NRQ Document
NRQ Document
NRQ Document
Kuntil Bhuyan Òkjrh; çkS|ksfxdh laLFkku xqokgkVh Phone Nos. : + 91-361-258 2153
Indian Institute of Technology Email: [email protected]
Guwahati [email protected]
Guwahati-781 039, Assam, India.
To, Date: 29.09.2022
Subject: Notice inviting quotation for supply and installation of “Laser optical displacement sensor for measuring
displacement of multi-DOF oscillator.”
The Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, invites quotations for supply and installation of “Laser optical displacement
sensor for measuring displacement of multi-DOF oscillator” as per details mentioned in the Annexure-I, attached
herewith. The quotation is to be submitted online as per ‘Instruction to Bidders’, ‘Terms & Conditions’ and Annexure-I, II, III,
IV, and V to the undersigned on or before 19.10.2022 at 15:00 HRS.
Kindly read the NIQ document carefully before participating. It shall be deemed that submission of bid by the bidder has
been done after their careful study and examination of the NIQ terms with full understanding to its implications. Any lack of
information shall not in any way relieve the bidder of its responsibility to fulfill its obligations under the Bid.
The Director IITG will reject a proposal for award if it is determined that the bidder recommended for award has engaged in
corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, the Purchase Order. Fraudulent Practice means a
misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process and includes collusive practice among bidders (prior
to or after Bid submission) designed to establish Bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive IITG of the
benefits of free and fair competition. Corrupt Practice means offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value,
pressurizing to influence the action of a public official in the process of this purchase execution.
03. Submission of bids: Bids are to be submitted through online to the website in One
Cover, before the prescribed date and time using the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). The documents duly digitally signed
are to be uploaded.
The Cover should contain the following documents. The seal and signature of the authorized official of firms must
appear on all the papers submitted:
03.2. Financial Cover: The financial Cover should contain Bill of Quantities (BOQ) in excel format. The bidder is to quote
the rate in the space marked for quoting rate in the BOQ. Only downloaded copy with same file name of BOQ
document must be uploaded by the bidder after filling up.
04. Evaluation of Process:
04.1. Opening of Technical Cover: Technical Documents will be opened by the Purchase Committee members using
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).
04.2. Cover for Fee/Technical Documents (Ref. Sl. No. 03.1.A) and cover for Other Important Documents (Ref. Sl. No.
03.1.B.) will be opened. If there is any deficiency/discrepancy in the Documents, the bidder will summarily be rejected.
04.3. Decrypted (transformed into readable formats) documents of the covers will be downloaded and handed over to the
Purchase Committee.
04.4. Summary list of technically qualified bidders will be uploaded online.
04.5. During evaluation the Committee may summon the bidders and seek clarification/information or additional documents
or original hard copy of any of the documents already submitted & if these are not produced within the stipulated time
frame, their proposals will be liable for rejection.
04.6. The Financial offer of the prospective bidder will be considered only if the Technical Bid of the bidder is found
qualified by the Purchase Committee.
05. Award: The Final Award will be given to the vendor, selected by the Purchase Committee on the lowest quote basis.
06. Communication: In all communication to and from IIT Guwahati, the following email IDs are to be put in loop
(a) [email protected]
(b) [email protected]
(c) [email protected]
(d) [email protected]
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01. Rates: Rates quoted should be on F.O.R. IIT Guwahati basis for indigenous items and on DOOR DELIVERY
PAID basis for imported items, with break-ups as per BOQ. Failing to provide as per BOQ, quotation may not be
02. Validity of Quotation: Quoted rates must be valid for 120 days from the last date of submission of quotation.
03. Warranty: Minimum 1 year of warranty from the date of Installation and acceptance by the institute.
04. Literature a must: All the quotations must be supported by technical leaflet/literature and the specifications
mentioned in the quotation must be reflected/ supported by such technical leaflet/ literature. The model and specifications
quoted should invariably be highlighted in the leaflet/literature for easy reference.
