Chapter-5: Morphological Basis of Resistance in Plants To Insects

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Plants deter insect pests through morphological and chemical plant defences.
The morphological characteristics of a plant which confer resistance to pests are
trichomes on plant surface, surface waxes, hardness of plant tissues, thickness of cell
walls and cuticle, anatomical modifications, silica content, colour, shape and size.
Morphological characters of plants may act as barriers to insect’s normal feeding and
oviposition. These may also indirectly cause nutritional imbalances either through
restrictive feeding because of texture or shape which would reduce the amount of
nutritive material being ingested, or through limiting the digestibility and utilization of food
by insects.
Morphological, physical or biophysical resistance factors interfere physically with
locomotors mechanisms especially with the mechanism of host selection, feeding,
ingestion, digestion, mating or oviposition. Allomones affecting insect behavioural and
metabolic processes may also occur in plant morphological structures (trichomes or
bracts). Morphological characters responsible for resistance in plants against insect
pests are briefly discussed.


Host selection behaviour of phytophagous insects is associated with the colour
and shape of plants. Colour and shape of plants remotely affect the plant host selection
behaviour of phytophagous insects and thus are associated with resistance. Colour
related insect resistance in plants does not exist but genetic manipulation of plant colour
usually has an effect on some fundamental physical plant processes (Norris and Kogan,
1980). Foliage colour and tree shape and size play role in discrimination between hosts
and non-hosts by Rhagoletis fly (Boller and Prokopy, 1976). Alate aphids are attracted to
leaves reflecting about 500nm, regardless of the species of plant, because they seem to
be attracted to plants at a physiologically suitable stage of growth (Kennedy et al, 1961).
Yellow green plants were preferred to green plants by the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon
pisum (Cartier, 1993). Red cotton plants were less attractive to the boll weevil,
Anthonomus grandis, than green plants (Stephens, 1957).
Colour of cabbage leaves affected host selection by Brevicoryne brassicae. Red
leaved cabbage varieties were less susceptible to Pieris brassicae (Verma et al., 1981)
and were least selected by alate aphids but proved suitable host plant after infestation
(Radcliffe and Chapman,1966). Purple pigmented sorghum lines exhibited a high level of
resistance to the shoofly, Atherigona soccata, whereas they were more susceptible to the
red mite, Oligonichus indicus. (Singh et al., 1981). Oat cultivars with red tiller bases were
less susceptible to frit fly, Oscinella frit (Peregrine and Catling, 1967). Certain

morphological characteristics may be linked to other resistance factors. For example okra
leaved cotton suffered less damage by majority of insect pests (Dean, 1982).
Red foliaged Brassica cultivars were comparatively less attacked by insect pests
such as Pieris rapae, Pieris brassicae, Myzus brassicae, Bemisia tabaci, Brevicoryne
brassicae, as compared to green foliaged cultivars (Dunn and Kampton, 1976). Brassica
genotypes with purple foliage and apetalous flowers were resistant to Lipaphis erysimi
(Rohilla et al, 1999). Cotton cultivars having red leaves were less attacked by
Helicoverpa armigera (Wu et al, 1997).
Plant shape is known to bring some behavioural changes in insects. In cotton,
Okra leaved cultivars suffered less damage by pink bolloworm, Pectinopphora
gossypiella (Wilson et al,. 1981), Heliothis species (Wu et al, 1997), Anthonomus. grandis
(Jones et al, 1978), Bemisia tabaci (Ozgur and Sekeroglu, 1986) and Earias species as
compared to normal leaved cotton cultivars. Stemmed varieties of soybean have proved
resistant to the bean fly, Ophiomyia centrosematris (Chiang and Norris 1984). Turnip
varieties that have strong, round, long roots were more tolerant to the turnip maggots,
Hylemya florales than the varieties with thin roots (Varies, 1958).
Sorghum cultivars with shorter glumes and shorter floral structures were resistant
to earhead midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Naik et al, 1995). Longer and narrow leaves
coupled with hardness of leaf sheath proved resistant to A. soccata in sorghum (Jotwani,
1978). Liewise, narrow leaves and yellowish green colour of leaves were associated with
A.soccata resistance in sorghum (Mote et al, 1956).


