Modelado de Diseños de Redes de Gobernanza Colaborativa Alternativa
Modelado de Diseños de Redes de Gobernanza Colaborativa Alternativa
Modelado de Diseños de Redes de Gobernanza Colaborativa Alternativa
With the widespread use of collaborative governance mechanisms for mitigating water pollution,
an opportunity exists to test alternative institutional designs based on collaborative governance
theory using computer simulation models, particularly when there is a clear relationship between
governance networks, observable resource allocation decisions, and measurable outcomes. This is
especially the case for wicked problems like nonpoint source water pollution where there are com-
pelling questions regarding how best to design policies, allocate funds, and build administrative
capacity to meet water quality standards. We present an agent-based model (ABM) of water gov-
ernance for the Lake Champlain Basin to simulate the impacts of alternative collaborative govern-
ance arrangements on the development of suites of water quality projects. The ABM is connected
or coupled with land use and phosphorus load accumulation models that are informed by existing
hydrologic models, project datasets, and state-set load reduction targets. We find that regionally
arranged collaborative governance in water quality project planning and implementation can lead
to better water quality outcomes, thereby affirming one of the central premises of collaborative
governance regime theory. We also find that externally mandated collaboration, as opposed to
voluntary, self-initiated collaboration, can lead to better water quality outcomes, adding to our
understanding of which type of collaborative governance arrangement is best suited to the spe-
cific contexts of this case. Further, without adequate administrative capacity in the form of human
resources located in central network actors to manage project funds, “administrative bottlenecks”
may form and money can go unspent. This research demonstrates the efficacy of using simula-
tions of alternative institutional design for theory testing and tuning, and policy prototyping.
The authors would like to thank our co-collaborators on the VT EPSCoR Introduction
Basin Resilience to Extreme Events (BREE) project including those
from state government: Julie Moore, Neil Kammen, Kari Dolan, David Over the last 20 years, theoretical frameworks have
Mears, Debra Markowitz, Karen Bates, Emily Bird, and Tim Pricer; and been advanced to inform the design and implementa-
core collaborators in BREE research: Asim Zia, Elizabeth Doran, Jory tion of effective collaborative governance arrangements
Hecht, Scott Turnbull, Donna Rizzo, Scott Hamshaw, Andrew Schroth,
Scott Merrill, Arne Bomblies, Judy Van Houton, Carol Adair, Richard
Clark, Stephanie Hurley, Richard Kujawa, Clare Ginger, Patrick Clemins Committee. We also thank summer interns Samantha Christopher and
and all of the members of the BREE Policy and Technical Advisory Alexandra Cole for their assistance.
© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Public Management Research Association. 1
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
cited. For commercial re-use, please contact [email protected]
2 Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX
(Ansell and Gash 2008; Bryson, Crosby, and Stone of a transdisciplinary research project that studies this
2015; Emerson and Nabatchi 2015). Those advancing social-ecological system as a complex adaptive system
collaborative governance theories often posit that col- (Koliba et al. 2016). Using this model, we explore and
laboration among policy actors tends to produce better test specific collaborative governance questions relating
results (Booher 2004; Emerson and Nabatchi 2015; to the efficacy of collaborative governance over “non-
Koontz and Johnson 2004; Pahl-Wostl et al. 2007), and collaborative” governance arrangements (H1); the ef-
there is building evidence to suggest this is so (Booher ficacy of self-initiated, voluntary collaboration versus
and Innes 2010; Rogers and Weber 2010; Scott 2015). externally mandated collaboration (H2); the extent to
“will produce determinations that are fairer and network actors. Network governance hinges on the ef-
more durable, robust, and efficacious” (Emerson and ficacy of resource exchanges (Rhodes 1997) that lead to
Nabatchi 2015), and we may infer, lead to better per- network outputs and performance (Turrini et al. 2009).
formance outcomes. Most collaborative arrangements The multi-scale, multiplex water governance net-
call for the intentional use of institutional design work in the LCB contains a large number of actors who
(Emerson and Nabatchi 2015, 69; see also Ansell and possess multiple objectives and engage with one an-
Gash 2018; Koliba et al. 2018; Ostrom 1990) and the other through different types of ties (Koliba et al. 2014;
utilization and exchange of resources (Emerson and Scheinert et al. 2015). The State of Vermont has flexi-
on a “self-initiated” collaborative governance regime To better understand how and to what extent col-
(Emerson and Nabatchi 2015), in which the propensity laborative governance arrangements work best and
of a municipality to voluntarily collaborate with others under what conditions, computer simulation modeling
at the regional scale can vary. is increasingly being used to test and tune theory
Across these three scenarios, the State (S) serves as (Johnson 1999; Schlüter et al. 2017). Recently, the no-
the central actor responsible for the distribution of tion of “collaborative platforms” has been advanced
resources across the network. As the network actor to answer the question of “how can collaborative
with the highest degree centrality, the resources of the governance be purposefully extended and scale-up?”
