Integrating Motivational Strategies in Language Teaching and Learning

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Integrating Motivational Strategies in Language Teaching and Learning



Teachers’ Motivational Strategies Language Teaching

 Digital tools
 Promote practical and
communicative use of
 Language games
 Assessment and feedback
 Creating congenial
Language Learning
Students’ Motivational Strategies
 Extrinsic motivation
 Intrinsic motivation
o Integrative
o Instrumental

Motivational Strategies

- Motivational strategies refer to the methods of teachers and learners. These

motivational strategies determine the impact of motivation on language teaching
and learning.

Language Teaching
- is used to describe a teacher's methods or teaching approaches that focus on
how best to teach a language in a classroom setting. This encompasses both
traditional and contemporary teaching methods.
Language Learning
- Involves developing the ability to communicate in a second or foreign language.
Students’ Motivational Technique

- Students' Motivational Techniques: These are various strategies employed by the

students in order to be motivated and boost their interest, competence, and self-
determination in engaging the language. Consider the use of digital technologies,
extrinsic motivation, and intrinsic motivation in language learning.

Teachers’ Motivational Technique

- These are the active teaching methods used by language teachers to encourage
and motivate students in language learning. It is a teaching practice that
influences teachers' effectiveness and learners' determination.
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Bangan, Leonard
Calumpit, Eliza
Datul, Camilla
Gumaru, Emalyn
Pauig, Joylyn
Rodriguez, Khrystyn
Romiro, Lizel

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