Unit 3 3.1. Distributed Process Scheduling

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The primary objective of scheduling is to enhance overall system performance metrics such as
process completion time and processor utilization. The existence of multiple processing nodes in
distributed systems present a challenging problem for scheduling processes onto processors and
vice versa.

3.1.1. A System Performance Model

Partitioning a task into multiple processes for execution can result in a speedup of the total task
completion time. The speedup factor S is a function

S = F (Algorithm, System, Schedule)

S can be written as:


𝑆= = × = 𝑆𝑖 × 𝑆𝑑


• OSPT = optimal sequential processing time

• CPT = concurrent processing time

• 𝑂𝑆𝑃𝑇𝐼𝐷𝐸𝐴𝐿 = optimal concurrent processing time

• 𝑆𝑖 = the ideal speedup

• 𝑆𝑑 = the degradation of the system due to actual implementation compared to an ideal system.

𝑆𝑖 can be rewritten as:

𝑆𝑖 = ×𝑛

𝑖=1 𝑃𝑖
𝑅𝑃 =

∑𝑚𝑖=1 𝑃𝑖
𝑅𝐶 =
𝑂𝐶𝑃𝑇𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 × 𝑛
and n is the number of processors. The term ∑𝑚 𝑖=1 𝑃𝑖 is the total computation of the concurrent
algorithm where m is the number of tasks in the algorithm. 𝑆𝑑 can be rewritten as:

𝑆𝑑 =


𝐶𝑃𝑇 − 𝑂𝐶𝑃𝑇𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙

RP is Relative Processing: how much loss of of speedup is due to the substitution of the best
sequential algorithm by an algorithm better adapted for concurrent implementation. RC is the
Relative Concurrency which measures how far from optimal the usage of the n-processor is. It
reflects how well adapted the given problem and its algorithm are to the ideal n-processor
system. The final expression for speedup S is

𝑅𝐶 1
𝑆= × ×𝑛
𝑅𝑃 1 + 𝜌

The term ρ is called efficiency loss. It is a function of scheduling and the system architecture. It
would be decomposed into two independent terms: 𝜌 = 𝜌 𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑑 + 𝜌𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡 , but this is not easy to
do since scheduling and the architecture are interdependent. The best possible schedule on a
given system hides the communication overhead (overlapping with other computations).

The unified speedup model integrates three major components

• algorithm development

• system architecture

• scheduling policy

with the objective of minimizing the total completion time (makespan) of a set of interacting
processes. If processes are not constrained by precedence relations and are free to be
redistributed or moved around among processors in the system, performance can be further
improved by sharing the workload

• statically - load sharing

• dynamically - load balancing

The standard notation for describing the stochastic properties of a queue is Kendall’s notation.
An X/Y /c is one with an arrival process X, a service time distribution of Y and c servers. The
processor pool can be described as an M/M/2, where M stands for a Markovian distribution.

In the migration workstation model, the migration rate γ is a function of the channel bandwidth,
process migration protocol, and context and state information of the process being transferred.

3.1.2. Static Process Scheduling with Communication

 Scheduling a set of partially ordered tasks on a nonpreemtive multiprocessor system of

identical processors to minimize the overall finishing time (makespan)

• Except for some very restricted cases scheduling to optimize makespan is NP-complete

• Most research is oriented toward using approximate or heuristic methods to obtain a near
optimal solution to the problem

• A good heuristic distributed scheduling algorithm is one that can best balance and overlap
computation and communication

In static scheduling, the mapping of processes to processors is determined before the execution
of the processes. Once a process is started, it stays at the processor until completion

3.2.2. Dynamic Load Sharing and Balancing

The assumption of prior knowledge of processes is not realistic for most distributed applications.
The disjoint process model, which ignores the effect of the interdependency among processes, is
used. Objective of scheduling: utilization of the system (has direct bearing on throughput and
completion time) and fairness to the user processes (difficult to define).

If we can designate a controller process that maintains the information about the queue size of
each processor:
• Fairness in terms of equal workload on each processor (join the shortest queue) - migration
workstation model (use of load sharing and load balancing, perhaps load redistribution i.e.
process migration)

• Fairness in terms of user’s share of computation resources (allocate processor to a waiting

process at a user site that has the least share of the processor pool) - processor pool model

Solutions without a centralized controller: sender- and receiver-initiated algorithms.

