Analysis on the Performance of Micro and Nano Molybdenum
Di-Sulphide Powder Suspended Dielectric in the Electrical
Discharge Machining Process—A Comparison
Rajesh J. V. and Giridharan Abimannan *
School of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai, Chennai 600127, Tamil Nadu, India
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: The significance of suspending molybdenum di-sulphide powder particles of two distinct
mean size viz. Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm into the dielectric of electrical discharge machining is analysed.
Crater geometry, surface crack density, skewness, kurtosis and chemical alteration of machined
surfaces are considered as outcome measures. A numerical model using finite element analysis is
developed to forecast crater geometry. To validate the proposed model, experiments are conducted by
varying input parameters such as discharge duration, peak current, and gap voltage. In comparison
with the experimental results, the proposed model predicts diameter of crater with an error of 3.34%,
7.32% and 2.76% for discharge duration, peak current and gap voltage respectively for Φ40 µm
powder; similarly, 0.19%, 3.65% and 2.78% for Φ90 nm powder. Scanning electron microscope
images, 2D roughness profiles and X-ray diffraction profiles are used to assess the partial discharge
phenomena, surface crack density, skewness, kurtosis and chemical alteration of the machined surface.
For all parameter settings, the Φ90 nm produced surfaces with lessened micro-cracks compared to
Φ40 µm. The Φ90 nm creates surfaces with negative skewness and kurtosis less than 3. The deposition
of MoS2 powder particle on the machined surface is revealed through X-ray diffraction analysis.
Citation: J. V., R.; Abimannan, G.
Analysis on the Performance of Micro Keywords: molybdenum-di-sulphide; micro and nano powder; powder mixed electrical discharge
and Nano Molybdenum Di-Sulphide machining; crater geometry; modelling; deposition; surface crack density; skewness and kurtosis
Powder Suspended Dielectric in the
Electrical Discharge Machining
Process—A Comparison.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587. https:// 1. Introduction
Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is a widely accepted non-traditional subtrac-
Academic Editor: Claudia Barile tive machining technique employed to create intricate contours/forms on difficult-to-cut
Received: 1 September 2022
materials used in aerospace, automotive, marine, dies and mould-making industries [1,2].
Accepted: 16 September 2022
Material removal in the EDM process occurs due to electro-thermal spark erosion phenom-
Published: 13 October 2022
ena [3,4]. In the EDM process, the tool and workpiece (hereafter ‘electrodes’) are connected
to a high-frequency pulse generator. The electrodes are kept immersed inside a dielectric
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
liquid (mostly hydrocarbon-based liquid) separated by a small distance called a ‘spark
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
gap’. When the power is switched on, the pulse generator supplies high-frequency pulses
published maps and institutional affil-
between the electrodes. As the pulses occur in the gap, the insulating property of the
dielectric medium is broken transitorily, which allows a discharge (spark) to occur between
the electrodes. As the discharge remains, continuous melting, evaporation of the dielectric
liquid and electrode material takes place. Owing to electro-thermal heating, a molten pool
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
and a compressed vapour bubble is formed on the electrode’s surface and around the
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. discharge respectively. The instant termination of electric pulse collapses the compressed
This article is an open access article vapour bubble, as a consequence the bubble bursts abruptly. As a result, a portion of the
distributed under the terms and melted material present on the electrode’s surface is expelled into the dielectric medium
conditions of the Creative Commons and the remainder is re-deposited back onto the adjacent region. Therefore, each pulse
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// removes a minuscule volume of material from the electrode’s surface which results in a
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ crater forming [3–5]. Due to its tendency for reduced material removal, various techniques
4.0/). have been employed to improve the existing EDM process without sacrificing its inherent
characteristics. In the past, methods such as applying tool electrode rotation [6], ultrasonic
vibration to workpiece or tool material [7], use of powder metallurgical tools [8] and sus-
pending fine powder particles into the dielectric fluid with continuous stirring [5] were
employed. Among these, suspending fine powder particles (metals, semi-conductor and
ceramic) into the liquid dielectric, known as powder mixed EDM (PMEDM), has gained
researchers’ attention as it offers improved performance under the same operating condi-
tions [9,10]. The process mechanics of PMEDM is identical to EDM except the dispersion of
fine powder particles into the liquid dielectric. The suspended powder particles reduce
the insulating strength of the dielectric. These powder particles act as secondary sites of
discharges and enhances the discharge characteristics. Each secondary discharge produces
a crater over the work surface [10–15]. The performance of the EDM or PMEDM process
is entirely dependent on the crater morphology. Therefore, understanding the formation
of craters on any machined surface is mandatory as it demonstrates the EDM or PMEDM
process characteristics.
Several disciplines such as electric, thermal, magnetic, hydraulic, and dynamics in-
volved in EDM process which make process modelling a complex stochastic phenomenon [16].
Several researchers have made significant contributions to the development of models to
mimic crater formation phenomenon in both EDM and PMEDM process. Snoeys et al. [17]
presented a thermo-mathematical model considering a 2D heat flow semi-infinite cylinder
with a disc heat source model, assuming the energy provided to the workpiece is 50%
and the heat source existed during the pulse alone. This was extended by Van Dijck and
Dutre [18] for two distinct continuums (finite and infinite). Jilani and Pandey [19] presented
a model to forecast plasma channel growth assuming that the plasma channel propagates
with the time by considering discharge energy and electrode properties. DiBitonto et al. [20]
and Patel et al. [21] proposed a theoretical model of cathode erosion using a point heat
source and the energy distribution to the cathode is assumed to be 18%. Later Joshi and
Pande [3] developed a “thermo-physical model” to predict the crater diameter using the
finite element analysis. The analysis is carried out by considering “more realistic assump-
tions such as gaussian heat distribution of heat flux and spark radius equation based on
discharge current and discharge duration”. Compared to DiBitonto’s work, the model
developed by Joshi and Pande [3] gave better prediction of crater geometry. However, the
model is validated with limited experimental data and also failed to expose for wide range
of input parameters due to difficulty to incorporate real-life conditions in the analysis. Tang
and Yang [22] established a unique “thermal-hydraulic coupling model” to investigate the
morphology of crater in EDM process using a level-set method. Tao et al. [23] proposed
a crater formation model using the fluid dynamics program FLUENT considering the
plasma heating and bubble collapsing phase. Authors proposed that the crater depth is
dependent on the specific volume of the solid metal, i.e., the expansion of the material
volume. Giridharan and Samuel [24] proposed a model to predict carter depth using 2D
surface roughness profiles. George et al. [25] used the time integration effect (TIE) approach
to figure out the crater’s radius and depth by taking into account distinct plasma flushing
efficiencies of 95% and 45% for carter diameter and crater depth, respectively, during
the WEDT process. Yeo et al. [26] provided a comprehensive numerical comparison of
electro-thermal EDM models. Shabgard et al. [27,28] proposed a model to forecast crater
dimensions during the EDM process and explored the impact of plasma flushing efficiency
(PFE) in the EDM process, stating that PFE is a function of discharge current and time.
