Community Health Nursing
Community Health Nursing
Community Health Nursing
PROGRAM Conditions in which people are born grow, live and work
and age and the system put in place to deal with illness
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING Shaped by the distribution of money, power, and resources
at global, national, and local levels
Responsible for health inequities- the unfair and avoidable
differences in health status seen within and between
Is a social group (has to be more than 1 person)
countries (WHO)
Determined by geographic boundaries and or common
5 domains:
values or interest
o Education access and quality
Its member know ad interact with one another
o Health care and quality
Its functions within a particular social structure
It exhibits and creates norms, values, and social institutions o Neighborhood and built environment
o Norms- set of standards within community o Social and community context
HEALTH o Economic stability
(WHO) A state of complete physical, mental. And social Setting: natural environment of the people
well-being and not merely the absence of disease or o 3 fields of CHN practice
infirmity Home
(Modern Definition) Optimum level of functioning of an School
individual, family and communities Workplace
NURSING o Individual
Assisting an individual, sock or well, in the performance of Sick or well
those activities contributing to health or its recovery that he o Family
would perform if he had the necessary strength, will, or Basic unit of care
knowledge and to do this in such a way as to help him gain Most important unit in society
independence as rapidly as possible (Virginia Henderson) Not visiting the pregnant mother but
Direct, goal-oriented, and adaptable to the needs of the visiting the family with a pregnant
individuals. The family, and community during health and mother
illness (ANA) Gather data from the family
as a whole
PUBLIC HEALTH o Population group/ aggregate
The art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life, Group of people who share
and promoting health and efficient through organized commonalities
community efforts in sanitation of the environment, Pregnant women, seniors, adolescents
education of the individual on principles of personal o Community
hygiene, prevention of communicable diseases, medical
and nursing services for the early diagnosis and preventive PHILOSOPHY OF CHN
treatment of disease, and the development of a social CHN is based on the worth and dignity of man (Margaret
machinery, so organizing these benefits to enable every Shetland)
citizen to realize his birthrights of health and longevity. Components:
(Charles Winslow) o Integrity
o Health as basic human right
Conditions that affect dignity:
Special field of nursing that combines the skills of public o Humiliation
health, nursing and some phases pf social assistance and
o Social rejection
functions as part of a total public health program for the
o Marginalization
promotion of health, improvement the physical and social
environment and the prevention of illness and disability o Diminished self-respect
Social assistances through FEATURES OF CHN
o Assessment Preventive care
o Referrals o Most priority
o Monitor and evaluate (programs & services) o Immunization, health education, prenatal check
o Health education (primary role) up
Population focused
o Centers to a need of a specific group
Multidisciplinary approach
An area of human services directed towards developing and o Coordinate with other agencies, professionals
enhancing the health capability of people (Ruth Freeman o referrals
and Janet Heinrich) Comprehensive care
The utilization of the nursing process in the different levels o Look at not just the problem but also the
of clientele (individuals, families, population group and contributary factors
communities) concerned with promotion of health, o Looks for possible solutions
prevention of disease and disability and rehabilitation Continuity of care
(Maglaya) o Follow ups, formalized partnership with
community, frequent visits
Community based place; refused service order and payment of
o Community diagnosis to determine needs, bill
E. REFERRAL Agency to agency Service to service; by
problems, and interventions agency seldom
Consumer involvement
o Involve client in the care PRIMARY HEALTH CARE
Ecologically oriented ALMA ATA declaration (1978) LOI 949
o Services must be cost-effective and will not harm ASTANA declaration (2018)
the environment
Pre-payment mechanism Primary Health Care
o Free at the point of care but general population Basic essential health care made
pays through taxes Universally accessible to individual and families in the
Developmental service community by
o To increase health capability so they can deal o Geographic accessibility
with their own problem o Cultural accessibility
o Financial accessibility
PRINCIPLES Means acceptable to their though their:
Recognized needs o Full participation