state, both in terms of financial and human capacity, (Ansell and Gash 2018, 16). Ansell and Gash propose
are critical to the overall performance of the network, the collaborative platform as a “generic organizational
regardless of its configuration. Municipalities (M) rely logic” (Ansell and Gash 2018, 17) or as a strategy for
on state funds to pay in part for the planning and im- societal problem-solving (Nambisan and Baron 2009).
plementation of stormwater projects. The two cap- These platforms can serve one of three different func-
acities of human and financial capital are very often tions: to explore and frame the nature of problems,
coupled—as it takes human resources to process re- to experiment with potential solutions, and then exe-
quests for funding, and limitations on funding will cute specific solutions using collaborative governance
predicate the number of projects that may be planned frameworks (Ansell and Gash 2018; Nambisan and
and enacted. In essence, the resources available to the Baron 2009). In promoting the concept of collaborative
central actor in the collaborative governance network platforms, Ansell and Gash observe that “more needs
configurations studied here likely matters a great deal to be done to translate the logic of platforms from the
to the performance of the whole water governance net- domain of technology, software development and even
work. The degree to which the state’s human resource organization theory to that of governance and public
capacity limits or enables the flow of funding through administration” (Ansell and Gash 2018, 17). The use
each type of network is likely to matter a great deal. of computer simulation models to experiment with
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX 5
alternative collaborative designs is increasing, particu- include that same group as well as private contractors.
larly in the experimental stages of collaborative devel- We expect that water districts that regionalize both
opment in which stakeholders may prototype and test project planning and implementation will be more ef-
the efficacy of these governance arrangements against fective than districts that only regionalize planning. In
performance targets. Although Ansell and Gash’s in- other words, extending the value proposition of col-
terpretation of collaborative platforms extends well laboration from an “end-to-end” perspective is likely
beyond the prototyping phase and into the realms of to better amplify the positive impacts of collaborative
actual implementation, we focus here on one example governance on performance.
institutional designs and specific outcomes, in this water quality problem in Lake Champlain and many
case, reductions in nutrient loads. In the LCB in the other freshwater lakes all over the world. HABs close
northeastern United States, challenges of nutrient pol- beaches, threaten public health, negatively impact re-
lution and harmful cyanobacteria blooms in Lake gional economies, and reduce property values (USEPA
Champlain are met by a variety of cooperating and 2018). In Lake Champlain, HABs occur most fre-
competing governance actors that operate at federal, quently during late summer in shallow bays where cli-
state, regional, municipal, and even international levels mate has a greater influence on nutrient mixing and
(figure 2B). Collectively, these actors comprise multi- bacteria have easier access to nutrients in lake sedi-
Figure 2. One View of the LCB Water Governance System. Panel A shows the spatial distribution of TP loads at the NHDPlus catchment
scale. Panel B shows the mismatch between hydrology (broadly represented by HUC-8 watersheds), municipal jurisdictions, and the
modeled regions to which municipalities are assigned.
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX 7
USEPA used a physics-based SWAT (Soil and Water sustainability in complex social-ecological systems
Assessment Tool) model (Arnold and Fohrer 2005) (Bitterman and Bennett 2018). For example, ABMs
combining land use, hydrological, and erosional pro- have been used to study land use change in the Yucatán
cesses to estimate the contribution of various land peninsula (Manson 2005), the movement of elk as af-
uses in a spatially explicit manner across the LCB fected by land management practices in Yellowstone
(figure 2A). National Park (Bennett and McGinnis 2008), the
On June 15, 2015, Act 64, colloquially the “Vermont transmission of disease across livestock production
Clean Water Act,” was signed into law to address chains (Wiltshire et al. 2019), and in common pool
governance theory and not subject to model valid- Additional data were collected through a survey that
ation expectations. We purposefully simplify agent went out to all municipalities across the State (Clark,
decision-making process and have not, for example, in- Hurley, and Koliba 2018).
