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E109 Control Lines

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The Oil & Gas sector represents one of Fine Tubes principal markets Coiled tubing is available in a range of different product forms
for supply of a wide range of tubular product forms and materials. depending on the customer requirements. We manufacture seam
Our products have been successfully used in some of the most welded and redrawn, seam welded and floating plug redrawn
aggressive subsea and downhole conditions and we have a long and seamless tube products. The standard grades are 316L, alloy
proven track record of supplying products that meet the strict 825 and alloy 625. Other grades of stainless steel in duplex and
quality requirements of the Oil & Gas and geothermal energy superduplex and nickel alloy are available on request. Tubing can
sectors. be supplied in the annealed or cold worked condition.
• Welded and drawn tubing.
Improvements in the technology for the enhanced exploitation
• Welded and floating plug drawn tubing.
of oil and gas fields has increasingly required the use of long
• Diameter from 3mm (0.118”) to 25.4mm (1.00”) OD.
continuous lengths of stainless steel and nickel alloy tubulars for
• Wall thickness from 0.5mm (0.020”) to 3mm (0.118”).
hydraulic control, instrumentation, chemical injection, umbilical
• OD tolerance +/- 0.005” (0.13mm) and +/- 10% wall
and flowline control applications.
The benefits of this tubular technology have resulted in reduced
Other tolerances are available on request.
operating costs, improved recovery methods and reduced capital
• Coil lengths up to 1500m (5,000ft) without orbital joints
expenditure by connecting downhole valves and chemical injection
depending on product dimensions.
with remote and satellite wells to a fixed or floating central
• Coil lengths up to 13,500m (45,000ft) with orbital joints.
operating platform.
• Encapsulated, PVC coated or bare line tubing.
APPLICATIONS • Available on wooden or steel drums.
Fine Tubes offers coiled control line in stainless steel and nickel
• Cold pilger mills
Our products are used in the following applications:
• Cold draw benches
• Downhole hydraulic control lines.
• Tube welding mills - In-line weld mills
• Downhole chemical control lines.
• Controlled atmosphere heat treatment
• Subsea control lines for hydraulic power and
• Pickling & passivation plant
chemical injection.
• NDT ultrasonic & eddy current testing
• Smoothbore control lines used in fibre optic applications.
• Hydrostatic testing
• Radiographic examination


Types of tubing When specifying the type of tubing for a particular environment
several factors should be taken into account. The most important
Long coils of tubing can be manufactured in four main forms:
criteria influencing this decision will be pressure capability and risk
• Seamless – in which a billet of metal is extruded into a of corrosion.
tube and drawn to final size.
A seamless tube that has been cold worked and annealed has a
• Welded* – made by forming a strip of material into a completely homogeneous crystalline wrought structure. The strip
tube and welding the seam. Some local cold work on the material used to make a welded tube is of the same form but
weld may also be applied by calibrating rolls. this becomes a cast structure at the weld, which could corrode
preferentially to the surrounding tube. Through the combination
• Welded & Sunk – after being welded the tube is drawn of cold work and subsequent annealing the weld metal can be re-
through a die to homogenise the seam weld. crystallised, transforming this area to a wrought structure resulting
• Welded & Floating Plug Drawn – after being welded in a homogeneous cross-section with equal corrosion potential all
the tube is drawn through a die with a floating plug in around the tube similar to a seamless tube.
the bore to rework the weld seam internally and externally. Sinking goes a long way to achieving this recrystallisation of
* Fine Tubes do not supply welded tubes for control line applications. the cast weld structure into a partially homogenised annealed
structure. The extra work in the weld area imparted by a floating
plug draw ensures full re-crystallisation.
In theory the pressure capability of tubing made by the welded
and annealed method should be the same but it is common
practice in design codes to down-rate welded tubing due to the
risk of an imperfect weld leading to weakness. The strains involved
in a following redrawing operation will establish the quality of
the seam weld and any centre-line weakness will be exposed and
detected by visual inspection and/or pressure testing. Therefore
the seamless welded and sunk and welded & sunk/plug drawn
tubes have the same pressure rating which is superior to that of
welded tubing.


Other considerations that can affect the type of tubing specified Long lengths can be made by seam welding formed strip but
are surface roughness, compatibility with compression fittings, such tubing has OD & ID discontinuity and may suffer from local
tolerances, concentricity, length and, of course, price. problems of mechanical strength or corrosion.
Welded tubing has a smooth OD & ID finish except for the A welded & sunk tube improves these aspects and has been proven
bead, which can be pronounced in the weld area. This can reliable in service over several decades for offshore applications.
cause problems with compression fittings. Although more expensive than welded only tubing, the welded and
redrawn tube is still relatively inexpensive compared to seamless.
Welded & sunk tubing has a smooth OD surface making it
suitable for use with compression fittings but a somewhat Seamless tubing has cross sectional uniformity however, it is the
rougher bore condition due to sinking and a pronounced most expensive method of manufacture and has a limitation in the
weld bead on the ID only. continuous length that can be produced between joints.

