Vi. Department of Agricultural Marketing
Vi. Department of Agricultural Marketing
Vi. Department of Agricultural Marketing
SATURDAY February 22, 1964
61— 467
(3) "grower" means a person who either by himself or by members of his
family or by servants or by bargadars or by or with the aid of hired
labourers or with the aid of partners grows or produces any agricultural
produce, but does not include a wholesaler or aratdar or stockiest in such
Explanation-— A person who is a wholesaler or aratdar or stockist in
respect of a notified market shall not be a grower in respect of the same
market even if he grows and produces an agricultural produce;
(4) "Market Advisory Committee" mean a sub-divisional Market Advisory
Committee constituted under section 9 of this Act;
(5) "market charge" means any commission or fee realised by any market
functionary in connection with the purchase or sale of, or negotiation of a
purchase or sale of any agricultural produce or for rendering any services
incidental to such purchase or sale, such as, storage, weighing, measuring,
assorting, sampling and grading;
(6) "market functionary" means any person who operates as a middle-man
in connection with the purchase or sale of, or negotiation of a purchase or
sale of, any agricultural produce, or in connection with the rendering of
any services incidental to such purchase or sale, and includes a wholesaler,
aratdar, stockist, weighman, measurer, sampler, jachandar, grader,
commission agent, warehouse-man, broker and dalal; and
(7) "notified market" means any market declared to be a notified market
under sub-section (1) or section 3 of this Act.
Declaration of 3. (1) The provincial Government may, by notification in the Official
notified markets Gazette, Declare any market to be a notified market in respect of such
and licensing of
market agricultural produce and with effect from such date as may be specified in
functionaries the notification:
(2) On and from the date specified in the notification under subsection (1),
no person shall act as a market functionary in a notified market in respect
of any agricultural produce specified in the notification except under a
licence under this Act and except in accordance with the conditions
specified in such licence; Provided that the Provincial Government may,
by any general or special order notified in the Official Gazette exempt any
market functionary from the operation of this section.
Licences 4. (1) The Director shall issue licences in such form as may be prescribed
by rules to the market functionaries for operating in a notified market
under such terms and conditions as the Director may deem fit to fix.
(2) A licence issued under sub-section (1) may be either in general terms
or in respect of such agricultural produce and such notified markets as
may be specified therein.
(3) Such licences shall be valid for one year from the date of issue and
may thereafter be renewed annually.
(4) A licence issued in the name of a firm may be used by any person or
persons, not exceeding two, nominated by the firm.
Licence fee 5. For every licence issued under section 4 or for every renewal thereof,
there shall be paid to the Provincial Government such fee as may be
prescribed by rules.
Application for 6. (1) Application for licences or renewal of licences shall be made to the
licences. Director in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed by
(2) Every application for licence or renewal of a licence shall be
accompanied by the prescribed fee.
Production of 7. Every market functionary operating in any notified market under a
licence for licence under this Act shall, while conducting business in such market,
inspection be bound to produce such lincence for inspection on demand by any
member of the Market Advisory Committee or any officer of the
Agricultural Marketing Directorate or other officer or officers
authorized by the Provincial Government in this behalf.
Cancellation of 8. (1) A licence granted or renewed under section 4 may be suspended or
licence cancelled by the Director on his own motion or on the
recommendations of the Market Advisory Committee—
(i) if there is any contravention of any of the provisions of this Act and the
rules or any breach of the conditions subject to which the licence was
granted or renewed, or
(ii) if the holder of the licence has ceased to carry on the business or has
sold or otherwise transferred his interest in the business in respect of
which the licence was granted or renewed.
(2) The holder of a licence shall not be entitled to any compensation for
any loss or damage suffered by him as a result of such suspension or
cancellation of his licence under this section.
Constitution of 9. the Provincial Government may, by notification in the official Gazette,
Market constitute a Subdivisional Market Advisory Committee for a
Committee subdivision, which shall consist of –
(1) The sub-divisional Officer or any other officer nominated by him
(2) A local officer of the Agricultural Marketing Directorate to be
nominated by the Director (ex-officio).
(3) A representative from among the members, other than official
members of the District Council, from the subdivision to be nominated
by the District Council.
