Repeated Games
Repeated Games
Repeated Games
Abhinash Borah
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Repeated Games
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Repeated Games with Observable Actions
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Example—Repeated Game
U 0, 0 3, 4 6, 0
M 4, 3 0, 0 0, 0
D 0, 6 0, 0 5, 5
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Strategies and Solution Concept
A period t history in a repeated game is a specification of all the
action profiles that have been played in the previous t − 1
iterations of the stage game. We will denote a period t history by
There is one history in period 1. We refer to it as the null history
as no play has taken place thus far. We often denote it by φ
Each history of a repeated game with observable actions or perfect
monitoring can be identified with an information set. Why?
What is a strategy?
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Strategies and Solution Concept
A period t history in a repeated game is a specification of all the
action profiles that have been played in the previous t − 1
iterations of the stage game. We will denote a period t history by
There is one history in period 1. We refer to it as the null history
as no play has taken place thus far. We often denote it by φ
Each history of a repeated game with observable actions or perfect
monitoring can be identified with an information set. Why?
What is a strategy?
A strategy for player i is a mapping from the set of possible
histories to the set of actions of player i in the stage game
Solution concept?
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Strategies and Solution Concept
A period t history in a repeated game is a specification of all the
action profiles that have been played in the previous t − 1
iterations of the stage game. We will denote a period t history by
There is one history in period 1. We refer to it as the null history
as no play has taken place thus far. We often denote it by φ
Each history of a repeated game with observable actions or perfect
monitoring can be identified with an information set. Why?
What is a strategy?
A strategy for player i is a mapping from the set of possible
histories to the set of actions of player i in the stage game
Solution concept?
Subgame perfection
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Example—Repeated Game
U 0, 0 3, 4 6, 0
M 4, 3 0, 0 0, 0
D 0, 6 0, 0 5, 5
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Suppose the following stage game is repeated twice:
U 0, 0 3, 4 6, 0
M 4, 3 0, 0 0, 0
D 0, 6 0, 0 5, 5
Consider the following strategy profile s = (s1 , s2 ):
s1 (∅) = D
M if h2 = (D, R)
s1 (h2 ) =
U if h2 6= (D, R)
s2 (∅) = R
L if h2 = (D, R)
s2 (h2 ) =
M if h2 6= (D, R)
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Example—Strategies and Payoffs
Suppose the following stage game is repeated twice:
U 0, 0 3, 4 6, 0
M 4, 3 0, 0 0, 0
D 0, 6 0, 0 5, 5
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Example—Strategies and Payoffs
Suppose the following stage game is repeated twice:
U 0, 0 3, 4 6, 0
M 4, 3 0, 0 0, 0
D 0, 6 0, 0 5, 5
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Example: SPNE
U 0, 0 3, 4 6, 0
M 4, 3 0, 0 0, 0
D 0, 6 0, 0 5, 5
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Example: SPNE
U 0, 0 3, 4 6, 0
M 4, 3 0, 0 0, 0
D 0, 6 0, 0 5, 5
s∗1 (∅) = D
M if h2 = (D, R)
s∗1 (h2 ) =
( 73 U, 47 M ) if h2 6= (D, R)
s∗2 (∅) = R
L if h2 = (D, R)
s∗2 (h2 ) =
( 73 L, 47 M ) if h2 6= (D, R)
If h2 = (D, R), then (s∗1 (h2 ), s∗2 (h2 )) = (M, L) is a Nash eq. of the
stage game.
s∗1 (∅) = D
M if h2 = (D, R)
s∗1 (h2 ) =
( 73 U, 47 M ) if h2 6= (D, R)
s∗2 (∅) = R
L if h2 = (D, R)
s∗2 (h2 ) =
( 73 L, 47 M ) if h2 6= (D, R)
Consider player 1’s choice at the initial history ∅ holding player 2’s
strategy fixed at s∗2 . If she follows her strategy s∗1 and plays D, her
payoff (in the overall game) is 5+4δ1 . On the other hand, if she
deviates from D and plays U , her most profitable deviation against s∗2 ,
then her payoff is 6+ 12
7 δ1 . So, no profitable deviation exists for 1 if:
12 7
5 + 4δ1 ≥ 6 + 7 δ1 ⇔ δ1 ≥ 16
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7 7
If the stage game specified above is repeated twice, then for δ1 ≥ 16
and δ2 ≥ 9
following strategy profile is a SPNE:
s∗1 (∅) = D
M if h2 = (D, R)
s∗1 (h2 ) =
( 73 U, 47 M ) if h2 6= (D, R)
s∗2 (∅) = R
L if h2 = (D, R)
s∗2 (h2 ) =
( 73 L, 47 M ) if h2 6= (D, R)
Next, consider player 2’s choice at the initial history ∅ holding player
1’s strategy fixed at s∗1 . If she follows her strategy s∗2 and plays R, her
payoff (in the overall game) is 5+3δ2 . On the other hand, if she
deviates from R and plays L, her most profitable deviation against s∗1 ,
then her payoff is 6+ 12
7 δ2 . So, no profitable deviation exists for 2 if:
12 7
5 + 3δ2 ≥ 6 + 7 δ2 ⇔ δ2 ≥ 9
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Example: Finitely Repeated Prisoners’ Dilemma
Confess (Y) 4, 0 1, 1
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Some Results
In any repeated game, whether finite or infinite, playing a stage game
Nash equilibrium in every period can be supported as a SPNE outcome
of that repeated game.
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Some Results
In any repeated game, whether finite or infinite, playing a stage game
Nash equilibrium in every period can be supported as a SPNE outcome
of that repeated game.
If the stage game of a finitely repeated game has a unique Nash
equilibrium, then the finitely repeated game has a unique SPNE.
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Repeated games: An important result
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Example: Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma
Consider the infinitely repeated game Γ∞ involving an infinite
repetition of the prisoners’ dilemma:
Confess (Y) 4, 0 1, 1
We assume here that both players have the same discount factor of δ
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Example: Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma
For δ ≥ 3
, (s∗1 , s∗2 ) below is a SPNE of Γ∞ :
∗ N if h ∈ HN
s1 (h) =
Y if h ∈ HY
N if h ∈ HN
s∗2 (h) =
Y if h ∈ HY
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Example: Infinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma
For δ ≥ 3
, (s∗1 , s∗2 ) below is a SPNE of Γ∞ :
∗ N if h ∈ HN
s1 (h) =
Y if h ∈ HY
N if h ∈ HN
s∗2 (h) =
Y if h ∈ HY
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Axelrod’s tournaments and tit-for-tat strategy
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