Bba 2019-20 - 2019057131500
Bba 2019-20 - 2019057131500
Bba 2019-20 - 2019057131500
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Semester Examination
Session 2019-20
106. Hindi 10 90 100
107. Business Economics 10 90 100
108. Business Statistics 10 90 100
109. Cost Accounting 10 90 100
110. Environmental Studies 10 90 100
111.Managerial Economics 10 90 100
112.Business Communication 10 90 100
113.Business Laws 10 90 100
114.Business and Environment 10 90 100
115.Management Information System (MIS) 10 90 100
116.Organisational Behaviour 10 90 100
117.Marketing Management 10 90 100
118.HRM 10 90 100
119.Financial Management 10 90 100
120.Production Management 10 90 100
121 Comprehensive Viva 10 90 100
122.Marketing Research 10 90 100
123.Quantitative Techniques 10 90 100
124.Sales and Advertisement Management 10 90 100
125.Investment Management 10 90 100
126.Material Management 10 90 100
127.Business Policy and Strategy 10 90 100
and Small Business Management 10 90 100
129.Business Taxation 10 90 100
130. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 10 90 100
131. Project Report and Viva –Voce 10 90 100
Semester One
English (101)
Course objective:
This paper is designed to enable the students of management to speak and write with a
fair degree of grammatical correctness.
Course Contents:
Tense: Simple present, progressive and present perfect. Simple past,
progressive and past perfect. Indication of Futurity. Modals (Will,shall,
should, would, ought to, and others). Verb Structures (infinitives, Gerund
and Participles), Linking Devices.
Clauses: Co-ordinate Clause (with, but or either-or, neither - nor,
otherwise, or else.), Subordinate Clauses: Noun Clause (As subject,
object and complement), Relative Clause (restrictive and non-
restrictive), Adverb Clauses (Open a hypothetical conditionals, with
because, though where, so that, as long as, as soon as, Comparative
Clauses as += adjective/adverb + as –no sooner than)
Unit -III
Structural Items: Simple, Compound and Complex sentence.
Unit -IV
Reported Speech: Declarative Sentences (ii) Imperative sentences (iii)
Interrogatives (wh-questions, Yes/No Questions) (iv) Exclamatory
sentences , Voice (Transformation of Sentences from Active to Passive
and Vise-Versa)
Unit -V
Composition: Paragraph writing, Essay and Letter writing.
1) “Written Communication in English” By Sarah Freeman Published by Orient
2) A Practical English Grammar - By Thompson and Martinet
3) English Grammar and Composition - By Rajendra Pal and Prem Lata Suri, Sultan
Chand & Co.
4) High School English Grammar & Composition - By Wren & Martin
5) A textbook of fundamental English grammar & composition , Sultan Chand & Co.
6) Living English structure by W.S.Allen (Tiwari Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.)- Dr.
Computer Application (102)
Course Objective:
The objective of this paper is to provide an understanding of computers, computer
operating system & application of relevant software in management decision making.
Course Contents:
Unit– I Introduction to Computers
Computer System Characteristics and Capabilities : Speed, Accuracy,
Reliability, Memory Capability, Repeatability, Computer Hardware and
Software; Block Diagram of a computer, Different types of S/W. Type of
Computer : Analog, Digital, Hybrid, General and purpose Computers,
Computer generation : Characteristics of Computer generations, Computer
System – Micro, Minis & main frames, various types of computer
peripherals and memory devices.
Unit – II Computer Organization
CPU organization, ALU Control Unit. Input Device- Categorizing input
H/W, Keyboard, Direct Entry – Card Readers, Scanning
Device – O.M.R Character Readers, MICR. Pointing Device – Mouse Light
Pen Output Device- Impact Printer, Non-Impact Printer,
Plotters. Memory of Computer Main Memory Secondary memory; cache
Memory; Real and virtual Memory; Memory management Unit (MMU)
Unit–III: E-commerce Framework
Definition of E-Commerce, Origin of E-Commerce, E-Commerce
Opportunities for Businesses, Advantages of E-commerce, Disadvantages
of E-Commerce, Security Issues in E-Commerce Security risks of E-
Commerce, exposure of resources, type of threats, sources of threats,
security tools & risk – management approach
Unit–IV: Mobile Commerce
Overview of M-Commerce - Wireless Application Protocol (WAP),
Generations of Mobile Wireless Technology, Components of Mobile
Commerce, Networking Standards for Mobiles
Unit–V: Network Infrastructure and E-payment
Common Gateway Interface, Multimedia Objects, Network Access
Equipment, Network Cables, Broadband Telecommunication.