(4) One person from among the licensed market functionaries of the
notified markets of the subdivision to be nominated by the sub
divisional Officer.
(5) A representative of the public to be nominated by the sub-divisional
(6) Two representatives of growers to be nominated by the sub-divisional
Term of the 10. The term and office of the Market Advisory Committee, the procedure
committee to be followed at its meetings, the quorum for a meeting and the
procedure etc. manner of filling casual vacancies, shall be such as may be prescribed
for meetings to by rules.
be prescribed
by rules
Functions of the 11. The functions of the Market Advisory Committee shall be—
(a) to advise the Director in the matter of regulation of market practices;
b) to advise the Director in the matter of fixation of market charges for
different kinds of agricultural produce for different market
functionaries operating in the notified markets;
(c) to advise the Director in the matter of improvement of markets;
(d) to make arrangement for settlement of disputes between purchasers
and sellers arising in a notified markets;
(e) to undertake arbitration in respect of disputes between purchasers and
sellers arising in a notified markets;
(f) to maintain a set of standard weighs and measures referred in sub-
section (1) of section 15; and
(g) to perform such other duties as may be entrusted to it by the Director
or as may be prescribed by rules.
Market charges 12. (1) The Director may, after consultation with the Market Advisory
Committee concerned and with the approval of the Provincial
Government, fix, by Notification in the Official Gazette, the maximum
market charges payable by the purchasers or sellers to various market
functionaries in connection with the purchase or sale of different kinds
of agricultural produce in a notified market specified in such
(2) No market charge in excess of the amount fixed under sub-section (1)
shall be paid or received by any person in respect of any transaction in
a notified market specified under sub-section (1).
Trade 13. No trade allowance other than an allowance prescribed by rules, shall
Allowance be made or received by any person for any transaction of purchase or
Settlement of sale in a notified market.
Maintenance of 14. In case of a dispute arising between a purchaser and seller on account
standard of –
weights and (a) deviation from sample when the purchase is made by sample;
Collection of (b) deviation from standard when the purchase is made by a reference to
information an accepted standard,
from a market (c) difference between the actual weight of a container and the standard
functionary weight;
Penalty (d) payment of price
(e) delivery of goods;
(f) damage of goods;
(g) admixture of foreign matters;
(h) the presence of moisture in excess of the natural moisture content; and
(i) such other matters as may be prescribed by rules; the dispute will be
referred to the Market Advisory Committee for amicable settlement or
if necessary for arbitrations.
15. (1) After such date as may be notified in the Official Gazette by
the Provincial Government in this behalf, every Market Advisory
Committee shall maintain a set of standard weights specified in
the Standards of Weight Act, 1939 and a set of standard measures
as may be prescribed by rules, and shall ensure that such sets of
standard weights and measures are available free of charge to any
purchaser of seller for taking any weighment or measurement in a
notified market.
(2) After the date so notified no person shall use for weighing or measuring in
any notified market any weight or measure other than a standard weight or
measure referred in sub section (1).
(3) All weights and measures used in a notified market shall from time to time
be verified by the members of the Market Advisory Committee or the officers
of the Agricultural Marketing Directorate or other officer or officers authorised
by the Provincial Government in this behalf.
16. (1) Any Officer of the Agricultural Marketing Directorate or other Officer
authorised by the Provincial Government may require any market functionary
operating in a notified market to furnish information in regard to any
transaction of an agricultural produce in such notified market and to produce
any document relating to price, supply position, stock position, movement and
marketing cost of such produce and such other matter as he may consider
necessary; and such market functionary shall be bound to furnish the
information and produce the documents required by such officer.
(2) No market functionary shall, being required under sub-section (1) to
furnish information or produce documents, refuse or willfully omit to furnish
information and produce documents required of him, or supply information
knowing or having reason to believe such information to be false.
17. Whoever contravenes any provision of this Act specified in the first column of
the following table, shall be punished with fine or simple imprisonment, in
default of fine, which may extend to the amount or period specified in the
third column of the table.
Provision of the Act Brief description of the offence Acting as a Maximum fine or simple
Section 3 (2) market functionary in a notified market imprisonment.
Section 12 (2) except under a licence Paying or receiving Rs. 200 or, in default, simple
Section 13 market charges in excess of the market imprisonment for 3 months.