Welded & plug drawn and seamless tubes have a smooth OD For a slight premium over the welded & sunk price, tubing can
surface together with a uniform bore surface with no protruding be produced by the welded & floating plug drawn process which
weld bead. Tubes made by welding from strip are generally more results in a product of similar appearance to seamless but with
concentric than seamless tubes, where the uniformity of wall the significant advantage of much longer continuous lengths and
thickness is dependent on the concentricity of the first extrusion greatly reduced costs.
into hollow form. However, seamless tubes will meet standard
commercial tolerances such as those in ASTM A269.
Generally longer lengths can be made by seam welding from strip
than can be obtained by drawing down from seamless hollows.
These lengths can be further extended by sinking or plug drawing.
Where very long lengths are required individual coils can be butt
welded together using autogeneous orbital welding, each weld
being radiographically examined to ensure that it is free of defects
and the complete line is then subject to a pressure test.
Welded and redrawn type tubing will need far fewer joints than a
seamless line of the same overall length, which leads to significant
cost savings.

QUALITY ASSURANCE Different industries and pressure vessel codes have adopted
Process and quality control of Fine Tubes products is critical in different practices.
respect of consistently achieving the highest standards in critical
The working pressure calculations used for control line tubing are
Oil & Gas applications. Strict quality control is applied at every
based upon Codes of practice for pipelines PD 8010-2 (Subsea
stage of the processing operations. Individual quality plans tailored
pipelines):2004, and no account has been taken of stresses other
to the customers’ project requirements can also be incorporated
than those induced by the internal hydrostatic/hydraulic pressure
into our product quality.
within the tube. The conditions are considered static, neutral and
The control line is 100% dimensionally inspected and eddy current ambient temperature. A safety factor of 1.6 has been applied to
tested to international ASTM or DIN standards. All lines are 100% the yield pressure for calculation of the working pressure. However,
hydraulically pressure tested before being released and certified. the safety factor is a function of the design calculation and various
Any orbital joints are also radiographically tested in a minimum of other values may be applied.
3 planes to ensure the quality of the joint.
The Lamé formula has been used for calculation of the theoretical
We have ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 approvals as well yield (0.2% proof strength) and burst pressures:
as individual client approvals. Fine Tubes is approved to supply
P = 2St (D–t) / (D2 – 2Dt + 2t2)
against the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU and PESR,
and can supply to NACE MR-0175/ISO 15156:3 for sour service. The formula used for calculation of the theoretical collapse
pressure based on minimum 0.2% proof strength is:
P = 2St (D–t) / D2
The working pressure for a tube depends on the operating
conditions of each particular application and the factor of safety Where:
required. This can be determined only by the customer and is S = 0.2% Proof strength or tensile strength
expressed as a proportion of either the yield pressure or the P = pressure
nominal burst pressure of the tubing. D = outside diameter
These are the values that raise the stress to the theoretical yield t = wall thickness
point or the ultimate tensile strength for the material.
Safe working pressures have traditionally been expressed as a
proportion of either the tensile strength or yield point of a tube.
Product form: Seamwelded & Redrawn is autogenously welded and redrawn supplied in the annealed condition.
Wall Weight/ unit Min Yield Min Tensile Min Max Yield Working Burst Collapse
Chemical comp. OD
Alloy Product Form ASTM standard Fine Tubes Part Number thickness length Strength Strength Ductility Hardness Pressure Pressure* pressure** pressure^
UNS inch inch lb/ft ksi ksi % HV psi psi psi psi
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0318X071-004 0.125 0.028 0.030 25 70 35 190 13,242 8,276 37,202 8,659
