Veterinary Internal Medicne - 2021 - Wu - Evaluation of and The Prognostic Factors For Cats With Big Kidney Little Kidney
Veterinary Internal Medicne - 2021 - Wu - Evaluation of and The Prognostic Factors For Cats With Big Kidney Little Kidney
Veterinary Internal Medicne - 2021 - Wu - Evaluation of and The Prognostic Factors For Cats With Big Kidney Little Kidney
DOI: 10.1111/jvim.16279
Institute of Veterinary Clinical Science, School
of Veterinary Medicine, College of Abstract
Bio-Resources and Agriculture, National Background: The term big kidney-little kidney syndrome in cats has been used for
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2 many years, but the definitions are not consistent and relevant research is limited.
National Taiwan University Veterinary
Hospital, College of Bio-Resources and Objective: To determine the factors that differ between normal and BKLK cats, as
Agriculture, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
well as to develop models for predicting the 30-day survival of cats with ureteral
Department of Emergency and Critical Care, obstruction (UO).
Auburn University Veterinary Teaching Animals: Sixteen healthy cats and 64 cats with BKLK.
Hospital, Auburn, Alabama, USA
Methods: Retrospective study. To define BKLK by reference to data from clinically
Correspondence healthy cats. The demographic and clinicopathological data among groups were sta-
Ya-Jane Lee, Institute of Veterinary Clinical
Science, School of Veterinary Medicine, tistically analyzed.
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan. Results: Big kidney-little kidney syndrome cats had higher blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
Email: [email protected]
(median [interquartile range] 69 [28-162] vs 21 [19–24] mg/dL, P < .001), creatinine
Funding information (5.6 [1.9-13.3] vs 1.3 [1.05-1.40] mg/dL, P < .001), and white blood cells (10 800
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan,
Grant/Award Number: [7700-17 500] vs 6500 [4875-9350] /μL, P < .001) and lower hematocrit (32.8
MOST 109-2313-B-002-011 [27.1-38.4] vs 39.1 [38.1-40.4]%, P < .001), urine specific gravity (1.011
[1.009-1.016] vs 1.049 [1.044-1.057], P < .001) and pH (5.88 [5.49-6.44] vs 6.68
[6.00-7.18], P = .001) compared to the control cats. A lower body temperature (BT;
38.1 [37.9-38.2] vs 38.7 [38.3-39.2] C, P = .009), higher BUN (189 [150-252] vs 91
[36-170] mg/dL, P = .04), and creatinine (15.4 [13.3-17.4] vs 9.0 [3.1-14.2] mg/dL,
P = .03) were found among the UO cats that were not 30-day survivors. A combina-
tion of BUN, phosphorus, and BT can predict 30-day survival among UO cats with an
area under receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.863. (P = .01).
Conclusion: An increase in the length difference between kidneys can indicate UO,
but cannot predict outcome for BKLK cats.
AKI, CKD, feline, ureteral obstruction
Abbreviations: AUROC, area under receiver operating characteristic curve; BKLKS, big kidney-little kidney syndrome; BT, body temperature; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CKD, chronic kidney
disease; IQR, interquartile range; L2, second lumbar vertebra; LK, left kidney; NLR, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; Non-UO, nonureteral obstruction; OR, odds ratio; RK, right kidney; ROC,
receiver operating characteristic; SI, surgical intervention; SUB, subcutaneous ureteral bypass system; UO, ureteral obstruction; UpH, urine pH; USG, urine specific gravity; WBCs, white blood
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.
3 | RE SU LT S
F I G U R E 1 Summary of the diagnostic categories and In total, 64 cats that met the inclusion criteria were enrolled
management of 64 cats with big kidney-little kidney syndrome.
(Figure 1); these consisted of 38 (59%) domestic shorthairs, 6 (9%)
BKLKS, patients with big kidney-little kidney syndrome; SI, patient
with surgical intervention; SUB, patient with subcutaneous ureteral American Shorthair cats, 5 (7%) Chinchillas, 4 (6%) Scottish folds,
bypass surgery; Ultrasound, patients who underwent ultrasonographic 3 (4%) Persians, 2 (3%) Abyssinians, 2 (3%) British Shorthairs, 1 (1%)
examination; UO, patients with ureteral obstruction Ragdoll, and 3 (4%) cats with unrecorded breeds.
