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Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis: Jurnal Program studi Akuntansi, 5 (2) November 2019.

ISSN 2443-3071 (Print) ISSN 2503-0337 (Online). DOI: 10.31289/jab.v5i2.2633


Jurnal Program Studi Akuntansi
Available online



Mimar Husnaliana Dinca a*, Vita Elisa Fitriana a

a Accounting Department, President University

Submitted June 2019; Accepted August 2019; Published November 2019

This research aims to examine the influence of R&D expenditure, multinationality and corporate
governance (independent commissioners and shareholders ownership) toward transfer pricing
aggressiveness. The prior study recommends determining the factors that affecting transfer pricing
aggressiveness in different jurisdictions. Transfer pricing aggressiveness in this research is shown by
transfer pricing index, which is the disclosure of transactions with related parties relating to transfer
pricing. This research uses 63 multinational companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2016-
2017. The results indicate regression analysis research and development expenditures have no
influence toward transfer pricing aggressiveness. Meanwhile, multinationality has a positive influence
on transfer pricing aggressiveness. Moreover, corporate governances represented by independent
commissioners and shareholders ownership have negative influences on transfer pricing

Keywords: Transfer Pricing Aggressiveness, Research & Development Expenditure, Multinationality,

Corporate Governance, Independent Commissioners, Shareholder Ownership

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh biayapenelitian dan pengembangan, multinasionalitas,
dan tata kelola perusahaan (direktur independen dan kepemilikan pemegang saham) terhadap
agresivitas transfer pricing. Penelitian sebelumnya yang merekomendasikan untuk menentukan faktor-
faktor yang mempengaruhi agresivitas penentuan harga transfer di berbagai yurisdiksi. Agresivitas
transfer pricing dalam penelitian ini ditunjukkan oleh indeks transfer pricing yang merupakan
pengungkapan transaksi dengan pihak berelasi berkaitan dengan transfer pricing. Penelitian ini
menggunakan 63 perusahaan multinasional yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dari tahun 2016-
2017. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa biaya penelitian dan pengembangan tidak memiliki
pengaruh terhadap agresivitas transfer pricing. Sementara itu, multinasionalitas memiliki pengaruh
positif pada agresivitas transfer pricing. Selain itu, tata kelola perusahaan yang diwakili oleh direktur
independen dan kepemilikan pemegang saham memiliki pengaruh negatif pada agresivitas transfer
Keyword: Agresivitas Transfer Pricing, Pengeluaran Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Multinasionalitas,
Komisioner Independen, Kepemilikan Pemegang Saham.

How To Cite: Dinca, Mimar Husnaliana & Fitriana, Vita Elisa (2019) Do R&D Expenditure, Multinationality and
Corporate Governance Influence Transfer Pricing Aggressiveness?. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis: Jurnal Program
Studi Akuntansi, 5 (2): 102 - 114

* email: [email protected]

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis: Jurnal Program Studi Akuntansi, 5 (2) November 2019