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0318X089-004 0.125 0.035 0.035 25 70 35 190 16,853 10,533 4,7311 10,051
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0635X089-004 0.250 0.035 0.084 25 70 35 190 7,919 4,949 22,249 6,019
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0635X124-004 0.250 0.049 0.110 25 70 35 190 11,429 7,143 32,111 7,847
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0635X165-004 0.250 0.065 0.134 25 70 35 190 15,592 9,745 43,787 9,602
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0952X089-004 0.375 0.035 0.133 25 70 35 190 5,091 3,182 14,301 4,235
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0952X124-004 0.375 0.049 0.178 25 70 35 190 7,310 4,569 20,523 5,656
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0952X165-004 0.375 0.065 0.225 25 70 35 190 10,022 6,264 28,137 7,150
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0952X203-004 0.375 0.080 0.263 25 70 35 190 12,604 7,878 35,375 8,369
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-1270X124-004 0.500 0.049 0.246 25 70 35 190 5,337 3,336 14,982 4,395
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-1270X165-004 0.500 0.065 0.316 25 70 35 190 7,281 4,551 20,465 5,642
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-1270X203-004 0.500 0.080 0.376 25 70 35 190 9,166 5,729 25,730 6,701
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-1588X124-004 0.625 0.049 0.315 25 70 35 190 4,192 2,620 11,777 3,597
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-1588X165-004 0.625 0.065 0.407 25 70 35 190 5,714 3,571 16,027 4,641
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0318X089-00C 0.125 0.035 0.036 35 85 30 209 23,598 14,749 57,392 14,083
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0635X089-00C 0.250 0.035 0.086 35 85 30 209 11,095 6,934 26,992 8,427
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0635X124-00C 0.250 0.049 0.112 35 85 30 209 16,027 10,017 38,957 10,979
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0635X165-00C 0.250 0.065 0.137 35 85 30 209 21,843 13,652 53,127 13,445
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X089-00C 0.375 0.035 0.136 35 85 30 209 7,136 4,460 17,347 5,918
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X124-00C 0.375 0.049 0.182 35 85 30 209 10,240 6,400 24,903 7,919
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X165-00C 0.375 0.065 0.230 35 85 30 209 14,040 8,775 34,142 10,022
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X203-00C 0.375 0.080 0.270 35 85 30 209 17,651 11,032 42,917 11,734
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1270X124-00C 0.500 0.049 0.252 35 85 30 209 7,484 4,678 18,173 6,164
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1270X165-00C 0.500 0.065 0.323 35 85 30 209 10,211 6,382 24,831 7,905
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1270X203-00C 0.500 0.080 0.384 35 85 30 209 12,836 8,023 31,212 9,384
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0635X089-00G 0.250 0.035 0.089 60 120 30 266 19,072 11,920 38,087 14,475
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0635X124-00G 0.250 0.049 0.116 60 120 30 266 27,528 17,205 54,969 18,869
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0635X165-00G 0.250 0.065 0.143 60 120 30 266 37,536 23,460 74,970 23,090
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X089-00G 0.375 0.035 0.141 60 120 30 266 12,256 7,660 24,482 10,182
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X124-00G 0.375 0.049 0.189 60 120 30 266 17,593 10,996 35,143 13,605
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X165-00G 0.375 0.065 0.238 60 120 30 266 24,120 15,075 48,182 17,202
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X203-00G 0.375 0.080 0.279 60 120 30 266 30,327 18,954 60,568 20,146
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1270X124-00G 0.500 0.049 0.261 60 120 30 266 12,850 8,031 25,657 10,588
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1270X165-00G 0.500 0.065 0.335 60 120 30 266 17,535 10,959 35,041 13,576
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1270X203-00G 0.500 0.080 0.398 60 120 30 266 22,046 13,779 44,048 16,128
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1588X124-00G 0.625 0.049 0.333 60 120 30 266 10,095 6,309 20,175 8,644

