Behavioral psychology
Behavior psychology aims to understand the most basic form of human actions.
This type of psychology may involve improving negative behaviors, such as addictions.
Behavioral psychologists often work in universities or clinical settings like hospitals or
private practices.
2. Biopsychology
Biopsychology studies biological factors that may affect the brain and human behavior.
This field of psychology also looks at how brain injury and disease affect behavior. With
this information, researchers can work on determining ways to prevent and treat brain
3. Clinical psychology
Clinical psychologists provide therapy and create treatment plans for patients.
Practitioners within this discipline work in many settings, including hospitals, mental
health clinics and private practices.
4. Cognitive psychology
5. Community psychology
6. Comparative psychology
Those who work in comparative psychology may observe how animals behave and
respond to certain situations or stimuli, using those results to better understand human
behavior. The foundation of this discipline is the underlying assumption that the laws of
behavior are constant across all species.
7. Consumer psychology
Consumer psychologists conduct market research surveys, form focus groups and
observe consumers in retail settings.
8. Critical psychology
Critical psychology is the study of the discipline itself. Critical psychologists look at how
psychology evolves and seek to identify any associated trends that might benefit the
field. This reflective and analytical approach challenges mainstream conventions to
build a more comprehensive discipline prioritizing social justice and equality.
9. Developmental psychology
Educational psychology studies how humans learn and use their findings to create
resources to improve the learning process.
Environmental psychology studies the relationship between people and how they live
and interact with their surroundings.
Evolutionary psychology is the study of how humans have changed throughout time.
More specifically, the discipline focuses on how humans have adjusted their
psychological mindsets to account for the evolutionary process.
An evolutionary psychologist may look into the adaptability of humans and what has
allowed the species to survive for thousands of years.
Forensic psychologists work closely with law enforcement and other agencies that may
be part of the criminal justice system.
This field involves understanding more about criminals and their behavior, working with
children serving as witnesses in a criminal situation and evaluating a crime scene to
determine how a criminal may have navigated the scene. A forensic psychologist may
also provide therapy to crime victims.
Health psychology studies mental and physical well-being and how the two interact
based on many factors, like behavior, biology and social groups.
Health psychologists may research how they can use these factors to improve an
individual's overall health and wellness or treat a particular illness they may have.
Individuals who work in health psychology educate their patients about what they can
do to remain healthy, provide therapy and educate patients on coping mechanisms.
17. Neuropsychology
Neuropsychology studies the brain and how it affects our behaviors and psychological
A neuropsychologist may work with patients who have experienced a brain injury or
illness, like a stroke or dementia, to understand how their diagnosis impacts their
behavior. They may also work with other health care professionals to develop treatment
18. Personality psychology
Personality psychology studies an individual's attributes and how they can affect their
behavior. These psychologists may seek to understand environmental and biological
factors that influence one's personality. They also study and treat personality disorders
and may conduct personality testing as part of a pre-employment screening process.
Research psychologists typically publish their findings and share their results with
others in the field to provide valuable information that expands industry knowledge. The
process also involves designing and monitoring experiments and developing
hypotheses. The research typically occurs in university settings and
School psychologists work in educational settings to assist students. They may evaluate
and treat issues related to social settings, academics and behavior.
One goal of school psychology is to create a learning environment that's safe and
productive for everyone. These psychologists may also meet with students who would
benefit from advice and therapy to handle a stressor in school.
Social psychology studies groups and how individual members influence each other. It
also involves understanding how those in particular social situations behave and
analyzing topics like aggression, prejudice or interpersonal attraction.
A social psychologist may evaluate attitudes, communication styles and other types of
behavior, such as aggression. They might work at universities or perform research in
business, health care or government agencies.
Behavioral neuroscience studies the most basic anatomical and physiological aspects
of the nervous system. Examples of the field's focus include the structure and functions
of brain cells.
It might also observe how factors like drugs can affect these structures and mental
processes. Most behavioral neuroscientists work in university, government or private
Rehabilitation psychology helps people with disabilities and chronic health issues.
Psychologists in this field teach coping mechanisms and ways patients can improve
their lives. They typically work in rehabilitation centers, assisted living facilities and long-
term care hospitals.