This research aims to examine the influence R&D expenditure, multinationality and
corporate governances toward transfer pricing aggressiveness. Prior research held in
Australia found intangible assets, multinationality, size, profitability and leverage were
significantly associated with transfer pricing aggressiveness, the prior research
recommends to determine the factors affecting transfer pricing aggressiveness in
different jurisdictions (Richardson et al., 2013). Moreover, Australian jurisdiction
adheres to common law system which the judges have broader authority to interpret the
legal basis law that has been made (Mcleish, 2014). Unlike Australia, Indonesia is a civil
law country where the judges only interpret existing laws without any authority to
regulate it (Entah, 2016). Because of those differences, the similar research is conducted
in Indonesia.
The practice of transfer pricing has led to the transfer pricing aggressiveness that
significantly reduce the company tax liabilities. Transfer pricing is described as a
technique for optimizing allocation of costs and revenues a group of company (Sikka &
Willmott, 2010). Moreover, transactions between taxpayers and related parties should
use the same fair value as transactions with other independent parties so as to comply
with the principle of arm's length price. Therefore, aggressive transfer pricing activities
are reflected in the many transactions that are not arm's length between the related
Transfer pricing becomes the greatest opportunities for multinational companies
with high profit margins generated from intangible assets (e.g., R&D expenditure)
(Castellania et al., 2017). In fact, prior research found companies can be more aggressive
in transfer pricing practice through the effect of intangible assets and multinationality.
This argument strengthened by Keuschnigget al. (2013) which stated multinational
companies can do shifting profits aggressively to low tax jurisdictions due to minimize
taxes. This is supported by significant empirical evidence in Danish, it shows Danish
multinational companies do the shifting profits (Cristea & Nguyen, 2016). Since tax
avoidance could happen by the contribution of R&D expenditure (Barker et al., 2017),
multinational companies have a greater opportunity to practice aggressive transfer
pricing through the transfer of intangible assets between tax jurisdictions.
This research observes corporate governance from two perspectives of the
company, internal and external. Therefore, independent commissioners measure the
performance of corporate governance from the internal perspective and shareholders
ownership from the external perspective. Moreover, corporate governance can reduce
transfer pricing aggressiveness and avoid the manipulation (Lo, Wong, & Firth, 2010).
Otherwise, companies will have higher transfer pricing aggressiveness if the corporate
governances are not implemented well and lead to the transfer pricing manipulation. The
research indicates two of corporate governance’s aspects are independent
commissioners and shareholders ownership can ensure the companies run well and
make managers less effective to dominate the board.
According to Cornett et al. (2009), corporate governance could improve by
independent commissioners even their performance depends on the business and
regulatory compliance situation. Moreover, Minnick and Noga (2010) stated that
corporate governance have influence on tax management where independent
commissioners are included in it and this independent commissioners put more
attentions on international tax management (e.g, transfer pricing). Independent
commissioners weaken relatively aggressive levels of transfer pricing, which are likely to
be indicative of not resolved agency problems. This is strenghtened by Lo et al. (2010)’s

Dinca, Mimar Husnaliana & Fitriana, Vita Elisa (2019) Do R&D Expenditure, Multinationality and Corporate
Governance Influence...

finding, their result show companies with more independent commissioners are less
likely to engage with transfer pricing due to reducing agency cost. Hence, a higher
proportion of independent commissioners can mitigate agency problem related to the
aggressive level of transfer pricing.
Transfer pricing gives more benefit for the companies that conducting transfer
pricing since the purpose of transfer pricing will be not fair for the government and
minority shareholders. Conversely, it will be more profitable for the largest shareholders
because decreasing or eliminating taxes through transfer pricing is drawing attention to
the companies as it increases shareholders value, after-tax income and returns to
shareholders. The largest shareholders ownership affects the corporate governance
performances in order to committing transfer pricing aggressiveness (Akhtar et al.,
2017). This is confirmed by Lo et al. (2010) that prove the right of shareholders
ownership is relative high and has a positive relation in transfer pricing aggressiveness.
Nevertheless, Jensen et al. (1976) stated that unresolved agency problem occur when
committing transfer pricing and it can be reduced by shareholders. Therefore,
shareholders ownership has a part in decision making against transfer pricing
aggressiveness depends on whether it is profitable for shareholders. Based on
explanations above, it argues corporate governances especially the existence of
Independent commissioners and shareholders ownership play a role in conducting
transfer pricing aggressiveness
Based on explanations above, we proposed several hypotheses to be examined as
H1: R&D expenditure positively influence transfer pricing aggressiveness;
H2: Multinationality positively influencetransfer pricing aggressiveness;
H3: Independent commissioners negatively influencetransfer pricing
H4: Shareholders ownership negatively influence transfer pricing

The research method used in this study is a quantitative method. This research uses
purposive sampling technique for the sample selection, the criteria namely; The
companies that listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2016 until 2017. Non-financial
companies. Based on Richardson et al. (2013), financial companies have significant
differences in the application of accounting policies. Then, financial companies will be
eliminated from the sample. The companies that have overseas subsidiary. The
companies are using Rupiah (Rp) as the currency and The companies have complete data
to analyze