Electronic Payment System-Introduction to E-payment, Digital Token based
E-payment, Smart Cards, Credit card System Threat on E-payment.
1. Computer Fundamentals B. Ram (BPB Publication)
2. Computer Fundamentals P.K.Sinha (BPB Publication)
3. Computer System Architecture Morris Mano (BPB Publication)
4. An Introduction to Html O.P.Vyas
Business Mathematics (103)
Course Objectives:
The course has been designed to provide elementary yet essential background of
mathematical method so that managers may use themselves in business analysis and
decision making.
Course Contents:
Unit – I
Matrices and Determinants : Definition of a matrix; Types of matrices;
Algebra of matrices; Properties of determinants; Calculation of values of
determinants upto third order; Adjoint of a matrix, elementary row &
column operations
Unit- II
Commission, Discount, Profit and Loss
Unit – III
Simultaneous Equations, Theory of Indices and logarithms.
Unit – IV
Average, Ratio and Proportions, percentages
Unit – V
Interest: Simple and Compound.
1. Business Mathematics: Dr. S.M. Shukla, Sahitya Bhawan Publications.
2. “Practical Business Mathematics and Statistics” Suranjan Saha, Tata Mc. Graw – Hill
Publishing Company ltd. New Delhi.
3. “ Business Mathematics” by Dr. B.N. Gupta & Dr. S.K. Agrawal, Sahitya Bhawan
4. “Plane Trigonometry” by Mr. S.L. Loney.
5. M. Rsghsvachari : Mathematics for Management – An Introduction. Tata Mc Graw
Hill Pub. Co., New Delhi.
Principles of Management (104)
Course Objective :
To help the Student to acquire the basic knowledge in concept and theory of
principles of management.
Course Contents :
Unit - I
Management : Concept of Management, Nature & Scope of Management,
Significance of Management, responsibility of managers, Management
thoughts : Fayol, Taylor, Elton Mayo; Functions of Management.
Unit – II
Planning, Characteristics of Planning, Steps in Planning Process, Benefits
and Limitation of planning, Types of planning, Objective, Strategies,
Policies; Management by Objectives.
Unit - III
Organising : Nature & Purpose of Organization, Principle of organization;
Departmentation; Centralisation & Decentralisation; Forms of organization
structure; Line and Staff relationship.
Unit -IV
Decision Making : Features of decision making, Role of decision making in
Management, Types of managerial decision, Steps in decision making
process, Decision making techniques, Principles of decision making
Unit - V
Controlling and Budgeting : Nature of Control, relationship between
planning and control, need for control, significance and limitation of control,
types of control, process of control, budgetary control, performance
budgeting, Zero based budgeting, management audit, networks techniques –
PERT & CPM a over view
1. Drucker Peter F : Management Challenges for the 21st Century; Butterworth
2. Weihrich and Koontz; Essentials of Management; Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
3 Hampton, David R.; Modern Management; Mc Graw Hill, New york.
4. Terry and Franklin; Principles of Management; AITBS, New Delhi.
5. Stoner and Freeman; Management PHI,NewDelhi
6. R.D Agrawal; Organisation and Management,TMH, New Delhi
Financial Accounting (105)
Course Objective:
The Objective of this course is to familiarize the students with basic
concepts and methods of Financial Accounting as a practical subject in
Business Management Course Contents:
Unit –I
Accounting – Definition, Meaning Advantages, Limitations and system.
Relationship of Accounting with other functional Areas.
Unit- II
Capital and Revenue – Classification, Expenditure and Revenue, Journal,
Ledger and Trial Balance, Cash Book
Unit -III
Bank Reconciliation Statement, Rectification of Errors, Tally, Cloud
Unit - IV
Final Accounts, Trading Account & Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet.
Unit -V
Depreciation, Hire Purchase and Installment System.
1. S.M. Shukla, Accounting Principals, Sahitya Bhawan, Agra
2. Hanif Mukherji, Modern Accouinting- Vol –I, T.M.H.
3. S.P. Jain and K.L. Narang – Financial Accounts, Kalyani Publishers.
4. S.N. Maheshwari, Advanced Accountancy, Vol I, Vikas Publishing
5. T.S. Grewal, Advanced Accounts, S. Chand& Sons, New Delhi.
6. R.L. Gupta, Advanced Accounts, S.Chand & Sons, New Del
Semester Two
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4- ljy & lqcks/k & fgUnh O;kdj.k&MkW- eksrhyky prqoZns h] fouksn iqLrd eafnj vkxjkA
Business Economics (107)
Course Objective :
The objective of this paper is to familiarize the student with various theoretical concepts
of Economics that are related to life.
