DIASS Q3 - MODULE 5 Disciplines Professionals and Practitioners in Social Work 1
DIASS Q3 - MODULE 5 Disciplines Professionals and Practitioners in Social Work 1
DIASS Q3 - MODULE 5 Disciplines Professionals and Practitioners in Social Work 1
Module 5: Disciplines,
Professionals, and
Practitioners in Social Work
Jorge W. Echavia, Jr., M. Ed. GC, LPT
Compiler/ Contextualizer
What I Know
Multiple Choice: Choose the LETTER of the best answer and write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.
2. Activities that promote society’s well-being by giving professional assistance.
A. Social Action B. Social Agency C. Social Service D. Social Welfare
4. The well-being of society, quality of life, and social involvement are its prime
A. Social Worker B. Social Agency C. Social Welfare D. Social Service
11. Helping patients and their family to cope with problems and to communicate
them with doctors and other health professionals concerned is the scope
A. School Social Work C. Clinical Social Work
B. Medical Social Work D. Child and Family Social Work
14. To practice freely according to the ethical standards of practice and
government laws indicates_________.
A. Rights of Social Workers C. Responsibilities of Social Workers
B. Competencies of Social Workers D. Accountabilities of Social Workers
15. Social workers behave in a trustworthy manner, observe honor, and maintain
proper behavior is called as__________.
A. Ethical Standards C. Competencies of Social Workers
B. Rights of Social Workers D. Responsibilities of Social Workers
As you move along with your self-learning in the Discipline and Ideas in the
Applied Social Sciences (DIASS), you will now encounter the second application_
SOCIAL WORK. In this module, you will be able to widen your understanding of the
real work of Social Work, and everything that comes with the real practice. As you
dig deeper into the study of Applied Social Sciences, you will be enlightened on the
professional practice of the Social Work profession. Studying more about SOCIAL
WORK will provide you the opportunity to deeply understand the complex nature of
the profession as you are to engage in helping other people.
The Philippine Association of Social Workers Inc. (PASWI) governs and
manages the practice of social work in the Philippines. Meanwhile, the National
Association of Social Workers (NASW) strictly defines the Code of Ethics for the
practice of the Social Work profession.
What’s In
Social Work values are founded on the ideas that: 1) people need to gain
resources and opportunities to meet the demands of living and reach their fullest
potential; 2) social interaction needs the respect of individuality to uphold individual
dignity by valuing one’s uniqueness and self-worth; 3) people needs to respect
personal rights and the rights of others, seek self-determination, and self-
independence; and 4) individuals and the society must carry out the values of social
work and must strive to participate in the exercise for democracy and society must
provide good ways to practice democracy. Social work is a more specific discipline
within social welfare.
Instructions: Identify the word or words in the box that are directly related to the
statements below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
3. The practitioner that assists the poor or rich, men or women, the LGBT
community, the able, persons with disabilities (PWD), the differently-abled,
and the protection of children, youth, or the old.
4. It is centered on the principles of social justice, human rights, collective
responsibility, and respect for diversities to engage people.
What’s New
1. Prevention refers to the timely intervention of a social worker before
serious problems arise like the provision of financial assistance, services,
and facilities.
2. Restoration refers to the rehabilitation of persons whose functioning has
been impaired by physical or mental issues.
3. Remediation involves the elimination of existing problems such as drug
addiction or substance abuse.
Social Work values the general principles of the nature of the work and must
be applied in all practice situations regardless of the client’s cultural background,
social work settings, roles assumed by the social worker, and the used theories,
models, and techniques.
Social workers need to adhere to principles but there are still exceptions based
on the practitioners’ discretion. These general principles are:
1. People may choose and decide for themselves.
2. As helping professionals, social workers must aid others in achieving
3. As helping professionals, social workers must need to alter external
negative factors that affect their clients.
4. Actions are performed according to individual purposes and goals.
5. The new behavior can be individually acquired.
6. Individuals can address challenges and use currently available
alternatives, utilize hidden strengths, and practice coping mechanisms.
7. Problems experienced by individuals are due to little or inadequate coping
and adaptation skills.
8. People often share their problems with everyone and may not keep them
for themselves.
9. Misfortune and more challenges are inevitable, and more strength and
resilience can be acquired along the process.
10. Self-esteem is important for everyone.
11. Growth can be established in open and authentic social relationships.
12. Growth entails realization with sensitivity on acted needs of significant and
immediate others.