Operational Definition of Variables

Transfer Pricing Aggressiveness
Transfer pricing aggressiveness is business activities that done by the company
aggressively in order to reduce tax liabilities. This variable is measured by the ‘sum-
score’ which is TPRICE index consist of eight items that already develop by Richardson et
al. (2013). Eight items are as follows:
(1) The existence of interest free loans between related entities;
(2) The existence of debt forgiveness between related entities;
(3) The existence of impaired loans between related entities;

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis: Jurnal Program Studi Akuntansi, 5 (2) November 2019

(4) The provision of non-monetary consideration (e.g. services or non-liquid

assets) without commercial justification between related entities;
(5) The absence of formal documentation held by the firm to support the
selection and application of the most appropriate arm’s length
methodologies or the absence of formal documentation relating to transfer
pricing between related entities;
(6) The disposal of capital assets to related entities without commercial
(7) The absence of arm’s length justification for transactions between related
(8) The transfer of losses between related entities without commercial

These eight transfer pricing aggressiveness items represented in the sample will get
scored ‘1’ if the company engaged in activities that indicative of transfer pricing
aggressiveness, or ‘0’ if there is no evidence of activities of transfer pricing
aggressiveness. The total of the items index in the company will be divided by 7to get the
score of transfer pricing aggressiveness. The eight item is eliminated because accounting
principles which are arm’s length transaction and economic entity concept that the
transfer of losses in Indonesia is not applicable. In addition, according to Income Tax
Law Article 6 Paragraph 2 some points that need to be considered in terms of losses
compensation are losses compensations are only for both entity and individual taxpayer
who engage in business activities that the income is not subject to the final income tax
and income’s tax calculation do not use norms of calculation. Foreign business losses
cannot be compensated by domestic income. Thus, maximum score of TPRICE Index is 1
or 100%, the higher (lower) of the overall score for TPRICE determines the higher
(lower) of the level of transfer pricing aggressiveness.

Research and Development Expenditure

This research uses the following measurement from Dyreng et al. (2008) for this
independent variable:

RDEX= Ln of R&D expenditure [1]

Companies can be called as multinational companies if they have subsidiaries or
related party in other countries. This independent variable is measured by formula that
based on Richardson et al. (2013) as follow:

Foreign Subsidiaries
MULTI= [2]
The Total of Subsidiaries

Independent Commissioners
Independent commissioners are presented by the proportion of the independent
commissioners on board in keeping with previous study by Patelli and Prencipe (2007):

Independent Commissioners
INDCOM= The Total of Commissioners on The Board [3]

Dinca, Mimar Husnaliana & Fitriana, Vita Elisa (2019) Do R&D Expenditure, Multinationality and Corporate
Governance Influence...

Shareholders Ownership
This variable represents by the proportion of shares owned by the largest
shareholder base on study from Lo et al. (2010):

SHARE= The Percentage Share Held by The Largest Shareholder [4]

Firm Size
Rego (2003) states that big companies have a chance to avoid taxes because they
engage in many business activities and financial transactions. Hence, this research uses
firm size as a control variable that the measurement is from previous research by
Richardson and Lanis (2007):

SIZE= Ln of Total Assets [5]

The profitability of a company shows the ability of a company to generate profits
for a certain period of time at certain levels of sales, assets and share capital. This ratio is
measured by net income after taxes divided by total assets (Alper and Anbar, 2011).

Net income After Tax

ROA= [6]
Total Assets

Companies that have high tax obligations will prefer to owe to reduce taxes burden.
Leverage is measured by long-term debt divided by total assets in keeping with Gupta
and Newberry (1997).

(Long-term Debt)
LEV= [7]
Total Assets

Statistical Analysis
In the research, the relation between variables present by regression model. The
following regression model is used to examine the influence of R&D expenditure,
multinationality and corporate governances toward transfer pricing aggressiveness with
additional control variables:

TPRICE = α0 + α1 RDEX + α2 MULTI + α3 INDCOM + α4 SHARE + α5 SIZE + + α6 ROA + α7 LEV + e

𝛼0 : Constant
TPRICE : Transfer pricing aggressiveness
RDEX : Research and development expenditure
MULTI : Multinationality
INDCOM : Independent Commissioners
SHARE : Shareholders ownership
SIZE : Firm Size
ROA : Profitability
LEV : Leverage
e : Error

