Diagnostic Examination: A. B. C. D
Diagnostic Examination: A. B. C. D
Diagnostic Examination: A. B. C. D
Multiple Choice
Direction: Choose the correct answer and the letter on the space before each number. Strictly no erasures.
3. Do you agree that market validation should always be done before introducing a product?
a. No, market validation should start after introducing the product for a better understanding of the target market will help
build a better, more focused product.
b. Yes, market validation should start before introducing a product to verify the market and identify the customers who are
willing to use the product.
c.Yes, market validation should start much earlier in the process for a better understanding of the target market will
help build a better, more focused product.
d. No, market validation should start after introducing the product to minimize the cost of validating the market and
focus on the production rather than market validation.
4. Which of the following is the correct design process sequence of 4M’s in operation?
a. Method → Materials → Manpower → Machine
b. Materials → Machine → Manpower → Method c.
Method → Manpower → Machine → Materials
d. Machine → Materials → Manpower → Method
5. Which statement best describes MACHINE in the 4M’s of Operation? a. Facts, information, or ideas for use in creating work.
b. A particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something especially a systematic or established
c.The number of people working or available for work service.
d. An apparatus using or applying mechanical power & having several parts, each with a definite function & together
performing a particular task.
13. What would happen if you created a business model canvass for your business?
a. Difficult to create new business model.
b. It gives you an idea to generate profit.
c. You can analyze and update your existing business model
. d. You can project your future revenues.
14. Cindy bought 50 pens for for Php 300.00. She then sold the pen for Php 10.00.How much would be her profit when she sold all of the 50
a. Php 100.00
b. Php 200.00
c. Php 500.00
d. Php 300.00
15.This refers to the amount added to the cost of a product to determine theselling price.
a. Revenue b. Cost c. Mark Up d. Mark Down
16. Aling Marta sells bibingka in her neighbourhood, every day she can sell 45 pieces of bibingka at 20 pesos each. How much is her daily
a. 900.00 b. 450.00 c. 800.00 d. 1000.00
17. It is a planning tool that helps entrepreneur copes up with uncertainties in the future operation of the business.
a. Revenue b. Selling c. Benchmarking d. Forecasting
18. The selling price of an item or merchandise is computed by adding cost per unit and __?
a. revenue b. mark up c. discount d. number of Items
19. Mang Berting is a fruit vendor selling at the local public market. He gets his
mangoes from a supplier at 25 pesos per kilo and sells it at 45 per kilo to his customers. How much mark-up was Mang Berting adding to his
selling price?
a. 25.00 b. 30.00 c. 15.00 d. 20.00
20. Aling Elvie sells t-shirt at 175.00 pesos each. If each t-shirt costs 135.00 pesos, How much is the mark-up?
a. 30.00 b. 45.00 c. 40.00 d. 50.00
21. It is the result when sales exceed the cost to produce goods or render services.
a.Forecasting b. Selling c. Revenue d. Benchmarking
22. It is a tool that allows managers to make educated estimates on revenue and
costs of the business in order to cope up with uncertainties of the future.
a. Estimating b. Guessing c. Forecasting d. Benchmarking
23. This refers to goods and merchandise at the beginning of operation of business or accounting period.
a. Merchandise Inventory, end c. Expenses
b. Merchandise Inventory, beginning d. Freight-in
24. Mang Lito sold 5 pairs of slippers. Suppose Mang Lito purchased the 5 pairs of slippers at P 30.00 each and pays P120.00 freight.
Calculate how much is the cost of goods sold?
a. 220.00 b. 420. c. 270.00 d. 200.00
25.This refers to amount paid to transport goods or merchandise purchased from the supplier to the buyer.
a. Merchandise Inventory, end c. Expenses
b. Merchandise Inventory, beginning d. Freight-in
26.This refers to costs incurred through payment of utilities such as electricity and water.
a. Revenue c. Mark-up
b. Operating expenses d. Freight-in
27. Which of the following best definition for profit?
a. Profit is the value remaining after a company’s expenses have been paid and can be found on an income statement.
b. Profit is the value that remains after the cost of sales, or cost of goods sold (COGS), has been deducted from sales
c. Profit is the value that remains after all operating expenses have been deducted from revenue.
d. Profit is the amount of all the sales.
II.Write True if the statement is correct, while False if the statement is incorrect.
______41. When sales exceed the cost to produce goods its result is called forecasting.
______42. Mark-up refers to the amount added to the cost of a product to determine the selling price.
______43. Forecasting is a planning tool that helps entrepreneur copes up with uncertainties in its future operation.
______44. Costs incurred through payment of utilities such as water and electricity is called operating expenses.
______45. Mang Mario is a fruit vendor. Selling fruits is an example of a service concern business.
______46. The selling price of a product is calculated by adding its cost per unit and mark-up.
______47. Mark-up refers to the amount added to the cost of a product to determine the selling price.
______48. Merchandise or goods purchased are called Purchases.
______49. Aling Becky sells suman in her neighbourhood, every day she can sell 75 pieces of suman for 5.00 pesos each. Her
daily revenue is 325.00 pesos.
______50. Loss is a result when cost to produce goods is greater than the sale 2. The gross profit rate provides information on
the cost ratio of the business
______51. In evaluating the profitability of the entrepreneurial venture, the evaluation must focus on the information reflected
on the face of the balance sheet.
______52. The operating profit margin rate indicates information on the percentage of operating expenses on the net sales.
______53. Mr. Q is a practicing Doctor of Medicine. During the month of March 2019 he received Professional Fees amounting
to P 1,000,000 and total expenses of P250,000. The net income of Mr. Q is P750,000.
______54. Profit is the money received from customer in exchange of products given to customer.
______55. The gross profit rate of the entrepreneurial venture is computed by dividing the cost of goods sold by net sales.
______56. The gross profit rate provides information on the cost ratio of business.
______57. One of the objectives in evaluating the gross profit rate of the business is to determine whether the amount of the
gross profit is sufficient to cover the operating expenses.
______58. The operating profit margin rate indicates information on the percentage of operating expenses to net sales.
______59. The government is not interested in financial statements since it is not a party to any of the transactions of the
______60. The net profit margin rate presents the general perspective of the operating performance of the business.