDP may be associatedwith dif- continue to produce this oxidation during man- hydroperoxy radicals (114, 119). Radiolytic de-
radioactivity dose (41, 91, 96, 97).
ferences in kit formulalion such as the MDP salt ufaclureandlorstorage of reagentkits, es- composition is a function of total radioaclivity
COMMERCIAL SOURCE form, the ratio of stannous to MDP,andthe pecially if faully vial seals allow the entrance of c o ~ ~ t e nsince
t, it is dose rate dependent rather
The com~nercial source of reagent kits and presence of an antioxidant (107). air ( 1 13). For~nulationof such a producl usually than total dose dependent (33, 1 18). Decom-
the compalibility of generator elualeswith these Alleralions in biodistribution also occur with results i n decreased labeling efficiency with in- position of virtuajly all radiopharmaceuticals
kits may affect the final radiochemical purity of non-99mTc-labeledradiopharmaceuticalsob- creased free 99mTc-pertechnelate impurity. will occur if sufficienl time is allowed;however,
9y11'Tc-labeledradiopharmaceuticals. A specific tained from different sources. [67Ga]galliumcit- Oxidizing agents present in 99Mo/99mTc gen- the rate of decompositionvaries widely froom
kit that yields a highly labeled product when it rate obtained from one manufacturer readily lo- erator eluates aIso may interfere with the tech- one radiopharmaceuticalto another and from
280 I Essenfinls ojNuclear Medicine Science Clinicol Manijeaoiions uf Furmulalion Problem f 281
one formulation and/or storage factor10 another SPECIFIC ACTIVITY ratios and inferior image quality. It should be be traced to reactions with benzyl alcohol, the
(59, 120,121). All radiopharmaceuticals noted, however, that in the presence of circulat- most commonly used active agent in bacterio-
should, therefore, be used as soon after prepara- The specific activity of radiopharmaceuticals ing antigen, a lower specific activity of radiola- static saline.
tion as possible to avoid radiolytic decomposi- may have important effects on their biodistribu- beled antibodies is desired. If high specific ac- When bacteriostatic saline is used to elute a
tion problems. lion. The effects of lowered specific activity on tivity and small amounts of total antibody are 99MoP9mTcgenerator, up to 99% of the 9 9 m T ~
The stability of radiopharmaceuticals can be radiopharmaceutical biodistribution are most administered in this case, most of the radioac- activity may be retained on the generator col-
prolonged by a number of tacticsthatinhibit pronounced when the localization of the agent tivity will be complexed to circulating anligen umn (153). It is theorized that the benzyl alco-
oxidation andlor radiolytic decomposition. demonstrates saturation pharmacokinetics. Sat- and cleared into the liver (147). hol in the bacteriostatic salinemay be trans-
Since dissolved oxygen promotes formation of uration may occurwheneverthere are only a The distributionof some radiopharmaceuti- formed by radiolytic oxidationto benzaldehyde,
hydroperoxy radicals, then minimizing the ex- limited number of receptor sites,carriers,en- cals is relatively unaffecled by specific activity. a weak reducingagent.One or both of these
posure of aradiopharmaceutical to the atmo- zymes, or otherinteractivebiologicalsub- Carrier macroaggregated albumin does no[ af- species may thenreducethe gPmTc-pertechne-
sphere, limiting introduction of air (especially stances responsible for the localization (136). In fect the quality of lung perfusion images ( 9 3 , a tate in situ to an insolubleformwhich is re-
bubbling) into the vial, and purging the solution these circumstances, carrier will compete with 106-fold excess of carrierghconatedoes not tained on the column.
wilh nitrogen helpminimizeoxidationand/or the specific radiopharmaceutical for these influencedistribulion of 99mTc-gluconate(4). Baclerioslatic saline used in (he preparaLion
decomposilion ( 3 1 , 33, 34, 51, 56, 5 9 , limited sites, and if saturation occurs, target-to- and a 105-fold excess of carrier HEDP does not of 99mTc-Iabeled radiopharmaceuticalsmay ad-
122- 125). Commercially available physiologic backgroundradioactivityratios will decrease. significantly change99mTc-HEDPdistribution verselyeffecttheradiochemicalpurily,sta-
saline containing low dissolved oxygen is being A classic example of this phenomenon is the (4). bility, and biodistribution. 99mTc-pertechnelate
promoted as offering beneficial effecls on radio- thyroid uptake of radioiodide. As little as 1 mg dissolved in bacteriostatic saline demonstrates a
pharmaceuticalIabeling and slability. Routine of carrier iodide may produce notable decreases SOLUBILITY significant increase in the percentage of wmTc-
use of low dissolved oxygen saline remainscon- in the 24-hour I3ll uptake (137), and doses ol The solubility of Y9mTc-labeled radiopharma- labeled colloid impurities. 99mTc-MDP prepared
troversial, however, in light of recent data show- sodiumiodide > I O mg suppressthe24-hour ceuticals in a suitablemediaforintravenous withbacteriostatic saline exhibits significantly
ing that the labeling efficiency and stability of radioiodine uptake by 98% (138). adminislration usually does not present a severe morefree99mTc-perlechnetate impurity, faster
99mTc-gl~~ceptate andtheclinical performance For the Schilling test, the amount of non- problem, because of the polar hydrophilic rate of decomposition, and higher blood, mus-
of *mTc-MDP were only minimally affected by radioactive cyanocobalamin in the ~ y a n o [ ~ ~ C o ] - nalure of most of these agents. Some radiophar- cle, and liver backgroundactivity than does
the oxygen content of the saline used (126, cobalamin capsules has been shown to be criti- maceuticals (e.g., radiolabeled cholesterols. Y9mTc-MDPprepared with preservative-free sa-
127). Excess stannous ion is effective for pro- cal. Amounts >2 p g appear to exceed the satu- amino acids, fatly acids), however, are insoluble line (153). Because of thesepotential de-
longing stability but may result in colloid for- ration level for intrinsic factor and may result in in water at physiological pH values, and their leteriouseffects,only preservative-free saline
mation if [here is an overabundance of this ion falselylow valuesforabsorption and urinary formulation is problemalic. A common problem shouldbe used in the preparation of 9 9 m T ~ -
(31-34).Perhapsmoreeffectiveistherecent excretion(139,140).Increasingamounts of encounteredwith use of lheselatteragents is labeled radiopharmaceuticals.
use of antioxidanls (viz., ascorbic acid and gen- 9mTc-labeled sulfur colloid particlesaffect pha- incomplete or unstable solubilizalion leading IO Benzyl alcohol is of limited applicability for
tisicacid) in g9mTc-labeledboneimaging gocytic localization, which results in a gradual increased RES andlor lung localization as a re- two additional reasons. First, it is a vasodilator
agents, which have dramatically improved sta- decrease in liver uptake and an increase in bone sult of colloidandlorparticulateformation and, therefore, cannot be usedwitha reagent
bility and image quality with storage over sev- marrow uptake (82). Likewise, the number of (148). Based on toxicity consideralions (see suchaslJJXe in saline solution intendedfor
eral hours (32, 34, 125, 128-132). It should be damaged radiolabeled RBC adminislered for a Chapter20), therequirement for intravenous regional bIood flow measurements.Second, it
noled, however, that preparations stabilized with splenic sequestration study may be important in administration of most radiopharmaceuticals undergoesradiationdecompositionwith the
antioxidants may demonstrate higher levels of certain clinical situations in which overloading limitsthe choice of sur€actants availablefor production of a precipitate (presumably benzoic
reduced-hydrolyzedtechnetiumthan do non- the sequestering ability of the spleen is possible solubilization of agents (149, 150). Recent evi- acid) in certainsolutions of high radioactive
slabilized preparations (133). Oxidation and/or (68). The presence of carrier markedly affects dence supports the use of hydroalcohol human concentrations (154).
radiolytic decomposition proceeds at faster rates the biodistribution of 67Ga-citraie by inhibiting serumalbuminsolutions(151)and the rela-
with increased temperatures; therefore, reducing localization in allusual(expected) organs ex- tively nontoxic poly(oxypropylene)poly(oxy- ANTICOAGULANTS
the temperature by refrigeration may noticeably cept bone (141, 142). ethylene)condensates (Pluronics)forthis pur- The in vitro labeling of RBC for subsequent
prolong the stability of most radiopharmaceuti- Many of the newer and investigational radio- pose (152). reinjectionrequires that the bloodsample be
cals (53, 118, 134, 135). The addition of car- pharmaceuticalsarelocalized bymechanisms fullyanticoagulated. Unfortunately,thepres-
rier, although seldom desired, may improve the wilh limited capacities. Examples include car-
PRESERVATIVES ence of an anticoagulant, usuallyheparin or
stability of manyradiopharmaceuiicals (40, rier-mediated uptake of hepatobiliary agents Since sterility of products for parenteral ad- acid-citrate-dextrose (ACD), may affect the la-
118). Finally, because radiolylic decomposition (136),anlibody-antigeninteractions involving minislration is essential, one might surmisethat belingandlorbiodistribution of thelabeled
is a function ol total radioactivity content, more radiolabeled specific antibodies (143, 144), and baclerioslatic saline would be used in [he prepa- RBC. For example, RBC labeled with 9 9 m Tin~
stability is achieved from formulation with the hormone-receptor localization ol radiolabeled ration of injectableradiopharmaceuticals.Un- lhe presence of heparin show a lower labeling
minimu~ndesired radioactivity than is achieved hormone analogs (145, 146). In each of these fortunately,bacteriostalic salincmay havese- efficiency,moreextravascularactivity,and
froom formulation with larger amounts of radi- cases, lowered specific activityresults in de- rious deleterious effects on many 99mTc-labeIed more urinary excretion than do those labeled in
---A:..:*.. (7') 1 1 n 114 1 1 7 1151 m m s d tarpet-to-backgroundradioactivity radiophannaceulicals. Most of these eflects can ACD (8). Excess ACD, however, causes damage
282 I Esselniols of Nuclenr MedicineScience
ical tMurl$esrarions of Formulation Problems t 283
lo RBC,withresultantsequestration in the islered for Schilling tests (159). The difference orderto obviatetheeffect of exchange reac- reduces the vapor pressure of volatileiodine
spleen ( 155). in drug availability between the capsule and [he tions, it may be desirable to perform the tradi- (176).
solution is probably due lo both the speed of tional Schilling test in most cases (165). One last formulation method for reducing
ENCAPSULATION capsule dissolution and the passage of the cap- volatility of I3'I is encapsulation of theradi-
IODINEVOLATILITY oiodide. I 3 l 1 diagnostic and therapeutic capsules
Encapsulation of radiopharmaceuticaldoses sule mass from the stomach to the duodenum.
Inhalation of volatilized radioiodine is a ma- have been s h o w to produce negligible airborne
for oral administration has gained widespread Since falsely low urinary excretion values ob-
jorproblem associatedwiththe handlingand radioactivity, probably because many oxidation
acceptance as a convenient method for the han- tained with the encapsulated material may resull
administration of sodium [I3[I]iodide oral solu- factors are eliminaled andlor the iodine may be
dling, dispensing, and administering of certain in a false interpretalion of pernicious anemia, a
tions. Airborne I3lI activity in excess of max- absorbedby the capsular malerial (158, 167).
radioaclive compounds.The use of encapsu- liquid dosage form is recommended (159).
imumpermissibleconcentrationshas beenre-
lated radiopharmaceuticals presupposes thal Ihe The interpretation of second-stage Schilling RADIONUCLIDICCONTAMINATION
ported with the handling of lherapeutic amounts
capsule will rapidly disintegrate and its contents tests may be altered bytheadministration of
of 1311 andthe administration of suchdoses Several radiopharmaceuticals contain radi-
dissolve in the stomach fluids and that the radio- encapsulated doses. The coadministrationol en-
(167, 168). Furthermore, the thyroid glands of onuclidic impurities in large enough quanlities
pharmaceutical will no1 interactwith the cap- capsulatedintrinsicfactor, comparedwiththe
the personnel handling these doses may be ex- to be of concern. Especially susceptible to the
sular ma~erials.Some evidencehassuggested administration of a solution of intrinsic faclor
posed to substantial radiation by the accumula- production 01radionuclidic contaminants are
that the aforementioned assumptions are not premixed with ~yano[~~Co]cobalamin, has been
tion of I3lI (167-172). those radioisoiopesproduced in a cyclotron.
valid and that this oral dosage form may alter shown to result in significantly decreased urin-
Theiodide ion in sodium[13'I]iodidesolu- Anotherpossiblecause of significantradi-
the biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical. ary excrelion ( I 60). The difference in urinary
tions is easily oxidized to iodine by dissolved onuclidic Contamination is parent breakthrough
The possibility of residual I 3 ' I contained in excretion between the two forms of administra-
oxygen in anacidic solution(173, 174). The in a generatoreluate. 9 9 M contanlination
~ of
some undissolved capsule was sugpesled as the tion may be due to prolonged capsule dissolu-
presence of oxygen can occur from exposure to 9 9 m Tproducts
~ is negligible, however, since it is
cause of right-lo~ver-quadran1activity reported tion, biological inactivity of some commercial
air (174) andlor oxygen generalion by [he radi- limited lo 0.015% for administration 10 patients
in a patientadminisleredencapsulated sodium intrinsic-factor preparations, andlor the binding
olysis of water (171). Hydrogen ionscan be ( 177).
[I3'I]iodide (156). Subsequenl studiesof the ef- of intrinsic factor to blocking antibodies in the
presentfrom acid formulation of the solution One of themost imporlantconcernsisthe
fect of encapsulation on thethyroid uptake of gastric juice ( 1 60- 162). Since falselylow urin-
(16s) and/or lrom reactions accompanying the increase in radiation-absorbed dose from the
I3]I demonslratedsubstantially lower uptakes ary excretion values obtained with encapsulated
dissolutien of carbon dioxide in water (174). radionuclidic impurities. For example, the radi-
with I 3 l 1 capsules thanwith 13'1 oral solulion intrinsic faclor map result in a false interpreta-
The iodine thus formed is not very soluble in ation-absorbeddosestothethyroidandthe
(156). Proposed mechanisms for this effect in- tion of intestinal malabsorption, inlrinsic factor
waterand rapidly volatilizes out of solution whole body from radioiodide impurities, e.g.,
clude delayed dissolution and absorption of the and ~yano[~~Co]cobalamin should be mixed to-
( 174). 124J in some 1231 products, approach, and may
radioiodine, formalion of nonabsorbable iodine getherinwaterpriortoadministration
The rale of volatility is influenced by a vari- even exceed, the doses from the principal radio-
complex with capsular material, and(or absorp- ( 1 60- 162).
ety of factors. anda number of methods that isotope (178).
tion of radioiodinated gelatin. A situalionhas
ISOTOPE EXCHANGE diminish this rate hsve been developed. The Anotherconcern is the potential errors in
also been reporled in which the presence of p-
most imporlant faclor is that of pH. The use of dosecalibration.Since an ionization chamber
naphthol, a bacterioslatic agent in the I3lI cap- The dual-isotope (Dicopac) Schilling test al-
buffers to maintain an alkaline pH has resulted does nothaveintrinsic energydiscrimination
sule, resulted in the formalion of iodinated p- lows simultaneous performance of first- and
in significanlly lowered volatility rates and de- capability, the presence of radionuclidic im-
naphthol (157). This effect is most serious when second-stage Schilling lests for the diagnosis of
creased thyroid accumulation, as comparedwith purities will affecl the reading of the instrument
it may alter [he inlerprelation of a radioactive pernicious anemia or inteslinal malabsorption
acidic formulations (168-170, 172, 175). (179). For example, the presence of radioiodide
iodine uptake study or produce visualization of syndrome. Unlike [he traditional Schilling test,
Several olher formulation methods also focus impurities in some 1231 products has been shown
abdominalactivity. With the recent develop- thedual-isotopeprocedureemploys 1he coad-
on the oxidation reaction. Addition of an antiox- 10 significantly increase dose calibrator readings
ment of a new I3'I capsuleformulation, how- ministration of cyano[~*Co]cobalarninand
idant such as sodium bisulfite or thiosulfate to (180, 181).Similarly,thepresence of radi-
ever, it is reported that [he aqueous radioiodina- cyan~[~~Co]cobalamin bound to human intrin-
the forn~ulationhelps to inhibit the oxidation of oiodideimpurities in some ]l3I products can
tion of gelatin can be prevented by suspending sic factor. Experience, however, has indicated a
iodide tovolatile forms of iodine (158, 168, introduce substantial errorsin radioactive iodine
theradioiodinewithina polyelhylcneglycol disturbingly high frequency (17-46%) of spu-
174, 175). Inclusion of a chelating agent such as uptake (RAIU) measurements, especially if the
base (158). Furthermore, rapid dissolution of rious results with use of the dual-isotope method
disodium edelate prevenls catalytic oxidative re- probecounter is usedintheintegralmode
(hepolyethyleneglycolbase in gastricfluid (163-165). These misleading results are proba-
aclions by melal ions ( 1 68, 175), and the use of (181-183).
allows bioavailability equalto that fromoral bly due to rapid or variable rates of exchange of
distilledwateras a diluentcircumventsthe Of paramount concern clinically is image
solutions (158). bound and free cyanocobalamin on the intrinsic
problem of iodide oxidation by chlorine in tap degradalion caused by Compton scatterand sep-
Encapsula~ed cyano[s7Co]cobalamin, com- faclor molecule (165, 166).Theexchange is
1: waler ( I 7 1). Sloriag and handling the solulionat tal penetration of high-energy photons emitted
pared with cyano[5~Co]cobalamin solution, has especially striking at anacidic pH at which
room temperature or below helpsinhibitthe by radionuclidicimpurities.Significantimage
been shown to result in significantly decreased equimolar equilibrium may be achieved within
heat catalysis of [he oxidation reaction (174) and degradation has been observed with the use of
absorplionandurinaryexcretion when admin- 10 minutes in simulated gaslric juice (165). In
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Inmwenrarion and Procedural Problems I 291
1 , During quality control (QC) procedures ment of the functional statusof our instrumenta-
2. lmmediately prior lo patient imaging (during tion and can, in fact, be a source of artifacts or
setup) pseudoabnormalities on subsequent patient
3. During patient imaging scans. Much time, effort, and patient inconve-
4. Afterimaging
19 In additiontothese temporally related catego-
nience can usualIy be saved by performance of
adequate QC tests prior to patient imaging.
ries, instrumentation problems are classified Manyproblemscanoccur with use of bar
lnstrumentation and Procedural Problems in into (a) those associatedwith planarimaging phantoms for linearity and resolution measure-
and (b) those associated with ECT. Those issues ment and with use of field flood phantoms and
Nuclear Medicine or parameters common to both are discussed in sheetsourcesforenergy
this first section on planarimagingproblems;
calibration and field
uniformity tests. As is evident on the field uni-
those unique to ECT are discussed in the section formity image (Fig. 19.1), valuable information
on ECT imaging problems. is gathered concerning the functional slatus of
the gamma camera. In Figure 19.1, an obvious
PLANAR IMAGING PROBLEMS area of no activity is seen; this is highly indica-
In thischapter,thenuclear instrumentation 6. Recommendations to preventtheproblem tive of a “burnt-out” photomultiplier tube.
problems, procedural errors, and resultant scin- from occurring again During QC Procedures
Forassessment of linearity,operatorsin
tiphoto artifacts that might be encounlered be- Problems associated with QC procedures are many nuclear medicine laboratories visually
fore, during, and after a nuclear medicine scan An article by Johnson and Damm stresses the probably the most important to study. When QC judge the slraightness of the pattern produced
are discussed. In practice, whenevera scin- importance of maintaining anartifact manual testsareproperly performed, [hey provide a by a parallelbar phantom. Lee ( 5 ) hassug-
tiphoto is of unacceptable quality or contains an andgivesdetailedinformationfororganizing measurement of the functional status of our in- gested that determination of the straightness of
evidentartifact, it generallyisdiscarded, cor- one (1). The artifact notebook or manual can be strumentation.When they are improperly per- the bar phantom often depends on the subjeclive
rective actions aretaken and, if possibie, the a valuable resource to those who are new to the formed, lheyprovide an inaccurale measure- opinion of Ihe individual. In his articIe, Lee has
study is repeated. Instead of discarding the un- field of nuclearmedicine, new to thedepart-
acceptable scan, however, a notebook of all of ment,orunfamiliar with a particulartype of
these imaging artifacts could be compiled and instrumentation in the department.
made accessible to all personnel in the depart- In this chapter, many of the instrumentation-
ment.Thisartifact identificationnolebook is related artifactsandproceduralerrors that are
especially useful in a teachinginstitution in most likely to occur in a “standard”nuclear
whichtechnologislsorresidentsarcbeing medicine imaging laboratory equipped with
trained. There is no better learning axiom than planarandemissioncomputed Lomography
that “you learn by your mislakes. ” It is much (ECT) imaginginstrumentation are discussed,
easier on a department for rookies to learn from A quality control checklist thal, if followed rig-
the mistakes of others, as cited in the artifact orously, should prevent the majority of artifacts
notebook, than for each individual Io repeat all from everoccurring is presented.Whenthe
the common mislakes made bythose who came checklist and artifact nokbook are used in con-
before.It also becomeseasier to identifyor junction, they becomevaluabletools for the
recognize the cause of many artifacts by refer- prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of imaging
encing the manual or notebook. illnesses.
The following should beplaced in the artifact The actual techniques and methods for per-
notebook: formingnuclearmedicinequalitycontrol and
1. A copy of thescancontaining the artifact imaging procedures arebeyond the scope of this
2. A brief description of theprocedure per- chapter; many excellent textbooks are available
formed for this type of information (2-4). In this chap-
3 . Identification of the inslrumentalion used ter, problems in nuclear medicine imaging and
(i.e., camera, collimator, etc.) the means ol rectifying these problems are the
4. Corrective action taken to remedy the situa- primary focus.
tion lnstrumentationandproceduralproblems
Figure 19.1. Burnt-oul photomuItiplier lube on field flood image.
5. A description of (he condition(s) causing the may occur in any one or more of the following
artifacl time frames:
292 I Essenriuls o j N~rrclearMedicitze Science
ceutical to add to a phantom. Another common while the film slide is pulled and then perform-
problemisleaving a large air bubble in the ing ascanwithout advancing the film(Fig.
phantomwhich shows up on lhe imageas a 19.3).
paucicy of pholons in thearea of thebubble. Many items on the preimaging checklist (Ap-
This problem is easily circumvented by displac- pendix 19.1, page 302) may be inspected during
ing the air with tap water. A few lnilliliters of a QC testing of the instrumentation. Items such as Figure 19.3. Double exposure of energy speclrum on liver scan.
Imrumerziaiiord and Procedural Problems I 295
severely damage the crystal or actually bend or obese patient) optimizes PHA acceptance of
filmintensity settings, CKT focus, CRT lens collimator was used for thescan which ob-
close the lead septa of the coIlimator. Extreme scattered photons and not primary imaging pho-
cleanliness, and radiocontaminalion in the cam- viously is not thick enough to adequately colli-
caution must be exercised when coIIimators are tons, which results in image degradation. The
era field of view can be checked before or dur- mate the 364-keV I3lI photons. The mechanical
act of mounting and removing collimators can, changed, to protect not only the camerabut also energy spectrum switch should be placed back
ing QC testing. Another useful and often-over- the technologist and patient. Improperly tight- into the imaging mode if this has notalready
looked QC lest is that of t h es c a n n i n g of itself,lead to inslrumenlartifacts.Inadver-
tently crushing the collimatorbolts or olher arti- ened collimator bolts might be disastrous if a been done automatically.
mechanism. The scanningmechanismshouid patient is on the receiving end of a falling col- Thecameraor patient orientationswitches
always have a totally unobstructed path in order cles in between the collimator and crystal may
limator. should be considerednext. In somesystems,
to insure free and precise tracking. Therefore, a One of the most commonly overlooked set- this orientation switch is located on the console,
brief visual inspection of the pathway prior to tings on the gamma camera consoleis the radio- while in others, orientation switches are located
scanning should always be performed. A strale- nuclide selection switch or energy potentiome- on the back of the detector. Proper orientation,
gically misplaced paper clip can bring [he entire ter. Many new cameras feature automatic energy if questionable, may be checked by placement
scan to a hall. Additionally, a scanner linearity calibration, while most of the older ones require of a radioactive source in one quadrant of the
lest should be periodically performed. A scan- manualcalibration by visualization of theen- camera field of view and then by observation of
nerlinearity image will insure that successive ergy spectrum. The necessity for “peaking” the its relative position on the CRT; orienlation set-
passes for a dual- or a lriple-pass scan are prop- camera with a source other than the patient has tingsthen may be changed to getthe“heads
erly and precisely aligned on the resultant scin- been substantiated in many studies. Calibration up”orientation to which all of usareac-
tiphoto.Scanlinearity may be readily accom- of thecameraover thepatient (especially an customed. Nothing can be more aggravating for
plished by placement of a field flood phantom
(or sheet source) on the scanning table so that it
overlaps the adjacentscanning paths. The bar
phantom is then placed above or below the field
flood (depending on where the camera head is)
so that a bar phantom transmission scan may be
obtained. The bar phantom is then scanned on
dual or triple passes (syslem dependent), and an
image is obtained. The resultant.image of the
bar phantom should display straight bars all the
way across the width of the scan. If a parallel-
line equal-spacing (PLES) phantom is used, it
must be placed on thetable in anorientalion
such that the lead bars are askew from the scan-
ning direction. This orientation will make non-
linear alignment on the scintiphoto more appar-
ent to the observer.
lmmediately Prior to Imaging
After all necessary QC tests and inspections
are performed, setup fora specific study should
begin. Several things usually should be accom-
plished immediately prior to patient arrival.
The proper collimator must be selected for
the upcomingexaminations.Collimator selec-
tion criteria include: energy, resolution, sensi-
tivity, convergent, divergent, pinhole, and to-
mographic. Improper collimator selection at
this poinl may result in an unacceptable scan,
which is why it is included in the QC checklist.
Figures19.4 and 19.5 are sodium [1311]iodide
whole-bodyscans. The star patlern in thesc Figurc! 19.4. Septal penetration. 1311 whole-bc
scans is due Lo septal penetration. A 300-keV scan obtained with use of a 300-keV collimator.
. .:..
296 I Easenrials of Nuclear Mediciue Science
At this time, theresult of all the preparations, Table 19.3. small COR errors can result in hot or cold spots
Many patient-associated imaging artifacts may
be eliminated by keeping the patient informed checks,anddouble-checksshouldmanifest Additional Checklist for ECT-only lmaging on a 20'T1image. Pixel size is subject to drift,
as to what to expect from the examination and themselves as a completelyadequate,diag- and SPECTcamerasshouldbe calibrated Cor
- Is thecamera in the E f f mode? pixel size along with the COR. Pixel or voxel
the slatus of the scan as it is in progress. In a nostically accurate, quality nuclear medicine
__ Is the computer set for ECT acquisition?
book by Wells and Bernier(18),manyactual examination that is carried out correctly lhe first __ Has the patientbeenpositioned at the
(volume element) size must be known for accu-
patient-associated imaging artifacts (movement, time. center of rotation? rate size and volume determinations.A calibra-
contamination,attenuatingobjecls)arede- ECT IMAGING PROBLEMS - Doesthecameraclearthepatientthrough- tion set consisting of pixel size, COR, and field
out manual rotation? uniformity should be stored for each set of ac-
scribed. Several authors have reported photon- Single photon emissioncomputedtomogra- - Doestheorgan of interestremain in the
deficient areas occurring on bone and renal im- quisition conditions. Field uniformity, COR,
phy (SPECT) imaging (Fig. 19.6) is subject to field of view throughout manual rotation?
ages which resulted from h e patient having too - Is the up-to-dateflood correction image and pixel size vary with the c o l I i ~ ~ ~ and
~ ! o mag-
all of the problems of planarimagingplus a
heavy a lunch(19, 20). Otheritems listed in stored in the computer for the colIimator, nificationmodes.Fielduniformitycanalso
unique set of its own. To obtain clinically useful
Table 19.1includeassuring that thescanning and is the magnification mode in use? vary with camera orientation; thus i t is impor-
images requiressirictattention to quality con- - Areproperprojection filters beingused
device has a clear unobstructed path in which to tant to acquire the field floods used for corrcc-
trol procedures (Table 19.3) and a knowledge of for the examination?
operate and that it is tracking and indexing prop- tion in the same orientation as will be used [or
SPECTimagingartifactsandtheircauses. __ Is theattenuationcoefficient correct?
erly, as well as determining whether or not the __ What are the angular range and number of
patient acquisition. Routine imaging of an ECT
Threesources of artifacts in lornographic im-
film slide has been pulled. angles? phantom, such as the Jaszczak phantom shown
ages havebeenidentified byHarkness et al.
- What is the starting angle? in Figure 19.7, is the best way to detect changes
(21): (a) errors in camera setup and calibration, __ What is the direction of rotation?
After Imaging in camera performance.
(b) errors in patient preparation and the setup of __ Is the time per image correct?
If the examination has gone well up to this the camera in relation to the patient,and (c)
point, there are only a few more i t e m left that improper choice of reconstruction filter param- Problems Associated with Patient
can go wrong. The postimaging checklist (Table eters. Of these three, errors in camera setup and Preparation and the Setup of the Camera
and field uniformity. Of these, field uniformity in Relation to the Patient
19.2) contains items dealing mainly wilh verify- calibrationare the most significantsource of has the most effect on tomographic image quaI-
ing that the film is processed properly (and is of image arlifacts. ity. Field flood nonuniformities of more than Tomographicreconstructionsmagniry prob-
acceptable quality) andthat thecomputer has ? 1 % will result in bull's-eye artifacts in recon-
lems due topreparation of thepatient.Sincc
Problems Associated with Calibration of
acquired all the necessary data. One item not on structed tornographic images. COR errors result SPECTimages arereconstructedfrom many
SPECT Cameras Prior to Imaging images acquired around the patient, care must
thepostimagingchecklist is thepatient. Al- in loss of resolution or the introduction of ar-
though the patient's behavior at this time cannot SPECT cameras must routinely be calibrated betaken in patientpositioning.Thepatient
tificial structures. A point source imaged over
affectthe quality of thefinished scan, it is for centerof rotation (COR), pixel or voxel size, 180" with a COR error will result in atuning should beparallel with the axis of rotation of the
importantto make surethat the patient is re- camera, andthe detector head should be as
fork- or doughnut-shaped reconstruction. Even
laxed,Manytechnologists(including myself), cIose as possible to the patient for better resolu-
after completion of the examination, have tion. Prior to every acquisition, cale should be
walked away to process the film and have left taken lo (a) levef thedetector head and (b)
the patient in the scan position. This negligent assure [hat the detectorcan rotatearoundthe
practice can affect the quality of any unantici- patient withouthitting the patient. I t is ;11so
pated or repeat scans that may be deemed neces- necessary to check that the organ ol' intcrcsl
saryafter the standard viewsare taken. A pa- remains in the field of view throughout thc roia-
tient who has spent an unnecessary amount of tion. Patients arms should be abovc their he;ltl
time in an unrelaxed position is more irritable, when organs of the thorax or abdomen are im-
is moreuncooperative,will move more, and aged. If the arms are left at the patient's side,
may refuse lo undergo any more imaging. It is they create uneven atlenuation and will result in
important to be as empatheticwith the patient as a patchy appearance on images of organs sllch
possible. asthe liver. In transaxial images, a starburs1
artifact will result if a hot source (such a s injcc-
Table 19.2.
tion site with,extravasation)is in the field of'
Planar Postimaging Checklist view for some of the projection imngcs. Olhcr
- Hasthe filmslidebeenreturnedpriorto factors dcgrading the reconstructed irmgcs ;ITC
cassette removal? patient motion and the presence of ;ittcnu;ltion
- Hasthe filmbeenproperlyprocessed? sources inside or oulside of the patiem. Rcccnt
- Have imagesuitability and qualitybeen barium studies can cause artifacts to appear on
checked prior to patient dismissal? Figure 19.7. Jaszczak QC phantom. reconstructed images of the liver.
Figure 19.6. ECT camera.
300 I Essentinls o j Nuclear Medicine Science Insirumentarion and Procedwol Problems t 301
cobalt-57qualitycon[rottesting. Radiology
146:237-239, 1983.
Figure 19.8. Normal liver scan reconstrucled with too sharp of a filler.
302 I Essentials ofN’ucleor Medicine Science
term adverse effects due to the radiation, such Therefore, to compile a large amount of data at
as genetic effects or the induction of cancer, are a single hospital or even from a small group of
difficult to monitor and document because they related institutions is extremely difficult. In ad- ADVERSE REACTIC
generally occur so late and with such low the- dition, the reported incidence of adverse reac-
oreticalincidence (3); somehavebeenat- tions is quite low; thus, it is unlikely that any
one practitioner would be able to note trends or
tributed 10 the use of lherapeutic r a d i o p h m a -
ceuticals, however (6, 7). problems associated with a particular radiophar-
Rawlins and Thompson (8) have divided ad- maceutical.Unfortunately,manyreactions
verse reactions to therapeutic drugsinto two probably go unnoticed, because nuclear medi-
types. Type A reactionsare due to the phar- cine personnel see the patient for only a short
macologicaction of a drug, arerelativelyfre- period and the patient may then be lost to fol- 0 RESULTED IN,OR
quent, and areoftendose dependent. Type B low-up once he orshe has left the nuclear medi- HOSPITALIZATION
reactions.whichare unexpected andunrelated cine deparlment (10). Moreover, new radiophar- RESULTED IN SEVERE
tothenormalpharmacology of the drug, best maceuticals often replaceolder ones in the same OR PERMANENT
describe the majority of reactions to radiophar- organ imaging calegory within the span of only
a few years,which thus limitsthe collective 0 NONE OF THE ABOVE
Several authors have further defined what is experience with any one agent (10).
and what is 1101 an adverse reaclion to radiophar- Dataconcerningadverse reactionstoradio-
maceuticals. The following is a composite defi- pharmaceuticalshavebeensolicited in the
nition incorporating major discriminatingele- United States by the Sociely of Nuclear Medi-
ments of these definitions: cine (SNM) since 1967. The established report- I AFTER STOPPING DRUG? I
ing system was modified in 1976 and for many
1. The reaclion is an unexpecled or unusual and 6. DAtLY DOSE 16. ROUTE OF ADMIMISTRATION
years was a cooperative effort of the SNM, the 21 DIDREACTION
undesirableclinicalmanifestalionresulting REAPPEAA AFTER
United States Pharmacopeia1 Convention 7, INDICATIONISI FOR USE REINTRODUCTION?
from the administralion of a radiopharma-
(USPC), and theFDA. Adverse reactionsand
ceutical (3, 4). 8. THERAPY
product defecls were reported on a SNM Drug
2. The reaction is associatedwilhthe vehicle
Problem Reportform (FDA 2822). These re-
carrying the radiation and not with the radia-
ports were mailed to the USPC who sent a copy
tion itself (4, 9). to the SNM headquarters, the manufacturer, and
3 . The reaction does not result from an over-
the FDA for follow-up (13). A second modifica-
dose, which is moreproperlyclassified as
tion o€ the reportingsystemoccurred in lale
misadnlinislration (3, 9).
1985 when the FDA discontinuedthe use of
4. The reaclion is not a result of injury caused
fonn FDA 2822. Instead, it was recommended
by poor injection technique (IO),
h a t nuclearmedicine practitioners should re- L
It should be noted that not all authors agree port adversereactions associatedwithradio- 1. N A M EA N D ADDRESS OF MANUFACTURER fhclvdr zip Code) :
withthisentire definition. In Europe, parlicu- pharmaceuticals on form FDA 1639, the Ad-
larly in the United Kingdom,acute radiation verse Reaction Report for Drugs and Biologics
effects resulting frommiscalibration,radionu- (Figure 20.1). This form for the voluntary re-
clidic impurities, or maldistribution (including porting of reactions to radiopharmaceuticals and [I.INDINDA. NO. FOR SUSPECT ?4b. MFR CONTROL NO.
26b. TELEPHONE NO. (Include m a code)
slow biologic clearance) of theradiotracerare nonradioactive drugs is used not only by practi-
also considered to be adverse reactions (1 1, 12). tionersbut also by drug manufacturers, as re- :. DATE 24d. REPORTSOURCE (Check
quired by Title 21 of [he Code of Federal Regu- 0 FOREIGN 0 STUDY 0 L~TERATURE
lations(21CFR314.80).Thesereports are i. 15 D A Y AEPORT
REPORTING SYSTEMS reviewed,evaluated, and computerized by the DYES ON0
An efrective, large-scale, adverse reaction re- FDA Division of Drug and Biological Product I I
NOTE: Rmulr.d o i rnanuiaumn.,t 21 CFA 314110.
porting system for radiopharmaceuticals is Experience. Inlormation collected by these re-
FORM FDA 1- (61.6) ,
importanl and necessary for severalreasons. porting systems hasbeen used (a) lo alert the P R E V I O U S EDlTION I S OBSOLETE.
First, compared with most nonradioactive thera- profession to potential or actual problems before
Figurc 20.1. Front of Adverse Reaction Report form used in thc Unitcd States for reporting adverse reactions
peutic drugs, radiopharmaceuticals are admin- they becomc widespread and (b) to define the associatctl with radiophann;~ceu~icals,
nonradioactive drugs, and biologics.
istered infrcquently and usually in single doses. types, characleristics, and incidence of adverse
Adverse Reocrions Associared with Radiopharr~lacelrricnls I 307
306 I Essentials of h'ucleor Mediciue Science
Results will n o t be made known t o anypersonwithouttheexpresspermissiori of the
person s u b m i t t i n g t h i s r e p o r t but are 'banked'withtheEuropeanReportingScheme,
and thegeneral DHSS Adverse Report Scheme.
1. Patient..................I n i t i a l s ............ Hospital No. .................
Age............ Sex ...........
Date of Test .................... Nature of Test ...........................
C l i n i c a lD i a g n o s i s ............................................................
2. Radiopharmaceutical : Radionuclide ......... Chemical Form ....................
B r i e f d e t a i l s of m a t e r i a l s , s o u r c e , method of preparation & s t o r a g e - r e f s . i f a n y
Has a commercial
manufacturer, i f involved,
informed? YES / NO
3. NatureofReaction: Any c l i n i c a lo b s e r v a t i o n s and treatment, i f required ......
Has t h ep a t i e n tr e c e i v e dt h i s or a relatedradiopharmaceuticalbefore?
4. Approximate number of times t h i s preparation has beenuseduneventfully.
Otherdrugsetc.currentlybeinggiven: ......................................
5. Any o t h e r comments ............................................................
............................................................ c o n t i n u eo v e r l e a f .
Signed ......................... Name .......................................
Address ............................................................................
Figure 20.1"codnued. Back of Adverse Reaction Reporl form used in the Uniled States for reporling
adverse reactions associated with radiopharmaceulicals, nonradioactive drugs, and biologics.
308 t Essentials of Nuclear MedicineScience Arheue ReactionsAssockfed with Radiopharmacerrricals I 309
The Joint Cornmiltee on Radiopharmaceuticals of the European Nuclear Medicine Sociely and the Society of
Nuclear Medicme - Europe (Gesellschafl fur Nukiear Median -
Europa) have therefore decided to sel u p a
system whereby such informalion can be collected on an European basis and made available to all parties
41 relevant: Radlonuclide generator Icode) Manulacfurer
The number of defects and adverse reactlons is most probably small. Collectionof data from a large area is
IherefOre important in order, thal problems can be indentified as early as possible. The Committee lherelore urges
Key - Please mark. I Date 01 Incidenl: everyone involved in work with radiopharmaceuticals lo parlicipate by repotting as soon as possible any
1 Detailed descrlptlon: (see alsoquestions in the text)
observed defect or reaction.
II is nol. 01 course, intended to interlere with any national system or to act as an extra stage between the user
t and the manufaclurer.
0 Allergic Therefore: Report to
0 Pyrogenic
0 Drug elfect a. nalional aulhorities or society, i f required
b. Ihe manulaclurer of the radiopharmaceutlcal
i7 Olher: . . . . . . . . .
c. Ihe European Joint Cornmiltee on this lorm.
~ .. - ..................
Reaction: When a report has been received by lhe Joint Committee a receiptand a new report form will be sent. By conlacl
0 Moderate lo the secrelarial: Knvd Kristensen, The isotope-Pharmacy, Frederikssundsvej 378, OK-2700 Brqnshgj, Oenmark.
0 Severe Phone: (02)94 37 73. Telex: 35333 (Ipharm dk). informalion can be obtained aboul any similar reaclion, lhal may
Falal have been reporled earlier. The data submitted wlli be treated as confidential and the originator wiii nol be
identified in any reporl without writlen permission.
Probability 01 connectlon to
R.Ph. Admrnlstration: The Joinl Commiltee will issue an annual report, thal will include ail data in an anonymous form. If justified by
c. LOW the nalure of Ihe dala received an urgent publication willbe made. The annual reporl will be made public by the
Medium two societies and a copy of the report will be sent directly l o ail those who participated.
0 High
Adverse reaction is here laken to include ail unexpecled patient reactions. Such reactions should be reported
0 RADIOPHARMACEUTICALDEFECT: even if the probabilily of a relationship belween administration of the radiopharmaceulicai and the reaction
0 Transportdamage seems Small. if other causes seem more likely {e.g. administration of other pharnaceulicals) these should be
mentioned in the description.
0 Label
0 Package insert
The lerm 'Drug Delects' is used here to define ail variations from product specifications, from normal
Appearance appearance 01 packaging or from the expected biological behaviour of the radiopharmaceulicai.
13 Rad.surlace conlaminalion
m Radioaclive concentration it is 01 great imporlance that as many details as possible are reported.
0 Radiochemical purily if the radiopharmaceutical was 'home-made' Ihe reporling department should be given as the manufacturer and
0 Radlonuclidic purity details provided with regards to specificatrons, preparalion methods, quality control elc.
pH Please contmue i l needed
0 Elutionefficiency in order l o be able to identily as far as possible a causal relationship the fol[owing details should always be
0 Particulateconlamination Report sent by: covered in the reporl:
0 Biodislribution Purpose 01 the investigation or trealmenl
0 Sterility Patient condition when the producl was administered
Occupation: Volume administered, roule a l administration etc.
0 brogens Inslilution:
0 Olher ............. ......... Delaiiled description of the reaction including clinical findings, physiological
......._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Address: .- measurements and laboratory results
I Telephone:
Time course of the incident
Trealment given to overcome Ihe reaclion
Consequences of the reaction to the patient
Reactions of other patients given Ihe same product
Figurc 20.3. Form (front, page 308; back, this page) distributed by h c Join1 Committee on Radiophannaceu-
licals for rcporling adverse reactions and defects associated with radiopharmaceulicals; this form is used by
scvcrnl European countries, and the dala are pooled.
