4TH Quarter in Health
4TH Quarter in Health
4TH Quarter in Health
a. Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) is the common of the Type II Diabetes is the result of too little insulin
allergic diseases and is characterized by seasonal produced by the pancreas or failure of the insulin to
nasal symptoms that due to pollens. function normally. Most often it begins in
overweight adults.
b. Allergic conjunctivitis is inflammation of the
tissues layers (membranes) that cover the surface of Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes: Excessive
the eyeball and the undersurface of the eyelid. Urination, Excessive Thirst, and Excessive Hunger.
c. Allergic eczema is an allergic rash that is usually 6. Arthritis –refers to the inflammation of joints. It
caused by skin contact with an allergen. usually occurs during old age.
d. Hive (urticarial) is skin reactions that appear as Rheumatoid Arthritis –causes pain and swelling in
itchy swelling and can occur on any part of the body. many joints throughout the body.
It caused by an allergic reaction, such as food or
medication. Osteoarthritis –is a disease of an older people. It
results from the wear and tear of joints, especially
e. Allergic shock or anaphylactic shock is a life- those of the hands, hips, knees and spine.
threatening reaction that can affect a number of
organs at the same time. Allergic shock is caused by 7. Kidney or Renal Failure –is a medical condition in
dilated and leaky blood vessels, which result in a which the kidneys fail to adequately filter waste
drop in blood pressure. products from the blood.
2. Asthma- is a chronic lung disorder that causes Some agencies that provide health services
airways to become inflamed. Asthma may be
prevented through lifestyle changes, activity Department of Health –is the primary government
reduction, allergy-shots, and medications. agency responsible for the equitable, sustainable,
and quality health for the Filipinos.
3. Cardiovascular disease- is the disease of the heart
and blood vessel. These include Heart diseases and Department of Interior and Local Government
vascular diseases. (DILG) –advocates “Perfect 10” lifestyle program to
prevent NCDs, and urges all local chief executives to
a. Heart (cardio) diseases: Congenital Heart disease, support the campaign
Congestive heart failure, Arrhythmia, Rheumatic
heart disease, myocardial infraction (heart attack)