Section 15(2) charges fixed under section 12(1) Rs. 200 or in default simple
Section 16 (2) Making or receiving any trade allowance imprisonment for 3 months.
other than and allowance prescribed Rs. 200 or, in default, simple
by rules imprisonment for 2 months
Rs. 100 or, in default, simple
Using any weight or measure other than a
imprisonment for 2 months.
standard weight or measure.
Rs. 200 or, in default, simple
Refusal or wiflful omission to furnish imprisonment for 3 months for
information and to produce documents or the first offence and Rs. 10 per
supplying of information knowing or day for every day after the first
having reason to believe such offence during which the
information to be false. information or documents are not
furnished or produced subject to
a maximum of Rs. 500 or, in
default, simple imprisonment for
6 months.
Power to make 18. The Provincial Government may, by notification in the Official
rules Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
Power to amend 19. The Provincial Government may, by notification in the Official
the schedule. Gazette, amend the schedule, and, in so amending the schedule,
may add to, or omit from, the schedule any agricultural produce
which was previously not included or included, as the case may be
in the schedule.
[(Vide Section 2(1)]
I. Cereals
(1) Rice and Paddy
II. Pulses:
(1) Gram
(2) Masur
(3) MashKalai
(4) Mung
(5) Khesari
(6) Arhar
III. Oilseeds:
(1) Rape and Mustard
(2) Sesamum (Til)
(3) Linseed
(4) Groundnut
(5) Coconut
(6) Castor Seed
VI Narcotics
(1) Tobacco
VI. Fruits:
All kinds of fruits.
Animal Husbandry Products:
(1) Egg.
(2) Poultry
(3) Cattle
(4) Sheep
(5) Goat
(6) Wool
(7) Butter
(8) Ghee
(9) Milk
(10) Mide and skin
IX Fish:
All kinds of fish, both fresh and dry.
3. Amendment of section 1,E. P, Act IX of 1964.—In the said Act, in section 1,—
(a) in sub-section (1), the words "East Pakistan" shall be omitted;
(b) in sub-section (2) for the words "East Pakistan" the word " Bangladesh" shall
be substituted ; and
(c) in sub-section (3), for the words "Provincial Government" the word
"Government" shall be substituted.
62— 475
4. Amendment of section 2, E.P. Act IX of 1964.—In the said Act, in section 2.—
(a) in clause (2),—
(i) for the word "East Pakistan" the word "Bangladesh" shall be substituted;
(ii) for the word "Directorate" the word "Department" shall be substituted; and
(iii) for the words "Provincial Government" the word "Government" shall be
substituted; and
(b) in clause (4), for the word "Subdivision" the word "District" shall be
5. Amendment of section 3, E.P. Act IX of 1964.—In the said Act, for the words
"Provincial Government", wherever occurring, the word "Government" shall be substituted.
7. Amendment of section 5, E.P. Act IX of 1964.—In the said Act, in section 5, for
the words, "provincial Government" the word "Government" shall be substituted.
8. Amendment of section 7, E.P. Act IX of 1964.—In the said Act, in section 7,—
(a) for the word "Directorate" the word "Department" shall be substituted; and
(b) for the word " Provincial Government" the word "Government" shall be
9. Substitution of Section 9, E,P. Act IX of 1964.—In the said Act, for section 9 the
following shall be substituted, namely;—
"9. Constitution of Market Advisory Committee.—The Government may, by
notification in the official Gazette, constitute a District Market Advisory Committee
for a district which shall consist of the following members, namely:—
(a) The Deputy Commissioner or any other officer nominated by him who shall
also be its Chairman;
(b) A local officer of the Agricultural Marketing Department to be nominated by
the Director who shall also be its Secretary.
(c) One representative from among the elected members of the zilla Parishad, if
any, to be nominated by the Chairman of zilla Parishad ;
(d) One representative from among the licensed market functionaries from each of
the notified markets to be nominated by the Deputy Commissioner;
(e) One representative of the public to be nominated by the Deputy Commissioner:
(f) Two representative of the growers to be nominated by the Deputy Commissioner.
10. Amendment of section 11 E.P. Act. IX of 1964.—In the said Act. in section 11,
clause (c) shall be omitted.
