Sophie Jonker 6VWO Profiel Werkstuk "The Accuracy of The American Stereotype"
Sophie Jonker 6VWO Profiel Werkstuk "The Accuracy of The American Stereotype"
Sophie Jonker 6VWO Profiel Werkstuk "The Accuracy of The American Stereotype"
Accuracy of
Are Political Differences as
Extreme as We See in the
Survey: Comparing
Are Observed Cultural
Differences Accurate or is
This All a Cliché?
If anything, Silicon Valley taught me a lot
about other cultures. I came from a typical,
predominantly white, city and I had to
adjust to a multicultural environment. I
hadn’t seen this coming, as the stereotypes
that I believed to be accurate about the
American population were clearly untrue.
Everything differed from my expectations:
the people, the culture, the environment,
and even the educational journey.
1 The Most Prominent Social
Differences According to the
US Perspective
Regarding the United States, the top 0,01% into the use of gini-coefficients.
of the population earns about 3% of the
total income. In other words, the top 13000
richest families earn about the same as the There are, however, significant differences
between the states. Texas, for example, has
least fortunate 20 million families. The
income inequality has made the gap few government or privately funded
between middle class and lower class larger economic “safety nets'' for its residents,
than ever. These class differences are very whereas California has a more progressive
apparent as they can be observed on the and inclusive system. Unsatisfactory social
United States frequently, one thing that widening gap between the rich and the
I have observed that racial inequality in not only pervasive in the US, but its
reach is also underestimated by some Dutch people I have spoken to. One
example is that Dutch people my age cannot imagine that African Americans are
simply in more danger than their white peers. According to Children National
Hospital in Washington DC, African American children are 6 times more likely
to be shot to death by police.
Unfortunately, racial inequality in America is still apparent. African Americans
are often disadvantaged by the legal system, mistreated by the police, and have
more difficulty successfully purchasing houses, obtaining mortgages or partaking
in educational programs. In basically all levels of society African Americans are
disadvantaged. The inequality between African Americans and white Americans
is colossal, and this inequality of opportunity widens the gap between the classes
and is particularly harsh against African Americans.
1 1.2 Racial Inequality
Even though the severity is much more moderate compared to the US, racial
groups such as Moroccans, the Turkish or the Surinamese are less likely to be able
to participate in the workplace; it has been proven that candidates with names
that indicated a non-Western migration background were 16% less likely to be
invited for an interview, despite having a completely equivalent resume.
This disadvantage hinders these groups from prospering in society and this
stimulates inequality. In addition, those from a non-Western migration
background are less likely to be able to buy houses that are to their liking. A study
that investigated private housing rentals in Utrecht showed that prospective
tenants with a non-Western name were treated unfairly in 13 percent of cases.
Additionally, people with a migration background are also treated unfairly by the
police. The situation is not as severe as in America, where people of color fear for
their lives if they come into contact with the police, but those with a migration
background are more often questioned by the police. This undermines the trust
the citizens have in the legal system.
1.3 Analyzing Inequality with Gini
As you can see on the maps above, the Welfare, and Medicare that aid those with
Dutch gini-coefficient shows that there is financial difficulties. Therefore, with all the
more equality among its citizens. Compared help that the Netherlands has to offer, it is
to the rest of Europe, the Netherlands has nearly impossible to become homeless
less inequality. Their gini-coefficient against one’s will: 36,000 people are
happens to be lower than Germany, homeless in the Netherlands, whereas in
Sweden, France, Denmark and many other the US, 553,742 people roam the streets
countries in the EU. Even though the without a home. Just like in the US, the
inequality is minimal, it still exists in Netherlands also has issues regarding
Dutch society. The place where one is racial inequality. Despite these types of
born still has an impact on the chance of inequalities, compared to the rest of the
thriving in society. Studies have shown that world, the Netherlands as a welfare state
if a child is born into a poor region and the has minimal inequality. In general,
child moves to a more prosperous region at education is available to all, the poor are
a young age, their income at an older age supported financially, and health care
could increase by 62%. However, the social doesn’t cost a fortune like in the States.
