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Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 131 (2021) 108449

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Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment

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Changes in methadone program practices and fatal methadone overdose

rates in Connecticut during COVID-19
Sarah Brothers a, *, Adam Viera b, Robert Heimer c
Department of Sociology, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520-8265, United States of America
Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, CT 06510-8034, United States of America
Department of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, CT 06510-8034, United States of America


Keywords: Background: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Methadone (SAMHSA) has relaxed restrictions on methadone treatment in the United States. There is concern that the
COVID-19 relaxation may increase fatal overdose rates. This study examines opioid treatment program (OTP) changes to
Opioid use disorder
methadone treatment during COVID-19 and changes in fatal methadone-involved overdose rates in Connecticut.
Methods: From July 8th to August 18th, 2020, we conducted a comprehensive state-wide survey of all eight OTPs
Medication-based treatment that dispense methadone in Connecticut to examine programmatic changes during COVID-19. We also analyzed
state-level data on confirmed accidental opioid-involved deaths to assess if relaxation of take-home dosing re­
strictions and in-person attendance requirements correlated with increased methadone-involved fatal overdose
Results: OTPs reported implementing multiple changes to methadone treatment in response to the COVID-19
pandemic. The percent of patients receiving 28-day take-home doses increased from 0.1% to 16.8%, 14-day
take-home doses increased from 14.2% to 26.8%, and the percent receiving one or no take-home doses
decreased from 37.5% to 9.6%. Monthly or more frequent drug testing decreased from 15% to 4.6% and 75.2% of
individual counseling for methadone patients transitioned to telehealth. However, changes to methadone
treatment varied considerably by program. OTP providers said restrictions on methadone should be relaxed and
increases in take-home dosing as well as telehealth should be continued in non-pandemic situations. Methadone-
involved fatalities relative to other opioid-involved fatalities did not increase in Connecticut following changes in
OTP practices.
Conclusions: Connecticut OTPs relaxed methadone treatment requirements during COVID-19. Since relaxing
restrictions on methadone treatment has not increased fatal overdoses, we recommend that the reductions in-
person dosing and attendance requirements implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic should be continued
and made permanent.

1. Introduction 2020).
More than 50 years of clinical evidence has shown that methadone is
In the United States, approximately 1.6 million people live with a safe and effective treatment for OUD that significantly reduces risk of
opioid use disorder (OUD) (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services overdose, illicit substance use, HIV and HCV infection risk, and overall
Administration, 2020b). They suffer from high rates of overdose, sui­ morbidity and mortality (Dole & Nyswander, 1965; Kreek, 2000; Lesh­
cide, and HIV and hepatitis C (HCV) infection that increase in lockstep ner & Dzau, 2019). Although decades of evidence show the substantial
with rising OUD rates (Hedegaard et al., 2020; Hodder et al., 2021; benefits of methadone for the treatment of OUD, it is heavily regulated
Olfson et al., 2019; Powell et al., 2019). Over 100,000 people have died in the United States (Jaffe & O'Keeffe, 2003). Only certified opioid
from opioid overdoses during the past two years (National Institute on treatment programs (OTPs) can dispense methadone, and patients
Drug Abuse, 2019). Overdose rates may be increasing due to the COVID- typically receive methadone doses in-person while under direct super­
19 pandemic (Alter & Yeager, 2020; Mallet et al., 2020; Slavova et al., vision on a daily basis, with regular drug testing usually required (Bell,

* Corresponding author at: Department of Sociology, Yale University, PO Box 208265, New Haven, CT 06520-8265, United States of America.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Brothers).

Received 8 November 2020; Received in revised form 16 April 2021; Accepted 22 April 2021
Available online 29 April 2021
0740-5472/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
S. Brothers et al. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 131 (2021) 108449

