The Effect of Packaging On Consumer Buying Interest (Case Study On Food) Umkm Pojok Sepatan

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NCBMA (Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia)

“The Opportunity of Digital and Technology Disruption”
18 Mei 2022, Tangerang.



Mochamah Heru Riza Chakim1), Mulyati2), Wiwin Winarti3), Iyang Fatmawati4)

Univeritas Raharja, Tangerang*)
Univeritas Raharja, Tangerang
Univeritas Raharja, Tangerang
Univeritas Raharja, Tangerang

e-mail: [email protected]


Damage to the packaging is a problem for entrepreneurs because the damage will result in reduced consumer
confidence and interest in the product, this often occurs due to a lack of accuracy in product placement so that
the packaging becomes damaged. On the other hand, this damage occurs because the packaging material does
not match its contents, it can even occur because of the seller's negligence when putting the product in the
packaging. This can be overcome by arranging packaging materials for products or goods so that they do not
get damaged quickly and be careful when you want to wrap them, this research method uses a qualitative
method. Many things are judged by a product, the packaging is a criterion in buying a product and packaging
is also the main key for a company, sometimes it is not concerned with taste, only concerned with attractive
packaging, and vice versa, even where consumers are concerned. these two things. Uniqueness is a challenge
for companies in developing innovations and ideas to attract consumers with packaging. The basic concept of
this research is to make packaging that is not easily damaged and attractive so that consumers are interested
in the product. In Experimental Packaging, a new product to be released is getting a lot of positive opinions.
This is the progress of the new product that will be issued by POJOK UMKM.

Keywords: Packaging, Material, Uniqueness, Innovation, Pojok UMKM

Creating something new does not mean that you will get completely positive feedback. By
creating something new, you are definitely ready to receive good or bad feedback.
Competition between companies in creating high buying interest is not an easy thing
because it takes a lot of samples to get maximum results in carrying out experiments so that
companies can attract a lot of buyers.
Attractive packaging will affect buying interest, this is in line with the theory of consumer
behavior which psychologically says that consumers will make observations on the goods
that consumers will buy and use (Kotler & Keller 2014). Attractive packaging will
encourage consumers to provide ease of use and storage so that consumers feel satisfied.
(Aldelina, Y., & Haryanto, J. 2018, March) Packaging is a consumer criterion in buying a
product and packaging is also the key to a company, sometimes buyers don't care about
taste, only attach importance to attractive packaging, and vice versa and there are even
consumers who care about these two things. Uniqueness is a challenge for companies to
develop innovations and ideas in order to attract consumers' interest with packaging.

NCBMA (Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia)
“The Opportunity of Digital and Technology Disruption”
18 Mei 2022, Tangerang.

Interest is one of the psychological aspects that has a considerable influence on behavioral
attitudes. Buying interest can be interpreted as a happy attitude towards an item that makes
someone try to get the item by paying with money or sacrifice. The indicator or measure of
the buying interest variable was adopted from previous research. The indicators contained
in Buying Interest include: interest (interest), desire (desire), confidence (conviction), and
transactional interest (Schiffman, LG, & Kanuk, LL 2010)
Packaging or packaging is a container that occupies an item so that it is safe, attractive, has
the allure of someone who wants to buy a product. It can also be a medium of
communication between producers and potential consumers, so that the packaging design
contains information that must be known by potential consumers, so that potential
consumers feel familiar with the packaged product. The more complete the information
contained in the packaging, the perception of the prospective buyer, the more aware and
convincing the product being sold will be. (Mukhtar, S., & Nurif, M. 2015)
The uniqueness of a packaging is a challenge for entrepreneurs because it takes creativity
in creating designs. In addition to taste, consumers have a unique design appeal to
packaging, MSME Pojok Sepatan is a home product that usually only uses ordinary
packaging, there have been many studies that explain that the uniqueness of the packaging
design and durability can attract consumer buying interest. Therefore, this topic is very
suitable to be used as research that packaging greatly influences consumer buying interest.
So a consumer's interest in a product will appear when there is an interesting trend and make
other consumers buy it, especially with the times and the expansion of the economy in
technology, making consumer interest increase in terms of exporting or importing products
in the form of food, which must be more resilient. in packaging so that it is not easily
damaged, so that consumers do not feel disappointed and can make consumers have a good
assessment of the products offered. where if there is a good assessment of a brand, the better
the brand image will be in the eyes of consumers who have consumed their products and
potential consumers who want to consume these products. However, having quality food
packaging alone is not enough. because all quality control must continue to be maintained
so that a quality that has a good image can survive in the future and can make consumers
more satisfied with their products so that satisfied consumers can make products more
accessible to a wider range of potential consumers because of the marketing mix to the
mouth. The first impression on a product's packaging is also one of the crucial things to get
consumer interest in a product. consumers will feel curious about the contents of the product
and will increase the percentage of the possibility that new customers will buy the product.
Creating a product packaging that attracts the attention of consumers is indeed important
and needed by a company. but it is also necessary to conduct research on consumer interest
as a whole market. it would be useless to make packaging ideas that are very unique but not
in accordance with the tastes of the existing market. Therefore, an idea from packaging is
not only an original idea that is implemented on a product, but elements from research on
consumer market preferences also need to be implemented and mixed with the original idea.
this is so that the company can still show the characteristics of its product itself but still be
able to survive in the market at the same time so that product expansion opportunities can
enlarge and reach a wider range of consumers. Consumer buying interest is very influential
on entrepreneurs in running their business. therefore, it is very important to do research on
the interests of consumers who consume these products. From the results of consumer
interest research, companies can fulfill consumer desires and also save production costs

