ITTC - Recommended Procedures and Guidelines: Calibration of Non Self Indicating Weighing Instruments
ITTC - Recommended Procedures and Guidelines: Calibration of Non Self Indicating Weighing Instruments
ITTC - Recommended Procedures and Guidelines: Calibration of Non Self Indicating Weighing Instruments
Procedures and Guidelines Page 1 of 14
Work Instructions
Table of Contents
Verification regulation of non-self-indicating weighing instrument
[Issued on Sept. 2, 1997 and put into effect since March 1, 1998 by National Technical Bureau - JJG 14—97, National
Measuring Verification Regulation of People’s Republic of China]
ITTC – Recommended 7.6-02-10
Procedures and Guidelines Page 4 of 14
Table 2
Table 3
The maximum allowable error of the meter- The weight exerted on each bearing point
ing lever when tested individually is half of the equals nearly one-third of the maximum load for
one for the complete instrument. weighing instruments with carriers with 4 or less
bearing points.
3.4 Allowable difference between weighing
The weight exerted on each bearing point
equals about 1/(N-1) of the maximum load for
The error of the weighing result at any time the weighing instrument with carriers with more
should not exceed the maximum allowable error than 4 bearing points.
of the calibrated weighing instrument.
The weight exerted on each bearing point
nearly equals one-tenth of the maximum weight
3.4.1 Indication difference for weighing instruments with carriers which
(such as the bunker etc.) carry small unbalanced
The indication difference between the incre-
mental weight and rider, the main rider and the
subsidiary one for the same load should not ex- Rolling loads of standard mass should be ex-
ceed the absolute value of the maximum allow- erted at different positions on the carrier of the
able error. The maximum allowable error of the weighing instrument. The load nearly equals the
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usual heaviest and the most concentrated rolling of the relevant weighing range should be lightly
load but should not exceed 0.8 of the maximum and gradually loaded and unloaded on the
weight. weighing instrument with the metering lever at
equilibrium position. The displacement of the
3.5 Calibration standard device metering lever (the static distance changed at the
force point of the metering lever) caused by the
3.5.1 Weights weight should be at least:
The error of the calibration standard weights 3 mm for weighing instruments with a max-
should not exceed one-third of the maximum al- imum load Max≤100kg;
lowable error of the relevant weight for the
5 mm for weighing instruments with a max-
weighing instrument.
imum load Max>100kg.
If the following conditions can be met, the 3.7.2 Mounting base integrity
amount of the standard weights can be reduced
further than 50 % of the maximum weight: The vicinity of the base and the bearing
point’s pedestal should not have any defaults
to 35 % of the maximum load if the repeata- such as cracks, honeycomb-like defects etc.,
bility error is not bigger than 0.3e; which could affect its strength.
The distance between the periphery of the 4.1.2 Label according to necessity
carrier and the base frame should be between 1
and 1.5cm. Production number;
Sign and number of the pattern approval;
Both the ends of the entry and the exit of the The maximum safety load expressed as Lim =
weighing instrument should have plane and •••;
straight passages with about the same length as The counting ratio of a numbering weighing in-
the one of the carrier. The speed of the vehicle strument expressed as 1: ••• or 1/•••.
going up and down the carrier should not exceed
5km/h. 4.1.3 Additional label
4.1 Instruction label The declaration label should be solid and re-
liable. Size and shape of the writing must be
The weighing instrument should have fol- clear and easily readable. The labels should be
lowing labels: located on a place easily visible, fixed on a
nameplate or on a part of the weighing instru-
4.1.1 Mandatory declaration label ment. The nameplate of the label should be
sealed and not be removable without being dam-
Name and trade of the manufacturer; aged.
Accuracy grade:
sign of the medium accuracy grade III
4.2 Calibration label
sign of the ordinary accuracy grade IIII;
Maximum weight(Max) •••;
4.2.1 Position
Minimum weight (Min) •••;
Calibration division value (e) •••; The position of the calibration label should
Sign and number of the manufacturing license; fulfil the following requirements:
The lever ratio of the weighing instruments with
incremental weight. a) The label cannot be dismantled without be-
ing damaged;
b) The label can easily be fixed;
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The working condition and the place of the The metering lever locates at the equilibrium
weighing instrument should be checked for suit- position when it evenly sways up and down
ability. about the position indicator. The distance be-
tween the metering lever and the upper and the
lower edges of the position indicator should not
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exceed 1mm during the first period of its ampli- Operation of knives
The pivot knife, the weight point knife and
the force point knife of the weighing instrument Disturbance
should be moved in level and longitudinal direc-
The metering lever can automatically return tion of their knife carrier up to one limit position;
to the original position or can stay at a position the anti-friction part of the knife should be in
with a distance from the centre line of the posi- tight contact with the knife carrier. Then the
tion indicator within 5 mm, when its force point knives should be moved to the other limit posi-
edge is transversely pulled or pushed to any side tion. Each time after being moved, the metering
of the position indicator with an incremental lever can still keep balance. As shown in Fig. 1
Figure 1
pulling and free setting. For stationary-weighing Note: Weight-loading and unloading should be
instruments with a maximum weight above 10 t, gradually increased and decreased respectively.
an empty loading vehicle goes and returns
through the carrier (platen) one time each in- Weighing survey by use of replace-
stead. ment
The weight change of the maximum allowa- The effect will be better using bigger mass
ble error, such as: weights than the combination of many smaller
• Medium accuracy grade: 500e、2000e; weights. The weight should be put on the central
• Ordinary accuracy grade: 50e、200e; position if a single weight is used. Small weights
should be well-distributed over the whole area
without unnecessary overlapped piling and
The maximum weight.
without exceeding the boundary The unbalance
If the main scale has not been individually loading can be surveyed during the weighing
surveyed in advance, its “notch” division should survey.
be surveyed one by one.
ITTC – Recommended 7.6-02-10
Procedures and Guidelines Page 12 of 14 Weighing instrument with less than 4 Weighing instruments which weigh
bearing points rolling loads
The weights should be in turn added onto The rolling load of a standard mass should
one quadrant of the carrier area, shown in Fig. 2 be added onto the beginning edge, the middle
or similar as Fig. 2. part and the end edge of the carrier in the normal
rolling direction. Then this operation should be Weighing instrument with more than 4 repeated in the opposite direction.
bearing points
5.2.5 Sensitivity survey
The weights should be in turn added onto the
position near each bearing point on an area The sensitivity can be surveyed in the pro-
nearly equal to 1/N of the carrier area, where N cess of the weighing survey. It can be done at
is the number of the bearing points. the maximum value and the maximum weight of
the scale for scale-weighing instruments with in-
If the bearing points are too close to each cremental weight and subsidiary scale with the
other, double the mass weights can be added rider.
onto the double area at two sides of the line be-
tween the two bearing points. 5.2.6 Zero returning survey Weighing instruments with special The zero point should be surveyed when all
carriers weights are unloaded after the maximum weight
has been surveyed.
For weighing instruments with special carri-
ers (vessel、bunker etc.) the weights should be 5.2.7 Repeatability survey
added onto each bearing point.
Two group surveys with 50% load of the
maximum weight and a load close to the maxi-
mum should be carried out respectively, at least
3 times each. The weighing instrument should
be adjusted to zero before each survey. The sur-
vey can also be repeated three times using a
loaded vehicle with a relevant load for weighing
Figure 2
instruments with a maximum weight Max≥10t.
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