"THE MALLARD" May 2023

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The Mallard

Issue 377 May 2023

Let’s celebrate together!

The Coronation of King Charles III
Celebratory Event
Saturday 6th May
The Parish Council is pleased to confirm that, in collaboration
with local businesses, an event to celebrate the King’s Coronation
will take place on Saturday 6th May, from 2pm until 10.30pm, on
the village greens.
We would like to invite you all to attend the event which will be very much family
orientated and entry is completely free. It will include a number of live music sets, a
range of family activities and refreshments, including fish and chips, an outside bar
and BBQ and a range of cakes provided by the Cartshed Tea Room.
This event will tie in with other events also planned by the Village Hall that are to
take place on the Sunday, allowing you, your family and friends to attend as many
planned events as you wish.
Please see the flyer delivered with this issue that tells you more about this event and
the charities that are being supported.
Should you wish to make a contribution in any way or make a donation towards a
local charity, collection buckets will be made available on the day.
Please come along and join in the fun. Everyone welcome!
Could you HELP support the event?
We are looking for individuals who would be willing to give some of their time on the
day in order to help marshal the event. Duties would include monitoring the road closure
(part of Abbey Road), as well as general policing of the event.
If you would be willing to offer some of your time on the day, please get in touch with
Cllr Mark Eldridge (Massingham Stores) or the Parish Clerk (details on page 3).

King Charles’ Coronation Lunch The

Please Coronation
join us
to be held on 2nd May Lunch is in
Massingham Village Hall Bar, place of
Arrive 12.30pm, eat at 1pm the usual
MENU £8 Coronation chicken, quiche, salad - including potato salad. Community
Trifle for dessert. Lunch
Come & meet friends to chat and to celebrate. The Bar will be open. which will
To book lunch please contact Deborah Lambert on or, return in
email on [email protected] by Friday 28th April June.
Mallard News Village Hall Events
This parish magazine is
published every month for the
Jumble Sale and a
residents of Great and Little Nearly New Rail
Massingham with the support of
the Great Massingham Parish Gt. Massingham Village Hall
Council, the Parochial Church Sunday May 28th
Council and Massingham From 12 midday to 3pm
Village Hall Trustees.
Prices from 50p. Saturday 10th June
e-mail: Interesting bric-à-brac, Great Massingham Village Hall
[email protected] Tombola, BBQ and Bar Jerry Barnes’
Editor: Bev. Randall. Fabulous Music Quiz
6 Abbeyfields All profit to the All proceeds made are for little
Great Massingham
01485 520 899
Village Hall Funds Ameera who is currently
undergoing treatment for cancer.
Website : Contact the Zenzero's Neapolitan Pizza Entrance - £5
Editor - Details above.
Gt. Massingham Village Hall Come and enjoy a fun night testing
Deadline for the Every Friday 5pm - 7:30pm your music knowledge.
next issue www zenzerospizza.com Prizes for winning team.
17th May 07413307204
Craft & Chat Dates
This Issue 2pm at the Village Hall Bar
May 5th & 22nd & June 5th 12th 26th
• Coronation Events
• Coronation Lunch Contact Sue on 07802 670711
• Jumble Sale or email: [email protected]
• Music Quiz
• Pizzas Pétanque Court……. Anyone is free to use the court at the
• Craft & Chat village hall to play pétanque/boules.
• Pétanque
• Bingo There is a scoreboard near the court and a
• Quiz Night table to use for drinks - from the bar - on a
• Rural Crimes Number warm evening. (The code to unlock the ta-
• VH Membership ble is available from the bar staff.)
• Parish Council At the moment, the court is used regularly
• Village Fund Initiative on a Thursday evening by a group of
• Village Spring Clean friends but is free at all other times. Why not have a go?
• Biodiversity Project
• NDP Event If you want to learn how to play, you are welcome to come and
• Film Night watch/play on a Thursday evening before
• Historical Society starting a group of your own.
• Pre-School
• Grimston WI
• School 100 Club QUIZ NIGHT
• Westacre Theatre
• From the Rector Village Hall Bar
• FOSPGM THIS MONTH - 5th May Every fourth
• Church News At Great Massingham
• Church Services Thursday
• Cello Concert Village Hall. This month:
• Toadwatch Doors open at 7pm
• Dates for your Diary Eyes down for 7.30pm 25th May, 7.30 pm