service programs that the Netherlands Therefore, there is more equality in the
offers to the underprivileged minimizes Netherlands than in the US.
income inequality. There are Medicaid,
1 1.4 Gender Pay Gap
What may be surprising is that the Netherlands has a bigger gender pay gap than the
United States. The NOS has reported that the gender pay gap was 14.6 percent in
2019. As Peter Hein van Mulligen stated to NOS: "One in three Dutch people think that
women are more suitable to take care of children, and those percentages have not
changed in the past 20 years. It is more often men than women who think so." In the
United States, according to PEW Research Center, the gender pay gap for women
under the age of 34 is only 7 percent, as can be seen on the graph below, while the total
gender pay gap remains 16 percent. Given this trend, this is an early indication that
the United States may overtake the Netherlands in a few years. Other than with
regards to the gender pay gap, differences in the US are deeply rooted and can only be
changed by drastic political and legal changes.
1 1.5 Education System
The students that went to my school were all very driven, most students were
already focusing on getting into university at 12 years old. I remember most
students didn’t partake in hanging out after school, they’d study and go to
tutoring classes. I quickly realized that my expectations of easily getting through
a US school were unrealistic, I worked hard to get good grades. I do find that the
Dutch education system is much more organized and complete, the key goal for a
Dutch student is to achieve a deep understanding of each academic topic,
whereas in the United States learning was often carried out through
memorization of class notes and textbook material.
Another aspect of the school system that greatly affected students’ mindsets was
the fact that in the US school system students start the year with an A+, while
Dutch students start with a 0. You have to work your way up to a high grade,
whereas in the US all you have to do is maintain that good grade. This provides
students with a different mindset at the start of each school year.
The Dutch system is a bit more straightforward. Students start out at a primary school
which lasts 8 years. During their last year they take exams to determine which level of
secondary school they will be participating in. There are 3 main levels:. VWO is university
preparatory education, HAVO is senior general education secondary education and VMBO
is preparatory secondary vocational education. VWO lasts 6 years, HAVO lasts 5 years
and VMBO 4 years. The US school system is off lower quality than the Dutch system.
How? The US school system focuses on teaching students the necessary skills in order to
pass standardized tests. Outside of this skill set, they aren’t appropriately prepared for
their future. I also learned this from personal experience, as for subjects such as biology,
or other sciences I found myself mostly memorizing large amounts of information which
didn’t help provide good insight or help me understand the topic fully. According to the
OECD, "European countries put greater premium on rigor, focus, and coherence in their
instructional systems.” European education focuses more on making sure that students
gain more insight than American students, who just memorize facts surrounding the topic.
This is also the main reason why European countries outscore the US. Furthermore,
students are forced to go to schools that are situated within their district, so if young
students are born into a less fortunate family, they may be forced to go to a lower quality
Regional differences play a great part in overall quality. The US has implemented
a Common Core system, which has each school follow the same guidelines in what
information is taught to students. In the US, each neighbor belongs to a school
district. Therefore, if a certain school gains popularity for being higher quality,
houses in this district will increase in price which will eventually lead to only the
wealthy being able to attend good schools. Thus, differences in quality are tied to
zip code.
1. The US school system tends to focus on teaching students the necessary skills in
order to pass standardized tests. Outside of this skill set, they aren’t appropriately
prepared for their future. I also learned this from personal experience, as for subjects
such as biology, or other sciences I found myself mostly memorizing large amounts of
information which didn’t help provide good insight or help me understand the topic
fully. According to Andreas Schleicher, the director of education and skills at the
OECD, "European countries put greater premium on rigor, focus, and coherence in
their instructional systems.” This shows that European education focuses more on
making sure that students completely understand a topic and gain more insight than
American students, who just memorize facts surrounding the topic. This is also the
main reason why European countries tend to outscore the US when it comes to
education. Furthermore, students are forced to go to schools that are situated within
their district, so if young students are born into a less fortunate family they may be
forced to go to a low quality school.