Sender-initiated algorithms:

 push model

• includes probing strategy for finding a node with the smallest queue length (perhaps multicast)
• performs well on a lightly loaded system

Receiver-initiated algorithms:

• pull model

• probing strategy can also be used

• more stable

• perform on average better

Combinations of both algorithms are possible: choice based on the estimated system load
information or reaching threshold values of the processing node’s queue.

Performance comparison of dynamic load-sharing algorithms

3.1.4. Distributed Process Implementation

Three significant application scenarios:

Remote service: The message is interpreted as a request for a known service at the remote site
(constrained only to services that are supported at the remote host) {

 remote procedure calls at the language level

 remote commands at the operating system level
 interpretive messages at the application level

Remote execution: The messages contain a program to be executed at the remote site;
implementation issues:

 load sharing algorithms (sender-initiated, registered hosts, broker...)

 location independence of all IPC mechanisms including signals
 system heterogeneity (object code, data representation)
 protection and security

Process migration: The messages represent a process being migrated to the remote site for
continuing execution (extension of load-sharing by allowing a remote execution to be

State information of a process in a distributed systems consists of two parts: computation state
(similar to conventional context switching) and communication state (status of the process
communication links and messages in transit). The transfer of the communication state is
performed by link redirection and message forwarding.
Reduction of freeze time can be achieved with the transfer of minimal state and leaving residual
computation dependency on the source host: this concept ¯ ts well with distributed shared


A file system is responsible for the organization, storage, retrieval, naming, sharing, and
protection of files. File systems provide directory services, which convert a file name (possibly a
hierarchical one) into an internal identifier (e.g. inode, FAT index). They contain a
representation of the file data itself and methods for accessing it (read/write). The file system is
responsible for controlling access to the data and for performing low-level operations such as
buffering frequently used data and issuing disk I/O requests.

3.2.1. Transparencies and Characteristics of DFS

A distributed file system is to present certain degrees of transparency to the user and the system:

Access transparency: Clients are unaware that files are distributed and can access them in
the same way as local files are accessed.

Location transparency: A consistent name space exists encompassing local as well as

remote files. The name of a file does not give it location.

Concurrency transparency: All clients have the same view of the state of the file system.
This means that if one process is modifying a file, any other processes on the same system or
remote systems that are accessing the files will see the modifications in a coherent manner.

Failure transparency: The client and client programs should operate correctly after a
server failure.

Heterogeneity: File service should be provided across different hardware and operating
system platforms.
Scalability: The file system should work well in small environments (1 machine, a
dozen machines) and also scale gracefully to huge ones (hundreds through tens of thousands of

Replication transparency: To support scalability, we may wish to replicate files across multiple
servers. Clients should be unaware of this.

Migration transparency: Files should be able to move around without the client's
knowledge. Support fine-grained distribution of data: To optimize performance, we may wish to
locate individual objects near the processes that use them.

Tolerance for network partitioning: The entire network or certain segments of it may
be unavailable to a client during certain periods (e.g. disconnected operation of a laptop). The
file system should be tolerant of this.

3.2.2. Characteristics of DFS

A good distributed file system should have the following features:

1. Transparency
Transparency refers to hiding details from a user. The following types of transparency are

i. Structure transparency: Multiple file servers are used to provide better performance,
scalability, and reliability. The multiplicity of file servers should be transparent to the client of a
distributed file system. Clients should not know the number or locations of file servers or the
storage devices instead it should look like a conventional file system offered by a centralized,
time sharing operating system.

ii. Access transparency: Local and remote files should be accessible in the same way. The file
system should automatically locate an accessed file and transport it to the client’s site.

iii. Naming transparency: The name of the file should not reveal the location of the file. The
name of the file must not be changed while moving from one node to another.

iv. Replication transparency: The existence of multiple copies and their locations should be
hidden from the clients where files are replicated on multiple nodes.

2. User mobility
The user should not be forced to work on a specific node but should have the flexibility to work
on different nodes at different times. This can be achieved by automatically bringing the users
environment to the node where the user logs in.