However, the proposed PFE equation is valid for small magnitudes of pulse duration and
discharge current only. Jithin et al. [29] introduced the variable PFE factor in the heat
flux equation to increase the prediction accuracy of the crater profile/shape during the
EDM process.
Authors have made an effort to analyse the crater morphology formed during the
PMEDM process with different powder particles. Tzeng et al. [14] examined the influence
of powder properties such as thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity, particle size, and
concentration on machining efficiency. Rajeswari and Shunmugam [30] conducted a thor-
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 3 of 31
ough investigation by suspending graphite powders (10 µm size) and induced ultrasonic
vibration into the dielectric medium and studied the variation in EDM gap phenomena
using pulse train analysis. The authors stated that use of ultrasonic vibration in the PMEDM
process helps to eject debris effectively from the discharge gap and prevents agglomer-
ation between the suspended powder particles. So far, several authors have carried out
experimental investigations using different powder particles such as Gr, Si, SiC, Ti, CNT,
MWCNT, Cu, Al, Fe, and molybdenum-di-sulphide (MoS2 ) on various workpiece materials
to assess the crater morphology and performance of the machined surface in the PMEDM
process [7–11]. Ekmekci et al. [31] proposed a postulate-on-discharge separation model
to understand the crater formation in the PMEDM process. Kansal et al. [5] suggested
a model by introducing the term ‘spark frequency factor’ to account for the influence of
powder characteristics suspended into the dielectric medium during the PMEDM process.
A constant value of 2.4 is used as spark frequency factor for simulation and validated with
limited experimental runs. Furthermore, the usage of spark frequency factor for wide range
of process parameter conditions is yet to be explored. Bhattacharya et al. [15] and Singh
et al. [16] presented a FEM model to estimate the diameter and depth of crater formed
during PMEDM process considering multiple discharge phenomena. The authors proposed
that the pulse on-time and current have a significant effect on crater morphology. Later,
Zhao et al. [32] developed a model using joule heating to analyse the heat conducted into
a work surface in a single discharge of the PMEDM process. Authors postulated that the
heat flux incident on the workpiece is influenced mostly by current, voltage, and spark
radius magnitudes. Vijaykumar et al. [33] developed a 3D-axisymmetric model considering
single-discharge phenomena [34,35] during the PMEDM process. The authors investigated
characteristics such as surface crack density, skewness and kurtosis of machined surfaces
to assess the functional performance of the components for various applications [36–41].
Arun Kumar et al. [37] found that the magnetic field-assisted PMEDM process produces
fewer surface cracks than normal EDM process and postulated that the discharge current
and discharge duration are the most influencing parameters. Govindan and Joshi [38]
addressed the crack formation mechanism in dry EDM and liquid dielectric EDM process.
The authors identified that the average length and density of micro-cracks were lessened in
the dry EDM compared to conventional EDM. Coelho and Koshy [40] attempted to explore
the possibility of using EDM-machined inserts for passive vibration damping applications.
It was reported that the damping ratio of EDM-machined inserts is doubled compared
to the extruded insert due to the positive skewness and high kurtosis produced on ma-
chined surfaces. Tran et al. [41] employed the Taguchi technique and ANOVA analysis
for improving the surface finish of 90 CrSi steel by suspending SiC powder particles in
dielectric liquid of the EDM process. Input parameters such as powder concentration,
pulse-on-time, pulse-off-time, pulse current, and servo voltage were used. The authors
reported that the powder concentration and pulse-off-time showed a significant effect on
surface finish compared to other parameters. Rehman et al. [42] investigated the effect
of adding different-sized graphite powder particles (20, 30 and 40 µm) to the dielectric
liquid during the EDM process; the Box–Behnken design was used to predict the machining
characteristics of EN-30B alloy steel. The authors postulated that input factors such as peak
current, pulse-on-time, the size and concentration of the graphite powder had a substantial
impact on the recast layer thickness, micro hardness, crater size, MRR, and TWR, which are
considered as output measures. At higher concentrations and larger particle sizes, the crater
depth and micro hardness were maximized. Nguyen et al. [43,44] applied grey relation
analysis (GRA) to identify the optimum machine settings to achieve minimum surface
roughness, electrode wear rate and maximum material removal rate in SiC-suspended
dielectric liquid of the EDM process. Alhodaib et al. [45] attempted to identify optimum
settings using GRA in machining Nimonic 90 superalloy and various other materials [46].
Table 1 shows a critical review of existing works and the novelty of the present study.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 4 of 31
Table 1. Comparison on existing literature and contribution of proposed work in PMEDM process.
Based on the critical observations identified from the existing literature (as presented
in Table 1), the present study aims at developing a single-spark transient thermal model for
the PMEDM process to predict the crater geometry (diameter and depth). A new parameter
called “variable pulse frequency factor” is included to account the addition of powder into
the dielectric medium. The proposed model is verified by conducting PMEDM experiments
covering full range of parameters used in the industry. In order to explore the performance
of nano-sized MoS2 powder (mean size Φ90 nm) particles, micron-sized MoS2 powder
(means size Φ40 µm) particles were chosen for comparison. The significance of the input
process parameters, namely, discharge duration, peak current, gap voltage and powder
particle size on surface characteristics such as crater morphology, surfaces crack density,
skewness, kurtosis and chemical alteration of the machined surface, are analysed. The
scanning electron microscope (SEM) images, 2D roughness profiles, energy dispersive
spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) profiles are used to assess the surface
characteristics. Details of the models, experimentation and obtained findings are presented
in subsequent section of this paper.
(h) During spark discharge, the portion of workpiece material in the boiling region are
removed completely. At the end of every discharge, only a fraction of melted material
is detached from workpiece surface.
(i) The pulse frequency factor is considered to assess the crater geometry.
A three-dimensional transient heat conduction equation without internal heat genera-
tion is considered for the PMEDM process, which is expressed as
1 ∂ ∂T 1 ∂T ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂T
kr + 2 k + k = ρcp (1)
r ∂r ∂r r ∂∅ ∂∅ ∂z ∂z ∂t
where, r, ∅, and z are the cylindrical coordinates of the work domain. k is thermal conduc-
tivity (J/mk), T is the temperature (K), ρ is the density (kg/m3 ), and cp is the specific heat
capacity (J/kgK) of the workpiece material. An axisymmetric work domain is considered
for this analysis ∂∂T
∅ = 0. Thus Equation (1) becomes [3,5].
