Sen Question Bank For PTT2

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1. Define the term a)Cardinality b)Modality

 Cardinality describes the number of entities in one entity set,which
can be associated with the number of entities of other sets via
relationship set.
 Types of cardinalities:
One to one (1: 1)
One to many (1: N)
Many to many (M: N)
 Modality indicates whether or not a particular data object must
participate in the relationship.
 The modality of a relationship is 0 if there is no explicit need for the
relationship to occur or the relationship is optional. The modality is 1
if an occurrence of the relationship is mandatory.

2. Draw neat labeled diagram of translation of requirement model

into design model and explain it with details
 Software design is at the core of software engineering and it is applied
irrespective of any process model.
 After analysing and modelling the requirements, software design is done which
serves as the basis for code generation and testing.
 Software designing is a process of translating analysis model into the design
 The analysis model is manifested by scenario based, class based, flow oriented
and behavioural elements and feed the design task.
 The architectural design defines the relationship between major structural
elements of the software. The architectural styles and design patterns can be
used to achieve the requirements defined for the system.
 The interface design describes how software communicates with
systems. These systems are interacting with each other as well as
with the humans who operate them. Thus interface design represents
the flow of information and specific type of behaviour. The usage
scenarios and behavioural models of analysis modelling provide the
information needed by the interface design.
 The component-level design transforms structural elements of
software architecture into procedural description of software module.
The information used by the component design is obtained from
class based model, flow based model and behavioural model.
 Software design is important to assess the quality of software.
Because design is the only way that we can accurately translate the
user requirements into the finished software product.
 Without design unstable system may get developed. Even if some
small changes are made then those changes will go fail. It will
become difficult to test the product. The quality of the software
product can not be assessed until late in the software process.

3. Draw DFD 0 and DFD 1 for Library Management System

4. Draw proper labelled “LEVEL 1 Data Flow Diagram” (DFD) for
railway reservation system
5. Differentiate between White box and Black Box Testing.
6. Differentiate between Verification and Validation

7. State the advantages and disadvantages of unit testing.

 Unit testing uses module approach due to that any part can be tested
without waiting for completion of another parts testing.
 The developing team focuses on the provided functionality of the unit
and how functionality should look in unit test suits to understand the
unit API.
 Unit testing allows the developer to refactor code after a number of
days and ensure the module still working without any defect.

 It cannot identify integration or broad level error as it works on units
of the code.
 In the unit testing, evaluation of all execution paths is not possible, so
unit testing is not able to catch each and every error in a program.
 It is best suitable for conjunction with other testing activities
8. Describe 4 P’s of management spectrum
Effective software project management focuses four P’s i.e. people,
product, process and project. The successful project management is done
with the help of these four factors where the order of these elements is
not arbitrary. Project manager has to motivate the communication
between stakeholders.
People:Consists of the stakeholders, the team leaders, and the software
People factor is an important issue in software industry. There is a strong
need for motivated and highly skilled people for developing the software
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has developed the People
Management Capability Maturity Model (PM-CMM) By using PM-
CMM model software organizations become capable for undertaking
complex applications which ultimately attracts or motivates the talented

Product: The software developer and customer must communicate with

each other in order to define the objectives and scope of the product.
This is done as the first step in requirement gathering and analysis.
The scope of the project identifies primary data, functions and behaviour
of the product.

Process: The software process provides the framework from which a

comprehensive plan for software development can be established.
There are various framework activities that needs to be carried out during
the software development process. These activities can be of varying size
and complexities.
Different task sets-tasks, milestones, work products and quality
assurance points enable framework activities to adapt the software
requirements and certain characteristics of software project.

Project:Planning and controlling a software project is done for one

primary reason…it is the only known way to manage complexity.
For a successful software project, it is necessary to understand the
mistakes in the project and how to correct them.
Project management is an application of knowledge,skills, tools and
techniques to manage the resources to deliver customer needs within
agreed terms of cost time and scope of delivery.
9. With an example, explain Line of Code (LOC) based estimation
 LOC is the simplet metrics to estimate project size.
 Using LOC metric the project size is estimated by counting the
number of source instructions in the developed program.LOC is a
software metric used to measure the size of a computer program,as
 It can also be defined as the number of delivered lines of
code,excluding comments and blank lines.
 From LOC, simple size-oriented metrics can be derived such as errors
per KLOC (Thousand of lines of code),defects per KLOC,and cost
per KLOC.
 LOC-Based Estimation: As an example of LOC and FP problem-
based estimation techniques, let us consider a software package to be
developed for a computer-aided design application for mechanical
 A review of the System Specification indicates that the software is to
execute on an engineering workstation and must interface with
various computer graphics peripherals including a mouse, digitizer,
high resolution color display and laser printer.
 Using the System Specification as a guide, a preliminary statement
ofsoftware scope can be developed

