Virtual Reality in Neurointervention
Virtual Reality in Neurointervention
Virtual Reality in Neurointervention
1,2 3 1 3
Chin Siang Ong, MBBS , Gerard Deib, MB, BCh , Pooja Yesantharao, MS , Ye Qiao, MS, PhD ,
Jina Pakpoor, MB BChir , Narutoshi Hibino, MD, PhD , Ferdinand Hui, MD *, and Juan
3 1 3
R. Garcia, MA, CCA
1Division of Cardiac Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA
2Division of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA
3Division of Interventional Neuroradiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA
4Department of Art as Applied to Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore MD, USA
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, Vol. 10
Objectives—Virtual reality (VR) allows users to experience realistic, immersive 3D virtual environments
with the depth perception and binocular field of view of real 3D settings. Newer VR technology has now
allowed for interaction with 3D objects within these virtual environments through the use of VR control-
lers. This technical note describes our preliminary experience with VR as an adjunct tool to traditional
angiographic imaging in the preprocedural workup of a patient with a complex pseudoaneurysm.
Methods—Angiographic MRI data was imported and segmented to create 3D meshes of bilateral carotid
vasculature. The 3D meshes were then projected into VR space, allowing the operator to inspect the carotid
vasculature using a 3D VR headset as well as interact with the pseudoaneurysm (handling, rotation, magni-
fication, and sectioning) using two VR controllers.
Results—3D segmentation of a complex pseudoaneurysm in the distal cervical segment of the right inter-
nal carotid artery was successfully performed and projected into VR. Conventional and VR visualization
modes were equally effective in identifying and classifying the pathology. VR visualization allowed the
operators to manipulate the dataset to achieve a greater understanding of the anatomy of the parent vessel,
the angioarchitecture of the pseudoaneurysm, and the surface contours of all visualized structures.
Conclusion—This preliminary study demonstrates the feasibility of utilizing VR for preprocedural evalu-
ation in patients with anatomically complex neurovascular disorders. This novel visualization approach
may serve as a valuable adjunct tool in deciding patient-specific treatment plans and selection of devices
prior to intervention.
Virtual reality; neurointervention; carotid pseudoaneurysm; interventional neuroradiology
Surgical and interventional training has conventionally plex patient cases, in order to design and plan the thera-
involved apprenticeship-based learning. Residents learn peutic approach. Thus, simulation-based training and
to perform various procedures under the guidance of planning for interventions has been shown to be particu-
trained proceduralists by practicing skills in simulation; larly effective in improving patient safety and clinical
and then, applying those skills by operating on real outcomes, especially in minimally-invasive or complex
patients [1]. Even experienced operators benefit from procedures [2]. Proceduralists can gain insightful infor-
practice and training via simulation before performing mation about three-dimensional (3D) geometries before
new procedures or before operating on particularly com- operating on a real patient, especially given that the use
cases, and an emphasis on improving operating room weighting. Maximum-intensity projection images were
efficiency while providing ethical patient care [4]. With reconstructed from the MRA datasets.
the advent of newer advanced technologies, various
methods exist for both virtual and physical 3D simula- 3D segmentation
tions, including static 2D and 3D visualizations, 3D
printing, interactive virtual reality (VR), and holography The digital imaging and communications in medicine
have been developed that can more realistically mimic (DICOM) dataset was imported into DICOM to Print
normal patient anatomy as well as pathologic cases (D2P) software (3D Systems, Rock Hill, SC) with auto-
[5,6]. Interacting with virtual models in a VR space matic segmentation and vascular segmentation modules,
models has an advantage over physical models in terms which were used to identify bilateral carotid vasculature
of customizability, cost, ease of access, and capacity of [Figure 1(A)–(C)] from their origins in the aorta, to cre-
providing real-time feedback of subtle depth cues [5]. ate a preliminary 3D mask. Additional processing was
Also, 3D printed physical models can be costly, take performed by a careful review of individual slices to
time to produce, can break, or be lost. Interactive VR identify smaller vessels and to remove structures that
visualizations allow for repeated use without compro- were not of interest. A 3D mesh with opaque [Figure
mising the integrity of the model. While such models 1(D)] and translucent views [Figure 1(E)] was created
can also be used to create virtual simulation experiences, from the 3D mask.
many of the currently used technologies, for this pur-
pose, do not allow for a stereoscopic experience of a real Interactive virtual reality system
operative field or intuitive manipulation of the simula- A VR system (HTC Vive, New Taipei City, Taiwan) was
tion model using actual surgical or interventional tools set up at the Johns Hopkins Carnegie 3D Printing and
[3]. Thus, more optimized, realistic virtual simulation Visualization Facility for neurointerventionalists [Figure
technologies are needed.