Rural Crimes Police Officer Contact VILLAGE HALL MEMBERSHIP IS

PC Chris Shelley 07900 407 106 NOW DUE
[email protected] Please see advert on page 14
The meeting was held in the Village Hall on17th April and was attended by six Parish Councillors,
eight parishioners with apologies from our Borough Councillor Jim Moriarty.
PLEASE NOTE: Local elections, both Borough Councillor and Parish Councillors, will
be held on Thursday 4th May. The Polling Station is at the Village Hall, 7am to 10pm.
Borough Councillor…. To choose our councillor for the
Massingham with Castle Acre Ward.
Parish Councillor…. To choose nine Parish Councillors for our Parish Council to
represent Great Massingham for the next four years.
The statements of persons nominated for the elections are available on the Borough
Council website, west-norfolk.gov.uk/upcomingelections, the Parish Council noticeboard
and website: www.greatmassingham-pc.info, the Village Hall noticeboard (internal)
Please use your vote on the 4th May. Don’t forget your photo ID!
King’s Coronation Celebratory Event
The Parish Council is pleased to confirm that in collaboration with local businesses an
event to celebrate the King’s Coronation will take place on Saturday 6th May from
2.00pm until 10.30pm on the village greens. (See front page)
The April agenda consisted of a variety of other business including;
The appointment of the Internal Auditor, who will be required to undertake a formal re-
view of the Parish Council accounts for the year ending 31 st March, 2023, prior to the
external audit being undertaking during July/August.
Norfolk County Council had notified the Council regarding their proposal to make an
Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to reduce
the current 60 miles per hour speed limit along the length of the C66/44 Castleacre Road
and C66/52 Station Road to 30mph.
Mr Giles Orpen-Smellie, the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) will be hosting
online “Time to Talk” sessions, which are open to the public and offer an opportunity
for a 15 minute slot with the PCC either via Microsoft Teams or telephone to discuss any
The dates these sessions are to be held are below and to book a slot please contact the
PCC’s office directly at [email protected] or call 01953 424455.
Friday 12th May 9.30-12.30
Friday 21st July 9.30-12.30
Friday 18th August 9.30-12.30
Friday 3rd November 9.30-12.30
Next Meetings – Monday 15th May, 2023
The Annual Parish Meeting and the Parish Council May meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting will begin at 7.00pm.
The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of all the local government electors for the Par-
ish. The public are entitled to attend and participate in this meeting.
The meeting acts as an annual democratic point of communication enabling the Parish
Council to explain what it has been doing over the last year and to provide an opportuni-
ty for the electors to have their say on anything they consider is important to the people
of the Parish. The meeting will include reports from the Parish Council, Borough Coun-
cil and County Council.
The May Parish Council Meeting will begin once the Annual Parish Meeting has con-
cluded (around 7.30pm) The public can also attend this meeting.
To contact the Clerk, Sarah Harvey you can telephone 01328 823391,
email [email protected] or
write to Byanoak, Leicester Road, South Creake, NR21 9PW.

Latest News from the Village Fund Initiative - Chance to apply for 23/24
Following the success of the Massingham Village Fund Initiative in its inaugural year
we are now inviting groups or organisations to apply to be
beneficiaries for VFI 02 for, the year 2023 – 24.
Any group or organisation applying must be properly constituted with their own sepa-
rate bank account, be based in Great or Little Massingham and be for the exclusive ben-
efit of the Massingham villages. Organisations must be non-political and not for profit.
All applications must be received by 31st May and successful applicants will be advised
no later than 14th June. The year will run from 1st June 2023 to 31st May 2024 inclusive.
This year we are introducing a pot which will be used to help groups who feel they do
not need year long funding but simply need a small, one-off payment for an essential
need. This Small Fund Pot, in essence, will be one of the beneficiaries. If successful we
will continue this into future years. So, if you are only looking for a small benefit to assist
do not hesitate to email [email protected]. Please also use this email
address for any applications to be a year-long beneficiary. All existing beneficiaries will
need to re-apply for the forthcoming year.
In the first three quarters of the current VFI year, the pub raised an incredible £4,538.
This was shared equally between the pub’s chosen charities: Retina UK for the first two
quarters and East Anglian Air Ambulance from 1 st December. This meant that all the
VFI beneficiaries received £453.80, Retina UK £1,554.50 and EAA £714.50. This is
amazing given that the pub only adds £1 per bill, not per cover, whether there is only one
person eating or a party of 20-plus. In addition, the Shop and Cartshed Tearoom also
raised a total of £122.15 for the VFI in the two quarters in which they participated. There
is still one quarter’s results to be announced. Please continue to help support local organ-
isations by using the participating businesses.
Here is a sample of what they said: Biodiversity used the funds to buy valuable tools so
that volunteers did not have to provide their own; Historical Society used the funds to
purchase new display boards to show off old photographs at their regular meetings and to
assist with the continued development of the proposed heritage trail.
Should anyone wish to discuss this further please do not hesitate to call the
VFI Co-ordinator, Robert Taylor, on 07908 244421.
Shop window
Oil Boiler Installation and Repairs.
Oil Boiler Servicing.
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a mile outside Great Massingham
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Shop window