11. Amendment of section 12 E.P. Act. IX of 1964.—In the said Act in section 12.
in sub-section (1), for the words "Provincial Government" the word "Government" shall be
12. Amendment of section 15. E.P. Act IX of 1964.—In the said Act in
section 15—
(a) in subsection (1), for the words "provincial Government" the word
“Government” shall be substituted and (b) in sub-section (3)—
(i) for the word "Directorate" the word "Department" shall be substituted; and
(ii) for the words "Provincial Government" the word "Government" shall be
13. Amendment of section 16. E.P. Act IX of 1964.—In the said Act. in section 16
in sub-section (1):
(a) for the word "Directorate" the word "Department" shall be substituted;
(b) for the words "Provincial Government" the word "Government" shall be
substituted; and
(c) for the word and comma "may," the word "may" shall be substituted.
14. Amendment of section 17, E.P. Act IX of 1964.—In the said Act, in section 17,
in the Table, in the third column, for the letters and figure "Rs. 200", "Rs. 100". "Rs. 10"
and "Rs.500". wherever occurring the word and figure "Taka 500" 'Taka 200". Taka 10" and
"Taka 1000" shall respectively be substituted.
15. Insertion of a new section 17A. E.P. Act IX of 1964.—In the said Act, after
section 17, the following new section shall be inserted, namely:—
"17A Cognizance of offence.—No Court shall take congnizance of any offence
under this act except upon a written complaint made by the Director or any officer
authorised by him, by general or special order, in this behalf."
16. Amendment of sections 18 and 19, E.P. Act IX of 1964.—In the said Act in
section 18 and 19 for the words "Provincial Government" the word "Government" shall be
17. Amendment of the Schedule, E.P. Act IX of 1964.—In the said Act in the
Schedulea) under the heading, "I Cereals" after entry (1) the following new entries shall be
added, namely:—
"(2) Chira and Muri
(3) Wheat, flour and atta"
(b) under the heading "II Pulses" after entry (6) the following new entry shall be
added, namely:—
"(7) Motar";and
(c) under the heading "X. condiments, Spices and others" after entry
(11) the following new entries shall be added, namely:—
"(12) Onion
(13) Cotton
(14) Kapok
(16) Frog
(17) Bamboo"
Extraordinary Gazette, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1964
(A) Licence
3. Application for licence—(1) All applications for issue or renewal of licences
under sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Act shall be made to the Director in form I through
the Secretary of the subdivisional Market Advisory Committee. The applicant shall furnish
such additional information as the Director may, at any time, deem necessary for
consideration of the application.
(2) Every application shall be accompanied by a Treasury Chalan showing payment
under head of the fee prescribed under rule 5.
(3) An application for renewal of a licence shall be made one month before the date
of expiry of the licence :
Provided that the Director may entertain an application made after the expiry of the
date prescribed under this sub-rule if he is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for so
(4) The Secretary of the Committee shall forward the application, together with his
comments, to the Director within 7 days of the receipt thereof in his office.
4. Issue and Renewal of Licence—The Director shall, on being satisfied that an
applicant has fully and correctly furnished the particulars in his application and that the
application is otherwise in order and that the prescribed fee has been paid, issue or renew a
licence, as the case may be, in form II.
5. Licence Fee—Rates of fee for licences or renewal thereof shall be as follows:
Category of market Fee for 1st Fee for
functionaries licence renewal
(i) Wholesaler, aratdar and stockist. Tk.200 Tk.200
(ii) Commission agent, broker, dalal Tk.120 Tk.120
and warehouseman.
(iii) Weighman, measurer, sampler, Tk.20 Tk.20
jachandar and grader.
9. Vacancy—If the seat of a member becomes vacant during the term of office of the
Committee, a new member shall be nominated for the residue of such term.
10. Quorum—No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless three members,
including Chairman and Secretary, are present.
11. Chairman—The Chairman of the Committee shall preside over all meetings of
the Committee. In the absence of the Chairman the members present shall elect one of them
to be the Chairman of the Committee.
12. Session—The Committee shall meet at least once in every three months.
(See Rule 3)
Application form for licence or renewal of licence for operating as a Market
Functionary in a notified market.
The director of Agricultural Marketing,
(Through the Secretary, Subdivisional Market Advisory Committee).