Thickening of cell walls results from deposition of cellulose and lignin. As
consequences, the tissue becomes tougher or more resistant to the tearing action of
mandibles or to the penetration of the proboscis or ovipositor of insects. Feeding rates
and larval growth of mustard beetle, Phaedon cochlariae was comparatively less on
tough turnip and Brussels sprout leaves (Tanton, 1962). Thickness of the pod wall of
cowpeas interfered the penetration by the Chalcodermis aenes. Thicker hypodermal
layers of rice were considered a resistance factor to stripe stem borer, Chilo suppressalis
(Patanakamjorn and Pathak, 1967). Resistance in sorghum to the sorghum shoot fly,
Atherigona soccata was attributed to the presence of cells with distant lignification and
thicker walls enclosing the vascular bundle sheaths within the central whorl of young
leaves (Blum, 1968).
Seed damage due to alfalfa seed chalcid, Bruchophagus raddi was less in
medicago species which had highly lignified pod-walls (Springer et al, 1990). Thickness
of all categories of veins had positive correlation with egg laying by Amrasca biguttula in
okra and cotton (Sharma and Singh, 2001).

Close association between resistance in sugarcane and its mid-rib lignification

was observed; higher the lignification of mid-rib, greater would be resistance to the top
borer, Scirpophaga nivella (Verma and Mathur, 1950). The relative toughness of the mid-
rib in resistant sorghum cultivars interfered free Chilo partellus larval movement (Kishore,
1991). In brinjal, leaf thickness,and mid-rib thickness was positively correlated with jassid,

Amrasca biguttula infestation (Gaikwad et al, 1991). In chickpea, resistance to
Callosobruchus maculatus and C. Chinensis was associated with roughness and
toughness of the seed coat (Singh, 1985).


Toughness and thickness of plant stems altered the insect- plant interactions.
Resistance to certain stem borers was related to the nature of the stem tissues. Solid
stems were responsible for the resistance of several wheat varieties to the wheat stem
sawfly, Cephus cinctus. A certain degree of stem solidness resulted in damaged and
dessicated eggs and impaired larval movements (Wallace et al, 1973). Hardness of the
rind and fiber content of stalks were key factors in sugarcane against Diatrea saccharalis
(Martin et al, 1975). Hard woody stems of cucurbits with closely packed, tough vascular
bundles were the main resistance factors against the squash vine borer, Melittia
cucurbita. Thick cortex in the stem of wild tomato relative, Lycopersicum hirsutum
prevented the potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae from reaching the vascular tissue
(Quiras et al, 1977). Insect pest resistance in cotton was positively correlated with the
genotypes possessing compact tissues (Timmaiah et al, 1994).
In medicago resistance to potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae was due to
avoidance of tough stems for oviposition (Brewer et al, 1986). Entry of the larvae of
spotted bollworm, Earias vittella in hard skinned, tough varieties was difficult as
compared to soft skinned, smooth surfaced varieties of okra (Teli and Dalaya, 1981),
Sugarcane varieties with very strong hard mid-ribs in the leaves were found resistant to
sugarcane top borer, Scripophaga nivella as compared to those with weak mid-ribs.
Seed hardness and seed coat thickness in chickpea were not associated with
resistance to Callosobruchus maculatus. Brinjal cultivar (Aushey) was less susceptible to
fruit and shoot borer, Leucinodes orbonalis due to toughness of the skin and hardness of
the pulp of the fruits (Lall and Ahmad, 1965). Highly significant correlation between
tomato fruit toughness and Spodoptera exigua mortality was observed (Juvick and
Stevens, 1982). Leaf toughness was also greater in cotton cultivars resistant to Amrasca
biguttula. Leaf-morphic characters (leaf hair density and leaf hair length) in cotton were
found contributing resistance against whitefly, Bemisia tabaci adults, jassid, Amarasca
devastans adults and nymphs of Thrips tabaci. Leaf hair densities on leaf midrib, vein,
lamina and leaf hair length were positively correlated with the population of whitefly,
jassids and thrips (Aslam et al, 2004), while hair density on midrib and lamina and
gossypol glands on midrib showed significantly negative correlation with jassid population
(Mansoor ul Hassan et al, 1999, Murtaza et al, 1999), also the correlation between CLCV
incidence and thrips population was significantly positive (Aheer et al, 1999). Hair density
on midrib, vein, and lamina was significantly positive for thrips infestation (Ali et al, 1995).
Likewise, in soybean leaf area and moisture content showed positive correlation with
whitefly infestation and leaf hair density on abaxial surface of leaf had significantly
negative correlation (Ihsan ul Haq et al, 2003).
Toughness of leaf veins (Afzal and Ghani, 1948), thickness of lamina (Tidke and
Sane, 1962), and plisade cells (Batra and Gupta, 1970) of cotton affected its resistance
to the cotton jassid, Amrasca devastans. Thick-hulled varieties of southern peas had
fewer ovipositional punctures, eggs and larvae of the cowpea cuculio, Chalcodermus