Course Contents :
Unit –I
Elasticity of Demand; Concept and measurement of Elasticity of Demand;
Determinant of elasticity of demand; Importance of elasticity of demand.
Unit –II
Production Function ; Law of variable Proportion; Iso-quant; Economics
region and optimum factor combination ; Expansion path: Return to Scale;
Internal & External economics and diseconomies; ridge lines.
Theory of costs: Short run and long run curves – traditional and modern
Unit – III
Market Structure – I: Market Structure and Business Decision: Objective of
a business firm.
a) Perfect Competition: Profit maximization and equilibrium of firm and
industry; Short – run and long run supply curves; Price and output
b) Monopoly: Determination of price under monopoly; Equilibrium of a
firm; Compression between perfect competition and monopoly; Price
Unit – IV
Market Structure – II: Monopolistic Competition; Meaning and
characteristics: Price and output determination under monopolistic
competition; Product Differentiation
a) Oligopoly : Characteristics indeterminate pricing and output; Classical
models of oligopoly: Kinked demand curve
Unit – V
Factor Pricing – I: Marginal Productivity theory and demand for factor:
Nature of supply of factors inputs: Determination of wage rates under
Perfect competition and monopoly ; Exploitation of labour.
Factor Pricing – II : Rent concept, Recardian and modern theories of rent
Quasireant Interests-concepts and theories of interest; Profit nature, concepts
and theories of profit.
1. Paul A. Samuelson and William D. Nordhaus – Economics , Tata McGraw – Hill,
New Delhi.
2. M.L. Seth ; Principles of Economics, Lakshmi Nrain Agrawal Educational
Publishers, Agra.
3. Ahuja H.I.; Business Economics; S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.
4. Dutta & Samuelson ; Micro Economics.
5. K.P.M. Sundharam, E.N. Sundharam; Business Economics, Sultan Chand & sons ,
New Delhi.
Business Statistics (108)
Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to help the student in understanding the various statistical
methods, techniques in Business studies and Analysis / Discussions.
Course Contents:
Meaning and definition of Statistics; Scope and Limitations of Statistics;
Processing and Presentation of Data.
Measures of Central Tendencies; Mean, Median, Mode, Geometric Mean.
Measure of Variation: Standard Deviation and Skewness.
Correlation Analysis – Karlpearson’s co-efficient of Correlation.
Index Number, Time Series Analysis.
References :
1.D.H. Elhence-Fundamental of Statistics, Kitab Mahal Allahabad
2.Gupta S.P. -Business Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
3.Hoonda R.P-Statics for business and economics Mac Millian,New Delhi.
4.Richard I& David S Rubin-statics for management ,Pretice hall –New Delhi.
5.Hein l.w.:Quantitative approach to managerial decisions Pretice hall –New Jersy
6.S.C.Gupta & Smt I.Gupta :Fundamental of Statics –Himalaya Publishing House –Delhi
7.D.C.Sancheti & V.K.Kapoor-Statistics Theory Methods and Applications
Cost Accounting (109)
Course Objective:
The basic objective of this paper is to familiarize the students the basic elements of cost
and cost determination.
Course contents:
Unit – I
Cost Accounting- Definition, Scope, Purpose of Costing and Cost Accounting
Unit – II
Elements of Cost – Material, Labour and Overheads, Functional
Classification of Cost- Direct and Indirect Cost.
Unit- III
Accounting of Material, Labour and Overheads Cost.
Unit – IV
Methods of Costing – Unit Costing, Contract Costing, Process Costing
(Excluding Equivalent costing , By-products and Job Costing)
Unit- V
Standard Costing and Budgetary Control.
1. R.K. Gupta, Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting, Agra Book Stores.
2. Nigam H- Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting, S.Chand & Co. New Delhi.
3. S.I. Iyangar- Cost Accounting, Sultan Chand & Co. New Delhi.
4. M.L. Agrawal – Cost Accounting, Sahitya Bhawan Publications.
5. S.P. Jain and K.L. Narang- Cost Accounting, Kalyani Publishers.
Environmental Studies (110)
Course Objective :
The objective of this paper is to familiarize the student with the
multidisciplinary environmental issues and to develop public awareness
for it.