3. Performance
Performance is measured as the average amount of time needed to satisfy client requests, which
includes CPU time plus the time for accessing secondary storage along with network access
time. Explicit file placement decisions should not be needed to increase the performance of a
distributed file system.

4. Simplicity and ease of use

5. User interface to the file system be simple and number of commands should be as small
as possible. A DFS should be able to support the whole range of applications.

6. Scalability
A good DFS should cope with an increase of nodes and not cause any disruption of service.
Scalability also includes the system to withstand high service load, accommodate growth of users
and integration of resources.

7. High availability
A distributed file system should continue to function even in partial failures such as a link
failure, a node failure, or a storage device crash. Replicating files at multiple servers can help
achieve availability.

8. High reliability
Probability of loss of stored data should be minimized. System should automatically generate
backup copies of critical files in event of loss.

9. Data integrity
Concurrent access requests from multiple users who are competing to access the file must be
properly synchronized by the use of some form of concurrency control mechanism. Atomic
transactions can also be provided to users by a file system for data integrity.

10. Security
A distributed file system must secure data so that its users are confident of their privacy. File
system should implement mechanisms to protect data that is stored within.

11. Heterogeneity
Distributed file system should allow various types of workstations to participate in sharing files
via distributed file system. Integration of a new type of workstation or storage media should be
designed by a DFS.