13. Learning to live in the moment may help in reaching the highest
14. Consideration of the means used to achieve aimed goals is needed.
15. Social workers need to practice self-awareness, sensitivity, and wisdom in
understanding others to further help their clients in self-understanding.
16. Every individual must respect each other’s values and beliefs.
What Is It
Social Workers on the other hand must have special pieces of training on
mental health to help with: Relationship Problems; Life Crises; Adjustment Issues;
and Traumatic Events.
What’s More
Instructions: Read and reflect on the lyrics of the song “Fix You” by Coldplay (BTS
has also a version). If you have the MP3 format of the song and you
know the song, you may sing with it. Answer the questions that
follow and write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Fix You
Guide Questions:
1. Based on the song and lyrics of “Fix You”, how important is social work and
would it help society?
2. Is fixing a society would just mean giving the people’s needs?
3. How significant is seeing, feeling, and giving in the practice of social work?
4. As a social worker, what could be the best way to understand society’s needs
and social issues especially in this COVID-19 pandemic? Cite a social need
and issue and briefly explain further.
In this lesson, you will learn that mastering important skills enhances a social
worker’s abilities in this challenging field. Education, practice, and personal
discovery all assist an individual to excel in these areas. It is also critical that social
workers have a strong sense of professional identity so that the unique perspective
of social work practice can contribute to the team’s decision-making process in the
best interest of clients. This is a great challenge for social workers whose identities
have often been formed by the nature of their employment, the culture of an
organization, or their position title.
Social workers are professionals in their field and can provide services in
various ways. They play many roles and perform functions associated with social
work and social welfare. As professionals, social workers are expected to engage
competently and ethically in their practice and be active members in local, national,
or international organizations. Social workers roles are the following but not limited
1. Human Service Broker. Building connections between clients and local or
international organizations to provide access to necessary resources. The
social worker assesses their actual needs, provides referrals, and finds
resources to respond to these needs.
2. Teacher. Educating clients to acquire knowledge and skills for the prevention
of problems, enhancement of functioning, and empowerment. A social worker
can be in colleges and universities teaching social work.
3. Counselor. Serving clients facing physical and mental health issues and other
difficult situations. A social worker must have a good understanding of
human behavior and how human behavior is affected by the environment.
4. Manager. Using expertise in management and supervision to help the highly
dependent, underprivileged, and vulnerable sectors of the society (children,
elderly, and seriously disabled) and other special cases use or access services
from various institutions or organizations.
5. Advocate. Identifying community issues and problems, assessing needs,
improving quality of life, obtaining, and sustaining resources, and convincing
others of the legitimate needs and rights of the community or society.
6. Administrator. Serving both the public and private social agencies in the
implementation of policies, programs, and services.
7. Facilitator. Organizing the involvement of the community or groups of people
in the community development and social advocacies. Social workers also
serve as group therapists especially in an after-disaster situation and as task
group leaders.
8. Researcher. Actively involved in research and needs to be updated on the
current trends in the discipline and contribute to the development of the
social work profession.
The social work profession draws from human development and reconciliation
of the complex interactions of human beings and their environment. The functions
of social work are very wide.
1. Engagement. Community engagement or face-to-face meetings can promote
collaborative relationships. Social workers are highly exposed to risks and it
is advised to practice proper techniques, documentation, and self-protection.
2. Assessment. Data gathering is important to guide and direct a plan of action.
These data must be protected, and confidentiality must be practiced.
3. Planning. Formulating and negotiating a plan of action.
4. Implementation. Promoting the acquisition of resources and enhancing role
5. Monitoring and Evaluation. Documenting ongoing short-term goal
attainment of client and doing proper follow-up.
6. Supporting Counseling. Affirming, challenging, encouraging, informing, and
exploring options with the client.
7. Graduated Disengagement. Seeking to properly replace the social worker
with naturally occurring and existing resources.
communities, participate in relief and rescue operations during crises, and
facilitate psychological debriefing for disaster victims.
4. Public and Private Schools employ social workers who will work as teachers,
university professors, researchers, administrators for community linkages,
guidance counselors, and career planners or advocates.
5. Community Setting social workers serve the marginalized communities like
the informal settlers and indigenous people, organizers and development
specialists of nonprofit organizations or grassroots organizations that raise
funds, apply grants and support for infrastructure or other development
projects at the community level for proper recovery.
Social workers have a wide scope of work. The special areas of social work
were categorized into:
1. Child and Family Social Work. Looks into the rights of the child to
education, against exploitation, rehabilitation, and speech and expression.
