NP000418 CT098 3 2 RMCT

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Individual Assignment


HAND OUT DATE: 22 October 2021
HAND IN DATE: 25 March 2022

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TP NO: NP000418

Intake Code:  NP2F2009IT 

Module Code:  CT098-3-2-RMCT 

Module Title:  Research Methodology in Computing and Technology (RMCT) 

Lecturer Name:  Prof. Jyotir Moy Chatterjee 

Assignment Title:  Research Proposal 

Assignment Type:  Individual Work 

Student Name:  Sagar Paudel

NP No.:  NP000418

Hand out date:  22 October 2021 

Hand in date:  25 March 2022 

Table of Contents
1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................1

2 Literature Review....................................................................................................................2

2.1 Research Domain..............................................................................................................2

2.2 Similar System..................................................................................................................3
2.2.4 (NepBay).................................................................................................4
3 Problem Statement...................................................................................................................4

4 Research Aims & Objective....................................................................................................4

4.1 Research Aim....................................................................................................................4

4.2 Research Objective...........................................................................................................4
5 Research Questions..................................................................................................................5

5.1 Domain Research Questions.............................................................................................5

5.2 Technical Research Questions..........................................................................................5
6 Research Methodology............................................................................................................5

6.1 Interview Method..............................................................................................................5

6.2 Questionnaire Method.......................................................................................................6
7 Proposed System Overview.....................................................................................................6

8 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................6

9 References................................................................................................................................7

Table of Figure
Figure i: Navigation Structure of Online Emporium - Ecommerce Website...........................6
Online Emporium – E-commerce Website
Sagar Paudel
[email protected]

Abstract transfer, as well as online shopping. E-

For vendors, buyers, customers, and commerce, as defined, is the "trade of
manufacturers, e-commerce business has digitized data among buyer and seller," that
always been a lucrative venture. Users are also include demands for labor and products,
no longer constrained to purchasing including the regulation of their flow, the
regionally thanks to the internet, and with creation of agreements, and the data
the arrival of portable devices, they now exchange from one area of the globe to the
have the entire globe in their fingertips. next, and also may occur among C2C,
Customers save money by not having to go B2C and B2B. Digital shopping are now
to stores because of ecommerce. Because of possible thanks to E-Commerce. Consumers
the Covid issue, e-commerce is in high or suppliers are not needed to speak in
desire as a consequence of the quarantine person, nor are they compelled to visit stores
and increased internet usage. Online to purchase goods or commodities. People
purchasing has been handy because the could able to obtain the goods or services
shopping procedure has been made simple they needed while remaining at home
with the proposed methodology. The e- (ukessays, 2018).
commerce website improves the way people
purchase and rent things by focusing on The E-commerce platform (e.g., Amazon,
customer pleasure. This is done by, and, which works as a
implementing Customer Relationship distributor for certain products and an
Management (CRM). The user may examine advertising platform for others, is the most
all freely released features as well as common business style in the e-commerce
purchase things by adding them to their industry but has created a lot of revenue in
shopping cart. Administrators have access to past few years. For instance, Amazon, one
the backend where they may handle all of of the most popular online sites in the globe,
the purchase and transactions. reported that overall income from reselling
things surpassed $117 billion in 2018,
Index Terms: E-commerce, Product whereas sales from its online marketplace
recommendation, price optimization, climbed to $160 billion, representing for 58
Qualitative Research, Search result percent of total revenues. In 2018, sales
optimization and CRM (Customer from self-run businesses and platform
Relationship Management), Logistic vendors totaled RMB 461.1 billion and
Regression. RMB 45.9 billion, correspondingly,
according to, China's largest online
retailer (Qin et al., 2021).
1 Introduction
The new market for the cutting-edge world, This research will focus on Machine
also known as E-Commerce that is made Learning-based E-Commerce websites, as
possible via the use of online technology or Machine Learning may be used to refine
Internet, which is transforming our product prices, indicate the right quality of
civilization, especially in the area of product to buy, predict the purchasing
financial transactions, products, data behaviors of customer and give refining