Based on the ventrodorsal abdominal radiographs, in addition to
having a greater difference in length (median, interquartile range
history of nephrological diseases, the physical examination findings, [IQR]; 1.38 [0.97-2.00] vs 0.23 [0.05-0.28] cm, P < .001), BKLKS cats
the radiographic examinations, ultrasound examinations, complete also had 1 kidney with increased absolute length (5.11 [2.51-5.52] vs
blood counts with a blood film evaluation and a manual (white blood 4.55 [4.11-4.79] cm, P = .002), and increased kidney-to-L2 ratio (2.59
cells [WBCs]) differential count, plasma biochemical profiles, urinalysis [2.40-2.84] vs 2.37 [2.21-2.63], P = .03) compared to the control cats.
(with the urine pH [UpH] measured by a pH meter), and outcome. However, the L2, LK, and RK length had no significant differences
The measurement of the difference in the size of each cat's kid- between the 2 groups (Table 1). There were 33 out of 64 cats (51%)
neys and an examination of their structures were all obtained from an in the BKLKS group whose LK was the larger 1, while 31 out of
abdominal ventrodorsal view radiography. These included length of 64 (48%) cats had their RK being the larger 1. Radiographically, there
the second lumbar vertebral body (L2), and the length of individual were 15 (23%) cats with nephrolith alone, 12 (18%) cats with nep-
kidneys. Kidney length differences, kidney-to-L2 ratio, and the differ- hrolith and ureterolith, 2 (3%) with nephrolith and cystolith, and
ences in ratio were calculated and then recorded. The ultrasound 1 (1%) cat with only cystolith.
results for the lengths of the individual kidneys were recorded in the When the BKLKS cats were compared to the control cats, there
sagittal or horizontal plane, which is where the longest kidney length were no significant difference in age (P = .7) and sex (P = .65) distri-
could be observed. Additionally, the degree of pelvic or ureteral dilata- bution between the 2 groups, but BKLKS cats had significantly higher
tion, if present, was also recorded. blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentrations (P < .001), plasma creati-
The outcome for each cat was tracked and recorded for up to nine concentrations (P < .001), WBCs (P < .001), neutrophil counts
1825 days after initial presentation and the cats with UO were evalu- (P < .001), neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratios (NLRs) (P < .001), and
ated as either survivors or nonsurvivors based on their survival for monocyte counts (P = .04). They also had lower alkaline phosphatase
30 days. activities (P = .006), hematocrits (P < .001), eosinophil counts
(P < .001), and lymphocyte counts (P = .03) (Table 1).
Urinalysis was performed on 34 (53%) of the BKLKS cats. The
2.4 | Statistical analysis BKLKS group were found to have significantly lower urine specific
gravity (USG; P < .001) as well as a lower UpH (P = .004) when com-
Statistical analysis was performed using a statistical software package pared to the control cats (Table 1).
(SPSS 25.0 for Mac). The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to determine the Overall, 50 out of the 64 BKLK cats (73%) underwent an ultrasono-
normal distribution condition for the continuous variables. The Mann- graphic examination. The median LK length was 3.67 cm (ranging from
Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test (post hoc with the Dunn test) 1.74 to 6.77 cm, n = 48), and median RK length was 3.62 cm (ranging
were used for comparisons between or among continuous variables, from 2.23 to 6.53 cm, n = 48). In total, 36 out of the 50 cats that
while Pearson chi-square was used for categorical variables. Linear underwent abdominal ultrasonography (72%) were diagnosed with UO
regression analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between by either hydronephrosis or hydroureter based on their ultrasono-
2 variables. Spearman correlation test was used to evaluate 2 nonpara- graphic findings, with 29 out of 36 (80%) having only hydronephrosis
metric variables. Logistic regression analysis was used for calculating noted, 2 out of 36 (5%) with only hydroureter, and 5 out of 36 (13%)
odds ratios (ORs) for univariate and multivariates. having both. The median pelvic dilatation in the obstructed cats was
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analyses were used 1.02 cm (range, 0.22-4.30 cm, n = 34), and the ureteral dilatation in the
to test the ability of variables to predict if a kidney was obstructed obstructed cats was 0.44 cm (range, 0.32-0.89 cm, n = 7).