NCBMA (Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia)
“The Opportunity of Digital and Technology Disruption”
18 Mei 2022, Tangerang.

because they already have research data results that can reduce unnecessary expenses and
do not need to estimate what consumers are interested in.

2.1 Theory Reason Action
TRA (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) is a well-established social psychological model that deals
with the determinants of consciously intended behavior. From a theoretical point of view,
TRA is intuitive, frugal, and insightful in its ability to explain behavior (Bagozzi, 1982).
assumes that individuals are usually rational and will consider the implications of their
actions before deciding whether to perform a particular behavior (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980).
2.2 TPB (Theory Planned Behavior)
A brief explanation of the theory of planned behavior can be used to predict whether a
person will perform or not perform a behavior. This theory of planned behavior uses three
constructs as antecedents of intention, namely our attitude towards the behavior, subjective
norms, and our feelings about the ability to control everything that affects when we want to
do the behavior. (Mahyarni, M. 2013)
2.3 Packaging Theory
Consumers use a variety of cues to form an overall product quality assessment (Krystallis
& Ness, 2003). Empirical research shows that product packaging can provide product
instructions to consumers, provide brand identity, visual distinction (Underwood, 2003),
and influence consumer evaluations of food (Chung et al., 2006).
The packaging of consumer products is an important dimension of brand image, because it
is usually the main point of contact in the shopping process. Therefore, companies use
packaging design as a strategic tool to differentiate and develop brand equity (Vazquez et
al., 2003). It is very important to ensure that retail food packaging conveys the benefits of
the product correctly.
Previous research has conceptualized various types of consumer interests as utilitarianism
or hedonism (Na et al., 2007). Research by Anselmsson et al. (2007) found that brand
differences include utilitarian benefits and hedonic benefits. Previous research has also
found that effective promotion relies on utilitarian and hedonic benefits (d'Astous et al.,
2004). The former are primarily cognitive, functional and instrumental, while the latter are
emotional, experiential and non-instrumental (Chandon et al., 2000). Utilitarianism is
relatively tangible and is related to efficiency, utility, and economy. Utilitarian benefits are
related to benefits associated with product ownership and the concept of providing products
that meet the functional requirements of customers (Na et al., 2007). For example, the
packaging of a product is useful to protect the product, and make the product more valuable.
In contrast, hedonic benefits refer to the emotional aspects of consumer shopping
transactions (Luk & Yip, 2008). The benefits of hedonism are relatively intangible and
related to inner pleasure (Kwok & Uncle, 2005). These benefits are reflected in the potential
entertainment value of the product and stem from the fun, excitement and pleasure that the
shopping experience brings (Koo et al., 2008). Therefore, practical product packaging can
help consumers maximize their purchasing effectiveness, satisfaction, sense of

NCBMA (Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia)
“The Opportunity of Digital and Technology Disruption”
18 Mei 2022, Tangerang.

accomplishment, and performance. Similarly, hedonic product packaging provides

excitement, entertainment, fun, and enjoyment.