3.2.2. DFS Design

The principal motivation for the development of a distributed file system is the need to provide
information sharing. This motivates the following system goal which will be defined, along with
a brief explanation on how the DFS will realize them.
* Location transparency
* Consistent naming
* Data consistency
* Reliability
Location transparency allows a user or administrator to move file system objects from one
network node to another without having to find or alter all name and program references to that
object. Therefore the human readable name for an object must not bind the specified object to a
particular node. Location transparency results in being able to open a file in precisely the same
manner independently of whether the file is local or remote i.e. issue the same system call, with
the same parameters in the same order etc. If open 'filename' is used to access local files, it is
also used to access remote files. The network thus becomes invisible. Location transparency is
achieved in the DFS by having the user view the entire distributed file system as one logical
hierarchically structured tree. Users and application programs are thus unaware of the underlying
network and that their files are physically distributed over several sites.
Consistent naming means that every program and user in the network uses exactly the same
name text for a file system object, regardless of where it exists. The system must thus guarantee
that a given name will access a particular file from anywhere in the network. This is achieved by
site independent naming of files. Every file has a unique global logical name and the system
maintains a mapping between these names and physical file names.
To increase availability and reliability of files, provision is made in the DFS to replicate files at
several sites. In this way, if a site fails it is likely that other sites will continue to operate and
provide access to the file. Availability and reliability of a file can be made arbitrarily high by
increasing the order of replication. Since data is replicated at one or more sites, the system
ensures data consistency by keeping these file images consistent. Consistency is maintained by
means of two version numbers, an original version number and a current version number
associated with each file. The original version number keeps track of partitioned updates while
the current version number is incremented every time the file is updated. The original version
number is unused in the current implementation as partition of the network into independently
operating subnetworks is assumed not to occur. Thus the problems related to partitioned update
are not considered. This version number can be used to accommodate partitioned update if it is to
be implemented at a later date and section 5.5 on file consistency describes a possible protocol
that may be used.
The DFS protocols assume that the underlying network is fully connected. If site A can
communicate with site B and site B with site C, then site A is assumed to be able to
communicate with site C. The converse of this assumption of transitivity states that if site B is
not accessible to site A then no other site can communicate with it either. This assumption is
crucial to recovery protocols wherein if a site is detected as having crashed by any other site,
then it is assumed that none of the remaining sites in the network can communicate with the
crashed site. Section 5.9 on error recovery discusses this protocol in more detail.
Replication at the file and directory level is provided to increase file availability and reliability in
the face of node failures. Reliability is augmented by a simple atomic transaction mechanism
which allows all operations bracketed within the 'begin trans' and 'end trans' calls to execute
atomically. This transaction mechanism supports failure atomicity, wherein if a transaction
completes successfully, the results of its operations will never subsequently be lost and if it is
aborted, no action is taken. Thus, either all or none of transactions operations are performed. The
transaction mechanism is built on top of a locking mechanism and the system automatically
locks data base files in the appropriate mode when they are opened. Deadlock problems are
avoided by ensuring that processes never wait for files to be unlocked, and an error message is
returned if are not available.
Protection has not been considered an issue in this thesis. All files are created readable and
writeable by everyone. Authentication can be implemented at a later date by making a few
changes to the name server data base format and associating each file's record in it with a
protection code. This code can then be checked on file access to see whether the user has valid
permission to read or write the file. In the current implementation as long as the named file and
its parent exist in the name server, file access can take place and no other directory searching is
3.2.3. DFS Implementation
Major issues common to most distributed file systems are:
* User interface
* Naming
* Inter process communication
* File access mechanism
* File consistency
* Synchronization
* Locking
* Atomic transactions
* Error recovery
This section discusses these issues and describes the DFS implementation with respect to these
1. User interface: The DFS presents users with two command interfaces: the shell interface
and the data base interface.
The shell interface: The shell interface is a Unix like command interface that allows
manipulation of files (unrestricted streams of bytes) within the hierarchical logical file structure.
In general terms a command is expressed as
command argl [arg2, arg3 ... argn]
Two modes of operations are supported in this interface: default mode and explicit mode. The
default mode is the normal mode of operation wherein the system makes use of a version number
associated with each file to access the most up to date file image. This mode allows complete
location transparency thus relieving the user of having to remember where files are located.
To afford more flexibility over file manipulation, the explicit mode of operation allows users to
override this version number mechanism and specify the site at which a file image is located in
the command line. Explicit mode is specified by :
command arg1@site1 [arg2@site2, arg3@site3 ...]
The system can be queried at any time to find out where the files images are located. This mode
is useful if the file replication mechanism is to be avoided. Files created in default mode are
created at more than one randomly selected site whereas in explicit mode the file is only created