aeneus, than thin-hulled varieties (Chalfant et al, 1972). Hardness of various plant tissues
has been reported to be correlated with the resistance to insect pests. Toughness and
thickness of various plant parts adversely affected penetration and feeding by insects. In
cowpea, tough pod wall, required force to penetrate at pod maturity, is an important factor
contributing to the less feeding damage.
Varietal resistance to the squash vine borer, Melittia cucurbitae, in cucurbits
(Howe, 1949) to the shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbanalis, in egg plant (Panda and
Khush, 1995) and to the stem weevil, Apion virens, in red clover (Kokorin, 1973) has
been attributed to the structure and compactness of vascular bundles in the plants. The
solid stemmed nature of certain wheat varieties was the major cause of their resistance
to the wheat stem fly, Cephus cinctus (McNeal et al, 1971; Wallace et al, 1973), the eggs
of which were mechanically damaged and desiccated, and the movement of the hatching
larvae was limited. In sorghum, seed coat and glume toughness influenced the feeding of
sorghum earhead bug, Calcoris angustatus (Ramesh, 1992).


The high silica content of some plants and crystalline material in the leaves may
confer resistance by acting as feeding barrier (Pathak, 1969). Deposits of silica and
calcium carbonate were found in a number of plant species (Martin and Juniper, 1970).
Calcified and silicified hairs exist on many plants (Uphof, 1962). Silica contents absorbed
by the plants get deposited in the tissues of several plant species and in certain species
contribute to resistance against insect attack (Lanning et al, 1980). In Sorghum, cultivars
with high silica content in 4-6 leaf stage had low incidence of shoot fly, Atherigona
soccata (Bothe and Pokarhar, 1985). In rice, a highly significant negative correlation was
recorded between silica content of the stem and the susceptibility to the stripe stem
borer, Chilo suppressalis (Hanifa et al, 1974) and Chilo zacconius (Ukwangwa and
Odebiyi, 1985). Deficiency of silica induced susceptibility in rice plants to yellow stem
borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Mandras, 1991).
Young cuticle is usually preferred over mature cuticle by certain species of insect
pests for feeding and oviposition. Other insect species may prefer mature cuticle.
Soybean looper, Pseudoplusia includens preferred the two fully expanded leaves nearest
to the apex over the third or lower leaves (Reynolds and Smith, 1985). Leaf area and
moisture contents showed positive correlation with soybean looper infestation and leaf
hair density on abaxial surface of leaf had significantly negative correlation (Ihsan ul Haq
et al, 2003).
Bayberry whitefly, Parabemisia myricae could not feed on mature lemon leaves
due to inhibitory properties of mature cuticle (Walker, 1988). Mature leaves of citrus were
repellent to probing by aphids (Zettler et al, 1969). Younger leaves of lemon were
preferred for probing, oviposition and survival of P. myricae over mature leaves (Walker
and Aitken, 1985).Larvae of H.zea preferred to feed on older leaves of soybean plants
over younger ones (Nault et al, 1992).
The narrow leaflet isolines tolerated defoliation better than the wide leaflet
soybean isolines. In sorghum, the varieties with greater height, greater distance between
two leaves, and smaller leaf angle were less susceptible to the aphid (Mote and