* Working pressure is calculated using the LAME formula under ambient, neutral and static conditions. The General chemical and mechanical properties are applied to the coiled tube where appropriate.
A safety factor of 1.6 is used on the minimum yield pressure. Note the part numbers used include the designation for including orbital weld joints.
** The Theoretical burst pressure is calculated using the LAME formula under ambient, neutral and static All joints are x-rayed in at least three planes.
conditions using the minimum tensile strength. Control line may also be supplied without orbital joints.
^ The Theoretical collapse pressure is calculated using the LAME formula and the minimum yield strength. Certification to EN10204 3.1. Certified in accordance with NACE MR 0175/ISO15156:3
ASTM B444 & B423 as applicable to mechanical and chemical analysis to coil tube only

Disclaimer: The information contained withing this data sheet is for guidance only and is not intended for warranty of individual application - express or implied.
Product form: Seamwelded & Redrawn is autogenously welded and redrawn supplied in the annealed condition.
Wall Weight/ unit Min Yield Min Tensile Min Max Yield Working Burst Collapse
Chemical comp. OD
Alloy Product Form ASTM standard Fine Tubes Part Number thickness length Strength Strength Ductility Hardness Pressure Pressure* Pressure** Pressure^
UNS mm mm kg/m MPa MPa % HV bars bars bars bars
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0318X071-004 3.18 0.71 0.044 172 483 35 190 913 571 2,565 597
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0318X089-004 3.18 0.89 0.051 172 483 35 190 1,162 726 3,262 693
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0635X089-004 6.35 0.89 0.121 172 483 35 190 546 341 1,534 415
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0635X124-004 6.35 1.24 0.158 172 483 35 190 788 493 2,214 541
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0635X165-004 6.35 1.65 0.194 172 483 35 190 1,075 672 3,019 662
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0952X089-004 9.52 0.89 0.192 172 483 35 190 351 219 986 292
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0952X124-004 9.52 1.24 0.257 172 483 35 190 504 315 1,415 390
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0952X165-004 9.52 1.65 0.325 172 483 35 190 691 432 1,940 493
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-0952X203-004 9.52 2.03 0.380 172 483 35 190 869 543 2,439 577
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-1270X124-004 12.70 1.24 0.355 172 483 35 190 368 230 1,033 303
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-1270X165-004 12.70 1.65 0.456 172 483 35 190 502 314 1,411 389
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-1270X203-004 12.70 2.03 0.542 172 483 35 190 632 395 1,774 462
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-1588X124-004 15.88 1.24 0.454 172 483 35 190 289 181 812 248
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Redrawn A269 G2182K1-1588X165-004 15.88 1.65 0.587 172 483 35 190 394 246 1,105 320
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0318X089-00C 3.18 0.89 0.052 241 586 30 209 1,627 1,017 3,957 971
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0635X089-00C 6.35 0.89 0.124 241 586 30 209 765 478 1,861 581
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0635X124-00C 6.35 1.24 0.162 241 586 30 209 1,105 691 2,686 757
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0635X165-00C 6.35 1.65 0.198 241 586 30 209 1,506 941 3,663 927
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X089-00C 9.52 0.89 0.196 241 586 30 209 492 308 1,196 408
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X124-00C 9.52 1.24 0.263 241 586 30 209 706 441 1,717 546
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X165-00C 9.52 1.65 0.332 241 586 30 209 968 605 2,354 691
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X203-00C 9.52 2.03 0.389 241 586 30 209 1,217 761 2,959 809
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1270X124-00C 12.70 1.24 0.363 241 586 30 209 516 323 1,253 425
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1270X165-00C 12.70 1.65 0.466 241 586 30 209 704 440 1,712 545
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1270X203-00C 12.70 2.03 0.554 241 586 30 209 885 553 2,152 647
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0635X089-00G 6.35 0.89 0.129 414 827 30 266 1,315 822 2,626 998
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0635X124-00G 6.35 1.24 0.168 414 827 30 266 1,898 1,186 3,790 1,301
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0635X165-00G 6.35 1.65 0.206 414 827 30 266 2,588 1,618 5,169 1,592
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X089-00G 9.52 0.89 0.204 414 827 30 266 845 528 1,688 702
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X124-00G 9.52 1.24 0.272 414 827 30 266 1,213 758 2,423 938
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X165-00G 9.52 1.65 0.344 414 827 30 266 1,663 1,039 3,322 1,186
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-0952X203-00G 9.52 2.03 0.403 414 827 30 266 2,091 1,307 4,176 1,389
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1270X124-00G 12.70 1.24 0.377 414 827 30 266 886 554 1,769 730
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1270X165-00G 12.70 1.65 0.484 414 827 30 266 1,209 756 2,416 936
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1270X203-00G 12.70 2.03 0.574 414 827 30 266 1,520 950 3,037 1,112
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Redrawn B704 G2182K1-1588X124-00G 15.88 1.24 0.481 414 827 30 266 696 435 1,391 596

* Working pressure is calculated using the LAME formula under ambient, neutral and static conditions. The General chemical and mechanical properties are applied to the coiled tube where appropriate.
A safety factor of 1.6 is used on the minimum yield pressure. Note the part numbers used include the designation for including orbital weld joints.
** The Theoretical burst pressure is calculated using the LAME formula under ambient, neutral and static All joints are x-rayed in at least three planes.
conditions using the minimum tensile strength. Control line may also be supplied without orbital joints.
^ The Theoretical collapse pressure is calculated using the LAME formula and the minimum yield strength. Certification to EN10204 3.1. Certified in accordance with NACE MR 0175/ISO15156:3
ASTM B444 & B423 as applicable to mechanical and chemical analysis to coil tube only