310 t Essentials of Nuclear MedicheScience Adverse Reuctiorls Associared wilhRadiopharr?~aceuricuis 1 311
reactionstoradiopharmaceuticals (13). The measures have all but eliminated the problems
Table 20.1,
United States data have been published in the that were previously encountered with pyro-
Reported Adverse Reactions to Radiopharmaceuticals in the United States. from 1976 throuph 1984*
Journal of Nuclear Medicine or other appropri- gens. As a result of these and other factors, the
ate journals from time to time (10, 13-15). mix of adverse reactions have changed some- No. of Reports by Year
Reportingsystems have beendeveloped in what over the years and, depending on radio- Radiophmaoeulical
1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1981 1982 1983 1984 Total
other countries also. Japan,forexample, has pharmaceutical usage patterns and current man-
had an ongoingsystemfor several years. Eu- ufacluring practices, continues to change (21). BmTc-labeled
colloid 11 (7)t 19 (10) 13 (12) 11 13 5 7 2 3 84
It is worth notingthat, routinely, more ad- BmTc-labeled human albumin
rope has syslems in the United Kingdom, West microspheres (HAM) 19 14 16 6 4 14 4 68
Germany, and Denmark. In addition, the Joint verse reactions are reported directly to theFDA wmTc-medronate(MDP) 3 1 6 7 5 4 2 7 35
Committee on Radiopharmaceuticals of the Eu- by the manufacturers of radiopharmaceutical citrate [67Ga]gallium 1 A 5 4 2 16
ropean Nuclear Medicine Society and the Soci- drugproducts than by individualpractitioners BmTc-pyrophosphate(PYP) 10 ( 9 ) 2 2 1 1 16
ely of Nuclear Medicine-Europe set upa system using the volunteer syskm endorsed by SNM. BmTc-gluceptate 2 2 (1) 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 16
in 1979 LO monitor defects in radiopharmaceuti- This is partly because when a clinician notes a BmTc-labeled macroaggre-
gated albumin (MAA) 2 1 1 2 3 3 3 15
cals and adverse reactions associated with their suspected adverse effect, he or she often turns 2
[ ~~~1]iodomethylnorcholesterol 3 1 2 5 1 14
use in Europe (16). Reports from Ihe Joint Com- to the manufacturer lo inquire whether the effect BmTc-pentetate(DTPA) 1 3 3 2 1 1 3 14
mitteehave been published in the Europenn has been previously observed. Because of legal [131l]iodide
2 Sodium 1 2 1 1 1 8
Jourrmi oJNuclenr Medicineas well as NukIear- requirementsthemanufacturer must subse- Nonradioactive pyrophosphate
kil 1 4 1 1 7
nredizk (17-20). quently report the suspected reaction to the
SmTc-oxidronate (HDP) 4 2 1 7
Forms used in the United States, the United FDA, whereas under the volunteerreporling ~-[13'1]iodohippura~e 1 3 2 1 7
Kingdom,andEurope 10 documen1 suspecled system theclinician may or may not further BmTc-labeledhuman serum
adverse reactions associated with radiopharma- document the reaction. All of the United Siares albumin (HSA) 1 1 2 1 1 6
ceuticals have been reproduced as Figures 20.1, (lain given in this chapel are obrnined from lllIn-pentetate (DTPA) 2 1 1 1 1 6
20.2, and 20.3. In the European system (Figure practitioners' reporrs to fhe SNM and not j r o ~ n BmTc-ferpentetate
3 1 (1) 1 5
[2O~Tl]thaIlouschIoride 1 2 2 5
20.3), the form can be used to reportdrug ma?lufactwers' reports I O the FDA. [99mTc]pertechnetate
Sodium 1 1 1 1 4
defects as well as adverse reactions andthus Table 20.1 is a compilation of adverse reac- 131I-labeled rose bengal 2 1 1 4
serves two purposes. In the United States, drug lions that werereported to the SNM for each BmTc-disofenin ( D I S D A ) 2 2 4
product problems are now reported on a form radiopharmaceuticalduringtheyears1976 BmTc-succimer (DMSA) 2 1 1 4
separate from adverse reactions (form FDA through the end of 1984. There were 356 ad- BmTc-etidronate (HEDP) 1 1 2
169Yb-pentetate (DTPA) 2 2
33 1X). verse reactionsreported by use of the SNM Sodium [32P]phosphale 1 1
Drug Problem Report form over this 9-year pe- WmTc-lidofenin (HIDA) 1 1
riod. Of Ihese, 24% were atuibuted to 99mTc- 9mTc-butilfenin (BIDA) 1 1
STATISTICS ON REPORTED labeledsulfur colloid,19% to 99mTc-labeled 9gmTc-iprofenin (PIPIDA) 1 1
REACTJONS human albumin microspheres [1*3I]iodide
(HAM), and 10% Sodium 1 1
Wr-labeled human serum al-
Severalreviewarticlesandchaptershave to 99mTc-methplene diphosphonate (MDP). bumin (HSA) I I
summarized eariy data on adverse reactions at- 99mTc-IabeIed m a c r o a g g r e g a t e d a l b u m i n Red blood cells labeled in
tributedto the administralion of radiopharma- (MAA), 99mTc-gluceptate,99mTc-pyrophos- with vitro BmTc 1 1
ceuticals (4, 9). The presentchapter, on the phate, 99mTc-diethylenetriaminepentaaceticacid Total 60 52 47 35 45 39 36 20 22 356
other hand, deals almost exclusively with data (DTPA),[67Ga]gallium citrate,and ['311]iodo-
from the post-I976 years. This time period was methylnorcholesterol, accounted for another
* The probability that a reported adverse reaction was associated with administration of the radiopharlna-
ceutical has been evaluated for the years 1976 through 1981 (see Ref. 10).
selected partly because it coincideswiththe 4-5% each of the reported reactions. t Numbers in parentheses indicate number of reports. Sometimes more than one case per repori is cited.
establishment of the new SNM adverse reaction Theproportion of reactionsreportedfor
registry (first modification) and partly because 99mTc-labeledsulfurcolloiddecreasedfrom
of the many changes in nuclear medicine that 28%, for the years 1976 through 1979,to 19%, increase is doubtless partially due to a higher incidence of reactionsor an increasedapathy
haveoccurred over thepast 10 years.For in- for the years 1980 through 1984. Conversely, utilization of this agent. toward thereporting of theseadverseeffects.
stance, a high percentage of the current arma- the relative percentage of reactions attributable
InIerestingly,thenumber of reactionsre- In theUnitedKingdom, 61 reactions were
mentarium of radiophamlaceuticals has been in- to phosphate and phosphonate agents increased ported in the United Statesduring1983and reportedduringthe 7 yearsspanning1977
troduced (or come into widespread use) only from 14% in the earlier period (1976-1979) to 1984 is approximately one third (37%) of the through1983Isee-Table 20.2) (21). ColIoids
since 1976, and a few of the older radioactive 20% in the more recent period (1980-1984). number of reactions reported in 1976 and 1977. (33%), phosphonates (28%), and albumin par-
drugs have fadedfromuseduringthistime. '~"TC-MDP, in parlicular, rose from 5 % to 15%
Unfortunately, i t is impossible to determine ticulates (13%) were the most frequently cited
Moreover,improvements in qualilycontrol of the total between the two time periods; the
whether this drop reflects a true reduction in the offenders. The numberof colloid- and phospho-
312 I Esserlrinls o J h W e a rM e d i c i mS c i e n c e
Table 20.2.
Adverse Reactions to Radiopharmaceuticals Reported to the European Joint Committee on
Major Groupings of Adverse Reactions to Radiopharmaceuticals in the United Kingdom, 1977-1983
Radiopharmaceuticals, 1980-1983
Colloids Phosphonatcr Parliculalcs Othcrs Subtotals No. of Repor~sby Ycar
Badiophamaceulicals 1980 1981 1982 1983 Tulal
January1977-mid-1980 12 (12) 4890 2 (2) 88 5 (4) 167~ 8 (7) 28% 27 (25) 100%
Mid-1980-December 1983 8 (6) 21 % 15 ( 1 3 3 45% 3 (3) 10% 8 (7) 24% 34 (29) 100% 99mTc-labeled SbS colloid 1 1 2 1 5
Total 20 (18) 3 3 8 17 (15) 28% X (7) 13% 16 (14) 2 6 8 61 (54) 100% 99mTc-labeledRhS colloid 1 1
99mTc-labeledsulfur colloid 1 1
* Numbers in parenthesesaretotals (ess thoseconsidered as "unlikely" to be associatedwiththe 9gmTc-labeled tin colloid 1 1
radiopharmaceutical. (Adapled from D. H. Keeling and C. B. Sampson: Adverse reactions to radiopharmaceu- 9mTc-labeled human serum albumin 1 2 3
ticals.UnitedKingdom1977-1983. Br. J. Radiol. 57:1091-1096, 1984, with permission.) "mTc-labeled microspheres 1 1 1 3
"mTc-labeled millimicrospheres 2 2
BmTc-DTPA 1 1
nate-associated reaclions showed wends quali- patient may expireduringtheprocedure or SmTc-MDP 4 3 3 3 13
tatively similar to, although quantitatively more shortly after the procedure is completed. Some- SmTc-HDP 1 1
dramatic than, those found in the United States times, it is very difficult to determine the exact WmTc-MAA 1 1 2
series. Colloids accounted for 48% of the total role that the radiopharmaceutical may have had 99mTc-MAAand 99mTc-perlechnecate 1 1
99mTc-pertechnelate 1 1
reactions reported from 1977 through mid-1980 in the patient's death. 99mTc-labeledplasmin
Three deaths have been reported through the
I 1
but for only 2170 of thesereactionsfrom [51Cr]chromate and 1251-HSA 1
mid-1980 through 1983. Fhosphonates, on the United Kingdom reporting system ( 1 1 , 21). "Cr-EDTA 1 2
other hand, made up only 8% of the reports for One death was associatedwitha hypotensive 67Ga-citrate 2 4
1977-80but 45% of the reports in the more reactionfollowing theinjection of a colloidal 75Se-choleslerol 3 3
Sodium [ 1231liadide 1
recent period (21). radiotracer in aseverely iil patient.Another 1231-labeledfatty acid 1 1
Over the 4-year period from 1980 through patien1 apparently died from a subarachnoid 123l-isopropylamphetamine 1 1
1983, 75 adverse reactions were reported to the hemorrhage shortly after the intravenous injec- ['23I)iodohippurate 1 1
European Joint Committee on Radiophamaceu- tion of [99mTc]pertechnetate. Thethird fatality [1251]iodohippurale and [1311]iodohippurate I I 2
ticals (see Table 20.3) (17-20). Phosphonates was reported to have occurred 3 days fo~lowing Sodium113'IIiodide 1 1
I3lI-labeledcboIesterol 9 1 10
and(various) colloids ranked asthe top two the injection of 99mTc-laheled human serum al- [131I]iodohippurate I 1
radioactive drug categories for which reactions bumin millimicrospheres; although a higher- '98Au-labeiedcolloid 1 2 3
had been reporled, with radioiodinated choles- than-normal amount of the drug was retained in 1311-labeledHSAcislernography 1 1 2
terol a close third. It is not surprising that these the lung field, no immediate problem was ob- 169Yb-DTPA cistemography 3 3
statistics agree with the United Kingdom series, served. In the first of these events, the hypoten- IlIln-DPA cistemography 1 1
~~IIn-Iabeled colloid 1 1
because 44% of all the European data is from sive episode may be associated with the admin- 1"ln-Iabeled platelets 1 1
the United Kingdom alone. Collectively, these istrationofradiocolloid,sincethistype of Total 25 16 22 12 75
three radiopharmaceuticals(colloid,phospho- reaction has been observed previously following
nates, cholesterol) account for 52% (39 of 75) intravenous dosing of radiopharmaceuticals. On
of all the reactions reported 10 the Joint Com- theotherhand, it is verydifficultto find a
mittee. The remaining 36 reactions involved 23 logical connection belween the othertwo deaths
there is a cause-effect relationship between the Severalpublicationshave listed some of the
different radiophamaceuticak (17-20). and the radiopharmaceuticals administered.
deaths and the use of the radiopharmaceuticals. clinical manifestations that are commonly ob-
According to the United States literature (14), The European Joint Committee has reported
ontwo deaths (17-20). One patient died after served with adverse reactions to specific radio-
the majority of adverse reactions occurring dur-
cardiac arrest which occurred 1 hour after the pharmaceuticals (10-12, 14). For thoseradio-
ing the years 1976-1979 were nlinor (resolved CHARACTERISTICS OF ADVERSE
injection of 67Ga-citrate,* and the other patient pharmaceuticals on whichenoughdata are
withnotherapy)orintermediate(requiring REACTIONS TO SPECIFIC
diedwithinhoursafter the administration of available, it is noleworthy that in reported cases,
someform of therapyfor r e k f hutnotlife- RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS
%"Tc-MAA and 99mTc-pertechnetate.In neither single clinical manifestations or, sometimes, a
lhreatening). Severe reactions involving anaphy- Most reported adversereactions havebeen
instance is there a strong reason to believe that pattern of symptomsoccurs againand again.
lactic shock or cardiac arrest were reported in allergic in nature (10, 14,17-20). Vasovagal Even so, with the exception of only a very few
only 3% of cases. In 52% (39 of 75) of the cases rcactions account,formuch of theremainder, radioactive drugs (e.g., possibly 99mTc-labeled
reported to theEuropeanJointCommittee,
* Although I~%a]palIiurn cifrate and IgY'llTc]pcrtechne- along with a few miscellaneous adverse effects human albumin miirospheres or [13'l]iodometh-
treatment was required (17-20). tale are prelcrred by IUPAC, 4"Ga-citrateand "Wqertech- such as pyrogen reactions,aches and pains, ylnurcholesterol,there is nosuch thing as a
Nuclear medicine studies often are performed nelalc arc standard, and botb are used throughour this chap- vomiting, and headache unrelated to pyrogens.
ler. "typical" adverse reaction.
on crilically ill patients; thus,occasionally a
314 f EssentinIs of h’uclear MedicineScience Adverse Reocriom Associored with Radiophalunaceurical~ f 315
The relationship between the reactions re- to prepare the reagent kit and the reported reac- Table 20.4-continued
porledfor a specificradiopharmaceutical and tions.Specifically, with 99mTc-MDP,four kit Tune of Trzalment
the source of that radiopharmaceutical was ex- sources and threesources of 99mTc-pertechne- Radiopharmaceutical Maniieslations
Clinical of Reaction Reaclion Onrct Required?
amined with use of the SNM reports for 49mTc- tate (six different combinations of kit-pertech-
human9gmTc-labeled 1. Itching 3 min Yes
MDP ( 13 reports) and 99mTc-labeledsulfur col- netale) were cited; with 99”Tc-labeled sulfur albumin
microspheres 2 . Flushing;
pressure immediately
loid (12 reports)fortheyears1982through colloid, four kitsources,threegenerator 3 . Flushing of face; epigaslric discomforl 2 min No
1984. Even with this limited amount of data, it sources, and seven combinations of kit-perlech- 4 . Facial “burning”; nausea; tightness in chest;
is apparent that no single company is citedin all netatewere cited. Data collectedduringthese abdominal
severe 1 min No
same years for other multisource products are 5 . Flushing immediately; chills and fever within
adverse reaction reports for either of these ra- ~~
30 min
too scant to be credibly analyzed.
1 min No
diopharmaceulical products, nor can any manu- 6 . Flushing; urticaria; diaphoresis 3 min No
facturer be blamedfor a special typeof reaction. Table 20.4 liststheclinicalmanifestations 7. Flushing of face; shortness of breath; right-
Likewise,there is no correlationbetweenthe encountered with suspected reactions to the six upper-quadrant pain 3 min NO
source of 99n1Tc-perlechnetate (generator)used most frequently cited radiopharmaceuticals, as 8. Circumoral cyanosis; lethargy; spasms of ex-
tremities 5 min No
1. Pupil dilatation; general ionic convulsions;
bradycardia (probably all related lo very recent
Table 20.4. excessive alcohol and drug abuse) ?”shortly” No
Description or Adverse Reaclions to Six Radiopharmaceulicals Reported to the Sociely of Nuclear 2. Flushing of face, trunk and arms; weakness immediately No
Medicine,January1982-December1984 3. Numbness; palpitation; difficul~y in breathing 1 rnin NO
4. Urticaria on face, chest, and back 10 mill Yes
Tlme ol Trcatmenl
5. Urticaria 1 hr No
Radiaphnnnaccu1ical Manifesfations
Clinical of Reaction Reaction Onset Required?
6. Allergic reaclion (no details given) 15 min Yes
99mTc-MDP 1. Rash;
itching 40 min Yes
2, Rash;itching 36 hr ? Nonradioactive
pyrophos- 1 . Diaphoresis;
bronchospasm 1 min Yes
3. Rash; itching 10 hr Yes phak
reagent kit 2. Decreased
4. Ilching 4hr Yes vision; tightness in chest; nausea 10 min Yes
5 . Ikhing 2 hr Yes 3 . Generalized prurilis; hives on upper thighs 7 hr Yes
6 . Upper body flushing; single pelechial area two 4 . Wheezing; decreased PO, 10 min Ye S
inches from injection site 30 min No 5. Rash;itching 30 min Yes
7. Pyrexia; edema in extremities; red blotchy skin 4-8 hr No 6 . Chills; joint pain; nausea; dizziness; fever
8, Sore throat; rash; ?Stevens Johnson syndrome 48 hr Yes (which may be due to bacteremia from in-
9 . Vomiting 3 times within a 3-hr period 40 min No dwelIing intravenous line, but cultures were not
10. Generalizedpruriris;
wells and itching “bumps”
11. Cardiac arrhythmia; died (details are skelchy)
48 hr hr
2 br
I Yes
Died 67Ga-cilrate
loidisadministered so frequently (14, 15). pulmonary function, only 0.2-0.3% of the ves-
Since 1976, the majority of adverse reactions to sels are blocked with a 1-mg dose of protein
wmTc-la'oeledsulfurcolloidreported in the consisting of particles ranging from approx- sea, and bronchospasm.
other reporting systems isto obtain current inci-
United States have been allergic in nature, wilh imately 20 to 90 pm (22, 23). This small frac- dence data for adversereactionsto radiophar-
rash, urticaria, pruritis,dyspnea, and nausea tion normallywill not cause a problem clini- [1311]I~domethglnorchoIesterol maceuticals in ordertohelpassesswhether
and vomiting being themost frequent symptoms cally. In apatientwith diminishedfunclional [I3'IJiodomethylnorcholesterol, which is there is a problem with a specific dmg. These
(10, 14). From 1976to 1981, anaphylactic or capacity of the pulmonary vasculature, however, used for adrenal cortex imaging, has been asso- data are generated by first multiplying the esti-
anaphylactoid reactions accounted for S7u of the the added insult could be significant (12). ciatedwith adversereactionscharacterized by mated number of total radiopharmaceuticar ad-
total (10). In the Uniled Kingdom, reactions Iron hydroxide precipitates were used for shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, pal- ministrations in a given time period by the rela-
involvingvasomotor changes, alongwith lo- lungimaginguntil 1973. Atthattime,the pitations, vasodilatation, nausea, and dizziness Live frequency of use for a particular radiophar-
calized discomfort, headache, and backache, United Slates Atomic Energy Commission and
were common, andreactions such as dyspnea the British Institute of Radiology (BIR) advised
persisting for 5-20 minutes postinjection. Th
4 maceuticalinthatsametimeperiod.The
manufacturer has attributed the reaction to the number of adverse reactions to the radiopharma-
and bronchospasm occurred in a small number discontinuing theiruse due to numerous adverse Tween-SO surfactant used in the product for-' ceutical is then divided by this figure to derive
of palients (21). reactions, including three dealhs, associaled mulation (25). Specifically, it has been reported incidence data. Because it is estimated that only
Before 1976, colloids of lssAu and 113mIn with the administration of theseagents.The thal polyoxyethylenesorbitanfatty acid esters one tenth to one half of the observed reactions
were also used for liver andlor spleen imaging. reactions may have beencaused by free ferric (i.e., Tweens) have been shown to release his- are actuallyreported, a range is estimatedby
Allergicreactions occasionally were reported hydroxideion which has anindirectvasocon- tamine from endogenous sources following in- use of the following equation (14):
for these agents, although a more serious prob- stricting effect (4,9). travenous administration (26,27). The reactions
lem with use of the 198Au was the poiential for Estimated range of adverse reactions
Phosphates and Phosphonates experiencedwith [1311]iodomethylnorcholes-
an accidental radiation overdose. terol are consistent with the effects of histamine
Althoughvirtuallyall of the 99mTc-labeled on thecardiovascular and pulmonarysystems 1I
Albumin Particulates phosphateandphosphonateagents havebeen (25). i
Macroaggregates or microspheres of albumin implicated in reports of adversereactions, \ \/
where A, equals the number of reported reac-
~ the two most conxnonly 99mTc-MDP has received the most noloriety. A
labeled with 9 9 m Tare tions,fequals the relative frecluencv of use of an
Cisternographic Agents
used agents in the United States for pulmonary reaction that is repeatedly observed with 99mT~- individuairadiopharmaceutical,and A equals
and arterialperfusionstudies. In 1978and MDP involves a late-onset rash andlor itching Historically, intrathecal radionuclide cistem- the total number of administrations of all radio-
1979, the only years for which data on the which appears 2-24 hours or longer after injec- ographic preparations were once oneof the mos~ pharmaceuticals.
incidence in the United States are available, tion and persists for several days (IO, 11). This frequentcauses of adverseeffectsdue to the Reportsby the SNM subcommittee on ad-
99111Tc-labeled human albumin microspheres had phenomenon has beenmentioned in 15 of 35 incidence of aseptic meningitis associated with verse reactions indicatedthat theincidence in
h e highest incidence of adverse reactions of any reports of reactions to 99mTc-MDPin the United theiruse.Theseradiopharmaceuticals, L311-1a- theUnitedStates is between 11100,000 and
radiopharmaceutical (14, 15). The clinical man- Statesseries.Thistype of reaction has been beled human serum albumin and, laler. "'In- 6/100,000 administrations.Theestimatesfor
ifestations reported most frequently were flush- carefully documented i n onereporl in the DTPA, wereoriginallytestedwith use of the the United States ranged from 8.S/100,000 ad-
ing associated with dyspnea and/or shortness of United States literalure (24), and in the United standard United States Pharmacopeia rabbit test ministrationsfor 99mTc-Iabeled human serum
breath, with or without olher allergic symptoms Kingdom series, British authors have noted sev- for pyrogens. Not until the introduction of the albumin to 0.12/100,000 for 99mTc-MDP in
(10,14). Anaphylactic or anaphylactoid reac- eralinstances of a similar reaction (1 1 , 21). limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) test for endo- 1978 and from 5.41100,OOO for ""Tc-labeled
tions occurred in 10.1% of the reported cases Other adverse reactions to wmTc-MDP include toxins, however, did it becomeapparent that human albuminmicrospheres to 0.25/100,000
from 1976 through 1981 (10). misceHaneous symptoms such as flushing, these radiopharmaceuticals were, in fact, con- for 99mTc-gluceptate in 1979 (14, 15).
By comparison, the incidence of adverse re- headache, swelling of the extremities, and nau- taminated with pyrogens at a level not detected This estimate is lower than that reported by
actions to the more commonly used 99mTc-la- sea and vomiting (lo). There were two reporls by the rabbit test (9, 12). It was found that the Sampson and Keeling (28) in 1982 for 32 nu-
beledmacroaggregatedalbuminwasabout of broken bloodvessels in theeye following source of the endotoxin, in the case of the radi- clear medicine centers in the United Kingdom;
15-20-fold less than that observed for 99n1T~- administration of %mTc-MDP (10). The proba- oiodinated compounds, was the anion exchange thefiguresrangedfrom 1 reaction i n 400
labeledalbuminmicrospheres(14,15).Re- bility that this occurrence was caused by 99mTc- column used 10 remove unbound iodine. In the (250/100,000) for 99mTc-labeled macroaggre-
ported symptoms included flushing, tachycar- MDP is low (IO), but it is unusual that a patient DTPA preparations, the phosphatebuffer was g a t e da l b u m i nt o 1 r e a c t i o ni n4 , 2 5 0
dia, syncope, and rash (IO, 14), in the United Kingdom also developed a severe the component that contained the endotoxin (24/100,000) for 99mTc-pertechnetate(28). This
Adversereactions to albuminparticulates visual disturbance shortly after the injection of ( 1 2). Once the problem was identified and the was a reduction in incidence froma preliminary
may be attributed lo either antigenic reactions or this same radiophannaceutical (21). source of the pyrogens ascertained,the inci- survey report of United Kingdom data by
vascular obslruction in the lungs. These parli- Pyrophosphate injected both with and with- dence of asepticmeningilisassociatedwith Williams (29)in1974 who estimatedfrom 1
cles are trapped by the precapillary arterioles out the WmTc label has been associated with a these products was drastically reduced (9), and reaciionl36 administrations (2,7S8/100,000) for
and capillaries d the lungs where they are es- significantnumber of reactions in the United theincidence hasremained extremely low in 99mTc-labeledmacroaggregatedalbuminto
senlially ~nicroe~nboli. In a person with normal States. Clinical manifestations were similar re- recent years. 113,000 (331100,000) €or99mTc-DTPA.
318 i Essentinls of NuclearMedicine Scierzce Adverse Rencrions Associated w i d 8 Radiophormnceuricrrls / 3i9
z-. a
Williams (29), however, used a questionnaire to diopharmaceuticals included (a) previous expe- cumstances or events [hat may be relevant to the tions may be caused by the pharmaceutical ad-
obtain data based on the recent and retrospective rience with theradiopharmaceuticalincluding reaction. Some of the procedures that should be ditives (e.g., surfactants) found in these radio-
g followed in the investigation and reporting of a
experience of 40 individuals, whereas Sampson the frequency with which a specific reaction to e- pharmaceutical preparations rather than by the
and Keeling (28) used data based only on recent theradiopharmaceutical was reporled,(b) Ihe j suspected adverse reaction have been described primary carrier itself.
experience. Therefore, the incidence data from possibility (probability) of other etiologic can- ’L 3 by Rhodes and Wagner (36). Complete and ac- Most reactions appearto be allergicin nature.
the earlier survey may no1 be as reliable as that didates for the reaction or of an exacerbation or curate data always make the task of determining In addition, the majority occur within minutes
from the follow-up reporl. recurrence of theunderlyingdisease,(c)the the validity of the reaction much easier. following theadministration of the radiophar-
Extrapolating from data obtained in their re- timing of the adverse reaction in relation to the It should be notedthatthe most definitive maceutical, withthe notableexception of the
spectivedistricts,KeelingandSampson(21) administration of theradiopharmaceulical,(d) way to determinewhether a type 3 adverse late rashes observed with the phosphonate bone
haveevenmorerecently estimated anoverall whetheror not there was improvementafter reaction to a drug has occurred is by rechalleng- imaging agents.
incidence in theUnitedKingdom of approx- dechallenge, and {3 whether or not there was a ing the patient with the suspected offender. Re- Adverse reaction reporting systems in which
imately 10-40 reactions1100,OOO tests.Results recurrence of the reaction following re^ F
challenge may occureitherbychanceorby anecdotal informationis ulilizedto document
from a series of reports from Japan indicate that with the radiopharmaceutical. Adverse reactions direcl intervention when this is ethically justi- adverseeffectstoradiopharmaceuticalssuffer
reactions to radiopharmaceuticals occur at a rate were then classified,depending onthe score fied. In most cases, rechallenge with radiophar- generallyfrom poor participationandin-
of 6-20/100,000 administrations, with the ex- derived from the algorithm, as definite, proba- maceutical~is not attempted. There have been a complete reporting. If the adverse reaction reg-
ception of [l3’Ijiodocho1estero1whichhasan ble, possibIe, or unlikely.Withuse of this few cases reported tothe SNM, however, in istriesare going to be of utmost value to the
adverse reaction rate of approximately 3- method, adverse reaclions to radiopharnlaceuti- which a person who had experienced an allergic nuclearmedicine“community,”thecoopera-
511,000 (17, 18). cals were determined to be definite in 47 of 277 responseto a radiopharmaceutical wassubse- tion of all professionals in the field is needed.
Regardless of thesource,incidencefigures cases (17%), probable in 11 I cases (40%), pos- quently injected with the same radiopharmaceu- Suspectedreactionsshould be promptly re-
for radiopharmaceulicals appear to be, in gen- sible in 100 cases(36%), andunlikely in 19 ticalandexperiencedthesameallergic re- ported, andcare should be takento provide
eral, much less than those given for therapeutic cases (7%) (10). Keeling (11) and Keeling and sponse. This was reported in twoseparate complete and pertinent facts on each case. Only
drugs or contrast media (30-33). That adverse Sampson (21) havesubjecteddatafromthe instances of adverse reactions to 99mTc-labeled then canthe objectives of the eslablished sys-
reactions occur much less often with radiophar- United Kingdom to a similar analysis and found sulfur colloid. In a case involving 99mTc-MDP, tems, i.e., to alert practitioners to potenlial
maceuticalsthanwithcontrastagentsmay that 7 of the 61 reporled reactions were unlikely (he -tical reactions 1 month apart problems as early as possible and to determine
sometimes influence the seleclion of the diag- to be directly related to the administrationof the (24). A similar,but moresevere,reactio5Xc- accurate incidence data, be met.
nostic imaging procedure of choice for a criti- radiopharmaceutical. curred in one patient following a repeat admin-
cally ill patient. It is obvious from the SNM experience that islraiion of wn2Tc-labeledhumanalbuminmi-
< crospheres 2 daysafterthe first injection. In
1 . UnitedStaresFederalFood Drug and Cosmetic Act,
there are some inherent problems in evalualing $ Chapler I1 (Definitions), Sec 201 [321] (g) (1).
VALIDATION OF ADVERSE anecdotal information. One of the major draw- 19x2, the SNM received a report of rechallenge 2 . United Stales Code ofFederal Regulations, Titlc 21,
REACTlONS backsisthal in somecases,thereports are by direct intervention wilh pyrophosphate re- Par1 310,301 (b).
agentkit, in whicha lopica1 patchtest was 3 . Atkins HL: Adverse reactions. In Rhodes BA ( e d ) :
In most systems, it is recommended that any incomplete, either because the reporter did not
performed on a patient whohad experienced Quality Control in Nuclear Medicine. S I Louis, CV
adverseexperience associatedwiththe drug, fill in all of the infonnation on the form (or did Mosby, 1977. pp 263-267.
even if that association is not certain, should be not give enoughdetail) or becausethereare generalized pruritis and urticaria following ad- 4. Bleha V. Colombetti LG: Adverse Reactions to radio-
reported. Therefore, the validity of these anec- inherent limitations with the reporling form it- ministration of 6 mg of pyrophosphate (reagent tracers. In Colombetti LG (ea): Princzjhs o/ Radi-
dotalreports is sometimes questioned by both self. For instance, not until 1985 did the report kit)inpreparalionfor a radionuclideven- uplfnmfnco1og.s.Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 1977, pp
ticulographystudy. Thereporter in this case 165-177.
professionals and manufacturers. Venning (34) formusedforradiopharmaceuticals (FDA 5 . Shani J. Sard 0,Rogel S, et al:Comparativecardiac
hassuggestedthat“anyregulatoryagency 1639) ask the reporter to lis1 the patient’s current 2 first performed a patch test for stannous chlo-
eKecls of thee hepatobiliary radiophamaceulicdls in
using anecdotal reports of suspected reactions as medicationsand allergichistory. This type of ride, which was negative. This was followed by the dog: concisecommunicalion. J Nrrcl Merl
informationwouldhavebeen(andwill be)
I a patch test for the reagent kit contents (pyro- 23337-341,1982.
a basis for an early warning system will need to
; phosphate plus stannous chloride), which elic- 6. Ahmed SR, Shale1 SM: Radioactive iodine and teslicu-
develop criteriaforassessing thevalidityof useful in helping to determinewhetherthere
t ited a positive response. Iar damage. N Engl J Med 31 1:1576, 1984.
such reports.” Therefore, reports submitted lo was an alternative etiology for the reaction. In $I
7 . Ahmed SR,Shalet SM: Gonadal damage due to radio-
the SNM for the years 1976 through 1981 were defense of theoriginal reporting form (FDA active ”‘1 Irealmenl for thyroid carcinoma. Postgrad
evaluated (10) with use of a modified algorithm 2822), it is only fair tomention that the form Med J 61:361-362, 1985.
was intentionally designed in a relatively simple The overall incidence rate for radiopharma- 8 . Rawlins MD, Thompson J W : Pathogenesis of adverse
based on one developed by Kramer et al. (35)
for the assessment of adversedrugreactions. fonnat so that a majority of people would be ceulicals is estimaled to be less than 40/100,000 drug reactions. In Davies DM (ed): Texrbook oJAdverse
willingtotakethelimetocomplete it after t adnlinistrations. Reactions are most commonly Drug Rencriorls. ed 2 . Oxford, Oxford Medical Pub-
The algorithm was used to analyze each case in : licalions, 1981.
an accurate and reproducible fashion by system- witnessing an adverse reaction. Reporters were associated with particulate carriers such as de-
f 9. Shani J, Arkins HL, Wolf W: Adverse reaclions to
(and still are) encouraged, however, to give ad- natured albumin or colloidal material, as well as
atically and objectively deriving a score for the rarliupllarmaceuticals. Semin Nuci Meed 6305-328,
the soluble carriers containing phosphonates or
probability of an adverse reaclion occurring.
Criteria for evaluating adverse reactions to ra-
ditional information (not specifically requested
on the form) and to elaborate on specific cir-
fz iodon~ethyInorcholesterol.Attimes,the reac-
10. Cordova MA, Hladik W B 111, Rhodes BA: Validation
320 I Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Science
license to cover medical diagnosis, therapy, and ment but maybe an autonomousagency or Table 21.1 “continued
research, thelicensingprocess may be quite some other part of state government. In Table
Slate Agency Address
long and involved. 21.1 are listed the agreement states and the
The licensing authority is eilher the NRC or a licensing agency asof March 1984. The mailing Nebraska Division of Radiological Health State Department of Health
state agency. If the nuclear medicine facility is address of the NRC for nonagreement states is 301 Centennial Mal1South
in a “nonagreement” state or is a federal facility included. P.O. Box 95007
A first step in licensing is to contactthe Lincoln, Nebraska 68509
(VeteransAdministration hospital, military in- Nevada RadiologicalHealth Consumer Health Protection Services
slallation, etc.), the licensing authority is the appropriateauthorityandobtain (a) a copy of Room 103, KinkeadBuiIding
NRC. In “agreement” states, the licensing au- applicableregulations, (b) a copy of that CapitolComplex
thority often is a part of a stale health deparl- agency’s “licensing guide,” and (c) the forms CarsonCity,Nevada 89710
New Hampshire Radiological Health Program Division of Health Services
Table 21.1. Bureau of EnvironmentalHealth Health & Q‘eIfare Building
Hazen Drive
Concord, New Hampshire 03301
New Mexico RadiationProreclionSection Environmental Improvement Division
P.O. Box968
Alabama Division of Radiological Health Environmental Health Administration CrownBuilding
Room 314 Sanle Fe, New Mexico 87503
State Office Building New York TechnicalDevelopmentPrograms NewYork State Energy Office
Montgomery, Alabama 361 30 AgencyBuilding 2
Arizona Arizona Radiation Regulalory Suite 2 2 Rockefeller Plaza
Agency 925 South 52nd Streel Albany,New York 12223
Tempe,Arizona 85281 NorthCarolina Radialion Protection Section Division of Facility Service
Arkansas Division of Environmental Health Arkansas Department of Health Box12200
Protection 4815 West Markham Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27605
Liltle Rock, Arkansas 72205 NorthDakota Division of Environmental En- Slate Deparrmenl of Health
California Radiologic Health Section Department of Health gineering 1200 Missouri Avenue
Room 498 RadiologicalHealthProgram Bismarck,NorthDakota58501
714 P Streel Oregon Radialion Control Service Department of Human Resources
Sacramento, California 95814 Division of Health 1400 South West 5th Avenue
Colorado Radialion & Hazardous Waste Con. Department of F’ublic Health Portland, Oregon 97201
trolDivision 4210 Easl 11th Avenue RhodeIsland Division of Occupational HeaIth Rhode Island Deparlment of Health
G€ficeof Health Protection Denver.Colorado 80220 CannonBuilding
Florida RadioIogjcal Health Program Department of Health and Rehabilitation Service 75 Davis Street
Health Program Office 1323 Winewood Bouievard Providence. Rhode Island
Tallahassee, Florida 32301 SouthCarolina Bureau of Radiological Health Stale Deparlmenl of Heallh and Environmental
Georgia Emergency Medicine and Radi- Department of Human Resources Control
ological/Occupationa1Health 47 Trinity Avenue J. Marion Sims Building
Section Allanta,Georgia30334 2600 Bull Streel
Idaho RadiationControlSection Idaho Deparlment of Health & Welfare Colombia, South Carolina 29201
State House Tennessee Division of Radiological Health Department of Public Health
Boise, Idaho 83720 Cordell Hull State Office Building
Kansas Bureau of Radiation Control Departmenl of Health and Environment Nashville, Tennessee 372 19
Division of Environmenl Building 740 Texas Division of Occupational Heallh Texas Department of Health
Forbes Field and Radiation Control 1 100 West 49th Street
Topeka, Kansas 66620 Auslin, Texas 78756
Kentucky RadialionControlBranch Deparlment of Human Resources Utah Bureau of Radiation Control State Department of Health
275 E. Main Streel 150 West North Temple
Frankfort,Kentucky40601 Box 2500
Louisiana Nuclear Energy Division Olfice of Environmental Affairs Salt Lake City, Utah 84110
P.O. Box 14690 Washington Radioactive Materials Deparlment of Social & Health Services
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70898 Mail Stop LD-11
Maryland Division oE Radialion Control Department of Heallh & Mental Hygiene Olympia, Washington 98504
201 West Preston Street All Nonagreement .United States Nuclear Regulatory Material Licensing Branch
Baltimore, Maryland 20201 Commission Stntcs Division of Fuel Cycle & Material Safely
Mississippi Division of RadioiogicaI Health State Board of Health Office of Nuclear Material Safety & Safcguards
Jackson,Mississippi39205 Washington, D.C. 20555
324 / Essenlids of Nuclear Medicine Science
RegulatoryProblem in Nuclear Medicine I 325
License Renewal as the primaryevidence of compliance. Sur- enormous increases in cost over the past few
appropriale for the type of licensebeing re-
veys, interviews, and measurements by inspec- years andmore strict requirements on gener-
quested. A license is issued for a specified period of
tors are not uncommon, however. ators in gaining access to commercial disposal
Whenmakingapplicaiion, one should b e time, usually 3 or 5 years. Three or 4 months
There is one source of encouragement rela- sites, this aspecl of nuclear medicine is becom-
aware that stalements, procedures, records, etc. prior to its expiration, renewal procedures tive to these inspections. The RAM license in- ing a more significant problem. The relatively
that are part of the application will, on approval, should begin. If there are no changesto be made spection is so thorough and comprehensive [hat short half-life of most radiopharmaceuticals in
become part of the licensing document by refer- and a simple continuation of the present license inspections by other agencies often consist of a clinical use is the only reason that this problem
ence. 11 is, therefore, important thal the applica- is all that is needed, a requesttoextendthe simple review of the findings of the RAM li- has been kept from becoming insurmountable.
tion represent honest intent and not an exercise expiration date may suffice. Some agencies re- censeinspection. For example:hospitals are Only five options are available for LLW dis-
in saying what “they” want to hear. Unrealistic quirethat one“amend in entirety,” however.
inspected by theJointCommission on Ac- posal. In Table 21.2 are listed the methods of
or insincere statements at this time will almosl When an amendment in entirety is required,
creditation of Hospitals (JCAH) as well as other LLW disposal, therelative cost of LLW dis-
certainly create problems at a Ialer time. theamendment in effect consists of complete licensingand/or accreditation agencies.When posal, and themajorlimitationsimposed by
The NRC and many agreement states have, in reapplication. In this case, the original applica- lhese inspections occur, JCAH inspectors very each use.
recent years, developed categories of use which lion, with all changes and addilionsincorpo-
oflen simply ask to see the report of the lasl Within the clinical nuclear medicine facility
helpto simplifylicensingapplications some- rated into a single up-to-date document, is sub- RAM license inspeclion. (disregardingvendors), LLW disposalvery
what, mitted. Over a period of years, one may find il
Of course, the firsl priorityof the JCAH is to oftencanbehandledby a combinalion of
One of h e major components of an applica- difficult lo keep track of the separateamend- assure that their standards for quality of patient (a) relurningexpired or used sources tothe
tion is informalion regarding the physician’s ments and the parts of [he original license af- care are met, whereas the first priority of the supplier or (b) radioactive decayand disposal
and/or user’s qualiFications. Specialty Board fected. An amendment in entirety can be very NRC (or agreement state agency) is to assure of “cold” residue.
Certificalion is usually accepted as evidence of helpful in remedying this situation. safe use of radioaclive materials.Because of Theradiopharmaceuticalaspects of nuclear
adequate [raining and experience. Certification
Radiopharmaceutical Purchases this difference in priorities, the two inspections medicine consist of an “in-house” operation or
in a professional specialty such as radiology or
may not be identical. an outside supplier who provides radiopharma-
pathology, however, normally will not be con- Radiopharmaceuticalsuppliers are licensed
The following list contains items commonly ceuticals in “unitdose”quantities on a daily
sidered adequale for all radiopharmaceutical and regulated in the same manner asare nuclear
reviewed during RAM license inspections: basis, and this will directly impact on LLW
procedures or for any therapy procedures. Cer- medicine facilities. One of the requirements is
1. Inventory. Are the amount and the type of disposal.
tification by theAmericanBoard of Nuclear that suppliers do not transfer (sell) any radioac-
Medicine is generally accepted as adequate for tive malerial to anyone unlessthe recipient is material in agreement with those indicated in
all categories of routinediagnosticand thera- aulhorizedto receive the specific material re- the license? Are records of receipt, use, and In-house Radiopharmacy: LLW Disposal
peutic procedures involving radiopharmaceuti- quested,Radiopharmaceuticalsuppliers, there- disposal complete and up to date? Aspects
cal sources. This cerlification does not include fore, will require that each Facility provide doc- 2. Survey and monitoring records. Are surveys For the in-house radiopharmacy, h e follow-
teletherapyorbrachytherapywithuse ol umentation as proof of authorization. A copy of conducted as required, and are they recorded ing steps are of help in the management of LLW
“sealed” sources, however. the license or other documentalion should show properly? Are high exposure and/or contami- disposal:
theexpirationdate,radionuclides,chemical nation levels investigated, and is corrective
action taken? If an ALARA (as low as rea- 1. Include return and disposal of nuclide gener-
forms,maximumpossessionlimitsand, in
License Amendments sonably achievable) program is required, ators as part of the purchasingagreement.
many cases, the patient dosage range and clini-
what studies, results,and conclusions are 2. Avoid practices that produce a large volume
The license, depending on how it is written, cal usage.Supplier records should be updated
available as evidence [hat doses are as low as of waste.
may not allow for innovations, new procedures, each time the license is amended and renewed if
reasonably achievable? 3. Segregate waste according to half-life, i.e.,
or even increased patient load. When this is the there are changes affecting any of these data.