∂T 1 ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T
ρ Cp = kr + k (2)
∂t r ∂r ∂r ∂z ∂z
The domain used in this work is a small cylindrical portion of the workpiece surround-
ing the spark that is bounded by four boundaries denoted by the letters B1, B2, B3, and
B4. Figure 1 depicts the domain and boundary conditions for various workpiece surfaces
in the PMEDM process. At the workpiece boundary B1, a single-spark Gaussian heat flux
is applied up to the spark radius R, and the remainder of the boundary is assumed to be
convective heat transfer between the dielectric medium and the workpiece surface. The
boundaries B2 and B3 are positioned away from the source of the spark to ensure no heat
is transferred across them. B4 is axisymmetric, hence, the heat flow is assumed to be zero
because there is no heat loss or gain in this region. The boundary conditions are given in
Equation (3) [3,5].
h c (T − T 0 ) r > R
k = Qw r ≤ R on B1 (3)
0 For pulse off time
where Fc is a fraction of heat input to the workpiece, V is discharge voltage (V), I is discharge
current (A), R(t) is spark radius (µm), r is the radial distance from the axis of the spark (µm),
and Kn is pulse frequency factor. It is observed from the pieces of research that the proposed
values for the fraction of heat (Fc ) transferred to the workpiece varied from 0.18 to 0.5.
DiBitonoto’s group [20,21] stated that a fraction 0.08 and 0.183 of heat is transferred to the
anode and cathode respectively. Shankar et al. proposed a hypothesis that 0.4–0.45 of Fc is
absorbed by the workpieces [34]. Kansal et al. [5] used 0.05 to 0.2 of Fc whereas Battacharya
and Batish [15] considered 0.1 to 0.25 during the PMEDM process. In the present model,
the value of Fc is assumed to be 0.183 and its effects on crater geometry are analysed. In
practice, it is very difficult to measure the spark radius experimentally due to the rapid
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 6 of 31
collapse of the plasma channel (order of a few microseconds). To predict the accurate
spark radius, many researchers have proposed various approaches. Pandey and Jilani [19]
establish the spark radius equation based on the boiling point of the material and had
proposed an empirical relation to forecast spark radius for limited tool and work material
combination. Later Ikai et al. [35] proposed a semi-empirical equation to determine the
spark radius, which is a function of discharge current (16 to 26 A) and discharge duration
(100 µs to 700 µs). In this work, the spark radius is evaluated by using the expression below
(equivalent heat input radius).
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 34
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Heat
Heat transfer
transfer model
model for
PMEDM process.
Here, hspark
c is thedischarges,
convectivethe material of
coefficient in the
heatspark zone(W/m
transfer melts2K),owing
Q (r)to electro-thermal
is the heat flux
heating. At theto
(W/m2) owing endtheofspark,
discharge, only
T0 is the a portion
room of melted
temperature, material
Ta is ambient is temperature,
evacuated from Ta =the
spark zone and the remainder solidifies back onto the adjacent region. In the modelling, a
at t = 0.
parameter called
Gaussian material removal
distribution of heatefficiency
flux as the or plasma flushing
heat source modelefficiency (PFE)prediction
gave better is used to
define the entire portion of melted material ejected from the workpiece
results in comparison to the previous models [3,5,16]. As a result, it has been widely surface after each
spark discharge. Numerous studies have been carried out modelling
cepted as a heat source for modelling of the PMEDM process. So, the present work con- the EDM by taking
into account
siders Gaussian100% PFEflux
heat [2,16,33]. Due to the inherent characteristics of the PMEDM process,
it is difficult to attain 100% PFE in practice. Some authors have reported that the PFE of the
electrodes varies between 2Qand 96% 4.45 Fc V In
[5,22]. K nthis
I present work, r the PFE is assumed to (4) be
w (r)= exp -4.5
95% and 45% for crater diameter and depth, πR respectively [25].
2 R(t)
Pulse frequency refers to the number of discharges occurring between the electrodes
where Fc is a fraction of heat input to the workpiece, V is discharge voltage (V), I is dis-
per unit time, which directly influences the EDM process characteristics. It is perceived
charge current (A), R(t) is spark radius (μm), r is the radial distance from the axis of the
from the available literature that, during the PMEDM process, the pulse frequency increases
spark (μm), and Kn is pulse frequency factor. It is observed from the pieces of research
by 2–3 times compared to normal EDM under identical operating conditions [5] because
that the proposed values for the fraction of heat (Fc) transferred to the workpiece varied
the suspended powder particles in the dielectric medium under the electrostatic forces
from 0.18 to 0.5. DiBitonoto’s group [20,21] stated that a fraction 0.08 and 0.183 of heat is
become polarised in a zig-zag pattern. The dispersed powder particles alter the breakdown
transferred to the anode and cathode respectively. Shankar et al. proposed a hypothesis
characteristic of the dielectric fluid and the interspace for electric discharge initiation is
that 0.4–0.45 of Fc is absorbed by the workpieces [34]. Kansal et al. [5] used 0.05 to 0.2 of
increased (pulse frequency is increased). Earlier, to model the PMEDM process, the authors
Fc whereas Battacharya and Batish [15] considered 0.1 to 0.25 during the PMEDM process.
considered a constant frequency factor (Kn = 2.4) [5]. However, in practice, the spark
In the present
frequency is notmodel, the and
constant value of Fc is assumed
depends on various toparameters
be 0.183 and its effects
such on crater
as discharge geom-
etry are analysed. In practice, it is very difficult to measure the spark
peak current, gap voltage, duty factor, powder particle size, powder concentration, particle radius experimen-
tally dueand
density, to the rapid conditions
flushing collapse ofat thetheplasma channel
discharge gap.(order
It is anof important
a few microseconds).
parameter for To
predict the accurate spark radius, many researchers have proposed various approaches.
Pandey and Jilani [19] establish the spark radius equation based on the boiling point of
the material and had proposed an empirical relation to forecast spark radius for limited
tool and work material combination. Later Ikai et al. [35] proposed a semi-empirical equa-
tion to determine the spark radius, which is a function of discharge current (16 to 26 A)
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 7 of 31
inclusion in the heat flux equation to account for the changes that occur in the inter-
electrode gap conditions. This makes the model more realistic than existing models. The
pulse frequency factor is the ratio of the number of spark pulses in PMEDM to the number
of spark pulses in EDM under the same operating conditions. In this work, the spark
frequency factor is obtained using the expression below:
Pulse frequency factor(Kn ) = (6)
where Np —Number of spark pulses acquired in PMEDM and N—Number of spark pulses
acquired in EDM.
1.2. Steps Involved in FEM Simulation for Crater Formation Using ANSYS
The crater formation steps are carried out by considering the governing Equation (2)
along with the boundary conditions mentioned in Equation (3). A 600 µm × 600 µm
two-dimensional continuum is employed for FEM analysis. A four-nodded axi-symmetric
thermal solid element (PLANE 55) [3] is considered. An ANSYSTM 16.0 parametric design
language is used to develop the single spark PMEDM model [52] and repeated for various
input conditions [5]. The procedures adopted to generate craters are presented below
1. A 2D model is constructed using the PLANE 55 element with a mesh size of 10 µm.
2. The average thermal and physical properties of workpiece materials, such as k, cp ,
and ρ, are considered.