2014; Stitzer & Vandrey, 2008). Daily supervised administration of methadone and other forms of treatment for OUD. Subsequent sections
methadone at OTPs was instituted for most patients because of concerns covered OTP provision of methadone, counseling, drug testing, and
that take-home doses may lead to methadone diversion and subse­ other services before and after SAMHSA's COVID-19 guidance in March
quently to fatal overdose (Cicero & Inciardi, 2005; Fountain et al., 2000; 2020. A final section covered OTPs' potential and observed problems
H. Green et al., 2000; Seymour et al., 2003). associated with implementing the SAMHSA guidelines and solicited
However, the COVID-19 pandemic raises concerns over these re­ opinions on the suitability of continuing the relaxation in non-pandemic
strictions on methadone treatment, since in-person OTP visits for situations. The survey was uploaded to Qualtrics survey platform to
medication and required drug testing and counseling make social and allow on-line data collection. A letter with a link to the survey was sent
physical distancing difficult, if not impossible. People with OUD may be to the directors of all eight OTPs in Connecticut, co-signed by Mr.
at increased risk for COVID-19 due to the communal nature of drug use, Lambert and the study principal investigator. The letter was sent on July
high-rates of co-morbidities among people with OUD such as cardio­ 2nd and responses were received between July 8th and August 18th.
vascular and respiratory diseases, and higher rates of housing instability,
poverty, and unemployment (Mallet et al., 2020; Slaunwhite et al., 2.2. Determining the involvement of methadone in opioid-involved
2020; van Dorn et al., 2020; Volkow, 2020). COVID-19-related loss of accidental deaths in CT
housing, jobs, and food security may increase the likelihood for relapse
among people living with OUD (Alexander et al., 2020; Mallet et al., The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner investigates deaths
2020). attributed to drug overdoses and the Connecticut Department of Public
In response to these issues, on March 16th, 2020, the Substance Health maintains summary data that include the drugs determined to be
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) released a involved. Monthly summary data were obtained for all of 2015–19 and
guidance letter to OTPs on relaxing patient requirements in order to January through August of 2020. Data for 2020 are considered pre­
meet the urgent need to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection through liminary and are subject to change. Individuals receiving methadone
social distancing (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin­ through the OTPs in Connecticut are reported to the Connecticut
istration, 2020a). The guidance contained a blanket exemption allowing Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, which dedupli­
increases in take-home dosing to 28 days for all stable patients and up to cates records to produce an annual count of individuals who receive
14 days of take-home dosing for those who are considered less stable. It treatment in each calendar year.
was further recommended that OTPs reduce or eliminate toxicology
screens and in-person counseling sessions to further reduce potential 2.3. Statistical analysis
exposure to COVID-19. The guidance also allowed OTPs to increase use
of telemedicine and provide home delivery of medication, changes that We used descriptive statistics to describe trends in how OTPs
others have also advocated for (Alexander et al., 2020; Heimer et al., changed their policies and practices in response to the COVID-19
2020). Some public health scholars have raised concerns that relaxing pandemic, including changes in take-home dosing and drug testing