2. In the US, quality among high schools varies. Regional differences play a great
part in overall quality of education. The US has implemented a Common Core
system, which has each school follow the same guidelines in what information is
taught to students. In the US, each neighbor belongs to a school district. Therefore, if
a certain school gains popularity for being higher quality, houses in this district will
increase in price which will eventually lead to only the wealthy being able to attend
good schools. Thus, differences in quality are tied to zip code.
The legal system in the United States is unique and differs
considerably from the Dutch legal system. The US is based on
common law, in which there is a lack of written laws and there is a
greater reliance on legal precedent. The Netherlands utilizes civil law,
which relies heavily on written laws and only when laws are deemed
to be unclear a judge intervenes. Regarding trial law, the US legal
system involves a jury of ‘regular citizens’ who have to determine
whether the suspect is guilty. The idea behind the use of jury of one’s
peers is to have the public represented in deciding whether a suspect
is guilty. The Dutch legal system gives this responsibility to the judge
and doesn’t utilize a jury.
1 1.6 Legal System
Another difference between the two legal systems is the concept of a plea deal: in
exchange for pleading guilty the suspect could be granted a lesser sentence. The
suspect will no longer have to appear before a jury and therefore gives up the right to
appeal. The United States has an entire system built around plea bargaining in order
to speed up court cases, whereas in the Netherlands this type of system is non-
existent. One major contrast is the death penalty. The United States allows each
state to make its own laws regarding the death penalty, therefore 29 out of 50 states
still utilize the death penalty today. On the contrary, the Netherlands abolished the
death penalty in 1870. In the US, few examples of what would warrant a death
penalty are murder, rape of anyone under the age of 12, hijacking of an aircraft,
espionage, and kidnapping with use of force.
Inequality is like a ladder missing rungs
1.7 Conclusion
Are Political Differences as Extreme as We
2 See in the Media?
2.1 Electoral Voting System VS. Proportional
The voting system in the Netherlands differs significantly from the US system.
The Netherlands has a proportional representation system in which every vote
ends up counting towards the formation of a coalition, whereas in the American
system, the electoral voting system, the popular vote ends up winning which
grants the winning party with absolute power.
The biggest difference between these two applies, as once one candidate receives the
systems is the electoral college that the US majority of the votes, all of the electoral
makes use of. Citizens choose the votes that the state possesses go towards
candidates that participate in the that candidate. Consequently, candidates
presidential election, but the electoral will target swing states, in which the votes
votes end up making the final decision. could go either way instead of trying to
Each state has a certain number of win as many votes as possible across the
electoral votes based on population count. country. In the 2020 elections such swing
Therefore, California has the highest states were, among others, Michigan,
number of electoral votes, 55, while states Nevada, Minnesota, and Arizona. This
like Alaska with a lower population count system created a balance between the
only have three. The total number of ability for the citizens and Congress to
electoral votes is 528, and in order for a choose the presidential candidate.
candidate to win they must win the
majority of the electoral votes which is
270. The principle of ‘winner takes all’
2 2.1 Electoral Voting System VS.
Proportional Representation
The Dutch voting system operates the ability to have a say in the
completely differently, as the public government while the US relies mostly
chooses the parties that participate in on the electoral college to choose the
the coalition. The entire country is one president. Below, a graphical
big constituency, and each party representation of the number of voters
submits a specific number of by county, which is a better way of
candidates. There are 150 seats looking at voter distribution.
available in The House of
Representatives, and in order to
acquire a seat a party must reach the
quota: the number of votes divided by
the total amount of seats. Therefore,
those who didn’t reach the quota will
not receive a seat in The House of
Representatives. Citizens will typically
vote for the leader of the party, also
known as the ‘lijsttrekker’. Once the
seats have been filled, certain parties
will cluster into a coalition.
All Dutch citizens understand the concept of the US having two main parties.
However, a common misconception is that there is a limit to only two parties. In
fact, any American has the right to establish their own party. Nobody does so, as
the necessary financial support is nearly impossible to obtain. Most independent
candidates are self-funded, and even then it is hard to have any influence.