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis: Jurnal Program Studi Akuntansi, 5 (2) November 2019


Descriptive Analysis
Descriptive analysis is used to summarize in Table 1 showed the characteristics of
each variable that used in this research as follows:

Table 4. 1 Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Transfer Pricing 126 0.140 1.000 0.52897 0.155876
R&D Expenditure 126 0.000 26.204 2.91581 7.703194
Multinationality 126 0.040 1.000 0.24095 0.169637
Independent 126 0.200 0.833 0.40910 0.113491
Shareholders 126 0.044 0.925 0.51156 0.223391
Firm Size 126 22.969 32.108 29.35388 1.624496
Profitability 126 -2.084 2.192 0.00995 0.326013
Leverage 126 0.003 11.889 0.43852 1.397029
Valid N (listwise) 126

The minimum value of R&D expenditure is 0 which means there are companies do
not cost for research and development. Table 1 showed the maximum of R&D
expenditure is 26.204. Second, the minimum value of multinationality shown is 0.04 and
the maximum value is 1. There is big difference here due to the variety of business
strategies the company has to expand its operations. Moreover, the greater the value of
multinationality means many overseas subsidiaries are owned by the company. The
minimum value of independent commissioners shown in Table 1is 0.20 and the
maximum value is 0.83. The greater of independent commissioners value means the
more independent commissioners the company has. The minimum value of shareholders
ownership shown in Table 1is 0.04 and the maximum value is 0.92. As shown in Table 1,
the minimum value of firm size is 22.969 while the maximum value of size is 32.108 It
also shows the standard deviation which is smaller than the mean’s value, it means this
research has varied data.
From Table 1, the profitably has the minimum value for -2.084 which means the
profit generated is only -2.08% from the assets that used, while the value maximum is
2,192, so the net income generated is 2.19% of the total assets. The standard deviation is
0.326013 which means the tendency of ROA data between a company and other
companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange during the year has a deviation rate of 0.326013.
In Table 1, the minimum value of leverage is 0.003, which means the company do not
have much long-term debt whereas the maximum value of leverage is 11.889. The
company is very dependent on the use of debt to run the company. The difference
between the maximum and minimum values lies in the company's policy in making their
strategy to finance the company's operations.

Classic Assumption Test Result

Normality Test
This research uses Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to measure the normality of the data
distribution. The distribution of data is normal if the value of Asymp. Sig in Kolmogorov-

Dinca, Mimar Husnaliana & Fitriana, Vita Elisa (2019) Do R&D Expenditure, Multinationality and Corporate
Governance Influence...

Smirnov test is bigger than 0.05. as shown on the table 2, the value of Asym. Sig of
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is 0.059, it means the residual data has already distributed
normally because the significant value is higher than 0.05.

Table 2 Normality Test

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test - One sample
Unstandardized Residual
N 126
Mean 0.0000000
Std. Deviastion 0.12486477
Absolute 0.078
Positive 0.078
Negative -0.056
Test Statistic 0.078
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.059

Heteroscedasticity Test
This research uses the glejzer test to measure if the residual of data have constant
variance or not. The test is done by putting the absolute residual of TPRICE as the
dependent variable and test the regression. Table 3 shows the significant value is greater
than 0.05. Then, it can be concluded that the residual data is already homogeneous.

Table 3 Heteroscedasticity Test

Model T Sig.
Constant 0.229 0.819
R&D Expenditure -1.550 0.124
Multinationality -0.348 0.728
Independent Commisioners 1.203 0.232
Shareholders Ownership -1.229 0.222
Firm Size 0.419 0.676
Profitability -1.195 0.234
Leverage -1.928 0056

Multicollinearity Test
Multicollinearity exist if the value of VIF is higher than 10 and the tolerance value
is not far from 1. According to Table 4, all the variable values of VIF are less than 10 and
the tolerance value is not greater than 1. So, it can be concluded that there is no
multicollinearity between independent variables.