3. The heat flux Equation (4) applied at the spark radius region as shown in Figure 1.
4. The initial conditions and bulk temperature are set at 298 K. The temperature distri-
bution is determined by the duration of the discharge. The mesh elements and nodes
present above the melting point of the workpiece are identified and removed.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 34
Figure 2 present the forecasted crater geometry using the FEM simulation model with
100% PFE for Φ40 µm powder mixed dielectric, respectively.
Figure Predictedcrater
cratershape forΦ
shapefor Φ40
40µm at discharge
m at dischargeduration
300µs, peakcurrent
s,peak current66A
voltage 80
voltage 80 V.V.
2.2. Materials
The experiments are
experiments arecarried
Electronica machine tools Ltd, Pune, India) equipped with a DC iso-pulse generator.The
machine tools Ltd, Pune, India) equipped with a DC iso-pulse generator. The
setupandand the
the experimental
experimental conditions
conditions are
are presented
presented inin Figure
Figure 33 and
and Table
Table 2,
2, respectively.
In 100××100100× × 3 is taken as
this investigation
investigation an
an AISI 304 steel
AISI 304 steel plate
plate of
of dimension
dimension100 5 mm
5 mm 3 is taken as the
the workpiece,
workpiece, andand a pure
a pure copper
copper rodrod Φ 8mm
of Φof8mm is chosen
is chosen as tool
as the the tool electrode
electrode material.
material. The
chemical composition of the workpiece are C-0.07%, Cr-19.5%, Ni-10.5%, Mn-2%, Si-
0.75%, P-0.045%, S-0.03% and the rest is Fe. The average thermo-physical properties of
workpiece such as -7910 kg/m3, cp-530 J/kg °C, Tm-1454 °C and k-16.3 W/m °C, are con-
sidered for this study. Commercially available hydrocarbon oil (ELEKTRA supplied by
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 8 of 31
The chemical composition of the workpiece are C-0.07%, Cr-19.5%, Ni-10.5%, Mn-2%,
Si-0.75%, P-0.045%, S-0.03% and the rest is Fe. The average thermo-physical properties
of workpiece such as ρ-7910 kg/m3 , cp -530 J/kg ◦ C, Tm -1454 ◦ C and k-16.3 W/m ◦ C, are
considered for this study. Commercially available hydrocarbon oil (ELEKTRA supplied
by M/s. Electronica machine tools Ltd, Pune, India) was chosen as the dielectric fluid.
Molybdenum-di-sulphide powders of mean size Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm are chosen for this
study. The discharge duration (Td ), peak current (Ip ) and gap voltage (Vg ) are considered
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, x FOR PEER as input process parameters. Each input process parameter is chosen to cover wide range
REVIEW 9 of 34
of operating conditions to meet industry requirements. During experimentation, all input
parameters are varied using a one-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) approach.
Figure Experimentalsetup
Table 2. Experimental conditions.
To conduct PMEDM experiments on the die-sinking EDM machine, the existing die-
lectric circulation
Workingsystem was temporarily bypassed, and a Descriptions
Conditions separate experimental setup
was developed using an ultrasonic
Discharge duration [Td ] (µs) vibrator with fixture attachments.
10, 50, 100, 150, 300, 500, 750, Exposing
1000, 1500,the3000
der mixed dielectric to ultrasonic
Peak current [Ip ] (A) vibration promotes0.5, even3, 6,dispersion;
9, 12, 15, 18,prevent
21, 24, 27agglomer-
ation of powder particles
Gap voltage [Vgand
] (V)enhances the flushing conditions 20, 40, 60, 80, at100,
spark140gap during
machining. TheDuty factor (τ)vibrator (bath sonicator) is placed on
ultrasonic 6 the worktable and a
wooden plateMoS2(for
Powder (mean size)
insulation) is kept between the bath sonicator Φ40 µm, andΦ90
thenm machine’s work-
Powder concentration (g/L) 1 g/L
table as shown in Figure 3b. The powder mixed dielectric liquid is exposed to a constant
Machining time (min) 10
ultrasonic vibration frequency of 40 kHz. It is perceived from preliminary studies that, by
exposing the powder
To conduct PMEDM mixed dielectric on
experiments to continuous
the die-sinkingultrasonic
EDM vibrations,
machine, the theexisting
particles circulation
dielectric in the dielectric
system liquid
was start to agglomerate
temporarily bypassed, andandsettle at the bottom.
a separate Therefore,
experimental setupit
is imperative to identify the maximum time duration for the
was developed using an ultrasonic vibrator with fixture attachments. Exposing the powderpowder particles to remain
mixed within
dielectric the dielectric
to ultrasonic liquid
vibration before even
promotes agglomeration
preventThe initial experi-
agglomeration of
mental studies
powder particlesrevealed
and enhancesthat, beyond 120 min
the flushing of sonication,
conditions at the the
sparkpowders start to
gap during sediment
at the
The bottom.vibrator
ultrasonic Therefore,(bath the sonication
sonicator) time ison
is placed kept
the constant
worktable atand
woodenFor every 120
plate (for
min, the fresh
insulation) powder
is kept between mixed thedielectric
bath sonicatoris replenished. To hold the
and the machine’s workpiece
worktable inside the
as shown in
Figure 3b. The
ultrasonic powder
vibrator, mixed
a new dielectric
fixture liquid is and
is designed exposed to a constant
the CAD model of ultrasonic
the fixturevibration
is pre-
frequency of 40 kHz.
sented in Figure It isrecord
3c. To perceived from preliminary
the pulses produced duringstudiesmachining,
that, by exposing the powder
a four-channel dig-
mixed dielectric
ital mixed domainto continuous
oscilloscope ultrasonic
(MDO model: vibrations, the powder
Tektronix MDO4104C) particleswithin the dielectric
5 GSPS sam-
liquid startistoused.
pling rate agglomerate
A differentialand settle
voltageat the
probebottom. Therefore,
(Tektronix, HP9100,it is imperative
100 MHz) and to identify
probe (Model: Tektronix A622 AC/DC) were connected to MDO to capture voltage and
current pulses, respectively. Each pulse train data is recorded for duration of 400 ms with
100,000 data points. The pulse frequency is assessed by adopting a thresholding approach
[30] and a code is written in MATLAB R2021a (M/s. MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) soft-
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 9 of 31
the maximum time duration for the powder particles to remain suspended within the
dielectric liquid before agglomeration begins. The initial experimental studies revealed
that, beyond 120 min of sonication, the powders start to sediment at the bottom. Therefore,
the sonication time is kept constant at 120 min. For every 120 min, the fresh powder mixed
dielectric is replenished. To hold the workpiece inside the ultrasonic vibrator, a new fixture
is designed and the CAD model of the fixture is presented in Figure 3c. To record the pulses
produced during machining, a four-channel digital mixed domain oscilloscope (MDO
model: Tektronix MDO4104C) with 5 GSPS sampling rate is used. A differential voltage
probe (Tektronix, HP9100, 100 MHz) and current probe (Model: Tektronix A622 AC/DC)
were connected to MDO to capture voltage and current pulses, respectively. Each pulse
train data is recorded for duration of 400 ms with 100,000 data points. The pulse frequency
is assessed by adopting a thresholding approach [30] and a code is written in MATLAB
R2021a (M/s. MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) software to count the number of pulses.