05. After Sales Service: Bidders should clearly state the detail address, contact number and email ids of ‘after sales
service center’ and own registered office, in Bidder’s Details under Statutory Cover as at Annexure-III without which their
offers shall be liable for rejection.
06. Dealership Certificate: Dealers or Agents quoting on behalf of Manufacturer must upload valid dealership certificate.
07. Quality Certificates and Experience of Work: Valid certificate to prove that the products are genuine and of
International standard, as mentioned below, must be uploaded:
(a) Manufacturer’s certificate (b) ISO/ISI certificate
08. Earnest Money: An Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for 12,000.00 (Rupees Twelve thousand only) in the form of
Bank Guarantee as Annexure-IV OR an Account Payee Demand Draft OR Fixed Deposit Receipt from a Commercial
bank in favor of The Registrar, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati-781039, will have to be submitted to The Joint Registrar, Store &
Purchase Section, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati 781039. For items treated as part of the same unit the total values of all items
taken together will be treated as the value for EMD amount. Offers received without Earnest Money or valid Certificate
shall be summarily rejected.
EMD of unsuccessful bidder will be returned within one month of placement of Purchase Order. In case of the successful
bidder the EMD will be returned on receipt of the PBG.
If exemption is sought from production of EMD, the same should clearly be mentioned indicating the clause under which
exemption is sought. EMD is exempted under the following conditions: -
(i) Firms which are specifically registered for the required items with DGS&D or with NSIC Copy of valid registration
must be uploaded in place of EMD document.
(ii) Vendors have successfully executed two Purchase Orders in the last three Financial Years in IIT Guwahati,
copies of the PO must be uploaded in place of EMD document.
09. Performance Bank Guarantee: If PO value is above Rs.5 Lakhs, the successful bidder, to whom the PO is placed,
shall furnish an unconditional Performance Bank Guarantee from a scheduled Bank of India, for 3% of the Purchase
Order value, within 21 days of placement of order. The format for PBG, unless otherwise approved by the competent
authority, shall be as per the format enclosed at ANNEXURE-V. In case of foreign purchase, the local Agent shall submit
the PBG. Where the PBG is to be necessarily given by a foreign bank it shall be endorsed by its counterpart in India.
Validity of the PBG, which shall be effective from the date mentioned therein, shall be warranty period + 2 months.
In exceptional case or on the request of the Indenting Officer competent authority may allow starting of PBG Period from
the date of installation, in which case submission of PBG valid for warranty period + 2 months may be made within 21
days from the date of installation.
(i) By submitting the PBG, the vendor is understood to have guaranteed that,
(a) The Purchase Order (PO) shall be executed as per terms and conditions mentioned therein.
(b) The equipment shall function satisfactorily for a period up to 60 days after the warranty period.
(c) The equipment and components are free from poor workmanship, bad quality, and faulty designs.
(d) The vendor shall at his/their own cost rectify/replace the defects, if any, during the guarantee period.
(e) The guarantee is to the extent of 3% of the order value.
(ii) Condition for invoking PBG: In case of failure to comply with the guarantees above, IITG may terminate the
contract / purchase order in whole or in part and forfeit the PBG. In addition, IITG may, at its discretion, procure upon
such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate, goods similar to the undelivered items/products and the
defaulting supplier/vendor shall be liable to compensate IITG for any extra expenditure involved.
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10. Delivery:
a) Time Limit: Maximum within 45 days from the date of issue of purchase order.
b) Safe Delivery: All aspects of safe delivery shall be the exclusive responsibility of the vendor. At the destination site,
the package will be opened only in the presence of IIT user/representative and vendor's representative. The intact
condition of the package and the seal/indicators for not being tempered with shall form the basis for certifying the receipt
in good condition.
c) Insurance: The supplier is to establish ‘All Risk Transit Insurance’ coverage till door delivery at IIT Guwahati.
d) Part Delivery: Part delivery is not allowed.
e) Penalty Delay Delivery: The date of delivery should be strictly adhered to otherwise the Director, IITG reserves the
right not to accept delivery in part or full.