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email: [email protected]
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Foot Healthcare in Your Home
Based in and around Great Massingham Contact: [email protected]
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With Parish Councillor elections this month here is a resumé of many of the things achieved.
What has the Parish Council done for us?
• Extension of the 30 mph limit on Castle Acre Road to cover the last houses within the
village boundary to be completed by Highways this summer. Also support to the speed-
watch volunteers in helping to improve road safety throughout the village.
• Extensive planting of daffodils throughout the village centre, providing a colourful spring
addition to our village.
• Free parking at & in co-operation with the Village Hall to try to reduce the parking on the
greens & in the village centre by visitors. The Ramblers & the off-road motor cyclist
groups are very pleased to utilise this facility.
• Some edge bunding & also posts to discourage parking on the greens.
• Three commemorative trees planted, with some more hopefully planned.
• Renovation of much of the children’s playground equipment by an approved contractor.
A CIL grant has been achieved which will enable the old train to be replaced with a fire
engine in the toddlers play area as well as adding a safety surface & upgrades to the zip
• A replacement seat on the village green, with an ongoing plan to replace where necessary
& renovate the remaining seats.
• A dog waste bin is to be installed on Station Road at the request of many residents.
• Due to excessive dumping of rubbish along the Weasenham Road, a replacement, en-
closed bin is to be installed. This will be emptied by the council refuse team, thus remov-
ing the requirement for parishioners to undertake this task.
• Funding of a community garden area behind the doctor’s surgery utilising this area of
land until it is needed.
• Support for a Neighbourhood Development Plan which will act as a positive guide for
future plans as to what the residents feel the future of their parish should be.
• Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee & the Coronation of King Charles III celebratory
• Village Green Christmas lights.
• Post Office Pit & the outlet channel from the Biodiversity / School Pit dredged to both
conserve water under drought conditions & to alleviate flooding along the back of Recto-
ry Row. This has been done in co-operation with Houghton Estates. Also, liaison with
Houghton regarding future management of the greens & two main pits.
• Encouragement & support for a group of volunteers who are working to both reduce ero-
sion & to improve Scotsman’s Pit for the benefit of all.
• Support has been given to; Community Cars, Ducklings preschool, the PCC, Biodiversity
Group, The Mallard, Friends of Scotsman’s pit & other village organisations which bene-
fit the community as a whole.
• Liaison with the Village Hall Trustees, Parochial Church Council, The School & Duck-
lings preschool.
• Development of a new and much improved Parish Council website.
• Switched to online banking, making access to the account and payments easier and seam-
• Reviewed and appointed grounds maintenance contractors - CGM Ltd for a further year.
• Agreed to take responsibility for future annual servicing charges for the church clock.
• A donation to Village Hall for Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
• Welcomed the increased interest in the Parish Council with both support & suggestions.

