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published: 31 January 2020

doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.00028

Changed Resting-State Brain Signal

in Parkinson’s Patients With Mild
Min Wang 1 , Haiyan Liao 1 , Qin Shen 1 , Sainan Cai 1 , Hongchun Zhang 2 , Yijuan Xiang 1 ,
Siyu Liu 1 , Tianyu Wang 1 , Yuheng Zi 1 , Zhenni Mao 1 and Changlian Tan 1*
Department of Radiology, The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, China, 2 Department of
Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, University of Science and Technology of China, Changsha, China

Background: Depression is reported to occur 5–10 years early than the onset of motor
symptoms in Parkinson (PD) patients. However, markers for early diagnosis of PD in
individuals with sub-clinical depression still remain to be identified.
Purpose: This study utilized Regional Homogeneity (ReHo) to investigate the alterations
in resting state brain activities in Parkinson (PD) patients with different degrees
of depression.
Methods: Twenty non-depressed PD patients, twenty mild to moderately depressed
PD patients, and thirteen severely depressed PD patients were recruited. Hamilton
Edited by: Depression Scale (HDS) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were assessed
Yu Zhang, depression. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-MRI) was analyzed
VA Palo Alto Health Care System,
United States
with ReHo.
Reviewed by: Results: PD patients with mild to moderate depression had decreased ReHo in
Xiangyu Long, the left dorsal anterior cingulate cortex when compared with PD patients without
University of Calgary, Canada
Chien-Han Lai, depression. PD patients with severe depression exhibited increased ReHo in the left
National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan inferior prefrontal gyrus and right orbitofrontal area when compared with PD patients
*Correspondence: with mild to moderate depression. ReHo values in the bilateral supplementary motor
Changlian Tan
[email protected]
area (SMA) in PD patients with severe depression was also increased when compared
with PD patients without depression.
Specialty section:
Conclusions: This study suggests that rs-MRI with ReHo analysis can detect early
This article was submitted to
Applied Neuroimaging, changes in brain function that associate with depression in PD patients, which could be
a section of the journal biomarkers for early diagnosis and treatment of PD related depression.
Frontiers in Neurology
Keywords: parkinson’s diseases, mild depression, early treatment, regional homogeneity, resting-states,
Received: 06 September 2019
functional MRI
Accepted: 09 January 2020
Published: 31 January 2020

Wang M, Liao H, Shen Q, Cai S,
Zhang H, Xiang Y, Liu S, Wang T, Zi Y,
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common degenerative disease of the central nervous system with an
Mao Z and Tan C (2020) Changed
Resting-State Brain Signal in
incidence only secondary to Alzheimer’s disease (1). Approximately 2% of people over 65 years
Parkinson’s Patients With Mild old and 3% of people over 80 years old suffer from PD (2). It is predicted that the incidence and
Depression. Front. Neurol. 11:28. prevalence of PD will be twice as high as now by 2030 (3). Clinical symptoms of PD include motor
doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.00028 symptoms and non-motor symptoms, but its treatments mainly focus on the motor symptoms.

Frontiers in Neurology | www.frontiersin.org 1 January 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 28