OTP methadone patient requirements, particularly increased take-home practices before and after COVID-19. We used χ2 tests to compare
doses, may increase risk of diversion and thus fatal overdose rates opioid-involved overdose deaths and overdose deaths involving meth­
(Alexander et al., 2020; Becker & Fiellin, 2020; Dunlop et al., 2020; adone specifically during the five-month period after lockdown
Volkow, 2020). However, little is known about if and how OTPs have (April–August 2020) to the same five-month period in the previous five
been implementing changes that accord with the SAMHSA guidance and years going back to 2015. We divided methadone-involved fatalities into
if methadone-involved overdose rates have increased as a result. methadone-only or in combination and determined the change in pro­
We conducted a comprehensive state-wide survey of OTPs in Con­ portion of fatalities involving methadone.
necticut to examine programmatic changes to methadone maintenance
treatment (MMT) during COVID-19. We then analyzed state-level data 3. Results
to assess if relaxation of OTP take-home dosing restrictions and in-
person attendance requirements correlated with methadone-involved 3.1. Study sample: patients dispensed methadone at Connecticut OTPs
fatal overdose rates.
The sample included all eight OTPs in the state of Connecticut. The
2. Methods eight programs operate 29 clinics in total, serving 24,261 MMT patients
(Table 1). Each OTP operates four clinics on average (range 1 to 9
This analysis combines two sources of data. The first is a compre­ clinics) and serves an average of 837 patients at each clinic (range 74 to
hensive state-wide survey of Connecticut OTP providers conducted from 5000 patients). Most OTP patients have insurance coverage through
July 8th to August 18th, 2020 to examine programmatic changes during Medicare or Medicaid (78.4%), 10.4% hold private insurance, and 9.7%
COVID-19. The second source is state-level data on autopsies conducted have no insurance. The OTPs adjusted services in response to COVID-19
by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner on confirmed accidental between February 27th and March 27th (median: March 16th).
opioid-involved deaths. The Connecticut Department of Public Health
provided data in the toxicology reports on the opioid(s) involved in each 3.2. Patient-level changes in OTP treatment practices
fatal event. With these data, we assessed whether the relaxation of take-
home dosing restrictions and in-person attendance requirements corre­ OTP take-home dosing practices relaxed significantly during COVID-
lated with changes in the rate of involvement of methadone in fatal 19 (Table 2). Prior to COVID-19, almost no MMT patients (0.1%)
overdoses. The Yale Human Research Protections Program exempted received 28-day take-home dosing. After COVID-19 changes were
this study from review. implemented, 16.8% of patients received 28-day take-home dosing. The
number of patients receiving 14-day take-home dosing increased from
2.1. Surveying methadone providers in Connecticut 14.2% prior to COVID-19 to 26.8% during COVID-19. Furthermore, the
number of patients receiving one or no take-home doses decreased from
A survey was developed in collaboration with Robert Lambert, Chair, 37.5% to 9.6%. However, only 43.6% of patients were moved to the
Opioid Treatment Programs of Connecticut. The survey was designed to maximum 14- or 28-day take-home dosing schedule allowable by the
collect data on the operations of all eight OTPs that operate in the state. SAMHSA guidance. Thus, 56.4% of MMT patients remained on lower
The first section of the survey covered OTP characteristics including take-home amounts than permitted by SAMHSA.
number and location of clinics, and number of patients receiving OTP drug testing frequency requirements decreased somewhat