Shop window

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King’s Lynn,
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Email: [email protected]

H aving decided that the 1st April was a good time for our an-
nual litter pick, I felt I really was an April Fool as I stood by
the Well, shivering in drizzle and a biting
Arriving northerly wind! Surely nobody would be
in style! foolish enough to turn out on such a day?
How wrong can you be! Sorting out the kit
Eventually, thirteen volunteers joined us
on the day. All waited patiently as I read through the long list of
Health and Safety instructions, before choosing their particular
areas to clean, donning the Hi-viz gear, collecting the pink rub-
bish bags, bag hoops and impressive litter-pickers.
By midday, the job was done and we all met in The Dabbling
Duck for hot drinks and biscuits. Although a number of bags had
been filled, the general impression was that our village has been
kept relatively clean. I wonder how
much of that was due to my late next-door neighbour?
Thanks to each the following: Jackie, Kim, Lisa & Kevin, Rob-
in, Catherine & David, Peter, Maria and Keith, Rosie, Rose-
mary and Bev. Thank you also to Sandy & Malcolm who, una-
ble to join on the day, went out the following morning and Rich-
ard & Sarah who travelled up from London to ‘do their bit’.
Thanks also to the ‘Dabbling Duck’ for providing welcome
refreshments & warmth and the KLWNBC who provided our
clean-up kit and organised the collection of the rubbish.
So, all in all very satisfying. We must do it again sometime,
preferably when the weather is kinder! Andrew Bickerton Listening attentively
Biodiversity Project News …...
New plant growth is very rapid during May and a series of time
lapse photos would reveal a massive transformation across the
site as the month progresses. In the woodland, the cow parsley
soon grows to full height and makes a frothy display with its
mass of delicate white flowers. Around the pond margin,
clumps of yellow flag iris will be flowering by late May. We
have been dividing beds of this plant and encouraging them to
grow all along the edge bordering the wood-
land to give more stability to the bank.
Water mint is another plant to be encouraged along this edge and we
will be able to move some surplus plants from Post Office Pond
where last year’s dredging has caused a flush of new growth as often
happens when soil, or in this case, the pond bed, is disturbed. Much
of the work carried out on site involves intervention of this sort to
encourage biodiversity. Another example is the thinning of more
invasive plants such as great willowherb which is pulled from some
areas to prevent it from dominating too large an area. The greater the diversity of plants,
the more variety of insects and so on……
This month’s work party will be on Saturday 13th May at 10am when these and other
tasks will be carried out. If you would like to get involved in helping to manage the site,
please do come along and give a hand. Tim Baldwin
Please see enclosed flyer and please support
Drop-in any time between 11 am and 9 pm
Our displays will give wide-ranging information about the Village, and
cover topics likely to feature in the final plan such as housing needs
and protecting our open spaces
There will also be opportunities for you to comment on our work
and discuss things over tea, coffee etc.

Thursday May 18th
£5, at the Village Hall
7pm for 7.30pm start
‘Banshees of Insherin’
And Members Night Thursday, 25th May
‘Where the Crawdads Sing’
For help with transport? Call Denny 07887 927 691.

Great Massingham Ducklings Preschool

Historical Society for children age 2-4 years
May 26th , Village Hall
Please note the earlier time!
Dr Sarah Spooner will be
giving a talk about
‘The History of Norfolk Footpaths’ Ofsted Registration EY268556
Charity Number 91991
This will be followed by a short AGM for sessions from
Fees for the coming year are now due. September 2023
Further details on page 10. Contact Pip the Manager
[email protected]
See you all on the 26th.
or text 07807185746
Mallard News
Massingham Historical Society….. Grimston and District WI
A huge thank you to the members of the Committee No, it’s not all
for organising such an interesting year of events from Jam and Jerusalem!
regular talks to the Tea Dance and BBQ. Thanks also We meet every month in the
for the wonderful photographic displays. Grimston Village Hall.
As mentioned on page 8, fees are now due. We have interesting speakers,
For the coming year they will be £15 per person, films, and demonstrations
£25 per couple and £30 per family. covering:
The membership fee includes free entry to meetings
and events and offers excellent value. Please support.  ‘Womens’ Lives’ by Friends
See you all at the AGM on May 26th at 7pm. of Hardwick Cemetery,
A date for your diary is the weekend of  Puddings Evening,
September 2nd/3rd. There will be a 2 day exhibition in  ‘Swaffham and it’s Market’, or
St Mary’s Church of artefacts and photographs.  ‘How about a Trip to the
This will include a photographic competition, Galapagos?’.
and a chance to have family portraits taken If you are interested please call
as well as available refreshments. Watch this space! Pat Watts 01485 609052 or
Margaret Bowes 01485 520135
Great Massingham C of E Primary
School 100 Club winners for more detail.
The winners of the March Draw 2023 Bowls Match, Five-a-Side
1st prize Gillian Goold football and BBQ, from 1pm, at
2nd prize Hilary Wade the Village Hall on
3rd prize Jane Haley Sunday 7th May.