3. Instrumenlcalibralion.Areclinicaland t ~1 < 24 hours, 24 hours < f M < 1 week,
case and changes are desired, an amendment to On-site Inspections etc.
the license is necessary. An amendmen1 consists safetyinslrumenlschecked on a regular
The licensing agency normally conducts on- schedule for reproducibility,linearity, and/ 4. Compact dry waste to reduce volume.
of a request lo change a specific part or to add a 5 . Set up practices to label, store, anddiscard
site inspections to assurethat (a) general reg- or accuracy?
new partalong with justification in terms of “decayed” waste.
safety andlor efficacy of the new procedure. ulatory safety standards, (b) specific licensing 4. Quality assurance. What are thetestsand
When these changes involve experimental (non- conditions,and(c)record-keepingpractices results of tesls for radiopharmaceutical qual-
routine) radiopharmaceuticals oran unapproved comply with the regulations. Inspection fre- ity? What tests are performed and what are Unit nose Radiopharmaceutical Supplier:
use of an established radiopharmaceutical, one quency varies from stateto stale. Facilitiesli- the resulls wilh regard to image quality and/ LLW Disposal Aspects
mustobtainFoodandDrugAdministration censed by agreement stales tend to be inspected or the diagnostic quality of patient data? For those facilities with a unitdose radiophar-
(FDA) approval or become accepted as an in- morefrequently than arefacilitics licensedby maceutical supplier, the following steps are of
the NRC. In both cases,inspeclionscan be Low-levcl Radioactive Waste (LLW)
vestigator under a manufacturer’sInvestiga- Disposal help in the management of LLW disposal:
tional New Drug (IND) submission. (Refer to either announced or unannounced.
Radioactive material license inspections, like Radioactive waste disposal has always beena 1. Include return and disposaI of LLW as part
Chapter 23 for detailed discussion of IND pro-
“,I ..”,. \ mosl inspections, tend to rely heavily on records orobiem in nuclear medicine, but becauseof the of nurchasingvcontract.
326 I Essenrids of Nuclear Medicirw Science Regulnrory Problems in Nuclenr Medicim t 327
Table 21.2. used for medical purposes is subject to controls scribe or administer radiopharmaceuticals. This
by one or both of these agencies. authority is grantedonlyby the NRC orthe
Comparison of Melhods for Low-level Radioaclive Waste Disposal
Figure 2 1.1 provides a simplified descriplion appropriateagency of an “agreementstate.’’
Disposal Uerhod Rclativc cos1 Lirnitalions of the relationships between a nuclear medicine Furthermore, a RAM license issued to a medical
operation and the various federal and stale reg- facility or physician is limitedtothe phpsi-
Sewage Iow 1. Very difficult to conirol and document
disposal compliance ulatory agencies. As is indicated, [he NRC and cian(s) specifically stated in the license and the
2. Gross limitis 1 Cityrllacility the state licensing agency have fundamentaland clinical procedures covered by a license are to
Incinerator Low to moderate,
depending on 1. Very diffjcuit to prove compliance wilh generalauthority,whereas the FDA, Environ- be carried outby theseindividuals or under
availability of existing facility and stack concentrationrequirements, and mentalProtection Agency (EPA), Department their direct supervision.
physical control requirements [his is compounded when a mixture of
nuclidesisinvolved of Transporlation (DOT), and Occupalional As stated earlier, there are training and expe-
2. Mayproduceradioactiveashrequiring Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have rience requirements for licensure in nuclear
secondary disposal methods authority over limited aspects of operation. All medicinebeyondthe“normal”medical train-
3. Specificlicensingapproval is required of lheseagencieshaveresponsibilitiesbeyond ing.Also, aphysicianmaymeettherequire-
Siorage decay Moderately expensive because a se- 1. Spacerequircmenls Tor long-term s1or- those relating lo nuclear medicine. ments for group I procedures involving uptake
curedspaceisrequiredand.spe- age may be prohibitive
2. Requires careful segregalion of wasle al The EPA, for example, is generally responsi- ordilutionstudies and not meetrequirements
cia1 shielding may be requlred
the time of generation ble for establishing and enforcing slandards LO for group I11 proceduresinvolvingtheuse of
3. Means and methods for assaying wasle protect people andthe environmentfrom the generatorsandreagentkits (1). Inalmostall
or suflicienlrecords IO assure“com- disposal andlor release of all hazardous mate- states,therestrictions on themedical use of
plete” decay rials.Thedisposal of radioactivematerials is ionizing radiation from radioactive malerials
Venlingto ahnosphereCostwilldepend on the means avail- 1. %sle musibe in gaseousorvolatile only a smallpart of thisresponsibility.Like-
able plus provision for an isolaled form does no1 restrictthemedical use of ionizing
system 2. Strict
on at wise, the NRC is responsible for regulation of radiation from x-ray generators.
point of release industrial use of by-producl materials as we11 as
Burial Very low cost 1, In many juriadiclions [his is prohibited fissionablematerials used inelectricalpower
’2 May resuI[ in legal problems at a later SPECIAL COMPLIANCE PROBLEMS IN
3. May require specific licensed authoriza- LIMITS IMPOSED ON CLINICAL Radioactive Patient
PRACTICE AS A RESULT OF The patient in nuclear medicine is listed as a
Burial Most expensive
method 1. cost
2. Access IO disposal site isdifficult al REGULATIONS specialcomplianceproblembecause(a) the
present and,depending on present Withrespect to thephysician, a license lo regulations that can be applied (radiation dose
efforts to eslablish“regionalcom- practice medicinewhichauthorizes the holder
pacls.” may become Inore difficult levels, release of radioactive materials, etc.) do
to prescribeandadminister“prescriplion” no1 specificaily address the patient and (b) the
drugs does no( authorize the physician to pre- slandards that are available are no1 published by
2. Steps 2, 3, 4, and 5 aboveapply, bul the impossible to define in a general or comprehen-
problem of volumereduction is muchless sive way. Regulationsatthefederallevelare
significant,sincevials,syringes,etc.are generally applicable 10 all subdivisions, but
returnedfordisposalandgloves,cotton state or locd regulations can be more strict or OSHA
cover sources of radiation not included in fed- Occupational
source of LLW. Paper towels, plastic bags, eral regulaiions .
etc. may, of course,becomecontaminated The NRC is authorizedtoregulatethe pur- N RC
fromaccidentalspills andresultingdecon- chase, receipt, use, and disposal of by-product StateRegulotory Agency
tamination. materials used in nuclear medicine. This author- Medical U s e Of.
Radiooctwe Maternal
ity does nor include regulation of other radionu-
clidesources,such as acceleralor-produced or
FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL naturally occurringsources. Ailradiopharma- DOT EPA
REGULATORY AGENCIES RadioactiveMateriol Low Level Waste
ceuticals, however, areregulated by the FDA. Transport Disposal
The difference and the relationship between The FDA is authorized to regulatetheentire (Suppties ti Waste1
regulatory agencies at different levelsof govern- process, from radiophamlaceutical research and
ment as weIl as the relationship between differ- development to marketing, distribulion, and Figure 21.1. Diagram showing the relationship bctwcen a nuclear medicine facility and various regulalory
ent agencics at the same governmental level are clinical use. Therefore, any radioactive ~naterial agencies.
328 I EsserlfioIs of Nuclear Medicine Science Regrrlnfov Problems i n Nuclear Medicine I 329
a regulatory agency and do not appIy mainly to Report No. 37 (2) are listed. Very often a “con- Control of Radioactive Gases dose(MPD)limitshave no1 beenchanged.
hospitalized patients. dition”stating how to handle radioactivepa- The containmenl, detection, control, and dis- Whathaschangedisthedose level at which
An exemption is generally assumed with re- tients willbe a par1 of the RAM license sf posal of radioactive solids and liquids are lech- investigation and correctiveactions areiniti-
spect to monitoring, permissible concentrations therapeutic procedures are permitted by the li- nicallysimple,comparedwiththose of ated.Thischange(asstated i n Regulatory
and body burdens, sewage waste disposal, etc. cense. radioactive gases. When radioaclive gases such Guide 10.8) requires that any occupational radi-
for radioactivity administered to a human being In addition to, oras a part of, a licensing as 133Xeare used,specialattentionmustbe ation dose above the MPD for the occasionally
€or diagnosticpurposes.Therapeutic levels of “condition,”specificprovisions andinstruc- given for their licensing, use, and disposal. exposed worker (i,e., 10% of MPD for the oc-
radioactivityare only slightly moreregulated. lionsmust b e developedformembers of the Ventilation syslerns that meelrequirements cupationally exposed worker) must be investi-
Currently, the NRC generally requires (as a li- hospital siaff outside the nuclear medicineserv- for temperature and comfort control may not be gated bytheRadiationSafetyOfficer (RSO)
cense “condition,” not by regulation)thata ice. Addressed in these instructions should be: adequate in terms of flow rate and the relative andreviewedbytheinstitutionalRadiation
patient be hospitalized if he receives more than supply andlor exhaust rates withinan imaging SafetyCommittee(RSC).When occupational
30 mCi of a radionuclide and that he not be I . Patient room assignment policies. room. doses exceed 30% of MPD, corrective actions
released until the radionuclide burden falls be- 2. Instructions to nursing care personnel. Licensing of radiogases requires that the air are required or the institution must specifically
low 30 mCi. A revision of par1 35 of Title 10. 3. lnstructionsregardingdietaryservices and flow rale be adequate to dilute the gas released justify a higher dose level.
Code of FederalRegulalions (10 CFR 35), conlaminated food dishes and utensils. into the room bejow the permissible concenlra- As stated earlier,ALARA policies do not
whichmayofficiallychange,amongother 4. Instructions regardingpotentiallycontami- tion ( 1 X pCilm1) averaged over year.
a lower MPD, nor do they seem to imply that
things, the criteria used to determinewhen a naled waste,linens,andfurnishings for In additionto average dilution volumes, the these dose levels are unsafe.
patient can be released following therapy with housekeeping and laundry services. exhaust rate should exceed the supply air rate so There is a noteworthy inconsistency between
radiopharmaceuticals, is being considered. Al- 5 . Instructions for clinicallaboratory services thal air movement is alwaysinto the contami- this ALARA policy stalemenl and the regulation
though not yet finalized (as of May 1986), the and personnel. nated air. In other words, a room in which 133Xe requiring personnel monitoring. Investigational
revised document will likely slate that a palient 6. Policies regarding surveysand room reas- is handled should be at ”negative pressure.” level I is 10% of the occupational MPD. The
cannot be released from the hospital untilthe signment following patient discharge. Accidental “spills” of radioactive gases and level of occupational exposurewhichrequires
exposwe rate from the patient is <6 mWhr at a 7. Instructionsregardingchild care, pregnant associatedprocedures also must be addressed. [ha1a dosimeter be issued is 25% of the applica-
distance of 1 m. In contrast, the NCRP recom- family members, food handling, etc. €or the Unlike liquid spills, the only appropriate action ble MPD. An attempt to change the regulation
mends that a patient b e hospitalized if [he initial patient and the patient’s family. for gas release is to evacuate the area and allow to set the dosimeter requirement at 10% MPD is
activity exceeds a certainspecifiedlevel,de- 8 , Provisions and inshwlions must also be pro- sufficient time IO passfor dilution andlor re- being made, however. At the present time, this
pending on the radionuclide involved andthe vided in the event of death of the patient moval lo occur. The time required for exchange ALARA policycanonly be achieved if each
age of household members who will be in con- during a specified period following a thera- of IO room volumes of air is an accepted “rule employee’slikelihood of receiving a quarterly
[act with the treated individual. In Table 21.3, peutic administration. These policies should of thumb.” dose of 125 mrem to the Lola1 body is reevalu-
themore coInnlon therapy sourcesand their be addressedto [he palhologistand funeral Ventilation sys~emisolation is a basic require- ated. Areevaluation of hospitaloperations is
minimum “oulpatient“ levels as given in NCRP service personnel. ment for meeting the flow rate specifications in likely to result in an increase in the number of
each of these situations. people n~oniloredif the 10% level instead of the
traditional 25% level is used. The invesligation,
tabulation, and explanation of personnel doses
ALAR A above 10% by the RSO will certainly increase
Table 21 -3. The ALARA conceptis as oldasnuclear the time, effort, and cost required. In the past,
medicine; within recent years, however, it has manyinstitutionshaveused a 75% “action
Radioactivity Levels lor Discharge of Radioactive Palients from Hospital*
taken on a moreformalized,systematic, and level” for investigatingindividualexposures.
Some Rcs~ricl~ons
Required regulatorymeaning.The NRC Regulatory
All Household Some Household Guide 10.8 includes Appendix 0,“Model Pro-
Radlonuclide No Rcsrriclions Members >45 YOAt Members <45 YOAi gramforMaintainingOccupationalRadiation SUMMARY
350 mCi 100 mCi Exposures at Medical Institutions ALARA” ( 3 ) . Compliance with government regulations is
5lCr 35 mCi
198Au 23 mCi 230 mCi 70 mCi The title and source of this publication imply as much a par1 of the practice of nuclear medi-
1251 0.2 f l h r at 1 m 2 m W h r a t 1 rn 0.5 mWhr at 1 m that (a) it is subject to alterations and modifica- cine as is equipment purchasing, lechnical pro-
1311 8 mCi 80 mCi 50 mCi tion and (b) it specificallyapplies to NRC li- cedures, patient selection, or any other part of
1921r 0.4 mCi 4 mCi 1.2 mCi censes. the total operation. Unfortunately, it is viewed
222R n 4.6 mCi 46 mCi 18 InCi Atthepresent.time,themajorimpact of by many as the most undesirable, unpleasant,
* Adqtcd from Table 4 , NCRP Report No. 37, National Council on Radiation I’rotcclion and Measure- ALARA is on occupational radiation exposure and unproductive aspect of this medicalspe-
ments, 1970 (2). as demonstrated by “whole body” monitoring cially. An objectiveanalysis,however,will
t YOA, years of a g c . (dosimeter records). Maximum permissible show that the vast majority of regulatory re-
330 t Essentials of Nrtckar MedicineScience
of using some newer modeis. The Registry of still very poorly understood in human bone me- Table 22.1.
CornparalivePathology of the ArmedForces tabolism. Osteoporosis, the mosl common met- Animal Models of Bone Disease
Institute of Pathology has published a handbook abolic disorder in humans, is brought about by Disease Animal Reference
that describes 150 models of animaldisease various types of immobilization. These include
relevant to the study of human disease and that neurogenic immobilization, immobilization fol- Blood flow:
viability arthritis,trauma, head
lowing fractures,rheumatoid Femoral Dogs 12
is mainly based on comparative pathology (3). Fracture:
and bed rest. Several animal modelsof immobi- Healing process, osteogenesis Rabbits, Dogs 13-15
lizationosteoporosisareavailable. In Table Osteomyelitis:
SKELETAL SYSTEM 22.1 are summarized the commonly used ani- Pathologic and radiographic appearance similar IO human Rabbits, Dogs 14, 16
The pathophysiology of theskeletal system mal models of bonediseaseandappropriate Arthritis:
references (12-31). Degenerative, similar to human osteoarthritis Rabbits 17
not only involves its static supportive function Polyarthritis, acute self-limiting Rats 18, 19
butalso affects the dynamic(metabolic and Metabolic bone disease:
homeostatic) functions. Bone serves not only as Rickets Rats 20
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Hypervitaminosis A , cessation of bone formation, destruction of Rats 14
a mineral reservoir bul also as the primary site
of hemalopoiesis. Since ancient time the skel- Animal models of myocardial infarction (MI) cartilage
have been used extensively for the study of the Osteoporosis:
etal disorder and the process of fracture healing Immobilization (local disuse) Rabbits, Dogs, Rats
hemodynamic, metabolic, histologic, and elec- 21-24
have been of interest to mankind. Almost every ImmobiIization (systemic, whole body) Monkeys 25-27
mammalian species (bats lo primales) has been lrocardiographicdeviationsfrom the n o m as Ammonium chIoride induced: simiiar to calcium deficiency Rats 28
used as animal models for bonemetabolism. well as for the study of the acute and late se- osteoporosis
Rodents (smaller animals)are cheap to buy, and quelae of MI. Five animal modelshave evolved: Low-calcium diet Rats 29-30
rats,rabbits,dogs,pigs, and primates. In the Osteomalacia Young rats 71
therefore, more extensive studies can be carried
out with use of rodents than, for example, with rat, focal myocardial necrosis, but not true myo-
use of primates. The skeleton of small animals cardial infarction,has been produced by the
such as rodentsresponds diflerenlly 10 altera- injection of epinephrine (32) or of isoproterenol tematively, devices that constrict a coronary ar- with anesthesia and arrhythmias (51-53).
tions in hormone, vitamin, and mineral levels, (33) or by electrical bums over the epicardial terycan beplacedsurgically, andlhedevice A basic deficiency of these previously men-
and therefore, use of these animals presents a surface (34, 35). Some of these models served may be activated to constrict lhe artery after the tioned models is lhat only one vessel in these
problem. Homeostatic regulation of vitamin D for the evaluation of infarct-avid imaging agents recovery of theanimal (43, 44). A simpler animaIs is affected by the intervention, whereas
levels is known to occur in various laboratory (34, 35). The advantages of the rat model are (a) method isthe transcatheter insertion of plugs many vessels in the human suffering from MI
animals and in rals; parathyroid hormone has a availability at low cost and (b) ease of handling; that expand on contact with blood (45, 46) or may be affected.Atherosclerosiscanbe in-
differentend-organeffecton animals than on therefore, it is possible to perform studies on a the transcatheterintroduclion of a copper coil duced in animals by various interventions of
humans. Moreover, rat and mouse bone lack an large number of animals. Because of [he rat's around which thrombus forms rapidly (47). Sit- longduration. Repeated intravenousadrenalin
Haversian system, and therefore, rats and mice small size, however, this model does not allow uations that simulate strenuousexercise have injections and a milk and egg diet were reported
demonstrate continuedepiphysealgrowthfor forimagingwith(hegammacamera.In a been described also (4s). to induce atherosclerosis inrabbits (54, 55);
their enlire life-span. The bone structure innon- slightlylargeranimal, e.g., the rabbit,local Although the dog is a very convenient model overdosage of vitamin D induced calcinosis of
human primates is similar 10 the bone structure myocardial necrosis can be produced by intra- for study of thefunction of the human heart, the majorarteries (56); and variouscornbina-
in humans and responds to hormones, vitamins, cardiac injection of vasopressin in oil (36). two differences distinguish the function of the tions of high-cholesterol, high-fat diets with or
and minerals in an identical manner. Horses also In the dog, myocardial infarction can be pro- heart of a dog from that of a human. The dog withoutthiouracylwere found to induce athe-
show such similarities. Nevertheless, large ani- duced by permanent or temporary ligation of a hasa predominantly left coronary circulation, romatosis in the rat (57), rabbit ( 5 8 ) , swine (59),
mals such as monkeys and horses are very sel- coronary artery (37-39). The study of collateral whereasthehumanhasa predominantlyright and rhesus monkey (60).
dom used as disease models primarily because development after coronary occlusionwas stud- coronary circulation, and the dog develops pro- Hypertension hasbeen studied with the Gold-
of their high cost, Many small animal models ied with the 133Xewashout method (40), and the fuse collaterals in response to coronary artery blalt model (61), bilateral nephrectomy, and di-
have been studied to measure the blood flow in early metabolic changes after coronary occlu- occlusion. Primates which have a coronary cir- alysis in the dog (62); with unilateral nephrec-
normal bone (4- 1 1). The animal models of dis- sion, including 99mTc-pyrophosphate accumula- culation and physiology similar 10 that in hu- tomy, high-salt diet, and desoxycorticosterone
ease most frequently studied include those asso- tion, could also be observed (41). Since open- mans have been used for the study of the heart in the rat (63); andwith cellophane wrapping
ciated with fracture, inflammatory lesions, and chestmodels in the anesthetized dog are not (49, 501, although their widespread use has for compression of one kidney in the mouse,
metabolicdisorders.Thereis no idealanimal comparable to MI in the human, variations of been restricted by high costand by handling rat, rabbit, and dog (64,65). The breeding of
model to study the metabolic derangements of the technique have been developed in the intact difficulties. The coronary circulalionin swine is salt-dependent hypertensive rats enables the
bone, primarily because bone metabolism is a conscious dog. The transcatheter placement of very similar tothat inhumans,and although study of genetically identical animals with and
complex phenomenon involving the interaction d i p s on the coronaries (42) is one such example swine are available and not very expensive, they without hypertension (66).
of vitamins, minerals, and hormones, which are of permanent coronary artery constriction. Al- are harder to manage, and there are difficulties A dog model of hemorrhagic(67)and car-
336 f Enenrials of Nuclear Medicine Scietm
diogenicshock (68) hasbeen describedalso. nonhuman primales (85, 86). Down’s syndrome Table 22.2.
Myocarditis can be induced in the rat (69) and in humans is associatedwithAlzheimer’s dis- Animal Models of Cardiovascular Disease
rabbit (70) by epinephrine; endocarditis has ease.Althoughsenileplaques that are associ-
Disease Animal Reference
been induced by mechanical damage and bac- aied with Alzheimer’sdisease have been re-
terial inoculation (7 1-73). In the dog, spontane- ported in aged dogs and monkeys (87-89), they Myocardialnecrosis:
lack the twisted neurotubules invariably present Epinephrine Rats
ous chronic valvularfibrosis occurs withhigh Isoproterenol
frequency (74). Uremic pericarditis causedby in human lesions. Many of the microscopic Rats 33
Electrical burns Rats
bilateral ligation of the ureters in the rabbit (75) changes characteristic of the aged human brain 34, 3.5
Vasopressin,intracardiac Rabbits 36
andcobalt-inducedmyocardiopathyinthe are alsoseen in the brain of old animals, but Myocardialinfarction:
guinea pighave been reported (76). In Table they are less extensive than those in humans Permanent or temporary ligation of coronary arlery Dogs 37-39
22.2 are listed the commonly used animal mod- (90). Alzheimer’s disease is the most common Study of collateral development, 133Xe Dogs 40
Early metabolic changes, PYP accumulation Dogs 41
els of cardiovascular disease (32-76). degenerative disease of the human nervous sys- Transcatheter clip placemen1
tem, and there is a lack of an appropriate animal Dogs 42
Perivascular baIloon snare Dogs 43, 44
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM model with similar clinicopathologic manifesta- Expandingsponge plug Dogs 4.5, 46
Many animal species, particularly rats, cats, tions. Although many neurophysiological mod- Copper coil inducing lhrornbus fornlalion Dogs 47
elshavebeen studied inanimals,models of Exercisemodel Dogs 48
and nonhuman primates, have been used to
study neurophysiology as well as neuropathol- human diseaseare not as varied.Asepticand Baboons and rhesus 49, 50
septic meningitis and the clearance of chelates monkeys
ogy. A select few are discussed here. In a recent Pigs 51 -53
report, the neurological diseases of animals have been studied in the dog (9 1, 92). Encepha- Atherosclerosis:
were discussed in relation to those in humans litis can be produced in hamstersby inoculation Repeal intravenous adrenalin Rabbjrs 54
of the Edmonston strain of measles virus (93), Milk and egg diet Rabbits
(77). Some models are close replicas of human Vitamin D overdosage, cafcinosis
pathology, others merely mimic certain patho- and hydrocephalus can be induced in the dog by Rats 56
Thiouracil, cholic acid, cholesterol andfat Rats 57
logic processes, while others are quite variable. the injection of Silastjc inlo thebasal cisterns Internitten1 choleslerol feeding of mature animals Rabbits 58
The more prevalent diseases of the human ner- (94). Hydrocephaluscan also beinduced in High-fat and high-cl~olesLerol dict pius propyllhjouracyl and Swine 59
vous system are less well represented by good smalleranimals.Theadministration of 6 - irradiation
aminonicotinamide to pregnantratsresults in Five difkrent diels Rhesusmonkeys 60
animal models. There is no other good model of Hypertension:
stroke due to cerebral infarction than that of old hydrocephalus in the offspring (95), andvi- Goldbla~tkidney
tamin A deficiency in the pregnant rabbit results Dogs 61
pigs (78). Due to thenatural susceptibility of Bilaleral nephrectomy plus dialysis Dogs 62
their cerebral vasculature to atherosclerosis, in congenital hydrocephalus in 70% of the off- Unilateral nephrectomy plus DOC plus NaCl Rats 63
however, pigs are more commonlyused to study spring (96). Cerebral microembolisms induced UnilateraI cellophane wrapping Rats 64
by the injeclion of carbon microspheres in the Figure-of-eighl Iipturc of one kidney Mice, rats, rabbits, 65
vascular disorders (79-81). At 10-12 years of
age, pigs develop spontaneous atheromatous rathavebeensludiedwithuse of multiple anddogs
Dah1 salt-dependent hyperlensive rats Rats 66
plaques of significant severity and frequency on tracers (97), and a model of subdural hematoma Shock:
the intracranial portions of the internal carotid can be produced in dogs by injection of a mix- Hemorrhagic Dogs 67
arteries, basilar artery, and middle and anterior ture of autologous blood and cerebrospinal fluid Cardiogenic Dogs
Myocarditis: 68
cerebral arteries, a pattern similar to that which (98). In conscious squirrel monkeys, epilepsy of
Epinephrine induced Rats 69
occurs in humans.Pigs,more thananyother short duration can be induced by cobalt powder
(99). Thestudy of centralnervoussyslem Rabbits 70
mammals, are also susceptible to various infec- Endocarditis, arteritis, valvular damage:
tions of the nervous system. Recently, a stroke- (CNS) tumors in large animals has been limited Mechanicaldamage Rabbits 71
pronehypertensive rat strainhas been deveI- to spontaneouslyoccurringcases,andmost Puncture of aortic valve pIus enlerococci Dogs 72
studies in which transplantable tumors were Placement of catheter plus staphylococcus Rabbits 73
oped which appears to be auseful model for Spontaneous chronic valvular Iibrosis
studying strokes resulting from hypertensive used were conducted in smallrodents (100, Dogs 74
cardiovascular disease in humans (82). Several 101). Animal models of induced diseases of the Bilateral ligature of ureters, uremia Rabbits 75
demyelinatingdisorderssimilartomultiple CNS are shown in Table 22.3 (91-101). Myocardiopathy:
sclerosishavebeen studied in animals; none, Chronic coball feeding Guinea pigs 76
however, are a counterpart of multiple sclerosis RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
in humans ( 8 3 , 84). Ananimalmodel of For extrapolation of data from animal models
amyotrophiclateralsclerosis has not yet been of lung pathology10 human diseases, considera- (104, 105).Despitetheinherentdrawbacks, respimory system and about therapeutic modal-
reportcd. Down’s syndrome has been observed tionshould be given to anatomical (102, 103) much hasbeenlearned fromanimalmodels ities.
andfunctionaldifferencesbetweenspecies aboul mechanisms of human diseases of the The sludy of pulmonaryemboli in the dog
as a nalural phenomenon in aging mice and in
338 I Esserlrials ojh'uclear Mediche Science Atrind Models of Hwnan Disease I 339
Table 22.4.
Anima1 ModeIs of Lung Disease
Disease Charactenstics Animal Model Relemncs Model Animal Reiercnce
Aseptic and septic meningitis uogs "1,
Y 92 Pulmonary embolus:
Encephalitis,viral Hamsters 93 Thrombin injected into vein segment, cIot released Dogs I06
Communicating hydrocephalus: Venous thrombus:
Silastic injection in basal cisterns Dogs 94 EIectricalstimulation Dogs 107
6-Aminonicotinamide to mothers Rats 95 Pulmonary hypertension:
Vitamin A deficiency in pregnant animals Rabbits 96 Hypoxia Rats 1 09
Cerebralmicroembolism: Croralarin specmbilis Rats 110
Carbon particles Dogs 97 HyaIine membrane disease:
Chronic subdural hematoma: Spontaneous FoaIs,piglets Ill
Injection of autologous blood plus CSF Dogs 98 0, induced Rhesusmonkeys 112
Epilepsy induced by cobalt powder Monkeys 99 Carcinoma of lung:
Braintumors: InIrabronchial polycyclic hydrocarbons Rats, mice, hamsters 113
Intravenous melhyl nitrosourea Rats 100 Asthma:
lmplanted intracerebrally Mice 101 Spontaneous Dogs 114
Bronchoconstriclion Guineapigs I15
Acute respiratory distress syndrome: phorbol myristate acetate Rabbits 122
and the uptake of labeled streptokinase (106), physema models have resulted from bronchial Chronic bronchitis:
the effect of clot age on the fibrinogen uptake instillation of elastase in sheep (120) or papain Mycoplasma pulmorris Mice 117
(107), and the accumulation of platelets on de- in dogs (121). The sheep model is worlh men- Spontaneous Dogs 118
nudedendothelialsites (108) are well docu- tioning because it pennits simultaneous meas- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Cattle 119
urements of various parameters. Animal models Emphysema:
mented. A model of pulmonaryhyperlension Elaslase Sheep
of lungdiseasearelistedinTable22.4 120
can be produced in the rat by hypoxia (109) or Papain Dogs
(106-123). 121
Crofalaria specrabilis feeding (110). Hyaline Pulmonary fibrosis Mice 1 23
membrane disease of the lung has been studied Review of animal models of respiratory diseases Various 116
in foals and piglets in which it occurs spontane- GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM AND
ously ( 1 11) or in prematurerhesus monkeys PANCREAS
exposed to high oxygen levels (1 12). Lung car- diseases that occur in the dog and have potential viruses (128). A comparison of alcoholic pan-
Digestive System as models. If a caninemodelisused,one crealitis in humans and rats has shown that the
cinoma models in mice, rats, and hamsters have
been studied intensively (1 13), bul experimental The criteria for a suitable animal model for should be aware that [he canine small intestine rodentmodelexhibitssimilarhistological
studies in larger animalshavebeen conducted gastrointestinaltractdiseaseare:(a) a host is an active amylase-secreting organand that the changes (129). Animal models of gastrointesti-
only on sponlaneously occurring cancers of the whosegaslrointestinal tract resembles that of canine liver degrades amylase more slowly than nal tract diseasesarelistedand referenced in
lung. the human in structureandfunction, (b) the does the human liver; as a result, normal serum Table 22.5 (130-141).
Only certain dogs are suitable as modelsof an disease that closelymimicsthehumancondi- amylase levelsare higher in dogs than in hu-
exhnsic IgE-mediated or anintrinsic type of tion, and (c) the availability of either large num- mans. A monograph on experimental acute pan- Hepatobiliary System
asthma (1 14). Studies on bronchoconstriction in bers of animals with spontaneousdisease or creatitis discusses comparative studies and the Many models of norma1 animals have been
guinea pigs (115) as well as in other animals reproducible experimental models (124). Dogs applications of experimental results tocondi- used for evaluation of hepatobiliary radiophar-
with asthmatic conditions have been carried (and to a lesser extent cats) havebeenexten- tions in humans and emphasizes that the differ- maceuticais (142-146). Observationsmade in
out, however (116). Chronic bronchitis in the rat sivelystudied to understand the inflammatory ent enzyme patterns in related species and spe- animals cannot always be translated to humans.
occurs spontaneously and mostly is due to M y - neoplastic and inherited abnormalities that af- cies-specific anatomical features are important Certain genera1 ideason the uptake,storage,
coplasma pulrnonis infection.Itsoutstanding flict the alimentary tract o€ humans. (127). and clearance of a radiopharmaceutical, how-
featuresinclude,however,inflammatory The major human digestive tract diseases for Rodentmodelshavealsobeenusedfre- ever, can be obtained, and the effects of phar-
changes in theparenchymawhichresult in which an appropriate animal model is important quently for the studyof pancreatitis. It has been n~acologicaland physical interventions can be
bronchiectasis (1 17). Somebreeds of small dogs are: peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, Reye's syn- suggested that infecliouspancreatitis resulting observed. There are significant interspecies dif-
are more suitable models of human chronic drome,cirrhosis,hepatitis,gallstones, biliary from use of coxsackievirus B 1 in mice provides ferences in both hepaticanatomyand phys-
bronchitis which is characterized by increased airesia,andCrohn'sdisease. Dogs have been agood modelforsludying pancreatic disease iology as well as ig the hepaticandbiliary
mucous secretion (1 18). used for most of the studiesonpancreatitis. due to viruses and for elucidating the relation- storage and excretion capacity of various sub-
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis occurs sponta- Pancreatitis, acinar cell carcinoma (125), and ship between diabetes mellitus in humans and stances (147-151). Bromosulfophthalein (BSP)
neously in cattle (1 19), and experimental em- juvenile atrophy (126) are exocrine pancreatic viral infection with coxsackievirus B and other has been widely used to study hepatic physiopa-
340 t Esserltinls of NrtcleflrMedicineScience A n i m l Models of Human Disease / 341
Table 22.5. lestinal motility (pentobarbital in dogs, ket- and experimental groups for tissue radioactivity
Animal Models of Gastrointestinal Tract Diseases amineandlorsparine in rabbits). Of ailthe assessment, scintigraphy, and autoradiography.
available animal models, dogs (and, to a lesser In the evaluation of renal radiopharmaceuticals,
Disease Anlnlals Reference extent,rats) havebeenused morefrequently young rats are used because of the increasing
than otheranimals to studyhepatobiliary dis- frequency with age of spontaneous glomerular
Acid-pepsininduced Cats 130 ease, due to ease of handling and the large size sclerosis (181). The use of rabbits is restricted
Chronic duodenal or gastric ulcers: of their hepatobiliary system which permits because their renal system differs from that in
Acetic acid induced, resembles human peplic ulcer Rats, cats 131, 132 catheterization. Animal models of hepatobilixy humans, in that the glomerular activity is inter-
Catecholamineinduced 133
pathophysiology are summarized in Table 22.6 mittent, even in the adult rabbit. Increased water
Iodoacetamide-induced ulcer of glandular stomach, with many features similar
to human disease
(164-180). and salt intake induces activation of glomeruli,
propionitrile or cysteamine induced, with morphological aspects similar Rats 135, 136 which results in copiousdiuresis (182, 183).
to human disease The dog has been studied in the normal physio-
Gastrointestinalbleeding Dogs 137-139 GENITOURINARY SYSTEM logical state as well as in situations mimicking
Gastroenteritis: Various species have been used for the study human disease. The dog is convenient for sur-
Virus induced, model of acute inrantile diarrhea Pigs I40
Inlestinal blood flow Dogs 141 of kidney physiology and for the evaluation of gical experiments or forstudies requiring the
radiopharmaceuticals.Althoughthemouseis administration of fluid and the collection of
available in most researchlaboralories,il has urine from both or from each kidney separately
thology. The hepatic storage capacity of BSP and physiology in the pig resemble that in the never been used as extensively as has the rat. In (1 84).
and its biliary transport have been quantified in human more closely than it resembles that in the addition to the wealth of physiological data Various models of human disease have been
several animal species with normal as well as dog.Thebilecompositioninthepigis very availableon therat,many rat modelsclosely studied in rars. Renal failure has been produced
abnormal hepaticfunction. Both spontaneous similar tothat in the human, buthepatic Tm and mimic diseases found in the human. Their low by resection of 80% of the renal tissue or by
bile flow and biliary transport maximum (Tm) storage capacity of 3 S P are about one half and cost and availability enable [he study of control bilateral ureteral ligation (1x51, but this proce-
for BSP per kg of bodyweightare 10 times two times higher, respectively, and bile flow is
higher in ratsandrabbitsthan in humans, about three times higher in the pig than in the
whereas hepalic storage capacity is only about human (149, 156). Sponlaneous bile flow and
Table 22.6.
two-thirds that of humans (148, 149). There is a Trn of BSP are four times higher in sheep than
Animal Models of Hepalobiliary Disease
quantitative difference in bile composilion be- in humans, but due to their large size and ease
tween rodents (rats, rabbits) and humans, and of manipulation,sheepmodelscanbeused Disease Animals Rclcrcncc
althoughrats lack a gallbladder,their hepatic when Catheterization studies withoul the use of biliary
obstruclion Complete Dogs I64
anatomy is quite similar to that in humans. The anesthesiaare needed. In both anatomy and Acute hepalic coma Dogs 165
absence of gallbladdershould not affectthe physiology,nonhuman DogsprimatesmimicJaundice
condi- (hemolytic) Prehepatic I66
liver uptake and clearance of compounds: how- tions similar to those in humans, but these mod- Hepatocellular jaundice:
els areused very seldom for physiological or Acute hepatic necrosis 167-169
ever, since the gallbladder represents only a part
Hepatic cirrhosis
of theextrahepatic biliary pathway. Spontane- pathophysiologicalstudies (157, 158). When Dimethylnitrosamine (DMNA) induced 169 167- Dogs
ous bile flow andcomposition in the dog are choosing a model for hepatobiliary studies, one AlcohoIinduced Rats, dogs 170, I71
similar to those in the human (152), bul T m and shouldtakeintoconsiderationfactorssuchas lronoverload Dogs 172
storage capacity of BSP is three times higher in the age of the animal, its body temperature, and Hepatitis
types of anesthesia, any of which induced
may affect the Alcohol Dogs 170, 171
the dog than in the human (149, 153, 154), and Virus induced
the liver anatomy of the dog differs consider- hepatobiliary function. It has been shown that Marmosets, dogs 173, 174
Galactosamine induced Mice 175
ably from that of the human. The dog, because with increasing age thereis a decrease in hepatic k t t y liver, lobar necrosis
of its largesize, however, couldbeused in transporl and bile flow in rats (159). Certain Carbon tetrachloride induced Rats I76
studies inwhich percutaneous catheterization of anesthetics affect hepalobiliary function mainly Hepatic fibrosis Rats 177
bylowering body temperature (160) or by Hereditary and congenital defects:
hepatic vein, hepatic artery, and portal vein are Crigler-Najjar
hyperbilirubincrnia) Rats (Gunn rats, 178
necessary with use of a technique similar to that altering hepaticbloodflow(161),gallbladder
genetically in-
used in the human; moreover, studiescanbe motility, bile flow, enzyme activity, and biliru- bred jaundiced
carried out in anonanesthetizedstate (155). binand bile salt excretion (162, 163). In rats, rats)
Guinea pigs are not good models for hepatobil- ether and halothane causeda significantde- Dubin-Johnson syndrome (congenilal hypcrbilirubinemia) 179
iary studies because their hepatic physiology is crease in hepatobiliary excretion, but pentobar- Gilbert’s
hepatic uplake of unconjugated
quite difrerent from that of humans as well as a dose of 40 rnglkg did not show
bital 10(Southdown) any
Sheel bilirubin) 180
from that of rats and rabbits. Hepatic anatomy effect. Some typesof anesthesia affect gaslroin-
342 I Ease~~ricrls
of Ahclear Medicirle Science Animal Models of Hlman Disease I 343
dure results in a relatively high mortality rate. rat (196, 197). Acute oliguric renal failure in the NUTRITIONAL-METABOLIC Celebes apes (214),and keeshond dogs (215).
Chemically induced renal failure (186) and tu- dog may be induced experimentally by infusion DISORDERS AND ENDOCRINE Many experimental techniques are available for
bular necrosis from the administration of gen- of norepinephrine into the renal artery(198), FUNCTIONS re-creation of the diabetes syndromein animals.
tamicin have been reported in rats (187). and renal arterystenosiscan be producedby TheobservationbyMinkowskiand Von-
Chronic glomerulonephrilis with nephrotic surgical placement of constricting clamps (199, Diabetes
Mehring in 1889 that pancreatomy in dogs re-
syndrome has been produced in rats (188). In 200), byuse of inflatablecuffs (201), or by Spontaneousdiabetesis a common occur- sults inpolyuria,polydipsia, and glycosurea
another rat model, a condition mimicking post- variations of these techniques. A percutaneous rence in many animal species, and experimental similar to those seen in human diabetes was,
streptococcal glomerulonephritis was described approach produces similar results. Thus a diabetes can be induced in animaIs by chem- indeed, a milesloneintheuse of animalsas
(189). Models of pyelonephritis have been de- Swan-Ganz catheter placed in the renal artery icals,hormones,injection of viruses, and sur- models for thestudy of humandisease.Di-
scribed in the rat (190) and the monkey (191), can be used to produce various degrees of ste- gery. Although hyperglycemia is a common abetes can be induced experimentally by:
and experimental ureteral colic was induced in nosis, with simultaneous monitoring of the pres- feature of diabetes in animals, no syndrome in
(he dog in order to evaluate lhe significance of sure distal to the balloon (202). For the study of animals corresponds exactly to anyof the forms 1 . Contrainsulin hormones, viz ., epinephrine,
hydrostatic pressure, ureteral dilatation, mu- chronic stenosis, embolization of the renal ar- of diabetes occurring in humans, which feature glucagon, glucocorticoids, growth hormone,
cosalresponse, andperistalsis (192). Changes teryhasbeenproduced experimentally(203). other abnormalities. The most commondiabelic and ACTH (216).
in the hydrostatic pressure can be controlled and Experimental hypertension can be studiedin the syndromes in obese .animals are hyperinsulin- 2. Virus (217).
monitored, which thus mimics the severity of S-strain of rats developed by Dah1 (66). When emia and insulin resistance. The diabetes in lean 3 . Hypothalamic lesions: electrolytic or chem-
obstruction (193). Autoimmune nephritis in the these rats are fed a high-salt diet, they develop animals is most frequently characterized by hy- ical (218, 219).
rat can be induced by injection of renal tubular hypertension, but rats fed asalt-poor diet re- poinsulinemia, ketosis, and insulin depen- 4. Toxic chemicals (207-210, 216, 220, 221).
preparation i n completeFreund'sadjuvant main normotensive and thus serve as genetically dence. Despite these differences, diabetic ani- In Table 22.8 are summarizedspontaneously
(194). Hyperacute renal transplant rejection can identical controls. In Table 22.7 are surnma- mals may b e considered as models of disease in occurring and experimentally induced diabetes
be studied in a dog model (195). Papillary ne- rizedthe models of genitourinarydiseases in humansandmayservetoadvanceresearch models (204-21 1, 216, 218-227). In Table
crosis and cystic disease can be induced in h e large and small animals (66, 181-203). leading to the evaluation of tracer kinetics and 22.9 are summarized various diabetogenic
metabolism in diabetic animals which will add chemical agents (207, 216, 220, 221).
to our knowledge and understanding of the pa-
thophysiology of diabetes in humans. In addi- Amgloidosis
tion, animal models (especially rodents) allow Amyloidosis is a disease of unknown etiology
Table 22.7. the study of many generations in a short period characterized by the deposition of an abnormal
Animal Models of Genitourinary Disease of time. These animal models permit study of protein-mucopolysaccharidecomplexwithin
Disease Animal Rclcrence
theinteractionbetweenheredityand environ- tissue parenchyma andaround bloodvessels.
mental factorssuchasdiet,drugs,infectious Although amyloidosis has been recognized as a
Normal physiology: agents, and {oxins. Many obesity and diabetic pathological andclinicalentity for over 100
Evaluation of radiopharmaceuticals Rats 181
models are available with use of rodents. Most years, only recently have detailed studies been
Water and saIt loading Rabbits 182, 183
Dogs 184 of these animals, such as the Chinese hamster, carried out tounderstandtheetiology,patho-
Renal failure Rats 185, 186 mimic closely the nutrition-related and obesity- genesis, and possible clinical importance of
Tubular necrosis Rats 1 87 related maturity-onset type of diabetes seen in amyloid deposition. Amyloidosis usually in-
Glomerulonephritis: humans (204-206). The BB/W rat model and volves multiple organ systems (particularly the
Chronic type, N,N-diacetylbenzidine Rats 188
streptozotocin mouse model mimicthe juvenile- kidneys,hearl, liver, spleen,andbrain). AI-
Poststreptococcalglomerulonephritis Rats 189
Pyelonephritis Rats 190 onset insulin-dependent type of diabetes usually though the etiologyof amyloidosis in humans is
Pyelonephritis Monkcys 191 seeninadolescenthumans(207-212).Al- not known, it is regarded as a disorder of protein
Ureteral colic Dogs 1 92 though spontaneous diabetes is quite common m e t a b o l i s m ;t h i si n c l u d e s (a) hyper-
Obstructive uropathy Dogs 193 in animals, only a few models have beenused to globulinemia, (b) an abnormalily of there-
Autoimmunenephritis Rats 194
characterize the diseaseprocess.Amongthe ticuloendothelialsystem,probabIy caused by
Hyperacute renal rejection Dogs 195
Papillary necrosis Rats 196 animal models available, the rodent model has chronic immunological stimulation resulting in
Cystic disease by diphenyiamine feeding Rats 197 been studied most thoroughly, mainly because the deposition of amyloid, (c) precipitation of
Acute oliguric renal failure by norepinephrine Dogs 198 (a)rodents havea shortgenerationlime and antibody or antibody-antigen complexes, or (d)
Rend artery stcnosis, clamp Dogs 199, 200 life-span, (b) their hyperglycemia and obesity all of these. The disease exhibits several clinical
Renalartery stenosis, cuff Dogs 20 1 are inherited, and .(c) theyarerelatively inex- types.Someshowgeneticpredisposition,
R e n d artery stenosis, Swan-Ganz catheter Dogs 202
Renal artery stenosis, embolization Dogs 203 pensive. Spontaneous diabetes in lean animals whereas others are associated with chronic in-
Hypertension, genctic Kats 66 has been sludied in BB rats, a spontaneous flammatory diseases, neoplasms, and the aging
mutation of' Wistar rats (21l),guinea pigs(21 3), processes. Amyloidosis can occur spontane-
344 I EJsenrials of Nuclear Medicine Science Animal Models of H m a n Diseuse / 345
ONCOLOGY nude(athymic) or immunosuppressed mice. human Female andthefemale rat (269-271). of inilial bone clearance of +kalcium from blood in
Human xenografts have been implanted at dif- There is no evidence for a scopal mechanismin rat. Fed Proc 14:49, 1955.