11. Genuine Pricing: Vendor is to ensure that quoted price is not more than the price offered to any other customer in
India to whom this particular item has been sold, particularly to IIT/Institutes and other Government Organization. Copy of
the latest price list for the quoted item, applicable in India, must be uploaded with the offer.
12. Conditional tenders not acceptable: All the terms and conditions mentioned herein must be strictly adhered to by
all the vendors. Conditional tenders shall not be accepted on any ground and shall be rejected straightway. Printed
conditions mentioned in the tender bids submitted by vendors will not be binding on IITG.
17. Penalty for delayed delivery: The date of delivery should be strictly adhered to. In the event of delayed delivery,
installation & commissioning, the vendor shall be liable for a penalty deduction at a percentage of the value of the
undelivered equipment subject to a maximum of 10% (ten percent) as detailed below:
@ 1% up to one week;
@ 2.5% up to two weeks;
@ 5% up to three weeks;
@ 10% for four weeks and above
For the purpose of this clause, part of the week is considered as a full week. In case of delayed delivery, the Director, IIT
Guwahati reserves the right not to accept the subject consignment.
18. Enquiry during the course of evaluation not allowed: No enquiry shall be made by the bidder(s) during the course
of evaluation of the tender till final decision is conveyed to the successful bidder(s). However, the Purchase Committee or
its authorized representative (IIT Guwahati) can make any enquiry/seek clarification from the bidders. In such a situation,
the agency shall extend full co-operation. The bidders may also be asked to arrange demonstration of the offered items,
in a short period notice, as such the bidders have to be ready for the same.
19. Acceptance of quotations: The acceptance of the quotation will rest solely with the Director, IITG, who in the
interest of the Institute is not bound to accept the lowest quotation and reserves the right to himself to reject or partially
accept any or all the quotations received without assigning any reasons.
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20. Force Majeure: If the performance of the obligation of either party is rendered commercially impossible by any of the
events hereafter mentioned that party shall be under no obligation to perform the agreement under order after giving
notice of 15 days from the date of such an event in writing to the other party, and the events referred to are as follows:
I) Any law, statute or ordinance, order action or regulations of the Government of India,
II) Any kind of natural disaster, and
III) Strikes acts of the Public enemy, war, insurrections, riots, lockouts, sabotage.
21. Termination for default: Default is said to have occurred
(a) If the equipment or any of its component is found having poor workmanship, faulty designs, poor performance and
bad quality of materials used.
(b) If the supplier fails to deliver any or all of the services within the time period(s) specified in the purchase order or
any extension thereof granted by IIT.
(c) If the supplier fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the contract.
(d) Under the above circumstances IIT may terminate the contract / purchase order in whole or in part and forfeit the
EMD/PBG as applicable. In addition to above, IIT may at its discretion also take the following actions: IIT may procure,
upon such terms and in such manner, as it deems appropriate, goods similar to the undelivered items/products and the
defaulting supplier shall be liable to compensate IIT for any extra expenditure involved towards goods and services
obtained. Besides, the Director, IITG, reserves the right to impose any other form of penalty as deemed fit including
blacklisting of the vendor.
22. Applicable Law:
(a) The contract shall be governed by the laws and procedures established by Govt. of India and subject to exclusive
jurisdiction of Competent Court and Forum in Guwahati or India only.
(b) Any dispute arising out of this purchase shall be referred to the Director IIT Guwahati, and if either of the parties
hereto is dissatisfied with the decision, the dispute shall be referred to the decision of an Arbitrator, who should be
acceptable to both the parties, to be appointed by the Director of the Institute. The decision of such Arbitrator shall be
final and binding on both the parties.