1(F), Video 1] to visualize and interact with a 3D model
of the right carotid pseudoaneurysm in VR. Two base
VR encompasses a suite of technologies that create an
interactive, realistic environment that can simulate vari- stations were installed to detect the location of the oper-
ous situations and provide feedback on user actions [7]. ator wearing the VR headset as well as the two accom-
VR technology gives the user the capacity to produce panying VR handheld controllers. The 3D mesh [Figure
and control 3D, and provide believable scenarios by 1(D)] was then displayed inside the VR headset [Figure
reproducing the way in which we normally visualize 1(G)] using D2P software (3D Systems, Rock Hill, SC).
objects to create an augmented reality experience. One of the handheld controllers was designated for rota-
tion, magnification, and handling of the model; and
This study investigates the use and utility of a novel VR another was designated to act as a clipping plane [Figure
visualization system for vascular neuroradiology and 1(H)] to examine cross-sectional views of the right caro-
neurointervention that is designed to enhance the inter- tid pseudoaneurysm. For visualization, the operator had
ventional management of aneurysms. This system has the option to move himself or herself physically relative
been developed as an adjunct to the standard 2D repre- to the displayed object, or move the position of the 3D
sentations. model using the controllers.
Ong et al. 19
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, Vol. 10
Figure 1. VR projection of right carotid pseudoaneurysm (A) axial view, (B) sagittal view, (C) coronal view, (D) opaque
view, (E) translucent view, (F) interventional neuroradiologist using VR, (G) VR projection, and (H) VR projection
with realtime sectioning.
Operators RESULTS
Two board-certified neuroradiologists (FH and GD),
The segmented DICOM files from 3D angiographic
with 11 and 6 years of neuroimaging interpretation expe-
imaging data were successfully loaded into the D2P
rience, respectively, used the VR projection system to
software VR module and an evaluation was successfully
evaluate MRI images of a complex pseudoaneurysm of
performed in the VR environment.
the right internal carotid artery. Both operators filled in a
questionnaire detailing their preferences and observa- MRA demonstrated a complex, partially thrombosed,
tions from this experience. large pseudoaneurysm involving the mid to distal right
cervical ICA. The proximal ICA supplying the pseudoa-
neurysm was moderately to severely narrowed as it was
compressed by thrombus at the level of the right lateral
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, Vol. 10
Video 1.Visualization of the right carotid pseudoaneurysm using an interactive VR system (Uploaded separately as a
Supplementary File).
mass of C2. The lumen subsequently expanded within tion modes [Figure 1(A)–(E)] and the virtual environ-
the thrombus, filling the inferior aspect of the pseudoa- ment [Figure 1(G)–(H)]. The operators were able to vis-
neurysm. There was moderate to severe flattening of the ualize outflow and inflow tracts and rotate the model to
ICA after it exitted the pseudoaneurysm with the vessel obtain a working view that clearly outlined a potential
compressed up against the right mastoid process by the trajectory for endovascular device deployment.
pseudoaneurysm below.
Aneurysm size, shape, contour, and morphology were all
Visualization modes adequately assessed with all details defined on the con-
ventional imaging resolved in the VR environment. As
Currently angiographic 3D mesh data could be visual- more potential views of the aneurysm could be assessed,
ized as both opaque [Figure 1(D)] and translucent [Fig- there were a greater number of potential options for
ure 1(E)] representations; however, only the opaque pro- evaluation of size, shape, and volume. A true aneurysm
jection could be seen in VR. volume could be defined (as opposed to an inferred vol-
ume based on 2D rendering). Surface morphological
Opaque display: This mode was especially useful when parameters such as of lobulations, daughter sacs, and
evaluating surface morphological parameters such as surface irregularities were all apparent to the operator.
lobulations, daughter sacs, and surface irregularities. The level of granularity of assessment was at least as
high as any depiction on the conventional surface ren-
Translucent projection: This mode proved particularly dered radiographic imaging.
helpful to evaluate inflow and outflow tracts and visual-
ize the relationship between overlapping vascular struc- Procedural duration
The operators were both able to complete an entire pre-
procedural radiographic work-up in under 10 min,
Visual landmarks
including a period of approximately 3 min to learn to
Key anatomical landmarks were reliably visualized operate the head-mounted VR display and the hand con-
using both conventional opaque and translucent projec- trollers.
