Dc-Ac-Module-1-Reduced Reviewer
Dc-Ac-Module-1-Reduced Reviewer
Dc-Ac-Module-1-Reduced Reviewer
MAGNETIC FIELD e – self- induced emf (volt)
- Energy stored in a magnetic field = work L – self inductance (Henry)
needed to produce a current through the di/dt – rate of change of current ( Ampere per
conductor second)
w – energy stored in Joules (J) Φ - Flux - Electric circuit property by which emf is
μ - permeability of core β – Magnetic induced in it as the result of changing
flux density magnetic flux.
R – Reluctance L – Self Inductance (H)
Inductance - Ratio of emf produced in a circuit by self
I – Current induction to the change of current
producing it.
Faraday’s law
- An Electric field is induced in any system Where:
in which a magnetic field is changing with L – inductance (Henry)
time. μ0 - permeability of free space (const 33, 4π x
FARADAY’S FIRST LAW OF 10−7 Henry per meter
ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION. μr - relative permeability of the core used
- Whenever the flux linking a coil or current A – cross sectional area of the magnetic path(
changes, an emf is induced in it. square meter)
FARADAY’S SECOND LAW OF N – number of turns
- The magnitude of the induced emf is I – Current (Ampere)
proportional to the rate of change of flux l - mean length of the magnetic path (meter)
linkages. R – reluctance of the magnetic path (AT/Weber)
- It is the voltage generated by a conductor Mutual Inductance (H)
or coil moving in a magnetic field. - Ratio of emf in a circuit to the
Where: e – induced emf (Volt) N – number of corresponding change of current in a
turns neighboring circuit,
dΦ/ dt - rate of change of flux (Weber per - Measure the mutual induction between
second) two magnetically linked circuits.