Table 4 Multicolliearity Test

Model Collinearity Statistics
Tolerance VIF
R&D Expenditure 0.955 1.047
Multinationality 0.920 1.087
Independent Commisioners 0.986 1.014
Shareholders Ownership 0.938 1.066
Firm Size 0.848 1.179
Profitability 0.593 1.687
Leverage 0.542 1.847

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis: Jurnal Program Studi Akuntansi, 5 (2) November 2019

Hypothesis Testing
After passed the classical assumption test, the sample of this research can
considered as good sample. Then, this research conducts regression analysis to test the
coefficient of determination and to test the hypothesis that can be done by using F-test
and t-test. The coefficient R2test is examined to know how much independent variables
explain the dependent variable.

Table 5 Coefficient Determination

Model Summary
Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate
1 .599 0.358 0.320 0.128515

The result of the adjusted R2 in this research is 0.320 or 32%, it means that all
independent variables are explained to the dependent variable for 32% while the
remaining 68% are explained by other variables outside of this research.

Table 6 F Test
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 1.088 7 0.155 9.413 .000b
Residual 1.949 118 0.017
Total 3.037 125

According to the Table 6, the significant value is less than 0.05. It means that R&D
expenditure, multinationality, independent commissioners, shareholders ownership,
firm size, profitability and leverage are significant on transfer pricing aggressiveness.

Regression Analysis
T-test is used to analyze the partial relationship between each of independent
variables on dependent variable.

Table 7 T-Test
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
Model t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
Constant 0.425 0.241 1.764 0.040
RDEX -0.002 0.002 -0.089 -1.175 0.121
MULTI 0.158 0.071 0.171 2.241 0.013
INDCOM -0.559 0.103 -0.407 -5.480 0.000
SHARE -0.232 0.053 -0.332 -4.364 0.000
SIZE 0.014 0.008 0.148 1.854 0.033
ROA 0.092 0.046 0.191 1.998 0.024
LEV -0.001 0.011 -0.012 -0.121 0.452

Dinca, Mimar Husnaliana & Fitriana, Vita Elisa (2019) Do R&D Expenditure, Multinationality and Corporate
Governance Influence...

From the Table 7 regression equation is obtained as follows:

TPRICE = 0.425 - 0.002RDEX + 0.158MULTI - 0.559INDCOM - 0.232SHARE+ 0.014SIZE+ 0.092ROA - 0.001LEV

The Influence of Research and Development Expenditure towards Transfer Pricing Aggressiveness
Based on the Table 7, it is known that the variable research and development
expenditure has a significant level above 0.05 (5%) which is equal to 0.121. Therefore,
the first hypothesis which states that R&D expenditure has significantly positive on
transfer pricing aggressiveness is not supported. However, 55 of 63 companies do not
conduct research and development, it makes the sample in this research cannot
represent the entire population. The results of this research is not in line or contrary to
the research that conducted by Richardson et al. (2013). According to Johnson (2006),
companies tend to use the difficulty in measuring intangible assets, especially in research
and development expenditure which is sometimes it difficult to compare its value with
arm's length price. But, research and development expenditure abroad will not provide
any benefits to the company because of lower taxes, while the expenditure in the country
must achieve certain conditions in order to be used as deductible expenses.
Basically, all research and development expenditure are clearly issued by the
company which supported by bookkeeping evidence related to current and future
business activities that categorized as costs to obtain, maintain and collect the income,
then can be deducted from gross income as referred to in Article 6 paragraph (1) of the
income tax law of 1984 as amended for the last time by the law no 36 of 2008. According
to The Decisions of Minister of Finance no. 769 / KMK.04 / 1990 about the tax treatment
of research and development costs carried out by the company, to improve business
competitiveness in Indonesia, in the international market and the development of the
business world in general, companies need to conduct research and development.
Moreover, research and development costs consist of costs for product development
type and quality, as well as costs to improve company efficiency, including technology
process. Then, the tax treatment of research and development costs is divided into 3
categories, such as; First, costs incurred in the framework of research and development
according to the provisions of taxation laws and regulations must be depreciated /
amortized, the charge must be made by depreciation / amortization in accordance with
the provisions of Article 6 paragraph (1) letter b Article 11 of The Income Tax Law of
1984. Second, the costs which according to the provisions of the tax laws constitute daily
business expenses, which are evidently issued in the framework of R & D, such as
employee costs for R & D, purchase of research materials and so on, that charged as daily
business expenses in the tax year where the expenditure is clearly carried out, it is in
accordance with the provisions in Article 6 paragraph (1) letter a of The Income Tax Law
of 1984, and the costs that out of fees as referred to in points 1 and 2, such as the fee of
consultants who get allot R & D works which is quite material in number, the tax
treatment is in accordance with general accepted accounting principles.
From the decision above, it can be concluded that the tax authorities want public
companies in Indonesia to conduct research and development to improve business
competitiveness. The tax authorities are not afraid of tax manipulation through transfer
pricing practices because Indonesia has tax treaty agreements with other countries to
avoid double taxation and also used to reach arm's length prices. As the implementation
of the tax treaty, a tool can be used to prevent the transfer pricing practices of
multinational companies is the existence of an exchange of information (EOI) on

