Chapter-5: Morphological Basis of Resistance in Plants To Insects
Chapter-5: Morphological Basis of Resistance in Plants To Insects
Chapter-5: Morphological Basis of Resistance in Plants To Insects
morphological characteristics may be linked to other resistance factors. For example okra
leaved cotton suffered less damage by majority of insect pests (Dean, 1982).
Red foliaged Brassica cultivars were comparatively less attacked by insect pests
such as Pieris rapae, Pieris brassicae, Myzus brassicae, Bemisia tabaci, Brevicoryne
brassicae, as compared to green foliaged cultivars (Dunn and Kampton, 1976). Brassica
genotypes with purple foliage and apetalous flowers were resistant to Lipaphis erysimi
(Rohilla et al, 1999). Cotton cultivars having red leaves were less attacked by
Helicoverpa armigera (Wu et al, 1997).
Plant shape is known to bring some behavioural changes in insects. In cotton,
Okra leaved cultivars suffered less damage by pink bolloworm, Pectinopphora
gossypiella (Wilson et al,. 1981), Heliothis species (Wu et al, 1997), Anthonomus. grandis
(Jones et al, 1978), Bemisia tabaci (Ozgur and Sekeroglu, 1986) and Earias species as
compared to normal leaved cotton cultivars. Stemmed varieties of soybean have proved
resistant to the bean fly, Ophiomyia centrosematris (Chiang and Norris 1984). Turnip
varieties that have strong, round, long roots were more tolerant to the turnip maggots,
Hylemya florales than the varieties with thin roots (Varies, 1958).
Sorghum cultivars with shorter glumes and shorter floral structures were resistant
to earhead midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Naik et al, 1995). Longer and narrow leaves
coupled with hardness of leaf sheath proved resistant to A. soccata in sorghum (Jotwani,
1978). Liewise, narrow leaves and yellowish green colour of leaves were associated with
A.soccata resistance in sorghum (Mote et al, 1956).
Amrasca biguttula infestation (Gaikwad et al, 1991). In chickpea, resistance to
Callosobruchus maculatus and C. Chinensis was associated with roughness and
toughness of the seed coat (Singh, 1985).
aeneus, than thin-hulled varieties (Chalfant et al, 1972). Hardness of various plant tissues
has been reported to be correlated with the resistance to insect pests. Toughness and
thickness of various plant parts adversely affected penetration and feeding by insects. In
cowpea, tough pod wall, required force to penetrate at pod maturity, is an important factor
contributing to the less feeding damage.
Varietal resistance to the squash vine borer, Melittia cucurbitae, in cucurbits
(Howe, 1949) to the shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbanalis, in egg plant (Panda and
Khush, 1995) and to the stem weevil, Apion virens, in red clover (Kokorin, 1973) has
been attributed to the structure and compactness of vascular bundles in the plants. The
solid stemmed nature of certain wheat varieties was the major cause of their resistance
to the wheat stem fly, Cephus cinctus (McNeal et al, 1971; Wallace et al, 1973), the eggs
of which were mechanically damaged and desiccated, and the movement of the hatching
larvae was limited. In sorghum, seed coat and glume toughness influenced the feeding of
sorghum earhead bug, Calcoris angustatus (Ramesh, 1992).
Shahane,1994). The thrips population was related to the leaf insertion angle in onion; the
greater the insertion angle, the lower the thrips population densities on the plant (De
deverira et al, 1995). Longer and tougher leaf blades of rice plants contributed to
resistance against leaf folder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis . Width, length and toughness of
rice leaf blade may play a vital role in resistance to leaffolder (Islam and Karim, 1997).
Many plant species have deposits of silica on the epidermal walls, which may
play a role in resistance mechanism. It has been reported that mandibles of C.
suppressalis worn out in high silica lines of rice (Pathak et a/., 1971). Larval survival of C.
zacconius is affected on rice varieties with high level of silica (Ukwungwa et a/., 1990).
Low incidence of A. varia soccata was observed on high silica varieties of Sorghum
(Bothe ef a/., 1985). Low incidence of A. devastans was recorded on cotton varieties with
high silica content (Singh 1970). Incidence of Dacus cucurbitae was comparatively low on
musk melon varieties with high level of silica than on those varieties with low level of
silica (Chelliah and Sambandorn 1974). Low incidence of Amrasca biguttula was
observed on high silica varieties of okra (Singh, 1989).
and the neonate larvae face considerable difficulty in climbing because their prolegs
stuck in the wax and never reach the feeding site (Bernays et al, 1983). Increased activity
of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens on rice variety IR 64 over that observed on
varieties IR 22 and IR 62 was shown to be due to the chemical composition of the
surface wax (Woodhead and Padgham, 1988).
Surface waxes may enhance the level of resistance against certain pest species
or may be useful for the insect pests and harmful for plants. Broccoli with waxy leaves
was more resistant to Phylotrata olbionica than broccoli with a glossy leaves (Anstey and
Moore, 1954). Sugar cane stalk surface wax contributed to resistance against sugarcane
borer, Eldana saccharina (Rutherford and Staden, 1996). B. brassicae and A. brassicae
did not colonize on nonwaxy plants (Thompson, 1963).
