ITS131L Laboratory Exercise #1.2
ITS131L Laboratory Exercise #1.2
ITS131L Laboratory Exercise #1.2
Objective: Apply advanced entity relationship concepts based on given business scenarios.
Put your answers in the designated answer sheet. Save the document as: LE#1.2_lastname_firstname.pdf then submit in Blackboard
before the deadline. Also print your submission (letter size) with the necessary details and bring on the day of the deadline (see
Blackboard). You should submit both in print and online. Failure to submit either online or printed will automatically incur a grade of
0. Late submissions will not be accepted.
1. Given the following business scenario, create a Crow’s Foot ERD using a specialization hierarchy if appropriate.
Unilever keeps information on employees and their insurance dependents. Each employee has an
employee number, name, address, date of hire, and title. If an employee is an engineer, then the date
of license certification and the renewal date for that certification should also be recorded in the
system. For all employees, their Social Security number and dependent names should be kept. All
dependents must be associated with one and only one employee. Some employees will not have
dependents, while others will have many dependents.
Make sure to include the attributes stated in the problem and indicate the PKs, and FKs, if applicable. Add attributes that will
be logical to add to your identified entities.
2. Given the following business scenario, create a Crow’s Foot ERD using a specialization hierarchy if appropriate.
Malacañang Medical Center keeps information on patients and hospital rooms. The system assigns
each patient a patient ID number. In addition, the patient’s name and date of birth are recorded.
Some patients are resident patients (they spend at least one night in the hospital) and others are
outpatients (they are treated and released). Resident patients are assigned to a room. Each room is
identified by a room number. The system also stores the room type (private or semiprivate), and
room fee. Over time, each room will have many patients that stay in it. Each resident patient will
stay in only one room. Every room must have had a patient, and every resident patient must have a
Make sure to include the attributes stated in the problem and indicate the PKs, and FKs, if applicable. Add attributes that will
be logical to add to your identified entities.
3. Given the following business scenario, create a Crow’s Foot ERD using a specialization hierarchy if appropriate.
A research think tank is developing a simple database to keep track of projects and researchers
assigned to projects. The organization has several departments that employ researchers and
administrative assistants. Employees are assigned to (employed by) departments. An employee can
be employed by only one department. Within a single department there is a limit on the maximum
number of employees assigned to it and it is 40. That is, a department can employ no more than 40
employees. For each employee the organization keeps the employee number, name, office, phone,
job classification, date the employee was hired, and salary.
Each project has a budget and a team of employees/researchers working on the project. To make the
projects manageable there is a limit of the number of researchers assigned to a single project. Each
project has no more than 10 researchers assigned to it. Further, each project has at least 3
researchers. To ensure productivity, a researcher cannot be assigned to more than 3 projects at any
time. New employees that are researchers are not assigned to any project for the first few months. It
is important to keep the number of hours a researcher spent on each project since this information is
used for billing purposes.
Each department and project have a manager who gets a bonus for managing department/project.
There is only one manager of each of these organizational units. Obviously not every employee can
be a manager. For most of the employees managing project or department is not mandatory.
The organization wants to keep the information on researchers, managers, and administrative
assistants in separate tables. The information on researchers includes main specialty and highest
degree. For the administrative assistants, the organization stores the typing speed. For the managers,
the organization stores bonus.
Make sure to include the attributes stated in the problem and indicate the PKs, and FKs, if applicable. Add attributes that will
be logical to add to your identified entities.