cluded political or legal motivations of behavior. Given As detailed in figure 3, the coupled (connected)
these assumptions, the simulations explore model sen- model platform has three primary components: (1) a
sitivity to policy-relevant inputs. land use model that places municipal stormwater pro-
While the above models capture many of the key jects on the LCB landscape, (2) a simplified load accu-
dynamics that can be found in watershed governance, mulation model, and (3) the ABM of networked water
Figure 3. Generalized Schematic of the Coupled Model. The Coupler is a software architecture that facilitates communication among
connected models—in this instance the governance ABM, the land use model, and the phosphorus load accumulation model
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX 9
landscape. When municipalities utilize their project- capacity corresponds to the number of projects they
planning capacity, they may coordinate with other can take from concept to a “shovel ready” state that is
actors to prioritize clean water projects according to ready to be funded. The distribution of municipal plan-
their individual characteristics (e.g., available capacity) ning and implementation capacity parameters were es-
and rules put in place by policy. The state agency agent timated using empirical data from the VTANR CWIP
evaluates and prioritizes projects, allocating funds and database. We estimated each municipality’s implemen-
utilizing its state-level capacity. Finally, agents imple- tation capacity by calculating the annual mean number
ment projects “on the ground,” affecting land use and of projects it completed over the last 4 years (the length
funded but not implemented are returned to the cor- criteria from equation (1). This agent’s capacity to
responding municipal agent’s implementation queue. evaluate projects is a scenario-driven parameter and
Once municipal agents have met their phosphorus re- corresponds to its throughput, or the number of pro-
duction targets, they stop all activity. jects it can evaluate in an annual timestep. Finally, the
In some scenarios (described below), state policy state agent sets the rules of the CWIP action arena,
is altered to mandate collaboration among muni- thereby affecting the allowed behavior of municipal
cipal agents at a regional scale. Stakeholder anecdotes and regional agents (table 3). The final class of agents
drawn from focus groups suggest that regional co- is regional facilitators that, depending on policy scen-
Table 3. Scenario Parameters Include Coordination Policies (District Function), Resource Levels (Funding and
Capacity), and Landscape Configuration
Resource Parameters
Parameter Values
Allocated funds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 million USD
State agent capacity (throughput) 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200 and 225 projects/year
Initial landscape configuration 5 alternative distributions of projects on landscape
Note: Each coordination policy is composed of rules that govern municipal and regional behavior.
regionalizes planning capacity but imagines a policy capacity to implement projects, the funds sit unused.
tool that mandates municipal participation (prob- In our scenarios, we alter the throughput of the state
ability of coordination = 1). A third scenario is posited agent and the overall fund allocation to explore these
in which municipal agents have chosen to voluntarily dynamics. The parameters are based on past project
cooperate with others in the region or not (figure 1C). funding data and were developed in consultation
The voluntary participation of municipalities is prob- with agency stakeholders. In total, we simulate 1,225
abilistic, according to table 2. The fourth and fifth scenarios. Model stochasticity is introduced in (1) the
scenarios extend the previous scenarios to also include generation of projects, (2) the selection of projects by
collaboration for project implementation. Again, vol- municipalities to plan, (3) municipal participation in
untary and mandated policies allow for different levels regional cooperation, and (4) the initialization of mu-
of participation. These scenarios approximate a re- nicipal capacity. A simulation runs for 50 model years,
gional utility authorized to regulate the municipalities and each scenario was repeated for 30 Monte Carlo
in its jurisdiction. In some scenarios, collaboration is iterations.
mandated by the state agent, and regional facilitators
manage all municipal planning and implementation in
their jurisdiction. Results
In addition to alternative policy scenarios, we Hypothesis 1, the Collaborative Governance
modify the capacity (financial and human resources) Hypothesis, and hypothesis 2, the Collaboration for
of the state agency agent to evaluate and allocate funds Planning and Implementation Hypothesis, are closely
to stormwater projects (table 3). The State is tasked related. We expect collaborative policies to perform
with evaluating and prioritizing the projects identified better than non-collaborative policies, and we further
by municipalities. Administrative capacity bottlenecks expect that collaboration across several stages of pro-
may emerge at the project evaluation stage because the ject planning and implementation will perform better
State retains approval of all projects. A constrained ad- than partial efforts. We first compare the overall effi-
ministrative capacity can limit the throughput of the cacy of the different collaborative governance design
approval and funding to municipalities leading to re- scenarios by comparing the cumulative load reductions
duced load reductions on the landscape. Further, as for each scenario over the full simulation period. As
Acts 64 and 76 are implemented and as state, regional, shown in figure 4, the most effective (highest cumu-
and local capacities come online, there is uncertainty lative reduction) design was the creation of mandated
in the amount of funds that should be optimally allo- planning and implementation districts. The voluntary
cated to the problem. At a most basic level, if funding planning and implementation districts perform nearly
is low, loads will likely remain high. However, if too as well, followed by act alone, mandated planning
much money is allocated and there is insufficient (only), and voluntary planning (only) districts in that
12 Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX
order. The difference among outcomes was confirmed greater load reductions, specifically when resources are
to be significant by a Kruskal-Wallis test (p < .001). relatively high, and both planning and implementa-
The clustering of outcomes shown in figure 5A is a re- tion capacity are shared. Additional analysis confirms
sult of multiple scenarios with similar levels of funding three-way interactions among policy, funding, and cap-
and state-level capacity. However, statistically signifi- acity scenario parameters (table 4).