S. Brothers et al. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 131 (2021) 108449

Table 1
OTP Characteristics.

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8

Number of clinics 2 1 3 4 6 7 9 5
Number of patients receiving methadone 10,000 493 1690 775 817 4590 5528 368

Insurance of patients
Medicare/Medicaid 87% 85% 85% 94% 73% 65% 75% 92%
Private 3% 5% 6% 6% 4% 20% 20% 3%
None 10% 10% 9% 0% 23% 15% 5% 5%
Naloxone provision post COVID-19 No Request All No No All All Unstable patients
Change in the people seeking treatment Decrease None Increase None None Decrease None Decrease

to telehealth, providing staff with personal protective equipment (PPE),

Table 2
providing curbside dosing, and mandating 6 ft of social distancing inside
Patient Level Changes in Clinic Practices During COVID-19.
the clinic (Table 3). The majority of OTPs also made the following
Changes in clinic practices Before COVID- After COVID- Change changes: posting information about COVID-19 on their websites, setting
19 19
up handwashing stations, screening patients before entry, changing
Take-home Doses hours of operation, offering proxy pick-ups for sick patients, separating
28-day take-home doses 0.1% (25) 16.8% (4076) 16,700%
symptomatic patients, requiring and providing masks for patients,
14-day take-home doses 14.2% (3445) 26.8% (6499) 89%
4 to 6-day take-home doses 13.3% (3236) 15.3% (3710) 15%
limiting entry to clinics, and mandating 6 ft of social distancing outside
3-day take-home doses 16.8% (4069) 20% (4853) 19% the clinic. Three of the OTPs provided naloxone to all patients during
2-day take-home doses 18.1% (4383) 11.5% (2789) -36% COVID-19 (Table 1). In summary, OTPs made a median number of 12
≤1-day take-home doses 37.5% (9103) 9.6% (2333) − 74% programmatic changes, with a range of 11 to 17 changes.
Drug testing frequencies The degree of relaxation of in-person dosing requirements differed
8 times per year 84.9% (20,608) 92.2% 9% significantly by OTP. For instance, only 3 of the 8 OTPs provided 25% or
(22,375) more of their patients the maximum (28 day) take-home dosing allow­
Once or twice a month 12.5% (3042) 2.9% (692) − 77%
Weekly 2.5% (612) 1.7% (418) − 32%
able after COVID-19, and 3 of the 8 OTPs reduced the number of patients
Random 0% 1.2% (287) – given one or no take-home doses per week to 15% or less of patients.
No testing requirement 0% 2% (488) – During COVID-19, OTPs widely adopted telehealth for counseling and
Other clinic visits other services, but the degree of change differed between programs. For
In-person individual counseling 57.5% (13,962) 9.3% (2263) − 84% example, 5 of 8 OTPs provided telehealth individual counseling to at
In-person group counseling 42.5% (10,299) 8.2% (1996) − 81% least 50% of patients and 3 of 8 OTPs reduced requirements for in-
Telehealth individual counseling 0% 75.2% – person individual and group counseling to less than 25% of patients.
Telehealth group counseling 0% 7.2% (1758) –
OTPs also differed in the changes they made to how they defined
In-person case management 46.3% (11,231) 13.9% (3384) − 70% patient stability for take-home dose eligibility during COVID-19. Prior to
Telehealth case management 0% 32.3% (7846) – COVID-19, all OTPs followed the SAHMSA 8 definition of stable,
No case management 12.5% (3030) 12.5% (3030) 0% although some OTPs added additional criteria (Fig. 1). During COVID-
In-person patient evaluations 77.8% (18,883) 55.6% − 28%
19, all OTPs kept only two of the SAMHSA 8 criteria (absence of
Telehealth patient evaluations 0% 23.1% (5617) – serious behavioral problems at the clinic and safe storage of take-home
In-person healthcare 17.7% (4286) 7.9% (1921) − 55% doses) and differed in their implementation of the other six criteria.
appointments Furthermore, some criteria increased in importance during COVID-19.
Telehealth healthcare 0% 11.8% (2868) – For example, 6 of 8 OTPs added history or risk of diversion and 3
OTPs added regular attendance of counseling sessions to their take-
home dose eligibility criteria.
during COVID-19. The percentage of MMT patients tested once a month
or more decreased from 15% to 4.6%. Further, after the COVID-19
pandemic began, 2% of patients were not required to be tested at all.
The majority of OTP in-person individual and group counseling
transitioned to telehealth counseling during COVID-19. Before COVID-
19, no MMT patients received telehealth counseling. During COVID- Table 3
19, 75.2% of patients received telehealth individual counseling. Program Level COVID-19 Changes.
Notably, the percentage of patients receiving group counseling— either Number of Change in program operations
in person or via telehealth— decreased from 42.5% to 15.4% while the Clinics
percentage of patients receiving in-person or telehealth individual 8 Increasing take-home doses, moving counseling to telehealth,
counseling increased from 57.5% to 84.5%. Some OTP case manage­ providing PPE to staff, mandating social distancing within clinic,
ment (32.3%), patient evaluations (23.1%), and health care appoint­ providing curbside dosing
7 Mandating social distancing outside clinic, providing home
ments (11.8%) also shifted to telehealth.
delivery, requiring PPE for patients, providing PPE for patients
6 Screening patients before entry, limiting site entry
5 Posting information on website, providing handwashing stations
3.3. Program-level changes in OTP practices
for patients, separating symptomatic patients
4 Changing hours of operation
Although Connecticut OTPs relaxed methadone treatment policies 3 Telehealth monitoring of take-home doses, distributing phone/
during COVID-19, not all programs instituted all SAMHSA-authorized email lists of staff, allowing proxy pick-ups for sick patients
changes. All OTPs made the following changes to clinic practices dur­ 2 Allowing support person for dose administration
1 Offering patients alternative treatment locations
ing COVID-19: increasing take-home doses, moving counseling services

S. Brothers et al. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 131 (2021) 108449

Fig. 1. Changes in criteria for determining eligibility for take-home doses. Prior to the SAMHSA guidance document, all eight programs used all seven previously
established standards.

