To Be Welcomed or Not To Be: Errors and Correction Feedback in The Second Language Classrooms of Arabic Colleges in Kerala

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International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences

Vol-8, Issue-2; Mar-Apr, 2023

Journal Home Page Available:

Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijels

To be welcomed or not to be: Errors and correction

feedback in the second language classrooms of Arabic
colleges in Kerala
Mohammed Musthafa T

PhD Research Scholar, Department of English, School of Languages, Linguistics and Indology, Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
Hyderabad, India

Received: 11 Mar 2023; Received in revised form: 14 Apr 2023; Accepted: 22 Apr 2023; Available online: 29 Apr 2023
©2023 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— Starting with the traditional audio-lingual method of didactic instruction, teaching methods have
changed over time by using different techniques and different teaching and learning tools. Since changes to
the input and interactional activities are the core of any learning and teaching process in a classroom, input
and output modifications have been the focus of serious experimental research in the field. Even though a
lot of studies talk about the role of feedback and correcting mistakes in the teaching process, not many of
them actually do an experiment to find out how much feedback and other similar inputs help boost motivation
and confidence in the process of learning a second language. This paper is an attempt to discuss the theories
and practices of giving feedback and fixing mistakes when teaching a second language (L2), especially in
the context of English-language classrooms of Arabic colleges in Kerala, India, which have been growing
recently. The study mostly looks at the Hudawi and Wafy courses, which were designed and implemented in
the district of Malappuram in Kerala and have a long course duration of 8–12 years at a stretch. These two
curricula focus on teaching and preparing students in four or five languages, including their native language,
Malayalam. These languages are English, Arabic, Hindi, and Urdu.
Keyword— Error Correction, Correction Feedback, Constructive Feedback

I. INTRODUCTION The significance of feedback and committing errors

Even though the process of teaching and learning When learning a new skill, especially a language,
a second language has been institutionalized and no one can offer the expertise of a professional without
methodized into a number of different pedagogies, from making mistakes and committing flaws. Mistakes and errors
audio-lingual methodologies to teacher-learner-subject- are common in the process of teaching and learning, and the
centered pedagogies to recently codified post-methods to success of the process depends on how educators deal with
virtual ambiences of teaching and learning, there is still a these mistakes. Learning a second language as an adult is
gap that has not been experimentally filled in terms of error more or less like learning our native language as a child,
correction and feedback techniques in the teaching process. when our whole family is there to correct us when we say
Errors and error correction feedback play a vital role in something wrong. We need a lot of support and
designing and shaping a doable, friendly atmosphere in the encouragement from the people around us.
second language classrooms. Different viewpoints have During the early stages of teaching method
arisen regarding the role of the teacher or tutor in the development, errors were counted as equal to sins, as
classroom, whether it is to deal with facilitating a learning Nelson Brooks wrote in his famous text “Language and
ambience in the classroom or to manage everything from Language Learning”: “Like sin, error is to be avoided and
the tutor's end, from preparation to delivery to learning.

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Musthafa T To be welcomed or not to be: Errors and correction feedback in the second language classrooms of Arabic
colleges in Kerala

