Account Statement
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Ponti Canfas Soci
(Summary of Account Activity
Payment Information
Previous Balance New Balance $888,00.
Payments Minimum Pay
ayment Due $29.00
{Other Credits Payment Due Date May 21, 2022
‘Cash Advances
Fees Charged
Late Payment Warning: ifwe donot receive your minimum payment bythe
date ised above, you may have to pay a late fe up to $40,
Minimum Payment Warning: Ifyou make only the minimum payment each
petlod, you wil pay moro in ltrast and it wl take you longer o pay of your
balance. For example:
“Only the minimum payment | ‘2years
rei Lime $2,000.00) | _ Ont z
Tou woud Be nfomiion abou cea cauneoing earns, cal V-677 387-3167
Available Credit $1,419.00
‘Amount Over Credit Limit sooo |}
Statement Closing Date oa/eareo22
‘Next Statement Closing Date osr2si2022
ays in Biling Cycle 30
Please see the enclosed deferred interest promotional offer update for important information.
Reminder: Payments may be made by mal by caling 1-800-269-0601, cr by visting
‘Note! In-etore payments are not accepted.
Please note thatf we received your pay by phone or online payment betwaen § pm, ET and miight ET on the last day of your bling period, your
payment will ot be refectoduntl your next statment
Please update your phone number, including cel phone number on the back of he payment coupon.
“Markating offers included in this statement are intended fr residents of the United States ands Tetras
Use your TSC Personal or Card to make @ donation to 4-H between 4/27-5/8/22 and
Tractor Supply will MATCH your donation! # a
See store for cals er hy all H. No} Scone of this product or service is
ranted or implied by 4-H, the US government, or any of its organizatiofl units or employees. =
SSSount ie aed by CHIbane NA.
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