Newspaper publications are frequency-based like daily, weekly, fortnightly. Also, there are
many newspaper bulletins which have monthly or quarterly publication. Sometimes there are
multiple editions in a day. Newspapers can cover a many variety of fields such
as politics, business, sports and art, and often include materials such as opinion
columns, weather forecasts, reviews of local services, obituaries, birth
notices, crosswords, editorial cartoons, comic strips, and advice columns.
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, newspapers could increasingly be distinguished
by the kind of paper they were printed on. Newspapers were printed on cheap paper,
"newsprint", that tended to degrade fairly rapidly and many newspapers are now so brittle
that they crumble to pieces when touched.
History of Newspaper in Malaysia
In Malaysia, the advertising industry had started many decades ago. Today, newspapers are
among the most popular advertising media among advertisers and companies alike. This is
because Malaysians are known to be avid readers despite the growing popularity and
demand for online content and media.
According to the history of print media in Malaysia, in 1876, the Jawi Peranakan newspaper
was published. The first Malaysia newspapers that published were Al-Imam, Lembaga
Melayu and Utusan Melayu. Besides that, Singai Warthamani is the first Tamil newspaper
would come out around that time while it would continue to see The Straits Times and the
Malay Mail all gaining popularity before the Japanese occupation.
Moreover, Onn b. Ja'afar founded the Warta Malaya, which became successful after
the Lembaga Melayu folded in 1931. The Warta Malaya became very important voice for the
Malay readers because it shifted focus from Singapore to the Malaya peninsula. Warta
Malaya influenced the start-up of thirty-four other newspapers also periodicals between 1920
and 1930. Warta Malaya discussed a lot of issues that included controversial topics
regarding non-Malay demands for increased rights and higher education and the
development of the Malay economy for the Malays. In the years 1935 and 1936 there were
twenty-five new Malaysia newspapers published in the Malay language.
The oldest English daily, New Straits Times, was founded in 1845 in Kuala Lumpur, is a
business and shipping information paper with a circulation of 190,000. The Star, was
modelled on its Hong Kong cousin and on popular British tabloids, and founded in 1971 in
Selangor. It has an average circulation of 192,059. The afternoon Malay Mail began
circulation in Kuala Lumpur in 1896. It emphasizes lighter news and features and has a
circulation of 75,000. Also, The Business Times was founded in Kuala Lumpur in 1976, by
splitting the shipping and financial sections of the New Straits Times. It has a circulation of
Are Printed Newspaper Still Relevant?
The digital age has truly revolutionised every industry including that of the media houses and
especially newspapers. The relevance of printed newspaper has been slowly declining since
as early as the arrival of television and the internet. There are a lot of great things that the
internet has provided to people especially when it comes to education and information. Many
people believe that since the internet came in, the newspapers are becoming irrelevant and
it could become an issue to printing world. However, there are many points why this is
simply not the case and that newspapers have their place in a society that cares about
quality information.
One of the reasons that the newspapers are still relevant is due their quality of work. One
aspect that makes newspapers interesting is that it is a source that must be vetted and
checked before being published also there should be no grammatical or information errors in
a published newspaper. In addition, the people that are writing the newspaper articles have
some sort of experience in the writing field, versus the people that could be writing on the
internet with next to no experience. When reading a newspaper, the experience is often
times much better through the quality of writing is higher throughout the entire piece and
readers can be confident in the accuracy of the information.
Furthermore, another big advantage that newspapers have is the fact that they’re sources of
information that has already been curated. The internet may offers a staggering array of
news sources and articles, but the fact remains that people who are working at newspapers
have put notable effort to finding and presenting the stories that they think will be most
important to their audience. This saves the reader the effort of searching through huge
amounts of information online, and makes the news easy to people who might not have the
time or resources to read online news. The readers of a newspaper can instead have all of
the day’s information right at their fingertips and read to their heart’s content.
Despite of the high technologies that has emerged, newspapers are extremely good for
keeping people up to date with local events. Local communities exist all over the world such
as towns and villages, even as mid-tier cities whose events might not show up on the front
page of big-name national papers. Newspapers give people a way of knowing information
about what’s going on in their community, promoting a sense of social engagement.
Moreover, local newspapers keep residents up to date on births, deaths, local work
opportunities, and other issues that are of localized interest.
One less obvious reason that newspapers are still relevant is they are readily available and
easily portable for very low cost. This means readers never have to miss a chance to read
the latest news. Also they do not have to worry about line or data that needed when using
the internet. Otherwise, more mature readers whose old-school ways are firmly set in can
enjoy leisurely relaxation at the morning breakfast table propped behind a newspaper.
Another item in favour of printed news text is that it is far easier on human eyes than harsh
laptop LED screens.
Besides, another reason that newspapers are still applicable form of media is similar to the
reason that e-books haven’t totally eclipsed the print book: newspapers are physically
interactive, intuitive, and simple. Especially for the older audiences, there’s nothing
complicated about reading a newspaper. Reading a paper can be a good relief in a world
increasingly dominated by complex technological devices.
Other than that, newspapers fit right into daily habits; they’re accessible in the same way
every day, and they can offer activities like crossword puzzles and Sudoku. There are many
games offered in newspapers can become like rituals, and many people take great relief in
the relaxing moments spent pencil in hand, thumbing a newspaper. Like a cup of tea, the
newspaper serves as a simultaneously energizing and relaxing object that lends a sense of
regularity to people’s lives.