Both in vitro and in vivo oncologic models ferent sites in the body of mice (subcutaneous, mice, dogs, and guinea pigs (272, 273). More 5 . Copp DH, Shim S S : Quanlilativestudies oi bone
blood-flow in dogs and rabbits (abstract). J Bone Joinr
have been used extensively for diagnostic and/ intravascular, footpad, intrapineal, intracranial, recently, the hereditary asplenic mouse hetero-
Surg 46B:78 1, 1964.
or therapeutic studies. Mice and rats have been intrasplenic). Bogden et al. (260, 261)devel- zygous for the nu gene has been shown to be a 6 . Copp DH, Shim SS: Extraction ratio and bone clear-
used most commonly as in vivo models, and oped a subrenal capsulemodel for rapid screen- useful and relevant model of human breast can- ance of %ronlium as a measure of erective bone
hamsters, rabbits, and dogs have been used to a ing of new chemotherapeutic agents. More re- cer. A high percentage of these mice, startingal blood flow. Circ Res 16461 -467, 1965.
lesserextent (258). Induced,transplanted, or cently, this model has been used to investigate the ageof 5 months, develop spontaneous breast 7. VanDyke DG, Anger HO, Yano Y,et al: Bone blood
flow shown with '8110urine and the positron cameras.
transmittedtumormodelsare used morefre- the radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies in solid carcinoma, with maximum incidence at the age
Am J Physiol 209:55-70, 1965.
quentlythan arespontaneous tumor models, lymphoma growing under the subrenal capsule of 10 months (available from the Armed Forces 8. Kane W1,Grim E: Quantitalion of bone blood-flow in
mainly because of availability. Transplanted or of immunocompetent mice (259). This model Inslitute of Pathology in Washington, D.C.) dogs, Surg Fontm I6:47-448, 1965.
induced tumor models have certain definite ad- shows promise inthat the renal capsule provides (274).Somemodels of inducedandtrans- 9. While N B , Ter-Pogossian MM, Stein AH: A method
a rich vascular supply which results in rapidly planted tumors are shown in Table 22.12 (264, Lo determinerate of blood flow inlong boneand
vantages,e.g.,thenumber of hostsis not
selected sort tissues. Sixg Gynecol Obsrer 119:
limited, and the histological type of tumor to be growing tumor andmimicsmorecloselythe 265, 269, 275-304).
535-540, 1964.
studied as weII as the anatomical location, tu- deep-seated tumors in humans. A similar model 10. Lunde PKM, Michelsen K: Determination of critical
morsize, andhost age can be selected. Gal- has been developed in mice, with use of a sub- SUMMARY
blood flow in rabbit femur by radioactivemicro-
lagher et al. (259) hasrecently pointed out, splenic capsule as the site of tumor cell trans- Animal models are used for the study of the spheres. Aero Physiol Scand 80:39-44, 1970.
however,thatthecommonlystudied sub- plant (262,263). With the advantageof a highly normal metabolism and physiological processes 11.Zolle 1, Rhodes BA, Wagner HN Jr: Preparation of
as well as for the study of disease processes in rnelabolizable radioaclive human serum albumin mi-
cutaneous tumors are not realisticmodelsfor vascular bed and easy accessibility, the hamsier
crospheres lor studies or the circulalion. Inr J Appr
imaging studies, since the large tumor burden cheek pouch model hasalsobeenused quite humans. It is taken for granted that results ob- Radial Isor 21:155-167, 1970.
on thesurface of the body does no1 occur in often (264) to follow up the rate of growlh and tained from experiments on animals which, in 12. Riggins RS, DeNardo GL,D'Ambrosia GL, et al:
humans and therefore is not relevant to external effect of therapeutic interventions (264). the phylogenetic scale, are close to humans, are Assessment of circulation in the femoral head by LRF
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melastases and smail primary tumors. Sponta- model perhaps best simulates radiation-induced
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neous tumor models, although rarely used, are breast cancer in the human female (265, 266). Manyconditions can be studiedinrodentsor clideboneimaging. J A'ud Med 19:1320-1323,
closer to the actual tumors occurring in humans This model is based on demonslration that radi- othersmallanimals, however,and the results 1978.
because of their type of blood supply, organ of ation exposure of the human female increases obtained can still be validfor human conditions. 14. Osler ZH, Som E Srivaslava SC , et al: The develop-
origin, and syslemjc responseto the presenceof the risk of breast cancer development (267, It is the thorough knom)ledge of the anatomical ment and in vivo behaviorof tin-conlaining radiophar-
and physiological variations of species that en- maceuticals. 11: autoradiographic and scinugraphic
lumors. The most commonly used tumor mod- 268). This technique similarly increasesmam-
studies in normal animal models and in animal models
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Considerations in the Assembly and
Submission of the Physician-sponsored
Investigational New Drug Application*
Geoffrey Levilze mzd Neil Abel
Any attempl to write a chapter dealing with ference” has been acknowledged, although the
theInvestigational NewDrug(IND)process degree of acknowledgment is subject to contro-
and the design of a clinical h a 1 for a radiophar- versy (1 -4).
maceutical drug, in order for it to move success- The ability to inleract successfully with the
fullythroughthe IND processwithoutundue FDA and other govemmenl agencies depends,
delay, cannot be undertaken without the direct to a largeextent, on understanding both the
acknowledgmentand acceptance of the Food philosophy andthe flow of paper within the
andDrugAdministration (FDA) guidelines on process, particularly as these relare LO the laws,
thesubject (1). Becausetheseguidelines statutes,andregulationswhichultimately
(Grridelines for ihe Clinical Evaluation of Ra- govern both the context and content ol the proc-
diopharmaceutical Drugs) are so fundamental ess. Dr. Siegel (3,4),past chairman of the FDA
to the long-lerm welfare of the nuclear medicine RadiopharmaceuticalDrug Advisory Commit-
community as well as of the patients it serves, it tee, hasrecently reviewed the process of new
is highly recommended thal al1 individuals in- drug approval(for radiopharmaceuticals) from
volved wilh the clinical evaluation of radiophar- theclinician’s perspeclive.He noted that the
maceuticalsfamiliarizethemselveswiththe slow approval of newradiopharmaceuticals
contents of this document. The guidelines are arises fromdeficiencies in theactions of the
clear and relatively comprehensive in delineat- FDA, radiopharmaceuticalmanufacturers, and
ing expectations; it is the interpretation of these nuclearmedicinepractitionersalike. In the
guidelines in specificcircumstances, however, same article, Dr. Siegel reviewed the historical
which needsclarification,and it is to these considerations leadingup to FDA jurisdiction in
specificCircumstancesthatweaddressour- the area of radiopharmaceuticals, noting [hat the
selves later in this chapter. [ransition from Atomic Energy Commission
There are those who would argue that radio- (AEC) (Nuclear Regulatory Commission
pharmaceuticalsare,indeed,differentthan (NRC)) control has progressed through the [ran-
other classes of drugsand that this has gone sition phase but has not fully matured. Others
unrecognized by the FDA. Examinalion of the have cornmenled on the difficulty in meeting
guidelines for the clinical evaluation of radio- literal compliance with guidelines that seem to
phannaceuticals (1) compared to guidelines for “become frozen into regulations” (5).
Ihe clinical evalua~ionof nonradioactive drugs
(Z), however, will quickly reveal that this “dif- PARTICIPANTS IN THE PROCESS
TWO groups canfire an IND application: man-
* This work does no[ necessarily represent Ihc opinion of ufacturersand health practitioners.Thecom-
Ihe I 9 A . mercialmanufacturer should haveIitlle diffi-
culty in knowing when or if it should file an as the expert. The agency looks to the investiga- that there are appropriatestandards to in- apeulic or diagnostic potential (clinical phar-
IND. The health practitioner, on the other hand, tors as the experts. After all, the FDA doesn’t sure its safe use. macology Phases I and II). a simpler abbrevi-
doeshave some difficulty in deciding if the have patients, nor does it design the studies. If (b) Results of all preclinical investigations in- atedform of submission is acceptable.An
study he or she has planned (a) requires anIND, he FDA personnel designed and developed the cluding animal studies. Initially, these example would be the study of a drug that no
(b) falls under the practice of medicine andlor drugs, they would then become the experts, but shouldbedirectedtowarddefiningthe manufacturer is interested in sponsoring. An
pharmacy, or (c)can be handled by internal they don’t,FDApersonnel, to somedegree, drug’s safetyrather thanitsefficacy. The outline of such a study should provide the fol-
(instilutionai) committees. Thischapter, then, necessarily view themselves as generalists eval- data must demonstrate that there wiII not be lowing infomlation:
focuses on clarifyingthe role of the sponsor uating the protocols of the specialists, thus acl- unreasonable hazard in initiating studies in
I . The identity of the compound or compounds
and/or investigator with regard to the IND pro- ing as editors rather than authors. humans.Furtheranimalstudiesmaybe
conducted concurrently with clinical stud- together with facts that satisfy the investiga-
cess.The need for abetter understanding is
tor that the agent may be justifiably admin-
underscored by the observationthat new ad- CLINICAL TESTING FOR SAFE AND ies. The Bureau of Drugs (now the Center
istered to a human as intended.
vances in nuclear medicinehave,toa large EFFECTIVE DRUGS: AN OVERVIEW for Drugs and Biologics) will, on request,
comment on the adequacy of the proposed 2. The purpose of the use and the general pro-
extenl, come from hospital- and university- OF THE PROCESS
FDA generally re- tocol.
based health practitioners. This is in sharp con- animalstudies.The
Before 1962, there wasno requirement thal 3. Appropriate background information includ-
trast to traditional pharmaceuticals (3, 4) which quires, as a minimum, that (i) there be a
the FDA be notified that drugs were being tested ingabriefslatenlent of theinvestigalor’s
have been developed predominantly by pharma- pharmacoIogica1 profile, (ii) acute toxicity
on humans. The 1962 Kefauver-Harris Amend- scientific trainingand experienceandthe
ceutical manufacturers. In addition, it should be be determined in several species of animals
ments to the Federal Food,Drug, and Cosmetic nature of the facilities available to him. The
noted that movingthe new agentsthroughthe and theroute of administrationbethat
Act greatly strengthened the Government’s au- physician sponsoring this type of IND deals
process to commercialization (wide dislribu- which will be used in the animal trials, (iii)
thority over clinical (human) testing of new directly with the FDA. The FDA has no
tion) does not come without significant cost (6, there be short-term sludies ranging from 2
drugs. With this new regulatoryauthority,the authority over the practice of medicine and
7). weeks to 3 months, depending on the pro-
FDA has laken steps to: cannot require a physician to prescribe or not
The filing of an IND application can be com- posed use, to evaluale Loxicity. Addiiional
lo prescribe a drug for a particular illness.
pared tothesituation in whichastudent is 1. Provide added safeguards for those on whom animal studies frequently are necessary.
drugs are tested. (c) A detailed outline (protocol) of the planned Physicians are encouraged to submitan
takinga long subjective type of examination.
2. Improve reports by drug investigators. investigation. IND, however. when they use a drugfor
The student wants to please the teacher by say-
3. Establish investigative procedures to supply (d) Information regarding the training andex- purposesother than those approved bythe
ing what the teacher wants lo hear; although the
substantial scientific evidence that a drug is perience of the investigators. Investigators FDA. This enables the FDA to accumulate
teacher is determined to be flexible but correct
safe and effective. are responsible for, and required to submit data on the safety and efficacy of the drug
and fair. The student, however, must be aware of
to the sponsor (not the FDA), eilher Form for that kind of treatment and to share this
(byeither experience, maturity, know-how, or
FDA 1572forclinicalpharmacology or information with other physicians (8).
brilliance) the hidden agenda for thecontext and First Step
conlenl of reasonable flexibility. During the Form FDA 1573 for clinical trials, If the sponsor does no1 perform the manufac-
Before a new drug may be tested on humans,
classic exchange betweensludentand teacher (e) Copies of all informationalmaterialsup- turing and control operations for the new dlvg
the sponsor (usually a pharmaceutical firm,
over the scoring of an essay question, the stu- plied to each investigalor. (The lype of in- substance or finaldosage form himself, this
sometimes a physician) must give the FDA the
dent often states, “You know that 1 am aware of formation is listed in Form FDA 1571 .) information(whichisrequiredbyparts 1
informalion specified as a “Notice of Claimed
this information already.” The teacher replies, (f) An agreementfromthe sponsor tonolify through 5 of the Notice as found on Form FDA
Invesligalional Exemption for a New Drug”
“1 can only grade what you say; I cannot read the FDA and all investigators if any adverse 1571) can be furnishedon behalf of the sponsor
(Fomls FDA 1571, 1572, and 1573) known as
between the lines.” In reality, theperspective effects arise during either animal or human by the supplier who performs lhese operations.
an “IND.” Copies of these IND forms may be
that the teacher obtains having read a hundred tests. Similarly, a supplier may provide the preclinical
obtained from
essay examinations is quite different from that (g) The investigator’s agreement to obtain the or clinical study data. The sponsor mayforward
of the student. Indeed, having read hundreds of Forms Warehouse consent of the person on whom the drug is such supporling information or arrange to have
IND applicalions the reviewer can approach a Food and Drug Administralion to be tested before the tesl is carried out. it lransmitted directly to the FDA.’ In practice,
particular applicationwith a broaderbase of 12100 Park Lawn Dr. (h) Agreemenlto submitannualprogressre- the manufacturer usually maintainsa Drug Mas-
knowledge andlor experience, albeit a sense of Rockville, Maryland 20852 ports and commiiments regarding disposal ter File (DMF) containing manufacturing infor-
conservatism. of the drug when studies are discontinued. mation with the FDA and, on the requesl of an
(These forms are included with this chapter as
Each group (the practitioner-investigators and investigator or sponsor, appends thisinforma-
Appendices 23.1, 23.2, and 23.3.)
the FDA reviewers) views the other as the ex- The IND should include lhc following infor- lion to the 1ND application. The sponsorrarely,
pert. The clinician looks to the FDA, with its Physician-sponsored IND if ever, reviews the contents of the DMF under
massive aggregate of financial resources, its When an invesligator wishes to acl as sponsor these circumstances. It remains his or her re-
large talent pool todraw on, its infinite non- (a)Conlpletecomposition of thedrug,its for the use of a drug solely as a research tool or sponsibility, however, to see that the ilems in (he
urgent sense of time, and ullimate veto power, source,andmanufacturingdata, toshow for early clinical investigation of a drug of ther- DMF meet the requirements.
360 I Essentials of NrrcIenr MedicineScience Considerations in Phvsicion-sp0lrsol.d IhW AppIicnfiurr ! 361
are in order if the information obtained in the ANIMALS: IN HUMANS: FOR EFFECTIVENESS INFORMATION SURVEILLANCE
tial scientific evidence of safety and effective- NECESSARYFOR
ness needed to approve the drug for marketing. firsttwophases demonstratesreasonable as- -RATIONALE 8 -PHARMACOKINETICSEVALUATION OF RISKS FULL LABELING REPORTING OF
surance of safety and effectiveness or suggests MECHANISM FOR PHYSICIANS ADVERSE EFFECTS
This evidence is obtained in three phases. -TOXICTP(
that the drug may havea potential value Out- -POTENTIAL
Phase I weighing possible hazards. The Phase LII stud- EFECTlVENESf -EFFECTIVENESS I NEW USES
Pharmacology studies are used to determine ies are intended to assess the drug’s safety, ef- -TOXICOLOGY
Figure 23.2. Schematic showing regulatory monitoring of drug development and evaluation.
of drugs? including radiopharmaceuticals, are hesitate to believethat the preparation of an IND
further described. is an exercise in “word engineering.”
The submission of an IND application by an Knowledge of theframeworkandcrileria
individual heahhcare practitioner can be a rela- used bythe reviewer can be of help in the
tively painless exercise or can be one froughr successfulcompletion of the application. A
IND with futility. It should come as no surprise thal reading of the IND portion of the Bureau of
the task would be reiatively more difficultif one DrugsGuide BD 4831.1, INDlNDA Medical
HUMAN tried to fill out the application without a set of Review Guidelines (10) (Appendix 23.4), offers
STUDlES instructions. Instructions for the submission o€ a rare insight into theposition which will be
PHASES 1-11! Form FDA 1571 by an individualphysician taken bythe reviewer in evaluating the IND
investigator are, in fact, available from the FDA application. In answering the individual ques-
on writlen request (9). Yet, we have reviewed or tions of the Form FDA 1571, referring to the
NDA assisled in the preparation of IND applications
1 I I J I IND Medical Review Guidelines willgivethe
on numerous occasions in whichtheinstruc- investigator the opportunity to discover the type
USE OF DRUG tions were never consulted. The most difficult of response which, is appropriate. Additionally,
BY CONSUMERS task in the preparation of an IND application is answeringthequestions in a way which both
to make sure [ha1 it is complete and understand- parties {investigator and reviewer) deem appro-
Figure 23.1. Schematic of new dnlg dcvclopment process. able to allparties concerned;oneshould not priate will forestall unnecessary time delaysand
thus could lead to more rapid approvals. This is data must meet the same requirements as data result, the drug languishes and doesn’t get ap- anydosereceived from other modalities or
no1 to say (hat there might not be differences of oblained in the United States. proved. It is far easierto demonstrate that a drug agents which are part of the study protocol as
opinionand/or of interpretation.Also,the 3. The criteria for patient selection must be images a particular organ than it is to prove [hat well.
guidelinesarejus1 that, and [he reviewer will explicitly stated. The criteria for patient selec- adrug can be used for the detection of some Often omitted are the changes in radiophar-
often choose olher criteria in addition to those tion depend on what one is trying to prove. For disease. Often, with regard to thecompany- maceutical distribution that result in subsequenl
staled based on his or her experiencein review- example,supposeone is trying to showthe sponsored IND, toobroad of an objective is changes in dosimetry (e.g., due to differences
ing a specific type of agent. effectiveness of lllIn-labeledleukocytes in a sought(thereis difficulty in findingadequate that arise in specific subpopulalions or changes
patientwithan abscess.Theexistence of the controls). In this situation, “coming in” with an that occur in patients receiving adjunct therapy.
abscess must be shown byanothermodality, objective that can be easily measured and then For example, if 99n1Tc-labeledsulfur colloid is
AREAS OF THE INDIVIDUAL i.e.,biopsy,ultrasound,etc.Thus, if you amending the objectives €or use at a later date lo be administered to patients suspected of hav-
(PHYSICIAN)-SPONSORED IND WHICH haven’t shown the existence of Ihe disease, you shouId be considered. ingliver metastases, it can be reasoned(and
.FREQUEKTLY CAUSE PROBLEMS haven’t proved anything. 8. Thesamplesizemustbesufficient to shown) that there would be an expected shift of
One of the major difficulties with individual show a difference between two studygroups. theradiolabeledsulfur colloid to thespleen.
Certain portions of the individual-sponsored What size i s this? There is no numerical answer
(physician)-sponsored clinical trials is that drug Likewise, if the thyroid is blocked with Lugol’s
IND applicalion forradiopharmaceuticals are thal applies in every case, because a sufficient
regimens and assumptions are not always listed. solution prior to the administration of an1311-
repeatedly found to be inadequate or incomplete sample size depends on what you are studying,
One would like to minimize the interfering fac- labeled monoclonal antibody, one could antici-
in their coverage of thespecifictopic.These tors that tend to cloud the endpoint of a study. the frequency with which it occurs, [he popula- pate a shift of free iodide in the agent from the
areasarelistedbelow,occasionallywith Two examples, in terms of patient selection, tion size, resources, etc. The “bottom line” is thyroid to other organs.
editorial comment. might be pregnancy and children. that a statisdcally valid number of patients must 10. The sponsor of an IND can be anyone
1. Theobjectiveandduration of the stud?; 4. The populations of the patients must be of be used so thal enough good values remain afler (e.g.,physician,scientist,pharmacist,corpo-
should be staled as explicitlyand concisely as equal quality. For example, if ”‘In-labeled leu- thestudy iscompleled.Forexample, in the rale executive, etc.). In any study or phase of a
possible, It must b e remembered that the re- kocyles are being tested on two groups of pa- study of an arthritis drug on gerialric patienls, study involvingpalients, although anyonecan
viewer may not have the same technical or med- tienls with abscess and one of thegroups i s 30 normally would not be an unreasonable num- be an investigalor, a physician must be, at least,
ical background as the investigator and that the predominantly on antibiolic therapy, Ihe groups ber, whereas in the study of cyclosporine [her- co-investigator, since in the event of an adverse
reviewer’s reasoning will be inductive rather are no1 equal. In another example, first-year. apy foIlowing heart-lung transplantation in chil- reaction or similar circumstance a physician is
lhan deduclive. Thus, it would probably serve healthy medical students earning a few dollars dren, 3 might be an unreasonable number at one best qualified to treat the patient. If a particular
both parties better if the investigator leaned to- whileundergoingesophagealtransitstudies institution. The imporlant considerationis a sta- study involves only lrials in animals, however,
ward ”spoonfeeding”his or her information wilh 99mTc-labeledscrambled eggs may not be tistically valid samplesize for the statistical the investigatormaybe a clinicalphar-
rather than overwhelming the reviewer with his representative of the general population. design chosen. macologist, nuclear pharmacist, or other
or her medical or technical brilliance and ver- 5. Whenfiling an INDapplication,the in- There are scores of study designs to be fol- qualified individual.
nacular, vesligator or sponsor must be in compliance lowed, although the determinalion of sensitivity Other than the evalualion of new radiophar-
2. Acuteandsubacute toxicilylestingmust with his or her own local or state regulations in and specificity i s used quite often. Furthermore, maceuticals, a number of areas of clinical inves-
be carried out on animals before the drug can be addition to the federal regulations. Each state or +
the use of a scale ( I to +4j. compared with a tigation could be examined by nuclear medicine
used in humans. For example, consider 99mTc- distric1 has its own Board of Medicine or Phar- carefully chosen standard, is quile common professionals. These include investigations that
telracycline. If ilhasbeenshown(hatthe macy. Each investigator or sponsor must insure (e.g., for comparing radiotracer uptake in organ (a) prove new indications for exisling radiophar-
tetracycline issafe and effective, it must be thal he orshe i s complying with thoseregu- syslems or areas of pathology). The criteria for maceuticals, even if by citizen petition, (b) de-
shown that the presence of the technetium does lations. A state may or may not have regulations eachdesignalionmust be clearly identified so fine new routes of administrationfor existing
no1 alter the ~etracyclineso that it will adversely dealing with investigational drugs, however, and [hat the clinician andreviewer can understand radiopharmaceulical agents,(c)describe new
aflect the study or be a molecule of sufficient will defer to the FDA for responsibility. Califor- one anolher. dosage forms, and (d) evaluale new salts of
difference tohavean adverse toxicity of its nia is an example of a statehavingits own 9. Thecalculation of radiationdose(e.g., existing active agents.
own.The pointto bemadehereis that one regulations that deal with investigational drugs. radlmCi, mGylMBq) is of equal value whether 1 I . The design of a study with a diagnostic
cannot simply reason it out; the experiments to 6. Sufficient medical and occupational histo- calculated by the investigator, the Radiopharma- radiopharmaceuticalcantake on numerous
demonstrate what you are trying lo prove musl riesshould be obtained so [hat adequate inler- ceutical Internal Dose Information Center at forms. For instance,a crossoverstudyis not
have been carried out. pretation of the study can be made. Would not Oak Ridge, or by reference to a journal article always required in order toobtain an IND. What
Additionally, one musl choose an appropriate the interprelation of a slress fracture sludy with or package insert. The investigator must show is required, however, is a cleariy defined objec-
animal model. Testing of the iminodiacelic acid 99”1Tc-n~ethylene diphosphonate(MDP) vary that he understands the meaningof these values. tive, a clearlydefined rationale, and a clearly
agents in an animal that does not have a gall- betweenaballerina, college football lineman, The lolalradiation dose that eachclinical defined endpoint. For example, an appropriate
bladder would be useless. The FDA will review marathon runner, secretary, and chemist? study volunteer will receive must be includedin double-blindcrossoverstudymightinclude
data obtained from other countries in evaluating 7. Oftenthe poinl that the invesligator is the submission; this takes into account not only ]”In-Iabeled leukocytes and [67Ga]gallium cil-
the safety and effectiveness of a drug. Foreign tryingtoprove is too difficulttoprove. As a lhe dose froom the investigational drug but also rate ror abscess localization. Nonetheless, one
Cmlsiderarioos i n PiI~sician-sponsoredIND Applicaiion t 365
364 t Esserrfinls of Nuclear Medicine Scierlce
category). The IND is then reviewed by three rate and is confirmed by a chest x-ray, the chest
can obtain valuable information in a study with studies that can reasonably be expected; nev-
disciplines(phamlacology,chemistry,clinical x-ray becomes part of the total doseforthe
either II’In-labeled leukocytes or 67Ga-citrate’ ertheless, it seems possible that more of the
medicine) and others as required. purpose of the proposed sludy.
when the same palient has been scanned off and pertinenl questions can be answered without
3. On receipt, the FDA has 30 days to evalu- 8. The curriculum vitae (CV) of the primary
on (or on and off) antibiotics. any increase in the total number of patients
atethe IND for safety (safety only, not effec- investigalor and co-investigators (if any) is used
With a therapeutic radiopharmaceutical, it exposed to clinical trials.”
tiveness). It is valuable to sendthe IND by toascertain whether their training in the han-
may be inappropriate, unethical,or legally risky One example, of the many he discussed, in- certified or regislered mail so that you have dling and administration of radioaclive drugs is
lo denya patient the benefit of a worthwhile volves the comparison of a new dmg to a posi- proof that theIND was received in orderto adequate. The CV of the person(s) preparing the
treatment. Thus, prior knowledge obtained from tive control(not a placebo)byshowingitis validate the 30-day safety period. An acknowl- radiopharmaceutical is also important (phar-
earlystudiesbecomesmoreimportantwith similar to a positive control. The logic isreveal- edgmenl lelter of receipt should be sent by the macist,technologist).The IND application
lime. One can compare the findings from the ing if not often unrecognized. FDA. The sponsor will be notified of a “hold” must state whether the preparation of the radio-
new drug, retrospectively, with findings from a Suppose one is comparing lllIn-Iabeled leu- and the reason for it if the INDis held up pharmaceutical will be under the supervision of
similarpreviouspopulation of patients(e.g., kocyteswith67Ga-citrate in apatientwith a because of a question concerning safety. Any of a physician (practice of medicine or pharmacy)
oncologypatienls). Attempting to carry ou1 a parlicular infection.Showing thatbolh drugs thedisciplinescan recommend a “hold,” but or be prepared by a drugmanufacturingfirm
double-blind sludy witha drug such as cyclo- producesimilarscans or areequivalent in a theDirector of [he Division of Oncology and (and thus be regulated by Good Manufacturing
sporine,whichisused to inhibittransplan1 study does not demonstrate that either is effec- Radiopharmaceuticals makes the final decision Practices).
organ rejection, could prove legally and thera- tive, sincethepresence of infection must be to initiate a “holding” action. 9 . Title 21 Code of FederalRegulations
peutically embarrassing while denying a patient demonstrated by some other modalily. It does It is an interesting marriage in that radiophar- (CFR) 50.25 requires that informed consent be
the benefit of treatment. show, however, thatbothare effective or that maceutical~,perhaps the most benign category oblained. The sponsorof the IND need only say
12. Any attempt to discuss the importance of neilher were effective. Because the posilive of “drugs,” arelumped logether (in the same [hat informed consent will be obtained. A copy
the appropriale design of a clinical trial in this control is known to beeffective, we usually reviewing division of lhe FDA) with chemother- of the informed consent need not be submitled
chapter, other than in a consciousness-raising conclude thal both agents are effective if equiv- apeutic drugs, perhaps the most toxic of drugs with the application. However, reviewers can be
format, would fallterribly short. Robert Tem- alence is shown. A crucial assumption underlies (Fig. 23.3). quite helpful in pointing oul deficiencies in the
ple, M.D., Director of the FDA Office of Drug the conclusion, however, viz.: that the effective 4. Be sure lo answer each question and do so investigalor-prepared informed consent forms-
Research and Evaluation (formerly the Officeof drug was effective in theparticularsludy in in the propersequence. It is atedious job to this beingclearly to the investigator’s advan-
New Drug Evaluation), has brilliantly reviewed question; this conclusion may no1 be valid. The search lhrough piles of paper to find the answer tage. The lnstitulional Review Board (IRB) is
the commonmistakes,,and error in reasoning would be just as appropriate to a question. the body thal officially approves the informed
misinterpretations frequently made in the design in comparingtwoboneagents or twoliver 5 . If theINDdocumentcontainsmany consent document and/or statement.
of clinical trials (1 1). In this article, he hascited agents , etc . pages, paginate. 10. The IRB is not theRadiationSafety
several problem areas in designandproposed 6. Recognize that INDapplicalions are of Committee(RSC) and is nor the Radioactive
design solutions and has suggesled a number of INSURANCE AGAINST UNNECESSARY two majortypes:(a) con~merciallysponsored Drug Research Committee (RDRC) and should
aspects of designevaluation that could be im- DELAYS: TIPS FOR SPONSORS OF 1ND INDs, in which a Iarge populalion will be put at not beconfused with these other committees
proved with little or no increase in development APPLICATIONS risk, and (b) individuallysponsored INDs, in (12).
time or cost. Temple describes the difficulties as A number of simplistic, common sense, ad- which a small population will be placed at risk. 1 I . The 30-day safety period can be waived
falling into two broad categories ( I 1): ministrative problemsimmediately evidentto The IND will address two primary situations: on requesl, Le., on an IND appIication for an
“ 1 . Individualstudiesmaybedesigned the reviewer can, if not handled properly, resuil (a)one in which the drughas already been already-approveddrug(becausethere would
without careful consideration to the questions in unnecessary delays. Paying close attention to approved,perhapsfor another indication,and probably be no safety problem).
they really are capable of answering. The detail and to instructions for filling out the IND (b) one in which there is a new clinical entity, When an IND is filed for what is really the
result is either a) a useless trial that answers applicalion is important.Theseobvious over- i.e., a new drug. In the former situation,the practice of medicineandpharmacy,the FDA
no questions at all, or b) a trial that answers sighls are mentioned here becausethey occur s~ safety may havealreadybeen established and doesn’treally find it necessary to review the
some other question, not lhe one intended, or often. Information about how the IND is pro- the literature can be cited. A photocopy of a few study, nor does it want to. It will do so as a
only part of the intended question. cessed inside the FDA is presented to aid the articles attached lo the back of the IND as an courtesy at the present time, however.
2. The total package of sludies may b e de- sponsor andlor investigator. appendixaidsthe process. If nothingelse, it 12. TheINDprocessisconlinually under
signed without lhoughtful consideration of all 1. The IND application (Form FDA 1571) saves duplicate trips to the library. review. A rewrite of IND regulations, which
the questions that are pertinent. There are, of must be signed. 7. Whencalculations of dosimetry are in- will applymostly to commercial sponsors, is
course, practical limitations on the number of 2. The application must be submitted in trip- cluded, (a) “walk” the reviewer throughthe currently in progress.
licate. Many of the applications are held up for calculations, since he or she cannol make as- 13. TherearenoFDA-requiredlimitson
this reason. INDs are initially sent to a Central sumptions, and (b) includethe total radiation dosage. Each case is examined on its own merit,
Although [6’Ga)galliorn citratc is preferred by IUPAC, Record Koom where they are given a number as
dose lo the patient from all modalities. Thus, if but consider the following when submitting an
“Cia-citrate is standard. and both arc used throughout this
they are received (1NDs arenot numbered by a pulmonary infection is detected by 67Ga-cit- IND: Is the risk to be taken worthwhile for the
366 / Esserlrinls of Nuclear Medicine Scierrce
information to be gained? Does the patient ben- Is an IND required in any of the above situa-
efit or willthe information more likely be of tions?
benefit to mankind? Answer: Probably not.
ence to his previous IND withregardto the theevent of error a criminal penalty can be ity of thesolute-solventrelationship (e.g., oil “OnFebruary 4, 1983, the NRCpromul-
technical and medical content. The IRB at the avoided with such a mechanism, errors of mal- versuswater). Try, forexample,toelute a gated a final rule granting the first exemption
new institutionwould be requiredtogrant its practice would stillbe applicable under civil law 99mMo/”mTcgenerator with water or 0.45% sa- to the ‘route of administration’restriction.
approval for use. on behalf of the patients involved. line instead of 0.9% saline. What would happen Thisexemptionpermitstheuse of 9 9 m T ~ -
It would also beappropriate for the investiga- to the insolubility of 32PcolIoidal chromic phos- DTPA as an aerosol for pulmonary imaging.
tors in residence to modify or amend their IND Would a Radioactive Drug Research Commiiiee phate if [he pHwas out of specifications? Would Moreover, this rule establishes a mechanism
for internal mammarychainlymphoscintigra- (RDRC) (12) have an)’ role in this process? soluble 32Pdiffuse through the cavity wall and whereby similar exemptions might be ap-
phy to include melanoma. Answer:TheRDRC hasno rolewhatsoever result in ahered biodistribution and significantly proved by the NRC. . . [(4)].”
A third option is for all of the investigators to regarding the use of a radioactive pharmaceuti- differenl radiation dosimetry?
file Form FDA 1573 (Statement of Investigator) cal for patient management. If one was simply Example 9 givesadditional informationon
and become clinical investigators for a sponsor looking at the kinetics of a radiolabeled drug for unapproved uses of approved radiopharmaceuti-
researchpurposes,the RDRC couldconceiv-
Example 5. The nuclear medicine department cals.
wilh an active Form FDA 1571 (IND).
of a children’s hospital wishes to prepare a lung
ably have a role. Nonetheless, an IND would
scan dose of 99mTc-labeIed macroaggregated al-
Would the diagnostic test wiih P9”Tc-ASCstill not be required in this situation. Example 7. A physician working in coopera-
bumin for a 6-month-old infant. Examination of
j as a result of the evaluation
be invesfigational i
the package insert directions provides no guid- tion with an immunology laboratoryai a univer-
of a patient with 99mTc-ASC,the degree of dis- Example 4, A nuclear pharmacist in a depart- sity-based health center is a leader in the deve1-
ance in terms of how to prepare the product for
ease became known and the rreatmenl plan was ment of nuclear medicine wishesto dilute a vial opment of hybridoma technology. A labeled
of 32P colloida1 chromic phosphate so that the an infant under these circumstances.
alrered? monoclonalantibodywhichhas been thor-
Answer: No, the use of %*Tc-ASC would no1 dose can be more accurately measured and dis- oughly tested as a diagnosticagent in normal
Is an IND needed?
be investigational but would fall under the prac- pensed in a larger volume. 32Pcolloid is pre- mice, [urnor-bearing mice, and human tumor-
Answer: Obviously one does not request a lung
tice of medicine and pharmacy. pared in 30% dextrose solution as the diiuent. bearing nude mice is considered for testing in
scan for a n infant without a clear and justifiable
The dose willbe used within 2 hours of dispens- a patient for the first time. The inlent is to de-
need to obtain certain specific information. Not
Example 3. Theadministration of tritiated ing. terminewhethertheagent will localize in a
to perform thisstudycould be viewed as an
water and [ I4C]urea are requested as an indicator specific patient’s tumorandperhapseven lo-
omission by some. Moreover, h e FDA has rec-
aide in evaluating pulmonary edema and capil- Is an IND needed? calizeinmetastases.Theuniversity hospital
ognized that many limes the literature ( 3 , 4 ) and
Iary pemleability in patients undergoing hearl- Answer: The use of an approved drug for the has a Radioactive Drug ResearchCommittee
clinical practice ( 3 , 4) are farahead ofthe
lung transplants. diagnosis or ueatment of a specific patient for (RDRC).
package insert materials (e.g., approved indica-
anapproved use (in thiscase anintracavity
tions). This example falls under the practice of
Both agents are purchased ns radiochemicals. administration) falls under the practice of rnedi- Con the RDRC at this wriversity-based health
medicine and is not contrary to existingregu-
Is there an Ih‘D requirement? cine andpharmacy. Thus, an IND is not re- center arcrhorize testing in humans in this case?
Answer: There is no IND requirement for the quired. Answer: On May 6, 1983, the FDA Radiophar-
use of tritiated water or [I4C]urea either as part maceutical Drug Advisory Committee reviewed
of a research study or in the practice of medicine Can this dilutionbe prepared by a nuclear med- Example 6. A hospital-based physician wishes Section 21 CFR 361.1, regulationsthat had
andpharmacy. icine technologist or radiopharmaceutical sci- to administer the renal agent wmTc-diethylene- been promulgated 8 years earlier and in which
The term radioactive drug as defined in Title entist rtnder a physician’s supervision? triarninepentaacetic acid (DTPA) by a different the responsibilities of the RDRC had been set
21 CFR310.311 (1 3) specifically excludes Answer: Yes, it can. route of administration, i.e., as anaerosol for forth.Onetopic of discussioncentered about
“ . . . drugssuch as carboncontainingcom- pulmonary imaging. the question of new chemical entities as drug
pounds or potassium containing salts which Does one need to conduct stability silrdies prior products for human use, with approval handled
containtracequantities of naturally occurring to modifying a specific radiopllarmacentical Is this unapproved use of a mdiopharmaceuti- by the RDRC. The currentregulations state thal
radionuclides. . . . ” There are IND require- preparation? cal allowable? if the radiopharmaceutical drug productis a
ments for other than radioactive drugs, and Answer: In general, if the opportunity is pres- Answer: On August31, 1981, the NRC Ad- radionuclide attached to an established drug for
these requirements should be metif the product ent, it is to one’s advantage toconductsuch visory Committee on the Medical Use of Iso- which the physiological usein humans is known
is not endogenous. studies.Whether or not suchstudies are re- topes discussed the problemof unapproved uses and the dose administered in the tracer study is
A second question that is raised deals with quired falls within the judgment of pharmacists of approved radiopharmaceuticals in whicha below the physiologic dose, the Committee has
the conversion of a radiochemical toa radio- and pharmaceutical chemists. When there is un- variance fromthelabeling with regardtothe the authority to approve of its use.
pharmaceuticalwith the drug’s subsequent re- certainty, references in the literature cannot be route of administration is involved. NRC staff If, however, the radiopharmaceutical is a new
moval from FDA jurisdiction. found, andlor expert advice cannot be satisfac- members indicated their willingness to review chemicalentityfor phich thepharmacologic
A radiopharmaceutical may beprepared from torily gained, it is prudent not to take a chance. requests forsuchuses andto approvethose dose in humans is not known, animal data can-
radiochemicals on a prescription basis under the Just the changing of a solvent can often alter the judged to result in acceptable radiation exposure not be used to establish the fact that [here is no
practice of medicine and pharmacy. Although in dissolution rate of a drug by changingthe polar- to patients (3, 4, 14). human pharmacological effect.