its influence overcome, but its presence is to be expected” understandings, it can also give insightful suggestions on
(Hendrickson “Error Correction” 387). James M. the specific effective ways to learn that particular language,
Hendrickson has said that, according to a book for and it ensures the involvement of the students through
elementary school students, one of the teacher’s goals hypothesis testing (76).
should be to keep mistakes from happening. It should be The errors can be seen as important evidence of
able to accomplish this goal in the early phases, when the language acquisition in the child, as S.P. Corder has
students are completely dependent on the teacher for their observed them as “inevitable by-products of the process of
education (“Error Correction” 388). Again, he highlights a learning a language about which the teacher should make as
suggestion given for teachers that considers error correction little fuss as possible” (162). That is what Kumaravadivelu
as a responsibility of the teachers: “Whenever a mistake is has emphasized, as making mistakes during the language
made, the teacher should correct it at once and then repeat learning process is not to be frowned upon (126). And S.P.
the correct pattern or question for the ‘benefit of the entire Corder brought up the idea that even if a child is able to
class” (“Error Correction” 388). repeat what we said in the last class, that is not proof that he
In this case, we should take into account the two has learned the rules. Instead, it can be seen as “language-
schools of thought that S.P. Corder described in his article, like behavior,” a term that was made up by Spolsky (168).
“The significance of learner’s errors.” That is, first, the Primarily, there are lots of influences from the
school that believes that if we could perfect our teaching mother tongue that cause syntactical, grammatical, and
methods, mistakes would never be made in the first place accentual errors when dealing with a second language.
and that their appearance is only an indication of how Errors can be categorized into two categories in relation to
inadequate our methods are at the moment. The second competence and performance. S.P. Corder distinguished
school of thought holds that mistakes will always happen these as errors that can only be referred to as performance
since our environment is imperfect and, despite our greatest faults, whereas competence faults can only be referred to as
efforts, mistakes will still happen. Our creativity should be mistakes (166–167). Hanna Y. Touchie has described and
focused on methods for handling mistakes after they have differentiated between these two in more detail, saying that
happened (Corder 163). From this point, we should start “performance errors are those errors made by learners when
brooding over a critical question asked by James they are tired or hurried. Competence errors, on the other
Hendrickson and try to find out more constructive ways to hand, are more serious than performance errors since
address the question: “Can error correction benefit language competence errors reflect inadequate learning” (76).
learners?” (“The Treatment” 216).
One can only improve his or her language skills
The concept of giving corrections and feedback and reach perfection when speaking in a certain language by
itself is contested in the research conducted in the field, as correcting mistakes and getting feedback. ‘Correcting a
John Truscott has denied the necessity of correction learner’s mistakes helps them figure out how the syntactical
feedback in the learning process, and he reiterated that the and lexical forms of the target language work and what their
correction feedback hinders the learning process and that it limits are. Adult second language learners benefit most from
demotivates the students to see the red ink spread across the error correction because it teaches them the precise context
write-up they prepared (354). However, recent researches in which to apply rules and the precise semantic range of
shows that effective implementation of the right technique lexical items’ (Hendrickson 389). Several researchers in the
for corrections and feedback would definitely help the field have looked closely at the different ways to correct
learning process, and the personal indirect constructive mistakes. Some of them prefer the direct method, while
feedback methods would be more effective in the others prefer the indirect method. Still others say that a
classroom. combination of the direct and indirect methods is the best
Unlike the perspective the teachers and educators way to deal with the mistakes of L2 learners. In a similar
had towards error as a ‘sin or forbidden mistake’, recent way, Wingfield said that teachers “should choose corrective
research has found out that the errors can be treated as a tool techniques that are most appropriate and most effective for
for scaling up the efficacy of the teaching method and as each student” when he listed the pedagogies of error
fundamental components of the learning processes, and they correction by teachers. He then summed up five ways to fix
also help to measure the intelligence and to what extent the written mistakes: “1. the teacher gives sufficient clues to
child or L2 learner has adapted to the learning processes. enable self-correction to be made; 2. the teacher corrects the
Hanna Y. Touchie has quoted Selinker stating the script; 3. the teacher deals with errors through marginal
significance of errors in the language learning process in comments and footnotes; 4. the teacher explains orally to
three aspects as it can indicate the learner’s progress in their

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Musthafa T To be welcomed or not to be: Errors and correction feedback in the second language classrooms of Arabic
colleges in Kerala

