Laudato Si
Justice for Creation
Laudato si' (Medieval Central Italian for "Praise Be to You") is
the second encyclical of Pope Francis. The encyclical, dated 24
May 2015, was officially published at noon on 18 June 2015.
Why is
Laudato Si 2nd - Because we are the ones
Addressed to responsible or accountable to
“every person the present and future
living in this children/generation
We need a dialogue
Two extremes of that finds “viable
opinion fixing the future scenarios”
environment: between these
The biblical narratives have much to say about the The earth was
here before us
relationship of human beings with the world. and it has been
given to us by
God. “Dominion”
As a result, the
Human life is grounded in three fundamental over the earth is
and closely intertwined relationships— harmonious not an excuse for
relationship “unbridled
between human exploitation” but
with the earth itself—yet beings and nature rather a command
with God,
with our these relationships have been became broken to be stewards of
neighbor and broken, both outwardly and
within us, by sin. and conflicted. natural resources.
THE The word “creation” has a broader meaning than
“nature”, for it has to do with God’s loving plan in
MYSTERY OF which “every creature has its own value and
THE significance.”
The ultimate destiny of the universe is in the
fullness of God, which “has already been attained
by the risen Christ, the measure of the maturity of
all things.” All creation is thus moving toward a
“common point of arrival”—back to the Creator.
Each creature has its
own purpose. The Spirit
of life dwells in every
living creature and calls
us to enter into
relationship with him.
Humans are “linked by unseen bonds and together
form a kind of universal family.” Concern for the
environment needs to be joined to a “sincere love
COMMUNION for our fellow human beings and an unwavering
commitment to resolving the problems of society.”
Private property is not The natural environment is a
absolute or inviolable. The collective good. We break the
Every ecological approach principle of the subordination commandment “Thou shall not
needs to incorporate a social of private property to the kill” means when “twenty
perspective that takes into universal destination of goods, percent of the world’s
account the fundamental rights and thus the right of everyone population consumes
of the poor and the to their use, is a golden rule of resources at a rate that robs
underprivileged. social conduct and “the first the poor nations and future
principle of the whole ethical generations of what they need
and social order” to survive.”
• A misguided
particularly our culture of
relativism—leads to a
misguided lifestyle. When
human beings place
themselves at the center,
they give absolute priority
to immediate
convenience and all else
becomes relative.
The need to protect employment
Reaching consensus is not easy and the Church does not presume to settle
scientific questions or to replace politics.
POLITICS AND “Politics must not be subject to the
ECONOMY IN economy, nor should the economy be
DIALOGUE subject to the dictates of an efficiency-
FOR HUMAN driven paradigm of technocracy.”
FULFILMENT Politics and economy should serve
human life.
The financial crisis of 2007-08 provided an opportunity to develop a new
economy and new ways of regulating speculative financial practices and virtual
wealth. But the response to the crisis did not include rethinking the outdated
criteria that “continue to rule the world.” Production does not always fairly
assign value.
For new models of progress to arise, there is a need to change “models of global
The principle of the maximization of profits
reflects a misunderstanding of the very
concept of the economy.
We need a politics that is “capable of a
new, integral and interdisciplinary
approach to handling the different aspects
of the crisis.”
Politics and the economy tend to blame
each other when it comes to poverty and
environmental degradation. They need to
own up to their mistakes and find ways to
join together to promote the public good.
Groups 1 and 2`
What are the root causes of poverty in the Philippines? What can be done to solve them in the local
and global levels?
Groups 3 and 4
What is the biggest challenge we are face today in promoting justice for the poor in the
Philippines? How can we address them?
Groups 5 and 6
What are some relevant Catholic Teachings about justice for the poor? How can we apply them in our
present context?
© Zeyn Afuang
Our quest for harmony with God and with
Pope Francis (Laudato Si’): there is an
all creation in response to God's call to "a true ecological approach
"inseparable bond" that links concern for
stewardship does not end in our concern always becomes a social
nature, jusFce for the poor, commitment
for nature alone but flows into our concern approach."
to society, and interior peace.
for one another, especially the needy.
In an extended way,
The truth is that we This stewardship of
we are brothers and
are stewards of one one another takes
sisters not only with
another as brothers the form of a special
our blood siblings
and sisters, and concern to attain
but with all human
together we are justice for the poor,
beings for we all
stewards of the neglected and
have the same
earth. marginalized.
heavenly Father.
A. Old Testament Witness
Indeed, Israel's fundamental
Writings of the prophets who
Israel's experience of oppression experience of elecFon and
denounced the injustices
in Egypt and how God delivered liberaFon by God despite their
committed against the poor by
His people from slavery and sinfulness and unworthiness is a
God's people and their leaders in
injustice through his servant, thread that runs through the
the various stages of their
Moses. Hebrew Bible and conFnues to
the New Testament.
B. New Testament Witness
how Christ proclaims and
actualizes the "Good News to
Mystery of the Cross and the
the Poor" that he was sent to
RedempIon as the place
proclaim, bringing "liberty to
where the maximum of
the oppressed, recovery of
injusIce is ulImately
sight to the blind and
defeated by the transforming
freedom to captives" as the
faith and love of the Savior.
prophets had foretold (cf. Lk
C. Church Witness
Some of these texts will
include excerpts from the
writings of the saints,
Documents from different
quotations from Church
periods in the history of
Councils and papal
the Church to see how the
encyclicals, passages from
Church has understood
the documents of the
and lived out this mission
Second Vatican Council, all
from the 8me of Jesus to
the way to the teaching of
our present 8me.
our present Pope,
especially Evangelii
© Chi.o Cancio
Overview of Pertinent CBCP
• Extra-judicial killings
connected to the war on
drugs of the Duterte
Administration; virulent
attacks on those who oppose
the said campaign, including
Church leaders.
• The problem of drugs must be
eliminated but the solution is not
the extra-judicial killing of
suspected drug users and pushers.
All must work together for a
solution that addresses the root
causes of the problem, which the
bishops identified as "the poverty
of the majority, the destruction of
the family and corruption in
• Year of the Laity 2014. A "paradox of poverty and
abundance" in the situa>on of Catholic laity
Content: Among the many opportunities of the laity to participate in the
Church's mission (liturgical, catechetical, administrative, etc.) the
document highlighted one in particular: "...your own specific task, and
the special responsibility given to you by the Lord is to find your own
sanctification in the world, and to sanctify the world and transform it
so that this world becomes more and more God’s world, God’s
kingdom, where his will is done as it is in heaven."
2009: “Love and
truth will meet;
jus1ce and peace
will kiss” (On Lay
Par1cipa1on in
Poli1cs and Peace)
• "a great and urgent challenge for active lay participation in principled
politics" in the face of patronage politics, political dynasties, dirty
elections and politics, apathy and cynicism among young people
• What possible acts of justice and charity can you do during this
crisis, to effectively help the environment and the poor? Make a
ten-point action plan that shows SMART (Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Relevant, Time bound) qualities.