To assess the pulse frequency, first a set of experiments were conducted in ultrasonic
vibration (40 kHz)-induced dielectric medium without powder for all input parameters.
Further, experiments were extended by suspending each Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm MoS2
powder particles with concentration of 1 g/L of the dielectric liquid. Figure 4 shows a
typical pulse train revealing the applied threshold approach for all three cases. For every
input condition, pulse train data are captured at ten different intervals and its average
value is taken for study, as presented in Table 3. The influence of the input process variables
on crater geometry, such as crater diameter and crater depth, is analysed. The crater
diameter is assessed using scanning electron microscopy (make ZEISS EVO 18 SEM, M/s.
ZEISS International, Oberkochen, Germany) images. The crater diameter is measured at
five different locations on the machined surface and its average value is considered for
comparison. By knowing the experimentally formed crater diameter, the depth of crater
can be assessed from the 2D roughness profile [24]. The surface roughness of the machined
sample is measured using “MarSurf GD120 (M/s. Mahr GmbH, Goettingen, Germany)
roughness tester at five different locations. In each roughness profile, the crater diameter
is identified and its corresponding depth values are taken. A typical FEM simulation
showing the crater geometry, SEM micrograph with crater diameter and 2D roughness
profile with crater depth are presented in Figures 5 and 6. The average of five crater depths
identified from the 2D roughness profile is taken for assessment. To validate the proposed
model, experiments were conducted by varying the process parameters encompassing
finish, semi-finish, and rough machining conditions employed in the industry. During
experimentation, constant ultrasonic vibration is imparted into the dielectric medium using
the bath sonicator to promote enhanced flushing of the spark gap.
The study on surface crack density (SCD) is carried using SEM micrographs taken at
500× magnification. The SCD is the ratio of total crack length to area of SEM micrograph
and is evaluated using Equations (7) and (8).
Lc = L1 + L2 + L3 + L4 + L5 . . . . . . Ln (7)
SCD = (8)
where, Lc is the total length of micro-cracks (µm), L1 , L2 ...Ln the length of each micro-crack
(µm), A is measured area (µm2 ) of the SEM micrograph. Typical SEM micrographs of
machined surfaces with Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm powder and measurement procedures are
presented in the Figure 7. The skewness and kurtosis values are considered from the
measured surface roughness data. The experimental conditions are stated in Table 2.
the crater geometry, SEM micrograph with crater diameter and 2D roughness profile with
crater depth are presented in Figures 5 and 6. The average of five crater depths identified
from the 2D roughness profile is taken for assessment. To validate the proposed model,
experiments were conducted by varying the process parameters encompassing finish,
semi-finish, and rough machining conditions employed in the industry. During experi-
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 10 of 31
mentation, constant ultrasonic vibration is imparted into the dielectric medium using the
bath sonicator to promote enhanced flushing of the spark gap.
N Np Kn = Np /N
Exp No Td IP Vg τ EDM Φ40 µm Φ90 nm Φ40 µm Φ90 nm
Variation of discharge duration
1 10 11812 11273 14668 0.95 1.24
2 50 6577 6879 6554 1.05 1.00
3 100 3292 3598 3866 1.09 1.17
4 150 2290 2277 2699 0.99 1.18
5 300 1330 1435 1373 1.08 1.03
6 80 6
6 500 918 1116 1096 1.22 1.19
7 750 712 743 728 1.04 1.02
8 1000 553 552 545 1.00 0.99
9Nanomaterials 1500
2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 292 369 366 1.26 11 of 1.26
10 3000 116 197 193 1.70 1.67
Variation of peak current
11 0.5 1908 1812 1767 0.95 0.93
12 3 1465 1626 1591 1.11 1.09
13 6 1330 1435 1373 1.08 1.03
14 9 1331 1435 1288 1.08 0.97
15 12 1385 1307 1456 0.94 1.05
300 80 6
16 15 1418 1337 1454 0.94 1.03
17 18 1329 1331 1381 1.00 1.04
18 21 1307 1266 1262 0.97 0.97
19 24 1251 1261 1265 1.01 1.01
20 27 1173 1254 1171 1.07 1.00
Variation of gap voltage
21 20 1130 1138 1177 1.01 1.04
22 40 1485 1461 1413 0.98 0.95
23 60 1518 1529 1533 1.01 1.01
24 300 6 80 6 1330 1435 1373 1.08 1.03
25 100 1145 1220 1173 1.07 1.02
26 120 932 914 902 0.98 0.97
27 140(c) Φ90 nm powder mixed 702 dielectric 659 636 0.94 0.91
Td —Discharge duration
Figure 4. Typical (µs),and
voltage Ip —Peak
pulse (A),
g —Gap voltage (V), N—Number
for discharge of pulses
duration 300 per
s, peak second in
EDM (without
rent 6A andpowder), Np —Number
gap voltage of pulses value).
80 V (--- Threshold per second in PMEDM, Kn —Pulse frequency factor.
(a) Simulated carter profile with 100% PFE [crater radius (Cr)=164.61 m; crater depth (Cd) = 80.70 m]
Figure 5. Cont.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 12 of 31
(a) Simulated carter profile with 100% PFE [crater radius (Cr)=164.61 m; crater depth (Cd) = 80.70 m]
(b) Magnified 2D- crater profile [C5] (c) SEM micrograph of machined surface (C-Crater)
(a) Simulated crater profile with 100 % PFE [crater radius (Cr) =153.09 m; crater depth (Cd) = 80.30 m]
(a) Simulated crater profile with 100 % PFE [crater radius (Cr) =153.09 m; crater depth (Cd) = 80.30 m]
(b) Magnified 2D- profile profile [C2] (c) SEM micrograph of machined surface (C-crater)
(b) Magnified 2D- profile profile [C2] (c) SEM micrograph of machined surface (C-crater)
Figure 6. Cont.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 13 of 31
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 34
The study on surface crack density (SCD) is carried using SEM micrographs taken at
500X magnification. The SCD is the ratio of total crack length to area of SEM micrograph
and is evaluated using Equations (7) and (8).
Lc = L1 + L2 + L3 + L4 + L5 … … . Ln (7)
SCD = (8)
where, Lc is the total length of micro-cracks (μm), L1, L2...Ln the length of each micro-crack
(μm), A is measured area (μm2) of the SEM micrograph. Typical SEM micrographs of ma-
chined surfaces with Φ40 μm and Φ90 nm powder and measurement procedures are pre-
sented in the Figure 7. The skewness and kurtosis values are considered from the meas-
ured surface roughness data. The experimental conditions are stated in Table 2.