2 2.2 Two Party System VS. Multi-Party System
In contrast to the two party system, the Netherlands currently have sixteen parties in
the House of Representatives. The larger Dutch parties form coalitions in which they
come to mutual agreements while still holding onto their values. My hypothesis is that
Europeans believe that consensus is a better concept than the US system of the winner
takes all.
In my survey, I asked this question. The results of the survey support my hypothesis.
The preferred system seems to be the multi-party system.
2 2.3 Gerrymandering
After Trump got elected in 2016, the polarization that followed was extreme. It
was to the point that many left-leaning people would not even consider being
friends with a Trump supporter. Trump supporters were immediately judged
and considered uneducated and racist.
In the Netherlands, we all seem to social media bubbles, so they get fed
think that this type of political with news and opinions they already
polarization is uncommon, however agree with. The diagram below shows
nowadays this same polarization exists the spectrum of media bias. Once
here as well. Consider the discussion you’re in one of these bubbles, it’s hard
about COVID-19 vaccination; this is as to escape as social media algorithms
extreme in the Netherlands as in the will feed you more of the same.
US, and this polarization is fueled by
online media that profits on clickbait.
American media has a greater
influence on the population than one
would expect. Many people get stuck in
In addition, the US two party system only economic lines, rather than by income. In
includes two wildly opposed opinions. the cities, up to 80% of people vote ‘Blue’,
Therefore, many citizens struggle to match while rural areas are predominantly white
their values with one party, whereas in the and vote 60% ‘Red’. Coastal and Northern
Netherlands there are 30+ parties to choose states are less extreme and exhibit
from. This causes many Americans to feel different visions, the Southeast and poorer
less heard within the political system, also States are more unified in embracing a far-
because parties are mostly dominated by right ideology.
older white men. Political preference is
mainly split by race, geographical and
2.5 Conclusion
Firstly, the social cohesion in the United States has descended throughout the
years. The initial descent took place after the second world war. During the war
the population seemed to be connected by the collective American goal: defeating
the German enemy. During the sixties this cohesion disappeared as
individualism took over.
Robert Putnam claimed in his popular novel ‘Bowling Alone’ (1995), where he
analyzes the decline of social capital, that the rise of individualism fueled by
modern communication was the culprit for the decline in social cohesion. During
leisure time the average American would seek relaxation in front of a television
screen instead of finding connectivity with others. Furthermore, Putnam
discusses how since the sixties the decline of participation in social activities by
the public has proven that there has been an uprise in an individualistic culture
among the population. It was apparent that there was less political involvement,
less attendance at public meetings and a lower vote count. Putnam also
suggested that the numerous political scandals and mishaps over the years have
contributed to a polarization among the population. Such as the election of
President Donald Trump in 2016, this triggered many disagreements about
political views which created a lot of opposition in the US.
The social capital has never really recovered to the level it
was at during the war, and it’s still very sensitive to
polarizing events, such as the Black Lives Matter movement
in 2020 which caused social dissolution across the States.
While I was living in the United a fellow neighbor on the street they
States, one of the significant wouldn’t greet you. In the Netherlands,
differences I noticed was the absence of passing a stranger on the street would
social cohesion. Neighbors didn’t seek warrant a greeting. These are only a
any contact with us once we moved few examples of how the social
into our house, and I generally didn’t cohesion in the United States is clearly
feel any connection with those who much lower, and it’s noticeable.
lived in my neighborhood. Americans
would usually keep their blinds shut
even during the day, and when passing
In contrast to the US, the social cohesion in cohesion was negatively affected by the
the Netherlands is significantly greater, COVID-19 outbreak as citizens were no
although it has still experienced a decline longer able to participate in their
since the sixties. Up until the 1960s, the communities or connect with fellow
Netherlands had a compartmentalized citizens.
society. Each pillar was based on faith and
societal orientation, and the social cohesion
within each pillar was strong as each group
shared common beliefs. After the 1960s
depollarization took place which weakened
the sense of social connectivity. The
increase in welfare encouraged individual
development instead of confining oneself to
a certain pillar of beliefs. After the 1960s,
an uprising of a multicultural society took
place as the Netherlands experienced an
immigration of guest workers. This further
weakened the cohesion between citizens.