Disclaimer: The information contained withing this data sheet is for guidance only and is not intended for warranty of individual application - express or implied.
Product form: Seamwelded & Floating plug redrawn is autogenously welded and redrawn using a floating internal plug to rework the tube OD and ID. Supplied in the annealed condition.
Wall Weight/ unit Min Yield Min Tensile Min Max Hard- Yield Working Burst Collapse
Chemical comp. ASTM OD
Alloy Product Form Fine Tubes Part Number thickness length Strength Strength Ductility ness Pressure Pressure* Pressure** pressure^
UNS inch inch lb/ft ksi ksi % HV psi psi psi psi
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0318X071-004 0.125 0.028 0.030 25 70 35 190 13,242 8,276 37,202 8,659
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0318X089-004 0.125 0.035 0.040 25 70 35 190 16,853 10,533 47,311 10,051
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0635X089-004 0.250 0.035 0.080 25 70 35 190 7,919 4,949 22,249 6,019
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0635X124-004 0.250 0.049 0.110 25 70 35 190 11,429 7,143 32,111 7,847
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0635X165-004 0.250 0.065 0.130 25 70 35 190 15,592 9,745 43,787 9,602
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0952X089-004 0.375 0.035 0.130 25 70 35 190 5,091 3,182 14,301 4,235
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0952X124-004 0.375 0.049 0.180 25 70 35 190 7,310 4,569 20,523 5,656
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0952X165-004 0.375 0.065 0.230 25 70 35 190 10,022 6,264 28,137 7,150
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0952X203-004 0.375 0.080 0.260 25 70 35 190 12,604 7,878 35,375 8,369
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0952X246-004 0.375 0.097 0.300 25 70 35 190 15,505 9,691 43,540 9,558
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-1270X124-004 0.500 0.049 0.250 25 70 35 190 5,337 3,336 14,982 4,395
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-1270X165-004 0.500 0.065 0.320 25 70 35 190 7,281 4,551 20,465 5,642
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0318X071-00C 0.125 0.028 0.030 35 85 30 209 18,565 11,603 45,136 12,125
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0318X089-00C 0.125 0.035 0.040 35 85 30 209 23,598 14,749 57,392 14,083
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0476X071-00C 0.187 0.028 0.050 35 85 30 209 11,893 7,433 28,906 8,876
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0635X089-00C 0.250 0.035 0.090 35 85 30 209 11,095 6,934 26,992 8,427
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0635X124-00C 0.250 0.049 0.110 35 85 30 209 16,027 10,017 38,957 10,979
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0635X165-00C 0.250 0.065 0.140 35 85 30 209 21,843 13,652 53,127 13,445
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X089-00C 0.375 0.035 0.140 35 85 30 209 7,136 4,460 17,347 5,918
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X124-00C 0.375 0.049 0.180 35 85 30 209 10,240 6,400 24,903 7,919
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X165-00C 0.375 0.065 0.230 35 85 30 209 14,040 8,775 34,142 10,022
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X203-00C 0.375 0.080 0.270 35 85 30 209 17,651 11,032 42,917 11,734
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1270X124-00C 0.500 0.049 0.250 35 85 30 209 7,484 4,678 18,173 6,164
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1270X165-00C 0.500 0.065 0.320 35 85 30 209 10,211 6,382 24,831 7,905
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1270X203-00C 0.500 0.080 0.380 35 85 30 209 12,836 8,023 31,212 9,384
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1588X124-00C 0.625 0.049 0.320 35 85 30 209 5,874 3,671 14,301 5,033
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1588X165-00C 0.625 0.065 0.420 35 85 30 209 7,992 4,995 19,450 6,512
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0318X102-00G 0.125 0.04 0.040 60 120 30 266 46,369 28,981 92,621 26,165
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0635X089-00G 0.250 0.035 0.090 60 120 30 266 19,072 11,920 38,087 14,475
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0635X124-00G 0.250 0.049 0.120 60 120 30 266 27,528 17,205 54,969 18,869
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0635X165-00G 0.250 0.065 0.140 60 120 30 266 37,536 23,460 74,970 23,090
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X124-00G 0.375 0.049 0.190 60 120 30 266 17,593 10,996 35,143 13,605
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X165-00G 0.375 0.065 0.240 60 120 30 266 24,120 15,075 48,182 17,202
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X203-00G 0.375 0.080 0.280 60 120 30 266 30,327 18,954 60,568 20,146
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1270X124-00G 0.500 0.049 0.260 60 120 30 266 12,850 8,031 25,657 10,588
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1270X165-00G 0.500 0.065 0.340 60 120 30 266 17,535 10,959 35,041 13,576
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1270X203-00G 0.500 0.080 0.400 60 120 30 266 22,046 13,779 44,048 16,128