(b) Φ90 nm
SCDatatT Td==300
μs,I Ip== 66 A,
A, V
Vg =
= 80 V.
Figure d p g 80 V.
Results and Discussions
Discussion on the Influence of Powder Suspended into Dielectric Liquid
Theeffect of each of
suspension input process variable
conductive powder and powder
particles particle
into sizeliquid
dielectric on pulse frequency
alters the dis-
presented in Table 3. Using
characteristics of EDM theprocess
OFAT approach,
as explainedthe using
input Figure
In PMEDM are varied.
process,It a
noticed from Table
potential 3, the is
difference pulse frequency
applied keeps
between thereducing
electrodesas separated
the magnitudes
by sparkof discharge
gap filled
duration, peak current and gap voltage rise. On the contrary, the pulse
with powder suspended dielectric. The presence of stray ions and conductive powders frequency growsin
with higher magnitudes of duty factor. For higher values of duty factor, a greater
the gap aids to intense electric field aberration at the region of least electrical resistance number
the occur in a given
electrodes time (ELECTRONICA
as represented technologypositive
in Figure 8a. Numerous manual)and thatnegative
an increased
gather aroundnumber of pulses.
the periphery In addition,
of the the number
powder particle of pulses
[50]. The powder occurred
PMEDMin the
slightly more than
electrically that produced
resistant region alignin EDM withouttopowder.
themselves As seen
form a chain in Each
[51]. Tableconductive
3, except
particle acquires electric charge and is expressed by Equation (9) [48, 49, 53] as
Q = πε ε R E (9)
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 14 of 31
a few settings, for almost all experimental conditions, the Kn varies from 1 to 1.67. The
effect of input parameters on crater diameter and crater depth is analysed by varying
one input parameter, whereas other parameters are maintained constant. The influence
of individual input parameter on crater geometry and chemical alteration of machined
surface produced by Φ40 µm powder mixed dielectric (hereafter mentioned as ‘Φ40 µm’)
and Φ90 nm powder mixed dielectric (hereafter mentioned as ‘Φ90 nm’) is attempted. To
compare the simulated results with experimentally data, a PFE of 95% and 45% is used for
crater diameter and crater depths respectively are presented in Table 4.
Table 4. Comparison of experimental and simulated results.
Qp = πε0 εr R2 E0 (9)
where ε0 is the permittivity of free space, εr is the relative permittivity of fluid, R is the
radius of particle, E0 is applied filed (V/d). For an applied potential difference between the
electrodes (tool and workpiece), each individual powder particle acts as a charge carrier
and the magnitude of charge each particle holds is dependent on its size (radius (R)). As
and when the electrical density between the two adjacent particles exceeds the dielectric
strength of liquid, electrical breakdown (discharge) occurs between these two powders [50].
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 15 of 31
This discharge leads to the short circuit of two powders followed by redistribution of
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 34
charges. Furthermore, charges accumulate on the periphery and the next discharge happens
between these two powders and the adjacent powder particle. Subsequently a series of
discharges occur within other powders as shown in Figure 8b; finally, an early discharge
of discharges
takes place betweenoccur within other powders
the electrodes at theasplace
shownwithin Figure 8b; finally,
the least an early
electrical dis-
resistance. A
charge takes place between the electrodes at the place with the least
discharge channel formed between the tool and workpiece around the powder particles aselectrical resistance.
A discharge channel formed between the tool and workpiece around the powder particles
shown in Figure 8c. As the discharge remains, the continuous melting and vaporization of
as shown in Figure 8c. As the discharge remains, the continuous melting and vaporization
dielectric liquid, powder particles and electrodes results in the formation of a compressed
of dielectric liquid, powder particles and electrodes results in the formation of a com-
vapouror bubble
the that
discharge channel
the discharge is perfectly
channel conducting
is perfectly conducting[48] upon
applied electric field, the powder particles acquire an electric force owing
upon the applied electric field, the powder particles acquire an electric force owing to to continuous
bombardment of electrons. When
continuous bombardment the electric
of electrons. When force exceeds
the electric theexceeds
force force ofthegravity,
force ofthe particles
accelerate towardsaccelerate
ity, the particles the oppositely
towards charged electrode.
the oppositely Particle
charged behaviours
electrode. Particleare influenced by
influenced(compressed vapour
by the medium’s bubble) properties
(compressed and theproperties
vapour bubble) charge exchange between the
and the charge
exchange between the medium and the particle. As the particles approach
medium and the particle. As the particles approach an electrode, the induced electric field an electrode,
the induced
produces electric
a partial field produces
discharge beforea itpartial
strikesdischarge before itImmediately
an electrode. strikes an electrode.
after theIm-partial
mediately after the partial discharge, the magnitude and orientation of
discharge, the magnitude and orientation of induced electric force on the particle changes.induced electric
force on the
However, the particle
keeps on However,
movingthe particle
until keeps
it loses itson moving
inertia until itmaking
without loses its physical
ertia without making physical contact with the electrode [49] as explained in Figure 8d.
contact with the electrode [49] as explained in Figure 8d.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 8. Schematic representations for partial discharge phenomena in PMEDM process. (a) Elec-
Figure 8. Schematic
tric field aberrationrepresentations for partial
(b) Series discharge dischargethe
occur in-between phenomena in PMEDM
powder particles process. (a) Electric
(c) Dis-charge
field aberration
channel (b) Series
formation discharge
(d) Occurrence occur in-between
of partial discharges. the powder particles (c) Dis-charge channel
formation (d) Occurrence of partial discharges.
respectively. Figure 9 depicts the effect of discharge duration on crater diameter in both
Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm. The carter diameter grows with increases in discharge duration
magnitudes. As the magnitude of discharge duration rises, the diameter of compressed
vapour bubble raises, which resulted in increased crater diameter. The crater diameter
generated by Φ90 nm is slightly larger than that produced by Φ40 µm. As mentioned in
Equation (9), the charge carried by a particle grows with particle size (R), which means
the charge carried by each Φ40 µm is larger than Φ90 nm particle. Yet, for a given powder
concentration suspended inside the dielectric liquid, the Φ90 nm contains more powder
particles than Φ40 µm. With Φ90 nm, the increase in the number of particles creates more
charge carriers which subsequently acquire more energy that results in a larger compressed
vapour bubble. The increase in size of the compressed vapour bubble produces a greater
crater diameter for Φ90 nm than is produced by Φ40 µm. As the size of the compressed
vapour bubble raises, the energy density inside the bubble drops, which results in the
formation of a shallow crater [50]. In comparison with the experimental data, the simulated
results predict a crater diameter with an average absolute error of 3.34% and 0.19% for
Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm respectively. The influence of discharge duration on crater depth
is illustrated in Figure 9. As is shown in Table 4, up to the discharge duration of 300 µs,
the experimentally formed crater depth is in close agreement with the simulated results
with an average absolute error of 4.43% and 4.09% for Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm, respectively.