This decline of social cohesion isn’t
abnormal as most western countries were
faced with a decrease after the 1960s. The
social cohesion remained generally
stagnant. However, few events had an
effect on its level. During the early 2000’s-
2010 the social cohesion in the Netherlands
improved, even though experts had
expected a decline due to the financial
crisis. There was an increase in
participation in society by citizens,
although this general growth differed
across diverse racial groups and
educational attainment. In addition, social
3 3.2 The Hofstede Model
Masculinity refers to the differences
between males and females. The strong Long term orientation also is a cultural
sense of masculinity in the US is evident: element where the Netherlands has a
beauty pageants, cheerleading, and higher score than the US. In the United
restaurant concepts such as Hooters are a States there is a higher focus on solving
huge part of American culture. The strong current short-term issues: getting through
belief that male leadership is more the day or the month, rather than looking
effective, while women should be in further ahead. Long term orientation is
caretaking positions is also typical for described by Hofstede as: “every society has
masculine culture. For example, when we to maintain some links with its own past
think of Wallstreet we think of while dealing with the challenges of the
businessmen. The popular film “The Wolf of present and future…” The lower score on
Wallstreet” supports this stereotype long term orientation can be rationalized by
view. Additionally, it’s noticeable that the absence of a real past. The US has only
sports in America are very split between existed for about 250 years and therefore
females and males. Think of sports like doesn’t have a real identity.
football and baseball where only males
participate. Sports like softball and soccer
are almost only played by females.
3.3 Social Capital Index
3.4 Conclusion
What I have observed is that Dutch
people stereotype American culture:
hotdogs, burgers and American football.
The Dutch media amplifies these
stereotypes, as there is a constant focus
on cultural clichés. In my experience, the
typical cliché culture elements are far
less evident than what I had expected
prior to moving to the US. In reality,
most deep-rooted differences are not
very visible. The fact that individualism
and masculinity or long-term orientation
shape American culture is not something
that the average Dutch person would
Are economic differences region-
4 specific and what parts are most
4.1 Regional Differences
Prior to living in the US I suspected, just as many other Dutch people, that
regional differences were present, but not too extreme. As you can see below, the
contribution per state to the GDP shows how each state differs in prosperity.
I used to live in Silicon Valley, which houses 7,8 million people. This may not
seem like a lot, but according to The Guardian: “If Silicon Valley were a country,
it would be among the richest on Earth. With $128,308 per capita in annual gross
domestic product, Silicon Valley residents out-produce almost every nation on the
planet”. If we compare this to The Netherlands, our annual gross domestic
product per capita is $52,304. What may be unexpected, is that the GDP per
capita of the European Union in 2020 was even lower than Mississippi
at $33,927. The most extreme difference is Romania at $12,896.
These differences in GDP are the basis of A report by Research Agency SEO shows
regional differences, even on street level. In that the geographical differences in the
almost every American city, you could walk Netherlands are significant. Children who
around the block and notice a world of move to a more prosperous region at a
difference. Take Philadelphia, for example. young age make up 3 percent of the
Fishtown is a lovely hip neighborhood with difference in income with their hometown,
beautiful art and facilities. But if you walk for every year that they live in their new
a few blocks onward, you end up in the region. Essentially: if a seven year old were
‘Badlands’ where junkies roam the streets to move to a more prosperous region, they
and certain parts are unsafe. will make up for more than 45 percent of
their deficiencies by the time they are 28
years old.
This category of extreme regional
differences also exists in the Netherlands,
but are less apparent - yet they are present Thus, a child born in Zuid-Limburg or a less
and often underestimated by the Dutch. prosperous northern province will not have
Most Dutch people understand to a certain equal opportunities compared to those born
extent that the US battles this issue and in the larger cities, until they push 30.
they may not realize how prominent it is in
their own country.