* Working pressure is calculated using the LAME formula under ambient, neutral and static conditions. The General chemical and mechanical properties are applied to the coiled tube where appropriate.
A safety factor of 1.6 is used on the minimum yield pressure. Note the part numbers used include the designation for including orbital weld joints.
** The Theoretical burst pressure is calculated using the LAME formula under ambient, neutral and static All joints are x-rayed in at least three planes.
conditions using the minimum tensile strength. Control line may also be supplied without orbital joints.
^ The Theoretical collapse pressure is calculated using the LAME formula and the minimum yield strength. Certification to EN10204 3.1. Certified in accordance with NACE MR 0175/ISO15156:3
ASTM B444 & B423 as applicable to mechanical and chemical analysis to coil tube only
Disclaimer: The information contained withing this data sheet is for guidance only and is not intended for warranty of individual application - express or implied.
Product form: Seamwelded & Floating plug redrawn is autogenously welded and redrawn using a floating internal plug to rework the tube OD and ID. Supplied in the annealed condition.
Weight/ unit Min Yield Min Tensile Min Max Yield Working Burst Collapse
Chemical comp. ASTM OD thick-
Alloy Product Form Fine Tubes Part Number length Strength Strength Ductility Hardness Pressure Pressure* pressure** pressure^
standard ness
UNS mm mm kg/m MPa MPa % HV bars bars bars bars
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0318X071-004 3.18 0.71 0.044 172 483 35 190 913 571 2,565 597
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0318X089-004 3.18 0.89 0.051 172 483 35 190 1,162 726 3,262 693
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0635X089-004 6.35 0.89 0.121 172 483 35 190 546 341 1,534 415
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0635X124-004 6.35 1.24 0.158 172 483 35 190 788 493 2,214 541
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0635X165-004 6.35 1.65 0.194 172 483 35 190 1,075 672 3,019 662
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0952X089-004 9.52 0.89 0.192 172 483 35 190 351 219 986 292
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0952X124-004 9.52 1.24 0.257 172 483 35 190 504 315 1,415 390
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0952X165-004 9.52 1.65 0.325 172 483 35 190 691 432 1,940 493
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0952X203-004 9.52 2.03 0.380 172 483 35 190 869 543 2,439 577
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-0952X246-004 9.52 2.46 0.434 172 483 35 190 1,069 668 3,002 659
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-1270X124-004 12.70 1.24 0.355 172 483 35 190 368 230 1,033 303
SS 316L S31603 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn A269 G2182E1-1270X165-004 12.70 1.65 0.456 172 483 35 190 502 314 1,411 389
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0318X071-00C 3.18 0.71 0.045 241 586 30 209 1,280 800 3,112 836
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0318X089-00C 3.18 0.89 0.052 241 586 30 209 1,627 1,017 3,957 971
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0476X071-00C 4.76 0.71 0.074 241 586 30 209 820 513 1,993 612
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0635X089-00C 6.35 0.89 0.124 241 586 30 209 765 478 1,861 581
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0635X124-00C 6.35 1.24 0.162 241 586 30 209 1,105 691 2,686 757
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0635X165-00C 6.35 1.65 0.198 241 586 30 209 1,506 941 3,663 927
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X089-00C 9.52 0.89 0.196 241 586 30 209 492 308 1,196 408
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X124-00C 9.52 1.24 0.263 241 586 30 209 706 441 1,717 546
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X165-00C 9.52 1.65 0.332 241 586 30 209 968 605 2,354 691
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X203-00C 9.52 2.03 0.389 241 586 30 209 1,217 761 2,959 809
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1270X124-00C 12.70 1.24 0.363 241 586 30 209 516 323 1,253 425
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1270X165-00C 12.70 1.65 0.466 241 586 30 209 704 440 1,712 545
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1270X203-00C 12.70 2.03 0.554 241 586 30 209 885 553 2,152 647
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1588X124-00C 15.88 1.24 0.464 241 586 30 209 405 253 986 347
A825 N08825 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1588X165-00C 15.88 1.65 0.600 241 586 30 209 551 344 1,341 449
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0318X102-00G 3.18 1.02 0.058 414 827 30 266 3,197 1,998 6,386 1,804
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0635X089-00G 6.35 0.89 0.129 414 827 30 266 1,315 822 2,626 998
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0635X124-00G 6.35 1.24 0.168 414 827 30 266 1,898 1,186 3,790 1,301
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0635X165-00G 6.35 1.65 0.206 414 827 30 266 2,588 1,618 5,169 1,592
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X124-00G 9.52 1.24 0.272 414 827 30 266 1,213 758 2,423 938
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X165-00G 9.52 1.65 0.344 414 827 30 266 1,663 1,039 3,322 1,186
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-0952X203-00G 9.52 2.03 0.403 414 827 30 266 2,091 1,307 4,176 1,389
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1270X124-00G 12.70 1.24 0.377 414 827 30 266 886 554 1,769 730
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1270X165-00G 12.70 1.65 0.484 414 827 30 266 1,209 756 2,416 936
A625 N06625 Seamweld & Floating Plug Redrawn B704 G2182E1-1270X203-00G 12.70 2.03 0.574 414 827 30 266 1520 950 3,037 1,112