Course Contents :
Unit – I
1) Nature of environmental studies: Definition, scope, importance, need for
public awareness.
2) Natural Resources: Renewable and non- renewable resources. Natural
Resources and associated problem:
Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
Unit – II
*Ecosystems: concepts, structure, function, produces, consumers,
decomposers; food chains and webs and ecological pyramids.
*Introduction, types characteristic features, structure and function of
forest, grassland, desert and aquatic (ponds, stream, lakes, rivers)
ecosystems. Unit – III
Bio-diversity and its conservation: Introduction - Definition: genetic, species
and ecosystem diversity; Biographical classification of India; threats and
conservation of biodiversity.
Unit - IV
*Environmental pollution: Definition, causes, effects and control measures
of air, water, soil, marine, noise, thermal pollution and nuclear hazards.
*Solid waste management: causes, effects and control measures of urban and
industrial waste.
*Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.
Unit - V
Social issues and environment: Urban problems related to energy ; water
conservation, rain-water harvesting; resettlement and rehabilitation of
people, environmental ethics; climate change , global warning, acid rain ,
ozone layer depletion , nuclear accidents; Environment Protection Act ; Role
of Information Technology in Environmental and human health.
1. Agarwal K.C. 2001, Environmental Biology,Nidi pub . Ltd, Bikaner.
2. Bharucha Erach , the Biodiversity of India , Mapin Pub . Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad.
3. Dr.R.A.Sharma,Environment Education ,Lal Book Depot,Meerut
Semester Three
Managerial Economics (111)
Course Objectives :
The objective of this paper is to familiarize the students the concepts and theory in
decisions making of firm and its application in managerial function.
Course Contents :
Unit- I
Definition of Managerial Economics- Objectives, Nature, Scope,
Application of Economic Theories in Decision-making.
Business Cycles- Definition, Phases of Business cycle, Use of business
cycles in decision-making and stabilization techniques
National Income- Concepts and Measurement (a brief study only)
Unit- III
Objectives of Business Firms- Economic and Non Economic: Profit- Nature
of profit, Accounting and Economic profit, profit policies, Aims of profit
Unit- IV
Capital Budgeting and Investment decisions- Concept, Investment decisions
under Certainty, Investment decisions under Risk and Uncertainty.
Unit- V
Cost of Capital- Concepts, Determination, Cost of debt, Cost of preference
capital, Cost of retained earnings, Average cost of capital and weighted cost
of capital.
1. P.L. Mehta; Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
2. Varshney & Maheshwari; Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
3. Dwivedi D.N., Managerial Economics, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
4. Adhikary M, Business Economics, Excel Books, New Delhi.
5. Dean, Joel; Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall, Delhi.
6. Chopra O.P.; Managerial Economics, Tata Mc Graw Hill, Delhi.
7. Peterson , h.Craig and W.Cris Lewis ; Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall, Delhi
Business Communication (112)
Course Objectives :
The objective of this paper is to develop effective business communication skills among
the students.
Course Contents :
Introducing Business Communication-Definitions, concept, objectives,
importance, limitations of Communication, communication models and
processes, principles of effective communication.
Corporate Communication-Formal and Informal communication networks;
Barriers and Improvement in Communication, Non-Verbal aspect of
Effective listening-Principles of effective listening.
Report Writing, Types of Letters: Business Letters, Official Letters
Presentation Skills, Interviewing Skills, Writing resume and letter of
1. Bahal, sushil, Business Communication, Saga Publication.
2. Pearce, C Glenn etc., Business Communications; Principles and Applications, John
Wiley, New York.
3. Randall E. Magors; Business Communication; Harper and Row, New York.
4. Kaul; Business Communication; Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
5. Rajendra Pal, J.S. Korhahalli; Business Communication, Sultan Chand and Sons, New
6. Dr. Urmila Rai, S.M. Rai; Business Communication, Himalaya Publishing House.
Business Law (113)
Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to provide the students the basic knowledge of the
provisions of various Acts related to business and management.
Course Contents:
Unit – I
Companies Act, 2013- Provisions of the Act with regard to Classification,
Formatio0n, Memorandum of Association (MOU), Articles of Association,
Meetings, Agenda, Minutes.
Unit – II
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 and Partnership Act, 1932.
Unit –III
Contract Act – Provisions of the Act with regard to Offer and Acceptances,
Consideration, Capacity of Parties, Elements of Contract, Kinds of
Contracts, Free Consent, Void and Violable Contract, Quasi Contract,
Remedies for Breach of Contract.