I/We..................................................................................being market functionary,
whose particulars are furnished below, hereby apply for the annual licence/renewal thereof
for one year from...................................................... to.............................................................
under the Agricultural Markets Regulation Act, 1964.
(1) Name under which the business is carried on or the name (a) with nationality of the
applicant(s) with his/her father’s/husband’s name, address and nationality.
(2) Station of business or working place where he/she/they has/have established office.
(3) Nature of business (whether a wholesaler/aratdar/stockist/weighman/measurer
/sampler/ jachandar/grader/commission agent/warehouseman/broker/ dalal, etc.
(4) Full postal address.
(5) Name of proprietor or partners or directors of the firm or company with his/her/their
nationality and addresses, both present and permanent (in the case of firm or
company only).
(6) Name (s) of the agricultural produce for which licence is wanted.
(7) How long the applicant(s) has/have been trading/acting as a market functionary.
(8) Name of the notified market in which the applicant is operating/will operate.
(9) Particulars of licence (in case of renewal).
(a) Book No.
(b) Licence No.
(c) Station of business
I/We declare that the foregoing particulars are complete and correct to the best of
my/our knowledge.
I/We further declare that I/We have carefully read the Agricultural Produce Markets
Regulation Act, 1964 and the Rules made thereunder relating to the issue and renewal of
liecence, and agree to abide by them.
I/We have duly paid through treasury chalan of......................................Treasury a
sum of Rs..............................(Rupees.....................................................only) being the fee for
licence/renewal of licence applied for above. the relevant receipted treasury chanal bearing
No............................. is enclosed.
N.B: (1) In the case or a company of firm the application must be signed by a partner or
a Director or the Principal Officer managing the business.
(2) Particulars against any of the above items may be shown in a separate sheet
duly signed and attested where the space provided is not sufficient.
(See Rule 4)
Licence form for Market functionaries operating in notified markets.
63— 483
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AvM÷ 9, 2007
µwgK K…wl c‡Y¨i bvg gv‡K©U Pv‡R©i m‡ev©”P gv‡K©U PvR© K…wl hvnvi wbKU nB‡Z
bs aib c‡Y¨i g~‡j¨i Dci kZKiv gv‡K©U PvR©
(%) nv‡i Av`vq‡hvM¨
(24) Avjy AvoZ`vix 2% †µZv
(24) mycvix Ó 1% Ó
(25) ZvgvK Ó 1.5% Ó
(26) mKj cÖKvi gvQ (ïKbv e¨ZxZ) Ó 4% Ó
(27) mKj cÖKvi ïKbv gvQ Ó 3% Ó
(28) nvum-gyiMx (RxweZ) Ó 4% Ó
(29) wWg (nvum-gyiMx) Ó 2% Ó
(30) mKj cÖKvi dj Ó 4% Ó
(31) cvb Ó 4% Ó
(32) QvMj/†fovi Pvgov Ó 1% Ó
(33) Miæ/gwn‡li Pvgov Ó 5% Ó
2| GB gv‡K©U PvR© evsjv‡`‡ki mKj cÖÁvwcZ/wbqwš¿Z evRv‡ii †¶‡Î cÖ‡hvR¨ nB‡e|
3| GB gv‡K©U Pv‡R©i cÖÁvcb †Rjv cÖkvmK, †Rjv evRvi Dc‡`óv KwgwU, ewYK mwgwZ, †P¤^vi Ae
Kgvm©-Gi mfvcwZ I m`m¨M‡Yi gZvg‡Zi wfwˇZ wba©viY Kiv nBqv‡Q|
4| GB gv‡K©‡U PvR©mg~n evsjv‡`k †M‡R‡U cÖKvwkZ nIqvi ZvwiL nB‡Z wZb ermiKvj ch©š— ejer
_vwK‡e| Z‡e Bnvi †Kvb ms‡kvab/cwieZ©b/cwiea©b/ms‡hvRb Kwiqv cieZ©x †M‡R‡U cÖKvwkZ bv
nIqv ch©š— Bnv ejer _vwK‡e| Aek¨ †Rjv evRvi Dc‡`óv KwgwUi mycvwikµ‡g †gqv`Kvj DËxY©
nIqvi c~‡e©B K…wl wecYb Awa`߇ii cwiPvjK GB gv‡K©U PvR© ms‡kvab/cwieZ©b/cwiea©b/ms‡hvRb/
evwZj †NvlYv Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb|
5| evRviKvievixMY cÖÁvwcZ/wbqwš¿Z nv‡ii PvB‡Z AwZwi³ nv‡i/†ekx gv‡K©U PvR© Av`vq Kwi‡Z
cvwi‡eb bv| cÖÁvwcZ/wbqwš¿Z nv‡ii PvB‡Z †ekx AwaK nv‡i gv‡K©U PvR© Av`vq Kwi‡j K„wlcY¨
evRvi wbqwš¿Z AvBb, 1964-Gi Aax‡b kvw¯Í‡hvM¨ Aciva ewjqv we‡ewPZ nB‡e|
wmivRyj Bmjvg
cwiPvjK (fvicÖvß)|
No. S.R.O. Dated :
In pursuance of the proclamation of the 24th March, 1982 and in exercise of all
powers enabling him in that behalf and in supersession of all rules, orders etc. made in this