at the location specified by the user. The explicit mode can also be used to copy images from one
location to another. This is useful in the event that file images become inconsistent due to one or
more sites crashing while the file is being updated Under normal circumstances, the system
attempts to make the images consistent during the next file access, but this can also be done
manually using the explicit mode of operation.
The data base interface: The data base interface is also a command interface much like the
shell interface and allows access to special files called data base files. Data base files created in
this interface are typed DFS files with all access taking place one record at a time. Commands to
create, read, write, remove and rewind a data base file are supported.
This interface has no concept of current working directories or different modes of operation.
Default mode is the only mode of operation and all data base files are created in the root
directory. In addition an atomic transaction mechanism has been implemented that allows a
series of reads and writes to be considered as one atomic action. Transactions are bracketed by
'begin trans' and 'end trans' or 'abort' system calls. All writes to the database are made to a
temporary file and written to the data base only in the event of a 'end trans' call and discarded
The transaction mechanism is enforced in this interface and it is considered an error if the 'begin
trans' system calls ('bt' command) does not precede each database session. The transaction has to
be restarted if more operations on the data base are to follow.
2. File name mapping: An identifier or a name is a string ofsymbols, usually bits or
characters, used to designate or refer to an object. These names are used for a wide variety of
purposes like referencing, locating, allocating, error controlling, synchronizing and sharing of
objects or resources and exist in different forms at all levels of any system.
If an identified object is to be manipulated or accessed, the identifier must be 'mapped' using an
appropriate mapping function and context into another identifier and ultimately into the object. A
name service provides the convenience of a runtime mapping from string names to data. An
important use of such a service is to determine address information, for example mapping a host
name to an IP address. Performing this kind of address look up at run time enables the name
server to provide a level of indirection that is crucial to the efficient management of distributed
systems. Without such a run time mapping, changes to the system topology would require
programs with hardwired addresses to be recompiled, thus severely restricting the scope for
systems to evolve.
These name to data mappings may consist of a logically centralized service eg. Clearing House
[OPEN 83] or a replicated data base e.g. Yellowpages [WALS 85]. The DFS follows the second
approach for file name mapping. To attain location transparency, one must avoid having resource
location to be part of the resource name. This is done by dynamically mapping global logical
user defined file names to multiple physical file names.
Mapping of logical to physical file names is maintained in a DFS regular replicated file called
the name server. Since this file contains system information, it is typed and contains only fixed
length records (one record for each file created within the system). Each record in the name
server maintains information about a DFS file such as the file type (whether it is a file or a
directory) , the number of images, the files logical name, the locations of the file images and the
version numbers of the file images. Since all access to any file must go through the CSS, after
opening a file, the file descriptors obtained at the US and the CSS uniquely specify the file's
global low level name and is used for most of the low level communication about open files.
MAXCOPY images of the name server are created at system boot time at potential CSS
locations. Since access to the name server is only through the CSS, each potential CSS will know
the locations of the name server images. Reads from the name server may take place from any
image with the highest version number. However, since the name server is heavily used, writes
are made to the local image when possible thus avoiding network traffic and speeding up access.
An error during the write results in failure of the system call and no attempt is made to contact
any other image. This enables the CSS to always store the most recently updated image and
enables it to keep it consistent. Other operations on the name server include deleting records.
In addition to the name server, the CSS also maintains a cache of the most recently read record in
main memory for fast access and in the event the name server becomes inaccessible after a file
has been opened.
This cache is in the form of a shared memory segment, since it will be referenced by future calls.
On an open, once the name server has been read, and the record cached, no further services of
the name server are required until the file is closed. Calls that refer to this cache are the ones
associated with locking and transactions. On a close, the cache is deallocated, the version
number incremented (if the file was opened for writing) and the record written back to the data
Since the name server is a regular replicated file, it may fall out of consistency due to site failure.
Consistency of the name server is maintained by a 'watch dog' program running in the
background, by checking the version vector associated with the name server at regular intervals.
The first record in the name server data base stores version number information about the
remaining name server images and this record is read when it is required to be made consistent.
If the versions are found to be inconsistent, a copy of the local file image is sent out to the other
lower version numbered image sites and consistency is restored.
3. Inter process communication: Machines converse in the DFS by sending messages
using an underlying protocol for reliable transmission. The DFS makes use of the Transport
Level Interface (TLI) [AT & T 87]mechanism of the Transmission Control Protocol / Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) suite of protocols [POST 81a] and [POST 81b] implemented on the AT&T
3B1 machines, to allow processes on different machines to communicate with each other. The
TLI layer provides the basic service of reliable end to end data transfer needed by applications.
The kernel structure consists of three parts: the transport interface layer, the protocol layer and
the device layer as shown in Figure