Unit – IV
Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and its provisions
Unit – V
Sales of Goods Act 1930 and its provisions
1. N.D. Kapoor – Business Laws, Sultan Chand and Sons, NewDelhi.
2. Avatar Singh – The Principles of Mercantile Law, Estern Book Co. Lucknow
3. S.K. Tuteja – Business Law for Managers
4. M.C. Kuchal – Business Law, Vikas Publishing House.
5. Arun Kumar Sen & Jitendra Kumar Mitra – Commercial Law, The World Press Pvt.
Business Environment (114)
Course Objective :
This paper aims at acquainting the students with the emerging issues in
business at the national and international level in the light of the policies of
liberalization and globalization.
Course Contents :
Indian Business Environment – Concept, Components, Economic, Social,
Cultural, Politico-legal environment and their importance.
Economic trends (over view): Income; Savings and Investment ; Structures
of Indian Industry-Public and Private sector. Trade (Foreign) - Balance of
Problems of Growth, Unemployment, Poverty, Regional imbalances,
Social injustice, inflation, Parallel economy. Industrial sickness. The current
Five Year Plan .- Major policies ; Resource allocation.
Role of Government : Monetary and Fiscal Policy; industrial Policy.
Industrial Licensing, Privatization, Liberalization, Globalization,
Digital Initiatives: e-Governance
International Trading Environment, Trends of World Trade and the
Problems of Developing Countries. International Economic Grouping:
1. Francis Cherumilam, Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House
2. Adhikari .M., Economic Environment of Business.
3. K. Aswathapa, Essential of Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House
4. Sundaram & Black; The International Business Environment; Prentice Hall, New
5. Misra S.K. and Puri V.K.; Indian Economy; Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
6. Hedge Lan; Environmental Economics; Macmillan, Hampshire.
6. Agrawal A.N. Indian Economy; Vikas Publishing House, Delhi.
Management Information System (MIS) - 115
Unit - I
Introduction to Management Information System, Nature, Scope and
Unit- II
Structure of MIS, system, sub-system, integrated system, system view of
Unit -III
Process of MIS Development : Defining the problem, Setting system
objectives, Determining information needs, sources, Development and
selection of alternative design,
Unit - IV
Implementation of MIS, Evaluating of MIS, Maintenance of MIS
Unit -V
Information system particularly Finance Information System,
Marketing Information, System and Human Resources Information System.
Suggested Readings:
1. Robert G. Murdic Joel E, Ross, James R. Clagget, Information Systems for Modern
Management, PHI, New Delhi.
2. Gordon B. Davis, M.H. Olson, Management Information System, Prentice Hall,
New Jersey.
3. Jerome Kanter, Management Oriented Management Information Systems, PHI, New
Semester Four
Course Objective:
The objective of this paper is to familiarize the student with basic concepts
and behavioral process in an organisation to enable him to develop and
adopt effective strategies.
Course Contents:
Unit- I
Introduction to Organizational Behaviour, approaches to OB, Models of OB.
Unit- II
Needs, Motivation, Perception, Learning & Personality.
Unit- III
Leadership and Supervision, Theories of Leadership, Group: formation,
development, Inter-group problems
Unit- IV
Organizational Change, Conflict Resolution Management.
Unit- V
Organizational Development. Diagnosis and Intervention
References :
1. Keith Davis & John W. Newstrom; Organizational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi.
2. Stephen P. Robbins; Orgnizational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India Ltd. New Delhi.
3. Robbins S.P.; Organizational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India Ltd. New Delhi.
4. Luthans Fred; Organizational Behavioural New York McGraw Hills, New York.
5. L.M.Prasad; Organizational Behavioural , Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
Marketing Management (117)
Course Objective:
The objective of this paper is to familiarize the students the modern Marketing Concepts;
tools said techniques to develop their skills required for the performance of marketing
Course Contents:
Nature and Scope of Marketing, Marketing System and Environment,
Consumer Behaviour, Consumer Markets and Industrial Markets, Decision
Making process in buying.
Unit- II
Market Segmentation, Grouping of market, Targeting and Positioning,
Product Decision, Marketing Mix: Elements of Marketing Mix, Product
Mix, Branding and Packaging Decisions, Promotion mix.
Unit -III
Pricing Decisions, Methods of setting Prices, Pricing Strategies, Product
Unit -IV
Channels of Distribution, marketing Channels And Agency.
Unit- V
Marketing Research and Marketing Information System.
