1-Salt Analysis General Procedure
1-Salt Analysis General Procedure
1-Salt Analysis General Procedure
To Analysis the given salt systematically
Preliminary/Physical Test:
Group Separation
Zeroth Group - Confirmatory test for Ammonium:
1. NaOH Test:
Take a pinch of salt in a
Ammonia gas is evolved NH4+ is confirmed
test tube and add NaOH
and heat the contents
2. Nessler’s reagent Test:
To the above test
Ammonium gas is collected Brown solution or NH4+ is confirmed
in another test tube and Precipitate is obtained
add Nessler’s reagent
Chemical Reactions:
Group I-VI
1. Group I
To the original solution White Precipitate Presence of Group I
add dil.HCl (Pb2+)
2. Group II
To the above solution add
Yellow Ammonium Black Precipitate Presence of Group II
Sulphide solution / H2S is (Cu2+ and Pb2+)
3. Group III
To the above solution add Gelatinous
con.HNO3 and boiled. Then White Precipitate Presence of Group III
add NH4Cl solid with (Al3+)
excess of NH4OH solution
4. Group IV
To the above solution add
NH4Cl and NH4OH Dull Presence of Group IV
solutions. Then Yellow White Precipitate (Zn2+)
Ammonium Sulphide
solution/ H2S is passed
5. Group V
To the above solution add Presence of Group V
NH4Cl and NH4OH White Precipitate (Ba2+, Sr2+ and Ca2+)
solutions. Then add
(NH4)2CO3 Solution
6. Group VI No Precipitate in above Presence of Group VI
- groups (Mg2+)
Confirmatory test for Cations/Basic Radical
Group I - Confirmatory test for Lead:
1. Potassium iodide test:
To the original solution Yellow Precipitate Pb2+ is Confirmed
add KI solution
Chemical Reactions:
2. Lake Test:
Chemical Reactions:
3. NaOH Test:
Acid Radical is ___________ Base Radical is ___________
The Given Unknown Salt is ______________