Daf Audio Systems 64739 en
Daf Audio Systems 64739 en
Daf Audio Systems 64739 en
For an easy and safe drive and multiple use USB/AUX connector
24V DAF radio/USB player What are the benefits of the USB/AUX
Innovative features, designed to connection?
meet the highest requirements Missing or scratched CD’s and jumping tracks, it’s all
and optimal sound, combined with past. All music tracks are together in one device and
ergonomic design, the DAF radio/ can be carried over to each truck. Operate your memory
USB player has been specially stick music carrier via the radio controls or steering wheel
developed to meet the professional switches.
demands of 24V vehicle electrical
systems. The radio/USB player Which connector is best?
comes with an excellent two speaker When the USB connection is used, control functions can
system mounted in the doors. be used on the radio or the steering wheel switches.
MP3 player data like ID3 tags are shown on the
instrument panel. With the AUX connection all control
Functions functions have to be managed on the music carrier.
Basic functions and values can be adjusted in a main
menu and with the steering wheel switches. The general
radio functions, such as scanning stations, radio text and
audio functions, such as sound and balance, are shown
on the instrument panel.
USB/AUX connection
On this CD-less 24V DAF radio/USB player no longer the
old-fashioned CD player is available, but it has a Smart
Compartment at the dashboard centre console, which
allows connection for virtually all MP3 players, USB sticks
or iPods.