Shahane,1994). The thrips population was related to the leaf insertion angle in onion; the
greater the insertion angle, the lower the thrips population densities on the plant (De
deverira et al, 1995). Longer and tougher leaf blades of rice plants contributed to
resistance against leaf folder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis . Width, length and toughness of
rice leaf blade may play a vital role in resistance to leaffolder (Islam and Karim, 1997).
Many plant species have deposits of silica on the epidermal walls, which may
play a role in resistance mechanism. It has been reported that mandibles of C.
suppressalis worn out in high silica lines of rice (Pathak et a/., 1971). Larval survival of C.
zacconius is affected on rice varieties with high level of silica (Ukwungwa et a/., 1990).
Low incidence of A. varia soccata was observed on high silica varieties of Sorghum
(Bothe ef a/., 1985). Low incidence of A. devastans was recorded on cotton varieties with
high silica content (Singh 1970). Incidence of Dacus cucurbitae was comparatively low on
musk melon varieties with high level of silica than on those varieties with low level of
silica (Chelliah and Sambandorn 1974). Low incidence of Amrasca biguttula was
observed on high silica varieties of okra (Singh, 1989).


All substances of a waxy nature isolated from a plant are considered under the
term wax. Chemically a wax refers to an ester formed of a long-chain fatty acid and a
high molecular weight aliphatic alcohol. Plant waxes vary from a fraction of a per cent to
several per cent of the dry weight of a plant. The cuticles of most vascular plants are
covered with a thin layer of largely hydrophobic constituents. Cuticular waxes generally
are complex mixtures including mainly n-alkanes (C7 to Cez) as well as alcohols and
acids. The waxy coating of leaves, function primarily in the mechanisms of water balance
of the plant, but also contains substances that interfere with insect attacks (Norris and
Kogan, 1980).
Surface waxes over the epicuticle, protect the plant surface against desiccation,
insect feeding and diseases. Epicuticular waxes affect the feeding behaviour of insects
by acting as phagostimulants or feeding deterrents. Due to the presence of waxes on
plant surface the sense organs on the insect tarsi and mouth parts receive negative
chemical and tactile stimuli from the plant surface resulting in resistance of the plant to
insect attack (Ram et al, 2005).
Surface waxes do not impart resistance against all insect species. For example,
the cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae and the whitefly, Aleurodes brassicae,
developed large colonies on normal waxy plants of Brassica oleracea var acephala, but
did not colonize non waxy plants. It has been observed that waxes affected the rate of
initial infestation, but once established, aphid displayed no significant difference in
reproductive rates (Thompson, 1963).
Leaf epicuticular wax is an important antixenotic factor that affects the rate and
pattern of feeding of flea beetle, Phyllotreta cruciferae in Brassicaceae. Diamond
backmoth, Plutella xylostella larvae had non-preference for leaf wax in glossy-leaved
resistant Brassica oleracea (Eigenbrode and Shelton, 1990). Glossy lines of Brassica
species had low population of cabbageworm, Artogeia rapae, cabbage aphid, B.
brassicae and P. xylostella (Stoner, 1990). In bloom cultivars, the culm is heavily waxed

and the neonate larvae face considerable difficulty in climbing because their prolegs
stuck in the wax and never reach the feeding site (Bernays et al, 1983). Increased activity
of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens on rice variety IR 64 over that observed on
varieties IR 22 and IR 62 was shown to be due to the chemical composition of the
surface wax (Woodhead and Padgham, 1988).
Surface waxes may enhance the level of resistance against certain pest species
or may be useful for the insect pests and harmful for plants. Broccoli with waxy leaves
was more resistant to Phylotrata olbionica than broccoli with a glossy leaves (Anstey and
Moore, 1954). Sugar cane stalk surface wax contributed to resistance against sugarcane
borer, Eldana saccharina (Rutherford and Staden, 1996). B. brassicae and A. brassicae
did not colonize on nonwaxy plants (Thompson, 1963).