Government policies, services, and protection of the child must be
strengthened and monitored (child abuse, adoption, welfare, cyberbullying,
child labor, prostitution, abandonment, and neglect).
2. Medical Social Work. Help patients and their families to cope with problems
and communicate them with doctors and other health professionals
concerned with the patient.
3. Clinical Social Work. Provide a full range of mental health services including
assessment, diagnosis, treatment, referral, and assistance on adjustments.
4. Social Work Administration and Management. Manage program planning,
fundraising or budget management, monitor and evaluate public and social
policy, coordination of activities with agencies and staff.
5. International Social Work. Counsel refugees, facilitate international
adoption, and provide disaster relief.
6. School Social Work. Serves as counselors, coordinates with parents and
teachers of delinquent students facilitates career orientation and acts on
bullying committed by students or teachers.
7. Geriatrics Social Work. Takes care of elderly, separated, or neglected by
families and let them live in the Home for the Aged.
8. Social Work in an Acute Psychiatric Hospital. Provide psycho-social
assessment, patient and family education and support, individual and group
therapy, and discharge and aftercare planning.
9. Community Social Work. Assist the community in defining social problems
and provide direction and guidance in social mobilization.
10. Gender and Development Social Work. Promote equal rights and
opportunities for men and women in both public or private agencies,
advocates change and help draft social policy proposals to promote gender
Social Workers may also work on these areas as part of their scope of work:
addiction treatment; criminal justice; crisis intervention; disaster relief; domestic relief;
domestic violence intervention; HIV/AIDS education and awareness; military social
work; political, rural, and industrial development; and women’s welfare, particularly
women's abuse.
What’s More
Instructions: Create a GRAPHIC ORGANIZER and you may follow the table format
shown below or make your own creative graphic organizer in a
separate sheet of paper. In answering, please remember the KISS
Principle (Keep It Short and Simple).
1. Social workers’ primary goal is to serve and help people in need and to
address social problems as well as challenge social injustice.
2. Social workers respect the inherent dignity and worth of the person and
recognize the central importance of human relationships.
3. Social workers behave in a trustworthy manner, observe honor, and
maintain proper behavior.
4. Social workers practice within their areas of competence, develop and
enhance their professional expertise, and always promote the values,
objectives, ethical practice, and knowledge of the profession.
5. Social workers need to practice respect, fairness, politeness, honesty, and
sincerity in interacting with colleagues, employers, and employing
What’s More
1. How important are the roles of social work in the present society?
2. How can a social work practitioner uphold the values of the profession in this
3. How would a social worker maintain professionalism in the practice?
4. If you were a social worker, what can you do to alleviate suffering and make
the lives of other people better especially in this time of the COVID-19
pandemic crisis?
Instructions: Reflect and copy or modify figures below. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper. Always remember the KISS Principle (Keep
It Short and Simple).
Modified Multiple Choice. Choose the letter and words of the best answer on the
choices provided. Write your answers on a separate piece of paper.
A. Roles B. Rights C. Functions D. Responsibilities
E. Accountabilities
Additional Activity
Instructions: Using a separate sheet of paper, ponder or analyze the picture below
and answer the guide questions afterward. Keep a copy in your
notebook for future reference as we go along with your self-learning.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the deeper meaning of the picture shown above?
2. What is the best way to describe social work based on the picture?
3. How will you be able to extend a helping hand when you also need one?
4. As a student of social science, how can social work sustain a person’s
transformation and the transformation of society especially in this COVID-19
Criteria Description Points
The analysis was well-thought, the message was clear and
Content 6
The analysis was well-organized, made with accuracy and value
Organization 7
concerning the topic.
The analysis was produced with quality, imaginative skills, and
Creativity 7
Answer Key
What’s In
1) Social Worker, 2) Social Welfare, 3) Social Worker, 4) Social Work, 5) Social Service, 6) Social
Work, 7) Social Service, 8) Social Agency, 9) Social Action, 10) Social Cooperation
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Bradford W.S., Charles, H. (2006). Techniques and guidelines for social work
practice, 7th edition. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon
Dela Cruz, A. et. al. (2016). Disciplines and ideas in the social sciences. Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Parmar, A. (March 2014). Methods of social work and its role in understanding
team climate and team effectiveness for organizational development. Journal
of Sociology and Social Work, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 303-318. American Research
Institute for Policy Development.
Sampa, E. (2017). Disciplines and ideas in the applied social sciences. Manila: Rex
Book Store Inc.
Photo Credit