Application of Crop Protection For Fruit Trees Crop Protection
Application of Crop Protection For Fruit Trees Crop Protection
Application of Crop Protection For Fruit Trees Crop Protection
Known as the strategy for controlling disease
Can be practice on a national, state, regional or individual
property basis.
Exclusion of plant diseases consist of crop practices designed to
Pathogens (things that causes diseases)
Vectors (thing that spread diseases)
Consist of eliminating, destroying or inactivating a disease
organism after it has become established.
This includes:
Destruction of infested plants
Disinfection of storage bins, containers and equipment
Soil disinfection by fumigation, pasteurization, solarization or
Establishes a chemical or physical barrier between the host
and the cause of the disease. Example:
There are chemical applications available to prevent a disease
from becoming established, such as fungicidal dust and
nematicides (nematodes control)
This method of control focuses on planting resistant varieties.
Resistance is achieved by altering the genetic system of the
host to make it less susceptible to the disease organism.
This method of plant disease management is achieved by
incorporating a chemical control agent into the physiological processes
of the plant to reverse the progress of disease development after
infection has occurred.
Used of this principle is limited by the relatively small number of
systemic materials available.