Callang National High School
Callang National High School
Callang National High School
III. Method
2. Prayer
May I request Jesus to lead us a prayer. : (The student will lead the player)
Our Father who art in heaven…
3. Checking of Attendance
Is everybody present today? : Yes, ma’am.
Very good.
4. Review
Last time, we read a story about “The story of Keesh”.
Now, who can summarize the story? : (Students will share their understanding on the
Very good.
Based on your answer, who are the characters of the : The characters are Keesh, Ikeega, Klosh-Kwan,
story? Ugh Gluk and Bawn and Bim.
Correct answer!
V. Assignment
Write a letter for the author of the story. Make sure to follow the format below
Yours Truly,