TABLE 1 Selected variables among the control cats, all BKLKS cats, the nonobstructed BKLKS cats, and the obstructed BKLKS cats
Control (n = 16) All BKLKS (n = 64) Non-UO BKLKS (n = 14) UO BKLKS (n = 36)
Parameters Median (IQR) n Median (IQR) n P value Median (IQR) n Median (IQR) n P value†
Age (y) 8.00 (7.00-11.50) 16 9.00 (6.00-11.00) 64 .7 9.50 (7.75-12.00) 14 8.00 (6.00-11.00) 36 .69
BW (kg) 4.65 (3.50-6.07) 12 4.08 (3.34-5.26) 63 .26 4.22 (3.62-5.85) 13 3.91 (3.39-5.32) 36 .47
Sex (8M, 8F) 16 (36M, 28F) 64 .65 (8M, 6F) 14 (20M, 16F) 36 .92§
BT ( C) — — 38.4 (38.0-38.9) 41 — 38.7 (37.4-39.3) 5 38.5 (38.1-38.9) 27 .82‡
Length of L2 (cm) 1.89 (1.74-2.04) 16 1.96 (1.84-2.08) 64 .12 1.96 (1.88-2.18) 14 1.96 (1.84-2.05) 36 .56
Length diff. (cm) 0.23 (0.05-0.28)a 16 1.38 (0.97-2.00) 64 <.001 1.15 (0.95-1.37)b 14 1.72 (1.27-2.33)c 36 <.001
Ratio diff. 0.12 (0.02-0.16)a 16 0.75 (0.51-1.01) 64 <.001 0.59 (0.49-0.66)b 14 0.86 (0.62-1.21)c 36 <.001
a a,b
BK length (cm) 4.55 (4.11-4.79) 16 5.11 (2.51-5.52) 64 .002 5.03 (4.62-5.32) 14 5.23 (4.84-5.75)b 36 .001
a a,b b
BK-to-L2 ratio 2.37 (2.21-2.63) 16 2.59 (2.40-2.84) 64 .03 2.48 (2.34-2.65) 14 2.66 (2.48-2.89) 36 .005
Hematocrit (%) 39.1 (38.1-40.4)a 16 32.8 (27.1-38.4) 63 <.001 33.8 (30.4-41.0)a,b 14 30.4 (24.2-35.6)b 35 <.001
Platelets (103/μL) 223 (142-299) 16 273 (224-348) 63 .05 285 (165-389) 14 281 (237-348) 35 .09
WBCs (/μL) 6550 (4875-9350)a 16 10 800 (7700-17 500) 63 <.001 9950 (6550-15 550)a,b 14 10 600 (7700-17 500)b 35 .006
a b b
Neutrophils (/μL) 4419 (2421-6451) 16 9048 (5854-15 694) 61 <.001 7553 (4456-14 195) 13 8824 (6007-15 792) 34 .001
Lymphocytes (/μL) 1710 (954-2180) 16 990 (602-1623) 61 .03 990 (593-1331) 13 959 (471-1751) 34 .06
Eosinophils (/μL) 534 (300-890)a 16 180 (0-538) 60 <.001 500 (0-926)a,b 13 180 (0-326)b 33 .001
a b
NLR 2.67 (1.37-5.43) 16 7.91 (4.30-20.18) 61 <.001 6.70 (2.85-23.38) 13 10.32 (4.29-23.89)b 34 .001
a a b
BUN (mg/dL) 21.5 (19.0-24.5) 16 69 (28-162) 64 <.001 21.0 (18.3-53.8) 14 101.0 (49.3-198.0) 36 <.001
Creatinine (mg/dL) 1.30 (1.05-1.40)a 16 5.6 (1.9-13.3) 64 <.001 1.85 (1.58-4.18)b 14 10.35 (3.80-16.45)c 36 <.001
Albumin (g/dL) 3.10 (2.90-3.28) 16 3.2 (3.0-3.5) 61 .27 3.10 (3.05-3.45) 13 3.20 (2.80-3.40) 34 .56
Total protein (g/dL) 7.40 (7.10-7.98) 16 7.3 (6.9-8.0) 56 .54 7.30 (6.80-7.75) 13 7.25 (6.80-8.03) 30 .7
Glucose (g/dL) 134.5 (110-161) 16 138 (108-150) 13 .85 137 (108-146) 14 120 (108-160) 28 .8
K+ (mmol/L) — — 3.91 (3.54-4.65) 63 — 3.44 (3.05-3.75) 14 4.40 (3.77-5.20) 35 <.001‡
ALKP (U/L) 44.5 (38.5-48.0)a 16 34 (25-44) 57 .006 38.0 (30.5-81.0)a 14 30.0 (24.0-38.8)b 30 .001
a b
USG 1.049 (1.044-1.057) 16 1.011 (1.009-1.016) 34 <.001 1.010 (1.009-1.030) 7 1.010 (1.009-1.012)b 22 <.001
Urine pH 6.68 (6.00-7.18)a 16 5.88 (5.49-6.44) 34 .001 6.15 (5.76-6.40)a,b 7 5.82 (5.49-6.48)b 22 .01
Survival time (d) — — 255 (56-602) 64 — 204 (113-773) 14 272 (56-813) 36 1‡
Note: Superscript letters (a, b, c): Within a row, values with different superscripts differ significantly (P < .05).