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis: Jurnal Program Studi Akuntansi, 5 (2) November 2019

concerns relating to taxation issues between countries, this is being intensively carried
out with the existence of The Regulation of Minister of Finance No. 60 / PMK.03 / 2014.
Due to the strict Indonesian tax regulations on research and development,
companies become more cautious in paying taxes because not all of research and
development expenditures can be deductible expense for the company. Thus, research
and development expenditure has no influence toward transfer pricing aggressiveness.

The Influence of Multinationality towards Transfer Pricing Aggressiveness

From the regression results in Table 7, it is proven that multinationality is
significantly positive related to transfer pricing. It means H2 is accepted at a significant
level of 0.013 with the coefficient value is 0.158. Then, it indicates that multinationality
have a positive influence on transfer pricing aggressiveness in Indonesia. The results of
this research are in line with the research conducted by Rego (2003) and Richardson et
al. (2013) which state that companies with overseas subsidiaries have more
opportunities to manipulate taxes through transfer pricing. This is indicated
multinationality in Indonesia has a relationship with transfer pricing aggressiveness in
relation to reducing corporate group tax payments by placing high taxes on low tax
jurisdictions to make a profit. Thus, multinational companies in Indonesia are arguably
more aggressive in the practice of transfer pricing compared to domestic companies.

The Influence of Independent Commissioners towards Transfer Pricing Aggressiveness

According to the table 7, independent commissioners have a significant level
below 0.05 (5%) with a coefficient value of -0.559 which means independent
commissioners have significant negative toward transfer pricing aggressiveness. Then,
the third hypothesis is accepted. This result is in line with the research by Lo et al. (2010)
that stated independent commissioners are negatively significant. Thus, companies with
higher independent commissioners are less to engaged transfer pricing aggressiveness.
Moreover, the higher the proportion of Independent commissioners will reduce the level
of aggressive transfer pricing that can lead to manipulation. The higher proportion of
independent commissioners in the company will improve the performance of the
company because supervision of management, the board of directors and financial
process of the company will be more stringent and objective. So, because of the presence
of independent commissioners, management acts according to the goals of the company
without committing deviant acts or transfer pricing aggressiveness that can lead to

The Influence of Shareholders Ownership towards Transfer Pricing Aggressiveness

The result of Regression shows shareholders ownership has significant level
below 0.005 (5%) with a coefficient value of -0.232. From this result, shareholders
ownership is found to contribute negatively toward transfer pricing aggressiveness as
expected. This is in contrast with the empirical evidence of Lo et al. (2010) in the context
of China that found the largest shareholders have significantly positive on transfer
pricing aggressiveness. The differences in results can occur due to the differences in the
sample, the previous research used subsidiaries as a sample while the current research is
using companies that have subsidiaries. However, the largest shareholders in this
research are 54% held by the institutions and 8% held by the government. According to
Shleifer and Vishny (1986), institutional shareholders ownership has an important role
in minimizing agency conflicts that occur between shareholders and managers.
Moreover, the largest of shareholders ownership causes more effective supervision in

Dinca, Mimar Husnaliana & Fitriana, Vita Elisa (2019) Do R&D Expenditure, Multinationality and Corporate
Governance Influence...