4 4.2 Comparing Economic Profiles
The United States is the largest economy in the world. In terms of GDP, it ranks
eighth worldwide in GDP per capita. After the financial crisis in 2008, the US
recovered faster than most countries, including the Netherlands. The tertiary
sector dominates in both the US and the Netherlands. However, there are
structural differences within each sector. For example, the share of real estate
towards the GDP in the American tertiary sector is considerably larger than in the
Netherlands. The share of trade, transport, catering and business services is
Most states differ in contribution to GDP and which sector they utilize most. While
banks and insurance companies are dominant in the east, the production of
computers and electronic products is dominant in the west. Furthermore, motor
vehicle production is concentrated in the southeast and the chemical industry is
concentrated around the Great Lakes and the south. Minerals are mainly mined in
the rural states in the middle of the US, but their contribution to US GDP is
limited. Hospitality and restaurants are most vital in Nevada and Hawaii.
The richest states are mainly on the The Netherlands takes fifth place of
East Coast and West Coast; the poorest foreign investors in the US; almost half
states are in the south. of them are in the industry.
The US export is the second largest in In terms of expenditure on research and
the world, exceeded by China. However, development, both the US and the
the export of services is by far the Netherlands are only in tenth place.
largest. The US takes third place in the With regards to revenue for the use of
export of high-tech goods; The intellectual property, the US is in first
Netherlands comes in ninth place. place and the Netherlands in third
In terms of outward and inward direct place.
investment, the United States also
takes the lead. Most investments in the
Netherlands are in holding companies.
4.3 Income Inequality
What I have observed is that most aspect. Those with a good education
Dutch people are aware of the income and certain skills or experience are
inequality that is at play in the US and often granted a large wage premium.
that differences are measurably higher The demand for highly skilled
than in the Netherlands. As you can individuals has been increasing in
see above, the diagram below shows more developed countries and lacks
the vast difference in income. supply. The solution to this pay gap is
offering the less fortunate better
Firstly, a major reason for rising education and job training in order to
inequality is the technology-education
facilitate them with better paying jobs.
Additionally, trade and globalization play because of the lack of collective facilities
a major role in the rise of income or protective laws. Government aid to
inequality. Offshoring of production to those in need is limited, whereas in the
lower income countries has resulted in a Netherlands citizens are provided with
decrease of employment opportunities. proper care at a minimum charge.
Those who used to work in these
industries experienced their wages and
jobs being affected negatively. Finally,
the US built an institutional framework
that encourages inequality. Processes
such as deregulation, changes in tax rates,
and “the shareholder revolution” are just
a few examples of policies that stimulate
inequality within the US. Possible
solutions would be increasing minimum
wage, more progressive tax on higher
income, and giving employees more of a
Health spending per country
4 4.4 Access to Healthcare
The differences in healthcare between Not only is access limited, but quality
the US and the Netherlands are in healthcare is also less.
extreme. First off, the Dutch are Underutilization of preventive
obliged to have health insurance, while measures is a main reason for the
in the US 1 in 10 don’t have health malfunctioning of the healthcare
insurance. A 2009 study done by system. Preventable illnesses such as
Harvard Medical School has shown diabetes, heart disease and obesity are
that 45,000 annual deaths have been very common in the US.
connected to a lack of proper
healthcare insurance. This same study
found that uninsured Americans have
a 40% higher mortality risk than those
who are privately insured.
4 4.4 Access to Healthcare
While costs of healthcare are higher
in the US, the quality still remains
lower than in the Netherlands. “
The US life expectancy being lower Just as many other Dutch people I
than in most countries is another severely underestimated how large the
telling measure for the quality of differences actually are between the
healthcare. While the life expectancy two countries.
in the Netherlands is 81.8, the life
expectancy in the US is 78.5.