Clearly defined objectives o At a cost affordable
Active and organized citizen group
o Sustainable
Available to all (social justice)
PHC is a whole-of-society aims at ensuring the highest
Periodic and continuous evaluation
Family as unit of service possible level of health and wellbeing by focusing on
Professionally prepared people’ needs and as close as feasible to people’s everyday
Health education and counselling environment. (WHO and UNICEF)
Member of the health team
Service records
Does not provide material relief
o Direct family to appropriate resource ESSENTIAL HEALTH CARE
o refer
Professional growth and development
Local disease control
o Ongoing staff development program
Essential drugs
o Needs of the evolve continuously Maternal and child health
STANDARDS OF CARE IN PHN Expanded program on immunization
Standard 1: Assessment Nutrition programs
Standard 2: Population diagnosis and priorities Treatment of simple ailment
Standard 3: Outcomes identification Sanitation, especially safe water supply
o Set together with the client
o Prioritizing Added: (after ALMA ATA declaration)
o Scoring Mental health
o SMART Oral health
Standard 4: Planning Control of ARI
o Must be responsive to needs of client and within Control of HIV/AIDS and other STI
their resources Occupational health
Standard 5: Implementation Use of traditional medicine
o Coordination
o Health education and health promotion GOAL OF PHC
o Consultation HEALTH FOR ALL
o Regulatory activities 4 major features (pillars) of PHC
Standard 6: Evaluation o Active community participation
o Intra & inter sectorial linkages
CHN VS INSTITUTIONAL NURSING o Support mechanisms made available
POINT OF CHN INSTITUTIONAL o Use of appropriate technology
A. PATIENT Affordable
Source Case-finding Patient’s initiative or Feasible
referral Convenient to use
Environment Familiar Unfamiliar
Adjustment Made by the nurse Made by the patient
Cost Pre-paid Generally paid by the Fulfils its purpose
patient/HMO Simple
B. NURSING CARE Acceptable
Period of care Case-holding Admission to With a wide scope of technology
Direction of care Center physician, Consultant; resident RA 8423: Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of 1997
Unit of service Family Individual Akalpuko Antifungal
Emphasis of care Prevention cure Ampalaya Diabetes Mellitus
C. TEACHING Family Patient; the family Bawang Lower blood cholesterol level, hypertension,
seldom toothache
D. DISCHARGE Moved to another Upon physician’s Caution: take on full stomach to prevent ulcer
Stable eco-system
Guava? Sustainable resources
Yerba Buena o Analgesic: rheumatism, menstrual Social Justice
(peppermint) & gas pain Equity
o Cough and colds
o Swollen gums
o Toothache
o Nausea and fainting RECOMMENDED ACTION AREAS
o Insect bites and pruritus Build healthy public policy
o Right approached, legislations, taxations and
Lagundi o Asthma, cough, muscle pains & organizational change
fever o Relies on policy makers
o Dysentery
o Analgesic: headache, rheumatism,
Creates supportive environment
sprain o Encourage reciprocal maintenance
o Contusions o Health promotion generates living and working
o Insect bites conditions that are safe, stimulating, satisfying
o Aromatic bath for sick patient
and enjoyable
Niyug-niyogan Anti-helminthic
(Chinese honey Strengthen community action
suckle) o Empower people
Caution: not to be given to children below 4
Sambong Diuretic Develop personal skills
(Camphor) o Skills to exercise more control over their own
Tsaang-gubat o Diarrhea health
(wild tree) o Has fluoride content
o Used as mouthwash to prevent
Reorient health services
dental carries o Strong attention to health research, educ and
Ulasimang bato o Lowers uric acid training
(peperomia) o Reorientation=on on basic health services
Types of health promotion program
Preparations: Information dissemination
Decoction Health appraisal0wellness assessment program
Infusion Lifestyle and behavior change
Syrups Worksite and wellness program
Poultices Environmental control program
5 priorities identified in the Jakarta declaration on leading health
promotion into the 21st century
Reminders on the use of herbal medicine Promoting social responsibility for health
o Use clay pot, remove cover when boiling Increasing community capacity and empowering the
o Wash herb well individual
Expanding and consolidating partnerships for health
o Use only part indicated
Increasing investment for health development
o Use one herb at a time Securing an infrastructure for health promotion
o If no relief in 2-3 doses, refer to MD
o Watch out for allergy LEVELS OF PREVENTION
SEC 3 of UHC law: Ensure that all Filipinos are guaranteed equitable
access to quality and affordable health care goods and services and Provincial health Board/ Municipal health board
protected against financial risk.
o Participant in epidemiologic investigations
Community organizer
School Nurse
RA 124: Mandates all schools to have a school clinic for….
Occupational Health
Basis is the Labor Code: Health, safety & Welfare benefits
RA 1054: An act to revise & consolidate…
o 10-50 workers: graduate first aider
o 50-200 workers:
Two-way referral System Hazardous – requires 1 OH nurse
Non-Hazardous – full-time first aider
o 200-300 workers: 1 OHN, parttime MD &
dentist; 1 “e” clinic or hospital within 5 km (1
bed: 100 workers)
o > 300 workers: 1 OHN, full time MD, dentist,
infirmary or “e” clinic or hospital within 5 km
Functions of OHN & SHN
o Health care provider
Preventive services
Screening for health problems
Emergency nursing care
Levels of Primary Health Care Workers o Environmental manager
Monitoring environmental conditions
Recognizing & reporting of accident &
health hazards in school/ workplace
Healthful school living
Application of ergonomic principles
o Health coordinator
Making referrals to other agencies &
health personnel
Coordination with public health nurse
o Community level service providers (CHT) Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric & Newborn Care
o Navigation function
o Basic service delivery function
o All BEMONC functions +
o 2 basic emergency obstetrics and newborn care (BEmONC)
o Capability for blood transfusion
o Capable network of facilities and providers
o Capability for cesarian section
o Comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care
(CEmONC) WHO guidelines:
o Capable facility or network of facilities o For every 50,000 population should have at least 5
EMONC facility with at least 1 CEMONC
o Pre-natal care
o Care during labor
o Post-partum care
o Pre-natal schedule
o All pregnant women should have at least 4 ante-
Legislations affecting Maternal Services natal care
o EO 209- the Family Code of the Philippines Pre-natal Visits Period of Pregnancy
1st visit As early as possible
o RA 6365- law that created the Population Commission
2nd visit 2nd trimester
o PD 791- empowers nurses and midwives to dispense and 3rd visit 3rd trimester
administer acceptable methods of family planning Every week On the 9th month
o PD 965- requires applicants for a marriage license to
receive instructions on family planning o Recognition & management of pregnancy-related
o RA 9262- law on anti-violence against women and children complications
o RA 9173- sets the basis for the nurse practice on MCH o Tetanus toxoid immunization
o Micronutrient supplementation
o Prevention & treatment of diseases and other conditions o +300 calories beginning from the 2nd trimester
associated with pregnancy
o Thyroid gland examination by palpitation
Assessment during Pregnancy
o Anemia
o History taking o Laboratory work ups
o Family o Pallor in conjunctiva and palm
o Menstrual
o OB (LMP, AOG, EDC) Tetanus Toxoid Immunization
o Weight and height o Dose: 0.5 ml
o Vital signs (especially BP) o Route: intramuscular
o Physical examination o Site: deltoid muscle
o Lab exams
# of Dose Schedule Length of Protection
Recognition & Management of Pregnancy-Related Complications 1st Anytime in pregnancy
2nd 1 month after 1st dose 3 years
o Pre-eclampsia 3rd 6 months after 2nd dose 5 years
o Anemia 4th 1 year after 3rd dose 10 years
5th 1 year after 4th dose Lifetime
o Syphilis
o HIV status Notes on Tetanus Toxoid for Pregnant Women
o DM o If 2nd dose is given at least 2 week before delivery=
o Others assurance of full protection against neonatal tetanus
o No fetal movement o 2nd dose is given even if mother has already delivered for
o Ruptured membranes and no labor protection of future pregnancies
o Fever or burning urination o 3 doses of DPT in infancy = 1st 2 doses of tetanus toxoid
o Vaginal discharge
o Signs suggesting HIV infection Micronutrient Supplementation
o Smoking, alcohol or drug abuse
o Cough or breathing difficulty Vitamin A
o Taking anti-TB drugs o 10, 000 IU- 1 capsule 2x/wk from the 4th month of
Components of Pre-natal Care by DOH pregnancy
o 200,000 IU- 1 capsule within 4 wks after delivery
o BP and Edema- most sensitive screening for PIH
(pregnancy-induced hypertension) 60 mg Elemental Iron with 400 ug Folic Acid
o During pregnancy
Systolic Diastolic Classification o 1 tablet OD x 6 months or 180 days
<130 <85 Normal o 2 tablets OD if pre-natal consultations start in the
130-139 85-89 High normal
140-159 90-99 Stage 1: mild
2nd or 3rd trimester
160-179 100-109 Stage 2: moderate o For lactating women
180-209 110-119 Stage 3: severe o 1 tablet OD x 3 months or 90 days
>209 >120 Stage 4: very severe
Potassium Iodide 200 mg Capsule
o Once a year for pregnant women
o Leopold’s Maneuver
o To determine number of fetus, fetal lie, fetal Prevention & Treatment of Disease and Other Conditions
position and presentation Associated with Pregnancy
4 Principles:
o Immediate and thorough drying of the newborn
o Early skin to skin contact between mother and newborn
o Properly timed cord clamping and cutting
o Unang yakap of the mother and her newborn for early
breastfeeding initation