However, for larger values (of discharge duration >300 µs), the simulation results over
predicts in comparison with the experimentally measured crater depth for both Φ40 µm
and Φ90 nm. At larger magnitudes of the discharge duration, as the discharge begins, the
energy intensity inside the compressed vapour bubble is large.
As the discharge remains, owing to the continuous melting and evaporation by electro-
thermal heating, the size of the compressed vapour bubble starts to grow radially [27,28].
The energy produced due to electro-thermal heating starts to spread over the workpiece
surface inside the vapour bubble. The heat is spread over the periphery rather than
conducted into the workpiece. Subsequently the energy density inside the vapour bubble
drops [50]. At the end of discharge, owing to the lowered energy intensity inside the vapour
bubble, the material is melted only at the periphery of the spark vicinity that resulted in
smaller crater depth. For all discharge durations, the crater depth produced by Φ90 nm is
smaller than that produced by Φ40 µm, which can be seen in Figure 9.
Further investigation is carried out on the crater morphology using SEM analysis. The
SEM micrograph of a machined surface produced by Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm for varying
discharge durations are presented in Figures 10 and 11 respectively. The SEM micrograph
revealed that, small cavities are formed within the primary crater at higher discharge
durations (>300 µs) for both Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm. These small cavities are formed due
to the occurrence of partial discharge (PD). However, at smaller discharge durations (up
to 300 µs) cavities within the crater is not identified. By increasing the magnitudes of
discharge duration, the charge carriers (powder particles) within the discharge channel
gain more energy, move towards the workpiece and produce PD within the primary
crater. The number of PD grows for longer discharge durations. The energy transferred
by these PD is minimal, as it only could melt a minute portion of material. In addition to
these observations, an attempt has been made to identify these PD phenomena using the
voltage and current pulse train captured during experimentation. Through pulse trains,
the occurrence of PD within the primary discharge is recognised clearly in both Φ40 µm
and Φ90 nm. In both Figures 10 and 11, the PD is clearly distinguished from the voltage
pulse train and fast raising current pulses [53] detected at longer discharge durations
(Figures 10b,c and 11b,c).
Nanomaterials 2022, Nanomaterials
12, 3587 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 31 18
Figure 10. Typical pulse trains data and SEM micrographs for Φ40 μm at various discharge dura-
Figure 10. Typical pulse trains data and SEM micrographs for Φ40 µm at various discharge durations
tions (C-crater, PD-partial discharge).
(C-crater, PD-partial discharge).
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 19 of 31
Figure 10. Typical pulse trains data and SEM micrographs for Φ40 μm at various discharge dura-
tions (C-crater, PD-partial discharge).
Figure 11. Typical pulse trains data and SEM micrographs for Φ90 nm at various discharge dura-
Figure 11. Typical pulse trains data and SEM micrographs for Φ90 nm at various discharge durations
tions (C-crater, PD-partial discharge).
(C-crater, PD-partial discharge).
Table 4. Comparison of experimental and simulated results.
Figure 13. SEM micrograph of surface machined using T = 300 µs, Ip = 6 A, Vg = 100 V (C-crater).
Figure 13. SEM micrograph of surface machined using Tdd= 300 μs, Ip = 6 A, Vg= 100 V (C-crater).
3.5. Analysis of Surface Crack Density
3.5. Analysis of Surface Crack Density
The SCD of machined surfaces is assessed using Equation (8) and the significance
of input of machined
parameters on SCD surfaces is assessed
of machined usingisEquation
surface presented (8)inand the significance
Figure 14. The SEM of
input parameters on SCD of machined surface is presented in
micrographs of the PMEDMed surface of AISI 304 steel specimen under varying discharge Figure 14. The SEM micro-
durationof the
are PMEDMed
presented insurfaceFigureof15a–c.
AISI 304It issteel specimen
evident from SEM undermicrograph
varying discharge
that thedu- dis-
charge are presented
duration has indirect
15a–c. It ison evident from SEM micrograph
the micro-cracks. that the discharge
The investigation discloses
duration has direct
that the density of influence on thevaried
surface cracks micro-cracks. The investigation
non-linearly with discharge discloses
the From
sity of surface
Figure 14, it iscracks
perceivedvariedthat the Φ90 nmwith
non-linearly discharge
produces duration
lessened [38]. From
micro-cracks forFigure 14, it
low magni-
perceived that theduration
of discharge Φ90 nm (uptoproduces
50 µs) lessened
compared to Φ40 µm.
micro-cracks for In
low Φ90magnitudes of dis-
nm, at discharge
of 10 µs (upto
and 50 μs) compared
µs, the to Φ40 μm.
SCD decreased In Φ90 nm,
significantly byat58.97%
dischargeandduration of 10
41.72% respec-
μs and compared
tively 50 μs, the to SCDΦ40decreased
µm. Fromsignificantly
Figure 15, itby 58.97% and
is apparent that41.72% respectively
the increase com-
in discharge
pared to Φ40produces
μm. From severe micro-cracks.
Figure This is that
15, it is apparent due the to successive
increase inelectrical
intense heat,
produces local
severe melting andThis
micro-cracks. vaporization
is due to of work material
successive causes
electrical raise in thermal
discharges, gradi-
intense heat,
ent that
local resulted
melting and in augmentedofresidual
vaporization stress [39].
work material As araise
causes result, the surface
in thermal crackthat
gradient density
increases. The trend line demonstrates that, the SCD grows until
sulted in augmented residual stress [39]. As a result, the surface crack density increases. 300 µs discharge duration
The trendΦ40
in both lineµm and Φ90 nm.
demonstrates that,Further
the SCDraising
growsthe until discharge duration duration
300 μs discharge magnitudes, in boththe
Φ40 starts
andtoΦ90 diminish
nm. Further Φ40 µm
in bothraising theand Φ90 nm.
discharge At longer
duration dischargethe
magnitudes, durations,
SCD starts the
diminishininthe energy
both Φ40 μm intensity
and Φ90within
nm.the At plasma melt lesserdurations,
longer discharge amounts of thework material.
reduction in
the energy intensitylessened micro
within thecracks
plasmaform on the
melt machined
lesser amounts surface.
of work Figure 16 illustrates
material. Subse-
the SEMlessened
quently, micrographs micro showing
cracks the
formmicro-crack of specimen
on the machined machined
surface. Figureunder various peak
16 illustrates the
current magnitudes. At a peak current magnitude of
SEM micrographs showing the micro-crack of specimen machined under various 0.5 A, long, narrow and intersecting
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
current are formed
magnitudes. At a on thecurrent
peak machined surface of
magnitude bothA,Φ40
in 0.5 long, µm and Φ90
narrow andnm, as 24
intersecting in
of 34
Figure 16a. The SCD of the Φ90 nm is lowered by 12.45% compared
micro-cracks are formed on the machined surface in both Φ40 μm and Φ90 nm, as seen in to Φ40 µm. By raising
the peak
Figure 16a.current
The SCDmagnitudes,
of the Φ90SCD nm is varies
by 12.45% compared to Φ40 μm. By raising
the peak current magnitudes, SCD varies nonlinearly.