behalf the President, after consultation with the Bangladesh Public Service Commission, is
pleased to make the following rules, namely:—
(2) No person shall be appointed to a specified post unless he has the requisite
qualification and, in the case of direct recruitment, he is also within the age-
limit laid down in the schedule for that post.
(b) in case of promotion, for a period of one year from the date of such
appointment :
Provided that the appointing authority may, for reasons to be recorded in writing,
extend the period of probation by a period or periods so that the extended period
does not exceed two years in the aggregate.
(2) Where, during the period of probation of a probationer, the appointing
authority is of opinion that his conduct and work is unsatisfactory and that he
is not likely to become efficient, it may, before the expiry of that period—
(a) in the case of direct recruitment, terminate his, service; and
(b) in the case of promotion, revert him to the post from which he was promoted.
(3) After the completion of the period of probation including the extended period,
if any, the appointing authority—
(a) if it is satisfied that the conduct and work of the probationer during the period
of probation has been satisfactory, shall, subject to the provisions of sub-rule
(4), confirm him; and
(b) if it is of opinion that the conduct and work of the probationer during the
period was not satisfactory, may,—
(i) in the case of direct recruitment, terminate his service; and
(ii) in the case of promotion, revert him to the post from which he was
(4) A probationer shall not be confirmed in a specified post until he has passed
such examination and undergone such training as the Government may, from
time to time, prescribe by order.
SL Name of the Age limit for Method of Qualification
No specified post direct recruitment recruitment
1. Manager Not exceeding 30 By promotion from For promotion:
years, relaxable up amongst the 3 years’ experience in a feeder
post or posts specified in column-4
to 35 years for Assistant Managers For direct recruitment:
departmental or Administrative Master degree in business
candidates Officer-cum- administration with at least 2nd
Accounts Officers class/Division at Bachelor's degree
and if no suitable level or 1st class masters degree or
candidate is 2nd class or Masters degree with
2nd class/Honors in marketing
available for
Management or Economics or 2nd
promotion, by class in Agricultural economics
direct recruitment. from a recognized university.
Preference will be given to the
candidates having Master's degree
in Business Administration.
SL Name of the Age limit for Method of Qualification
No specified post direct recruitment recruitment
2. Hide Technologist Not exceeding 30 By direct For direct recruitment:
years recruitment or by Degree in Tanning and leather
transfer on Technology from recognized
deputation from the Institute or University with 3
posts of Hide years' practical experience as a
Research Chemist or
Research Officer.
Diploma in Training and
Leather echnology from a
reorganized institute with 3
years' experience as Research
Chemist or Bacteriologist.
SL Name of the Age limit for Method of Qualification
No specified post direct recruitment recruitment
6. Assistant Manager Not exceeding 27 By direct M. A. with 5 year’s experience
(Wholesale Market) years relaxable up recruitment. in the field of Agricultural
to 40 years in case Marketing.
of departmental
S/d. Illegible
No. S.R.O. Dated:
In pursuance of the proclamation of the 24th March, 1982, and in exercise of all
powers enabling him in that behalf and in supersession of all rules, orders etc. made in this
behalf the President, after consultation with the Bangladesh Public Service Commission, is
pleased to make the following rules, namely:—
1. Short title.—These rules may be called the non-gazetted officers and staff
(Agricultural Marketing Directorate) Recruitment Rules, 1984.