Ong et al. 21
Operator preferences and observations virtual environment, resulting in two identical familiar
There was a relatively short learning curve in becoming objects in the virtual environment for the operators to
familiar with the device’s controls, getting used to the quickly adapt to. The operator is able to visualize struc-
presence of the VR headset and controllers, and being tures from multiple viewpoints within any portion of the
inside the virtual environment. After an adjustment room by moving their own body in a set of instinctively
period, the operators found the VR headset and control- intuitive ways—they can turn their head, move their
lers unobtrusive and were able to wear them throughout eyes, bend down, look under, look over, and look around
to study the object from any angle.
the procedure without discomfort. The operator did not
report any nausea, vertigo, or disorientation during or The operator is also provided with a realistic representa-
after using the VR device. tion of the handheld controller interface with six
degrees-of-freedom and can therefore perform move-
DISCUSSION ments (such as picking up virtual objects) that are more
intuitive than using a keyboard or mouse. This ability to
The past decade has seen a concurrent increase in the orient the virtual object in any plane and place it in the
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, Vol. 10
use of advanced radiological imaging technologies and visual field using handheld controllers allows the opera-
minimally invasive intervention in the clinical setting tor to mimic potential patient positioning for surgery or
[8,9]. Thus far, understanding 3D anatomical relation- intervention. The observer can reach out, touch, push,
ships has relied on visualization of 3D data representa- pull, and perform these or a subset of these actions
tions on a flat panel screen. This case demonstrates that simultaneously to fully interpret the patient anatomy.
current 3D visualization technology allows us to move This facility may also be helpful in evaluating images
beyond traditional radiographic monitors to an interac- acquired in one position and interpreted in another (such
tive 3D VR experience with multiple advantages for as evaluating anatomic structures in a simulated erect
patient care, clinical training, and medical education. position where the images may have been acquired
supine or prone). Preliminary results of the use of this
With VR visualization, the clinician is able to literally technology suggest a high level of user comfort, ease of
immerse themselves into the patient’s anatomy and can use, and adaptation to these types of hand-held control-
garner an unprecedented real-time understanding of lers [15]. Through these mechanisms, VR is able to pro-
micro- and macro-anatomy. In the case of the large pseu- vide an experience that gives rise to an illusory sense of
doaneurysm illustrated in this report, the operators were place (“place illusion”) and an illusory sense of reality
able to visualize vascular inflow and outflow tracts opti- (“plausibility”) [16,17].
mally as well as infer areas which represented intrale-
sional thrombus. This allows for better preprocedural In addition to object navigation and orientation, the
planning and consideration of various interventional operator can also utilize one of the controllers as a cut-
options, including reconstructive options such as place- ting plane to remove extraneous information from the
ment of stents, or deconstructive options such as vessel field of view. This cutting plane is again more intuitive
sacrifice. and easy to use than software applications in traditional
radiology software visualization packages. Such pack-
The operators were particularly impressed by the level ages often require technical knowledge in order to crop
of detail that could be defined about surface morpholog- images and are often cumbersome, requiring multiple
ical parameters, such as of lobulations, daughter sacs, steps icons and other user interface shortcuts. The HTC
and surface irregularities, especially since aneurysm Vive has a controller for increasing or reducing the size
wall irregularity and daughter sacs have long been asso- of images, which can easily be manipulated, with the use
ciated with greater risk of sac rupture [10–14]. of the operator’s thumb. This can, therefore, be achieved
without having to distract from any of the other tasks the
The operators found the system intuitive (as demonstra- operator may be performing (such as cropping the
ted by the short time period required to learn to operate image).
the system). They were also able to quickly adapt to the
idea of being immersed in the displayed environment. The literature has reported that observers uniformly
The VR system uses a high definition display with pre- remark on the realism of the resulting images of VR
cise low-latency constellation head tracking capabilities technology [17,18]. VR has the advantage over conven-
and relies on natural sensorimotor contingencies to per- tional display screens in that it reproduces the way in
ceive interaction with realistic anatomy. The virtual con- which light rays hit each eye [19]. This has the effect of
trollers are also of the same dimensions and shape in the bringing the virtual object much closer to the operator’s
eyes and rendering it in a more detailed fashion than toral Fellowship (2017-2019) and the Tan Kah Kee
would be feasible in a typical diagnostic radiology set- Foundation Postgraduate Scholarship (2017).
ting. VR can assist radiological evaluation by considera-
bly diminishing or cancelling out the effects of unsuita- REFERENCES
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