Abbreviations: ALKP, alkaline phosphatase; BK, big kidney; BKLKS, big kidney-little kidney syndrome; BT, body temperature; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; BW, body weight; F, female; IQR, interquartile range; K+,
potassium; L2, second lumbar vertebra; M, male; NLR, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; Non-UO, nonureteral obstruction; ratio diff., the difference between the kidneys to second lumbar vertebra ratios; RBC,
red blood cells; UO, ureteral obstruction; USG, urine specific gravity; WBCs, white blood cells.
P value generated by Mann-Whitney test, between control cats and all BKLKS cats.
P value generated by Kruskal-Wallis test (post hoc with Dunn test), among control cats, nonobstructed BKLKS cats, and obstructed cats.
P value generated by Mann-Whitney test, between nonobstructed BKLKS cats, and obstructed cats.
P value generated by chi-square test, between nonobstructed BKLKS cats, and obstructed cats.
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WU ET AL. 2791
The obstructed BKLKS cats, when compared with nonobstructed ratios (no unit)], as this formula also had an AUROC of 0.908
BKLKS cats, had significantly larger length differences (median (P < .001), with the same sensitivity and specificity, and an optimal
1.72 cm vs 1.15 cm, P = .009), and ratio differences between their cutoff value at 41.3 (Figure 2).
kidneys, (median 0.86 vs 0.59, P = .008), higher plasma creatinine Overall, 16 out of 36 obstructed BKLKS cats (44%) received surgi-
concentrations (median 10.35 mg/dL vs 1.85 mg/dL, P < .001), higher cal intervention (SI), and this consisted of 13 (36%) cats that received
BUN concentrations (median 101.0 mg/dL vs 21.0 mg/dL, P < .001), SUB surgery, 1 (2%) cat that received SUB surgery and hemodialysis
and higher potassium concentrations (median 4.40 mmol/L vs treatment, 1 (2%) cat that received ureteral stent installation, and
3.34 mmol/L, P < .001), as well as lower alanine transaminase activi- 1 (2%) cat that received ureteral stent installation and peritoneal dialy-
ties (median 39 U/L vs 68 U/L, P = .03). The median survival time was sis treatment.
not significantly different between the obstructed BKLK cats The degree of pelvic dilatation (before operation; P = .01) was
(272 days, IQR 56-813 days) and the nonobstructed BKLK cats significantly higher in the obstructed cats that had received SI than
(204 days, IQR 113-773 days, P = 1) (Table 1). those that did not (median 1.17 [IQR 1.00-1.41], n = 14 vs median
The univariate analysis using logistic regression showed that 0.69 [IQR 0.51-1.21], n = 20).
increased creatinine (OR = 1.296), increased BUN (OR = 1.019), Among all the BKLKS cats, the difference in length between the
increased potassium (OR = 5.729), and a higher ratio difference kidneys was found to be linearly related to creatinine concentration
between the 2 kidneys (OR = 16.60) were significantly associated (R = 0.316, P = .01) and BUN concentration (R = 0.280, P = .03), but
with the presence of UO. When kidney length difference alone was was not linearly related to potassium concentration (P = .11), phos-
used as a variable to detect UO, it had an area under ROC (AUROC) phorus concentration (P = .19), degree of pelvic dilatation (P = .6), or
of 0.740 (P = .009). When multivariate analysis was performed using survival time (P = .74). Furthermore, in the UO cats, the degree of pel-
logistic regression, multiple variable combinations in different models vic dilatation was not significantly linearly correlated with any of the
were tested (Table S1), and a formula with the optimal AUROC was renal-related indices, including creatinine (P = .15), BUN (P = .14),
derived from the multivariate analysis with creatinine and potassium phosphorus (P = .22), and potassium (with P = .98).