2. Definitions.—In these rules, unless there is anything repungnant in the subject or
(a) "appointing authority" means the Director of Agricultural Marketing;
(b) "Commission" means the Bangladesh Public Service Commission;
(c) "Probationer" means a person appointed on probation to a specified post
against a substantive vacancy;
(d) "Recognised Board" means a Board of Intermediate and Secondary
Education established by or under any law for the time being the force and
includes any other Education Board declared by the government to be a
recognised Board for the purposes of these rules;
(e) "recongnised Institute" means an Institute recognised by the Government for
the purposes of these rules;
(f) "recognised University" means a University established by or under any law
for the time being in force and includes any other University declared by the
Government, after consultation with the commission, to be a recognised
University for the purposes of these rules;
(g) "requisite qualification" in relation to the specified post, means the
qualification laid down in the schedule in relation to that post;
(h) "Schedule" means the schedule annexed to these rules; and
(i) "Specified post" means a post specified in the Schedule.
64— 491
(2) No person shall be appointed to a specified post unless he has the requisite
qualification and, in the case of direct recruitment, he is also within the age-limit laid down
in the schedule for that post.
(b) in case of promotion, for a period of one year from the date of such
appointment :
Provided that the appointing authority may, for reasons to be recorded in writing,
extend the period of probation by a period or periods so that the extended period does not
exceed two years in the aggregate.
(2) Where, during the period of probation of a probationer, the appointing
authority is of opinion that his conduct and work is unsatisfactory and that he
is not likely to become efficient, it may, before the expiry of that period,—
(a) in the case of direct recruitment, terminate his service; and
(b) in the case of promotion, revert him to the post from which he was
(3) After the completion of the period of probation including the extended period,
if any, the appointing authority:—
(a) if it is satisfied that the conduct and work of the probationer during the
period of probation has been satisfactory, shall, subject to the provisions
of sub-rule (4), confirm him; and
(b) if it is of opinion that the conduct and work of the probationer during that
period was not satisfactory may,—
(i) in the case of direct recruitment, terminate his service, and
(ii) in the case of promotion, revert him to the post from which he was
(4) A probationer shall not be confirmed in a specified post until he has passed
such examination and undergone such training as the government may, from
time to time, prescribe by order.
SL. Name of the Age limit for Method of Qualification
No post direct recruitment recruitment
1 2 3 4 5
1. Marketing Not exceeding 28 i). 50% by For promotion:
Officer years promotion from 5 years’ experience as Market
amongst the
Market Investigator.
Investigator; and
ii) 50% by direct For direct Recruitment:
recruitment. Bachelor’s degree in or with 2nd class or
division with Economics. Commerce or
Agricultural Economics from a recognized
University, Preference will be given to those
having Honor’s or Master’s degree in
Economics, Commerce or Agricultural
Economics from a recognized University.
SL. Name of the Age limit for Method of Qualification
No post direct recruitment recruitment
1 2 3 4 5
2. Market Ditto i). 20% by For promotion:
promotion from
Investigator amongst the At lest 5 years’ experience as Computor,
Computors; and
ii) 80% by direct For direct Recruitment:
recruitment. Bachelor’s degree from a recognized
3. Accountant Ditto By promotion For promotion:
from amongst 5 years’ experience as Upper Division
the Upper Assistants.
Assistants or For direct Recruitment:
by direct
recruitment. Bachelor’s degree with 3 years
experience in accounts work.
4 Grader-in- Ditto By promotion For promotion:
charge, from amongst 3 years’ experience in the feeder post
Hide the post of specified in column-4.
Flaying and Expert Curer,
Curing Hide Flaying For direct Recruitment:
and Curing
Demonstration Diploma in Leather Technology from a
tion party party and, if no recognized Institute; or Secondary
suitable School Certificate or equivalent
candidate is examination passed from a recognized
available for Board with certificate in Leather
promotion, by Technology from a recognized Institute
direct with 3 year’s experience of animals and
recruitment. curing and grading of hide and skin a
reputed tannery or firm.