The transport level interface provides the system call interface between application programs and
the lower layers. The protocol layer contains the protocol modules used for communications and
the device layer contains the device drivers that control the network devices.
All network messages in the system require an acknowledgement response message from the
serving site. The response message, in addition to telling the requesting site that the call was
successful, also returns additional information that is produced as a result of the call. Moreover
extensive file transfer is carried out by the system in keeping the name server and user files
consistent. The connection mode of communication, being circuit oriented, seemed particularly
attractive for this kind of data stream interaction and would enable data to be transmitted over the
connection in a reliable and sequenced manner. Hence the connection mode service of the
transport level interface was chosen for use in the DFS so that higher level system routines are
assured of reliable communication.
Every host that wishes to offer service to users (remote or local) has a process server (PS)
through which all services must be requested [TANE 81]. Whenever the process server is idle, it
listens on a well known address. Potential users of any service must begin by establishing a
connection with the process server. Once the connection has been established, the user sends the
PS a message telling it which program it wishes to run (either the CSS or the SS). The process
server then chooses an idle address and spawns a new process, passing it the parameters of the
call, terminates the connection and goes back to listening on its well known address. The new
process then executes either the CSS or SS programs, executes the appropriate system call and
sends its reply back to the calling process.
Addresses in the Internet domain are composed of two parts, the host network address
(identifying the machine) and a port number which is simply a sixteen bit integer that allows
multiple simultaneous conversations to occur on the same machine to machine link. These two
parts are commonly referred to as a socket and uniquely identifies an end point for
In the current prototype implementation, all process servers are assigned one unique port number
which is hardcoded in the program. In an operational implementation, the requesting site or US
would look up a (Unix) system data base usually found in /etc/services for the port number of the
process server. All requesting sites can also read a (DFS) system file to find out the current
location of the CSS. This string name is used to query the Unix system and the appropriate
network address of the process server is thus obtained. The two parts of the Internet address are
now known and this enables the requesting site to construct the complete address of the process
server and thus establish a connection.
3.7.1. Sun Network File System
Network File System ( NFS ) is a distributed file system ( DFS ) developed by Sun
Microsystems. This allows directory structures to be spread over the net- worked computing
A DFS is a file system whose clients, servers and storage devices are dis- persed among the
machines of distributed system. A file system provides a set of file operations like read, write,
open, close, delete etc. which forms the file services. The clients are provided with these file
services. The basic features of DFS are multiplicity and autonomy of clients and servers.
NFS follows the directory structure almost same as that in non-NFS system but there are some
differences between them with respect to:
 Naming
 Path Names
 Semantics
Naming is a mapping between logical and physical objects. For example, users refers to a file
by a textual name, but it is mapped to disk blocks. There are two notions regarding name
mapping used in DFS.
 Location Transparency: The name of a file does not give any hint of file's physical
storage location.
 Location Independence: The name of a file does not need to be changed when file's
physical storage location changes.
A location independent naming scheme is basically a dynamic mapping. NFS does not support
location independency.
There are three major naming schemes used in DFS. In the simplest approach, files are named
by some combination of machine or host name and the path name. This naming scheme is
neither location independent nor location transparent. This may be used in server side. Second
approach is to attach or mount the remote directories to the local directories. This gives an
appearance of a coherent directory. This scheme is used by NFS. Early NFS allowed only
previously mounted remote directories. But with the advent of automount , remote directories
are mounted on demand based on the table of mount points and file structure names. This has
other advantages like the file-mount table size is much smaller and for each mount point, we
can specify many servers. The third approach of naming is to use name space which is identical
to all machines. In practice, there are many special files that make this approach difficult to
The mount protocol is used to establish the initial logical connection between a server and a
client. A mount operation includes the name of the remote directory to be mounted and the
name of the server machine storing it. The server maintains an export list which specifies local
file system that it exports for mounting along with the permitted machine names. Unix uses
/etc/exports for this purpose. Since, the list has a maximum length, NFS is limited in scalabilty.
Any directory within an exported file system can be mounted remotely on a machine. When the
server receives a mount request, it returns a file handle to the client. File handle is basically a
data-structure of length 32 bytes. It serves as the key for further access to files within the
mounted system. In Unix term, the file handle consists of a file system identifier that is stored in
super block and an inode number to identify the exact mounted directory within the exported
file system. In NFS, one new field is added in inode that is called the generic number.
Mount can be is of three types -
1. Soft mount: A time bound is there.
2. Hard mount: No time bound.
3. Auto mount: Mount operation done on demand.
NFS Protocol and Remote Operations
The NFS protocol provides a set of RPCs for remote operations like lookup, create, rename,
getattr, setattr, read, write, remove, mkdir etc. The procedures can be invoked only after a file
handle for the remotely mounted directory has been esta- blished. NFS servers are stateless
servers. A stateless file server avoids to keep state informations by making each request self-
contained. That is, each request iden- tifies the file and the position of the file in full. So, the
server needs not to store file pointer. Moreover, it needs not to establish or terminate a
connection by opening a file or closing a file, repectively. For reading a directory, NFS does not
use any file pointer, it uses a magic cookie.
Except the opening and closing a file, there is almost one-to-one mapping between Unix system
calls for file operations and the NFS protocol RPCs. A remote file operation can be translated
directly to the corresponding RPC. Though conceptu- ally, NFS adheres to the remote service
paradigm, in practice, it uses buffering and caching. File blocks and attributes are fetched by
RPCs and cached locally. Future remote operations use the cached data, subject to consistency
Since, NFS runs on RPC and RPC runs on UDP/IP which is unreliable, operations should be
Cache Update Policy
The policy used to write modified data blocks to the server's master copy has critical effect on
the system performance and reliability. The simplest policy is to write through the disk as soon
as they are placed on any cache. It's advantageous because it ensures the reliability but it gives
poor performance. In server site this policy is often followed. Another policy is delayed write. It
does not ensure reliability. Client sites can use this policy. Another policy is write-on-close. It is
a variation of delayed write. This is used by Andrews File System (AFS).
In NFS, clients use delayed write. But they don't free delayed written block until the server
confirms that the data have been written on disk. So, here, Unix semantics are not preserved.
NFS does not handle client crash recovery like Unix. Since, servers in NFS are stateless, there is
no need to handle server crash recovery also.
Time Skew
Because of differences of time at server and client, this problem occures. This may lead to
problems in performing some operations like " make ".
Performance Issues
To increase the reliability and system performance, the following things are generally done.
1. Cache, file blocks and directory informations are maintained.
2. All attributes of file / directory are cached. These stay 3 sec. for files and 30 sec. for
3. For large caches, bigger block size ( 8K ) is benificial.
This is a brief description of NFS version 2. NFS version 3 has already been come out and this
new version is an enhancement of the previous version. It removes many of the difficulties and
drawbacks of NFS 2.

