Digital Strategic Plan

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University of Balamand

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Education Department

EDUC 340

Technology Integration in Education

Digital Strategy Plan

Digital Strategy Plan for IC School
Two-Year Plan: 2023 - 2025

I. Introduction


The Mission of International College is to empower learners to take initiative, think critically,

and serve as role models in a global society. The curriculum aims for excellence at all levels and

embraces the education of the whole person. Graduates of IC will have developed self-

confidence, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities as well as self-discipline, social and

environmental responsibility, and an awareness of and respect for the connected nature of our

global community.


The Vision of International College (IC) is to empower learners of today to be global citizen

leaders of tomorrow.


IC is an elite that is already regarded as a gold school in the MENA organization. The

school complies to the ISTE guidelines and follows the BYOD (bring your own device)

framework. Technology is already included in most of the lessons. In addition, the school is

structured in such a manner that each cycle has its own IT department as well as technology


Our plan intends to digitize learning at all levels, requiring all members to abandon the paper

system in favor of a digital learning system that is aligned with a total school sustainability

approach while developing environmentally responsible citizens.


1. Few teachers, students, and administrators were contacted to have a better understanding

of the present technological and digital status at IC.

2. ISTE standards:

3. Bates, chapter 8, SECTION Model:

Bates, A. W. (2015). Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for Designing Teaching

and Learning for a Digital Age. Downloadable from

4. Howland, J. L., Jonassen, D., & Marra, R. M. (2012). Meaningful Learning with

Technology (4th Edition). Pearson.

5. The “Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020”, Ireland.

6. Digital Strategy Plan for Lebanese University, by Vanessa Chamoun Rabih Kahaleh

Richard Sabbouh.


Academic advisors ● Identify the variety of tools and affordances.

● Choose the right team to adopt this plan.

IT staff ● Choose specific software that improve students learning through digital
● Provide solutions for technical issues
● Set up a good internet connection
● Add access points to amplify the internet connection
● Assist the head of subjects in the ICT integration

Technology ● Analyze, collect data, and choose variety of tools

coordinators ● Promote the use of technology in an educational setting
● Review and choose the right publishers and digital forms
● Follow up the process of implementation
● Choose the right trainers to coach teachers

Heads of Subjects ● Identify the variety of tools and affordances.

● Ensure the integration of ICT in the curriculum

● Guarantee that the E-books are compatible with the learning objectives

Coordinators ● Identify the variety of tools and affordances.

● Design a curriculum that fosters digital learning.

Teachers ● Support the transition from paper based to digital learning

● Give feedback on the ICT experience
● Create a digital formative and summative assessment
● Prepare lesson plans that foster the integration of ICT into the classroom
● Participate in all the trainings
● Reduce the use of paper

Book Publishers ● Convert traditional books to Professional interactive E-Books including

videos and audios.

Extracurricular ● Organize activities that support the environment and reflect the
Department sustainability vision.

Human Resources ● Promote communication and teamwork between all staff.

● Assign the job description of all the staff.

Students ● Give feedback

● Participate in all activities and reduce the use of paper


The degree of success of the Digital Plan for IC is measured according to these indicators:

● Active integration of ICT in daily classroom activities in all subjects.

● Using effective digital technologies throughout the teaching and learning process.

● Access and manage information using digital devices, communication applications, and


● Use of renewed and innovative teaching practices for a digital world.

● Improve students' and teachers' digital literacy.

● Students take on active roles in digital and technological practices and activities

● Resources and instruction are tailored to the needs of the students.

● Sustainability education expanded beyond the classroom context.

● All school subjects are supported by sustainability education practices.

● Provide students with real-world skills that they can use to help the environment.

● Bring sustainability education and community involvement together.


This strategy plan incorporates a variety of technologies in order to improve the utilization of these

tools effectively while also reducing paper waste.

Technology Affordances

Hardware:  Access the E-book material.

Laptops/Tablets  Undertake various types of assessments (formative and
summative) using various software applications.
 Collaboration
 Perform classroom activities

E-books  Instructors will be able to use and demonstrate the material in

the books more effectively.
 The interactive aspects in the e-books include quizzes,
experiments, videos, and links, all of which will inspire students
to be more engaged and motivated.

Edcite  Create assessments that are tech enhanced.

 Utilized for interactive formative and summative assessments.
 Includes features such as auto-correction and a grading.

Kahoot  Utilized for an interactive formative assessment. (Multiple

choice and true or false questions).
 Display questions and responses on students' devices for
interaction and explanation.
 Assign student-paced exercises as assignments or revisions.

Gizmos  Explore Math and Science topics.

 Experiment using a virtual laboratory.

 Mathematics software that includes geometry, algebra,

GeoGebra spreadsheets, graphing, statistics, and calculus interactive

 Make videos for any lesson that includes questions and audio.
Edpuzzle  Assign video embedded questions to students.


This strategic plan will begin in January 2023, with the school utilizing the first eight months of

the year for preparation and staff development. From the beginning of the school year 2023-

2024, the implementation process will get launched until 2025.