controlling the opportunistic behavior of managers and can assist corporate decision
making due to improve good performances by not conducting any activity that can lead
to manipulations. Also, government has share in the company has rights to make
company to not engage with transfer pricing aggressiveness due to avoiding taxes.
Furthermore, the finding of this research is in line with the previous research that
shareholders ownership which held by the institutions able to provide good controls
over the actions of the opportunistic management in transfer pricing aggressiveness. So,
it concludes that the higher proportion of shareholder can reduce transfer pricing
aggressiveness in multinational companies listed on Indonesia stock exchange.

The Influence of Firm Size, Profitability and Leverage towards Transfer Pricing Aggressiveness
The regression indicate the size of the company has a significant level of 0.033 with
a positive coefficient of 0.014. It shows firm size is proven to have a positive influence on
transfer pricing aggressiveness. These results are in line with the results of research
conducted by Rego (2003) and Richardson et al. (2013) stated large companies certainly
have more activities than small companies have more opportunities to significantly avoid
corporate taxes because the transactions carried out are very complex and also the
larger the company must have competent human resources in minimizing the tax
burden. Moreover, it allows companies to take advantage of existing gaps to carry out
transfer pricing of each transaction. So, it can be concluded that the firm size in Indonesia
is included as the consideration of the company to engage with transfer pricing.
Therefore, firm size affects the company intensively to manipulate taxes through the
practice of transfer pricing.
From the regression result shows that profitability has significant value for 0.024
with the coefficient value of 0.092. It means profitability that proxied by ROA has a
positive effect on the company's decision to make transfer pricing. This evidence
supports the argumentations of Rego (2003) and Richardson et al. (2013), more
profitable companies will be involved in transactions and schemes that designed to
significantly avoid corporate taxes compared to companies that are unprofitable. From
the result, it can concluded that company with higher profitability in Indonesia take
advantage of the opportunity to reduce the tax burden that obtained from large profits
through transfer pricing. Thus, the higher profitability of a company, the greater
incentive of the company to carry out transfer pricing aggressiveness.
The regression results for leverage in the table 4.9 shows the coefficient value is -
0.001 with a significance level of 0.452. It indicates corporate’s leverage has no influence
towards transfer pricing aggressiveness. This finding is not in accordance with prior
research from Richardson et al. (2013) which suggests a company with a higher leverage
tends to be more aggressive in tax planning than a company with a lower leverage. The
result of this research is might cause by two reasons. First, the management will be more
conservative and more careful in making decisions and reporting financial report of the
company’s operational when the company has a high leverage. Moreover, if the company
has a high leverage and that company will keep conduct transfer pricing aggressiveness
simultaneously, this situation will make the company image unfavorable for the
investors. Second, the company choose firm size and profitability as benchmarks and the
company's incentives to carry out transfer pricing practices along with the regression
results for firm size and profitability variables which had previously been explained that
firm size and profitability positively affected transfer pricing aggressiveness so leverage
does not indicate that the company is more aggressive in manipulating taxes through
transfer pricing.

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis: Jurnal Program Studi Akuntansi, 5 (2) November 2019

Research and development expenditure has proven that it has no influence on
transfer pricing aggressiveness. The researcher suspects it is because of the strict tax
regulations in Indonesia regarding research and development costs so that the company
is very careful in reporting taxation because not all costs can be used as deductible
expense. Multinational that proxied by the number of overseas subsidiaries has a
significant positive influence on the transfer pricing effectiveness. So, it can be concluded
that multinational in Indonesia has an influence toward the transfer pricing
aggressiveness in relation to reducing group corporate taxes by placing its subsidiaries
in low tax jurisdictions. Independent commissioners proven to have a negative influence
on the aggressiveness of price transfers. Thus, independent commissioners can control
the management to acts according to the goals of the company without committing
deviant acts or transfer pricing aggressiveness that can lead to manipulation.
Shareholders ownership in this research held by institutions has a negative relationship
to transfer pricing aggressiveness. It means shareholders ownership able to provide
good controls for the companies to less engage with transfer pricing aggressiveness.

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