5. Expert Ditto By promotion For promotion:
Curer, Hide from the post of At lest 5 years’ experience in the feeder
Flaying and Flayer, Hide post specified in column-4
Curing Flaying and
Demonstra- Curing For direct Recruitment:
Demonstration (a) Secondary School Certificate or its,
tion party
Party and if no
Equivalent Examination passed from a
suitable recognized Board with certificate of
candidate is one year’s artisan course from a
available for
recognized Institute and,
promotion, by
(b) 3 years’ experience in flaying of
recruitment. animals and curing and grading of
Hides and shins.
SL. Name of the Age limit for Method of Qualification
No post direct recruitment recruitment
1 2 3 4 5
6. Flayer Hide Maximum 27 (i) 50% by For promotion:
Flaying and years promotion from At lest 5 years’ experience in the feeder
Curing amongst the post specified in column-4
Demonstra- butchers, Hide
tion party Flaying and For direct Recruitment:
curing Secondary School Certificate or its,
Demonstration Equivalent Examination passed from a
Party; and recognized Board with 2 years training
(ii) 50% by direct on or experience in Flaying of animals in
recruitment. a slaughter house and curing and
shearing of hides and skins.
7. Butcher Ditto By direct At least class VIII passed with
Hide recruitment experience in a slaughter house or in any
Flaying and premises of a merchant dealing in flaying
Curing and curing of Hides and skins.
tion party
8. Wool Ditto By promotion For promotion:
Propaganda from the post 5 years’ experience in the feeder post
Officer, Expert Shearer, specified in column-4
Sheep sheep Sheraing For direct Recruitment:
Shearing Demonstration (a) Higher Secondary Certificate or its,
Party and if no
Demonstra- Equivalent Examination passed from
tion party candidate is a recognized Board and,
available for (b) Must passes practical knowledge in
promotion, by clipping, handling, cleaning and
direct marketing of wool.
9. Expert Ditto (i) 25% by For promotion:
Shearer promotion from 3 years’ experience in the feeder post
the post of
Sheep Shearing specified in column-4
Shearing Attendant,
Demonstra- Sheep Shearing For direct Recruitment:
tion party Demonstration (a) Secondary School Certificate
Party; and Examination passed from a
(ii) 75% by direct recognized Board; and
recruitment. (b) Should be expert in clipping of sheep
and market preparation of wool.
Preference will be given to the
candidate working in firms dealing in
SL. Name of the Age limit for Method of Qualification
No post direct recruitment recruitment
1 2 3 4 5
10. Shearing Ditto By direct Must have read up to class VIII with
Attendant, recruitment experience in clipping of sheep.
tion party
11. Computer Ditto By promotion For promotion:
from the post of 5 years’ experience as Compiler.
Complier and, if For direct Recruitment:
no suitable Higher Secondary Certificate
candidate is Examination passed from a recognized
available for Board having some knowledge of
promotion, by statistical work.
12. Complier Ditto By direct Secondary School Certificate
recruitment Examination passed from a recognized
Board with knowledge of statistical
13. Grader Ditto By transfer of For direct Recruitment:
Recorder the Head Egg Secondary School Certificate
Egg Tester. Egg Examination passed from a recognized
Grading Grading Party Board with experience in testing and
Party and if no grading of eggs.
candidate is
available for
transfer, by
14. Head Egg Ditto By promotion For promotion:
Tester, from the post Must have read up to VIII with 3 years’
Egg Egg Tester, Egg experience in the feeder post specified in
Grading Grading Party column-4
Party and, if no For direct Recruitment:
suitable Secondary School Certificate
candidate is Examination passed from a recognized
available for Board with experience in tenting and
promotion, by grading of eggs.
SL. Name of the Age limit for Method of Qualification
No post direct recruitment recruitment
1 2 3 4 5
15. Egg Tester, Ditto By direct Must have read up to class VI with
Egg recruitment experience in handling and testing of
Grading Eggs.
16. Head Ditto By promotion 5 year’s service as Upper Division
Assistant from the past of Assistant.
Upper Division
17. Casher Not exceeding 25 By direct For direct Recruitment:
years recruitment.
Higher Secondary Certificate
Examination passed from a recognized
Board with Knowledge of accounts
S/d. Illegible