Slight variations in the morphological structure of plants may result in altered
fitness to herbivores. They may alter the effectiveness of other factors causing
mortality.of insects A positive correlation was observed between number of outer leaves
and aphid, B. brassicae intensity in 14 varieties of cabbage due to unwrapping of infected
leaves during head development (Verma et al, 1999). The tightness of leaf sheath
enveloping the stem and forming acute angle in combination with presence of lingular
hairs, and erect hair prevented the establishment of C. partellus larvae in sorghum
(Kishore, 1991).
Rice varieties with tight leaf sheath wrapping were less susceptible to striped
stem borer, C. suppressalis (Patanakamjorn and Pathank, 1970). Spring wheat
genotypes with tight leaf sheath, dense hairs at the basal part of leaves and with thick
waxy leaf layer were resistant to Hydrellia griseola (Zhu, 1981). Awns in wheat impart
resistance to grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (Acreman and Dixon, 1986). In corn, silk
balling is associated with resistance to corn earworm, H. armigera by presenting physical
barrier to ear penetration (Osuna et al, 1983). In sugarcane, plants with loose-fitting leaf
sheaths were more damaged by the internode borer, Chilo saccahariphagus indicus than
those with tight leaf sheaths (Agarwal, 1969) and the reverse was observed in case of
mealy bugs (Mehla et al, 1981).
Number of gossypol glands in ovary surface of cotton imparted resistance
against ballworm, H. armigera (Rajarajeswari and Subbarao, 1997). The presence of
gossypol glands on the upper edge of the sepals of Gossypium hirsutum flower bud
conferred resistance to H. zea and H. virescens (Calhoun, 1997).
Gossypium arboreum genotypes with high gossypol gland density on ovary
surface showed low incidence of H. armigera, Earias viettella and Pectinophora
gossypiella (Mohan etal, 1994).
Various anatomical characters of plants have certain affects on host-insect
interactions. Sugarcane varieties with intact leaf sheath were comparatively more
resistant to sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (Mathes and Carpentirs, 1963) and
internode borer, Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (David, 1979). Sugarcane varieties with
loose fitting leaf sheath were resistant to mealybug, Saccharicocus sacchari
(sithanantham, 1983) and scale insects (Agarwal, 1969).