3.7.3. Andrews File System (AFS)

AFS is a distributed file system, with scalability as a major goal. Its efficiency can be attributed
to the following practical assumptions (as also seen in UNIX file system):
 Files are small (i.e. entire file can be cached)
 Frequency of reads much more than those of writes
 Sequential access common
 Files are not shared (i.e. read and written by only one user)
 Shared files are usually not written
 Disk space is plentiful
AFS distinguishes between client machines (workstations) and dedicated server machines.
Caching files in the client side cache reduces computation at the server side, thus enhancing
performance. However, the problem of sharing files arises. To solve this, all clients with copies
of a file being modified by another client are not informed the moment the client makes
changes. That client thus updates its copy, and the changes are reflected in the distributed file
system only after the client closes the file. Various terms related to this concept in AFS are:
 Whole File Serving: The entire file is transferred in one go, limited only by the
maximum size UDP/IP supports
 Whole File Caching: The entire file is cached in the local machine cache, reducing file-
open latency, and frequent read/write requests to the server
 Write On Close: Writes are propagated to the server side copy only when the client
closes the local copy of the file
In AFS, the server keeps track of which files are opened by which clients (as was not in the case
of NFS). In other words, AFS has stateful servers, whereas NFS has stateless servers. Another
difference between the two file systems is that AFS provides location independence (the
physical storage location of the file can be changed, without having to change the path of the
file, etc.) as well as location transparency (the file name does not hint at its physical storage
location). But as was seen in the last lecture, NFS provides only location transparency.
Stateful servers in AFS allow the server to inform all clients with open files about any updates
made to that file by another client, through what is known as a callback. Callbacks to all clients
with a copy of that file is ensured as a callback promise is issued by the server to a client when
it requests for a copy of a file.
The key software components in AFS are:
 Vice: The server side process that resides on top of the unix kernel, providing shared file
services to each client
 Venus: The client side cache manager which acts as an interface between the application
program and the Vice

All the files in AFS are distributed among the servers. The set of files in one server is referred to
as a volume. In case a request can not be satisfied from this set of files, the vice server informs
the client where it can find the required file.
The basic file operations can be described more completely as:
 Open a file: Venus traps application generated file open system calls, and checks whether
it can be serviced locally (i.e. a copy of the file already exists in the cache) before
requesting Vice for it. It then returns a file descriptor to the calling application. Vice,
along with a copy of the file, transfers a callback promise, when Venus requests for a file.
 Read and Write: Reads/Writes are done from/to the cached copy.
 Close a file: Venus traps file close system calls and closes the cached copy of the file. If
the file had been updated, it informs the Vice server which then replaces its copy with the
updated one, as well as issues callbacks to all clients holding callback promises on this
file. On receiving a callback, the client discards its copy, and works on this fresh copy.
The server wishes to maintain its states at all times, so that no information is lost due to crashes.
This is ensured by the Vice which writes the states to the disk. When the server comes up again,
it also informs all the servers about its crash, so that information about updates may be passed to
A client may issue an open immediately after it issued a close (this may happen if it has
recovered from a crash very quickly). It will wish to work on the same copy. For this reason,
Venus waits a while (depending on the cache capacity) before discarding copies of closed files.
In case the application had not updated the copy before it closed it, it may continue to work on
the same copy. However, if the copy had been updated, and the client issued a file open after a
certain time interval (say 30 seconds), it will have to ask the server the last modification time,
and accordingly, request for a new copy. For this, the clocks will have to be synchronized.

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