for much more information and to book
www.westacretheatre.com or TEL: 01760 755 800
Here is a brief summary of ‘What’s on When’ in May’.
10 May The film ‘ The Banshees of Inisherin’ will be screened at 2pm
12,19,25,26 May Westacre Theatre presents ‘September in the Rain’, 3pm & 7.30pm.
18 May On screen (NT Live) ‘Best of Enemies’ at 7pm
20 May Pantaloons Theatre present ‘Jane Austin’s Emma’ at 3pm & 7.30pm.
21 May On screen (filmed Live) ENO presents ‘The Mikado’ at 2.30pm
27, 28 May A Playwriter’s Workshop weekend course with Christopher William-Hill
28,29 May Westacre Theatre presents ‘Spring into Summer’ at 2pm.
Visit the website for more details such as costs, times and meal availability.

Justin Anderson Women’s Health * Fertility * Pregnancy
Postnatal * Menopause Support
General Gardening and Pest Control Gemma Challis MICHT MFHT
Little Massingham Manor 07576 365219
For any enquiries please contact Justin on: [email protected]
Mobile: 07879 087497
Email: [email protected] www.thenorfolkretreat.co.uk

Shop window

Behind every independent business

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JJs Flowers
Funeral Tributes,
Weddings, Bouquets
Miss Julie Morters JJs flowers
01485 609 125 or @ JJs FlowersJulieMorters
07884 238 438
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The Birches, St Andrews Lane, Congham, PE32 1DY

Message for Parishioners from Joy Smith, Licensed Lay Minister

“God save the King” I must admit having been born a few years after our
late Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation, I find it quite strange having to say
King instead of Queen, but from now on our children and grandchildren
will only know a King. What a moment in history King Charles III being
crowned King of our country, many of us have never seen a Coronation let
alone been part of one.
In his speech after his mother’s death King Charles made a commitment to follow the
pattern of loving service that she demonstrated so well in her 70 years as our Queen, a
service of loyalty respect and love. Also her deep centred faith which had helped her
through many difficult times and which she reflected on in her Christmas broadcasts
each year. I’m sure King Charles feels the weight of responsibility and lifelong commit-
ment he is making in his promises at his Coronation, and will need our prayers as he sets
out on his own lifetime journey as our King.
Jesus said “Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever
wishes to be first among you must be your slave, just as the Son of Man came not to be
served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”
Service is not a word we use lightly when we are talking of serving others, there are
many people in our communities who serve others without being recognised, but King
Charles will promise to serve his people, he will put his country and people before all
other things he will become a servant King.
Just as Jesus came to be our servant King to the end that he gave his life for all of us. We
are still in the season of Easter a time when we celebrate our Risen Lord, and new begin-
We are entering a new age, a new reign, where I am sure many things will be done dif-
ferently. King Charles has already put in place many new initiatives and is moving the
monarchy forward, and with the support and help of Queen Camilla, The Prince and
Princess of Wales and all the family he will undoubtedly put his own stamp on his reign.
I am sure that are lots of exciting events planned for the Coronation weekend and what-
ever way you celebrate I hope you have a lovely time.
“Let us look on the past only as it gives us pleasure and to the future
with confidence and hope”
Message from Joy Smith, Licensed Lay Minister

FOSPGM ……...
Spring is here and the wonders of the wild life and plants are returning. By the time you
receive this the Pit will be a spectacular sight. Please go and Take a look and enjoy..
FOSPGM is not responsible for the Angling on Scotsman’s Pit. Paul and Ken are the
current Fishing Wardens and they are appointed by the Parish Council.
But, as the Pit improves it would be good to have a committee, a team of people who can
suggest the way forward for the Angling. For example - does the pit need dredging?
What would the benefits be to anglers? Does it need more fish? What type? Facilities for
disabled fisherman? More family orientated swims? Is the close season necessary?
Organise a community fishing match?
We need a single (Club, Group) voice to represent the angling community.
If you are interested in assisting with this, please contact me, Bob Bones,
[email protected] or 01485 520650 and I will arrange a meeting on how to take this
forward. Everybody is welcome!