References :
1. Philip Kotler: Principles Marketing, Prentice Hall of India.
2. William J. Stanton: Fundamentals of Marketing, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3.R.S.Davarar ,Modern Marketing Management ,Universal book seller ,New Delhi.
4. Ramaswamy, V.S. And Namakumari, S : Marketing Management, (Mc Millian India)
5.Cundiff ,EW,Still R.c.Goans NAP-Fundamentals of Modern Marketing (Delhi Prentice
6)Victor P Buell :Handbook of Modern marketing (MC Graw Hill)
Human Resource Management (118)
Course Objective :
The basic objective of this course is to help the students to acquire and develop decision
making skills in relation to meaning people in organizations.
Course Contents :
Unit- I
The course concept and perspectives of Human Resource Management,
Structure and Role of Human Resource Management.
Unit- II
Human Resource Planning, Job analysis and Job description, Recruitment and
Selection Process, Socializing the new employee.
Employee Training and Development, Performance evaluation, Methods
and techniques. Job evaluation.
Unit- IV
Compensation and Reward Systems,Industrial Disputes,Trade Unions and
Participative Management.
Unit -V
Human Resource Information System, Human Resource Development,
Collective Bargaining.
References :
1 Armstrong, M.Lal Handbook of Personnel Management. 1984 Kegan and page,
2 Cascio V.F. Managing Human Resources 2nd Ed. 1989 McGrew Hill New Yord.
3 DeCinze D.A. and Robbins, S..Personnel Human Resource Management 3rd Ed. 1989
Prentices Hall of India, Delhi.
4 Strauss C & Sayless Lr: Human Problems of Management (New Delhi ,Tata Mc Graw
Hill Publishing Company)
5 R.S. Dwivedi : Personnel/Human Resource Management , Galgatia Publishing Co.,
New Delhi.
Financial Management (119)
Course Objective:
The Objective of this course is to familiarize the students with basic concepts and the
various accounting techniques in financial decision making and control.
Course Contents:
Unit- I
Finance Functions- Meaning, Nature, Scope, Objectives of Financial
management, Profit vs wealth maximization, Relationship of Financial
Management and other areas of Management.
Unit II
Analysis and interpretation of Financial Statements- meaning, objectives,
types of analysis, tools of financial analysis: comparative statements,
common size statements, Fund Flow Statement, Cash Flow Statements.
Unit -III
Ratio Analysis- Meaning, definition, objectives and limitations of Ratio
Analysis, Classification of Ratios: Profitability ratios, liquidity ratios,
solvency ratios and acid ratios.
Unit- IV
Working capital Management- Meaning, Concept , types and Cycle of
Working capital management, Working capital forecasting, Elements of
Working Capital Management- Management of Cash, management of
Inventories, managements of accounts, receivables and accounts payable.
Unit – V
Capital Budgeting- concept, importance of Capital Budgeting, Appraisal
methods: Pay-back Period Method, Accounting Rate of Return Method,
Discounted Cash flow method, Profitability Index Method.
1. I.M. Pandey; Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
2. P.Chandra; Financial Management, TMH, New Delhi
3. R.M. Srivastava; Financial Decision Making, Himalaya Publishng House, Mumbai
4. M.Y. Khan and P.K. Jain; Financial Management, T.M.H, New Delhi.
5. R.K. Sharma, Shahi K. Gupta; Financial Management, Kalyani Publishers
6. S.C. Kuchal; Financial Management, Chaitya Publishing House, Allahabad.
Production Management (120)
Course Objectives:
To impart knowledge about the basic concepts, techniques and methods of Production
Course Contents:
Unit – I: Production Management: meaning, definition, scope, importance
and problems. Production Planning and Control: objectives, functions of
Production Planning and Control.
Unit – II:
Production System i.e. Continuous and Intermittent Production System,
Plant Layout: factors, types and methods, Plant Location.
Unit – III:
Aggregate Planning , Capacity Planning, Material Requirement Planning,
Just in Time Manufacturing (JIT).
Unit – IV:
Quality Control: concepts and functions of Inspection and Quality Control
Department, Statistical Quality Control, acceptance Sampling, Control
charts, Total quality management (TQM): concepts and characteristics.
Unit – V: Work study: objectives and techniques of time study and motion
1. Industrial Engineering; Hazra.
2. Industrial Engineering; Martand Telsang Sultan Chand & Sons.
3. Production management ; Buffa
Comprehensive Viva (FT- 121)
Comprehensive viva will be related to all the subjects studied in the previous
semesters by the students. The viva will be taken by an external examiner.