product search results. This study examines is low among other consumer demographics.
how constructing an ecommerce website Thus, online purchases accounted for just
based on machine learning can assist 1.6 percent of total ecommerce segment in
customers in filtering the right products for India, compared to over 15 percent in China
them and making decisions based on those and roughly 14 percent internationally,
filters. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React JS, indicating that e-commerce in India is still in
Next JS, Python and Firebase are among the its infancy.
web technologies that will be utilized in the
construction of E-commerce. React JS (Singh, 2021), In context of Nepal, 60
makes it simple to alter large amounts of percent of the population has internet access,
data since it is quick, scalable, and and 95 percent of that people will use
adaptable. Furthermore, Next JS serves as a mobile devices to access it (International
server-side rendering language, allowing the Trade Administration, 2019). According to a
website to be dynamic, and Fireball will Nepal Telecommunications Authority MIS
function as a database, allowing for real- report dated March 2020, there are around
time data synchronization. 21,852,338 broadband customers (Nepal
Telecommunication Authority, 2020). There
are around 26,256,005 broadband customers
2 Literature Review as of March 2021. (Nepal
2.1 Research Domain Telecommunications Authority, 2021). This
(Linda & LAI, 2010), E-commerce has long indicates that the number of broadband users
been tied with online internet groups. Zetlin and individuals who go online is rising,
and Pfleging, for instance, describe e- implying that there are more active online
commerce as consumer-driven online shoppers.
markets in which the majority of customers'
demands are met through an online (Tran, 2020), A total of 617 online
internet Web site. Sellers can make more customers from the Vietnam market were
sales and more community members can get included in the research. The decision to
discounts since all of their requirements are sample internet customers was made
in one spot. According to the (Park & Lee, because the current Covid-19 outbreak in
2021), Globally, e-commerce is Vietnam has impacted people's buying
experiencing exponential growth. habits. According to a Nielsen Vietnam
Furthermore, online transaction sales hit (2020) poll, 95 percent of customers are
$3.5 trillion in 2019, likewise in 2020 concerned about the Covid-19 virus, which
internet giants like Amazon generated $386 has resulted in a 25% rise in online buying
billion, up 362.2 percent from $82.73 billion transactions. As customers increasingly
in 2014. utilize online ways to prepare for a potential
disaster, businesses must ensure that their
(Amirtha et al., 2020), The e-commerce ecommerce systems provide seamless,
sector is expected to expand from US$24 efficient, and rapid operations that satisfy
billion in fiscal year 2019 to US$98 billion customer demands and requirements
in fiscal year 2024. The industry is likely to (Abramovich, 2020). As a result, a study of
continue to improve and draw e- online consumer behavior in terms of a
commerce from all around the world. Yet, pandemic might offer companies with
youths (under 35 years) account for 80% of important data for their operational
those who purchase online, while adoption processes.
of e-commerce as a purchasing mechanism