individual students; and 5. the teacher uses the error as an on to what extent the methods currently being used in the
illustration for a class explanation” (Hendrickson 395). classrooms of Arabic colleges are effective and what kinds
Recognizing the teachers’ responsibilities towards of innovations are needed in order to ensure effective
helping the learners, B. Kumaravadivelu has pinpointed language teaching and learning processes in these
some specific areas where the teachers are intended to institutions.
perfect their skills and expertise. While suggesting some Two Curricula: Hudawi and Wafy
effective ways to ensure meaningful communication in the Though both of these Arabic education curricula primarily
classroom in order to achieve these responsibilities, he focus on the expertise in the performance of Arabic, they
asserted that “tolerating errors as a natural outcome of also prepare the students in a couple of other languages like
language development is much more essential than any English, Hindi, Urdu, and Malayalam. Hudawi curriculum
other methods” (120). centered at Darul Huda Islamic University started in 1986,
Other than becoming a one-way communicator or while the Arabic colleges in the Wafy stream reorganized
a ‘ruler-lad’ tutor, the L2 teacher has to embellish two roles and affiliated with a governing body, namely the
that will help him transfer the thoughts through the minds Coordination of Islamic Colleges (CIC), in 2000.
before him and spark off a little flame in their wings, as More than 15,000 students are currently following these two
directed by Breen and Candlin. ‘The first responsibility is to curricula from the primary level to the postgraduate level in
encourage communication among all students in the more than 120 institutions all over the country. This takes
classroom, as well as between them and the various them 8 to 12 years to complete the course. The English
activities and texts. The second responsibility is to language follows Arabic in the curriculum, and it also gains
participate in the learning-teaching group in an greater importance during instruction. Both of these
interconnected manner’ (Kumaravadivelu 120). Here, it is systematically and scientifically structured syllabi are well
evident that the teacher should adorn the role of an organizer known for equipping the students with linguistic and
along with the roles of a guide and a resource person for technological skills as well. Its visionaries have planned a
students. As a guide and facilitator, the teacher should be curriculum that will definitely meet the needs of the time
available to talk to students about their problems and and, moreover, the needs of society.
confusions whenever they want to, and the teacher should
English language education is also one of the thrust
give them useful and constructive feedback on their
areas of these two syllabi, and its teaching has been given
the highest priority in the curriculum, with 3-6 hours a week
set aside from the primary level itself. It also helps students
II. RESEARCH CONTEXT improve their listening, speaking, writing, and reading
There have been a lot of changes in how English is taught skills. There are a lot of extracurricular activities and
and learned over time, and the booming Arabic colleges in programs, like debate championships, spelling bees, group
Kerala have made a name for themselves by ensuring that discussions, etc., that are meant to help students get the most
their students’ language skills are fully developed by using out of their language skills.
a variety of methods and techniques. Sometimes, theoretical Research Questions
practices do not go hand in hand with real-time classroom How much does the feedback on mistakes
environments, and teachers will be compelled to improvise change the motivation of students from Arabic colleges in
their own methods and steps to improve the teaching and Kerala to learn a second language?
learning experience. By the 1980s, innovations on par with
Does the use of the right error correction
technological growth happened in the curriculum of
techniques create a friendly and doable atmosphere in the
madrasas and other traditional centers of religious learning.
Though Arabic was taught as a primary subject and the
medium of instruction in the higher levels of education, What kinds of error correction techniques
these curricula ensured to include English language and feedback styles are most effective in second language
education in the syllabi along with other languages like classrooms?
Hindi, Urdu, and Malayalam. Teaching and learning
languages in these institutions have gone through several
modes of teaching pedagogies, and recently, these syllabi
could innovate effective ways of language teaching through Primarily, a quantitative method was used
conducting several teacher training programs and activities. to analyze the data collected in this study through the
Experimentally, there still remains a clear gap for research questionnaires prepared and distributed by the researcher

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Musthafa T To be welcomed or not to be: Errors and correction feedback in the second language classrooms of Arabic
colleges in Kerala