Church Services May 2023
Date Time Service Location
Wed. 3rd May 9.00 am Holy Communion Harpley

Sunday 7th May 8.30 am Holy Communion Roydon

9.30 am Songs of Praise Service Little Massingham
10.30 am Holy Communion Grimston
10.30 am Coronation Celebration Gayton
10.30 am Family Service Harpley
Sunday 14th May 8.30 am Holy Communion Ashwicken
9.30 am Morning Prayer Little Massingham
10.30 am Holy Communion Gayton
10.30 am Holy Communion Great Massingham
Wed. 17th May 9.00 am Holy Communion Grimston

Thur. 18th May 6.30 pm Ascension Service Ashwicken

Ascension Day
Sunday 21st May 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Harpley
10.30 am Holy Communion Great Massingham
10.30 am Morning Prayer Grimston
Sunday 28th May 8.30 am Holy Communion East Walton
9.30 am Holy Communion Little Massingham
10.30 am Holy Communion Gayton
10.30 am Family Service Great Massingham
Sunday 4th June 8.30 am Holy Communion Roydon
9.30 am Family Service Harpley
9.30 am Holy Communion Little Massingham
10.30 am Holy Communion Grimston

For more news please visit our benefice website at www.ggmbenefice.uk

CHURCH NEWS Sad News…. Fiona Cutts, of Station Road
To mark the Coronation of Great Massingham passed away on April
King Charles III we will be 10th. Her funeral will be held at Breckland
holding special services on Crematorium, at 3pm, on May 5th.
Sunday 7th May. Following the service, we will gather for
refreshments at a more local venue (location
We will also be placing special books in
to be confirmed). For catering numbers, if
all churches to enable people to mark this
you plan to attend, please contact her family
occasion with their special message for the
via phone or at her address.
Ascension Day - 18th May No flowers, please, but donations to ‘The
There will be a short evening service at Norfolk Hospice’ or ‘Norfolk & Waveney
6.30pm at All Saints Ashwicken to mark Mind’, in Fiona's memory, are welcomed
Ascension Day. Do come and join us for and can be made at :-
this special service. www.fionacutts.muchloved.com

Shop window
Boarding for dogs in the comfort of our home Weasenham Road, Great Massingham
Your dogs will be treated as one of the family for Self-catering accommodation
the duration of their stay. Daily walks & spacious Sleeps 2. Weekly from Saturdays.
grounds for your dog to play in. Parking and dog friendly.
Love and cuddles guaranteed! Contact Christine Riches
The Paddocks, Station Road, Tel:01485/520216, Mob: 0779 206 8143
Little Massingham Email: [email protected]
Contact Donna on 07793 737 312 website: www.christines-norfolk-cottages.co.uk

FIRING Heath Farm Shop

Family run business
selling quality &

bespoke meat and
produce, from our own
farm & local Suppliers
Heath farm Shop, Lynn Lane,
Great Massingham, Norfolk, PE32 2HJ
WOODBURNERS 01485 520 828
Open 9 - 5, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
Comprehensive stock to view at our 9 - 6 Thursday and 9 - 1 Saturday
showroom on Closed Mondays
The West Raynham Business Park.
01328 838 665
e-mail: [email protected]

