Basset Etal 2012 Arthropod Diversity in A Tropical Forest
Basset Etal 2012 Arthropod Diversity in A Tropical Forest
Basset Etal 2012 Arthropod Diversity in A Tropical Forest
Fig. 1. Number of arthropod species estimated at SLPA (20). (A) Number of calculated with local instead of global ratios (fig. S3); S: best estimates, in-
species (closed bars, log scale) and individuals (open bars, log scale) collected cluding only statistical arguments; and models a1 to a5. ?: optimization al-
in 0.48 ha for each data set (three-letter guild code as in table S1) and number gorithms did not converge to allow calculations of CL. Our estimates are robust
of species estimated in SLPA (best estimate, shaded boxes). Numbers above to even moderate to large shifts in taxon ratios (table S5). (C) Plot of the
bars identify the best model used for calculation (a1 to a6, fig. S2) and the number of species estimated in SLPA with the plant model against that es-
percentage of singletons. (B) Number of arthropod species estimated for SLPA timated with the best model, for each data set. Line denotes unity. (D) Plot of
(dots: all focal taxa; shaded boxes: focal and nonfocal taxa; table S4), as the percentage error between all arthropod species observed and estimated by
estimated by different methods: B+S: best estimates, including both biological the plant model against cumulative number of sites. Shaded boxes indicate
and statistical arguments (table S2); B+Sloc: same as B+S but estimates means and 95% CL.
Fig. 2. Accumulation of species richness with area at SLPA (20). For all data sets (for all arthropods, including nonfocal species, values are indi-
groups, a high proportion of overall species richness was detected at small cated but the curve not plotted for the sake of clarity). Each curve is
spatial scales. (A) Partitioning of species richness within arthropod guilds characterized by its function (Ex, Exponential; Lo, Lomolino; Po, Power; We,
at different spatial scales (a: single site of 0.04 ha; b3: three sites spaced cumulative Weibull), its value for 1 ha (intersection with vertical line,
apart totaling 0.12 ha; b6: six sites totaling 0.24 ha; b12: 12 sites totaling shaded boxes with mean and 95% CL), and the percentage of the number
0.48 ha; bha: 1.0 ha; bSLPA: 6000 ha; means T SEM are shown for a, b3, of species present in 1 ha relative to the number of species estimated to
and b6). (B) Species-area models for the main arthropod groups and large occur in SLPA.
reports of relatively low beta diversity of insect other tropical locations around the world, using 20. Materials and methods are available as supplementary
herbivores in tropical rainforests (23). Hence, the current template as a foundation (25). materials on Science Online.
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17. D. R. Strong, J. H. Lawton, T. R. E. Southwood, Insects on
Supplementary Text
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