among the students in the Arabic colleges in Kerala. linguistic excellence, which plays a vital role in easily
Various tools have been used for conducting this research, cracking national level competitive exams.
including questionnaire surveys, interviews, and personal English classrooms in these colleges usually
experiences. Student feedback was collected through the follow traditional teacher-centered methods, and the
survey. The survey was divided into two sections: the first students gradually get hold of language abilities, mostly
section comprises questions for demographic analysis of the through ways of translating the literary text word for word
participants, whereas the second section includes four into their mother tongue. Though there were lots of training
questions regarding error correction feedback they received sessions for both teachers and students at the beginning of
from their colleagues and teachers. The random sampling each academic year, more or less the teaching methods in
method was used in the study, and the questionnaires were the real classrooms behind the curtain still remained intact.
distributed online through emails and WhatsApp messages. We cannot deny, though, that ICT has had an effect on
317 students from various institutions participated in the language classrooms through smart classroom missions in
survey and completed the questionnaires. The students were these institutions.
diverse in terms of age, gender, and educational
Sample of the Study
Motivation and confidence of the students play a vital role
More than 300 students, of both genders, who are either still
in acquiring enough knowledge while learning any second
in one of the Arabic colleges or have just graduated from
language. In dealing with the English language, especially
one of them, took part in the survey and answered the
in the traditional classrooms of Arabic colleges in Kerala,
questions without being forced or manipulated. Out of the
teaching and learning processes are going through diverse
317 students who took part, 144 are currently in their first
innovative techniques and methods. However, error
year of college using these curriculums. 28.6% of the
correction and feedback methods are more or less the same,
students, or 86 people, have either finished their post-
and traditional and new advanced methods are yet to be
graduation or are in the process of getting it. Similarly,
experimented with in this domain.
27.2% of the participants are currently going through their
higher secondary education, and the researcher couldn’t 91.9 percent of the participants in the survey
easily include the secondary-level students in the survey, opined that they are motivated enough to learn a second
probably due to the restrictions on using mobile phones in language like English, Arabic, Urdu, or Hindi. Most of the
the colleges. 60% of the participants were boys, while 39% students will find it interesting to learn a new language
were girls, and almost 1.6% preferred not to disclose their because it makes them curious about a different culture and
gender identity. Also, it should be noted here that the way of life. In terms of error correction and feedback
number of colleges restricted to boys is a bit higher than methods, the researcher mainly highlighted two modes of
those restricted to girls, as we can see a ratio of correction: teacher correction and peer correction. Most of
approximately 70:30 regarding its number gender-wise. the students in the survey are interested and motivated to
Hence, boys are more fortunate to get admitted to such learn any second language when the error correction and
institutions than girls. feedback happen from the teacher itself, rather than from
peers or colleagues. They wish to get their errors corrected
English is being taught as a language in all of these
from the primary source of knowledge, i.e., the teacher. As
institutions, and it is vowed to prepare their graduates in
a teacher at one of the Arabic colleges, Darul Hidaya Dawa
almost four languages, English, Arabic, Urdu, and
College in Malappuram, I noticed that students are more
Malayalam. Going through strict assessments and
motivated when praise or feedback comes directly from the
examinations besides periodical term-end assessments, it
teacher rather than from another student. However, it should
ensures that each and every student is capable of easily
be done personally when correcting a mistake, and the
interacting, writing, reading, and comprehending in all four
teacher should prefer to do it publicly when complimenting
languages. Arts festivals and other extracurricular activities
him or her because students want to get positive feedback
being conducted under the auspices of the student
right in front of their peers. Another language teacher from
organizations and staff councils also pave the way for
the same institution, Mr. Shuaib, also expressed the same
gaining enough linguistic expertise from the students.
suggestion when he was asked in the interview about the
Hence, it can be observed here that the higher education
teacher feedback in the classrooms.
enrollment ratio in the institutes of academic excellence like
IITs, IIMs, and central universities from among the students Taking the teacher correction method into account,
graduated from these Arabic colleges is higher due to this only 4.5% of the students have opted for public correction,
while the remaining part has preferred for the corrections to

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Musthafa T To be welcomed or not to be: Errors and correction feedback in the second language classrooms of Arabic
colleges in Kerala

