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November, 2001) Book reviews 391

Statistical and Biometrical Techniques in Plant Breeding

Jawahar R. Sharma

New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, p 432, Price :

The study of genetic variation in quantitative traits is given statistic. Likewise concept of degress of freedom
essential for successful exploitation of genetic variability. has to be related to concept of unbiasedness of the
The quantitative traits can be analysed following estimator.
statistical and biometrical tools to help breeder in
designing a suitable breeding methodology. Such In Chapter 6 (Part II) on D2-statistic, choice of
analyses include estimation of parameters of genetic characters for this analysis has been discussed only
variability, nature of gene action and gene interactions, passingly. 0 2 analysis has been rather indiscriminately
genotypes x environment interactions, estimation of used by many plant breeders with the results that
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parameters useful in selection etc. outcome of such analysis has not been consistant with
practical utilization part. Many a times, characters which
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Most plant breeders generally lack the mathe- do not follow normal probability/frequency distribution

matical training needed for utilization of such available and the groups of character which do not follow
statistical tools. Therefore, they depend on computer multivariate normal distribution are included in 0 2
software packages and help books available on the analysis. Therefore, while giving the example on 0 2,
subject. Quite a few handbooks on such biometrical these points need to be explained much more explicitly.
tools have been written in the last decade in India.
The present book is another addition in the list, where In Chapter 8 (Part III) on G x E interaction,
such analyses have been explained with the help of expectation of mean squares have been based on
solved examples along with inference to be drawn from "Random effect model" but in actual multi location trials,
them. more often than not, mixed or fixed effect models are
needed. A basic assumption on analysis of such trials,
The book has been divided into five parts namely,
which has been and generally ignored, is homogeneity
1. General Statistical/Biomtrical Parameters and Field
of error variances in such trials. Attention towards this
Designs, 2. Mathematical Analysis of Genetic
should have been drawn in the worked example.
Divergence, 3. Analysis of G x E Interaction and
Stability Parameters, 4. Analysis of Gene Action and While dealing with "Regression analysis of
Variance Components and 5. Statistical/Genetic:;tl Stability" in Chapter 9, the mistake committed in original
Parameters in Selection and Mutation Experiments. papers by the authors on allotment of degrees of
freedom has again been repeated in the example e.g.,
Critically seen, each part has its plus and minus
regression S.S. should carry 7 d.f. (Table 9-2) instead
points e.g., in part I measures of dispersion have been of 6, since there are seven genotypes, performance of
presented from an exmaple of date of 7 Fs families each of which has been regressed on location means
on numbers of tillers/plant in wheat grown in RCBD. with 1 d.f., while the degrees of freedom for S.S. due
An example of raw data and from which frequency to deviation from regression should be 28. In example
distribution is prepared and estimates of measures of on Eberhart and Russell Stability model (Chapter 10),
central tendency and dispersion worked out would have the mistake committed by authors on allotment of one
been more appropriate. degrees of freedom for Environment (linear), which
In section 3 of this part, only two field designs should actually should carry (1-1) d.f. where I is number
namely Randomised Complete Block Design and of locations, (c.f. Daljeet Singh, Ind. J. Genet.,) needed
Augmented Designs have been presented but more to be pointed out and attention of readers should have
often than not plant breeders use split plot/compact been drawn to this inconsistency.
family block dsigns and some incomplete block designs
Part IV on "Analysis of gene action and variance
such as simple lattice. components" gives analysis of (i) Top cross and
Again the concepts of standard deviation and polycross, (ii) Line x Tester, (iii) Partial diallel, (iv) Tests
standard error have to be qualified by refering to a of epistasis, (v) Hayman model of diallel analysis, (vi)
392 Book reviews [Vol. 61, No. 4

Griffings model of diallel analysis, (vii) Variety-diallel models in plant breeding with appropriate examples
cross model of Eberhart and Gardner, (viii) Emara's from literature.
model of analysis of population (ix) Kearsey's model
of biparental progeny analysis (x) NCD I, " and III Part V of the book which deals with statistical/
designs, (xi) Analysis of generation means and (xii) genetical parametere in "Selection and Mutation
Detection of epistasis and variance components. Where Experiments" gives solved examples on estimation of
the aim of plant breeder is to estimate the genetical parameters of expected and realised heritability,
components of variation, most plant breeders and expected and realised response to selection, intra- class
students alike are prone to confuse between "Reference" correlation and correlated response etc. In addition,
and "Inference'~ populations. Some of the mating designs part V also includes analysis of data of an experiment
like NCD I, II and III, Biparental matings, Triple test on Disruptive selection. However, an exmaple on
cross, Diallel (Eberhart and Gardner model, Griffings "Discriminant Function for Plant Selection" should have
model) and Partial Diallel Cross matings are based on also been included.
generating different types of families and working out
Chaper 25, (Part V) of the book deals with
variances and covariances from relatives, the
analysis of data of variation in polygenic traits induced
"Reference" population is the random mating population
through mutations. An important consideration in any
from which through appropriate sampling procedures,
mutation experiments is the nature of frequency
selection of parents is done and mating carried out.
distribution in M2 and M3 populations. Measure of
Therefore such points/explanations are to be brought
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skewness and kurtosis should have been elaborated

out very clearly along side with solved examples as
with an example to reveal the behaviour of such
also to· what appropriate inference can be drawn in
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each case. Also the assumptions required for drawing


valid inferences e.g. (i) Parents randomly drawn (ii) It is hoped, the author would take care of some
The population is in random mating equlibrium (iii) of the points discussed above as well as of the points
Normal diploid behaviour at meiosis (iv) No not discussed. The arrangement of the book also needs
environmental corelation among progenies (v) Progeneis some attention.
are not inbred (vi) Linkage equilibrium exists (vii)
Experimental errors are normally and independently The book will be useful to the graduate/post
distributed, should have been emphasized upon in the graduate students as well as researchers in plant
example. breeding in Agricultural Universities in India in
undertaking biometrical analysis of their research data.
Similarly when dealing with fixed effect models
(Hayman, 1954, Griffings, 1956) of diallel analysis, We R. B. Mehra, M. C. Kharkwal and V. K. S. Rana
wish author should have devoted some space to drawing Division of Genetics,
of valid inference and uses (and misuses) of statistical IARI, New Delhi

Introduction to Plant Biotechnology

H. S. Chawla

Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2000, 368 pp. Price Rs. 125

The subject of Biotechnology has recently attained a which are basically reference books dealing with
great significance as this branch of science is being specialized topics in biotechnology. A few Indian authors
visualized as the science of twenty first century that have tried to fill the vacuum by writing textbooks
will play a very significant role in shaping human life. according to syllabi prescribed in Indian Universities.
Consequently, the study of biotechnology has occupied However, facing the constraint of size and price, these
a prominent place in the syllabi of almost all the Indian books try to include all aspects of biotechnology and
universities. To cater the needs of students and fail to give a fairly detailed treatment to the different
teachers, many books by foreign authors are available, topics covered. In this context, the book under review

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