* Working pressure is calculated using the LAME formula under ambient, neutral and static conditions. The General chemical and mechanical properties are applied to the coiled tube where appropriate.
A safety factor of 1.6 is used on the minimum yield pressure. Note the part numbers used include the designation for including orbital weld joints.
** The Theoretical burst pressure is calculated using the LAME formula under ambient, neutral and static All joints are x-rayed in at least three planes.
conditions using the minimum tensile strength. Control line may also be supplied without orbital joints.
^ The Theoretical collapse pressure is calculated using the LAME formula and the minimum yield strength. Certification to EN10204 3.1. Certified in accordance with NACE MR 0175/ISO15156:3
Disclaimer: The information contained withing this data sheet is for guidance only and is not intended for warranty of individual application - express or implied. ASTM B444 & B423 as applicable to mechanical and chemical analysis to coil tube only
Product form: Seamless tubing is manufactured from extrusions. Supplied in the annealed condition.
OD Wall Weight/ unit Min Yield Min Tensile Min Max Yield Working Burst Collapse
Chemical comp.
Alloy Product Form ASTM standard Fine Tubes Part Number thickness length Strength Strength Ductility Hardness Pressure Pressure* Pressure** Pressure^
UNS inch inch lb/ft ksi ksi % HV psi psi psi psi
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0318X071-004 0.125 0.028 0.030 25 70 35 190 13,242 8276 37,202 8,659
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0318X089-004 0.125 0.035 0.040 25 70 35 190 16,853 10,533 47,311 10,051
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0635X089-004 0.250 0.035 0.080 25 70 35 190 7,919 4,949 22,249 6,019
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0635X124-004 0.250 0.049 0.110 25 70 35 190 11,429 7,143 32,111 7,847
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0635X165-004 0.250 0.065 0.130 25 70 35 190 15,592 9,745 43,787 9,602
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0952X089-004 0.375 0.035 0.130 25 70 35 190 5,091 3,182 14,301 4,235
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0952X124-004 0.375 0.049 0.180 25 70 35 190 7,310 4,569 20,523 5,656
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0952X165-004 0.375 0.065 0.230 25 70 35 190 10,022 6,264 28,137 7,150
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0952X203-004 0.375 0.080 0.260 25 70 35 190 12,604 7,878 35,375 8,369
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-1270X124-004 0.500 0.049 0.300 25 70 35 190 5,337 3,336 14,982 4,395
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-1270X165-004 0.500 0.065 0.250 25 70 35 190 7,281 4,551 20,465 5,642
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-1270X203-004 0.500 0.080 0.320 25 70 35 190 9,166 5,729 25,730 6,701
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-1588X124-004 0.625 0.049 0.030 25 70 35 190 4,192 2,620 11,777 3,597
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-1588X165-004 0.625 0.065 0.040 25 70 35 190 5,714 3,571 16,027 4,641

A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0318X089-00C 0.125 0.035 0.050 35 85 30 209 23,598 14,749 57,392 14,083
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0635X089-00C 0.250 0.035 0.090 35 85 30 209 11,095 6,934 26,992 8,427
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0635X124-00C 0.250 0.049 0.110 35 85 30 209 16,027 10,017 38,957 10,979
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0635X165-00C 0.250 0.065 0.140 35 85 30 209 21,843 13,652 53,127 13,445
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0952X089-00C 0.375 0.035 0.140 35 85 30 209 7,136 4,460 17,347 5,918
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0952X124-00C 0.375 0.049 0.180 35 85 30 209 10,240 6,400 24,903 7,919
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0952X165-00C 0.375 0.065 0.230 35 85 30 209 14,040 8,775 34,142 10,022
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0952X203-00C 0.375 0.080 0.270 35 85 30 209 17,651 11,032 42,917 11,734
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-1270X124-00C 0.500 0.049 0.250 35 85 30 209 7,484 4,678 18,173 6,164
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-1270X165-00C 0.500 0.065 0.320 35 85 30 209 10,211 6,382 24,831 7,905
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-1270X203-00C 0.500 0.080 0.380 35 85 30 209 12,836 8,023 31,212 9,384
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0635X089-00G 0.250 0.035 0.320 60 120 30 266 19,072 11,920 38,087 14,475
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0635X124-00G 0.250 0.049 0.420 60 120 30 266 27,528 17,205 54,969 18,869
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0635X165-00G 0.250 0.065 0.040 60 120 30 266 37,536 23,460 74,970 23,090
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0635X203-00G 0.250 0.08 0.090 60 120 30 266 46,224 28,890 92,331 26,121
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0952X124-00G 0.375 0.049 0.120 60 120 30 266 17,593 10,996 35,143 13,605
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0952X165-00G 0.375 0.065 0.140 60 120 30 266 24,120 15,075 48,182 17,202
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0952X203-00G 0.375 0.080 0.190 60 120 30 266 30,327 18,954 60,568 20,146
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-1270X124-00G 0.500 0.049 0.240 60 120 30 266 12,850 8,031 25,657 10,588
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-1270X165-00G 0.500 0.065 0.280 60 120 30 266 17,535 10,959 35,041 13,576
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-1270X203-00G 0.500 0.080 0.260 60 120 30 266 22,046 13,779 44,048 16,128

* Working pressure is calculated using the LAME formula under ambient, neutral and static conditions. The General chemical and mechanical properties are applied to the coiled tube where appropriate.
A safety factor of 1.6 is used on the minimum yield pressure. Note the part numbers used include the designation for including orbital weld joints.
** The Theoretical burst pressure is calculated using the LAME formula under ambient, neutral and static All joints are x-rayed in at least three planes.
conditions using the minimum tensile strength. Control line may also be supplied without orbital joints.
^ The Theoretical collapse pressure is calculated using the LAME formula and the minimum yield strength. Certification to EN10204 3.1. Certified in accordance with NACE MR 0175/ISO15156:3
ASTM B444 & B423 as applicable to mechanical and chemical analysis to coil tube only
The pressure calculation information is provided for guidance only and is not intended for design.