Semester Five
1. Marketing Research (Text&Cases), Harper W. Boyd, Jr.Ralph Westfall, Stanley
2. Marketing Research ; G.C.Beri, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi
3. D. D. Sharma, Marketing Research, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
4. M.N. Mishra, Marketing Research, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
5. Churchill, Gilbert A.; Basic Marketing Research, Dryden Press, Boston.
6. Zaltman and Burger; Marketing Research; Dryden Press, Illinois.
7. Luck, D.J. ; Marketing Research, Prentice Hall; New Delhi.
Quantitative Techniques (123)
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to help the student in understanding the various quantitative
techniques in business studies.
Course Contents:
Unit – I: Variables and Functions (types of Function, Graphical
representation of a function, mathematical question based on functions).
Unit – II: Elements of Calculus (excluding Proofs of theorems and
Problems involving trigonometrical ratios), Standard rules for differentiation
(Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction, Division), Chain Rule and
Unit – III: Meaning and definition of Probability (Addition Rule,
Multiplication Rule, Baye’s Theorem, Poison distribution, Binomial
Unit – IV: Sampling and Sampling Distribute (T-test, Z-test, f-test, Chi-
square test).
Unit – V: Linear Programming – Formulation of Problem, Methods of
solving Linear Programming Problems related to mixed constraints.
1. U.K. Shrivastava Quantitatives Techniques
2. G.V. Shenuy & S.C. Sharma Managerial Decisions
3. M. Raghavachari Quantitatives Techniques
4. Narag, A.S. Linear Programming and Decision Making, New Delhi, Sultan chand.
Sales and Advertisement Management (124)
Course Objectiv :
The basic objective of this paper is to acquaint students with management of a firm’s
sales operations, as well also with the theory and practice of advertising.
Course Contents:
Sales Management, Objectives , nature and scope, Theories of Selling.
Sales Force Management - Selection, Training, Evaluation, Motivation,
Compensation of Sales Personnel, and control.
Advertising Management -Nature and Scope of Advertising, Media
Planning, Campaign Planning.
Steps in preparation of advertisement: copy, logo, slogan, illustration etc.
Advertising appeals and advertising effectiveness.
1. Aaker,David,; Advertising Management,Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
2. Anderson, Hair, Bush. Professional Sales Management,McGraw Hill,Singapore.
3. Batra,Rajeev, John G Myers and David A. Aaker; Advertising Management, Prentice
Hall, New Delhi.
4. Still, Cundiff and Govani, Sales Management, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
5. Koter, Philip; Markerting Management: Analysis Planning & Control; Prentice Hall,
6. Stanton William J; Fundamentals of marketing; Mc Graw Hill Publicating co., New
7. B.S. Rathore; Advertising Management; Himalaya Publication, Mumbai.
Investment Management (125)
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to help students understand various issues
in security analysis & portfolio management.
Course Contents :
Unit – I: Investment Management: nature, scope and objectives, alternative
forms of investment with special reference to Mutual Fund
Unit – II:Stock market operations: New Issue Market, Secondary Market
Unit – III:Valuation of securities: Valuation of Bonds and Shares.
Unit – IV:Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis.
Unit – V:Portfolio Analysis, Sharpe Index and Markowitz Theory.
1. Amling, Frederic. Investment Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, PHI
2. Lee, Cheng F. etc Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Scott, Foresman.
3. Alexander Gordon J. and Sharpe, William F, Fundamentals of Investments,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall inc.
Material Management (126)
Course Objective:
This Course aims at acquainting the students with the importance and
various techniques of Material Management.
Course Contents:
Unit- I
Scope, Importance and Functions of Material Management, Characteristics
of Material Functions
Unit- II
Objectives of Material Management, Manpower planning and Material
Management, Materials Planning, Capacity Requirements Planning.
Unit- III
Principles of Inventory Management- Types of Inventory, ABC Analysis,
Basic Inventory Models, Determination of EOQ, Safety Stock, Need and
functions of Inventory Control, Symptoms of Poor Inventory Management,
Quality Standards in inventory Control.
Unit – IV
Cost Reduction Techniques- Value Analysis, Value Engineering,
Simplification, Standardization, use of Linear Programming, Transportation
Model, Quality Control and Inspection, ISO 9000 series, Material
Information System.
Unit- V
The Future of Material Management- Capital Investment Decisions,
Purchase of Capital Equipments, Techniques used in Capital Investment
Course Objective :
The purpose of this paper is to provide exposure to the entrepreneurial
culture and industrial growth so as to prepare them to set up and mange
their own small units.
