Olivarian 201 Reviewer
Olivarian 201 Reviewer
Olivarian 201 Reviewer
Philosophy – The term derived from Left Brain: Logical, Sequential. Rational,
two Greeks words: philien which means Analytical, Objective, and looks at parts.
“love of” or “friendship for” and Sophia
which means “wisdom” Creative Thinking – Ideas
Branches of Philosophy: Right Brain: Random, Intuitive, Holistic,
Metaphysics – This is Synthetizing, Subjective, and looks at
concerned as the most abstract wholes
and some view the “highfalutin”
part of philosophy Critical Thinking – Gather and assess
Epistemology – the study of information in a logical balanced and
knowledge or theory of reflective way to reach conclusions
knowledge justified by a reasoned argument based
Ethics – It deals with how life on available evidence.
should be lived Critical thinking is the general term
Social philosophy – It is the given to a wide range of cognitive and
philosophical study of society intellectual skills needed to:
and its institutions Effectively identify, analyze, and
Logic – This is the theory of evaluate arguments
correct reasoning, which seeks Discover and overcome personal
to investigate and establish the prejudices and biases
criteria of valid inference Make reasonable intelligent decisions
Historical Background of Logic: about what to believe and what to do.
Thales of Miletus – questions Note: Critical thinking is a skill so
and formulates theories fortunately for us we can enhance it
regarding the nature of the through practice.
physical world
Plato – questioned the veracity Critical Thinking Standards –
and validity of ideas and universal intellectual standards are
theories. standards that much be applied to
Aristotle – formalized a thinking. To think critically required
systematic study of logic having command of these
Chrysippus – believed logic and standards.
physics are necessary to Clarity (Assumption)
differentiate between good and Accuracy (Implications and
evil consequences)
Thinking is purposeful, organized Precision (Point of view)
process that we use to make sense of Relevance (Point of view)
the world. Depth (Purpose)
Types of thinking: Critical and Creative Breadth (Question at issue)
Thinking Logic
Critical Thinking – Analyzing, Fairness (Interpretation and
Evaluating, Reasoning (EAR) Inference)
Clarity Breadth