concentrations, and the difference between the kidney-to-L2 ratios Using Spearman correlation, the length difference between the
being the variables: [Log (odds of obstruction) = 1.188 Creatinine kidneys in all of the BKLKS cats was found to be significantly corre-
(mg/dL) + 7.286 Potassium (mmol/L) + 18.76 Difference between lated with creatinine (P = .002) and BUN (P = .006), whereas in the
the kidney-to-L2 ratios (no unit)] (Table 2) served as a diagnostic test UO cats, the degree of pelvic dilatation was not significantly corre-
for determining whether UO was present; this had an AUROC of lated with any of the various renal-related indices (Table 3).
0.908 (P < .001), with a sensitivity of 94.3%, a specificity of 78.6% The median survival time of all BKLK cats was 254 days (range,
and an optimal cutoff value of 42.90. We later generated a second 0-1825 days).
formula with simplified coefficients adapted from the previous for- Setting the survival cutoff at 30 days for the obstructed BKLKS
mula: [Log (odds of obstruction) = 1.2 Creatinine (mg/dL) + 7.0 cats, body temperature (BT) (rectal temperature; P = .009) taken at
Potassium (mmol/L) + 18.0 Difference between the kidney-to-L2 presentation was found to be significantly lower in those cats that did
TABLE 2 Univariate and multivariate odds ratios for predicting ureteral obstruction in BKLKS cats
group (median 478 days [IQR 129-1070 days]) did not have a signifi-
cantly longer survival than the latter group (median 229 days [IQR 25-
482 days], P = .19).
The univariate analysis results showed that BUN concentration
(OR = 1.010) was significantly associated with whether a UO-BKLK
cat was able to survive to 30 days (Table 5), and an equation was gen-
erated for this using multivariate analysis: [Log (odds of death) = 1.029
BUN (mg/dL) + 0.783 Phosphorus (mg/dL) + 0.918 BT ( C)]. The for-
mula served to establish a prognostic index as to whether a cat would
survive to 30 days; this had an AUROC of 0.863 (P = .01), a sensitivity
of 100%, a specificity of 78.9%, and an optimal cutoff value of 171.1.
Other multivariate analysis models are shown in Table S2. We later
generated a second formula with simplified coefficients adapted from
the previous formula: [Log (odds of death) = 1.0 BUN (mg/dL) + 0.8
Phosphorus (mg/dL) + 0.9 BT ( C)], as this formula also had an
AUROC of 0.863 (P < .01), with the same sensitivity and specificity,
and an optimal cutoff value at 166.9 (Figure 2). When the obstructed
BKLKS cats were divided into high-value and low-value groups based
on either 1 of the formulas, the survival time was significantly differ-
ent by log-rank test between the 2 groups (P = .01) (Figure 3).
T A B L E 3 Correlation between kidney length differences and various variables among all BKLKS cats, and between pelvic dilatation degree
and various variables among UO cats
Length differencea Spearman correlation P value Pelvic dilatation degreeb Spearman correlation P value
b a
Pelvic dilatation degree (cm) .149 .39 Length difference (cm) .196 .27
Hematocrit (%) .180 .16 Hematocrit (%) .055 .76
White blood cells (/μL) .112 .38 White blood cells (/μL) .199 .27
Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dL) .342 .006 Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dL) .145 .41
Creatinine (mg/dL) .387 .002 Creatinine (mg/dL) .198 .26
Potassium (mmol/L) .187 .14 Potassium (mmol/L) .080 .66
Phosphorus (mg/dL) .273 .07 Phosphorus (mg/dL) .117 .53
Survival time (d) .025 .85 Survival time (days) .097 .59
TABLE 4 A comparison of selected variables between survivors and nonsurvivors for 30 days among all obstructed BKLKS cats
TABLE 5 Univariate and multivariate odds ratios for predicting death within 30 days for obstructed BKLKS cats
nonureteral obstruction (non-UO) group. However, the length differ- To date, no consistent criteria have been defined for diagnosing
ence between kidneys was found to be correlated only with creatinine hydronephrosis using abdominal ultrasonography. This is partly
and BUN concentrations but not with the days of survival in because that in healthy cats, cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD),
BKLKS cats. and cats with pyelonephritis, an increased renal pelvic diameter could
19391676, 2021, 6, Downloaded from by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [07/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
2794 WU ET AL.
with extreme caution. More in-depth investigation and a stricter study function, and whether early or occult CKD existed in the control cats.
