CHAPTER 14 History of Life
CHAPTER 14 History of Life
CHAPTER 14 History of Life
1. Biogenesis: States that all living things come form other living things.
2. Spontaneous Generation: Process by which it was widely though that living things could also
arise from nonliving things.
3.Radiometric Dating: Techniques that iclude methods of establishing the age of materials.
4.Isotope: Atoms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons they contain.
5.Mass Number: The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
6.Radioactive Decay: Process y which unstable Tomic nucleus loses energy by radiation.
7.Radioactive Isotopes: Atoms that contain an unstable combination of neutrons and protons.
8.Half-life: The length of tie it takes for one-half of any size sampleof an isotope to decay to a
stable form.
9.Microsphere: Speherical in shape and are omposed of many protein molecules that are
organized as a membrane.
10.Coacervate: Collections of droplets that are composed of molecules of different types,
including lipids, amino acidas and sugars.
11.Ribozyme: Term used by Cech for refering to a RNA molecule that can act as a catalyst and
promote a specific chemical reaction.
12.Archaea: Related group of unicellular organisms,many of which trive under extremely arsh
environmental conditions.
13.Chemosynthesis:Process for obtainiing energy, CO2, that serves as a crabon source for the
assembly of organic molecules.
14.Cyanobacteria: A group of photosynthetic, unicelular prokaryotes.
15.Ozone: O atoms that react with O2 producing this poisonous to both plant and animal life
16.Endosymbiosis: Theory that support and proposed that eukaryotes further evolved from a
mutually beneficial relationship between the primitive eukaryote and prokaryote it engulfed.
Section 1 Review
1. What does the term spontaneous generation mean?
A/= Process by which it was widely though that living things could also arise from
nonliving things.
2. Explain how Redi’s experiment disproved the hypothesis that flies formed in food by
spontaneous generation?
A/=Redi covered one lid so that the flies couldn’t get in. And he left the other open so
the maggots could get in.
3. What caused people to think the air contained a “vital force” that produced living
A/=When bugs would fly onto the steak and was figured that the came from the vital
force since it came from the steak and nothing.
4. Describe the argument that Spallanzani experiment failed to disprove the occurrence of
spontaneous generation. Explain how Pasteur’s experiment addressed these criticisms.
A/=The heat destroyed “vital force” in the air. Pasteur allowed air inside, but not
microorganisms, dispapproving in this way the spontaneous theory.
Section 2 Review
1. Outline the major steps in the formation of Earth, as reconstructed by modern scientists.
A/=1.Formation of Solar System
2.Formation of the Sun
3.Formation of Earth, lately grew up by colliding with space debris.
4.Formation of Atmosphere
5.Actual Earth Formation
2. If 1.0g of radioactive isotope had a half-life of 1 billion years, 2 billion years, 3 billion
years, and 4 billion years?
A/= 1 billion years: 0.5 grams of isotope
2 billion years: .25 grams of isotope
3 billion years: 0.125 grams of isotope.
4 billion years: 0.0625 grams of isotope.
3. What are two possible sources of simple organic compounds on early Earth?
A/=1. Creation of simple organic compounds or molecules
2. The carry of organic compounds to earth from space.
4. What properties do microspheres and coacervates share with cells?
A/=- Sphirical Shape
-Compounds= Protein molecules that are organized as membane.
-Ability to grow and replicate.
Section 3 Review
1. How does RNA differ from DNA?
A/=RNA= Contains sugar ribose.
Nucleobase uracil.
DNA= Contains the sugar deoxyribose.
2. Describe three major scientific inferences about the first living cells on Earth?
A/=-Cells prokaryotics
-Cells Anaerobics
-Cells Heterotrophics.
3. What traits make archaebacteria likely relatives of Earth’s earliest organisms?
A/=The fact that they can survive in very harsh conditions and also the obtainance of
energy by chemosynthesis.
4. Explain the difference between chemosynthesis and photosynthesis
A/=Chemosynthesis: Energy is obtained from the oxidation of inorganic substrates.
Photosynthesis:Light energy is converted to chemical energy, producing O2.
5. Explain the theory of endosymiosis.
A/=Primitive eukaryotes engulfed smaller prokaryotes, and lately they evolved into
mitochondria and chloroplasts.