Wang et al. Depression in Parkinson

However, more and more studies found that non-motor This study investigated the alterations in resting state brain
symptoms often appeared several years or even decades activities using ReHo in PD patients with different degrees of
before motor symptoms in PD patients (4), suggesting that depression and non-depression.
these non-motor symptoms may be possible the signs for
predicting PD occurrence. Among those non-motor symptoms,
depression is the most common symptoms with a rate of
30–40% (5). A retrospective study in 32,415 Netherlanders Subjects
demonstrated that depressive symptoms occurred 10 years in The patients with Parkinson’s disease were recruited from the
average before the motor symptoms in PD (6). A study in Department of Neurology, the Second Xiangya Hospital of
Americans revealed that depression was diagnosed about 5 Central South University from December 2015 to October
years before motor symptoms in PD (7). In addition, tricyclic 2018. Patients were diagnosed according to the British Brain
antidepressants can effectively treat PD-related depression, Bank PD diagnostic criteria. PD patients were divided into PD
which can also subsequently delay the progression of PD without depression (ndPD, n = 20, 9 females), PD with mild to
disease (8). Reichmann’s review proposed that it is not the moderate depression (mdPD, n = 20, 8 females), and PD with
depression to cause PD, but rather that a common pathology, severe depression (sdPD, n = 13, 7 females) according to the
such as the impairment and malfunction of dopaminergic, Hamilton Depression Scale (version 17) and the Beck Depression
noradrenergic, and serotonergic systems, leads to depression, and Inventory (BDI). In the ndPD group, the Hamilton score was <7
motor symptoms sequentially (9). A previous study found that while BDI was <10; in the mdPD group, the Hamilton score was
PD patients with mild depressive symptoms were six times more between 17 and 24 points while the BDI was between 10 and 25;
at risk to develop moderate to severe depressive symptoms than and in the sdPD group, the Hamilton score was more than 24
PD patients without depressive symptoms (10, 11). We therefore, while the BDI was more than 25. The demographic and clinical
hypothesize that a comparative study in PD patients with data of all participants are shown in Table 1.
different degrees of depression may identify markers for the early This study was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee
detection of PD. of the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University. All
PD is thought to cause depletion of dopamine in the subjects enrolled in the study were voluntarily involved in the
frontal and limbic systems. However, selective abnormalities in study after fully understanding the risks, research purposes, etc.
dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the limbic system The signed informed consents were obtained from the subjects or
were observed in PD patients with depression relative to PD their guardians.
patients without depression (12). Abnormalities in functional
connectivity in the prefronto-limbic system (13) and structures Inclusion Criteria
in the prefrontal lobe, limbic system, and temporal lobe (14) Patients were included in the study if (1) they complied with the
were reported to be associated with depression in PD patients. diagnosis of PD in the British Brain Bank PD diagnostic criteria;
Therefore, detecting the brain structural alterations in PD (2) were right handed; (3) had no dementia; and (4) their clinical
patients with depression may find markers for early diagnosis data were available and they can finish MRI examination.
of PD. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (functional MRI,
fMRI) is a non-invasive functional imaging technique that can Exclusion Criteria
detect changes in blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signals. Patients were excluded from the study if (1) they had
The fMRI includes a task state and a resting state for data unsuitable or contraindicated MRI examinations; (2) they had
acquisition and analysis. Resting-state functional MRI (R-fMRI) claustrophobia; (3) they felt discomfort during MRI examination,
reflects the spontaneous neuronal activity. The data collected and cannot continue to complete the examination; (4) they had
in the resting state is relatively stable, easy to obtain, and is a history of long-term alcohol abuse or other histories of drug
therefore widely used in the study of brain function. Regional abuse; (5) they had a definite cause for depression, and (6) they
homogeneity (ReHo) refers to the similarity of BOLD signal were left handed.
changes of adjacent voxels in the same time series (15). The Two experienced neurological physicians collected all
increase in ReHo indicates an increase in the consistency of subjects’ age, gender, medical history, and course of the
neuronal activity in the local brain region (16). Previous studies disease with exact consistency. They also recorded the patient’s
with ReHo demonstrated that neural activity in the resting Hoehn-Yahr grading according to the nervous system. A two-
state is changed in multiple brain regions of PD patients way random model was then used to calculate the intraclass
(17–20). A study compared ReHo between PD patients with correlation coefficient of Hoehn-Yahr grading. It was 0.961
depression and PD patients without depression and found (P < 0.001), suggesting an absolute consistency between two
that PD patients with depression exhibited significant increases physicians. All patients completed the Parkinson’s disease rating
of ReHo in the left middle frontal gyrus and right inferior scale (UPDRS), the BDI, the Hamilton Depression Scale, and the
frontal gyrus, and decreases of ReHo in the left amygdala and Mini-mental state examination (MMSE) survey.
bilateral lingual gyrus (21). Thus, a specific alteration in rs-
MRI with ReHo analysis in PD patients with mild depression Scanning Parameters
may be used as a marker for early diagnosis or prediction The scanning session was performed at the Radiology
of PD. Department of Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South