Theme I: Teaching, learning, and assessment using ICT

Objectives Actions Rational Time Frame Team members

To make use of To digitally enhance According to Academic -Academic

technology's the school Howland et al. year advisor
pedagogical community by using (2012), it is 2023-2024
benefits to improve technology and imperative to 2024-2025 -Heads of
student learning pedagogy to boost identify the variety Subjects
through digital students' educational of tools, their
content. experiences. uniqueness, -Coordinators
affordances, and
when each type is -Teachers
suitable and

To analyze the Analyze, collect According to January- -Technology

current state of data, and reflect Howland et al. March 2023 coordinators of
digital learning upon the findings of (2012), both in the all divisions.
technology, digital students and teachers classroom and out
learning goals, and needs to make some in the field,
embed restructuring fundamental changes technology can
approaches in the on the level of enable engaging
educational strategy assessments, genuine learning
and curricular in the software, and through
IC school. Ebooks. exploration,

To select software Choose According to Bates April -June -IT staff

that is adaptable to the best platforms (2015) identifying 2023
the context of that suit the students' proper media uses -Technology
teaching, learning, and teachers’ needs is a very coordinators
and assessment. by supporting challenging task in
personalization and the digital age.
differentiation. Media
coordinators, and
IT Team should
collaborate on both
pedagogical and

To convert -Communicate with The choice of June 2023 - Academic

traditional hardcopy publishers to media should be Advisors
books into transform traditional based on the kind
interactive \ books into of activities that the -Heads of
E-books. interactive E-books assigned team Subjects
that are relevant to considers
the school's significant in the -Book Publishers
instructional goals. overall context of
Convert books that the program. The
do not have an goal is to be aware
interactive version of the distinctions
such as Arabic, among learning
History…) resources in terms
of creating or
-Provide each supporting various September
student with a types of 2023
username and interactivities, so
password. you can make
educated judgments
(Bates, 2015).

To guarantee that Create focus groups Feedback and October 2023 -Technology
the school can including teachers development are the Coordinators
participate and students to final essential
effectively in check the impact of fundamentals of the -Technology
whole-school technology on teaching - learning teachers
sustainability students’ learning. process: analyzing
planning and self- what has been done
assessment through and then seeking
ICT integration. for methods to
improve it (Bates,


To foster -Investigate and The assessment June -July -Technology

technology-assisted promote the use of systems chosen 2023 Coordinators
formative ICT for assessment ensure feasibility,
summative methods. efficacy, and -IT staff
assessment. achievement of the
-Switch all forms of instructional -Heads of
assessments- objectives Subjects
formative and (Howland et al.,
summative- from 2012).
paper- based to
computer- based

To broaden and Use effective Collaborating with Academic -Academic

deepen the scope technological tools green non-profit year 2023- Advisors
and depth of the to move learning to organizations to 2024
students' education an external context promote sustainable 2024-2025 - Heads of
through linking and connect technological ideas Subjects
classroom learning concepts to real-life and practices to the
to real-life problems situations, community, as well -Extracurricular
using technology. strengthening as promoting Department
environmental awareness through
awareness. social media such
as online campaigns
and seminars.

Theme II: Teacher Professional Learning

Objectives Actions Rationale Time frame Team members

To ensure that all -Clearly define each According to Bates 2023-2024 -Academic
members of the staff member's role (2015), 2024-2025 Advisors
team communicate so that they can Communication and
effectively and operate effectively. healthy social -Human
positively. -Organize contact will aid us Resources
communication in achieving our
between leaders, goal because
employees, and knowledge is
trainers, as well as dependent on
IT. people's viewpoints.

To involve staff in Train all the teachers According to Bates 2023-2024 -Trainers and IT
ongoing and staff on handling (2015), schools that 2024-2025

professional ICT tools in an have effectively -Instructional
development effective way. implemented ICT designers
programs that deal Organize workshops for teaching
with working with to coach the school acknowledge the
various digital personnel on how to necessity of
software and use pedagogically professional
examine the digital and technically all assistance for staff
readiness on all the software and provide
levels. embedded in the instructional
program through designers and IT
online training teams to assist with
packages. teaching and
Ongoing training for learning.
teachers on all the
new software

To empower -Provide educators Well-qualified topic 2023-2024 -IT staff

instructors to with the professionals who 2024-2025
develop effective technological tools are proficient in -Technology
ICT integration in and resources they both instructional coordinators
instruction and need to integrate ICT methodologies and
evaluation. into their the use of - Heads of
classrooms. technology for Subjects
teaching are the
-Offer teaching and best guarantees of -Coordinators
learning strategies, excellence in
as well as assets like teaching and -Teachers
interactive lesson learning suitable for
plans and activities. the digital age.
(Bates, 2015)

To assign a team to Assemble a team of To help employees 2023-2024

coach, mentor, and teachers who use technology 2024-2025 -Teachers
support teachers. mastered the use of more efficiently,
software used to schools should
assist their engage staff
colleagues with the members who have
application of prior experience
technologies in the with technology to
classroom. assist those who are
having difficulty.