Figure 14.
14. Effect
Effect of
of input
input process
process parameters
parameters on
on surface
surface crack
crack density.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 22 of 31
Figure 14. Effect of input process parameters on surface crack density.
Figure 18.
Figure 18. Effect
Effect of
of input
input process
process parameters
parameters on
on Skewness
Skewness and
and Kurtosis.
3.7. Effect of Process Parameters
Parameters on
on Chemical
Chemical Alteration
Alteration of
of Machined
Machined Surface
The effects of of discharge
discharge duration,
andgapgap voltage
voltage onon thethe chemical
chemical al-
teration ofofthethemachined
presented in in Figure
Figure 19. It is perceived
from Figure
Figure 19,19, for both Φ40
for both Φ40 µm and Φ90
μm and Φ90 nm,
nm, that
that by
by increasing
increasing thethe discharge
discharge duration
(Figure 19a–d) peak current (Figure 19a,b,e,f), gap voltage (Figure 19a,b,g,h)
(Figure 19a,b,c,d) peak current (Figure 19a,b,e,f), gap voltage (Figure 19a,b,g,h) magni- magnitudes,
tudes,carbon, oxygenoxygen
more carbon, and copper
and form
the machined surface owed
on the machined surfaceto owed
pyrolysis effect. It
to pyrolysis
is to beItnoticed
effect. is to befrom the from
noticed energy thedispersive spectroscopic
energy dispersive profiles that
spectroscopic the MoS
profiles powder
that2the MoS2
powder is deposited
particle on the machined
is deposited surface surface
on the machined on components machined
on components under aunder
machined lowera
lower voltage of 40 Vof(Figure
gap voltage 19g,h)19g,h)
40 V (Figure and peak
and current 9 A (Figure
peak current 19e,f).19e,f).
9 A (Figure For all operating
For all oper-
ating conditions, more MoS2 powder particles were deposited on surfaces machined using
more MoS 2 powder particles were deposited on surfaces machined using
Φ40 µm,
μm, asas observed
observedfrom fromEDSEDSprofiles.
Further investigation
investigation is carried
is carried outout to confirm
to confirm the
the deposition
deposition of MoS
of MoS 2 particles
2 particles
through X-rayX-ray diffraction
diffraction analysis.
analysis. Figure Figure 20a shows
20a shows the
the XRD
XRD profiles
profiles of un-machined
of un-machined surfacesurface
and theand the surface
surface machinedmachined
at Td = at
= I300 µs, Ip = V
p = 6 A and
6 gA=
100 V = 100
Vgfor Φ40Vμm Φ40 Φ90
for and nm Φ90
µm and nm are presented
are presented in Figurein 20b
and 20b and20c,
Figure 20c,respectively.
The XRD profiles reveal the presence Fe3C in lattice planes (211) and (031). In
XRD profiles reveal the presence Fe 3 C in lattice planes (211) and (031). In addition,
the deposition of MoS2 powder particles is identified at (002) and (103), corresponding to
deposition of MoS 2 powder particles is identified at (002) and (103), corresponding to
lattice planes
planes on both Φ40
on both Φ40 µm and Φ90
μm and Φ90 nm
nm machined
machined surfaces.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 28 of 34
4. Conclusions
In this study, an axisymmetric two-dimensional thermal model is developed to predict
the crater morphology of AISI 304 steel surfaces formed by suspending MoS2 powder
particles into the dielectric in the EDM process. Experiments were conducted using MoS2
powder particles of mean size Φ40 µm, Φ90 nm and by selecting a wide range of input
process parameters. Using the OFAT approach, the impact of discharge duration, peak
current and gap voltage on crater morphology and chemical alteration in machined surfaces
are analysed. During experimentation, one parameter is varied at a time by keeping the
remaining input parameters constant; a summary of the proposed work is listed below.
• With the rise in discharge duration magnitudes, the crater diameter and depth grow
proportionately for both Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm. However, the Φ90 nm produces a
large crater diameter, whereas the Φ40 µm produces a deeper crater on the machined
surface. In comparison with the experimentally formed crater geometry, the proposed
model predicts crater diameter with an average absolute error of 3.34% and 0.19%
for Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm, respectively. Consequently, for crater depth, the proposed
model holds good up to 300 µs discharge duration. At larger magnitudes of discharge
duration (>300 µs), owing to the lessened energy intensity inside the compressed
vapour bubble, the melted material is not completely expelled from the spark vicinity,
which leads to a reduced crater depth. This resulted in over-prediction compared to
the experimental data. A partial discharge phenomenon is noticed at higher values of
discharge duration. Using SEM micrographs and pulse train data, the partial discharge
is conceived.
• For each peak current magnitude, the Φ90 nm powder produces large diameter crater,
consequently the Φ40 µm powder produce craters with greater depths. With the rise
in peak current values, the energy intensity inside the vapour bubble grows, resulting
in the formation of larger and deeper craters. In comparison with the experimental
results, the developed model forecasts crater diameter with 7.32% and 3.65% error for
Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm respectively. The simulated result predicts crater depth with an
error of 1.06% and 0.23% for Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm respectively.
• Varying the gap voltage from small to large magnitudes, crater dimension grows pro-
portionately for both Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm powder. The developed model estimates
crater diameter with an error of 2.76% and 2.78% for Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm respec-
tively. In comparison to the experimentally formed crater depth, the simulated model
estimates with an error of 0.52% for Φ40 µm powder and 0.80% for Φ90 nm powder.
• Compared to Φ40 µm, the Φ90 nm condition produced surfaces with lessened SCD for
discharge duration 10 µs, 50 µs; peak current 0.5 A and gap voltage 20 V. The raise in in-
put parameter magnitudes, more severe micro-cracks are noticed on machined surface.
• In both Φ40 µm and Φ90 nm, the negative skewness is identified on surfaces machined
with discharge duration 50 µs, 750 µs, 3000 µs; peak current 0.5 A and gap voltage
80 V, 100 V, 120 V.
• The chemical alteration of the machined surfaces is analysed for both Φ40 µm and Φ90
nm by varying input parameters. As is perceived from the EDS profile, more MoS2
powder deposits on surface machined with Φ40 µm than Φ90 nm. The XRD profile
revealed the presence of MoS2 at (002)] and (103) lattice planes on both Φ40 µm and
Φ90 nm machined surfaces.
The proposed work can be extended for the deposition of varied powder particles on
difficult-to-machine material surfaces, producing components with improved load-bearing
capacity using the powder mixed electrical discharge machining process.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3587 29 of 31
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