Last but not least, the reason why are the newspapers still relevant till today is because of
the look and the feel of newspaper. No matter how great the internet is at sourcing the
information, it can never have the look at feel of an actual newspaper. There are many
people that grew up in a time before the internet value physical paper over reading in a
digital form. Not only is it easy on the eyes, but it also give something nostalgic to many
people. As long as there are people that value the physical experience of holding and
reading the newspaper, they will always be relevant. At the end of the day, it is all about the
readers and the customers demand, and as long as there is customer demand newspapers
will still be relevant.
The Importance of Newspaper
Newspaper is quite a powerful tool that circulates information and news to people. It is one
of the greatest way of communication between people and the world. In addition, they are
also a great medium of gaining knowledge. People get their daily dose of news from
newspapers early in the morning and it is quite a reliable source which gives many people
information only after thoroughly investigating the information.
One of the most important factors about the newspaper is it has created a positive impact on
society. It helps people become aware of current issues and stay curious about them. When
the public will question, it means they are aware. This is exactly what a newspaper does and
it is also the finest link that many people can find between the government and its
people. Newspapers provide people with every detail no matter how small the issue is.
Moreover, newspapers are very crucial to daily life. Today's newspapers not only serve as a
source of information in many fields, but they also give credit to members of all social
groups. Both local and international newspaper highlight stories on athletics, entertainment,
academics, and controversies. There are additional publications of pieces on humour,
literature, spirituality, and other topics. Each newspaper publishes without fear, whether it's a
piece of significant information on the administration or a big commercial secret. Additionally,
news from Bollywood and Hollywood is given extra attention, and so many papers have a
specific page for it.
Other than that, newspaper help people become informed citizens. If there are any changes
in the rules and regulations of the country, newspapers make people aware of them.
Besides, newspaper are very informative for students. Students can learn all about general
knowledge and current affairs from it. Student can stay updated with the technological
advancements, government policies, research studies and more.
Furthermore, the newspaper carries a lot of significance for people. It can develop the
reading habit and make more fluent whenever they the newspaper daily. It also has mind-
brain exercise games like puzzles and more to sharpen people’s brains and it can also go
through the comic strips and cartoons to keep people entertained.
Besides that, newspapers is a great medium for people to find jobs. People who are
unemployed and find it is hard to get a job, they can seek from reading the newspapers.
People can get great employment opportunities from it. Similarly, businessmen must have to
know the knowledge about their industry as well as the market in general to conduct a
successful business. By reading newspapers daily keeps them updated with the latest
business news.
One of the main functions of a newspaper is good for being portable, inexpensive and widely
available. This means that people in low income brackets don’t have to worry about missing
out on the news. A paper can be purchased instantaneously and read anywhere for example
on the way to and from work, during lulls, during meals, or just to relax. Newspapers are
adaptable to all kinds of lifestyles, especially ones that prefer reading from paper and aren’t
dominated by the likes of digital tablets and e-readers.
Lastly, a life without newspapers will be very isolated indeed. The morning breakfast won’t
be accompanied by reading informative news and interesting editorials. Not just for current
issues, old archives of newspapers too, are very important for people to learn about the
history of any country. In a world without newspapers, people will miss out on this very
important documentation of day-to-day events.
What Will Happen without Newspaper?
As the days is advancing rapidly, everything is becoming digital. From shopping to news,
people can easily do it by their own smartphones or computers. This digitization has affected
the newspaper scenario. As people are getting instant updates on their phones about the
latest news, the sales of newspapers have gone down massively. Does this mean that the
digital era will wipe out the newspapers?
Life without newspaper is hard to imagine because it has been around forever. The
newspapers serve as a purpose to inform people what is going on in the world and in their
own towns. People will always up-to-date with the current affairs by reading newspaper. If
there were no newspapers, people would be sitting in front of their TVs all day watching,
instead of keeps people reading.
Without newspapers our daily lives would be changed forever. The news and radio would
not be able to list everything that happened in a day or what is coming up in the week or
month ahead. People would miss a lot of news and information if they did not able get to
read from the newspaper. This means that without newspaper people will can't aware of
what is happening around the globe.
In addition, a world without newspapers is like having a home without mirrors. This means
that people won’t be able to see their own reflection. Imagine the world has lost its national
mirror, resulting in people not being able to get an honest reflection of what is happening
around or even worse is the fact that instead of the national mirror people are getting a fun-
house mirror which is distorting the information and making them see what’s not real.
If newspapers were actually to vanish from day-to-day lives, people would be forced to move
more to modern media like the internet. Newspapers on the internet is different with the
printed newspaper, also newspaper on the internet do have the advantage of being
potentially giving the wrong news or information to people. Anyone could edit or change the
news on the website and this would spread the wrong information to others. This is why
newspaper are very significant to people due to avoid the wrong information or
misunderstanding happened.
In short, the world will become a free limit for politicians to propagate their advertising and
agendas to the public. The information won’t be reliable and won’t even be study. Plus,
people won’t have any journalists to decipher the PR spin of the governments and corporate
firms robbing the common man of their money.
In conclusion, newspapers play a vital role to the world. There are a lot of great things that
the newspapers has provided to people, especially when it comes to information and
education. They provide people with reports of current events that occur at a community and
nationwide level, it also allows reporters to connect to the average person, and newspapers
tend to have more stories that matter to the readers.
The newspaper has shown its benefits and are widely available. With all the valuable
information that the newspapers have, people should not be taking them for granted. These
piece of paper have the ability to widen people’s knowledge, awareness, and even change
lives. In spite of the supposed likely of the print newspaper’s disappearance, there may be
hope for those who find meaning and value in the printed news.
Prepared by:
Prepared For:
Date of Submission:
12 DISEMBER 2022