Absence of nectaries in cotton reduced oviposition of pink bollworm, P.
gossypiella, American bollworm, H. zea and H. virescens (Davis et al.,1973), H.
armigera and Earias spp (Agarwal et al.,1976), confered resistance to tarnished
bug, (Bailey et al.,1984), but induced susceptibility to jassid, A. devastans and whitefly,
B. tabaci (Baloch et a/.,1982). Frego bract cotton has been reported to be resistant
against H. zea (Lincoln and Waddle, 1969), Anthonomus grandis (Jenkins and Parrott,
1971) but susceptible to Lygus hespenus (Leigh et al., 1972). The effect of gossypol
glands on vein and thickness of leaf lamina were highly significant and positive for
jassid, Amrasca devastans_ infestation (Ali et al, 1995). Hair density and leaf lamina
were found to contribute towards resistance against aphid, mite and bollworms (Javed et
al, 1998).
Wheat with solid stem desiccated eggs and impaired larval movement of wheat
stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus (Wallace, et al., 1973). Sugarcane varieties with hard rind
and fibre content of stalks were resistant to D. saccharalis. Likewise denticles on the leaf
midribs, lignification of cell walls etc. conferred resistance to the pest (Martin ef a/.,1975).
Feeding by Chilo sacchariphagus and Chilo infuscatellus was less on sugarcane varieties
with hard stem and rind hardness (Rao et a/., 1956). Lignified vascular bundles of alfalfa
reduced oviposition of Empoasca fabae (Brewer, et al., 1986). Cotton with stiffness of
stem tips was resistant to aphids (Kadapa ef a/., 1998)
Rice varieties with thicker sclerenchymatous layer than parenchymas were
resistant to stem borer (Chaudhary et a/.,1984. Rice varieties having broader and thicker
sclerenchymatous hypodermics, compact parenchyma ground tissue, small air spaces in
the ground tissue, more vascular bundles with narrower spaces between vascular ridged
stem surface containing vascular bundles and narrower pith are considered to be
characters for resistance. Thinner sclerenchymatous hypodermics, loose parenchyma
cells of ground tissue, larger spaces between vascular, wider pith and larger air cavities,
might be responsible for the susceptibility to yellow stem borer, S. incertulas. (Shahjahan,
The resistance in maize cultivars to the shootfly, A. soccata maggots was
affected significantly by the changes in plant height, thickness of leaf midrib, length of leaf
sheath wrapping, tenacity of the leaf sheath wrapping and its nature, diameter of stem,
thickness of leaf sheath and the intensity of the leaf colour. The morphological character
under reference had a highly significant impact as resistance which mainly came through
the thickness of leaf sheath as well as through the angle of leaf divergence from the stem
and the diameter of stem at ground level. These three characters accounted collectively
for 100% of the changes in resistance and that 99.92% of them came alone through the
first one of them. Every unit decrease in this character will increase resistance of the
maize cultivars against the A. soccata maggots (Kasana and Wahla, 1996).
Khaliq et al. (2003) studied the effect of various morphophysical plant factors
(leaf sheath hairiness, leaf area, stalk girth, cane height and moisture contents in leaves)
on pest infestations in sugarcane (cvs. SPSG-26, BF-162, CP-72/2086, CP-43/33 and L-
118). None of the variety was found resistant to infestation at tillering. CP-43/33 was
found comparatively more susceptible (8.55% infestation) and BF-162 more resistant
(4.69% infestation). All morphophysical plant factors differed significantly among
varieties. Plant height, cane girth, leaf area and leaf sheath hairiness showed negative

and significant correlation, whereas thickness of leaf lamina and moisture contents
showed positive and significant correlation with pest infestation at tillering stage.

Trichomes are outgrowths from the epidermis of leaves, shoots and roots (Uphof,
1962). The collective trichome cover of a plant surface is called pubescence. The
epidermis of plants bears hair like outgrowths called trichomes or hairs. Trichomes occur
in several forms, shapes and sizes (Jeffree, 1996). These serve many critical
physiological and ecological functions in plants. In general, the purely mechanical effects
of trichomes depend on their main characteristics such as density, erectness, length and
shape. The trichomes are either glandular or non-glandular. Glandular trichomes secrete
chemicals which are toxic to the insects. The exudates inhibit movement of insects on
plant surfaces and act as repellents and deterrents, disrupt feeding, affect development,
reproduction and survival of insects. The effect of glandular trichomes may depend on
the nature of exudates. It may be composed of allochemicals (Johnson, 1975) or sticky in
nature. Exudates with allelochemicals may kill insects on contact or act as repellents.
Sticky exudates glue the insect legs and impede locomotion. The non-glandular
trichomes affect locomotion, attachment, shelter, feeding and survival of insects.
Trichomes are one of the most important morphological adaptations of plants against
insect pests. The effects of trichomes on host insect interactions are briefly described.