be done personally and confidently. Even though it might especially in second language classrooms. Peer
reach more people through public feedback and corrections, involvement is superior in the learning process in the
it definitely hurt the students' motivation and confidence, residential institutions where the students are supposed to
which made them lose interest in the language they were stay in hostels after the daytime hours of schooling. Both
learning. Hence, giving feedback and making corrections the Wafy and Hudawi schemes that we discussed are
should be done very carefully without even causing a little designed and implemented in such a way that the students
harm to the pride, confidence, or motivation of the students. will be engaged in the curricular and extracurricular
Most of the teachers are either correcting the mistakes in activities all the time. The curricula under these two
front of the class as they happen or making the students schemes are sketched out, ensuring enough involvement
demonstrate the mistakes they committed and correct them. from the students as well, and a language learning
Though it may reach a larger audience within seconds, it atmosphere is built on these campuses through linguistic
cannot make a lasting impression, neither on the individual programs and events conducted by the students’
student who made the mistake nor on the audience at all. organizations periodically. Hence, it can be easily noticed
Instead, it may disrupt that particular student mentally and that the teachers assure the involvement of the students in
emotionally, and it may also lead to some kind of mocking the extracurricular activities on the campuses, which helps
torture from the classmates. Therefore, the teachers should them to a greater extent to learn and practice the second
be cautious about the consequences their approach may lead language.
to, and they should be well equipped to treat the mistakes of When it comes to peer correction and feedback,
the students personally and psychologically. even 24% of the participants in the survey disliked getting
In the survey, while 98% of the students expressed the feedback publicly, and the majority of the participants
that they feel motivated when the error correction feedback felt neutral or somewhat comfortable when it came from
comes straight from the teacher itself, only 4.5% have opted classmates. At the same time, only 5% of the students felt
for the corrections to be done publicly. It also alludes to the comfortable with the same public feedback from the
reality that, even if the public correction leads to the error teachers. Also, 83.5% of the participants opted for peer
being corrected for a wider audience, it also hurts the correction feedback as the best method for error correction
mindset of the student who committed the mistake and and grammatical assessment in the second language
hence causes them to lose motivation to learn that specific classrooms, while only 66% of the students are getting
subject or language. Mr. Anas worked as a language teacher motivated from the corrections and feedback happening
in one of the Arabic colleges that followed the Wafy from the teachers. Hence, the teacher’s role as an instructor
curriculum. He noticed that most of the students came up to should be changed to that of a complete facilitator who
him after the lecture and met him in the staff room or library makes the ambience in the classroom comfortable and easy
to ask for help finding mistakes in the papers they had to learn from peer exchanges and sharings. Mr. Raoof, who
written. He has also shared his experience of indirect has been working as a language teacher in an Arabic college
personal correction, in which the students are convinced of for the last six years, has opined that the results at the
their mistakes and feel motivated when they identify their implication level show that the students grab and understand
own mistakes from the written work with just a hint from their mistakes and even try to figure out how to correct the
the teacher. It enhances the viewpoint that indirect feedback sentences linguistically when the correction feedback
is more beneficial for the students, and it draws long-term happens from their colleagues themselves. Mrs. Fathima
development in language acquisition (Lee 217). Afeefa, a language teacher at a campus for women, has also
It also pinpoints the issue that the errors are to be noticed that students feel more at ease when their peers
dealt with personally and in secrecy with the specific comment on any writing they do. And also, she noted that
student, and that the correction feedback is not meant to be many students have developed a peer relationship by
done in front of the whole class. Mrs. Mahira, who teaches themselves with anyone or a small group of their
in the female-only campus under the Wafiyya stream, has classmates, which helps them to correct their mistakes and
also noticed that the students were more or less scared and improve their linguistic abilities. Also, this technique
confused when their mistakes were pointed out in front of ensures a healthy academic atmosphere in the classroom,
the whole class. Some of the students have even asked the where the exchange and sharing of knowledge take place
teacher to hide their name and identity when she is supposed very effectively.
to point out the mistake in front of the whole class.
When it comes to peer correction, this mode of
correction and feedback is meant to be more effective,

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Musthafa T To be welcomed or not to be: Errors and correction feedback in the second language classrooms of Arabic
colleges in Kerala

V. CONCLUSION a little more care and attention. As a result, this study can be
Since correcting mistakes and getting feedback are summarized as follows: Errors are to be welcomed in the
so important to creating a good learning environment in classrooms, and they should be dealt with cleverly and
second language classrooms, Arabic colleges in Kerala, personally by the teachers in order to facilitate learning and
especially those that follow the Wafy and Hudawi curricula, develop a happy learning environment in second language
are going through major changes in both theory and classrooms. The future studies should focus on the
practice. Even though these kinds of theoretical reforms are experimental analysis of the error correction and its
being put into practice, there is still a gap when it comes to influence on the mindset of the learners and on the
error correction and feedback, which is a very important effectiveness of the pedagogies.
part of getting students motivated to learn. The researcher
carried out this study using quantitative methods, REFERENCES
distributing questionnaires and collecting opinions through
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as facilitators in the classroom, providing enough support to [4] Kumaravadivelu, B. Understanding Language Teaching:
unmute an exchanging atmosphere among the learners, and From Method to Postmethod. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
the success and efficacy of language learning are obviously 2013.
[5] Lee, Icy. “L2 Writing Teachers’ Perspectives, Practices and
dependent on how well the process of facilitating the study
Problems Regarding Error Feedback.” Assessing Writing,
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are used in modern classrooms, the teacher's role is less
important, and the learner takes the lead. Teachers have to [6] Touchie, Hanna Y. “Second language learning errors: Their
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most of the participants chose personal corrections as the
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best and most effective way to boost their confidence and
motivation. In this case, it’s clear that correcting students in
public not only hurts their confidence but also makes them
lose interest in the language being taught. The teachers
should have been aware of the consequences of their public
reprimand, and it had no positive effect on the individual
student or the entire audience sitting in front, but it did
provide something for the classrooms to laugh about at
times. A selective approach to error correction would be
more beneficial, as the research shows that the
comprehensive way of correcting each and every mistake in
the written manuscripts of the students disrupts their morale
and confidence to learn a second language, and they feel
frustrated (Lee 218). And the students cannot learn as “they
have developed a less favorable attitude toward learning”
(Truscott 355).
So, it's important to stress that it's the teachers'
responsibility to handle error corrections and feedback with

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