370 I E J S C I I of
? ~Nltclenr
~~ Medicine Science
Thusundercurrentregulations,since a the diversity of interests between clinicians and tioned that there are many varieties of fibrino- radiopharmaceuticals. The agencyapproved the
monoclonalantibody is a new chemica1 or a the FDA. gen, however, and that only the approved type of u s e of s o d i u m [ 9 9 m T c ] p e r t e c h n e t a t e f o r
biological entity, the RDRC would not be able Human naturedictatesthatthe members of fibrinogen from an approved lot will be accept- dacryocystography, 99mTc-labeled sulfurcolloid
organizations (the FDA or the “organization of able.The“bottomline” is that if the FDA for oral administration (e.g., gastrointestinal
to authorizetestinginhumansandanIND
individual practitioners”) defend the vested in- learned of the use of I3’1-fibrinogen as an imag- studies), and ‘33Xe for intraderma1 injection.
would have to be filed.In practice, however, the
terests of that organization or society. Each ing agent in a research study, it would notify the Previously, the FDA had approved NDA sup-
RDRC can play a valuable oversight role.
grouphas a mission to accomplish.Because investigator that an IND was necessary. plementswhichadddirectradionuclide
Cat1 itformation oblairled in an RDRC study be neither (protection of the public health nor care cystography to theIist of indicationsfor
of the individual patienl) is mutually exclusive, Who makes the decision regarding the need for [99mTc)-pertechnetate.
lrsed IO provide itzjiirnratiotr that will be used 10
thereusually is room andflexibilityto find a OII IhID? Another example which is appropriate for this
irenf a patient?
mutuallyacceptablesolution.Thecontinuous Answer:Atmostinstitutions,theRadiation process is the use of 99mTc-MAAto verify he-
Answer: Yes, it can.
striving for mutually acceptable solutions, how- SafetyCommittee authorizes possession of a patic catheter placement for chemotherapyinfu-
ever, willrequire tenacityand goodwill if the radioactively labeled drug in a specific chemical sion by pump. More than a dozen articles in the
Suppose that irr this firsf patient to be studied
!he findings worrld Itme an impact on the cowse development of safeandeffective radioactive fom, usually through itshuman use subcom- literaluresuggest thesafety,efficacy, andap-
agents are to reach patients in the shortest possi- mitteewhenthe material will be used in hu- propriateness of this indication. The approval of
of treatment. Would this be consideredthe prac-
ble time. mans. Additionally, the IRB, also known as the this indication will, however, depend onthe
tice of Inedicine.7
human experimentation committee or a similar design of the studies and whether ornot the data
Answer: This process would, in effect, be skip-
Example 8 . A university-basedphysician name, reviews the project for design and for the support the conclusions which are reached. Two
ping over the intent of a Phase I IND study
wishes to begin studies on the possible forma- establishrnent of an informed consent docu- other radiopharmaceuticals which are appropri-
which is carried out, in part, to demonstrate
lion of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) following ment. If the institution has an RDRC, this com- ate for this process and need to be evaluated are
safety. Phases 11 and HI of the IND process
the use of a surgical cuff. For this purpose the mittee couldhelpmakethedecisionaswell. 99mTc-DTPAforcisternographyand l1l1n-
representtheclinica1trial. The RDRC cannot
controls will be the contralaterallegforone Usually, the nuclear medicine physician makes DTPA for gastrointestinal tract studies.
approve the use of anydrug that is partof a
group of patients,and,for the secondgroup, the initial decision, however.
clinical trial. The clinical trial is approved by
the IRB. randomized surgical patients with and without Example 10. A university-based hospitalhas
the cuff. The patients will not benefit from the Could t3ii-labeledfibrinogen be prepared and filed an IND for the use of ]In-Iabeled Ieuko-
Comment. There has been talk that should the
study unless the presence of DVT is discovered used to image DVT i n a single patient? cytes to detectsites of infection. One patient
role of the RDRC be expanded to approve new
and found to be necessary to treat. Since Answer: Yes, and without filing an IND. presents with a lymphoma in the cheek whichis
entities,thecomposition of theCommittee
likelywouldbechangedtoincludephar- labeled fibrinogen is unsuitable for imaging, the thought to b e a site for the trapping of lympho-
agent of choice might be 1311-labeledfibrinogen Example 9. cytes, since the patient is lymphocyte depleted.
macologists and toxicologists (14). Advantages
of such a change migh! include (a) the prelimi- or ”’ln-labeled platelets. Assume thatI3’I-la-
beled fibrinogen is selected as the agent for this Can a??approved I-adiophart~lnceuricai admin- How is ihis siruatiorr best handled?
nary testing of the new drugentity in a very
study. isiered via one roolire be administered by another Answer:There are over 400 INDs for leuko-
small number of humans prior to the submission
of an IND, (b) speeding up theresearch pro- ruufefor an unapproved indication? cytes, and to date, it appears to be safe. Because
Is rhe s t d y investigafional? Afler d l , slrrgical Answer: Yes, undercertaincircumstances. By lymphocytes are part of the leukocyte popula-
cess,sincein-house communication could be
cuffs are used roufinely anyway. law, indicationscanbeadded to thepackage tion, in this case,safety would not be anex-
faster than communication with the FDA, and
Answer: Yes, this is a bona fide study in which inserts when the safe and effective use of that pected problem.
(c)possiblyIessinformationrequired bythe
pat~entsare randomly entered. indication has been proven by datasubmitted Since the IND application has been filed, one
RDRC than would be submitted in an IND.
for evaluation. If the holder of a radiopharma- can simply submit an amendment to the present
A subcommittee of the FDA Radiopharma-
Does otle need to file an IND, since ’3ii-labeled ceutical NDA does not submit a request for a IND, i.e., a new study protocol for one of the
ceutical Drug Advisory Committee chaired by
fibrinogen has been reported to be used fur this new indication,the FDA cannotarbitrarily active agents in a previously filed IND. Since
H. William Strauss has been appointed to exam-
purpose in the literature? Use of 131i is merely placea new indication inlo the package insert this is a drug entity which appears to be safe, is
ine whether or not the role of the RDRC should
&e sdxritufiutt of one radioacfivesrrbsfmtcefor withoutadequate data tosupportthespecific suspected of being effective, and is for the man-
beexpanded to include theresponsibility of
another ( i . e . , for 1251}. indication. agement of a particularpatient, however,the
permitting theinvestigation of new chemical
Answer: Fibrinogen (labeled with Iz5I) has been An independent group or even an individual nuclearmedicinediagnosticstudyreallyfalls
entities (14). This subcommittee could recom-
found to be sale and effective for detection (but citizen may act to amendthe indication of a under the practice of medicine and pharmacy
mend that the RadiopharmaceuticalDrug Ad-
not imaging, per se)of DVT. I f the radionuclide drug by petition after a thorough search of the such that an IND wouid not be required. None-
visory Committee proposea change in the regu-
is used in trace quantity, any of several radionu- literature. The Radippharmaceutical Drug Ad- theless, had one nor already had an IND filed
lations which would allow fortheexpanded
role. Nonetheless, it is up to the FDAto ap- clidescouldpotentiallybe substituted asthe visoryCommitteeusually is involved inthe for]l1ln-oxine, one would haveconsiderable
tracer, and the resulting compoundcouldbe process (3, 4, 14). During1984, the FDA ap- difficulty in obtaining L1lln-oxine from any of
prove of the expandedrole. It is exactly this
investigated as an imaging agent. One is cau- proved new indicationsforthreewidely used the manufacturers in order to label the lympho-
particular impasse which represents the crux of
372 I Esserriials of Nuclear MedicineScierlce Considerairons in Physician-sponsored IND Application I 373
cytes. (Note: lllIn-oxine forlabeling autologous ( f ) Secretarialcharge for typingpatient re- 2. Department of HealthandHuman Services: General ring Form FDA 1571. A Notice of Claimed Inwstiga-
leukocytes is now approved by the FDA.) ports. Comiderations fur rhe Ciirlicul Evaluation of Drugs, lions! Exemption for a New Drug, by an Irldividual
This brings up the subjecl of the emergency (g) Review and analysis of the entire projecl by HHS (FDA) 77-3040. WashingLon DC, UnitedStales Plzysician Investigntor (Investigational New Drug Ap-
(compassionate) IND. In those circumstancesin the investigators and the collaborative per- GovernmentPrinting Office. 1977 plication), FDA, Document Control Section HFD-106,
3. Siege1 BA: Radiopharmaceuticals and F D A a clini- New DrugEvaluation. Rockville,MD. Bureau of
which a specific patient requires diagnosis and/ sonnel.
clan's perspective. Medlrlsrrnmenr 15:355-360, 1981. Drugs, 1982.
or treatment, the 30-day evaluation period can (11)Ordering,receipt,wipetesting,and other 4 . Siege1 EA: Radiopharmaceuticals and FDA a clini- 10. Department oTHealth and Human Services: TND Medi-
be waived by direct contact (telephone) between radiation control practices. cian's perspective. J Nucl Med Techno1 1 I:177-186, cal Review Guidelines, Guide BD 4831 . I AtLachmenl
the physician and the medical director (or his or (i) Preparation and review of the informed con- 1983, A. Washington DC. FDA Internal Document, 1980.
her representative) of the FDA. Specific clinical sentstatement.(Howdo you chargefor 5 . News and Comment: Indusmyairs grievances over 1 1 . Temple R: Govemmenlviewpoint of clinical trials.
FDA's NDA review process. Am Pharm NS23:8, 1983. Drfrg Inform J 16:lO-17, 1982.
circumstances and justification for the investi- committee time?)
6. Bennett LR: Where are the costs of radiopharmaceuti- 12. Food andDrug Administration: P a r t 3hl"hescription
gational study are required. The compassionate (j) Preparation and submission of the IND ap- cals leading us? Editorial. Appf Rndio! 12:73, 1983. drugs human use generally recognized as safe and ef-
IND process might be appropriate (if the proc- plication, if required, 7. Lipton J: The State of Nuclear Medicine: AnIndustry fective and no1 misbranded: drugs used in research.Fed
ess is not abused) when recognizingthe large (k) Service contracts on the equipment used- Perspective. An address given to Amencan College ol Reg 21:155-160, April 1982.
commirment of time and manpower in the proc- Ibrinator,dosecalibrator,Geiger-Miilier Nuclear Physicians.September 24, 1983. 13. FoodandDrug Administration: 21 CFR Part 310.3.
8 . Department of Health and Human Services: Clinical definition and interpretation. Fed Reg, 1983.
ess of preparing the IND application. Certainly, counters.
Tesring for Safe and Effective Drugs (revised), HHS 14. Callahan RI: Reporc of the Government RelatlonsCom-
there are many occasions in which thephysician (L) Indirect costs-heat, light,electricity, ad- (FDA) 74-3015. Washington DC, UnitedStates Gov- mittee. Radiophorm Sci Council Newslerr 9-10, Fall
investigalorsimply lacks theforebearancere- ministrative staff (accounting, etc.). ernmen!Printing Office, 1981. 1983.
quired to go throughthe lengthyprocess and (m)Supplies(syringes,needles,gloves, pad- 9 . h o dand D N Administration:
~ lnsrrucrionsfor Snbmir-
seltles for what may or may not be a less spe- ding, markers, etc.).
cific or less sensitive form of diagnosis or treat- (n)Conlracteddecontamination(radiation
ment. safety) services, in the event of a spill.
Answer: With regard to irein a , the charge €or
Example 11. A community-based hospital's de- thedrug, the sponsor wouldhave toobtain
partments of nuclear medicine and surgery are permission from the FDA in order to charge the
conducting a cooperative study to evaluale the investigatorfortheinvestigationaldrug. In
effect of a surgical cuff on cIot formation in the practice, it is unlikely that such permission
mated leg, with the contralateral leg used as a would be forthcoming, since it does not appear
control. Patients are randomly placed into to be proper to charge an investigalorfor an
groupsreceivingthesurgicalcuff,drugs, experimental drug. Thesame is true for the
placebo, or nothing. shippinganddeliverycharges (ifem b), since
these are generally considered par1 of the radio-
Which of Ihe followirzg con~ponentsrepresents a pharmaceulicaldrugcost. However, lhe FDA
r e c o w v of actrtal costs imlohvd ill conducting hasno regulalions that preventthephysician
this study? investigator from chargingthe patient for the
(a) Purchase of 1251-labeledfibrinogen (with a investigational drug or any related services.
cost of X dollars per kit of five doses). Likewise, the pharmacist who is compounding
Note: Whatwouldhappen if only four or preparing the pharmaceutical can charge the
doses are used prior to expiration of patient forservicesrendered. In olherwords,
thekit? Do fourpeopledividethe with respect to items a-11, the FDA takes no
charge for five doses? official position as to what the investigator can
(b)Shippinganddeliverychargesfromthe charge the patient in a clinical study. Since the
manufacturer. FDA takes no position in these areas, the bot-
(c) Radiopharmacy time for preparation of the tom line for a charge to a patient is a matter of
dose, including assay, quality conlrol, and conscience and appropriateness.
(d) Tcchnologist and hospilal fee for conduct-
1 , Departmen1 of Health and Human Services: Grridelirlrs
ing the study.
foor rhe Clruicnl E t d u a t i o n of Radio~~harrr~acerrtical
(e) Physician's component for interpreting the Drugs (revised), HHS (FDA) 81-3120. Washington
study. DC, United States Government Prinling Office. 1981,
Form Approved: 0,WB No, 091 0.0014 lakc lhc phase 01 the Ins'esllgalion oullined in section 10 of [he "Nollce review and approval u i the proposed clinical study. The sponsor must
DEPAATMENT OF H E A L T H AND HUMAN SERVICES of ClaimedInvcrligallonaiExemption lor a New Drug." (In cruciat
PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Expworion Dore: Febmory 29, 1984. also pronde assuritnce thal t h e inrestlgalors will report l o thc IRB all
sltualions,phase 3 investigators may be addedand thls iorm supple. cllanges in lhe research adiwt? and all unanticipated problenls mvotv-
~nentcdbyrapidcommunicationmethods, and thesigned Form FD- Ins risks 10 human subjects or olhers. and that the investigators LviU not
1573 shall bc abtaincd promptly lhereaflcr.) make ani' changes in the rescarcll without IRB approval, ehcepl u,llcrc
10. An uuthne o i any phase or phases of the planned mverllgalions necessaw to elimmalcapparcntimrncdlale hazard l o thc bumansub-
and 2 descripllan 01 the mstit~t~onal rwlew commillcc. as follows jects. FDA will regzrd lhe r i v i n g o i l h e Form FDA 1571 ar providing
a. Cllnical pharmacology. Thls 15 ordmarily dlmded Into two phases: the necessary ~ P S U I ~ C Cabovc.
Phasc 1 startswhen fhe new drug is i i i s t introduccd Inlo man - only (The n o l m or claimedinvesligallonalckernptlon may be llmlted
I an~maland In virro data a e available - with thc purpose of delermining lo any one or more phases.provrdcd the outline o i the additional
human toxicity, metabohsm, absorption, ellmination. and other phar- phase or phases is submilled bclorc such addltianalpl~asesbegm A
macological action, prcicncd mule o i admmistratlon. and safc dosage limitalion on anewmpliondocs no1 preclude conlinuing a sublccl
Date Name of Sponsor rdngc; phasc 2 covers [he initlal trials on a limited number o i patlenrs o n lhe drug irom pliarc 2 to phase 3 wthout mlcnuption while the
ior specific diseasc control or propllylaxls purposes A generaloutltne plan ior pthase 3 LS being dere1oped.l
Telephone ( ) of lhese phases shall be subrnltled, rdentiiying the Investigator 01 Invest-
Address Ordmarliy. a plan l o r clinical mal wlll no1 be regarded as rcasonable
rgalors, l h e hospilds 01 mcarch lacililies where the clln~calp11~~n1d- unless, among other things. i t prorldeh lor more than one mdependenl
cology ~ w l lbe undertaken.any elplrt commlllels or panels lo be compelen1 inresllgalor l o m a i n t a r adequate case hislorm o i a n >de
Name of Investigational Drug utilizcd, the mavlrnurn number of subjects lo be involvzd. and the esti- quatc number o i sub~ccls. desgned lo record observations and prrmli
maled duration oi thcse earl) phases of invcst~gatlon. hlodifical~on or eYaluation o i any and aU disccrnlble clTcr.1~ allrlbulablcto lhc drug in
FOR A DRUG: FOR A BIOLOGIC: the erpcrimcnii design onthe basls o i enperlence gamed need be wch indiridual trcatcd, and comparable records on any mdirulualr
Jeporled only in lhe propers reports on time early phases, 01 In lhc employed ar conl~ols.These records shall be mdkv#duhl rccords lor car11
Food And Administration
andFood Drug Administration development a i the plan Tor lhe chn~caltrial, phase 3. Thc l i n t two subject maintained l o Include adcquate inio11natio11llerlainlnp 10 coch.
Office of New Drug Evaluation (HEW-106) Office of BioIogics(HF-823/ pharcr ma? overlap and, \when indicaled, ma). requuc addlllonalanhmal lncludrng a p . sek. condlrmnr m a t e d , doragc. ircqucncy o f atlnlinprtra
8800 Rockville Pike d a b befoorc rhesc phases can be completed or phase can bc undcrtaken. lmn 01 Ibe drug, resulls 01 all relcmnl clniical obrerrallonr and labora
5600 Fishers Lane Such anlmaltests shall be dcslgned l o lakc Into accmnl Ihc expected tory exdmmatlonsmade, adequateiniormarlon concernan? a n ? o l l ~ c r
Rockville,Maryland 20857 BeLhesda,Maryland 30205 durarlllon o i admmirtrallon 01 the drug l o human beings, the age groupa lrcatmecll g n e n and a full slalernent 01 any advcrse eirecls and ureiul
and physical slatus, as lor example,Incants,pregnant women, pre- resulls observed, together wlth an oplnion ar lo whcther ~ u c hc i i c c l s
menopausal twomen, o i those human beings to whom Ihe drug may be or IcsuIls a r e attributable to lhe drug undcr mvestigailon.
Dear Sir: adminislcred. unless thrs h x alrcadl; bscn done ~n thc orimnal animal 11. A stalemen1 lhat the sponsor w i l l noliiythc Food and Vrug
sludies. If a drug 1s a radioactive drug, the clln~calpharnlacology phase Adminlsualion ~f the inrestlgallon IS d~sconlinued.and t l ~ c reason
must mcludc rlrrdies which WIU obtam sulficientdala io! dosimerry rlwcior
calculal~ons.l h c s c sludies should cvaIualc lhe excretion. whole bod? 12. A slalenwnl lllal IIlc rponmr 11111 notlfy each investigator !r
relelltlon, and organ distribullon o f l h c radloactivc malerial. B ncwdrug applicarhon 1s approved, ur if the Invesliprwn is dmoll-
b. Clinical trial. This phasc 3 provider the a s ~ e s r n r n l01 the drug's lmued
A Ltached herelo in triplicate are: saicty and eflcct~rencssand optilnum dosagc rchedules in l h e dmgnosis. is 10 be sold. a fuU chplrnation why sale II rtqulrcd
13. l l l t l r u r u ~
bcatmcnl. or prophylaxis oigroups oisubJeclr mi*olvmg a givcn dlsease and should no1 be regarded as the comnlercralization o i a new orug lor
or condillon. A reasonable protocol IS developed on lhe basis 01 llle whicll an appilcallon is nol approved.
1. The bcsl available descrlpllue name oi rhc drug, including l o the b . I i the drug has been markeled commerclally or Invesllgalcd (e.: iactsaccuniulaled in thcearherphases, mcludmg completed and sub 14 A stalclncnttl>al thc sponsor assurer that cilnlcal 5lud1cr I"
exlent known lhe chem~cal name and slructum o i any newdrug rub. outside Ihe Urutcd Slalcr), complete iniormalaon about such drstrzbu rnbttedanimal studiesThls plmc IS conducted b y reparatc groups io1 humans will not bc initlaled pr!or In 30 days after t l ~ cd a w o i recclpl
S~IIICE. and a stalcmcnl 01h o w i t is l o be adminirtcred. (lithe drug has Lion or investigatlon shall bc submllled, along with a conlplrtc b ~ b l ~ louving tliesame prorocol (nllh rcaronablelarlillions and allcmatlves o l the nuliw by l h c 1-ood and Drug Admmlrlratlon and lhal Ihc \vi[[
only a coda nanlc,enough Intormallon should be supphed to Idenlily ogIaphy o i a n y publicar~ons aboulthc drug. perrn~tledby the plan) l o produce weU-con1rolled clinical d a h Far IhLr continue 10 wllhhold or IO reslrlct clinical rtudles [I rcqucrlcd 10 do 1"
thc drug.) c . 11 t h e drug is a cornblnallon oi prevlourly mwthgaltd 01 m a r
phase. the following dam shall be submltred: by [ha r o o d and Drug Admmirtrallon prlor 10 Ill? cxpralion o l such
2. Complete iisl of componenlr oi the drug, mcluding any reason- keteddrugs, an adequalc rummar? o i preexLrling mformalion 110111 I. The names and addresses oi the invcrlgalorr. (Addlt!onal mvati 30 days. I1 such requesl IS made. lhcsponsor ail1 be providd rpccillc
abic allcrnatcs for inactivc componcntr. preclinical and clmcal lnvesugationsand cxper~cncc\vi111 ~ t scompo galors may bc added.) rniormatlon ar IO Ihe deliclcncler and will be allorded a conrcrcncc on
3 Complete statement of quantitative composillon oldrug, includ- nents,includmg all reports arallablc to thc sponsor ruggcrting rid? Mi. Thc spccific nature or the mvesliptlonP l o be conduclcd. t o rcquert. Thc 30 daydclar maybc waned by lhc Food and Urug
mg rearonable rariallonsthat may be expectedduIing the illucstiga- en'ecrs. conlralndications,andineifecl~vcncss In us? 01 such compo gclher rvilh inlormallon or caw ICIIOII forms 10 shew thc scope and Adrnmistratron upon a stlowng of good reason loor such w a ~ v c r :aud
tional s l q e nsnts. Such summary should includc an adequale bibliography 01 detail o i the planned clinical obscnarlons and tllc c l m ~ c dlaboratory lor lnvcatgallons SubJecl 10 Inrulutional rerxw commlllecapproual
4. Dcrcription o i sourceandprcparalion oi. any ncu'.drug sub publications aboul the cornponenls and may incorporate by relcrencr tests l o be made and reporlcZ as described 111 ~lemtOc abovc, andaddilionnl s t a l e n m l assuring lhal
stances used as components.including rhe name and address o i each anyinlorrnatlonooncernmgsuchcornponcnrr previously rubrnured ili The approximarc number ui rubjcctr l a reanonable range o i Ita? Inrcstigallon >vilL nol bc Inulalcd prior lo apprura oi llw rtudy by
suppl~er01 ~ I O C C S S O ~other
. lhan the sponsor, 01 cach newdrug sub. by rhe sponsor t o the I'ood and Drug Administrauon. lnclude a rM1c subjccls 1s pcmiissrble and addillons map bc mad?). and c n l e n 3 pro such con~n11tlct
slance men1 of lhe expcctcd pharmacological e i k c t s 01 Lhc combinallon. posed l o r sub~mlrelectlon by agc. sex. and coltdzlmn 15 W ~ o nrcqucblcd b y the agcnry, a l l eI1vmwncntaI 11111111'1
5 , A slatcrnent o f lhc methods. lacililics. and cont10lr used ioor the d. If the drug is a radioacuw drug, sulrjclent d a b must be availablr 1%'. The estimatedduraflon of lhc clmicill l r i d 2nd themtcnak. anatvrlr rcporl pursuant 10 5 2 5 . 1 olrh~5chap1cr
manulailurmg, proccrsmg. and packing o i lhc new drug l o cslablirh h o r n srumd studies or prcwous human sludes 10 alio\v a reasonabl! m t chcccdulg 1 year. a1 w h l h propess reports rhoumg the results of 16. A s i a l c m c n l l h d t all ~nun~lrnlcallaboratory rludlcr h a m b r r n
and maintaln approprlalc standards oi idcnllty, strcngth qualily, and calculation a i radiation absorbed dose upon admmislral~on to a humm the lnvcsll~rllonss r U be submitted t o lhe Food and Drug Admmlstrd- or \will be, canduclcd In complinncc will1 the good Inboraton pracl~cc
punty as nccdcd lor saiety and to give sipilicance l o clinlcal invcsliga- being. tion regulahons re1 iortll hn Part 5 8 oi 1111s chaplcr, 01, ~ i s u c hqtudirh h n w
tlons niodc w t h the drug. 7 . A t o t a l (one ~n each o i lhelhrcecopies o i thenollcel 01 ail c. lnstilulional review board (IKB). The sponsor must g ~ v ea s w r 1101 becn conducted 111 complraoce with such i c p u l a b o ~ ~ sa. stalu111~'nt
6 A slatcrnenl covermg all inlormathon available t o thc SponsoI inlormatlonalmaterial,includinglabel and labeling. whlch LS to bk ancc thal an IKH that cornpl~esrwth lhe rcquvemcnts sel iorlh in Part l l ~ dercribcs
l indetail all dillerenccs brlsvccn 1 1 1 ~pracr~ccr UICLI 111
dcrwcd irom preclinical uwestlgalionr and any clinical studies and supplicd 10 each mvesligator: T h ~ shalls mcludc an a c c u ~ a t edercnptron 56 of thls chapter will be responsrblc ior thc mltlal and c o n t ~ ~ ~ u h ~ g conducting lhc;ludy and 1110~ requmd111 the rcpulalmn~.
e q x r l c n c e u,ith lhe drug ar follows. 01 the p r ~ o rInvesligatlonsand evper~enccand ttmr m u l l s perllnenl
a . ndcquateinformat~onaboul thc preclinical invcsllgations, in- lo Lhc saiety and Qosslblc urclulncss oi lhr drug undcr lhe cdndiliow \'cry truly yourr.
cludmg sludies made on Laboratory animals, a n the basis of n,hich the o i the inucsrlgalion. 11 shall not reprcsent lhal the salety or uselulnes
sponsor has concluded lhal it is reasonablysafe Io lnillatc clinical o l the drughas been eslablirhed lor the purposes to be mvesllgaled
investipalionrwilhthedrug:Suchinlormallonshouldmcludeidenti I1 shall describe a l l relevant hazards,conlraindicatlons, side-eUecla.
fication o i lhe person who conducled each inrcstigallon;idcnti~calion and precaulions suggested by prhor mvcstiglionr and cxpcnence wit11
andqualifications of the~ndividualswhocvalualedthe rcsuIls and the drugunder lnvestigalron and related drugs lor thciniormallon
concluded lhatit is reasonably saic 10 mitiale clinical invesllgatlons oiclmcal mvertigalors.
with Ihc drugandaslaternen1 of u-here the investigations were con- 8. The scientific tralnlng and ehpenence consideredapproprlarr
ducted and where the records are available lor mspectlon: and enough by !he sponsor to qualify thc mvcstigalors as sulrable experls l o invesll
detailsaboutthc invesligatgonr to perm,( sclenliiic ILYICW. Thc pre- gate the saiety of lhe drug. bearing in mmd what is known about thr
clinical lnvesllgalions shall no1 bc considered adequale 10 justiiy pharmacologi~al aclion 01' the drug and thc pharc 01 lllc mvcrligational
chnical lcsung U ~ I C S I thcy pre proper altcntlon lo Ihe condillons of propam that is l o be undcrlaken
thc proposcd clinical testing. When lhgs iniormatmn, the outlineo l the 9,The names and a summary of lhe trainlng and cxprrwncc o i
plan o i clinicd pharrnocologl'. 01 anyprogrssrreport on the clinical cach inverllgalor and oi lhe indlvudual charged withmonilor~ngthr
pharmacolugy,indicatcsanecd lor full rcweu' of lhc preclinrcal dala propess or the ~nvcstlgal~on and evaluating the evidencc 01 saicly ancl SPONSOR PEA
l x l o r e a clmical trial is underlaken, Ihe Departmcnl will nolily the eiieclweness oi Ihedrug as i f is receivedfromthe investiptors, 10
sponsor 10 submil l h c cotnplele preclinical data and t o withhold clintcal gclhcru,ilh 3 strlemcnllhal Ihe sponso1 has obtained irom each
klrls until lhe I ~ Y I C W is conllllcred and lhc sponsor noulred. Thc Uood invesligator a complcled and signed iorm. as provided in subparagrapll
and Urug hdminislratron will bc prcparcd to conier w t h the sponsor (121 or (111 o i this paragraph,andthal the mvestigalor is qualificrl
concerr~ingthis action. by scientific trailung and expcrucncc as an approprlatc experl l o lrndcr (This notice may be amcnrled or r u ] ~ p I c m c ~Troll1
~ ~ e dlime to lime on tlie basis 01 Ihc chlwrlcncc rdincd w ~ t the
h new drug. I'TOPLCSI rcpurrs ~mavI I P l l w i
1 0 updalc ttm noricc.)
Appendix 23.1-cot11i1zricd
Considerotions n IND Applicarion I 377
i P~t~~sicinll-spollsor.ed
376 I Essentiols uf NuclearMedicirleScience
(Clinical Pharmacology)
ITE: No drug may be shipped or study initiated unless a completed statement has been received (21 C F R 3 1 2 . I ( a ) ( 1 2 ) )
I: SUPPLIER OF T H E D R U G (Name andaddress. include ZIP Code)
c. Theinvestigator is requiredtoprepareandmaintainade-
quate case histories designed lo record all observations and
other data pertinent to the clinical pharmacology.
The investigator assureb that an IRB that complies with the requirements set forth in Part6 6 of this chapter will be res onsible and that the drug will not be supplied to any other investi-
for the initial and continuing review and approvd 01 the proposed clinical study. The investigator also assures Chat helr!e will d.Theinvestigator is required to furnishhis reports t o t h e gator or to any clinic for administration to subjects.
r e p o r i t o t h e IRB all changes in the research activity and all unantici ated problems involving risks to human subjects or others. s p o m r who is responsible lor collecting and evduating the
and that helshe will not make any changes in the research that woulfincrease the risks to human subjects without I R B approval. results,andpresentingpropressreportstotheFoodand g. T h e investigator certifies that he will inform any patients or
FDA will regard the signingo t t h e F o r m FD 1 5 7 2 as providing the necesary assurances stated above. DrugAdminislrationatappropriateintervals, not exceed- any persons used as controls, or their representatives, that
ing 1 year.Anyadverse effe.:t whichmayreasonablyhe drugs are being used ior investigational purposes. and will
regarded as caused by, or is probabIy caused by, the new- obtain the consent of the subjeck, or their representatives.
drug shall be reported to the sponsor promptly: and if lhe exceptwherethis is notfeasible or> in theinvestigator's
adverse effect is alarming it shall be reported immediately. professional judgment, k c o n t r a r y to the best interests of
An adequate report of the clinical pharmacology should be the subjects.
furnished to the sponsor shorily after completion.
h. The investigator is r e q u i r e d t o m u r e t h e s p o n s o r t h a l for
e. The investigahr shall maintain the records of disposition of investigations suhjcck to an institulional review requirement
the drug and the case reports dercribed above for a period under Part 56 of Chis chapter the studies will not be initi-
of 2 gears following the date the new-drug application is ated until the institutional review board has reviewed and
approved l o r the drug; or if no applicalion is to be filed approved thestudy.
(Theorganization andprocedure
or is approveduntil 2 years after the investigation is dis. requirementsforsuchaboardassetforthinPart 56
Food and
DrugAdministration so shouId be explained Lo the investigator by the sponsor.)
Name of Invesligator
Address Telephone ( )
I Form opprovrd;OJIiBNo. 0910-0013
Expirotion Dote: December J I . 1984.
2a. TheinvestlEatorassuresthatan 1RB thatcomplieswith
the requirements scl iorth in Part 56 o i thischapterwillhe
responsible for the initial and continuing review and approval
c.Theinvestigatorisrcquired to prepareandmaintainade-
quate and accuratc case histories designed to rccord
vations and other data pertinent to the invesligalion
all obser-
on each
01 theproposed clinical study.Theinvestigator also assures individual Ireated with the drug or employed as a control in
STATEMENT OF INVESTIGATOR Note: KO drug may be shipped or study mitiatcd unless that hefshe will report to the IRB all changes in the research the investigatlon.
a Completed statement has been received activityand all unanticipatedproblemsinvolving risks to
( 2 1 CFR 3 1 2 . 1 ( a ) ( i Z ) ) ~ human sublects or others, and that hclshe will not make any d. Theinvestigator is required to furnish tus rcporlstothe
NAME O F INVESTIGATOR p i n 1 01 Type1 changes in the research that would increase the risks t o h u m a n sponsor of the drug who is responsible for collecting and eval-
TO: SUPPLIER OF DRUG p m e . oddre=, and Zip Code)
subjects wbthout IRB approual. FDA will regardthesigning uating the results obtained by various investigators. The spon-
o l the Form FDA IS73 as providing the necessary assurances sor is rcquiredtoprescntprogressreports to theFoodand
stated above. DrugAdministrationalappropriateintervalsno1exceedmg
I yearAnyadverseelicct thatmay reasonablybe regarded
b. A descriptlon o i any clinrcallaboratoryfacilitiesthat will as causedby, or probably causedby, the new drug shall be
be used. (If lhis informatton has been submitted to thc spon- reportedtothesponsorpromptly, and if theadveneelfecl
I sor and reported by him on Form FDA 1571, refercnce to the is alarming,itshallbereportedImmediately. An adequale
Dear S i r : prenous submission will be adequate). reparl o i the investlgatlon shouId be iurnished to the sponsor
shortly alter completionof the investigation.
3. The~nvesligaIianr1drug will be lrsed by !he undersigned
or under hls superrision in accordance with rhe plan of invesri- e. The investigatorshallmamtaintherecords o l disposltlon
grtian described as follows. (Ourline the plan ofmvestigalion o i the drug and the case histories described above lor a period
including approxifnarion o/ lhe number of subjects 10 be of 2yearsfollowingthedateanew-drugapplication IS ap-
treated with the drug arzd Ilze number Io be emplayed as COW provediarthedrug; or if the apptication IS notapproved,
trols. if any; clmlcal uses to be inuesrigared: character~~lrcs oj until 2 years after the investigation is dlscontmued. Upon the
s ~ b j e c l rby age, sex and condirioll; the kind of clrnical abser- requestofasclentlficallytrainedandproperlyaulhorlrcd
~ , a r i o ~and
t s laborglary tesls Io be underraken prior fa. durmg, employee o i the Department, at reasonable times, the investi-
and o f f e r admznislrarian of the drug: the esrrmated duration gator will makesuchrecordsavailableforinspectionand
of the inrcst~galian:and a descriptionorcopies a( reporr copying. The subjects’ names need not be divulged unless the
[ornls fa be used Io lnoinlain an adequsle record a j rlfe abser- records of particular indivlduals require a more detailed study
ua~ronxm d testresulrr obtained. This plan may Include rea. a i the cases, or unless therc is reason to beiieve that the rec-
sonoble alternotes ojrd variatrons and should be supplem~nred ords do not reprcscnl actual cases studied, or d o not represent
ar arneflded when any sigllificant change in direction orscopc actual results obtamed.
aJ the #nvesrigotmn IS underrakelz.)
i. The invesligalor certilies that the dmg will be administered
4 . THE UNDERSIGNED UNDERSTANDS THAT THE FOL- only Lo subjectsunderhispersonalsupervision or under the
GENERALLY APPLICABLE TO supervision 01 thefollowinginvestigatorsresponsibletohim,
Name o i Investigam
Addresr Tclmhone I
Appendix 23.3. Form FDA 1573: Statenlenl of lnvcsligator (Clinical Trials). Appendix 23.3-co1riinued
380 i Essenrials of Nuclear Medicine Science Considerations in Physicialr-sponsoredIND Applicalion / 381
1 , PURPOSE. This guide providesdirection to themedicalofficer for the preparatlon of written review of INDs and NDAs. i
2. BACKGROUND. Before a new drug can be approved lor markeling, it must be established through adequate and well-
controlled clinical trials thal the drug is safe and effective lor its labeled indications lor use. An IND 01 NDA is reviewed by :
at leastthreescientificdisciplines (medicine, pharmacology, andchemistry),and in someinstancesstatisticaland/or ~
Each IND and NDA is assigned 10 a rev~ewdivision for review and 8dmin:strative control, The INDs and NDAs in each
division are divided between two to four therapeutic drug groups. Med~calofficers are assigned to a specific therapeutic
drug group (usually on the basis o l expertise). For each drug group a senior medical officer is designated a5 group leader. I
Thegroupleaderassigns new lNDs and NDAs to themedicalofficersworking In that group, sets priorities, follows up on I
pendingwork,reviewsandendorsesmedicalreviews for scientific adequacyandconsistencywithbureauandagency
policy.Differences in opinion beween the medicalrewewerand the group leader are discussed.Shouldthedifference in i
opinion remain unresolved, the group leader records the basis for his dirference of opmion and recommendation in the file I
for the Division Director’s aclion.
r Science
This should be a one page summary of the proposed study analogous to lhe abstracl of a scientific paper. The summary b. Pharmacokinelics
should be inlroduccd by a sentence or LWO classifying the drug, ils intended use, its potenlial clinical advantages, and the
general objective of the study. Thc indication or disease under the study, the type and number of patients, the principal ( 1 ) B l o d leveldatainanimals and humans:
clinical endpoinb being utilized, the typc of controls and other irnporlant characleristicsof the study should be included as
soace and [heir importance p e r m i t s . If the design is complete, a flow c h m or schema of allemalive paths of Ireatment should (a1 Half-life, ifknown(speciesvarialions).
be considered for this summary presentation.
This one page abstract should be suilable to stand alone as a summary of the proposed study and should be on a page by
itself appropriately identified with provisions for !he sponsor's name, date of submission and 1ND number.
This IND proposes LO study the use of (generichrade), a (drug category)), in (symptom. disease, etc.). One (the) submitted
proloco] is for an (e), (controlled. double-blind. single-blind, etc.) study in ( # patients) with (patient characteristics)
10 (specific obicctive of the studv). The principal investigator (appearsldocs not appear 10 be) qualified. (Brief slalemenf
about rationale for study; where it [its in overall investigation. why it is k i n g done, if not obvious).
(a) Generaltoxicotogy;
(b) ReproductionandIoxicology:
etc., as important).
(c) Carcinogenicity
(The secondprotocol . . , .) (1) Special obscrvations needed during clinical studies on Ihc basis olpreclinical findings;
2. GeneralInformation (2) Maximum duration and dosage of dmg administration supponed by preclinical dam
a. Name of drug (3) Funher data or srudies needed (and implications. Le,, may studies proceed while they arebcing oblalrrcri'! Miry
(1) Generic; clinical studies go beyond Phases I or 11 or 111, elc.?).
(2) Proposed tradename;
(3) Chemical (structure optional); 5 . ClinicalBackground
b. Pha~macologicCategory; a. Previous similar human studies and [heir results [including foreign studies).
c.Proposedindicationb); b. Literalure references that are especially appropriate (summarize the dafa lrom each of thcse published reporis)
d . Dosage fomls) and route(s) of administration; c. hportanl Informationfromrelated INDs and NDAs. Thissectionshould he perfinent to sfudy desip,. prc.c;luliolls
necded. elc. II may fhus be very long or very shnrf, depending on the availability of useful data.
e. Relateddrugs.
6. ProposedCllnicalStudies
3. Manuf"cturing Controls ( d e r [o Chemistry Revicw), Lis! any problems with clinicai implications, afkr conkrence with
Appcndix 23.4-co11iinued
Considerafions in Physician-sponsored IND Application t 385
384 I E s s e d a i s of Nzcciear Medicine Science
i . routine;
(1) 1s the monitor qualified? of animal
ii. special studies performed bccauseor the nature of the drug, the patient population involved, results
studies. etc.;
(2) Is the investigalor qualified?
(c) Indications for removing a patient from study (e.g.,worsening of symptoms, adverse reactions).
(4) Efficacyconsiderations
( 5 ) Results of statistical consultalion. If none was obtained, indicatcat what point in the overall investigationa statistical
consultation wouId be most appropriale.
a. The risks of the proposed study (arclare not) acceptable inview of its objectives
E. Adequateprecaulions ( d a r e no[)beingtaken
d. PaLients (arelare not) adequately informed through thc informed consent form (Note [hat the regulations do not require
[he investigatoror sponsor to submit an inform4 consent form. If the reviewing division hada particular concern about
a drug for safely reasons, then a copy of the consent form should be requesled).
e. The study objcctives (arelare not) clear and (are/are not) based on a sound rationale.
1. The study protocol (idis not) adequate to provide data that will achieve the study objectives
8. Recommended Regulatory Achon. Oneofthe following should be included. Anymay be elaborated on if the
desires. In those cases in which othcr Lhan a standard regulatory action is recommended the rationale should be presented:
iii. others. a. Study may proceedwithoutmcdiiication
b. Study may proceed but would suggest considering the modifications suggested in the deficiency list
9. DcfciencylFmblem List. A listing of deficiencics or problems in t h t submitted proloco1 or in the IND itself. They may
indicate a need for required changes in, or additions to, the protocol or for additional studies, clinical or preclinical, that
the be carried
mustIND lhat doout.
not On the other
represent hand. problemsldeficiencies
requirements, may lead
al least at the present to suggestions for modifications in the protocol or
(a) Clinical studies, i.c., history and physical examinations;
Dcficiencieslproblemsshould be clearly,conciselystated and approprialelyreferenced to a particular p i n t in the
(b) Laboratory studies
c.This IS adeficiencythat must be corrected before Phase Ill studles are started.
Intemctiurts among
d. This is a deficiency lharmusr be corrected before Phase 11 s!udies are started Nuclear Medicine Health
e. This is a deficiency !hat must be correcled before Phase I studies are stmed. Cure Professionals and PQtients
f. This is a deficiency [hat should be correcled during the present study if possiblc but the study may proceed.
p, This is a deficlency that must be corrected during the present srudy (withln- days) or the sludy musl be terminated
(or, alternatively, no new parients may be added, etc.).
h. This is a dericiency that musr be corrected hforc Ihc propobed sludy is slarled but the correction need not be revierccd by
(he Agency before startmg [he study.
i . This is a deficiency that must be corrected and the corrective action reviewed and approved by the Agency before thc
srudy is started.
10. 1ND Review of a Completed Sludy. This revlew would begin with a description of theprotocoland Ihe study objective
(similar to the Resume of the protocol review, above). The srudy would then be rewewedas outlined under the NDA Medical
Revlew Guideline, Seclion 5 a (41 (a) (b) (c) and (d) and 5 b.
GT NO BD 80-23 (8/14/80)
New Drug Evaluation
Appendix 23.4"coniiaued
Radiopharmaceutical information and
Consultation Services
William B , Hladik 111, Ned Gregorio, Terry L, Braun,
Victor J, Sfathis, arzd James A. Ponto
The need fortraditional drug information has 1. The nature, scope, anddepth of typical
been evidenced by the growth of drug informa- “drug” or “radiopharmaceutical”informa-
tion centers throughout the United States over tion questions that arise in nuclear medicine
the past two decades (1, 2). It generally is ac- facilities and
cepted that the provision of druginformalion 2. Possible approaches for handling andlor pro-
services to medical professionals has improved cessing “radiopharmaceutical”information
thequality of patient careas this growth has questions for nuclear medicine, along with
occurred (1-4). exploration of the feasibility of establishing
Thesuccess of druginformationcentersis a radiopharmaceutical information center.
based on the fact that they are prepared to an-
swer a wide range of complex questions from a TYPE OF INFORMATION NEEDED BY
variety of medicalspecialities.Generally,the NUCLEAR MEDICINE PROFESSIONALS
answers to the questions asked are beyond the
For the past several years, the University of
immediate capabilities or resources of the indi-
New Mexico (UNM) Radiopharmacyhas of-
viduals requesting the informalion. The obvious
feredan informalconsultingservicewhich is
advantage of employing the services of a drug
utilized primarily (aIthough not exclusively} by
information centeristhatthesefacilities have
local nuclear medicine physicians and tech-
access to a large pool of information resources
nologists as well as by graduates of the UNM
andare staffedbyindividualswho are we11
radiopharmacy training program (5). Many in-
trained in retrieving and analyzing literature for
dividuals in this latter group work in the cen-
solving clinical problems.
tralized nuclear pharmacy setting and thus rep-
1t certainly would b e convenient for nuclear
medicine professionals to have access to an in-
experience of the UNM groupindicates that
formation center to which they could refer for
information requested by nuclear medicine pro-
detailed, sophisticated, or perplexing questions.
fessionals can generally be categorized into the
Unfortunately, tradiiional drug information cen-
following nine subject areas:
ters presently are poorly equipped and ill pre-
paredto deaI with theinformationneeds of I. Unusual or rmarrticipaled nuclear medicine
nuclear medicine practitioners. If this is true, study results
the logical quesiion is: “Why doesn’t someone Examples: A . If a patient is placed on hemo-
in nuclear medicine establish one ormore infor- dialysisafteradministration ol
mation centers designed to meet the specialized [67Ga]gaHium citrate, will there be
needs of the field?” any effect on the biodistribution of
In this chapter, (herefore, we focus our dis- the radiotracer when the patient is
cussion on: imaged 6 hours later?
