Assignment 3 - Individual Personal Business Plan: GEN 3015 / GE 102 Innovation and Entrepreneurship SPRING 2023

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GEN 3015 / GE 102 Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Assignment 3 - Individual Personal Business Plan

Accounts for 30% of the total course mark.

Learning Outcomes 5 and 6:

Students will learn how to differentiate between an idea and a viable opportunity.
Students will understand the value of design thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship in supporting their
own career development and paths.


This is an individual task. You need to submit 1500-2000 words Individual Business Plan (IBP) via Turnitin no later
than 5 MAY 2023, 23:59 h. Use a professional report structure and use bullet points in writing your plan.
Your IBP needs to cover the sections presented below. Address them in the IBP in the same order. Do not write an

Plagiarism over 20% will result in disciplinary action. Only one submission will be allowed.

Vision & Opportunity

• Identify your career or educational goals for the next 3 years? Identify at least 3 goals.
• identify your career and personal goals for the 3 years after you graduate from university.
Identify at least 3 goals.
• Identify your 3 key values or guiding principles? Which is the most important one and why?
• What motivates you? Identify at least 3 factors that motivate you.
• What activities do you enjoy doing most i.e your passions or hobbies? Identify at least 1.
• A career in which industry, or sector, do you think best fits your career goals? Identify at least
1 and explain why.

Marketing Strategy

• What are your strongest skills or competencies? Identify at least 3.

• Which skills do you need to improve or develop? Identify at least 3.
• What values or benefits will you offer to a future employer? Identify at least 3.
• What values or benefits will you offer to your society? Identify at least 2.
• How will you differentiate yourself from other students? Identify at least 3 differentiating factors.
• Summarise yourself in 6 adjectives – i.e your personal brand positioning.
• What is your personal 3-word positioning mantra?
Risks & Mitigation

• What factors might negatively impact on you achieving success? Identify at least 3 factors
• What factors might positively impact on you achieving success? Identify at least 3 factors.
• If you could not secure a job in your first–choice industry or sector, what would be your second
choice; and why?
• What 2 questions would you least want to be asked in an interview? What would your answers be?
• What 2 questions would you ask when being interviewed by a company for a job?

Advisors/Mentors & Lessons Learned

• If you could have any 3 people to advise or mentor you, who would you choose? They can be family,
business leaders, friends, peers or teachers/lecturers. Explain why you would choose each one.
• Describe at least one failure or mistake from your past. Describe what you learned from it in terms of
Improving your potential and performance for the future.
• Which parts of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship course do you think you might find most useful in your
future career? Identify at least 2 parts and explain why.

Marking Criteria

Criteria Excellent Good Poor

Introduction Completely focused on Focused on the topic, but The topic is not properly
the topic; includes without definitions or introduced; there are no
definitions and/or explanations; contains definitions or numbers to
explanations to introduce numbers that fail to explain the problem
the topic properly; describe the magnitude
contains correct numbers of the problem properly,
to describe the are not relevant or are
magnitude of the incorrect.
Scientific content Information is gathered Information is gathered Information is gathered
from appropriate and from related but limited from limited sources; the
diverse sources; the sources; the report report poorly addresses
report addresses with in- addresses with in-depth the issues referred to in
depth analysis all the analysis most of the the guidelines, or more
points referred to in the points referred to in the than 30% of the
guidelines. guidelines, or the report questions are left
addresses all issues but unanswered.
without proper analysis.
Recommendations The recommendations The recommendations The recommendations
are valuable, show are logical and supported are related to the topic
comprehensive by some evidence from but unsupported by
understanding, and are the report but lack evidence from the report,
supported by evidence actual/practical value. or are not related to the
from the report. topic, or are missing.

Conclusions The conclusion includes The conclusion evaluates The conclusion fails to
sufficient evaluation for some of the key points evaluate any of the key
all key points described in described in the analysis. points described in the
the analysis. analysis; or is missing.
Organization and The report is well The report is for the most The report is badly
structure organized and clear. It part well organized and organized and lacks
adheres to the described clear. It adheres for the clarity.
format. most part to the It doesn't adhere to the
described format described format.

Communication The report is well written The report is well written The report is not well
from start to finish, for the most part, with written, and contains
without spelling, linguistic minimal spelling, linguistic many spelling, linguistic
and grammar errors. and grammar errors. and grammar errors.
References Almost all the references Most of the references References are not
are correctly cited (>90%) (70-90%) are correctly correctly cited and/or
and correctly listed in the cited and correctly listed correctly listed in the
reference list according to in the reference list reference list according to
Harvard referencing style. according to Harvard Harvard referencing style.
referencing style.

/5 marks

/5 marks

/5 marks

• Introduction and context – the speaker set the

scene well with a clearly outlined focus and
aims of the presentation and why it matters.
• Quality of research and narrative /5 marks
• Impact of the presentation – the story is /20 marks
logical, coherent and engages the audience
and the presentation; the presentation is
• Q&A session: questions from the audience /15 marks
were handled well.
/10 marks

Total: /50 marks

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