3.4. Consequences of COVID-19-related changes immunocompromised patients, stockpiling reserves of personal protec­
tive equipment, and focusing on therapeutic relationships with patients.
OTPs reported some negative consequences of programmatic Further, they stated that more structured federal directives would help
changes due to COVID-19 (Table 4). One OTP experienced liability is­ reduce variation in programmatic changes between clinics. Finally,
sues as a consequence of programmatic changes and three OTPs re­ OTPs said restrictions on MMT services in non-pandemic situations
ported diversion as a consequence of increased take-home doses. The should be relaxed to increase take-home dosing and continue telehealth
extent of the problems encountered was generally less than what was for patient care and counseling.
anticipated. The consequences of OTP changes on congregation outside
the clinic were mixed. Although two OTPs said patient congregation 3.5. The changing environment of opioid overdose fatalities
outside the clinic had increased due to programmatic changes that
decreased patient density inside, six OTPs said congregation outside the Prior to COVID-19, the annual number for all opioid-involved acci­
clinic had decreased. dental deaths in Connecticut increased by 71%, from 659 in 2015 to
OTP directors said that patients were experiencing COVID-19-related 1127 in 2019. In 2019, 82% of opioid-involved deaths included fentanyl
difficulties including increased tensions within the clinic due to social (Connecticut Department of Health, 2021). Between 2015 and 2019 the
distancing non-compliance, disputes over the use of personal protective number of methadone-involved fatalities, either as a single opioid or in
equipment, and the effects of staff burnout. Regarding the transition to combination with other opioids, increased by 27.8%. During this same
telehealth, OTPs said that it worked well for some but not all patients five-year period, the number of people treated with methadone at the
and it made building rapport difficult. OTPs reported many patients state's OTPs ranged from 19,203 patients in 2015 to 21,680 in 2019,
were experiencing multiple negative consequences from COVID-19 averaging 20,929.8 ± 1012.8. However, the slight rise in patients was
including mental health issues, grief, anxiety, depression, social isola­ not significant.
tion, unemployment, food insecurity, and housing difficulties. We compared all opioid-involved and methadone-involved overdose
OTPs said that in future epidemics take-home doses should be fatalities during the COVID-19 period (April–August 2020) to the same
increased and expansion permitted sooner. OTPs also recommended period in the preceding five years (Table 5). Chi-squared analysis
giving patients tutorials on telehealth, expanding resources to create revealed that neither methadone-only nor methadone-involved fatalities
safe and reliable transportation, providing curbside and home dosing for increased in the five-month period in 2020 compared to the same time
period in earlier years, after controlling for the increase in overall fatal
Table 4 overdoses during this time period from 2015 to 2020.
Program level concerns versus consequences.
Concerns Consequences 4. Discussion

Liability related issues because of increased take- 5 1 program

home doses programs
OTPs in Connecticut made substantial adjustments to methadone
Patients taking more than the prescribed dose in one 5 3 programs treatment practices in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. OTP
day programs changes included moving counseling to telehealth, taking measures to
Diversion 3 3 programs increase social distancing, increasing take-home doses and decreasing
the percentage of patients with one or no take-home doses, in line with
Overdose of someone other than patient on take- 3 0 programs
home doses programs changes that others have called for (Tsai & Wilson, 2020; Wakeman
Overdose of patients 3 1 program et al., 2020). We see no evidence that increased take-home doses led to
programs increased methadone-related fatal overdoses after taking into account
Patients having trouble paying for multiple doses at 2 2 programs changes in the number of patients receiving methadone for treatment of
one time programs
OUD (constant) and the number of opioid-involved fatal overdoses

S. Brothers et al. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 131 (2021) 108449

Table 5
Changes in Accidental Methadone-Involved Fatalities Recorded by Connecticut's Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. Comparison of fatalities involving methadone to
fatalities involving opioids other than methadone.
Period All opioid fatalities Methadone-only fatalities All methadone-involved fatalities Opioid fatalities not involving methadone

Number Number % Number % Number %

April–August 2015 through 2019 1972 74 3.8% 181 9.4% 1791 90.6%
April–August 2020 539 22 4.1% 59 10.9% 480 89.1%
Х2 value vs. other opioids 1.803 1.539
p-value 0.406 0.215