7 on
390 t Esssenrials of Nuclear Medicine Science
B . Do hyperthyroidpatientsfre- B . Arealladversereactionsre- Because each of the nine categories is associ- TabIe 24.2.
quently demonstrate thyroid uptake ported for 99mTc-labeled sulfur col- ated in some way with the preparation or clin- MiscellaneousTechnical Artifacts
of radiotracer on bone scans? loid associated with only one manu- ical use of radiotracer drugs, inquiries associ-
C. Under what circumstances could facturer’s product? ated with these topics could logically be called Inappropriate sequencing of studies
apatienthavea normal hepatobil- “radiopharmaceuticalinformation”questions, Instrumenta~ionfaiiure
6. Reports of clinical studies documenting the Operator error
iary study with 99mTc-labeleddiiso- safety and efjicacy of a radiophartnaceutical which is analogous to the more conventional
Patient-induced errors
propyI iminodiacetic acid (DISIDA) for a new indication term,i.e.,“druginformation”questions.The Other imaging artifacts
and yet on the next day have non- Examples: A . To date,hastheinformation former. however, is obviously more appropriate
visualization of rhe Iiver following gainedfromlymphoscintigraphy for [he specialty area of clinical nuclear medi-
administration of 99mTc-Iabeled sul- studies in melanomapatients sig- cine. Hereafter,the term “radiopharmaceutical
fur colloid? nificantly assisted the surgeon? informadon” is used to represent the concept of the following typical radiopharmaceutical infor-
2 . lnrernal radiation dosimetv B . How sensitive and specific is information needs in nuclear medicine. malionrequests:
Examples: A . What is the radiation dose to the lhe combination of [201Tl]thallous Although challenging, if not puzzling, ques-
lions do arise in each of the nine subject areas, 1. Radioactivily is visualized in the lungs of a
fetus from 10 mCi of sodium [l3l1]- chlorideandsodium[”“Tclper-
inquiries perlaining lo unusual or unanticipated patient injected with 99mTc-labeled sulfur
iodide administeredtoa woman 2 technetate for the detection of para- colloid.
months pregnant? thyroid adenomas? nuclearmedicinestudyresults are, by far, [he
2.Theliver is clearly observedon a 9 9 n 1 T ~ -
B . How soon afterreceiving a 4 most common.Therefore,exploration of this
7. SpeciJc physicochemical,pharmaceutical, MDP bone scan.
mCidose of 99mTc-labeledmac- particular area in more detail. so [hat the com-
or kine~icproperlies of radioaclive drugs
roaggragated albumin (MAA) is it plexity of the subject can be better appreciakd, What could have caused the altered radiophar-
Examples: A . How quickly is 99mTc-dimercap-
safe to breastfeed? may be worthwhile. maceutical biodislribution paltern in each of
tosuccinic acid (DMSA) cleared
3. Use of interventional drugs and procedures Two principal phenomena may cause unusual thesecases?The first step in answering this
from the blood in apatientwith a
in nuclear medicine studies or unanticipaled nuclear medicine study results: question is tosearchtheliteramre by utiIizing
creatinine clearance of 40 mllmin?
Exarnpies: A . Whatguidelinesshouldbe fol- (a) altered biodistribution or biorouting of radio- variousinformationretrievalsystems (or by
B . Havetherebeenanyreported
lowed when intravenous dipyrida- p l ~ ~ r n ~ n c e u t i cand
a l s ( b ) miscellaneous tech- using a database specific for nuclear medicine)
problems with administralion of so-
mole is administered in conjunction nical artifacts. Multiple underlying factors may in order to locate those factors that are associ-
dium[1311]iodide in capsularform
with[201Tl]thallousc.hloridefor be responsible for these phenomena; some of ated with puln~onary accumulation of 99mTc-
rather than in solution?
myocardial perfusion imaging? themorefrequentlyencounteredfactorsare labeledsulfurcolloid (Table 24.3) andliver
B . Whatdosageregimen of phe- 8 . Formdatiotr,preparation, and quality as- found in Tables 24.1 and 24.2. uptake of 99n‘Tc-labeled boneimagingagents
nobarbital should b e administered to surance of radiopharmaceuticals The most difficult part of dealing withun- (Table 24.4). Next,patient dala,technical pa-
aninfanlprior to hepatobiliary Examples: A . What is the besl thin-layer chro- usual or unexpectedstudyresults is sorting rameters, and other case-related information can
imaging in order to assist in the dif- matography system for performance Ihrough all the factors that may be responsible be integrakd into the problem-solving process
ferential diagnosis of neonatal jaun- of radiochemicalpuritytesting of for the occurrence and then pinpointing the in order to determine thereason for thelung
dice? 99“T~-DISIDA? one(s) applicable in a particular case. In other uptake of radiocolloid (or liver uptake of 9 9 m T ~ -
4 . Pediatric doses of radiophart~laceuticals B . From a radionuclidicpurity words, the challenge is to determine the cause MDP) in the case in question. Alternatively,a
Examples: A . How manyparticles of 99mTc- standpoint, is it safe to administer of the observed results in a specific patient. with compuler program couid be developed Lo di-
MAA should be administered to an [20’Tl]thallouschloride at 4 days the many possibilities kept in mind. Consider rectly interfacelileraturereferences (dalabase)
infant 3 months old? precalibration? with case-specific data, thus meshing the pre-
B . Whatdose of sodium [Iz31]- 9. Regulotoq requirements associated with rhe vious two sleps into one.
iodideisappropriatefor a6-year- clinical use of approved and invesiigational The provision of radiopharmaceutical infor-
old, 23-kg euthyroidpatient in order radiopharmaceuticals Table 24.1. mation should be individualized,i.e., made
to obtaingoodimagequality and Examples: A . Is it necessary to submit an IND Causes of Altered Biodistribution or Biorouting of specific to the patient, whenever possible. The
yet keep the radiation dose reasona- in order to routinely use *Tc-la- Radiopharmaceuticals feasibility of providing patient-specific
bly low? beled suIfur colloid in scrambled sponses (“output” information) dependslargely
Nonradioactive drug therapy
5 . Adwrse reactions associated with radio- eggs for gastric emptying studies? latrogenic trauma (surgery) on the quantity and quality of case “input” data
pharmaceuticals B . Does the local Radioactive Drug Renal dialysis that is received from the caller. This concept is
Examples: A . AI what point following Ihe ad- Research Committee (RDRC) have Radiation therapy discussed in more detail later in the chapter.
ministration of 99n‘Tc-methylene di- authority to approve research de- Blood transfusiops One should keep-in mind that theliterature
signed to study the biodislribution Unexpccted palhophysiologic inlerference
phosphonate (MDP) is theap- Innppropriatcinjectiontechniques may not be of help in suggesting, identifying, or
pearance of a skin rash most likely of 99mTc-genlamicin in 10 nonnal Radiopl~ar~nnceutical formulation problems subslanlialingthecause of thealtered bio-
to occur? volunteers? distribution in a specific case. If thissituation
392 I Essentials of Nuclear Medici>ge Science Radiopharmaceutical Inforn~arionandConsulration Services I 393
Table 24.4.
Factors Associated with Liver Uptake of Bone Imaging Agents
Factors Refcrenmes
that by 1985 the volume of information would excellent effort of institutions to provide needed
occurs, important facts or concepts gained from ADVANTAGES OF ESTABLISHING A be between 4 and 7 times what it was ir, 1980 information, it shouldbe realized that these
the case should b e submitted for publication to RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL (6). These statements describe an uncontrolled endeavors are exlremely time consuming. Addi-
afford a broaderbase of information to indi- INFORMATION CENTER and, probably, an unorganized information ex- tionally, as stated at the beginning of the chap-
viduals subsequently searching for data on the plosion and could, logically, lead those who try ter, the answer to the questions are often beyond
same, or a closely related, topic. In his book, Megarrends, author John Nais- to locate or utilize the informationto the conclu- the immediale capabilities or resources of the
Selected radiopharmaceutical information re- bitt states that 6000 to 7000 scienlific articles sion that this resource is more of a hindrance institution itself. One very practical medium to
sources for each of the nine subject areas dis- are written each day (6). This translates into an than a help. Use of this resource will become so effectively andefficientlycontrol information
cussed previously are given in Appendix 24.1. overail increase in scientific and technicalinfor- cumbersome that users will, in increasing num- needs is acentralizedinformationcenter. Ob-
In addition, journals that often include articles mation of 13%/year; at thisrate,thebase of bers, pay to locate the specific information they viously, one person for each nuclear medicine
pertaining to radiopharmaceuticalsandlor nu- infom1ation doubles every 5.5 years. The rate need. facility or oneperson for each metropolitanarea
clear medicine are listed in Appendix 24.2. This soon will jump to perhaps40%/yearbecause Nuclear medicine is a growing medical pro- is no longer a viable approach to processing the
list does not include journals from other medicalnew, more powerful information systems and an fession with a scientificandtechnicalbase information needs of the nuclear medicine com-
specialties (e.g., cardiology,gastroenterology, increasingnumber of scientislswillbe avail- about which physicjam, technologists, phar- munity. One solution,to this situation might be
orthopedics) that occasionally may include arti- able. The base of information wilI then double macists, and allied health professionals all have to establish anationwide center or several re-
cles relevant to nuclear medicine. every 20 months. In 1982, Naisbittpredicted questions andinformation needs.Despitethe gional, but strategically located, infomation
394 f Essmrirrls of N,rrcleor Arlcdirirre Science Radiopharrnaceuricai IrIformatiorl and Consultation Services / 395
centers to serve all nuclear medicine facilities. 5. Cowulring Experfise in Troubleshooting U I Z - EVOLVING CONCEPTS IN NUCLEAR nuclear medicine study, may alter, confirm, or
Another solulion might be IO form a network of ~~slral Scan Resrtlrs MEDICINE RELEVANT TO further clarify the patient’s managemenl. In
information centers, each of which specializes As discussed previously, nuclear medicine ESTABLISHMENT OF AN RPIC compiex clinical situations, information pro-
in one or more of the nine information subjecl personnel quite frequently inquire about the cir- vided by the RPIC may significanlly add to the
areas previously described. A logical name for cumslances responsible for unexpectedstudy Hospitals have been perceived by the general overall data required by the physician in orderto
thesefacilitiesmight be“radiopharmaceutical results,i.e., unusual radiotracerlocalization. public, as well as by the government, as being make appropriate diagnostic decisions.
information centers” (RPlC). The center should be uniquely qualified 10 lo- profit motivated. This perception is no illusion, Thesecondconcept i s concerned with im-
During the following discussion of the advan- cate the specific information needed in order to as hospilals have consistently shown profit and proving the efficiency of performing a nuclear
tages of establishing an RPIC, many paral- systematically determine the camels) of unan- revenue increases year after year. Moreover, be- medicinestudy (9). Efficiency, in this sense,
lelisms between the traditional drug information ticipated or unusual radiopharmaceutical bio- cause hospitals generallywere no1 held account- can be defined as the fastesl progression of the
cenler and the proposed RPlC are evident. routing. able for their expenses, here was no motivation patientthrough thediagnosticprocedure.One
6. Capability of Expanding into Ofher Areas os for them to becostefficientundertheold approach to increase efficiency is through the
1. Qunl$ed Staff Radiology method of governmental reimbursement (8). It prospective screening of patient data in order to
The staff of h e RPIC should be familiarwith Withonlyslightmodification.[he RPIC became apparent lhal the third party reimburse- identify any problems that mayinterfere with
traditional sources of medical informalion aboul could be equipped to provide information on all ment method was obsolete; as a result, the pov- the procedure, thus causingmisdiagnosesor
nonradioactive drugs as we11 as diagnostic and drugs and related medicinals used in radiology. ernment decided to make a radical change. Pro- unnecessary delays, costs, or exposure to radia-
therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. In addilion, including not only radiopharmaceuticals for nu- spective payment, the method currently used by tion.Computerization of patienl medicaldata
the staff members should be experts on the clear medicine but also contrast agents for diag- [he govemmenl, is a flat rate set in advance of should allow professionals to rapidly search for
conknl and use of exisling dalabasesandre- nostic radiology, new compounds in ultrasound, care based on a diagnosis-related group (DRG) factors that may (a) indicate inappropriate use or
trieval systems. and magnelophamaceuticals for magnetic reso- (X, 9). The prospeclive payment method will be sequencing of diagnostic tests, (b) preclude a
2 . RapidAccess tu Cur-renr Literature and nance imaging studies. expanded in the fulure to include all payors and patient from undergoing a particularnuclear
Other Resources 7. Copabiiiy of Developing R Database Spe- providers. Obviously, the era of prospective medicine procedure, or (c) interfere with inter-
A completelibrary of books and access to cific to Nuclear Medicitte ( o r Diagnostic payment will be an ever-present reality for hos- pretation of study results (12).
majorjournals in nuclear medicineshouldbe Imaging) piialsto cope with in their efforl to remain Certaindiseases,medications,or invasive
available. Reference material such as [hat listed Over a period of time, the logical goal of the profitable. medical procedures are known to alter biorout-
in Appendices 24.1 and 24.2 shouldbecon- RPIC staff might be to coordinate the establish- A majoractivityevident in all hospital de- ing of radiopharmaceuticals, thus causing con-
tinuallyexpandedandupdatedto enable the ment of a searchable, on-line database, to in- parlmenls is the task of defining strategies that fusion for the nuclear medicine physician. For
staff to efficiently locate and retrieve inforrna- clude literature that is specific for nuclear medi- can be employed in order lo economically func- example,propranolol, a drug commonly used
tion, cineand/or the enliregamut of diagnostic lion below the flat rate provided undereach in patients with cardiac disease, improves myo-
3 . Quality Assurallce of Radiuphal-lllnceutical imaging modalities. The significance of this DRG. Controlling COSIS, increasing productiv- cardial blood flow to ischemic areas. By virtue
I~~$orm~~iior~ proposed projecr stems from the fact thal the ity, and utilizing resources effectively are three of this hemodynamiceffect, propanol01 has
Thecenler couldrespondto questionsby existingdatabases, e . g . , MEDLINE, do no1 main methods used (10).Thefollowingcon- beenreported to reduce the sensitivity of
verbal andlor written responses as deemed ap- index articles from all of the journals thal pub- cepls, which could have a large impacl on sup- [201Tl]thallous chloride imaging by masking un-
propriate. The responses thal the center would l i s hi n f o r m a t i o no nn u c l e a rm e d i c i n e . plementing these activities or methods, deserve derlyingcoronaryartery
disease (13, 14).
give lo callers could be critically evaluated by MEDLINE,forinstance,indexesonlyaboul to be considered by nuclearmedicine practi- Therefore, it is obvious that the diagnostician
use of melhods commonly employed by tradi- half of the journals listed in Appendix 24.2 (7). tioners. should be aware of all medications(and other
tional drug information centers to ensure qual- The feasibility of developing this database de- The firstconcept is thereemphasis of the faclors) thal may interfere with, or complicate,
ily, accuracy, and timeliness. pends largely on the size and workload of the diagnostic imager as a true consultant (9, 1 I). the outcome of the study. In thisregard, the
4 . Clearillglrouse fur INDs RPlC slaff and/or onthe amount of oulside Undemanding the role that nuclearmedicine RPIC could distributeinformation to be used in
The RPIC could coordinate the establishment reviewers that could contribule to the indexing plays in a patient’s therapeuticand diagnostic writing or updatingcomputerprogramsde-
of a bank of investigational protocols accessible of informationcontained in the database. This management, coupled with the abiIity to com- signed to scanthe patient’smedicaldalabase
to all facilities. Many nuclear medicine depart- database,which mighl becalled NUCL- municatethisinformation to referringphysi- andflag factors that maychangetheentire
mentsbecomeinvolvedwithinvestigational MEDLINE or RADIOLINE, could be accessi- cians, will enhance the proper utilization of this course of the procedure or alter the study re-
procedures and INDs much in advance of subse- ble to users nationwideon a subscription basis, diagnosticimaging modality. Eventually, peer sults.
quent Food and Drug AdminisIration (FDA) ap- in a manner similar to other databases. review organizations will be established to look These two concepts are provided to show how
proval. The most recenl example is ”’In-labeled 8 . Commierli Access to the Itfortnotiorl Center explicilly aithe utilization of various imaging nuclearmedicinecanslrengthen its financial
leukocyles. As a specialservice:the RPlC The center should be accessible by a toll free procedures. In addition, they will also review position under prospective payment through the
could bank all INDs voluntarily submitled to the telephonenumberduringnormalbusiness the validity of patient diagnosis and monitor the establishment of an RPIC. Ideally, each facility
cenler and arrangc for distribulion to interested hours. During nonbusiness hours and week- quality of care received ( I 0). The decisions that would have the motivalion and qualified person-
partics. ends, a messageserviceshouldbe available. the diagnostic imager will make, based on the nel IO aid the physician in solving problematic
396 t Essenrials of Nuclear Medicine Science Rodiophormaceutical Information and Consultation Senices / 397
and caller satisfaction. Within a reasonable formirrg O w Lives. New York, Warner Books, 1982 Tc sulfur colloid during liver scanning. J Nrrcl Med
patient cases before, during, and after the pro-
7. Lis1 of Journals indexed by index Medicus 1986, NIH 15:460-462. 1974.
cedure; presently, this very often does not occur. lime, the responses could also be evaluated Publication No. 86-267. Bethesda, MD, The National 26. Klingensmith WC 111, Tsan MF, Wagner HN Jr: Fac-
The RPIC could bean ideal mechanism through for timeliness as well as clinical and finan- Library of Medicine, 1986, p 158. tors affecting the uptake of 99m-Tc sulfur colloid by
which these evolving concepts, discussed pre- cial impact through a feedback mechanism 8. Emstthal HL:Changingmethods of health care fi- the lung and kidney. J N u c ! Med 17:681-684, 1976.
viously, could materialize. arranged with the caller. nancing: the impact ol DRGs on nuclear medicine. d 27. Ziessrnan HA: Lung uptake of "mTc-sullur colloid in
R'ucl Med Techno! 12:78-83, 1984. [alciparummalaria:casereport. J Nucl Med
A review of the quality assurancemethods 9. Muroff LR, Splitstone GD:Prospective nuclear medi- 17:794-796, 1976.
OPERATIONAL ASPECTS OF THE used by traditional drug information centers cine DRGs andthe diagnostic imager: a look to the 28. Gillespie PJ, Alexander JL: Edelstyn G.4: High con-
RPIC: IMPORTANCE OF QUALITY provides useful information fordeveloping a future-positive aspects. trends, and future chal- centratlon of wmTc-sulfurcolloid found during mutine
lenges. Crrrr Cmceprs Diogn A ' d Med 2(1):18-20, Iiverscan in lungs of patientswithadvancedbreast
ASSURANCE similar quality assurance program for theRPIC 1984, cancer. J A'acl Med 14:71I-712, 1973.
On a daily basis, the RPIC would undoubt- (15). As expected,theseprograms are estab- IO. Prospeclive Pnynzenf andNrrclear Medicirle: Concept, 29. Klingensmith WC 111, Lovett VJ Jr: Lung uptake of
edly receive numerous inquiries from a variety lished lo ensure quality radiopharmaceutical in- Impoct nnd Acrion-Symposia Sunlmary. Boston, WmTc-sulfur colloid secondary lo intraperitonealen-
of callers. The operation of the W I C would be formationand to identify andsolveproblems NewEnglandNuclearlDuPont, 1984. dotoxin. J X u c l M e d 15:1028-1031,1974.
associated with provision of this information. 11. Baker SR: TheradioIogist as clinical activist. Appl 30. Klingensmith WC III, Eikman EA, Maumenee I. e l
dependent on the acquisition of complete input Rodiol 15(1):18-24. 1986. al: Widespread abnormalities of radiocolloid distribu-
data and the provision of accurate and thorough Onepossiblemeanstoaccomplishthis task 12. Thompson WL, Murphy pH, Moore WH. el al: l n w tioninpatientswithmucopoIysaccharidoses. J Nucl
output data. Therefore, the quality of both input would be through the formation of a committee gration of dalabase capabilities inlo a patient reporting Med 16:1002-1006,1975.
information and oulput infomation would have consisting of various nuclear medicine profes- system. J Nucl Med 263770-774, 1985. 3 1. Klingensmith WC 111, Ryerson TW, Corman JL: Lung
to be continually evaluated by the RPIC. Input sionals who would review information provided 13. Hockings B , Saltissi S , Craft DN, et al: Effect of bela uptake of WmTc-sulfurcolloid in organtransplanla-
by the RPIC on a regularly scheduled basis. adrenergic blockage on thallium-201 myocardial per- Lion. J Nucl Med 14:757-759, 1973.
information is the data extracted from the caller fusion imaging. Br H e m J 49:83-89, 1983. 32. Kristensen K, Pedersen 8: Lung retention of 99m-Tc-
that is required in order to formulate a patient- 14.Henkin RE. Chang W,Provus R: Theeffect of bela sulfur colIoid (letterlo the edilor). J Nucl Med
specific answer to the inquiry. To retrieve appro- blockerson thallium scans. JNuclh"d23:P63, 1982. 16:439-441,1975.
priateliteratureresources by use of the estab- In this chapter, the information needs of the 15. Thompson DF, Heilin NR: Quality assurance in drug 33. Bobinet DD, Sevrin R, ZurbriggenMT, el al: Lung
lished computer database, it is necessary lo nuclear medicine communityare discussed, and information and poison centers: a review. Hosp Pharrn uptake of wmTc-sulfur colloidinpatienls exhibiting
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know [he enlire set of circumstances associated 16. Imarisio JJ: Liver scan showing intense lung uprake ~n 1222,1974.
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neoplasiaandinfection. J Nucl Med 16:188-190. 34. Steinbach H L Pulmonary accumulation of 99m tech-
sponsibility of the RPIC staff to, ensure that all cally, the establishment of an RPIC andlor the 1975 netium sulfur colloid during liver scanning. Tex $fed
pertinent facts are obtained before its members development of an on-line database might pro- 17. Smith F w , Brown RG, Ash J M , el al: Accumulakion 68: 137-1 38, 1972.
attemptto formulate aresponse. A computer vide nuclear medicine professionals with infor- of Tc-99m suIfur colloid by the lung and kidney fol- 35. Bmun P A comment on the possibility olgPmTc-sulfur
mation needed to answer important clinical or lowingdisseminatedintravascular coagulation. Clin colloid retention in the lungs (letter lo the editor). J
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ask the caller questions that will facilitate the research questions. Providing radiopharmaceu-
18. AnduJar M A . ValdezVA,Herrera NE: Abnormal 36. Winter PF, Per1 LJ,Johnson PM: Lunguptake of
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400 I Essentials o j Nuclear Medicim Science
2. lowa Drug Information Service, University of Iowa.
4. Swanson DP, Thrall J H , Chillon H M : Phurmucoradiulogy. New York, Macmillan, 1987.
5 . Medical Internal Radiation Dose(MIRD) Pamphlets andMlRD Dose Estimate Reports.New York, Sociely of Nuclear CATEGORY G: SpecificPhysiochemical,Pharmaceutical, or KineticProperties of RadiopharmaceuticaIs
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1 . Spencer RP (ed): Radiopkarniacer{/icu~s~ Swurrure-Acrivity Re/orionskips. New York, Grune & Slratton, 1981.
6. Cloulier RI, Watson EE, Coffey JL: Radiopharmaceutical dose calculation. In Harbert J, Da Rocha AFG (eds): Texlbuok
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7 . Watson EE, Schlafke-Slelson AT, Coffey JL. Cloutier RJ (eds): Tllird InrernarionaI Radiopharrnacefrrical Dosinrerr):
Symposium, HBS Publication FDA 81-8166. Rockvillc, MD, National Center for Devices and Radiological Health, 3 . Freeman LM (ed): Freeman and Joohrfson’sClinical Radionrrclide Imaging. ed 3. New York. Gmne & StratLon. 1984.
4. Seclion 78:OO (Radiopharmaceutlcals): In McEvoy GK, McQuarrie GM (eds):American Hospild Formuiaq Jew&-
8. Robeflson 1s: Radiation dosimetry foi internally d i s ~ b u t e dradionuclides. In Wahner H W (ed): Nuclear Medicine: Drug I&nnafiou. Bethesda, MD, American Society of HospitaI Pharmacists (monographs will appear beginning in
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5 . Swanson DP, Thrall JH, Chilton HM (eds): Pharmacoradiology. New York, Macmillan, 1987.
9. Product package inserts
6. Saha GB: Fwfdarne>fraIsof A’rtclear Pharmacy. ed 2. New York,Springer-Verlag, 1984.
10. Fullerlon GD, et a1 (eds): Medical Physics Monograph No. 5: Biological Risks of Medical Irradiations. American
7. Phan T,Wasnich R: Practical Nuclear Pharrmcy, ed 2. Honolulu, Banyan Enterprizes, 1981.
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8 . Deutsch E, Nicolini M.Wagner HN Jr (eds): Teclznerium ill Chemisrv andh’frcleurMedicine.New York, Raven Ress.
11. Walson EE Schlafke-Stelson AT (eds): Forrrrh Interrfational Radiopl~arn~aceulical
I Dosimerry Symposium. Oak Ridge,
TN, Oak Ridge Associated Universilies, 1986.
9. Eckelmon WC, Coursey BIM (eds): Technerium-99m: generators, chemistry, and preparation ofradiophmaceuticals.
CATEGORY C: Use of Inlerventional Drugs in Nuclear Medicine I r f f J Appl Radiar Isor 33(IO): October 1982 (entire issue).
10.HeindeI ND, Burns HD, Honda T, Brady LW (eds): The Chemisrv u~Radiuphurmacenrical,NewYork, Masson
1 , Thrall JH, SwansonDP (eds): DiagrlosticInten~enrionsin Nuclear Medicine.Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers,
2. Spencer RP (ed): Inrewenrional A’ucIear Medicine. New York, Grune & Slratton, 1984.
11. Billinghurst MW. Fritzberg .4F: CkenislryJoor N d e a r Medicine. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1981.
12. Eckelman W C Radlophamaceutical chemislry. In Harbert J, Da Rocha AFG (eds): Tenbook ofNucleur Medicirre, ed
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2, vol I: Basic Science. Philadelphia, Lea & Fcbiger, 1984, pp 212-266.
13. Rhodes BA (ed): Qualify Control in Nudear Medicine. St Louis, CV Mosby, 1977.
4. Thrall JH. Swanson DP lntervenlional aspects of nuclear medicine. In Freeman LM, Weissman HS (eds): Nuclear
14. Workshop Manudfor Radionuclide Handling and Radiuphormucef~~ical Q ~ d i Assurafrce.
p H H S Publicarions FDA
Medicine Annual. New York, Raven Press, 1963, pp 1-49.
82-810I , Rockville, MD, National Center for Devices and Radiological Health, 1982.
5 . Saha GB, Swanson DP, Hladik WB: Inlerventional studies in nuclear medicine. In Hladik WB, Saha GB, Study KT
15. Robbins PJ: Chrornarogrphy of Techneril~n-99mRadiupkarrnacellricals-A Pracricul Guide. New York, Society of
(eds): EsseFlrjals of Nuclear Medicine Science. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1987, pp 115-132.
h’uclear Medicine, 1984.
CATEGORY D: Pediatric Radiopharmaceutical Doses 16. H a m i h n DR, Hemera NE, Paras P, Rollo FD, Maclntyre WJ (eds): Qua/+ Assuraltre irr NucIear Medicine.
Proceedings of an International Symposium and Workshop. HHS Publication FDA 84-8224. Rockville, MD,National
1, Bekernan c , Conway JJ, Pinsky SM, Weiss SC (eds):Manual oft‘ediurric and Urnrsual Nuclear Medicine Procedures.
Center for Devices and Radiological Heallh, 1984.
Crystal Lake, lL, Central Chapter, Society o l Nuclear Medicine, 1979. 17. Krislensen K:Preporalion and Cunwol ofRadiophormaceuricals in Ho,rpirals. Vienna, International Atomic Energy
2. Dav KE: Melhod for calculating pediatric radioactive doses. In: Transienf Eqrrilibrinm. ER Squibb 8; Sons, Hospital Agency,1979.
Division, January 1977, pp 1-2.
3. Sly JR, Starshak RJ, Miller JH: Pediurric h’uclear Medicifle. Norwalk, CT, Appleton-Century-Crofts. 1983. CATEGORY H: Formulation, Preparation, and Quality Assurance ol‘Radiopharmaceuticals (See Category G)
4. Siddiqui AR: Nuclear imaging in Pediarrics. Chicago, Ycar Book Medical Publishers, 1985.
Appendix 24.2. Selected journaIs that may include arlicles perlaining to the topics of nuclear medicine and
Issues of Patienf Edrrcafion I 405
cedures. It would be wise practice, however, for Teach What the Patient Wants to Learn
the physician and technician performing thenu- The ideal place to begin the patient’s teach-
clear medicine procedure to determine the ex- ing-learning process is in the identification of
25 tent of the patient’s understanding prior to ini-
tiatingtheprocedure.Failure to informthe
questions that the patient may have concerning
the nuclear medicine procedure. Once a basic
patient properly could result in litigation, and all explanation of the procedure and the reason the
Issues of Patient Education health care personnel associated wirh that pa-
tient’s care must share in the responsibility to
patient needs that procedure have been provided
by the attending physician, the patient should be
obtain an informed consent. asked, “What questions do you have concerning
Since most hospitals hold membership in the this procedure?” Once the patient has identified
American HospitalAssociation,the“Bill of anyquestionshe or she may have aboutthe
Rights” may be seen as a standard of care to be procedure, explanations to answer these ques-
Patient education is not a new field in heallh achieved in member institutions. Nevertheless, tionscanbeprovided.Furtherinformation
care, Today, however, greater emphasis is being some physicians fear that patient education will about the procedure should be withheld until all
placed on delivering organized, systematic pa- make malpracticeliligation worse (7): “ ‘The of the patient’sown questions havebeen an-
tient education as an integral entity within the more patients know, the more likely they are to swered,sincethepatientmay not beable to
health care system rather than as a haphazard, find something to sueabout.’Actually, mal- concentrate on any other information until the
episodic, fragmented occurrence ( 1 , 2). Health practice experts state that lack of rapport is a questionsuppermost in his or hermindhave
care organizationsand thevarioushealth care major cause of malpractice. Making the effort been answered. When these questions havebeen
disciplines are examining their role in educating to help the palient understand his or her illness answered, the technologist can provide a clear
the many clients h e y serve. This self-examina- should decrease theincidence of malpractice explanation of exactly what will happen lo the
tion may be initiated by consumer demands, by suits.” patient during the procedure. Once this explana-
new or more stringent standards of care, or by Professionalorganizations,then,havere- tion hasbeen provided,the patient should be
attempts to market health care services lo the sponded to the patient’s right to informed con- askedagainwhetherhe or she has any ques-
public. sent by bureaucratically addressing the issue of tions, and any questions thal surface should be
Patient education can be defined as a “sys- patient education.Thesesameorganizations, answeredhonestly andin a simplelanguage.
tematic, planned, learning experience, based on however, have done little to assist health care
an individual’s needs[,] that results in a change professionals in identifying properapproaches Build on a Knowledge Base
of behaviorwith the goal of promotionand to patient education. Adults learn best when content to be learned
maintenance of optimal health” (3). One is hard is presented in relationtowhat they already
pressed IO find, however, a model patient educa- THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO know. Most adults have undergone an x-ray
tion program. A review of the lilerature reveals PATIENT EDUCATION examination at somelime in their Iife.Thus,
that many articles have been published describ- Principles of teaching and learning have been most patients alreadyknow that pictures are
ingvarious aspects of patienteducation as an known €or many years. Currenl research, how- being taken during the procedure and that a
integral component of comprehensive health ever, indicates that a pedagogical approach may certain amount of radiation wiII be used. As the
care. In thenuclearmedicineliterature, how- not be appropriate for adults, especially when result of themedia (especiallytelevisionand
ever, only a few scattered articles on the topic of that adult is faced with the stressors of illness newspapers) and knowledge of such events as
patient education are availabie (4, 5). and/or hospitalization. Within the past decade, “ThreeMileIsland,” however, patientsoften
Results of interviews with physicians and research on the patient as a learnerhas been associate the word “nuclear” with harmful radi-
technicians in several nuclear medicine depart- carried out (8-10). Results of this research indi- ation and even cancer. The exact nature of the
ments indicate that there is no model forpatient cate the need to incorporate several principlesof patient’s knowledgeaboutradiation andtheir
education but that patienl education stems di- adult education into the process of patient edu- feelings about it need to b e determined. Patients
rectly from questions and answers between the cation, which inchde: (a) teach the patient what often ask such questions as “How long will the
technician and the patient. Thus patient educa- he or she wants to learn, (b) buiId on a knowl- radioactivematerial stay in me?”, “Will radi-
tion stems from the individual department and edge base,(c)achievephysicalreadiness to oactivityharmme?”,and“Can I be around
is not a systematically planned activity. learn, (d) allow the patient to participate in the other people after I have been injected with the
PATIENT’S RIGHT TO KNOW teaching-learning process, (e) obtainfeedback radioactive materia!?”
on learning outcomes, (f) adjust presentation of Patients are often already aware of how little
Humanbeings in theUnitedStates are en- information to the patient’s level, and (g) pro- time is involved in taking an x-ray. Thus, infor-
dowed with the“right to self-determination.” mote a warm interpersonal relationship. mation needs to be provided to help the patient
This basic right, when applied to patient care,
406 I Enenrials of N d e o r MedicineScience
understand how nuclear medicine procedures steps in the teaching-learning process should be injecting?” Although this may see111redundanr This author uses the following approach when it
differ from x-rays, including the fact thatnu- to allow the patient to determine what he or she to the busy technologist, it is the only way that is unknown whether or not the patient is able to
clear medicine procedures involve injection of a needs to learn. This requires that each patient- true feedback on learning can be obtained. read: The booklet or brochure is handed to the
radioactive substance, thal time is required to leachinginteraction beindividualized, which Once thepatient has provided feedback on patient upside down; if the patient looks at the
allow theinjectedmaterial to reach the target oflen places someburdenonthe busyhealth what he or she had learned, the technologist can malerialwhilecontinuing lo hold i t upside
organ, and that the total time involved in the care professional.Standardizedteaching pro- fill in the gaps in understandingby repealing down, he or she does not know how to read.
procedure will be about an hour. grams, wilh established objectives and content, information that thepatient hasmissed or by Second, even if a patient knows how lo read,
may not be as effective in patjenireaching as correcting infomlation that the patient has mis- the level of understanding of what is being read
Achieve Physical Readiness to Learn they are in colleges or universities. Thus, if the understood.Feedback is then againoblained, may no1 be very high.The average reading
Humans learn mosl effectively and efficiently nuclear medicine department is trying to sys- and the process repeated. until Ihe patient under- ability of people in the UniLed Slates is the sixth
when they arephysically healthy, well rested, tematize its patient education activities, guide- stands enough information about the procedure grade level (this is the level at which the average
and physically comfortable. This may presenl a lines for information lo be given patients can bc togive “informed” consent. daily newspaper is written). A survey done by
dilemma for palient education, since the exact helpful in organizingthetechnoiogist’sap- this author indicates that many patient education
Adjust the Presentation l o the Faticnt’s
opposite conditions often are the norm. Patients proach lo patient education, but these guidelines malerials are written at a much higher levcl 111ar1
may be in pain, andthustheirattenlion span should not be seen as being engraved in stone. can be understood by patients. FoI Insmcc. l:hc
will be shortened and the levelat which they can The patient’s own concerns should b e dealt with Since the ability of patients to learn varies, “avcrage” consent for surgical procedures form
understandmaterialbeingpresentedwill be first,andindividuallearningneedsshould be the technologist teaching paiients about nuclear i s writien at about the sevenleenth grade level
lowered,Electrolyteimbalances may interfere determined prior to launching into a presenla- medicine procedures must approach [he patient (first year of graduale school) or at about (he
with the ability to understand clearly, and cer- tion of standardized content. at an appropriate Ievel, and present material al: level of the h’ew E ~ ~ g l a Jownni
r~d of Mcdicilw.
lain medications being given to the patient (es- Parlicipation in Ihe teaching-learning process anappropriate rate, IO insure optimal learning A recommendation that makes a great deal of
peciallythosewithneurologicallyrelated ef- is also achieved through the involvement of the outcomes. sense Pol thetechnologistwho wishes lo use
fects) may interfere with his or herabilityto patient’svarious senses. Hearing is the body’s Health care professionals should not fall inlo printed media is to have the material read by a
learn. most passive sense.Thus, ateaching-learning [he [rap of assuming that thelevel of fomal grade school studen1 (especially a sixth or sev-
Before beginning a teaching-learning interac- interaction which is primarily a lecture will no1 education ol‘ a patient is related to the patient’s enth grader). If that student can understand the
tion withthepatient,thetechnologist should achieve the most efficient learning outcomes for ability to learnthemalerial beingpresented. material,the ”average” patient should be able
ascerlain the patient’s level of com€orl. Whether the patient. Verbal information being presenled Fear, anxiety, less-than-optimal physicaf condi- to understand i t ,
the patient is seated or is lying in bed, his or her lo the patient should be emphasized by visual tion, and other circumstances limit the patient’s
stimulation. This can be accomplished through ability lo learn. Thus, even the patient who has Promote a Warm lnlcrpersonal Relationship
position should be relaxed and comfortable. At-
tenlion to room temperature is important, since the use of photographs, simple drawings or il- a college education may not be able tolearn Goodrapporlwilhpatients,ashasbeen
a lack of comfort from being chilled or too lustrations. and even a demonstration of whal it what is being taught if [he material is presented pointed out, is a n~eansl o decreasethe inci-
warm may inlerlere with the patient’s ability to is that is being discussed. Allowing the patient a too technically or too quickly. dence of malpractice suits. A warm rapport with
pay altentionto [he material being presented. chance to touchtheequipmentbeforebeing Patient education often makes use of printed the patient also enhances the learning outcome.
The room in which teaching occurs should be subjected to theprocedureisoftenhelpful in materials lo supplement whal is beingtaught. The palient who isanxiousor fearful will
well lighted, and distractions (such as noise and gaining their understanding as well as in allay- For instance, several booklets for patient educa- respond to warmth and understanding by relax-
the movemen1 of patients or personnel through ing their fears and anxieties. tion are available fromMallinckrodtNuclear ing and by exploring those fears and anxicties.
the area) should be minimized if not eliminated. (11-15) and the Society of Nuclear Medicine The technologist shouldnot give the impression
Obtain Feedback on Learning Outcomes (16, 17). Thesebookletscontain textand car- of being in a hurry to explain the nuclear medi-
Allow the Patient to Participate in the Each teaching-learning interaction should be toons designed lo provide ‘‘answers to the ques- cine procedure. The comfort the patient re-
Teaching-Learning Process evaluated to determine the level of the patienl’s tions mosl commonly asked by patients.” The ceives through thewarmth and rapport of the
Use of the traditional pedagogical approach, understanding. It is not enough to ask the pa- nuclear medicine technologist should be aware technologistwill not only help the palient
in which the learner is subjected to passively tient, “Do you understand?”; many patients of two facts prior to using Lhese booldets or any achieve a greater level of understanding but will
listening to a lecture, seldom achieves optimal will be too embarrassed to admit thal they do other printed media for patient education. Firs[, also help the technologist achieve better patien1
results in patient education. The adult learner not . a large segment of [he population doesnot know cooperation throughout the procedure. With this
needs to be actively involved in both determin- Feedback may be obtained by asking the pa- how to read. Even in the United States where cooperation, more than the amount of time it
ing what is to be learned and in the presenlation tient a specific question that is prefaced with an there is relatively easy access to education, look to provide a careful explanation of the
of that material. explanation, such as “I want to besure you many people are functionally illiterate. Patients procedure can often be gained.