Course Contents :
Introduction: The Entrepreneur; Definition; Emergence of Entrepreneurial
Class; Theories of Entrepreneurship
Promotion of Venture; opportunities analysis; External environment analysis
-economics, social and technological; competitive factor; legal requirement
for establishment of a new unit, and raising of funds; Venture capital sources
and documentation required.
Innovation and Entrepreneur; Entrepreneurial behavior; social responsibility;
Role of Entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurial Development Programs (EDP), Role, Relevance and
achievements; Role of Government in Organizing EDPs; Critical evaluation.
Unit V
Small Scale Industries: Meaning and Definition; Growth of Small -Scale
Industries ; The role of Small -Scale Industries in Indian Economy
;Problems of Small -Scale Industries ;Measures to promote Small -Scale
Industries .
1. Tandon B.C.: Environment and Entrepreneur; Chugh Publications, Allahabad.
2. Siner A David: Entrepreneurial Megabucks; John Wiley and Sons, NewYork.
3. Srivastava S.B.: A Practical Guide to Industrial Enterprenuers ;Sultan Chand &
Sons.,New Delhi.
4. Prasanna Chandra: Project Preparation, Appraisal Implementation; Tata McGraw
Hill,New Delhi.
5. Pandey I.M.: Venture Capital – The Indian Experience; Prentice Hall Of India.
6. Ishwar C.Dingra: The Indian Economy-Resources, Planning ,Development and
problems; Sultan Chand & Sons ,New Delhi.
7. Misra & Puri: Indian economy;Himalaya Publishing House.
Business Taxation (129)
Course Objectives:
To impart knowledge about the concepts, provisions and justification of Income Tax and
Wealth Tax in India.
Course Contents :
Unit – I: Law relating to Income tax: Detailed study of the main provision of
the Indian Income tax act of 1961, as amended up to date, income tax
authorities, important definitions.
Unit – II:. Various heads of income: income from salary, (excluding
retirement), income from house property, profits and gains of business of
profession, capital gains, income from other sources.
Unit- III:
Constitutional framework of Indirect Taxes before GST (Taxation Powers
of Union & State Government); Concept of VAT: Meaning, Variants and
Methods; Major Defects in the structure of Indirect Taxes prior to GST;
Rationale for GST; Structure of GST ( SGST, CGST, UTGST & IGST);
GST Council, GST Network, Registration.
Unit – IV:
Taxable event- “Supply” of Goods and Services; Place of Supply: Within
state, Interstate, Import and Export; Time of supply; Valuation for GST-
Valuation rules, taxability of reimbursement of expenses; Exemption from
GST, billing and e way billing
Unit – V:
Eligible and Ineligible Input Tax Credit; Tax Credit in respect of Capital
Goods; Recovery of Excess Tax Credit; Transfer of Input Credit (Input
Service Distribution); Payment of Taxes; Refund; Doctrine of unjust
enrichment; Tax Invoice, Debit Notes, Returns, Audit in GST, Assessment:
Self-Assessment, Summary and Scrutiny.
1. Ahuja G.K. and Ravi Gupta: Systematic approach to Income tax and C.S.T.
2. Singhania V.K.: Direct Taxes, Direct tax planning & management.
3. Mehrotra & Goyal: Sales tax and taxation
4. H.C. Mehrotra: Income tax Law Accounts
5. Central excise duty act
6. Income tax Act
7. Central Sales tax Act
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (130)
Unit – 1
Objective of Business Attitudes, Beliefs and value Principal of Business
Social Responsibilities of Business concept, Rational Dimensions and Tools
of Social Responsiblities, social Responsibility and Social Responsiveness.
Unit – III
Ethics in Managing Ethical Theories, Enterprise Mission, Institutionalizing
Ethics Code of ethics and its implementation.
Social Audit-Evaluation of concept, Objectives ; Needs, Features, Benefits,
Approaches to Socical Audit.
Social Responsibilities of Indian Businessmen/Managers-Towards
Shareholders, Consumers, Government, Community, Etc. Cases.
References :
1. Patyrick J.A. & Quinn (J) F. Management Ethics, Response
2. Sherlekar,Ethics in Management Himalaya
3. R.C. Sekhar Ethical Choices in Business Response, New Delhi 1998.
4. Peter F. Drucker – Management Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices.
5. Report of Study Group of the Calcutta Seminar on Social Responsibility of Business
Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi