Written Activity No. 7 Assessment of Learning
Written Activity No. 7 Assessment of Learning
Written Activity No. 7 Assessment of Learning
Learning Outcomes:
b. Assessment as Learning
c. Assessment of Learning
d. Placement Assessment
e. Formative Assessment
f. Diagnostic Assessment
g. Summative Assessment
6. Explain the following Principles of High Quality Assessment. Cite Specific example.
8. Complete the matrix below to distinguish the different levels of the three learning Domains.
a. Cognitive Domain
b. Affective Domain
Internalizing Values
c. Psychomotor Domain
Levels Process and action verb Example
(Describe each level) describing outcomes (Create a sample objective)
(Identify the verb in each level)
10. Differentiate one-way table of specification from two-way table of specification. Use illustration to
differentiate the two.
11. Describe the following objective type of test and create an example.
a. Supply Type
i. Simple Recall
ii. Completion Type
iii. Identification Tasks
iv. Labeling test
v. Enumeration
b. Selection Type
i. Alternative response or True-False Test
ii. Matching type
iii. Rearrangement elements
iv. Multiple choice Response test
13. Differentiate the type of essay test. Cite example. Complete the matrix below to distinguish the difference
between the two.
16. Describe the following measures of central tendency and cite example.
b. Pass-Fail System
The Pass-Fail system is a type of grading system in which a student's performance is graded as pass or fail.
The student's performance is not graded numerically or alphabetically. The student either succeeds or fails
the class in this system, based on whether they have satisfied the minimum standards for passing. This type
of system is commonly utilized in courses with a high failure rate or those are pass/fail.
c. Numerical System
The numerical system is a type of grading system in which a numerical grade is assigned to a student's
performance. A numerical grade is typically assigned on a scale of 0 to 100, or 1 to 10. This type of
system is commonly employed in elementary, secondary, and higher education. Because it allows for
finer distinctions between students' performances, this method is more precise than the letter grade
19. Read DepEd Order No. 8 s. 2015 (Policy Guidelines on Classroom assessment for the K to 12 Basic
Education Program) and summarize important key points related to assessment.
20. Read DepEd Order No. 31 s. 2020 (Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of the Basic
Education Learning Continuity Plan) and summarize important key points related to assessment