Alicorp - Tarea Academica
Alicorp - Tarea Academica
Alicorp - Tarea Academica
This article briefly describes the organization and its current competitive
situation of the company Alicorp S.A.A. This company was chosen for its
leadership in the mass consumption food sector in Peru. Then, an approach to
strategy formulation will be presented, such as: creation of a storyboard,
prototyping, design thinking and the Business Model Canvas will be carried out.
In addition, the strategy will be analyzed by testing a hypothesis to identify
vulnerabilities, identifying the central assumptions; In addition, to collect data to
test the assumptions and based on the results the hypothesis will be tested. On
the other hand, model 4 A will be applied based on its alignment, skill,
architecture and agility. Finally, a synthesis of the conclusions of the research will
be presented.
The competitive advantages of Alicorp that have been identified are the
➢ The ability to collect raw materials: Production capacity is determined
not only by the production plants installed, but also by access to raw
materials. In Peru, food production is developing favorably, but growing
less than the demand for products from the basic basket, so it is
important to have access to production units. Alicorp has the largest
collection network in the country, which is complemented by the import
of inputs for the development of mass products. For example, soybeans,
with the aim of meeting demand.
➢ Innovation and cutting-edge technology: Alicorp has a series of plants to
produce its different lines of business, but also has high levels of
productivity, since it has technical processes. This is due to a constant
review of the processes and new technologies available in the world.
➢ Distribution through all channels: Alicorp has a network of companies
that belong to the Romero Group. for example, Ranza that is dedicated
exclusively to distribution, through which both modern and traditional
channels are accessed. This is how Alicorp products are found in all stores
and markets in Peru, being preferred by consumers. In other countries,
such as Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Uruguay, where it has also proven
to be efficient in distribution.
➢ Market knowledge: Alicorp has proven to know its customers, creating
products according to customer expectations, even exceeding them. This
is the engine of innovations and that is why the company has developed
a variety of products with the aim of reaching various segments, with
different presentations.
According to the Puro Marketing Magazine in its study points out that social
networks have established themselves as the engine of many businesses to publicize
their products, get to reach the target audience and increase their income. Therefore,
the commercial strategy in RRSS becomes a very powerful tool to support commercial
New capacity and goals. Company executives explained that they will
begin a very relevant capacity expansion in 2022 with an increase of 240
thousand metric tons in production capacity, becoming the leading company in
food production and marketing in Peru. In addition, they aim to achieve
leadership in mass consumption products in Latin America, based on the position
it currently occupies, especially in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Uruguay. That
is why it will increase its presence in other markets such as Panama and other
Central American countries. To achieve this leadership, as well as market
penetration. This is combined with investment in technology and automated
processes to achieve homogenized products, which are preferred by consumers.
This strategic plan has been created for the company Alicorp S.A.A. with
the supreme purpose of achieving leadership in the production and marketing of
food, not only in Peru, but throughout Latin America. This, in addition to being
socially responsible, as well as profitable, is reflected in your goals, both in the
long and short term. But for this growth to materialize, it is necessary to monitor
the implementation of the strategies. This will be done by measuring the
proposed indicators each year and comparing the result with that of the CPOs.
In case there are gaps, it will be up to the Directorate-General to propose the
PuroMarketing Magazine.