(Sharma & Lijuan, 2015), According to the whether a client is likely to acquire a good
(Yu et al., 2008; Bracewell et al., 2008), the or service given an adequate consumer
qualities of the clients, the features of the segment and a suitable price point. Given
items offered, the design of the the preceding structure, a logistic regression
ecommerce website, and the properties of is a suitable option for determining the
the website are all elements that impact customer's ultimate purchasing behavior. On
consumer buying behavior online. the large dataset, the results of the logistic
According to Chang (2008), a yearly study regression based on consumer spending and
of buyers revealed that, while affordability price prediction using multiple regression
is the primary motivator for online were determined.
purchases, the simplicity and accessibility of
the UI (User interface) is the most important (Singla et al., 2017), Because of the fast rise
element in determining whether or not of electronic commerce, online feedbacks
consumers would progress to the inquiry have largely supplanted conventional "word-
point. Buyers will opt to come back to the of-mouth" and have played a significant role
same website to buy additional things, in influencing customer purchasing habits
according to Palmer (2002), as much as e- and product promotion. Consumers may
shopping enterprises give fair rates (not make educated judgments by analyzing past
always the cheapest rates), a convenient user customers' experiences, which acts as a
interface, and decent customer support. trust-building platform for them. Helpful
Moreover, the UI, which has a significant internet feedback is critical for
impact on customers' instant impressions, is manufacturers to analyze consumer demands
a critical aspect in determining whether or for refining a product or inventing a new
not customers will keep on buying (Wu, product. Manufacturers may conform to
2006; Gajendra and Wang, 2013). client expectations in the target market by
obtaining relevant internet feedback.
(Hu et al., 2018), The Chinese Manufacturers also have a better
market growth of e - commerce short-term understanding of the competitive market and
rent service is growing every year, current trends that influence their marketing
indicating a promising future. Furthermore, strategies.
since 2015, the level of chain expansion has
been on the decline. By examining the 2.2 Similar System
factors, it is clear that, between 2012 and Our E-commerce website is known as
2015, the tendency of "survival of the "Online Emporium," however there are
fittest" began in the market shortlisting numerous more e-commerce platforms with
among multiple online short-term rent comparable services and attributes. A few E-
marketplaces. As a result, online short-term commerce websites similar to ours are listed
rent platforms should concentrate to below:
consumers in order to fulfill their actual 2.2.1
needs, focus customer experience, and offer Daraz is without a doubt Nepal's most
good and value product in order to increase popular e-commerce platform. This
their economic viability and get more platform, which began as Kyamu in 2013
business expansion. and was subsequently bought by Alibaba
(Gupta & Pathak, 2014), For the purpose of Group in 2018, has garnered over 100,000
the predicting of customer buying behaviors, members in Nepal. Daraz Nepal claims to
logistic regression is used to forecast offer about 500,000 products in over 100
categories, like clothing and accessories,
telecommunications equipment, household as possible. Furthermore, there is a lot of
appliances, and other items, and claims to competition among e-commerce providers.
send 200,000+ deliveries monthly When customers visit your e-commerce site,
(onlinekhabar, 2021). they want to locate the product they are
looking for quickly and easily. Moreover,
2.2.2 customers are sometimes unclear about the
Hamrobazaar is an example of an e- product or things they wish to purchase.
commerce business that has carved itself a Customers simply have a rudimentary idea
niche in the emotions of its Nepalese users. of what they want to buy. Instead of going
According to the website, over 800,000 from e-commerce site to e-commerce site to
unique users browse this website monthly. It buy goods or services, customers
is an absolutely free service that allows increasingly go to Google/ Bing and search
users, whether individuals or businesses, to for the thing they want. Customers also want
post a large selection of new and used things Google/ Bing to lead them to e-commerce
for sales or purchases online. This website sites where their products may be purchased
links prospective consumers with vendors (Kumar, 2015).
(onlinekhabar, 2021).
Other problem exists in e-commerce product
2.2.3 is when looking at the most recent e-
Sastodeal is yet another e-commerce commerce websites executed in Nepal, it is
platform that has drawn thousands of users clear that they lack customer feedback,
and also suppliers and affiliates in Nepal. commodity, a and keyword research, all of
Sastodeal, which was founded in 2011, is which eventually boost traffic to the website
currently one of the most prominent e- and increase the likelihood that customers
commerce platforms in the country. It has will purchase from the same website rather
also teamed up with Myntra and Flipkart, than a rival. In addition, the websites do not
two well-known Indian e-commerce keep CRM (customer relationship
platforms. Sastodeal provides its consumers management) records for future analysis.
with a wide range of consumables, clothes,
household appliances, and gadgets from tens
of thousands of sellers (onlinekhabar, 2021). 4 Research Aims & Objective
4.1 Research Aim
2.2.4 (NepBay) The overall aim of the research is to develop
In 2007, NepBay began as an online website ecommerce sites that facilitate both B2B and
of items and stores in the Kathmandu valley, C2C electronic commercial activity by
and has now grown into a popular online allowing business merchants to sell
consumer market for Nepalis. With items/products to customers while also
thousands of stores nationwide, NepBay allowing customers to rent out their personal
provides its customers over 25,000 goods in belongings to other customers alongside