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Wang et al. Depression in Parkinson

TABLE 1 | Demographics and clinical details (mean ± SD).

ndPD mdPD sdPD P value

mdPD vs.ndPD sdPD vs.mdPD sdPD vs.ndPD

Gender(male/female) 11/9 12/8 6/7

Age (year) 58.40 ± 6.96 60.55 ± 7.21 63.92 ± 10.57 0.403 0.246 0.060
Duration of disease(month) 28.35 ± 18.98 34.50 ± 33.07 29.00 ± 22.24 0.456 0.554 0.994
UPDRS 43.10 ± 4.94 42.42 ± 7.1 50.46 ± 8.40 0.889 0.002 0.004
H-Y 1.62 ± 0.64 1.62 ± 0.80 1.88 ± 0.68 1.000 0.317 0.317
HAMD 3.15 ± 1.69 18.70 ± 1.45 29.84 ± 3.46 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001
BDI 6.40 ± 2.28 16.95 ± 5.09 33.00 ± 5.88 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001
MMSE 27.30 ± 2.65 25.70 ± 3.93 22.15 ± 4.54 0.175 0.009 < 0.001

PD, Parkinson’s disease; ndPD, PD without depression; mdPD, PD with mild and moderate depression; sdPD, nPD with severe depression; UPDRS, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating
Scale; HAMD, the Hamilton Depression Scale; BDI, the Beck Depression Inventory; MMSE, Minimum Mental State Examination; H-Y, Hoehn & Yahr stage.

University, on a SIEMENS 3.0 T scanner. A total of 580 Statistical Analysis

T2- weighted EPI scans were acquired during the entire Statistical analyses were conducted with SPSS 20.0 statistical
functional run (TR = 2,500 ms, TE = 25 ms, FA = 90◦ , FOV analysis software (SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, USA). The significant
= 240 × 240 mm, 39 axial slices, slice thickness 3.50 mm, threshold was set to p = 0.05. The one-way analysis of covariance
no gap). Two more dummy scans were acquired before each (ANCOVA) was used to compare the differences between ReHo
run to allow the fMRI signal to reach a steady state. Before values and other demographic data among the three groups. The
the functional run, an anatomical volume consisting of T2- significant differences were set at p < 0.05 (with a combined
weighted MPRAGE scans with the high spatial resolution was threshold of p < 0.05 and a minimum cluster size of 26 voxels),
also acquired. corrected by the AlphaSim program in the REST Software. A two-
sample post hoc t-test was performed between each pair of the
MRI and Data Analysis three groups.
RS-fMRI images were preprocessed using the toolboxes
data processing assistant for resting-state functional MR RESULTS
imaging (DPARSF; http://www.restfmri.net/forum/DPARSF)
through an RS-fMRI data analysis toolkit (REST1.8; http:// There were no significant differences in gender, age, and
www.restfmri.net) running on MATLAB R2010a (Math- duration of disease between the three groups. Additionally,
works). The first ten volumes of the functional images head motion caused no significant differences between those
were discarded. patients (p > 0.05). There were significant differences in Unified
The imaging data were preprocessed by slice timing, Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale and Minimum Mental State
realignment, co-registration to individual structural T1 scan, Examination between sdPD and mdPD groups as well as between
segmentation into gray matter (GM), white matter (WM), sdPD and ndPD groups. There were significant differences in the
and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), as well as spatial normalization Hamilton Depression scores and BDI scores between any two
to Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates (MNI) space groups among the three groups (Table 1).
using the normalization parameters estimated in DARTEL, mdPD patients showed decreased ReHo values in the
with a resampling voxel size of 3 mm × 3 mm × 3 mm. left dorsal anterior cingulate cortex when compared with
A temporal filter (0.01–0.08 Hz) was used to decrease the ndPD patients (Figure 1). sdPD patients showed significant
effect of low-frequency drifts and physiological high-frequency increased ReHo values in the inferior prefrontal gyrus and
noise. The linear trends were then removed. Finally, the right orbitofrontal area when compared to mdPD patients
generated images were spatially smoothed with a 6 mm full- (Figure 2). sdPD patients showed increased ReHo in the bilateral
width at half- maximum (FWHM) Gaussian kernel after supplementary motor area (SMA) when compared with ndPD
ReHo analysis. patients (Figure 3 and Table 2).
ReHo analysis was performed in DPARSF software. ReHo
maps of each subject were obtained on a voxel-wise basis by DISCUSSIONS
calculating Kendall’s coefficient of concordance (KCC) between
the time series of a given voxel and those of its nearest Depression is thought not only a non-motor symptom of PD,
neighboring 26 voxels (15). The greater ReHo value of a but also a predictive marker for the occurrence of PD in its early
given voxel means the higher degree of localized temporal stage. This study found that PD patients with mild to moderate
synchronization within a neighboring cluster. Then, the voxel depression had a reduced ReHo value in the dorsal anterior
ReHo was divided by the average ReHo value of the entire brain cingulate gyrus of the left cerebral hemisphere compared with
in each subject for the purpose of standardization. PD patients without depression. Also, PD patients with severe