4 4.5 Education Inequality
When we think of popular sayings like born into a poor family and is forced to
‘from rags to riches’ or ‘from paperboy attend a school in a poor neighborhood,
to millionaire’, we fantasize about the they are immediately disadvantaged
less fortunate youth working as hard compared to the wealthier youth of
as they can to finish school, go to America. Therefore, the fantasy that
university, and get a high paying job. everyone can get the same quality of
Yet, this dream actually happens to be education and prosper is incorrect.
unrealistic in many cases. If one is
A main contributing factor is the funding In the 2016-17 school year, it has been
gap. Research done by Pennsylvania State shown that one in four schools was
University in 2020 concluded that the considered ‘high poverty’. In a lot of cases,
wealthiest school districts fund their people of color tend to be situated in poor
schools higher amounts and have a higher school districts, which not only creates
spending rate. It has been proven that an income segregated districts, but also
average school district has a 32% funding racially segregated districts. As stated by
gap compared to the top one percentile of a recent Times article, “More than half of
districts. This causes schools with less the nation’s schoolchildren are in racially
funding to have less resources such as concentrated districts, where over 75
computers, access to certain subjects, high percent of students are either white or
quality teachers, etc. This all results in nonwhite.” Therefore, the wealthiest
school districts segregated by income. school districts are predominantly in
white suburbs.
4 4.5 Education Inequality
These two schools show how drastic the difference visibly is between schools
situated in white suburbs compared to schools in less fortunate areas. While Los
Gatos high school looks almost like a palace, Oakland high school could easily be
mistaken for a local gas station. And it’s no coincidence that Los Gatos high
school is located in a white suburb while Oakland high school is located in a
mainly Black and Hispanic suburb.
Those who are disadvantaged by being As you can see, these educational
stuck in a poor school district will end up inequalities betray the ideal of ‘the
having less developed skills than those who American dream’, as well as the widespread
grew up in fortunate school districts. This view that anyone can make it for
will lead to lesser paying career paths, as themselves in the US.
these children will not have been given the
opportunity to reach their full potential.
4 4.6 Conclusion
Another contributing factor to the chance to reach their full potential.
inequality in the US is the healthcare
system. A common misconception is
that healthcare isn’t available to all.
This is false, however, not only is
healthcare unaffordable, there aren’t
any cheap insurance plans.
Additionally, the healthcare that the
US offers is also low quality.
Minorities’ healthcare needs are often
not met. On the contrary, the
Netherlands scores in the top ten of the
world’s best healthcare systems. The
Dutch law requires all to have
healthcare, while keeping it
5 Survey
Question 1
This result is not very surprising to me, as I experienced the same when it comes
to difficulty between systems. The Dutch system focuses more on understanding
a concept, while the American system focuses more on memorization. I also
understand those who chose the American system, as this education system
tends to give students way more material to study in a short period of time. This
quantity makes the American system challenging as well.
Question 2
The Netherlands being the more popular option is no surprise as the social
cohesion is considerably higher. In chapter 3.1 I delve deeper into this
Question 3
As I discussed earlier, the Dutch school system is on average of higher quality than the
American system, as education inequality is less prominent and the curriculum is
more extensive. The Dutch education system is better at preparing students for
university as getting a diploma takes six years, whereas in the US it only takes four
years. These extra few years focus on teaching students autonomy, instead of retaining
Question 4 being able to match their values with one of
two parties. The lack of collaboration
The multi-party system option was chosen between parties in combination with a
93% of the time, which is overwhelming polarized debate could also be a cause for
compared to the other question results. It’s the survey result.
clear that there are hardly any supporters
of the two party system. This could be the
result of citizens not feeling heard, or not
Question 5
The overall opinion on this topic is also very clear, and understandable.
The political polarization in the US is overwhelming, which I discuss
further in chapter 2.4.
Question 6
While the Netherlands is still clearly the preferred choice, 21% of
participants chose the US as having a better system. At first, I didn’t
exactly understand this opinion, but after researching this I can
acknowledge the thought process behind this belief. By using a jury,
which is made up out of regular citizens, the public has more of a say in
trials. While in the Netherlands, the judge is the one to make decisions
without the inclusion of public opinion.
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
This result is also quite interesting. While one might be quick to choose the US
because of ‘the American dream’, or the Netherlands because it’s a safe option,
my research has shown that both countries offer opportunities. However, the
quantity of opportunities relies on what the individual has to offer. The US has a
widespread range of opportunities for highly educated individuals, while hardly
offering any to low educated, high school graduates. This group of people is
better off in the Netherlands, where they are better supported.
Question 10