over 700 areas, including home furnishings, predict future buying behaviors of customer.
electronics, autos and transportation, gift
cards, supermarket, refreshments, care 4.2 Research Objective
products, and far more (onlinekhabar, 2021). To reach the aim of this research project, the
following objectives have been established:
3 Problem Statement
 to automate and improve the
The primary purpose of e-commerce is to
efficiency of the entire purchasing or
make the process of selling, purchasing, or
renting to a large consumer base as simple
renting process, and to 5.2 Technical Research Questions
operate completely online.  How can machine learning be used
 Customer may also snap a picture of to address personalized features like
the thing they wish to retain on the pricing optimization, search result
website for rental purposes, and the optimization, product suggestion
website algorithm will determine if based on prior purchases or search
the product is legitimate or not. history, online payment processing,
 personalized different functionality and discount code functionality?
such as price optimization, search  What functionality must be
result optimization, product considered in an e-commerce
recommendation on the basis of their website in order for it to be
previous purchasing or related to efficacious?
search history, online payment  Is React JS the best framework for
processing and discount code building an e-commerce website's
functionality. whole front end?
 Experimenting with and researching
existing ecommerce goods and 6 Research Methodology
business methods in order to develop To determine the best answers to the
a better ecommerce platform as well research questions in this research,
as create a dynamic e-commerce qualitative research will be used to
website that takes into account all determine customer needs. Qualitative
aspects of the User Interface (UI) research focuses on using detailed
and User Experience (UX). description to generate meaning and
understanding. Qualitative research aims to
5 Research Questions comprehend, characterize, and find
The first stage in any research effort is meaning, as well as to produce hypotheses
generally to formulate a research question. and theories. In qualitative research, the
When carrying out research, choosing the primary instrument for data collection is the
appropriate questions may assist individuals researcher, who contributes his or her
get useful and analytical evidence that will personal viewpoint to the selection and
have a good impact on overall research interpretation of data. Thus, these are reason
paper. Moreover, the best research for the consideration of qualitative research
questions are usually straightforward, (Gill et al., 2008).
interesting, and simple to grasp.
Information will be acquired using
5.1 Domain Research Questions qualitative research Interviews Method and
 Is it possible that the implementation Questionnaire Methods.
of an e-commerce site
will transformed how people 6.1 Interview Method
shop/rent? The major purpose of the interview method
 What factors determine whether is to seek one-on-one conversation between
consumers utilize E-commerce the responder and the recruiter, with the
sites in the coming years or not? respondent responding to various types of
questions. This interview method is
 Is Machine Learning a viable
considered as one of the qualitative
solution for predicting future client
researches to obtain data for certain purpose
purchasing patterns?
(businesstopia, 2018).
In the context of e-commerce, an interview
might be conducted to acquire the
consumers' new requirements that have not
been met by other websites. The sites will be
built based on feedback from various users
in order to meet the needs of both buyers
and renters.
6.2 Questionnaire Method
Essentially, the goal of the Questionnaires
approach is to gather information on diverse
people's perspectives, believes, and
experiences in response to a range of
questions. Moreover, questionnaires may be
used for data gathering in both qualitative
and quantitative research, they are a great
method (Bhandari, 2021).
When working on an e-commerce site, the
developer or designer will need a lot of Figure i: Navigation Structure of Online
information on the requirements that must Emporium - Ecommerce Website
be implemented in order for the customer to
be able to utilize it properly. For this, a basic 8 Conclusion
set of questions may be offered so that Apart from the advantages and relevance of
customers can express their thoughts, ideas, the proposed model of e-commerce, it eases
and perceptions on the e-commerce the life of the e-shoppers as well as renters
website's queries. who always need to make contact so that
they can rent the item or get location of
7 Proposed System Overview renting place.
The overall overview of proposed system
i.e., E-commerce website has been proposed The opportunities for both firms and
to address the constraints of different e- customers have grown exponentially since
commerce website. The e-commerce the introduction of the Internet and e-
website is the flexible, reliable, and most commerce. Increasing profit and growth
affordable method to order/rent a product. chances for firms while providing more
Furthermore, customers can log in to the choices for customers. Yet, e-commerce,
Online Emporium E-commerce website to like any other, has drawbacks, notably
retrieve relevant product details and to customer uncertainty, which may be
acquire an appropriate product based on cost mitigated or mitigated by wise decision and
/ quality comparisons. Aside from that, firm procedures. E-commerce sites has
buyers/seller and administrators can sign up become a major sector as a consequence of
using a desktop, mobile, or tablet web enhanced Internet availability as well as
browser. Furthermore, consumers must fill alterations in everyday lives. Buyers are
out reviews / feedback / ratings on the lured to purchase online not only because of
website in order to evaluate the website's the ease, yet simply because of a diversity of
quality, appropriateness, dependability, options accessible, like more accurate dates
privacy, and reliability. and better costs. A lot of consumers,

pertaining to the research, utilize E- Theoretical and Applied Electronic
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