Olivarian 201 Reviewer

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 Philosophy – The term derived from  Left Brain: Logical, Sequential. Rational,
two Greeks words: philien which means Analytical, Objective, and looks at parts.
“love of” or “friendship for” and Sophia
which means “wisdom”  Creative Thinking – Ideas
 Branches of Philosophy:  Right Brain: Random, Intuitive, Holistic,
 Metaphysics – This is Synthetizing, Subjective, and looks at
concerned as the most abstract wholes
and some view the “highfalutin”
part of philosophy  Critical Thinking – Gather and assess
 Epistemology – the study of information in a logical balanced and
knowledge or theory of reflective way to reach conclusions
knowledge justified by a reasoned argument based
 Ethics – It deals with how life on available evidence.
should be lived  Critical thinking is the general term
 Social philosophy – It is the given to a wide range of cognitive and
philosophical study of society intellectual skills needed to:
and its institutions  Effectively identify, analyze, and
 Logic – This is the theory of evaluate arguments
correct reasoning, which seeks  Discover and overcome personal
to investigate and establish the prejudices and biases
criteria of valid inference  Make reasonable intelligent decisions
 Historical Background of Logic: about what to believe and what to do.
 Thales of Miletus – questions  Note: Critical thinking is a skill so
and formulates theories fortunately for us we can enhance it
regarding the nature of the through practice.
physical world
 Plato – questioned the veracity  Critical Thinking Standards –
and validity of ideas and universal intellectual standards are
theories. standards that much be applied to
 Aristotle – formalized a thinking. To think critically required
systematic study of logic having command of these
 Chrysippus – believed logic and standards.
physics are necessary to  Clarity (Assumption)
differentiate between good and  Accuracy (Implications and
evil consequences)
 Thinking is purposeful, organized  Precision (Point of view)
process that we use to make sense of  Relevance (Point of view)
the world.  Depth (Purpose)
 Types of thinking: Critical and Creative  Breadth (Question at issue)
Thinking  Logic
 Critical Thinking – Analyzing,  Fairness (Interpretation and
Evaluating, Reasoning (EAR) Inference)
Clarity Breadth

 Clarity is the gateway standard. If a  A line of reasoning may be clear,

statement is unclear, we cannot accurate, precise, relevant and deep.
determine whether it is accurate or But still ignore another side of
relevant. In fact, we cannot tell argument
anything about it because we don’t yet  Do we need to consider another POV?
know what it is saying  Does this contradict a previous
 Could you elaborate further on that statement?
 Could you express that point in another
way?  When the combination of thoughts is
 Could you give me an illustration? mutually supporting and make sense in
combination, the thinking is “logical”
 Does this really make sense?
 A statement can be clear but not  Does this contradict a previous
accurate statement?
 Is that really true?
 How could we check that?
 How could we find out if that is true?  We do not naturally consider the rights
and needs of others on the same plane
with their own rights and needs, but to
 A statement can be both clear and be a good thinker you should apply
accurate, but not precise “Fairness” in your thinking
 Could you give more details?
 Could you be more specific?
At work – As more and more employers are
looking for employees not with specialized
 A statement can be clear, accurate, and academic skills but with good thinking and
precise, but not relevant to the communications skills, who can:
question at issue
 Learn quickly and solve problems
 How is that connected to the question
 Shows creativity
 How does that bear on the issue?
 Gathers and analyze the issue
Depth meaningfully

 A statement can be clear, accurate, Daily life

precise and relevant, but superficial
 Helps us avoid making foolish decision
 How does your answer address the
 Helps us become a good citizen capable
complexities in the question?
of making good decisions on important
 Is that dealing with the most significant
social, political, and economic issues.
 Helps us in developing good thinking
skills capable of examining our own
assumptions and dogmas

 Egocentrism – Self centered thinking,

self-interest thinking, thinking self as
centre of attention
 Sociocentrism – Group centered
thinking, group interest thinking, to
assume that own group is more
superior or righteous
 Unwarranted assumptions – A belief
that something is true without proper
evidence or justification
 Wishful Thinking – Believing something
is true because one wishes it to be true
 Relativism – Thinking that truth is just a
matter of opinion

Characteristics of Critical Thinker

 Regarding problems and

controversial issues as exciting
 Strive for understanding, keep
curiosity alive remain patient with
 Base judgments on evidence rather
than personal preferences
 Are interested in other people’s
ideas and so are willing to read and
listen attentively
 Practice fair mindedness, and seek a
balance view
 Practice restraint, controlling their
feelings rather than being
controlled by them

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