To establish a web- Support of the Communicating 2023-2024 -Teachers

based community teachers within the with professionals 2024-2025
where media school by providing will enable the -IT department
specialists and them with the development of a
instructors with resources needed to better product more
prior expertise can communicate with quickly and will
discuss the best different school result in fresh and
ways to apply ICT. communities where better ideas on how
they can share the to use the medium
technological (Bates, 2015).

To update teachers Assign time slots on According to Bates 2023-2024 -Technology

regarding all a weekly basis for (2015), a complete 2024-2025 Coordinators
technological professional system of teacher -IT staff
developments, development. training should be
research, and policy established, and -Heads of
changes. such programs Subjects
should be updated
on a regular basis.

Theme III: Leadership and Policy

Objectives Actions Rational Time frame Team members

To assemble an Identify key According to Bates May 2023 -Technology

implementation members of the (2015), most Coordinators
team. IC staff that will schools that have
launch the effectively -IT staff
implementation implemented
strategy. media and - Heads of
technology for Subjects
teaching on a wide
scale have realized -Teachers
the necessity of
guidance to assist
with the

To establish a Create a group Assessing the 2023-2024 -Heads of

monitoring team to composed of impact of 2024-2025 Departments
supervise and members from implementing a
assess the plan on a key departments. new tool is -IT staff
regular basis. This group essential to
should monitor improve and -Heads of
and supply achieve the goal. Subjects
frequent updates The most effective
on the progress method to do so is
of the strategy on to conduct a
a pedagogical detailed analysis
and technological (Bates, 2015).
level, as well as
keep track of

To create a Focus on Transitioning to Academic year - Heads of

guideline that aims achieving digitized learning 2023-2024 Departments
to provide all specific and will reflect a 2023-2025
students and staff measurable sustainability -Extracurricular
with a balanced, outcomes that vision whereby Department
environmentally align with staff, students, and
and socially sustainability members will
responsible initiatives. reduce the use of
supportive learning papers, and this
environment by will be the start
establishing a point of a
sustainability sustainable vision
vision at IC. that will expand
further throughout
the years.

To create rules and -Create a system According to -IC leadership

policies that guide for tracking the Bates (2015), in Academic year
the transition from ICT most 2023-2024 -Technology
paper-based to implementation circumstances, 2023-2025 coordinators
digital-based in the lesson determining where
programs. plans. a media belongs - Heads of
Theme IV: ICT infrastructure

Objectives Actions Rational Time frame Team members

To explore and Consider a According to Bates IT Department

provide variety of (2015), in order to Academic year
technical services technology enable the 2023-2024
for staff. expert services acquisition of the 2023-2025
that can aid competencies
instructors in any needed in the
technical issue digital age, schools
that they can face must ensure that
while using the instructors have
software chosen. proper learning
To assist in the Supply technical The school must May-August 2023 IT Department
establishment of guide sheets for improve its
school networks the internet connection
such as Wi-Fi. implementation since it will
of wireless depend on Wi-Fi
networks in for all class
schools. activities,
assessments, and
To provide Include all the Since the school September 2023 IT Department
financing for ICT extra expenses of will totally convert
infrastructure in technology as to digitization,
schools. part of the tuition more devices,
fees under software, and a
“technology”. better internet
connection are
To provide Examine the Because there are May 2023 IT Department
schools with possibilities of no more printouts,
cloud services for cloud-based the school must
education services. seek several cloud
consultation and storages options to
assistance. Provide save all its records.
recommendations However,
for schools as to according to Bates
how to use (2015), students
cloud-based and employees

particularly data require a safe
security and online
privacy environment, thus
guidelines. the school must
secure all personal
information to
avoid online
harassment and


To gain a better understanding of the present state of technology in IC, we asked current

students and IC teachers to explain their experiences and perspectives. They started to have

their own tablets and laptop computers. They are also always linked to the internet through Wi-

Fi. In the classrooms, they have around 15 tables set aside for emergency situations. In

addition, students purchase their textbooks on a yearly basis. So, book fees will be replaced by

digital E-books and the online tools and software that will be used in the section of technology

tuition fees.

Note: The average price paid for an Edcite is 4 $ per student in 2022. The average price
paid for a desktop PC was 400$ in 2022; for a notebook PC 500$, and for a tablet 250$. The
tablets and desktops are used for emergency use only for the replacement tablets found at class,
taking into consideration that all students and teachers have their own tablets at class and at

Category Details Quantity Sum
Purchase of Desktops, Laptops, 10 units of tablets 7,500$ (Purchased by the
hardware Tablets for students and 10 units of school on yearly basis)
teachers in need Laptops /Desktops
E- books 231 $
Purchase of 21$ per subject
digital content (x11)

Interactive Software > 4$ per student 12,000$

Edcite Add to technology tuition
Online Tools
Kahoot Premium Kahoot 144$ per 2 years

1$ per student / Add to technology tuition

2years fees

Gizmos Gizmos: 298$ per 2 years

1$ per student per Add to technology tuition

year fees

Edpuzzle Free

Formal Training for 10,000$

training, teachers/students and
tutoring and parents by IT and
coaching coordinators
Improve Wi-Fi Faster connection
Wi-Fi connection that facilitates the Ogero/DSL prices
students and Add to student tuition fees
teachers’ work
Total 30,173 $


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