Patient education oflen is less effective than is understand what it is that we are going to do. often are too embarassed Lo admit that they do Patient educationcan be a lime-consuming
intended because hcallh care professionals leach Please tell me what your lungscan will in- not know how to read, and therefore, Ihe lech- activily that adds ’a burden to the already-busy
what they think is imporlant, not what the pa- volve?”, or “Tellmewhat you understand nologist may be lulled into a falsesense of nuclear medicine technologist. If thesepre-
lient thinks is important. Thus, one of the first about theradioactive substance thal 1 will be security once a booklet is given to the patient. viously discussedprinciples of patient educalion
408 I Essenfials of NucIear Medicine Science
arefollowed, however, learningoutcomescan 1. Specific nuclear medicine procedures: DIRECTIONS FOR THE FUTURE professional’sawareness of what it is that the
be achieved, resulting in a more satisfiedpa- Whatactuallyhappensinthenuclear patient experiencesduringillness,whether or
medicine department. Information con- Research has shown that patients want to not it requires hospitalization.
tient, a moreeffective proceduralresult,and
cerning theinjection of radioactivesub- learn about, and understand, not only their con-
less likelihood of an unpleasant experience for
stances, Patient care measures that may be ditions but also those procedures that they have SUMMARY
the patient and the technologist.
necessary before, during, and after a nu- lo undergo. Research has also shown thatpa- Patient education isanimportant,integral
PATIENT EDUCATION: A TEAM clear medicine procedure. tients learn differently than do healthy people, component of comprehensive patient care. Re-
EFFORT 2.Interviewing skills-to assist in determining because of fears, anxieties, or other factors as- gardless of whether a patienl is acutely ill or is
the patient’s level of knowledge and under- sociated with their illness. merelyundergoinga nuclearmedicineproce-
It is the patient who initiates the entry into the
standing. The future for patient education has infinite dureas a health mainlenance activity,patient
health care system, This initiative occurs in the
3.Roles and responsibilities of various nuclear possibilities. Nuclear medicine professionals education aclivities will help that patient under-
form of choosing a personal physician and then
medicine health care team members. should consider conducting researchon patients stand what is about to happen as well as what
visiting that physician when the patient be-
who are undegoingnuclearmedicineproce- thepalientcan do to cooperate and make the
comes aware of theneed.From then on, I h e 4. Teaching-leaming principles:
patienl is subjected to contact with many other How to teach. dures. This research could serve to identify procedure more effeciive.
health care professionals. When a nuclear medi- What to teach. what type of and how much informalion these Illness as well asfactors inheren1 in hospj-
patients want or need to learn. Research could talization may hinder the patient’s ability to
cine procedure is required, the patient may be 5.Communicationskills.
identify factors present in hospitalization (or in learn. By paying attention to cerlain adult edu-
lreated as an outpatient (in which case the nu- 6.Evaluation skills-to determine the extentof
being an outpatient) that limit patients’ abilities calionprinciples, thenuclearmedicine health
clear medicine health care team has sole respon- learning.
to understand what is being taught. care leam member can do much to insure the
sibility for teaching and caring for Ihe patient)
Once an in-service presentation has been Quality assurance will takeon more impor- quality of the nuclearmedicine procedw-
or as an inpatient (in which casemanyother
made, it will be important for the staff (in both tance not only as third-parly reimbursers look to quality results from the procedure as well as a
health careteammemberscomeinto contact
the nuclear medicine department and the rest of the quality of care they can or will pay for but well-informed satisfied patient.
with the patient). In each situation, the patient
the institution)toreceive positive reinforce- also as consumers of health care become more
requires information and receives that informa-
ment. When a patient who is undergoing a nu- aware of their rights as patienls. The Joint Corn- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tion from many sources.
clear medicine procedure appears for the sched- mission on Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH), The author gratefully acknowledges the input
The team approach topatient educationre-
uled examination and is well prepared for that in their latest slandards for quality assurance, of Michael Shannon, M.D., in development of
quires coordination and communicationin order
examination (informed consent already exists), recommend that quality assurance be organized this manuscript.
to assure continuity, not only in the care of the
the staff who provided this informalion should as a hospital-wideactivity.Suchimportant
patient but also in the teaching-learning pro-
be given feedback and reinforcement concem- components of quality assurance as safety and REFERENCES
cess. All members of the health care team need
risk management, education, and clinical moni-
lo coordinate their activities,especially the con- ing their success. The staff‘s perception of their 1 . Breckon DJ: Highlightsin the evolution of hospital-
role in patient educationwilltherebybeen- toring are associated with patient education ac- based patlent education programs, J Allied Heolth
ten1 that they teach the patient,in order to elimi- 5:35, 1976.
hanced. tivities. Issuesconcerninginformedconsent,
nate unnecessary duplication.This same coordi- 2 . Lee EA, Garvey J L How is inpatient education being
Thesuccess of patient educationactivities theactual procedures carried out, and the pa-
nation willeliminatecontradictionsandcon- managed? Hospitals 51:75, 1977.
flicting information. One person may teach one can be insured by involvement of all staff mem- tient’sunderstanding of theprocedures and 3. Fylling CP: A comprehensive system of patienl educa-
bers in planning for, implementing, and evalua- healthcaremust be examined in the light of lion: guidelines fur developmenl. In BjlJe DA (ed):
thingtothe patient, and someone e k e may
ing patient education outcomes. Successful pa- assuring delivery of quality care. Practical Approaches to Parienr Teaching. Boston, Lil-
teacha differentpiece of informationwhich
Educational preparation of the heaIth care [le, Brown, 1981, p 16.
may seem contradictory to the patient. tient education cannot be accomplished by only
professionals also has implications for the fu- 4. Bassett CE: Care of the patient in the x-ray deparlment.
Communication centered around the indj- one of ihe disciplines working on the nuclear Con J Radio8 Radiurher Nucl Med 10343-44, 1979.
medicine health care team. Therefore, each dis- ture. As technology and the body of scientific
vidual patient and patient education, in general, 5 . Bubb D: Teachingpatients about ultrasound and CAT
cipline must be represented when patient educa- knowledgeincrease withinmedicine(and all brain scans. AmJNurs 44(12):64-65, December 198 I .
need to be ongoing. Many health care profes-
tion is being discussed. health care professions), these health care prac- 6 . American Hospital Association: “A Patient’sBilI of
sionals(suchas staff physicians,professional
Patient education must be seen as an expecta- titioners must remain up-to-date in their knowl- Rights.”Chicago, American Hospml Associalion,
nurses, etc.) have no awareness of what actually 7. Thompson
1972, R E Obtaining physician support In Dille
takes place during a nuclearmedicineproce- tion of everyperson’s job performance.The edge and skills. Continuing education is seenas
dure. Therefore, it behooves every health care manager or administrator of the nuclear medi- a way to prevent professional obsolescence and DA (ed): Practical Appruaches tu Patient Tenchfi.
institution that performs nuclear medicine pro- cine department must hold each member of the to assure quality care. It would be ideal if every B o s h , Litlle, Brown, 1981, p 222.
staff accountablefortheir part in the patient health care professionaI’s basic (or continuing) 8 . Dille DA: F’atients’ knowiedpe and compliancc with
cedures to provide in-service education pro-
educationprocess.Onceagain,reinforcement education included experiencing “one of every- posthospitalizationprescriptions as related IO body i n -
grams for all personnel who have conlact with age and teaching format. Ph.D. disserlation. University
should be given when positive results are ob- thing” that a patient has to undergo. This, how-
the patient. These in-service presentations of Wisconsin-Madison, 1975.
tained, thereby increasing the stafl‘s awareness ever, would not bepraclical or feasible. It 9. Knowles M:The Adult Learner: A A’eglecrcd Species.
should include at least the following infoma-
of the importance of patient education activities. shouId suffice to try to increase the health care ed 2. Houston, Gulf Publishing, 1973.
12. Brucer M:W I U / You Con ExperfJrom Your Lfmg Scan. *
St LOUIS.Mallinckrodl Nuclear, 1972. 1977." 5
13. Brucer M: W z m YOIICan E.rpec/frofnYofrr Brnirl S c m . 4
St Louis, Mallinckrodt Nudear, 1972.'
Bmcer hi: Whnr You Carl Expect from Yo'olr?'Belle . k f l r f .
St Louis. Mallinckrodl Nuclear, 1976.'
15. Brucer M: Wznr You CONE.y?ecrfiom Y o w Liwr S C f l l l ,
St Louis. MallinckrvdrNuclear, 1972, 1978.* Patient Preparation for Nuclear Medicine
Studies *
16. A W r i e n r ' s Guide ID Mrclear Medicine. New YOrk,
Society of Nuclear hledicine (no year given).
17. Gllidditfe.F for Pc~rienrsReceivirlg Radioiodlde Zeal-
'Available through the h.lallir~ckrod~Nuclearrepresen- mw. New York, Socicly oiNuclcar Medicine (no year
tatives or from Mallincbodt Nuclear. Sr Louis, hI0 63134. given). - Victor Stathis, Doyle K Cantrell, and Teresa J, Canhdl
In order to optimizethe useful information professional. This rapport will encourage pa-
derived from a nuclear medicine study, the po- tient cooperation,whichisnecessaryfor the
tential difficultiesassociatedwith eachproce- successfulcompletion of thestudy(refer lo
dure must be addressed. The patient, when con- Chapter 25).
sidered as one of several variable parameters in To obiain thepatient'sdrughistory, when
the study, represents a possible source of com- possible, is useful. Manypharmaceutical-radio-
plications. A patient's anatomical and phys- pharmaceutical interactions have been described
iologic characteristics and his or her mental and in the literature ( I -4). Drug effects caninterfere
emotional condition at the time of the study can with interpretation of the scan, especially when
be reflected in theprocedure's results. Addi- the nuclear medicine staff is not aware of the
tionally, limitations and peculiarities of the ra- patient's medication regimen (refer to Chapters
diotracerutilized in thestudycan affect the 13 and 14).
outcome. Patient counseling and the obtainingof a drug
Drugand patient influences,when not di- history are two examples of preparation which
rectly associated with the organ system or dis- can be applied to most patients and will be of
ease process being evaluated, can diminish the benefit in almost every typeof nuclear medicine
validity and usefulness of theinfomlationde- procedure. In order to maximize the amount of
rived from a nuclear medicine study. Therefore, useful information derived from astudy, how-
each patienl should be prepared for their pariic- ever, ii maybenecessary to take additional
ular procedure so that inherent potential inter- preparatory steps that are specific to the patient
ferences are minimized. group or tothe study being performed. This
Thereareseveralpreparatoryprocedures chapter focuseson these additional patient prep-
which can be useful in mosl situations. One of aralion procedures.
the simplest forms of preparation, and perhaps With regard lo purposeful pharmacologic in-
one of the most important, is explaining to the tervention in nuclear medicine studies, it is
patient whattype of procedurehe or she is noteworthy that only those practices which fa-
having, why it isnecessary, andexactlywhat cilitate performance of the procedure or mini-
will beinvolved in the process.Enhancing a mize interfering influences are described. That
patient's understanding of the procedure helps to is, pharmaceuticals are discussed only with re-
developrapport betweenthe patient and the gard to how they are used in patient preparation
to overcome inherent radiopharmaceutical dis-
tribution problemsor patient limitations.The
reader is referred to,Chapter 10 for a description
*Although [99mTclpertechnctatc, [6"Ga]palIium citrate,
and [~O~Tl]thalluus chloride are prckerrcd by IUPAC, %mTc-
of procedures in whichpharmaceuticals are
pertechnetale, "Cia-cilrate,and "'TI-chloride are standard, used to derive additiona1 or more specific infor-
and all are used throughout this chapter. mation from nuclear medicine studies.
412 I Essentials of Nucieor MedicineScience
PEDIATRIC STUDIES When the amount of nonradioactive iodide in NONTHYROID STUDIES WITH The excreted radioactivity which accumdaLesin
The pediatric patien1 oftenrequiresspecial thevascular pool is elevated (e.&., byiodine RADIOIODINATED the urinary bladder can hinder visualization of
preparation. Cooperation may be difficult to ob- Ingestion), the quantity of radioiodinated lracer PHARMACEUTICALS bonystructures in thepelvic region (32, 33).
tain but can be maximized through the applica- presentrepresents a smallerfraction of the In orderforinterference resulting from the
Radioiodinatedpharmaceuticals are utilized
tion of concertedinterestandinlerpersonal body's iodide pool. Consequently, the greater presence of radioactivity in the bladder to be
in several nonthyroidal nuclear medicine proce-
communication skills. Theseeffortsmustbe portion of iodide concenlrated by the thyroid minimized, the patient should void prior to the
dures. In these studies, it often is advantageous
directed toward patien1 and parent alike. Paren- gland will be of nonradioactivetype. Tracer scanning procedure. Ingestion of fluids during
to inhibit uptake of unbound radioiodide by the
tal supporl can contribute greatly to the success uptake will be minimal (1). the time between radionuclide injection and
thyroid gland, Thyroid blockade, with 30-130
of the procedure. The patient should be questioned regarding imagingwillstimulatethemicturition reflex
mg of potassium iodide per day(usuallyas
In pediatric nuclear medicine, patient Ammo- [he following types of producis: Lugol'ssolution or SSKI) prior to theproce-
(34, 35). This procedure should also minimize
bilization is usually a significant practical chal- Lugol's solution, saturated solution of potas- dure, encourages excretion of unbound radioac- theradiation dose lo theurinarybladder by
lenge. One approach is the use of sandbags to sium iodide(SSKI), and other iodineprepara- tive iodide (21-23). This decreases background decreasing the residence timeof radioactivity in
maintain the patient in position (5). If the bags tions radioactivity and, especially when 1311 is used: the bladder.
are only partiallyfilled, they may be molded Viramin and mineral supplements reduces the radiation dose to the patient (24).
somewhal to the desired shape and are no1 as Topical iodides (e.g., Betadine) Thyroidalradioiodineuptakesuppressioncan
likely to roll off thetable top. Restraintwith Radiological contrast media be initiated 24-48 hours prior to the study and
sheets or towels and simple manual irnmobiliza- BRAIN AND CEREBRAL
Iodide-containinganfitussives or expectorants maybecontinuedfor several daysafterward PERFUSION STUDIES
tion have been used also (6).
(25, 26). (99mT~-PERTECHNETATE, 99mT~-
Restraint methods may be inadequate when Otherpharmacoiogicagentscan alsoinflu-
Thyroidblockade immedialelyprior to the DIETHYLENETRIAMINEPENTAACETIC
[he pediatric patient is very active or agitated. ence radiotracer uptake. Any drug that alters the
study usually is the most practical method and ACID (DTPA), 99"T~-GLUCEPTATE)
Sedation may be necessary. Any one of several thyroid gland's uptake, organification, de-
generally is effeclive. It is not necessary to
sedative-hypnotic agents can be used (6-8). iodination, or secretion mechanisms can inter- When 99mTc-pertechnetateis used for brain
begin blockade earlier. In fact, iodideadmin-
Chloral hydrate (50 mglkg;maximumsingle fere with nuclearmedicine thyroid studies or imaging or cerebral perfusion studies, the pa-
islered as late as 6 hours after radioiodine intake
dose is 1 g) appears to work well in most pa- therapeutic procedures.There is an enormous lien1 should receive 200-400 mg of potassium
has been shown to suppress in excess of 90% of
tients and can be administered as an oral liquid amount of data regarding drug-induced altera- perchlorate prior to the study. This drug inhibits
normal thyroid uplake function (22, 23).
or in suppository form ( 5 ) . tions in the biodistribution of thyroid imaging uptake of radiopertechnetate by the choroid
Asanalternative 10 iodide,anionssuchas
Before any type of sedative is administered, agents. The subject is addressed in both general plexus. Radioactivity present in the choroid
perchlorate or thiocyanate can be used 10 inhibit
consulcation with the referring physician is nec- and specific reviews (1-4, 10- 18) and in Chap- thyroid concentration of radioiodine or pertech-plexus can interferewith interpretation of the
essary. The patient may be receiving sedative ter 14. The patient should be screened by lhe scan (36-37). Perchlorateusually is admin-
netate. Potassium perchlorate usually is admin-
medication or drugs with sedative effecls.Also, nuclear medicine staff as IO the following types istered in oral liquid or capsule form 10-30
istered for this purpose. These ions act as com-
some children exhibit idiosyncratic reactions to of medications: minutes before perlechnelate administration.
petetiveinhibitors of thethyroidgland's
sedatives, ranging from excessivecentral ner- Natural or synthetic thyroid hormones transportmechanism (27-28). Thyroid block- Thereisevidence, however,that the choroid
vous system depression to extreme agitation (9). Antilhyroid medications adeusuallyisincludedinthepreparation plexus will be blocked evenwlhen oral perchlor-
Occasionally, stronger sedatives or larger doses Salicylates patients for: ateand inlravenouslyadministered 99mTc-per-
may be needed. The referring physician must be Adrenal (and gonadal) steroids technetate are givensimullaneously (38). If a
consulted. '251-labeled fibrinogen uptake studies liquid preparation of perchlorateisused,the
Sulfonamides, sulfonylureas
lZsl or 1311 in R E A plasma studies patient should be advised that the taste may be
f 1311]iodomethylnorcholesterol (NP-59) adrenal slightly objectionable. The taste has somelimes
imaging been described as stale or salty.
THYROID UPTAKE AND IMAGING [99mTc]perlechnetalethyroid scanscan also rn-[1311]iodobenzylguanidine(mIBG) imaging Because pertechnetate is also concentrated by
Obtaining a patient's drughistorypriorto be influenced by pharmacologic agents. Unlike 1311-oleicacid or triolein absorption studies Ihe salivary glands, it may be advisable to pre-
nuclearmedicinestudies that elevatethyroid radioiodides, pertechnetate is not organified by medicatethepatientwith 0.4 rng of atropine
function or structure is especiallyimportant, the thyroid. Technetium is transported from the sulfate to inhibit saliva production (19, 20,39).
since many pharmacologic agents can interfere bloodstream into the thyroid but is not used by BONE STUDIES (99mT~-LABELED If the patient is not premedicated, vertex views
with the thyroidal uptake of radioactive kacers. the gland in (he productionof thyroid hormones PHOSPHATES AND PHOSPHONATES) of the brain may be difficultto interpret because
For example, drugs lhal contain large amounts (19, 20). Therefore, drugs that influence uptake Approximately 50% of an injected 9 9 m T ~of the presence of radioactive saliva in the facial
of iodine inhibil thyroidal concentrationof radi- will affect pertechnetate biodistribution, where- area.
bone-localizing agent normally depositsonto
oiodinated pharmaceuticals (10). It is postulated as those that alter hormone synthesis (e.g.,pro- Perchlorate and atropine are not required
osseous tissue. The olher 50% of theadmin-
that this effect is dueto radiotracer dilution. pylthiouracil) will not. when "mTc-DTPA or 99mTc-gluceptate are used
istered dose undcrgoes renal excretion (29-31).
414 / Esserltials oJNuclear- Medicble Sciefzce
for scintigraphic brain studies. These two radio- be,gun. Perkins (49), however, has shown that in radioiodineinjection.Potassiumperchlorate ceptor antagonist, inhibitsparietal or superhci;~!
tracers are not noticeably concentrated by the addition to excessive background radioactivity may be used in patienls who aresensitive IO mucosal cell secretion of the radiotracer. There-
choroidplexus or salivary glandsand, there- due to incomplete blood clearance, some gal- iodine. Thyroid blockage should be maintained fore, more radioactivity remains within the gas-
fore, are an alternative to radiopertechnetate in lium is alreadypresent in the gastrointestinal for at leas( 20 days following 12s1-labeledribrin- tric mucosal tissue, and detection of these a r e a
patients who may have difficulty ingesting per- tract at this time. Consequently, scan interpreta- ogen administralion (25, 56, 57). is enhanced (66).
chlorate (38). tion maybeimpededwhenearlyimagingis With a waterproof marker, marks are made on Another pharmaceutical that shows promise
attempted without bowel cleansing. h e patient's legsoverthe greater saphenous in Meckel's djverticululn imaging studiesis glu-
veins. This i s necessary in order to insure that cagon. This druginhibitsperistalsis,which
TUMOR AND ABSCESS LOCALIZATION therebydelersthetransrer of pertechnetate
PANCREAS IMAGING probe posi~ioningwill be consistent from day to
([75S~)SELENOMETHJONINE) day during the course of the monitoring proce- through the stomach and small bowel (67). The
The excretion of 67Ga-citrate is arelatively dure. The marks must be close enoughtogerher radiotracer is. therefore, more likely to remain
slow process.On the average, 65% of an in- The following is an example of the type of
so that thc detector, when guided by thesemark- at the site of secretion, marking rhe lesion area.
jected dose remains within the body after 7 days preparation whichshould be ingested by the
ings. will evaluate every segment of the veins. The combination of glucagon with pentagas-
(40). Thekidneysaretheprincipalroute of patient prior to a pancreas scintigraphic imaging
Generally, Ihe markings are made at 2-inch in- trin, a parietal cell agonist, appears to be even
elimination during the first 24 hours. Following procedure:
tervals (58). Counts recorded over the palient's more effective than either glucagon or pentagas-
thisphase,galliumisexcretedprimarily Six egg whites hear1 are used as a 100% reference lo which the lrin alone. Pentagaskin stimulates the uptake of
through [he bowel, possiblyas intestinal mu- 50 gm of Meritene radioactivity assayed in h e legs is compared pertechnetate by parietal cells. In a study by
cosal secretions (4 1-43). Artificial sweetener (54, 60). Khettery el al. (68), a 65% increase in murine
Radioactivity in theintestine will interrere 100 ml whole milk gastricconcentration of radioperlechnetate OC-
withtheinterpretation of abdominalgallium curred following pentagastrin administration.
scans. For this reason, it is helpful to cleanse The preparation used shouldconlain large
PARATHYROID IMAGlNG When both glucagon and pentagastrinaread-
the b o w l priorto imaging, which is initiated quantities of fatsandproteins.Thesesub- (7'S~~SELENOMETHIONINE ministeredprior to a Meckel'sdiverticulum
48-72 hours afterradiotracerinjection, Lw- stances, when in the duodenum, stimulate the
Under nornlal conditions, both the para- imagingprocedure, thevisual quality of the
atives or enemas may be utilized and usually are release of cholecystokinin (CCK) into the cir-
thyroids and the thyroid gland concentrate ap- resultant scan can be greatly improved (6.5).
starled on the dayof gallium administration (44, culation. Pancreatic production of digestive en-
preciable amounts of sele~~omelhionine(61). Utilization or these or similarpharmaceu-
45). The following is an example of a bowel zymes increases in response to elevated con-
Therefore, parathyroid imaging should be pre- ticals in Mec.kel's diverticulumscanshas not
preparation regimen: centralions of CCK in the plasma (50). There-
ceded by thyroid blockade. The administration gained widespread acceptance. There is evi-
fore, i t is be1ieve.d that injectedradioactive
1. The patient is administeredtwobisacodyl of thyroid hormone (e.g., Cytomel, 25 pg dence that pharmacologic intervention may not
methionine, which will be utilized in digestive
tablets ( 5 rng) 48 hours before scanning. daily) will suppress thyroid
function and necessarilyimprovethe procedure's potential
enzymesynthesis,ismore readily transported
2 . On theday before imaging, thepatient is thereby
inhibit thyroidal
uptake of radi- for lesion detection (69) and that parietal cells
intothe pancreaswhen plasma CCK is high may not be involved in gastric uptake and secre-
given three bisacodyl tablets in the morning. ( 5 1 ). omethionine. This permits better visualization
At noon, a normal meal may be eaten. At 2 of the parathyroid glands (62-643. Cylomel ad- tion of perlechnetate. In a study by Schwei-
Other proposed methods of encouraging
P.M. the patient will drink one bottle (12 oz) ministration shouldbegin 4 days before the singer et al. (69), the stomach concentration of
[75Se]selenomethionine uptake include direct radiotracer in patients receivingcimetidine or
of magnesium citratefollowed by X oz of CCK administration or indirect stimulation by study.A99n1Tc-pertechnetatethyroid study, if
water. indicated, should performed
be prior to pentagastrin was not significantly different from
means of pharmacologically induced modifica-
3. The patient is administeredone bisacodyl Cytomel suppression in order to achieve max- thal in conlrol subjects. Furlher studies are indi-
tions of the parasympathetic or hypothalamic
suppositoryinthemorning on the day of imum pertechnetate uptake. cated.
control over enzyme production (52-54). It has
scanning. been suggested that pancreatic images may be
Morevigorous measures includingenemas further enhanced by inhibiting lhe accumulated MECKEL'S DIVERTICULUM IMAGING RENAL FUNCTION STljDlES
may benecessaryif bowel radioactivity per- radiotracer's discharge from the pancreas (55). (9Y"'T~-PERTECHNETATE) ([12~I]IODOHIPPUR.4TE OR
sists. All of these methods require further investiga- [13'I]IODOHIPPURATE)
The identification or ectopic gastric mucosa
The e.fficacy of orally administered cathartics tlon. Orallyadministered fluidscan be used in
by wmTc-pertechnetacescintiscanningcan be
as a means of removing gut radioactivityhas aided by pharmacologic intervenlion (see also ('231]iodohippurate or ['3LI]iodohippurate renal
been questioned by some investigators (46,47). THROMBUS LOCALIZATION Chapter IO). Several drugs have been shown to functionstudies in orderto assure adequate
Thc ineffectiveness noted by these authors may, ('z5I-LABELEDFIDRINOGEN) enhance thepotenlial for lesiondetection in urine flow, if hey are not contraindicated by the
in part, be due IO palient noncompliance (48). As discussed previously, in order to prevent rhese studies. Pl,emcdicaliotl of the patient with presence of edema or congestive heart 1'1'1 I ure.
It has been suggested that confusion related accumulalion of L2s1 by the thyroid gland, ap- 300 mg of cimetidilie will increase gastric mu- Approximately 10 m l of water or tea pcr kg
to intestinal radiogallium may be minimized by proximalely 100 mg of potassium iodide should cosal rckntion of diopcrtechnetale (65-66). 11 body weight should be administered to the pa-
imaging before the fecal elimination phase has be administered to the patient 24 hours before is theorizctl lhal cimelidine, a histamine €3,re- tient l hour prior to [he procedure (70).
commence within 3 -10 minutes after exercise HEPATOBILIARY IMAGING the tracer's movement toward the gallbIaddeI.
For a reliable study, it is recommended that
has been stopped (77, 78). Because of the pos- (99"T~-IMINODIACETICACID (IDA) Freeman et a]. (93) believethat premedica-
the urine flow rate be at least 2 mllmin (71).
Severalinvestigators (72-75) haveshown that sibility of arrythmias or olher cardiac complica- DERIVATIVES) tion with CCK or sincalide may not be adv;m-
tions, Zo'T1stress studies should be supervised It may be helpful to have patients fasl, when tageous in cholescintigraphic studies, since s e w
in radioiodohippurate renograms, the time to
by a cardiologist or otherqualified physician. A possible, for 2-6 hours prior to hepatobiliary sitivity for the detection of chronic cholecyslitis
peak and the slope of the descending curve are
defibrillatorandallnecessarymedication scintigraphic procedures. In postprandial stud- is markedly reduced. When gaIlbladder visuali-
highly dependent on urine flow rate when urine
should be available for immediate use. ies, visualization of the gallbladder is often ap- zation is artificiallystimulated,detection OF
excretion is SIOW. When the flow rate exceeds 2
Exercise-induced stress prior to imaging in preciably delayed, a finding which may be er- chronic cholecystitis (usually associated with
mllmin, however, renal functioncurves in the
201T1 studiesserves ~ W Opurposes.First, when roneously interpreted as cystic duct obstruclion delayedgallbladderappearance)will not be
normal patient remainfairIy constant.Conse-
the myocardial demand for oxygen is elevated or chronic cholecystitis (87-89). The radio- possible. These investigators suggest that con-
quently, low urine flow rates can distort re-
by stress,perfusion of thecardiactissue in- tracer hepalocyte clearance and parenchyn~al traction should be induced only when the gall-
nogram curves, whereas more rapid urine out-
creases and myocardial uptake of the radiotracer transit time have also been shown lo be affected bladder has not been visualized after 2 hours ol
flow helps to assure that renograms will more
will be more rapid andcomplete. In studies by the ingestion of food prior to the study (87). imaging. In his way, cystic duct patency can hc
consistently describe kidney function (7 1).
during exercise-induced slress, compared with In this case, there may be no interference with evaluated withouttheability to deteclchIonlc
those during rest, the concentration of thallium diagnosis. The ingestion of food can, however, disease being lost.
M1'OCARDIAL PERFUSION STUDIES in the myocardium will be greater and there will inlerfere with the empirica1 determination of
({201T~]THALLOUS CHLORIDE) be less activity in the liver, spleen, kidneys, and normalvaluesfortheinvolvedcholescinti- VARIOUS PROCEDURES (ORALLY
gastrointestinal tract (79-80). Second, areas of graphic parameters. ADMINISTERED
'OIT1-chloride nuclear medicine studies often
ischemic, yet no1 infarcted, myocardium which Theoretically, radiopharmaceutical passage RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS)
include an evaluation of myocardial perfusion
may not be detected in a thallium study during intothe gallbladderis inhibited in nonfasting IC is recommended thal oralIy administered
under physiologic stress (see also Chapler 10).
rest can often be demonstrated by a stress proce- patients by the outward flow of bile Prom the radioactive pharmaceuticals, Iike many other
In this procedure, the patient is exercised, usu-
dure. This is because stenolic myocardial blood gallbladder toward the common bile duct. This drugs, be takenonan emptystomach.The
ally on a treadmill, until at least 90% of pre-
vessels, which are capable of accommodating movement of biIe away from the gallbladder is patient should not eat for several hours before
dicted maximal heart rate is attained. An elec-
normal perfusion. are not able to dilate in re- established by gallbIadder contraction and the radiotraceringeslion.Thepresence of food in
lrocardiogram is recorded throughout the study.
sponse to more rapid blood flow during stress. relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi. These two the stomach may delay gastric emptying. which
The Bruce protocol (Table26.1) is one example
Consequently, thallium distribution in the myo- actions are stimulated by CCK released into the thereby decreasesthe rate of drug absorptiorl
of a treadmill stress regimenthat may be utilized
cardium can be irregular (demonstrating ische- bloodstream when food is present in theduo- from the duodenum (94-96). Furthermore, gas-
in this procedure (76).
mia) during exercise but appear uniform or nor- denum (90). It is believed that because CCK tric contents can impede [he drug's enteral dis-
mal duringrest. Usually, both procedures are stimulation is not occuring in thefasting pa- integralionand dissolutionnecessary for ab-
performed; i.e., a thallium scan during stress is tient, the flow of bile will be toward thegall- sorptioninlothebloodstream (97). Nuclear
Table 26.1.
followed approximately 4 hours later by a study bladder, encouraging radionuclide movement in medicine procedures which involve the use of
Bruce Multistage Exercise Protocol that direction (87).
~~ or redistribulion
during rest(81-82). oral radioactive dosage forms include thyroid
Duration Treadmill Speed Trcadmlll Grade to exercise in201 T1 myocardial Another lechnique for promoling gallbladder uptakeand imagingstudies, thyroid therap):
Stage (Mm) (mph) 1%)
imaging is the induction of coronary vasodila- visualization is lo adminisrer CCK or sincalide Schilfingtests, andother gastrointesrinal ab-
10 tion by pharmacologic agents such as dipyrida- (a synthetic CCK analog) before the scanning sorption evaluations.
1 3 I .7
2 3 2.5 12
14 mole(seealsoChapter10). In a study by Ham- procedure (91, 92) (see also Chapter 10). This
3 3 3.4 practice is effective as long as &he radiophamla- CONCLUSION
4 3 4.2 ilton et al. (83), dipyridamole
16 administration in ceuticd is administered after the acute contrac-
dogs produced a 60% increase in the uptake of
18 In this chapler are described methods of pa-
5 3 5.0 tile effects of CCK have dissipated.
6 3 5.5 thallium by myocardial
20 tissue. clinical
Several tient preparation that canfavorably affectthe
7 3 6.0 22 investigators describe
as being as The rationale for CCK premedicationisas outcome of nuclear medicine studies in specific
effective as exercise in the production of non- follows. If thecysticduct is patent, CCK-in- Filuations. Some of these practices may be con-
uniform thallium distribution in the regionally duced gallbladder contraction is believed to re- sidered essential to the success of the nucle;ir
move viscous bile from the gallbIadder and medicine procedure, whereas others
The patient should receive nothing by mouth ischemic myocardium (84-85). In redistribution may be
cystic duct, which thereby minimizes resistance thought of simply as a means of obtaining Inore
(NPO) for approximately 4 hours priorto this or studies, however, the results following exercise
to subsequent radiotracer flow (91). If this is the valid or reIiable information. Regardless of rcla-
any similar rigorous exercise regimen. A zorTl- and dipyridamole may be dissimilar (86).
Dipyridamole can be administered by intra- case, lhe contraction obviouslymustbe corn- live importance, each of the preparatory merh-
venous infusion (0.14 mglkglminforapprox- pletedbeforetheradiopharmaceuticalhas ods discussed can'contribute tothe qualily of
through a conlinuously running inlravenousline
(TKO) or other preestablished intravenous line, imately 4 minutes) or orally. An oral dose of thc respeclive study and can serve asa mca~lsof'
enchymal tissue and into the bile collectingsys- maximizing the value of nuclear medicine pro-
andexercise is continued for an additional 200-300 mghas been usedwithsatisfactory
rcsults (84). ten]. Otherwise, outflowing bile would impede cedures.
30-60 seconds, The imaging procedure should
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dynamics of dmg absorption. distribution and elimina- Acelanunophen. 99mTc-gluceptate interaction with, 197 therapeuticeffectand,112-113, 1121, 113
imaging with thallium-201: elfect of cardiac drugs on
(ions In Gilman AG, Goodman LS, Gilman A (eds): Acetazolamide, II'ln-DTPAand '"Yb-DTPA interactions Agreemenl states, 53, 3221-3231
myocardial images and absolute tissue distribulion. J
Nfrcl )Wed 19:10- 16, 1978, The Plmr~nocologicolBnsiJ OJ Tllerapezrrics. New with, 202 ALARA,329
Acid-citrate-dextrose(ACD).281-282 Albumin
84 Albro PC. Could KL. Westcott RJ: et a]:Noninvasive York. Macmillan, 1980, pp 5-6.
Acidosis. (*7GrgalIlum citrate and. 179 iodinated serum, fetal dose of, 66
assessment of coronary stenoses by mpcardlal imag-
Acqulsition, mode of. 146, 148 macroaggregated (see YP"Tc-labeledalbumin, macroag-
ing during pharmacologiccoronaryvasodilation HI.
Actinomycin D (see Daclinomycin) gregated)
Clinical trial. Am J Cardiol42:751-760. 1978.
Addictive drugs of abuse, {67Ga]galliu~ncitrate interaction WmTc-labeled (see BmTc-labeled albumin)
with, 212 Albumin microspheres (see olso WmTc-labeled albumin), 5
Adenocarcinoma, animal model of, 3461 Albulerol, gastricemptyingradiopharmaceuticalinterac-
Adenoma, adrenal, 1 16-1 17 tions with, 216
Adminismation Alcohol (see Benzyl alcohol; Ethanol)
errors in, absorbed dose and, 70-71 Aldosteronoma, 117
route of Alkylating agents, side effects of, 55
inadveflcntly altered, 230 Allergic reactions, 313
selection of radiopharmaceutical and, 79 albuminparticulates and, 316
Adrenalcortex imaging, drug-radiopharmaceuticalinterac- colloids and, 316
tions affectillg, [~"Ijiodomethylnorcholesterol in, Allograftrejection,258-260
205-20G Allopurinol.[6iGa]galliumcitrateinleractionswith,
Adrenal gland 214-215
clinical variations in. radiopharmaceutical biodistribudon Aluminum (see olso Hyperaluminemia), liveruptake of
and, 243 radiotracers and,177
422 I lndex Irzdes i 423
Aluminun~ion, formulation problems caused by, 270, 274 Antibiotics (see d s o specific agent; specific class of antibi- BIDA (see Butyl iminodiacetic acid) patient preparation for. 4 13
Aluminum-containingantacids otics! Biguanldes,radiocyanocobalamininteraclions wifh selection of radiopharmaceutical Tor, 80. 81
'9mTc-labeled phosphateandphosphonate interactions cell membrane efiects of, I6? 209-2 1 0 strucrure-distributionrelationshrps of *IIITc-I;I~cIc~I
with,194-195 [6'Gajgatliurn citrate interactions with, 214-215 Biliary atresia, oeonaial hepatitis versus, I26 agenlsfor, 41 41
W'lTc-pertcchnctate interactions with. 199 L'lln-labeled leukocyte interactions wilh, 203 Blliaryobstruction *"Tc-phosphonate compounds in, 7-8
AmericanHospitalAssociation,"Patient'sBill of Rights" thyroid-scanning effects of, 184 animal models of, 341f Bone infarct, "IIn-labeledleukocytes for diagnosis of. 95
and, 404-405 Antibodies. labekd. radiodlagnostics based on, 36 diagnosis of, with irninodiacetic acid compounds. 26 Bonenlarmw.therapeuticirradialioo of. radiotraccl d~strl-
€-Aminocaprobc acid. gy'"T'Tc-labeledphosphate and phos- Anticoagulants, formulation problems related lo, 281-282 extrahepatic, 126 burionaffecled by. 223-225. 723
phonateinteractionswlth, 196 Antlconvulsanls. radiocyanocobalanlin inleractions with, Biodistriburion Bonemarrom Imaging
Am~noglycosides,renal funcllon radiopharmaceutical inler- 209-2 10 altered drug-radiopharmaceutlcal inlcmcmw aflccring. Uq"lTc-
actions with, 21 8 Antidepressanfs.~ricyclic. mIBG interactions with absorbeddoseand.69-71 labeledcolloids in, 190-191
p-Amlnoaalicylic acid. radiocyanocobd~arnm interactions 206-207 drug-induced pathologic mechanisms allering. 2h?
with, 209-210 Anrihistamines.thyroid-scannlng effects of. 183 reportedinstances oi, 189-219 Bone pain, sodium I~'PJphospl1;rtc h r . 8 5 . xb
Amiodaronc,[6'Ga]galliumcitrateinteractions with,212 Antimonysulfidecolloid.9kT~-labelcd,normal bio- theoretical considerations, 165- 184 Bowel preparation regimen, abdor~>in;tlirn:Iprl< p r c ~ c d c t ~
Ammoniumchloride,AmTc-DMSAinteractionswifh. dlstributlon of. 6-7 frequenr causes of. 391; by, 4 14
197-198 Antioxidants. Wqc-labeled radiopharnlacellricals and. 8 l , invasive therapy causing. 220-230 Braln Imaging
h~phorericln8.""Tc-labeled phosphate and phosphonate 81. 280 paihotogic mechanisnls causing. 248-2633 d r u e - r a d i o p h a r n ~ a c e u t i c n l i n l c r a c ~ l ~ l r;11fcr1111r.
lnlcractlons w l h . 194 Antllhyroidagents drugeifecrs on 216-217
Alupicillin, 16'Ga]gallium citrarcinleraclions with, effects on thyrodscanning agents, 183 blood components and, 169 wmTc-pertechnetatc in, 169- I7 1 . l 99
214-215 iodidcinteractionswith;204. 2041 cellrnembrancand.166-169 nornlal clinical varlations affecting. 236. 237r
Amyloidosis, animal models of, 343-345, 3 4 3 Arteriovenou~.shuut,252, 252 enzymesand, 164 pathologic meclmisms altering,248, 2#Y
Analog-lo-digital converters,146.147, 147 Arteritis. anlmal lnodels or, 3371 factors defennining, 156 pahenr preparation Tor, 413-414
Analomic structure, normal varmiions in. radlopharmaceuli- Arlhriris,animalmodels of, 3351 rum1111afiot1 problemsand, 268-284 q"flTc-DTPA.4-5
ca1 blodistriburionand. 234-245 Arrifactnjanual. 290 normal, 3- 1 G wmTc-gluceptale,5
Androgens."y~Tc-labelcdcolloidlnteraclions w r h . Artifacrs, 290 clinical varialions of. 69. 234-245 9PmTc-pertechnetate, 4
190-19f colllrnalor selectlon and, 294 SIrucIurc md. 33-42 Brain lumor (see also Cenfral nervous sysrem. d l s e a m (11'
Auel~~ia. helnolylic, animal model 6 . 345. 3451 freqtlent causes of. 391r Diokir~clics,age and. 57 animal models of, 336, 33x1
Anesthctics qualily control procedures and, 291 Biopsy. radio1r:lcer disrrtbutiun affccted by, 226, 227 Breasr
ccll tnembranc effects of, 167.168. 178 renal imaging, 296 BlCeding. gaslloin~cstina~ (see Gaslrornteslinal bleeding) cancer of. animal models of. 346-347
radloxcnon interactions with. 21 1 single photon emission computed tomography, 300 Bleolnycirl cllnicai varlatims in, radiopham~aceulicalbiottislr1hurit)ll
reliculoendothehalsystemarfecied by. 174 Ascpric meninpltis. animal models of, 336, 33% 16'Galgallium citrale mteraclmns with. 212 and, 239
q"Tc-labeledcolloidinteractions with, 191 Asialoproteins. 166 toxicity. 263 Breast milk (see also Lactation), 54
Angiocardiography,119 Asplenia, 226 Blood-brain barrier. per\echneiate uptake and, 4 , 169, 170. radioactivity in. 59-61, 6O!, 239
A11&rdp11y, cerebral, psychotropicdrugcFfects on. 217 Asthma+ anima[ models of, 338, 339r 171 "InTc ingested in, 62-63. 62t-631
Aninlal models,333-347 Atherosclerosis Blood components Srornosulrophthalein ( E S P ) , hepatobiliary animal model5
;~n~yIoidosis, 343-345. 3451 animal models of, 335. 337r drug erfects on. radiotracer distribution and. 169 and, 339-340
cardiovescular sysrerns. 334-336. 3371 caotid allerg. "lln-labeled platelets in diagnosis of. 96 radiolabeled,preparauonand chnical utility or, 90-96 3-Bromo-2.4.6-trimethylphenylcarbamoyln~ethyliminodia-
cenlralnervous system, 336. 3381 Atresia.biliary.neonatalhepatlrisversus. 126 Blood flow cetic acid (mebrofenin), structure or. 38, 39
clinical testing preceded by, 362 Atropinc bone, animal models of measurement oi. 334, 3 3 5 ~ Bronchitis. chronic, animal models of, 338, 339r
defined. 333-334 brain Imaging preceded by. 41 3 cerebral. scintigraphic compurcr anafysis of. 157 Bruce mul~is~agc exercise protocol, 4161
diabetes. 343. 344r gastrlc enlplyinp radiophnrn~;lcc~~tica[
interactions w i t h . intestinal. animal models of, 340r BSP (see Bromosulfophthalein)
digestive system. 338-339. 340r 216 Blood pool imaging. 119, 151-154, 151-152, 155 Busulfan, [6'GaJpalIium citrate inreractions wlrh, 212
genitourinary system, 341-342. 3421 Altenualion correction. I59 animalmodels or. 345, 3451 Bulyl iminodiacetic acid (BIDA), ""Tc-Iabcled. norlnal
hematologic disorders. 345, 3451 IqBAu colloid, 86, 316 W"'Tc-labeled red blood cells in, I I blodistribution of, 9
hepambiliary system, 339-341. 341r Azygos fissure,244 "mTc-pcrteclmetalein, 4 By-produeis, 53
investigational drug, 54-55, 362 Azygos lobc. 244 Blood transrusion, rediotracer biodisrribution and, 229
nlelabolic disorders. 345 Bone (see nlso enlries beginning with SkcleiaI) I4C-DTPA, metabolism of. 48
oncologic. 346-347, 3461 BocillfrsCalmefle-Glrhifr,[b7Ga]galliu~n citrate iflleraclions animal models of disease in, 334. 3351 114C]glucose.sperm metabolismassessed by, 107- 1 0 3 ,
rcspir;ltory system. 336-338. 339r with, 212 Clinical variations In, radiopharmaceuiical biodistnbu[ion 1031
skeletal system, 334, 3351 Bacleriostatic sallne. W"kTc-[abelerlradiopharmacellricals and.237, 2371, 238 Caffeine, effecrs on sperm, 102-103, 103r
Anions, radiopharlllncclllical. n~etabolisn~of. 45-46 and. 281 cold lesions of. 260 Calcitonin, effecrs on radiophannaceuticals, 176
Annihilntioli,r;lrlialion,tomography al~d,160 Bar phantoms. problems with use of. 291, 292. 294 tllcrapeutic irradialion or, radiotracer distriburion affected Calciuni channel bleckers
Antacids Bayes' theorem. 105, 137-139. 138 by,22 I 223, 224 cell membrane effects of, 168
alulllinllm-col~t;lininp Bcnzodiazctincs. iodltleintcractions with, 204. 204r Bone imaging 'n'l'Tc-labeled red blood ceil interactions w i ~ j I~Y, - 2 0 0
.1 colloidal inlpurities In. 268, 269
qJ"~Tc-labeletI phosphate and phospbon;lle interactions Calciumchelating agems, radiocyanocoballlrlliIl infcl;lr-
with. 194-195 drug erfects on agenfs Tor, 175-178 lions with,'209-210
*'nTc-pcrtcchnclatc ir~lernclio~~~ with, 189 evalualiou or therapy with, 102 Calcim gluconate
gaslroesophaycal rcllux ; m I > t22 free pcrlechnctetc in, 268. 269 16'Gnlpallium citrate inleractions wilh. 214
w"'Tc-lebclcd colloid interacllnns with. 190- 191 l i w r uprake in itgcnrs for, racrorsassociated with, 393, W"'l'c-labeIed phosphate and phosphonate in!cr:wtirlllh
cardiotoxic c~fccrsor, 181- 182
A~~tl~racycli~~cs, pnthdogic mCCtl;ll~isl~ls :Ilkring, 257-262, 260-26: with, 195
424 I Idex
Dicopac Schilling test. 182-283 r9Fc.feral dose of. 65-66 Gastmntestinal bleeding
Dicthylcnetrianlinepentaaceticacid (DTPA) (see "lIn-dieth- Fetus, radiation risks to, 64-69, 68r animal models, of, 340r
ylenetriaminepentaacelic acld: yqnTc-dlethylene- Fibrmogen (see '?Tfibrinogen) diagnosis of
trialllincpentaacetic acid) Field flood phanloms,problems with use of, 291,291, 292, lLIIn-labeledplatelets in, 96
2.6-Dietl1ylin~inod1acetic acid. normal b~odislribulion of. 294 ggmTc-labeledredblood cells in. 91-92
8-9 Fielduniformity, 292 inlerventional studies of.123-124
Diethylstilbestrol Follicular carcinoma, sodium ["'lliodide for. 88 radiopharmaceutical efficacy and, I 1 1
["Ga\ylliunl citrnte interactionswith. 212-2[3 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Gastrointestinal disease. animal models of, 338-339, 340r
YY"'Tc-labeled phosphate and pllosphonate inlcraclions adverse reactions and. 303-310 Gastroinlestinal imaging
with. I96 investlgationalnew drugs and "'In-labeledleukocytes in. 95
Dlgcstive system (see enlries bepnning wilh Gastrolntesti- Ecu~>omics or monitoring, 108-109. 1091. I I I I application processing and. 55-56. 364-367, 366 pathologic mechanisms altering. 254-258. 254-256
nal) ECT (Jet Emisslon computed loll1opraphy) gu~del~nes for.54-55.357 y5'nTc-labeled red blood cells in. drug interactlons w i t h ,
Diglvnl imaging (.reg Co~nputer(s);specific site1 Education (see also htlcnt education). conlinulng. 409 regulatory authority of. 53, 326-327. 327 20 1
Digitalis. calcium ion and. 18 I Elreclivethyroid ratlo ( E m , probdbililies of. 1 3 4 clinical testing ofnew drugs and, 358-360 Gnstrointestinal lrdct, therapeutic irradiatlon or. radiotracer
Digox in Erficiency or nuclcdr medlcine stt~dy~ 395 Formulation, select1011 o~rddiophannaceuticals and.