The research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach (qualitative research).
Bogdan and Taylor (Moleong, 2007: 4) define qualitative methodology as a research
procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people
and observable behavior. This approach is directed at the background of the individual
holistically (whole). So in this case it is not permissible to isolate individuals or
organizations into variables or hypotheses, but it is necessary to view them as part of a
whole. Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata (2005: 60) states that qualitative research (qualitative
research) is a study aimed at describing and analyzing phenomena, events, social activities,
attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts of people individually and in groups.
This qualitative research is specifically more directed at the use of the case study method.
As the opinion of Lincoln and Guba (Sayekti Pujosuwarno, 1992: 34) which states that a
qualitative approach can also be called a case study or qualitative, namely in-depth and
detailed research on everything related to the subject of research. Further Sayekti
Pujosuwarno (1986: 1) expressed the opinion of Moh. Surya and Djumhur who state that
case studies can be interpreted as a technique to study an individual in depth to help him get
a good adjustment.
According to Lincoln and Guba (Deddy Mulyana, 2004: 201) the use of case studies as a
qualitative research method has several advantages, namely:
1. Case studies can present the views of the subject under study.
2. Case studies provide comprehensive descriptions that are similar to what readers
experience in everyday life.
3. Case studies are an effective means of showing the relationship between researchers
and respondents.
4. Case studies can provide the in-depth description needed for assessment or
Basically research with the type of case study aims to find out about something in depth.

From the data above, it can be seen that the number of respondents who want to recommend
products consumed to others is 0.923, where this question item has the highest score of the
other two questions. The results of the data on this question item indicate that there are
many consumers who want to buy this product and the desires of these consumers are
influenced by several supporting factors such as trust and consumer satisfaction factors in
the products offered and a good brand image so that consumers have a desire to buy these
products. without worrying about regret if you buy this product.
Based on the data above, on the question item of willingness to buy a product, this question
item has the second highest score of 0.903. The sum of these data figures is neither high nor

NCBMA (Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia)
“The Opportunity of Digital and Technology Disruption”
18 Mei 2022, Tangerang.

low. consumers who choose to be willing to buy products are usually consumers who have
done product research before and it is certain that they will buy the product.
For data on the possibility of customers buying products, this question item has the lowest
score among the other 3 question items with a total of 0.852. in this context, consumers do
not yet know whether this product can meet the expectations that consumers have when
they want to see their products. Usually, this type of consumer is a consumer with a high
enough potential to purchase a product, but the possibility of buying does not mean that it
is certain that the consumer will make a purchase.

There are many aspects that consumers judge of a product, one of which is packaging. which
are used as criteria for consumers to buy a product and packaging is also one of the keys to
a company, therefore companies are required to be more creative and innovative in making
attractive designs and solid materials for products so that they can be in great demand by
Conducting research on consumer buying interest greatly contributes a lot to entrepreneurs'
understanding of what consumers are interested in. because the biggest challenge of
entrepreneurs is creativity in creating a design. Without knowing what design most
consumers are interested in, it will be difficult for the product to enter a market and will
waste time and money that would not otherwise be wasted on design execution without
research. Therefore research on consumer buyer interest in the product is very important,
apart from being the foundation of a product, this research can also be used as a lesson from
consumer interest in a product or product packaging from time to time so that entrepreneurs
can have data and references that will present the latest innovations by combining designs
from the past with designs in the future.
It can be said that this study supports other similar research works, because in addition to
providing supporting data, the number of similar papers is also not small. The discussion
and research results from this study also become one of the supports for other similar works
and convince readers and researchers that product packaging is very influential on consumer
buying interest. The more similar works, the greater the confidence of readers and
researchers that this research is indeed a fact and is true. And many studies also explain that
it is not only packaging that affects consumers, even the taste, cleanliness and safety of the
product also affects consumer buying interest.
The limitation of the slightest variation in opinion about the title of the study became the
difficulty in conducting this research, because the opinions obtained were found to be the
same as one and the other sample. this happens because of the possible lack of interest in
the sample to provide an opinion about what is being studied.
With the data that has been presented and the importance of conducting research on the
impact of product packaging on influencing consumer buying interest which has been
explained in detail along with the possibilities that will occur, these two things can be an
instrument to answer big questions such as whether it is proven that research Product
packaging affects consumer buying interest, it is important to do before producing a

NCBMA (Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia)
“The Opportunity of Digital and Technology Disruption”
18 Mei 2022, Tangerang.


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