Frontiers in Neurology | www.frontiersin.org 3 January 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 28

Wang et al. Depression in Parkinson

FIGURE 1 | Comparison of ReHo between mdPD and ndPD group. There was a decrease in ReHo value in the left dorsal anterior cingulate cortex in PD patients with
mild to moderate depression (P < 0.05).

FIGURE 2 | Comparison of ReHo between sdPD and mdPD group. There was an increase of ReHo value in the left inferior prefrontal gyrus and right orbitofrontal area
in PD patients with severe depression (P < 0.05).

FIGURE 3 | Comparison of ReHo between sdPD and ndPD group. There was an increase of ReHo values in the bilateral supplementary motor area in PD patients
with severe depression (P < 0.05).

depression had an increased ReHo value in the left inferior frontal zone (SMA) compared with PD patients without depression.
gyrus (Brodmann 47) and right temporal gyrus (Brodmann 11) Thus, this study suggests that rs-MRI with ReHo analysis may
compared with PD patients with mild to moderate depression, as provide imaging marker for early diagnosis and prediction of PD
well as an increased ReHo value in the bilateral assisted motor in patients with sub-clinical depression.

Frontiers in Neurology | www.frontiersin.org 4 January 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 28

Wang et al. Depression in Parkinson

TABLE 2 | Brain regions showing ReHo differences among groups. increased ReHo values in the left inferior prefrontal gyrus and
right orbitofrontal area compared with patients with mild to
Brodmann Brain Cluster Peak T Peak Coordinates in MNI
Area regions size values
moderate depression.
(voxles) The supplementary motor area (SMA), the posterior third
of the medial aspect of superior frontal gyrus, is involved in
self-initiated motor movements, planning, and sequencing the
motor action, response inhibition, and bimanual movements.
32 DPFC-L 41 −4.5075 −9 15 42
A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled, multi-center
study revealed that the 1-Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic
47 IPG-L 39 4.1459 −33 27 15
stimulation over the SMA was effective for improving the motor
symptoms in PD (26). However, whether the SMA is associated
11 OFA-R 28 4.4753 9 45 −12
with PD related depression remains to be further studied. In this
study, we found that PD patients with severe depression had
6 SMA-R 38 4.9573 9 6 51
increased ReHo values in the bilateral SMA compared to PD
6 SMA-L 30 4.2223 −39 −6 42
without depression.
PD, Parkinson’s disease; ndPD, PD without depression; mdPD, PD with mild and In our study, depressed PD patients had abnormal ReHo
moderate depression; sdPD, PD with severe depression; DPFC-L, left dorsolateral values both in the cingulate cortex and the orbitofrontal area.
prefrontal cortex; IPG-L, left inferior prefrontal gyrus; OFA-R, right orbitofrontal area,
SMA-R, right supplementary motor area, SMA-L, left supplementary motor area.
Luo et al. study with a resting-state functional MRI demonstrated
that PD with depression showed significantly higher ALFF
value in the left orbitofrontal area, which positively correlates
The cingulate cortex is not only a vital hub in the with the scores of Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (27).
default network, but also a critical hub in the limbic system. However, Skidmore et al. study explored the relationships
A previous study using resting-state fMRI and seed-based between depression and ALFF in patients with PD, and found
functional connectivity analysis revealed an increased functional that the severity of depression positively correlates with ALFF
connectivity between the ventral tegmental area and anterior value in the right cingulate cortex (23). Our study suggests that
cingulate cortex in depressed PD patients relative to healthy it may also be associated with abnormal brain regions at different
controls and non-depressed PD patients. Also, this aberrant stages of depression in PD patients.