cant differences (p < .001) among collaborative gov- The mixed findings of H1 are relevant for evaluating
ernance scenarios hold when controlling for funding the Collaboration for Planning and Implementation
and capacity. In figures 4B and 4C, we see how differ- Hypothesis. Our findings very clearly prove H2—the
Figure 4. Box-and-Whisker Plots of Cumulative Load Reductions. Panel A shows all scenarios by policy, obscuring the differences among
policies at various funding and capacity levels. Panel B shows little differences among policies at low capacity and funding levels, whereas
panel C shows that at higher levels of funding and capacity, reductions are greater in policies where both planning and implementation
capacity are aggregated.
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX 13
Figure 5. Load Reductions as a Function of Policy, Funding, and Capacity Scenarios. Response is generally nonlinear, as the amount of
funding has little effect in lower capacity scenarios.
of the water districts. Because planning capacity is re- the implementation stage. We measure the depth of this
gionalized at the district level, but implementation cap- backlog using the average number of projects that have
acity is not, projects can be identified and planned in been planned and funded—but not implemented—for
areas where there is insufficient ability to implement each collaborative governance scenario.
them. Essentially, municipalities can become “over- The municipal-scale bottleneck becomes increas-
planned” when the number of to-be-implemented pro- ingly apparent in scenarios with greater state-level
jects exceeds a municipality’s implementation capacity. capacity (table 5). As the state processes additional
The regionalization policy creates a new bottleneck at projects, municipal capacity is exhausted, and the
14 Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX
implementation backlog increases. The backlog of de- we performed the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis ana-
layed projects is much larger (confirmed by analysis of lysis of variance of each group individually, reported
variance [ANOVA], p < .001) when planning capacity in table 6. This Table should be read as what percent
is regionalized separate from implementation capacity, more effective is the mandated policy in mitigating TP
resulting in lower efficiency in the planning-only re- loads than the voluntary policy? We find that in all
gionalization scenarios. The issue is exacerbated as cases, the mandated policy performs better among the
capacity (throughput) of the state agency agent in- low-capacity, high-loads municipalities (all compari-
creases. Here, planning capacity, implementation cap- sons significant at p = .01). The relative effectiveness
Table 5. Project Implementation Backlogs, Measured as the Mean Number of Projects that are Funded but Unable
to be Completed due to Constraints on Implementation Capacity
State Agency Evaluation Capacity
50 75 100 125 150 200 225
Policy Compete 1.24 (0.26) 1.89 2.95 3.90 5.51 10.33 12.88
scenario (0.52) (0.99) (1.50) (2.59) (6.91) (9.33)
Voluntary planning 13.00 19.09 23.42 25.57 27.44 33.62 37.41
(2.70) (4.59) (6.78) (8.21) (9.54) (14.32) (17.47)
Mandated planning 5.42 (1.64) 8.56 11.88 14.72 17.93 24.18 26.59
(2.50) (3.62) (4.86) (6.66) (10.66) (12.43)
Voluntary planning 1.18 (0.21) 1.73 2.73 3.80 5.03 9.24 (5.65) 12.03
and implementation (0.44) (0.87) (1.42) (2.12) (8.22)
Mandated planning 1 (0.00) 1 (0.00) 1 (0.00) 1 (0.00) 1 (0.00) 1 (0.00) 1
and implementation (0.00)
Note: SDs in parentheses. Differences among regionalization policy, state evaluation capacity, and funding levels (not shown here) confirmed
to be significant (p < .001).
