Pages From Ship-Maintenance-Checklist-Rev4-3
Pages From Ship-Maintenance-Checklist-Rev4-3
Pages From Ship-Maintenance-Checklist-Rev4-3
Type of
Item No. Description Periodicity Vessel Finding Remarks
4.1.7 Pyrotechnics
Six Monthly All vessels
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Ship Maintenance Checklist
Type of
Item No. Description Periodicity Vessel Finding Remarks
4.2.1 Main fire pumps Weekly All vessels
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Ship Maintenance Checklist
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Ship Maintenance Checklist
Type of
Item No. Description Periodicity Vessel Finding Remarks
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Ship Maintenance Checklist
Type of
Item No. Description Periodicity Vessel Finding Remarks
4.4.1 Fixed fire
extinguishing Three Monthly All vessels
arrangement in cargo
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Ship Maintenance Checklist
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Ship Maintenance Checklist
Type of
Item No. Description Periodicity Vessel Finding Remarks
5.1.1 Compass
ROUTINE All vessels
1. Standard Magnetic compass & Gyro Compass clearly
readable by the helmsman at the main steering position.
2. Means of correcting heading & bearing to True bearing
available at all times.
3. Communication available between the standard
compass position and the main steering position.
4. Spare magnetic compass in good order.
5. Table/curve of residual deviation (every year) is available
and deviation record is maintained.
6. Condition of the master gyro and gyro repeaters in good
7. Gyro-compass heading repeater available at emergency
steering position.
8. Gyro-compass bearing repeater available for taking
bearings on an arc of horizon of 3600.
Radar ROUTINE All vessels
1. 9 Ghz radar with an electronic plotting aid operating
2. Additionally by ≥ 3000 gt ships:
a. 3 Ghz radar (or a second 9 Ghz radar permitted by
Administration) operating satisfactory.
b. A second automatic tracking aid working satisfactory.
3. Performance monitor working satisfactorilyRadar
reflector or other mean on ships < 150 gt available to be
detected by radar at both 9 & 3 Ghz.
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Ship Maintenance Checklist
5.1.8 AIS
ROUTINE All Vessels
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Ship Maintenance Checklist
Type of
Item No. Description Periodicity Vessel Finding Remarks
5.2.1 Navigational lights DAILY All vessels
Type of
Item No. Description Periodicity Vessel Finding Remarks
Volumes of list of lights in use for the voyage are available and
up to date.
5.3.3 Notice to ROUTINE All vessels
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