connectivity correlated with the severity of depression in PD We acknowledge several limitations of the current study. First,
patients (16). Wang et al. study also observed degree centrality the sample size in this study is relatively small and further studies
abnormalities in the anterior cingulate cortices in depressed from multiple centers with large sample size may provide more
PD patients compared to non-depressed PD patients (17). reliable conclusions. Second, although there was no statistical
Skidmore et al. reported that the severity of depression in PD difference in the ages between three groups of PD patients,
patients was positively correlated with the ALFF signal of the there was subtle difference. This may implicate that the effects
cingulate gyrus (22). In this study, we found a decreased ReHo of age were not completely ruled out. Third, this study used a
value in the left dorsal anterior cingulate cortex of Parkinson combination of two scales to determine the degree of depression
patients with mild to moderate depression when compared in Parkinson’s patients. Patients with inconsistent grading of the
with non-depressed PD patients. Thus, our study confirmed two scales were not included in the study. This may have a bias.
the involvement of the cingulate cortex in the depression In conclusion, PD patients with and without depression have
of PD patients. different abnormal brain areas; PD patients with different degrees
The prefrontal cortex includes the Brodmann Area 47 and of depression have different abnormal brain regions; and rs-MRI
11. A meta-analysis revealed that repetitive transcranial magnetic with ReHo analysis may provide imaging evidence as markers
stimulation over the prefrontal cortex exhibited a significant anti- for early diagnosis and prediction of PD in patients with sub-
depressive effect in PD patients (23). A SPECT study showed clinical depression.
that the perfusion in the right medial orbitofrontal cortex was
reduced in the depressed PD patients as compared with non-
depressed PD patients (24). Sheng et al. study with ReHo and FC DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
methods found that PD patients with depression had increased
regional activity in the left frontal and medial frontal gyrus The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
when compared with non-depressed PD patients. Brain network made available by the authors, without undue reservation, to any
connectivity analysis demonstrated that the function of the qualified researcher.
prefrontal-limbic system was significantly weakened in depressed
PD patients (21). Hu et al. study found that the connection
of the left cingulate band back to the posterior cingulate ETHICS STATEMENT
gyrus, the anterior frontal lobes, the prefrontal lobes, and the
inferior frontal gyrus was significantly enhanced in depressed The studies involving human participants were reviewed
PD patients compared to non-depressed PD patients (25). Our and approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of the
study also found that PD patients with severe depression had Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University. The

Frontiers in Neurology | www.frontiersin.org 5 January 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 28

Wang et al. Depression in Parkinson

patients/participants provided their written informed consent to FUNDING

participate in this study.
This study was supported by the National Natural Science
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Foundation of China (No. 81471646).

MW, HL, QS, YZ, and ZM: data collection. MW, HL, QS, SC,
HZ, YX, SL, TW, YZ, and ZM: data collection and data analysis. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
MW and HL: manuscript writing. CT: project development
and manuscript revising. All authors: read and approved the We would like to thank the patients as volunteers for
final manuscript. participating in this study.

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