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX 15
process) constrains the efficacy of the program and the phosphorus mitigated. However, we also see in Panel B
allocation of funds. When measured using the cumula- that as capacity increases, the effectiveness of spending
tive load reductions funded by alternative collabora- (kg / $1,000) decreases. This is a result of the priori-
tive governance scenarios, we find this to be the case. tization process—as the governance network imple-
Interactions among policy, capacity, and funding were ments additional clean water projects, it necessarily
confirmed by the ANOVA results (table 5). We plot funds more marginal projects, shifting the distribution
these interactions among policy, capacity, funding, and and lowering return on investment.
load reductions in figure 5. Load reductions in all col-
Table 6. The Relative Performance of The Mandated Planning-and-Implementation Policy Over the Voluntary Policy
State-Level Capacity (Projects/Year)
50 75 100 125 150 200 225
Annual funding (in millions of dollars) 1 22.9 13.4 13.9 23.1 23.2 23.3 22.5
2 22.7 20.2 19.3 26.6 27.8 20.5 24.1
3 18.5 22.0 20.7 21.8 23.8 31.5 22.5
4 20.5 19.3 24.9 20.5 18.5 15.2 33.6
5 23.5 15.6 23.1 23.4 22.2 31.7 29.0
6 17.2 23.8 19.8 18.0 26.1 24.2 35.5
7 11.2 13.3 11.2 20.6 20.4 21.2 37.4
Note: Values in the table are percentages, and should be read, for example, as “the mandated policy on average mitigates 22.9% more load
than the voluntary policy”. All comparisons confirmed significant by a Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance.
16 Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX
where to regionalize governance capacity is important could lead to more efficient policy outcomes. While
in achieving goals as well. the assumptions and simplifications in the model limit
These findings demonstrate the complex trade-offs normative predictions, the model allows for the explor-
that can surface when collaborative governance mech- ation of alternative scenarios with stakeholder input.
anisms are employed. Collaboration for collaboration’s The ability of the water governance ABM to both
sake is not a panacea. Our model results demonstrate test hypotheses and provide some practical consid-
that the links between planning and implementation, erations to policymakers offers us a unique ability to
and the need for administrative capacity to address test variations of collaborative governance theory. This
bottlenecks are critically important considerations. study contributes to the growing body of research that
Our model indicates that the efficacy of instituting has demonstrated the efficacy of collaborative govern-
a collaborative governance approach to municipal ance arrangements to address wicked environmental
stormwater management is highly dependent on the problems (Booher 2004; Emerson and Nabatchi 2015;
capacity of the state agency agent to evaluate clean Koontz and Johnson 2004; Pahl-Wostl et al. 2007;
water projects and allocate funds. The parameter Scott 2015). This assertion is rendered at a coarse-grain
ranges for our scenarios are based on empirical data level, as found in Hypothesis 1. The variation of differ-
from the Vermont DEC clean water projects data- ences between collaborative and non-collaborative de-
base, which shows that approximately 57 urban land signs is measurably higher, but not always decidedly so.
use projects are funded annually (VTDEC 2019). Our The non-collaboration scenario illustrated as the star
simulations show that significant increases in state cap- network found in figure 1A provides an opportunity
acity will have greater immediate impacts than short- for municipalities to directly access resources from the
term increases in funding. As shown in figure 6, system state. The lack of any intermediaries that may provide
response to an increase in capacity is non-linear. Across buffers against the state may place greater burdens
all modeled scenarios, at lower capacity levels (100 on municipalities to “fend for themselves.” For muni-
projects/year or less), funding can increase by 700% cipalities with higher capacity to plan and implement
and the response of the policy target (i.e., load reduc- stormwater projects, these arrangements provide them
tions) remains flat, as the system cannot utilize all of greater ability to comply with water quality standards.
the funding from the state. Though increased capacity But as we have noted, the problem locations or drivers
and funding improve the state’s ability to process pro- of nonpoint source pollution are not evenly distributed,
jects, this model holds municipal (and regional) cap- driving the potential for projects with lower returns
acity constant. Thus, additional resources eventually on investment to get implemented over other projects.
shift a bottleneck from the state agent to the munici- Pooling resources and aggregating project planning
palities (or to their regionalized districts). The values and implementation at the district scale should lead
in figure 6 heatmaps point to possible “sweet spots,” to higher net load reductions. However, this was not
or combinations of capacity and funding levels that the case for either voluntary collaboration scenarios. In
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2020, Vol. XX, No. XX 17
this case, voluntary collaborative governance regimes Although we cannot anticipate or model all possible
for planning alone and planning and implementa- futures or conditions, the examination of various con-
tion both scored lower mean load reductions than the figurations of collaborative governance platforms can
non-collaborative scenario. We should judge this par- increase learning and adaptive capacity (Ansell and
ticular outcome not as a generalizable outcome, but Gash 2018; Daniels and Walker 2001; Emerson and
as a property of the particular relationship between a Gerlak 2014). As we have seen, not all collaborative
municipality’s propensity to collaborate and the geo- governance schemes may lead to desirable outcomes.
spatial distribution of nonpoint pollution. This finding Thus, the value proposition of collaborative govern-
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