Great Massingham
Village Hall and Bar
Opening Hours
Wednesday to Friday - 7pm to 11pm
Saturday 3.45pm to 11pm High quality fitted and free-standing
Sunday 12 noon to 6.30 pm furniture. Individually designed,
With some flexibility for special events
and occasions. All Welcome.
personally installed by experts from
Memberships Excellent facilities.
due from the Good beer, wines and our Great Massingham workshops.
1 April. spirits at competitive www.tenacityinteriors.com
The fee is £12.50 prices. Outdoor
per person for drinking area.
all adults over WiFi, Pool Table & CALL TODAY
eighteen. Sky on large screen. 01485 521888
Please come along and support.
Useful Numbers
Organisation Contact Phone No.
Allotment Association Daisy Robinson 07979 723 288
Biodiversity Project Tim Baldwin 520 813
Borough Council James (Jim) Moriarty 07879 492400
Bell Ringing Dale Gagen 520 024
Bowls Club Peter Wadham 520 796
Church Contacts Revd Judith Pollard 01485 601 251
Community Car Scheme Office 520 823
Coronation Club Jill Whitmore 520 609
County Council Stuart Graham Dark 07450 679 355
Dabbling Duck Pub Mark Dobby 520 827
Doctors Massingham Surgery 520 521
The Film Night Arthur Allen 520 628
Fishing Warden Paul Smith & Ken Perry PC Clerk 01328 823391
Trefoil Guild Shirley Rae & Rita Gostling 520 259 & 520 730
Massingham Historical Society Jeanne Robinson 520 455
Neighbourhood Plan Mike Jackson 520 056
Parish Council Peter James (Chair) & Sarah Harvey (Clerk) Clerk 01328 823391
Pre-School Pip Grange 07807 185 746
Police Non-emergency 101
School Kirsten Stibbon 520 362
Tennis and Multi-Sports Club Steven Gould 07557 357415
Village Hall Hall & Bar & Debs Lambert 520 588
Village Stores and Deli Mark and Kerry Eldridge 520 272

Got a flat tyre

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tyre company Card, cheque and cash
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puncture repairs, investigate slow payments accepted
leaks or just replace valves.

Solo Bach Concert by acclaimed cellist, Orlando Jopling,
in Little Massingham Church - Friday, 19th May 2023, at 7pm.
This very special event will be raising much-needed funds for
St Andrews Church and is something not to be missed.
Orlando is a world-class conductor, composer and Cellist well known for
performances with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the Royal Ballet,
The English Chamber Orchestra and the Royal Opera House.
Tickets £25,(includes glass of wine), available from FOSALM website - www.fosalm.org
in cash at the door on the night, or through Eventbrite: https://bit.ly/3YzCdbx
It will be an unforgettable evening. More information can be obtained from
the Chairman of FOSALM, Terry Holloway, at: [email protected]

Well Done! Good Progress with Toads This Year.

This year's Toad Patrol season finished at the end of March and it
has been a good one locally. In Great Massingham, 83 toads were
saved and 16 casualties recorded. The patrols in the village shifted to
focus more on the area around Scotsman's Pit this year, as opposed
to Weasenham Road, in recent times, where numbers have drastically
declined over the last few years.
The highest total recorded out of the three local patrols was at Hall
Farm. A total of 2502 toads were saved on Hall Farm patrols and
173 casualties recorded during the 2023 season. Picture: Colin Barber
The favourable conditions coming at the right time for toads, seems
to have contracted the time of movement with a shorter season than last year, but this did
lead to a few nights where over 200 toads were recorded. The peak was 534 saved in one
evening's patrol from being possible vehicle casualties. The number recorded on the Hall
Farm patrols this season is the highest recorded at any patrol site in Norfolk this year!
Hopefully, this will help with lots of toadlets emerging from ponds in the summer.
Thank you to all patrollers for efforts! We are having a meet up at the Dabbling Duck
on Friday 12th May, from 6pm (hopefully in The Barn) and would welcome anyone
interested in taking part in Toad Patrol in future to join, as more volunteers are needed
to help save toads on roads. If interested, contact Ptolemy McKinnon on 07941 183 318.
There was excellent footage of ‘toads and toadlets on the move’ in the recent BBC series Wild Isles.
Check out episode 4: Freshwater, on BBC iPlayer to see it, if you have not already.

Some May 2023 ‘Dates at a Glance’

Date Event Time Place
2 May Coronation lunch 12.30 for 1 pm Village Hall Bar
5 May BINGO 7 for 7.30 Village Hall
6 May Coronation Celebration Event 2pm to 10.30pm Village Green
13 May Biodiversity Working Party 10am Weasenham Road Pond
15 May Parish Council AGM & May Meeting From 7pm Village Hall
19 May Cello Concert 7pm Little Massingham Church
19/20 May NDP Consultation Event 11am to 9 pm Village Hall
25 May Quiz Night 7.30 pm Village Hall Bar
26 May Historical Society AGM and Talk 7pm Village Hall
28 May Jumble Sale Midday to 3pm Village Hall

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