Technical Specifiction
NIQ Ref: IITG/SNP/EP/ME-498/2022-23 Date: 29.09.2022
Item Name: - Laser optical displacement sensor for measuring displacement of multi-DOF oscillator
Quantity: 01
Required Accessories:
Certify that we have carefully examined the NIQ terms and fully understood its implications and do hereby agree to
comply with all the terms, and hereby submit this compliance certificate.
Sl. No.
General Terms and Conditions Yes / No
01 Details of the technical features of the offered equipment vis-à-vis NIQ specification
02 Rates quoted as per instruction
03 Standard Technical literature on each of the items offered
04 Warranty period agreed
05 Validity period of quoted rate agreed
06 EMD submitted (as applicable)
07 PBG term agreed
08 Delivery terms agreed
09 Certificate of Up-to-date Sales Tax clearance, GST Registration Certificate provided
10 Payment term agreed
11 Penalty clause for delay agreed
12 Literature- Printed Literature with highlight and tag on the quoted item provided
13 Manufacturer/Authorization certificate submitted
14 Quality certificate as claimed submitted
15 After Sales Service term agreed and detail address & contact provided
16 Not blacklisted by any Govt. Organizations/Institutions
To be filled by vendor
Sl. Name of the company/Firm
(Documentary Proof must be
attached as applicable)
01 Registered office Name & Address
Details of contact person
Telephone number
02 Name & Address of service centre in Guwahati city
Contact person/s
Telephone number
Details with contact no. of staff who will be involved in this
03 Is the company/firm a registered company/firm? If yes,
mention year and place of the establishment of the
company and submit documentary proof.
04 Is the company/firm registered for GST? If yes, submit valid
registration certificate.
05 List the major clients with whom your organization has been
associated and submit documentary proof/PO.
Note: Document/s if attached to the NIQ compliance Certificate the same may be referred to in the remark
column above
Your Ref. No:
In consideration of the Registrar (hereinafter called the “Tender/NIQ Inviting Authority” or “Client”) has floated
tender/NIQ no. ---------------------------(hereinafter called “said tender”), for Supply and Installation of
____________________________as per terms and conditions mentioned in the above tender/ NIQ, M/s
______________________________ (hereinafter called “Tenderer”) has decided to participate in above tender
process and agreed to production of an irrevocable bank guarantee for Rs.________ (Rupees
___________________ only) as an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) towards compliance of its obligations in
accordance with the terms and conditions in the said tender.
We ______________________________ (hereafter referred to as the “Bank”) hereby undertake following:
1. We undertake to pay to the Client any money so demanded not withstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the
tenderer(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any Court or Tribunal relating there to, our liability under this present
being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for
payment there under, and the tenderer(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment.
2. We further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall (indicate the name of the Bank) remain in full force and
effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said tender, and it shall continue to be enforceable
till all the dues of the Client under or by virtue of the said tender have been fully paid, and its claims satisfied or discharged,
or till the Client certifies that the terms & conditions of the said tender have been fully and properly carried out by the said
tenderer(s), and accordingly discharges this guarantee.
3. We further agree with the Client that the Client shall have the fullest liberty without our consent, and without effecting
in any manner our obligations hereunder, to vary any of the terms & conditions of the said tender or to extend time of
performance by the said tenderer(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers
exercisable by the Client against the said tenderer(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to
the said agreement, and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or extension being
granted to the said tenderer(s) or for any forbearance, act of omission on the part of the Client or any indulgence by the
Client to the said tenderer(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but
for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.
4. This Guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the tenderer(s).
5. We lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee except with the prior consent of the Client in writing.
6. This guarantee shall be valid up to …............... unless extended on demand by the Client Notwithstanding anything
mentioned above, our liability against this Guarantee is restricted to Rs.________ (Rupees_______________________
only) and unless a claim in writing is lodged with us under this Guarantee shall stand discharged.
The Registrar,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Guwahati- 781 039
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said order that the Supplier shall furnish you with a
Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with the
Supplier's performance obligations in accordance with the order.
All correspondence with reference to this guarantee shall be made at the following address: