TDS Nitoflor ET Slurry India3
TDS Nitoflor ET Slurry India3
TDS Nitoflor ET Slurry India3
constructive solutions
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Nitoflor ET Slurry
High performance topping Two liquid components shall be mixed thoroughly using a pad-
dle attached to a heavy duty, slow speed drilling machine. The
All surfaces as detailed shall be treated to provide a hardwear-
mineral fillers shall be added and mixed until a homogenous
ing, waterproof, light weight, anti-skid surface suitable for the
slurry consistency is formed. The total mixing operation should
intended end use at a thickness of 3 mm for light duty traffic,
take about 3 minutes. The Nitoflor ET Slurry system is now
4mm for medium duty traffic and 5mm for heavy duty traffic at
ready for use. Thinners or solvent should not be added.
a coverage rate of 3.5 -3m2/pack, 3.0 - 2.5m2/pack, 2.5 - 2.0m2/
pack respectively. Laying
It shall give a minimum compressive strength of 35N/mm2 when Once mixed the Nitoflor ET Slurry system must be used within
tested as per BS 6319 part 2, a minimum tensile strength of the specified pot life.
8N/mm2 when tested as per BS 6319 part 7, and a minimum
The slurry shall be poured onto the prepared surface. Work
flexural strength of 15N/mm2 when tested as per BS 6319 part 3.
in lanes of 2-3m width, masking off edges with tape. The
Nitoflor ET Slurry system is resistant to spread of flame when slurry shall be spread using a steel trowel or squeegee taking
tested as per BS 476 part 7, clause 2, 1971. It shall be resist- particular care when joining up to previous day’s work. Use
ant to spillage of kerosene, petrol, diesel, hydraulic fluids, dil. of a wet film gauge is recommended to ensure the correct
mineral acids and alkalis, aircraft fuels and 10% urea in water. thickness and material usage. The chosen surface dressing
aggregate must be applied immediately after laying Nitoflor ET
Application instructions
Slurry system. The slurry coating is blinded to saturation by
Surface preparation allowing the aggregate to fall vertically until no slurry is visible.
Nitoflor ET Slurry system can be applied to a variety of sub- Throwing aggregates at an angle over the slurry may cause
strates. As with all flooring materials or protective coatings, ridges. Masking tape must be removed before the coating has
correct surface preparation is essential. cured. The Nitoflor ET Slurry system must be allowed to cure
for 24 hours at 300C before being subject to traffic. At lower
Steel substrate :
temperatures this period will be increased.
Nitoflor ET Slurry system is specially formulated to exhibit tena-
Once it is clean and dry, excess dressing aggregate can be
cious adhesion to unprimed steel. However, all steel substrates
removed with a broom and reused after the initial curing period.
should be blast cleaned to a minimum SA 2½ standard of
cleanliness. An angular profile amplitude of atleast 75 microns Cleaning
is recommended. The slurry should be applied as quickly as
All tolls can be cleaned immediately after use with Nitoflor
possible to the blasted steel surface. If the standard of the
Sol, solvent.
surface falls below SA 2½ then the steel must be reblasted.
Concrete substrates :
Temperature limitations
Nitoflor ETSlurry system is applied to clean, sound, dry con-
crete substrates which are free of any laitance, or loose parti- Recommended application range is 150C to 350C. Fosroc
cles. Mechanical scarifying or blasting methods are strongly shall be contacted, if application or service temperatures are
recommended. Prepared concrete substrates should be primed outside this range.
with Nitoprime 25.
Application limitations
The primer is applied by brush or lambswool roller to provide a
Minimum ambient temperature : 150C
thin even coverage. Avoid over application and puddles. Nitoflor
ET Slurry system is applied onto the primer whilst it is still tacky. Maximum humidity : 75% at 250C
Nitoflor ET Slurry Thickness Coverage In addition, the Nitoflor range of industrial flooring products
mm m2/litre include concrete hardeners, resin floor coatings, toppings
Light traffic 3.0 0.33 and screeds designed to meet most requirements of modern
industrial environments. For further information contact the
Medium traffic 4.0 0.25 local Fosroc office.
Heavy traffic 5.0 0.20
The above coverages are for indication purpose only and vary
depending on the nature and texture of surface of application.
Shelf life
Important note :
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold
subject to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies of which may be obtained on
request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification
or information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or
continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either
Fosroc Chemicals directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products whether or not in accordance with
any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.
(India) Pvt. Ltd.
Head Office telephone fax e-mail
Embassy Point, No. 150,
2nd Floor, Infantry Road, +91 80-42521900 +91 80-22281510 [email protected]
Bangalore 560 001,
Regional Offices
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