Disclaimer: The information contained withing this data sheet is for guidance only and is not intended for warranty of individual application - express or implied.
Product form: Seamless tubing is manufactured from extrusions. Supplied in the annealed condition.
Wall Weight/ unit Min Yield Min Tensile Min Max Yield Working Burst Collapse
Chemical comp. OD
Alloy Product Form ASTM standard Fine Tubes Part Number thickness length Strength Strength Ductility Hardness Pressure Pressure* Pressure** Pressure^
UNS mm mm kg/m MPa MPa % HV bars bars bars bars
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0318X071-004 3.18 0.71 0.044 172 483 35 190 913 571 2,565 597
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0318X089-004 3.18 0.89 0.051 172 483 35 190 1,162 726 3,262 693
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0635X089-004 6.35 0.89 0.121 172 483 35 190 546 341 1,534 415
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0635X124-004 6.35 1.24 0.158 172 483 35 190 788 493 2,214 541
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0635X165-004 6.35 1.65 0.194 172 483 35 190 1,075 672 3,019 662
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0952X089-004 9.52 0.89 0.192 172 483 35 190 351 219 986 292
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0952X124-004 9.52 1.24 0.257 172 483 35 190 504 315 1,415 390
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0952X165-004 9.52 1.65 0.325 172 483 35 190 691 432 1,940 493
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-0952X203-004 9.52 2.03 0.380 172 483 35 190 869 543 2,439 577
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-1270X124-004 12.70 1.24 0.355 172 483 35 190 368 230 1,033 303
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-1270X165-004 12.70 1.65 0.456 172 483 35 190 502 314 1,411 389
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-1270X203-004 12.70 2.03 0.542 172 483 35 190 632 395 1,774 462
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-1588X124-004 15.88 1.24 0.454 172 483 35 190 289 181 812 248
SS 316L S31603 Seamless A269 G2182F1-1588X165-004 15.88 1.65 0.587 172 483 35 190 394 246 1,105 320
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0318X089-00C 3.18 0.89 0.052 241 586 30 209 1,627 1,017 3,957 971
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0635X089-00C 6.35 0.89 0.124 241 586 30 209 765 478 1,861 581
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0635X124-00C 6.35 1.24 0.162 241 586 30 209 1,105 691 2,686 757
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0635X165-00C 6.35 1.65 0.198 241 586 30 209 1,506 941 3,663 927
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0952X089-00C 9.52 0.89 0.196 241 586 30 209 492 308 1,196 408
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0952X124-00C 9.52 1.24 0.263 241 586 30 209 706 441 1,717 546
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0952X165-00C 9.52 1.65 0.332 241 586 30 209 968 605 2,354 691
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-0952X203-00C 9.52 2.03 0.389 241 586 30 209 1,217 761 2,959 809
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-1270X124-00C 12.70 1.24 0.363 241 586 30 209 516 323 1,253 425
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-1270X165-00C 12.70 1.65 0.466 241 586 30 209 704 440 1,712 545
A825 N08825 Seamless B423 G2182F1-1270X203-00C 12.70 2.03 0.554 241 586 30 209 885 553 2,152 647
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0635X089-00G 6.35 0.89 0.129 414 827 30 266 1,315 822 2,626 998
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0635X124-00G 6.35 1.24 0.168 414 827 30 266 1,898 1,186 3,790 1,301
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0635X165-00G 6.35 1.65 0.206 414 827 30 266 2,588 1,618 5,169 1,592
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0635X203-00G 6.35 2.03 0.233 414 827 30 266 3,187 1,992 6,366 1,801
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0952X124-00G 9.52 1.24 0.272 414 827 30 266 1,213 758 2,423 938
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0952X165-00G 9.52 1.65 0.344 414 827 30 266 1,663 1,039 3,322 1,186
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-0952X203-00G 9.52 2.03 0.403 414 827 30 266 2,091 1,307 4,176 1,389
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-1270X124-00G 12.70 1.24 0.377 414 827 30 266 886 554 1,769 730
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-1270X165-00G 12.70 1.65 0.484 414 827 30 266 1,209 756 2,416 936
A625 N06625 Seamless B444 G2182F1-1270X203-00G 12.70 2.03 0.574 414 827 30 266 1,520 950 3,037 1,112

* Working pressure is calculated using the LAME formula under ambient, neutral and static conditions. The General chemical and mechanical properties are applied to the coiled tube where appropriate.
A safety factor of 1.6 is used on the minimum yield pressure. Note the part numbers used include the designation for including orbital weld joints.
** The Theoretical burst pressure is calculated using the LAME formula under ambient, neutral and static All joints are x-rayed in at least three planes.
conditions using the minimum tensile strength. Control line may also be supplied without orbital joints.
^ The Theoretical collapse pressure is calculated using the LAME formula and the minimum yield strength. Certification to EN10204 3.1. Certified in accordance with NACE MR 0175/ISO15156:3
ASTM B444 & B423 as applicable to mechanical and chemical analysis to coil tube only
The pressure calculation information is provided for guidance only and is not intended for design.

Disclaimer: The information contained withing this data sheet is for guidance only and is not intended for warranty of individual application - express or implied.


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