81-82, distribufion affected by, 226
Ehrlich ascites, anilnal models of. 3461 81 Gated blood pool imaging (see Blood pooI imaging)
"K and. 181
Ejection fraction. 151 Fomwlalion errors. absorbed dose and. 70 Gated ventr~culography(see also Blood pool Imaging).
radloassay. 101-102. 103
'FJn'Tc-labeled redblood cell mteractions with, 101 Embolism.pulmunary (see Pulmona~y enlbolisn~) Formula!ion problems. clinical manireswtlons of. 268-284. 151-154. 151-153, 155
Dihydrolachysterol, radiolrdceruptakeand. 176 Emission computed tomopraphy (see dso Single photon 2711-2731 Gaviscon, gastroesophageal renux and, I22
Diiodotyrosine. 12 emission computed tomography). imapng prob- Fourieranalysis. cardiac contraclionand. I54 Genirourinarydisease.animal models of. 341-342.3421
Diphosphonate. qVmTc-labeled phosphateand phosphol~dle lems in. 298-300, 299, Fraclure. animal nlodcls of, 334, 3351 Gcnitourinary imaging, palllologic mechanisms altering,
Interactionswith. 193. 197 Emphysema. animal models of. 338. 3391 Frame mode acquisition. 146. I48 258-260
DipllosphonnteIlgand."""Tc-labeled bone-imaging xfc11t. Encapsulation. forn~ula~iun problems rcl;wd tu. 282 Freepertcchnetalc Genlamicin. yymTc-labeledphosphateandphosphoniltcIn-
stluclurr or. 4 I 41 Enccphatitis, animal lnodels of. 336. 3381 absorbed dose-and. 70 tcractions with, 194
Dipyridamole.cardiacimagingand. 117-1 19, 1 1 8 . Endocarditis. animal models 01. 336. 337f distriburion of, ?68. 269 Gcnlisicacid,effects on YgmTc-labeledradiopharmaccuti-
182-183. 416 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). regulatory author- hrosernidc (Laaix) cals or, 8 1 . 81
Dlsease ity of, 32?. 327 I"'GaJpal1ium citralc interactions \ A h . 214-215 GFR ( w e Glomerular fillration rate)
animal modcls of3 333-347 Enzymc substrate. 34-35 renal ('unction r;diotracer interaction with. 21 9 GI4 (see Gluceptatc (glucoheptonate))
biodistributron and absorbed dose and. 69-70 Enzymes (sce ~ l r ospec~licenzyme) renal imaging and. 119-120, 121 Glioma. animal models of,346r
chronlc. slages in. 99. IIM drug efrects on. radiotracer biodislribulion and. 169 Glumcrular filtralion rate (GFR)
monitoring of. 1041 nonmicrosomal versus microsomal. 44 [6"Ga]gallium citrate computer asscsm~entof, 159. I60
radiotraceruptakc and. 166 EPA (see El~vironn~e~~ral Protection Agency1 advcrse reaclions to. 3 1 5 DTPA and, 4
DISIIIA (see '~mTc-diisopropyI-substitllledimlnodlilcclic Ependymoblaslonxl, annnal mudcls of. 346/ dose lo breastfeedine newborn. 63, 631 Glomerulonephritis. animal models of3 342, 3421
acid) Epilepsy. anirual modcls of. 336. 338r drug inleractions with. 178-180, 21 1-216 Glucagon
Diuretics (see u h u Renal imaging: spcclricdiurctic). Epincphrinc, splccn ~maping and. 12'7, 129 Ictal dose or, 65, 67 gastrointestinalbleeding studies with.123-124
(~'~I]~odorncthylnoIrhole~teml interactions ~ 1 1 1 1 . Erythrocylrb Iser Red blood cellsl "IIn-labeled Ieukocytcs versus. abscess imaglng and. 79 Meckel'sdiverticulum detection and, 125, 415
205-206 Erythromycin.["Gojgall~urncitrate interactlullS with. lactation and 59. 601 Glucep~ate(glucoheptonate) (GH) (ser ""Tc-gluceptate)
Diverliculum. bkcliel's (ser Mcckcl's rli!rcrliculum) 214-21s mchbolism or, 45 Gluconate,agents containing, 177
DMSA (ser 9y.Tc-dimercnprosuccirlic ac~dl Esophagitis norma1biodistributlon of, 14-15. 14 Glucose
Dogs. cardiovascular models w t h . 334-336 m m a l models of, 3401 pediatric use of, 57 IJC-labeIed. sperm metabolism assessed by, 103. 1031
Dose (see d s u Absorbed dose) illduced by irradiation. 226 lumor and abscess localization with. patien1 preparation cardiac. effects on radiotraceruptake or, 183
calibration of. impuritiesaffecting. 283 Estrogens lor. 4 14 Glucose tolerance factor (GTF). 45-46
pediatric (see Pediatric patient) plasmaprotelns sri~nulatcdby. 178 uptake or Glycoenzymes, 167
reliculoendothelial syslem aA'ectedby.174 normal varialions in, 244-245 Glycogenolysis. ischemia and, 181
cakulations. 23-24, 24. 241. 5 1-72 "mTc-labe[ed phosphareand phoaphonak Inler;lcliuns pathologlc mechanisms altering. 262-263. 263 Glycols, effects on radiotracer dlstribution, 176-177
p r c p n c y and, 64 with, 196 Gallbladder (see entries beginning with Hepatobiliary) Glycopyrrolare, pertechnetate uptake and, 169
DOT Isre Departmcnt of Transporlalion) Ethanol, [6'Ga]gallium citrate and. 180 Gallium nitrate. [6'Ga]gallium cllrate interactlons with, 213 Goiter. toxic multinoduIar. sodium [l'lIJiodide for. 88
ETR (see Effective thyroid ratio1 G a m m a camera, 146, 147 Gold salts, [6"Ga]pdliom citrate interactions with. 214-215
Double exposure, 292. 293
Europe imaging with. exercise tolerance rest and. 154, 156, 156 Government (see Regulations; entries beginning withRepu-
brain-imagingradiotracerinteractions wich,216-217 adverse reaction reporling in, 308-309, 310 proper sctling of. 295-296 latory)
adverse reaction statistics in. 3 12-3 13. 3 13f ton~ographicreconstruction of images from, 159- 160 Granuloma~osis.radiogalliumand. 229-230
cardioroxicily of. 181-182
""'Tc-labeled phosphate and pt1ospllonole interactions Excretion Gamma emission. principal, selection of radiopharn~aceuti- Graves' disease. 116
rate of. seleclion oi' radiopl~a~nloccutical and.80 cal and. 75-76, 761 sodium [I3'IJiodide Cor, 88
with, 194. 197
uoule or. sclcclion of rnrliopl~;~~macc~l~ical79and, Gases. radiophormacc~~tical Groin.clinlcal variations i n , radiopharmaceuticalblo-
'~'~"Tc-lnbcledred blood cell inIcrac4ions with, 20?
[~U~Tl]~hatlous chloride IIiIcractionb with. 209 Excrcisc IolcI.:uux tcbt [ s w SIrcsa testing) ~netnbolisn~ or, 45 distribution and, 244
Drug history (,weo h hticnt prqw:ltio11), lhyrtlirl sludics Ijxpected ~ ~ ~ i l i140-143.
ty, 141-14.1 regulatory control of. 329 GTF (,Tee Glucose loler,ance factor)
Expcclormts. iodideinteractlolls with, 204. 2 0 4 Gnslric enlptying studics, 122- I23
and, 4 I?
radiop~~nr~~~;~ceuticals for, drug interactions with, 216 Half-life. selcclion of radiopharnlaceutical and, 75,761
D N inleractions,
~ absorbcrl (hhe i n ~ l .71
Elsling. hepalohilinry inloglng and, 417 G:lstroenteritis. ;~rlin~al nwdels of, 340r Hansch hypothesis, 33, 37
Drug intervention, 115-129
FDA (see Fuorl and Drug Administration) Gastroesophageal r e f l u x . intcrventional studies of, 120, 122 Hashilnolu's thyroiditis, 116
ahsorbcrl dose and. 7 t
Hazards (see Radiation hazards) Human albumin (see WmTc-labeled albumin) adrenalimagingwllh. 116, 117, I17 Instrumenlalion, probIemswith,290-300
HDP (see qqmTC-hydroxymethylene diphosphona~ej Humanexperimentalion,checklisr [or, 1081 adversereaclions to, 317 losul~n.cardlac radiotracer effects ol, 183
Heart (see oho entries beginning wlth Cardiac: entries be- Hyalinemembrane disease, animalmodels of. 338, 33% drugioterac:ionswith,205-206 Inlerveotional sludies. 115- 129
ginning with Myocardial] Hydralazine, SmTc-labeled red blood cell inlerdclions wllh. metabolism of, 48 Interventricular syslem, paradoxical motion of, 25 1
clinical variatlons in, radiopharmaceulical distribution 201 normal biodistributionof,12 Intestinal tract (.Tee also entrles beginnlng wirh Gastmintcs-
and, 243, 2431 Hydrocephalus. 248-249, 250 Ibuprofen. [67Galgallium citrateinteraclions with, 214-215 tinal). free pertechnetale in, 268, 269
dog versus human, 335 animalmodels ol, 336.338r IDA derivatives (see lminodiacetic acid derivatives) Inlracranial cysls, 248
rherapeutic Irradiation of, radiotracer distribution affected Hydrochlorothiazide, [6iGa]gallium citrale interactions lmage degradation. radionuclidic impurities and, 283-284 Intramuscutar injeclion. [6'Ga]gal[iun~citrate interacmw
by, 220, 221 with, 214-215 lminodiacelic acid (IDA) derivalives (see qg'mTc-Iabeled iml- with. 214
Heartbear. multiple-gated imaging of, 153-154, 153 Hydroxyapalile.pyrophosphate and, 175 nodiacelicacid derwatives; specificderivative) Inlravascularcoagulopathy. mtn:ll modch ol: 345.345r
Hear1 wall. motion of, 154 Hydroxyethylidene diphosphonate (HEDPj (see also 99mTc- InrubatLon, radiotracer biod!slribuliml and. 320
Heating.lormulationproblems caused by. facrors in. hydroxyethylidene diphosphonale). ~nalrixvesicle Invasive procedures, absorbed duac : I I I ~ 7 I
276-277 functioning and, 175-176 In silu preparation, ease of, selection oCradiopharmaceutica1 lnvestigalional new drugs [INDs)
Heavymetals. thyroid-imaging efiecls of. 184 Hyperaldosteronism, 116, I I7 and.82 apphcationior. 53, 54. 55
HEDP (see Hydroxyclhylidene diphosphonate) Hyperalimenlalion (see Nutrilion, Iota1 parenteral) Io utero exposure. 64-69 avoiding delays In processing 0 1 , ?h4-30?. .i(lo
Hemarological disease, animal models or, 345, 3451 Hypcralumincmia.170-171 "'In-dielhylcnetriaminepentaacelic acid (DTFA) considerations in. 357-372. 374- L S 5
Hematological efiecls. sodium ['?P]phospha~e, 85 Hyperbilirubinemia, neona~al. 125 adverse reaclions to, 317 examples of situarions requmng. 367-372
Hemalolna. subdural, anlmnlmodels of, 336. 3381 Hyperlipidemia.[6'Ga]gaIlium citrate and, 179 drug inleractions with. 202 forms lor. 374-379
Hcn~od~alysis Hyperprolactmemla, [6i'Ga]galliurn cmate accumularion rnelabolism of, 45 -X,:
framework and criteria for review 111. 30 1
complement:Icliwtionand.173 and.179-180 I%-labeled leukocytes participants in process of, 357-358
pertechnetatedistributionand.170-171 Hypcrtension,animalmodels of. 335, 337f clinical ulilily of. 94-95 submissionInstructions lor, 361
Hcmolyt~canemla. animal models or, 345, 3 4 3 pulmonary. 338, 339r drug i n l e r d o n s n,ith, 203 clinicaltrialsof. 5 5 , 358-3151, 360-361
Hemorlhage,gastIoin~estinal (see Gastroinrestinal bleed- Hyperthyroidism. 116 I"'Ga]g:dliun~cilralcversus.absceasnnagingand. 79 three phases of, 360-361. 360-361
ing) soddurn {IJlIjiodlde for.88 normalbiodistribution of, IS Medical Review Guidelines for. 361. 3RO-.;SS
Heparin, 28 I thyrolropln-releasing hormoncInfusion test and. I16 prcparatlon or. 92-94, 931 physician-sponsored
[6'Ga]galliumcitrateinteracrionswitll.215-216 Hyposplenia,226 "'In-labeled platclels clinicallrialsof, 359
"lIn-labeted platelel inleractions wilh. 203-204 Hypothesis. research, 106 clinical urility of. 95-96 problemareaswith.362-364
rclicolocndolhclralsyslcmaffcctedby.172 I-lypolhyroidism, primary versus secondal y, 1 I 6 drug internclions with. 203-204 requirements for. S4-55
"Ym'l'c-labeledmacrwggrepted albumin and albumin mi- normal biodislribulion of. 15 sampicsize and. 363
crosphere lnteraclions with. 198- 199 preparation of. 95, 96r studydesignfor,363-364
YymTc-labcledphosphateandphosphonule inlcraclions lltIn-oxine,metabolism 01; 45 Invesligational slud~es, 105-107,108r
with, 195 12II-fibrinogen 'llIn-oxine-labeled red blood cells, preparation of, 90 hypolhesis in, 106
gPmTc-labeledredbloodccllinlcractinns with, 201 lachtion and. 60-61, 60r lllIn-tropolone-Iabeledleukocyles.prcparalionof, 94, 941 prognostic efkcliveness of, 107
Hepatic artery infusionchemotherapy,inrcractions wlth normalbiodislriburion of. 13 ["'InJind~umchloride rcporling of, 107-108
""'Tc-labeled iminodlacct~cacid derivatives, thrombuslocalizalron W I I ~ I .paticnl preparalion lor, ~netabolismor. 45 research design of, 106- 107
192- 193 414-415 nuclear propcrtles of. 761 lod~des(see also Radioiodides; Sodium Il"I]iodidej. d r u p
Hcpalic coma. an~lnalmodcls ol. 3411 "!I-hippuran [see o-["'l]iodohippurare) [ll'ln]~ndiumchloride cunraming. thyroid-imapng eriecls of. I83
HepaticIuncIion, measu~enlent01, charactrrislics of ideal 1311-labeledagents(see d s o Radiuiodides;Sodium feral dose of. 66-67 Iodinated contrast agcnls, renal lunchon radiotracer inlcwc-
breath Lest substrare for. 112. 112t [13'lliod~de) merabolism of, 45 lions wilh , 2 1 8
Hepatitis,neonatal,biliary alresia versus.126 indotricarbncyanine, SLnlcture of, 40-4 1, 40-41 Incubation. rornlulation problenu rcla~edto. 277 Iodinated semnl album~n,feral dose of, 66
Hepalobiliarydisease.anilnalmodelsof. 339-341. 341r nl-["llliodobenzylguanidine (mlCBl IND (set Invest~ga~ronal new drugs) lodmalion, 12
Hcpalobiliary imaging drug intcraclions with, 206-207 Indotricarbocyanlnes.1311-labelcd, slmcture of, 40-41, lod~nemetabolism, 46
drug-radiopharmaceuticalinteractlons allccting. I S 4 rnelabolism of. 48-49 40-4 I p-lodo-iminodiacetic acid, 8
"'"1Tc-Iabeled lminodlacelic acid derivalivcs In, smclure or, 34-35, 34 Infants (see also Newborn) Iron (see a l . 59Fe)
192-193 p-['~I]iodobenzylgua~~idine (pIBG). mcmboIism of, 48-49 brain imaging or. 236 erfccls on radiotracer distribution, 176, 177
patientprcparntion for. 417 19-[~3'l]iodocholeslerol,adrenalimagingwith, 116 brrdsrfeeding, radialion dose to. 62-64 ["Gelgallium cilrate interactions with. 213
re~iculoendolhelialsystem imaging versus, 77 o-l'~~I]iodo~ippura~e lung perfusion imaging in. 82 wmTc-labeledphosphateandphosphonalc in~cr~timh
selection of radiopharmaceulical lor, 80. 801 normalbiodistribution of. 12 Infarcrlon wilh, 193-194
slructure-dislribulion relalionshlps of agents for, 38-41. renal function studies with,patientpreparation lor. cerebral, animalmodelsof, 336 Irondextran
39-41 415-416 myocardial (see Myocardial infarction) ["Gdlgalliumcitrate and, 180
WmTc-labelediminodiacericacidderivative, 8- 10, I O , o-l1J'I]iodohippurate (hippuran) InCcclion, bone and joint, lllln-labeledleukocyles for diag- radiolracerdistribution and, 177
26, 27-28 lnelabollsm of, 48 nosis of. 95 w4'"Tc-labeled phosphate and phosphunate I I I I C I :ICIIC)IIS
Flepalobiliary syatem, ~nterventional studies or, 125- 127, normalbiodislribulion of, 12 Inflammatory process imaging, I%-labeled leukocyles in, with, 195
I28 renal funclion studieswith, palien1 prcpmtion Cor. 15 Iron hydroxide preciplmes, adverse reactions 111. ? 1 h
Hepatocyres. 77 415-416 tlrug-radiopharmaceulical interaclions and, 203 Irradialion ( s e e d s o enlries beginnlng with R:~dia~ion].ttwr-
Hepatoma.animalmodels of, 346r renogram wilh. 26 Intornlalion ccntcrs, 389-396 apeutic, radiotracerbiodislrlbution ~ d ~ c r chy. d
Hippumn. 'Wlabcled (see o-l"lI]iodohip~)ura~c) abnorlnal, 30 Injection 220-226
Hodgkin's dlseasc, 127 furosemide and, 120 e r r m in, absorbcd dose altd. 70-71 Ischenlla,myocardial. 118, 119, 154
Horrnonc reccptors, ccll Inclnbr:lnc erlccls or, I68 normal, 29 inlramus~ular~ [Wa]g:~lliun> citraleinteractions with. cyclicadenosinemonophosphare and, 181
HPLC (see Chronlatopphy. high-performance liquid) 6~-[~~~I]iodomethylnorcha~es1crol iNP-59) 214 nycardial infamion versus, 157
430 1 I d e x
Product formularion. selection of radiopharrnaceutica! and. occupational exposure as. 329 passive analysis of. 21-22. 22 pat lent preparation for, 4 15-4 16
81-82, 81 Radiarion lherapy, aliered radiopharmaceutical biodistribu- radiopharmaceutical design and. 24-25 selection of radiopharmaceu~icalfor. 77-78
Prolactin. ["Gajgallium citrate accumulation and. 179- 180 tion as resulr of. 220-226, 222. 224, 225 single compartmental analysls or, 20-21, 21 95mTc-Dh.ISA in, 10- 1 1
Propantheline,gastricemptyingradiotracerinteraclions RadioactiveDrugResearchCommltrec (RDRC), 55. 365. Radiopharmacy, in-house, low-levecl radioactivewaste dis- PPmTc-gluceptate versus, 79-80
with. 2 16 368-370 posal concepts of. 325 qPmTc-gluceptatc In,5
Propranolol Radioactive waste disposal (see Low-lewi radioactive waste Radiopolasslum,normalbiodislribution of, 13 Renal lranspianl evaluation, dmg-radiopharmaceutical inter-
cardiacradioiracer efkcls of, 182, 183 disposal) Radioiracers (see a130 speciflc agent) actionsaffecting,[6'Ga]galliumcitrateIn,
contraceptive efiectives of. 103 Radioaerosols. mmTc-DTPA,78 biodistribution of 215-216
effects on sperm. 103, 103 Radiocyanocobalamin, drug inrcracrions with, 209-210 allered by invasivetherapy.220-230 Renografin. 60, 171
I?OITl]thatlouschlorideinrcractions with, 207-208. 209 Radiogases. controlandlicenslng of, 329 drugeffects on RES (see Reiculnendothelial system)
Propytthiourac~l(PTU), 82 Radiohalogenation. strcturc-distrlbutlon relarionshlps and. bloodcomponents and. 169 Research,106-108, 108r
cardiac radiorracer effects of, 183 36, 40-41, 4&41 cellmembrane and, 166-169 designs for, 106-107
Radioiodides (see also Sodium ['3'l]iodide;specific
Prospecrive p a p e n t , radlopharmaceurical information cen- iso- enzymes and,169 Reserpine
ler and, 395 tope) factors deternlining, 166 {b7Gajgalliunl cilrate interactions with. 212-213
Prostaglandin E. cyciic adenosine monophosphale and, 174 fetal dose or. 66, 68-69 lalrogenic alterations i n , 165- I84 mIBG interactions wirh. 206-207
Proslhcses, radiotracer biodistribulion and, 227-228 metabolism of, 48-49 reportedinslances of drug-Inducedaltcrations in. Restrainl. pediatric patient. 412
Pro!eins. plasma cs~rogensand, 178 nonrhyroid skudies with, patient preparaiion for, 413 189-219 ReticuloendothehaI system (RES)
nonnal biodistribution of, 1 I - 12 cardiac, drug elkcts on. 180-183 heparin effects on. 112
brain-imaging radiotracer interactions with, 217 pediatric use. 57, 58, 58? concepts of moniloring wilh 100-104 hepatobiliary imaging versus imaging of, 77
membrane transport alterations and, 177- 178 RadiolabeledmetabolicsubslrmesIRMS). sperm moiility pharmacodynamicstudies wilh, 105-106 imaging agents for, I7 1 - 175
and.102-103, 103 Radioxenon (see "'Xe) Rifalnpin, ["Ca)gallium citrate inleractions with. 214-215
FTH (sep Pdrarhyroid hormone)
Rndiolylic decomposition. formulation problems related lo, RDRC (see Radioaclive Drug Research Committee) Right to know. patient's. 104-405
! T U (see Propythiouracil)
Pulmonaryabnormalities,complementactwationand. 173 279-280 Reagent Lis, commercial source of. 278-279 Risks (see Radlatlon hazards)
Pulmonary embolism, 78 Radionuclidlcconlamination.283-284 Rccewccr operatlngCharacteristic (ROC) C U I V C . 136. I37 RMS (see Radiolabeledmetabolicsubstrates)
Radiopertcchnctale (sec wmTc-pertechnetale) Receptor-bindlngbiochemicals.35-37 ROCcurve (see Receiveroperalingcharacteristiccurve)
ani~nalrriodeh of, 337-338, 339r
Radiophnrn~aceuticalinformationcenter (RPICj, 389-396
imaglnp of, drug-radiopharmaceutical interactions affecr- Reco~nmendarionsversus rcgularions. 321 Rolating slant hole tomography
ing. Itlln-labeled plateleis in, 203-204 advisability of cstablishing. 392-391 Recowtruction paramclers. single phoron emusia[l corn- Inmted-angle. 159- 160
Pulmonary ilbrosis, idiopalhic, animal modcls of, 338. 339r cvolvlng lluctear medicine concepts relevant to, 395-396 puled lomography. 300. 3011-3113 myocardial. 157. I58
Pulmonary hyperie~~sion, animal models or, 338. 33% operationalaspectsof,396 Recording media, qualiiy cuntrul ou, 292 RPIC 1 . w RadiopI~armaceuricaIinformation center)
qualityassuranceand,396 Red blood cells (see n/su 99mTc-labeled red blood cells)
Pulmonaryperfusion imaglng, 5 , 78. 81-82
dnpradiophermaceutical inleraclions aireclinf. q 5 T c -Radiopllarmaceutlcal mformation resources, 400-403 agglutination or, aluminum ion and, 274 S value. cnlculdlion 111, 56-57
labeledalbumin i n , 198-199 Rad~opharmaceuticals (see also Radiotracers; specific radiolabeled "S-tabeled sulfur colloid, biodistribulion of. 47
ventilation imaging versus. 78, 781 agent) clinicd utility or. 91-92 Salicylates, iodldeinleraclionswith. 204, 204r
Pulmonary uptakc. 5q"1Tc-labelcdcotluid, factors associated absorbed dose considerations. 51-72 heating i[l formulation of. 276-277 Salinc, bactcrioslatic. 9~nLTc-labeled radiopharmaceutlcals
with. 3921 adverse reaciions to. 303- 3 19 preparatlon of. 90-91. 911 and, X I
bicdisiribotlon and sIrucIure in, 33-42 Reierence Man, absorbed dose in. 54 Salbwry glands
Pulmonary ventilation imaging
drue-radiophnrmaccuti~~l classes of, 34-38, 3 4 , 35t, 38. 44-45
inreraclions aifecting. radio- Repistratlonstates. 53 iree perlcchnetate in, 268, 269
design of Regulations increascd radialracer uptake in, 254
xenon in. 21 1
phamucological approach lo. 34 limitsImposed by.327 lhe~apcuticirradialion or. radiotracer distribution affccted
perfusion imaging versus, 78, 78r
radiopharmacokinetics in. 24-25 versus rccommendalions, 32 I by,225
PYP (.Tee Pyrophosphate)
drug effects on biodistribution of, 165-184. 189-219 Rcgularory agencies (see also Investiga!ionalnew drup: SAR h e e Slnrclure-activiry relationsh~pj
Pyridoxylaminatcs, simcture of, 40, 40
Pyridoxylidenephenylalanine.struclure or, 40, 40 efficacy of, 11 1-1 12 specific agency) Sarcoma. animal models of, 3461
inadvertently altered routes of administration of, 230 kdelal. slate. and local, 326-327, 327 Sarcoplasmicreliculunl.cyclicadenosinemonophospllate
Pyrophosphate (PYP)
inverltoryof,compllter, 160 illleractionswith, 321-326 and. I81
drug effects on, 175
reagent kit, nonradioactive,adversereactions melabolism of. 44-49
to. 31%
responslbilirles and views or. 53-54 Schilling tesr, 280
normal biodistributionof, 3-16 Regulatory problems,321-330 drug-ratllopharmaceulical interactions affecting. radlo-
patient preparation for, 4 1 1-41 8 Reidel'slobe, 234 cyanocobalaminin,209-210
purchases of, regulalions and, 324 Renal dialysis (see Dialysis: Hemodialysis) dual-isolope (Dicopacj, 282-283
patlent education and, 409
selection of, 75-82 RenalFailure,animalmodels or, 341-342.342r encapsulated doses and, 282
planar imaging problems during, 291-294, 291-293
subslrate-nonspecific, 35r, 37-38, 38 Renalimaging. 26. 77-78 Scicnlllic method, process or, I06
Quinidine, WmTc-labeledred blood cell interaclions with,
substrate-specific, 34-37, 34, 351 abnormal , 30 Scroial [email protected], 260
20 1
rherapeutic applicaiions of, 84-88 artlfaclsin, 296 SDR ( w e Structure-dislributionrelationship)
unitdose suppliers of, lowlevel radioactivewaste dis- diurclics in. 1 19-120. 121 ["Se]setenorncthioninc
Radialion, nonpenetraling versus penelrating, 56 posal and, 325-326 drug-radlopharlnaceutical intcracrions in, 218-219 norrlral biodislrihulion or. 15
Radiation cxposr~re(see nlsu Absorbed dose). general con- RadiopharmacokInctics ''~J""LTc-DMSA in, 197-198 pancreas ilnaging with. parient preparation for. 414
sideralions in 51 active or nonlinear analysis of> 22-23, 23 'F'nlTc-gluceptatein. 197 paralltyroidirnngingwith,patien1preparationfor. 4 15
Radiationhazards basics of, 20-23 o - [ lJIIlir)dohippuratci [ l . I2 Sedalion. lsdiatric paticit. 412
age and, 58-59 diagnosis and, 26 kinetics and. 26, 29-30 Selectron of mdiopt~arnlaceutical,75-82
lactation and, 59-64 rlosimctrycalculations a114 23-24 1iorma3, 29 Selnen, drug cffcccts on. 102-103, 103r
monitoring and. 110-1 1 I n ~ u ~ t i c o ~ ~ ~ p ;a~dry~s ins~of,
c ~21-22,
~ r ~ l 22 palhalogiclnechallistusallcring:258-260 Scnsilivily. tcsl Tor, defined. 134-135. 1351. 137r
436 I Index Inde?r t 437
toxicity of, 85 nuclear medicine monitoring of. 1041 clinicalmanifestations of problems with,268-270,
Sensltivilyanalysis,142-143, 143
Sortware, 150 open, radiotracer biodistribution allecled by, 226 269-270
Septal penetration, collimator selection and, 294, 294-295
SOH phantom (see Smith orthogonal hole phantom! Sympathomimetics, mIBG interactions with, 206-207 commercial source and, 278-279
Septic meningitis, animal models of, 336, 3381
Shmk, animal models of, 335-336, 3371 Solubility ligand concentralion aKecting, 276
"Shock lung," 173 formulation problems related to, 281 T: (see Triiodothyronine) mixing order in, 275-276
relative, lor lipid or biood phases, 33 T4 radioimmunoassay, probabilities of, 134, 1341 pirliculate size and numlxr in, 277-278
Sialadenitis, radiation, 225
Sincalide (Kincvac) Source malerial. 53 Target uptake rate, selection of radiopharmaceutical and: 79 oxidation and, 279-280
Special nuclear material, 53 T c (see Carrier ~ " ' T c ) pH and, 274-275
dose of. 127
Specialty Board Certilication. licensing and, 324 ""'Tc radiolytic decomposition and, 279-280
hepatobiliary imaging with, 126- 121, 4 17
Specific activity, formulation problems related to, 280-281 nuclear properties ol. 76, 761 specific activity and, 280-281
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).
Specificity.test, 135 particulate Impurities in, 268, 2 70 stannous ion arlectlng, 274
SPECT (see Single photon emission computed tomography) gmTc chelates lactation and, 59-60, 6 0 1
problems with, 298-300, 2941
Spectral overlap, 297 biodislribution and struclure of, 37-38, 38 metabolism of, 46-48
Skeletal imaging (see olso Bone)
Sperm, drug effects on. 102- 103, 1031 Incubationof, 277 preservatives and, 281
anterior, "Tc-HDP, 9
Spironolactone, ~~~~l)iodomethylnorcholeslerol interaclions ~~Tc-~",A~'-bis(mercaploacelyl)-2,3-dian1ino~ropanoa~e, solubility of, 281
drug-radiopharmaceutical interactions affecting, RmTC-
labeledphosphates a n d phosphonates ~ n , wilh. 205-206 structure of, 37, 38 g9mTc-labeledalbumin
_,_ _,- Spleen wmTc-diethylene~riarninepcntaaceticacid (DTPA) macroaggregated
Skeletal metaslases, sodlum [12P]phosphatcforpain from. clinical variations in, radiopharmaceutical biodislribution brain imaging with. palient preparation for, 413-414 drug interactions with. 198-199
and, 234-236, 235 diurelic renogram with. 120. 121 metabolism of, 47
85, 86
Skeletal system. pathophysiology of, animal models Of, intervenlionalstudies of, 127. 129 furosemide and, rcnal imaging with, 120, f 2 I nomlal biodislribution of, 5 . 6
334, 3351 therapeulic irradiationof, radiotracer distribution affected metabolism or, 48 pediatric use, 51
Smith orthogonal hole (SOH) phantom. 292 by, 226 normal biodistribution or, 4-5 metabolism of. 47
Society of Nuclear Medicine, adverse reaction reporting Spleen imaging pediatric use, 57 lnicrospheres
and, 304 drug-radiopharmaceuticalinteractionsaffecting, wmTC- radioaerosol. 78 adverse rcactlons to, 3I5r, 316
Sodium ascorbate,effects on SmTc-labeled radiophama- labeled colloids in. 190- 191 P"n~c-diisopropyI-substituted iminodiacetic acid (DISIDA) drug interactions with, 198-199
wmTc-labeledred blood cells in. 11 heputobiliary imaging with pediamic use, 57
ceuticals, 8 1
Sodium bicarbonate Splenic sequestration. Tr-labcled red blood cell studies Of, abnormal.28 normal biodistribution of. 1 1
91 normal. 27 WmTc-labeledcolloids
cardiac radiotracer effects of. 183
Squamous cell carcinoma, animal models of, 346r normal biodislribution of. 8- 10. 10 anlimooy trisulfide, 67
99mTc-Dh.iSA interactionswith, 197-198
Sodium [rlCr]chromale, metabolism of, 45-46 Stannous ion 99mTc-dimercaplosuccinicacid IDMSA) drug interaclionswilh, 190-191
Sodium diatrizoate. RmTc-labeled phosphate and phospho- drugs containing. 9YmTc-pertechnetate Interactions with, drug interactions wlth, 197-198 irnpurilies in. 268, 269
nate interactions with, 195 199 incubation time and. 277 normal biodistribution or, 4-7, 7
Sodium [l~'I]iodide, normal biodistribution of, 11-12 formulation problems caused by, 274 normal biodistribution of, 10- 1 1 pulmonary uptake of, factors associated with. 392r
Stateradiologicalhealthdepartments,53-54,322. pediatric use. 57 sulfur
Sodium IYIiodide
3221-3231 pH, effcct on biodistribution. 275 adverse reactions to. 3 141. 3 15-3 16
descriplion of. 87
Steroids (see a h Corticosteroids). iodide interactions with. "'"Tc-gluceptate versus, renal imaging and, 79-80 aluminum ion affecting formulation of. 274
dose or. 88
204, 2041 99mTc-diphosphonate,a t u m ~ n u mion arfecling Iormulakion efficacy of, 1 I 1
breastleeding newborn. 63. 631
Stomach (see also Gastric emptying studies) of, 274 liver and spleen Imaging with, 234-236. 235
- fetal. 64, 64r. 65,66-67. 68-69
drug interacrions with, 204-205 free pertechnetate in. 268. 269 gPmTc-disofenin(see ""Tc-diisopropylimrnodiacetic acid) metabolism of, 46-47
9"Tc-gluceptate (glucoheplonate) normal distribution 6 . 5-7, 7
g indications for. 8s Stresstesting, 119, 154,156-157, 156, 416. 4161 adverse reactions to, 3 151 pediatric use. 57
E Stroke. 248 brain imaging with. patient preparation lor, 413-414 renal accumulatlon of, 174
i? lactation and. 601, 61 drug interactions with, 197
mechanism of action or, 67-86 animal models of, 336 "Vc-labeled iminodiacetic acid (IDA) derivatives
Strucrure-activity relationship (SARI, 33 normal biodislribution of. 5 drug interactions with, 191-193
metabolism of, 48-49
radiotracersand, 166 pedialric use, 57 hepatobiliary imaging with, patient preparation for,417
monitoring parameters of, 88
Structure-distribution relationship (SDR), 33-34 9P"Tc-DMSA versus, renal imaging and, 79-80 metabolism of, 48
normal biodislribution of. 11-12
quantihtive examples of. 38-41. 3 9 4 1 gYnlTc-hydroxyethylidine diphosphonare (HEDP) normal biodistribution or, 8- 10, IO
5 nuclear
properties 761 of. nletabolism of. 47-48
pharmacodynamics of, 88 Subdural hematoma, animal models of, 336, 338r phenobarbital and, hcpatobiliary imaging with, 325- 126
normal biodistribution or, 7-8
pregnancy and, 64. 641 Subjectiveprobabilities, 133
pH effect on biodislribution, 274-275
quantitative structure-distribution relationships of.
toxicity of, 88 Substrate-nonspecific agents, 37-38, 351, 38 38-40, 39
Substrare-specific agents, 34-37, 34, 35r WmTc-hydroxymethylene disphosphonate(HDP) rddiopharmacokinetics of, 24-25, 2 4 , 241
uplake of, 24-hour, probability of, 1341
Sulflnpyrazone, I6"GaIgalliurn citrate interactions w i h . comparison wilh MDP, SO seleclion of, hepalobiliary imaging and, 80: 801
volatility of, formulation problen~srelated to, 283
Sodium nitroprusside, iodide inleractions W i t h . 204, 2041 214-215 metabolism of, 47-48 P"mTc-ldbeledkits, 81-82
r' Sodiunl [3zP)phosphare Sulfonamides normal biudistribulioo of. 7-8, 9 slannous ion and, 274
["'Ga]gallium citrate interaclions with, 214-215 9R"Tc-p-isopropyliminodlacelicacid (PIPIDA), noma1 bio- wn'Tc-labeledphosphate and phosphonate (see also spccjfic
description of, 84
gql"Tc-pcrtechnetate interactions wilh. 199 distribution d,8 , 9 ageno .
dose of, 85
Sulfur colloid (see WmTc-labeled colloids, SUlfUr) wmTc-ldbeled agents(see nlso specific agent) adverse reactions LO, 3 16-3 17
indications for, 85
Surgery bone imaging with, SO, 102 bone studies with, patient prepration for- 413
mcchanism of actlon of, 84-85
delayed conscqucnccs of. radiotracer biodistribudon and. ktal dose or, 65, 66-67 drug interactions with, 193-197
monitoring parameters for, 86
221-228 lormulation of nlerdbolism of, 47
pharmacodynamics ol, 85-86
438 I 1Igde.x Il&r I -1.w
WmTc-labeled phosphate and phosphonatc--onrifIlred carcinoma or. sodiunl ["lllrodide for, 88 radiolmmunoassay.probabilities of. 1 3 4 patient prcpararion for localization of. 414-4 t5
normal biodistribution 6 , 7-8. 9 clinical variatlons In. radiopharmaceutical biodlslribution resin test. probabil1t:es of, 1341 Ventilationirnaging. 78. 78r
pedialric use. 57 and. 237-239. 239-241 suppr?ssion test. 115- I16 Ventilation systems. radiogasesand. 329
WmTc-labeled red blood cells. 4 cold nodule of. 249. 250. 251 Trimethoprlln-sulin~ethoxazole. gq"Tc-gluceptaleintcrac- Venlricular reflux. 248-249
anticoagulants affcctlng. 26 1-282 free pertechnetatein. 268. 2tjY lions with.197 Venlriculography (see also Blood pool imaging)
clinical utility oh 91-92 interventional studies involving. 115- 110 Trupolone. 94 drug-mdiopharmaceulicalinreractlonsnll'ecling. *'""IC-
drug interactions with. 199-202 organificatlon defectsin. 116 TSH (see Thyroid-stimulating hormone) labeled red blood cells in.199-202
efficacy of. 1 11 therapeu~lcirradiation of. radiotracer dlstribulion affected Tubular necrosis, mimal Inodek of. 3 4 3 galed. 151-154, 151-153, 155
normal biodistribulion of. 11 by. 225 Tumor (see also Cancer) Vinblaslinc.phagocytosis and.I74
pedlatric use, 57 Thyroid hormone manipulat~on,115-1 16 animal models 01, 346-347. 3461 Vlncristine
preparation of. 90-91. 921 Thyrold Imaging brain. 248. 249 brain-imagingradiopharmaceutical i n t e x t ~ c ~hbrh.
9y'"Tc-melhylene dlphosphonate (MDP) drug-radiopharmaceuticat Internctlonsafiecllng. central ncr\'ous aysrem, animal models of. 336, 3381 216-217
adverse reactions lo. 3141, 316 163-184 localization [67Ga)gdliumchlo: irle mkmctions with, 2 13
comparison wilh HDP. 80 sodium ['l'l]iodide and sodium ["Illiodide. 204-205 paticntpreparation lor. 414 ~JmTc-labclcd phosphate and phosphonarc inwrxliwn
hydrolysis of. 278 ""Tc-pertechnetate. 199 drup-radiupharllIaceutical inferactions afrecling. with. 194
nornxd biodistribulion of. 7-6 patholopc mechanlsms allerlnp. 249-251. 250 [67Ga]galli~~n~cmate in. 111-215 Vitamin BI,. radiocyanocobalaminintelactw[l\ wLltl.