design into the use of SUB devices in cats with UO should still be The fact that not all of the BKLKS cats underwent urinalysis and
warranted. abdominal ultrasonographic examination could have affected our
Creatinine concentrations could correlate with true residual renal understanding and interpretation of their renal function and the dis-
function and that this can help to predict the prognosis of cats with ease processes. There was no recording of whether any fluid therapy
CKD.26,27 However, during acute kidney injury or UO, the reduction or diuretics were administered before the ultrasonographic examina-
in the renal function might be transient and is potentially reversible. tions, which could possibly have transiently affected the cats' measur-
Therefore, serum creatinine seems to be able to indicate only the able renal pelvic size. Furthermore, in this study, no antegrade
degree of the current reduction in glomerular filtration rate in the kid- pyelography or computed tomography was performed to confirm the
neys, but cannot be used as a reliable prognostic factor.28 In this diagnosis of UO, and this might have resulted in false-positive and
study, the results showed that, in UO cats, although there are signifi- false-negative diagnoses for UO. The various etiologies of the UO,
cant differences in plasma creatinine concentrations between 30-day when present, could not be confirmed in every case due to the lack of
survivors and nonsurvivors, creatinine values alone do not seem to be surgery or necropsy results. Finally, it was also not possible to
linked to the cats 30-day survival using logistic regression modeling. completely rule out cases with infiltrative renal diseases because sur-
On the other hand, BUN concentrations do not seem to be a gical biopsy or necropsy was not performed on the cats. A strict pro-
prognostic factor among cats with acute intrinsic renal failure,29 and spective study designed to answer the questions would be strongly
in cats receiving hemodialysis,30 plasma BUN values are able to serve warranted in the future.
as an adequate prognostic factor for UO cats in our present study.
The reason behind this difference is unclear; however, in recent ACKNOWLEDG MENT
human medical studies, a higher BUN has been associated with an Funding for this study was provided by Ministry of Science and Tech-
increased risk of cardiovascular death in patients hospitalized for nology, Taiwan, Grant number MOST 109-2313-B-002-011. Part of
heart failure,31,32 and in patients who suffer from death due to pneu- this study was presented at the 2018 ACVIM Forum, Seattle,
monia. Whether the prognostic value of BUN in this study was due Washington. The authors thank all the doctors at National Taiwan
to similar properties is still unknown. Further investigations targeting University Veterinary Hospital for providing the cases and collecting
this topic are necessary. the samples and images.
In the present study among UO cats, the BT of the nonsurvivor
group was significantly lower than that of the survivor group. CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATION
Although the mechanism of a lower BT in these cats with renal dis- Authors declare no conflict of interest.
ease remains unclear, accumulating evidence based on human and
veterinary studies has pointed out there is an increasing prevalence of OF F-LABEL ANTIMI CROBIAL DECLARATION
hypothermia in uremic animals. This means that core BT might be Authors declare no off-label use of antimicrobials.
able to serve as a prognostic index,28,35 and this could lead to longer
veterinary hospital stays for hypothermic cats with urethral obstruc- INSTITU TIONAL ANIMAL C AR E AND USE COMMITTEE
The present study has multiple limitations due to its retrospective Approved by National Taiwan University, NTU106-EL-00008.
nature. The renal sizes measured in the radiographs might have errors
due to positioning differences between each cat. Furthermore, also in HUMAN E THICS APPROVAL DECLARATION
this context, interoperator variability might have affected the objec- Authors declare human ethics approval was not needed for this study.
tivity of the ultrasound measurements of the renal pelvis and ureters.
It is quite hard to estimate the duration of an obstruction or the level OR CID
of residual renal function before first presentation when acute azote- Ya-Jane Lee
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