10. Name two cost estimation approaches.

 Heuristic Estimation Approach
 Analytical Estimation Approach
 Empirical Estimation Approach
11. Calculate using COCOMO model i)Effort ii)Project duration
iii)Average staff size If estimated size of project is 200 KLOC using
organic mode.
Given data: size=200 KLOC mode= organic

Effort=2.4(KLOC)^1.05 PM
E= 2.4 (200)^1.05
E=626 staff members

B) Project duration
Time=2.5(Effort)^0.38 Months
=2.5 (626)^0.38
=29 months

C) Average staff size

SS=22 Staffs
12. Describe RMMM Strategy
 Risk mitigation, monitoring, and management (RMMM) plan. A risk
management strategy can be included in the software project plan or
the risk management steps can be organized into a separate Risk
Mitigation, Monitoring and Management Plan
 The RMMM plan documents all work performed as part of risk
analysis and is used by the project manager as part of the overall
project plan. Once RMMM has been documented and the project has
begun, risk mitigation and monitoring steps commence. Risk
mitigation is a problem avoidance activity
 Risk monitoring is a project tracking activity with three primary
 (1) To assess whether predicted risks do, in fact, occur;
 (2) To ensure that risk aversion steps defined for the risk are being
properly applied; and
 (3) To collect information that can be used for future risk analysis. In
many cases, the problems that occur during a project can be traced to
more than one risk.
An effective strategy must consider three issues:
 Risk avoidance
 Risk monitoring
 Risk management and contingency planning.
13. Define proactive and reactive risk strategy.
Reactive risk strategies • Reactive risk strategy follows that the risks
have to be tackled at the time of their occurrence.
• No precautions are to be taken as per this strategy.
• They are meant for risks with relatively smaller impact.
• More commonly, the software team does nothing about risks until
something goes wrong.
• Then, the team flies into action in an attempt to correct the problem
rapidly. .
Proactive risk strategies • It follows that the risks have to be identified
before start of the project.
• They have to be analyzed by assessing their probability of occurrence,
their impact after occurrence, and steps to be followed for its precaution.

14. List and explain basic principles of project scheduling.

Compartmentalized:The software project must be compartmentalized
into a number of manageable activities and tasks. To accomplish
compartmentalization, both product and process are refined.
Effort validation:Each and every project has a defined number of people
on the software team. As time allocation occurs, you must ensure that no
more than the allocated number of people has been scheduled at any
given time
Interdependency:The interdependency of each and every
compartmentalized activity or task must be determined Some task must
occur in sequence while other tasks can occur parallel.
Defined milestones:Every task or group tasks should be associated with a
project milestone.A milestone is accomplished when one or more work
products has been reviewed for quality and has been approved.
Defined outcomes: Every task defined must have certain outcomes For
software projects the outcome is the work product or a part of work

15. Differentiate between Software Quality Management and

Software Quality Assurance
16. Describe CMMI. Give significance of each level.
The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), a comprehensive
process meta-model that is predicated on a set of system and software
engineering capabilities that should be present as organizations reach
different levels of process capability and maturity.
The CMMI represents a process meta-model in two different ways: ( 1)
Continuous model and (2) Staged model.
Level 1: Initial. The software process is characterized as ad hoc and
occasionally even chaotic. Few processes are defined, and success
depends on individual effort.
Level 2: Repeatable. Basic project management processes are established
to track cost, schedule, and functionality. The necessary process
discipline is in place to repeat earlier successes on projects with similar
Level 3: Defined. The software process for both management and
engineering activities is documented, standardized, and integrated into an
organization wide software process. All projects use a documented and
approved version of the organization's process for developing and
supporting software. This level includes all characteristics defined for
level 2
Level 4: Managed. Detailed measures of the software process and product
quality are collected. Both the software process and products are
quantitatively understood and controlled using detailed measures. This
level includes all characteristics defined for level 3
Level 5: Optimizing. Continuous process improvement is enabled by
quantitative feedback from the process and from testing innovative ideas
and technologies. This level includes all characteristics defined for level 4.
17. Name four quality assurance activities
These activities are performed (or facilitated) by an independent SQA
group that:
i. Prepares an SQA plan for a project.
ii. Participates in the development of the project’s software process
iii. Reviews software engineering activities to verify compliance with the
defined software process.
iv. Audits designated software work products to verify compliance with
those defined as part of the software process.
v. Ensures that deviations in software work and work products are
documented and handled according to a documented procedure.
vi. Records any noncompliance and reports to senior management.

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