(increasing). clear that changes to methadone treatment are not contributing to the
Transitioning to telemedicine and increasing take-home doses, as the continued increase in overdose fatalities observed in Connecticut, at
OTPs in our study have done, can be an important part of efforts to least during the initial five months of the COVID-19 pandemic. More
decrease risk of COVID-19 infection and should be broadly implemented research will be needed to determine if this situation is sustained.
(Chen et al., 2020). Because in-person contact increases risk of COVID-
19 infection for both patients and clinic staff, social distancing measures 4.2. Conclusion
are primary prevention measures. Since methadone treatment reduces
mortality for people with OUD (Sordo et al., 2017), and unsupervised The variability in programmatic changes by Connecticut OTPs sug­
take-home dosing is positively associated with treatment retention and gests that more guidance should be provided on the state and federal
improvement in quality of life and employment, and does not differ from level to OTPs for relaxing methadone treatment requirements as well as
supervised in-person dosing in illicit opioid use, diversion, or patient buprenorphine treatment requirements during COVID-19. OTPs should
deaths (Gerra et al., 2011; King et al., 2006; Rhoades et al., 1998; Sar­ receive guidance for reducing drug testing and in-person group and in­
asvita et al., 2012; Shakira et al., 2017), methods other than daily dosing dividual counseling requirements, transitioning to telehealth for a
should be employed to ensure treatment compliance (Saulle et al., spectrum of patient services, defining patient stability, establishing
2017). Telehealth to supervise at-home dosing appears to be a suitable safety procedures, and stockpiling personal protective equipment.
alternative, at least in terms of preventing diversion that could increase The burdensome requirements for OTP patients and providers, the
methadone-involved fatalities. Further, OTPs should implement pro­ restrictions on methadone dispensation in primary care facilities or
tections to limit respiratory disease spread similar to those used in other through pharmacies, and the stigma directed against agonist-based
medical settings including PPE requirements for patients and staff medications have created a treatment gap such that the majority of
alongside patient and staff screenings (Alexander et al., 2020). With people with OUD are not receiving agonist medication-based treatment
their proven benefits and increasing availability, OTPs should offer (Wu et al., 2016). Researchers have long called for expanding access to
COVID-19 vaccinations to staff and patients as a regular part of clinical methadone treatment, reducing supervised in-person dosing, and
practice and staff support. decreasing regulations and the burden of compliance and attendance
Connecticut OTPs widely implemented telehealth to replace in- (Gerra et al., 2011; Radcliffe & Stevens, 2008; Zaller et al., 2009).
person counseling visits. Since counseling may increase treatment During the COVID-19 pandemic such changes are more pressing (T.C.
retention and decrease opioid use and HIV risk (Davstad et al., 2009; Green et al., 2020). Since methadone treatment serves as a protective
Dugosh et al., 2016; Kelly et al., 2011), switching counseling to tele­ factor against overdose, reducing barriers to methadone treatment is all
health so that patients may still receive its benefits while maintaining the more urgent.
social distancing may be optimal for patient health. Further research Since the relaxations in OTP policies in Connecticut did not lead to an
might examine the impact of telehealth on patient retention and health. increase in fatal methadone-involved overdoses, we recommend that the
This study shows that during COVID-19 different OTPs within one changes made to methadone treatment by the OTPs in this study should
state instituted different changes in program practices. For example, be expanded further, and many of the restrictions on OTP practices and
only three of the eight OTPs distributed naloxone to all patients, policies should be permanently removed so that methadone and
although clinics are urged to distribute naloxone to patients because of buprenorphine treatments for OUD are more accessible and less
the heightened overdose risks during COVID-19 (Alexander et al., 2020; burdensome for patients.
Tsai & Wilson, 2020).
Survey responses from the OTPs endorsed the importance of relaxing Funding
in-person methadone treatment requirements during COVID-19, they
also recommended expanding resources for patient tutorials on tele­ No external funding was received for the conduct of this study.
health, creating safe and reliable transportation, providing curbside and
home dosing for immunocompromised patients, and focusing on ther­ CRediT authorship contribution statement
apeutic relationships with patients. OTPs were consistent in holding that
the range of changes in program services, including increased take-home Sarah Brothers: Conceptualization, Investigation, Visualization,
dosing and expanded telehealth, should be implemented in non- Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft. Adam Viera:
pandemic situations. Visualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft.
Robert Heimer: Conceptualization, Investigation, Visualization, Meth­
4.1. Limitations odology, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft.

Although we received survey responses from all eight OTPs in Con­ Declaration of competing interest
necticut, we cannot generalize our findings to other states. This study is
cross-sectional, so these findings represent OTP changes that were in The authors have no conflicts to report.
place during the time of the survey; program changes may evolve over
time. The data on fatal opioid-involved overdoses, including those Acknowledgements
involving methadone, are limited to decedents whose cases were
reviewed by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. Nevertheless, it is We would like to thank Robert Lambert, Chair, Opioid Treatment

S. Brothers et al. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 131 (2021) 108449

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