First instar larva of cereal leaf beetle, Olema melanopa were critically
affected by the pubescence of wheat plants (Schillinger and Gallun, 1968).
Hairiness on the plant surface affected the insect behaviour by acting as a
barrier. Bimesia tabaci are trapped by the glandular hairs of tomato leaves
(Kisha, 1984). Hair density on midrib and leaf lamina of cotton were found to
contribute towards resistance against these pests. The situation demands more
attention to varietal resistance against pests and its effective application in
integrated control programmeme.
Certain varieties of bean plants possess hooked trichomes which
impaled leafhoppers and aphids etc. (Johnson, 1953). Four lobed glandular hairs
on leaves and stems of S. polyadenium discharged a sticky substance on contact
with larvae of Colourado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata. This sticky
substance accumulated on the tarsi, immobilized some larvae and caused others
to fall off the plants (Gibson, 1976).
Twenty two cotton genotypes (BH-121, BI-1-125, BH-147, CIM-473,
CIM-482, CIM-499, CIM-511GE, CIM-707, CRIS-467, CRIS-468, DNH-157,
FNH-945, FNH-1000, MNH-633, MNH-635, MNH-636, NIBGE-1, RH-510, SLH-
244, SLH-257, VH-141 and VH-142) were evaluated under unsprayed conditions
for their comparative resistance or relative susceptibility to whitefly, Bemisia
tabaci adults; jassid, Amarasca devastance adults and nymphs and Thrips
tabaci adults and nymphs at Multan, Pakistan. The relationship between leaf-
morphic characters (leaf hair density and leaf hair length) and population of
sucking insect pests was also investigated. The maximum mean seasonal

population 1.3 whitefly adults was on CIM-473, 1.7 jassid adults and nymphs on
BH-147 and 3.1 thrips adults and nymphs per leaf was observed on genotype
FNH-945. The minimum mean seasonal per leaf population of whitely was 0.5 on
genotype BH-121 and CRIS-467, jassid 0.6 on MNH-635 and thirps 0.8 on CIM-
499. Leaf hair density and length were important morphic characters contributing
some resistance against sucking insect pests. Leaf hair densities on leaf midrib,
vein, lamina and leaf hair length were positively, negatively and positively,
correlated with the population of whitely, jassid and thrips, respectively (Aslam et
al, 2004)
Cotton variety CRIS-7A, due to resistance against jassid required one or
two less insecticide applications for control. However, maximum population of
whitefly was observed on this variety indicating the positive correlation of
hairiness and whitefly attack. CRIS-7A recorded minimum bollworm damage per
cent as compared to commercial checks NIAB-78 and CRIS-9. CRIS-7A also
proved as boll rot disease resistant and seedling rot disease tolerant variety
when compared with other advance strains and standards. This variety has
proved itself better among the high yielding varieties also (Soomro et al, 2000).


It was observed that early first instar larvae of cereal leaf beetle, Oulema
melanopa were critically affected by the pubescence of wheat plants. High
mortality of its larvae was explained by the fact that larvae had to eat the hairs to
reach the epidermis. In doing so they ingested usually large amounts of cellulose
and lignin, the basic constituents of hairs. Death of the young larvae was
attributed to unbalanced diet overly rich in fibrous material. Larval weight was
negatively correlated with increase in pubescence (Schillinger and Gallun, 1968).
In addition to the dietary imbalance the larvae that fed on pubescent wheat
leaves were suffered with undigested hairs, some of which pierced the gut wall of
the insect (Wellso, 1973). Pubescence reduced the quality of the food ingested
and caused greater larval mortality (Kogan, 1972). It has been observed that
hairiness on the plant surface affected feeding, development and survival of
insect pests by acting as barrier to normal feeding. Hariness of plants interfers
with feeding of certain insect species (Webster, 1975). Beach straw berry clone
CL5 was resistant to feeding by adult black rice weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus
partly due to dense covering of hairs on their abaxial surface (Doss et al., 1987).
Density of hairs on cotton affected the feeding behaviour of cotton
aphids, Aphis gossypii by reducing the feeding time and increasing the first non
feeding time and penetration frequency (Jiang and Guo, 1996). Weight gain and
leaf feeding capacity of Spodeptera littoralis and H. armigera was smaller on
hairy cultivars than on the glabrous cultivars (Navon et al., 1991). Wheat varieties
with dense and long pubescence (Hope and Cl 8519) were highly resistant to
larval feeding (Hoxie et al., 1975).


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