Absence of nectaries in cotton reduced oviposition of pink bollworm, P.
gossypiella, American bollworm, H. zea and H. virescens (Davis et al.,1973), H.
armigera and Earias spp (Agarwal et al.,1976), confered resistance to tarnished
bug, (Bailey et al.,1984), but induced susceptibility to jassid, A. devastans and whitefly,
B. tabaci (Baloch et a/.,1982). Frego bract cotton has been reported to be resistant
against H. zea (Lincoln and Waddle, 1969), Anthonomus grandis (Jenkins and Parrott,
1971) but susceptible to Lygus hespenus (Leigh et al., 1972). The effect of gossypol
glands on vein and thickness of leaf lamina were highly significant and positive for
jassid, Amrasca devastans_ infestation (Ali et al, 1995). Hair density and leaf lamina
were found to contribute towards resistance against aphid, mite and bollworms (Javed et
al, 1998).
Wheat with solid stem desiccated eggs and impaired larval movement of wheat
stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus (Wallace, et al., 1973). Sugarcane varieties with hard rind
and fibre content of stalks were resistant to D. saccharalis. Likewise denticles on the leaf
midribs, lignification of cell walls etc. conferred resistance to the pest (Martin ef a/.,1975).
Feeding by Chilo sacchariphagus and Chilo infuscatellus was less on sugarcane varieties
with hard stem and rind hardness (Rao et a/., 1956). Lignified vascular bundles of alfalfa
reduced oviposition of Empoasca fabae (Brewer, et al., 1986). Cotton with stiffness of
stem tips was resistant to aphids (Kadapa ef a/., 1998)
Rice varieties with thicker sclerenchymatous layer than parenchymas were
resistant to stem borer (Chaudhary et a/.,1984. Rice varieties having broader and thicker
sclerenchymatous hypodermics, compact parenchyma ground tissue, small air spaces in
the ground tissue, more vascular bundles with narrower spaces between vascular ridged
stem surface containing vascular bundles and narrower pith are considered to be
characters for resistance. Thinner sclerenchymatous hypodermics, loose parenchyma
cells of ground tissue, larger spaces between vascular, wider pith and larger air cavities,
might be responsible for the susceptibility to yellow stem borer, S. incertulas. (Shahjahan,
The resistance in maize cultivars to the shootfly, A. soccata maggots was
affected significantly by the changes in plant height, thickness of leaf midrib, length of leaf
sheath wrapping, tenacity of the leaf sheath wrapping and its nature, diameter of stem,
thickness of leaf sheath and the intensity of the leaf colour. The morphological character
under reference had a highly significant impact as resistance which mainly came through
the thickness of leaf sheath as well as through the angle of leaf divergence from the stem
and the diameter of stem at ground level. These three characters accounted collectively
for 100% of the changes in resistance and that 99.92% of them came alone through the
first one of them. Every unit decrease in this character will increase resistance of the
maize cultivars against the A. soccata maggots (Kasana and Wahla, 1996).
Khaliq et al. (2003) studied the effect of various morphophysical plant factors
(leaf sheath hairiness, leaf area, stalk girth, cane height and moisture contents in leaves)
on pest infestations in sugarcane (cvs. SPSG-26, BF-162, CP-72/2086, CP-43/33 and L-
118). None of the variety was found resistant to infestation at tillering. CP-43/33 was
found comparatively more susceptible (8.55% infestation) and BF-162 more resistant
(4.69% infestation). All morphophysical plant factors differed significantly among
varieties. Plant height, cane girth, leaf area and leaf sheath hairiness showed negative
and significant correlation, whereas thickness of leaf lamina and moisture contents
showed positive and significant correlation with pest infestation at tillering stage.
Trichomes are outgrowths from the epidermis of leaves, shoots and roots (Uphof,
1962). The collective trichome cover of a plant surface is called pubescence. The
epidermis of plants bears hair like outgrowths called trichomes or hairs. Trichomes occur
in several forms, shapes and sizes (Jeffree, 1996). These serve many critical
physiological and ecological functions in plants. In general, the purely mechanical effects
of trichomes depend on their main characteristics such as density, erectness, length and
shape. The trichomes are either glandular or non-glandular. Glandular trichomes secrete
chemicals which are toxic to the insects. The exudates inhibit movement of insects on
plant surfaces and act as repellents and deterrents, disrupt feeding, affect development,
reproduction and survival of insects. The effect of glandular trichomes may depend on
the nature of exudates. It may be composed of allochemicals (Johnson, 1975) or sticky in
nature. Exudates with allelochemicals may kill insects on contact or act as repellents.
Sticky exudates glue the insect legs and impede locomotion. The non-glandular
trichomes affect locomotion, attachment, shelter, feeding and survival of insects.
Trichomes are one of the most important morphological adaptations of plants against
insect pests. The effects of trichomes on host insect interactions are briefly described.
population 1.3 whitefly adults was on CIM-473, 1.7 jassid adults and nymphs on
BH-147 and 3.1 thrips adults and nymphs per leaf was observed on genotype
FNH-945. The minimum mean seasonal per leaf population of whitely was 0.5 on
genotype BH-121 and CRIS-467, jassid 0.6 on MNH-635 and thirps 0.8 on CIM-
499. Leaf hair density and length were important morphic characters contributing
some resistance against sucking insect pests. Leaf hair densities on leaf midrib,
vein, lamina and leaf hair length were positively, negatively and positively,
correlated with the population of whitely, jassid and thrips, respectively (Aslam et
al, 2004)
Cotton variety CRIS-7A, due to resistance against jassid required one or
two less insecticide applications for control. However, maximum population of
whitefly was observed on this variety indicating the positive correlation of
hairiness and whitefly attack. CRIS-7A recorded minimum bollworm damage per
cent as compared to commercial checks NIAB-78 and CRIS-9. CRIS-7A also
proved as boll rot disease resistant and seedling rot disease tolerant variety
when compared with other advance strains and standards. This variety has
proved itself better among the high yielding varieties also (Soomro et al, 2000).